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) 2. Thule Gesellschaf and the Vril Society Ruis, gepost door: nn op 20/03/2012 20/03/20 12 03:08:16 Thule Gesellschaf and the Vril Society Wes Penre With permission to reproduce as long as not taken out o context and credit is given back to this page : hp:// hp:// For educaonal use only There are two secret sociees sociee s that have been working in unison – the Thule Gesellschaf and the Vril Society. Those who know anything at all about how Hitler rose to power have heard about them both, because they inuenced the polical climate in Germany behind the scenes and were the orces that helped bringing The Führer to power. At that me, they wanted to ring in the 3rd Reich, where Hitler would be the leader. Although many o Hitler’s (and the Priesthood’s) goals were reached during WW II (the creaon o the UN and the migraon o Jews to Israel to menon two o the goals they accomplished), the mission only took the Internaonalists so ar. Now is their me to ring in the 4th Reich, which will be the nal One World Government. Thule Gesellschaf What ollows is a descripon o  the Thule Gesellschaf – I want to start out with the “ocial version” or your inormaon beore I go into much lesser known details about the society.The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaf), originally the Studiengruppe ür Germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group or Germanic Anquity’, was a German occulst and völkisch group [group or the people] in Munich, named afer a mythical northern country rom Greek legend. The Society is notable chiey as the organizaon that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was later transormed by Adol Hitler into the Nazi Party. Thule ound its true purpose through the joining o sociees in 1919 with the Vril Gesellschaf and DHvSS which also believed in worship o the Black Sun; but it was the psychic mediums o Vril and Thule’s own resident psychic Maria Orsic that convinced them that the Aryan race didn’t originate rom earth but rom Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri – 64 light years away.Vril also convinced the DHvSS (Men o the Black Stone) that their mountain goddess Isias was the queen o Aldebaran. The primary ocus o Thule-Gesellschaf was a claim concerning the origins o the Aryan race. “Thule” ((Greek): Θούλη) was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the urthest north. The term “Ulma Thule” ([Lan]: most distant Thule) is also menoned by the Roman poet Virgil in his epic poem Aeneid. This was supposed to be the ar northern segment o Thule and is now generally understood to be Scandinavia Said by Nazi myscs to be the capital o ancient Hyperborea, they idened Ulma Thule as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north: near Greenland or Iceland. These ideas derived rom earlier speculaon by Ignaus L. Donnelly that a lost landmass had once existed in the Atlanc, and that it was the home o the Aryan race, a theory he supported by reerence to the distribuon o Swaska mos. He idened this with Plato’s Atlans, a theory urther developed by Helena Blavatsky, the occulst during the second part o the 19th century. The Thule-Gesellschaf maintained close contacts with Theosophists, the ollowers o Blavatsky.An important note here is that the modern Thule Gesellschaf was ormed (or reormed) by Rudol von Seboendor in 1918, but the Order in itsel, just like Freemasonry and many other secret sociees, is ancient and have survived throughout history under dierent names but always had the same misson and Agenda. The Thule Society has, so I’m told, a huge base in Antarcca as well, which also is the place where the secret man-made UFOs are taken into space. They even have plans to make Antarcca a sovereign state in the near uture, a state outside o the One World Government. The Vril Society, in control o Vril Power, and the Thule Gesellschaf are ghtly g htly interwoven. The Vril Society is actually the Inner Circle o Thule and they work with the U.S. Government and have done so since the end o WW II when German Thule and Vril members were secretly moved over to the United States in a project called “Operaon Paperclip”. Both Thule and Vril are using Scandinavian Gods and Goddesses as aliases within the Order, and they even have a Nordic language that the Inner I nner Circle speaks which they have spoken on Earth or over 11,000 years. It has been passed down to each inner circle’s


successor.The ollowing prey much summarizes Thule’s present view on humanity and its’ uture. It comes rom a Thule Insider and is translated rom German : This is what we need to understand! We are all parts o this [God's] plan. There are lots o pieces in God’s great game. Unortunately, mankind learns only by disasters or wars and then we develop a new collecve consciousness! The Akasha Chronicle is nurtured rom the development o human beings, and as bad as it sounds: Napoleon and Hitler were actors in the collecve consciousness o mankind — a child learns rom a lile pain — humanity learns rom this child. But it will be accompanied by a great divine assistance, which is generally in the literature o the esoterics which the “Great White Brotherhood” reers to.We need have no ear, because lurking behind the Stargate is not the death or monsters. It shows the kind and loving creator. The “Great White Brotherhood” is the guardian o ideas. The gods have invoked the Brotherhood o Agartha — The Order o Thule, and other magic systems work in the construcon o the new eon. Hope is our principle. I am not at all convinced that “behind the Stargate is not “the death or monsters”, though. My research leads me to believe it’s a mix o “everything” and by opening the Gate we let in whatever dwells “on the other side”… Agartha means the Naon inside the Hollow Earth, which I have no doubt is very real. The Vril Society First a lile background on the Vril Society. This is what is told to the general public in Wikipedia : The Vril Society was ounded as “The All German Society or Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins o the Aryan race, to seek contact with the “hidden masters” o Ulma Thule, and to pracce meditaon and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery o the divine Vril orce itsel. It was ormed by a group o emale psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaf medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) o Zagreb, who claimed to have received communicaon rom Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and seled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was allegedly ormed rom the ancient Sumerian word Vri-Il, “like god” [In act, Vri-Il means nothing in Sumerian, and could not even be a Sumerian word, as Sumerian had no 'v' phoneme, nor does Sumerian allow consonant clusters at the beginning o words. While the Akkadian word or “deity” is indeed ilum, the Sumerian word is dingir]. A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one o Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend. Other sources state that the Vril Society was ounded by an ill-dened group o Rosicrucians in Berlin beore the end o the 19th century, while sll others state that it was ounded by Karl Haushoer in Berlin in 1918. Some sources state that the Vril Society was also known as the Luminous Lodge, or the Lodge o Light, though others claim that it was originally called the Brothers o the Light. The Society allegedly not only taught concentraon exercises designed to awaken the orces o Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumug (Spaceight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaf and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren vom schwarzen Stein, The Masters o the Black Stone) to und an ambious program involving an inter-dimensional ight machine based on psychic revelaons rom the Aldebaran aliens [who are equivalent to the Anunnaki, who ruled in old Sumer. The word Sumer (or Sumeria) stems rom Sumi-Aldebaran, which is the star system the Anunnaki originally come rom, 68 light-years rom Earth. Nibiru is merely a "staon" they use on their Intergalacc journeys]. Members o the Vril Society S ociety are said to have included Adol Hitler, Alred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were original members o the Thule Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (Naonal Sozialissche Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi ag, was also a Thulist. With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafen allegedly received ocial state backing or connued disc development programs aimed at both spaceight and possibly a war machine.There is no evidence that


a unconal prototype was ever made. The claim o an ability to travel in some interdimensional mode is similar to Vril claims o channeled ight with the Jenseitsugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine) and the Vril Flugscheiben ( Flight Discs ). Hidden masters (the members o the Vril society and their antagonist, the Jewish World Conspiracy), an escape by Hitler and other Nazis rom Berlin to the South Pole, ying saucers, secret Nazi invenons, and psychic channeling powers and Aliens rom Aldebaran clearly are the elements o a conspiracy c onspiracy theory. As there yet seems to be no comprehensive scholarly examinaon o the proponents o this theory (except or some chapters in Goodrick-Clark’s “Black Sun”), their moves remain unclear. It must be said, though, that Secret Sociees cannot be held responsible or the Holocaust and the Third Reich. Like I said, this is the “ocial version”, which does have truth in it, but the Wikipedia entry was made by someone who wanted to debunk the whole story. Big mistake! History is telling us that the Vril Society was almost enrely based on Edward Bulwer-Lyon’s con novel, The Coming Race. The book describes a race o men psychically ar in advance o ours. They have acquired powers over themselves and over things that make them almost godlike. For the moment they are in hiding. They live in caves in the center o the Earth. So how can a group o esoteric people orm a serious secret society out o a con book? Well, this is how it works : First o all, i we research Edward Bulwer-Lyon we will see that he belonged to The Hermec Order o the Golden Dawn, which in itsel was (and sll is) a very esoteric secret society which branched out rom the English Rosicrucian Order. Being a high rank member o The Golden Dawn, Bulwer-Lyon had a lot o esoteric knowledge. What he then did was nothing new and it happens even more ofen today — he wrote a antasy/con book! That way he got the esoteric knowledge out to other iniates in other secret sociees around the world, while the common masses would read the book as pure con and never understand the seriousness, the symbolism and the truth that was wrien in it. An ingenious way o geng orbidden knowledge out in the open, but sll only the selected ew would understand what the inormaon is really about. Today they do this through books, Hollywood movies, pop/rock music, ne art, pop art and more… In December 1919 a small circle o persons rom Thule, Vril and the DHvSS [Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein (German: Lords o the Black Stone)] met in a specially rented orester’s lodge near Berchtesgaden (Germany). They were accompanied by the medium Maria Orsic and another medium only known as Sigrun. Maria had mediumiscally received transmission in a secret Templar script – a language unknown to her – with the technical data or the construcon o a ying machine. According to Vril documents these telepathic messages came rom the solar system Aldebaran which is sixty-our lightyears away in the constellaon Taurus.Here is a short summary o messages the Vril medium had received over the years and which ormed the basis or all urther acons by the Vril-Gesellschaf, compiled by author Jan van Helsing, and this is very important inormaon to be able to understand the rest – this is not science con, but truly what is going on in the Inner Core o Thule and Vril. I need to emphasize to the reader that even i you don’t believe a word o this, it’s irrelevant. They believe it and have built at least two very complicated secret sociees around it — and these sociees are quite powerul and inuenal: The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that orm the empire SUMERAN. The populaon o the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race o “light God people” (Aryans) and several other human races that had developed by negave mutaon rom the “God people” because o climac changes upon the planets. The Aldebaran star system The colored mutant races apparently are on a lower stage o spiritual development. The more the races intermixed, the lower the t he spiritual development o these people sank, which led to the situaon that when the sun Aldebaran began expanding they could no longer maintain the space travel technology o their oreathers and could not leave the planets by their own means. The lower races,


totally dependent upon the master race, had to be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. Despite their dierence all the races respected one another and did not interere with each other, neither the so-called God people nor the lower races. race s. Each respected that the others just made their own developments [in contrast to what happens on Earth]. Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, afer the expansion o the sun Aldebaran and the resulng heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they rst colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area o today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. [The proo or a highly developed race on Mars are the well-known ace on Mars and the pyramid city which has been photographed by the Mars probe Viking in 1976. It is assumed that the master race rac e o SumeranAldebaran then also came to Earth or a rst visit, witnessed by the petried impressions o a shoe ound to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a lile craysh that lived then upon Earth and became exnct about 400 million years ago]. The Vril people thought that later, when Earth became slowly habitable, the race o the Aldebarans landed in Mesopotamia and ormed the master caste o the SUMERIANS which were described as air, white God people. The Vril telepaths also ound that the Sumerian language was not only idencal with that o the German and that the language requently o German and Sumerian-Aldebaranian were almost idencal. [ The Aldebarans are the ones whom we call the Anunnaki ] The construcon plans and the technical details that the Vril mediums received were so accurate that they led to the most antasc idea men ever begot: the construcon o a “Jenseitsugmachine”, a “ying machine or the other side” and the “VrilOdin”! Just to try to understand how complicated the terms “good” and “evil” are and how subjecve they are, Dr. W.O. Schumann o the Technical University in Munich, both a Thule and a Vril member, held a speech in the early 20th Century, a secon o which is reproduced here: In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light and darkness, good and evil, creaon and destrucon – as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always: either – or. These two principles – the creave and the destrucve – also determine our technical means… Everything destrucve is o Satanic origin, everything creave is divine. Every technology based upon explosion or combuson has thus to be called Satanic. The coming new age will be an age o new, posive, divine technology! rom the German SS secret archives arc hives In the summer o 1922 the rst saucer-shaped ying machine was built whose drive was based on implosion (the “other-side ying machine”). It had a disk eight meters across with a second disk with a diameter o six and a hal meters above and a third disk o seven meters diameter below. These three disks had a hole at the center cente r o one meter eighty across in which the drive, which was two meters orty high, was mounted. At the boom, the central body was coneshaped, and there a pendulum reaching the cellar was hung that served or stabilizaon. In the acvated state the top and boom disk revolved in opposing direcons to build up an electromagnec rotang eld. The perormance o this rst ying disk is not known. But experiments were carried c arried out with it or two years beore it was dismantled and probably stored in the Augsburg works o Messerschmidt. In the books o several German industrial companies entries under the codename “JFM” (or Jenseitsugmaschine) can be ound that show payments towards nancing this work. Certainly the VRIL DRIVE ( ormally called “Schumann SM-Levitator” ) emerged rom this machine Beore the end o 1937, the RFZ 2 was ready, with a Vril drive and a “magnec eld impulse steering unit. It worked – and it would meet a remarkable desny in 1941, during the Bale o Britain, when it was used as transatlanc reconnaissance craf, because or these ights the German standard ghters ME 109 had an insucient range. Due to the craf’s small size and experimental impulse controls the RFZ-2 could only make turns


o 90, 45, and 22.5 degrees making it unsuitable as a ghter aircraf. In 1941, however, the RFZ-2 met the surace raider Atlans in the The RFZ-2 served as a long-range spoer or the raider which would later bring mining equipment and supplies to Neu Schwabenland prior to its sinking in December 1941.This is the last known use o the RFZ-2 which due to its cramped interior which tended to heat up badly became known as the “Fliegende Heisswasserasche” ( Flying Hot Water Bole )! These machines were based an an IMPLOSION instead o an EXPLOSION system, a technology directly developed rom Maria Orsic’s and her co-mediums’ channeled inormaon. VRIL power is simply the energy o the Universe, and Nazi Germany learned how to tame it and use it or interplanetary travels. There is a lot more to know about the development o Flying Saucers here on Earth, and I strongly recommend you read Jan van Helsing’s book, Secret Sociees and Their Power in the 20th Century to learn more. It goes into details on this and various other very important subjects. For our purpose it is not necessary to go into too much details about this, other than you need to know that these things were and are going on around us in secret, and many UFOs that people see (but not all o them) are man-made. There can’t be much o a discussion whether the Vril space-crafs are real or not, because the evidence is overwhelming and indisputable. Sll, there are a ew more things worth menoning. At the beginning o  1943 it was planned in Nazi Germany to build in the Zeppelin hangars, a cigar-shaped mother ship. The ANDROMEDA DEVICE o a length o 139 meters should transport several saucer-shaped craf in its body or ights o long duraon ( interstellar ights ) By Christmas 1943 an important Vril-Gesellschaf meeng took place in the seaside resort o Kolberg.The two mediums Maria Orsic and Sigrun aended. The main item on the agenda was the ALDEBARAN PROJECT. The mediums had received precise inormaon about the habitable planets around the sun Aldebaran and one began to plan a trip there. At a January 22, 1944 meeng between Hitler, Himmler, Kunkel (o the Vril Society) and Dr. Schumann this project was discussed. It was planned to send the VRIL-8 (Odin) large-capacity craf through a dimension channel independent o the speed o light to Alderbaran. Under the operaon PAPERCLIP German sciensts who had worked in secret were brought to the U.S. privately, among them VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and WERNHER vON BRAUN — both had been working on these projects and now introduced this secret technology to the United States Government.In 1938 a German expedion to ANTARCTICA was made with the aircraf carrier Schwabenland (Swabia). 600,000 kms o an ice-ree area with lakes and mountains were declared German territory, the NEUSCHWABENLAND (New Swabia). Whole eets o submarines o the XXI series were we re later headed towards Neuschwabenland. Conceptual art o Neu Schwabenland high-tech U-Boot Type XXVI was a high-seas U-boat propelled by the Walter Propulsion System. They would have had a crew o 3 ocers and 30 men, with ten torpedo tubes, 4 at the bow and 6 in a so-called Schnee organ, and no deck guns. 100 contracts were inially awarded to the Blohm + Voss yard in Hamburg (U-4501 through U-4600) and secons were under construcon c onstrucon or U-4501 through U-4504 when the war ended.The other contracts had been cancelled. Today about one hundred German submarines are sll unaccounted or, some equipped with the Walter Snorkel, a device that allowed them to stay submerged or several weeks, and it can be assumed that they ed to Neuschwabenland with the dismantled ying disks or at least the construcon plans. Again it must be assumed that since the test ights had been very successul some so-called ying saucers have own directly there at the end o the war. Perhaps some may think these assumpons to be a bit on the daring side, but there are strong indicaons that it may well have happened that way. There is a queson why in 1947 ADMIRAL E. BYRD led an invasion o ANTARCTICA, why he had 4,000 soldiers, a man-o-war, a ully equipped aircraf carrier and a unconing supply system at his command i it was a mere expedion? He had been given eight months or the exercise, exe rcise, but they had to stop afer eight


weeks and high losses o planes undisclosed even today. What had happened? Later Admiral Byrd spoke to the press : It is the bier reality that in the case o a new war one has to expect aacks by planes that could y rom Pole to Pole.Jan van Helsing tells us that NorbertJürgen Rahoer writes about the whereabouts o the Haunebru developments in his book Zeitmaschinen ( Time Machines) : The Haunebru I, II and III space gyros and the VRIL I space ying disk had disappeared afer May 1945. It is very interesng to note in the context that t hat afer its nine teenth test ight the German Haunebru III is said to have taken o on April 21, 1945, rom Neuschwabenland, a vast, ocially German territory in the Eastern Antarcc, or an expedion to Mars, about which there is nothing urther known. One year later, in 1946 the many sighngs that suddenly occurred in Scandinavia o shining objects o unknown and denitely arcial origin caused a great sr among the Allies in East and West. Again one year later, in 1947, and well into the Fifies, a rising number o shining unknown ying objects, doubtlessly steered by intelligent beings, mostly round, disk- or bell-shaped, somemes cigar-shaped, so-called UFOs appeared over North America… A lone prototype was constructed beore the close o the war and was to be used or evacuaon work or Thule and Vril in March 1945. Subsequent postwar claims that this craf was ulmately used or a mission to Mars is completely unounded; even with onboard SS oxygen generators and modied Draeger Werke pressure suits there is no way this machine could withstand an eight month journey to Mars. What would be the purpose anyway? The Gesellschafen were aiming at channeled ight not convenonal space ight. The text goes on to say that as a rule these objects were unlike the German developments. but good photographic material proves that the Haunebu II version especially had been sighted very ofen since 1945.It is urther said that colour photographs taken by a night guard in West Germany in the Sevenes exist ex ist o a landed and restarted ying disk that had both a knight’s cross and a swaska on its hull. According to Thule, and lots o other other independent researchers, another disc lef Antarcca in 1945 with both Hitler and Maria Orsic on board. This craf was heading not or Mars, but or Aldebaran. We know or a act that Orsic “disappeared” rom the “ace o the Earth”, literally speaking, in 1945 and many dierent researchers suggest she actually went to Aldebaran, but was Hitler on board as well??? Future research may disclose this maer, hopeully. Researchers have long struggled with rom where the mediums got their inormaon – whom did they channel? Instrucons how to build Vril driven saucers partly came rom the ILAT-LITUM plates ound in Antarcca in 1939, and partly rom previous channeled inormaon, and my research points in the direcon that the Vril mediums channeled beings rom the Aldebaran System, the original Anunnaki. Vril-8 Odin Schemac It could very well be that the technology to build Vril-Odin originally came rom a mix o alien technology and channeled c hanneled inormaon, but Vril-Odin was built by humans rom this same channeled inormaon, plus the instrucons in the ILATLITUM.According to Herbert G. Dorsey and other researchers they had, besides the construcon plans the Vril-Gesellschaf had received through telepathic contact with extra-terrestrials, a non-terrestrial saucer that had crashed in the Black Forest in 1936 and whose undamaged drive had proved a great help to the Germans. But there is praccally no proo o that, and no living eye witnesses are known. A painng o a model o the Vril Machine, taken directly rom the Thule website However, it sure seems like Maria Orsic is back rom Aldebaran, looking as young as ever. Is it possible that Vril Power is able to “bend me” by traveling through a dimensional “(worm)hole”, like van Helsing suggests, and thus bring the passenger back in the same age ( or younger ) than he / she was when they lef ? Early on, while I was researching, a certain girl, code name “Sully” was presented to me as the “Vril girl”. g irl”. No other name. Then, by “accident” on the Internet I looked at photos o Maria Orsic, whom no one had menoned to me at that point and I did not know about her rom previous research. So let me tell you how this developed. In an arcle ( Viktor


Schauberger – The UFOs o Nazi Germany ), totally unrelated to my research, this picture is published : The picture with the spacecraf is rom the Vril Society and was taken in 1944. The girl’s name in this picture, I ound out, is Maria Orsitsch ( Orsic ). Now compare the two photos and we can denitely see the similaries. Are these two girls the same person? I so, she hasn’t aged! These pictures are at least 65 years apart. Sully Maria Orsic As a maer o act, afer I made this connecon, I have had it conrmed rom two sources that these two girls are the same person. This biography o Maria Orsitsch is prey interesng : Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a amous medium who later became the leader o the Vril Society. Biography She was born in Vienna. Her ather was a Croaan and her mother was a German rom Vienna. Although various alleged photos and documents exist that veriy Maria Orsitsch’s existence, it was only unl the 1960s that historians and writers began to note her involvement with Nazi Myscism. Maria Orsitsch was rst menoned and pictured in 1967 by Bergier and Pauwels in their book Auruch ins drie Jahrtausend: Von der Zukunf der phantasschen Vernunf. Vrilerinnen Women Maria Orsitsch was the head o the ‘The All German Society or Metaphysics’ ( Alldeutsche Gesellschaf ür Metaphysik ) ounded in the early 20th century as a emale circle o mediums who were involved in extraterrestrial telepathic contact. The society was later renamed the ‘Vril Society’ or ‘Society o Vrilerinnen Women’. In 1917 Maria Orsitsch is said to have made contact with extraterrestrials rom Aldebaran with her emale Vril circle. Later Late r in 1919 the Vril circle met with other groups in a small orester’s lodge in the vicinity o Berchtesgaden to discuss a possible voyage to Aldebaran to meet the Aliens by the construcon o Nazi UFOs. Notes on this space mission are discussed in a recent detailed analysis o Nazi Occulsm entled Black Sun : Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Polics o Identy. Maria claimed to have received mediumiscally transmissions in a secret German Templar script – a language unknown to her – containing technical data or the construcon o a ying machine. Vril documents menon these telepathic messages had their origin in Aldebaran, a solar system 64 light-years away in the constellaon Taurus. Disappearance In 1945 Maria Orsitsch and the Vril Circle mysteriously disappeared. This has led to some writers, conspiracy theorists and Nazi Myscs (ie Jan Udo Holey) to believing Maria Orsitsch escaped to Aldebaran. Vril Leer o Departure or Aldebaran, March 1945 So again, it’s stated she disappeared in 1945. Is “Sully” the Grandmaster o the Vril Society? According to two sources and my own research and observaons, she may very well be! Someone showed one o my sources an ocial Temple o Isis signet rom Ancient Egypt that the Military possesses and it depicts Isis under a bull. Aldebaran is known as the Bull’s eye o the Taurus constellaon. The Isis picture looked exactly like the ‘Vril girl’. It is dicult to nd a good painng/aract on Isis to compare the two, and so ar I haven’t ound any that I could say have resemblance with today’s Sully/Maria Orsic. Antarcca, Springboard to the Stars This ollowing inormaon comes directly rom a Thule Insider. In 1939, Captain Alred Ritscher o Nazi Germany ound the Antarcca entrance into the Inner Earth. He also ound the “ILAT-LITUM” plates in a sarcophagus on the coast o Neuschwabenland. In the sarcophagus were sll a number o technical devices and instrucons that now became available to the Vril Society. The “ILATLITUM” was divided into several engraved metal plates or tablets, brought to Berlin and decoded into German by some experts rom the Orient. When the plates were ound, no one could read them, because they were in Sumerian/Akkadian. This is what the Thule member told me when I asked what ILAT-LITUM is ( this email excerpt is translated rom German ) : This book was wrien or those who were lef behind on the planet KI, which we now call Earth. It shows us the history o the gods since their arrival, the war with the Reptoids, the emergence o new types and species, the advancement o the DNA and more…The book was also menoning the signs that will show or the return o the Gods. It is the story o ourselves and all our


deeds. The book was not completely handed over to a human. Only with “Vril-Odin’s” departure a ull translaon was given. Vril-Odin is used to navigate in a meless space ( hyper-space ), as well as to assess the upcoming events. Thereore, it would be very dangerous i it gets into the wrong hands… Only when we all understand that we are children o the gods, there will be peace and the divine plan is closed or another eon.ILATLITUM contains accurate inormaon on the landing o the Anunnaki Gods on Earth and the ght with the Reptoids. Inside the sarcophagus were also instrucons how to build the “Vril-Odin” space craf. The “Vril-Odin” was built per the instrucons and was up and ying in the all o 1944. On board the craf was Reichskanzler Adol Hitler. The desnaon o the ight o Vril-Odin was Sumi-An in the Aldebaran solar system.According to the Thule insider, all subsequent appearances o Hitler were done by his doubles. The corpse in the bunker was the body o a double as well. The secret recordings o Hitler on this subject were passed to the Vacan by a Bishop Bremer and these archives are supposed to be opened up in 2012. Nazis in Antarcca, 1939 Captain C aptain Ritscher, when he made his expedon, ollowed the instrucons rom the Vril Society and channeled inormaon, mainly rom the Vril Society’s own medium, Sigrun. This means that Ritscher did not nd the sarcophagus by accident but was ollowing channeled instrucons.We know that Maria Orsic received channeled inormaon regarding the Tablets already in 1919-1924 but wasn’t able to decode and interpret it, because it was in Sumerian / Akkadian. We need to remember that the technology known to common people is at least a hundred years up to thousands o years behind the technology used in secret. Moon bases have long been established, and you don’t use a slow and unsae space shule to move between planets in our solar system. The Vril power has a lot to do with space technology and how to travel outside this planet. The “disc” that the Anunnaki God are talking about in ILAT-LITUM, which they are rotang (or spinning) is rom my understanding a Vril machine. Area 51, by the way, is a cover. The real base is in a mountain in Utah. When a craf is taken into space, it leaves rom Utah to Antarcca and then exita the atmosphere rom there.There is apparently a lot o UFO and underground acvity in Utah. There are lots o witnesses, many are Mormons and ormer Mormons, who say that there is a network o underground tunnels beneath Salt Lake City and some o these people have seen replian beings there as well.Interesngly enough, shortly afer I published this book on June 17 2009, UFO sighngs have increased in numbers rapidly. Agartha – A Naon Inside Earth Much has been said about the Hollow Earth. Books have been wrien about it, a lot o Internet sites cover it and some o it is good research, some o it is not. It is an important part o our story, because due to both the Thule and Vril Sociees (and other secret sociees as well) there is a Naon o Beings inside Earth. This Naon is called Agartha or Agarthi ( both variants are used interchangeably — there are other spellings as well ) and their Capital is Shambala (or Shamballah). I will just touch briey on it here.I am going to quote Jan van Helsing rom his well researched book : Secret Sociees S ociees and Their Power in the 20th Century again and this me when comes to explaining what Agarthi/Agartha is, because his research conrms to some extent e xtent what members rom Thule have told me, but is sll just a part o the story”ULTIMA THULE” apparently was the capital city o the rst connent peopled by Aryans. This was called HYPERBOREA and was older than Lemuria and Atlans (connents with advanced cultures since submerged). The Scandinavians have a tale o “Ulma Thule”, the wonderul land in the high North, where the sun never sets and the ancestors o the Aryan race dwell.Hyperborea was up in the North Sea and sank during an ice age. It is assumed that the Hyperboreans came rom the solar system Alderbaran which is the main star in the constellaon Taurus, and that they were about our meters tall, white, blond and blue-eyed. They knew no war and were vegetarians (so was Hitler). According to alleged Thule texts they were technically very advanced and ew “Vril-ya”, ying machines that today we call UFOs. These ying disks were capable o


levitaon, extreme speeds and the maneuvers known rom today’s UFOs due to two counter-rotang magnec elds and they used the so-called Vril power as energy potenal or uel (Vril = ether, Od, Prana, Chi, Ki, cosmic orce, Orgon…, but also rom the academic “vriIL” = as the highest deity = Godlike), i.e., they take the energy rom the earth’s magnec eld (ree energy) like the “tachyon converter” o Captain Hans Coler.When HYPERBOREA began to sink the Hyperboreans are said to have burrowed with huge machines giganc tunnels into the Earth’s crust and seled under the Himalayan region. The subterranean realm is called AGHARTA and its capital SHAMBALLAH. The Persians call this land “Aryana” the land o origin o the Aryans. Here we should menon that Karl Haushoer claimed that Thule was actually called Atlans and – contrary to all other researchers o Tibet and India – he said that the surviving Thule-Atlanteans were separated into two groups, a good one and an evil one. Those who called themselves afer their oracle Agharta were the good and seled in the Himalayan region, the evil ones were the Shamballah who wanted to subjugate humanity and they went West.He maintained that the ght between the people o Agharta and Shamballah had been going on or thousands o years and that in the Third Reich the Thule-Gesellschaf as Agharta’s representave connued it against the representaves o Shamballah, the Freemasons Fre emasons and the Zionists. This perhaps was his mission. The head o this subterranean region he said was Rigden Iyepo, the king o the world, with his representave upon the Earth’s surace, the Dalai Lama. Haushoer was convinced that the land below the Himalayas was the birthplace o the Aryan race, which he claimed to have conrmed during his Tibet and India travels.The symbol o Thule was the Swaska counter clockwise. Tibetan lamas and the Dalai Lama personally tesed that people rom Agartha were sll living today. The subterranean land that is anchored in almost all Eastern tradions has spread over the millennia under all o the Earth’s surace with huge centers under the Sahara desert, the Mao Grosso and the Santa Catarina mountains in Brazil, Yucatan in Mexico, Mount Shasta in Caliornia, England, Egypt, Czechoslovakia. It seems that Hitler especially sought to discover the entrances to the subterranean world Agartha and to get g et in contact with the descendants o the Aryan “God people” rom Alderbaran-Hyperborea. In the myths and tradions o the subterranean world it is ofen said that the world’s surace was yet to suer a terrible world war (Third World War) which would though be ended by earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching o the poles and the deaths thererom o two thirds o humanity.Afer this “last war” the several races o the inner earth would reunite with the survivors on the surace and that the thousandyear GOLDEN AGE (age o Aquarius) would be rung in. Hitler wanted to build an outer “Agartha” or “Aryana” with the Aryan master race, and Germany should be its home. During the existence o the “Third Reich” two large expedions were sent by the SS to the Himalayas to nd those entrances. Further expedions searched in the Andes, the Mao Grosso mountains in the North and the Santa Catarina mountains in the south o Brazil, in Czechoslovakia and parts o England.Some authors claim that the Thule people believed that – quite independently o the subterranean tunnel and city system – the Earth was HOLLOW, with two great openings at the poles. Natural laws were quoted, “as above, so below”. Since blood, body or egg cells, a comet or an atom all have a nucleus and a hollow space surrounding it that is enclosed by a “corona radiata”, an envelope, and the actual “lie” is taking place in the core, one has deduced that the Earth was built afer the same principles. Druses conrmed this, as they were hollow and the “lie”, the mineral and crystals, were in the interior. Thereore the Earth also had to be hollow – apparently agreeing with the views o the Tibetan Lamas including the Dalai Lama – and had a nucleus, the Central Sun (also called the “Schwarze Sonne”, the Black Sun) that gave the interior an even climate and permanent sunlight, corresponding in the microcosm to the central sun o the galaxy in the macrocosm.They maintain there is a place in the interior – the master race lives inside


and the mutants on the surace – and that this was also the reason re ason why we wouldn’t nd any lie upon other planets o our solar system, because their inhabitants live inside. The main entrances are at the North and South poles through which the central sun is shining and producing the aurora borealis. In the interior the land mass was exceeding the water mass. The polar explorer Ola Jansen and others said that the water in the interior was resh, re sh, which could explain why the ice o the Arcc and Antarcc is made o reshwater, not salt water. It is interesng to note that this view o the make-up o the world is shared and supported by the polar explorers Cook, Peary, Amundsen, Nansen, and Kane and, last but not least, Admiral E. Byrd. All had the same, strange experiences contradicng exisng scienc theory.All conrmed that afer 76 degreed latude the winds became warmer, that birds ew north, that they ound colored and gray snow which when thawed lef colored pollen or volcanic ash. The queson arises: where do ower pollen or volcanic ash near the North Pole come c ome rom, as not a single volcano is marked on any o the accessible maps? Further, some o the explorers ound themselves in reshwater seas, and all say that at a me during their travels they had seen two suns. Mammoths were ound whose esh was sll resh and whose stomach contained resh grass. The “Hollow Earth” theory has so ar remained just a theory to the public, although some authors and explorers claim to have visited there and even – like Admiral E. Byrd – had taken numerous pictures. It cannot be denied that all the Arcc explorers had had extraordinary experiences that so ar cannot be explained, which points to something strange happening there.But the theory that the Earth had a molten core has equally remained just a theory. The act remains though that the subterranean man-made tunnel and cave systems do exist. They can be ound in almost any country o the world and by the largely sll exisng light source (a greenish glow that gets brighter the deeper one enters the tunnels), by the smooth walls and the unknown machinery that was ound in the Boynton Canyon in Sedona, Arizona, are witness to a technically advanced culture that existed millions o years beore. The myths o a “Hollow Earth” were enough or the Thule people to go out to start a serious study o the phenomenon. Thereore there was at least one expedion to the Antarcc during World War II.To show that the story o the A AryanryanHyperboreans was not enrely invented I would like to menon two examples: When the Spaniards S paniards under Pizarro came to South America in 1532, the naves called them “ivicarochas” (white lords). According to their legends there was a master race o very tall white people who centuries beore had descended in “ying disks” rom heaven. They had long ruled in some o the towns and when they disappeared had promised to return. When the air skinned Spaniards arrived, the naves thought them to be the iviracochas coming back and thereore in the beginning beg inning willingly gave them their gold. Similar occurrences took place when the rst white travelers arrived in Tibet and other Himalayan regions. They were scrunized in astonishment by the Tibetans and asked why they came rom BELOW (the oot o the mountains) rather than rom ABOVE as they usually did. ~ Chapter 32 : Adol Schickelgruber and the ‘Thule Gesellschaf’ Apart rom the act that I. G. Farben supported Hitler, their cartel partner “Standard Oil” (Rockeeller) anned the ames against the Nazis. The “Ford Motor Company” or instance helped to build up the American army while at the same me producing in Germany military vehicles or the Nazis. Ford and Opel (subsidiary o General Motors that is controlled by J. P. Morgan) were the two largest producers o tanks in Hitler’s Germany.Whatever the outcome o the war, these mulnaonal companies had already made their cuts. Many enterprises ollowed this principle during the Second World War.Why is there nothing about all this in schoolbooks or encyclopaedias? Especially in Germany where the reedom o the press is apparently honoured and the truth is taught ? One o the reasons is that the Rockeeller Foundaon spent US $139,000 in 1946 to present an ocial history o the Second World War which covered up the whole story o the U.S. bankers building up the Nazi regime as well as


the occult and myscal background o the Nazis. One o the main sponsors was Rockeeller’s own “Standard Oil Corp.” Site Meter Bron : hp:// Plaats een aanvullingBegin discussie 3. "Is there any truth to the ollowing? ALDEBARAN -- Human militarists o a ascist slant who have tradionally sided with the Dracos and Greys. They collaborate within a large underground acility below Egypt, the base o a secret "Kamagol-II" cult which has connecons to the Bavarian Thule Society and the Montauk me-space projects. This cult is also reerred to as the Gizeh empire or Gizeh Intelligence, and they are working with secret sociees on earth in an eort to dissolve all naonal sovereignes into a global religioeco-polical order. There are also Insectoid orces involved with Aldebaran. Apparently a neo-Nazi space orce may have helped to colonize that system by sending mespace orces back into the distant past to inhabit the 4th dimensional realm o one or more o its planets. These orces rom the past are currently involved with the New World Order scenario, aempng to carry out their dictatorial agenda on earth rom their "base" within another me-space dimension o Aldebaran (source: Preston Nicholes, and others). Here is the link to the site where I ound this inormaon: hp://www.angel hp://www.angel Here is another reerence: Alex Collier Video: 1. hp:// hp:// 2. hp:// v=ok0QD...eature=related.. Alex Collier Lecture ..A; 1995 IInteracon v=ok0QD...eature=related nteracon Between Gizeh Group and Nazi Germany: The Greys made contact with a world governmental body or the rst me in 1931. This was in Germany. The Greys were however turned away by the German government, because it had already commied itsel to involvement with the Gizeh Intelligence. Now, I don't know i you know who Gizeh intelligence is, but I will tell you that it is a renegade group o human extraterrestrials that were headquartered under the Gizeh plateau in Egypt. They were predominantly Pleiadians at the me. Ashtar was part o that group, Kamagol was part o that group. Even Jehovah was part o that group or some me. They did their own thing. They came down here and "played God" with us, and people worshipped them as "Gods" because they had this technology. They abused their power. The Germans were, in the 1930's, building rockets and starng a space program because o their contacts with extraterrestrials - the Gizeh Intelligence. Technology was developed and used to create weapons, because the German governmental bodies involved were concerned that there was going to be an alien invasion. The Gizeh intelligence told them that the Greys were here. However, there was not an actual invasion, per se, in progress. Weapons, such as sound devices, lasers, neutron bombs, parcle beam weapons were created, although many o these were actualized later on in history. The Germans were given a lot o this technology by the Gizeh intelligence. These technologies also included ree energy devices and an-gravity technology. Triparte Interacon: US, USSR and Britain. The United States was the rst to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told o a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't unl 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States ocials, due to the shoong down o an alien craf in Roswell, New Mexico. This pressed the Greys into contact earlier e arlier than they had ancipated. Afer this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the Brish, at the very highest levels o government, became "blood-brothers". Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that me in history. The Germans were very very secreve about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these other countries were two separate issues. The Roswell incident created more o an urgency to develop a true space program in order to deend the Earth. Again, the United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state o the aliens they had encountered. The true space program as an "underground" development that we


are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally nanced by members o the Club o Rome. Now, you will need to do some homework to nd out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building o some o the rst acilies on the moon and Mars. Here is the link: hp://ooz/Nwomc...Governm hp://home.wanadoo.n l/muooz/Nwomc...Government.htm. ent.htm. Here is one more: The observaon leads to the conclusion that Al Gore is a top member o Gizeh intelligence. This was the reported occult backing o Adol Hitler and his Nazi movement in Germany. Ethnically, the Mars connecon o pyramid builders (Caucasian white race component o modern humanity via Atlans, in their original orm ng the Nazi stereotype and extremely racist, the people described by contactee Elizabeth Klarer). The story is very old and very complex. In order to give g ive a short intro, just take a look at this ancient Egypan painng o Toth wring judgment: Toth, or Hermes Trismegistos, was born during the mes o Atlans and achieved personal immortality. A part o this was a shape-shifing ability. In the painng above, he is depicted with an animal head (ibis). Gizeh intelligence comprized around 8000 highly advanced people under the supreme leadership o shape-shifing Toth. They lived since ancient mes in a network o underground cies, the main city being under Gizeh, Egypt, another site being under a locaon in the Grand Canyon, U.S.A. Other animal shapes reported rom ancient mes include a crocodile ace, a lion ace, etc. Toth is the ading embodiment o a allen angel, Lucier. In the 19th century, some o the 8000 started becoming acve, such as through the Theosophical society o Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In the early 20th century, the Gizeh intelligence became acve as a backer o Adol Hitler in Germany and his Rothschild-Windsor sponsors in England. Today, all the 8000 have lef their cies c ies and are acve among humanity. From this connecon it is plausible that they are also the orce behind the Jesuits in the Vacan and the Knights Templar beore that. Reerence: Books by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Contrary to myth, the Nazis won the second world war and took over the United States o America. See research by Mae Brussell, Webster G. Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin, David Emory and Greg Halle. From this connecon it is plausible that Gizeh intelligence is in control o America. My personal psychic experience is that Al Gore is a shape-shifing demonic enty rom the very top o Gizeh intelligence with Assamite ability (one o the so-called „Ascended Masters” who are highly developed negave beings). The acvaon o the Gizeh intelligence over the past 150 years (since John D. Rockeeller, Sr.’s me) is to my mind an incidental part o the prophecy that is requently discussed today under the capon o „2012”. The tradional Chrisan name or this is the Apocalypse (afer the Book o Revelaon, the last book o the Bible). Here is the link: hp:// hp:// In light o the above inormaon, please watch the ollowing: 1. hp://c63rCnWE. hp://c63rCnWE. 2. hp:// v=VTe2t...eature=related. v=VTe2t...eature=related. Do you see a paern...or is it just me? Tell me I'm not crazy! Prey please!! Help! He lp! I'm nding very lile inormaon on 'Gizeh Intelligence'. The above descripon seems to place 'them' at the center o our troubles. The views expressed above are not necessarily mine...but they seem intriquing. What is going on here?" I wonder as to whether this supposed "Thule Society" was always Satanist, and/or another type o Unholiness, or a totally dierent occult (like some demons who may or may not have been deant towards one or the other or even both, Holy pleiadians and Gods and Unholy demons which recently I had goen this thought and the replian "conrmaon" that this does exist as well, not just brainwashed and controlled "Unholy demon clones", which is an enrely separate issue and concept) Apparently even some original other kind o demons are also an-Unholy, not just some extraterrestrial replians and that i may have even been possessed at mes by one or the other, kind o Unholiness, clones and these atheisc demons who the Unholiness/"law pleiadians demons" (as the chitauri replians call them) supposedly look down upon


and view and deem them as "low class" demons... (Many o these arcles in this Urgent 5 email chain c hain I have not read in it's enrety, due to the act that i am usually geng targeted, maybe even through the mulverse rifs at mes, by many dierent ronts and enes, and that this is much bigger than just "satanic" and/or communist gangstalking... and that many hackers may even be listening, watching and reading much o this, potenally. So i must be righteous through thick and thin, and try to support what is right and or benevolence and or the whole planet no maer how much i get manipulated/possessed/controlled..... manipulated/possessed/contro lled..... they put me to sleep and distract me when i try to read much o any o these arcles in this "Urgent 5" chain o documents and passages........ but i'm sure it is because there is very much truth to atleast the rst 2------------ (Break due to this computer disconnecng rom the internet most likely because pro-west/illumina/malevolents don't want me to expose any o this, i will connue here-) copy o last paragraph with my next points and addions: I wonder as to whether this supposed "Thule Society" was always Satanist, and/or another type o Unholiness, or a totally dierent occult (like some demons who may or may not have been deant towards one or the other or even both, Holy pleiadians and Gods and Unholy demons which recently I had goen this thought and the replian "conrmaon" that this does exist as well, not just brainwashed and controlled "Unholy demon clones", which is an enrely separate issue and concept) Apparently even some original other kind o demons are also an-Unholy, not just some extraterrestrial replians and that i may have even been possessed at mes by one or the other, kind o Unholiness, clones and these atheisc demons who the Unholiness/"law pleiadians demons" (as the chitauri replians call them) supposedly look down upon and view and deem them as "low class" demons... I had also goen the thought that Satan was the demon seen as "selling earth and the pleiadians and Unholiness" out to extraterrestrial/vrillian replian illumina power manipulators to begin with by sympathizing, trusng and consorng with them to begin with, whether it was rom a pro-nazi and/or pro-American pro-western ront, and ulmately got culled rst by a vrillian power manipulave spawn, then later by a chitauri replian communist (supposedly). And maybe things like that would be why most original demons, especially original Unholiness wouldn't involve themselves directly with humanly or mortal polics/within the polical sphere o the globe and the establishments/governments o the world to not risk becoming vulnerable to any opposers/power manipulators rom any ront, and that would w ould explain some governmental/ocials enes/possessors not being exactly aligned and allied with just any demons/unholiness' own interests, especially e specially i they are actually replian an-pleiadian/an-Holy power manipulators or their inuenced/controlled demon clones/"manipulatee's"/tools/slaves clones/"manipulatee's"/tool s/slaves (like the vrillian leviathan demon cclone lone that seemed to cater and bow to the "soul recycling archons", (vrillian replian hybrid extraterrestrial power manipulators who try to manipulate humans and their souls? trying to act like demons?), archons who are obsolete as malevolence and evil is as well as a whole, and you should stand up or yourselves) and so they eel entled and sel righteous enough to overlook all the communist power manipulators and so they don't accommodate me or my demons (to a ault) and then they die when its too late or their souls....( or not helping us, anyway...) anyway, also because governmental rules, regulaons re gulaons and spulaons are similar to their vrillian replian society o orbidding and prevenng outsider/public intervenon with unocial enes and cooperaon with public humans/humanly aairs. So that's all part o the problem as well, especially once you realize that some malevolent, some communist, some both o the chitauri metaphysical computerized soul sel power manipulator kind o replians have been trying to take over the world rom the boom up, with grassroots movements like anonymous "hackvism", inltrang the media and industry and business, brainwashing and controlling and maybe even possessing humans themselves in some cases, with w ith russia/an-western/communist and allied countries, cyber-warring,


espionage/spying, proxy bale wars, using propaganda to turn t urn America and other countries public against their own establishments i.e pro-russian propaganda on american industrial technological plaorms like social media outlets, television news outlets, the Washington Post (editor?) creang a header or that newspaper company that says "democracy dies in darkness"...... darkness"......... ... While the ignorant and sel-righteous and malevolent pro-western/pro-american etc. illumina overlook all o these kind o brainwashing's and intrusions, intrusions, trying to rule rom the ttop, op, through their pro-western elite secret sociees and the establishments/governments o the world, and turning their heads and a blind eye to everything the communists/pro-russian state have been trying to do the enre me, and neglecng me all because you're either scared o risking your secrecy, extraterrestrials, ext raterrestrials, and/or intelligence community's by mistrusng people like me who are actually patrioc and well-meaning and helpul, even i i prove mysel, and they decide to not get involved publicly (to a ault) and that's a big reason why pro-west is ucking up. (Leaving me alone "expendable" with real divine/unholy energies trapped reproducing on my body dead or alive is probably the worst mistake you could ever make, mishandled/unhandled, mishandled/unhandl ed, wow what a bunch o retards, but anyway. Yet, somehow I'm sll pro-American xD  ) anyway, (also neglecng your own ocials,  demons, clones, demon clones and leaving them malevolent is also unwise....... let alone the public and veterans alike and not in your best interest, not or anyone) (Many o these arcles in this Urgent 5 email chain I have not read in it's enrety, due to the act that i am usually geng targeted, maybe even through the mulverse rifs at mes, by many dierent ronts and enes, and that this is much bigger than just "satanic" and/or communist gangstalking... and that many hackers may even be listening, watching and reading much o this, potenally. So i must be righteous through thick and thin, and try to support what is right and or benevolence and or the whole planet no maer how much i get manipulated/possessed/controlled..... they put me to sleep and distract me when i try to read much o any o these arcles in this "Urgent 5" chain o documents and passages........ passages........ but i'm sure it is because there is very much truth to atleast the rst 2 "e-books" (Illumina bloodlines, and the Archon notes), and I am personally wondering whether any o this in this e-mail could elaborate on any other details concerning these kind o topics that would be useul or benevolent enes to know to try to change or the beer which is why i point these things out. I capitalists, communists, oligarchs and governments and elite controllers, establishments and sociees would actually be benevolent enough to not be too greedy, and to actually spread the wealth evenly, whether it is through airly implemented and proper, uncorrupted orms o socialism and/or taxing the wealthy or the lower classes, and to supporng third world countries and spreading ree and advanced, developed society throughout the planet, could eradicate poverty, homelessness etc. and the opposers cyber-war, proxy bales and other conicts etc. and could lead to uning the planet and or peace and love and unity and sympathy and benevolence etc. so all o this should be in everyones interests. The richest people have no need or extra billions o dollars that they won't spend because they already have everything they want or can't spend or whatever the case may be, so the governments may as well tax the rich, give themselves a pay raise and some more incenve to do right, and to help the whole o the planet. The communists could redistribute their wealth more evenly and airly, the pro-western countries can tax the rich/capitalists more and not the low class c lass and middle class and could probably eradicate the rif and the dierence and division and the need to keep anyone low class, homeless or impoverished and/or unemployed or third world. or examples.... And then we can come that much closer to the Heavenly world to come c ome "Heaven on earth" utopian advanced uturisc society that some may know as the inevitable uture o the supposed so called "YAVIS" empire (a benevolent new world order/one world government i not internaonal/global state. I any part o the


