ARCore Document
December 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ARCore Document
ARCore Overview ARCore is Google’s platorm for building augmened realiy experiences. Using dieren APIs, ARCore enables your phone o sense is environmen, unders undersand and he world and inerac wih informaon. Some of he APIs are available across Android and iOS o enable e nable shared AR experiences. ARCore uses hree key capabilies o inegrae virual conen wih he real world as seen hrough your phone's camera: Moon racking allows he phone o undersand and rack is posion relave o he world. Environmenal Environmen al undersandin undersanding g allows he phone o deec he size and locaon of all ype of surfaces: horizonal, horizonal, vercal and angled surfaces like he ground, a coee able or walls. Ligh esmaon allows he phone o esmae he environmen' environmen'ss curren lighng condions. Supported Devices
ARCore is designed o work on a wide variey of qualied Android phones running Android 7.0 (Nouga) and laer. A full lis of all suppored devices is available here. How does ARCore work?
Fundamenally, ARCore is doing wo hings: racking he posion of he mobile device as i moves, and building is own undersanding of he real world. ARCore's moon racking echnology uses he phone's camera o idenfy ineresng poins, cal called led feaure feaures, s, and racks racks how hose poins poins move over over me. me. Wi Wih h a com combin binao aon n of he movemen of hese poins and readings from he phone's ineral sensors, ARCore deermines boh bo h he posion posion and oriena orienaon on of he phone as i mov moves es hr hroug ough h spa space. ce.In In add addio ion n o idenfying key poins, ARCore can deec a surfaces, like a able or he oor, and can also esmae he average lighng in he area around i. These capabilies combine o enable ARCore o build is own undersanding of he world around i.ARCore's undersanding of he real world les you place objecs, annoaons, or oher informaon in a way ha inegraes seamlessly wih he real world. You can place a napping kien on he corner of your coee able, or annoae a painng wih biographical informaon abou he ars. Moon racking means ha you can move around and view hese objecs from any angle, and even if you urn around and leave he room, when you come back, he kien or annoaon will be righ w where here you le i.
Fundamental Concepts
Before diving ino ARCore, i's helpful o undersand a few fundamenal conceps. Togeher, hese conceps illusrae how ARCore enables experiences ha can make virual conen appear o res on real surfaces or be aached o real world locaons.
Moon racking As your phone moves hrough he world, ARCore uses a process called concurren odomery and mapping, or COM, o undersand where he phone is relave o he world around i. ARCore deecs visually disnc feaures in he capured camera image called feaure poins and uses hese poins o compue is change in locaon. The visual informaon is combined wih ineral measuremens from he device's IMU o esmae he pose (posion and orienaon) of he camera relave o he world over me. By aligning he pose of he virual camera ha renders your 3D conen wih he pose of he device's camera provided by ARCore, developers are able o render virual conen from he correc perspecve. The rendered virual image can be overlayed on op of he image obained from he device's camera, making i appear as if he virual conen is par of he real world.
Environmenal Environmen al undersanding ARCore is consanly improving is undersanding of he real world environmen by deecng feaure poins and planes.ARCore looks for clusers of feaure poins ha appear o lie on common horizonal or vercal surfaces, like ables or walls, and makes hese surfaces available o yo your ur app as planes planes.. ARC ARCor ore e can also deerm deermine ine each plane' plane'ss bou bound ndary ary and make ha informaon available available o your app. You can use his informaon o place virual objecs resng on a surfaces.Because ARCore uses feaure poins o deec planes, a surfaces wihou exure, such as a whie wall, may no be deeced properly.
Ligh esmaon ARCore can deec informaon abou he lighng of is environmen and provide you wih he average inensiy and color correcon of a given camera image. This informaon les you ligh your virual objecs under he same condions as he environmen around hem, increasing he sense of realism.
User inerac ineracon on ARCore ARC ore use usess hi es esng ng o ak ake e an (x, (x,y) y) coord coordina inae e cor corres respon pondin ding g o he ph phone one's 's scr screen een (provided by a ap or whaever oher ineracon you wan your app o suppor) and projecs a ray ino he camera's view of he world, reurning any planes or feaure poins ha he ray inersecs, along wih he pose of ha inersecon in world space. This allows users o selec or oherwise inerac wih objecs in he environmen.
Oriened Poins Oriened poins les you place virual objecs on angled surfaces. When you perform a hi es ha reurns a feaure poin, ARCore will look a nearby feaure poins and use hose o aemp o esmae he angle of he surface a he given feaure poin. ARCore will hen reurn a pose ha akes ha angle ino accoun.Because ARCore uses clusers of feaure poins o deec he surface's angle, surfaces wihou exure, such as a whie wall, may no be deeced properly.
Anchors and Trackables Poses can change as ARCore improves is undersanding of is own posion and is environmen environmen. . When you wan o place a virual objec, you need o dene an anchor o ensure ha ARCore racks he objec's posion over me. Oen mes you creae an anchor based on he pose reurned by a hi es, as described in user ineracon. ineracon.The The fac ha poses can change means ha ARCore may updae he posion of environmenal objecs like planes and feaure poins over me. Planes and poins are a special ype of objec called a rackable. Like he name suggess, hese are objecs ha ARCore will rack over me. You can anchor virual objecs o specic rackables o ensure ha he relaonship beween your virual objec and he rackable remains sable even as he device moves around. This means ha if you place a virual Android gurine on your desk, if ARCore laer adjuss he pose of he plane associaed wih he desk, he Android gurine will sll appear o say on op of he able.
Augmened Images Augmened Images allows you o build AR apps ha can respond o specic 2D images such as produc packaging or movie posers. Users can rigger AR experiences when hey poin heir phone's camera a specic images - for insance, hey could poin heir phone's camera a a movie poser and have a characer pop ou and enac a scene.Images can be compiled oine o creae an image daabase, or individual images can be added in real me from he device. Once regisered, ARCore will deec hese images, he images boundaries, and reurn a corresponding pose.
Sharing ARCore Cloud Anchor API les you creae collaborave or mulplayer apps for Android and iOS devices.Wih Cloud Anchors, one device sends an anchor and nearby feaure poins o he cloud for hosng. These anchors can be shared wih oher users on eiher Android or iOS devices in he same environmen. This enables apps o render he same 3D objecs aached o hese anchors, leng users have he same AR experience simulaneously simulaneously.
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