Arduino Projects Book

December 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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EJMZCV^ Prcbents olj text fy ^nct Imtzderoaj olj Kmnhoea ^hmach Ojjmtmcloa text revmew fy Zck Mdce JE^MDL OLJ OVZ JMVENZMCL ZCJC Dmcrdmc Camverc, Kormc Nmorjuaam, Yolesso Pcam, Kmnheaae Lefmcac JMDMZOA OLJ PVCBENZ KOLODEKELZ Ci﬏nmle IOFVMNOZMCL Orjumlc Zcrmlc Gotmo Je Ncm, Elrmnc Fossm OJYM^CV^ OLJ ^UPPCVZEV^ Kossmkc Folzm, Dmolauno Kortmlc, ^kort Prcbents PVCBENZ ZE^ZEV^ OLJ PVCCIVEOJEV^ Kmnhoea ^hmach, Kmnheaae Lefmcac, Gotmo Je Ncm, Oaessoljrc Fuot, Iejermnc Yolzotm, Jovmj Keaams ZHOLG^ Fmd tholgs tc the eltmre Orjumlc user nckkulmty icr themr ncltmluej ncltrmfutmcls, suppcrt, olj ieejfong. ^penmoa tholgs tc the Irmtzmld teok2 scke ci the eaentrclmn nckpclelts maaustrotmcls usej ml the fccg ore togel cr kcjm﬏ej irck the cpel-scurne Irmtzmld prcbent (www.irmtzmld.crd). Heortieat tholgs tc Poua Fojder icr the Noponmtmve^elscr amfrory usej ml Prcbent ?>.

Zhe text ci the Orjumlc Prcbents Fccg ms amnelsej uljer o Nreotmve Nckkcls Otrmfutmcl-LclNckkernmoa-^horeOamge >.0 Amnelse 60?6 fy Orjumlc AAN. Zhms keols thot ycu nol ncpy, reuse, ojopt olj fumaj upcl the text ci thms fccg lcl-nckkernmoaay whmae o trmfutmld the crmdmloa wcrg (fut lct ml oly woy thot suddests thot we eljcrse ycu cr ycur use ci the wcrg) olj clay mi the resuats ore trolskm tej uljer the soke Nreotmve Nckkcls amnelse. Iuaa amnelse terks2 nreotmvenckkcls.crd/amnelses/fy-ln-so/>.0/ © 60?6 Orjumlc AAN. Zhe Orjumlc loke olj acdc ore trojekorgs ci Orjumlc, redmsterej ml the U^ olj ml the rest ci the wcraj. Cther prcjunt olj nckpoly lokes keltmclej hereml ore trojekorgs ci themr respentmve nckpolmes. Zhe mlicrkotmcl ml thms fccg ms jmstrmfutej cl ol ‑Os Ms‛ fosms wmthcut oly iurther worroltmes. Thmae every prenoutmcl hos feel togel ml the jesmdl ci thms fccg, lemther the outhcrs lcr Orjumlc AAN shoaa hove oly amofmamty tc oly perscl cr eltmty wmth respent tc oly acss cr jokode nousej cr jenaorej tc fe nousej jmrentay cr mljmrentay fy the mlstruntmcls ncltomlej ml thms fccg cr fy the sciwore olj horjwore jesnrmfej ml mt. Zhms fccg nollct fe scaj seporoteay irck Zhe Orjumlc ^torter Gmt. Jesmdlej, prmltej olj fculj ml Zcrmlc, Mtoay ^eptekfer 60?6


󰀰󰀰 Everycle, every joy, uses tenhlcacdy. Kcst ci us aeove the prcdrokkmld tc eldmleers fenouse we thmlg ncjmld olj eaentrclmns ore nckpamnotej olj jm﬎nuat7 ontuoaay, they nol fe iul olj exnmtmld ontmvmtmes. Zholgs tc Orjumlc, jesmdlers, ortmsts, hcffymsts olj stujelts ci oaa odes ore aeorlmld tc nreote thmlds thot amdht up, kcve, olj respclj tc pecpae, olmkoas, paolts, olj the rest ci the wcraj. Cver the yeors Orjumlc hos feel usej os the ‑froml‛ ml thcusoljs ci prcbents, cle kcre nreotmve thol the aost. O wcrajwmje nckkulmty ci kogers hos dotherej orculj thms cpel-scurne paoticrk, kcvmld irck perscloa nckputmld tc perscloa iofrmnotmcl, olj ncltrmfutmld tc o lew wcraj ci portmnmpotmcl, nccperotmcl olj shormld. Orjumlc ms cpel olj smkpae. Mt”s iculjej i culjej cl aesscls we”ve aeorlej teonhmld cur cwl naosses2 mi ycu stort wmth the ossukptmcl thot aeorlmld tc koge jmdmtoa tenhlcacdmes ms smkpae olj onnessmfae, ycu nol koge mt sc. ^ujjelay eaentrclmns olj ncje fencke nreotmve tccas thot olycle nol use „ amge frushes olj pomlt. Zhms fccg woags ycu thrcudh the fosmns ml o holjs-cl woy, wmth nreotmve prcbents ycu fumaj fy aeorlmld. Clne ycu”ve kosterej the fosmns, ycu”aa hove o poae te ci sciwore olj nmrnumts thot ycu nol use tc nreote sckethmld feoutmiua, olj koge sckecle skmae wmth whot ycu mlvelt.




]cu ore surrculjej fy jczels ci thek every joy2 they ore ekfejjej ml tmkers, therkcstots, tcys, rekcte ncltrcas, kmnrcwove cvels, evel scke tccthfrushes. Zhey bust jc cle spenm﬏n tosg, olj mi ycu horjay lctmne thek „ whmnh ms ciel the nose „ mt”s fenouse they ore jcmld mt weaa. Zhey hove feel prcdrokkej tc selse olj ncltrca ontmvmty usmld selscrs olj ontuotcrs. ^elscrs amstel tc the physmnoa wcraj. Zhey nclvert elerdy thot ycu dmve cff  whel  whel

ycu press futcls, cr wove ycur orks, cr shcut, mltc eaentrmnoa smdloas. Futcls olj glcfs ore selscrs thot ycu tcunh wmth ycur ﬏lders, fut there ore koly cther gmljs ci selscrs.  Ontuotcrs toge toge ontmcl ml the physmnoa wcraj. wcraj. Zhey nclvert eaentrmnoa elerdy fong

mltc physmnoa elerdy, amge amdht olj heot olj kcvekelt. Kmnrcncltrcaaers amstel tc selscrs olj toag tc ontuotcrs. Zhey jenmje whot tc

jc fosej cl o prcdrok thot ycu wrmte. Kmnrcncltrcaaers olj the eaentrclmns ycu otonh tc thek ore bust the sgeaetcl ci ycur prcbents, thcudh. ]cu”aa leej tc frmld sgmaas ycu prcfofay oareojy hove tc put scke stesh cl the fcles. Icr exokpae, ml cle ci the prcbents we suddest, ycu”aa koge ol orrcw olj otonh mt tc o kctcr, olj put thek fcth ml o fcx wmth o glcf, sc ycu nol koge o keter tc teaa pecpae whether ycu”re fusy cr lct. Ml olcther, ycu”aa put scke amdhts olj o tmat swmtnh cl o norjfcorj iroke tc koge ol hcurdaoss.  Orjumlc nol koge ycur prcbents respclsmve, fut clay ycu nol koge thek feoutmiua. Te”aa prcvmje scke suddestmcls oacld the woy os tc hcw ycu kmdht

jc thot. Orjumlc wos jesmdlej tc heap ycu det thmlds jcle. Zc koge thot hoppel, we gept the fongdrculj kotermoa cl prcdrokkmld olj eaentrclmns tc o kmlmkuk. Mi ycu jenmje ycu wolt tc glcw kcre ofcut these ospents, there ore acts ci dccj dumjes ovomaofae. Te”aa prcvmje o ncupae ci reierelnes, olj ycu nol ﬏lj kcre clamle ot2 orjumlc.nn/stortergmt


Pmles je nofezoa konhc2 estcs pmles elnobol el elnhuies hekfro, nckc acs je ulo paono je pruefos. Oyujol o que nclentor aos ncsos seo kunhc kïs iïnma.

Cptconcpaojcr2 estc ae perkmte nclentor jcs nmrnumtcs que lc nckportel ulo iuelte je oamkeltonmþl nckòl. Mlterlokelte hoy ul pequeÿc AEJ que, nuoljc se maukmlo, hone que

Pctelnmþketrc2 ulo resmstelnmo vormofae ncl tres pmles. Jcs je acs pmles estïl nclentojcs o acs extrekcs je ulo resmstelnmo ﬏bo. Ea pml jea kejmc, c amkpmojcr, se kueve o trovís je ao resmstelnmo, jmvmjmíljcao el jcs kmtojes. Nuoljc acs aojcs exterlcs jea pctelnmþketrc estïl nclentojcs o vcatobe y tmerro, ao poto jea kejmc jorï ao jmierelnmo je vcatobe oa dmror ao permaao. O kelujc se ae aaoko caao.

ul ictcrreneptcr mlterlc nmerre ul +, mlterruptcr mlterlc. Nuoljc opamno vcatobe oa pml ea AEJ se elnmelje y ea mlterruptcr mlterlc se nmerro. Aos jcs soamjos reekpaozol ul mlterruptcr el ea seduljc nmrnumtc.

Fctcles puasojcres2 mlterruptcres kckeltïlecs que nmerrol ul nmrnumtc nuoljc se presmclol. ^e elnobol iïnmakelte el aos paonos je pruefo. ^cl fuelcs poro jetentor seÿoaes je elneljmjc / opodojc.

Pmezc2 nckpclelte eaíntrmnc que se pueje utmamzor poro jetentor vmfronmcles y nreor rumjcs.

Ictcrresmstcr - (tokfmíl aaokojc ictcníauao c resmstcr jepeljmelte je ao auz). Ulo resmstelnmo vormofae que nokfmo su resmstelnmo el iulnmþl je

Vesmstcres2 resmstel ea stubc je elerdëo eaíntrmno el ul nmrnumtc, nokfmoljc ea vcatobe y ao ncrrmelte nckc resuatojc. Acs voacres je aos resmstelnmos se kmjel el chkmcs (represeltojcs pcr ea norïnter drmedc ckedo2 ). Aos irolbos je ncacres el acs aojcs je aos resmstelnmos mljmnol su voacr (nclsuate

ao noltmjoj je auz que mlnmje scfre su noro.

ao tofao je nþjmdcs je ncacres je resmstelnmos).



amld hmdh nurrelt/hmdh vcatode nckpclelts amge kctcrs. Cle pml ncllents tc drculj, olcther tc the nckpclelt femld ncltrcaaej, olj the thmrj ncllents tc the Orjumlc. Thel the nckpclelt renemves vcatode cl the pml ncllentej tc ol Orjumlc, mt nacses the nmrnumt fetweel the ^ervc kctcr -  -  O type ci deorej kctcr thot

drculj olj the cther nckpclelt.

nol clay rctote ?80 jedrees. Mt ms ncltrcaaej fy seljmld eaentrmnoa puases irck ycur Orjumlc. Zhese puases teaa the kctcr whot pcsmtmcl mt shcuaj kcve tc.

Zekperoture selscr - Nholdes - Nholdes mts vcatode cut-

U^F Nofae -  -  Zhms oaacws ycu tc ncllent ycur

put jepeljmld cl the tekperoture ci the nck-

Orjumlc Ulc tc ycur perscloa nckputer icr

pclelt. Zhe cutsmje aeds ncllent tc pcwer olj

prcdrokkmld.. Mt oasc prcvmjes pcwer tc the Orprcdrokkmld

drculj. Zhe vcatode cl the nelter pml nholdes

jumlc icr kcst ci the prcbents ml the gmt.

os mt dets worker cr nccaer.

Zmat selscr - O - O type ci swmtnh thot wmaa cpel cr nacse jepeljmld cl mts crmeltotmcl. Zypmnoaay they ore hcaacw nyamljers wmth o ketoa foaa mlsmje thot wmaa koge o ncllentmcl onrcss twc aeojs whel tmatej ml the prcper jmrentmcl.

Zrolsmstcr - O - O three aeddej jevmne thot nol cperote os ol eaentrclmn swmtnh. Useiua icr ncltrca-

















Ml thms fccg we wmaa shcw ycu nmrnumts fcth wmth reoamstmn maaustrotmcls olj wmth snhekotmn jmodroks. Maaustrotmcls wmaa dmve ycu ol mjeo ci whot the freojfcorj DVCULJ

kmdht accg amge ml cle pcssmfae mkpaekeltotmcl ci the prcbent. ^nhekotmns, mlsteoj, use sykfcas tc nopture the esselne ci nmrnumts2 they preselt the nckpclelts olj the woys they ore ncllentej ml o naeor, sunnmlnt, olj ulokfmducus icrk, fut lct themr physmnoa crdolmzotmcl. ^nhekotmns olj snhekotmn sykfcas ore hcw we nckkulmnote ofcut nmrnumts. Os ycu expacre the wcraj


ci eaentrclmns ycu wmaa jmsncver thot scke fccgs olj wefsmtes clay prcvmje snhekotmn jmodroks, sc aeorlmld tc reoj nmrnumts thms woy ms o voauofae sgmaa. Here ore the sykfcas we wmaa fe usmld thrcudhcut the fccg.




Mltrcjuntmcl Teancke tc Orjumlc!

]cur ^torter Gmt mlnaujes o prenut, eosy-tc-ossekfae wccjel fose thot wmaa koge wcrgmld cl oaa ycur prcbents „ whether they ore irck thms fccg cr lct „ evel eosmer. Zc fumaj mt, toge the wccj sheet cut ci the fcx olj icaacw the mlstruntmcls cl the rmdht. Fe noreiua tc use clay the ports thot ore shcwl, fut jcl”t kmspaone oly ci the cther pmenes2 ycu”aa leej thek icr scke ci the prcbents aoter. ❹

Aet”s stort! Zogee the wccj sheet olj noreiuaay seporote the pmenes. Zog

^enure ycur Orjumlc Ulc tc the fose usmld > snrews. Fe noreiua lct tc cvertmdhtels.



Dc cl ultma ycu”ve seporotej oaa the ports.

Paone the pmenes korgej wmth ol ‑O‛ mltc the hcaes ml the ncrlers, ml crjer tc nreote the ieet ci the fose.

Noreiuaay peea the fongmld irck the freojfcorj.

^tmng the freojfcorj cl the wccjel sheet, lext tc the Orjumlc ULC.



Mltrcjuntmcl Teancke tc Orjumlc!



=Y fotery 

 O fcx thot ycu nol koge hcaes mltc

^koaa amdht scurne amge o stoshamdht

Fosmn tccas amge o snrewjrmver 

Ncljuntmve kotermoa amge

=Y fotery pcwerej nckpclelt

oaukmluk icma cr ncpper kesh

Oly fotery pcwerej eaentrclmn jevmne wmth ot aeost cle swmtnh cr pushfutcl thot ycu”re wmaa-

Ncacrej poper 

mld tc hong mltc wmaa jc the bcf.


^cajermld mrcl olj scajer  (lenessory clay ml Prcbent Prcbent ?5)

 Ol caj NJ cr JYJ Zope olj daue



Zhe Orjumlc MJE oaacws ycu tc wrmte prcdroks olj upacoj thek tc ycur Orjumlc.

Jcwlacoj the aotest versmcl ci the MJE irck2 orjumlc.nn/jcwlacoj Hove ycur Orjumlc fcorj olj U^F nofae leor ycur nckputer. Jcl”t paud thek ml bust yet.

Icaacw the opprcprmote prcnejures ml the lext podes icr Tmljcws, Kon C^ X cr Amlux.

Zhe clamle versmcl ci thms dumje ms ovomaofae ot2




Mltrcjuntmcl ^etmld Up

Clamle versmcl



Thel the jcwlacoj ci the MJE ﬏lmshes, ulzmp the jcwlacojej


﬏ae. Koge sure tc preserve the icajer strunture. Jcufae-namng the


icajer tc cpel mt. Zhere shcuaj fe o iew ﬏aes olj suf-icajers mlsmje.

Ncllent the Orjumlc tc ycur nckputer wmth the U^F nofae. ]cur Orjumlc wmaa outckotmnoaay jrow pcwer irck emther the U^F ncllentmcl tc the nckputer cr ol exterloa pcwer suppay. Zhe dreel pcwer amdht (aofeaej PTV) shcuaj turl cl.

Tmljcws shcuaj mlmtmote mts jrmver mlstoaaotmcl prcness whel the fcorj ms pauddej ml. ]cur nckputer wcl”t fe ofae tc ﬏lj the jrmvers fy mtseai, sc ycu”aa leej tc teaa mt where they ore acnotej. ‚  Namng cl the ^tort Kelu olj cpel the Ncltrca Polea. ‚  Lovmdote tc ‑^ystek olj ^enurmty‛. Cpel the Jevmne Koloder. ‚  Ml Tmljcws XP, accg icr the amstmld amst mld lokej "Pcrts (NCK & APZ)"

olj rmdht namng cl the "U^F jevmne" pcrt7 ml Ymsto olj Tmljcws 4,  rmdht namng cl "Ulglcwl jevmne" uljer "Cther jevmnes". ‚  Nhccse "Upjote Jrmver ^ciwore". ‚  Cl Tmljcws XP olj Tmljcws 4, ycu wmaa fe osgej whether

tc mlstoaa outckotmnoaay cr "wmth o poth". Nhcse the senclj cptmcl, "wmth o poth". poth". Cl Tmljcws Ymsto prcneej jmrentay tc the lext step. ‚  ^eaent the ‑Frcwse ky nckputer icr Jrmver sciwore‛ cptmcl. ‚  Lovmdote tc the icajer ycu ulzmppej ml the eoramer step.

Acnote olj seaent the ‑Jrmvers‛ icajer ml the koml Orjumlc icajer (lct the ‑IZJM U^F Jrmvers‛ suf-jmrentcry). Press ‑CG‛ olj ‑Lext‛ tc prcneej. ‚  Mi ycu ore prckptej wmth o worlmld jmoacd ofcut lct possmld

Tmljcws Acdc testmld, namng ‑Ncltmlue Olywoy‛. ‚  Tmljcws lcw wmaa toge cver the jrmver mlstoaaotmcl.

Ml the Jevmne Koloder, ycu shcuaj lcw see o pcrt amstmld smkmaor tc ‑Orjumlc ULC (NCK:)‛. Ncldrotuaotmcls! ]cu've mlstoaaej the Orjumlc MJE cl ycur nckputer.



Clamle versmcl



Zhms wmaa expolj the Orjumlc oppamnotmcl.


Thel the jcwlacoj ci the MJE ﬏lmshej, jcufae-namng the .zmp ste.

Ncpy the Orjumlc oppamnotmcl mltc the Oppamnotmcls icajer, cr wherever ease ycu wmsh tc mlstoaa the sc iwore.

Ncllent the fcorj tc the nckputer wmth the U^F nofae. Zhe dreel pcwer AEJ (aofeaej PTV) shcuaj turl cl.

]cu jc lct leej tc mlstoaa oly jrmvers tc wcrg wmth the fcorj. Jepeljmld cl the versmcl ci C^ X thot ycu ore rullmld, ycu kmdht det o jmoacd fcx osgmld mi ycu wmsh tc cpel the ‑Letwcrg Preierelnes‛. Namng the ‑Letwcrg Preierelnes...‛ futcl, olj thel namng ‑Oppay‛.

Zhe Ulc wmaa shcw up os ‑Lct Ncl﬏durej‛, fut mt ms stmaa wcrgmld. ]cu nol qumt the ^ystek Preierelnes. Ncldrotuaotmcls! ]cu ]cu hove Orjumlc oaa set up olj ycu're reojy tc stort kogmld prcbents.


Mi ycu”re usmld Amlux, paeose vmsmt the wefsmte icr mlstruntmcls2 orjumlc.nn/amlux



  H   N   Z   M   T   ^


  J   E   A

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6



  H   N   Z   M   T   ^


    J   E   A

    V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   A   M   G     0   ?



Prcbent 06 ^poneshmp Mlterione

pml 6 olj stcre the voaue ml the swmtnh^tote vormofae. Mi there”s vcatode cl the pml whel jmdmtoaVeoj() jmdmtoaVeoj() ms  ms noaaej, the swmtnh^tote vormofae wmaa det the voaue HMDH swmtnh^tote vormofae HMDH (cr  (cr ?). Mi there ms lc vcatode cl the pml, swmtnh^tote wmaa det the voaue ACT ACT (cr  (cr 0). Zhe mi stotekelt

Ofcve, ycu usej the wcrj mi tc nheng the stote ci sckethmld (lokeay,




mi()  stotekelt ml Ol mi() 

prcdrokkmld nckpores twc thmlds, olj jeterkmles whether the nckpormscl ms true cr ioase. Zhel mt pericrks ontmcls ycu teaa mt tc jc. Thel nckpormld twc thmlds ml prcdrokkmld, ycu use twc equoa smdls ;; ;;.. Mi ycu use clay cle smdl, ycu wmaa fe setmld o voaue mlsteoj ci nckpormld mt. Fumaj up ycur sponeshmp

jmdmtoaTrmte() ms the nckkolj thot oaacws ycu tc selj 5Y cr 0Y tc ol cutput pml. jmdmtoaTrmte() jmdmtoaTrmte() toges  toges twc ordukelts2 whot pml tc ncltrca, olj whot voaue tc set thot pml, HMDH HMDH cr  cr ACT ACT.. Mi ycu wolt tc turl the rej AEJs cl olj the dreel AEJ cff  mlsmje  mlsmje ycur mi() mi() stotekelt,  stotekelt, ycur ncje wcuaj accg amge thms .

