Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro a Hands-On Guide for Beginner - Agus Kurniawan

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Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro: A Hands-On Guide for Beginner Agus Kurniawan 1st Edition, 2016 Copyright © 2016 Agus Kurniawan

** Arduino Leonardo and Arduino/Genuino Micro are a copyright and a trademark from

Table of Contents Copyright Preface 1. Preparing Development Environment 1.1 Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro 1.2 Electronics Components 1.2.1 Arduino Starter Kit 1.2.2 Fritzing 1.2.3 Cooking-Hacks: Arduino Starter Kit 1.2.4 Arduino Sidekick Basic kit v2 1.2.5 Grove - Starter Kit for Arduino 1.2.6 DFRobot - Arduino Kit for Beginner v3 1.3 Development Tools 1.4 Testing 2. Setting Up Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro 2.1 Getting Started 2.2 Installing Arduino Software 2.3 Connecting Arduino Leonardo/Micro board to Computer 2.4 Hello Arduino Leonardo/Micro: Blinking LED 2.5 Updating Program 3. Writing and Reading Digital Data 3.1 Getting Started

3.2 Wiring 3.4 Testing 4. Serial Communication (UART) 4.1 Getting Started 4.2 Hello UART 4.2.1 Wiring 4.2.2 Writing a Program 4.2.3 Testing 4.3 Working with SoftwareSerial 5. PWM and Analog Input 5.1 Getting Started 5.2 Demo Analog Output (PWM) : RGB LED 5.2.1 Wiring 5.2.2 Writing Program 5.2.3 Testing 5.3 Demo Analog Input: Working with Potentiometer 5.3.1 Wiring 5.3.2 Writing Program 5.3.3 Testing 6. Working with I2C 6.1 Getting Started 6.2 Writing Program 6.3 Writing Program

6.4 Testing 7. Working with SPI 7.1 Getting Started 7.2 Wiring 7.3 Writing a Program 7.4 Testing 8. Accessing EEPROM 8.1 Getting Started 8.2 EEPROM Demo 9. Arduino Networking 9.1 Getting Started 9.2 Arduino Ethernet Shield 9.3 Demo 1 : Getting IP Address from DHCP Server 9.3.1 Writing Program 9.3.2 Testing 9.4 Demo 2: Building Web Server 9.4.1 Writing Program 9.4.2 Testing 10. Keyboard and Mouse HID 10.1 Getting Started 10.2 Keyboard Demo 10.3 Mouse Demo Source Code


Preface This book was written to help anyone want to get started with Arduino Leonardo and Arduino/Genuino Micro boards development. It describes the basic elements of Arduino Leonardo and Micro development using Arduino software. Agus Kurniawan Depok, January 2016

1. Preparing Development Environment

1.1 Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro The Arduino/Genuino Micro is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32U4 (datasheet). It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a micro USB cable to get started. It has a form factor that enables it to be easily placed on a breadboard. The Micro board is similar to the Arduino Leonardo in that the ATmega32U4 has built-in USB communication, eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This allows the Arduino/Genuino Micro to appear to a connected computer as a mouse and keyboard, in addition to a virtual (CDC) serial / COM port. The following is a form of Arduino Leonardo board.

The following is a form of Arduino Micro board.

The following is the board specification: Microcontroller: ATmega32u4 Operating Voltage: 5V Input Voltage (recommended)L: 7-12V Input Voltage (limits): 6-20V Digital I/O Pins: 20 PWM Channels: 7 Analog Input Channels: 12 DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega32u4) of which 4 KB used by bootloader SRAM: 2.5 KB (ATmega32u4) EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega32u4) Clock Speed: 16 MHz

Officially you can buy this board on You can also buy these products on the following stores: SparkFun, Adafruit, Exp-Tech, Amazon, e-Bay,

You also can buy this product on your local electronic store.

1.2 Electronics Components We need electronic components to build our testing, for instance, Resistor, LED, sensor devices and etc. I recommend you can buy electronic component kit. We can use electronics kit from Arduino to be developed on Arduino board. The following is a list of electronics kit which can be used in our case.