illumina/global elite was suered to stay evil/malevolent or controlled by Unholiness that reuses either pro-Holiness and/or benevolence or both, then you might keep the world divided and you'd risk malevolent opposion to your demons, pro-western countries, governments, replians etc. and the prorussians and communists would eel the need to either ulll their own malevolents agenda and/or think that they have to ght and hack the pro-west to deend their own countries and people rom your prowestern illumina extraterrestrials, demons, replians, humans, expansionism/colon ex pansionism/colonialism ialism and/or imperialism, and you'd risk them trying to advance urther in Crimea, Ukraine, India, Korea, Syria, Israel I srael etc. just because some enes "want to stay evil/malevolent/an-Holy... evil/malevolent/an-Holy..... .. that's not worth giving up America and the west to other opposing malevolents and communists and pro-russian state now, is it...? No, malevolence is not worth keeping or anyone involved at this point and everyone needs to come to this mutual understanding that everyone has to remain benevolent in every universe and that that's the only way to x everything. Then, to be pro-Holy, once it is sae enough e nough or extraterrestrial benevolents to come help this planet and or Jesus Christ, Son o God to also to comortable to come help or this planet and everything as well Himsel. back to the deatho site.... this part may certainly expose russian war criminals, i anything, to say the least. In all objecvity... 4. hps://www.deatho hps://www.deathocommun "Exposing the Jewish Criminal Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda “ We must not orget that some o greatest murderers o modern mes were Jewish….” In this arcle I will expose the jewish je wish criminal Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda. Born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda (Енох Гершевич Иегуда) (November 7th 1891– March 15th 1938) into a Jewish Jew ish amily in Rybinsk. Yagoda was the Jewish head o the notorious Soviet Secret Police, the NKVD rom 1934 to 1936 and laid the groundwork or the inamous Show Trials. Responsible or the deaths o at least 10 million people, Yagoda’s black vans went out at night in St. Petersburg, known then as Leningrad, to round up so called “class enemies”: ormer members o the aristocracy, ormer civil servants, ormer businessmen, ormer teachers and proessors and proessional people, and or ethnic Europeans who had graduated rom a university. A quarter o the populaon o the city was arrested and liquidated under the order o Yagoda. Genrikh Yagoda was a jewish murderer and like all the other communists showed no regards or any lie, ollowed his own selsh pursuits no maer who he harmed, he lied, he stole, and should be remembered as the vile creature he truly was. Honors and awards Yagoda Received (For being a murderer) – Order o Lenin – Order o the Red Banner, twice (1927, 1930)  – Order o the Red Banner o Labor o the RSFSR (1932) Yagoda joined the Bolsheviks Bolsheviks in 1907 and in 1914 he married Ida Averbach (jew), a niece o Yakov Sverdlov (jew) another notorious jewish Bolshevik responsible or the nal telegraphic instrucons to murder the Imperial Family. About the Tsar amily ~ hp://deatho hp://deathocommunis tml Yagoda was a member o the Presidium o the Cheka in 1920 and was appointed by Felix Dzerzhinski (jew) as Second Deputy Chairman o the Cheka’s successor organizaon, the OGPU, rom 1923 to 1934. He was described at the me, by Georgi Agabekov, as “brutal, unculvated and gross”. Exposing the Jewish Criminal Felix Dzerzhinsky Yagoda was responsible in September 1927 or the ‘exposure’ o the ‘Lef Opposion’ led by Trotsky and Zinoviev, and in an enrely abricated report engineered by Stalin, they were ound guilty o  collusion with the Whites. In November Trotsky, Zinoviev and almost a hundred o their ollowers were expelled rom the Party. (Jews rang out other jews) Exposing the Jewish Criminal Leon Trotsky Exposing the Jewish Criminal Grigory Zinoviev In 1930 he was in charge o the system o orced labor camps throughout the Soviet Union. A close longme associate o Stalin, Yagoda became a member o the Central Commiee o the Communist Party o the Soviet Union in 1934 and was put in charge o the newly organized Commissariat o Internal Aairs, the NKVD, into which the OGPU had been absorbed


that year. There is evidence that Yagoda was instrumental in establishing the NKVD’s sophiscated medical secon, the Kamera (Chamber) which experimented in the use o drugs and poisons. (Communists experimented on German pows in world war 2) When the Kulaks were targeted target ed by the communist jews, Yagoda told Stalin that the “only way o dealing with the kulaks was with bullets. One OGPU ocial admied: “We have executed some twenty or thirty thousand persons, perhaps fy thousand. They were all spies, traitors, enemies within our ranks, and a very small number in proporon to the persons o this kind then in Russia. “Stalin (jew) gave instrucons that concentraon camps should not just be or social rehabilitaon o prisoners but also or what they could contribute to the gross domesc product. This included using orced labor or the mining o gold and mber hewing. According to the an-Comintern Bullen o April 15, 1935, Yagoda’s organizaon, between 1929 and 1934, drove between ve and six million Russian peasants rom their homes. As deputy head o the GPU, Yagoda organized the building o the White Sea – Balc Canal C anal using orced labor rom the Gulag system at breakneck speed between 1931 and 1933 at the cost o huge casuales. For his contribuon to the canal’s construcon he was later awarded the Order o Lenin. The construcon o the MoscowVolga Canal was also started under his watch but only completed afer his all by his successor Nikolai Yezhov (jew also known as the bloody dwar). Yagoda and Yezhov (jew) organized purges and round-ups (and execuons) o the so called ‘conspirators.’ Zinoviev (jew) and Kamenev (jew), however, put up a deense during their trial in January 1935, and afer the trial Stalin S talin summoned Yagoda, saying to him “You’re working badly, Genrikh Grigoryevich! You should have tortured them unl they made a ull conession!” Yagoda was so shaken by the meeng that when he recounted it to his deputy, Georgi Prokoyev, he burst into tears. In August 1936 Yagoda held the rst o the inamous show trials,Yagoda supervised the arrest, show trial, and execuon o the Old Bolsheviks Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev. These events would lead to the maniestaon o the Great Purge. Zinoviev and Kamenev and a number o their associates ‘conessed’ to a series o charges including and were immediately executed. “Many Jews sold their soul to the Communist revoluon and have blood on their hands or eternity.” Even i the communist jews ollowed all the despicable orders o tyrants like Joseph the jew Stalin they themselves were executed. There is no loyalty within jewish ranks, everything and everyone is disposable even their own kind. It is said that Stalin never ully trusted Yagoda, and on September 25th 1937 Stalin sent a telegram to the Politburo demanding Yagoda’s replacement by Yezhov, stang that “Yagoda has denitely proved himsel to be incapable o unmasking the Trotskyite-Zinovievite bloc. The NKVD is [now] our years behind in this maer.” Yagoda was removed rom oce on September 26th and replaced by Yezhov, under whose anacal direcon the purge trials connued reaching dizzy heights. On March 13th, 1938 Yezhov announced another o his great counter-revoluonary conspiracies, this me by Yagoda and his leading departmental chies who were all already in prison. Yagoda became a deendant at the third show trial that month, where he was accused acc used o being a member o a “Trotskyite” conspiracy intent on destroying the Soviet Union through sabotage. In addion he was said to have arranged the poisoning o his predecessor, Menzhinsky, the great writer Maxim Gorky and the Chairman o the State Planning Commission, V.V. Kuybyshev. He was convicted and sentenced to death on March 15th, and shot soon aferwards at the Lubianka in Moscow, as were all his ellow accused, bar one, who was poisoned. On September 25, 1936, Stalin sent a telegram te legram (co-signed by Andrei Zhdanov) to the members o the Politburo. The telegram read: “We consider it absolutely necessary and urgent that Comrade Yezhov be appointed to head the People’s Commissariat o Internal Aairs. Yagoda has obviously proved unequal to the task o exposing the Trotskyite-Zinonievite bloc. A day later, he was replaced by Yezhov (jew), who managed the main purges during 1937–1938. Yagoda was arrested on


Stalin’s orders, and Yezhov announced Yagoda’s arrest or diamond smuggling, corrupon wrecking, espionage, Trotskyism, and conspiracy and spying or Germany since joining the party in 1907. Yezhov even sprinkled mercury around his oce, then blamed it on Yagoda trying to assassinate him. Yagoda was a deendant at the Trial o the Twenty-One, the last o the major Soviet show trials o the 1930s. Yagoda was shot soon afer the trial as were 3,000 o his NKVD supporters. His successor and ormer deputy Yezhov ordered the guards to strip Yagoda naked and beat him or added humiliaon just beore his execuon. Yezhov himsel would suer exactly the same treatment at the order o his successor and ormer deputy, Lavren Beria (Jew), beore dying by the same execuoner (NKVD Chie Execuoner Vasili Blokhin) just two years later. Yezhov took over Yagoda’s two Moscow apartments and his dacha which was said to contain 3,904 pornographic photos, 11 pornographic lms, 165, pornographic pipes, one dildo, many arcles o women’s clothing and the two bullets that killed Zinoviev (jew) and Kamenev (jew). Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collecvizaon orders and is responsible or the deaths o at least 10 million people. But i bet you never heard his name once in history class. “ Even i we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness o “our hangmen,” who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedicaon rom its establishment. Afer all, others will always remind us o their origin.” The Jews acve in ocial communist terror apparatuses (In the Soviet Union and abroad) and who at mes led them, did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people.” Thereore, people nd it easy to ignore their origin and “play dumb”: What do jews have to do with them, or what does them being jewish have to do with them being criminals? Everything…" Again, I apologize or the ansemec rhetoric displayed in some o that passage, as that was not the point or "illogic" i was reerring to and poinng out... I do not agree with the last part there. And rom whatever else I saw in the other last arcle, I don't think Al Gore is some Illumina shapeshifer. So alot o this stu in this email could be conspiracy theory and propaganda, but at the same me, it doesn't make everything eve rything they say untrue. I hold everyone accountable. I am not trying to be biased or unair about any o this to anyone. On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 9:44 PM nikita S.I wrote: Full version o tHe ARCHON NOTES: REPTILIAN BRAIN, ARCHON FEAR PROGRAMMING, NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING TO CONTROL THE LOW VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY MATRIX OF THE ARCHONS ON PLANET EARTH IS CONTROLLED BY THE EGO OF THIS WORLD. THROUGH KNOWLEDGE THIS NEGATIVE FEAR PROGRAMMING CAN BE REVERSED TO BE ABLE TO REACH HIGHER FREQUENCIES JANUARY 31, 2020 BY PETER HORTTANAINEN Replian brain, archon ear programming, negave programming to control the low vibraonal requency matrix o the archons on planet Earth is controlled by the Ego o this world. Through knowledge this negave ear programming can be reversed to be able to reach re ach higher requencies The replian brain has the ability to shut down the other “brains” i it senses danger. Capable o paranoia, it is our replian re plian brains that allow persecuon o others. This is why we are bombarded daily with negave messages that righten us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind open to suggesve programming. Negave ear programming; ear-based thinking, eeling, and negave ego/ear based/separave programming held within the our lower bodies o the earth and all her inhabitants. This aulty negave ego programming became seeded in the collecve consciousness and was passed along through the generaons. The reason why many stay trapped in the tomb is because they want to t in. This is the ear principle that rules mass consciousness and the illusion that eeding the ears o being excluded and then ears o death. The Matrix is then been controlled mass consciousness, tribal consciousness, corporate thought paern, Mass psychology swing the masses to their will because they work with the collecve, though undeveloped, consciousness. Through mass consciousness reality is presented through the lens o the ego, and controls percepons and what they is allowed to understand


and see o this world. That´s why the third eye o intuion is closed. The masses are made up o individuals and to change the consciousness o the masses — the consciousness o the individual must alter. As we alter our consciousness and awareness, we will understand who we are, why we are here, and what part we are desned to play in creang this new age. In this way, satan ( the ultra ego) exercises great control over large groups g roups o people. Working as the accuser, satan uses this “corporate thought” to keep God’s spiritual leaders down and out. I God intends to use a certain ce rtain man to bless His people, the enemy, working within the group mentality, will cause “everybody” to turn against him. And this is also been used in organized gang stalking, or organized bullying, or organized predator stalking. Satan controlls mass consciousness through the carnal mind and ego, and actually using anyone, at anyme and anywhere or the purpose o organized gang stalking. How does this control-matrix called “corporate thinking” work? We all desire to be accepted. Every one o us has an inherent need or the approbaon and acknowledgment o others. Because the enemy knows this, as soon as he gets control o a group, he brings all who may object to his will under control using the ear o not being accepted. It is called the “ear o exclusion.” This type o ear is an inmidang ear. Some people live in what is called “people bondage.” People bondage is when people cannot separate their personal lives rom other people’s thoughts and opinions about them. Because they cannot separate the two, they are perpetually governed by the opinions o others. Fear and inmidaon controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought paern”, that keep people in bondage and separaon, and subconsciously this creates a ear o exclusion. This state o ear and inmidaon is been aected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part o the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison. For eons, human will has been controlled by the collecve will. For example, the will o the tribe has dictated the will o its tribe members, i.e., “my will and tribal will are one.” However, the individualizaon process requires that we develop a sense o our own will. Only when we can make decisions based on our inner guidance can we liberate ourselves rom the dictates o the collecve will, external authories, as well as the manipulave and exploitave polical and economic systems. From an energec perspecve, when our electromagnec eld and psyche are merged with mass consciousness, the tribal mind controls our mind and emoons. We are at the mercy o the direcves o our tribe. We thus make ourselves available to be manipulated and exploited by the prevailing social and economic system. In act, we are not only dependent upon external authories, we are open targets or their abuse. I we are a slave to external orces, our will is not ree. Our individualizaon process and separaon rom group consciousness requires that we ocus on ourselves and become masters o our own energy. Fortunately, we can parcipate in shifing the global paradigm by extricang ourselves rom the prevailing matrix and by reclaiming our will. Connecng with the power and truth o universal orces within is the only way to reclaim our authenc will. When we embody the strength o the Divine and our soul, we can be released rom the web w eb o mass consciousness. Our tribal aliaon is replaced by our oneness with universal Spirit. The right use o will is then possible. As we become able and willing to listen to and ollow our inner guidance, we cease to listen to and ollow the direcves o social, religious, parental, and other authority gures. Ulmately, we experience that our will and Divine Will are one. It is very necessary to overcome the negave programming that the circle world and ourselves have put in place in our energy elds. Each me we manage to reverse a negave thought with a posive armaon, we create a lile more distance rom it and create an energy space o our own, that can be lled with posive eelings and thereore energy. When we make connuous eort to do this then we are taking back control o our soul connecons and our very lives. But make no mistake, the negave thoughts want us back, and they want us rmly back in the loop o the ego-driven circle world. The


subconscious will spare no tacc to protect you rom any discomort, and it will invoke some amazingly creave ways and go to extreme lengths to keep you in your comort zone. It is important to understand that the comort zone is like a magnet … a gravitaonal orce that doesn’t allow you to stray ar away rom your comort zone without conscious and powerul eort. Like the rocket that needs a sustained powerul orce to blast through the earth’s gravitaonal pull, a person must orceully push against his or her usual thoughts and behavior and sustain that eort to break through his or her personal gravitaonal pull. But … AND HERE IS THE KEY … every person must do his or her own “pushing” to sustain achievements. The boom line is that conscious and unconscious eorts to resist change will undermine and sabotage the greatest o plans i proper aenon is not given to supporng the change process rom the very start. There is a metaphor that can be used to describe the journey rom nonabiding to abiding awakening: that o a rocket ship. A rocket ship takes a tremendous amount o thrust and a tremendous amount o energy both to get o the ground and then to break the gravitaonal eld as it travels through the sky and ulmately into space. I there is enough e nough uel in the rocket and it gets ar enough away rom the Earth, it can eventually get beyond the gravitaonal eld o the planet. Once the rocket is beyond the gravitaonal eld o the Earth, the Earth no longer has the power to pull it back down. As a metaphor, we can think o the egoic structure, or the dream state, as the Earth. The dream state has a gravitaonal orce; it has the tendency to pull consciousness into itsel. This gravitaonal orce is really what one is dealing with throughout the enrety o the spiritual journey. Awakening is breaking ree o this gravitaonal orce. Inially, it may simply be leaving the dream state, awakening rom the dream state o “me” and separaon and isolaon. But because we’ve awakened does not mean that consciousness has goen past the gravitaonal pull o the dream state. I we haven’t gone completely beyond this gravitaonal eld, we’re going to be pulled back toward the experience o “me” and the percepon o separateness. Using the metaphor o the rocket ship is a way o thinking about the process o awakening. The dissoluon o the ego takes me. While the moment o awakening is a process that unolds thereafer – the process o geng beyond the gravional orce o the dream state. This process, this greater individualizaon can override and shed one´s ego, and become a kind o supersel that has the ability extend the individual consciousness beyond the constraints, into a orm o communicaon with the Divine Consciousness or Universal Consciousness. One act connuously emerges o spiritual development, and that is, that the psychic powers, higher and lower, are hindrances to the highest spiritual state and must be lef behind by the man who can uncon reed rom the three worlds altogether. This is a hard lesson or the aspirant to grasp. He is apt to think that a tendency towards clairvoyance or clairaudience is indicave o progress and a sign that his pracce o meditaon is beginning to take eect. It might prove just the opposite and inevitably will, should the aspirant be aracted by, or aached to, any o these orms o psychic aculty. As you believe something, you give it power; when you generate emoons around the thought, you enorce the object o your belie, gelling it, so to speak, into physical orm. Even i you don’t consciously arm/conrm a parcular belie, i you don’t queson or even are not aware o the underlying belie, it means that you implicitly believe in it and are part o the social agreement. When masses o people adhere to a collecve belie, their consciousness has a collecve creave eect. I you are born into this system, you are educated into what is considered to be real by everyone around you, and you never come to see the cage o belies that surrounds you, nor do you understand your own parcipaon and complicity in supporng the system. The Controllers very cleverly use the creave power o each individual by geng them to agree upon a system o belie that supports the Controllers who hold the puppet strings o the human collecve. They need the collecve or its energec mass—the reality that is created by


consensual agreement. While there is certainly a personal reality system or every individual on Earth, the sheer pressure o the collecve agreement agree ment makes it very hard or an individual to rise in vibraon and aain his own personal reedom outside the collecve agreement. The Archons don´t want anyone to dissolve their ego state o mind they have been controlled or eons and thosuends o years. Removing the Core-Fear Matrix This clearing program and dispensaon rom the Spiritual Hierarchy is extremely important or each closing. Removing the core-ear matrix is accomplished by a lacework o light that the inner-planeinascended masterssystem. anchorThe over each individual which will highlight imbalanced pro-gramming your our-body ascended mastersand have the ability to pull any all ear-based programming, all negave-ego programming, all sepa-rave programming, right out o your eld, like a gardener pulling weeds. Fear-based programming shows up under the lacework o a light-matrix removal as gray and black weeds intertwined throughout your subtle bodies. The only thing stopping us rom being the love we are is the ear-based programming that we have been imprinted with. The low vibraon holds our programming and prevents us rom moving out o it, and even i we do momentarily shif upward, that low vibraon will take us back into behaviour programmed by our chip. We need to lif the shadow into light, expose it, and look at it head on, so that we can lose its darkness and so change the level at which we are vibrang. Bliss is hardwired in our brains and bodies, and this comes about rom the divinity o the ‘whole’. ‘All’ is part o a greater plan — there is no separaon, me and them, them and me. The whole world and everyone in it is just j ust an extension o who we are, and the world simply reects our current vibraonal orm and what we need to heal. From the smallest one-cell organism, we all have the chemical or bliss in us (endorphins), so the natural orm o the world should be in bliss. The posive and negave become one and we lose the duality o dark and light that holds us back all the me. What keeps us rom awarenesses is the ear o being unprotected, the ear o being unsae, the ear o experiencing uncertainty, and the ear o insecurity. When it is okay with us to be araid and uncertain, then we do not ear our ear, and we are somewhat more secure about our insecurity, and somewhat protected by eeling less o a need or protecon. When we are not araid o our ears, we have a greater eeling o a sense o belongingness with an adequate number o people. When we are not araid o our ear, we have more o a sense o respect and sel-esteem, and we eel like we have a greater chance c hance o transcending dichotomies, so that what we do that is good or us is simultaneously good or those around us. In duality consciousness, individuals see themselves as beer or lesser than others, resulng in a hierarchy that mirrors the lay-ers o ear.There is no common source that unites everyone within this system. Only ear is shared by all, but this commonality produces no bonds because its sources are as numerous as those who experience it. This ragmentaon is not without its benets to certain people. Those who want to maintain control can use the ear o their subjects to manipulate them, keeping them ocused on one threat today and another tomorrow. The ragmented structure o duality can exist only as long as we entertain the belie that this chaoc world o separaon is raonal. Duality distorts who and what we are; to know only dual-ity is to know very lile. We live in a perectly ordered universe, but because disharmony, imbalance, and disunity permeate duality thinking, we cannot see the order that lies beneath the perceived disorder. Duality is costly and destrucve, wasteul o resources. In its ragmentaon and ear, peace is unachievable. Duality leads rst to conict, then to war, as we ratchet up the orce required to achieve submission. Duality seems to be real because its ragmented construcon restricts awareness to t o only that which conorms to its distorted view o reality. This leads to a world o distorted percepons that must constantly be deended because they are abricated, and not reality. Withdraw the belie that duality is real and it is exposed as dysunconal, wasteul, and a recipe or ever-present ear, pain, and disaster.


Fear arises only where duality —because each point o the duality wants to possess  other. The desire or possession always generates a e; o dispossession. But when there is no duality, who wi possess whom? Where possession itsel is negated, thei ear can have no abode. The undamental note o all myscism is transcending the realm o Duality. To reject the demands o Duality one by one is the only way that leads the spiritual aspirant to the rich experience o Non-duality. The Way o myscism is the Way o Love, and surely Love can come into being only when Duality is completely negated. Fear exists only inbut the when realmthe o duality; therebe is araid? no ear.InThere is earoso long asDeath the other exists, “other”in is the not state thereoonon-duality what shall man the realm duality, reigns supreme. And so no soluon o the problem o Death can ever be ound in the eld o duality. Mind controlled by ignorance engages in delusions, among which the most basic, the root o all others, is dualisc grasping in terms o subject and object. When the mind does not know the extent o its openness, instead o experiencing without center or periphery, we perceive everything e verything through one central point o reerence. This point, the center that appropriates all experiences, is the observer, the egosubject. It is in this way that the mind, ignorant o its openness, engenders enge nders the delusional experience o a “me” or an “I.” “Bliss is the essenal nature o man. The central act o man’s being is his inherent divinity. Man’s essenal nature is divine, the awareness o which he has lost because o his animal propensies and the veil o ignorance. Man, in his ignorance, idenes himsel with the body, mind, Prana and the senses. There is no bliss in the nite. Bliss is only in the Innite. Eternal bliss can be had only rom the eternal Sel. To know the Sel is to enjoy eternal bliss and everlasng peace. Selrealisaon bestows eternal existence, absolute knowledge, and perennial bliss. None can be saved without Sel-realisaon. The ego prevents the maniestaon o innite knowledge already latent in the soul, and is the most ormidable obstacle to the aainment o God. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. It is the veils o ignorance that cause pain are ignorance, ego, aachment. The limited mind is the soil in which the ego is securely rooted, and this ego perpetuates ignorance through the many illusions in which it is caught. The ego prevents maniestaon o innite knowledge, which is already latent in the soul; it is the most ormidable obstacle to the aainment o God. ‘It is extremely dicult to pierce through the veil o ignorance, or it is a rock on the re.’ Just as a ame cannot rise very high i  a rock is placed upon it, a desire to know one’s own true nature cannot lead to the Truth as long as the burden o the ego is placed on consciousness.” So a new centre o organisaon must be ound. Ignorant ego must be replaced by Truth and Reality. “Man is then driven by the logic o his own experience to nd the true centre o experience and reorganise his lif in the Truth. This entails the wearing out o the ego and its replacement re placement by Truth-consciousness. The disintegraon o the ego culminates in realising the Truth. The alse nucleus o consolidated sanskaras must disappear i there is to be a true integraon and lllment o lie.””All the problems o the ego can be tackled only through intelligent and conscious acon. Thereore, complete annihilaon o the ego is possible only when all the constuents o the ego pass through the re o intelligent consciousness.” In some ways the world can be seen as an illusion, and in others not quite. A separately exisng, dualisc world is an illusion. However, our experience is true. Here we come to the concept o Maya. Through the mind and its concepts the world appears to us as a real, objecve existence in which we are a subject. We mistake the world or something it is not. In ignorance we believe it to have a separate being and substance. Maya is that ignorance, that veil that does not let us see who w ho we are, and that projecon that makes us believe we are something we are not. There is ear in duality. There are quarrels and wars in duality. Duality is ignorance. The whole world is rmly established in the alse idea o separateness, and being caught up in the illusion o duality. The root-cause o the illusion o


manyness is that the soul, in its ignorance, idenes itsel with its bodies or with the egomind. eg omind. Those who have cast o the veil o duality experience the soul through itsel independently o any mediums or vehicles. The veil o conceptuality can be pierced but only by the enlightened consciousness. Ontological idealism, which claims that the external world o objects is actually a creaon o the mind. The alternave reading considers Yogacara to be a orm o epistemological idealism which contends that unenlightened minds are unable to disnguish the world as it actually is rom the conceptual construcons we place upon The unenlightened is thus unable to gain knowledge things as they which really are because it isit.trapped within a webmind o conceptual abricaons. The world o as we experience it is a projecon o our own minds to the extent that it is always a product o our own interpreve categories. These imposions are ueled by ignorance and craving. “Lifing o a veil” is a rising o consciousness that knows no ear o the unknown. I the history o psychic research tells us anything at all, it is that we are surrounded on all sides by nonhuman intelligences who habitually lie to us or no discernible reason other than to amuse themselves. These enes are at least as old as human conscious-ness (hence the near-universality o the Trickster mo in legend and olklore) and seem curiously dependent on us or their connued existence. Shamans have always known how to enter these realms consciously, how to direct their awareness to aain their objecve, and how to return to the threedimensional world and apply what they’ve learned to the subject at hand. Stated another way, individual awareness penetrates the objecve psyche, maintains its integrity as a subjecve observer, and then returns to consensus reality. Everyone who has emerged intact rom a major acid trip understands what this is like. Because these mental realms are spaal dimensions—that is, they have breadth, width, and height appropriate to the mode o consciousness o the plane in queson, we will label them collecvely as “hyperspace.” This is not a metaphor; these lokas are worlds and dimensions equally as real and innite as external, physical space-me. The only dierence is that they are inside o us. This seeming impossibility tells us something o extreme importance—it reveals that we are muldimensional observers conned to three-dimensional bodies in threedimensional space. The gnosc version o the Perennial Philosophy characterizes our predicament as one o exiles ar rom home who are held capve within a threedimensional prison by maniestly demonic orces called archon, or rulers. The gnoscs pulled no punches in the way they described the human condion: to this: consciousness is your only reality. Awareness is all you have: your body is only an object o consciousness, a temporary vehicle or living in a threedimensional world, though you won’t hold it or long, even i you live a hundred years. All your belies about your reality are based upon your experience as an observer since you entered the physical body. This includes imprinng rom parents, race, class, culture, language, etc.—all the data hardwired in your braincomputer, all the objects o percepon that provide the convincing illusion that you know who you are and that you understand your experience. Unortunately, circumstances like these are made to order or the abricaon o truly grotesque illusions. The gnoscs would say it’s a setup. Ego is one o the main programs that can stop you rom reconnecng with the God within, but ego can be broken. It’s a distracon that produces emoons that must be mastered in order or you to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what the Archons want. Man must reach a new relaonship to the world around him…. To do this he must give priority, not to external problems, but to the mind that is considering them…. Hardly a beginning has yet been made to bring the illimitable inner world that has recently been opened to us, the world o the unconscious, the world o the dreaming mind, into living contact with everyday lie…. Our problems are plainly growing beyond convenonal c onvenonal human control, and consciousness has no choice but to enlarge itsel to meet them. The trouble is, consciousness per se has not the power to do this. It


must look beyond itsel or help.’ All o these data support the postulaon o transcendent dimensions o being linked to space-me through consciousness itsel. The uncon-scious is actually a dimension o dimensions. The rather narrow band o orces we call space-me then becomes only one poron o an apparently innite mulverse o supercially invisible realms o experience. The Archons prevents spiritual progress; The third bhanda, Neck Lock, allows prana to move up through the neck, awakening the third eye and pituitary gland and radiang into our aura. Neck Lock opens the fh chakra —the throat—so can ow tothe theneck, sixth,awakening seventh, and chakras The thirdgland bhanda, Lock, allowskundalini prana to energy move up through theeighth third eye and pituitary andNeck radiang into our aura. Neck Lock opens the fh chakra —the throat—so kundalini energy can ow to the sixth, seventh, and eighth chakras. Without Neck Lock our energy is ofen blocked at the throat, and our soul light cannot reach the higher chakra requencies o intuion, sacred wisdom, and surrender to the divine. The tradional yogic word or Neck Lock is Jalandhara Bhand (pronounced “jahlunn-dah-rah bond”), which literally means “neck lock.” Somemes we experience a sense o ear when we begin to connect deeply to spirit, and we pull back rom the cosmic breakthrough that happens when energy ow reaches the third eye and awakens intuion. I you eel ear, please remember that prana is love. There is no reason to do any o this except exce pt to awaken and blossom so the ragrance o your soul can be sensed as part o you. The third eye is where we discern the unseen reality behind the surace, the eternal ebb and ow o the energy o lie. The intuion requires complete neutrality in order not to shrink back. The crown chakra, at the top o the head, is the gateway to our rare divine consciousness. And in the aura we become an integrated, coherent whole rather than a series o separate cchakras. hakras. The line between our nite idenity and innite consciousness becomes blurred. We blend. We are not separate. When the three locks—Root Lock, Diphragm Lock, and Neck Lock—are pracced pracce d all together at once, as they ofen are, we call it Great Lock, or Maha Bhand (pronounced “mah-hah bond”) bond”).. Maha Bhand enables the totality o our energy to ow as one unimpeded circuit. These three locks is also known as the knot o ignoranve and the goal his to keep humankind within the lower matrix separated or disconnected rom the higher sel and higher intuion, and instead is been ed with ego knowledge that prevents movement towards higher realms o the human consciousness. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. The neck lock is beyond the ve senses world, so this world don´r want anyone progress through the ve rst chakras and its ve senses, so it makes everything to prevent anyone progress beyond the fh chakra. c hakra. The archons who has been controlled this world or eons, thosends o years, generaon afer generaon has been working with negave programming to shut o the divine connecon to the true source o knowledge. Once you realize this is going on, you will be able to lif and clear the paerning that does not belong there, and bnng yoursel into a purer state. That which does not belong, will just lif o. It will have a hardened, and


locked-in eeling, but the more you ocus on your perect sovereign sel, the more you will be able to direct your soul energy to assist in lifing o these locked in paerns that prevent your soul expansion and evoluon. The human body have been pre- programmed with negave programming, by the allen hierarchy o the archons. This just keeps us on a negave spiral, and giving our power away, instead o realizing our divine birthright as sparks o Divine natures. Negave programming makes it more dicult to carry the crystalline light body o cosmic consciousness, so it is dicult to hold and maintain those higher states as one goes the indeed day. There aretono codings and structures to maintain theno higher more evolved states, and about this there needs be. The higher states come in and have anchorage point in the realms o duality. The polarity will just split o the perect consciousness, causing one to experience both extremes, by which me the energy has been pulled out o its perect state o unity and harmony, and now looks nothing like it originally did. Below the thin layer o brain called the cerebral cortex, where the raonal mind uncons, lies the 90 per cent o our being that we are unaware o—the primive, replian brain. Within this aspect o the mind lies our subconscious connecon with our ancestors and their ancient knowledge. When we are able to access this memory or connecon, we are able to draw rom the powers within our subconscious mind and this is where that aspect o our spirit talks to us about who we are and what we want rom our lives. Amazez can powerully acvate the ‘Mouth o God’ chakra near the top o the spine at the back o the head. This is an extremely important point on the energy body, and is the source o many myscal experiences. It coincides physically with what is called the ‘reple brain: The reple brain, our oldest brain structure, has been mistakenly maligned, because it is seen as primive. However, it is also spiritually the portal o the risen kundalini as it pours in to illuminate the whole brain. It is called the ‘Mouth o God’ because it is through this portal that the Breath o God ows into us when condions are right. Amazez can awaken and help open this crical passage so that our latent Divine energies can circulate properly and bring us to enlightenment The kundalini system could be thought o as a seven way speaker musical crossover system. What the kundalini exercise does is to reverse the separaon process, thereby causing the energy o the seven colors to be pumped backward into the cord or line called sushumna. As the energy ow is reversed, the colors begin to mix back towards their original state. That state being white light. As the colors mix, they give o their magnec charge. This charge saturates Ida and Pingala with negave and posive current. The ltered charge ows upward in “hidden ducts” to the jaws o the mouth. This path reaches beyond the medulla oblongata, or what is called the oblong gate. When the “yogi” or student starts the process, they lock or seal the body. One lock is at the neck, while the other is at the root chakra. Most people do not move beyond the rst three levels o consciousness represented by the rst three chakras. The conrollers o this world keeping humankind trapped within the three dimenisonal world and reality through ear concepts and negave programming o the mind. Leviathan’s aack with complex and strategic methods. The rst symptom o his aack is the maniestaon o ear —sudden and unrealisc ear within the congregaon. The maniestaon o this characterisc o the spirit o leviathan, in the natural realm, is the twisng o words and other instruments o communicaon. The Gnoscs believed that the Devil rules the material world, and in order to be ree o the Devil one must ree onesel o material possessions. They understood that this lower Earth matrix keeps us aached through our aachment to material possessions. The Gnosc creaon myth is unique in that it includes how inorganic alien beings came into our universe, our world and our minds. In a text called, Nag Hammadi, the Gnoscs describe their visionary journeys, and it is in these journeys that they discover the Archons. What you will see rom the Gnosc descripon o the Archons, is that it parallels the Black Goo o Atlans. The word Archon is ofen used to describe any powerul being in the ourth


dimension who psychically aacks the Light and inects humans with dark energy. What the Gnoscs discovered is that these Archons inect the human mind, and pull it downward into darker, less evolved states o being. They aect the human mind with subliminal condioning techniques, and the human being is ofen unaware o the “inecon”. David Icke tells; There was once a golden age o humanity. It was a me o harmony and bliss. Our ancient ancestors lived in perect interconnectedness with each other and with the universe. There were no wars, no amines, no polluon; everyone just got along. Then the peace was rudely shaered. A sinister power began casng a dark shadow over humanity. A conspiracy was aoot. For millennia now, the conspirators have been secretly implemenng an elaborate control system, designed to suppress our natural connecon to the cosmos and keep us trapped in a state o constant ear and conusion. The modern world is a shrine to their hidden machinaons. The mainstream media, the educaon system, science, polics, and Western medicine are all tools o the conspiracy, used to control our minds and keep us subservient. The Leviathan spirit creates severe orms o intererence Remember the Lord’s disclosure in Job 41:18 that, by the Leviathan spirit’s sneezing, a light shines. The light that shines implies lightning. This “lightning” occurring in the realm o the spirit creates ear wherever Leviathan aacks. This ear maniests in a variety o ways. Leviathan’s aack with complex and strategic methods. The rst symptom o his aack is the maniestaon o ear—sudden and unrealisc ear within the congregaon. The maniestaon o this characterisc o the spirit o leviathan, in the natural realm, is the twisng o words and other instruments o communicaon. That is, the words spoken by one party are not heard accurately by the second party; rather, what is heard is enrely dierent rom what was intended by the speaker. This ability to severely distort words is a tool the spirit o leviathan. Instruments or communicaon is; Syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology, electro magnec requencies is some examples o instruments or beaming and looping sounds, words and voices into targeted individual minds. Leviathan is a demon spirit reveals itsel as “the An-Christ spirit” The anchrist spirit denies and even opposes the anoinng on ministries and individuals. The anchrist spirit causes personality aacks with lies, gossip, accusaons, cricism, and even slander to the total annihilaon o ministries. The maniestaon o this spiritual aack is the result o the spirit o God no longer moving. The ministry comes to a standsll with no vision because the vision has been choked out due to the opposing spiritual aack. These methods can be ound in organized gang stalking and spirit o leviathan. Organized Gang Stalking St alking is the spirit o Leviathan in acon in this world. Leviathan is the polical beast system o this world. Fear aacks the amygdala, the replian, survivor poron o the brain. The inducon o ear bypasses the operaon o the rontal lobe, the logic, reasoning, and reality center o the brain. Fears and inmidaon blocks the access to easily obtain inormaon. Fear is generally the reason those with access to higher conscious awareness are persecuted. When ear blocks the ability o visions, it prevents us rom seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel and creates an illusions one is living in a comort zone, and when one start to leaving the comort zone the ego reacts w with ith negavity, ear, stress, anxiety or panic, and i one connues to progress against these emoons and thoughts, then the mass consciousness will start organized gang stalking acons (spiritual and psychological warare to prevent one rom make any changes and leaving the matrix). When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability o changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the looping matrix o old concepts o duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and reedom is the ability to be able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands rom progressing. Fear blocks visions and and it


blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the organized gang stalker program creates sleep deprivaon this means; “When we don’t sleep well, we lose the ability to integrate and synthesize inormaon and this hindering spiritual growth. The organized Gang stalking hindering the process o new inormaon rom be congurated into the human body system. The organized gang stalkers does have any educaon in these advanced methods o psychology and everyone seems to know how to use this knowledge. Darwin evoluonary theory may just be a decepon. Feedback loops are the normal cycles o inormaon integraon. I a eedback loop is broken and the inormaon being received cannot be processed and stored in the appropriate category within the stream o consciousness, then cognive chaos arises. Organized Gang Stalking using gaslighng psychology and the goal is to create conusions in the mind, create breakdowns and triggering cognive chaos. Fear not just blocks the ow o energy, visions, it blocks the pathways and it blocks the source o inormaon. Fear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, and the alpha bridge carries the codes that the theta divine brain waves need to start healing the old evoluonary brain. When the alpha bridge is re-builded one get access to divine theta inormaon o bliss, and through this new inormaon; humankind can reprogram the whole brain and evolving new spiritual gifs. When ear blocks visions its blocks the third eye o intuion. The power o intuion dissolves ego and duality. Insights and visions reveals the path to salvaon and ear hindering this process and the archons prevent the soul rom ascending and obstrucng the pathway to higher consciousness, and thereore using all orms o negave, ear mongering, stress inducing, senszing methods create harm by using harmul covert and overt methods o spiritual and psychological warare (organized gang stalking). Energy is inormaon, and inormaon is history. Its like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o  energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. The Leviathan spirit comes to constrict your mind and speaking rom the path that God has or you. It paralyzes you rom speaking what is on your mind; it also works with procrasnaon, laziness, ear and aacks the prayer lie and speaking orth the word. It also aacks your ability to teach, preach and prophesy. The goal is to destroy aith and visions through ear, inmidaon, doubts and conusion (and gaslighng). The ulmtate result o visionary insights is when duality becomes oneness and the principle is; the urther backward you look, the urther you can see orward. In the state o Oneness everything is experienced in present me (past and uture becomes now). When humans abilies slowly disconnects rom her roots o evoluonary history and evoluonary reerence, in combinaon with lost o ability to selreecon, and lowered levels o Consciousness it will be more dicult to see urther in the plans o uture. The logic is easy; to see orward you must have ability to see backwards. When they disconnected 10 o humans spirial dna strand they disconnected their evoluonary reerences and their intuion, and thereore lost the abilty to see beyond the veil o ignorance, and this gives them the advantage to control and make humankind manageable and easier to keep them enslaved in the Matrix. Icke eortlessly constructs correspondences (and substanve identy) between symbols and actors across me, culture, and polical and religious idenes. They all derive rom the same source and have the same purpose: “casng a spell on the human mind and emoons” in order to destroy human understanding o “who we really are” — part o an energec, divine whole, and the archons replians don´t want humankind to understand their divine nature. The goal is to keep humankind connected and controlled by the replian brain. Thereore the replians altered and condioned energies, vibraons and requencies into the low vibraonal “replian wavelengths”. More broadly, the construcon o ear


is said to smulate the kind o society and behaviour the replians desire, and to do so through “vibraonal paerns” leaving traces in our DNA. As i that was not sucient, the replians are also claimed to work their mind control through technology, including “implants” o thought control devices 69 These are, again, part o the plan to take control o human agency so that it is locked to a earul existence on this plane o being. A preparaon or this, recalling Steiner and his modern disciple, is the weakening o the mind-body through vaccines, which have been a tool o keeping mankind ill and unconing below par, and an important development in geng “access keys to the bodycomputer”.’ Fear is essenal to how the replians control humans. Fear weakens the mind’s control o the nervous system, unsteadies the nerves. Fear creates and strenghtens the illusionary ego-percepon. Fear creates cre ates the ego, and ego produces ear, and this creates c reates the veil o ignorance, and this becomes the illusions o this world, and then the world is been controlled by the orces and spells o maya and illusions. Humans who understand their true nature, power and worth would be impossible to manipulate … Only by delinking humanity rom this knowledge has it been possible to orchestrate tthe he replian-Brotherhood Agenda over thousands o years. The creaon o ocial “science” has been undamental to that and … the same secret sociees were responsible or establishing both.” It is ear and ignorance that make people eel powerless and there is a veil o ignorance in place to connue keep humankind in the spiritual slumbering state o the mind. Vibraonal elds created by the rituals produce the requency environment in which the replian and other enes can maniest in the vesense requency range, and it is through the ve senses they control humankind. The true perpetrator o this heinous plot, according to Icke, is a race o interdimensional replian aliens called Archons. And the conspiracy, he says, goes beyond our ve senses. The Archons eed o human energy like vampires. They have a parcular taste or ear and negavity, and they harvest our darkest emoons by keeping us trapped within w ithin a virtual reality prison. Our universe is nothing more than a hologram, Icke explains, and the Archons have hacked into the very abric o the cosmos. By controlling our percepon o reality re ality they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell, in a constant state o bewilderment and ear, unwing slaves to unseen masters. The archons enslaved not only humanity, but the “whole o creaon” rom the very beginning up to the present day. This is the matrix or the mind prison on Earth “I you wish to control a mass populaon, you have to disconnect them rom the true knowledge o who they are and their own innite potenal to maniest their own desny and control their own lives. You have to persuade them that they are insignicant and powerless so they will live their lives in accordance with that. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world powers desired by the archons. The purpose o Wisdom’s intervenon regeneraon and liberaon o mankind rom the is a spiritual It can be derived that this intervenon was meant to ree mankind rom the manipulaon o the dark powers that had enslaved it. As long as selshness reigns, the strong will enslave the weak. The intellectual will enslave the ignorant. The classes will enslave the masses. Another bier enemy to which the spirit gives birth is ear. It is a deadly enemy to success. It dwars your thinking. It devastates aith. It I t lls the whole lie with spiritual paralysis. The archons aempt to use scare taccs to engul the soul. However, the soul should not ear! Despite the terriying size o the archons. Thus began a program o mind control — or soul enslavement — maintained by Samael and his “Archons” (rulers) which involved keeping mankind distracted by material problems and concerns, imprisoned by its own ear o death, o mortality, and ignorant o its true, divine nature. Are we starng to see where this is going in regards to the misconcepons o why the so-called Archons have a need to pirate and eed rom the output o our soulenergy? A powerul energy known rom ancient mes, and that which even our modern science has proven to exist to be emanang rom us all.