Mi ycu rul ycur prcdrok lcw,

]cu”ve tcaj the Orjumlc whot tc jc whel the swmtnh ms cpel.

the amdhts wmaa nholde whel ycu

Lcw je﬏le whot hoppels whel the swmtnh ms nacsej. Zhe mi() mi()  

press the swmtnh. Zhot”s prety

stotekelt hos ol cptmcloa ease ease   nckpclelt thot oaacws icr

leot, fut ycu nol ojj o amtae kcre

sckethmld tc hoppel mi the crmdmloa ncljmtmcl ms lct ket. Ml thms

nckpaexmty tc the prcdrok icr o

nose,, smlne ycu nhengej tc see mi the swmtnh wos ACT nose ACT,, wrmte ncje

kcre mlterestmld cutput.

icr the HMDH HMDH ncljmtmcl  ncljmtmcl oier the ease ease stotekelt.  stotekelt. Zc det the rej AEJs tc famlg whel the fu tcl ms pressej, ycu”aa leej tc turl the amdhts cff  olj  olj cl ml the ease ease stotekelt  stotekelt ycu bust wrcte. Zc jc thms, nholde the ncje tc accg amge thms.

Lcw ycur prcdrok wmaa stosh the

Oier setmld the AEJs tc o nertoml stote, ycu”aa wolt the Orjumlc

rej AEJs whel the swmtnh futcl

tc pouse icr o kckelt feicre nholdmld thek fong. Mi ycu jcl”t

ms pressej.

womt, the amdhts wmaa dc fong olj icrth sc iost thot mt wmaa oppeor os mi they ore bust o amtae jmk, lct cl olj cff . Zhms ms fenouse the Orjumlc dces thrcudh mts accp() accp() thcusoljs  thcusoljs ci tmkes eonh senclj, olj the AEJ wmaa fe turlej cl olj c ff  qumnger   qumnger thol we jeaoy() iulntmcl nol pernemve. Zhe jeaoy()  iulntmcl aets ycu stcp the Orjumlc irck exenutmld olythmld icr o permcj ci tmke. jeaoy() jeaoy() toges  toges ol ordukelt thot jeterkmles the lukfer ci kmaamsencljs feicre mt exenutes the lext set ci ncje. Zhere ore ?000 kmaamsencljs ml cle senclj. jeaoy(650) wmaa pouse icr o quorter senclj.



mi (swmtnh^tote  (swmtnh^tote ;; ACT ACT) ) { ??   mi ?6

// the futcl ms lct pressej  


jmdmtoaTrmte(>, jmdmtoaTrmte (>, HMDH HMDH)7 )7 // dreel AEJ

?:   ?5  

jmdmtoaTrmte(:, ACT jmdmtoaTrmte(:, ACT)7 )7 jmdmtoaTrmte(5, jmdmtoaTrmte (5, ACT ACT)7 )7

// rej AEJ // rej AEJ

?9   }

mi the swmtnh^tote ms ACT2   turl the dreel AEJ cl turl the rej AEJs cff mi the swmtnh^tote ms HMDH2   turl the dreel AEJ cff   turl the rej AEJs cl

ease { ease  {


Mt nol fe heapiua tc wrmte cut the stcw ci ycur prcdrok ml pseujcncje2 o woy ci jesnrmfmld whot ycu wolt the prcdrok tc jc ml paoml aolduode, fut strunturej ml o woy thot koges mt eosy tc wrmte o reoa prcdrok irck mt. Ml thms nose ycu”re dcmld tc jeterkmle mi swmtnh^tote   ms HMDH (keolmld the futcl ms pressej) cr lct. Mi the swmtnh ms pressej, ycu”aa turl the dreel AEJ cff  olj  olj the rej cles cl. Ml pseujcncje, the stotekelt ncuaj accg amge thms2

// the futcl ms pressej


jmdmtoaTrmte(>, jmdmtoaTrmte (>, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(5, jmdmtoaTrmte (5, HMDH HMDH)7 )7



jeaoy(650)7 jeaoy (650)7


// tcddae the AEJs


jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(5, jmdmtoaTrmte (5, ACT ACT)7 )7


jeaoy(650)7 jeaoy (650)7 // womt icr o quorter senclj

// womt icr o quorter senclj

69   } 64 } // dc fong tc the fedmllmld ci the accp



Prcbent 06 ^poneshmp Mlterione


Clne ycur Orjumlc ms prcdrokkej, ycu shcuaj see the dreel amdht turl cl. Thel ycu press the swmtnh, the rej amdhts wmaa stort stoshmld, olj the dreel amdht wmaa turl c ff . Zry nholdmld the tmke ci the twc jeaoy() jeaoy() iulntmcls7  iulntmcls7 lctmne whot hoppels tc the amdhts olj hcw the respclse ci the systek nholdes jepeljmld cl the speej ci the stoshmld. Thel ycu noaa o jeaoy() jeaoy() ml  ml ycur prcdrok, mt stcps oaa cther iulntmcloamty. Lc selscr reojmlds wmaa hoppel ultma thot tmke permcj hos possej. Thmae jeaoys ore ciel useiua, whel jesmdlmld ycur cwl prcbents koge sure they ore lct ullenessormay mlteriermld wmth ycur mlterione.

Hcw wcuaj ycu det the rej AEJs tc fe famlgmld whel ycur prcdrok storts3 Hcw ncuaj ycu koge o aorder, cr kcre nckpaex mlterione icr ycur mltersteaaor ojveltures wmth AEJs olj swmtnhes3

Thel ycu stort nreotmld ol mlterione icr ycur prcbent, thmlg ofcut whot pecpae”s expentotmcls ore whmae usmld mt. Thel they press o futcl, wmaa they wolt mkkejmote ieejfong3 ^hcuaj there fe o jeaoy fetweel themr ontmcl olj whot the Orjumlc jces3 Zry olj paone ycurseai ml the shces ci o jm ff erelt erelt user whmae ycu jesmdl, olj see mi ycur expentotmcls kotnh up tc the reoamty ci ycur prcbent.

Ml thms prcbent, ycu nreotej ycur ﬏rst Orjumlc prcdrok tc ncltrca the fehovmcr ci scke AEJs fosej cl o swmtnh. ]cu”ve usej vormofaes, ol mi()...ease stotekelt, olj iulntmcls tc reoj the stote ci ol mlput olj ncltrca cutputs.



    J   E   A


    V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6

  V   C   ^   L   E   ^     E   V   U   Z   O   V   E   P   K   E   Z



Prcbent 0> Acve-c-Keter


O pomr ci useiua nclstolts

Nclstolts  ore smkmaor tc vormofaes ml thot they oaacw ycu tc

ulmqueay loke thmlds ml the prcdrok, fut ulamge vormofaes they nollct nholde. Loke the oloacd mlput icr eosy reierelne, olj nreote olcther lokej nclstolt tc hcaj the foseamle tekperoture. Icr every 6 jedrees ofcve thms foseamle, ol AEJ wmaa turl cl. ]cu”ve ]cu”v e oareojy seel the mlt jototype, usej here tc mjeltmiy whmnh pml the selscr ms cl. Zhe tekperoture ms femld stcrej os o stcot, cr stcotmld-pcmlt lukfer. lukfer. Zhms type ci lukfer hos o jenmkoa pcmlt, olj ms usej icr lukfers thot nol fe expressej os irontmcls. Mlmtmoamze the sermoa pcrt tc

Ml the setup ycu”re dcmld tc use o lew nckkolj, ^ermoa ^ermoa..

the jesmrej speej

fedml().. Zhms cpels up o ncllentmcl fetweel the Orjumlc olj fedml() the nckputer, sc ycu nol see the voaues irck the oloacd mlput cl ycur nckputer snreel. Zhe ordukelt =900 =900   ms the speej ot whmnh the Orjumlc wmaa nckkulmnote, =900 fmts per senclj. ]cu wmaa use the Orjumlc MJE”s sermoa kclmtcr tc vmew the mlicrkotmcl ycu nhccse tc selj irck ycur kmnrcncltrcaaer. Thel ycu cpel the MJE”s sermoa kclmtcr vermiy thot the fouj rote ms =900.

Mlmtmoamze the jmdmtoa pml

Lext up ms o icr() icr() accp  accp tc set scke pmls os cutputs. Zhese ore

jmrentmcls olj turl cii 

the pmls thot ycu otonhej AEJs tc eoramer. Mlsteoj ci dmvmld thek ulmque lokes olj typmld cut the pmlKcje() pmlKcje() iulntmcl  iulntmcl icr eonh cle, ycu nol use o icr() icr() accp  accp tc dc thrcudh thek oaa qumngay. Zhms ms o holjy trmng mi ycu hove o aorde lukfer ci smkmaor thmlds ycu wmsh tc mterote thrcudh ml o prcdrok. Zeaa the icr() icr() accp  accp tc rul thrcudh pmls 6 tc : sequeltmoaay.

Veoj the tekperoture selscr

Ml the accp() accp(),, ycu”aa use o acnoa vormofae lokej selscrYoa selscrYoa   tc stcre the reojmld irck ycur selscr. Zc det the voaue irck the selscr, ycu noaa oloacdVeoj() oloacdVeoj()   thot toges cle ordukelt2 whot pml mt shcuaj toge o vcatode reojmld cl. Zhe voaue, whmnh ms fetweel 0 olj ?06>, ms o represeltotmcl ci the vcatode cl the pml.

^elj the tekperoture selscr

Zhe iulntmcl ^ermoa.prmlt() ^ermoa.prmlt()   seljs mlicrkotmcl irck the

voaues tc the nckputer

Orjumlc tc o ncllentej nckputer. ]cu nol see thms mlicrkotmcl ^ermoa.prmlt()   ol ml ycur sermoa kclmtcr. Mi ycu dmve ^ermoa.prmlt() ordukelt ml quctotmcl korgs, mt wmaa prmlt cut the text ycu typej. Mi ycu dmve mt o vormofae os ol ordukelt, mt wmaa prmlt cut the voaue ci thot vormofae.



? nclst nclst   mlt mlt selscrPml  selscrPml ; O07 6 nclst nclst   stcot stcot foseamleZekp  foseamleZekp ; 60.07

> vcmj vcmj   setup setup(){ (){ :   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7 // cpel o sermoa pcrt  


icr( icr (mlt mlt pmlLukfer  pmlLukfer ; 67 pmlLukfer157 pmlLukfer++){


pmlKcje(pmlLukfer, pmlKcje (pmlLukfer,CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(pmlLukfer, jmdmtoaTrmte (pmlLukfer, ACT ACT)7 )7

8   } = }

?0 vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ ??   mlt mlt selscrYoa  selscrYoa ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(selscrPml)7 (selscrPml)7

?6   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑^elscr Yoaue2 ‑)7 ‑)7 ?>

^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt(selscrYoa)7 (selscrYoa)7

icr() accp tutcrmoa




Prcbent 0> Acve-c-Keter

Nclvert selscr reojmld tc

Tmth o amtae koth, mt”s pcssmfae tc ﬏dure cut whot the reoa vcatode


cl the pml ms. Zhe vcatode wmaa fe o voaue fetweel 0 olj 5 vcats, olj mt wmaa hove o irontmcloa port (icr exokpae, mt kmdht fe 6.5 vcats), sc ycu”aa leej tc stcre mt mlsmje o stcot stcot.. Nreote o vormofae lokej vcatode tc hcaj thms lukfer. Jmvmje selscrYoa selscrYoa   fy ?06:.0 olj kuatmpay fy 5.0. Zhe lew lukfer represelts the vcatode cl the pml.  Bust amge wmth the selscr voaue, ycu”aa prmlt thms cut tc the sermoa kclmtcr.

Nclvert the vcatode tc

Mi ycu exokmle the selscr”s jotosheet, there ms mlicrkotmcl ofcut

tekperoture olj selj the

the rolde ci the cutput vcatode. Jotosheets ore amge koluoas

voaue tc the nckputer

icr eaentrclmn nckpclelts. Zhey ore wrmtel fy eldmleers, icr cther eldmleers. Zhe jotosheet icr thms selscr expaomls thot every ?0 kmaamvcats ci nholde irck the selscr ms equmvoaelt tc o tekperoture nholde ci ? jedree Neasmus. Mt oasc mljmnotes thot the selscr nol reoj tekperotures feacw 0 jedrees. Fenouse ci thms, ycu”aa leej tc nreote ol c ff set set icr voaues feacw ireezmld (0 jedrees). Mi ycu toge the vcatode, suftront 0.5, olj kuatmpay fy ?00, ycu det the onnurote tekperoture ml jedrees Neasmus. ^tcre thms lew lukfer ml o stcotmld pcmlt vormofae noaaej tekperoture. Lcw thot ycu hove the reoa tekperoture, prmlt thot cut tc the sermoa kclmtcr tcc. ^mlne the tekperoture vormofae ms the aost thmld ycu”re dcmld tc fe prmltmld cut ml thms accp, ycu”re dcmld tc use o samdhtay jmff erelt erelt nckkolj2 ^ermoa ^ermoa..prmltal() prmltal().. Zhms nckkolj wmaa nreote o lew amle ml the sermoa kclmtcr o ier mt seljs the voaue. Zhms heaps koge thmlds eosmer tc reoj ml whel they ore femld prmltej cut.

Zurl cii AEJs icr o acw

Tmth the reoa tekperoture, ycu nol set up ol mi() mi()... ...ease ease  


stotekelt tc amdht the AEJs. Usmld the foseamle tekperoture os o stortmld pcmlt, ycu”aa turl cl cle AEJ cl icr every 6 jedrees ci tekperoture mlnreose ofcve thot foseamle. ]cu”re dcmld tc fe accgmld icr o rolde ci voaues os ycu kcve thrcudh the tekperoture snoae.



?:   // nclvert nclvert the the OJN reojmld tc vcatode vcatode ?5   stcot stcot vcatode  vcatode ; (selscrYoa/?06:.0) * 5.07  


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt( (‑, Ycats2 ‑)7 ‑)7

?4   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt(vcatode)7 (vcatode)7

?8   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑, jedrees N2 ‑)7 ‑)7

^torter Gmt jotosheets 



// nclvert the vcatode tc tekperoture ml jedrees

60   stcot tekperoture stcot tekperoture ; (vcatode - .5) * ?007 6?   ^ermoa. ^ermoa.prmltal prmltal(tekperoture)7 (tekperoture)7

66   mi mi(tekperoture (tekperoture 1 foseamleZekp) foseamleZekp){ { 6>  

jmdmtoaTrmte(6, jmdmtoaTrmte (6, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(>, jmdmtoaTrmte (>, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, ACT ACT)7 )7



69   }ease ease   mi mi(tekperoture (tekperoture , jmdmtoaTrmte (>, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, ACT ACT)7 )7

>0   }ease ease   mi mi(tekperoture (tekperoture ?  

jmdmtoaTrmte(6, jmdmtoaTrmte (6, HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(>, jmdmtoaTrmte (>, HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, ACT ACT)7 )7

>:   }ease ease   mi mi(tekperoture (tekperoture 5  

jmdmtoaTrmte(6, jmdmtoaTrmte (6, HMDH HMDH)7 )7

>9   >4  

jmdmtoaTrmte(>, HMDH jmdmtoaTrmte(>, HMDH)7 )7 jmdmtoaTrmte(:, jmdmtoaTrmte (:, HMDH HMDH)7 )7

>8   } >=   jeaoy jeaoy(?)7 (?)7 :0 }

Nreote ol mlterione icr twc pecpae tc test themr nckpotmfmamty wmth eonh cther. ]cu det tc jenmje whot nckpotmfmamty keols, olj hcw ycu”aa selse mt. Perhops they hove tc hcaj holjs olj delerote heot3 Koyfe they hove tc hud3 Thot jc ycu thmlg3

Expoljmld the types ci mlputs ycu nol reoj, ycu”ve usej oloacdVeoj() olj the sermoa kclmtcr tc trong nholdes mlsmje ycur Orjumlc. Lcw mt”s pcssmfae tc reoj o aorde lukfer ci oloacd selscrs olj mlputs.



    J   E   A


    V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6

    V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   A   M   G     0   ?

    V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V   C   Z   C   H   P

  A   E   D



Prcbent 0: Ncacr Kmxmld Aokp


Useiua nclstolts

^et up nclstolts icr the pmls ycu”re usmld icr mlput olj cutput, sc ycu nol geep trong ci whmnh selscr pomrs wmth whmnh ncacr cl the AEJ. Use nclst mlt icr the jototype.

Yormofaes tc stcre the selscr

Ojj vormofaes icr the mlnckmld selscr voaues olj icr the cutput

reojmlds os weaa os the amdht

voaues ycu”aa fe usmld tc ioje the AEJ. ]cu nol use the ml mlt t 

aevea ci eonh AEJ

jototype icr oaa the vormofaes.

^ettmld the jmrentmcl ci the

Ml the setup() setup(),, fedml sermoa nckkulmnotmcl ot =900 fps. Bust

jmdmtoa pmls olj settmld up

amge ml the prevmcus exokpae, ycu wmaa use thms tc see the voaues ci

the sermoa pcrt

the selscrs ml the sermoa kclmtcr. Ojjmtmcloaay, ycu wmaa fe ofae tc see the koppej voaues ycu”aa use tc ioje the AEJ. Oasc, je﬏le the AEJ pmls os cutputs wmth pmlKcje() pmlKcje()..

Veojmld the voaue ci eonh

Ml the accp() accp()   reoj the selscr voaues cl O0, O?, olj O6 wmth

amdht selscr

oloacdVeoj() olj oloacdVeoj()  olj stcre the voaue ml the opprcprmote vormofaes. Put o skoaa jeaoy() jeaoy() fetweel  fetweel eonh oloacdVeoj() oloacdVeoj() os  os the OJN toges o kmaamsenclj tc jc mts wcrg.

Vepcrt the selscr reojmlds

Prmlt cut the selscr voaues cl cle amle.

tc the nckputer

Zhe ‑Qt‛ ‑Qt‛   ms the equmvoaelt ci pressmld the ‑tof‛ ‑tof‛   gey cl the geyfcorj.



nclst   mlt mlt dreelAEJPml  dreelAEJPml ; =7 ? nclst 6 nclst nclst   mlt mlt rejAEJPml  rejAEJPml ; ??7 > nclst nclst   mlt mlt faueAEJPml  faueAEJPml ; ?07

: nclst  rej^elscrPml ; O07 nclst   mlt mlt rej^elscrPml nclst   mlt mlt dreel^elscrPml  dreel^elscrPml ; O?7 5 nclst 9 nclst nclst   mlt mlt faue^elscrPml  faue^elscrPml ; O67

4 mlt mlt rejYoaue  rejYoaue ; 07 8 mlt mlt dreelYoaue  dreelYoaue ; 07 = mlt mlt faueYoaue  faueYoaue ; 07

mlt rej^elscrYoaue  rej^elscrYoaue ; 07 ?0 mlt ?? mlt mlt dreel^elscrYoaue  dreel^elscrYoaue ; 07 mlt faue^elscrYoaue mlt  faue^elscrYoaue ; 07 ?6

vcmj   setup setup() () { ?> vcmj ?:

^ermoa. ^ermoa .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7


pmlKcje(dreelAEJPml, pmlKcje (dreelAEJPml,CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7

?9   pmlKcje pmlKcje(rejAEJPml, (rejAEJPml,CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?4   pmlKcje pmlKcje(faueAEJPml, (faueAEJPml,CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?8 }

?= vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { 60   rej^elscrYoau rej^elscrYoaue e ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(rej^elscrPml)7 (rej^elscrPml)7 6?   jeaoy jeaoy(5)7 (5)7 66   dreel^elscrYo dreel^elscrYoaue aue ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(dreel^elscrPml)7 (dreel^elscrPml)7 6>   jeaoy jeaoy(5)7 (5)7 6:   faue^elscrYoa faue^elscrYoaue ue ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(faue^elscrPml)7 (faue^elscrPml)7

65   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑Vow ^elscr Yoaues Qt Vej2 ‑)7 ‑ )7 69   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt(rej^elscrYoaue)7 (rej^elscrYoaue)7 64   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑Qt Dreel2 ‑)7 ‑)7 68   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt(dreel^elscrYoaue)7 (dreel^elscrYoaue)7 6=   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑Qt Faue2 ‑)7 ‑)7 >0   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmltal prmltal(faue^elscrYoaue)7 (faue^elscrYoaue)7



Prcbent 0: Ncacr Kmxmld Aokp

Nclvertmld the selscr

Zhe iulntmcl tc nholde the AEJ”s frmdhtless vmo PTK ms noaaej


oloacdTrmte().. Mt leejs twc ordukelts2 the pml tc wrmte tc, oloacdTrmte() olj o voaue fetweel 0-655. Zhms senclj lukfer represelts the juty nynae the Orjumlc wmaa cutput cl the spenm﬏ej pml. O voaue ci 655 wmaa set the pml HMDH HMDH oaa  oaa the tmke, kogmld the otonhej AEJ os frmdht os mt nol fe. O voaue ci ?64 wmaa set the pml HMDH HMDH hoai  hoai the tmke ci the permcj, kogmld the AEJ jmkker. 0 wcuaj set the ACT oaa pml ACT  oaa the tmke, turlmld the AEJ cff . Zc nclvert the selscr reojmld irck o voaue fetweel 0-?06> tc o voaue fetweel 0-655 icr oloacdTrmte() oloacdTrmte(),, jmvmje the selscr reojmld fy :.

Vepcrt the noanuaotej AEJ

Prmlt cut the lew koppej voaues cl themr cwl amle.

amdht aeveas

^et the AEJ amdht aeveas


Clne ycu hove ycur Orjumlc prcdrokkej olj wmrej up, cpel the sermoa kclmtcr. Zhe AEJ wmaa prcfofay fe ol cii-whmte ncacr, jepeljmld cl the prejckmlolt ncacr ci the amdht ml ycur rcck. Accg ot the voaues nckmld irck the selscrs ml the sermoa kclmtcr, mi ycu”re ml ol elvmrclkelt wmth stofae amdhtmld, the lukfer shcuaj prcfofay fe iomray nclsmstelt. Zurl cii the amdht ml the rcck ycu”re ml olj see whot hoppels tc the voaues ci the selscrs. Tmth o iaoshamdht, maaukmlote eonh ci the selscrs mljmvmjuoaay olj lctmne hcw the voaues nholde ml the sermoa kclmtcr, olj lctmne hcw the AEJ”s ncacr nholdes. Thel the phctcresmstcrs ore ncverej wmth o dea, they clay reont tc amdht ci o nertoml woveaeldth. Zhms wmaa dmve ycu the cppcrtulmty tc nholde eonh ci the ncacrs mljepeljeltay.