1.2.1 Arduino Starter Kit Store website:

1.2.2 Fritzing Store website: . You can buy Fritzing Starter Kit with Arduino UNO or Fritzing Starter Kit with Arduino Mega.

1.2.3 Cooking-Hacks: Arduino Starter Kit Store website:

1.2.4 Arduino Sidekick Basic kit v2 Store website: You also can find this kit on this online store.

1.2.5 Grove - Starter Kit for Arduino Another option, you can buy this kit on Seeedstudio, .

1.2.6 DFRobot - Arduino Kit for Beginner v3 DFRobot provides Arduino kit too. You can buy it on the following website.

1.3 Development Tools To develop app with Arduino/Genuino Leonardo and Micro boards, I use Arduino IDE for text editor. You can learn how to install it on chapter 2.

1.4 Testing For testing, I used Arduino Leonardo on Windows 10, OS X and Ubuntu. I also used Arduino Sidekick Basic kit for electronic components and several sensor devices.

2. Setting Up Arduino Leonardo and Arduino Micro

This chapter explains how to work on setting up Arduino Leonardo/Micro board.

2.1 Getting Started In this chapter, we set up Arduino Leonardo and Micro board development using Arduino software. Then, try to build a simple Arduino app, Blinking. Let’s start.

2.2 Installing Arduino Software If you have experience in Arduino development, you can use Arduino IDE to develop Arduino Leonardo board too. You can download Arduino software from I recommend to use Arduino 1.6.6 or later. After downloaded, install Arduino software.Now you can open Arduino IDE.

Click menu Tools -> Board . You should see Arduino Leonardo and Arduino/Genuino Micro boards in the list.

2.3 Connecting Arduino Leonardo/Micro board to Computer Now you can connect Arduino Leonardo/Micro board into a computer via USB cable.

If you’re working on Windows platform, you can see Arduino Leonardo/Micro detect on Device Manager. A sample of output from Device Manager (Windows) which detected my Arduino Micro.

For Arduino Leonardo, it is detected as COM10 on my Windows.

In Mac platform, this board usually is recognized as /dev/cu.usbmodem1421.

2.4 Hello Arduino Leonardo/Micro: Blinking LED In this section, we build a blinking LED program using Blink program from Arduino software. Arduino Leonardo/Micro board provides onboard LED which is connected on pin 13. We use this LED for our demo. Let’s start to write our Blink program. In this demo, I use Arduino 1.6.6. Open Arduino. Click menu File -> Examples -> 01.Basics -> Blink.

Then, you can see Blink source code as follows.

Firstly, connect your Arduino Leonardo/Micro board into your computer. Then, select board target by clicking menu Tools -> Board and select Arduino/Genuino Leonardo/Micro.

Select serial port for your Arduino Leonardo/Micro board, for instance COM5 in Windows platform.

To upload the program, you can click Verify icon and then click Upload icon.

After uploaded, you can see onboard LED is blinking. A sample output of blinking program can be seen in Figure below.

2.5 Updating Program If you have modified the program and want to upload to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board, you compile and upload the program too.

3. Writing and Reading Digital Data

In this chapter I’m going to explain how to work with digital input/output on Arduino Leonardo/Micro board.

3.1 Getting Started To write a digital data on Arduino Leonardo board, we can use digitalWrite() and use digitalRead() to read data from a digital output. To use Arduino Leonardo digital I/O pins, we must define them using pinMode() with passing OUTPUT or INPUT parameter. The following is a scheme of Arduino Leonardo board pinouts for digital Input/Output.

The following is a scheme of Arduino Micro board pinouts for digital Input/Output.

In this chapter, we build a program to illustrate how Arduino Leonardo/Micro digital input/output work. We need a LED and a pushbutton. Let’s start!.

3.2 Wiring We use built-in LED which is attached on pin 13 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Then, we connect a pushbutton to pin 3 The following is a sample of wiring.

3.3 Writing a Program To create a program, we just open Arduino IDE and write this code. int led = 13; int pushButton = 3; int state = 0; void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(pushButton, INPUT); } void loop() { state = digitalRead(pushButton); digitalWrite(led,state); delay(300); }

Save these codes as ButtonLed.