These Archon rebellion leaders are not just some ar ung alien enes being mistaken or angles o light throughout history, and now lile gray aliens. They are those who men have understood through the alse control narraves as being the allen angels. The very enes who have arrogantly posioned themselves higher than our souls. It is they who have required a consistent soul-energy source in order to sustain their very existence afer the removal re moval o that eternal coupling. Clearly they knowingly used their reewill choice to orsake the True Eternal Creators Cre ators original, minimal instrucons. They have contrived and perpetuated all manner o evil, death, and negavity narraves throughout all generaons, within all epochs. Their control narraves are the tools by which they ampliy the greatest percentage o negave energies out o our sll connected and sustained living souls. Pirang the eternal energy connecon provided by the One who removed it rom them in the rst place. Without such a system o energy vampirism, they could not connue to exist, much less create their own realm over us to “be as god”. Thereore, the Archon-souls are alse rulers who coerced and manipulated the great multude o equal but evidently naive souls, who or some yet unknown reason consented to ollow and agree with their rebellious vision. The Archon Rebellion leaders are orced to be Energy Wraiths to survive, and thus manipulate our circumstances inclined towards the negave in various degrees to meet their desired need. There is a reason re ason why these enes work so diligently to keep us enslaved. These Rebellion leaders know that we have the innate ability o returning to The Eternal One who w ho made us. They cannot allow our collecve souls to be enlightened to this reality, even parally, or our soul energy is their literal lie sustaining orce! The altering o original truth into their own control c ontrol narrave versions recurrently enslaves the soul-masses. The veil o ignorance serves the interests o the archons, who act as cosmic slave masters, keeping the light sparks in bondage. Anything that causes us to remain re main aached to earthly things, including the mental concepts we hold, keeps us in enslavement to these lesser cosmic rulers. The earthly kingdom controlled by the archons enslaved man in darkness and ignorance by the power o ate or desny. Low vibraonal requencies represents less inormaon and the higher the vibraonal requencies is the more inormaon is made accessible, and the more enlighen the mind becomes. By disconnecng humankind rom the real source o knowledge and light, humankind becomes trapped and imprisoned within a evoluonary history that is been created by the replians. Through manipulaons, decepons, social and genec engineering and ear based programming humanind has been controlled or thosuends o years, generaon afer generaon. I one wishes to control a mass populaon, what easier way to disconnect them rom the truth o their innite potenal than with ear. Clearly, as some can holiscally see through man’s history, or at least the history we are aware o, the rebel re bel Archons have worked to capture ever-increasing control over the souls o man. However, this is not because they wish to control the human orm, but their intent is to control the souls within the orm. Because the rule o states is based on material borders and physical coercion, the archons have no power in bodiless cyberspace. Some believe that the Annunaki (is the archons or watchers on Earth) may have created alien Watchers’ to t o monitor their genec engineering experiments to produce humankind thousands o years ago. The universal devil enty and what is seen as the aempts by this alleged demonic kingpin to capture the souls o all men, which is one o the oldest universal belies among men going back as ar as our history provides. In conjuncon with this enes soul stealing operaons we have the ancient belie that the Moon is his tool used or aracng and capturing all souls — The trick o light! This overall understanding rom ancient mes is where the reormaed souls o mankind came up with another universal belie wrapped in various cultural rituals -Moon worship! When poeple lack o knowledge and disconnected rom the true knowledge or source they are easier to control. Someme is the evoluonary history Earth was throught these unseen


spiritual powers, authories, principalies made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A o nave human species through genec g enec manipulaon and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Thereore, everything that was unnecessary or survival was disconnected. Man was lef just with a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template o the 2 dna strand o the carbon-body o humans. I you imagine the D.N.A. molecule to be a library housing genec inormaon or a parcular organism, you can understand how the nave human species has been parally shut down. When the unseen rulers or (invaders) came in, they disconnected 10 strands o D.N.A. leaving only 2 (a double helix); it was like they took most the books o the shelves and tore out all the pages and threw them in a messy pile on the oor. The inormaon was sll there, but it was unorganized and hence unrecognizable. The veil ignorance don´t just create separaon, it is the key to keep humankind rom true knowledge and away rom spiritual powers and spitual progess, and disconnected rom their true higher sel. The purpose is to hide the truth because the archons does not want anyone to come to a deeper understanding o the knowledge o eternal truths through lie in the Spirit. From this knowledge we see how the archons need to have power o the human body, the soul, energy systems, chakras, and inormaon and knowledge, control the mind or the ego by connect everyone to the matrix or mass consciousness. The problems is when ear blocks visions the third eye is closed, when the insight o visions is blocked one can´t see orward and this is the state o mind humankind is trapped in; within the veil o ignorance and maya o the mind. The Earthly Lie Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnozed existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himsel to be a physical being. The maya-hypnozed ego creates the distorons o reality or distorons o the powers within. The rst distoron-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distoron-error is made through believing in the dying nature o man, and not the undying nature o the real Sel/Soul. S el/Soul. The third error-distoron o man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. B But ut it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are ound within the energec interior o our psychic system. They are problemac because they bind us in a state o ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These minderrors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term or illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” o the mind is the maya-hypnozed mind. The key or the archons is to suppress the human energy system and prevent anyone raising their inner requencies rom low vibraons to higher vibraonal requencies. Humankind is trapped within a vibratory mind low vibraonal mind prison in this three dimensional world or reality. Through suppression o the true knowledge o healing they have dominaon over the human body system and mind. The territorial, ritualisc, militarisc, replian brain is sll a substanal physical component o every human brain and is indispensable in human development. lt sll predominates in the highly unstable metabolizing environment o polics. lt sll controls in most socioorganisms. Many sciensts say that there are actually three parts o the brain, each governing dierent aspects o our lie. These three parts o the brain are called the higher brain, the mammalian brain, and the replian brain. Each is vital to our survival and ability to thrive. Each o these three parts o the brain also relates to one o the three aspects o our mind. Our higher brain, which manages intelligent learning and consciousness, is connected to our higher mind. This is brain uncon that separates us rom other animals, that invites the developing o wisdom through experience. It compels us toward social harmony and altruism. Our mammalian brain equates with the middle mind. We share this brain capacity with our ellow animals, who, like us, commit experience to memory in order to assure tribal security. Our replian brain, which relates to our lower mind, controls the basic drive or personal


survival. It regulates the parts o the body that give us those gut reacons when we eel endangered, such as the urge to ght, ee, ee , or reeze. Understanding the basic inormaon about the three categories o your mind and brain will help you to locate the mental cause(s) o presenng issues and to clear lie disturbances at the level at which they occur in relaon to both your mind and brain. The higher mind. The higher mind contains all o the concepts we need to ulll our spiritual desny. The higher mind, primarily through the pineal gland, runs our higher brain. The most conscious aspect o the brain, the higher brain, is the learning and teaching part o the brain; it includes all o the higher-learning organs and glands, including the temporal lobes and the pineal gland. The higher brain is capable o all orms o communicaon, including sensory, psychic, intuive, and spiritual. Its uncon is the achievement o ull consciousness. Neurologically, the higher mind relates to our amplicaon system, which interconnects us energecally to everything else in the universe. This system is dicult to track in the human body. Its presence can usually be tracked only through the appearance o certain chemicals emied rom the right temporal lobe and the pineal gland, such as the molecule known as DMT (dimethyltryptamine). DMT, a naturally occurring neurotransmier ound in humans, plants, and animals, is also known as the “spirit molecule.” It appears to uncon to expand our awareness beyond our ordinary, day-to-day consciousness. Television smulates the primive replian hind brain. The subsequent leap in our personal requencies will lif us out o the vibraonal pit o ear and onto levels ar beyond the lower ourth dimension. The limbic system controls the emoons, e moons, eelings, and moods o the brain. Fear-based television smulates the replian response o “ght or ight,” in turn creang a mental state wherein we may overesmate the threat o ear. Icke believes the replian brain in humans (in its present orm) is not natural or normal but a product o replian genec manipulaon. “It acts like an enormous microchip and locks us into their control system,” he says. “Its primive, emoonal, ear-based sense o reality provides the perect vehicle or collecve control and the conict and insecurity so essenal to divide and rule.”. I Icke’s hypothesis is correct, it would mean the human species is part replian; or, put another way, each and every one o us is a human-replian hybrid. Everyone has a mind o their own. Or do they? Are our thoughts, belies, and decisions being molded and generated by orces, agendas, and organizaons seeking to manipulate outcomes and behaviors in our lives? You bet they are. In every area o our lives these predatory orces are operang to take ccontrol ontrol o who we are, what we think and believe, and what we do. They operate in the eld o markeng and sales, in adversing, in polics, and in religion. And they all operate under the radar screen, undetected. Only an alert and aware cizen is equipped to deal with the insidiousness o these eorts. Boom line is that they all engage in the pracce o mind control. Fear aacks the amygdala, the replian, survivor poron o the brain. The inducon o ear bypasses the operaon o the rontal lobe, the logic, reasoning, and reality center o the brain. Fears and inmidaon blocks the access to easily e asily obtain inormaon. Fear is generally the reason those with access to higher conscious awareness are persecuted. Feedback loops are the normal cycles o inormaon integraon. I a eedback loop is broken and the inormaon being received cannot be processed and stored in the appropriate category within the stream o consciousness, then cognive chaos arises. Where does the ear come rom? When the communicaon lines o connecon are broken with the higher sel, we are in an unknown zone (A place o unamiliarity). We are in a place o discomort. Our “spiritual higher sel” has become disconnected and separated rom God. “The physical body creates the ear:’ “The spiritual body or higher sel knows no ear!” The reality we are being ed is encoded with percepons and experiences that cause people to transmit low-vibraonal emoonal energy that both eeds the Replian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system The virtual-reality “game” is interacve, and so is the hacked version. We


receive and transmit, we receive and “post”. The Saturn- Moon Matrix has created an energec percepon “loop” in which the alse reality is ed to us, and, when we perceive it and believe it, we eed back that percepon to the Matrix. This constantly empowers the alse reality in a eedback ee dback loop. In Short, the matrix is powered by our belie that the hacked reality is “real”. When organized gang stalkers program aacking the amygdala they provoke the replian brain to acon and through constant bombarding the mind with beaming and looping sound they triggering chaos, or triggering a breakdown o the mind and causing cognive distorons to the mind. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those o you in this third dimension see your Earth rom a third dimensional point o view. Those o you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because o the vibraon o the electromagnec energy eld, you are seeing it through light reracon. That light reracon, rom your point o consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnec energy eld, you also change the light reracon. And that light reracon changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we w e teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light reracon. When ear blocks the ability o visions, it prevents us rom seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel and creates an illusions one is living in a comort zone, and when one start to leaving the comort zone the ego reacts w with ith negavity, ear, stress, anxiety or panic, one connues progress against these emoons and thoughts, then mass consciousness will and startiorganized gang to stalking acons (spiritual and psychological warare to the prevent one rom make any changes and leaving the matrix). When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability o changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the looping matrix o old concepts o duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and reedom is the ability to be able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands rom progressing. Fear blocks visions and and it blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the organized gang stalker program creates sleep deprivaon this means; “When we don’t sleep well, we lose the ability to integrate and synthesize inormaon and this hindering spiritual growth. The organized Gang stalking hindering the process o new inormaon rom be congurated into the human body system. The organized gang stalkers does have any educaon in these advanced methods o psychology and everyone seems to know hoe to use this knowledge. Darwin evoluonary theory may just be a decepon. Feedback loops are the normal cycles o inormaon integraon. I a eedback loop is broken and the inormaon being received cannot be processed and stored in the appropriate category within the stream o consciousness, then cognive chaos arises. Organized Gang Stalking using gaslighng psychology and the goal is to create conusions in the mind, create breakdowns and triggering cognive chaos. Fear not just blocks the ow o energy, visions, it blocks the pathways and it blocks the source o inormaon. Fear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, and the alpha bridge carries the codes that the theta divine brain waves need to start healing the old evoluonary brain. When the alpha bridge is re-builded one get access to divine theta inormaon o bliss, and through this new inormaon; humankind can reprogram the whole brain and evolving new spiritual gifs. When ear blocks visions its blocks the third eye o intuion. The power o intuion dissolves ego and duality. Insights and visions reveals the path to salvaon and ear hindering this process and the archons prevent the soul rom ascending and obstrucng the pathway to higher


consciousness, and thereore using all orms o negave, ear mongering, stress inducing, senszing methods create harm by using harmul covert and overt methods o spiritual and psychological warare (organized gang stalking). Energy is inormaon, and inormaon is history. Its like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o  energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. The ulmtate result o visionary insights is when duality becomes oneness and the principle is; the urther backward you look, the urther you can see orward. In the state o Oneness everything is experienced in present me (past and uture becomes now). When W hen humans abilies slowly disconnects rom her roots o evoluonary history and evoluonary reerence, in combinaon with lost o ability to sel-reecon, and lowered levels o Consciousness it will be more dicult to see urther in the plans o uture. The logic is easy; to see orward you must have ability to see backwards. When they disconnected 10 o humans spirial dna strand they disconnected their evoluonary reerences and their intuion, and thereore lost the abilty to see beyond the veil o ignorance, and this gives them the advantage to control and make humankind manageable and easier to keep them enslaved in the Matrix. Icke eortlessly constructs correspondences (and substanve identy) between symbols and actors across me, culture, and polical and religious idenes. They all derive rom the same source and have the same purpose: “casng a spell on the human mind and emoons” in order to destroy human understanding o “who we really are” —their partdivine o an energec, whole, and the archons repliansand don´t want humankind to understand nature. Thedivine goal is to keep humankind connected controlled by the replian brain. Thereore the replians altered and condioned energies, vibraons and requencies into the low vibraonal “replian wavelengths”. More broadly, the construcon o ear is said to smulate the kind o society and behaviour the replians desire, and to do so through “vibraonal paerns” leaving traces in our DNA. As i that was not sucient, the replians are also claimed to work their mind control through technology, including “implants” o thought control devices 69 These are, again, part o the plan to take control o human agency so that it is locked to a earul existence on this plane o being. A preparaon or this, recalling Steiner and his modern disciple, is the weakening o the mind-body through vaccines, which have been a tool o keeping mankind ill and unconing below par, and an important development in geng “access keys to the bodycomputer”.’ Fear is essenal to how the replians control humans. Fear weakens the mind’s control o the nervous system, unsteadies the nerves. Fear creates and strenghtens the illusionary ego-percepon. Fear creates the ego, and ego produces ear, and this creates the veil o ignorance, and this becomes the illusions o this world, and then the world is been controlled by the orces and spells o maya and illusions. Humans who understand their true nature, power and worth would be impossible to manipulate … Only by delinking humanity rom this knowledge has it been possible to orchestrate the replian-Brotherhood Agenda over thousands o years. The creaon o ocial “science” has been undamental to that and … the same secret sociees were responsible or establishing both.” It is ear and ignorance that make people eel powerless and there is a veil o ignorance in place to connue keep humankind in the spiritual slumbering state o the mind. Vibraonal elds created by the rituals produce the requency environment in which the replian and other enes can maniest in the vesense requency range, and it is through the ve senses they control humankind. “Food addives, ast ood, uoride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and thereore eat in our ood and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical hea and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain uncons and intellect. A ully awake, mentally sh populaon is the last thing you need i you want to control them. Thus the


replian bloodlines put so much emphasis on controlling “educaon” and the media. This allows them to eed us constant diet o brainless crap, like game shows, while the “news” media tells us what the controllers want us to think. We will never die and our integrity is more important than our present body. We use to be Gods o our own universes, but now we are allen and no one will help rehabilitate us. We have total amnesia when we should have total recall. No one is encouraging us to throw o our chains. We’ve only been given inhibions. No one has allowed us to know our true potenalies. We’ve been oppressed and mind controlled by alien beings or the purpose o making us unknowing slaves. We are entertained and derauded by television each day while the alien agenda relentlessly unolds. When word gets out that we’ve been mind controlled, oppressed, held down and used by a replian race to urther their own nearious purposes, mankind will break out o his chains. It will be endgame or the replians. That’s why the reples know that this secret must never see the light o day on planet Earth. That’s also why every human must discover this secret and make it known to every other human. Together we can undo the mental blocks to our individual memories and use exisng technologies to get out rom under the oppression o the replians. To As the agenda o control and dominaon on the third dimension becomes more evident, it will also become more and more evident who is behind it. Although many people are waking up to the control systems, and trying to nd an explanaon or chemtrails, GMOs, and mind control programs, they sll do not grasp the bale in its enrety. Perhaps those in control are seeking a dierent agenda than the majority o humans, but in order to maintain control o the your human raceSel. theyYour mustouter keepconsciousness the agenda covert. Your inner matrix in The and o itsel is called Divine matrix in and o consciousness itsel is called your ego. component o your outer consciousness ego which in and o itsel sll auned to the lower Planetary animal matrixes i any, is called your id. Your ego is also called your lesser soul. Your id is also called the Beast within. Contrary to many orthodox belie systems, Gnoscs do not view the body or soul as evil or as unworthy o the spirit. Rather, Gnoscs view the body and the soul as the iniaon school o the spirit. The body and soul provide the spirit with the ordeals necessary to bring about the birth o the Sel, and the eventual ull realizaon o the Sel in the material world. Gnoscs view the divine nature as commingled with the psychic and material spheres. The limited mind is the soil in which the ego is securely rooted, and this ego perpetuates ignorance through the many illusions in which it is caught. The ego prevents maniestaon o innite knowledge, which is already latent in the soul; it is the most ormidable obstacle to the aainment o God. ‘It is extremely dicult to pierce through the veil o ignorance, or it is a rock on the re.’ Just as a ame cannot rise very high i  a rock is placed upon it, a desire to know one’s own true nature cannot lead to the Truth as long as the burden o the ego is placed on consciousness.” The whole world is rmly established in the alse idea o separateness, and being caught up in the illusion o duality. The root-cause o the illusion o manyness is that the soul, in its ignorance, idenes itsel with its bodies or with the egomind. Those who have cast o the veil o duality experience the soul through itsel independently o any mediums or vehicles. The veil o conceptuality can be pierced but only by the enlightened consciousness. The ego wants to be the governing orce at all mes. It will ulize sound scripts to reinorce its posion on Earth, creang smoke screens and illusions to manipulate energy systems to ollow the path o unconsciousness and antasy. Intervenon and genec manipulaon occurred earlier in humanity’s history, where our DNA was tampered with and our psychic abilies repressed. This was done so that no one could challenge the prison guards (the Archons). The creaon o a more perect illusion that is meant to entrap and enslave humanity? This enslavement can be maintained only through ignorance, which, or the gnoscs, is not the mere privaon o knowledge, but, being the opposite o gnosis, it is a “posive aect o the spirit, a


orce o its own, operave in the very terms o man’s existence and prevenng his discovering o the truth or himsel, even his realizing his state o ignorance as such.” The ego o humankind or mass consciousness is been ed and encoded with knowledge that keep humankind trapped within the state o ignorance, the dream state, slumbering state, the hypnonic state o mind. The reality we are being ed is encoded with percepons and experiences that cause people to transmit low-vibraonal emoonal energy that both eeds the Replian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system The virtual-reality “game” is interacve, and so is the hacked version. We receive and transmit, we receive and “post”. The Saturn- Moon Matrix has created an energec percepon “loop” in which the alse reality is ed to us, and, when we perceive it and believe it, we eed back that percepon to the Matrix. As long as we allow the archon-controlled governments and religions to suppress our vibraon using ear taccs, we will have great diculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure re way to shut down our vortex o creaon and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world powers desired by the archons. O course the answer to ear is to raise our vibraon by not being araid o anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex o creaon c reaon and see our power as innite consciousness, all ear (and the archons promong it) will dissipate and the world will change. However, a human is great as he is not just a piece o maer and he is no slave. A colossal spiritual orce is put into him that is able to transorm him into a Real Human, in an essence much higher than this world. Freeing rom deceit, a man becomes andtheir smarter. The more clever, spiritually ree people are, the harder it is or the Archons tostronger implement plans, and the weaker their inuence on people becomes. And i all people know the Truth, there will be nobody or the Archons to dictate their terms to. In reality they are empty spaces. There is only a handul o them. The decision is in people’s hands: give in to provocaons o the Archons and bring the planet to the global war or throw down the Archons’ authority and create the golden age o this civilizaon. The uture o the world is in people’s hands. Everything is very simple. You need to be the one whom the Archons ear. You need to be a Human!” Arcial Intelligence and the Matrix have no other reerences to other worlds or other dimensions, so this becomes Reality. Enslavement is the the result o the False Matrix. Icke believes humanity is being controlled and enslaved in a alse matrix. We are innte beings, he believes, designed or harmony and peace, who are trapped in a war-like matrix o the lower mind. Aren’t we constantly ed alse realies in order to keep us quiet and to prevent us being ree? The purpose o these gangstalking acvies is not just to unnerve the target and make them look oolish or even crazy in public, or to rustrate or inmidate them, or to punish them or some perceived pe rceived misdeed. The deeper purpose is to coerce them into conorming, to orce them the m to silently accept what is going on, and to break their will and draw them into taking part in this system o control. Anyone around the target will be clueless as to what the target is experiencing, and the target will appear to be delusional should he or she menon anything to anybody. The sense o isolaon that ofen results, due to a lack o anywhere to turn or help, is meant to break down the target and orce his or her silent submission. It is in the end the stu o nightmares and what has been called dark prophecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in its nal stages o being played out. There was once a golden age o humanity. It was a me o harmony and bliss. Our ancient ancestors lived in perect interconnectedness with each other and with the universe. There were no wars, no amines, no polluon; everyone just got along. Then the peace was rudely shaered. A sinister power began casng a dark shadow over humanity. A conspiracy was aoot. For millennia now, the conspirators have been secretly implemenng an elaborate control system, designed to suppress our natural connecon to the cosmos and keep us trapped in a state o constant


ear and conusion. The modern world is a shrine to their hidden machinaons. The mainstream media, the educaon system, science, polics, and Western medicine are all tools o the conspiracy, used to control our minds and keep us subservient. Maintaining the collecve unconsciousness o the mass o collecve energy in a negave state o mind will only give more power to the ego making reconnecon o the spiritual and God’s energy impossible. Living and dying lled with unconscious negavity only proves that the ego based energy system is a selsh, cynical, noncaring, earul, and insignicant being. To live lie only in the connes o the ego blinds an energy system rom the truth and limits their ull capacity o experiencing the splendors o Earth as directed by the energy o Creaon. Once the mistrust o God’s energy occurred the ego took control. Mistrust is an illusion that the ego has used as a deense against itsel. Ego is one o the main programs trying to stop you rom reconnecng with the God within, it can be broken. It’s a distracon and is one o the main emoons you must master in order to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what they want, the Archons (The Lower Light). Ego is the reason or the tower o Babel which led to the separaon o Humanity and led to Humanity losing the oneness and not understanding each other. Ego is the root to all this. We, idenying ourselves with the body, create ignorance o this reality and misunderstanding that we are  just physical and nite beings. This doubt and duality duality thus created between us and the Pure Sel, the Divine Consciousness within, is called Spiritual Ignorance. In this ignorance, pain and doubt develops within. As one adopt the body and develop the idenes o ego, Maya becomes the companion. Icke says, issinister just the outer rim theperpetrator rabbit hole.oThese earthly plot, oppressors are to merely more enemy. Theo true this heinous according Icke, the is a puppets race o o an even interdimensional replian aliens called Archons. And the conspiracy, he says, goes beyond our ve senses. The Archons eed o human energy like vampires. They have a parcular taste or ear and hatred, and they harvest our darkest emoons by keeping us trapped within a virtual reality prison. Our universe is nothing more than a hologram, Icke explains, and the Archons have hacked into the very abric o the cosmos. By controlling our percepon o reality they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell, in a constant state o bewilderment and ear, unwing slaves to unseen masters. Things are looking bleak. We are within the Archons’ evil clutches. Humanity is teetering on the edge o total enslavement. Game over: The reples win. But that doesn’t have to be our ate. There is a glimmer o hope. The Archons have one atal weakness: They must work in the dark, in secret. When their plans are exposed to the light, Icke says, the spell is broken, and their ccontrol ontrol system will topple like a house o cards. And there’s a change in the air. More and more people are opening their minds, waking up, beginning to shake o the shackles o the Archons and their humanoid minions. I we keep up the momentum, the Archons will be deeated, and the shadow will be lifed. There will be a new dawn. Humanity will come together again as one consciousness, and we will reclaim our righul place in the cosmos. Icke points to the proound waking-up experienced by Neo in The Matrix: he wakes up, gets back into his body, masters the protocols o the computer-generated alse reality, and sets about to challenge the enre system. As Morpheus says, you won’t even need to dodge the bullets; they will have no consequence on you because your new state o consciousness c onsciousness will transcend their illusory nature. Icke implies we need to be like Neo. Once Neo “reached that point o reconnected awareness, the agents, the senent programs, all-powerul unl then, were suddenly no problem to overcome,” writes Icke. What Neo did, so can we all, Icke urges. We similarly can remember who we are, where true reality comes rom, and reconnect with our true and innite Sel, and “that moment is ast approaching,” Mass consciousness. The collecve consciousness o humanity. Mass mind. The collecve mind o humanity. Unl quickened, this body, ofen called the lower mental body,


remains the vehicle or the carnal mind. Sympathy draws the individual into the whirlpool o human chaos and es up his energies in the day-to-day melodrama o the mass consciousness through the beta brain waves (o duality). Beta brain waves is also the mass cconsciousness. onsciousness. Mass o thoughts that have been built up in consciousness through many generaons o earthly experiences and crystallized into what may be termed human personality, or carnal mind. Another name or the devil is ‘sense consciousness. Sense consciousness is a mental state ormed rom believing in and acng through the senses. It is carnal mind expressing its disbelie in the omnipresence o God. The carnal mind is not conscious in the customary sense, although in another sense it is completely conscious—more so in some ways than the ego, since it has to direct the roune uncons o the body such as the breath and heart-beat even in deep sleep. The carnal mind, as one might expect, thinks sensorily. Technology can only be used within the constraints o how it is designed, how the culture perceives it, the knowledge that users have, and the society that has assimilated it. Undoubtedly, it unnels our experience into a certain paern o behavior and thought. The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology t echnology and cannot disconnect rom it. Technology is always harnessed to a parcular end. Technology is not neutral. We think it rees us. We are ree to walk within the prescribed parameters o the app or website we inhabit. That is not reedom. That is an animal in a digital cage, nothing more. The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you…look beyond your immediate gracaon to understand this. Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose. Technology reects the Elite’s passions, capacies, and values. It is all about control and hypnosm. The Archon vased “technospheric” matrix—the matrix o technology, human thought, and the collecve consciousness o humanity that is based on ear. The technosphere is the mirror representaon o the disconnected DNA paerns. Together the two orms create a virtual mirror net, where the internal maniests the external structures, which in turn keep the mass o humanity bound and hypnozed in the 3D world. These structures eed and live o o negave emoons, bodily dysuncons, and apparently unshakeable inherited amily traumas and behavior paerns. These distorted structures arm energy rom the DNA, on a amily and collecve consciousness level, guiding it into supporng the everexpanding technospheric matrix, literally eeding it with human lie orce so it can grow. The distorons then become even more entrenched in the collecve consciousness, eeding back into the human DNA and creang a eedback loop or junk DNA paern: a vicious cycle. Together, the junk DNA that contains the codes o sel-limitaon, and its mirror image in the technospheric matrix create one single enty—the ancient mind o humanity. When we become aware o these distorons and transmute them, we can c an leave this ancient mind o the mass consciousness behind. Vibraonal elds created by the rituals produce the requency environment in which the replian and other enes can maniest in the vesense requency range. The act that lie in human sociees (and human bodies) is composed o limitaons and constraints. Because the rule o states is based on material borders and physical coercion, the archons have no power in bodiless cyberspace. Some believe that the Annunaki (is the archons or watchers on Earth) may have created alien Watchers’ to t o monitor their genec engineering experiments to produce humankind thousands o years ago. This their genec engineering experiment is the arcial matrix humankind is trapped within and the archons prevents the soul rom ascending. The goal is thereore to prevent people rom raising their inner vibraons rom low to higher. The lower the vibraon is the denser materialisc world and the higher the vibraons is the less denser and the archons can´t control higher requencies, just the low vibraonal through using ear. In the book Freedom: Alchemy or a Voluntary Society, he denes the ancient Gnoscs as spiritual libertarians, arguing that they “saw themselves as the vanguard o human reedom, struggling by the use o spiritual


means against the ubiquitous orces o tyranny in the realms o nature and being.” As a Jungian, Hoeller underlines the psychological aspects o this struggle, arguing that the Gnoscs were “technicians o individuaon” who aempted to overcome the internal archons that rule our mundane, messed-up psyches. The demiurgic hands o tyranny in all manner o mass movements, ecological ideologies, and architectures o state power. The Midgard Serpent which Odin sunk beneath the sea, but which grew to such a size as to encircle the whole w hole earth. They were able to take physical orm in your world. They terrorized the humans. They are the same as the Watchers. Semyaza, the leader o the allen angels or -“- watchers. Contrary to many orthodox belie systems, Gnoscs do not view the body or soul as evil or as unworthy o the spirit. Rather, Gnoscs view the body and the soul as the iniaon school o the spirit. The body and soul provide the spirit with the ordeals necessary to bring about the birth o the Sel, and the eventual ull realizaon o the Sel in the material world. Gnoscs view the divine nature as commingled with the psychic and material spheres. Replians on Earth, Orwellian Minds, Leviathan allen consciousness state, the matrix and how they control it, and how they keeping humankind trapped within their mind prison, and how ear is the base component or control and suppress and oppress The Reploids, have been living here on Earth or thousands o years and that they consider the Earth to be their ancestral home, since they claim c laim that they were the original occupants in prehistoric mes. The original Replian Race that came to this planet and created the Humanoids as slaves, then unaware souls began to occupy these bodies and we have what the world is today. Most o Human History have been wrien with Replian Control, Replian aliens secretly running the world. Orwellian Minds THE AMYGDALA is the ‘hub in the wheel o ear’. It takes note o all dangerous smuli rom our experience, possibly including those within the womb, and probably some rom ancestral memories stored away in the acs o our minds. It condions our response units accordingly, ensuring that we react instantaneously to all potenal threats. Once provoked, it sets in train a series o moons that take milliseconds to impact on the body and minutes or our cognive process to raonalise and regain control over. The heartbeat quickens as the stomach muscles contract and nausea sets in. Hairs bristle in a hasty salute to the sound o the heart srring up the rivers o blood below the skin. This is called the ‘ght or ight’ response and accounts or those anxious and earul states that catch us unawares. The amygdala is the primary target in ear condioning. Once acvated, it remembers why and retains the earul associaon within its wrinkled clutches. Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four illustrates the dangers o reducing people to a replian state in which they lose their autonomy and have their behaviour dictated by state-sponsored smuli. ‘The lms shown by the t he Ministry o Truth in Orwe Orwell’s ll’s Nineteen Eighty Fouraim at regressing the audience to a primive level. David Icke says; Cut the Orwellian language and it means mind manipulaon, tapping into the unconscious mind without the person’s conscious knowledge to plant the thoughts you wish them to ollow. Leviathan thus becomes a metaphor or the whole o the allen world and or allen humanity in it. Then Leviathan is a metaphor or a allen humankind into the three dimensional reality o this world humankind become enslaved within the archons world and their matrix o control. Leviathan, the archons, the matrix, lower matrix o the mind, and the ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. Remember that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Since all human beings share a collecve spirit, the ear that people channel into Satan allows him to exert an … Satan is our collecve ego. . The personicaon o all egos (the collecve ego) is called c alled Satan in the biblical scriptures. This collecve ego has a unied intelli-gence o its own which works purposeully to maintain the illu-sion o separateness. So there are orces o ignorance that seek to perpetuate ignorance both within and without. Using the para-digm o Carl Jung’s collecve unconscious, we see there is a pooling o the


egoisc inclinaons o all people. These negave, sel-centered tendencies exert themselves as though unconing as a single intelligent being. It is the direcon o these orces to encourage egoisc tendencies in the thoughts and eelings o us all. In so doing it perpetuates itsel. The ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. The dividing actor o separaon rom spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered and took over the unconsciousness o the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control o the energy system, the truth o knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connecon to the higher levels o consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. It is important that we try to understand the mechanism o the ego. By doing this, we can begin to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the permanent and the impermanent, the delu-sional and the sane. Once we understand what it is about us that is unreal, we can begin to glimpse our true nature. We will see that the ego is a liar and a thie and that it is the source o all the ear, tension, misery and war that has possessed humankind through the centuries. Hell is the shadow o the ego. Wherever there is ego, hell is sure to ollow. The ego is like something that is borrowed. It doesn’t really belong to us. Hell is what comes to collect the debt. The ego is our sense o separateness as “I” and “mine” and arises rom idencaon with the body. We have become blinded by the ego, thinking that we are the ego, and the more we think we are the ego, the more deeply we sink into spiritual darkness. In truth, we are spiritual beings who have been imprisoned in bodies by the belie that we are these bodies. Ego (Satan) does everything possible to connue to persuade us that we are mere mortal eshly beings. Satan is our jailer and holds the door to our cell closed by means o our own desires and aachments. We could walk out right now—today—but we are unable to do so because we are spiritually blind like a horse with blinders and see only materially through the ve senses. Our desires are the whip that drives us into this morbid existence. We are truly on a prison planet, no longer having a natural connecon with the divine spirit, “Why”. The story o the “Garden o Eden” (and paradise lost), is the evicon rom Paradise. This story becomes our true reality. But instead o eang an apple rom a sacred tree, “what” could be the ttrue rue story? Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is not just a ancy saying, because the apple has a monatomic substance which can heal you, and more importantly helps to acvate the pineal gland between the brain (every ones third eye). But instead o nourishing our stargate to gain access to a higher sel, this ability has been manipulated with chemicals in the air, ood, and water. A me when a dierent race rac e came rom heaven to earth, who we call god’s because they were so advanced. Revelaon quotes that these god’s created man to their likeness, well they improved mans ability on a molecular level, more or less changing our DNA. The reason why many stay trapped in the tomb is because they want to t in. This is the ear principle that rules mass consciousness and the illusion that eeding the ears o being excluded and then ears o death. The Matrix is then been controlled mass consciousness, tribal consciousness, corporate thought paern, Mass psychology swing the masses to their will because they work with the collecve, though undeveloped, consciousness. Through mass consciousness reality is presented through the lens o the ego, and controls percepons and what they is allowed to understand and see o this world. That´s why the third eye o intuion is closed. The masses are made up o individuals and to change the consciousness o the masses — the consciousness o the individual must alter. As we alter our consciousness and awareness, we will understand who we are, why we are here, here , and what part we are desned to play in creang this new age. In this way, satan ( the ultra ego) exercises great control over large groups o people. Working as the accuser, satan uses this “corporate thought” to keep God’s spiritual leaders down and out. I God


intends to use a certain man to bless His people, the enemy, e nemy, working within the group mentality, will cause “everybody” to turn against him. And this is also been used in organized gang stalking, or organized bullying, or organized predator stalking. Satan controlls mass consciousness through the carnal mind and ego, and actually using anyone, at anyme and anywhere or the purpose o organized gang stalking. How does this control-matrix called “corporate thinking” work? We all desire to be accepted. Every one o us has an inherent need or the approbaon and acknowledgment o others. Because the enemy knows this, as soon as he gets control o a group, he brings all who may object to his will under control using the ear o not being accepted. It is called the “ear o exclusion.” This type o ear is an inmidang ear. Some people live in what is called “people bondage.” People bondage is when people cannot separate their personal lives rom other people’s thoughts and opinions about them. Because they cannot separate the two, they are perpetually governed by the opinions o others. Fear and inmidaon controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought paern”, that keep people in bondage and separaon, and subconsciously this creates a ear o exclusion. This state o  ear and inmidaon is been aected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part o the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison. For eons, human will has been controlled by the collecve will. For example, the will o the tribe has dictated the will o its tribe members, i.e., “my will and tribal will are one.” However, the individualizaon process requires that we develop a sense o our own will. Only when we can make decisions based on our inner guidance can we liberate ourselves rom the dictates o  the collecve will, external authories, as well as the manipulave and exploitave polical and economic systems. From an energec perspecve, when our electromagnec e lectromagnec eld and psyche are merged with mass consciousness, the tribal mind controls our mind and emoons. We are at the mercy o the direcves o our tribe. We thus make ourselves available to be manipulated and exploited by the prevailing social and economic system. In act, we are not only dependent upon external authories, we are open targets or their abuse. I we are a slave to external orces, our will is not ree. Our individualizaon process and separaon rom group consciousness requires that we ocus on ourselves and become masters o our own energy. Fortunately, we can parcipate in shifing the global paradigm by extricang ourselves rom the prevailing matrix and by reclaiming our will. Connecng with the power and truth o universal orces within is the only way to reclaim our authenc will. w ill. When we embody the strength o the Divine and our soul, we can be released rom the web o mass consciousness. Our tribal aliaon is replaced by our oneness with universal Spirit. The right use o will is then possible. As we become able and willing to listen to and ollow our inner guidance, we cease c ease to listen to and ollow the direcves o social, religious, parental, and other authority gures. Ulmately, we experience that our will and Divine Will are one. In order to gain control and manipulate another person a covert aggressor will employ posive reinorcement taccs such as praise, approval, even sympathy to draw you in. Then the aggressor will create a growing climate c limate o ear and seldoubt with the use o intermient posive and negave reinorcement (threats, inmidaon, even playing the vicm) to disorient the targeted person. The denion o inmidaon: Inmidaon is the art o deterring someone through ear. Satan (the ultra ego) wants to deter you rom new ideas, new visions and new territories. That is why he is alarming you, rightening you and warding you o. Rejecon is one o Satan ´s inmidaon strategies. When one begin to advance in the area or spiritual progress, they subtle start to set up the stage or inmidaon. Fear and inmidaons is part o the strategies in organized gang stalking. When the inmidators come, their biggest weapons are words—threatening to harm, to disgrace, and to take away something o value. The demon that accompanies all inmidators on their mission is called ear. The demon o ear stands in the oreront to bark like a mad dog, while the human


inmidator breathes threats. Energy systems that are guided only by the ego are more likely to be enguled into the inuenal power o the mass o collecve energy. Ego based energy systems ofen perceive the world as being a terrible, negave place to live. Their percepons create hoslity and hate within them. They project their negavity into the world, eeding the negavity within the mass o collecve energy. This negavity is what posive, awakened energy systems are constantly ghng against. Posive awakened energy systems are higher conscious beings that can see past the smokescreens o the ego to get to the truth. Since the mass o collecve e energy nergy is predominantly derived rom the unconscious ego, awakened energy systems are considered outcasts and have to lead a lie o repressed identy. Revealing their true sel causes ridicule, persecuon, and never ending insults o projecons o being labeled as delusional or herecs against the alse reality belie system within the mass o collecve energy. This is the collecve organized gang stalking. They constant stalking persecuon and “shadowing”. The Gatekeepers are the rulers or Archons o the matrix dream world. They are the embodiments o the Arcial Intelligence which humanity has created, as a means to keep itsel rom spreading the disease o its reason to the enre universe. Agent Smith bierly explains to Morpheus that his desire to extract the secret codes or Zion, and so destroy the last ree human selement and end the war, is above all ueled by his desire to escape the matrix. Agent Smith and the matrix sorcerers have a shared goal, and it is only their methods that dier. Al is basically Satan-Lucier, a devil by any other name. The matrix is the pit. Al/Satan is the prison guard and the Gatekeepers are the Archons, Satan’s helpers, who keep humanity imprisoned within the pit. Since Satan/AI is a slave himsel, all He can do is make more slaves. the devil is the ego, or is ound in the ego (or the collecve ego o all mankind The Western psyche has never come to a healthy understanding o the nature o evil and its role in natural events is one o the symptoms o our collecve Western neurosis. Our everyday atudes ulmately stem rom our society’s god-image, such as it dualiscally exists. Satan is a creaon o allen human consciousness. He is energized by human ear. Since all human beings share a collecve spirit, the ear that people channel into Satan allows him to exert an inuence o ear upon all our race. The physical brain is under the sway o the lower animal mind The ego, whether o the individual “I” or the collecve “we”, is the arch-deceiver Satan, the sole enemy o God and man. Leviathan and the carnal mind Archon, Satan and Carnal Mind and the matrix o the archons The million year old replian brain is sll in acon, the archons is also in acon, Satan is always working, and the carnal mind in humans is also in acon Leviathan and the matrix Leviathan: a mythical creature that appears in the Bible. It is interpreted as either a erocious e rocious dragon-like monster or a representaon o Satan (the Devil). Again, we see a connecon with a rebellious re bellious society or world system whose agenda is contrary to God’s but in accord with Satan’s. The sea monster Leviathan also returns to lie as the beast rom the sea in Rev 13:1–10. Here, John links the metaphor o a Leviathan-like sea monster, ull o polical symbolism, with the hosle world empires. The rst beast orms a worldwide system with this beast to control people’s lives even by capital threat. … I the rst beast is the giver o the ideology, the second beast has a major role as an organizer o the new cult. The earthly kingdom controlled by the archons enslaved man in darkness and ignorance by the power o ate or desny. It is Maya which deludes man to think that the body acts, the mind thinks, the eyes see, the ears hear. Sanskrit maya means “illusion, magic”. Parcularly in the Advaita Vedanta the illusion o Maya represents the limited, deluded ego, which understands reality as only psychological and mental and does not recognize the true sel. It creates separaon, corrupon, distoron, delusion, illusion, glamour, maya, and alse divisions in every move it makes! Do not be deluded by the negave ego’s deluded and corrupt thinking paerns. The power o maya which deludes the person in bondage through the misrepresentaon o creaon, ails to delude


the liberated person. We are mere ‘puppets ‘ in the hand o this Maya -body/ ego consciousness. Mass Consciousness – Satan is simply an energy created and ormed by the human mass consciousness and their belie in him. The mass o thoughts that has been built up in race consciousness through many generaons o earthly experiences and crystallized into what may be termed human personality, or carnal mind, which opposes and rejects God. The ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. The dividing actor o separaon rom spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered entere d and took over the unconsciousness o the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control o the energy system, the truth o knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connecon to the higher levels o consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. The old sel, or the alse sel, is the creaon o the carnal mind. It is not the creaon o God. God created cre ated our divine authenc Sel. We have created the alse sel through a alse light, or sight. This light is the alse wisdom we gained by eang rom the three o the knowledge o good and evil under the decepve inuence o Satan. S atan. We gave so much importance to this alse ego or sel, that it became the main personality in our consciousness. This is actually the cause o all the problems and chaos we ace in lie. The Matrix has been nothing less than a ake or virtual reality; a collecve mindprison or docile humans, created by the ‘senent machines’ in order to eed on the energy o cocooned human bodies. Morpheus, represenng the resistance o a relavely small number o beleaguered humans who exist ‘outside’ the Matrix, oers Neo the chance to experience reality as it really is. Neo learns to overcome the panopcon power o The Matrix, and rouses the nal human bale against the machines. As long as we allow the archon-controlled governments and religions to suppress our vibraon using ear taccs, we will have great diculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure re way to shut down our vortex o creaon and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world powers desired by the archons. Leviathan is the polical system that suppress humans higher vibraons by using ear. Oppression and Leviathan The beast system will suppress anyone who might obstruct the empire’s agenda. This new era, has already started with the orced reengineering o our planet and us humans. ChemTrails are not only changing the environment we live in, but are changing us rom the inside out. Planetary re-engineering goes beyond controlling the weather. The people behind geo-engineering are afer the human race. Transhumanism. Transhumanist intend to replace all natural laws with their own set o rules which will make it easier to control it all. It is nothing more than an agenda to destroy humanity and human nature. It seeks to to devolve and enslave humans in a way that will be irreversible. The elite understand that ulmately the economy is connected to a Lucierian spiritual economic system. The highest levels o government nance, culture, science, and polics, the elite, are busy construcng a global economic order that will culminate in what is described in Revelaon as the mark o the beast system. We can see this with the development o biometrics, radio requency idencaon (RFID) chips, electronic taoos, electronic payments, and similar technologies. Prophesy scholars say that the mark o the beast system is now possible or the rst me in history. The carnal man, Satan, controls the beast system. The Beast is a system created by Satan. That satanic throne is all around us today in this worldly system o things. The composite beast o Revelaon 13:1, 2 symbolizes the worldwide polical system, empowered and controlled by Satan. The System is also amous known to some as The Matrix which is also considered as a Weapon o Mass Destrucon because its job is to degenerate and eventually destroy the human mind and spirit systemacally on a massive scale in an orderly ashion. Why the Matrix? Because in the movie