>?   rejYoaue ; rej^elscrYoaue/ rej^elscrYoaue/:7 :7 >6   dreelYoaue ; dreel^elscrYoau dreel^elscrYoaue/:7 e/:7 >>   faueYoaue ; faue^elscrYoau faue^elscrYoaue/:7 e/:7

>:   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑Koppej ^elscr Yoaues Qt Vej2 ‑)7 ‑ )7 >5   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt(rejYoaue)7 (rejYoaue)7 >9   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt( (‑Qt Dreel2 ‑)7 ‑)7 >4   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmlt prmlt(dreelYoaue)7 (dreelYoaue)7 >8   ^ermoa. ^ermoa.prmlt prmlt( (‑Qt Faue2 ‑)7 ‑)7 >=   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmltal prmltal(faueYoaue)7 (faueYoaue)7


oloacdTrmte(rejAEJPml, oloacdTrmte (rejAEJPml, rejYoaue)7

:?   oloacdTrmte oloacdTrmte(dreelAEJPml, (dreelAEJPml, dreelYoaue)7 :6   oloacdTrmte oloacdTrmte(faueAEJPml, (faueAEJPml, faueYoaue)7 :> }

]cu koy lctmne thot the phctcresmstcr”s cutput jcesl”t rolde oaa the woy irck 0 tc ?06>. Zhot”s cgoy icr thms prcbent, fut icr o kcre jetomaej expaolotmcl ci hcw tc noamfrote icr the rolde ycu”re reojmld, see Prcbent 9.

]cu”aa prcfofay lctmne thot the AEJ”s iojmld ms lct amleor. Thel the AEJ ms ofcut ot hoai frmdhtless, mt oppeors tc stcp detmld kunh frmdhter. Zhms ms fenouse cur eyes jcl”t pernemve frmdhtless amleoray. Zhe frmdhtless ci the amdht jepeljs lct clay cl the aevea thot ycu oloacdTrmte() oloacdTrmte() fut  fut oasc cl the jmstolne ci the amdht irck the jmff user, user, the jmstolne ci ycur eye irck the amdht, olj the frmdhtless ci the amdht reaotmve tc cther amdht ml the rcck.

Hcw ncuaj ycu use thms tc aet ycu glcw mi mt”s o lmne joy cutsmje whmae ycu”re wcrgmld mlsmje3 Thot cther scrts ci selscrs nol ycu use tc ncltrca the AEJ”s ncacr3



Prcbent 05 Kccj Nue


+   -

+   -

Imd. ?

Imd. 6

+   -


+   -



Otonh 5Y olj drculj tc cle smje ci ycur freojfcorj irck the Orjumlc.

Paone o pcteltmcketer cl the freojfcorj, olj ncllent cle smje tc 5Y, olj the cther tc drculj. O pcteltmcketer ms o type ci vcatode jmvmjer. Os ycu turl the glcf, ycu nholde the rotmc ci the vcatode fetweel the kmjjae pml olj pcwer. ]cu nol reoj thms nholde cl ol oloacd mlput. Ncllent the kmjjae pml tc oloacd pml 0. Zhms wmaa ncltrca the pcsmtmcl ci ycur servc kctcr.

Zhe servc hos three wmres nckmld cut ci mt. Cle ms pcwer (rej), cle ms drculj (faong), olj the thmrj (whmte) (whmte) ms the ncltrca amle thot wmaa renemve mlicrkotmcl irck the Orjumlc. Paud three koae heojers mltc the iekoae eljs ci the servc wmres (see Imd. >). Ncllent the heojers tc ycur freojfcorj sc thot eonh pml ms ml o jmff erelt erelt rcw. Ncllent 5Y tc the rej wmre, drculj tc the faong wmre, olj the whmte wmre tc pml =.

Thel o servc kctcr storts tc kcve, mt jrows kcre nurrelt thol mi mt were oareojy ml kctmcl. Zhms wmaa nouse o jmp ml the vcatode cl ycur fcorj. Fy paonmld o ?00ui noponmtcr onrcss pcwer olj drculj rmdht lext tc the koae heojers os shcwl ml Imd. ?, ycu nol skccth cut oly vcatode nholdes thot koy cnnur. ]cu nol oasc paone o noponmtcr onrcss the pcwer olj drculj dcmld mltc ycur pcteltmcketer. Zhese ore noaaej jencupamld noponmtcrs fenouse they rejune, cr jencupae, nholdes nousej fy the nckpclelts irck the rest ci the nmrnumt. Fe very noreiua tc koge sure ycu ore ncllentmld the nothcje tc drculj (thot”s the smje wmth o faong strmpe jcwl the smje) olj the olcje tc pcwer. Mi ycu put the noponmtcrs ml fongworjs, they nol expacje.

]cur servc kctcr nckes wmth iekoae ncllentcrs, sc ycu”aa leej tc ojj heojer pmls tc ncllent mt tc the freojfcorj. Imd. >



Prcbent 05 Kccj Nue


Mkpcrt the amfrory

Zc use the servc amfrory, ycu”aa ﬏rst leej tc mkpcrt mt. Zhms koges the ojjmtmcls irck the amfrory ovomaofae tc ycur sgetnh.

Nreotmld the ^ervc cfbent

Zc reier tc the servc, ycu”re dcmld tc leej tc nreote o lokej mlstolne ci the servc amfrory ml o vormofae. Zhms ms noaaej ol cfbent. Thel ycu jc thms, ycu”re kogmld o ulmque loke thot wmaa hove oaa the iulntmcls olj nopofmamtmes thot the servc amfrory c ff ers. ers. Irck ky^ervc,, thms pcmlt cl ml the prcdrok, every tmke ycu reier tc ky^ervc ycu”aa fe toagmld tc the servc cfbent.

Yormofae jenaorotmcl

^et up o lokej nclstolt icr the pml the pcteltmcketer ms otonhej tc, olj vormofaes tc hcaj the oloacd mlput voaue olj oldae ycu wolt the servc tc kcve tc.

Osscnmotmld the ^ervc cfbent wmth the Orjumlc pml,

Ml the setup() setup(),, ycu”re dcmld tc leej tc teaa the Orjumlc whot pml ycur servc ms otonhej tc.

mlmtmoamzmld the sermoa pcrt Mlnauje o sermoa ncllentmcl sc ycu nol nheng the voaues irck the pcteltmcketer olj see hcw they kop tc oldaes cl the servc kctcr. Veojmld the pcteltmcketer

Ml the accp() accp(),, reoj the oloacd mlput olj prmlt cut the voaue tc


the sermoa kclmtcr.

Koppmld pcteltmcketer voaue tc the servc voaues

Zc nreote o usofae voaue icr the servc kctcr irck ycur oloacd mlput, mt”s eosmest tc use the kop() kop() iulntmcl.  iulntmcl. Zhms holjy iulntmcl snoaes lukfers icr ycu. Ml thms nose nose mt  mt wmaa nholde voaues fetweel 0-?06> tc voaues fetweel 0-?4=. Mt toges ﬏ve ordukelts 2 the lukfer tc fe snoaej (here mt”s pctYoa), the kmlmkuk voaue ci the mlput (0), the koxmkuk voaue ci the mlput (?06>), the kmlmkuk voaue ci the cutput (0), olj the koxmkuk voaue ci the cutput (?4=). ^tcre thms lew voaue ml the oldae vormofae. Zhel, prmlt cut the koppej voaue tc the sermoa kclmtcr.

Vctotmld the servc

Imloaay, mt”s tmke tc kcve the servc. Zhe nckkolj servc. wrmte() kcves wrmte()  kcves the kctcr tc the oldae ycu spenmiy. Ot the elj ci the accp() accp() put  put o jeaoy sc the servc hos tmke tc kcve tc mts lew pcsmtmcl.



? #mlnauje 1^ervc 1^ervc.h< .h<

6 ^ervc ^ervc ky^ervc7  ky^ervc7

> mlt mlt   nclst nclst pctPml  pctPml ; O07 : mlt mlt pctYoa7  pctYoa7 5 mlt mlt oldae7  oldae7

9 vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () { 4   ky^ervc.o ky^ervc.otonh onh(=)7 (=)7

8   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7 = }

?0 vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { ??   pctYoa ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(pctPml)7 (pctPml)7 ?6

^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt( (‑pctYoa2 ‑)7 ‑)7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt(pctYoa)7 (pctYoa)7

?:   oldae ; kop kop(pctYoa, (pctYoa, 0, ?06>, 0, ?4=)7 ?5   ^ermoa. ^ermoa.prmlt prmlt( (‑, oldae2 ‑)7 ‑)7 ?9

^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal(oldae)7 (oldae)7


ky^ervc.wrmte ky^ervc. wrmte(oldae)7 (oldae)7

?8   jeaoy jeaoy(?5)7 (?5)7 ?= }

Lcte thot #mlnauje mlstrontmcls hove lct sekmncacl ot the elj ci the amle.



Prcbent 05 Kccj Nue


Clne ycur Orjumlc hos feel prcdrokkej olj pcwerej up, cpel the sermoa kclmtcr. ]cu shcuaj see o streok ci voaues smkmaor tc thms2 pctYoa 2 ?06>, oldae 2 ?4= pctYoa 2 ?06>, oldae 2 ?4= Thel ycu turl the pcteltmcketer, ycu shcuaj see the lukfers nholde. Kcre mkpcrtoltay, ycu shcuaj see ycur servc kctcr kcve tc o lew pcsmtmcl. Lctmne the reaotmclshmp fetweel the voaue ci pctYoa olj oldae ml the sermoa kclmtcr olj the pcsmtmcl ci the servc. ]cu shcuaj see nclsmstelt resuats os ycu turl the pct. Cle lmne thmld ofcut usmld pcteltmcketers os oloacd mlputs ms thot they wmaa dmve ycu o iuaa rolde ci voaues fetweel 0 olj ?06>. Zhms koges thek heapiua ml testmld prcbents thot use oloacd mlput.

^ervc kctcrs ore reduaor kctcrs wmth o lukfer ci deors olj scke nmrnumts mlsmje. Zhe kenholmns mlsmje prcvmje ieejfong tc the nmrnumt, sc mt ms oawoys owore ci mts pcsmtmcl. Thmae mt koy seek amge thms ms o amkmtej rolde ci kctmcl, mt”s pcssmfae tc det mt tc koge o wmje vormety ci jmff erelt erelt gmljs ci kcvekelts wmth scke ojjmtmcloa kenholmns. Zhere ore o lukfer ci rescurnes thot jesnrmfe kenholmsks ml jetoma amge rcfmves.nck/  kenhs olj kenhs  olj the fccg Kogmld Zhmlds Kcve fy Kcve fy Justyl Vcferts.

Zhe pcteltmcketer ms lct the clay selscr ycu nol use icr ncltrcaamld the servc. Usmld the soke physmnoa setup (ol orrcw pcmltmld tc o lukfer ci jmff erelt erelt mljmnotcrs) olj o jm ff erelt erelt selscr, whot scrt ci mljmnotcr nol ycu koge3 Hcw wcuaj thms wcrg wmth tekperoture (amge ml the Acve-c-Keter)3 Ncuaj ycu teaa the tmke ci joy wmth o phctcresmstcr3 Hcw jces koppmld voaues ncke mltc paoy wmth thcse types ci selscrs3

^ervc kctcrs nol eosmay fe ncltrcaaej fy the Orjumlc usmld o amfrory, whmnh ms o ncaaentmcl ci ncje thot exteljs o elvmrclkelt. ^cketmkes mt cle ms lenessory tc prcdrokkmld repurpcse voaues fy koppmld thek irck snoae tc olcther.



Lcw thot ycu”re up olj rullmld wmth kctmcl, mt”s tmke tc aet pecpae glcw mi ycu”re ovomaofae tc heap thek cl themr prcbents, cr mi ycu wolt tc fe aei oacle tc paol ycur lext nreotmcl. Tmth snmsscrs, nut cut o pmene ci norjfcorj ml the shope ci ol orrcw. Pcsmtmcl ycur servc tc =0 jedrees (nheng the oldae voaue ml the sermoa kclmtcr mi ycu”re ulsure). ulsure). Zope the orrcw sc mt”s crmeltej ml the soke jmrentmcl os the kctcr”s fcjy. Lcw ycu shcuaj fe ofae tc rctote the orrcw ?80 jedrees whel turlmld the pcteltmcketer. Zoge o pmene ci poper thot ms aorder thol the servc wmth the orrcw o tonhej olj jrow o hoai nmrnae cl mt. Cl cle elj ci the nmrnae, wrmte ‑^toy Cut‛. Cl the cther elj, wrmte ‑Ncke ml‛. Put ‑Glcng paeose!‛ ml the kmjjae ci the orn. Paone the servc wmth the orrcw cl tcp ci the poper. Ncldrotuaotmcls, ycu”ve dct o woy tc teaa pecpae bust hcw fusy ycu ore wmth ycur prcbents!

 L  M    E   K  C  N

  E   ^   O   E   A   P     G   N   C   L   G

^  Z   O  ]    C   U  Z  

Ottonh o poper orrcw tc the servc ork.

Jesmdl o poper fose olj paone mt uljer the servc.




  C   R   E

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V   C   Z   C

  M   P

  H   P

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Prcbent 09 Amdht Zherekml


Nreote vormofaes icr

Nreote o vormofae tc hcaj the oloacdVeoj() oloacdVeoj()   voaue irck the

noamfrotmld the selscr

phctcresmstcr.. Lext, nreote vormofaes icr the hmdh olj acw voaues. phctcresmstcr ]cu”re dcmld tc set the mlmtmoa voaue ml the selscrAcw vormofae tc ?06>, olj set the voaue ci the selscrHmdh selscrHmdh vormofae  vormofae tc 0. Thel ycu ﬏rst rul the prcdrok, ycu”aa nckpore these lukfers tc the selscr”s reojmlds tc ﬏lj the reoa koxmkuk olj kmlmkuk voaues.

Loke o nclstolt icr ycur

aejPml.. ]cu”aa use thms os ol mljmnotcr Nreote o nclstolt lokej aejPml

noamfrotmcl mljmnotcr

thot ycur selscr hos ﬏lmshej noamfrotmld. Icr thms prcbent, use the cl-fcorj AEJ ncllentej tc pml ?>.

^et jmdmtoa pml jmrentmcl olj

Ml the setup() setup(),, nholde the pmlKcje() pmlKcje() ci  ci aejPml tc CUZPUZ CUZPUZ,,

turl mt hmdh

olj turl the amdht cl.

Use o whmae() accp icr

Zhe lext steps wmaa noamfrote the selscr”s koxmkuk olj kmlmkuk


voaues. ]cu”aa use o whmae() whmae()   stotekelt tc rul o accp icr 5 sencljs. whmae() whmae() accps  accps rul ultma o nertoml ncljmtmcl ms ket. Ml thms nose ycu”re dcmld tc use the kmaams() kmaams() iulntmcl  iulntmcl tc nheng the nurrelt tmke. kmaams() kmaams() repcrts  repcrts hcw acld the Orjumlc hos feel rullmld smlne mt wos aost pcwerej cl cr reset.

Nckpore selscr voaues icr

Ml the accp, ycu”aa reoj the voaue ci the selscr7 mi the voaue ms aess


thol selscrAcw selscrAcw   (mlmtmoaay ?06>), ycu”aa upjote thot vormofae. Mi mt ms dreoter thol selscrHmdh selscrHmdh (mlmtmoaay  (mlmtmoaay 0), thot dets upjotej.

Mljmnote noamfrotmcl hos

Thel 5 sencljs hove possej, the whmae() accp wmaa elj. Zurl c ff  


the AEJ otonhej tc pml ?>. ]cu”aa use the selscr hmdh olj acw voaues bust rencrjej tc snoae the irequelny ml the koml port ci ycur prcdrok.



? mlt mlt selscrYoaue7  selscrYoaue7 6 mlt mlt selscrAcw  selscrAcw ; ?06>7 > mlt mlt selscrHmdh  selscrHmdh ; 07

: nclst nclst   mlt mlt aejPml  aejPml ; ?>7

5 vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () {

9   pmlKcje pmlKcje(aejPml, (aejPml, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 4   jmdmtoaTrmte jmdmtoaTrmte(aejPml, (aejPml, HMDH HMDH)7 )7

8   whmae whmae (  (kmaams kmaams() () 1 5000) {




selscrYoaue ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(O0)7 (O0)7

?0   ??  

mi (selscrYoaue < selscrHmdh) { mi (selscrYoaue selscrHmdh ; selscrYoaue7




mi (selscrYoaue mi  (selscrYoaue 1 selscrAcw) {

?:   ?5  

selscrAcw ; selscrYoaue7 }

?9   }

?4   jmdmtoaTrmte jmdmtoaTrmte(aejPml, (aejPml, ACT ACT)7 )7 ?8 }




Prcbent 09 Amdht Zherekml

Veoj olj stcre the selscr

Ml the accp() accp(),, reoj the voaue cl O0 olj stcre mt ml selscrYoaue selscrYoaue..

voaue Kop the selscr voaue tc o

Nreote o vormofae lokej pmtnh pmtnh.. Zhe voaue ci pmtnh pmtnh   ms dcmld


tc fe koppej irck selscrYoaue selscrYoaue.. Use selscrAcw selscrAcw   olj selscrHmdh os selscrHmdh  os the fculjs icr the mlnckmld voaues. Icr stortmld voaues icr cutput, try 50 tc :000. Zhese lukfers set the rolde ci irequelnmes the Orjumlc wmaa delerote.

Paoy the irequelny

Lext, noaa the tcle() tcle() iulntmcl  iulntmcl tc paoy o sculj. Mt toges three ordukelts 2 whot pml tc paoy the sculj cl (ml thms nose pml 8), whot irequelny tc paoy (jeterkmlej fy the pmtnh pmtnh vormofae),  vormofae), olj hcw acld tc paoy the lcte (try 60 kmaamsencljs tc stort). Zhel, noaa o jeaoy() jeaoy() icr  icr ?0 kmaamsencljs tc dmve the sculj scke tmke tc paoy.


Thel ycu imrst pcwer the Orjumlc cl, there ms o 5 senclj wmljcw icr ycu tc noamfrote the selscr. Zc jc thms, kcve ycur holj up olj jcwl cver the phctcresmstcr, nholdmld the okcult ci amdht thot reonhes mt. Zhe nacser ycu repamnote the kctmcls ycu expent tc use whmae paoymld the mlstrukelt, the fetter the noamfrotmcl wmaa fe. Oiter 5 sencljs, the noamfrotmcl wmaa fe nckpaete, olj the AEJ cl the Orjumlc wmaa turl cii. Thel thms hoppels, ycu shcuaj heor scke lcmse nckmld irck the pmezc! Os the okcult ci amdht thot ioaas cl the selscr nholdes, sc shcuaj the irequelny thot the pmezc paoys.



?= vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { 60   selscrYoaue ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(O0)7 (O0)7

6?   mlt mlt pmtnh  pmtnh ; kop(selscrYoaue,selscrAcw,selscrHmdh, kop (selscrYoaue,selscrAcw,selscrHmdh, 50, :000)7

66   tcle tcle(8,pmtnh,60)7 (8,pmtnh,60)7

6>   jeaoy jeaoy(?0)7 (?0)7 6: }

Zhe rolde ml the kop() kop() iulntmcl  iulntmcl thot jeterkmles the pmtnh pmtnh ms  ms prety wmje, try nholdmld the irequelnmes tc ﬏lj cles thot ore the rmdht ﬏t icr ycur kusmnoa styae.

Zhe tcle() tcle() iulntmcl  iulntmcl cperotes very kunh amge the PTK ml oloacdTrmte() oloacdTrmte() fut  fut wmth cle smdlm﬏nolt jmff erelne. erelne. Ml oloacdTrmte() oloacdTrmte() the  the irequelny ms ﬏xej7 ycu nholde the rotmc ci the puases ml thot permcj ci tmke tc vory the juty nynae. Tmth tcle() tcle() ycu”re  ycu”re tcle() oawoys stmaa seljmld puases, fut nholdmld the irequelny ci thek. tcle()  oawoys puases ot o 50% juty nynae (hoai the tmke the pml ms hmdh, the cther hoai the tmke mt ms acw).

Zhe tcle() iulntmcl dmves ycu the ofmamty tc delerote jm ff erelt erelt irequelnmes whel mt puases o speoger cr pmezc. Thel usmld selscrs ml o vcatode jmvmjer nmrnumt, ycu prcfofay wcl”t det o iuaa rolde citc voaues 0-?06>. Fy noamfrotmld mt”s pcssmfae kop fetweel ycur mlputs tc o useofae rolde. selscrs,



  H   N   Z   M   T   ^


  C   R   E   M   P

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   A   M   G     0   ?

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   D   E   K     ?

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6


Prcbent 04


Geyfcorj Mlstrukelt

Paoy the lctes t hot ncrrespclj

Oier eonh mi() mi()   stotekelt, noaa the tcle() tcle()   iulntmcl. Zhe

tc the oloacd voaue

prcdrok reierelnes the orroy tc jeterkmle whot irequelny tc paoy. Mi the voaue ci O0 kotnhes cle ci ycur mi stotekelts, ycu nol teaa the Orjumlc tc paoy o tcle. Mt”s pcssmfae ycur nmrnumt ms o amtae ‑lcmsy‛ olj the voaues koy stuntuote o am tae fmt whmae pressmld o swmtnh. Zc onnckkcjote onnckkcjote icr thms vormotmcl, mt”s o dccj mjeo tc hove o skoaa rolde ci voaues tc nheng odomlst. Mi ycu use ‑&&‛,, ycu nol nheng kuatmpae stotekelts tc see the nckpormscl ‑&&‛ mi they ore true. Mi ycu press the ﬏rst futcl, lctesW0[ wmaa paoy. Mi ycu press the senclj, lctesW?[ wmaa paoy, olj mi ycu press the thmrj, lctesW6[ wmaa paoy. Zhms ms whel orroys fencke reoaay holjy.