3.4 Testing Now you can upload and run this program to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board. For testing, try to press pushbutton. You should see a lighting LED on the board.

4. Serial Communication (UART)

In this chapter I’m going to explain how to access UART on Arduino Leonardo/Micro board.

4.1 Getting Started Arduino Leonardo/Micro provides UART which can be accessed via Serial library or SoftwareSerial. Further information about Serial object, you can read it on . We can call to read one byte from UART and Serial.write() to write one byte into UART. UART is represented as RX and TX pins. You can see UART pins on Arduino Leonardo board. Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data using the ATmega32U4 hardware serial capability. Note that on the Micro, the Serial class refers to USB (CDC) communication; for TTL serial on pins 0 and 1, use the Serial1 class. The following is Arduino Leonardo and Arduino/Genuino Micro pinout.

In this chapter, we try to access Arduino Leonardo UART via serial adapter which is used to upload a program too. Let’s start!.

4.2 Hello UART In this section, we try to use UART on Arduino Leonardo board.

4.2.1 Wiring In this scenario, we use the same wiring from chapter 3. We will show pressed state from push button on Serial.

4.2.2 Writing a Program To use Serial object, we need to initialize it by calling Serial.begin(baudrate). In this case, we can user baudrate 9600 on Arduino Leonardo or Micro. Open Arduino software and write this program. int led = 13; int pushButton = 3; int state = 0; void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(pushButton, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { state = digitalRead(pushButton); digitalWrite(led,state); Serial.print("State="); Serial.println(state); delay(300); }

Save this program as SerialDemo.

4.2.3 Testing Now you can upload and run program. Don’t forget to set board target with Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Read section 2.4 to upload the program. After clicked Verify and Upload icons, you can see serial port for Arduino Leonardo/Micro board on your computer. To see the UART output, open Serial Monitor tool from Arduino IDE.

Set baud 9600 and Both NL & CR.

You should see the UART output on this window. A sample output can seen in Figure above.

4.3 Working with SoftwareSerial On Arduino Leonardo/Micro, you can use UART pins on other digital pins. We can communicate with Arduino Leonardo/Micro board from computer via UART using SoftwareSerial. In this scenario, we need Serial hardware. The following is a list of UART tool you can use for this demo. SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V, FTDI Cable 5V VCC-3.3V I/O, Foca,

In this scenario, I use Foca tool from iTead. We connect UART/Serial tool to Arduino Leonardo/Micro pin 10 as RX and 11 as TX.

Consider we use Arduino Leonardo board. The following is our wiring: UART/Serial tool Tx is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro Digital Pin 10 UART/Serial tool Rx is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro Digital Pin 11 UART/Serial tool GND is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro GND

A sample of hardware implementation can be seen in Figure below.

After connected to computer, it’s recognized as serial port, for instance, in my Windows, it is detected as COM3.

Now you can open Arduino IDE and write these codes. #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // check Serial activation while (!Serial) { ; } mySerial.begin(9600); } void loop() { if (mySerial.available()) { Serial.write(;

} if (Serial.available()) { mySerial.write(; } }

Save this program as CommSerial. Compile and upload the program to Arduino Board board. If done, you can open Serial Monitor tool. On computer which is attached with UART/Serial too, run your serial application, for instance, I use CoolTerm, . Instal and run this app. Now you can connect UART/Serial USB tool to your computer.

Configure your Serial application to connect UART/Serial USB. Select Arduino Leonardo port and Baudrate 9600.

On Terminal menu, checked Local Echo, shown in Figure below.

If done, click OK button. After connected, you can type words on this tool.

If done, you should them on Serial Monitor tool from Arduino. A sample output for Serial Monitor and Serial application.

5. PWM and Analog Input

This chapter explains how to work with Arduino Leonardo/Micro Analog I/O.

5.1 Getting Started Arduio Leonardo board provides Analog I/O which can be connected to sensor or actuator devices. Arduino Leonardo/Micro has PWM on digital pins: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. See the following of Arduino Leonardo/Micro Analog input which is represented A0.. A5.