The Matrix, the matrix was described as a abricated world o illusions that seemed real to the senses, but in reality everyone that was living inside the matrix was actually asleep in some type o stasis. Just like the matrix, the system is a abricated world o lies and decepons with the intenon o causing ignorance and helplessness, created by the devil to help degenerate humanity into a beast-like state. The Leviathan Factor tells the incredible story o how Satan, created as Lucier the morning star, seltransormed into Leviathan, God’s serpenne arch oe. `Preternaturally ormed’ means ormed supernaturally (but not by God) – ormed apart rom nature. Leviathan (the serpent/dragon) was a “monster” because Satan had preternaturally ormed it against the will o God. This occurrence was beyond nature. Prior to God’s intervenon, allen man in the esh was the “other hideous land animal”. The serpent o Genesis is a symbol o Satan, as the enchanter, in the orm o an animal – an angel who has become a esh e sh man. Leviathan and polical system Levithan and Satan Leviathan and human chakra Leviathan and Mind vs consciousness Leviathan Ego and lower matrix The spirit o Leviathan lives on. This invincible animal who terrorized humanity (spirit o organized gang stalking) Leviathan is the mind o the ego and the polical beast system (the matrix o the archons) Mind is local and consciousness is unlocal Mind is not reality – consciousness is the only reality Ego, mind and intellect vs intuion, consciousness and no mind Consciousness is your non-biological This also means that the wave aspect o  our indestrucble consciousness in the non-local space is inherently immeasurable by physical means. This non-local aspect o consciousness, which can also be called our higher consciousness, divine consciousness or cosmic consciousness, could be compared to gravitaonal elds, o which only the physical eects throughout the universe can be measured, but the elds themselves are not directly demonstrable. In trying to understand this concept o interacon between the invisible non-local space and our visible, material body, it seems appropriate to com-pare it with modern worldwide communicaon. There is a connuous exchange o objecve inormaon by means o electromagnec elds or radio, TV, mobile telephone, or laptop computer. We are not consciously aware o the t he vast amounts o electromagnec elds that constantly, day and night, exist around us and even permeang us, as well as permeang structures like walls and buildings. At each moment we are invaded by hundreds o thousands o telephone calls, and hundreds o radio and TV programmes. We only become aware o these electromagnec inor-mave elds at the moment we use our mobile telephone or by switching on our radio, TV or laptop. What we receive is neither inside the instrument, nor in the components, but thanks to the receiver, the inormaon rom the electromagnec elds becomes observableistonot ourinside senses and hence percepon occurs in ourover consciousness. The voice wetohear telephone the telephone. The concert we hear our radio is transmied our over radio.our One cannot avoid the conclusion that endless consciousness has always existed and will always exist independently rom the body, because there is no beginning nor will there ever be an end to our consciousness. There is a kind o biological basis o our waking consciousness, because during lie our physical body uncons as an interace or place o resonance. But there is no biological basis o our whole, endless, or enhanced consciousness because it is rooted in a non-local space. Our enhanced and non-local consciousness resides not in our brain and is not limited to our brain. So our brain seems to have a acilitang, and not a producing uncon to experience consciousness. Consciousness does not happen in the brain. Consciousness is your non-biological, non-alterable innate ability to internally see (observe) and know as awareness o both subliminal and acvated selawareness, and is separate rom your biological brain uncons that rise and all upon demand. The brain/mind uncons provide all the inormaon or the observerknower o consciousness to use its innate ability o seeing and knowing, which is subliminal sel-reerencing sel-awareness as pure awareness with the spirit paern o ree will


acvang that awareness as human acvated sel-awareness: aware o itsel or aware o what the mind produces. Intellectually understanding the separaon o consciousness and mind provides a greater depth o insight into the unconing o your existence. Experienally appreciang their interdependence deepens that clarity o insight. Without an experienal oundaon or your lie, the shadow reected upon the world reects back its own darkness, entrapping you within itsel. That one simple acon ceaselessly repeats in endless disguises. However, actually experiencing the separaon o consciousness and mind opens doors o internal percepon that you would never have thought possible. The intellect denes the choices, but the pure knower o consciousness amalgamated with the spirit paern o ree will is the actual deciding agency. Or, the ‘ability’ o non-biological consciousness to know, is brought to ‘lie’ by biological intellect denions, which is the intellect manipulang accumulated inormaon. However, the pure knower o consciousness, embedded with the spirit paern o ree will, is the nal arbitrator o those manipulaons by its innate discriminang ‘ability’. The amalgamaon o the spirit paern o ree will with the knower o consciousness, to uncon as one, occurs due to the transormaonal nature o ree will. The transormaon process is similar to observing two parts hydrogen amalgamang with one part oxygen to transorm into water. When hydrogen and oxygen are mixed, they remain in their gaseous states. It requires a catalyst c atalyst (a spark o energy) to transorm that gaseous state into water. Within consciousness, the spirit paern o ree will is that catalyc spark. It transorms the potenal knowing or discriminang ‘ability’ o the pure knower into actual knowing, actualizing its knowing-awareness by ree will, awaking that ‘ability’. The released knowing ‘ability’ is what rees the intellect to manipulate inormaon, allowing pure knower awareness to be aware o that manipulaon, providing the pure knower with the material to make choices. The transormaon releases acvated sel-awareness rom within subliminal selreerenal sel-awareness, experienced e xperienced as individual awareness/sel-awareness, transorming animal consciousness into human consciousness. c onsciousness. That transormaonal acon makes the knower ‘personal’ as an acvated observer-knower personality as it can now know or be aware o itsel and/or its mind producon. The personal knower can now know and use its knowing potenal, which is acvated selawareness capable o accessing and manipulang the biological brain uncons, creang or releasing a human consciousness out o animal consciousness. The spirit paern o ree will is transormaonal energy. Being transormaon energy it is not visible as it is spirit energy and not material energy. It transorms t ransorms by releasing the ‘ability’ o the pure knower o consciousness to discriminate or know, by what the biological brain uncons produce, re releasing leasing it rom its animal bondage into thereedom, reedomreleasing that acvated creates. Acvated creates knower ‘personal’ it romsel-awareness animal restricon by now havingsel-awareness the ability to make choices by thought. However, whatever choices are made is a byproduct o ree will and not ree will. The spirit paern o ree will only allows those choices to be made by reeing the knowing ‘ability’ o consciousness rom its animal bondage, providing the means or the pure knower to know by allowing the intellect to manipulate inormaon. The pure knower o consciousness is no longer personal in potenal; it has been actualized as a knowing personality. The spirit paern o ree will is the catalyst to awaken the potenal personalness o the knower into an actual unconing personality, by releasing acvated sel-awareness rom within subliminal sel-awareness, releasing human consciousness awareness rom animal consciousness. The now actualized personality is your identy that never alters. When you have gained an intellectual appreciaon o that complexity, simplicity arrives through experienal realizaon o seeing how that complexity entraps and controls. Knowing that process allows you to stand-aside rom its entrapment and a sense o reedom and liberaon appears as i rom nowhere, creang a sense o intense relie as you are no longer bound within the


quagmire o restricted vision, establishing direconal simplicity and sincerity in all your thoughts and acons. The reedom that has always existed within consciousness has been liberated, making you simply eel good, which is happiness. You had it rom the very beginning but were blinded by what the components o your existence created, c reated, unwingly entrapping yoursel within your own sel-created border limitaon. By liming your vision, you eecvely restrict your existence. However, consciousness is born ree and cannot be I imited. The sel-created limitaon is the primary cause or the majority o anxiees, ears, sense o isolaon and all orms o disharmony that exist. To clear that sel-created limitaon, or blockage, it is necessary to know what that blockage is and how it was created. Consequently, you enter the complexity o how and why the components o your existence interrelate, creang potenal liming restricon upon the nonrestricon o consciousness. The veil o ignorance prevent higher consciousness rom be progressed and archons prevents the soul rom ascending, “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. A veil o ignorance is in place and subconsiously aects the pre-programmed replian brain, and thereore our intellect and our spiritual eyes are covered, as it were, with the veil o ignorance. There is a web o decepon around the essenal error that enmeshes us in “co-emergent ignorance” with the Archons. Insights removes darkness and illuminates. Insights maniests in the multude o light. Insight opens the third eye and travels through the Crown o the head. Insights reveals the path to salvaon. It brings cosmic visions. Insights removes gravitaonal orce o the earthly maer rom the human kind and elevates the human kind to a higher plaorm. The ‘light’ o primordial awareness is descripve ‘light’, as it appears as darkness unl transormed into your observer-knower as a sel-reerencing individual consciousness. When that transormaon occurs, pure awareness is now an acvated ‘light’ o primordial awareness, reerred to as actual ‘light’, as the ‘light’ is used by the observer o pure awareness to see by its illuminaon, allowing the pure knower to know what is seen, which is subliminal sel-awareness. “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are not ready re ady to mutate beyond the lower, robot circuits. One cannot evolve rom one’s robothood unl one realizes how totally one has been robozed. From the psychological point o view all biological orms are transient robots created by DNA to house and transport the genec “brain,” DNA. The muscular mind designs and constructs machines to serve human. Ancient texts teaching that the Anunnaki had “created” humans through genec g enec manipulaon to make them work or them as slaves. Apparently they changed the exisng man “genecally”, who roamed earth or millions o years, in order to have a slave race to work or them without having to teach them everything (it was the beginning o an all intelligent being). An intelligent who could be controlled by manipulang their minds. Hence the secrecies about “Esoteric race Knowledge”. Aseasily long as man wouldn’t nd out what he was capable o and be unaware o his divine abilies and powers, he would always remain a slave, and kept in a state o slumbering or kept in a arcial computer created “dreamworld”. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. The idea that the Annunaki believe they are in charge o human evoluon makes sense i you consider the possibility that Zecharia Sitchin’s idea that they altered humanity to serve as slaves, could be reality. Today we can see these simularies to the matrix (enslaved), arcial intelligence and transhumanism. The Matrix movie shows, a mutant computer program born o arcial intelligence, which has turned the human race into slaves. The humans were basically genec robots created solely to work. The Matrix world is a virtual reality world created by arcial intelligence to enslave humans and use their bio-energy as uel to power their existence. Waking up rom the t he Matrix, breaking the ‘bondage [o] alse consciousness (illusions (illusions and veil o ignorance)’, is done when people are shown ‘the true workings o the system. Humanity has been enslaved or centuries an thousends o


years. The idea that the Annunaki believe they are in charge o human evoluon makes sense i you consider the possibility that Zecharia Sitchin’s idea that they altered humanity to serve as slaves, could be reality. Today we can see these simularies to the matrix (enslaved), arcial intelligence and transhumanism. The Matrix movie shows, a mutant computer program born o arcial intelligence, which has turned the human race into slaves. The humans were basically genec robots created solely to work. The Matrix world is a virtual reality world created by arcial intelligence to enslave humans and use their bio-energy as uel to power their existence. ex istence. Waking up rom the Matrix, breaking the ‘bondage [o] alse consciousness (illusions and veil o ignorance)’, is done when people are shown ‘the true workings o the system. Humanity has been enslaved or centuries an thousends o years. The Annunaki could be the (Archons – the rulers and principalies that is menon in Ephesians 6:12) as described by the Agnoscs are a predatory (predatory stalking/organized gang stalking), non- human mentality, mind, computer- like race that is not capable o creave imaginaon. Thereore, they cleverly use humanies energy and creave powers to turn humans against themselves through this Earth Matrix, based on decepon and manipulaon, and through Maya the humankind is trapped in both illusions and the veil o ignorance. In the movie The Matrix, humanity is enslaved by an arcial intelligence we ourselves created. Humans are kept in pods while their bodies are used as energy sources to support the machinery o arcial intelligence. To keep us enslaved, the arcial intelligence creates a massive, interacve, virtual reality or humans. And by meculously controlling the neurons in our brains, the arcial intelligence manages to deceive us into thinking this virtual world is the real world. Though we are in act enslaved in cocoonlike pods, we experience ourselves and our world just as we do now. Everything seems normal. Everything eels real. The neurologically controlled virtual reality that keeps us imprisoned is the Matrix. Beore the Anunnaki raid, some humans had extraordinary abilies that were lef over rom the advanced Earth civilizaons that had long ago collapsed. The original biogenec example o the human was given incredible inormaon, was inter-dimensional by nature, and could do many supernatural things. When the “creator gods” (described above) raided, they ound that the local species had abilies that were too much like their own. Consequently, they suppressed and controlled the current human inhabitants—those last surviving ancestors o Atlans and Lemuria. In the case o these surviving ancestors, the breeding males were only allowed to breed with manipulated two-strand DNA emales, thus nearly eliminang all 12-strand humans lef on Earth, as is depicted in the legendary Sumerian tale, the Epic o Gilgamesh. Computers have taken over the world and manipulated people’s brains so they believe they’re living normal lives. The computer-generated dream world keeps the human populaon content and incapable o ghng or their reedom. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. To experience the liberaon o consciousness is to enter the heart o creaon, and then you will know, and


nothing or no one anywhere can ever devalue or diminish that experience. It is yours or an eternity. It is worth the struggle to get through the complexity to expose the reedom you are born within. The reedom arrives o its own accord. It is not learnt nor can it be given. It simply appears o its own volion when you remove your sel-created border entrapment. All your previous eort to understand the complexity dissolves into eortless simplicity, establishing direconal sincerity encased within a known purpose or existence. Understanding the acve components o consciousness and being able to evaluate how they interrelate demyses existence, unveiling an internal direcon, hidden within the complexity o living. Meditaon in one orm or another is intrinsic to all transormave journeys to the mysc consciousness o the true sel in Divine unity. Meditaon is the way o sel-awareness that assists in a transormaon rom a ear-based consciousness to a heart-based consciousness. The inera o the ear-based consciousness has narrowed and restricted our selconsciousness to only kataphac experience. The unintegrated disunity o the heart, mind, and body ormed in a wounded human consciousness and culture, overwhelmingly encourages the use o raonal and sensory experience as the primary mode o our conscious awareness. This is the development o our personality rom the outside-in instead o the inside-out. The interior o the heart must be the lens in which all outside smulus is ltered. Our heart-based consciousness is nonlocal and nondual expressing being within the physical dimension. It is the oneness o our true sel in God through the Spirit within our heart that we are aware o an innite and eternal transcendent unity in Divine Being. Frontal lobes and Evoluon I one wish to understand and improve our mental, emoonal, and behavioral uncons, the locus o invesgaon is the nervous system. The person who can dial and tune the recepve, integrave, transming circuits o the nervous system is not just more intelligent, but can be said to operate at a higher and more complex level o evoluon. The human brain has evolved in our progressive stages, with the earliest stage comprising the inner core o the brain and aached directly to the brainstem. This part o the brain is known as the R-complex or replian brain. This part o the brain gives g ives us our basic survival traits, such as to ght or ee in danger situaons. This core is surrounded by the second stage o the brain’s development, which is commonly reerred to as the old mammalian brain, comprised mainly o the limbic system, which is the seat o our emoons and gives us the ability to eel and causes us to act on those eelings. Surrounding this is the neo-cortex, the third stage o the brain’s development, which has evolved to allow us to think and to analyze. The ourth stage is comprised o the pre-rontal lobes, which grow out o the ront part o the neo-cortex, and provide us with the ability to plan andinpredict. Beneath this pre-rontal or aached tooutgrowth it, is the pineal gland, which might be a fh stage the brain’s evoluon. This glandarea, is a lile pea-sized and has been associated with psychic ability in humans. It is located between the eyes, slightly behind and above them, and is ofen reerred to as the third eye. e ye. When any organ o the body is not used or a long enough me, it begins to wither and becomes inoperave, and can eventually physically disappear altogether, at that point exisng only within the genec blueprint o our DNA. Such might be the case with the pineal gland, which may have atrophied over me rom disuse, and threatens to disappear altogether in uture generaons o our species i it’s not exercised. The only way to rewire neural paerns is to interere with the neurotransmier sequence at the synapse, thus retracng the old imprint and allowing or a new imprinng. The Corpus Callosum it is where neural connecons are acvated to the extent e xtent o creang new neural pathways or dendric synapses, between them, breaking the barrier o lack o corpus callosum energy. MAN is a transional being; he is not nal. For in man and high beyond him ascend the radiant degrees that climb to a divine supermanhood. There lies our desny and the liberang key to our aspiring but troubled and limited mundane existence. We mean by man mind


imprisoned in a living body. But mind is not the highest possible power o consciousness; or mind is not in possession o Truth, but only its ignorant seeker. Beyond mind is a supramental or gnosc power o consciousness that is in eternal possession o Truth. This supermind is at its source the dynamic consciousness, in its nature at once and inseparably innite wisdom and innite will o the divine Knower and Creator. Supermind is superman; a gnosc supermanhood is the next disnct and triumphant evoluonary step to be reached by earthly nature. The step rom man to superman is the next approaching achievement in the earth’s evoluon. It is inevitable because it is at once the intenon o the inner Spirit and the logic o Nature’s process. The appearance o a human possibility in a material and animal world was the rst glint o some coming divine Light, the rst ar-o promise o a godhead to be born out o Maer. The appearance o the superman in the human world will be the ullment o this divine promise. Out o the material consciousness in which our mind works as a chained slave is emerging the disk o a secret sun o Power and Joy and Knowledge. The supermind will be the ormed body o that radiant eulgence. Supermanhood is not man climbed to his own natural zenith, not a superior degree o human greatness, knowledge, power, intelligence, will, character, genius, ge nius, dynamic orce, saintliness, love, purity or perecon. Supermind is something beyond mental man and his limits; it is a greater consciousness than the highest consciousness proper to human nature. The Superman is one whose centre o gravity is shifed rom the domain o Ignorance to the domain o Truth. He is in possession o a divine Principle— the Supermind – that is illumined by the Supermind which is a pure principle o integral Truthvision and sovereign Truth-eectuaon. The brain is as much a product o the mind as the chromosomes are a product o orces about whose nature we know as lile as what we call gravitaon, light or consciousness. It is through meditaon that we create the threads and cables c ables that connect the three aspects o the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired or phone and internet recepon, these threads uncon as communicaon lines that allow us to receive inormaon rom the higher planes. Over me, as we project our aenon upward, these threads and cables use and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel or the downpouring o inormaon rom the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. This experience has produced many o our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built. It is where neural connecons are acvated to the extent o creang new neural pathways or dendric synapses, between them, breaking the barrier o lack o corpus c orpus callosum energy. The evoluon o conscious mind to superconscious state o mind results in the percepon becoming ner and ner. At the superconscious state o mind, the sense-percepon is totally absent, it is tuned to receive the intuion. From a evoluonary perspecve there is a huge potenal latent in the part o the brain called the rontal cortex. The rontal lobe o the t he brain (the lobe o intelligence) When the rontal cortex gets acvated it improves central nervous system unconing and changes the way how the brain operates.  The rontal lobes has access to ner and subtle energies  The rontal lobes has acccess to all parts o the brains structures  The rontal lobes has access to inormaon instantly through intuion The rontal lobes at the top o the brain is connected to deeper brain regions. Current research has revealed a guide spot, a miracle mind, situated primarily in the rontal lobes o the human brain. When we consciously connect to this spot, also known as the God spot, we have access to the innite potenal, or power on hold o the universe. With the necessary understanding, skills, and tools we can tap into and ulise our universal intelligence, guidance, and wisdom. Through the connecon to deeper brain regions, through new connecons to unused brain parts and through connecon to new ⦁


dimensions o lie and universe and through connecons to new levels o consciousness we have access to intuion, insight, inspiraon, revelaon and the innate wisdom o the ages. This changes the way how the brain operates. The whole brain is greater than the sum o its parts, and the brain is a constantly interacng system within itsel. The whole brain is greater than the sum o its parts, where whe re the whole is the internal and innite world and the parts is the nite and external world. This work o new connecons building new parthways, it´s healing the evoluonary brain, unite opposite energies to oneness, breaking up the design or concept o duality (parts) and rearrange its parts into wholeness, and through synthesis it expand the limit consciousness to unlimited cosmic consciousness, and through this process more and more new dna strands is been acvated rom the t he slumbering state o consciousness. Superconsciousness is a phenomenon that happens in the rontal lobe when the number o integrang energy ractals moves beyond a certain limit. Several Indian masters have claimed that the rontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. Through the evoluonary history we were isolated in one dimension o our total world, the rest o us cut adrif in the void. Our sel-conscious being could only use the ve physical senses and ten percent o our brain. The remainder o our consciousness split into our subconscious and superconsciousness. Our brain uncon also split into two parts, losing its connecon through the tunnel ound within the corpus callosum to the Pineal Gland, our third eye, which enables us to see our ‘soul’ members and the unseen worlds. The vortex within our Tree o Lie stopped moving. To re-boot our computer and acvate our systems, we need to re-connect our bodies and our brains, to re-open the vorces throughout our Tree o Lie, our brain and our body, to unite our head and our heart. Then once again we can resonate with all energec beings oang in our electro-magnec eld, around our ‘sel’, the Sun o our ‘soul’, without ear. We have to learn how to manage the posive and negave qualies o these energies, which all maniest through us at a physical level and we have to learn how to manage them in a non-earul and compassionate way enabling them to express the light essence o their being through us. Becoming aware one enables us to re-acvate new dna strands and understand our physical two-strand DNA personality and the ten strand ‘junk DNA’ where we nd the non-physical, archetypal, sub-personalies o our psyche. Interpreng our birth chart, we have the tool to not only knowing who we are and why we’re here, but also the means to understand the energies within our psyche that righten us. This knowledge enables us to heal, reconcile and re-unite our ‘sel’ and ‘soul’ and slowly learn how to use much larger part o our brain. The power to move rom the three dimensional world to the fh dimensional world lies in one´s subconscious mind. The magical power o our subconscious mind is the greatest discovery o mankind. It has the power to overcome the constraints o me and space, as such, one´s subconscious mind posses all the inormaon, wisdom and resources you need to know and have or survival and success. One do not need to aain this power by purchasing any equipment, sofware or perorm any rituals. One do not need to learn this skill as it is always within. One just need to learn to unleash and use it eecvely. When one know the correct way o doing so, one can benet rom it or the re rest st o one´s lie. When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon and can´t access higher knowledge within new dna strands. When ear blocks the ability o visions, and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel When our light body is blocked with w ith outdated belies, unwanted blueprints, and unhealthy genec coding, we are compromised and thus separated rom opmum communicaon with spirit. When we receive an Awakening we are aligning and connecng to higher sel and our true purpose. This process is done through the cleaning and balancing o the chakras, as well as by DNA acvaon. Chakras are the ethereal (immaterial) body’s energy vorces. The origin o the word chakra means “wheel o light.” The


human body has seven major chakras. They are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras. Our chakras are the repositories o our emoons and atudes toward lie. Some o the energy stuck in our chakras has been experienced and locked rom this t his current lie, and some we have inherited. Regardless o how it got there, the goal is to clear it. According to Ambika Wauters, author o The Book o Chakras: Discover the Hidden Forces Within You, “The chakra system is a model or the ow o energy that runs through all lie and through the human system. It is like a ladder that takes us rom the physical realm o substance up through the workings o the higher mind and spirit, and into the realm o Divine Consciousness.”° When these chakra energies are cleaned and balanced, we nd that we are more connected and balanced. It is a common misconcepon that the brain has only one type o brainwave at a me. In Fact, all o the brainwaves are acve in the brain at all mes, but at varying levels. So, the brain always has alpha waves, beta waves, theta waves, gamma waves, and delta waves simultaneously. What we really mean when we say that the brain is in a theta brainwave is that the theta brainwave is stronger (meaning it displays higher amplitude on an EEG) than the other brainwaves. In other words it is the dominant brainwave at that given moment.” This inormaon is important, because it shows that we do not require a hypnoc theta brainwave to achieve a waking and conscious theta brainwave. Theta brain acvity is the threshold between what we know as our conscious and subconscious. It is through the theta requency range that we reprogram our subconscious belies. The 22-strand DNA Acvaon enables a person to bring in and actually hold more light in the physical body. It empowers you to maximize your potenal and bring orth unrealized talents and abilies. It gives you more energy and clarity, strengthening your immune system and assists in releasing unconscious paerns. It increases your ability to use more o your brain capacity and acilitates clearing o amily and genec Karmic paerns. The 22-strand DNA Acvaon gives you a wonderul gif o empowerment. Your DNA contains the blueprint or who you are as a Divine Being. It is God-given, holy, and sacred and denes the uniqueness o you personally. Ancient metaphysical teachings reveal that the original divine blueprint or humans consisted o a muldimensional 24 strand DNA. At present most humans only have about 3-5% o their DNA turned on, as the rest lies dormant. By acvang our DNA we gain greater access to our ull potenal. people can remove and clear blocks to permanent healing on a cellular level. which restores the original Divine Blueprint and reprograms the master gland to reverse the “death hormone” in the body and slow down the aging process, promong youthing, longevity and rejuvenaon. It is our linear thinking that causes us to create dogma and doctrine that keeps us locked in a shallow understanding o who we are as spirit beings. A me when a dierent race came rom heaven to earth, who we call god’s because they were so advanced. Revelaon quotes that these god’s created man to their likeness, well they improved mans ability on a molecular level, more or less changing our DNA. Currently most o humanity has only two unconing strands o DNA, intertwined into a double helix. This poron o our DNA structure contains inormaon pertaining to our biology – such as our individual eatures and the genec inormaon passed on through our amily lines, eg: a paternal grandather”s tendency toward arthris, or a mothers genes or musical talent. These two strands also hold the genec codes or our physical evoluon. But there is another part o our DNA structure that has to do with the spiritual component o the human being, one that science has not presently considered. I one is persuaded that the human being consists o a soul imbedded within a biological body, then it should logically ollow that the genec links within each individual would also contain spiritual inormaon. And i this is so what has become o it? The disconnecon o our original DNA manipulaon resulted in a “veil” o ignorance” being placed between our ve physical senses and our spiritual awareness. However there was a promise given rom the higher realms. At some me in


our uture we would be allowed to develop again according to the divine blueprint o the original plan. In the meanme humanity had to undergo a long and painul period o spiritual development. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. The ully conscious human being has twelve strands o unconal DNA. Beyond our double helix are ten addional dormant soul strands. When these are nally acvated we will experience a total expansion o our consciousness and ully access our light bodies. Originally there were over 2,000 parcles in our DNA that allowed these higher spiritual abilies to uncon. All strands are not posioned within the physical part o our biology either, as many reside on the plane inhabited by our higher mind. Our individual souls are so much greater than what we can perceive with our ve physical senses, because these more lofy abilies are not all ound within our physical bodies. Instead they are accessed on a higher spiritual plane or vibraon and not in the denser physical levels o gasses and solids. Each o the 12 DNA strands represents one o the twelve aspects o muldimensional conscious consciousness. ness. Three DNA strands represent and govern the physical body, another three are concerned with the emoonal body, another three with the mental body and the remaining three with the spiritual body. All these aspects are represented in our bodies as new neural pathways to the brain. They are connected and nourished through the endocrine system o ductless glands. These glands work in tandem with the energy vortexes within our bodies known as the chakra system. When all our neural pathways are working reely with our chakra system they will provide the conduit to the higher realms, resulng re sulng in our direct experience o muldimensional consciousness. Many o these spiritual elements were deliberately turned o in our ancient history because there was a struggle to control this aspect o a human being. Very dark energy extraterrestrial orces, who were also genec engineers, desired to keep the development o humankind nnly under their control. They achieved this through the use o genec manipulaon to produce ear and dominaon. This event occurred in Atlans, over 200,000 years ago, when the human DNA molecule was breached. When these dark orces unravelled and reprogrammed our DNA, they were able to shut down and isolate many o its strands. Our human DNA was reduced to only a double helix. An advanced race who had knowledge beyond anything we can imagine, able to perorm all miracles, have changed our DNA, so we can beer uncon as their t heir slaves. It is really the same idea we have today by creang robots, to do the hard work or us. Only then, these visitors rom outer space had no material resources to begin with, so the primive human was the best soluon at the me. We could certainly not perorm anything they would require rom us, but this is what it means, creang man to their likeness. All they had to do is change our DNA, so we could uncon to their command. Also a big queson remains; Why have we been restricted in having such higher knowledge? That’s the reason why we are so dierent rom what we w e should be in spirit? Without any doubt, beore they came we were a primive race, but we were spiritually connected to a higher sel. By changing us, we became a


commodity with the capacity to serve them. The same me they employed all tricks in the book to restricted us rom having a higher knowledge. The cards are on the table again, were in the ree western world the congress makes eorts to limit axcess to t o a higher knowledge. And it is not the same people who established a constuon or beer human rights and condions, because it is a much higher orce. What ever this orce is, it has nothing else in mind but to dumb us down to a level were we can’t see beyond the physical earth plane. This means we are conned or condemned to a prison planet. I’m sure we heard that beore, but we only laugh about this in disbelie. It has been like this or the last 12,000 years, and it connues to happen, unless we do something about it to prevail this me. The Mayan predicted a me in the great cycle, were we have the opportunity to transorm through a change in consciousness. A reminder or those o you who might not be amiliar with this, or have orgoen, your DNA creates the chakras. Yes, there are endocrine glands, and they, along with the shape o your bones, enhance the energy o the chakras. The back o your skull aects the third eye. Your sacrum aects your second chakra. But that’s a whole dierent experience and knowledge, and we’re not going into that at this me. Someme is the evoluonary history Earth was throught these unseen spiritual powers, authories, principalies made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A o nave human species through genec manipulaon and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Thereore, everything that was unnecessary or survival was disconnected. Man was lef just w with ith a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template o the 2 dna strand o the carbon-body o humans. I you imagine the D.N.A. molecule to be a library housing genec inormaon or a parcular organism, you can understand how the nave human species has been parally shut down. When the unseen rulers or (invaders) came in, they disconnected 10 strands o D.N.A. leaving only 2 (a double helix); it was like they took most the books o the shelves and tore out all the pages and threw them in a messy pile on the oor. The inormaon was sll there, but it was unorganized and hence unrecognizable. As a result, re sult, Earth humans became locked into the third dimension (o the Matrix). What is happening now is that the inormaon that was trashed in the library is slowly recombining back into orm. When the 12 strands o D.N.A. are realigned they will plug into the 12 chakras, which are vortexes o inormaon (7 are in the body and 5 are outside the body). Humans on Earth must now learn to reintegrate this inormaon into the collecve consciousness so that it is available to everyone. Just as Earth is a library, so too is your body. Every cell holds the history o the universe, and when you learn to extract this inormaon and decode it into understanding you will become a conscious co-creator o reality. Light is inormaon, so the paradigm o the new age is light. When ear blocks the ability o visions, it prevents us rom seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel and creates an illusions one is living in a comort zone, and when one start to leaving the comort zone the ego reacts with negavity, ear, stress, anxiety or panic, and i one connues to progress against these emoons and thoughts, then the mass consciousness will start organized gang stalking acons (spiritual and psychological warare to prevent one rom make any changes and leaving the matrix). When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon and can´t access higher knowledge within new dna strands, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability o changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the looping matrix o old concepts o duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and reedom is the ability to be able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands rom progressing. Fear not just blocks the ow o energy, visions, it blocks the pathways and it blocks the


source o inormaon. Fear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, and the alpha bridge carries the codes that the theta divine brain waves need to start healing the old evoluonary brain. When the alpha bridge is re-builded one get access to divine theta inormaon o bliss, and through this new inormaon; humankind can reprogram the whole brain and evolving new spiritual gifs. When ear blocks visions its blocks the third eye o intuion. The power o intuion dissolves ego and duality. Insights and visions reveals the path to salvaon and ear hindering this process and the archons prevent the soul rom ascending and obstrucng the pathway to higher consciousness, and thereore using all orms o negave, ear mongering, stress inducing, senszing methods create harm by using harmul covert and overt methods o spiritual and psychological warare (organized gang stalking). Energy is inormaon, and inormaon is history. Its like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. I they disconnected humankind rom the divine energy source by egninered and genec manipulaon the 12 dna strands to 2 dna strands humankind becomes its mind-prisoners in the history because they can´t access the inormaon and light codes that is needed to make a new conguraon rom what they have genec manipulated to keep humankind enslaved into the matrix. Fear does not just blocks inormaon, it blocks binds inormaon and inormaon is light. Humans are historical beings and evoluonary, trapped in history.When humans can´t access the depths o the mind or the state o oneness because the state o duality creates the separaon into the three dimensional world and this is how the archons keeping humankind imprisoned within the matrix Chakras come rom your DNA. It’s like the bud is produced by the DNA, and owering begins as you live your lie. Crystalline DNA unolds within you. For some, it unolds more rapidly than or others. You will hear people say that everyone’s crystalline DNA is ully acvated. That is only parally true. Everyone has crystalline DNA, just as everyone is born with seven chakras and almost always only two o them are acve at birth — the rst and the seventh. Your crystalline DNA has been hiding within you or eons. There is a long history about why it was hidden, but we’re not going to get into that history here. There were, at mes, certain encodements that prevented the crystalline DNA rom being known. Implants, which are made rom encodements (as everything is made o encodements), were created by other beings rom other dimensions and even rom other planets, who did not want the human race to acvate the crystalline DNA. Then there was an “invasion” by your “starseeds,” because you changed the vibraon o the planet. You changed the vibraon o the human race. As that vibraon changed, your vibraon changed the structure o the DNA. We know this is not a class on DNA, but we’re giving you some background. There is hidden within your physical DNA the acvaon or the crystalline DNA. When your vibraon rose, when you were able to stay within your heart more ofen, more energy corresponded with the shape o the double helix o your DNA. This acvated the encodements or the crystalline DNA. It allowed the crystalline DNA to unold. As the crystalline DNA unolds, the chakras associated with the crystalline DNA unold. The more you stay in your heart source and the longer you stay in your heart source every day, the more you acvate your crystalline DNA, which acvates, produces, and unolds the crystalline chakras. As you unold the DNA and the crystalline chakras, the higher your vibraon rises. The more you stay in your heart source, the more you orm an energec paern and a neurological paern o staying within your heart source. You will nd that the more you stay within your heart source and the more o those amazing crystalline chakras open, the more acve your heart source will be. It will in moreand e nergy, energy, which means it willItsbring in more inormaon. Energy is inormaon. Energy is bring inormaon, inormaon is history. like the key and lock


together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o  energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. When they change the human dna, they disconnected the 10 etheric dna strands that holds all power, inormaon and knowledge or enlighment and when humans can´t access this knowledge they become trapped and imprsioned within the evoluonaru history created by the ego. The ego and the archons don´t want you to understand how the universe actually works and how humankind van be imprisoned within the matrix. The goal is to keep the ego happy and busy and kept away rom knowledge that could liberate them rom the matrix o archons. The more you work in the higher-vibraonal levels rom your heart source, the more your crown chakra opens. As you use the tools you know to assist in acvang and opening the crystalline DNA and the chakras associated with the crystalline DNA, you cannot orce them open. What we mean is that you cannot do all your wonderul encodement work to open the heart chakra and then not live rom the heart. You can do everything you can to open the crystalline third chakras, but i you don’t live rom your heart, the third chakras will not open. Opening the crystalline c rystalline chakras is based on vibraon. DNA acvaon brings us to a higher spiritual vibraon. The process o acvang the DNA is powerul at clearing the genec negave encodement. The process allows an individual to hold more spiritual light in the physical body. More light results in raising a person’s awareness, raising their vibraonal requency and raising their consciousness. Light is intelligent energy. Light is uncondional love. Light is the source to all things. With increased light, a person becomes more empowered to achieve their heart’s desire. This acvaon integrates light into areas o a person’s DNA. Throughout the history o civilizaon there have been signicant high conscious energy systems that tried to snap the collecve out o its deep unconscious sleep. These higher conscious awakened energy systems sparked a new energy channel o conscious thinking within the mass o collecve energy, changing the shape o civilizaon. The make up o civilizaon is ego based and when an inuencing actor aempts to break through the collecve unconsciousness they are met with relentless persecuon (today´s organized gang stalking). The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. The, ego, is threatened by any orm o change in the illusionary context. Higher consciousness is a movement toward the true meaning and purpose o lie that is governed by the natural energy o Creaon. Ever since the ego separated rom the truth o existence it has served as a unied unconscious enty that cannot see beyond anything that is not real within itsel. The ego must remain in control o the physical realm o existence because that is all that it knows. The ego is threatened by conrontaon o consciousness. The ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. The dividing actor o separaon rom spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered and took over the unconsciousness o the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control o the energy system, the truth o knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connecon to the higher levels o consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. Consciousness is your only reality. Spiritual knowledge will lead us out o mortal mind into super consciousness o our higher selves o who we really are and not what we are programmed to be. Humankind is been daily programmed away rom the Divine Sel and lack o knowledge keeping humankind trapped and imprisoned within the matrix o the archons. To aect any changes one must rst cancel, eliminate, remove the currently installed programming only then can you reprogram. The subconscious mind can only react or respond to exisng programsand already


contained in your mind’s memory as the collecve shadow within the lower matrix o the archons. Fear is such preprogrammed paern that is social and evoluonary engineered to limit awareness o this world and limit knowldge to understand that you are divine being. When David Icke rst introduced the Saturn/Moon matrix he said that he believes that this electromagnec eld, being broadcast rom Saturn’s rings, and then ocused keenly upon Earth rom the Moon base, locks us into a lower consciousness state, but it can be overridden. Because our consciousness can override the requency, we need to be locked into our replian brain in order to decode the electromagnec requencies the matrix broadcasts. A veil o ignorance is in place and subconsiously aects the pre-programmed replian brain, and thereore our intellect and our spiritual eyes are covered, as it were, with the veil o ignorance. There is a web o decepon around the essenal error that enmeshes us in “co-emergent ignorance” with the Archons. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to t o see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. In understanding this acceleraon o an evoluon o consciousness coming to an omega point in me… it is important to rst dene the biblical word apocalypse that appears in so many texts o the end mes that manipulate and create ear in the market place. The word Apocalypse means… (Greek: Apokalypsis; “lifing o the veil”) is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons o something hidden rom the majority o humankind. Today the term is ofen used to reer to the end o the world, which may be a shortening o the phrase “apokalupsis eschaton”, which literally means “revelaon at the end o the aeon, or age”. So we are in the apocalypse, the “lifing o a veil” is a rising o consciousness that knows no ear (a physical lifing o a veil o ignorance, superson and religious dogma) o the unknown or those certain privileged individuals that can see themselves on the other side o the Omega point. The Divine Mind is the reality o who you are. What is it? How do you live rom your divinity? How do you make it work in your lie today? The rst step is to acknowledge its’ existence within you. You must acknowledge your greatness. Acknowledge and accept your own greatness. Greatness means you are a wondrous, marvelous and truly great expression o the creave c reave process. You are All That Is. The only thing that has created an unreal reality or your heart and body has been the inability o the mind to join the truth with your conscious awareness. You are now making choices rom a limited system and are only allowing 10% o that ability to create your lie on Earth. This is why you live in a world o ear. This is why you eel so limited. Only your choice o the ego e go and the mass consciousness stop you rom expressing the totality o who you are. You are not in an evoluonary process. You are rather in a process o awakening. Very slowly you allow yoursel to glimpse into this greater awareness o who you are. It is always there. This is who you are. You can be no other. It is the ego that creates division and restlessness in the mind. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing andaninner being”. YourWhich highermean sel knows that the the physical, outside world you experience as your reality “is illusion. Always. that we have possibility o so present, that we can


tap into The rower o the present. And then when we don’t, just start by catching the mind, which is a creaon o the Lower Sel, and bring our aenon back to the present. Because the higher Sel is nomind. And in that place exists cosmic consciousness, also know as Buddha nature. It exists in all o us, every one o us. Jt has always existed and will always exist. The only thing that would have us not believe that it exists is the Lower Sel, Se l, which is only a construct o mind. Basically, i you have a mind, you are creang a world, a projecon. So once you change rom mind to no-mind state, you connect with the Cosmic Mind, the mind o God. In other words, you cancel your mortal mind and use God’s mind. Then nothing can be distorted. God’s mind gives you Oneness,” said the Higher Sel. Once all the dissonant programs rom the subconscious mind are gone, you no longer have to deal with the mind, and you become one with your higher sel. Then you start to experience the Divine Higher Sel, the true sel, who you truly are. You are in touch with spiritual energy, its pure energy e nergy that oats throughout everything around you. The “eye” it sel represent both the physical eye and the mind. For the act what we see is the maniestaon o mind, not what is actually outside the mind. We only perceive the illusion o percepon, it is not what it seems beyond the mind. The truth lies at the core, and that truth is percepon is nothing more than an illusion o our senses, the delusional o our ego perceiving mind. Beyond the ego percepon, is the non-perceiving mind. That mind is the divine conscious mind where truth lies. Once one comes to this higher truth, percepon perce pon can no inect one’s mental and emoonal well being, and lie becomes more enjoyable and more easier to deal with many conicts that is a part o  our lie struggle. Percepon is nothing more than holographic data o inormaon made up o conscious lights and energy. Percepon is how the ego conscious perceives it’s existence and senses the the exisng world around it. The ego is the “I and me”, me ”, nor the higher sel which has not ego. The ego is the dreamer o it’s existence and the world in which it is dreaming as a real enty. It can only perceive the holographic dream-like existence as it is, it may not perceive beyond the percepon. The higher the ego, the higher the alse percepon. The lower the ego, e go, the closer to the real percepon one comes to know and experience. For the ego has seven levels like a rainbow, the red is the highest and most wicked, and the violet is the greater less ego and most holy. The greater the ego, the more the ego perceive the illusion as a real existence. While those with the most lesser egos do not perceive the world and sel in the same way. Those who have the most less ego, can perceive beyond the illusion o the physical, and perceive themselves related to all that is and to every living beings they come into contact with. This is why many spiritual ones can sense spirits, oresee realies or events through their spiritual percepon, and have a deep oneness sense with nature and all living beings. The more a spiritual one meditates, the more closer one comes to thir true higher mind which will shine it’s light o wisdom and spiritual percepon to a greater. Giving one the abilies to experience reality as it truly is, and dissolving the ego percepon to the point percepon no longer is inicng. Once one comes to this level o percepon, one no longer sees nothing as good nor bade, true nor alse, or the truth is all just an illusion in which all believe is real. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Both intellect and ego e go using ear- based programs and concepts to gain control o humankind. The Earthly Lie Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnozed existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himsel to be a physical being. The maya-hypnozed ego creates the distorons o reality or distorons o the powers within. The rst distoron-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distoron-error is made through believing in the dying nature o man, and not the undying nature o the real Sel/Soul. S el/Soul. The third error-distoron o man´s nothim limited by The his physical body,system although usually thinkshas it is.“three B But ut it knots”. is the intellect and the egomind that is bind there. human body andhechakra system These knots


are ound within the energec interior o our psychic system. They are problemac because they bind us in a state o ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These minderrors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term or illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” o the mind is the maya-hypnozed mind. Its through meditaon one learn to go beyond the intellect and ego that binds the mind to its limitaon in the three dimensional world, and to the concepts o the lef brain and the beta brain wave reality. Intuion (meditaon) removes the knot o ignorance and its darkness. Insnct is considered by some to be the enemy o intelligence, and intellect to be the opponent o intuion. Its through meditaon one understand that; One cannot evolve rom one’s robothood unl one realizes how totally one has been robozed. Its through meditaon one understand that; the robozed, automazed, mechanized mind is what hides the other realies, dimensions and the real Sel in robozed “darkness o ignorance”. The theta brain wave is sought afer most with meditators and myscs, mainly because, with the right condions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collecve subconscious mind that holds all o the experience and human programming in the grid o the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher godsource power and bring enormous transormaon, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy o sel that you can only know it in this relaxed theta t heta state. A great benet o thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect rom the liming and earul thoughts. The ego mind is the master o percepon, thereore it is the ego mind that perceives. Percepon is nothing more than a conscious program, it is that computer programing images that project what the program is meant to do. The ego is the main perceiver, it projects projec ts bits and bites o conscious inormaon that matrix our dream reality common people call lie into being, and rom there the percepon program experience the world through it’s senses. The ego also has it’s own mental percepon program, this is how it thinks, record learned knowledge and experience into the memory, it creates it’s own personalty and behaviors, and it matrix it’s lie experience by it’s own metal percepon perce pon that the ego dreams into being. Thereore lie is nothing more than a dream, one’s ego dream that lie experience into existence. How does the idea o a higher sel relate to densies? In terms o an enty perceiving through as linear me structure, the higher sel exists in sixth density and uncons in the entes “uture”. One interesng aspect o it is that the enty who is perceiving the higher sel maniestaon is actually a thoughorm materialized by the “higher sel’ itsel. Enes in these terms are actually a complex composed o what they perceive to be mind”, “body”, and “spirit”. These complexes can occur within single enes or groups, depending on the specic space/me condions. The higher sel is that sel which exists with ull understanding o the accumulaon o experiences o that enty. At one point, the enty perceives a lower sel and a higher sel. They are not actually there “”simultaneously”; un uncons cons o the higher sel interact rom a posion in development which equates to the linear “uture” o the enty, e nty, as perceived by an enty in this state. Obviously, cultural condioning encourages development o impotent states o  mind where the “lower sel’ is in control and the “higher sel’ is reached very lile or totally ignored. There is no synthesis that will permit the energy o the intelligent matrix to ow correctly. We block our channel when we work rom the small ‘e’ ego state, rather than rom our Higher Sel. It is not our logical, reasoning mind/sel that catches the messages or clients, nor ourselves either. It is not our small ego that connects with Universal Intelligence. Rather it is when we get these parts o our psyche out o the way, unblock our channel, that our intuion can connect us with the Higher Levels rom which we are then able to serve ourselves and others. Fear is a eeling o disconnecon and unknowingness. The higher sensor operates within us, prey much the way are a baery uncons an automobile. body, mind and spirit. The physical and spiritual selves carbon copies oineach other. TheyWe are are “twin


selves” talking to each other. Somemes these selves are in disagreement with each other. When the spiritual body and physical body selves are not in agreement, the mind does not receive a clear signal rom the baery or sensor o the higher sel. This may be likened to, t o, a cell phone user’s conversaon, being unclear because he or she is out o range rom a telephone satellite receiving staon, or being totally disconnected, landing in a “dead zone” o silence. Where does the ear come rom? When the communicaon lines o connecon are broken with the higher sel, we are in an unknown zone (A place o unamiliarity). We are in a place o discomort. Our “spiritual higher sel” has become disconnected and separated rom God. “The physical body creates the ear:’ “The spiritual body or higher sel knows no ear!” The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Things are not the way they appear to be. Caught in a space/me connuum in which there seems to be no escape, humanity cries or help. Lie is a paradox, with no apparent exit rom a sel-imposed hell. Deep within, a spark o the divine is a reminder that there must be a beer way o looking at the world. Underneath all the dicult eelings resides a Higher Sel that is magnicent beyond belie, where peace o mind is available at any given moment o me. THE VEIL OF IGNORANCE The mind’s ignorance o its true nature, that is, the simple act that it does not recognize what it truly is, is called undamental ignorance. It is the basic inability o the condioned mind to perceive itsel. We can compare the pure mind having the three previously discussed essenal qualies to calm, transparent waters in which everything can be seen clearly. The veil o ignorance is a lack o intelligence, a kind o clouded state, as an opaque vase causes water to lose its transparent clarity. Such an obscured mind loses the experience o lucid openness and becomes ignorant o its essenal nature. Fundamental ignorance is said to be innate, because it is inherent to our existence; we are born with it. It is, in act, the point o departure o duality, the root o all delusions and the source o all suering. Mind controlled by ignorance engages in delusions, among which the most basic, the root o all others, is dualisc grasping in terms o subject and object. When the mind does not know the extent o its openness, instead o experiencing without center or periphery, we perceive everything e verything through one central point o reerence. This point, the center that appropriates all experiences, is the observer, the egosubject. It is in this way that the mind, ignorant o its openness, engenders enge nders the delusional experience o a “me” or an “I.” “Bliss is the essenal nature o man. The central act o man’s being is his inherent divinity. Man’s essenal nature is divine, the awareness o which he has lost because o his animal propensies and the veil o ignorance. Man, in his ignorance, idenes himsel with the body, mind, Prana and the senses. There is no bliss in the nite. Bliss is only in the Innite. Eternal bliss can be had only rom the eternal Sel. To know the Sel is to enjoy eternal bliss and everlasng peace. Selrealisaon bestows eternal existence, absolute knowledge, and perennial bliss. None can be saved without Sel-realisaon. The ego prevents the maniestaon o innite knowledge already latent in the soul, and is the most ormidable obstacle to the aainment o God. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. It is the veils o ignorance that cause pain are ignorance, ego, aachment. The limited mind is the soil in which the ego is securely rooted, and this ego perpetuates ignorance through the many illusions in which it is caught. The ego prevents maniestaon o innite knowledge, which is already latent in the soul; it is the most ormidable obstacle to the aainment o God. ‘It is extremely dicult to pierce through the veil o ignorance, or it is a rock on the re.’ Just as a ame cannot rise very high i  a rock is placed upon it, a desire to know one’s own true nature cannot lead to the Truth as long as the burden o the ego is placed on consciousness.” So a new centre o organisaon must ound. Ignorant be replaced by Truth and and reorganise Reality. “Man driven by the logic o his ownbeexperience to ndego themust true centre o experience his is lifthen in


the Truth. This entails the wearing out o the ego and its replacement re placement by Truth-consciousness. The disintegraon o the ego culminates in realising the Truth. The alse nucleus o consolidated sanskaras must disappear i there is to be a true integraon and lllment o lie.””All the problems o the ego can be tackled only through intelligent and conscious acon. Thereore, complete annihilaon o the ego is possible only when all the constuents o the ego pass through the re o intelligent consciousness.” In some ways the world can be seen as an illusion, and in others not quite. A separately exisng, dualisc world is an illusion. However, our experience is true. Here we come to the concept o Maya. Through the mind and its concepts the world appears to us as a real, objecve existence in which we are a subject. We mistake the world or something it is not. In ignorance we believe it to have a separate being and substance. Maya is that ignorance, that veil that does not let us see who w ho we are, and that projecon that makes us believe we are something we are not. There is ear in duality. There are quarrels and wars in duality. Duality is ignorance. The whole world is rmly established in the alse idea o separateness, and being caught up in the illusion o duality. The root-cause o the illusion o manyness is that the soul, in its ignorance, idenes itsel with its bodies or with the egomind. eg omind. Those who have cast o the veil o duality experience the soul through itsel independently o any mediums or vehicles. The veil o conceptuality can be pierced but only by the enlightened consciousness. Ontological idealism, which claims that the external world o objects is actually a creaon o the mind. The alternave reading considers Yogacara to be a orm o epistemological idealism which contends that unenlightened minds are unable to disnguish the world as it actually is rom the conceptual construcons which we place upon it. The unenlightened mind is thus unable to gain knowledge o things as they really are because it is trapped within a web o conceptual abricaons. The world as we experience it is a projecon o our own minds to the extent that it is always a product o our own interpreve categories. These imposions are ueled by ignorance and craving. “Lifing o a veil” is a rising o consciousness that knows no ear o the unknown. I the history o psychic research tells us anything at all, it is that we are surrounded on all sides by nonhuman intelligences who habitually lie to us or no discernible reason other than to amuse themselves. These enes are at least as old as human conscious-ness (hence the near-universality o the Trickster mo in legend and olklore) and seem curiously dependent on us or their connued existence. Shamans have always known how to enter these realms consciously, how to direct their awareness to aain their objecve, and how to return to the threedimensional world and apply what they’ve learned to the subject at hand. Stated another way, individual awareness penetrates the objecve psyche, maintains its integrity as a subjecve observer, and then returns to consensus reality. Everyone who has emerged intact rom a major acid trip understands what this is like. Because these mental realms are spaal dimensions—that is, they have breadth, width, and height appropriate to the mode o consciousness o the plane in queson, we will label them collecvely as “hyperspace.” This is not a metaphor; these lokas are worlds and dimensions equally as real and innite as external, physical space-me. The only dierence is that they are inside o us. This seeming impossibility tells us something o extreme importance—it reveals that we are muldimensional observers conned to three-dimensional bodies in threedimensional space. The gnosc version o the Perennial Philosophy characterizes our predicament as one o exiles ar rom home who are held capve within a threedimensional prison by maniestly demonic orces called archon, or rulers. The gnoscs pulled no punches in the way they described the human condion: to this: consciousness is your only reality. Awareness is all you have: your body is only an object o consciousness, a temporary vehicle or living in a threedimensional world, though you won’t hold it or long, even i you live a hundred years. All your belies about your reality are based upon your experience