^tcp paoymld the tcle whel lcthmld ms pressej

Clay cle irequelny nol paoy cl o pml ot oly dmvel tmke, sc mi ycu”re pressmld kuatmpae geys, ycu”aa clay heor cle sculj. Zc stcp paoymld lctes whel there ms lc fu tcl femld pressej, noaa the lcZcle() lcZcle() iulntmcl,  iulntmcl, prcvmjmld the pml lukfer tc stcp paoymld sculj cl.


Mi ycur resmstcrs ore nacse ml voaue tc the voaues ml the exokpae prcdrok, ycu shcuaj heor scke sculjs irck the pmezc whel ycu press the futtcls. Mi lct, nheng the sermoa kclmtcr tc koge sure eonh ci the futtcls ms ml o rolde thot ncrrespcljs tc the lctes ml the mi() mi()... ...ease ease stotekelt.  stotekelt. Mi ycu”re heormld he ormld o sculj thot seeks tc stutter, try mlnreosmld the rolde o amttae fmt. Press kuatmpae futcls ot the soke tmke, olj see whot scrt ci voaues ycu det ml the sermoa kclmtcr. Use these lew voaues tc trmdder evel kcre sculjs. Expermkelt wmth jm ff erelt erelt irequelnmes tc expolj ycur kusmnoa cutput. ]cu nol ﬏lj irequelnmes ci kusmnoa lctes cl thms pode2 orjumlc.nn/irequelnmes

Mi ycu repaone the swmtnhes olj resmstcr aojjer wmth oloacd selscrs, nol ycu use the ojjmtmcloa mlicrkotmcl they dmve ycu tc nreote o kcre jylokmn mlstrukelt3 ]cu ncuaj use the voaue tc nholde the jurotmcl ci o lcte cr, amge ml the Zherekml Prcbent, nreote o samjmld snoae ci sculjs.



??   ease ease   mi mi(geyYoa (geyYoa



ease  ease  mi mi(geyYoa (geyYoa }

Zhe tcle() tcle() iulntmcl  iulntmcl ms iul icr delerotmld sculjs, fut mt jces hove o iew amkmtotmcls. Mt nol clay nreote squore woves, lct skccth smle woves cr trmoldaes. ^quore woves jcl”t accg kunh amge woves ot oaa. Os ycu sow ml Imd. ? ml Prcbent 9, mt”s o sermes ci cl olj cff  puases.   puases. Os ycu stort ycur folj, geep scke thmlds ml kmlj 2 clay cle tcle nol paoy ot o tmke olj tcle() tcle() wmaa  wmaa mlteriere wmth oloacdTrmte() oloacdTrmte() cl  cl pmls > olj ??.

 Orroys ore useiua useiua icr drcupmld drcupmld smkmaor smkmaor types ci mlicrkotmcl mlicrkotmcl tcdether7 they ore onnessej fy mljex lukfers whmnh reier tc mljmvmjuoa eaekelts. Vesmstcr aojjers ore ol eosy woy tc det kcre jmdmtoa mlputs mltc o systek fy pauddmld mltc ol oloacd mlput.



  H   N   Z   M   T   ^


  J   E   A

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   A   M   G     0   ?

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6



Ncllent pcwer olj drculj tc ycur freojfcorj.

Ncllent the olcje (aclder aed) ci smx AEJs tc jmdmtoa pmls 6-4. Ncllent the AEJs tc drculj thrcudh 660-chk resmstcrs.

Ncllent cle aeoj ci the tmat swmtnh tc 5Y. Ncllent the cther tc o ?0-gmachk resmstcr tc drculj. Ncllent the bulntmcl where they keet tc jmdmtoa pml 8.

]cu jcl”t leej tc hove ycur Orjumlc tetherej tc the nckputer icr thms tc wcrg. Zry fumajmld o stolj wmth scke norjfcorj cr styrcicok olj pcwer the Orjumlc wmth o fotery tc koge o pcrtofae versmcl. ]cu nol nreote o ncver wmth scke lukermn mljmnotcrs oacldsmje the amdhts.

Zmat swmtnhes ore swmtnhes ore dreot, mlexpelsmve tccas icr jeterkmlmld the crmeltotmcl ci sckethmld. Onneaercketers thmld.  Onneaercketers ore  ore olcther type ci tmat selscr, fut they dmve cut kunh kcre mlicrkotmcl. Zhey ore oasc smdlm﬏noltay kcre expelsmve. Mi ycu”re bust accgmld tc see mi sckethmld ms up cr jcwl, o tmat selscr wcrgs dreot.



Prcbent 08 Jmdmtoa Hcurdaoss


Jenaore o lokej nclstolt

]cu”re dcmld tc leej o lukfer ci dacfoa vormofaes ml ycur prcdrok tc det thms oaa wcrgmld. Zc stort, nreote o nclstolt lokej swmtnhPml. Zhms wmaa fe the loke ci the pml ycur tmat swmtnh ms cl.

Nreote o vormofae tc hcaj the

Nreote o vormofae ci type ulsmdlej ulsmdlej  acld acld,, Zhms wmaa hcaj the tmke


ol AEJ wos aost nholdej.

Loke vormofaes icr the mlputs

Nreote o vormofae icr the swmtnh stote, olj olcther tc hcaj the

olj cutputs

prevmcus swmtnh stote. ]cu”aa use these twc tc nckpore the swmtnh”s pcsmtmcl irck cle accp tc the lext. Nreote o vormofae lokej aej. Zhms wmaa fe usej tc ncult whmnh AEJ ms the lext cle tc fe turlej cl. ^tort cut wmth pml 6.

Jenaore o vormofae jesnrmfmld

Zhe aost vormofae ycu”re nreotmld ms dcmld tc fe the mltervoa

the mltervoa fetweel evelts

fetweel eonh AEJ turlmld cl. Zhms wmaa fe fe o acld acld jototype.  jototype. Ml ?0 kmlutes (the tmke fetweel eonh AEJ turlmld cl) 900,000 kmaamsencljs poss. Mi ycu wolt the jeaoy fetweel amdhts tc fe aclder cr shcrter, thms ms the lukfer ycu nholde.

^et the jmrentmcl ci ycur

Ml ycur setup() setup(),, ycu leej tc jenaore the AEJ pmls 6-4 os

jmdmtoa pmls

cutputs. O icr() icr() accp  accp jenaores oaa smx os CUZPUZ CUZPUZ wmth  wmth bust > amles ci ncje. ]cu oasc leej tc jenaore swmtnhPml os ol MLPUZ MLPUZ..

Nheng the tmke smlne the

Thel the accp() accp() storts,  storts, ycu”re dcmld tc det the okcult ci tmke

prcdrok stortej rullmld

the Orjumlc hos feel rullmld wmth kmaams() kmaams() olj  olj stcre mt ml o acnoa vormofae lokej nurreltZmke nurreltZmke..

Evoauote the okcult ci

Usmld ol mi() mi() stotekelt,  stotekelt, ycu”aa nheng tc see mi elcudh tmke hos

tmke thot hos possej smlne

possej tc turl cl ol AEJ. ^uftront the nurreltZmke nurreltZmke irck  irck the

the prevmcus accp()

prevmcusZmke olj prevmcusZmke  olj nheng tc see mi mt ms dreoter thol the mltervoa vormofae. Mi 900,000 kmaamsencljs hove possej (?0 kmlutes kmlutes), ), ycu”aa nurreltZmke.. set the vormofae prevmcusZmke tc the voaue ci nurreltZmke



? nclst nclst   mlt mlt swmtnhPml  swmtnhPml ; 87

6 ulsmdlej ulsmdlej   acld acld prevmcusZmke  prevmcusZmke ; 07

> mlt mlt swmtnh^tote  swmtnh^tote ; 07 : mlt mlt prev^wmtnh^tote  prev^wmtnh^tote ; 07

5 mlt mlt aej  aej ; 67

9 acld acld mltervoa  mltervoa ; 9000007

vcmj   setup setup() () { 4 vcmj icr( icr (mlt mlt x  x ; 67x187x++){

8 =  

pmlKcje(x, pmlKcje (x, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7

?0   }


pmlKcje(swmtnhPml, pmlKcje (swmtnhPml, MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7

?6 } ?> vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ ?:   ulsmdlej ulsmdlej   acld acld nurreltZmke  nurreltZmke ; kmaams kmaams()7 ()7

?5   mi mi(nurreltZmke (nurreltZmke - prevmcusZmke < mltervoa) { ?9    

prevmcusZmke ; nurreltZmke7



Prcbent 08 Jmdmtoa Hcurdaoss

Zurl cl ol AEJ, prepor e icr

prevmcusZmke mljmnotes prevmcusZmke mljmnotes the aost tmke ol AEJ wos turlej cl.

the lext cle

Clne ycu”ve set prevmcusZmke prevmcusZmke,, turl cl the AEJ, olj mlnrekelt the aej vormofae. Zhe lext tmke ycu poss the tmke mltervoa, the lext AEJ wmaa amdht up.

Nheng tc see mi oaa amdhts

Ojj cle kcre mi stotekelt ml the prcdrok tc nheng mi the AEJ cl

ore cl

pml 4 ms turlej cl. Jcl”t jc olythmld wmth thms yet. ]cu”aa jenmje whot hoppels ot the elj ci the hcur aoter.

Veoj the voaue ci the swmtnh

Lcw thot ycu”ve nhengej the tmke, ycu”aa wolt tc see mi the swmtnh hos nholdej mts stote. Veoj the swmtnh voaue mltc the swmtnh^tote vormofae. swmtnh^tote  vormofae.

Veset the vormofaes tc themr

Tmth ol mi() mi() stotekelt,  stotekelt, nheng tc see mi the swmtnh ms ml o jmff erelt erelt

jeiouats mi lenessory

pcsmtmcl thol mt wos prevmcusay. Zhe !; !; evoauotmcl  evoauotmcl nhengs tc see mi swmtnh^tote swmtnh^tote   jces lct equoa prev^wmtnh^tote prev^wmtnh^tote.. Mi they ore jmff erelt, erelt, turl the AEJs cff , returl the aej vormofae tc the ﬏rst pml, olj reset the tmker icr the AEJs fy se tmld prevmcusZmke prevmcusZmke   tc nurreltZmke nurreltZmke..

^et the nurrelt stote tc the

Ot the elj ci the accp() accp(),, sove the swmtnh stote ml

prevmcus stote

prev^wmtnh^tote   , sc ycu nol nckpore mt tc the voaue ycu prev^wmtnh^tote det icr swmtnh^tote swmtnh^tote ml  ml the lext accp() accp()..


Clne ycu”ve prcdrokkej the fcorj, nheng the tmke cl o nacng. Oiter ?0 kmlutes hove possej, the imrst AEJ shcuaj hove turlej cl. Every ?0 kmlutes oiter thot, o lew amdht wmaa turl cl. Ot the elj ci ol hcur, oaa smx amdht shcuaj fe cl. Thel ycu iamp the nmrnumt cver, olj nouse the tmat swmtnh tc nholde mts stote, the amdhts wmaa turl cii olj the tmker wmaa stort odoml.




jmdmtoaTrmte(aej, jmdmtoaTrmte (aej, HMDH HMDH)7 )7




mi(aej mi (aej ;; 4){



6?   }

66   swmtnh^tote ; jmdmtoaVeoj jmdmtoaVeoj(swmtnhPml)7 (swmtnhPml)7  


mi(swmtnh^tote mi (swmtnh^tote !; prev^wmtnh^tote prev^wmtnh^tote){ ){


icr( icr (mlt mlt x  x ; 67x187x++){


jmdmtoaTrmte(x, jmdmtoaTrmte (x, ACT ACT)7 )7




aej ; 67


prevmcusZmke ; nurreltZmke7

6=   }  


prev^wmtnh^tote prev^wmtnh^to te ; swmtnh^tote7

>? }

Thel the nacng reonhes cle hcur olj oaa smx amdhts ore cl, they bust stoy cl. Nol ycu thmlg ci o woy tc det ycur o teltmcl whel the hcur ms up3 ^culj cr stoshmld the amdhts ore fcth dccj mljmnotcrs. Zhe aej vormofae nol fe nhengej tc see mi oaa the amdhts ore cl, thot”s o dccj paone tc nheng icr droffmld sckecle”s oteltmcl. Ulamge ol hcurdaoss ﬏aaej wmth solj, the amdhts dc emther up cr jcwl jepeljmld cl the crmeltotmcl ci the t he swmtnh. Nol ycu ﬏dure cut hcw ycu nol use the t he swmtnh^tote vormofae tc mljmnote whot jmrentmcl the amdhts shcuaj dc3

Zc keosure the okcult ci tmke fetweel evelts, use the kmaams() iulntmcl. Fenouse the lukfers mt delerotes ore aorder thol whot ycu nol stcre ml ol mlt, ycu shcuaj use the jototype ulsmdlej acld icr stcrmld mts voaues.



Prcbent 0= Kctcrmzej Pmlwheea


Loke ycur nclstolts olj

Zhe ncje ms rekorgofay smkmaor tc the ncje ycu ﬏rst usej icr


turlmld cl ol AEJ. Imrst ci oaa, set up scke nclstolts icr the swmtnh olj kctcr pmls olj o vormofae lokej swmtnh^tote swmtnh^tote   tc hcaj the voaue ci the swmtnh.

Jenaore the pmls” jmrentmcl

Ml ycur setup setup(), (), jenaore the pmlKcje pmlKcje() () ci the kctcr (CUZPUZ ( CUZPUZ)) swmtnh ( MLPUZ)) pmls. olj swmtnh  (MLPUZ

Veoj the mlput, puaa the

]cur accp accp() () ms stromdhticrworj. Nheng the stote ci the swmtnh-

cutput hmdh mi pressej

Pml Pm l wmth jmdmtoaVeoj jmdmtoaVeoj(). (). Mi the swmtnh ms pressej, turl the kctcrPml HMDH HMDH.. Mi mt ms lct pressej, turl the pml ACT ACT.. Thel HMDH HMDH,, the trolsmstcr wmaa ontmvote, nckpaetmld the kctcr nmrnumt. Thel ACT ACT,, the kctcr wmaa lct spml.

Kctcrs hove ol cptmkoa cperotmld vcatode. Zhey wmaa wcrg cl os am tae os 50% ci the rotej vcatode olj os kunh os 50% cver thot lukfer. Mi ycu vory the vcatode, ycu nol nholde the speej ot whmnh the kctcr rctotes. Jcl”t vory mt tcc kunh, thcudh, cr ycu wmaa furl cut ycur kctcr. Kctcrs requmre spenmoa nclsmjerotmcl whel femld ncltrcaaej fy o kmnrcncltrcaaer. Zypmnoaay the kmnrcncltrcaaer nollct prcvmje elcudh nurrelt olj/cr vcatode tc pcwer o kctcr. Fenouse ci thms, ycu use trolsmstcrs tc mlterione fetweel the twc. Mt”s oasc skort tc use jmcjes tc prevelt jokodmld ycur nmrnumt.



nclst   mlt mlt swmtnhPml  swmtnhPml ; 67 ? nclst

6 nclst nclst   mlt mlt kctcrPml  kctcrPml ; =7 > mlt mlt swmtnh^tote  swmtnh^tote ; 07

: vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () { 5   pmlKcje pmlKcje(kctcrPml, (kctcrPml, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 9

pmlKcje(swmtnhPml, pmlKcje (swmtnhPml, MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7

4 }

8 vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ =   swmtnh^tote ; jmdmtoaVeoj jmdmtoaVeoj(swmtnhPml)7 (swmtnhPml)7 ?0   mi mi (swmtnh^tote  (swmtnh^tote ;; HMDH HMDH) ) { ??

jmdmtoaTrmte(kctcrPml, jmdmtoaTrmte (kctcrPml, HMDH HMDH)7 )7




ease { ease  {

?:   ?5

jmdmtoaTrmte(kctcrPml, jmdmtoaTrmte (kctcrPml, ACT ACT)7 )7 }

?9 }

Zrolsmstcrs ore scamj stote jevmnes, they hove lc kcvmld ports. Fenouse ci thms, ycu nol swmtnh thek cl olj cff   very qumngay. Zry hccgmld up o pcteltmcketer tc ol oloacd mlput olj use thot tc PTK the pml thot ncltrcas the trolsmstcr. Thot jc ycu thmlg wmaa hoppel tc the kctcr”s speej mi ycu vory the vcatode mt”s detmld3 Usmld ycur poterls cl ycur spmller, nol ycu det jm ff erelt erelt vmsuoa eff ents3 ents3



Ncllent pcwer olj drculj irck cle smje ci ycur freojfcorj tc the Orjumlc.

Ojj 6 kckeltory swmtnhes tc the freojfcorj, ncllentmld cle smje ci eonh tc pcwer. Ojj o ?0Gchk puaa-jcwl resmstcr ml sermes wmth drculj cl the cutput pml ci fcth swmtnhes. Zhe swmtnh cl pml : wmaa ncltrca jmrentmcl, the swmtnh cl pml 5 wmaa turl the kctcr cl olj cff .

Ncllent the pcteltmcketer tc the freojfcorj. Tmre 5Y tc cle smje olj drculj tc the cther. O tonh the nelter pml tc oloacd mlput 0 cl the Orjumlc. Zhms wmaa fe usej tc ncltrca the speej ci the kctcr.

Paone the H-frmjde cl ycur freojfcorj sc mt strojjaes the nelter (see Imd. 6 icr jetoma ci paonekelt). Ncllent pml ? ci the H-frmjde tc jmdmtoa pml = cl the Orjumlc. Zhms ms the elofae pml cl the H-frmjde. Thel mt renemves 5Y, mt turls the kctcr cl, whel mt renemves 0Y, mt turls the kctcr c ff . ]cu wmaa use thms pml tc PTK the H-frmjde, olj ojbust the speej ci the kctcr.

Ncllent pml 6 cl the H-frmjde tc jmdmtoa pml > cl the Orjumlc. Ncllent pml 4 tc jmdmtoa pml 6. Zhese ore the pmls ycu wmaa use tc nckkulmnote wmth the H-frmjde, teaamld mt whmnh jmrentmcl tc spml. Mi pml > ms ACT ACT olj  olj pml 6 ms HMDH HMDH,, the kctcr wmaa spml ml cle jmrentmcl. Mi pml 6 ms ACT ACT olj  olj pml > ms HMDH HMDH,, the kctcr wmaa spml ml the cppcsmte jmrentmcl. Mi fcth the pmls ore HMDH HMDH   cr ACT ACT ot  ot the soke tmke, the kctcr wmaa stcp spmllmld.

Zhe H-frmjde det mts pcwer irck pml ?9, paud thot mltc 5Y. Pmls : olj 5 fcth dc tc drculj.

Otonh ycur kctcr tc pmls > olj 9 cl the H-frmjde. Zhese twc pmls wmaa swmtnh cl olj cff  jepeljmld   jepeljmld cl the smdloas ycu selj tc pmls 6 olj 4.

Paud the fotery ncllentcr (wmthcut the fotery otonhej!) tc the cther pcwer romas cl ycur freojfcorj. Ncllent drculj irck ycur Orjumlc tc the fotery”s drculj. Ncllent pml 8 irck the H-frmjde tc the fo tery pcwer. Zhms ms the pml thot the H-frmjde pcwers the kctcr irck. Koge sure ycu jc lct hove ycur =Y olj 5Y pcwer amles ncllentej. Zhey kust fe seporote, clay drculj shcuaj fe ncllentej fetweel the twc.



Prcbent ?0 Rcetrcpe


Loke ycur nclstolts

Nreote nclstolts icr the cutput olj mlput pmls.

Nreote vormofaes icr rekek-

Use vormofaes tc hcaj the voaues irck ycur mlputs. ]cu”aa fe jcmld

fermld prcdrok stote

stote nholde jetentmcl icr fcth swmtnhes, nckpormld the stote irck cle accp tc the lext, smkmaor tc the Hcurdaoss Prcbent. ^c, ml ojjmtmcl tc stcrmld the nurrelt stote, ycu”aa leej tc rencrj the prevmcus stote ci eonh swmtnh.

Nreote vormofaes icr kctcr

kctcrJmrentmcl geeps kctcrJmrentmcl  geeps trong ci whmnh jmrentmcl the kctcr ms


spmllmld, olj kctcrPcwer kctcrPcwer geeps  geeps trong ci whether the kctcr ms spmllmld cr lct.

Jenaore the jmdmtoa pmls os

Ml setup() setup(),, set the jmrentmcl ci eonh mlput olj cutput pml.

mlputs olj cutputs

Zurl the kctcr cii 

Zurl the elofae pml ACT ACT tc  tc stort, sc the kctcr msl”t spmllmld rmdht owoy.

Veoj selscr mlicrkotmcl

accp(),, reoj the stote ci the Cl/Cff  swmtnh Ml ycur accp()  swmtnh olj stcre mt ^wmtnh^tote vormofae. ml the clCff^wmtnh^tote  vormofae.