In this chapter, we try to access Arduino Leonardo/Micro Analog I/O using Arduino software. There are two scenarios for our cases: Controlling RGB LED Reading Analog input using Potentiometer

Let’s start.

5.2 Demo Analog Output (PWM) : RGB LED In this scenario we build a program to control RGB LED color using Arduino Leonardo/Micro Analog output (PWM). RGB LED has 4 pins that you can see it on Figure below.

To understand these pins, you can see the following Figure.

Note: Pin 1: Red

Pin 2: Common pin Pin 3: Green Pin 4: Blue

Now we can start to build a program and hardware implementation.

5.2.1 Wiring For our testing, we configure the following PWM pins. RGB LED pin 1 (red) is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro digital pin 9 RGB LED pin 2 is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro 5V (VCC +5V) RGB LED pin 3 (green) is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro digital pin 10 RGB LED pin 4 (blue) is connected to Arduino Leonardo/Micro digital pin 11

Here is a sample implementation with Arduino Micro and RGB Led.

5.2.2 Writing Program

To display a certain color, we must combine colors from red, green, blue. Arduino Leonardo/Micro provides API for PWM like Arduino API such as analogWrite() and analogRead() with analog value from 0 to 255. Let’s start to build a program. Firstly, open Arduino Software. Then, write these scripts. int redPin = 9; int greenPin = 10; int bluePin = 11;

void setup() { pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { setColor(0, 255, 255); // red Serial.println("red"); delay(1000); setColor(255, 0, 255); // green Serial.println("green"); delay(1000); setColor(255, 255, 0); // blue Serial.println("blue"); delay(1000); setColor(0, 0, 255); // yellow Serial.println("yellow"); delay(1000); setColor(80, 255, 80); // purple Serial.println("purple"); delay(1000); setColor(255, 0, 0); // aqua Serial.println("aqua"); delay(1000); } void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) { analogWrite(redPin, red); analogWrite(greenPin, green); analogWrite(bluePin, blue); }

Save this program as PWMDemo. This program will generate six colors: red, green, blue, yellow, purple, and aqua.

5.2.3 Testing Upload and run the program. You should see several color on RGB LED. The following is a sample demo on RGB LED.

If you open Serial Monitor, you should see program output.

5.3 Demo Analog Input: Working with Potentiometer In this section, we learn how to read analog input on Arduino Leonardo and Micro board. For illustration, I use Potentiometer as analog input source. Our scenario is to read analog value from Potentiometer. Then, display it on Serial Monitor. Arduino Leonardo/Micro has Analog inputs on A0..A5. If you want to work with many analog inputs, you must expand it using ICs based ADC. In this section, we are working on Arduino Leonardo/Micro Analog inputs. Let’s start!.

5.3.1 Wiring To understand Potentiometer, you see its scheme in Figure below.

You can connect VCC to Arduino Leonardo board on 3V3 pin (VCC +3.3V). Vout to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board Analog input A0. In addition, GND to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board GND. The following is hardware implementation. I use slide potentiometer.

5.3.2 Writing Program Firstly, create a program using Arduino IDE. To read analog input, we can use analogRead() function. Ok, Let’s write these scripts. int val = 0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { val = analogRead(A0); Serial.print("ADC="); Serial.println(val); delay(300); }

Save this code as ADCDemo.

5.3.3 Testing Upload and run this program. If success, you can see analog value using Serial Monitor tool from Arduino IDE.

6. Working with I2C

In this chapter we learn how to work with I2C on Arduino Leonardo and Micro boards using Arduino program.

6.1 Getting Started The I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus was designed by Philips in the early ’80s to allow easy communication between components which reside on the same circuit board. TWI stands for Two Wire Interface and for most marts this bus is identical to I²C. The name TWI was introduced by Atmel and other companies to avoid conflicts with trademark issues related to I²C. I2C bus consists of two wires, SDA (Serial Data Line) and SCL (Serial Clock Line). Arduino Leonardo and Arduino/Genuino Micro have I2C on digital 2 pin (SDA) and digital 3 pin (SCL). You can see I2C pins on Arduino Leonardo and Micro boards, shown in Figure below.