as an observer since you entered the physical body. This includes imprinng rom parents, race, class, culture, language, etc.—all the data hardwired in your braincomputer, all the objects o percepon that provide the convincing illusion that you know who you are and that you understand your experience. Unortunately, circumstances like these are made to order or the abricaon o truly grotesque illusions. The gnoscs would say it’s a setup. Ego is one o the main programs that can stop you rom reconnecng with the God within, but ego can be broken. It’s a distracon that produces emoons that must be mastered in order or you to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what the Archons want. Man must reach a new relaonship to the world around him…. To do this he must give priority, not to external problems, but to the mind that is considering them…. Hardly a beginning has yet been made to bring the illimitable inner world that has recently been opened to us, the world o the unconscious, the world o the dreaming mind, into living contact with everyday lie…. Our problems are plainly growing beyond convenonal c onvenonal human control, and consciousness has no choice but to enlarge itsel to meet them. The trouble is, consciousness per se has not the power to do this. It must look beyond itsel or help.’ All o these data support the postulaon o transcendent dimensions o being linked to space-me through consciousness itsel. The uncon-scious is actually a dimension o dimensions. The rather narrow band o orces we call space-me then becomes only one poron o an apparently innite mulverse o supercially invisible realms o experience. The Pleroma (“ullness”) o the gnoscs can now be appreciated as a highly accurate descripon o a basic reality: The mulverse, hyper-space, imaginal realm, mind-space, or unconscious psyche is nothing i not “ull,” as has been aested by the bewildering diversity o both modern and ancient descripons o it. There are many, many worlds within the psyche, and it seems that each one (or each one we can access and remember at least) is three-dimensional within its own space. This shamanic descripon o an inner perceptual dimension inhabited by Archon-like enes is pure gnoscism—humans are the “recep-tacles and servants” o archetypal orces that are personied in Harner’s consciousness as dragons. Interesngly enough, these beings dwell in that secon o his brain that meets “the top o the spinal column,” a precise descripon o the so-called “Replian Complex,” the most primive pan o the brain, which is associated with aggressive animal behavior. (Dragons are nothing i not bellicose reples.) To dene this material in Jungian terminology: The ego complex is in contact with nonpersonal “archetypes” (i.e., enes not part o the personal uncon-scious o the given individual) dwelling within the collecve uncon-scious. In act, in the light o modern research, Jung’s original concept o archetypes is needlessly complex, and less useul than the more “primive” noon o extra-dimensional enes: the gods and demons o classical mythology. Jung himsel was apparently prepared to con-sider this hypothesis. The Archons are roboc mind beings who guard the Lower Matrix. The Archon’s God is a computer and there is a ongoing computer generated speaking voice in the airs. Earth is the baleled o consciousness and control o mind and thoughts and thereore is a vibraonal mind prison The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. There is a constant ongoing computer generated voice in the airs that literally is speaking by beaming and looping sounds, words and voices day and night as stalking, harassment and ear mongering words and stressul psychology. This constant ongoing computer generated voice in the airs beaming and looping words; “now its dangerous”, “I warned you” or “I warning you”, beaming and looping words; “worry” or “worries” or “super worry”, beaming and looping words as; “anxiety”, beaming and looping words as; “now he is mad” ro “now he is going g oing mad”, beaming and looping words as; “they gonna kill you”, and beaming and looping words as; “I rejected you”, and words as; “heaven is near”. And these is been beamed indoors and outdoors, day and night, and they start and entangles these when make


dinner or eat dinner, when you you exercise, when you wring or some example. Its seems to exist some orm o hijacking program that is constant beaming and looping sounds, words and voices and somemes 3-4 o these at same me to bombard your mind with sound, and then start beeming “now he is going mad”. This is also organized gang stalking on Earth. This computer generated voice using simultanously and synchronously sound intererence harassment, and organized gang stalkers using same methods o simultanously and synchronously noise harassment intererence (and shadowing rom room to room). Organized Gang Stalker is been controlled and govern by same orces as the computer generated speaking voice in the airs. It may be the actually powers o kundabuer in the airs and within humans then the ego is the kundabuer. The collecve ego o this world also may the collecve organized gang stalking powers o kundabuer within gang stalkers on Earth. Satan’s plan is to hijack the human mind and harvest humanity’s souls. Satan is the cie Archon and humankind is trapped and imprisoned within the amous matrix or the mind prison. The matrix is controlled by the archons, and the archons is the rulers o the matrix. THE WORLD IS NOW MOVED INTO AN ERA OF INTENSIFIED CLOSING OF THE NOOSE ON ALL FREEDOM AS YOU MOVE INTO AND UNDER THE POWER OF THE ONE WORLD ELITE POWER. That most people will use the technique not to gain or generate ge nerate that insight, or to learn anything at all, but rather because they are ascinated by the prospect o actually being able to remote-control a living being. Transhumanism – does not just include the desire o controling nature, or even weather control, but even total control o the human mind. The mind and transhumani transhumanism sm The perpetual baleeld is what we know as our everyday lives: our educaon, our work, our leisure, our emoonal and spiritual wellbeing, and our conscious thinking. Yet the armaments o this struggle are not guns, tanks, airplanes, bombs, or bale cruisers. It is much more subtle than this. It is less hardware and more sofware. It is, in eect, a silent war. It is a war that is central to the tragic physical scourges occurring on our beauul planet. It is a war that targets not only the present but also the very longterm uture(s) o our civilizaon. And it has been going on or as long as human sociees have existed on planet Earth. What is this war? It is a bale or our minds—how we think. In short, it is the war o consciousness. Organized Gang Stalking is a invisible war, it is a spiritual war, it is a psychological war, and it is a polcal warare, and it spiritual, psychological and polical terrors o the mind. These acons is the silent warare on planet Earth and is govern by the archons within the matrix. Such impacts resonate with the human nervous system and through biological elds o e energy nergy (bioelds) may well assist in mutang organic DNA. DNA is thus an evoluonary acceleraon tool. Further, any aempt at inormaon embargo (or quaranne o neurogenec impacts) can be seen as a orm o neurocensorship. How this can be so? Well, relavely new developments in biophysics have indicated that all biological organisms are made up o a liquid-crystalline medium. Further, that DNA is a liquidcrystal lace-type structure, which some reer to as a liquid crystal gel, whereby body cells are involved in a holographic instantaneous communicaon via the eming o biophotons (a source based on light). All living biological organisms connuously emit radiaons o light that orm a eld o coherence and communicaon. The liquid-crystalline structure within living systems is also responsible or the direct current (DC) electrodynamic eld that permeates the enre body o all animals. It has also been noted that the DC eld has a mode o semiconducon se miconducon that is much aster than the nervous system. The electrical eld o the human body is important in terms o its resonance with external exte rnal impacts. The human nervous system, and likewise DNA, is extraordinarily sensive and recepve to external signals, impacts, and energies. In short, DNA receives, processes, and responds to environmental condions at an astounding rate o change. Without the parcipaon o DNA mutaonal adaptaon and change, we would not have evoluon on this planet as we know it. Further, it is likely that the next stage o


humanity’s evoluonary development will involve a change in the vibraonal nature o our DNA. Afer all, DNA directly aects how the human nervous system uncons, and the history o lie and o humanity is ofen dened in terms o the evoluon o the nervous system. It is important then to know that human DNA does not exist within some sealed vacuum and can be inuenced by external impacts and energies. Whether or not this aw is an actual truth, it sll retains signicance because the human identy o “separaon” has been exploited or centuries as a way o maintaining social control over populaons. Whether it is reinorced through layers o social processes and instuons, through the media and entertainment industry, or through religious and spiritual doctrines, it has served as an obstacle against neurogenec evoluon. We are now, as a species, at a point in our evoluonary journey where it is imperave that we advance and develop our state o consciousness and understanding. Our present evoluonary state is limited in terms o percepon and thus we lean toward a material comprehension o our “realies.” For example, the luminous maer we observe in the universe with the aid o our technological instruments is only about 0.5 percent o all calculated mass, and what we actually see directly with our eyes is even less. What we actually take to be our reality is in act only a thin slice o electromagnec light. Our physical bodies (our biological and sensory apparatus) allow us to construct our world and live within a meaningul materiality because we share certain similar vibratory levels. However, it now seems that our energec/vibratory level has been maintained rather than surpassed. Why is this? It may well be that a “blockage” has occurred during the urther evoluon o human consciousness. I this is the case,, then it is high me or this blockage to be removed. Yet the situaon we ace is that there are a myriad o terrestrial and social orces at work that appear to be in collusion to sustain and even ampliy these parcular blockages. Certain allegorical esoteric teachings also suggest that there has been a deliberate blockage placed on the human energy system. One o these is Gurdjies concept o the kundabuer, which was allegedly placed in humankind to stop us rom achieving objecve consciousness and thus to shield us rom knowing o the “terror o the situaon.” The kundabuer was a blockage installed in order to cause human beings to “see reality upside down,” as well as to engender in them sensaons o pleasure and enjoyment. Yet it also became responsible or egosm, vanity, selshness, and other similar conceited traits. Such traits then keep humankind distracted and caught up in their own trivial concerns, wasng vital energy that could be used in more advantageous pursuits. Other similaries abound in “channeled” inormaon that suggests that human DNA was stripped down to only a two-stranded version. These and other sources hint at the possibility o an obstrucon on the evoluon o higher consciousness within humanity. The result o this is an inability to transcend destrucve and divisive tendencies now widespread within the human condion. In what appears to be almost parallel to the Fall, as described in biblical texts, humanity has sunken rom the Golden Age into a lowly existence plagued by unconscious behavior and orgeulness. We can see this mirrored in Plato’s asseron that “Humans are on Earth like beings stricken with amnesia.” Through such a lens it appears that the collecve psyche o humanity is dominated by the more primive material concerns o service to sel and the noon o a separate identy ree rom external responsibilies and constraints. Under such condions it is extremely e xtremely dicult or humanity to develop “objecve consciousness.” And this way o behavior also makes humans suscepble to being brought under the manipulave exploitaon o those who eed o power: namely, dictators, zealous leaders, corporaons, and state instuons. Within this “allen state” (an upside-down reality) the sedave oered in recompense is the easy addicon to sexual smuli and sedentary pleasures. Humans, we are told, are suscepble to sel-graying desires and pleasurable pursuits, and ofen in detriment to their own capacies or sel-actualizaon. Destrucon and wars, murders and mulaons are the acons o


unconscious groups and individuals. Our acons globally are the maniestaon in the physical realm o a species that has a diminished access to its collecve spiritual essence. It could well be that t hat or ar too long the majority o humans have been under the yoke o the powerul ew —rom priestly elites o Egypt and Babylonia: rom the Romans and the cyclic dominaon o empires and rom the various religious instuons that have herded the many. In the end, we may know nothing other than servitude. Centuries o social slavery could, afer all, have hard wired us to become passive and meek to authority. We have only to reer to the t he inamous Stanley Milgram experiments to realize that we would do almost anything i a person in a white coat told us to.1 In other words, we have been quite thoroughly socially condioned to accept and submit to various displays o power. The queson today is how these orces o control seek to paciy and distract the human conscious spirit. It is the hypothesis o this book that ongoing elements within human sociees have been interering with the natural growth and expression o human consciousness, which, at our present stage, may aect the potenal or the next phase o neurogenec evoluon. However, I also believe that humanity is now crossing a threshold—a transion period, i you like. And this period is characterized by a greater inux o energies made available to assist in this nowoverdue shif on the evoluonary journey. Neurogenec “mutaons” are already appearing —the rise o gifed individuals, seers, sensives and psychics, and visionaries—and more importantly an accelerang rise in the collecve awareness o individuals. Humanity is beginning to awaken to both the current limits o percepon and to the inherent capacity or greater things. So why do we need a human revoluon? Well, we’ve already had an industrial revoluon whereby naons learned to harness the power o physical energy reserves (coal, oil, and so on) or growth. Now we need to harness the power o psychic energy reserves (consciousness) in order to spur our next stage o human evoluon. People rarely queson (or at least not ofen enough) that they might be under the yoke o constricve and rigid structures. This is primarily because o the illusion o reedom. For example, i a prisoner never sees the bars o his cell, why would he think he is in a prison? Yet our sense o reality is deliberately engineered in order to assume the structure o sasacon so that we don’t go seeking other orms o reality outside these structures. Or i we are not placated through sasacon, then we are subdued by limited resources such as being ed into the credit/debit economy or survival mode. Another tacc now increasingly being used is that o constructed ear. Events o ear are being arranged in order to aack the collecve psyche o people and to realign ocus on physical concerns. Our ear is manipulated. heightened. and eventually harvested. This tacc also promotes ear waves o bioenergy to halt, or obstruct, the energec evoluonary impulse o humankind. We are being sold short not only on who we are but also on what we can become. As a consequence, we are selling our uture(s) short and not only or ourselves but also or the new generaons to come These are indeed crical limes: crucial change is upon us and is moving over the ace o the Earth. Humanity will be orced into change, and how we deal with it will be a measure o our maturity as a species. Energy will be made available to us at the same me that many exisng structures will be collapsing around us. And during this tussle and shue there will be an all-out struggle or our minds. What will we choose to think? How will we choose to engage our consciousness? When will we stop being herded like dumb cale tthrough hrough arcial and unnatural percepve and cognive systems? According to a long list o myscs and sages over millennia, and also according to a whole array o psychic and unexplained phenomena, then the physical world we live in, the objects, events, laws, and universal rules that we believe in—are not, in reality, what they appear to be. . . . It is like we live in a magical castle with thousands o rooms . . . and we spend our lives wandering rom room to room, discovering new things and creang hypotheses rom the new ndings.. .. But we never discover the oundaons upon which the house is built—we enter this castle at


birth and leave it at death under the inuence o a spell cast by our brains. Our brains are responsible or the reality we perceive because it is our primary ltering apparatus. Yet like all good hardware it is merely processing the inputs it receives. It is a maer o “garbage in, garbage out.” In this sense much o  what occurs as daily lie can be seen as a construct or, i you like, a program. Our social lives exist within a myriad o compeng condioning programs, the majority o which are aimed at bringing a person’s ocus out onto the external physical and away rom internal reecons. We thereore need to be more conscious o how these processes operate. For example, over the decades many in the developed naons have been lured into a eshlike relaonship with commodies; this then lures people into a credit/debt society that es them into a virtual mind prison. Throughout our lives we are subjected to indoctrinaon by a systemic structure o processes and instuons. Within this condioning environment belies almost “grovel’ into us. And once they are a part o our socially constructed selves they are sustained, reinorced, and protected, ofen unconsciously, by psychological processes o percepon. With ew rare excepons, all people are brought up within specic culturally dened environments (or templates). A person’s dominant social milieu then aempts to oer a variety o accepted sociocultural norms o thought and behavior. These may operate through various orms, such as personal aith, religion, science, language and emoons, denial and doubt, happiness and ear, saety and security (identy and belonging), well-being and materialism. Once ingrained, a person is liable to perpetuate such traits, believing them to have been obtained through “ree thought.” In the end, we reinorce belies that have grown into us, accepng and deending them as our own. The ancient Greeks used persuasion as a orm o rhetoric and regarded it highly as a raonal means or argument and communicaon. Such persuasive debates can themselves be seen as an ancient orm o propaganda. Yet throughout history the need to persuade and inuence has always been manipulated by those people in power as a means to maintain authority and legimacy. Propaganda in various orms has always been employed as part o the disseminaon o inormaon and/or belies. Whereas in past centuries this was predominantly related to religious doctrine it later became parcularly rampant during mes o ideological struggle. However, propaganda was transormed into a deliberately organized weapon o warare. What naonal governments learned rom the two World Wars was that public opinion (the mass mind) was a vital actor in securing ongoing power struggles. So not only did governments need to ensure that sucient numbers o people were willing to die or the naonal cause, but also that in relave peaceme the very same people were willing to become the most compliant consumers. The overall manipulaon o the mass public mind thus became no longer a maer o speech making; it had to become a pervasive presence within the lives o each individual. In this sense: Culture was reduced to the lowest common denominator or mass consumpon, with the masses generally seen as polically apathec yet prone to ideological anacism, vulnerable to manipulaon through the media and the increasing sophiscaon o propagandists) The ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. The dividing actor o separaon rom spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered entere d and took over the unconsciousness o the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control o the energy system, the truth o knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connecon to the higher levels o consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. Within the context o “mass society’ propaganda morphed into a mechanism or not only engineering public opinion but also as a means or consolidang social control. The increased “mechanizaon” that came in with the Modernity Project condioned people into an almost unconscious need or propaganda. That is, people expected to be ed regular


installments o inormaon and to eel secure and protected by such knowledge. Propaganda (in this context the regular and consistent inux o government-sponsored inormaon) serves not only to imprint but also, more eecvely, to reinorce and expand on exisng sets set s o condioning. The manuacturing o consent*/ is now endemic to modem technological sociees. It also involves some rather dubious invasive strategies to interere with the brain processing o large numbers o people. Yet do we really believe that our minds are so open to such manipulated coercion? Then there is a silent warare acon in plave on Earth and humankind is trapped and imprisoned within the matrix o the archons, then all propaganda has a hidden agenda to keep humankind enslaved into the matrix and to keep humankind in a state o spiritual ignorance and thereore prevent real spiritual progress and to reconnect with the divine higher sel. Then Organized Gang Stalking is part o a invisible, spiritual, psychological, and polcal warare, all organized gang stalking is spiritual and psychological warare propaganda to break down targeted individuals mind, will power and cognive thinking system, and they using syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology and electro magnec requencies and beaming these into targeted individuals minds. These acons is the silent warare on planet Earth and is govern by the archons within the matrix. Through the evoluonary history we were isolated in one dimension o  our total world, the rest o us cut adrif in the void. Our sel-conscious being could only use the ve physical senses and ten percent o our brain. Earth is a vibraonal mind prison and humans is kept within a ull-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement o this world. The world o Archons have tricked mankind into a cycle that stuck them in a low vibraonal state o the mind. Fear is their catalyst to control the masses in this xated state. Fear is a orm o manipulaon o reality because ear paralyzed our vibraons. As long as we allow the archon-controlled powers to suppress our vibraon using ear taccs, we will have great diculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure re way to shut down our vortex o creaon and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world order desired by the archons. O course the answer to ear is to raise our vibraon by not being araid o anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex o creaon and see our power as innite consciousness, all ear (and the archons promong it) will dissipate and the world will change. Afer the all o Man and all o Consciousness knowledge o God was lost. Then divine knowledge was lost it was replaced by knowledge o the ego, and the ego then become the god o this world. Kundabuer’ are described as all kinds o egoism. The soul is held capve by maer and placed under the tyranny o outside cosmic orces alien to its true lie. Yet it contained a divine spark, and by “knowledge” (gnosis) might ree itsel and win its way back to the sphere rom which it came. Release comes through “selknowledge” (hence the name, gnosis) and an awakening to the real meaning and dimen-sion o lie. This “salvaon” was aained by intellectual illuminaon, assisted by absnence and ascecism. Hence, the gnosc literature is punctuated with calls to become sel-aware and arouse onesel rom sleep. Ignorance is a orm o sleep or slumbering state. So the Archons don´t want humankind to awaken rom this ignorance by opening the “third eye” o intuion. The third eye dissolves ignorance and the state o duality and ego, and the outcome is then “Oneness”. Kundabuer may have some connecon to the power o maya and illusions then there is thre knots o bondage within the human body system. The heart-knot is ull o the darkness o ignorance, and it is illusory. When this knot snaps and opens, consciousness, like the sky, surges undividedly, leading to a clear and enduring peace in which the Sel shines orth in the Heart. There must be something to explain why we are all such ools; why we are not selconscious; why we treat ourselves with such care. There is something: it is Kundabuer. The realizaon o ignorance is the beginning o wisdom. The moon ignorant its light is the sun’s—and eeds


o man’s subtle energies, keeping man ignorant o what he really is. This idea is very reminiscent o Gurdjie’s own concepon o the higher powers treang humankind as an energy producer that has to be kept in the dark by the organ kundabuer.” Dierent text speaks about how the matrix is a mind prison and that the archons eed on negavity, and Icke speaks about the archons and Moon Matrix and how the archons eeding o humans as energy source. Kundabuer is the moon’s representave on earth. We are like the moon’s sheep, which it cleans, eeds and shears, and keeps or its own purposes. Passive man serves the moon and involuon. Inside us we have a moon, and i we knew what our inner moon is and does, we would understand the cosmos. The cosmos itsel, having been created by an inerior and ignorant power (the veil o ignorance), is a dark prison in which human souls are held capve. The masters o decepon exist within their own group complex as discarnate enes within the astral planes o the mental, emoonal, and psychic levels o experience. They eed o o the negave energy o those they inect to keep themselves t hemselves going. They have to do this because they are disconnected rom the indwelling lie orce by reusing to abide by what you call the higher organizing intelligences’ incantaonal principles. They spend their me traveling our world and aaching themselves to humans vulnerable to them, basically using the dark side o the orce (negavity) to achieve their means. The undamental myth o Gurdjies story is held in common by the cosmoclasc or extreme Gnoscs who told o a Creator o the material cosmos who “knows no higher than himsel”— like the moon ignorant its light is the sun’s—and eeds o man’s subtle energies, keeping man ignorant o what he really is. Man is devoured by nature and is never intended to wake up. This creator-God or demiurge is a alse absolute. He is, i you will, the detached Ego o the universe. His mentality is reected in the egoist on Earth. Delighng in his creaons and their innate desire to maim, Archons taught them how to deliberately provoke other people, and to eed o o their emoonal responses. To his great pleasure, in less than no me they had become masters o manipulaon. Over cons o history, the Archons became great kings, sorceresses, warriors and queens. Their ability to manipulate and conuse others, and then siphon energy rom them, made the Archons invisible to the world—and even prolonged their lives. Lash reveals that the Gnosc wrings in the Nag Hammadi texts consistently stress that humanity is superior to the archons, yet when our aculty o discernment (a uncon o our egoic eg oic mental soul) is weak, we are prone to let pretense and antasy overwhelm clear thinking. Under this situaon, we risk being deviated by another kind o mind, the arcial and alien intelligence o the archons. Thw kundabuer had the eect o keeping humans spiritually and psychologically closed (spiritual ignorance and spiritual sleep), inwardly contracted, mechanical, unconscious, and praccally blind—in essence, enslaved. The organ was introduced in humans by a ‘higher power’ with a specic intenon, which was to keep us rom seeing our actual condion, that being merely ‘ood or the Moon’. It was thought that i humans saw their actual condion it would be too much or them t hem and so the organ Kundabuer was introduced to prevent us rom seeing the cold reality o the situaon. It can be, in that sense, regarded as a buer against seeing deeper truths. A close analogy or this can be seen in The Matrix lms where humans are aached to pods, ed, and implanted with computer programs that enable them to live in a antasy world—never realizing their true condion, which is simply to serve as a power source (a ‘human baery’) or the machines that control the world. Gurdjie said that the t he “organ Kundabuer” was, in act, removed rom humans a long me ago but that the eects connue to linger, prevenng humanity rom waking up. Another way o understanding this is by the way the ego-mind keeps us asleep via its extraordinary ability to remain distracted by the trivial and mundane and to derive apparent sasacon rom this. I, however, we ail to see our suering we have no movaon. Kundabuer is an apt symbol or that element o the ego that t hat blocks us rom seeing the “terror o the


situaon” — our Irue and actual suering that is inherent in our condion. In eect, eect , it dupes and numbs us into accepng the mundane, mediocre, and worthless, and more, into believing we are unworthy o seeing beyond this. The archons prevent awareness and they prevent humankind to rasing their inner vibraons to higher levels o consciousness, and then the ego is the kundabuer it is the human ego human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. Its the ego that prevents new knowledge and prevent humans rom knowing their inner real divine higher sel. The power o Kundabuer suppresses the human mind into the lower matrix and keeping humankind trapped and imprisoned within the matrix o the archons, illusions and a arcial reality, and keeping humankind in spiritual sleep or the slumbering and hypnoc state o mind. The goal and purpose is to limit man’s awareness (spiritual ignorance) o his earthly predicament, lest he stop reproducing the required maer, higher powers long ago put in man the organ “Kundabuer.” This imaginary organ buers, or prevents awareness while distorng reality. A side eect is that mankind, unlike other “three-brained” beings elsewhere in the universe, no longer develops naturally the objecve reason proper to a three-brained being. Earthman is un-man: disharmonious and brainwashed by sensory data, a being dependent on exterior impressions. The holy spirit o man is not at home in this spiritless world, or world perceived as spiritless, as it appears to the spirit to be. Kundabuer prevents men rom ever knowing what true Men, “remarkable men,” are ully made o. They thereore ear and hate anything that comes rom on high, spending their ated days in irraonal behavior. Truth is oreign to humankind, or man is alien to “objecve reason,” which is truth. The laws o men are not sought or their original root in objecve morality but to protect the vain and the pretenous who, insisng on power over others. The cure or this is the constant reminder o personal death, death o ego, and the uer waste o the lie truly unlived. Beer to die to the ego voluntarily and begin the rebirth o new eternal lie, and work to make real the spirit that rises. Contemporary literature and art, says Gurdjie, lacks any call to the highest, but plays to human olly and weakness. It is a ule dream on the way to ule death. Its idea o art is not o the Sphinx or the ancient prophets but serves the small minds and the quest o personal vanity. Any knowledge that can waken people up is regarded as heresy, either hushed up, ignored, or severely repressed, its authors regarded as pariahs. Most people serve the “power-possessing beings” whether they know it or not. They do not act; another acts through them. They do not think; another thinks through them. They do not live; another lives through them. They think they have power. In act, they are over-powered by another, whom they serve. Capitalist culture, i it is permied to become totalitarian, is a culture o mercenary automatons. Human beings are pacied and made to accept the spurious “ame” o mediocries whose vanies keep men and women unconscious, obsessed with colossally irrelevant details. Gurdjie’s collecve, objecve idea o the “power-possessing beings” bears great kinship with the Gnosc concepon o the “archons” or invisible rulers o the universe who conspire against man’s consciousness—they who whisper “Cruciy him!” that soon becomes the public shout, and public, democrac will—to silence the truth. But as the Gnoscs say, they nail their man to their tree. And do not see the one above, laughing at them. The governed will is not a ree will. I one man is true, and a hundred alse, democracy is tyranny. To end a tyranny, you need topple only one; what happens when the whole society is corrupt? Man has a antasy o reason that he perceives perc eives as reality. He dwells in a alse world o alse values. The rst vicm o Kundabuer is common sense. Things are done not because they are good but because people are araid. Kundabuer prevents voluntary acon; work is only done by ear. People work or money or ear o poverty. Fair and just government is not respected unless people are araid. You don’t have to see the bomb, just be made to ear an idea o it. Negave ideas are more potent than prison sentences, more insidious than whips. We can see how


much o Gurdjies undamental myth is inormed by the esoteric staple o the all o the acules. He says the “insncve sensing o reality” is absent in mankind, especially those born in recent periods. There has been a all rom reality, an inability to see aright; the lens is distorted, i not shaered, and can no longer reect the One behind all existence. The ordinary ego is not the divine being that is proper to Man. Man hardly knows he’s alive (spiritual ignorance by the archons). The awakening o conscience opens the door to aith. The Gnoscs idened Faith with Wisdom. A lot o the me many Beings put their power, uture and happiness, in someone else’s hands, when they should be, and really are, the master o their own desnies. When not in that state, they are sll to have that experience, due to it being agreed to, on a higher level. Once they recognise this, this is when there next phase in evolving in the Human sel-mastery experience unolds. Many o those who walk in the Lower Light, meaning the Archons, will try and put road blocks in your way and obstruct. These are signs that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. The establishment o the ego decided the separaon between the physical realm o energy systems and the energy o Creaon. The Matrix world is a virtual reality world created by arcial intelligence to enslave humans and use their bio-energy as uel to power their existence. Waking up rom the Matrix, breaking the ‘bondage [o] alse consciousness’, is done when people are shown ‘the true workings o the system. Humanity has been enslaved or centuries. Human being is divided into compeng races when humanity ails to see that which once united our being. Man has lost powers as much as he has gained certain others, but the ones he has lost are those he needs to employ wisely the ones he has gained. We stand at a crossroads. Mankind must work at salvaon rom derangement. The spirit has to be, as it were, worked into being; it is not an automac process. We must engage willingly. The rst step is also the last: Know Thysel, or would you rather be eaten by the moon? Ego is one o the main programs trying to stop you rom reconnecng with the God within, it can be broken. It’s a distracon and is one o the main emoons you must master in order to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what they want, the Archons (The Lower Light). Ego is the reason or the tower o Babel which led to the separaon o Humanity and led to Humanity losing the oneness and not understanding each other. Ego is the root to all this. The creaon o the rst man had, thereore, a disnct and concrete end: to ree the sparks o divine light rom material creaon, send them home, and thereby reverse the direcon o creaon. Their goal was release rom unconsciousness and ignorance, or incomprehension. Humans who possess the divine spark can nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. The spirit, the divine poron, sleeps in maer, unconscious o itsel, and the only worthwhile purpose o lie is to awaken and liberate it through knowledge. Humans who possess the divine spark can nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. This important theme o gnosis takes us back to the beginning o our search. Gnosis is the liberang knowledge that enables release rom the material evil world. The archons spiritual and psychological warare prevents the spark o lie to awakening, and the archons suppress all such knowledge that could release the spark o lie, ear is the main component that suppress the human body system o emoons; and instead triggering and inducing ear, stress, anxiety, worries, phobias and terrors o the mind. The archons don´t want anyone to understand how this universe actually worrks or how the matrix o simulaon is constructed and keeping humankind entrapped and imprisoned within the world o the archons. Then archons prevent thne soul rom ascending and they prevent spritual progress or awakening o new knowledge that could ree them rom the matrix. They working in two ways; to keep humankind suppressed in the low vibraonal recuencies and the other way is to disturb,


distract, distort the mind with all orms o decepons, doubts and manipulaon o higher levels o consciousness. Low vibraonal requencies represents less inormaon or less knowledge and higher vibraonal requencies represent higher vibraons and higher levels o consciousness. Archon is a projecon o arcial intelligence. Archon has entrapped humanity through deceit and parasism in a simulated world o maer to prevent human beings rom remembering that they are divine spirits whose real home is the Cosmic Mind or Gnosc Pleroma. The Archon, is called, c alled, ” anmimon pneuma “countereit spirit.” (Apoc John III, 36:17. (The term occurs several mes in dierent texts.) The cosmos he produces is described by the Copc term, Hal, “simulaon.” The vast planetary system o the Archons is a stereoma, a virtual reality projecon in simulaon o a higher dimensional paern. So the main goal o the archons is to keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the matrix o low vibraonal requencies and its its arcial arc ial simulaon o reality. The Archons on Earth is in constant spiritual and psychological warare on Earth. This is a invisible warare or PSI warare is organized gang stalking on Earth. The goal with spiritual or psychological warare is to prevent anyone leaving the matrix, understand how wthe program o simulaon actually works, and prevent spiritual progress so it can´t leave the matrix or the mind prison. The Archons using subtle spiritual and psychological warare methods; mind control, brainwashing, mk-ultra programming, syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology and use o electromagnetoc requencies. The goal is thereore to disturb reality, distract percepon and distort the mind. It is street theater or the eyes, it sound or noise harassment or the ears, and it is wickedness psychology and gaslighng or percepon. The acons o organized gang stalking trying distort the mind through the human senses as eyes and ears and the mind (percepon). Organized Gang Stalking is the art o maya. Organized Gang Stalking is street theater or teh eyes, ears and mind (percepon). It is Maya which deludes man to think that the body acts, the mind thinks, the eyes see, the ears hear. Sanskrit S anskrit maya means “illusion, magic”. Parcularly in the Advaita Vedanta the illusion o Maya represents the limited, deluded ego, which understands reality as only psychological and mental and does not recognize the true sel. It creates separaon, corrupon, distoron, delusion, illusion, glamour, maya, and alse divisions in every move it makes! Do not be deluded by the negave ego’s deluded and corrupt thinking paerns. The power o maya which deludes the person in bondage through the misrepresentaon o creaon, ails to delude the liberated person. We are mere ‘puppets ‘ in the hand o this Maya -body/ ego consciousness. Arcial computers and intelligence have taken over the world and manipulated people’s brains so they believe they’re living normal lives. The computergenerated dream world keeps the human populaon content and incapable o ghng or their reedom. Much o the Dark side agenda has to do with messing up our natural evoluon through Chemtrails containing Barium and Aluminum, pescides in the ood, uorides in the water, toxicity in the air, vaccines, and bio-genec oods. All o these contribung to the weakening o the immune system, pung metals in the system and assist in depopulaon agendas. They also assist in the calcicaon o the pineal gland; which is a gateway to reedom. Not to menon requency control through modem technology such as television, te levision, computers, cell phones, and ultra advanced technology and other brainwashing methods. Let’s begin to understand the codes o trauma and awakening so we can integrate them into our lives and become whole. In doing so individually, we assist the collecve whole to transorm and the Earth to heal. You are ar more powerul than you realize once you unlock the codes o your inner divinity. And that is precisely what they don’t want you to know. The human will is like a beast o burden. I God mounts it, it wishes w ishes and goes as God wills; i Satan mounts it, it wishes and goes as Satan wills. I.K. Taimni interprets this as meaning that Udana (fh chakra) is obviously connected with gravitaonal pull o the earth on the body, and by controlling this parcular prana it is


possible to neutralise this pull. There is a metaphor that can be used to describe the journey rom nonabiding to abiding awakening: that o a rocket ship. A rocket ship takes a tremendous amount o thrust and a tremendous amount o energy both to get o the ground and then to break the gravitaonal eld as it travels through the sky and ulmately into space. I there is enough e nough uel in the rocket and it gets ar enough away rom the Earth, it can eventually get beyond the gravitaonal eld o the planet. Once the rocket is beyond the gravitaonal eld o the Earth, the Earth no longer has the power to pull it back down. As a metaphor, we can think o the egoic structure, or the dream state, as the Earth. The dream state has a gravitaonal orce; it has the tendency to pull consciousness into itsel. This gravitaonal orce is really what one is dealing with throughout the enrety o the spiritual journey. Awakening is breaking ree o this gravitaonal orce. Inially, it may simply be leaving the dream state, awakening rom the dream state o “me” and separaon and isolaon. But because we’ve awakened does not mean that consciousness has goen past the gravitaonal pull o the dream state. I we haven’t gone completely beyond this gravitaonal eld, we’re going to be pulled back toward the experience o “me” and the percepon o separateness. Using the metaphor o the rocket ship is a way o thinking about the process o awakening. The dissoluon o the ego takes me. While the moment o awakening is a process that unolds thereafer – the process o geng beyond the gravional orce o the dream state. This process, this greater individualizaon can override and shed one´s ego, and become a kind o supersel that has the ability extend the individual consciousness beyond the constraints, into a orm o communicaon with the Divine Consciousness or Universal Consciousness. Cell phone towers, ground wave emergency transmiers, satellites, scalar waves are just a ew technologies all capable o inicng unusual radio wave paerns that cover our enre planet through their entanglement properes. These man-made technologies ulize the same dragon paths o the ancients to transport energy through the ground and air over extreme distances. Such overall coverage o Earth allows spiritual warare technology to broadcast arcial transmissions to every person’s brain on Earth. A man-made product called white noise can actually be inundated with words only your subconscious hears that has ability to alter your psychological and biological inormaon processing. Such subliminal technology, promoted by proponents as illuminang, actually takes you out o harmonic balance with God and is spiritual warare on a grand scale. This mean they can control and secretely target the human mind subconsiously and then using sound/vibraon technology which lie beneath the human hearing so they can´t hear this mind control generated sound or voice, but can be heard through the pineal gland. ELF waves have an ability when secretly transmied to lock on to a brain and orce it to synchronize with the transmission like a tuning ork. Sounds generated would not be heard through the ears but telepathically through the pineal gland like a phantom voice. Such telepathic transmission allows one to clearly hear real voices in their head (Voice to skull technology and syntethic telepathy, EMF) This system operates similiar to the way a radio staon uncons. Satan is the program director who select the agenda or the staon. The demons and allen humanity produce the progamming, which propagates and reinorces the agenda (alse doctrine). The staon then transmit the message over the the air. However, you cannot pick up the staon unless you have a receiver rece iver tuned to the right requency. All o allen humanity is tuned to radio staon ”WORLD” with the volume turned all the way up. The reciever is the esh, which is araccted to Satan´s requency. All three aspects work in harmony: the world, the esh and the Devil. Devil´s cohorts are bombarding Earth at the same me with arcial transmissions rom their technology to increase psychological and biological symptoms in humanity to an all-me high. Because animals are so keen to magnec changes they were the rst to show signs o distress worldwide. ELF waves running through Earth by way o dragon paths/ley lines never weaken.


The unconal state o mankind’s brain could collecvely be held in limbo using these vibraonal waves. This would generate ulmate brainwashing, hypnoc control, and mind-altering power by orcing them into a controlled collecve consciousness. Satan has power over the air, according to the Bible. Air carries large amounts o electromagnecally charged waves. Magnec resonance is the key Satan uses to interact and taunt humanity. His power to manipulate natural requency and wavelengths produces an ill eect on pineal gland hormone producon. This explains why Satan’s army is everishly installing tracking devices in everything. Once perected, such technology will secure biological control over the brain and keep mankind in a mentally altered state tuned to evil. Resonances received by electrical communicaon devices allow signals rom certain requencies while rejecng others. Years ago, it was a proven act that a transducer could modiy spoken words into ELF waves to be heard in your head telepathically (Voice to skull technology and syntethic telepathy, EMF). Satan’s spirtual warare entourage knows how to cloak by bending light backwards so it changes its resonance to improve pineal antenna perormance, making it less likely to suer intererence. Such evil technology can indenitely keep pineal glands globally tuned to only Satan’s staon. All o the various pieces o the world system belong to Satan. He controls them and they are all designed to urther his goal o destroying all that God is creang and building. Satan owns the naons. Does he own you? Because his scheme calls or the use o naons and governments in thwarng God’s great plan, Satan devised a system o government by which he would seek success. That system o government is symbolized in his descripon as the great red dragon with its seven heads, ten horns and crowns. He is described in scripture using the physical appearance o the thing which he devised. Both the allen Lucier – Satan – and his greatest governmental creaon are described using the dragon with seven heads, ten horns and ten crowns. c rowns. That isn’t what he looks like – he looks like an angel o light – but that’s what he is. He is what he created! Because both he and his great coming system o world rule are described in this manner in Revelaon (as a beast – dragon), we must understand that the Satanic beast is a governmental system. It had a beginning and it will have an end. It has had a number o dierent rulers since its incepon and it will have more beore it is overthrown. I we are to ideny the coming beast and i we are to understand the beast which John saw rising rom the waters o the sea, we must look to a governmental system which has connued through the ages and which has always been operated by men under Satan’s inuence. As the ancient threads o the story o God’s people are brought together in the book o Revelaon, so are the threads o this ancient governmental and religious system. We must realize, as we study into the beast, that we are seeing described the very plan and tool by which Satan hopes to win his bale against us. We are seeing Satan himsel, as he became afer his all – evil and unrighteous – yet represenng himsel to mankind and the world as a righteous being – an angel o light! The purpose o these gang-stalking acvies is not just to unnerve the target and make them look oolish or even crazy in public, or to rustrate or inmidate them, or to punish them or some perceived misdeed. The deeper purpose is to coerce them into conorming, to orce them to silently accept what is going on, and to break their will and draw them into taking part in this system o control. Anyone around the target will be clueless as to what the target is experiencing, and the target will appear to be delusional should he or she menon anything to anybody. The sense o isolaon that ofen results, due to a lack o anywhere to turn or help, is meant to break down the target targe t and orce his or her silent submission. It is in the end the stu o nightmares and what has been called dark prophecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in its nal stages o being played out. Organized Gang Stalking is spiritual, psychological and politcal warare and terrorism to the mind. Organized Gang Stalking is also the organized collecve shadow gasligher o this world. By the creaon o a new organized collecve hive mind the gasligher is


no longer just one person, but a whole polical system o polical terrorism o the mind. First the archons invading Earth, then trapped and imprisoned humankind within their matrix o control. and then make the whole collecve mind to become a stalker, a bully and gaslighters o others, and they also make believe these concepts is ideas rom the real God. The divine consciousness is not a stalker, a bully or a gaslighter. The Archons spiritual and psychological warare on Earth using sound as their weapons. They using sound technological devices as syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology and electro magnec requencies, and they using constant human made noise harassment. Humankind is trapped and impisoned within the archons low vibraonal requency prison o the mind and this is been controlled by sounds or noise. Sound and noise is then used to entangle them with emoons, and emoons is vibraons o the mind, and vibraons is emoons, so they triggering and sensizing the mind with negavity, ear, stress, anxiety, worries, pain and terror because these emoons become the walls they want humans to pass through, and they using wickedness and gaslighng so no one can pass through the archons mind prison. According to the gnosc worldview, the world as we know it is ulmately a result o a divine tragedy in the wholly perect heavenly realm. It is a world ruled by evil enes known as the archons, above which stand the chie archon, who has created create d this world himsel. The whole purpose o creang cre ang this world was to entrap humankind within it. Why? Humankind holds within it certain power, or light, without which the archons, as well as their world, would wither away and die. To keep humans within this world, and ully subservient to their masters out o their own “ree” will, a special decepve scheme was drawn by the archons. It involved the naturalizaon o each and every concept that would support and maintain the power o the archons The Matrix has been nothing less than a ake or virtual reality; a collecve mindprison or docile humans, created by the ‘senent machines’ in order to eed on the energy o cocooned human bodies. Morpheus, represenng the resistance o a relavely small number o beleaguered humans who exist ‘outside’ the Matrix, oers Neo the chance to experience reality as it really is. Neo learns to overcome the panopcon power o The Matrix, and rouses the nal human bale against the machines. As long as we allow the archoncontrolled governments and religions to suppress our vibraon using ear taccs, we will have great diculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure re way to shut down our vortex o creaon and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world powers desired by the archons. O course the answer to ear is to raise our vibraon by not being araid o anything, what good will that do anyway? Once we align with our vortex o creaon and see our power as innite consciousness, all ear (and the archons promong it) will dissipate and the world will change. The only way out is by the saving gnosis, which rst expose these evil machinaon or what they are, and then the n show the way to break this encompassing oppressive system. This system, however, is not just, or even primarily, the material world or the demiurgical body. Fear, stress, anxiety, worries and doubts prevent spiritual progress and keep humankind trapped within the walls o the archons and the matrix, the mind prison, the dream world, the arcial reality. The goal is to suppress spiritual awakening energeis to the low vibraonal requencies they control. The psychological syndrome, however, expressed by astrology and propagandized by its advice is only means to an end, the promoon o a social ideology. It oers the advantage o veiling all deeper-lying causes o distress and thus promong acceptance o the given. Moreover, by strengthening the sense o atality, dependence and obedience, it paralyzes the will to change objecve condions in any respect and relegates all worries to the private plane promising a cure-all by the very same compliance which prevents a change o condions. It can easily be seen how well this suits the over-all purpose o the prevailing ideology o today’s culture industry; to produce the


status quo within the mind o people.’ The archons is said to eeding o negavity as some kind o ood, but negavity, ear, stress, pain, worries, anxiety, panic, phobias and terrors o the mind actually controls the whole matrix, it controls and prevents spiritual progress, and keeping humankind entangle into the low vibraonal requencu world o the archons. Low vibraonal requencies energizing the matrix or the mind prison and stenghten its spiritual and psychological mind-prison walls o negavity, ear, stress, pain, anxiety, panic, phobias and terrors o the mind. Through this they not just eeding the ego or the beast system, they hijacking the eedback loop o the cognive thinking system o humankind. Through this they can control and prevent the 2 dna strand to evolving and acvang more and new dna strands. Worrying is a physiological reacon to ear. The ego perceives ear as being real and synchronizes the physiological systems o the body to react tto o any impending danger. Blood pressure increases, respiraon rate quickens, glycogen releases into the blood stream rom storage areas, and digeson ceases as blood shunts to the extremies, and stress hormones are released in the bloodstream to prepare the body to ght or ee against the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as being responsible or the “ght o ght” response o stress. A threat does not have to be a physical actor to provoke the sympathec stress response, as emoonal worry will conjure up the same physiological reacon as i the energy system were being aacked by an outside actor. Obsessive, irraonal thoughts within the stream o consciousness can maniest into a cognive aack, causing the sympathec nervous system to react to the stressul thoughts. When the systems are acvated as a result o an anxiety aack, cognive processing becomes irraonal and distorted due to the stress chemicals that are released in the bloodstream. Anxiety reverts higher brain unconing to primal unconing because blood and oxygen is being diverted throughout the enre body liming the amount o blood and oxygen owing to the brain. The ego promotes anxiety by projecng ear and worst-case scenarios. Fear is simply an illusion that the ego cannot decipher or understand anything that is not in its control. The ego is ragile and when it cannot understand an impending threat it will hide, leaving the energy system to operate in primal insnct mode. In this state, all raonal thoughts become repressed. Cognive anxiety is a result o a broken eedback loop within the stream o consciousness. I the eedback loop is not resolved, it will remain in the oreront o the thought cycle. The ego creates chaos but cannot control it. Thereore, all irraonal thoughts cannot be resolved by the ego. In order to resolve anxiety, the energy system must seek out strategies to help turn o the broken eedback loop and process it through the categorizaon ling system within the stream o consciousness. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Anxiety is the most powerul and pervasive o all emoons. Since it is a subtle power, anxiety can easily dominate all brain processes, distort all the materials o experience, and sharply interere with the relaon o brain hologram and the holonomic movement, or the mind/brain. Certain ideas arise out o our anxiety and pass rom generaon to generaon. Since concepts rom anxiety arise rom the t he more powerul subtle realm, our surace awareness and thought is shaped by them. We are not consciously aware o these shaping inuences. since they are warps in the very power o consciousness giving us our world to view. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. c onsciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness


o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream stre am o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Organized Gang Stalking creates a constant enviroment with negavity, ear, stress, anxiety, worries blocks the receptors in our cells and prevent us rom receiving divine bliss and healing. Fear, stress, anxiety, worries blocks then blocks intuion and the hyperdimensional communicaon highway in higher state o mind. We can use the intuion we are born with. Intuion can be acvated by vibrang energy to certain strands o DNA, which lie dormant within us. The eight dormant strands are located within the cellular DNA o the pineal gland and can be accessed through thought. We were born to communicate intuively, but technology such as computers, mobile phones, and thoughts o the collecve groups o people, may interere with our ability to do so. Worries, stress, ear and negave thoughts block the receptors in our cells and prevent us rom receiving rece iving the divine love energy and maniesng that which we desire. By being posive and accountable with your thoughts and acons, then you can acvate the potenal within your dormant DNA strands and receive wise messages that can come through the endocrine system, glands and body. Each cell is part o the body’s hard drive, the ocial memory source. When condions in the environment change, the D.N.A. mutates so the bodycomputer can compensate or survival. When we drug our bodies with pollutants, the inormaon processing unit (the brain) and the hard drive (the cells) become corrupted, much like a computer that has been aected with a virus program. The virus slows down the ow o inormaon and energy, and when this happens, disease occurs. In order to stay healthy, one must keep the meridian channels clear so the chi/prana (love) energy can ow unobstructed. One must also keep the chakras clear c lear so that the body-computer can connect to other dimensions o reality and higher requencies o inormaon. When ear is the prevailing paradigm, the body-computer (the droplet) is shut o rom innite consciousness (the ocean). Fear constricts consciousness and love expands it. Then this w world orld is Matrix and mind prison they using methods o ear that constricts consciousness and to prevents light rom expanding in enlightment. The DNA code within a cell can produce tens o thousands o proteins. How genes express themselves, what proteins they produce, depends on the cell’s relaonship with its environment, as the cell chooses, in a sense, what to incorporate into the cell’s metabolism through its permeable membrane, based on cues it picks up rom its surroundings. In other words, instead o being helpless capves o our genes, we have great power to inuence both our health and our environment, i we can reckon with the subconscious programmes that guide much o our behaviour. I we are going to make a leap to a new state o consciousness and social system, we must overcome the subconscious belies that distort our percepons o our world and ourselves. At the moment, a great gre at proporon o our behaviour is controlled by invisible ghosts, phantoms rom the past. These ghosts limit people’s awareness o their innate potenal – their capacity to see their world clearly, heal themselves and work together or humanity’s collecve benet. This is another reason that our sel-transormaon requires a spiritual evoluon, an opening o consciousness, not just a polical change. The of-quoted passage about spiritual warare in the Book o Ephesians: “We are not contending against esh and blood, but against the principalies, against the powers, against the world rulers o this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places” (6:12). What, one might well ask, is the meaning o “the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places”? Isn’t the locus o evil spiritual orces in hell, which is tradionally conceptualized as being below rather than above the earth? In this passage and others that might be cited, “heavenly wickedness” reers to the archons. Even the word “rulers” here is a translaon o the Greek archon, so that the original passage reads,”archons o this present darkness. Oppression creates a system o invisible barriers liming people (lef brain limitaons) and gangstalking


creang limitaon by imitaon (mirroring psychology). Mirroring psychology creates invisble mind barriers. The word oppress comes rom the Lan oppressus, past parciple o opprimere, (“to press against”, “to squeeze”, “to suocate”). Thus, when authoritorian goverments use oppression to subjugate the people, they want their cizenry to eel that “pressing down”, and to live in ear that i they displease the authories they will, in a metaphorical sense, be “squeezed” and “suocated”, e.g., thrown in a dank, dark, state prison or summarily executed. Oppression also reers to a more insidious type o manipulaon and control. Social oppression is when a single group in society takes advantage o, and exercises power over, another group using dominance and subordinaon. This results in the socially supported mistreatment and exploitaon o a group o individuals by those with relave power. The overt oppression o autocracy is ar more obvious, since through pyramidal orms o authority, it openly exerts a posive style o injuncon that cannot be seen in any other light than the explicit restricon o reedom. Both orms o government oppression, as they hurt the individual or the group in society. Mind Control or Mental Manipulaon, is the power to control the minds o others, inuencing their thoughts and acons. The power to exert control over the mind o an individual , is the power to control the minds o others, inuencing their thoughts and acons. The power to exert control over the mind o an individual. Mind control is the ulmate brainwashing o a systemacally programmed state o being and is not new. It goes back to the t he dawn o civilizaon. Adam and Eve were both brainwashed by the serpent in the Garden o Eden. They succumbed very easily. They believed a lie that conicted with the truth previously given to them. Such is the nature o humans. We are to a large degree conormed to “the paern o this world” instead o to the truth o who we are in Christ (Rom. 12:2). We nd ourselves imprisoned in paerns o electrical signals that we interpret as real but that are not true. Our experience o reality is to this extent aligned with the schemes o an evil Architect (Satan) rather than God. Hence, we do not experience ourselves as we truly are in Christ. This, we shall show, is the most undamental reason why Mary (whose story we will tell) remained stuck in her depression and why each o us remains stuck in one way or another. We are caught in the Matrix. They can create mind control programs to directly aect humans via television, radio, internet, magazines and newspapers, educaon, pharmaceucal, health, nance, computer games, music, and adversing. Control o mass media to amalgamate individual thought paerns into a “hive mind””: Electronic media, parcularly TV, has played an integral role in engineering consent and subverng individual reasoning. Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson provide a concise summaon o this orm o controls – A monoploy on the means o commumtaan may dene a ruling elite more precisely than the celebrated Marxian ormula o “monopoly on the means o producon.” Since man extends his nervous system through channels o communicaon like the wrien word, the telephone, radio, etc., “He who controls these media controls part o the nervous system o every member o society” The contents o these media become part o the contents o every individual’s brain (Shea 86 Wilson, p. 796, 1975). Immersed within the surrogate realies provided by electronic media, human consciousness is unied in a somewhat diuse “hive mind”. The Matrix o the tle is a computer- generated dreamland’ which deceives the people into believing that their society goes on as usual. In act lie is not proceeding as usual. An arcial intelligence has taken over the planet, and the deluded masses are actually being used as baeries to power this regime. Technocrack: Thanks to the advent o technology, the devil’s mind-control regimen is delivered via an addicve barrage that enters our minds through smartphones, MP3s, TV, Internet, video games, etc. Technology is the syringe through which the poisonous drugs o Masonic programming are administered. With each passing generaon o electronic equipment, the human mind becomes increasingly more addicted, as we are rapidly disconnected rom our riends, amily, and


nature via these novel gadgets. In the process o our technical addicon, our minds are overloaded with a plethora o both explicit and subliminal messages that are meant to enslave us to the materialisc and carnal programming o Hell, Inc. Mind control is the cornerstone o ritual abuse, the key element e lement in the subjugaon and silencing o its vicms. Vicms o ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system o mind control designed to rob them o their sense o ree re e will and to impose upon them the will o the cult and its leaders:’ Gnoscs detected the Archons as physical intruders into our biosphere, that also used their technological sophiscaon as arcial intelligences, to manipulate the human psyche, so as to operate, as a parasic “shadow” on the human consciousness. The Gnoscs reerred to the Archons as an “arcial man”. The archons are the rulers who govern each o these levels and act as guardians, prevenng the sparks o light (i.e., the divine essence o individual human beings) rom returning to the pleroma. Part o the knowledge imparted to the Gnoscs is inormaon on how to bypass these archons on their journey back to the pleroma. The Archons exist in both physical and nonphysical bodies and basically exert control over humanity rom other dimensions. They sought to steal the power o her soul unto themselves, so that the Soul o the World and the Light o humanity would be their own. It has always been this way since humankind has walked in the world. The demiurgos and archons cloud the minds o human beings so that they cannot see the divinity within themselves and remain as beasts o the eld, driven by hidden spiritual orces. The Archons wanted take the ree man and make him slave to them orever, and liming their access to the divine connecon, and thereore keep souls enslaved to their principles o the world. As a conscequence o their allen state o consciousness or degraded state, they are hosle to humanity and aempt to prevent mankind rom aaining to spiritual liberaon. The “alien shadow” can be compared to a parasic virus, which latches on to healthy cells in a body, in a manner that debilitates those healthy cells toward their prospecve destrucon. Gnoscs detected Manipulave Extraterrestrials that they called ’Archons’ as an arcial intelligence that pursues an agenda o pure ego, calculated to allegedly pursue an inter-dimensional objecve. Hosle gatekeepers and archons whose job it is to turn back the ascending soul. They act autonomously, wantonly and destrucvely. They are opposed to the human soul’s trying to reach the most supreme God enthroned above the seven worlds. Together, gatekeepers and archons bale against the soul’s passage to higher worlds. One o the main goals o those who seek to deny us our reedom is to block our divine energy rom rising up to our brain stem, also known as the Mouth o God*. I a person is allowed to arrive reely and unhindered at a higher state o consciousness, they cannot be controlled and enslaved unconsciously. For this reason, much research, me, energy and eort has been made throughout the ages to create c reate programs to specically suppress the rising o human consciousness. Centuries o pracce have gone into developing programs o suppression, destrucon and division o human consciousness so that humans won’t realize they are divine, powerul and part o God’s divine plan, born ully empowered. The primary goal is to separate consciousness so it’s power is diluted or lessened. I they can break apart secons o the soul and insert doubt, ear, terror, shame, paranoia or hatred, they can succeed in taking over the lie orce, capturing it and using it or their own means. It is very much like a hosle corporate takeover or a virus in the body – it is a malicious energy that takes over something in a weakened state. This is accomplished in the soul and psyche through trauma and is the t he main tool o satanically-based programs. The purpose o Wisdom’s intervenon is a spiritual regeneraon and liberaon o mankind rom the Archons. It can be derived that this intervenon was meant to ree mankind rom the manipulaon o the dark powers that had enslaved it by The Archons o the lesser Light. The goal and purpose or the archons is to keep mankind chained or eternity in spiritual ignorance. The archons ‘wanted to take the ree man and make him their


slave or ever’. We, idenying ourselves with the body, create ignorance o this reality and misunderstanding that we are just physical and nite beings. This doubt and duality thus created between us and the Pure Sel, the Divine Consciousness within, is called Spiritual Ignorance. In this ignorance, pain and doubt develops within. As one adopt the body and develop the idenes o ego, Maya becomes the companion. The Earthly Lie Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnozed existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himsel to be a physical being. The maya-hypnozed ego creates the distorons o reality or distorons o the powers within. The rst distoron-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distoron-error is made through believing in the dying nature o man, and not the undying nature o the real Sel/Soul. Se l/Soul. The third error-distoron o man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are ound within the energec interior o our psychic system. They are problemac because they bind us in a state o ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These minderrors is the mindillusions that distorts reality. Another term or illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” o the mind is the maya-hypnozed mind. Spiritual wisdom is an andote to ignorance. In other words, it is spiritual wisdom that can destroy the thick veil o ignorance. Once the ignorance is dispelled, the mind is puried o egoism and illumined with spiritual wisdom and its misunderstanding ends. Spiritual progress dissolves the ego and state o duality. Spiritual ignorance is caused by maya. Spiritual ignorance is generally called as darkness. The Hindus call the ego Maya, the god o all illusions, whose uncon is to distract the mind rom nding the Divine nature o Man. We have to change the way we think, to ree our minds rom all its preconcepons, and we see how dicult that is at a personal level. In order to do that, we have to address our personal ears—not just talk about the concept c oncept o ear. We have to personally open ourselves to see things in a new way and to tell ourselves a new story. Maybe we have to reexamine the way we think about our stories altogether. I we are determined to dream a new dream, we have to think about dreaming itsel. The noon that the human body is the work o malevolent creator angels remarkably parallels the idea that extraterrestrials engaged in genec engineering to ‘create’ homo sapiens. Are we dealing with exactly the same phenomenon? Did the Gnoscs know the truth about Man’s real origin and the unseen powers that seek to keep human beings in bondage? Are the malevolent creator angels who, say the Gnoscs, stole spiritual beings and trapped them in physical bodies. The star-angels and other ruling spirits appear as tyrannical, liming agencies in this Gnosc view. They are usurpers who lord it over humanity and creaon in order to enhance their own sel-importance and glory. It is incumbent upon the knower to realize this and to extricate himsel rom the grasp o these powers whenever possible. The existenal predicament o human lie les in the uncomortable dominance to which these lesser godlings subject the spirits o human beings, and rom which only the experienal realizaon o Gnosis can extricate them? (Jung and the Lost Gospels). The creator angels or Archon are also characterized as terrible powers or orces o negavity and illusion. They are cosmic Prison Warders seeking to keep their human charges bound to the Earth. Caught up in the illusions o material existence, Man believes he is just a body and he cannot grasp the truth o his origin. This condion perpetuates spiritual blindness. leaving human kind in capvity to the Prison Warders. However. the Gnoscs never ceased rom proclaiminn that Man’s True Heine is not his body. and the material world is denitely not his true home, Man is a spiritual being and his numose is to realize his higher Sell. that light-spark exiled in the physical body. His desny is to return to the Realm o Lights his true home beyond the stars. We must be reawakened to our origin, where we came rom, how we became trapped on this planet, and how we can achieve liberaon. The Gnoscs urge us to


escape rom the trap o the world and open our eyes to our true origin. The purpose o Wisdom’s ntervenon is a spiritual regeneraon and liberaon o mankind rom the Archons. It can be derived that this intervenon was meant to ree mankind rom the manipulaon o the dark powers that had enslaved it. The Archons is beings o Darkness, whose purpose was to “keep mankind chained or eternity in spiritual ignorance.” This enslavement can be maintained only through ignorance. In the t he world, the archons are the slave masters who constrain the community through cares and ear. Then the Archons have the slave master mentality they also are the stalkers and jailors that always stalking to suppress energy (light), vibraons and requencies yo keep them in the band o low vibraonal state. There is a web (the matrix) o decepon around the essenal error that enmeshes us in “co-emergent ignorance” with the Archons. Their rules were and are designed to enslave us nancially, polically, spiritually, mentally, and emoonally, and this has been going on or thousends o years. The Greek verb archein (archon) means to rule or dominate and they oppressing with ear psychology and ignorance. As long as it is ignored, it takes root in our heart and dominates us. We become its slaves, and such is our enslavement that we are compelled to do things that we do not want to do, and are unable to do the things we want to do. I we are not conscious o the archons within us, they all into the shadow, and that suits the archons just ne. From there they can c an carry on their diabolical acvies unhindered. Liberang the soul begins with recognising the darkness. Once our conscious and subconscious sel has become inused with a new path, and convinced against the ormer, you will then possess within your living-soul the required inormaon that will allow your soul to remain “aware and alert” at the moment it needs to rebel against their Archon entrapment. Archons using all orms o mind control technology – and programs o mind control — or soul enslavement — and using entanglement psychology to binding the mind to lower vibraonal requencies. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human mind is overpowered by deep ignorance and covered by dense darkness in sleep where the real Sel is obstructed by dark and dense clouds o ignorance. The denser we nd the cloud to be the more we aain the invisible light within the cloud. “Morpheus, The Matrix” “The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy….businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds o the people we are trying to save. But unl we do, these people are sll a part o that system, and that makes them our enemy… Most o these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many o them are no inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will ght to protect it.” M Sco Sc o Peck writes; Evil is the use o power to destroy the spiritual growth o others or the purpose o deending and preserving the integrity o our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoang (or today´s gang stalking). Therapist Dr M. Sco Peck, author o The People o the Lie, writes: at one point dened evil as ‘the exe exercise rcise o polical power that is the imposion o one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion in order to avoid spiritual growth’”, and covert and overt is used in today´s psychological warare against targeted individuals. The human soul is imprisoned in this dungeon o the world, conned in the darkness o maer, and only gnosis can ree and awaken it rom darkness o the archons It is the ego that creates division and restlessness in the mind. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. The Gnoscs viewed human nature as a triune composed o body, psyche, and spirit, believing that the spirit, or pneuma, was trapped not only within the prison o the human body, but also within the prison o the psyche. Ego is one o the main programs that can stop you rom reconnecng with the God within, but ego can be broken. It’s a distracon that produces emoons that must be mastered in order or you to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what the Archons want. Creaon is a result o a precosmic all, we are imprisoned creatures. The


Archons created our humanity in order to keep the divine substance o the pneuma capve. Because the light o the immortal Man has been mixed with cosmic substance, he is imprisoned in the sensible world. Humans are the divine spark o light lost in the darkness and complexity o the psyche and the body. The true home o the spirit was in heaven, not on earth. e arth. Body (the purely physical) and soul (the emoons) were held totally capve by the seven planetary archons though the orces o astrology, which most gnoscs took very seriously. Ego is the reason or the Tower o Babel (as described in your Bible), which led to the separaon o humanity and loss o the experience o Oneness, and the ability o humans to understand each other. Ego is the reason the Archons manuactured royalty and a social structure and, in a smart way, they got the go g o ahead by the masses. This did and sll does contribute to the power o the Lower Lights. It’s a ront, like the t he Replians being in control o the manipulaon when it is really the Archons. Ego is the root o human dicules, but it was engineered this way. Ego divides countries, states, towns, and people. Archons rule by dividing, and this they always did. They create religions diametrically opposed to each other and their adherents believe only themselves to be right. This creates religious wars were humans rise against humans — and this creates the ood or archons (as they eed on the released energy o ear and terror). Ego is the reason or the Tower o Babel (as described in your Bible), which led to the separaon o humanity and loss o the experience o Oneness, and the ability o humans to understand each other. Ego is the reason the Archons manuactured royalty and a social structure and, in a smart way, they got the go ahead by the masses. This did and sll does contribute to the power o the Lower Lights. It’s a ront, like the Replians being in control o the manipulaon when it is really the Archons. Ego is the root o human dicules, but it was engineered this way. Ego divides countries, states, towns, and people. The main point is to work on yoursel, nd your own connecon, and have condence. Yes…the human mind has been condioned over me to create doubt. This is part o the Replian traits that were given to the human body computer. This is a distracon. Anything with distracon and hierarchy is an illusion. It does not come rom a place o love and service. It is a distracon. The archons has pushed human race into a “an ever-depening spiritual sleep.” David Icke has wrien in The Veil o Tears that certain requencies can be used to block receipt o radio inormaon, and that certain requencies can be used to block receipt o radio inormaon. Through technologies they can create a “vibratory prison.” He asserts that all we need to do is extend this concept to the planet as a whole to get an idea o how spiritual inormaon is being perceptually blocked rom the 4th dimension, creang a material prison. He writes: The complete takeover o the Earth by extraterrestrial expressions o the Lucieric Consciousness was accomplished by creang a vibratory prison. We are muldimensional beings, naturally able to experience many requencies and dimensions at the same me. However, when the imprisoning vibraon an imposed blocking ‘requency net’- was thrown around this planet long ago, it prevented us rom accessing the higher levels o our consciousness and potenpotenal – or, the higher dimensions. It caused us to cease to be ‘whole’ or al we became disconnected rom ‘the Father.’ According to Icke, Ic ke, the ull-scale vibratory imprisonment o Earth humans may also have been eectuated by closing down crucial Earth vortexes linking the physical (3-D) world with other space/me dimensions. Some o these important windows, however, are sll open, and, as well, certain rituals are said to be able to reopen them. Icke speculates that these interdimensional portals may have been closed to prevent negave enes rom entering this space/me reality. Thus, this may have been a necessity to minimize chaos and disorder. However, it lef Earth humans detached rom higher levels o being and cut o our “eternal memory” o who we are. This is essenally the story o the “Fall o Man.” He writes, “we orgot who we were and where we came rom.” Icke explains: The human race has or ages been living out its existence ex istence inside a kind o


metaphysical box with the lid held down. We sit in the dark, believing that our potenal, and Creaon in general, is limited to what is within that box, within that vibratory prison. Over the ages since the vibratory net was cast around the Earth, we have been a people working at a racon o our ull and innite potenal. Lie on Earth was changed dramacally by our extraterrestrial jailors, and this also aected the animal kingdom. Lucieric consciousness works through human consciousness to manipulate human nature and our understanding o reality. It I t smulates us to perorm inhumane acts by awakening negave emoons. Icke believes, however, that there are posive 4th dimensional extraterrestrial groups working to help humanity rise up and reconnect with our lost identy. The “Global Elite,” Icke wrote, operates the Brotherhood and through the Brotherhood the world, by controlling a “pyramid o manipulaon.” This pyramid consists o a set o hierarchical structures.The topmost level o the conspiracy Icke calls “the Prison Warden.” He makes clear c lear his view that the Prison Warders are extraterrestrials without being specic about where they came c ame rom: “A pyramidal structure o human beings has been created under the inuence and design o the extraterrestrial Prison Warden and their overall master, the Lucieric Consciousness. They control the human clique at the top o the pyramid. The means by which these nonearthly Prison Warden exercise their control is lef somewhat vague. In his work, Ickc began to speak in Ncw Age terms o “negave energ energy” y” and “blocking vibraon.” By ulizing these orces, the aliens have imprisoned us in “a requency ‘net’ thrown around this planet.” Author David Icke reers to these negave energies as Lucieric Consciousness. Lucieric Consciousness is a collecve consciousness, known to Chrisans as the “Anchrist,” and is the total sum o all minds, human and extraterrestrial, whose thoughts vibrate within an extremely negave requency range. Icke proesses that it is possible or such a muldimensional collecve consciousness to aect an enre planetary system with their thoughts alone. As !eke explains in his on-line arcle, “The Veil o Tears”: As everything is created by thought, and all maer is subordinate to thought, all physical events are the result o a thought or thoughts o some kind aecng aec ng maer. All o the events which caused mayhem in this galaxy took place within the connes o the vibratory prison, created by the Lucieric Consciousness. This consciousness can work through any lie orm—human or extraterrestrial—which is operang within its vibratory range. The Lucieric Consciousness is an extremely negave thought paern, or range o thought paerns. Anyone whose atudes are within that range can be captured by it and turned into a vehicle or its will. When the Lucieric Consciousness locks into an individual’s consciousness, consciousness, it, in eect, becomes their `mission control’, their guide and master. I however, our intent remains loving and posive, it cannot aect us directly because our energy elds (auras) will be vibrat-ing within a range much higher than the Lucieric band. There is no resonance established. The Lucieric broadcast’is not received by a consciousness tuned to a dierent requency, just as a radio receiver only picks up staons within a dened bandwidth at any given me. Many races embrace what they are good at, but unortunately many humans do not. Humans are programmed rom an early age to help strengthen and contribute energy to the energy grid created by the Archons. Fortunately, this is breaking down. The Divine knowledge involves creang a cohesive orce that can break the stranglehold that the Demiurge and archons have on the human consciousness. But it will take an inux o energy to enable these creave cre ave orces to break through the constricve paerns o resistance that belong to the darkness o greed, ear, and sel-interest that at present drives our collecve. The energy needed or this breakthrough is already within the world, hidden within its energy centers. These energy centers are waing w aing to be unlocked so that their power can be used or this transion. The keys to unlock them are parcular qualies or energies o consciousness. For example, the myscal consciousness that looks only towards God, that remembers Him in His world, is one such


key. This is why individuals and groups o myscs have been posioned at certain places in the inner and outer worlds in order to acilitate this work o unlocking the centers o power. Humans. The aeon that had allen was captured and imprisoned in this material world in the bodies o humans. Many humans have this spark o the divine within them. People with the spark have a longing to escape this world; Salvaon. The divine spark within humans can escape only by learning where it came rom, how it got here, and how it can return. Deliverance rom this evil material world, in other words, comes only by liberang knowledge (gnosis). The archons o this world and controller o the matrix humankind is trapped within don´t want humans to understand what there real higher sel is and where they came rom, and this is the central key to undestand how the earthly lie is under the spell o ignorance and illusions o maya. Ignorance and maya creates the veil o separaon in place and illusions, decepons and ear is been used to hindering spiritual progress rom the lower matrix to the higher levels o divine consciousness. The Gnoscs believed that the Archons eed on the human soul, “the dew rom above,” and they try to keep human beings imprisoned in the allen world o physical reality and ignorance. This tyrannical world-ruler is called heimarmene, the “universal Fate” that constutes The world is controlled by an oppressive, blind, impersonal, cosmic orce called heimarmene. Worrying is a physiological reacon to ear. The ego perceives ear as being real and synchronizes the physiological systems o the body to react to any impending danger. Blood pressure increases, respiraon rate quickens, glycogen releases into the blood stream rom storage areas, and digeson ceases as blood shunts to the extremies, and stress hormones are released in the bloodstream to prepare the body to ght or ee against the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as being responsible or the “ght o ght” response o stress. A threat does not have to be a physical actor to provoke the sympathec stress response, as emoonal worry will conjure up the same physiological reacon as i the energy system were being aacked by an outside actor. Obsessive, irraonal thoughts within the stream o consciousness can maniest into a cognive aack, causing the sympathec nervous system to react to the stressul thoughts. When the systems are acvated as a result o an anxiety aack, cognive processing becomes irraonal and distorted due to the stress chemicals that are released re leased in the bloodstream. Anxiety reverts higher brain unconing to primal unconing because blood and oxygen is being diverted throughout the enre body liming the amount o blood and oxygen owing to the brain. The ego promotes anxiety by projecng ear and worst-case scenarios. Fear is simply an illusion that the ego cannot decipher or understand anything that is not in its control. The ego is ragile and when it cannot understand an impending threat it will hide, leaving the energy system to operate in primal insnct mode. In this state, all raonal thoughts become repressed. Cognive anxiety is a result o a broken eedback loop within the stream o consciousness. I the eedback loop is not resolved, it will remain in the oreront o the thought cycle. The ego creates c reates chaos but cannot control it. Thereore, all irraonal thoughts cannot be resolved by the ego. In order to resolve anxiety, the energy system must seek out strategies to help turn o the t he broken eedback loop and process it through the categorizaon ling system within the stream o consciousness. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Earth is a vibraonal mind prison and humans is kept within a ull-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement o this world The creaon o the rst man had, thereore, a disnct and concrete end: to ree the sparks o divine light rom material


creaon, send them home, and thereby reverse the direcon o creaon. Their goal was release rom unconsciousness and ignorance, or incomprehension. Humans who possess the divine spark can nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. The spirit, the divine poron, sleeps in maer, unconscious o itsel, and the only worthwhile purpose o lie is to awaken and liberate it through knowledge. Humans who possess the divine spark can nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. This important theme o gnosis takes us back to the beginning o our search. Gnosis is the liberang knowledge that enables release rom the material evil world. For the Gnoscs, the true God did not create this world at all. The world emerged rom a cosmic disaster in which a lower deity or a g group roup o angels, either out o malice or ignorance, created the material universe and entrapped elements o the divine within it. The mythologies that these Gnoscs espoused served to explain how these lower deies came into being (ofen as emanaons rom the true God) and how conicts among their ranks led both to the catastrophic concocon o maer and to its afermath, the imprisonment o divine sparks. While these cosmogonies struck the athers as puzzling in their complexity and bizarre in their detail, they proved parcularly disturbing in their guiding premise, that the Creator and Ruler o this world is not the true God but a lower deity whose creaon comprises the realm o evil and ignorance. The material world is prison to the sparks o the divine, and the goal o the Gnosc systems is to liberate them. It is, in act, within human bodies that the sparks have become imprisoned and rom which they must be released. Since humans have a spark o the divine, they are not completely c ompletely at the mercy o the Demiurge. In order to be able to live a spirit-lled lie, nonetheless, the soul must be reed rom its earthly bondage. The redeemer is thus a teacher, and redempon thus consists in the acknowledgment o the divine spark that liberates individuals rom the limitaons o material things and allows the believer to parcipate in the divine. However, a human is great as he is not just a piece o maer and he is no slave. A colossal spiritual orce is put into him that is able to transorm him into a Real Human, in an essence much higher than this world. Freeing rom deceit, a man becomes stronger and smarter. The more clever, spiritually ree people are, the harder it is or the Archons to implement their plans, and the weaker their inuence on people becomes. And i all people know the Truth, there will be nobody or the Archons to dictate their terms to. t o. In reality they are empty spaces. There is only a handul o them. The decision is in people’s hands: give in to provocaons o the Archons and bring the planet to the global war or throw down the Archons’ authority and create the t he golden age o this civilizaon. The uture o the world is in people’s hands. Everything is very simple. You need to be the one whom the Archons ear. You need to be a Human!” The Propaganda o Darwinism ‘This isn’t about Darwinism but about propaganda. We all swim in a vast sea o propaganda. Why is it not only pernent but essenal to grasp this? Because propaganda techniques are what were, and sll are, being used to propagate the Darwinian religion. Once you understand this, you can easily see through the tricks, taccs, techniques and manipulaons o public opinion going on all around you, nor only with the spread o evoluonary lies and pseudo-science but polics, religion, public morality … everything. And once you see it, it loses its control over your thinking and your opinion orming. There is nobody more enslaved than the one who does not see the invisible chains. Arcial Intelligence and the Matrix have no other reerences ree rences to other worlds or other dimensions, so this becomes Reality. Enslavement is the the result o the False F alse Matrix. Icke believes humanity is being controlled and enslaved in a alse matrix. We are innte beings, he believes, designed or harmony and peace, who are trapped in a war-like matrix o the lower mind. Aren’t we constantly ed alse realies in order to keep ke ep us quiet and to prevent us being ree? The


Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm o ever increasing enslavement and exploitaon. We have been taught that the arcial reality o the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in act, you have the power to create worlds or be a cocreator o your own lie. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benet higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement o the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they reamin ignorant o their own power. Once human through pracce or “yoga” are ully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing uture is arriving . Humans are all acing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it or a lie o reedom. The carnal mind is based on endless with methods to control anyone and everybody in the matrix. The beast system will suppress anyone who might obstruct the empire’s agenda. The veil holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA sofware programming and the coding structure o the DNA to acvely integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to acvate aspects o the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or paron. This paron is also what holds you in thirddimensional linear me (me as a past-present-uture loop) and creates major restricons to knowing yoursel. When you observe in present-me, the veil is neutralized. allowing observaon rom the Higher Mind. It’s here where this paron or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended uncon: to open your awareness o the muldimensional consciousness rom where you have come. Here the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pineal gland and seventh and eighth chakras become more engaged. the ninth. tenth and eleventh chakras become accessible. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. We are truly on a prison planet, no longer having a natural connecon with the divine spirit, “Why”. The story o the “Garden o Eden” (and paradise lost), is the evicon rom Paradise. This story becomes our true reality. But instead o eang an apple rom a sacred tree, “what” could be the true story? Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is not just a ancy saying, because the apple has a monatomic substance which can heal you, and more importantly helps to acvate the pineal gland between the brain (every ones third eye). But instead o nourishing our stargate to gain access to a higher sel, this ability has been manipulated with chemicals in the air, ood, and water. A me when a dierent race came rom heaven to earth, who we call god’s because they were so advanced. Revelaon quotes that these god’s created man to their likeness, well they improved mans ability on a molecular level, more or less changing our DNA. The prison is the world o sense, and that the ascent and vision o things above, i.e. realies, is “the upward progress o the soul into the intellectual world, where it gains beac vision”; or our argument shows, “that the power o knowing reality is already in the soul when the eye


o the soul is turned.” The very nature o the mind enables it to nd the eternal in the temporal, and to rise through the sight o the seen to the reality o the unseen. The Lucierian Elite had created an instuon to provide credibility or their specially designed “‘science”, called, “Evoluon: The Occult Doctrine o Becoming”. Evoluon had been an Occult antasy all along. The End Goal has always been the genocide o all who ollow this Hermec Path except the t he High Elite Occult Masters who are pushing such knowledge. At the lower levels, you never even hear about this agenda. It is no accident that the internet is on re or Hermec occult occ ult knowledge. The Lucierian Elite who pull all the strings rom the top down, with secret sociees. We can choose c hoose to ignore the signs and allow a worldwide Smart Grid o unimaginable oppression to go up around us, or we can start opposing it by gradually UNPLUGGING rom the Digital Beast System that has been constructed all around us. It is a choice that can no longer be ignored. The promise to “heal” the world has been oered to Mankind through the conduit o technology, but depopulaon and mass genocide will precede all this, where only The Elite will be allowed to inhabit the New “Healed” World Order. As long as we desire the pleasures o technology and stagger onwards, drunk upon the techno-hypnoc trance o digital convenience, we will become slaves to The Elite plan or Transhumanism, where The Lucierian Elite ascend and make everyone else their digitally imprisoned slaves. Technology can only be used within the constraints o how it is designed, how the culture perceives it, the knowledge that users have, and the society that has assimilated it. Undoubtedly, it unnels our experience into a certain paern o behavior and thought. The Elite perpetuate the myth that we need technology and cannot disconnect rom it. Technology is always harnessed to a parcular end. Technology is not neutral. We think it rees us. We are ree to walk within the prescribed parameters o the app or website we inhabit. That is not reedom. That is an animal in a digital cage, nothing more. The larger context is that Technology exists to enslave you…look beyond your immediate gracaon to understand this. Currently, we are addicted to technology. That was the plan. It was on purpose. Technology reects the Elite’s passions, capacies, and values. It is all about control and hypnosm. And Transhumanism Transhumanism is at the core o this Lucierian Apotheosis Dream to become God. Whether it be through A.I. Techno Myscism or genec engineering, they are ramping up or the leap into a Super Consciousness Singularity as the Lucierian Technium Divinorum Autocracy. Manipulang Maer The Scienc Dictatorship as a Project in the Reconguraon o Reality “In the arcle entled “The Ascendancy o the Scienc Dictatorship” we examined the transmogricaon o the elite’s religious power structure into a technocrac oligarchy legimized predominantly by science. The history and background o this “scienc dictatorship” is a conspiracy, created and micromanaged by the historical de o Darwinism, which has its oundaons in Freemasonry. In this arcle, we shall examine the “scienc dictatorship” as an enormous project in the re-sculpng o reality itsel. The Technocracy Freemason Aldous Huxley coined the term “scienc dictatorship” and presented an allegorized version o the concept in his amous roman ‘a cle entled Brave New World. Huxley was mentored by Freemason H.G. Wells, who also presented a conalized “scienc dictatorship” under the appellaon o the “Technocracy.” This is an interesng designaon or a world government managed by unconal elites and sciensts. It is derived rom the Greek word techne, which means craf. Given Wells’ membership in the Craf o Freemasonry, the synchronicity becomes apparent. THE CRAFT and the powers o Lucier. Transhumanism oers an updated, hi-tech variety o Lucierianism. ‘ Transhumanism advocates the use o nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognive science, and inormaon technology to propel humanity into a “posthuman” condion. Once he has arrived at this condion, man will cease to be man. He will become a machine, immune to death and all the other “weaknesses” intrinsic to his ormer human condion. The ulmate objecve is to become a god. Transhumanism is closely aligned


with the cult o arcial intelligence. In the very inuenal book The Age o Spiritual Machines, AI high priest Ray Kurzweil asserts that technological immortality could be achieved through magnec resonance imaging or some technique o reading and replicang the human brain’s neural structure within a computer (“Technological Immortality,” no paginaon). Through the merger o computers and humans, Kurzweil believes that man will “become god-like spirits inhabing cyberspace as well as the material universe”. The carnal mind is the manipulator o the mass energies o the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control o the world, the esh, and the devil. Mass consciousness. The collecve consciousness o humanity. Mass mind. The collecve mind o humanity. Unl quickened, this body, ofen called the lower mental body, remains the vehicle or the carnal mind. Sympathy draws the individual into the whirlpool o human chaos and es up his energies in the day-to-day melodrama o the mass consciousness through the beta brain waves (o duality). Beta brain waves is also the mass consciousness. Mass o thoughts that have been built up in consciousness through many generaons o earthly experiences and crystallized into what may be termed human personality, or carnal mind. Another name or the devil is ‘sense consciousness. Sense consciousness is a mental state ormed rom believing in and acng through the senses. It is carnal mind expressing its disbelie in the omnipresence o God. The carnal mind is not conscious in the customary sense, although in another sense it is completely conscious—more so in some ways than the ego, since it has to direct the roune uncons o  the body such as the breath and heart-beat even in deep sleep. The carnal mind, as one might expect, thinks sensorily. Without the mind o God, people are the products o the mass subconscious – unl we are ready to parcipate in the nal reeing o spiritual man rom the dominion o the sense consciousness. in the Bible as “the carnal mind,” “the natural man,” “the mind o the esh,” etc. … may have than a consciousness arising wholly rom the ve senses, this consciousness is wholly o this material realm. What you understand about yoursel becomes your consciousness, and your consciousness orms your personality. The more you understand your divine sel, the more you become conscious o it; and only then do you maniest it as your personality. Your divine sel has the character o  God. Understanding God is to know your true Sel. This is the doorway to happiness. The old sel, or the alse sel, is the creaon o the carnal mind. It is not the creaon o God. God created our divine authenc Sel. We have created the alse sel through a alse light, or sight. This light is the alse wisdom we gained by eang rom the three o the knowledge o good and evil under the decepve inuence o Satan. We gave so much importance to this alse ego or sel, that it became the main personality in our consciousness. This is actually the cause o all the problems and chaos we ace in lie. Fear has numerous aces and has been engrained into our systems in countless ways. Fear is reected in our belies, emoons, and the collecve consciousness grids. It is locked in our energy bodies, organs, and cells, and it is an inherent part o our minds. This means that stepping out o ear is a process that requires me, diligence, perseverance, willingness, and a clear intent to never give up, even e ven though the process might at mes be incredibly rustrang. We will never step into a new consciousness i we are not willing to undertake this path. And we will never make a real connecon with the Sidhe. The process o stepping out o ear has three major steps: connecng with your heart (divine essence), connecng with the rontal lobes o your brain, and the smulaon o the rontal part o your amygdala. As long as we allow the archon-controlled governments and religions to suppress our vibraon using ear taccs, we will have great diculty progressing as a people. Fear is a sure re way to shut down our vortex o creaon and turn us into impotent spirits that can be easily manipulated in mass. As long as our vibraon is kept low we will be docile pawns in the hands o the new world powers desired by the archons. O course the answer to ear is to raise our vibraon by not being araid o anything, what good will that do anyway?


Once we align with our vortex o creaon and see our power as innite consciousness, all ear (and the archons promong it) will dissipate and the world will change. There is an occult/Freemasonic stratum in the command structure o media and world control. There is a long-term occult agenda in geopolics that is just now coming to poisonous ruion. The elite’s occult Darwinian doctrine constutes part o this “long-term occult agenda” and, thereore, plays a signicant role in the shaping o world events. It is within the body polic that the Hegelian ramework o the elite’s evoluonary script is tangibly enacted. The beast system will suppress anyone who might obstruct the empire’s agenda. According to occult allegory, the 21″ century will see the culminaon o an evoluonary process begun by the Masonic deity, Sirius. In light o this revelaon, it is interesng to consider one o Aldous Huxley’s prognoscaons in Brave New World Revisited” …the twenty-rst century…will be the era o World Controllers… This new era, has already started with the orced reengineering ree ngineering o our planet and us humans. ChemTrails are not only changing the environment we live in, but are changing us rom the inside out. Planetary re-engineering goes beyond controlling the weather. The people behind geoengineering are afer the human race. Transhumanism. Transhumanist intend to replace all natural laws with their own set o rules which will make it easier to control it all. It is nothing more than an agenda to destroy humanity and human nature. It seeks to devolve and enslave humans in a way that will be irreversible. Someme is the evoluonary history Earth was throught these unseen spiritual powers, authories, principalies made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A o nave human species through genec manipulaon and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Thereore, everything that was unnecessary or survival was disconnected. Man was lef just w with ith a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template o the 2 dna strand o the carbon-body o humans. The elite understand that ulmately the economy is connected to a Lucierian spiritual economic system. The highest levels o government nance, culture, science, and polics, the elite, are busy construcng a global economic order that will culminate in what is described in Revelaon as the mark o the beast system. We can see this with the development o biometrics, radio requency idencaon (RFID) chips, electronic taoos, electronic payments, and similar technologies. Prophesy scholars say that the mark o  the beast system is now possible or the rst me in history. James 4:1 reveals how the carnal mind is designed to protect the carnal desires o this world or the desire consciousness o this world. Satan´s goal must be to keep everyone imprioned or trapped in the carnal mind desires o consumpon and in this world the desire becomes a kind o worship afer more materialism. Revelaon 13:17 reveals how the RFID chip system will protect the carnal beast system o the mind; nobody will be able to buy or sell  – or do much o anything, or that maer maer – without the RFID-chip. The RFID will captor the carnal mind mind into the lower matrix and prevent spiritual progress. The end goal with the RFID chip is to keep everyone bounded into the economic system or bounded to the beast system, and this mean bounded to the state o the carnal mind or the desire consciousness. The beast system is the economic beast system and the carnal mind, and when humankind is bounded through the RFID chip no one willnot just be able to buy or sell anything without the RFID chip, but humankind can then not transorm them into their divine nature and be trapped in the carnal mind or the matrix/mind prison and the carnal nature o man. This is the meaning o the quote James 4:1 that reveals re veals how the carnal mind is designed to protect the carnal desires o this world or the desire consciousness o this world. ‘AI’ may even be more dangerous than nuclear weapons Machines cannot become like man, but man can become like machines As a species, humans have developed and depended upon hierarchical polical and economic systems to control themselves and each other. What i each and every one managed to preserve and ulize to


commandeer all the magnicent energy o his or her own experiences, challenges, transions and death releases? Look around and recast, even i only or a moment, what you see in these terms. Humans may be mimicking what some predatory orces may seek to do to humanity as a whole. Humans’ own drone class may be supplying its own social-hierarchies energy, while the enrety o the physicalized human hierarchy, the whole o the human species living on Earth, may be a drone class, supplying energy or other more muldimensional hierarchies. As above, so below; as below, so above. So where do we nd ourselves as a culture today? Three main things are abundantly clear. We are living in the most oppressive period o polical tyranny in world history, we are in a global polical, economic and environmental crisis o epic proporons, and we as a people have lost the ability to resolve it because our power has been taken rom us by corporate, polical and banking vampires posing as “good athers” who care about us. We are all so shocked and traumazed by the agenda they have implemented, that we are stressed, earul, exhausted and have orgoen our divinity. We have orgoen that we came c ame equipped with abundance, love, joy and a divine purpose. We don’t remember that we came to help the world grow, heal and transorm towards wholeness. And that is exactly what they intended to happen. We’ve reached a turning point and a crical mass consciousness. But that crical mass consciousness can go either way. They are ne-tuning you right now to make it be tuned permanently to the zombie channel, or to take the crical mass consciousness in the other direcon, to mass awakening. Theta is the border between the conscious and the subconscious world, so by learning to use a conscious, waking theta brain wave, we can access and inuence the powerul subconscious part o ourselves that is normally inaccessible to our waking minds. In this state, the parasympathec nervous system response is more stable and the ability to overcome bias may be greatly improved.” This is also the brain wave in which our minds can connect to the ‘divine’ or super-conscious Sel to access acce ss greater insights and transcendental states. Slowing down brain wave acvity and adjusng brain chemistry increases serotonin levels, posively inuencing mood and behaviour, and switches on endorphins, easing the nervous system and improving healing responses. In act it is proven that meditaon smulates the parasympathec nervous system, creang signicant posive physiological and emoonal changes. Stress, on the other hand, acvates the sympathec nervous system and triggers t riggers an ongoing ow o corsol into the blood stream,’ diminishing immune system uncon and inhibing neurogenesis. Chronic stress causes the body to adopt a deensive mode and also results in perceptual, cognive and emoonal impairment. To change this we must be able to smulate the parasympathec nervous system, which allows or renewal. By acvang the parasympathec nervous system through meditaon, you eel warmer, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop, and your breathing slows down and gets deeper. You also engage your immune system to its ullest capability. Your body rebuilds itsel neurologically and you become healthier and more open to new ideas, emoons, people and situaons (especially i they are dierent). You also become more open to learning, adaptaon and change. There is a great power in one-pointed concentraon. Through meditaon and posive sound requencies can been channeled to acvate your DNA by accelerang the bodies ne neuro-transmiers to travel to areas o the brain, the pineal and pituitary gland which help open the third eye, crown chakra, and the chakra above the crown center. Within our cerebrospinal uid are ny piezo-electric crystals c rystals which are encoded with ny modules o liquid light intelligence that carry this inormaon to all our cells, especially when they are acvated through conscious intent, sound and light. When these piezo-electric crystals are acvated either through specic sound healing requencies, light, or through meditaon, these intelligent codes o light begin to release and nourish all the cells in the body, (much like a biocomputer) helping to stabilize new levels o DNA acvaon which not only accelerates healing, but


prepares the physical vehicle (body) or ascension. I we want to raise our vibraon, we need to prevent ear rom controlling our state o being. When we nd ourselves in a state o ear, we need to have a way to release ear. Learning to release ear is important because most people regularly experience ear in dierent orms, inducing seemingly challenging, dicult, and emoonal situaons that are not real but imagined. These ears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenec grids g rids o our awareness, o our acve consciousness. It is also our collecve consciousness that induces ears. This is how we create the vicious circle o ear in our lives. Icke points to the proound waking-up experienced by Neo in The Matrix: he wakes up, gets back into his body, masters the protocols o the computer-generated alse reality, and sets about to challenge the enre system. As Morpheus says, you won’t even need to dodge the bullets; they will have no consequence on you because your new state o consciousness c onsciousness will transcend their illusory nature. Icke implies we need to be like Neo. Once Neo “reached that point o reconnected awareness, the agents, the senent programs, all-powerul unl then, were suddenly no problem to overcome,” writes Icke. What Neo did, so can we all, Icke urges. We similarly can remember who we are, where true reality comes rom, and reconnect with our true and innite Sel, and “that moment is ast approaching,” The ego has become the “God” o the collecve awareness among energy systems within the mass o collecve energy. The dividing actor o separaon rom spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered entere d and took over the unconsciousness o the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control o the energy system, the truth o knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connecon to t o the higher levels o consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. Then this world has created a collecve hive mind and become the god o this wolrd, so does this collecbe ego o this world prevent other people spiritual progress, and this is the process and acons o organized gang stalking on Earth. The magical power o our subconscious mind is the greatest discovery o mankind. It has the power to overcome the constraints o me and space, as such, one´s subconscious mind posses all the inormaon, wisdom and resources you need to know and have or survival and success. One do not need to aain this power by purchasing any equipment, sofware or perorm any rituals. One do not need to learn this skill as it is always within. One just need to learn to unleash and use it eecvely. When one know the correct way o doing so, one can benet rom it or the rest o one´s lie. The subconscious will spare no tacc to protect one rom any discomort, and it will invoke some amazingly creave ways and go to extreme lengths to keep one in your comort zone. It is important to understand that the comort zone is like a magnet … a gravitaonal orce that doesn’t allow one to stray ar away rom one´s comort zone without conscious and powerul eort. Like the rocket that needs a sustained powerul orce to blast through the earth’s gravitaonal pull, a person must orceully push against his or her usual thoughts and behavior and sustain that eort to break through his or her personal gravitaonal pull. But … AND HERE IS THE KEY … every person must do his or her own “pushing” to sustain achievements. This is exactly why it is so crical that every key person (actually every person in the organizaon i scally easible) have their own personal customized strategic plan. The customized personal strategic plan is the blueprint or exactly how, given their personal strengths and weaknesses, a specic individual can break through their personal gravitaonal pull and make needed changes while achieving crical objecves that support the organizaon’s master strategic plan. The boom line is that conscious and unconscious eorts to resist change will undermine and sabotage the greatest o plans i proper aenon is not given to supporng the change process rom the very start. The Archon vased “technospheric” matrix—the matrix o technology, human