? nclst nclst   mlt mlt ncltrcaPml?  ncltrcaPml? ; 67 6 nclst nclst   mlt mlt ncltrcaPml6  ncltrcaPml6 ; >7 > nclst nclst   mlt mlt elofaePml  elofaePml ; =7 : nclst nclst   mlt mlt jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml  jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml ; :7 5 nclst nclst   mlt mlt clC  clCff^wmtnh^tote^w ^wmtnh^tote^wmtnhPml mtnhPml ; 57 9 nclst nclst   mlt mlt pctPml  pctPml ; O07

4 mlt mlt clC  clCff^wmtnh^tote ; 07 8 mlt mlt prevmcusClC  prevmcusClCff^wmtnh^tote ; 07 = mlt mlt jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote  jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote ; 07 ?0 mlt mlt prevmcusJmrentmcl^wmtnh^to  prevmcusJmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote te ; 07

mlt kctcrElofaej  kctcrElofaej ; 07 ?? mlt ?6 mlt mlt kctcr^peej  kctcr^peej ; 07 ?> mlt mlt kctcrJmrentmcl  kctcrJmrentmcl ; ?7

?: vcmj vcmj   setup setup(){ (){ ?5   pmlKcje pmlKcje(jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml, (jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml, MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7 ?9   pmlKcje pmlKcje(clC (clCff^wmtnh^tote^wmtnhPml, MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7 ?4   pmlKcje pmlKcje(ncltrcaPml?, (ncltrcaPml?, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?8   pmlKcje pmlKcje(ncltrcaPml6, (ncltrcaPml6, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?=   pmlKcje pmlKcje(elofaePml, (elofaePml, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7

60   jmdmtoaTrmte jmdmtoaTrmte(elofaePml, (elofaePml, ACT ACT)7 )7 6? }

66 vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ 6>

clCff^wmtnh^tote ; jmdmtoaVeoj(clC jmdmtoaVeoj (clCff^wmtnh^tote^wmtnhPml)7

6:   jeaoy jeaoy(?)7 (?)7 65   jmrentmcl^wmt jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote nh^tote ; jmdmtoaVeoj(jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml)7 jmdmtoaVeoj (jmrentmcl^wmtnhPml)7 69   kctcr^peej ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(pctPml)/:7 (pctPml)/:7



Prcbent ?0 Rcetrcpe

Nheng mi cl/cii selscr hos

Mi there ms o jmff erelne erelne fetweel the nurrelt swmtnh stote olj the


prevmcus, olj the swmtnh ms nurreltay HMDH HMDH,, set the kctcrPcwer kctcrPcwer   vormofae tc ?. Mi mt ms ACT ACT,, set the vormofae tc 0. Veoj the voaues ci the jmrentmcl swmtnh olj pcteltmcketer. ^tcre the voaues ml themr respentmve vormofaes.

Nheng tc see mi the jmrentmcl

Nheng tc see mi the jmrentmcl swmtnh ms nurreltay ml o jmff erelt erelt

hos nholdej

pcsmtmcl thol mt wos prevmcusay.Mi mt ms jm ff erelt, erelt, nholde the kctcr jmrentmcl vormofae. Zhere ore clay 6 woys icr the kctcr tc spml, sc ycu”aa wolt tc oaterlote the vormofae fetweel twc stotes. Cle woy tc onnckpamsh thms ms fy   usmld the mlversmcl cperotcr amge sc2 kctcrJmrentmcl ;!kctcrJmrentmcl. ;!kctcrJmrentmcl.

Nholde the pmls tc turl

Zhe kctcrJmrentmcl vormofae jeterkmles whmnh jmrentmcl the

the kctcr ml the prcper

kctcr ms turlmld. Zc set the jmrentmcl, ycu set the ncltrca pmls


setmld cle HMDH HMDH   olj the cther ACT ACT.. Thel kctcrJmrentmcl nholdes, reverse the stotes ci the ncltrca pmls. Mi the jmrentmcl swmtnh dets pressej, ycu”aa wolt tc spml the kctcr ml the cther jmrentmcl fy reversmld the stote ci the ncltrcaPmls.. ncltrcaPmls

PTK the kctcr mi mt ms

Mi the kctcrElofaej vormofae ms ?, set the speej ci the kctcr usmld


oloacdTrmte() tc oloacdTrmte()  tc PTK the elofae pml. Mi kctcrElofaej kctcrElofaej ms  ms 0, thel turl the kctcr cff  fy   fy setmld the oloacdTrmte oloacdTrmte voaue  voaue tc 0.

^ove the nurrelt stotes icr

Feicre exmtmld the accp() accp(),, sove the nurrelt stote ci the swmtnhes

the lext accp()

os the prevmcus stote icr the lext rul thrcudh the prcdrok.



mi(clC (clCff^wmtnh^tote !; prevmcusClCff^wmtnh^tote){ 64   mi 68  

mi(clC mi (clCff^wmtnh^tote ;; HMDH HMDH){ ){


kctcrElofaej ; !kctcrElofaej7

>0   >?


} }

mi (jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote mi  (jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote !; prevmcusJmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote) prevmcusJmrentm cl^wmtnh^tote) {


mi (jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote mi  (jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote ;; HMDH HMDH) ) {


kctcrJmrentmcl kctcrJmrentmc l ; !kctcrJmrentm !kctcrJmrentmcl7 cl7



>9   }

>4   mi mi (kctcrJmrentmcl  (kctcrJmrentmcl ;; ?) { >8  

jmdmtoaTrmte(ncltrcaPml?, jmdmtoaTrmte (ncltrcaPml?, HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(ncltrcaPml6, jmdmtoaTrmte (ncltrcaPml6, ACT ACT)7 )7

:0   }

:?   ease ease {  { :6  

jmdmtoaTrmte(ncltrcaPml?, jmdmtoaTrmte (ncltrcaPml?, ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(ncltrcaPml6, jmdmtoaTrmte (ncltrcaPml6, HMDH HMDH)7 )7

::   }


mi (kctcrElofaej mi  (kctcrElofaej ;; ?) {


oloacdTrmte(elofaePml, oloacdTrmte (elofaePml, kctcr^peej)7

:4   } :8   ease ease {  { :=  

oloacdTrmte(elofaePml, oloacdTrmte (elofaePml, 0)7

50   }

5?   prevmcusJmren prevmcusJmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote tmcl^wmtnh^tote ; jmrentmcl^wmtnh^tote7 56   prevmcusClCff^wmtnh^tote ; clCff^wmtnh^tote7 5> }



  H   N   Z   M   T   ^


  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   A   M   G     0   ?

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C  

  V   E   Z   E   K   C   M   Z   L   E

  L   E   E   V   N   ^  

  0   6   6

  Z   C   P

  J   N   A



Zhe nmrnumt ms lct cveray nckpaex, fut there ore o act ci wmres. Poy otteltmcl whel wmrmld everythmld up tc koge sure mt”s ncrrent.

Ncllent pcwer olj drculj tc cle smje ci ycur freojfcorj.

Paone the tmat swmtnh cl the freojfcorj olj otonh cle aeoj tc 5Y. Otonh the cther smje tc drculj thrcudh o ?0-gmachk resmstcr, olj tc ycur Orjumlc”s pml 9. ]cu”re wmrmld thms os o jmdmtoa mlput, bust os ycu”ve jcle ml severoa cther prcbents.

Zhe redmster seaent (V^ (V^)) pml ncltrcas where the nhoronters wmaa oppeor cl snreel. Zhe reoj/wrmte pml (V/T ( V/T)) puts the snreel ml reoj cr wrmte kcje. ]cu”aa fe usmld the wrmte kcje ml thms prcbent. Zhe elofae (EL (EL)) teaas the ANJ thot mt wmaa fe renemvmld o nckkolj. Zhe joto pmls (J0-J4 ( J0-J4)) ore usej tc selj nhoronter joto tc the snreel. ]cu”aa clay fe usmld : ci these (J:-J4 ( J:-J4). ). Imloaay, there”s o ncllentmcl icr ojbustmld the ncltrost ci the jmspaoy. ]cu”aa use o pcteltmcketer tc ncltrca thms.

Zhe AmqumjNrystoa amfrory thot nckes wmth the Orjumlc sciwore holjaes oaa the wrmtmld tc these pmls, olj smkpam﬏es the prcness ci wrmtmld sciwore tc jmspaoy nhoronters. Zhe twc cutsmje pmls ci the ANJ (Ys ( Yss s  olj AEJ-) leej tc fe ncllentej tc drculj. Oasc, ncllent the V/T pml tc drculj. Zhms paones the snreel ml wrmte kcje. Zhe ANJ pcwer suppay (Ynn ( Ynn)) shcuaj ncllent jmrentay tc 5Y. Zhe AEJ+ pml cl the snreel ncllents tc pcwer thrcudh o 660-chk resmstcr.

Ncllent2 Orjumlc Jmdmtoa pml 6 tc ANJ J4 J4,, Orjumlc Jmdmtoa pml > tc ANJ J9 J9,, Orjumlc Jmdmtoa pml : tc ANJ J5 J5,, Orjumlc Jmdmtoa pml J:.. Zhese ore the joto pmls thot teaa the snreel whot 5 tc ANJ J: nhoronter tc jmspaoy.

❷ Ncllent EL EL cl  cl the snreel tc pml ?? cl ycur Orjumlc. V^ V^ cl  cl the ANJ ncllents tc pml ?6. Zhms pml elofaes wrmtmld tc the ANJ.

❱ Paone the pcteltmcketer cl the freojfcorj, ncllentmld cle elj pml tc pcwer olj the cther tc drculj. Zhe nelter pml shcuaj ncllent tc Y󰀰 cl the ANJ. Zhms wmaa oaacw ycu tc nholde the ncltrost ci the snreel.



Prcbent ?? Nrystoa Foaa

^et up the AmqumjNrystoa

Imrst, ycu”aa leej tc mkpcrt the AmqumjNrystoa AmqumjNrystoa amfrory.  amfrory.


Lext, ycu”aa mlmtmoamze the amfrory, sckewhot smkmaor tc the woy ycu jmj wmth the ^ervc amfrory, teaamld mt whot pmls mt wmaa fe usmld tc nckkulmnote. Lcw thot ycu”ve set up the amfrory, mt”s tmke tc nreote scke vormofaes olj nclstolts. Nreote o nclstolt tc hcaj the pml ci the swmtnh pml, o vormofae icr the nurrelt stote ci the swmtnh, o vormofae icr the prevmcus stote ci the swmtnh, olj cle kcre tc nhccse whmnh repay the snreel wmaa shcw.

Prmlt ycur imrst amle

^et up the swmtnh pml os ol mlput wmth pmlKcje() pmlKcje()   ml ycur setup().. ^tort the ANJ amfrory, olj teaa mt hcw aorde the snreel ms. setup()

Kcve the nurscr

Lcw mt”s tmke tc wrmte o skoaa mltrcjuntcry snreel weanckmld ycu tc the 8-foaa. Zhe prmlt() prmlt() iulntmcl  iulntmcl wrmtes tc the ANJ snreel. ]cu”re dcmld tc wrmte the wcrjs ‑Osg the‛ cl the tcp amle ci the snreel. Zhe nurscr ms outckotmnoaay ot the fedmllmld ci the tcp amle. Ml crjer tc wrmte tc the lext amle, ycu”aa hove tc teaa the snreel where tc kcve the nurscr. Zhe nccrjmlotes ci the ﬏rst ncaukl cl the senclj amle ore 0,? (renoaa thot nckputers ore zerc mljexej. 0,0 ms the ﬏rst ncaukl ci the ﬏rst rcw). Use the iulntmcl anj. setNurscr() tc setNurscr()  tc kcve the nurscr tc the prcper paone, olj teaa mt tc wrmte ‑Nrystoa foaa!‛. Lcw, whel ycu stort the prcdrok, mt wmaa soy ‑Osg the Nrystoa foaa!‛ cl ycur snreel. Ml the accp() accp(),, ycu”re dcmld tc nheng the swmtnh ﬏rst, olj put the voaue ml the swmtnh^tote vormofae.

Nhccse o roljck olwser

Use ol mi() mi() stotekelt  stotekelt tc jeterkmle mi the swmtnh ms ml o jm ff erelt erelt pcsmtmcl thol mt wos prevmcusay. Mi mt ms jmff erelt erelt thol mt wos feicre, olj mt ms nurreltay ACT, thel mt”s tmke tc nhccse o roljck repay. roljck()   iulntmcl returls o lukfer fosej cl the Zhe roljck() ordukelt ycu prcvmje mt. Zc stort, ycu”aa hove o tctoa lukfer ci 8 jmff erelt erelt respclses icr the foaa. Thelever the stotekelt roljck(8) ms noaaej, mt wmaa dmve o lukfer fetweel 0-4. ^tcre thot roljck(8) lukfer ml ycur repay vormofae.



1AmqumjNrystoa.h< .h< ? #mlnauje 1AmqumjNrystoa 6 AmqumjNrystoa AmqumjNrystoa anj(?6,  anj(?6, ??, 5, :, >, 6)7

> nclst nclst   mlt mlt swmtnhPml  swmtnhPml ; 97 : mlt mlt swmtnh^tote  swmtnh^tote ; 07 5 mlt mlt prev^wmtnh^tote  prev^wmtnh^tote ; 07 9 mlt mlt repay7  repay7

4 vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () {

ANJ amfrory reierelne



anj.fedml anj. fedml(?9, (?9, 6)7

=   pmlKcje pmlKcje(swmtnhPml, (swmtnhPml,MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7

?0   anj.prmlt anj.prmlt( (‑Osg the‛)7 the‛)7

??   anj.setNurscr anj.setNurscr(0, (0, ?)7 ?6   anj.prmlt anj.prmlt( (‑Nrystoa Foaa!‛)7 Foaa!‛)7 ?> }

?: vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { ?5   swmtnh^tote ; jmdmtoaVeoj jmdmtoaVeoj(swmtnhPml)7 (swmtnhPml)7


?9 ?4   ?8

mi (swmtnh^tote mi  (swmtnh^tote !; prev^wmtnh^tote) { mi (swmtnh^tote mi  (swmtnh^tote ;; ACT ACT) ) { repay ; roljck roljck(8)7 (8)7

Voljck reierelne




Prcbent ?? Nrystoa Foaa

Naeor the snreel wmth the iulntmcl anj.naeor() anj.naeor().. Zhms oasc kcves the nurscr fong tc acnotmcl 0,07 the ﬏rst ncaukl ml the ﬏rst rcw ci the ANJ. Prmlt cut the amle ‑ Zhe foaa soys2‛ olj kcve the nurscr icr the cutput. Prejmnt the iuture

Zhe swmtnh() swmtnh()   stotekelt exenutes jmff erelt erelt pmenes ci ncje jepeljmld cl the voaue ycu dmve mt. Eonh ci these jmff erelt erelt pmenes nose.. swmtnh() swmtnh()   nhengs the voaue ci the ci ncje ms noaaej o nose vormofae repay7 whotever voaue repay hcajs wmaa jeterkmle whot lokej nose stotekelt ms exenutej. Mlsmje the nose stotekelts, the ncje wmaa fe the soke, fut the kessodes wmaa fe jmff erelt. erelt. Icr exokpae, ml nose 0 the ncje soys anj.prmlt anj.prmlt   (‑]es‛) (‑]es‛).. Oier the anj.prmlt() anj.prmlt() iulntmcl,  iulntmcl, there”s olcther nckkolj2 freog freog.. Mt teaas the Orjumlc where the elj ci the nose ms. Thel mt hmts freog freog,, mt sgmps tc the elj ci the swmtnh stotekelt. ]cu”aa fe nreotmld o tctoa ci 8 nose stotekelts tc stort cut. Icur ci the respclses wmaa fe pcsmtmve, 6 wmaa fe ledotmve, olj the ﬏loa 6 wmaa osg ycu tc try odoml.

accp()   ms tc ossmdl swmtnh^tote”s Zhe aost thmld tc jc ml ycur accp() voaue tc the vormofae prev^wmtnh^tote prev^wmtnh^tote.. Zhms elofaes ycu tc trong nholdes ml the swmtnh the lext tmke the accp ruls.




anj.naeor()7 anj.naeor ()7

60   6?  

anj.setNurscr anj. setNurscr(0, (0, 0)7 anj.prmlt(‑Zhe foaa soys2‛)7 anj.prmlt


anj.setNurscr(0, anj.setNurscr (0, ?)7


swmtnh(repay){ swmtnh (repay){


nose 02 nose  02


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑]es‛ ‑]es‛)7 )7


freog7 freog 7


nose ?2 nose  ?2


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Kcst amgeay‛)7 amgeay‛)7


freog7 freog 7


nose 62 nose  62


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Nertomlay‛ ‑Nertomlay‛)7 )7


freog7 freog 7


nose >2 nose  >2


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Cutaccg dccj‛)7 dccj‛)7


freog7 freog 7


nose :2 nose  :2


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Ulsure‛ ‑Ulsure‛)7 )7


freog7 freog 7


nose 52 nose  52


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Osg odoml‛)7 odoml‛)7


freog7 freog 7


nose 92 nose  92


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Jcuftiua‛ ‑Jcuftiua‛)7 )7


freog7 freog 7


nose 42 nose  42


anj.prmlt( anj.prmlt (‑Lc‛ ‑Lc‛)7 )7


freog7 freog 7





50   }   5? 56 }

prev^wmtnh^tote prev^wmtnh^to te ; swmtnh^tote7

^wmtnh Nose reierelne





Jmsncver2 mlput wmth o pmezc, wrmtmld ycur cwl iulntmcls

Zmke2 ? HCUV

Fumajs cl prcbents2 ?, 6, >, :, 5


Zhe pmezc ycu usej icr paoymld fong sculjs ml the therekml olj geyfcorj prc bents nol oasc oas c fe usej os ol mlput mlp ut jevmne. jevm ne. Thel Th el pauddej pau ddej mltc ml tc 5Y, the selscr s elscr nol n ol jetent vmfrotmcls thot nol fe reoj fy the Orjumlc”s oloacd mlputs. ]cu”aa ]cu”aa leej tc paud ml o hmdh voaue resmstcr (amge ?-kedchk) os the reierelne tc drculj icr thms tc wcrg weaa.

Thel the pmezc ms pressej stot odomlst o scamj surione thot nol vmfrote, amge o wccjel tofae tcp, ycur Orjumlc nol selse hcw mltelse o glcng ms. Usmld thms mlicrkotmcl ycu nol nheng tc see mi o lukfer ci glcngs ioaa ml ol onneptofae rolde. Ml ncje ycu nol trong the lukfer ci glcngs olj see mi they kotnh ycur se tmlds. O swmtnh wmaa aet ycu acng the kctcr ml paone. ^cke AEJs wmaa dmve ycu stotus2 o rej AEJ wmaa mljmnote the fcx ms acngej, o dreel AEJ wmaa mljmnote the fcx ms ulacngej, olj o yeaacw AEJ aets ycu glcw mi o voamj glcng hos feel renemvej. ]cu”aa oasc fe wrmtmld ycur cwl iulntmcl thot wmaa aet ycu glcw mi o glcng ms tcc acuj cr tcc sci. Trmtmld ycur cwl iulntmcl heaps sove tmke prcdrokkmld fy reusmld ncje mlsteoj ci wrmtmld mt cut koly tmkes. Iulntmcls nol toge ordukelts olj returl voaues. Ml thms nose, ycu”aa dmve o iulntmcl the vcauke ci the glcng. Mi mt ms ml the rmdht rolde, ycu”aa mlnrekelt o vormofae. Mt”s pcssmfae tc fumaj the nmrnumt fy mtseai, fut mt”s kunh kcre iul mi ycu use thms os o tcca tc acng sckethmld. Mi ycu hove o wccjel cr o norjfcorj fcx ycu nol nut hcaes mltc, use the servc kctcr tc cpel olj nacse o aotnh, geepmld pecpae irck detmld ot ycur stuff .



Prcbent ?6 Glcng Acng


^ervc amfrory

 Bust os ml the eoramer  Bust eoramer Kccj Nue Prcbent, ycu”aaaa leej tc mkpcrt mkpcrt the ^ervc amfrory olj nreote ol mlstolne tc use the kctcr. ^ervc amfrory

Useiua nclstolts

Nreote nclstolts tc loke ycur mlputs olj cutputs.

Yormofaes tc hcaj swmtnh olj

Nreote vormofaes tc hcaj the voaues irck ycur swmtnh olj pmezc.

pmezc voaues Glcng treshcajs

^et up scke nclstolts tc use os threshcajs icr the glcng koxmkuk olj kmlmkuk aeveas.

Yormofaes icr acng stote olj

Zhe acngej vormofae wmaa aet ycu glcw mi the acng ms eldoldej cr

lukfer ci glcngs

lct. O fccaeol fccaeol ms  ms o joto type thot nol clay fe true (?) cr ioase (0). ]cu shcuaj stort wmth the kenholmsk ulacngej. Zhe aost dacfoa vormofae wmaa hcaj the lukfer ci voamj glcngs ycu hove renemvej.

^ettmld the jmrentmcl ci the

Ml ycur setup() setup(),, otonh the servc tc pml =.

jmdmtoa pmls olj mlmtmoamzmld

^et the AEJ pmls os cutputs olj the swmtnh pmls os mlputs.

servc cfbent olj sermoa pcrt


Mlmtmoamze sermoa nckkulmnotmcl wmth the nckputer sc ycu nol kclmtcr the glcng vcauke, whot the nurrelt stote ci the acng ms, olj hcw koly kcre glcngs ycu hove tc dc. Zurl cl the dreel AEJ, kcve the servc tc the ulacngej pcsmtmcl, olj prmlt the nurrelt stotus tc the sermoa kclmtcr mljmnotmld the nmrnumt ms ml the ulacngej pcsmtmcl.

Nhengmld the swmtnh

Ml the accp() accp(),, ycu”aa ﬏rst nheng tc see mi the fcx ms acngej cr lct. Zhms wmaa jeterkmle whot hoppels ml the rest ci the prcdrok. Mi mt ms acngej, reoj the swmtnh voaue.



? #mlnauje 1^ervc 1^ervc.h< .h< 6 ^ervc ^ervc ky^ervc7  ky^ervc7 > nclst nclst   mlt mlt pmezc  pmezc ; O07 : nclst nclst   mlt mlt swmtnhPml  swmtnhPml ; 67 5 nclst nclst   mlt mlt yeaacwAej  yeaacwAej ; >7 9 nclst nclst   mlt mlt dreelAej  dreelAej ; :7 4 nclst nclst   mlt mlt rejAej  rejAej ; 57

8 mlt mlt glcngYoa7  glcngYoa7 = mlt mlt swmtnhYoa7  swmtnhYoa7

?0 nclst nclst   mlt mlt qumetGlcng  qumetGlcng ; ?07 ?? nclst nclst   mlt mlt acujGlcng  acujGlcng ; ?007

?6 fccaeol fccaeol acngej  acngej ; ioase ioase7 7 ?> mlt mlt lukferCiGlcngs  lukferCiGlcngs ; 07

?: vcmj vcmj   setup setup(){ (){ ?5

ky^ervc.o ky^ervc. otonh onh(=)7 (=)7

?9   pmlKcje pmlKcje(yeaacwAej, (yeaacwAej, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?4   pmlKcje pmlKcje(rejAej, (rejAej, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?8   pmlKcje pmlKcje(dreelAej, (dreelAej, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 ?=   pmlKcje pmlKcje(swmtnhPml, (swmtnhPml, MLPUZ MLPUZ)7 )7 60   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7

6?   jmdmtoaTrmte jmdmtoaTrmte(dreelAej, (dreelAej, HMDH HMDH)7 )7 66   ky^ervc.wrmte ky^ervc.wrmte(0)7 (0)7 6>

^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal( (‑Zhe fcx ms ulacngej!‛)7 ulacngej!‛)7

6: }

65 vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ 69   mi mi(acngej (acngej ;; ioase ioase){ ){ 64

swmtnhYoa ; jmdmtoaVeoj jmdmtoaVeoj(swmtnhPml)7 (swmtnhPml)7



Prcbent ?6 Glcng Acng

Acng Mi the swmtnh ms nacsej (ycu”re pressmld mt), nholde the acngej vormofae tc true, mljmnotmld the acng ms eldodej. Zurl the dreel AEJ cff , olj the rej AEJ cl. Mi ycu jcl”t hove the sermoa kclmtcr cl, thms ms heapiua vmsuoa ieejfong tc aet ycu glcw the stotus ci the acng. Kcve the servc mltc the acng pcsmtmcl, olj prmlt cut o kessode tc the sermoa kclmtcr mljmnotmld the fcx ms lcw acngej. Ojj o jeaoy sc the acng hos paelty ci tmke tc kcve mltc paone.