For testing, I used PCF8591 AD/DA Converter module with sensor and actuator devices. You can find it on the following online store: Amazon, eBay, Dealextreme, Aliexpress,

In addition, you can find this device on your local electronics store/online store.

This module has mini form model too, for instance, you can find it on Amazon, .

This module use PCF8591 IC and you can read the datasheet on the following URLs.

In this chapter, we build a program to access sensor via I2C using Arduino software on Arduino Leonardo or Micro board.

6.2 Writing Program We use PCF8591 AD/DA Converter as I2C source. You can connect PCF8591 AD/DA Converter to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board directly. The following is our wiring lab: PCF8591 AD/DA Converter SDA —> Arduino Leonardo/Micro SDA (pin digital 2) PCF8591 AD/DA Converter SCL —> Arduino Leonardo/Micro CLK (pin digital 3) PCF8591 AD/DA Converter VCC —> Arduino Leonardo/Micro VCC 5V (+5V) PCF8591 AD/DA Converter GND —> Arduino Leonardo/Micro GND

Hardware implementation can be shown in Figure below.

6.3 Writing Program We use I2C on Arduino Leonardo and Micro boards using Wire library like Arduino way. PCF8591 AD/DA Converter module has three sensor devices: Thermistor, Photovoltaic cell and Potentiometer. This module runs on I2C bus with address 0x90. In this case, we read all sensor data. Open Arduino IDE and write this code. #include "Wire.h" #define PCF8591 (0x90 >> 1) // I2C bus address #define PCF8591_ADC_CH0 0x00 // thermistor #define PCF8591_ADC_CH1 0x01 // photo-voltaic cell #define PCF8591_ADC_CH2 0x02 #define PCF8591_ADC_CH3 0x03 // potentiometer byte ADC1, ADC2, ADC3; void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { // read thermistor Wire.beginTransmission(PCF8591); Wire.write(PCF8591_ADC_CH0); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(PCF8591, 2);;; Serial.print("Thermistor="); Serial.println(ADC1); // read photo-voltaic cell Wire.beginTransmission(PCF8591); Wire.write(PCF8591_ADC_CH1); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(PCF8591, 2);;; Serial.print("Photo-voltaic cell="); Serial.println(ADC2); // potentiometer Wire.beginTransmission(PCF8591); Wire.write(PCF8591_ADC_CH3); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(PCF8591, 2);;; Serial.print("potentiometer="); Serial.println(ADC3); delay(500); }

Save this code as I2CSensor.

6.4 Testing Now you can upload and run the program to Arduino Leonardo/Micro board. If done, open Serial monitor tool and connect to Arduino Leonardo/Micro to see the program output. The following is a sample output.

7. Working with SPI

In this chapter I’m going to explain how to work with SPI on Arduino Leonardo/Micro board.

7.1 Getting Started The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a communication bus that is used to interface one or more slave peripheral integrated circuits (ICs) to a single master SPI device; usually a microcontroller or microprocessor of some sort. SPI pins are not connected to any of the digital I/O pins as they are on the Uno, they are only available on the ICSP connector and on the nearby pins labelled MISO, MOSI and SCK. You can see these SPI pins on Arduino Leonardo and Micro board, shown in Figure below.

We can only use one SPI on Arduino Leonardo board with SPI master mode. We develop program based SPI using SPI library, . In this chapter, we build a SPI Loopback app. Let’s start!.

7.2 Wiring To develop SPI loopback, we can connect MOSI pin to MISO pin. If you use Arduino Leonardo, you find MOSI and MISO pins on ICSP connector. For Arduino/Genuino Micro, you can connect MOSI pin to MISO pin which their label name are shown. The following is a sample of wiring for Arduino Micro.