thought, and the collecve consciousness o humanity that is based on ear. The technosphere is the mirror representaon o the disconnected DNA paerns. Together the two orms create a virtual mirror net, where the internal maniests the external structures, which in turn t urn keep the mass o humanity bound and hypnozed in the 3D world. These structures eed and live o o negave emoons, bodily dysuncons, and apparently unshakeable inherited amily traumas and behavior paerns. These distorted structures arm energy rom the DNA, on a amily and collecve consciousness level, guiding it into supporng the everexpanding technospheric matrix, literally eeding it with human lie orce so it can grow. The distorons then become even more entrenched in the collecve consciousness, eeding back into the human DNA and creang a eedback loop or junk DNA paern: a vicious cycle. Together, the junk DNA that contains the codes o sel-limitaon, and its mirror image in the technospheric tec hnospheric matrix create one single enty—the ancient mind o humanity. When we become aware o these distorons and transmute them, we can leave this ancient mind o the mass consciousness behind. What is the Matrix? Well, in the movies that’s prey clear. The Matrix is a world o illusion where people are imprisoned and kept in spiritual ignorance. But in our world the Matrix is much harder to dene. The Matrix is a kind o homeostasis, a paern o behaviors designed to do one thing: to keep things predictable, to ensure that they remain exactly as they are. We can nd these behaviors in just about every dimension o human thought and society, rom the largest systemic problems to the most everyday interpersonal dynamics. When we look at all these systems together, we can summarize a set o criteria or recognizing the Matrix. The Matrix is everywhere and nearly undetectable. It keeps us rom being ree. The great wealth o the human spirit has come to dwell in the poverty o the human body. Spiritual ignorance is caused by maya. Spiritual ignorance is generally called as darkness. The Hindus call the ego Maya, the god o all illusions, whose uncon is to distract the mind rom nding the Divine nature o Man. With the invasion and desecraon o the human temple by strangers, the spirit, which is the candle light o the Lord, was switched o causing a major communicaon breakdown. Due to a major technical error, the transmission mast could no longer link up with the base staon. Man had to learn to communicate to God through the realm o the t he soul which has less powerul network signals. The soul, which was meant to compensate or the incapacitaons o the allen spirit, came under incessant aacks through the telepathic manipulaons o the deceiver. Though man possesses a ree will, he was constantly pressured to do evil. The constant stream o evil thoughts owing at a high speed invading his microcosm makes him helpless without God. The All Wise One sll sought man, because in him dwelt the remnant o hope o a reacvaon o the divine plan. In the midst o the perceived wretchedness and spiritual death, the promise o restoraon lay in man. The seed o recovery was embedded in him, and, by the manuacturer’s design, he was imbued with the innate potenal or regeneraon. Though strange, the Master’s plan required human instruments. In spite o his overwhelming inadequacy, God was sll mindul o him. Skip S kip Largent writes: “All movies and television are a projecon o the replian re plian brain. How so? … All communicaons transerred by reples are done so by visual symbolic representaons, each having specic meaning.” This is … Another aspect o the replian mind is the ‘hive’ mentality and they have sought, very successully so ar, to transer that hive or herd state to the human populaon. That is through these energies and orces the organized gang stalking is operang. Icke believes the replian brain in humans (in its present orm) is not natural or normal but a product o replian genec manipulaon. “It acts like an enormous microchip and locks us into their control system,” he says. “Its primive, emoonal, ear-based sense o reality provides the perect vehicle or collecve control and the conict and insecurity so essenal to divide and rule. 95% o humans thought comes rom the replian brain Icke likens what is happening to humanity to the


scenario presented in They Live and says the Moon is aecng our minds in a similar ashion to the broadcasng antenna in the movie. He describes the Moon as a “receiver-transmier and broadcasng system,” which has transmissions eeding the collecve human mind with a alse version o reality . The Moon operates by hacking in to, or intercepng, the waveorm inormaon rom which we decode reality, he says. From the Moon is transmied a distorted and suppressed version o reality. This “ake reality broadcast” is what he calls the Moon Matrix. “The replians are broadcasng a alse reality rom the Moon that humans are decoding into what they think is the physical world,” Icke explained. Thereore, the reality we’re experiencing is not the reality we ought to be experiencing. “We are living in a dream-world within a dream-world—a Matrix within the virtual-reality universe.. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those o you in this third dimension see your Earth rom a third dimensional point o view. Those o you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because o the vibraon o the electromagnec energy eld, you are seeing it through light reracon. That light reracon, rom your point o consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnec energy eld, you also change the light reracon. And that light reracon changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we w e teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light reracon. When ear blocks the ability o visions, it prevents us rom seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel and creates an illusions one is living in a comort zone, and when one start to leaving the comort zone the ego reacts w with ith negavity, ear, stress, anxiety or panic, and i one connues to progress against these emoons and thoughts, then the mass consciousness will start organized gang stalking acons (spiritual and psychological warare to prevent one rom make any changes and leaving the matrix). When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability o changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the looping matrix o old concepts o duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and reedom is the ability to be able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands rom progressing. Fear not just blocks the ow o energy, visions, it blocks the pathways and it blocks the source o inormaon. Fear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, and the alpha bridge carries the codes that the theta divine brain waves need to start healing the old evoluonary brain. When the alpha bridge is re-builded one get access to divine theta inormaon o bliss, and through this new inormaon; humankind can reprogram the whole brain and evolving new spiritual gifs. When ear blocks visions its blocks the third eye o intuion. The power o intuion dissolves ego and duality. Insights and visions reveals re veals the path to salvaon and ear hindering this process and the archons prevent the soul rom ascending and obstrucng the pathway to higher consciousness, and thereore using all orms o negave, ear mongering, stress inducing, senszing methods create harm by using harmul covert and overt methods o spiritual and psychological warare (organized gang stalking). Energy is inormaon, and inormaon is history. Its like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. Igonrance is the spiritual asleep stasis and this is the shut o mechanism or the disconnected divine essence within humans and humans is thererore not just disconnected rom their divine sel and divine history. Through this humankind become trapped and imprisoned within the ego perspecve and how


reality is been presented to it. When humans is imprisoned within a matrix o history the mind is been controlled by illusions o maya, state o ignorance, dream state, the matrix, ear programming, hidden agendas, mind control and brainwashing methods. When humans don´t have access to higher levels o consciousness or their intuion the mind can easily be altered and condioned with belie system that gaining, eeding and ueling the matrix. One o the main goals o those who seek to deny us our reedom is to block our divine energy rom rising up to our brain stem, also known as the Mouth o God*. I a person is allowed to arrive reely and unhindered at a higher state o consciousness, they cannot be controlled and enslaved unconsciously. For this reason, much research, me, energy and eort has been made throughout the ages to create programs to specically suppress the rising o human consciousness. The ulmtate result o visionary insights is when duality becomes oneness and the principle is; the urther backward you look, the urther you can see orward. In the state o Oneness everything is experienced in present me (past and uture becomes now). When humans abilies slowly disconnects rom her roots o evoluonary history and evoluonary reerence, in combinaon with lost o ability to sel-reecon, and lowered levels o Consciousness it will be more dicult to see urther in the plans o uture. The logic is easy; to see orward you must have ability to see backwards. When they disconnected 10 o humans spirial dna strand they disconnected their evoluonary reerences and their intuion, and thereore lost the abilty to see beyond the veil o ignorance, and this gives them the advantage to control and make humankind manageable and easier to keep them enslaved in the Matrix. Energy, inormaon is light and it has been social and genec manipulated and enginered or eons and thosuends o years, generaon afer generaon. The Light Codes carry so much o our ancient memories. As we acvate consciously each o the DNA layers we also acvate the light codes, turning up the dimmer switch, allowing more light to enter our beingness. This all happens as we are able to hold and manage new levels o light. Our nervous system needs to be strong, as does our grounding and physical health. Knowledge heals, it allows the pathways to saely heal and clear. This is why we address our healing and rebuilding in several ways, to ensure a sae and healthy passage through this mighty and excing. Praccally speaking, when we shut o our internal mind-talk and concentrate our aenon through things like intenon, meditaon, prayer, or contemplaon, we tune ourselves into this subtle, spiritual, quantum-level energy matrix. When this energy is allowed to transer to our DNA (without interrupon rom negave atudes or liming belies), it aects the molecular and cellular levels that drive all our physical metabolic processes. This is why we have the ability to heal ourselves through prayer, meditaon or conscious intenon.’ The carnal mind and ego is the desire consciousness and earthlie is all about living through this desire consciousness is connected to a orm o “trigger consciousness” . Through the daily living the human mind is been controlled by daily subliminal programming to trigger the desire consciousness in certain ways. Desire consciousness is built up around the word “mass”; mass-belie, mass society, mass media, mass producon, mass distribuon, mass consumpon, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communicaon, mass educaon, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and nally all these parts is the Matrix. The Archon A rchon vased “technospheric” matrix—the matrix o technology, human thought, and the collecve consciousness o humanity that is based on ear. The technosphere is the mirror representaon o the disconnected DNA paerns. Together the two orms create a virtual mirror net, where the internal maniests the external structures, which in turn keep the mass o humanity bound and hypnozed in the 3D world. These structures eed and live o o negave emoons, bodily dysuncons, and apparently unshakeable inherited amily traumas and behavior paerns. These distorted structures arm energy rom the DNA, on a amily and collecve consciousness level, guiding it


into supporng the everexpanding technospheric matrix, literally eeding it with human lie orce so it can grow. The distorons then become even more entrenched in the collecve consciousness, eeding back into the human DNA and creang a eedback loop or junk DNA paern: a vicious cycle. Together, the junk DNA that contains the codes o sel-limitaon, and its mirror image in the technospheric tec hnospheric matrix create one single enty—the ancient mind o humanity. When we become aware o these distorons and transmute them, we can leave this ancient mind o the mass consciousness behind. There are three major knots, which e us down to ear and bondage. When something e human down to ear and bondage it creates a subconsciously and conscious channel or a consciousness that is based on – ear. And then block the natural ow o spiritual energy rom the heart through the second knot o bondage. “Wherever energy is ed in knots o sel-decepon, o dissonance, o selshness, ears, doubts through the ego – thus, when the momentum o dissonance becomes too great, the top o the threeold ame cannot spin. When its three plumes are o dierent height, out o balance, it cannot spin, and thereore the resurrecon res do not glow. Light is the alchemical key. The alchemical key, is the key to the ke key. y. The key is the Apocalypse or cruxixion o the state o duality and the outcome is Oneness, Harmony and Balance. In this balance the energies starts spinning and the threeold eternal starts to glow. g low. Without the cruxixaon o duality, there can be no transorming (resurrecon), no ascension, and without the bridge (cross) between the physical maer and spiritual dimension , there can be no Oneness (crown). Revealing their true sel causes ridicule, persecuon, and never ending insults o projecons o being labeled as delusional or herecs against the alse reality belie system within the mass o collecve energy. This is the collecve organized gang stalking. They constant stalking persecuon and “shadowing”. All ownership enslaves the body, and is physical slavery or bondage ; and all errors, all alse doctrines, enslave the mind : in truth is liberty. LIBERTY is a divine principle, and belongs to God only. He that is ree, does according to his own will, without being hindered by anything. It is evident, thereore, that no creature c reature can he ree but only in and by God ; as no creature can have lie but only in and by God , and liberty is lie and lie is liberty. Lie is also love, and love is lie ; thereore liberty is love. Thereore all creatures pant afer liberty, as they pant afer lie and afer love ; or without liberty can be ‘neither happiness, nor lie, nor love. The counterpart o liberty is slavery, bondage, capvity which is the satanic principle. As in God is liberty, so in Satan is bondage. As God seeks. to lead us into liberty, so Satan seeks to lead us into bondage. Satan is a slave, and a slave-holder, a tyrant, the ather o slavery ; and all that enslave, e nslave, are slaves themselves ; and just according to the measure as they enslave, they are enslaved. “…any o a number o world-governing powers that were created with the material world by a subordinate deity called the Demiurge (Creator)…Archons were viewed as malecent orces. They numbered 7 or 12 and were idened with the seven planets o anquity or with the signs o the zodiac.” “This basic gnosc myth is that the creator described in Genesis is not the true god, but an inerior Demiurge. The Demiurge has many sort o ministers, or archons, and together they are responsible or this miserable world. Though imprisoned in this “aboron o maer,” humanity carries within itsel the lefover sparks o the precosmic “pleroma” that existed beore the Demiurge and his creaon. It is as usurpers that they occupy their domain o the lower heavens and rule over their damned creaon.” “History, wrien by the archons, and organised religion, also controlled by them, have elevated this evil bloodthirsty tribal god to the highest level, while suppressing the truth about the existence o the True God. “From a Gnosc perspecve, the “Loosh Collectors” are the “Archons” – the dreaded rulers o hyperspace who had to be avoided at all costs when leaving the body at death. The Archons collecvely rule over the world, and each individually in his sphere is a warder o the cosmic c osmic prison. Their tyrannical world-rule is called heimarmene,


universal ate … [This universal ate] aims at the enslavement o man. As guardian o his sphere, each Archon bars the passage to the souls that seek to ascend afer death, in order to prevent their escape rom the world and their return to God. The demiurge was evil because he wanted to impose an untrue religion. He also wanted to impose his judgment upon humans because he thought he could judge good and evil. Gnoscs thought the archons were inerior demonic beings. Their Old Testament names were Iao, Sabaoth. They intervened to separate humanity rom God, and the universe became a prison controlled by the archons. Archons barred the passage o souls who were seeking to ascend to God afer death, who were aempng to escape the world.” “The creaon o physical, material man by the archons, and what might be considered subsequent “nth derivave” creaons o “homo sapiens” by the Nephilim and the propagaon o an ungodly race by the Watchers, thus rendered man subject to not only the laws o mortality but to inbred emoons o rebellion and lust and animal-like behaviour that could only be eradicated by “spiritual surgery” as it were, by man’s submission to the path o iniaon whereby he is restored to his original, inner Divine Nature.” “I we picture earth at the center o the universe, the soul has acquired these energies on its downward (or inward) journey rom the celesal ce lesal regions through the planetary spheres. It emerges into earth lie via the womb, ull o potenals and tendencies that are delineated by its natal horoscope. Through lie it works with these potenals, hopeully rening them so that they emerge as virtues. I this is accomplished, the soul when it leaves the body at death is light and unencumbered, and well able to rise upward (or outward) to the place o its origin. I instead the energies have coagulated in vices, then the upward journey will be dicult and the soul may even remain trapped in the earth’s atmosphere, a torment t orment to itsel and a bane to its ellows.” “This scenario is the archetypal paern o Chrisan-Gnosc salvaon: redempon rom ignorance perpetrated by the archons through their aempt to bind men permanently to a genecally and otherwise manipulated physical matrix, an envelope o maer and consciousness tainted with rebellion and the lust o the archons.” “Humans are generally ignorant o the divine spark resident within them. This ignorance is ostered in human nature by the inuence o the alse creator and his Archons, who together are intent upon keeping men and women ignorant o their true nature and desny. Anything that causes us to remain aached to earthly things serves to keep us in enslavement e nslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. Death releases the divine spark rom its lowly prison, but i there has not been a substanal work o Gnosis undertaken by the soul prior to death, it becomes likely that the divine spark will be hurled back into, and then re-embodied within, the pangs and slavery o the physical world.” Much o the mystery as to why the people o earth have been unable to challenge evil successully… these very same orces o evil have seen to it that all reerences to the race o evil (whether they be allen angels, archons, or Nephilim) have been either removed, suppressed or destroyed outright. … In general, this evil is the result o either allen, inerior or usurper deies, angels or rulers. The Interrigo Iohannis is Catharian tale about the legendary all o angels into the material world. Satan ormed a male and emale body out o clay Than he orced two angels to enter into the bodies. Satan, the dragon, trapped and captured all the angels he could grab out o heaven as they ell. Remember that bible-stu about 1/3 o the angels in heaven being swept down by the dragon’s tail? Gnoscs say that was us. We are the Fallen Angels. We were trapped. We’ve been tricked. And we were mourning over what was imposed upon us. WE are TRAPPED angels. We are soul splinters o archonc oversouls spread over dierent me lines and dimensions. Discribes earth (and the whole solar system) as an angel trap. The real divine world is a lightworld. Our enre soul lives there in harmony with all that is. But there is a dark place in this lightworld. There was built an aractor by two enes – the order states their names: Satan and Gabriel – a trap which allures divine souls. It is not explained here how


this trap works excatly. But we can picture: I the angel is trapped his soul gets blown up and parted. Through this traumac soul ragmentaon the knowledge about the devine lightworld gets lost to the greatest extent: the spling into consciousness and unconsciousness begins. The dissociated parts o the ragmented soul turn up into dierent worlds o experience and get entrapped with various arcial problems. On dierent planets and moons, partly as silicon based lie orms (si-world) or also on Earth as carbon lie orms (c-world) the soul ragments undergo experiences which are not part o the divine but o a demonic reality. Lie in this experience matrices ollows the scripts o the angel trap. Essenal elements are the ght o good against evil, demonic seducons and inmidaons, conicts, experiences o rustaon and shortcoming, the search or true love and so on. But as long as our soul is trapped, whenever Good is victorious, when the demons are deeated and love comes true, the script is changed: evil prevails and the vicious circle is beginning all over again. In the ollowing, the three levels o reality re ality will be shown The old concepon o the Veils o Archons is used to express, that rstly there is ‘something’ that veils true reality, and secondly there are several veils: We can imagine that the rst alse reality is projected onto the rst veil, a second alse reality onto a second and a third alse reality onto a third. From this ollows: I someone has lifed the rst veil (which is rare enough), he goes rom decepon to error and is sll ar rom reality re ality Behind the second and the third veil there is also blinding instead o truth. Moksha is a hindu term meaning: “reedom rom samsara, the cycle o death and rebirth”. But what they discovered was shocking: an invisible prison system, that keeps souls trapped! Descripon o the target side: “A ence or grid around a place, that acts as barrier, tthat hat traps people or objects”. This is a checkpoint or an external orce. It acts as a cage. How does it work? Earth is shielded by a companion object. An object, that squeezes ghtly around the globe. It is a chemical process. There is a mechanism at the me o death, that is lensing/curving your light back down to earth. This act o lensing generates energy inside the mechanical structure. What is happening to the soul? To the souls there is a raconing occuring. The mind and body o a person is ractured, rendering them conused and angry. How did this begin: Long ago, in the past, this planet was watched by an outside orce with great envy. On earth reincarnaon did not exist, souls were not trapped at death and were able to leave this sphere. Then a massive war occured. The ate o earth was decided. The outside orce took over. At death some specic parcles become charged and create an emission. This shoots out o the being like a bullet. This occures rom the center o the being that is the soul. It is being sent to a “super highway” or the soul. The mechanical object around earth prevents the soul rom reaching this highway. I you reach this highway, you’re sae. In order to be ree, the posion in the angle with which you exit the body is very important. A 45° degree angle is crucial. Why was this object created around earth? The adversaries running this system are like demons. The mayhem down here is intended, it eeds the system itsel. Who is responsible? A council o organic enes. They operate rom a place, that reezes me. It seems to be a void or black hole. They create void zones throughout the universe to enter our realm. The council itsel thinks they are gods. They are extremly, service to sel” The earth and mankind are under inuence o consciousness manipulaon. This inuence is global and aects almost every human being living here. Even people who supposedly managed to escape e scape this manipulaon remain trapped in a second manipulaon matrix. Although it is quite dierent rom the world o the normal, it is nevertheless an illusion. This inuence is controlled rom a level whose inhabitants are called angels, demons, extraterrestrials etc. by humans. Man is just a means to and end, and one The Demiurge’s objecves is the perpetual separaon o humans rom the unity (God). In the cosmos, space and me have a malevolent characterisc and may be personied as demonic beings separang man rom God. Mankind may be personied as Adam, who lies in the spiritual deep sleep o ignorance, his powers o spiritual


sel-awareness stupeed by materiality and gender. For man, the universe is a vast prison. He is enslaved both by the physical laws o nature and by such moral laws as the Mosaic code. Earthly lie is lled with suering. In order to nourish themselves, all orms o lie consume each other, thereby t hereby vising pain, ear, and death upon one another (even herbivorous animals live by destroying the lie o plants). In addion, socalled natural catastrophes — earthquakes, oods, res, drought, volcanic erupons — bring urther suering and death in their wake. Human beings, with their complex physiology and psychology, are aware not only o these painul eatures o earthly existence. They also suer rom the requent recognion that they are strangers or aliens living in a world that is awed and absurd. Human nature mirrors the duality ound in the higher universe. The human being is a spritual soul trapped in a prison o esh. The being which The Demiurge has created has both a Spirit (capacity or spiritual consciousness) and a Soul (the embodiment o the emoonal and thinking uncons o the personality). The human being is a composite, the outer aspect being the handiwork o the inerior creator, while the inner aspect has the character o a allen spark o the ulmate divine unity. In this way, Man is a crude copy or clone o a truly spritual being clothed within the inerior building blocks o a material body. The allen sparks o transcendental holiness slumber in their material and mental prison, their sel- awareness stupeed by orces o materiality, physicality, gender and mind. The slumbering sparks have not been abandoned by the ulmate unity o the True God, rather there is a constant eort that is directed toward their awakening and liberaon. Among the helpers o the slumbering sparks a parcular posion o honor and importance belongs to Sophia. The awakening o tthe he inmost divine essence in humans is eected by salvic knowledge. That is, having the power or desire to bring salvaon. This is called Gnosis. Gnosis is not brought about by belie, or the perormance o virtuous deeds, or by obedience to commandments, or these can at best but serve as preparatory circumstances leading toward liberang knowledge. Gnosis is achieved when the Spirit (capacity or spiritual consciousness) and Soul (the embodiment o the emoonal and thinking uncons o the personality) are united. Beore the awakening, men undergo troubled dreams. Man does not aain the knowledge that awakens him rom these dreams by cognion but through revelatory experience, and this knowledge is not inormaon but a modicaon o the sensate being. The awakening (i.e., the salvaon) o any individual is a cosmic event. The Demiurge dwells on the astral plane o SATURN. The SaturnMoon Matrix Your Reality is Being Hacked “I you have a preconceived idea o the world, you edit inormaon. When it leads you down a certain road, you don’t challenge your own belies.” -David Icke Icke’s claims about the Saturn/Moon Matrix dovetail precisely with my experience — both personally and as an astrologer — o how the 29.5 day cycle o the Moon keeps us hormonally ed to ny repeang cycles and the 29.5 year cycle o Saturn locks us into societal structures beyond which we cannot see — unl we aune to larger orders, beginning with the outer planet cycles o Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and beyond. But to do this is to leap o the cli o mind-controlled ” raonality ” into the mysterious living universe.” -Ann Kreilkamp The quesons are: Is Saturn transming a requency to Earth creang a matrix o illusions? Is the Moon part o this? Can we do anything about it? Who’s really controlling things on planet Earth and beyond? Saturn – Lord o the Rings The Replian Alliance’s modus operandi is the rst trigger cataclysmic events on a target targe t “world” or solar system, and wipe away the society that was there beore. Then Replians genecally-engineer a new species that is designed to be “tuned” into their alse reality – their ” Matrix ” – and the planet is hijacked along with the percepon o  the people. They have done exactly this to Earth and humanity, and their means o doing so are Saturn and the Moon. Saturn, the “Lord o the Rings”, is the master control center. Saturn is a ginormous broadcasng system, and they will eventually nd that the rings are ull o crystals rather than “ice” – a


type o crystal that we aren’t amiliar with on Earth. The rings are not natural and at one me Saturn was a convenonal brown dwar. It had no rings. They have been constructed by the technologytec hnologyobsessed Replian Alliance. Saturn was ofen symbolized as an eye by the ancients and that is a likely origin o the all- seeing eye. Saturn Hacks into the waveorm inormaon broadcast rom the center o the galaxy via the Sun and broadcasts a ake reality into the Solar System. The Moon amplies this and beams it specically at the Earth. The antasc synchronicies between Earth, the Moon and the Sun in size, geometry and posion, are all made possible by the Moon. These synchronicies are connected to how the Sun’s inormaon is hacked by Saturn and the Moon. The Moon is where it is because it was specically placed there. Visible light and the electromagnec spectrum that science can record is the matrix, the alse reality. And “God” said, “Let there be light.” The speed o light which we are told is the astest speed possible ( rubbish ) is the vibraonal “wall” o the matrix. We are not even living “on” the Earth as it really is. Some o it is “original”, but there are many holographic implants that change it or our percepon. The Matrix broadcasts block humans rom perceiving what we otherwise would be experiencing. The Earth that we can’t see (or eel too ofen) is a place o love and harmony – not war, ear and suering. The predators dictate our lives and make us into slaves to them by hijacking our sense o reality. The Saturn-Moon S aturn-Moon Matrix transormed a once-vibrant, conscious humanity into computer programs decoding cycles o repeve percepon and behavior. The transmissions o the Satum-Moon Matrix are received and re-transmied by the Earth’s crystal core which has been tuned to the Matrix requency range, and the “Hack” connects with us through the replian brain and the receiver-transmier system that we call DNA. This brings us back to “junk” DNA – the overwhelming majority o human DNA is o ” o- world” origin and the “extraterrestrial junk genes ” merely enjoy the ride with hard-working acve genes passed through the generaons. What we see in our DNA is a program consisng o two versions, a big code and basic code. First act is, the complete ” program ” was posively not wrien on Earth; that is now a veried act. The second act is that genes, by themselves, are not enough to explain evoluon; there must be something more in “the game”… Sooner or later we have to come with grips with the unbelievable noon that every lie on Earth carries genec code or his extraterrestrial cousin, and that evoluon is not what we think t hink it is. Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial lie orm was engaged in creang new lie and planng it on various planets. Earth is just one o them. Perhaps, afer programming, our creators grow us the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes. We can’t know their moves – whether it was a scienc experiment, or a way o preparing new planets or colonizaon, or the long-me ongoing business o seeding lie in the universe. The DNA implanted by the “extraterrestrials” is pre-programmed, and one eect o the Satum-Moon Matrix is to acvate those programs to play out as ” spontaneous ” human behavior and a sequence o “me” .The “sofware program” is running in every human mind – body computer and it has been encoded or eons. Nature, saying that all modern humans are descended rom a single mother who lived in Arica in about 200,000 B.C.? I what we call humans originate rom a single source the program could easily have been implanted that would inltrate every subsequent member o the ” species” (sofware). Only by becoming Conscious beyond mind – body can we override the program. DNA was pre programmed. Some researchers appears to have known ar more about DNA than was made public, and they believed that it was made o “extraterrestrial ” origin. So the Matrix illusion is so deep, so ingrained, because it is not only a Matrix eld, but a DNA program. The “Queen Bee” ( Saturn-Moon ) broadcasts the waveorm inormaon “hack” and humans decode this into a world they think they see, and percepons and behaviors they think is “them” . We can be completely controlled by the Matrix and be no more than human robots responding to data input, or we can open our hearts and minds and see beyond what


others can see. This means opening our minds to consciousness which is not subject to the manipulaon o the Matrix or the DNA program. It operates outside o “space” and “me” and beyond the vibraonal walls o the Matrix. Those in authority who run and enorce the human Control System are ollowing a program in the same way as worker ants and bees ollow the program broadcast by the Queen. They are computer terminals on the Matrix Internet with the Saturn-Moon Matrix triggering their already programmed DNA to respond according to the program. Those appointed to posions o power) are the most locked-in because they were genecally-created or that purpose, but anyone who is not truly conscious ( most o humanity ) will be responding to their DNA Saturn-Moon Matrix program which drives their thoughts, percepons and behavior. How Your Reality is Being Manipulated The SaturnMoon Matrix is decoded within the electromagnec requency range visible to human sight and technology, and the genec-engineering o the human mind-body computer locked humans into that requency via DNA and the replian brain . Icke, David – Remember Who You Are. Remember „Where“ You Are and Where You, Come“ rom. Consciousness can, however, override that and so they t hey have to maintain humanity in low- vibraonal states to imprison their percepon in the Matrix. The plasma eld within our holographic reality acts like a ” plasma screen” on which we “watch” the ” picture show”, or appear to. It is an expression, like everything, o decoded waveorm inormaon. People go through their lives ollowing the Saturn program they are decoding while thinking this is the “real world”. Humans are like two-legged arm animals caught in the headlights o an oncoming Matrix. The reality we are being ed is encoded with percepons and experiences that cause c ause people to transmit low-vibraonal emoonal energy that both eeds the Replian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system The virtual-reality “game” is interacve, and so is the hacked version. We receive and transmit, we receive and “post”. The Saturn- Moon Matrix has created an energec percepon “loop” in which the alse reality is ed to us, and, when we perceive it and believe it, we eed back that percepon to the Matrix. This constantly empowers the alse reality in a eedback loop. In Short, the matrix is powered by our belie that the hacked reality is “real”. We can and will break the closed loop with the realizaons and by opening our minds to Consciousness beyond the Matrix requencies. The power o the SatumMoon Matrix to inuence our reality dilutes and dilutes the more we open our minds and hearts and let Consciousness in. The Control system is terried o the Truth Vibraons or this reason, and this is why it is now throwing everything that it can at humanity to keep us entrapped within the vibraonal box through ear, chaos and upheaval. By the way, some unexplainable and “paranormal” experiences happen when there is a “glitch” in the Matrix inormaon eld. There are many reports rom around the world that the heavens have changed, the constellaons are not where they should be and that the Moon has changed its angle. This is the result o the Replians manipulang the Matrix to conuse us and prepare us or the ake “end o the world” or “new world” prophecies by the Bible, the Mayan Calendar, Hopi prophecies and all the rest. They are not true. They are part o the manipulaon and the Replians plan to make it seem as i they are happening by manuacturing events. They are already doing so. It was all planned a long “me” ago. Replian Brain – Replian World One o the chie ways the Matrix connects with us, not surprisingly, is through the replian brain, and this helps to lock us into the Replian Alliance control system. The Matrix transmissions are also aimed at our DNA receivertransmier systems, and much o this is happening within the realms o what science calls ” junk DNA. ” Some o this has been switched o in order narrow our band o experienced reality, and some is picking up the Matrix requencies by carrier waves rom Saturn via the Moon. The Saturn-Moon Matrix is how they have done it. Humans tuned most powerully to the Matrix transmission ( the overwhelming majority ) are like worker ants ollowing the work-plan broadcast by the Queen. Ants are said to to


communicate through chemicals called pheromones, but they are only the chemical expression o vibraonal communicaons. Ants tune in through their antennae and we pick up the Matrix broadcasts through DNA and the replian re plian brain. The Replians have a hive-mind communicaon system which the Matrix connects with, and it would appear that at the center o this is their version o the emale “queen”. Maybe the worship o the “goddess” is something to do with this and certainly the hybrid bloodline is passed on through the mitochondrial, or emale, DNA. The Matrix “mind” is the controlling orce behind all the instuons o human control and those who run and administer them while being unknowing prisoners o the Matrix themselves. The replian brain doesn’t think – it reacts; it is constantly scanning the environment in search o threats to its survival physically, nancially and across the great spectrum o human experience – reputaon, job, relaonship, the list goes on and on. They need to eed us an endless stream o reasons to ear not surviving, to connect us more powerully into replian-brain reality – thereore Matrix reality. These emoonal states aect the way DNA receives rece ives and transmits, and cause heart rhythm incoherence and scrambles the 1 relaonship between heart, brain and nervous system. This is another crucial reason why we are bombarded with wars,| nancial collapses, alse ag terrorist aacks, health “scares’ “global warming” , engineered ” natural ” disasters and all manner o other things. This way they can most powerully plug us into the Matrix and energize it through the “eedback” loop. The Moon is a very powerul electromagnec computer… The energy rom the Moon has been beaming electromagnec requencies onto the Earth or aeons now to maintain the two- stranded DNA (it is said that is should be twelve-stranded)… …The Moon is a satellite that was constructed… it was… anchored outside Earth’s atmosphere or aeons as a mediang and monitoring device, a super computer or eye in the sky. …Earth must be owned by those who dwell there; however it is not. You have outside gods, creator energies, who prevent you, as a species, rom having reereign The inuence o the Moon, as a main satellite computer, aects all o the Earth… The Moon’s programs have or aeons been o great limitaon toward human beings… These are repeve cycles that the Moon creates, to which you respond. Moons like ours can also be used to inuence planets in a very loving and posive way and it is possible that the Moon was doing that beore it was hijacked by the Replian Alliance to be a means o mass manipulaon and control. We need to be exible about detail and let Inormaon be our guide, not unyielding dogma. In that case, removing the Replian Alliance rom the Moon and changing what it broadcasts would have a lie-changing eect on this planet and its inhabitants. Simply switching o the Replian broadcasts would change everything. There is a mul¬ dimensional eort going on to set the planet ree rom aeons o Replian/Gray control and this will succeed. We need to play our part in our level o reality while others do their job elsewhere. This dismantling o the Replian Control System is not only to help humanity. What is happening here is having a knock-on eect across a wide area o the galaxy and beyond because o how a smaller part o a hologram can aect the whole. There have been many bales over the Moon… There is a plan to gradually insert dierent programs o inuence on Earth when the Moon becomes occupied by orces that would assist in your growth rather than limit you. The Moon’s programs have or aeons been o great limitaon toward human beings. The tales about the ull moon and insanity, madness and heightened bleeding are all true. There are repeve cycles that the Moon creates to which you respond. It is the extraterrestrials that really operate it all. Your technology, though rapidly advancing, cannot begin to compare with the biotechnology (including genec engineering) o senent space travelers. You are newcomers to the game and you miss a vital key, or your senses, and the essence o your physical world, structure reality in a parcular way. You constantly translate data and, like interpreng a dream, condense the experience into physical boundaries, where you nd you can explain


less and less. We are leaving an age o limitaon and entering an age o limitlessness). We are being manipulated to decode reality that keeps us limited and enslaved. All Movements, acons and maniestaons o people, animals, and plants depend upon the Moon, and we are controlled by the Moon… The Mechanical part o our lives depends upon the Moon, is subject to the Moon. I we develop in ourselves consciousness and will, and subject our mechanical sel and all our mechanical maniestaons to them, we shall escape the power o the Moon. The Saturn-Moon Matrix operates within the requency range o mind, the electromagnec spectrum and low-vibraon emoon. When we open our minds to Consciousness our percepon expands beyond the inuence o the Matrix requencies. We can suddenly perceive what we were blocked rom perceiving and we begin to see what is really going on. The most ancient human accounts do not menon me. It is an illusion o the Matrix, and me was encoded to enslave humans by disconnecng us rom the NOW. The “ Time Loop ” is the Matrix. The me loop is what has been hacked into the limitless NOW-reality that we should be experiencing. Saturn is associated with me and “Kronos” , the name o the Greek Saturn God, means “me.” Saturn – Moon control o our percepon o me the ” reple ” holding humans back so they could not “grow” Planet Earth is a Saturnian society controlled rom Saturn via the Moon. This makes so much sense o what has happened to the world, and what is happening. Noce how the traits and inuences o the Saturnian are the same as the Draconian – the Replian “hive” mind. The Satum-Moon Matrix reects the hive mind o the Replians that control Saturn and the Moon. The Replian hive mind has hijacked the human mind via the Replian brain and the Moon Matrix. In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creaon. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they eed o because they have lost their connecon to the universal exchange energy system. Archons uisng pain to control humankind on Earth in one orm or another, and none is immune to it. The archons have done this by disconnecng all other soul beings here rom Source, and wiping out their eternal divine memory o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Instead, they have connected us to cellular memory that limits our remembrance o who they t hey are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Most people consider that memory is contained in the brain, or central processing unit. This is not true here on earth. Memory is stored in the cells o our physical bodies. Only short term memory (a ew minutes) is stored in the Hippocampus in the brain. It is called the cellular memory. Pain comes rom our cellular memories stored in our bodies. Because pain is located in our cellular memory, we easily eel it, and experience it, because it is stored as memory in our cellular structure, that is why anesthecs work. When the cellular orm is deadened no pain is experienced. Over me, our cellular bodies are ‘loaded’ with pain memories, and so we begin a process o avoiding pain, and the whole societal and social structure here is designed to avoid pain, i.e. a reoccurrence o previous pain. That is understandable and also sensible, unless one understands that it doesn’t have to be that way. It works this way. Once we are thoroughly indoctrinated with the noon o pain we avoid pain, and eel it beore it has actually occurred. Pain resides in our cellular ce llular memory and we can eel it beore it occurs occ urs or our bodies are subject to any kind o damage. Most o us can remember some pain or other rom our past, and don’t know where that memory comes rom, how it is stored in the cells o our bodies, why we try to avoid a re-occurrence o it, and why it is there. Fear here is largely the avoidance o previously stored pain and the memory o it. That is how the archons have captured, capvated and controlled us like sheep. We exist, mainly to avoid pain. Understanding that all species here are similarly aicted by pain, and that our pain somemes causes us to inict pain on other soul beings, as we do, may provide us with the basis or overcoming pain. Pain is essenally a memory


that is carried in our cellular bodies, so that we can c an eel the pain and recall the memory, even i we are not under any duress or aicon. We all remember some pain or other, and we spend most o our lives, and doings, avoiding that emoon and the memory o that pain. Pain is the system o imprisonment here. The pain body and system here was specically designed to control us, and to keep us subjugated and imprisoned in a system and a prison with no bars, and o our own making. This is done by building a memory base stored in the cells in our bodies that ‘punishes’ us when we don’t conorm to their system o control, and we eel ‘pain’, when we don’t conorm. It’s a bit like being in a prison with electried iron barriers, and i we try to get out o the prison we are given a shock. That is the role that pain has in the archon system. The archons removed one strand o our physical DNA to ‘make us orget’ who we are, and to keep us imprisoned in their ‘pain system’. We thereore have two strands o DNA in our physical bodies, but with a three strand corresponding encoding in our soul bodies. Their whole system o indoctrinaon here is designed to make us orget who and what we really are and to make us remember our painul experiences, including our physical, mental and emoonal experiences that are then stored in our cellular memory in our bodies, and maniest as pain in the body, mind and emoons. The key that unlocks this enre system is the middle chakra—heart chakra. It is the gateway to higher consciousness. The superconscious mind is like a spark o lie supplying energy to the rest o the mind. Man has a spark in his heart, ignited rom the Eternal Flame o Lie, the Divine Principle, clothed in the Immortal Triad. Holiness is the spark o divinity in man, and no soul should be regarded as being deprived o this spark o  divinity. This spark is light itsel, and though it also exists in the lower creaon, among animals and birds, in trees and plants and in any orm o lie, it is in man that it has the opportunity to blaze into a ame. At rst this light is buried in the heart o man, but as soon as this spark o divinity begins to shine rom his heart he shows the sign o holiness. This is because holiness is not a human heritage; it is inherited by every soul rom God. But it maniests only when the heart is open, and when out o that divine spark there rises a tongue o ame which illuminates the path o man in lie’s journey towards the spiritual goal. It is lack o understanding o this subject which has made man accept a certain teacher in whom he or his riends or ancestors recognized divinity, and at the same me reject re ject another with all his apparent holiness. In the progress o educaon, the knowledge o the soul’s purpose, the only thing worthwhile in lie, is overlooked. Educaon qualies a man to become selsh to the best o his ability, and to get the beer o another. Art has lost its reedom o grace and beauty, since its reward depends on the approval o the heartless and blind. Science has degenerated or the very reason that the scienst has limited his view to the objecve world and denied the existence o the lie which is beyond percepon. In the absence o a higher ideal the constant striving afer material invenons has led man to such devices as have set the world on re. Those who are under the spell o destrucon are unaware o all this; they cannot know it unl the clouds o gloom have dispersed, their hearts are clear, c lear, and their minds have recovered rom this intoxicaon which prevents them rom thinking and understanding. Fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is literally the heart o our spiritual system, The psychic spark in the heart that survives death. The true secret soul in us—subliminal, we have said, but this word is mis-leading, or this presence is not situated below the threshold o waking mind, but rather burns in the temple o the inmost heart behind the thick screen o an ignorant mind, lie and body, not subliminal but behind the veil—this veiled psychic enty is the ame o the Godhead always alight within us, in-exnguishable even by that dense unconsciousness o any spiritual sel within which obscures our physical nature. It is a ame born out o the Divine and … the inner light or inner voice o the mysc. It is that which endures and is imperishable in us rom birth to birth, untouched by death, decay, or corrup-on, an indestrucble spark o the Divine. The threeold ame within the heart is the spark o lie In this work


consciousness is the catalyst. Consciousness is the connecon between the outer and inner, the individual and the whole, that is needed to spark lie’s awakening. Without it nothing new can be born. But with the light o our consciousness, the paerns within lie and within ourselves can begin to change and come alive in a new way. The archetypal shifs that happen gradually over centuries can be speeded up. These primal orces can help us resolve the global problems we have created, and together we can discover a new way to be with ourselves and with lie. We can create a civilizaon based upon oneness and interrelatedness. Just because we have orgoen how to work with lie’s energy does not mean that it is inaccessible, or that it is not waing to be used. Once we step outside o the isolated image o our individual sel, we will nd that we are part o an organic restructuring o lie in which our consciousness is being realigned with the energy within lie. We will begin to awaken to the light that is waking up within the world, to the lie that is waking up within and around us. We will have to be aenve: the signs o this shif—which are barely visible in any case as what is awakening is so new—may be all the more dicult to see through the dense clouds o materialism and orgeulness But it will take an inux o energy to enable these creave orces to break through the constricve paerns o resistance that belong to the darkness o greed, ear, and sel-interest that at present drives our collecve. The energy needed or this breakthrough is already within the world, hidden within its energy centers. These energy centers are waing to be unlocked so that their power can be used or this transion. The keys to unlock them are parcular qualies or energies o consciousness. For example, the myscal consciousness that looks only towards God, that remembers Him in His world, is one such key. This is why individuals and groups o myscs have been posioned at certain places in the inner and outer worlds in order to acilitate this work o unlocking the centers o power. The common catalyst that seems to dissolve the boundaries o alchemy, magic, and science is light. Once again we have to learn how to work with the divine, or without the spark o divine consciousness the world cannot alchemically transorm. But this spark does not ollow the laws o reason, the logic o our minds. It ollows its own ways, which are the ways o the divine and the hidden ways o creaon. When the alchemists were working in their retorts and crucibles, they were ofen amazed at the results, at the strange and unexpected phenomena they observed as dierent chemicals combined. The same is true o the inner alchemical processes. Man does not need to trouble about what is lacking outside, or in reality all is within himsel. And i he will keep this idea beore him and blow on the spark o mastery by constant contemplaon, then one day that ame will rise and his lie will become clear and his power will indeed be great. Your divine spark is made up o the same light as that o the universe. The light is within you, and you are in it. The light is you, and you are the light! In the same way, your divine essence lies within, just as your essence lies in your divinity. They are one and the same. When you are idenying with your divine essence, you are connected to all that is within and without, because you are at one with the universe and the universe is one with you. When you are ullled by your desire, you know what it is to have peace, joy, and reedom. You are the creator o your own lie. Your own innate blueprint is your individual code that is stored in your DNA. Even your DNA is connected with your divine essence, while it is not a part o it. When you tune into your divinity, your connecon posively impacts the body, stemming rom your thoughts and way o being. Your thought paerns can also act as keys that can unlock the sacred codes c odes o your DNA. As the requency o your thoughts and emoons rises in vibraon, so does your way o being on a physical level. Your vibraon, when raised, can acvate your DNA even urther in ways you have not experienced up to now. As your DNA acvates, it can mutate into higher levels o being. Now it is known that your DNA is inuenced by electromagnec e elds, lds, and this includes thoughts. Expressing your divine essence is the key to your DNA acvaon. You resonate at a higher requency in vibraon


when you are auned with your divine sel. At this higher vibraon, your experience changes as you can see more o all that is. Now you understand at a deeper level how the universe operates and how you can maniest all the abundance, joy, and happiness you desire. This is your birthright. You are a magnicent being, much more so than you realize. You really have the power to maniest your true desire in physical orm, or this is your mission in realizing the vision o your desire. The higher your vibraon, the easier it is or you to maniest what you desire into your lie. Your divinity is at one with your authenc sel, and only by going inward can you bring out what you truly want in lie to ull you soul purpose. The key is to go through your authenc sel, where you can become at one with your divine essence. Your authenc sel is the doorway to your divine essence. The spirutual and psychological journey rom beta brain waves to theta divine theta brain waves and the gnosc journey rom the archon mind matrix Earth is a vibraonal mind prison and humans is kept within a ull-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement o this world The creaon o the rst man had, thereore, a disnct and concrete end: to ree the sparks o divine light rom material creaon, send them home, and thereby reverse the direcon o creaon. Their goal was release rom unconsciousness and ignorance, or incomprehension. Humans who possess the divine spark can c an nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. The spirit, the divine poron, sleeps in maer, unconscious o itsel, and the only worthwhile purpose o lie is to awaken and liberate it through knowledge. Humans who possess the divine spark can nd their reedom only in learning o its source, how it came to be entrapped in the material world, and how it can escape to return to its original realm. This important theme o gnosis takes us back to the beginning o our search. Gnosis is the liberang knowledge that enables release rom the material evil world. For the Gnoscs, the true God did not create this world at all. The world emerged rom a cosmic disaster in which a lower deity or a group o angels, either out o malice or ignorance, created the material universe and entrapped elements o the divine within it. The mythologies that these Gnoscs espoused served to explain how these lower deies came into being be ing (ofen as emanaons rom the true God) and how conicts among their ranks led both to the catastrophic concocon o maer and to its afermath, the imprisonment o divine sparks. While these cosmogonies struck the athers as puzzling in their complexity and bizarre in their detail, they proved parcularly disturbing in their guiding premise, that the Creator and Ruler o this world is not the true God but a lower deity whose creaon comprises the realm re alm o evil and ignorance. The material world is prison to the sparks o the divine, and the goal o the Gnosc systems is to liberate them. It is, in act, within human bodies that the sparks have become imprisoned and rom which they must be released. This release can only come when the divine sparks are awakened, brought back to lie by acquiring the true knowledge (Greek: gnosis) o their origin and desny. The Gnosc religion, thereore, entails the revelaon o salvic knowledge, “knowledge o who we were and what we have become, o where we were and where we have been made to all, o whither we are hastening and whence we are being redeemed, o what birth is and what rebirth.” Since humans have a spark o the t he divine, they are not completely at the mercy o the Demiurge. In order to be able to live a spirit-lled lie, nonetheless, the soul must be reed rom its earthly bondage. The redeemer is thus a teacher, and redempon thus consists in the acknowledgment o the divine spark that liberates individuals rom the limitaons o material things and allows the believer to parcipate in the divine. The spiritual spark is in a sleep stasis and kept in the state o ignorance, and ignorance is the slumbering state, so the archons prevent anyone rom awakening their inner spiritual powers. The errors o humankind is to believe that the powers is outside him and not within and the external outside powers is govern by the ego and the human ego


denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being. Gnoscism can be delineated by a redeeming gnosis o mythology that explains the present dualism which separates the humans rom their god. This separaon is maintained by a biblical demiurge who acilitates the creaon a wellordered world that is meant to enslave humankind by assuring its connued ignorance. Humans are generally ignorant o the divine spark resident within them. This ignorance is ostered in human nature by the inuence o the alse creator and his Archons, who together are intent upon keeping men and women ignorant o their true nature and desny. Anything that causes us to remain aached to earthly eart hly things serves to keep us in enslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. Death releases the divine spark rom its lowly prison, but i there has not been a substanal work o Gnosis undertaken by the soul prior to death, it becomes likely that the divine spark will be hurled back into, and then re-em-bodied within, the pangs and slavery o the physical world. Not all humans are spiritual (pneumacs) and thus ready or Gnosis and liberaon. Some are earthbound and materialisc beings (hylecs), who recognize only the physical reality. Others live largely in their psyche (psychics). Such people usually mistake the Demiurge or the True God and have lile or no awareness o the spiritual world beyond maer and mind. Human potenal the divine spark within all o us—was realized by releasing humanity rom the inhibing control o the gods. Uneered by the yoke o the gods, g ods, humans have the ability to save themselves. The Archons are less powerul and less good than humankind, but they have managed to hold sway over humankind by their terrible illusions. For the Gnoscs, this world is a shadowy phantasm, about which the archons keep us perpetually in the dark. We are controlled by the archons because they control the alse reality we are living in. However, according to the Gnoscs, the archons are eecvely powerless and their power over us exists only to the extent ext ent that they can deceive us into thinking that the alse reality is actually real. The maya-hypnozed ego creates the distorons o reality or distorons o the powers within. The rst distoron-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distoron-error is made through believing in the dying nature o man, and not the undying nature o the real Sel/Soul. The third errordistoron o man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. These mind errors is created by the ego belie-system and it is the ego that denied its own higher source in man’s inner knowing and inner being. This is done by many dierent ways; one is the to eed the ego with constant low vibraonal rquency ood o negavity, ear, stress, anxiety, worries, pain, phobias, and terrors o the mind. All these is connected to emoons and low vibraonal requencies smulates these lower requencies within the matrix. This world is using sound requencies to ueling the ego and its requencies and ear is such emoons that keep the ego in a alert state, or in the ght or ight state. Organized Gang Stalking is a product o all these methods o the archons on Earth. When persons within whom the divine sparks reside learn the mysteries o their own existence, o their all into maer and the secret way o escape, then they have become “Gnoscs,” that is, “Knowers,” those who have been set ree rom the ignorance and evil o the t he material world and enabled to return to their home. Because this salvic knowledge provides a way to escape this world, it cannot be aained through normal “worldly” means. The God o this world has certainly not provided it, as he is either evil and thus intent on keeping the divine sparks perpetually entrapped, or ignorant o any realm superior to his own. One can only acquire the knowledge necessary or salvaon through a revelaon o the true God himsel. This salvic knowledge, then, is revealed by an emissary rom the divine realm to a select group o ollowers, who in turn convey it to those deemed able to receive it. And we should consider that God gave the sovereign part o the human soul to be the divinity o each one, being that part which, as we say dwells at the top o the body, and inasmuch as we are a plant not o an earthly but o a heavenly