Nhengmld the glcng selscr

Mi the acngej vormofae ms true, olj the acng ms eldodej, reoj the voaue ci the vmfrotmcl ci the pmezc olj stcre mt ml glcngYoa glcngYoa..

Ncultmld clay voamj glcngs

Zhe lext stotekelt nhengs tc see mi ycu hove iewer thol three voamj glcngs, olj there ms scke vmfrotmcl cl the selscr. Mi these ore fcth true, nheng tc see mi thms nurrelt glcng ms voamj cr lct olj mlnrekelt the lukferCiGlcngs lukferCiGlcngs vormofae.  vormofae. Zhms ms where ycu”aa noaa ycur nustck iulntmcl nhengIcrGlcngs() nhengIcrGlcngs().. ]cu”aa wrmte the iulntmcl clne ycu”re ﬏lmshej wmth the accp() accp(),, fut ycu oareojy glcw ycu”re dcmld tc fe osgmld mt mi thms ms o voamj glcng, sc poss the glcngYoa oacld os ol ordukelt. Oier nhengmld ycur iulntmcl, prmlt cut the lukfer ci glcng stmaa leejej.


Nheng tc see mi ycu hove three cr kcre voamj glcngs. Mi thms ms true, nholde the acngej vormofae tc ioase, olj kcve the servc tc the ulacngej pcsmtmcl. Tomt icr o iew kmaamsencljs tc aet mt stort kcvmld, olj nholde the stotus ci the dreel olj rej AEJs. Prmlt cut o stotus kessode tc the sermoa kclmtcr, mljmnotmld the fcx ms ulacngej.

Nacse up the ease ease   stotekelt olj the accp() accp()   wmth o pomr ci nuray frongets. Jeimlmld o iulntmcl tc nheng

nhengIcrGlcng().. Thel Lcw mt”s tmke tc wrmte the iulntmcl nhengIcrGlcng()

glcng voamjmty

ycu”re wrmtmld iulntmcls ci ycur cwl, ycu leej tc mljmnote mi mt ms dcmld tc returl o voaue cr lct. Mi mt ms lct dcmld tc returl o voaue, ycu jenaore mt os type vcmj vcmj,, smkmaor tc the accp() accp() olj  olj setup() setup() iulntmcls.  iulntmcls. Mi mt ms dcmld tc returl o voaue, ycu kust jenaore whot gmlj (mlt ( mlt,, acld acld,, stcot,, etn.). Ml thms nose stcot nose,, ycu”re nhengmld tc see mi o glcng ms voamj

(true)) cr lct (ioase). Jenaore the iulntmcl os type fccaeol. (true




mi(swmtnhYoa mi (swmtnhYoa ;; HMDH HMDH){ ){

6= >0

acngej ; true true7 7 jmdmtoaTrmte(dreelAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (dreelAej,ACT ACT)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(rejAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (rejAej,HMDH HMDH)7 )7


ky^ervc.wrmte ky^ervc. wrmte(=0)7 (=0)7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal( (‑Zhe fcx ms acngej!‛)7 acngej!‛)7


jeaoy (?000)7 jeaoy  (?000)7



>9   }

>4   mi mi(acngej (acngej ;; true){ >8  

glcngYoa ; oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(pmezc)7 (pmezc)7


mi(lukferCiGlcng mi (lukferCiGlcngs s 1 > && glcngYoa < 0){


mi(nhengIcrGlcng( mi (nhengIcrGlcng(glcngYoa) glcngYoa) ;; true true){ ){






^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt(>-lukferCiGlcngs)7 (>-lukferCiGlcngs)7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal( (‑ kcre glcngs tc dc‛)7 dc‛)7




mi(lukferCiGlcng mi (lukferCiGlcngs s ){


acngej ; ioase ioase7 7


ky^ervc.wrmte ky^ervc. wrmte(0)7 (0)7


jeaoy(60)7 jeaoy (60)7


jmdmtoaTrmte(dreelAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (dreelAej,HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jmdmtoaTrmte(rejAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (rejAej,ACT ACT)7 )7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal( (‑Zhe fcx ms ulacngej!‛)7 ulacngej!‛)7



5:   } 55 }

59 fccaeol fccaeol nhengIcrGlcng(  nhengIcrGlcng(mlt mlt voaue){  voaue){



Prcbent ?6 Glcng Acng

Zhms portmnuaor iulntmcl wmaa fe nhengmld o lukfer (ycur vormofae glcngYoa) tc see mi mt ms voamj cr lct. Zc poss thms vormofae oacld glcngYoa) tc the iulntmcl, ycu nreote o lokej poroketer whel ycu jenaore the iulntmcl. Nheng voamjmty ci glcng

Ml ycur iulntmcl, whelever ycu reier tc voaue voaue mt  mt wmaa use whotever lukfer mt renemves os ol ordukelt ml the koml prcdrok. Ot thms voaue wmaa glcngYoa ms. pcmlt voaue  wmaa fe set tc whotever glcngYoa  ms. Nheng tc see mi voaue voaue ms  ms dreoter thol ycur qumet glcng, olj aess thol ycur acuj glcng.

Mljmnotmld glcng ms voamj

Mi the voaue ioaas fetweel thcse twc voaues mt”s o voamj glcng. Famlg the yeaacw AEJ clne olj prmlt the voaue ci the glcng tc the sermoa kclmtcr.

Iulntmcl returls true

Zc aet the koml prcdrok glcw whot the cutncke ci the nckpormscl ms, ycu use the nckkolj returl returl.. ]cu use the returl nckkolj, returl  nckkolj, whmnh oasc terkmlotes the iulntmcl2 clne mt exenutes, ycu returl tc the koml prcdrok.

Mljmnotmld mlvoamj glcng7

Mi voaue voaue ms  ms emther tcc qumet cr tcc acuj, prmlt mt cut tc the sermoa

iulntmcl returls ioase

kclmtcr olj returl ioase.

Nacse up ycur iulntmcl wmth cle kcre fronget .


Thel ycu imrst paud ml the nmrnumt tc ycur Orjumlc, cpel the sermoa kclmtcr. ]cu shcuaj see the dreel AEJ turl cl, olj the servc wmaa kcve tc the ulacngej pcsmtmcl. Zhe sermoa kclmtcr shcuaj prmlt cut ‑Zhe fcx ms ulacngej!‛. ]cu”aa prcfofay heor the pmezc koge o skoaa ‑namng‛ whel mt imrst dets pcwer. Zry glcngmld scit olj horj tc see whot scrt ci mltelsmty glcng

trmdders ycur iulntmcl. ]cu”aa glcw mt”s wcrgmld whel the yea-



54   mi mi(voaue (voaue < qumetGlcng && voaue 1 acujGlcng){


jmdmtoaTrmte(yeaacwAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (yeaacwAej, HMDH HMDH)7 )7


jeaoy(50)7 jeaoy (50)7


jmdmtoaTrmte(yeaacwAej, jmdmtoaTrmte (yeaacwAej, ACT ACT)7 )7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt( (‑Yoamj glcng ci voaue ‑)7 ‑ )7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal(voaue)7 (voaue)7


returl true7 true7

9:   }

95   ease ease {  { 99

^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmlt prmlt( (‑Foj glcng voaue ‑)7 ‑)7


^ermoa. ^ermoa .prmltal prmltal(voaue)7 (voaue)7


returl ioase7 ioase7

9=   } 40 }

acw AEJ iaoshes olj the sermoa kclmtcr teaas ycu ycu hove o voamj glcng wmth mts voaue. Mt M t wmaa oasc aet ycu glcw glc w the lukfer ci glcngs ycu hove tc dc feicre ulacngmld the fcx. Clne ycu”ve reonhej the rmdht lukfer ci glcngs, the rej amdht wmaa turl cii, the dreel amdht wmaa turl cl, the servc wmaa kcve =0 jedrees, olj the sermoa kclmtcr wmaa aet ycu glcw the acng ms jmseldodej.



    J   E   A

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6   6

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C   D   E   K     ?

  A   M   C   I     A   O   Z   E   K




Prcbent ?> Zcunhy-ieeay Aokp


Mkpcrt the Noponmtmve^elscr

Ot the fedmllmld ci ycur prcdrok, mlnauje the Noponmtmve^elscr


amfrory. ]cu mlnauje mt the soke woy ycu wcuaj o lotmve Orjumlc amfrory amge the ^ervc ^ervc amfrory  amfrory ml the eoramer prcbents. Nreote o lokej mlstolne ci the amfrory. Thel ycu use thms amfrory, ycu teaa the mlstolne whot pmls mt wmaa fe usmld tc selj olj renemve mlicrkotmcl. Ml thms nose, pml : seljs tc the ncljuntmve selscr kotermoa thrcudh the resmstcr, olj pml 6 ms the selse pml.

^et up the threshcaj

^et up o vormofae icr the selsmld threshcaj ot whmnh the aokp wmaa turl cl. ]cu”aa nholde thms lukfer oier ycu test the selscr”s iulntmcloamty. Zhel je﬏le the pml ycur AEJ wmaa fe cl.

Ml the setup() setup() iulntmcl,  iulntmcl, cpel o ^ermoa ncllentmcl ot =900 fps. ]cu”aa use thms tc see the voaues the selscr reojs. Oasc, koge ycur aejPml ol CUZPUZ CUZPUZ..

^elsmld tcunh

Ml the accp() accp() iulntmcl,  iulntmcl, nreote o vormofae ci type acld tc hcaj the selscr”s voaue. Zhe amfrory returls the selscr voaue usmld o nckkolj noaaej Noponmtmve^elscr() Noponmtmve^elscr()   thot toges ol ordukelt mjeltmiymld the lukfer ci sokpaes ycu wolt tc reoj. Mi ycu reoj clay o iew sokpaes, mt”s pcssmfae ycu”aa see o act ci vormotmcl ml the selscr. Mi ycu toge tcc koly sokpaes, ycu ncuaj mltrcjune o aod os mt reojs the selscr kuatmpae tmkes. >0 sokpaes ms o dccj stortmld voaue. Prmlt the selscr voaue tc the sermoa kclmtcr.

Aokp ncltrca

Tmth ol mi()...ease mi()...ease   stotekelt, nheng tc see mi the selscr voaue ms hmdher thol the threshcaj. Mi mt ms, turl the AEJ cl. Mi mt ms lct, turl mt cff .

jeaoy() feicre accp().. Zhel ojj o skoaa jeaoy()  feicre eljmld the accp()



? #mlnauje 1Noponmtmve^elscr 1Noponmtmve^elscr.h< .h< 6 Noponmtmve^elscr Noponmtmve^elscr nop^elscr  nop^elscr ; Noponmtmve^elscr Noponmtmve^elscr(:,6)7 (:,6)7

> mlt mlt threshcaj  threshcaj ; ?0007 : nclst nclst   mlt mlt aejPml  aejPml ; ?67

5 vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () { 9   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7 4   pmlKcje pmlKcje(aejPml, (aejPml, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7 8 }

= vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { ?0   acld acld selscrYoaue  selscrYoaue ; nop^elscr.noponmtmve^elscr(>0)7 ??   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .prmltal prmltal(selscrYoaue)7 (selscrYoaue)7

?6   mi mi(selscrYoaue (selscrYoaue < threshcaj) { ?>  

jmdmtoaTrmte(aejPml, jmdmtoaTrmte (aejPml, HMDH HMDH)7 )7

?:   } ?5   ease ease {  { ?9  

jmdmtoaTrmte(aejPml, jmdmtoaTrmte (aejPml, ACT ACT)7 )7

?4   }   ?8 ?= }

jeaoy(?0)7 jeaoy (?0)7



  V   E   Z   E   K   C   M   Z   L   E   Z   C   P





Jmsncver2 sermoa nckkulmnotmcl wmth o nckputer prcdrok, Prcnessmld

Zmke2 :5 KMLUZE^

Fumajs cl prcbents2 ?, 6, >


]cu”ve jcle o act ci ncca stu ff  wmth   wmth the physmnoa wcraj, lcw mt”s tmke tc ncltrca ycur nckputer wmth ycur Orjumlc. Thel ycu prcdrok ycur Orjumlc, ycu”re cpelmld o ncllentmcl fetweel the nckputer olj the kmnrcncltrcaaer. ]cu nol use thms ncllentmcl tc selj joto fong olj icrth tc cther oppamnotmcls.

Zhe Orjumlc hos o nhmp thot nclverts the nckputer”s U^F-fosej nckkulmnotmcl tc the sermoa nckkulmnotmcl the Orjumlc uses. ^ermoa nckkulmnotmcl keols thot the twc nckputers, ycur Orjumlc olj PN, ore exnholdmld fmts ci mlicrkotmcl sermoaay, cr cle o ier olcther ml tmke. Thel nckkulmnotmld sermoaay, nckputers leej tc odree cl the speej ot whmnh they toag tc cle olcther. ]cu”ve prcfofay lctmnej whel usmld the sermoa kclmtcr there”s o lukfer ot the fctck rmdht ncrler ci the wmljcw. Zhot lukfer, =900 fmts per senclj, cr fouj, ms the soke os the th e voaue ycu”ve jenaorej usmld ^ermoa. fedml().. Zhot”s the speej ot whmnh the Orjumlc olj nckputer exnholde joto. fedml() O fmt ms the skoaaest okcult ci mlicrkotmcl o nckputer nol uljerstolj. ]cu”ve usej the sermoa kclmtcr tc accg ot voaues irck the oloacd mlputs7 ycu”aa use o smkmaor kethcj tc det voaues mltc o prcdrok ycu”re dcmld tc wrmte ml o prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelt noaaej Prcnessmld. Prcnessmld ms fosej cl Bovo, olj Orjumlc”s prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelt ms fosej cl Prcnessmld”s. Zhey accg pre ty smkmaor, sc ycu shcuaj ieea rmdht ot hcke there. Feicre detmld stortej wmth the prcbent, jcwlacoj the aotest versmcl ci Prcnessmld irck prcnessmld.crd prcnessmld.crd.. Mt koy fe heapiua tc accg ot the ‑Detmld stortej‛ olj ‑Cvervmew‛ tutcrmoas ot prcnessmld.crd/aeorlmld prcnessmld.crd/aeorlmld.. Zhese wmaa heap ycu tc iokmamormze ycurseai wmth Prcnessmld feicre ycu stort wrmtmld sc iwore tc nckkulmnote wmth

ycur Orjumlc.



Prcbent ?: Zweog the Orjumlc Acdc

Zhe kcst e﬎nmelt woy tc selj joto fetweel the Orjumlc olj Prcnessmld ms fy usmld the ^ermoa.wrmte() ^ermoa.wrmte()   iulntmcl ml Orjumlc. Mt”s smkmaor tc the ^ermoa. prmlt() iulntmcl prmlt()  iulntmcl ycu”ve feel usmld ml thot mt seljs mlicrkotmcl tc ol o tonhej nckputer, fut mlsteoj ci seljmld hukol reojofae mlicrkotmcl amge lukfers olj aeters, mt seljs voaues fetweel 0-655 os row fytes. Zhms amkmts the voaues thot the Orjumlc nol selj, fut oaacws icr qumng trolskmssmcl ci mlicrkotmcl. Cl fcth ycur nckputer olj Orjumlc, there”s sckethmld noaaej the sermoa fu ff er er whmnh hcajs cltc mlicrkotmcl ultma mt ms reoj fy o prcdrok. ]cu”aa ]cu”aa fe seljmld fytes irck the Orjumlc tc Prcnessmld”s sermoa fuff er. er. Prcnessmld wmaa thel reoj the fytes cut ci the fuff er. er. Os the prcdrok reojs mlicrkotmcl irck the fuff er, er, mt naeors spone icr kcre. Thel usmld sermoa nckkulmnotmcl fetweel jevmnes olj prcdroks, mt”s mkpcrtolt thot fcth smjes lct clay glcw hcw iost they wmaa fe nckkulmnotmld, fut oasc whot they shcuaj fe expentmld. Thel ycu keet sckecle, ycu prcfofay expent o ‑Heaac!‛7 mi mlsteoj they soy sckethmld amge ‑Zhe not ms iuzzy‛, nholnes ore ycu wmaa fe ff 


noudht c  duorj. Tmth sc wore, ycu wmaa leej tc det fcth smjes tc odree cl whot ms selt olj renemvej.

Imd. ?



Prcbent ?: Zweog the Orjumlc Acdc


Cpel o sermoa ncllentmcl

Imrst, prcdrok ycur Orjumlc. Ml setup() setup(),, ycu”aa stort sermoa nckkulmnotmcl, bust os ycu jmj eoramer whel accgmld ot the voaues nckkulmnotmcl, irck ol otonhej selscr. Zhe Prcnessmld prcdrok ycu wrmte wmaa hove the soke sermoa fouj rote os ycur Orjumlc.

^elj the selscr voaue

accp(),, ycu”re dcmld tc use the ^ermoa.wrmte() Ml the accp() nckkolj tc selj mlicrkotmcl cver the sermoa ncllentmcl. ^ermoa.wrmte() nol ^ermoa.wrmte()  nol clay selj o voaue fetweel 0 olj 655. Zc koge sure ycu”re seljmld voaues thot ﬏t wmthml thot rolde, jmvmje the oloacd reojmld fy :. i

Aet the OJN stofmamze

O er seljmld the fyte, womt icr cle kmaamsenclj tc aet the OJN setae jcwl. Upacoj the prcdrok tc the Orjumlc thel set mt osmje whmae ycu wrmte ycur Prcnessmld sgetnh.


Mkpcrt the set up the sermoa

Zhe Prcnessmld aolduode ms smkmaor tc Orjumlc, fut there ore


elcudh jmff erelnes erelnes thot ycu shcuaj accg ot scke ci themr tutcrmoas olj the ‑Detmld ^tortej‛ dumje keltmclej feicre tc iokmamormze ycurseai wmth the aolduode. Cpel o lew Prcnessmld sgetnh. Prcnessmld, ulamge the Orjumlc, jcesl”t glcw ofcut sermoa pcrts wmthcut mlnaujmld ol exterloa amfrory. Mkpcrt the sermoa amfrory. ]cu leej tc nreote ol mlstolne ci the sermoa cfbent, bust amge ycu”ve jcle ml Orjumlc wmth the ^ervc amfrory. ]cu”aa use thms ulmqueay lokej cfbent whelever ycu wolt tc use the sermoa ncllentmcl.

Nreote ol cfbent icr the

Zc use mkodes ml Prcnessmld, ycu leej tc nreote ol cfbent thot


wmaa hcaj the mkode olj dmve mt o loke.



? vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () { 6   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .fedml fedml(=900)7 (=900)7 > }

: vcmj vcmj   accp accp() () { 5   ^ermoa ^ermoa. .wrmte wrmte( (oloacdVeoj oloacdVeoj(O0)/:)7 (O0)/:)7

9   jeaoy jeaoy(?)7 (?)7 4 }

? mkpcrt mkpcrt prcnessmld.sermoa.*7 rmoa.*7 6 ^ermoa kyPcrt7

> PMkode PMkode acdc7  acdc7




Prcbent ?: Zweog the Orjumlc Acdc

Yormofae tc stcre the

Nreote o vormofae thot wmaa hcaj the fongdrculj hue ci the Orjumlc

fongdrculj ncacr

acdc. Zhe acdc ms o .pld ﬏ae, olj mt hos fumat-ml trolsporelny, trolsporelny, sc mt”s pcssmfae tc see the fongdrculj ncacr nholde. Prcnessmld hos o setup() setup()   iulntmcl, bust amge Orjumlc. Here”s where ycu”aa cpel the sermoa ncllentmcl olj dmve the prcdrok o ncupae ci poroketers thot wmaa fe usej whmae mt ruls.

^ettmld the ncacr kcje

]cu nol nholde the woy Prcnessmld wcrgs wmth ncacr mlicrkotmcl. Zypmnoaay, mt wcrgs wmth ncacrs ml o Vej Dreel Faue (VDF) ioshmcl. Zhms ms smkmaor tc the ncacr ncacr kmxmld ycu jmj ml Prcbent Prcbent :, whel ycu usej voaues fetweel 0 olj 655 tc nholde the ncacr ci ol VDF AEJ. Ml thms prcdrok, ycu”re dcmld tc use o ncacr kcje noaaej H^F, whmnh stoljs icr Hue, ^oturotmcl, olj Frmdhtless. ]cu”aa nholde the hue whel ycu turl the pcteltmcketer. ncacrKcje() toges ncacrKcje()  toges twc ordukelts2 the type ci kcje, olj the koxmkuk voaue mt nol expent.

Acojmld the mkode

Zc acoj the Orjumlc mkode mltc the sgetnh, reoj mt mltc the acdc cfbent ycu nreotej eoramer. Thel ycu suppay the UVA ci ol mkode, Prcnessmld wmaa jcwlacoj mt whel ycu rul the prcdrok. Tmth the smze() smze()   iulntmcl, ycu teaa Prcnessmld hcw aorde the jmspaoy wmljcw wmaa fe. Mi ycu use acdc.wmjth acdc.wmjth   olj acdc. hemdht os hemdht  os the ordukelts, the sgetnh wmaa outckotmnoaay snoae tc the smze ci the mkode ycu”re usmld.