7.3 Writing a Program Firstly, we write a program for Arduino Leonardo/Micro. Write these codes on Arduino IDE. #include byte sendData,recvData; void setup() { SPI.begin(); Serial.begin(115200); } // source: // byte randomDigit() { unsigned long t = micros(); byte r = (t % 10) + 1; for (byte i = 1; i Examples -> Ethernet -> Web Server.

Then, you obtain WebServer program. Modify IP address value. #include #include

// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below. // The IP address will be dependent on your local network: byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 22); // Initialize the Ethernet server library // with the IP address and port you want to use // (port 80 is default for HTTP): EthernetServer server(80); void setup() { // Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only }

// start the Ethernet connection and the server: Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); server.begin(); Serial.print("server is at "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); }

void loop() { // listen for incoming clients EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { Serial.println("new client"); // an http request ends with a blank line boolean currentLineIsBlank = true; while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { char c =; Serial.write(c); // if you've gotten to the end of the line (received a newline // character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended, // so you can send a reply if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) { // send a standard http response header client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-Type: text/html"); client.println("Connection: close"); // the connection will be clos client.println("Refresh: 5"); // refresh the page automatically eve client.println(); client.println(""); client.println(""); // output the value of each analog input pin for (int analogChannel = 0; analogChannel < 6; analogChannel++

int sensorReading = analogRead(analogChannel); client.print("analog input "); client.print(analogChannel); client.print(" is "); client.print(sensorReading); client.println(""); } client.println(""); break; } if (c == '\n') { // you're starting a new line currentLineIsBlank = true; } else if (c != '\r') { // you've gotten a character on the current line currentLineIsBlank = false; } } } // give the web browser time to receive the data delay(1); // close the connection: client.stop(); Serial.println("client disconnected"); Ethernet.maintain(); } }

Save the program as WebServer.

9.4.2 Testing Now you can compile and upload the program into Arduino board. Open Serial Monitor to see the program output.

To test the program, open a browser and navigate to IP address of web server. Then, you can see Analog input values on website.

This program will refresh automatically.

A sample of program output on Serial Monitor tool.

10. Keyboard and Mouse HID

In this chapter I’m going to explain how to work with Keyboard and Mouse HID in Arduino Leonardo and Micro.

10.1 Getting Started Arduino provides keyboard and mouse API which our program can interact with Keyboard and Mouse HID. Further information about this library, please read it on . In this chapter, we learn how to access Keyboard and Mouse HID.

10.2 Keyboard Demo The first demo is to build a program which interacts with Keyboard on computer, We use a pushbutton to activate our Keyboard. While a pushbutton is pressed, we send a character to Keyboard. We use Keyboard.write() to write a character. We use the same wiring from chapter 3. Connect your pushbutton on digital pin 3. Let’s write this program in Arduino IDE. #include "Keyboard.h" int pushButton = 3; int led = 13; int state = 0; byte chr = 50; void setup() { pinMode(pushButton, INPUT); // initialize control over the keyboard: Keyboard.begin(); } void loop() { state = digitalRead(pushButton); digitalWrite(led,state); if (state==HIGH) { // Type the next ASCII value from what you received: Keyboard.write(chr); chr = chr + 1; if(chr>80) chr = 50; } delay(300); }

Save this program as KeyboardDemo. Now you can compile and deploy the program into the board. After that, run text editor, for instance Notepad on Windows platform.

Now you can press a pushbutton. Then, you should see some characters on your a text editor. A sample of text editor can be seen in Figure below.

10.3 Mouse Demo The second demo is to build a program to access Mouse in a computer. We will move our Mouse while pressing a pushbutton. We use a pushbutton which is attached on digital pin 3. We use Mouse.move() to move Mouse position. Now you can write the following program on Arduino IDE. #include "Mouse.h" int pushButton = 3; int led = 13; int state = 0; void setup() { pinMode(pushButton, INPUT); Mouse.begin(); } void loop() { state = digitalRead(pushButton); digitalWrite(led,state); if (state==HIGH) { Mouse.move(10, 10, 0); } delay(300); }

Save the program as MouseDemo. Now you can compile and upload the program into the board. After that, try to press a pushbutton so your Mouse position is changing.

Source Code

You can download source code on


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