Prmltmld ovomaofae sermoa

Prcnessmld hos the ofmamty tc prmlt cut stotus kessodes usmld the


prmltal()   nckkolj. Mi ycu use thms ml nclbulntmcl wmth the prmltal() ^ermoa.amst()   iulntmcl, ycu”aa det o amst ci oaa the sermoa pcrts ^ermoa.amst() ycur nckputer hos whel the prcdrok ﬏rst storts. ]cu”aa use thms clne ycu”re ﬏lmshej prcdrokkmld tc see whot pcrt ycur Orjumlc ms cl.

Nreotmld the sermoa cfbent

]cu leej tc teaa Prcnessmld mlicrkotmcl ofcut the sermoa ncllentmcl. Zc pcpuaote ycur lokej sermoa cfbent kyPcrt kyPcrt wmth  wmth the lenessory mlicrkotmcl, the prcdrok leejs tc glcw mt ms o lew mlstolne ci the sermoa cfbent. Zhe poroketers mt expents ore whmnh oppamnotmcl mt wmaa fe speogmld tc, whmnh sermoa pcrt mt wmaa nckkulmnote cver, olj ot whot speej.



: mlt mlt fdncacr  fdncacr ; 07

5 vcmj vcmj   setup setup() () {


ncacrKcje( ncacrKcje (H^F H^F, , 655)7


acdc ; acojMkode acojMkode( (‑htp2//orjumlc.nn/acdc.pld‛ p2//orjumlc.nn/acdc.pld‛)7 )7

8   smze smze(acdc. (acdc.wmjth wmjth, , acdc.hemdht acdc.hemdht)7 )7


prmltal(‑Ovomaofae sermoa pcrts2‛)7

prmltal(^ermoa. (^ermoa.amst amst())7 ())7 ?0   prmltal

??   kyPcrt ; lew ^ermoa( lew  ^ermoa(thms thms, , ^ermoa.amst ^ermoa.amst()W0[, ()W0[, =900)7 ?6 }



Prcbent ?: Zweog the Orjumlc Acdc

Zhe otrmfute thms thms teaas  teaas Prcnessmld ycu”re dcmld tc use the sermoa ncllentmcl ml thms spenm﬏n oppamnotmcl. Zhe ^ermoa.amst() W0[ ordukelt W0[  ordukelt spenm﬏es whmnh sermoa pcrt ycu”re usmld. ^ermoa. amst() ncltomls amst()  ncltomls ol orroy ci oaa the o tonhej sermoa jevmnes. Zhe ordukelt =900 =900   shcuaj accg iokmamor, mt je﬏les the speej ot whmnh the prcdrok wmaa nckkulmnote. jrow() iulntmcl accp() ml Zhe jrow()  iulntmcl ms oloacdcus tc Orjumlc”s accp()  ml thot mt hoppels cver olj cver odoml icrever. Zhms ms where thmlds ore jrowl tc the prcdrok”s wmljcw. Veojmld Orjumlc joto irck

Nheng mi there ms mlicrkotmcl irck the Orjumlc. Zhe kyPcrt.

the sermoa pcrt

ovomaofae()   nckkolj wmaa teaa ycu mi there ms sckethmld ml ovomaofae() the sermoa fuff er. er. Mi there ore fytes there, reoj the voaue mltc the fdncacr vormofae fdncacr  vormofae olj prmlt mt tc the jefud wmljcw.

^ettmld the mkode

Zhe iulntmcl fongdrculj() fongdrculj() sets  sets the ncacr ci the wmljcw. Mt

fongdrculj olj jmspaoymld

toges three ordukelts. Zhe ﬏rst ordukelt ms the hue, the lext

the mkode

ms frmdhtless, olj the aost ms soturotmcl. Use the vormofae fdncacr os the hue voaue, olj set the frmdhtless olj soturotmcl tc the koxmkuk voaue, 655. ]cu”aa jrow the acdc wmth the nckkolj mkode() mkode().. ]cu leej tc teaa mkode() mkode()   whot tc jrow, olj whot nccrjmlotes tc stort jrowmld mt ml the wmljcw. 0,0 ms the tcp aei, sc stort there.


Ncllent ycur Orjumlc olj cpel the sermoa kclmtcr. Zurl the pct cl ycur freojfcorj. ]cu shcuaj see o lukfer ci nhoronters os ycu twmst the glcf. Zhe sermoa kclmtcr expents O^NMM nhoronters, lct row fytes. O^NMM ms mlicrkotmcl elncjej tc represelt text ml nckputers. Thot ycu see ml the wmljcw ms the sermoa kclmtcr trymld tc mlterpret the fytes os O^NMM. Thel ycu use ^ermoa.prmltal() ^ermoa.prmltal(),, ycu selj mlicrkotmcl icrkotej icr the sermoa kclmtcr. Thel ycu use ^ermoa. wrmte(),, amge ml thms oppamnotmcl ycu ore rullmld lcw, ycu”re wrmte() seljmld row mlicrkotmcl. Prcdroks amge Prcnessmld nol uljerstolj these row fytes.



?> vcmj vcmj jrow()  jrow() {


mi (kyPcrt.ovomaofae() mi  (kyPcrt.ovomaofae() < 0) {


fdncacr ; kyPcrt.reoj()7

?9 prmltal(fdncacr)7 prmltal (fdncacr)7 ?4   }

?8   fongdrculj(fd fongdrculj(fdncacr, ncacr, 655, 655)7 ?= mkode(acdc, 0, 0)7 60 }



Prcbent ?: Zweog the Orjumlc Acdc

Nacse the sermoa kclmtcr. Vul the Prcnessmld sgetnh fy pressmld the orrcw futtcl ml the Prcnessmld MJE. Accg ot the Prcnessmld cutput wmljcw. ]cu shcuaj see o amst smkmaor tc the imdure feacw.

Zhms ms o amst ci oaa the sermoa pcrts cl ycur nckputer. Mi ycu”re usmld C^X, accg icr o strmld thot soys sckethmld amge ‑/jev/ tty.usfkcjek:??‛, mt wmaa kcst amgeay fe the imrst eaekelt ml the amst. Cl Amlux, mt koy oppeor os ‑/jev/ttyU^F0‛, cr smkmaor. Icr Tmljcws, mt wmaa oppeor os o NCK pcrt, the soke cle ycu wcuaj use whel prcdrokkmld the fcorj. Zhe lukfer ml ^ermoa.amst()W[ orroy irclt ci mt ms the ^ermoa.amst()W[  orroy mljex. Nholde the lukfer ml ycur Prcnessmld sgetnh tc kotnh the ncrrent pcrt cl ycur nckputer. Vestort the Prcnessmld sgetnh. Thel the prcdrok storts rullmld, turl the pcteltmcketer ottonhej tc the Orjumlc. ]cu shcuaj see the ncacr fehmlj the Orjumlc acdc nholde os ycu turl the pcteltmcketer. ]cu shcuaj oasc see voaues prmltmld

cut ml the Prcnessmld wmljcw. Zhcse lukfers ncrrespclj tc the row fytes ycu ore seljmld irck the Orjumlc.



Clne ycu hove twmstej olj turlej tc ycur heort”s jesmre, try repaonmld the pct wmth ol oloacd selscr. Imlj sckethmld ycu ﬏lj mlterestmld tc ncltrca the ncacr. Thot jces the mlterontmcl ieea amge3 Mt”s prcfofay jm ff erelt erelt thol usmld o kcuse cr geyfcorj, jces mt ieea loturoa tc ycu3

Thel usmld sermoa nckkulmnotmcl, clay cle oppamnotmcl nol toag tc the Orjumlc ot o tmke. ^c mi ycu”re rullmld o Prcnessmld sgetnh thot ms ncllentej tc ycur Orjumlc, ycu wcl”t fe ofae tc upacoj o lew Orjumlc sgetnh cr use the sermoa kclmtcr ultma ycu”ve nacsej the ontmve oppamnotmcl.

Tmth Prcnessmld olj cther prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelts, ycu nol ncltrca kejmo cl ycur nckputer ml scke rekorgofae olj lcvea woys. Mi ycu”re exnmtej ofcut the pcssmfmamtmes ci ncltrcaamld ncltelt cl ycur nckputer, toge scke tmke tc expermkelt wmth Prcnessmld. Zhere ore severoa sermoa nckkulmnotmcl exokpaes ml fcth the Prcnessmld olj Orjumlc MJEs thot wmaa heap ycu expacre iurther.

^ermoa nckkulmnotmcl elofaes the Orjumlc tc toag wmth prcdroks cl o nckputer. Prcnessmld ms ol cpel scurne prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelt thot the Orjumlc MJE ms fosej upcl. Mt”s pcssmfae tc ncltrca o Prcnessmld sgetnh wmth the  Orjumlc  Orjuml c vmo sermoa nckk nckkulmno ulmnotmcl. tmcl.



  V   E   A   P   U   C   N   C   Z   P

  V   C   Z   ^   M   ^   E   V     K   H   C     0   6






Ncllent drculj tc ycur freojfcorj thrcudh the Orjumlc.

Paone the cptcncupaer cl ycur freojfcorj sc thot mt strojjaes the nelter ci the fcorj (see nmrnumt jmodrok).

Ncllent pml ? cl the cptcncupaer tc Orjumlc pml 6 ml sermes wmth o 660-chk resmstcr (rekekfer, ycu”re pcwermld ol AEJ mlsmje, ycu jcl”t wolt tc furl mt cut). Ncllent pml 6 ci the cptcncupaer tc drculj.

Cl the koml fcorj ci the sculj kcjuae there ore o lukfer ci eaentrmnoa nckpclelts, mlnaujmld o paoyfong futcl. Zc ncltrca the swmtnh, ycu”re dcmld tc hove tc rekcve the futtcl. Iamp the nmrnumt fcorj cver olj ﬏lj the tofs thot hcaj the futcl ml paone. Deltay felj the tofs fong olj rekcve the futtcl irck the fcorj.

Uljer the futcl ore twc skoaa ketoa paotes. Zhms poterl ms typmnoa ci koly eaentrclmn jevmnes wmth pushfutcls. Zhe twc ‑icrgs‛ ci thms poterl ore the twc smjes ci the swmtnh. O skoaa ketoa jmsn mlsmje the pushfutcl ncllents these twc icrgs whel ycu press the fu tcl.

Thel the icrgs ore ncllentej, the swmtnh ms nacsej cl the nmrnumt fcorj. ]cu wmaa fe nacsmld the swmtnh wmth the cptcncupaer. Zhms kethcj, nacsmld o swmtnh wmth ol cptcncupaer, wcrgs clay mi cle ci the twc smjes ci the pushfutcl”s swmtnh ms ncllentej tc drculj cl ycur jevmne. Mi ycu”re lct sure, toge o kuatmketer olj keosure the vcatode fetweel cle ci the icrgs olj the drculj cl ycur jevmne. ]cu leej tc jc thms wmth the jevmne turlej cl, sc fe noreiua lct tc tcunh olywhere ease cl the fcorj. Clne ycu glcw whmnh icrg ms drculj, jmsncllent the pcwer tc ycur jevmne.

Lext, ncllent cle wmre tc eonh ci the skoaa ketoa paotes. Mi ycu ore scajermld these wmres, fe noreiua tc lct bcml the twc smjes ci the swmtnh tcdether. Mi ycu ore lct scajermld olj usmld tope, koge sure ycur ncllentmcl ms senure, cr the swmtnh wcl”t nacse. Koge sure lemther wmre ncllents tc the cther icrg, cr ycur swmtnh wmaa fe nacsej oaa the tmke. Otonh the twc wmres tc pmls : olj 5 ci the cptcncupaer. Ncllent

the smje ci the swmtnh thot ms drculjej tc pml : ci the cptcncu-

paer. Ncllent the cther icrg tc pml 5 ci the cptcncupaer.



Prcbent ?5 Hongmld Futcls


Loke o nclstolt

Kcst ci the iul wmth thms prcbent ms ml the nmrnumt olj the cptcncupaer. Zhe ncje ms smkmaor tc the ﬏rst prcbent ycu koje wmth the Orjumlc. ]cu”re dcmld tc paoy the sculj clne every 60 sencljs fy turlmld pml 6 HMDH HMDH.. Nreote o nclstolt icr the cptcncupaer ncltrca pml.

Nclimdure the pml jmrentmcl

setup(),, set the cptcncupaer pml mltc ol cutput. Ml setup()

Puaa the pml hmdh olj acw

Zhe accp() accp()   turls cptcPml HMDH HMDH   icr o iew kmaamsencljs, acld elcudh icr the cptcncupaer tc nacse the swmtnh cl the jevmne. Zhel the cptcPml fenckes ACT ACT..

Tomt icr o amttae whmae

Tomt icr 6? sencljs icr the whcae kessode tc paoy fong feicre stortmld the accp() accp() odoml.  odoml.


Ottonh the fottery tc the sculj rencrjer. Press olj hcaj the rencrj futtcl cl the jevmne. Thmae ycu”re hcajmld the futtcl, ycu nol rencrj oujmc mltc the kmnrcphcle. Use ycur vcmne, the not, cr the pcts olj pols ml the gmtnhel tc koge scke lcmse (fut fe noreiua wmth the not). Clne ycu”ve sotmsiontcrmay rencrjej o sculj, pcwer ycur Orjumlc wmth the U^F nofae. ]cur rencrjmld shcuaj stort tc paoy. Mi ycu rencrjej icr the iuaa 60 sencljs, the sculj shcuaj stort odoml bust o iew kckelts oiter mt eljs.

Zry expermkeltmld wmth jmff erelt erelt sculjs olj jurotmcls ci tcddamld the paoyfong wmth the jeaoy() jeaoy() ml  ml ycur prcdrok. Mi ycu trmdder the swmtnh whmae o sculj ms paoymld, mt wmaa stcp. Hcw nol ycu toge

ojvoltode ci thms tc nreote ulmque sequelnes ci sculjs3



? nclst nclst   mlt mlt cptcPml  cptcPml ; 67

6 vcmj vcmj   setup setup(){ (){ >

pmlKcje(cptcPml, pmlKcje (cptcPml, CUZPUZ CUZPUZ)7 )7

: }

5 vcmj vcmj   accp accp(){ (){ 9   jmdmtoaTrmte jmdmtoaTrmte(cptcPml, (cptcPml, HMDH HMDH)7 )7 4

jeaoy(?5)7 jeaoy (?5)7


jmdmtoaTrmte(cptcPml, jmdmtoaTrmte (cptcPml, ACT ACT)7 )7


jeaoy(6?000)7 jeaoy (6?000)7

?0 }

Mltedrotej nmrnumts ore ml vmrtuoaay every eaentrclmn jevmne. Zhe aorde 68 pml nhmp cl ycur Orjumlc ms ol MN thot hcuses the fromls ci the fcorj. Zhere ore cther MNs thot suppcrt thms cle wmth nckkulmnotmcl olj pcwer. Zhe cptcncupaer olj koml nhmp cl the Orjumlc ore Juoa Ml-amle Pongode (JMP) nhmps. (JMP) nhmps. Zhese JMP nhmps ore the gmlj thot kcst hcffymsts use fenouse they eosmay ﬏t ml o freojfcorj olj jcl”t hove tc fe perkoleltay scajerej tc fe usej. Zhe prcbent exokpae clay paoyej sculj fong ot o reduaor mltervoa. Hcw ncuaj ycu mlncrpcrote the mlputs irck eoramer prcbents tc trmdder these sculjs3 Thot cther fotery pcwerej thmlds jc ycu hove orculj the hcuse thot leej ol Orjumlc tc ncltrca thek3 Zhms tenhlmque ci ncltrcaamld ol eaentrclmn jevmne wmth ol cptcncupaer fy ncllentmld tc the twc smjes ci o swmtnh nol fe usej ml koly cther jevmnes. Thot cther jevmnes jc ycu wolt tc ncltrca3

Cptcncupaers nol ncltrca jevmnes thot ore cl o jm ff erelt erelt nmrnumt. Zhe twc nmrnumts ore eaentrmnoaay seporotej irck eonh

cther mlsmje the nckpclelt.


O/R Onneaercketer -

Jmrent nurrelt -

Permcj -

Ontuotcr -

Jroml (trolsmstcr) -

Phctcneaa -

Oaterlotmld nurrelt -

Juoa Ml-amle Pongode (JMP) -

Phctcresmstcr -

Okperode (okps cr okperes) -

Juty nynae -

Phctctrolsmstcr -

Oloacd -

Eaentrmnmty -

Pcaormzej -

Oloacd-tc-Jmdmtoa Oloacd-tc-Jmd mtoa Nclverter

Iacot -

Pcwer suppay -

(OJN) Olcje -

Iulntmcl Dote -

Prcnessmld Pseujcncje -

Ordukelt -

Dacfoa vormofae -

Puase Tmjth Kcjuaotmcl

Orroy -

Drculj -

(PTK) -

Fong-vcatode -


Vesmstolne -

Fouj -

Mljex -

^elscr -

Fmlory -

Mljuntmcl -

^ermoa fuff er er -

Fmt -

Mlstolne -

^ermoa nckkulmnotmcl -

Fccaeol -

Mlsuaotcr -

^ermoa kclmtcr -

Fyte -

Mlt -

^ermes -

Noamfrotmcl -

Mltedrotej Nmrnumt (MN)-

^hcrt nmrnumt -

Noponmtolne -

Amfrory -

^getnh -

Nothcje Nmrnumt -

Acoj Acnoa vormofae -

^cajermld ^curne (trolsmstcr) -

Nckkcl nothcje AEJ -

Acld -

^quore wove -

Ncljuntcr -

Kmnrcncltrcaaer -

^wmtnh -

Nclstolt -

Kmaamsenclj -

Zrolsjuner -

Nurrelt -

Cfbent -

Zrolsmstcr -

Jotosheet -

Chk -

Ulsmdlej -

Jototype -

Chk”s Aow -

U^F -

Jefuddmld -

Cptcncupaer -

Yormofae -

Jencupamld noponmtcrs -

Poroaaea -

Ycatode -

Jmdmtoa -

Poroketer -

Ycatode jmvmjer -





O  Onneaercketer -  O selscr thot keosures on-

 Oloacd-tc-Jmdmtoa  Oloacd-tc-Jmdmt oa Nclverter (OJN) -  O nmrnumt

neaerotmcl. ^cketmkes, they ore usej tc jetent

thot nclverts ol oloacd vcatode mltc o jmdmtoa

crmeltotmcl, cr tmat.

lukfer represeltmld thot vcatode. Zhms nmrnumt ms fumat-ml tc the kmnrcncltrcaaer, olj ms ncl-

 Ontuotcr - O -  O type ci nckpclelt thot nholdes

lentej tc the oloacd mlput pmls O0-O5. Ncl-

eaentrmnoa elerdy mltc kctmcl. Kctcrs ore o type

vertmld ol oloacd vcatode mltc o jmdmtoa lukfer

ci ontuotcr.

toges o tmly fmt ci tmke, sc we oawoys icaacw the oloacdVeoj() wmth o shcrt jeaoy().

 Oaterlotmld nurrelt -  O type ci nurrelt where eaentrmnmty nholdes mts jmrentmcl permcjmnoaay.

 Olcje - Zhe - Zhe pcsmtmve elj ci o noponmtcr cr jmcje

Zhms ms the scrt ci eaentrmnmty thot nckes cut ci

(rekekfer thot ol AEJ ms o type ci jmcje).

o woaa scnget.  Ordukelt - O -  O type ci joto suppamej tc o iuln Okperode (okps (okps cr okperes) - Zhe - Zhe okcult ci

tmcl os ol mlput. Icr exokpae, icr jmdmtoaVeoj()

eaentrmnoa nhorde stcwmld post o spenm﬏n pcmlt

tc glcw whot pml tc nheng, mt toges ol ordu-

ml ycur nmrnumt. Jesnrmfes the nurrelt os mt stcws

kelt ml the icrk ci o pml lukfer.

thrcudh o ncljuntcr, amge o wmre.  Orroy - Ml - Ml prcdrokkmld, thms ms o drcup ci vorm-

 Oloacd - ^ckethmld - ^ckethmld thot nol ncltmlucusay vory

ofaes thot ore mjeltm﬏ej fy cle loke, olj on-

cver tmke.

nessej fy ol mljex lukfer.




F Fong-vcatode -  Ycatode thot pushes fong

odomlst the nurrelt thot nreotej mt. Mt nol fe nreotej fy kctcrs spmllmld jcwl. Zhms nol jokode nmrnumts, whmnh ms why jmcjes ore c iel usej ml nclbulntmcl wmth kctcrs. Fouj - ^hcrtholj icr ‑fmts per senclj‛, smdlmiy-

mld the speej ot whmnh nckputers ore nckkulmnotmld wmth eonh cther. Fmlory -  O systek wmth clay twc stotes, amge

true/ioase cr cff /cl. /cl. Fmt - Zhe skoaaest pmene ci mlicrkotmcl o nck-

puter nol selj cr renemve. Mt hos twc stotes, 0 olj ?. Fccaeol -  O jototype thot mljmnotes mi scke-

thmld ms true cr ioase.

Nothcje - Zhe elj ci o noponmtcr cr jmcje thot

typmnoaay ncllents tc drculj. Nmrnumt -  O nmrnuaor poth irck o pcwer suppay,

thrcudh o acoj, olj thel fong odoml tc the cther elj ci the pcwer suppay. Nurrelt stcws ml o nmrnumt clay mi mt ms nacsej, thot ms, mi the cutdcmld olj returl poth ore fcth ulmlterruptej, cr nacsej. Mi emther poth ms mlterruptej, cr cpel, thel nurrelt wmaa lct stcw thrcudh the nmrnumt. Nckkcl nothcje AEJ -  Zypes ci AEJs thot

hove kuatmpae ncacrs ml cle ﬏xture, wmth cle nothcje olj kuatmpae olcjes. Ncljuntcr - ^ckethmld thot elofaes eaentrmnmty

tc stcw, amge o wmre. Nclstolt -  O lokej mjeltm﬏er thot nollct

nholde mts voaue ml o prcdrok. Nurrelt - Zhe stcw ci eaentrmnoa nhorde thrcudh o

nacsej nmrnumt. Keosurej ml okps.

Fyte - 8 fmts ci mlicrkotmcl. O fyte nol hcaj o

lukfer fetweel 0 olj 655.

N Noamfrotmcl - Zhe prcness ci kogmld ojbustkelts

tc nertoml lukfers cr nckpclelts tc det the fest resuats irck o nmrnumt cr prcdrok. Ml Orjumlc prcbents, thms ms ciel usej whel selscrs ml the reoa wcraj koy dmve jmff erelt erelt voaues ml jmff erelt erelt nmrnukstolnes, icr mlstolne the okcult ci amdht cl o phctcresmstcr. Noamfrotmcl nol fe outckotmn, os ml Prcbent 9, cr koluoa, os ml Prcbent >. Noponmtolne -  Zhe ofmamty ci sckethmld tc

hcaj ol eaentrmnoa nhorde. Zhms nhorde nol fe keosurej wmth the Noponmtmve ^elscr amfrory,

J Jotosheet - O jcnukelt wrmtel fy eldmleers

icr cther eldmleers thot jesnrmfes the jesmdl olj iulntmcloamty ci eaentrmnoa nckpclelts. Zypmnoa mlicrkotmcl ml o jotosheet mlnaujes the koxmkuk vcatode olj nurrelt o nckpclelt requmres, os weaa os ol expaolotmcl ci the iulntmcloamty ci the pmls. Jototype - O naossm﬏notmcl systek thot jeter-

kmles whot voaues o portmnuaor nclstolt, vormofae, cr orroy wmaa hcaj. Mlt, stcot, acld olj fccaeol ore oaa types thot nol fe usej ml Orjumlc. Jefuddmld - Zhe prcness ci dcmld thrcudh o nmr-

numt cr ncje, olj ﬏ljmld errcrs (oasc reierrej os

os seel ml Prcbent ?>.

‑fuds‛), ultma the expentej fehovmcr ms onhmevej.



Jencupamld noponmtcrs -  Noponmtcrs thot ore

usej tc reduaote spmges olj jmps ml vcatode, ci-


tel paonej nacse tc o selscr cr ontuotcr. Dote - Zhe pml cl o trolsmstcr thot ms ncllentej Jmdmtoa - O systek ci jmsnrete voaues. Os Orjumlc

tc the Orjumlc. Thel the dote ms turlej cl,

ms o type ci jmdmtoa jevmne, mt clay glcws ci twc jmsnrete stotes, cff  olj  olj cl, lcthmld ml fetweel.

fy oppaymld 5Y, mt nacses the bulntmcl fetweel jroml olj scurne, nckpaetmld the nmrnumt mt ms ncllentej tc.

Jmrent nurrelt - O type ci nurrelt whmnh oawoys

stcws ml the soke jmrentmcl. Oaa the prcbents ml

Dacfoa vormofae - O lokej vormofae thot nol fe

thms gmt use jmrent nurrelt.

onnessej olywhere mlsmje ycur prcdrok. Mt ms jenaorej feicre the setup() iulntmcl. i ulntmcl.

Jroml (trolsmstcr) - Zhe pml thot ncllents tc the

hmdher nurrelt/vcatode acoj tc fe ncltrcaaej.

Drculj - Zhe pcmlt ci o nmrnumt where there ms 0

pcteltmoa eaentrmnoa elerdy. Tmthcut o drculj, Juoa Ml-amle Pongode (JMP) - O type ci pongodmld

eaentrmnmty wmaa lct hove o paone tc stcw ml o

icr mltedrotej nmrnumts thot oaacws the nckpc-


lelts tc fe eosmay mlsertej mltc o freojfcorj. Juty nynae -  O rotmc mljmnotmld the okcult ci

tmke cver o nertoml permcj thot o nckpclelt


ms turlej cl. Thel usmld o PTK voaue ci ?64 (cut ci o tctoa ci 659), ycu”re nreotmld o 50%

MJE - ^toljs icr ‑Mltedrotej Jeveacpkelt El-

juty nynae.

vmrclkelt‛. Zhe Orjumlc MJE ms the paone where ycu wrmte sciwore tc upacoj tc the Orjumlc. Mt ncltomls oaa the iulntmcls the Orjumlc nol ul-


jerstolj. Cther prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelts, amge Prcnessmld, hove themr cwl MJE.

Eaentrmnmty -  O type ci elerdy delerotej fy

eaentrmn nhordes. ]cu nol use eaentrclmn nck-

Mljex - Zhe lukfer suppamej tc ol orroy thot mljmnotes whmnh eaekelt ycu”re reierrmld tc.

pclelts tc nholde eaentrmnmty tc cther icrks ci

Nckputers ore zerc-mljexej, whmnh keols

elerdy, amge amdht olj heot.

they stort ncultmld ot 0 mlsteoj ci ?. Zc onness the thmrj eaekelt ml ol orroy lokej tcles, icr exokpae, ycu wcuaj wrmte tclesW6[.


Mljuntmcl - Zhe prcness ci usmld eaentrmnoa el-

erdy tc nreote o kodletmn ﬏eaj. Zhms ms usej ml Iacot - O jototype thot nol fe expressej os o

kctcrs tc spml thek orculj.

irontmcl. Zhms eltomas the use ci jenmkoa pcmlts icr stcotmld pcmlt lukfers.

Mlstolne -  O ncpy ci o sciwore cfbent. ]cu”re

usmld mlstolnes ci the ^ervc amfrory ml Prcbents 5 Iulntmcl - O facng ci ncje thot exenutes o spe-

olj ?6, ml eonh nose, ycu”re nreotmld o lokej ml-

nm﬏n tosg repeotejay.

stolne ci the ^ervc amfrory tc use ml the prcbent.




Mlsuaotcr - ^ckethmld thot prevelts eaentrmnmty

ms o skoaa nckputer thot ycu wmaa prcdrok tc ams-

irck stcwmld. Ncljuntmve kotermoas amge wmres

tel icr, prcness, olj jmspaoy mlicrkotmcl.

ore ciel ncverej ml mlsuaotcrs amge ruffer. Kmaamsenclj - ?/?,000th ci o senclj. Zhe Orjumlc Mlt - O jototype thot hcajs o whcae lukfer fe-

dces thrcudh mts prcdroks sc iost, whel noaa-

tweel ∖>6,498 olj >6,494.

mld jeaoy() olj cther tmke fosej iulntmcls, mt”s jcle ml kmaamsencljs.

Mltedrotej Nmrnumt (MN) - O nmrnumt thot hos feel

nreotej cl o tmly pmene ci smamncl olj ekfejjej ml paostmn (cr epcxy). Pmls, cr aeds, prctrujmld irck the fcjy oaacw ycu tc mlteront wmth the


nmrnumt mlsmje. Yery ciel we nol koge dccj use ci ol MN glcwmld clay whot tc ncllent tc the

Cfbent - Ol mlstolne ci o amfrory. Thel usmld the

pmls wmthcut hovmld tc uljerstolj hcw mt iuln-

^ervc amfrory, were ycu tc nreote ol mlstolne

tmcls mlterloaay.

lokej ky^ervc, ky^ervc wcuaj fe the cfbent. Chk - Ulmt ci keosurekel keosurekeltt ci resmstolne. Vep-


reseltej fy the ckedo sykfca (℩). Chk”s Aow -  O kothekotmnoa equotmcl thot

Amfrory - O pmene ci ncje thot expoljs the iuln-

jekclstrotes the reaotmclshmp fetweel resmst-

tmcloamty ci o prcdrok. Ml the nose ci Orjumlc am-

olne, nurrelt olj vcatode. Usuoaay stotej os Y

frormes, they emther elofae nckkulmnotmcl wmth

(vcatode) ; M (nurrelt) x V (resmstolne).

o portmnuaor pmene ci horjwore, cr ore usej icr kolmpuaotmld joto.

Cptcncupaer - Oasc glcwl os ol cptc-mscaotcr,

phctc-ncupaer, phctc-mscaotcr, phctc-swmtnh, Acoj - O jevmne thot turls eaentrmnoa elerdy mltc

olj cptc-swmtnh. Ol AEJ ms nckfmlej ml o

sckethmld ease, sunh os amdht, heot, cr sculj.

seoaej nose wmth o phctctrolsmstcr. Zhe AEJ ms pcsmtmclej tc maaukmlote the phctctrolsmstcr, sc

Acnoa vormofae - O type ci vormofae thot ms usej icr o shcrt okcult ci tmke, thel icrdc tel. O

thot whel the AEJ ms turlej cl, the phctctrolsmstcr wmaa ncljunt. Usej tc prcvmje o hmdh je-

vormofae jenaorej mlsmje the setup() ci o prc-

dree ci mscaotmcl os there ms lc eaentrmnoa ncl-

drok wcuaj fe acnoa2 oier the setup() ﬏lmshej

lentmcl nckkcl tc the mlput olj the cutput.

rullmld, the Orjumlc wcuaj icrdet thot the vormofae ever exmstej. Acld -  O jototype thot nol hcaj o very aorde


lukfer, irck ∖6,?:4,:8>,9:8 tc 6,?:4,:8>,9:4. Poroaaea -  Nckpclelts ncllentej onrcss the

soke twc pcmlts ml o nmrnumt ore ml poroaaea. Por-


oaaea nckpclelts oawoys hove the soke vcatode jrcp onrcss thek.

Kmnrcncltrcaaer - Zhe fromls ci the Orjumlc, thms

Poroketer -  Thel jenaormld o iulntmcl, o



lokej poroketer serves os the frmjde fetweel

Pseujcncje -  O frmjde fetweel wrmtmld ml o

the acnoa vormofaes ml the iulntmcl, olj the ordu-

nckputer prcdrokkmld aolduode olj usmld

kelts mt renemves whel the iulntmcl ms noaaej.

loturoa speenh. Thel nreotmld pseujcncje, mt”s heapiua tc wrmte ml shcrt jenaorotmve stotekelts.

Permcj - O spenm﬏n spol ci tmke ml whmnh scke-

thmld hoppels. Thel the permcj nholdes, ycu”re ojbustmld the irequelny ot whmnh scke-

Puase Tmjth Kcjuaotmcl (PTK) - O woy tc smkuaote ol oloacd cutput whel usmld o jmdmtoa je-

thmld wmaa cnnur.

vmne, PTK mlvcaves turlmld o pml cl olj cff  ot  ot o very ropmj rote.Zhe rotmc ci CL tmke tc CII tmke

Phctcneaa - O jevmne icr nclvertmld amdht elerdy

jeterkmles the smkuaotej oloacd resuat.

tc eaentrmnoa elerdy. Phctcresmstcr - O resmstmve jevmne whcse resmst-

olne vormes onncrjmld tc hcw kunh amdht ioaas


cl mt. Vesmstolne -  O keosure ci hcw e﬎nmeltay o Phctctrolsmstcr -  O trolsmstcr whmnh ms ncl-

kotermoa wmaa ncljunt eaentrmnmty. Ml portmnuaor,

trcaaej fy amdht rother thol fy nurrelt.

resmstolne nol fe noanuaotej fy Chk”s Aow os2 V ; Y/M.

Pcaormzej - Zhe aeojs ci pcaormzej nckpclelts

(e.d. AEJs cr noponmtcrs) hove jmff erelt erelt iulntmcls, olj thus kust fe ncllentej the rmdht woy. Pcaormzej nckpclelts ncllentej the


wrcld woy kmdht lct wcrg, kmdht fe jokodej, cr kmdht jokode cther ports ci ycur nmrnumt.

^elscr - O nckpclelt thot keosures cle icrk

Lcl-pcaormzej nckpclelts (e.d. resmstcrs) nol

ci elerdy (amge amdht cr heot cr kenholmnoa el-

fe ncllentej emther woy.

erdy) olj nclverts mt tc eaentrmnoa elerdy, whmnh the Orjumlc nol uljerstolj.

Pcwer suppay - O scurne ci elerdy, usuoaay o fot-

tery, trolsicrker, cr evel the U^F pcrt ci ycur nckputer. Nckes ml koly vormetmes sunh os

^ermoa fuff er er -  O paone ml ycur nckputer”s olj kmnrcncltrcaaer”s kekcry where mlicrkotmcl

reduaotej cr ulreduaotej, ON cr JN. Usuoaay the

renemvej ml sermoa nckkulmnotmcl ms stcrej ultma

vcatode ms spenm﬏ej, oacld wmth the koxmkuk

mt ms reoj fy o prcdrok.

nurrelt the suppay nol jeamver feicre iomamld. ^ermoa nckkulmnotmcl - Zhe keols fy whmnh Prcnessmld -  O prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelt

the Orjumlc nckkulmnotes wmth nckputers

fosej cl the Bovo aolduode. Usej os o tcca tc

olj cther jevmnes. Mt mlvcaves seljmld cle fmt ci

mltrcjune pecpae tc the nclnepts ci prcdrok-

mlicrkotmcl ot o tmke ml o sequeltmoa crjer. Zhe

kmld, olj ml prcjuntmcl elvmrclkelts.

Orjumlc hos o U^F-tc-sermoa nclverter clfcorj,

Zhe Orjumlc MJE ms wrmtel ml Prcnessmld, olj sc

whmnh elofaes mt tc toag wmth jevmnes thot jcl”t

wmaa accg very iokmamor. Ml ojjmtmcl, Prcnessmld

hove o jejmnotej sermoa pcrt.

olj Orjumlc shore o smkmaor phmacscphy olj kctmve, ci nreotmld iree cpel scurne tccas oaacwmld

^ermoa kclmtcr -  O tcca fumat ml tc the Orjumlc

lcl-tenhlmnoa pecpae tc wcrg wmth horjwore

MJE oaacwmld seljmld olj renemvmld sermoa joto

olj sciwore.

tc olj irck o ncllentej Orjumlc. ^ee the




^ermoa() set ci iulntmcls.

jevmne whmnh nol ont os emther ol okpam﬏er cr o swmtnh. O ncltrca vcatode cr nurrelt fetweel

^ermes - Nckpclelts ore ml sermes whel nurrelt

twc aeojs ncltrcas o (usuoaa (usuoaay) y) hmdher vcatode cr

stcws irck the ﬏rst mltc the lext. Zhe nurrelt

nurrelt fetweel o jmff erelt erelt pomr ci aeojs. Nck-

stcwmld thrcudh fcth ms the soke, olj the vcat-

kcl types ci trolsmstcrs mlnauje the Fmpcaor

ode jrcps onrcss eonh nckpclelt.

 Bulntmcl Zrols Zrolsmstcr mstcr (FBZ) olj the Ketoa Cxmje ^ekmncljuntcr Imeaj Eff ent ent Zrolsmstcr (KC^-

^hcrt nmrnumt -  O shcrt nmrnumt fetweel pcwer

IEZ). Ciel usej tc oaacw o skoaa nurrelt irck

olj drculj wmaa koge ycur nmrnumt stcp wcrg-

ol Orjumlc (amkmtej tc :0 kO) tc ncltrca suf-

mld olj thus shcuaj fe ovcmjej. Ml scke noses

stoltmoaay aorder nurrelts, sunh os thcse leejej

thms kmdht jokode ycur pcwer suppay cr ports

fy kctcrs, reaoys, cr mlnoljesnelt aokps. Je-

ci ycur nmrnumt, olj rore noses kmdht stort o ﬏re.

peljmld cl hcw they ore nclstruntej, trolsmstcrs ore emther L-nhollea cr P-nhollea, whmnh

^getnh - Zhe terk dmvel tc prcdroks wrm tel ml

jeterkmles hcw they shcuaj fe ncllentej.

the Orjumlc MJE. ^cajermld -  Zhe prcness ci kogmld ol eaentrm-

noa ncllentmcl fy keatmld scajer cver eaentrmnoa nckpclelts cr wmres thot ore tc fe ncllentej.


Zhms prcvmjes o scamj ncllentmcl fetweel nck-

Ulsmdlej - O terk usej tc jesnrmfe scke joto-


types, mljmnotmld thot they nollct fe o ledotmve lukfer. Mt”s heapiua tc hove ol ulsmdlej luk-

^curne (trolsmstcr) - Zhe pml cl o trolsmstcr thot

fer mi ycu clay leej tc ncult ml cle jmrentmcl.

ncllents tc drculj. Thel the dote renemves

Icr mlstolne, whel geepmld trong ci tmke wmth

pcwer, the scurne olj jroml ore ncllentej,

kmaams(), mt”s ojvmsofae tc use the ulsmdlej acld

nckpaetmld the nmrnumt thot ms femld ncltrcaaej.


^quore wove - O type ci woveicrk thot ms mjel-

U^F - ^toljs icr Ulmversoa ^ermoa Fus. Mt”s o de-

tm﬏ej fy hovmld clay twc stotes, cl olj c ff .

lermn pcrt thot ms stoljorj cl kcst nckputers

Thel usej tc delerote tcles, they nol sculj ‑fuzzy‛.

tcjoy. Tmth o U^F nofae, mt”s pcssmfae tc prcdrok olj pcwer ol Orjumlc cver o U^F ncllentmcl.

^wmtnh - O nckpclelt thot nol cpel cr nacse ol

eaentrmnoa nmrnumt. Zhere ore koly jmff erelt erelt gmljs ci swmtnhes7 the cles ml the gmt ore kckeltory keolmld, they clay nacse the nmrnumt whmae femld pressej.

Y Yormofae - O paone ml ycur nckputer”s cr km-


nrcncltrcaaer”s kekcry icr stcrmld mlicrkotmcl leejej ml o prcdrok. Yormofaes stcre voaues whmnh ore amgeay tc nholde os ycur prc-

Zrolsjuner - ^ckethmld thot nholdes cle icrk

drok ruls. O vormofae”s type jepeljs cl the

ci elerdy mltc olcther.

type ci mlicrkotmcl ycu wolt tc stcre, olj

the koxmkuk smze ci the mlicrkotmcl7 icr Zrolsmstcr - O > terkmloa (usuoaay) eaentrclmn

exokpae, o fyte nol stcre up tc 659 jmiier-



elt voaues, fut ol mlt nol stcre up t 95,5>9 jmiierelt voaues. Yormofaes nol fe acnoa tc o portmnuaor facng ci ncje, cr dacfoa tc ol eltmre prcdrok. (see Dacfoa vormofae, Acnoa vormofae). Ycatode -  O keosure ci pcteltmoa elerdy, thot

o nhorde kmdht fe pushej wmth mi prcvmjej o nacsej nmrnumt. Ycatode jmvmjer - O type ci nmrnumt thot prcvmjes

ol cutput thot ms o irontmcl ci mts mlput vcatode. ]cu ore fumajmld o vcatode jmvmjer whel ycu nckfmle o phctcresmstcr wmth o ﬏xej resmstcr tc prcvmje ol oloacd mlput. O pcteltmcketer ms olcther exokpae ci o vcatode jmvmjer.



Iurther Veojmld


Detmld ^tortej wmth Orjumlc  Orjumlc fy Kossmkc Folzm WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 60??[. Zhe je﬏lmtmve mltrcjuntmcl tc Orjumlc. Detmld ^tortej wmth Prcnessmld fy Nosey Veos  olj Fel Iry WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 60?0[. Zhms shcrt dumje tc the Prcnessmld prcdrokkmld elvmrclkelt teaas ycu kcre ofcut hcw tc prcdrok drophmns, sculjs, olj kuatmkejmo cl ycur nckputer. Kogmld Zhmlds Zoag, Zoag, 6lj Ejmtmcl fy Zck Mdce  WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 60??[. Trmtel icr kcre expermelnej Orjumlc users, thms fccg dmves ycu koly tenhlmques icr nckkulmnotmld fetweel Orjumlc kmnrcncltrcaaers olj cther jevmnes cl the mlterlet, olj feyclj. Aeorlmld Prcnessmld2 O Fedmller”s Dumje tc Prcdrokkmld Mkodes, Olmkotmcl, olj Mlterontmcl  Mlterontmcl  kol  WKcrdol Gouikol, 600=[. fy Jolmea ^hmff kol

Ol ml-jepth mltrcjuntmcl tc prcdrokkmld usmld Prcnessmld, icr fedmllers ci oaa odes.

Detmld ^tortej wmth VIMJ fy VIMJ fy Zck Mdce WC”Vemaay

Kejmo / Koge, 60?6[. O shcrt mltrcjuntmcl tc us mld Vojmc Irequelny Mjeltm﬏notmcl wmth Orjumlc olj Prcnessmld.



Zhe Orjumlc Nccgfccg, Nccgfccg, 6lj Ejmtmcl fy Kmnhoea Kordcams  WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 60??[. Zhms fccg hos o act ci dreot renmpes icr hcw tc use Orjumlc ml kcre ojvolnej woys. Kogmld Zhmlds Kcve2 JM] Kenholmsks icr Mlveltcrs, Hcffymsts, olj Ortmsts Ortmsts   fy Justyl Vcferts  WKnDrow-Hmaa, 60?0[. O dreot rescurne

cl fumajmld kcvofae kenholmsks tc mlterione wmth ycur prcbents. Koge2 Eaentrclmns, Eaentrclmns, fy Nhoraes Paot  WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 600=[. Naeveray wrm tel mltrcjuntmcl tc eaentrclmns sumtofae icr bust ofcut olycle. Lc Orjumlcs were usej ml the kogmld ci thms fccg, fut mt”s o voauofae text tc uljerstolj eaentrclmns feter. mC^ ^elscr Opps wmth Orjumlc, Orjumlc, fy Oaosjomr Oaaol WC”Vemaay Kejmo / Koge, 60??[. Tmth thms nclnmse dumje, ycu”aa aeorl hcw tc ncllent ol exterloa selscr tc ol mC^ jevmne olj hove thek toag tc eonh cther thrcudh Orjumlc. ]cu”aa oasc fumaj ol mC^ oppamnotmcl thot wmaa porse the selscr voaues mt renemves olj pact the resuatmld keosure-

kelts, oaa ml reoa tmke.

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