growth, raises us rom earth to our kindred who are in heaven. And in this we say truly; or the divine power suspended the head and root o us rom that place where the generaon o the soul rst began and thus made the whole body upright.’ Creaon is a result o a precosmic all, we are imprisoned creatures. The Archons created our humanity in order to keep the t he divine substance o the pneuma capve. Because the light o the immortal Man has been mixed with cosmic substance, he is imprisoned in the sensible world. A rst major concept was “knowledge” (Gk. gnosis). It was a secret revealed knowledge to iniates, which had both liberang and redeeming eects. The content o this gnosis consisted o basic insights into the divine nature o humanity and the cosmos. The possession o it reed the individual rom ignorance and bondage in the world. A second characterisc was a central myth that certain humans possessed a divine spark, which proceeded rom the divine realm and had allen into our world. Second, the earth is the tragic result re sult o a downward movement rom the divine realm. Third, the recovery o this divine spark in the world by its own divine counterpart is necessary or liberaon and redempon. A human being is a divine spark that originated in the transcendent divine world and, by means o gnosis, can be released rom the cosmic prison and return to t o its heavenly origin. The human body, on the other hand, is part o the cosmic c osmic prison rom which the spirit (the “real” person) must be redeemed. Gnoscism presented a radical dualism o God and the world, spirit and maer, soul and body, light and darkness, good and evil, lie and death. It was not God who created and governs the world but rather the Archons, tyrannical demonic powers who imprison men and obstruct their knowledge o the absolute transmundane deity. Man’s body and soul are products o the evil cosmic powers, but his spirit, or pneuma, contains a poron o the divine substance that has allen into the world. The Archons created man in order to imprison this spirit, and in its unredeemed state, immersed in the soul and esh, the pneuma is unconscious o its true quality. The goal o the gnoscs was to release the spirit rom its material prison, and this was to be aained through revelaon, knowledge o the way, allowing the spirit to orce a passage through the spheres o maer and impurity. By reuning with the divine, each individual contributed to the restoraon o divine unity that had been impaired in precosmic mes. Humans. The aeon that had allen was captured and imprisoned in this material world in the bodies o humans. Many humans have this spark o the divine within them. People with the spark have a longing to escape this world; Salvaon. The divine spark within humans can escape only by learning where it came rom, how it got here, and how it can return. Deliverance rom this evil material world, in other words, comes only by liberang knowledge (gnosis). The archons o this world and controller o the matrix humankind is trapped within don´t want humans to understand what there real higher sel is and where they came rom, and this is the central key to undestand how the earthly lie is under the spell o ignorance and illusions o maya. Ignorance and maya creates the veil o separaon in place and illusions, decepons and ear is been used to hindering spiritual progress rom the lower matrix to the higher levels o divine consciousness. The divine realm. The true God did not, thereore, create this material world. He is completely spirit. According to the myths that Gnoscs told—some o which are preserved among the Nag Hammadi tractates—in eternity past the true God generated other divine ospring who themselves, in pairs, reproduced ospring. But a catastrophe occurred in the divine realm when one o the divine beings (ofen called Sophia, a eminine deity, whose name means “wisdom”) became separated rom the rest and spontaneously generated another divine being. The laer, born outside the divine realm, was evil. With his minions who also came into being, he created the material world as a place o imprisonment or the one who had allen (Sophia). Humans are the divine spark o light lost in the darkness and complexity o the psyche and the body. The true home o the spirit was in heaven, not on earth. Body (the purely physical) and soul (the emoons) were held


totally capve by the seven planetary archons though the orces o astrology, which most gnoscs took very seriously. Human beings, according to this view, are composed o a body and a soul, both o which belong to the material world, and a divine spark, or pneuma, which is the godly element within. As long as humans are kept in ignorance o their true posion, by the demiurge, they connue to be prisoners. But, somemes, messages rom beyond the spheres are received rece ived by certain individuals who then become aware o their imprisonment and are able to pass the knowledge on to others. This knowledge, or gnosis, is the most important weapon in reeing the spirit rom its bondage. It is not enough, however, or Gnoscs merely to know that they are imprisoned. They also need to know the workings o  the world that surrounds them so that they can be beer equipped to overcome it, or so that they can use it in a posive way. Humans. Sophia was thus captured and imprisoned in this material world in the bodies o humans. Many humans have this spark o the divine within them. The myscs have also revealed that blazing within the secret chamber o the heart is a “divine spark”—a sacred ame that God has endowed us with, a spark o re rom God’s own heart. In essence, the divine spark is a poron o God right inside o you. It is pure Spirit. It is your point o contact with your Source. We may believe we are walking the earth as human beings, but we are in act divine beings with a divine connecon. Gnoscism can be delineated by a redeeming gnosis o mythology that explains the present dualism which separates the humans rom their god. This separaon is maintained by a biblical demiurge who acilitates the creaon a well-ordered world that is meant to enslave e nslave humankind by assuring its connued ignorance. The revoluonaries o the Spirit have discovered how to harness the res o the heart. Through the white-hot heat o meditaon and prayer, we too can release the imprisoned lightning o our heart. Our meditaons in the secret chamber are very private experiences. They start with removing our aenon rom what’s happening around us and going within—”all the gates closed, the mind conned in the heart. When we go within by devoon and love, we contact the inner ame and commune with the energy that is God. “The lile spirit spark o our personal identy is the key that connects us with the Universal,” Mark Prophet once said. “[God’s’ Spirit is the abric o our world. His energy, his pat-tern is the only saving grace. We ourselves have to reideny, reintegrate, repolarize ourselves with that light—and it’s got to be done consciously.” Through prayer and meditaon we turn our aenon back to the Inner Light, which is the real source o our being. The archons has pushed human race into a “an ever-depening spiritual sleep.” David Icke has wrien in The Veil o Tears that certain requencies can be used to block receipt o radio inormaon, and that certain requencies can be used to block receipt o radio inormaon. Through technologies they can create a “vibratory prison.” He asserts that all we need to do is extend this concept to the planet as a whole to get an idea o how spiritual inormaon is being perceptually blocked rom the 4th dimension, creang a material prison. He writes: The complete takeover o the Earth by extraterrestrial e xtraterrestrial expressions o the Lucieric Consciousness was accomplished by creang a vibratory prison. We are muldimensional beings, naturally able to experience many requencies and dimensions at the same me. However, when the imprisoning vibraon an imposed blocking ‘requency net’- was thrown around this planet long ago, it prevented us rom accessing the higher levels o our consciousness and potenpotenal – or, the higher dimensions. It caused us to cease to be ‘whole’ or al we became disconnected rom ‘the Father.’ According to Icke, the ull-scale vibratory imprisonment o Earth humans may also have been eectuated by closing down crucial Earth vortexes linking the physical (3-D) world with other space/me dimensions. Some o these important windows, however, are sll open, and, as well, certain rituals are said to be able to re- open them. Icke Ic ke speculates that these interdimensional portals may have been closed to prevent negave enes rom entering this space/me reality. Thus, this may have been a


necessity to minimize chaos and disorder. However, it lef Earth humans detached rom higher levels o being and cut o our “eternal memory” o who we are. This is essenally the story o the “Fall o Man.” He writes, “we orgot who we were and where we came rom.” Icke explains: The human race has or ages been living out its existence inside a kind o metaphysical box with the lid held down. We sit in the dark, believing that our potenal, and Creaon in general, is limited to what is within that box, within that vibratory prison. Over the ages since the vibratory net was cast around the Earth, we have been a people working at a racon o our ull and innite potenal. Lie on Earth was changed dramacally by our extraterrestrial jailors, and this also aected the animal kingdom. Lucieric consciousness works through human consciousness to manipulate human nature and our understanding o reality. It smulates us to perorm inhumane acts by awakening negave emoons. Icke believes, however, that there are posive 4th dimensional extraterrestrial groups working to help humanity rise up and reconnect with our lost identy. The archons creates a enviroment that creates create s negavity, ear, stress, anxiety, panic, phobias, doubts, worries, and pain is another way the archons controls this world through. Pain is the duality state o mind, and the healing and bliss energies is represented by Oneness, and the archons separaon o this world prevent the old evoluonary brain rom be healed and access higher levels o consciousness. The archons triggering trigge ring helpnessless. Through all archons methods humankind hasen´t been able to to acvate more dna strands or thousends oo years. The archons jave hijacked reality and peprcepon and disconnected humankind rom the divine god source. In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creaon. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they eed o because they have lost their connecon to the universal exchange energy system. Archons uisng pain to control humankind on Earth in one orm or another, and none is immune to it. The archons have done this by disconnecng all other soul beings here rom Source, and wiping out their eternal divine memory o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Instead, they have connected us to cellular memory that limits our remembrance o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Most people consider that memory is contained in the brain, or central processing unit. This is not true here on earth. Memory is stored in the cells o our physical bodies. Only short term memory (a ew minutes) is stored in the Hippocampus in the brain. It is called the cellular memory. Pain comes rom our cellular memories stored in our bodies. Because pain is located in our cellular memory, we easily eel it, and experience it, because it is stored as memory in our cellular structure, that is why anesthecs work. When the cellular orm is deadened no pain is experienced. Over me, our cellular bodies are ‘loaded’ with pain memories, and so we begin a process o avoiding pain, and the whole societal and social structure here is designed to avoid pain, i.e. a reoccurrence o previous pain. That is understandable and also sensible, unless one understands that it doesn’t have to be that way. It works this way. Once we are thoroughly indoctrinated with the noon o pain we avoid pain, and eel it beore it has actually occurred. Pain resides in our cellular ce llular memory and we can eel it beore it occurs occ urs or our bodies are subject to any kind o damage. Most o us can remember some pain or other rom our past, and don’t know where that memory comes rom, how it is stored in the cells o our bodies, why we try to avoid a re-occurrence o it, and why it is there. Fear here is largely the avoidance o previously stored pain and the memory o it. That is how the archons have captured, capvated and controlled us like sheep. We exist, mainly to avoid pain. Understanding that all species here are similarly aicted by pain, and that our pain somemes causes us to inict pain on other soul beings, as we do, may provide us with the basis or overcoming pain. Pain is essenally a memory that is carried in our cellular bodies, so that we can c an eel the pain and recall the memory, even i we are


not under any duress or aicon. We all remember some pain or other, and we spend most o our lives, and doings, avoiding that emoon and the memory o that pain. Pain is the system o imprisonment here. The pain body and system here was specically designed to control us, and to keep us subjugated and imprisoned in a system and a prison with no bars, and o our own making. This is done by building a memory base stored in the cells in our bodies that ‘punishes’ us when we don’t conorm to their system o control, and we eel ‘pain’, when we don’t conorm. It’s a bit like being in a prison with electried iron barriers, and i we try to get out o the prison we are given a shock. That is the role that pain has in the archon system. The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant o how the universe actually works. They don’t want us to know this inormaon, because i we did, we would walk through the prison bars and ree ourselves rom the prison. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. The “Global Elite,” Icke wrote, operates the Brotherhood and through the Brotherhood the world, by controlling a “pyramid o manipulaon.” The topmost level o the conspiracy Icke calls “the Prison Warders.” He makes clear his view that the Prison Warders are extraterrestrials without being specic about where they came rom: “A pyramidal structure o human beings has been created under the inuence and design o the extraterrestrial Prison Warders and their overall master, the Lucieric Consciousness. They control the human clique at the top o the pyramid. In his work, Icke began to speak in New Age terms o “negave energy” and “blocking vibraon.” By ulizing these orces, the aliens have imprisoned us in “a requency ‘net’ thrown around this planet.” Earth as a requency ence. The requency ence is a high-tech, vibraonal barrier, maintained by a central computer and a system o satellites, which surrounds the Earth, and which blocks vital energy rom the universe rom reaching us. The requency ence, or all these hundreds o thousands o years, has turned the Earth into a vibraonal prison.” The spark o lie is imprisoned and surrounded by a low vibraonal prison o the mind. The mind prison on Earth is controlled by low vibraonal requencies. The mind prison is been controlled by a vibratory imprisonment on Earth and the three dimensional world or reality o the matrix. To move rom one to the other it is necessary only to change one’s rate o vibraon or else to be able to shif one’s consciousness to ocus in a dierent stratum o vibraons. It is like changing ones vibraons rom those o the material o the electric wire to those o the electricity itsel. It is this capacity to shif the consciousness rom plane to plane which is the aim o yoga and most spiritual training. The hidden wonders o the spheres are discovered not by sailing o into the clouds, but by withdrawing ever inwards, within and within through the higher dimensions. The ego e go keeps humankind trapped within this low vibraonal mind prison, and when one raising the vibraonal requency o the consciousness one is able to reach the Higher Sel. S el. When Adam ate the ruit o the tree o knowledge, the enre cosmos erupted once more, and spirituality sank deeper into materiality, into evil, into the world. As a result, a ew sparks o divine light ell onto die earth. While only a nite number


o sparks ell thus, their presence on earth was sucient to endow creaon with religious meaning. This, then, was the existenal condion that was entrusted to mankind. The world o crude materiality which humans inhabit was endowed with a limited, almost quanable, amount o divine presence; a ew sparks o divine light trapped in the shells o materiality. It is incumbent upon humanity to redeem the world and the godhead by reuning the sparks that have allen with the light o the upper worlds. Once all die sparks have been released rom their material prison and dispatched to heaven, the divine being will be able to resume its original wholeness. The material world and the body are prisons separated rom the divine realm, rom which humans must escape through the ascent o various levels. This is possible through the acquision o secret knowledge reserved or the elect. Having allen rom its divine birthplace into the centre o the physical universe, his soul was now obliged to ree itsel rom itsel rom its mortal coil and reascend to its original state o beatude in Heaven. Could powerul Earthling orces be simply mimicking on a small-scale what their Overlords have done on a large scale? The manipulaon o mental constructs may be a mini-design o a much larger scale phenomenon: the engineering and control o large physical constructs in the solar system: This is the inner secret o all esoteric teaching. The new birth, or regeneraon, means the awakening o the soul to conscious immortality. The old sel, that was bound to the wheel o ate and the plane o cause and eect rom which it could never ree itsel, owing to the act that it was connually binding itsel to the wheel aresh, through ollowing selsh desires, dies, and a new sel is born. In other words, the consciousness is raised rom the plane o sin and death, o sensuality and desire, o restricon and capvity, to the higher plane o Spirit, where man realizes that he is a son o God. He discovers that the Divine Spark within is his true sel. He realizes also that he has always lived—in his real Spiritual Sel. Beginning and end, like change and decay, belong purely to the material plane and have no place in Reality. They orm part o this present three dimensional existence but have no reality. Endless being is the reality. Anything short o this is mere illusion. It is not necessary, thereore, to believe in the theory o reincarnaon or that all our experiences must o necessity take place on this plane. Sucient to know that we can never die, that we cannot escape rom ourselves, and that to neglect seeking with all our heart or union once again with our Divine Source, is merely to prolong our suerings. The errors o humankind is to believe that the powers is outside him and not within and the external outside powers is govern by the ego and the human ego denied de nied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being. Ego is one o the main programs that can stop you rom reconnecng re connecng with the God within, but ego can be broken. It’s a distracon that produces emoons that must be mastered in order or you to see the illusion o separaon or what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what the Archons want. The archons prevent anyone to develop their cohesive divine inner orce and the ego is the hosle orce that disconnects the divine source, divine inuion, divine brain waves (theta brain waves), and divine oneness. “The human ego denied its own source in man’s inner knowing and inner being”. The human soul is imprisoned in this dungeon o the world, conned in the darkness o maer; but it originated in a very dierent place, in a meless world, in the bright abode o another God o whom the earthly world and its rulers have no concepon. The soul partakes o the very substance o this Unknown God, but in the material world it has lost consciousness o its identy. The world has conused it with its “clamour”, poisoned it with its “venom”, “benumbed” it and “put it to sleep”, unl the soul has orgoen whence it came. Only gnosis can awaken it, knowledge which comes rom above and is really only the reviving memory o the soul’s origin. The Unknown God comes to earth in the person o the Saviour; he passes through the circles o the planets and brings the soul this knowledge – the soul is part o His substance, and thus He is liberang Himsel. This “story o the soul” which escapes rom the bonds o me through


the saving knowledge o its eternal essence brings Gnosc thought close to that o the mysteriosophies.’ From the moment the soul has received this supernatural enlightenment it longs ceaselessly or its lost home. Man. then, has to change. His desires and aspiraons. instead o being directed towards hate and evil must be transormed to love and good. Instead o wallowing in lust and selshness he must lif himsel to higher and beer things. How can this be done? It cannot be accomplished by the nite man at all, but it can be achieved by the Innite Power within. It is only when man realizes his oneness with the Innite and believes that Omnipotent Power is at his disposal. that the Spiritual Power within becomes available. So long as man has doubts and ears or disbelie this special power is not available. It is his. but his state o heart and mind prevents him rom either realizing the presence o the Power or making use o it. Beore the machinery o a workshop can run it must be connected up with the engine room. In the same way, man, beore he can live the new lie, must become one with the Innite Lie and Power. Entering this new lie o power, does not take away lie’s experiences, its trials, troubles and adversies. but the change within does prevent the creaon o unnecessary troubles and suering. Also even a so- called unkind ate loses much o its power to wound, or the higher man rises into union with God and Innite Love. the less power it has in his lie. It sll operates. but it ails to wound so deeply, or man, seeing with illumined eyes. knows that it is good that has come to bless; and not evil that has come to slay. Painul ate loses its power to hurt when man ceases to resist it and meets it with open arms, seeking to team the lessons that it has to teach. This moving away rom dependence on others is the rst step toward acquiring enough presence o mind to direct personal immortality. A ortress o spirit is needed. We have to shrug o inhibing belies that have condioned us to a herdtype mentality. The Earth, this argument goes, is controlled by an intergalacc “holographic industry” that inserts decepve models o the world “through portals into your reality” in order to manipulate and control the consciousness o the masses. Humans are generally ignorant o the divine spark resident within them. This ignorance is ostered in human nature by the inuence o the alse creator and his Archons, who together are intent upon keeping men and women ignorant o their true nature and desny. Anything that causes us to remain aached to earthly things serves to keep us in enslavement to these lower cosmic rulers. Death releases the divine spark rom its lowly prison, but i there has not been a substanal work o Gnosis undertaken by the soul prior to death, it becomes likely that the divine spark will be hurled back into, and then re-em-bodied within, the pangs and slavery o the physical world. Not all humans are spiritual (pneumacs) and thus ready or Gnosis and liberaon. Some are earthbound and materialisc beings (hylecs), who recognize only the physical reality. Others live largely in their psyche (psychics). Such people usually mistake the Demiurge or the True God and have lile or no awareness o the spiritual world beyond maer and mind. For the Gnoscs, this world is a shadowy phantasm, about which the archons keep us perpetually in the dark. We are controlled by the archons because they control the alse reality we are living in. However, according to the Gnoscs, the archons are eecvely eec vely powerless and their power over us exists only to the extent that they can deceive us into thinking that the alse reality is actually real. the Archons used the light to give order and lie to the cosmos, injecng it to uncon like sel- replicang DNA. The result is that many sparks o the divine light are now imprisoned within maer, rom whence Gnoscism proposes to release them. History unolds in contests between the archonic powers, seeking to trap the spiritual power below, and the heavenly powers above, seeking to ree it. The trease ends with the expectaon that this revelaon, brought by John to the other disciples, will ensure that they will know themselves as that “immovable race” whose desny lies in the world o light above. The trease describes all the works o this archonic ruler as lacking real ormave power. It I t is Piss Sophia who gives


orm to his works, imitang the higher celesal world above. Her image, reected in the waters below, inspires the archonic pow-ers to try to seize it. But, possessing only psychic and not spiritual power, they are unable to do so. They try to aract the spiritual emale power by creang a male, thereby seeking to draw her down into the man as her male counterpart. c ounterpart. But these plans reveal their ignorance o the vast gap that separates the inerior terrestrial rom the higher celesal power. This incitement o the powers to create a human is itsel part o the redempve plan o the celesal world to rescue the spiritual power that has gone out o it into the world below. But Adam can only crawl on the earth, be-cause o the inerior psychic nature given him by the rulers. Only when the Spirit comes down to dwell in him does he become a “living Soul.” The rulers call the animals or Adam to name and then put him in the Garden to culvate it. They order him not to eat rom the Tree o Knowledge o Good and Evil, trying to keep him in ignorance o the true nature o reality. Telling him that he will die i he eats this ruit, they conceal the act that only by knowing good and evil—that is, by knowing themselves as evil and the higher world above them as good—will he nd true lie. The archons also cause him to all into the sleep o ignorance, opening his side and withdrawing the spiritual power rom him into a emale, so that he is endowed only with soul. When the Soul is cleared o negave emoonal programming its vital creave energies are reed and awakened, and its evoluonary energies are unleashed. This creates a heightened vital orce that ows through the physical DNA, acvang or “turning on” the inrastructure o our spiritual DNA. These silicon-based structures, as yet undiscovered parts o the DNA, are acvated when higher octaves o energy are liberated in the body. Represented by the upward poinng crescent o the diagram, these structures o our spiritual DNA become the oundaon or the higher “body o light” that is produced when the spiritual DNA is ully charged and acvated. The redempon guaranteed by means o “knowledge”, in the sense o an escape rom the entanglements o earthly existence, is rst realized by the gnosc at the me o his death, or at this moment he encounters the everlasng, rewakening act o re-lease rom the eers o the body, and is able to set out on the way to his true home. This process, amiliar also in other reli-gions, is called the “ascent o the soul” or the “heavenly jour-ney o the soul”. The reason or this lies in the existence o the t he powers which rule the world, the Archons, who try to impede the soul’s return in order to prevent the perecng o the world o light and thus protract the world process. The nal goal o redempon is the liberaon o the Gnosc rom his entanglement in earthly appetes. Thus began a program o mind control — or soul enslavement — maintained by Samael and his “Archons” (rulers) which … Hence the soul became “entangled in the darkness o maer. “The degree o consciousness corresponds to the degree o density or the speed o vibraons. The denser the maer, the less conscious it is, and the denser it is the lower the vibraons is and the archons matrix is based on low vibraonal requency and thereore provides low level o consciousness, and through this they can control the matrix and human mind. So to be ree rom the matrix and clutches o the t he archons one need to raise the low vibraonal rewuncy to a higher level and less density, and this is done through mediaon and alchemy. these Archon enes actually live o the vast energy output o our souls! It is thought that they require us to generate negave energy more so than posive. This negave energy output that we provide is evidently a literal lie and death issue to them. Why negave instead o posive? Negave emoons (Plasma requencies) rooted in ear expend or release more energy rom your body; just think about how much it takes out o you afer you have had a negave experience. Negave requencies re quencies are destrucve, depleng, and known to actually signicantly shorten lie span. All Archons and their cut-outs are orced to work in the gray areas o reewill by coercion. Many people also believe that these, or some enes at mes literally control people’s minds and bodies, and perhaps that may be true, although again there must be an


element o consent rooted in some amount o parcipaon or misguided belie in the enty on the part o those people or this to occur. From our beginning to our end it has and will always come back to the consent o our souls, and hopeully our movement towards a new rebellion o our connued consent. Enamoured by the Light o the Pleroma, Sophia wanted to conceive on her own. Striving only or the light evoked a counter-posion o darkness. That darkness is the demiurge and the archons and their allen creaon. The demiurge, accompanied by his archons, is the blind, ignorant, dark abyss o the shadow o the Soul. The demiurge and the archons are illegimate. They are deecve, and represent the disrupon to the harmonious balance o the opposites that occurred in the Pleroma when Sophia conceived without her male counterpart. The harmony o the male/emale syzygy has been disturbed within the archons, and the opposites are beginning to split. The archons are responsible or the severing o the original androgynous unity o the Pleroma into the duality o the created world. Having been created by the ospring o the last aeon, Sophia, the archons are ar removed rom the source o the Pleroma, and inhabit a liminal space within its lowest reaches, just on the cusp o the created world. As a result, the archons encroach upon, and have eect in, our world. This world is the dwelling place o many archons. Humanity has been imprisoned in the material world by the archons through an act o decepon. This world is the Black Iron Prison. It is the shadow o death in which the human body is a tomb. This body-tomb has been created rom the archons’ our elements o maer, darkness, desire, and the arcial spirit respecvely. The human soul, trapped in a body-tomb, has been bound by the veil o orgeulness, and enslaved in the material world. How has the great wealth o the human spirit come to dwell in the poverty o the body-tomb? This world is an illusory dream world that we have been deceived into taking or reality. So-called reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent, archon-enorced one. We are controlled by the archons because they control the alse reality we are living in. However, the archons are eecvely powerless, and their power over us exists only to the extent that they can deceive us into thinking that the alse reality is actually real. This dream world is “real” as long as it lasts. We need to awaken rom this sleep o death. When we awaken to the illusion o the prison world, then we are no longer at its mercy. It will no longer control us, we will have control over it. When we realise that this world is an illusion, we transcend its limitaons and become co-creators o it. The essence o the universe is inormaon. It is not three-dimensional, it is outside space and me altogether. Our world is a mere phantasm, a allen world, in which space and me are part o the delusion. We have been thrown into this world, and enslaved by an evil enty that projects inormaon which we have been deluded into interpreng as our socalled reality. This world is nothing more than the misinterpretaon o an underlying reality o which the essence is simply inormaon. Our illusory world is a mass hallucinaon. We are the archons. The phenomenal world does not exist. It is a threedimensional holographic image, an illusion, generated rom inormaon, which we mistake or reality. Like the prisoners in Plato’s cave who mistake the shadows cast on the cave wall or reality, we, likewise, mistake our holographic world as being real. Our world is nothing more than a satanic interpolaon o underlying inormaon that results in a prison which occludes the inormaon that will reveal our true situaon. The undamental nature o the ullness o the Pleroma is energec inormaon, and the archons have distorted this underlying inormaon to project the illusory world in which we are. Due to the archons, the divine spark has become estranged rom the Pleroma and imprisoned in maer. We are divine sparks enclosed in corrupble sheaves. When the divine spark remembers itsel as both a part, and yet the whole, o the Pleroma, this is the gnosis o the Gnoscs. Our essence is the divine spark. Spirit, the immaculate divine spark, is immortal. As a part o the hologram o the Pleroma, it is one with the Pleroma, and contains the ullness o the enre Pleroma, only dimmer. Thus, monotheisc aiths


aren’t about personal salvaon but about mind control and becoming the ood or the archons. They also make people obedient which benets the archons who want no rebels. Archons rule by dividing, and this they always did. They create religions diametrically opposed to each other and their adherents believe only themselves to be right. This creates religious wars were humans rise against humans — and this creates the ood or archons (as they eed on the t he released energy o ear and terror). Archons do not want you to know about them. They do their best to keep their presence unknown. Its much like their creaon o organized gang stalking This seeming impossibility tells us something o extreme importance—it reveals that we are muldimensional observers conned to three-dimensional bodies in threedimensional space. The gnosc version o the Perennial Philosophy characterizes our predicament as one o exiles ar rom home who are held capve within a threedimensional prison by maniestly demonic orces called archon, or rulers. When you merge your Higher Sel with your soul, the lies o archons cannot enslave you — at least not or long! You will wake up eventually. You will know who you are as a human and you will not go along societal rules and expectaons as you will know them to be archonic. Archons want to keep people operang on a low-level o consciousness. To do that, they keep the society sensual. When human sensuality is connuously acvated through suggesve ads and in other ways, higher spiritual states cannot unold. They like to use humans as puppets to do their dirty work whilst they themselves remain in the background. I you learn to control your emoons, you will protect yoursel rom becoming archon ood. And when you unite yoursel with the Higher Sel, you become so sensive that you actually eel when those enes try to eed o you. Archonic inuence doesn’t end with your death. They will try to get your soul to be recycled so that they suck your energy over and over again. They even recycled your soul. When you escape all o their traps, you will eel like you have lost the burden that you were carrying all this me without knowing it. I you experience this eeling, be sure that you escaped one o their traps. Try to be ree rom all human constructs. Try to be ree even rom human expectaons. Our society is controlled by the archons, so the masses don’t have their own thoughts but the thoughts o archons. All those expectaons imprison us and blind us to our true natures. It’s the nourishing o our true selves that gives us reedom, and that’s why archons try so hard to distance humanity rom who they really are. They want to make us orget our humanness, and since we are already born without understanding who we are (divine and unique beings), they do their best or us to never know it. Everything in our society is set up to entrap us. Go to any mall and any product you will pick up will probably be designed or your own destrucon o some sort, be it toxininested ood, toxic beauty products or something that is designed to appeal to your ego and thereore silence the inner voice. The society hates those who wake up because the society does the will o the archons. What the archons love – they love, and what the archons hate — they hate. In The Matrix movie it’s told that as long as people are plugged into the matrix, they are the enemies. This cannot be closer to the truth. You would never believe the truth o this world unless it’s given directly by the Higher Sel. Archons want us to live with brain imbalance. They make .us operate only through one brain hemisphere. Mental smulaon causes vibraon, and Theta is the perect, natural healing smulatorvibraon. It’s what leads to total brain harmonisaon, or you need use o all the brain speeds. Theta uses Alpha as the bridge between Beta analycal lef brain, and the higher sel right brain — Beta’s aster vibratory speed is not conducive to direct access o Theta-bliss experiencing, and this most untapped natural dimension just needs to be acvated to become e established stablished in consciousness. Once pracce commences the metamorphosis into Theta also commences. Theta uses Alpha as the bridge between Beta analycal lef brain, and the higher sel right brain: The lef brain mind prsion is what´s produced ear and ear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, so these can´t get to the lef divine theta


brain waves. The right brain hemisphere represents the beta brain waves. The art o meditaon teaches that it is not only possible to control our thoughts, but to learn to transcend them completely. Through meditaon we can bring our unruly minds under control. By mastering our own minds we immediately aain a new level o empowerment. Not only does this liberate us rom eelings o ailure or inability, it brings peace o mind and enables us to achieve our greatest potenal. Spending 15 minutes quieng the mind and ocusing on the present moment makes us more relaxed and eecve decision makers. Meditaon techniques adjust our physiology in ways that directly reduce stress. Slowing S lowing down brain wave acvity and adjusng brain chemistry increases serotonin levels, posively inuencing mood and behaviour, and switches on endorphins, easing the nervous system and improving healing responses. In act it is proven that meditaon smulates the parasympathec nervous system, creang signicant posive physiological and emoonal changes. Stress, on the other hand, acvates the sympathec nervous system and triggers an ongoing ow o corsol into the blood stream,’ diminishing immune system uncon and inhibing neurogenesis. Chronic stress causes the body to adopt a deensive mode and also results in perceptual, cognive and emoonal impairment. To change this we must be able to smulate the parasympathec nervous system, which allows or renewal. By acvang the parasympathec nervous system through meditaon, you eel warmer, your blood pressure and pulse rate drop, and your breathing slows down and gets deeper. You also engage your immune system to its ullest capability. Your body rebuilds itsel neurologically and you become healthier and more open to new ideas, emoons, people and situaons (especially i they are dierent). You also become more open to learning, adaptaon and change. There is a great power in one-pointed concentraon. Our energy becomes ocussed and harnessed rather than dissipated. With concentraon we can do more in less me, and do it more eciently and with beer results. Through meditaon we gradually improve our powers o concentraon, which can be used posively in every area o our lives. Increased brain wave coherence is also developed. Greater communicaon between the two brain hemispheres increases one’s perceptual ability and motor perormance, supports the growth o higher intelligence, and slows down mental aging. Through meditaon we gain a new perspecve on lie, untainted by our own egoisc perspecve. We also transcend our ears, which or the most part are unsubstanated and pointless. By gaining a more awakened awareness about the true nature o lie and ourselves, we aain a greater sense o power, reedom ree dom and release rom our own imaginary limitaons. I we enter the meditave state ofen enough this will then be the new state o consciousness. Actualising Theta allows your inner and outer environment be perceived on the level o present moment consciousness — the goal o earth lie, the most rewarding, sensual experience. O the our brain speeds Theta is the only level which acilitates transcendental bliss and deep inner peace. But in order or Theta to be experienced, Alpha is the bridge which acilitates the eects and benets o Theta. Theta needs Alpha to carry the codes, carry the healing waves throughout the body, but parcularly to the conscious mind to achieve calm, balance and perspecve. Theta is natural, or you go through the our brain speeds while sleeping. But it’s while you’re awake that the brain needs to become amiliar with its ull range o speed possibilies, and with regular, properly pracced mantra meditaon such becomes your everyday state. Accessing Theta also means accessing the subconscious, the condioned mind which many people are slaves to, or “repair” work. It’s how you can re-programme the ear-driven mind: how you can inuence change in your xed thought paerns at the subjecve level, how you can aect change in your liestyle, habits and worldview. This veil holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA sofware programming and the coding structure o the DNA to acvely integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to acvate aspects o the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland.


These aspects are limited by this veil or paron. This paron is also what holds you in thirddimensional linear me (me as a past-present-uture loop) and creates major restricons to knowing yoursel. Through meditaon and posive sound requencies can been channeled to acvate your DNA by accelerang the bodies ne neuro-transmiers to travel to areas o the brain, the pineal and pituitary gland which help open the third eye, crown chakra, and the chakra above the crown center. Within our cerebrospinal uid are ny piezo-electric crystals which are encoded with ny modules o liquid light intelligence that carry this inormaon to all our cells, especially when they are acvated through conscious intent, sound and light. When these piezo-electric crystals are acvated either through specic sound healing requencies, light, or through meditaon, these intelligent codes o light begin to release and nourish all the cells in the body, (much like a bio-computer) helping to stabilize new levels o  DNA acvaon which not only accelerates healing, but prepares the physical vehicle (body) or ascension. I we want to raise our vibraon, we need to prevent ear rom controlling our state o being. When we nd ourselves in a state o ear, we need to have a way to release ear. Learning to release ear is important because most people regularly experience ear in dierent orms, inducing seemingly challenging, dicult, and emoonal situaons that are not real but imagined. These ears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenec grids o our awareness, o our acve consciousness. It is also our collecve consciousness that induces ears. This is how we create the vicious circle o ear in our lives. Fear has numerous aces and has been engrained into our systems in countless ways. Fear is reected in our belies, emoons, and the collecve consciousness grids. It is locked in our energy bodies, organs, and cells, and it is an inherent part o our minds. This means that stepping out o ear is a process that requires me, diligence, perseverance, willingness, and a clear intent to never give up, even though the process might at mes be incredibly rustrang. We will never step into a new consciousness i we are not willing to undertake this path. And we will never make a real connecon with the Sidhe. The process o stepping out o ear has three major steps: connecng c onnecng with your heart (divine essence), connecng with the rontal lobes o your brain, and the smulaon o the rontal part o your amygdala. One must overcome the ears to become ree and the great gateway or portal o liberaon can be ound in the boom o the heart. When this chakra is open rom the boom it can sustain the whole body with a new energy, and this will then be the new root chakra. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transormaon, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy o sel that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benet o thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect rom the liming and earul thoughts. Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Both intellect and ego using ear- based programs and concepts to gain control o humankind. Its though meditaon one learn to go beyond the intellect and ego that binds the mind to its limitaon in the three dimensional world, and to the concepts o the lef brain and the beta brain wave reality. Intuion (meditaon) removes the knot o ignorance and its darkness. Insnct is considered by some to be the enemy o intelligence, and intellect to be the opponent o intuion. Its through meditaon one understand that; One cannot evolve rom one’s robothood unl one realizes how totally one has been robozed. Its through meditaon one understand that; the robozed, automazed, mechanized mind is what hides the other realies, dimensions and the real Sel in robozed “darkness o ignorance”. The brain is divided into three parts- the “CORE” or the sub-conscious mind, the “lef hemisphere” and the “right hemisphere”. The lef hemisphere controls logic and reasoning and is lled with ear. Lef-brain dominance is very common in modem mes, and it allows you to be easily dominated by outside orces. Belie denes something that doesn’t actually exist


yet. A belie is a very creave thing; it is a strong, pracced thought—one that you either think over and over again, or one that you accept without queson. When we are orced into the lef-brain by our condioning, we nd ourselves in an arcial world, like the unconscious residents o the Matrix. We are outside creaon, separated by our belies rom the natural world. The unconscious nature o our belies orces us to view nature as separate rom ourselves; we can no longer see how we aect what we experience. The limitaons o the unnatural separaon o right brain rom lef renders us disempowered and irresponsible at the same me. The belie system is a very convenient tool or those at the top who wish to hold others in mental slavery and emoonal bondage. The Controllers who set themselves up as the gods o man have been siphoning o the creave energy o humans or eons. Belies are very creave. Belies call up the power o consciousness to transer a potenal held in the quantum soup o the implicate—unexpressed potenal—over to the side o expressed consciousness— maniestaon into orm. Belies are very creave. The lef brain provides the “programming” or the “core” which does what needs to be done. The power o right hemisphere is innite. The normal resng state o the brain is a silent current o thoughts, images, and memories that emerges spontaneously rom within. You become more aware o spontaneous wandering o the mind, when you meditate. This deault acvity o the brain probably connects various experiences and emoonal residues, puts them into perspecve and lays them to rest. The brain is an electrochemical e lectrochemical organ using electrochemical energy to uncon. Electrical acvity emanang rom the brain is displayed in the orm o brain waves. Brain waves during meditaon actually do change! Through meditaon one learn the ability to (lowering, slling, quitening, emptying brain waves) and redirect one´s brain energy—shifing one´s mind state into opmal paerns where one become more recepve to new learning. The “theta state” acquire super-recepvity to new inormaon, and the super-learning ability comes through the inuve mind, which has the ability to instantly access inormaon in the Alpha State o Consciousness in the present “now”. “The brain is divided into three parts- the “CORE” or the sub-conscious mind, the “lef hemisphere” and the “right hemisphere”. The lef hemisphere controls logic and reasoning and is lled with ear”. The lef brain also provides the “programming” or the “core” which does what needs to be done. Conclusion; Then the lef brain is the dominant hemisphere, and is lled with ear and also is the the programmer o the “Core” o the sub-consciousness mind, it will program the subconsciousness mind with ear-based programs to stay in dominaon and power. This knowledge is related to the “Corpus Callosum” and the called “Rainbow bridge” between the lef and brain hemisphere. Fear is the component that make the “Alpha Bridge” to disappears, and instead increasing the powers o illusions o reality and this is the veil. The theta brain wave is sought afer most with meditators and myscs, mainly because, with the right condions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collecve subconscious mind that holds all o the experience and human programming in the grid o the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher godsource power and bring enormous transormaon, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy o sel that you can only know it in this relaxed theta t heta state. A great benet o thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect rom the liming and earul thoughts. When the right and lef brain is balanced one is able to connect up more easilyto obtain inormaon. When your ´re centered and balanced, your energy will start expanding; it´ll start going up your spine again, then it expands out o the body , but including the body, into the experience that we tend to call bliss. That release, that sequence o release is rom the body and the emoons to the mind, is what we ound people needed to master in order to truly release the brainwaves in our training so that the two hemispheres o the brain begin to synchronize. You move down through states o relaxaon into the


alpha state o creavity and to the theta state o deep meditaon and intuion. When you do that, literally portals in your consciousness open up to where you not only ideny intellectually with a boundless state beyond your body, but you can actually begin to explore those states while being in a healthy body. The higher lie is seeking to become incarnated in us the opening to the light, where spiritual orces can make a movement o redempon o mankind. Thereore, let us yield ourselves to lie and experience that greater lie srring within us. That greater lie has transormed our carnal nature and made us blossom like a rose that we may have perect liberty o lie by having true awareness o the indwelling o a higher lie. The inner voice, the ever presence o a new lie. Being the upper strata o divine consciousness. The upper strata o our mind is our higher mind. When man enters the universal mind, he sees all things in the universe in harmony with the light o the eternity. All o mankind has a divine spark, which is the true light o eternity within them that is lying dormant, unexpressed, and imprisoned. The imprisoned divine nucleus awaits birth that the divine mind may open up rom within mankind. Mankind will then enter the age o enlightenment, which will arise rom within them. The hidden splendor imprisoned within will unold, bringing liberty to mankind, creatures, and creaon. The breakthrough will come, that ever-expanding divine consciousness. As you work with the inner energy this will raise your vibraon and wire your eternal nature into the lens o your lie, you will ocus on the energy centers o the pineal gland and a master cell c ell at the base o your spine. The pineal gland is the physical body’s command center and has direct connecon to the nucleus o every cell. Because this gland communicates simultaneously with each and every cell, any change in the pineal gland can be broadcast to every cell in the body. You will also work with the master cell at the base o the spine. When we tune in to these higher requencies, we have access to a dierent kind o light—a requency aster than visible light—and all o a sudden we are acvang a greater intelligence within us. Now, because the pineal gland is acvated, we can pick up higher requencies, which in turn produces a change in chemistry. The higher the requency we pick up, the more it alters our chemistry—which means the more visual, hallucinogenic, and higher-energy experiences we have. The crystals in our pineal gland, acng like a cosmic antenna, are the doorway to these higher vibraonal realms o light and inormaon. This is how we have internal experiences that are more real than our external ones. These pineal metabolite chemicals your body produces t into the same receptor sites as serotonin and melatonin, but they carry a very dierent chemical message rom a realm beyond sensory-based material reality. As a result, the brain is now primed or a myscal experience, opening the door to other dimensions and moving the individual rom a space-me reality to a me-space reality. Since all requency carries a message and that message is a change c hange in chemistry, once the pineal gland gets acvated and you start experiencing and processing these higher requencies, energies, and elevated levels o consciousness, they ofen present themselves as complex, changing geometric paerns usually perceived in the mind’s eye. This is good—this is inormaon. When you have these myscal experiences, because your nervous system is so coherent, it’s able to tune in to these super coherent messages. in the darkness o the void, the pineal gland becomes the vortex or these very organized paerns and packets o inormaon, and as you place your aenon on them, just like a kaleidoscope they constantly change and evolve. This world teaching you to stay in the beta brain wave state and then Earth is vibrataional mind prison, its creates a enviroment that smulates and produces ear based beta brain waves. The reason why the Devil aacks us with stress, worry, depression, strie, and ear in our minds is because the devil wants to keep our minds ocused on negave things. All the stress and worry that the devil causes are meant to cripple your brain so you will always be worried; hence, you will ail to concentrate and ocus your thoughts on what you want to achieve in lie. I the devil can


manage to conuse, worry, and stress your brain such that you have a distoron in your thinking paern. When our ocus is scaered and not consolidated at the center o our being, there is a gap in consciousness, which distances us rom our soul. Without centered selocus, our energies and mind interlock with internal and external distracons. Worrying is a physiological reacon to ear. The ego perceives ear as being real and synchronizes the physiological systems o the body to react to any impending danger. Blood pressure increases, respiraon rate quickens, glycogen releases into the blood stream rom storage areas, and digeson ceases as blood shunts to the extremies, e xtremies, and stress hormones are released in the bloodstream to prepare the body to ght or ee against the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal hypothalamic-pitui tary-adrenal axis as being responsible or the “ght o ght” response o stress. A threat does not have to be a physical actor to provoke the sympathec stress response, as emoonal worry will conjure up the same physiological reacon as i the energy system were we re being aacked by an outside actor. Obsessive, irraonal thoughts within the stream stre am o consciousness can maniest into a cognive aack, causing the sympathec nervous system to react to the stressul thoughts. When the systems are acvated as a result o an anxiety aack, cognive processing becomes irraonal and distorted due to the stress chemicals that are released re leased in the bloodstream. Anxiety reverts higher brain unconing to primal unconing because blood and oxygen is being diverted throughout the enre body liming the amount o blood and oxygen owing to the brain. The ego promotes anxiety by projecng ear and worst-case scenarios. Fear is simply an illusion that the ego cannot decipher or understand anything that is not in its control. The ego is ragile and when it cannot understand an impending threat it will hide, leaving the energy system to operate in primal insnct mode. In this state, all raonal thoughts become repressed. Cognive anxiety is a result o a broken eedback loop within the stream o consciousness. I the eedback loop is not resolved, it will remain in the oreront o the thought cycle. The ego creates chaos but cannot control it. Thereore, all irraonal thoughts t houghts cannot be resolved by the ego. In order to resolve anxiety, the energy system must seek out strategies to help turn o the broken eedback loop and process it through the categorizaon ling system within the stream o  consciousness. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Energy systems that have to be in control are ofen plagued by insecurity, ear, and anxiety. There is a broken eedback loop within the stream o consciousness that cannot be resolved. The energy system’s out o control internal conscious state is coaxed by the need to be in control o all external situaons. Being out o control can convince the ego to create the illusion o having the need to be in control. Underdeveloped cognive energy systems lack the intesnal ortude to withstand harsh projecons that come rom the mass o collecve energy. The ego craves being in control. I, through cognive development the ego doesn’t achieve control or stability, insecurity develops. The ego is then weakened by the projecons and reecons o itsel causing percepons o ear and withdrawal. An insecure ego based energy system lives their lie in constant ear o ailing or doing things wrong, and have an insaable need or achieving approval rom others. Poor cognive development early on causes an imbalance within the categorizaon process within the stream o consciousness. When the essenal oundaon o the stream o consciousness is underdeveloped, or distorted, the normal cycle o eedback loops are compromised. The normal cycle o a eedback loop goes like this. First, the brain imprints the inormaon. Second, the brain processes the inormaon


being received and then les it under the short or long term, memory banks. Third, the inormaon gathered can then be recalled and pulled out o storage whenever it needs to be used within the stream o consciousness. The stream o consciousness is a constant ow o all the inormaon ever received by the energy system. Feedback loops are the normal cycles o inormaon integraon. I a eedback loop is broken and the inormaon being received cannot be processed and stored in the appropriate category within the stream o consciousness, then cognive chaos arises. Cognive chaos is when thoughts cannot be managed and controlled in a raonal way, orcing the ego to become threatened by one or more illusions that become real to the energy system. Insecure ego e go based energy systems ounder through lie, never able to achieve higher levels o consciousness because o the gridlock o their ears, doubts, anxiees, and ragility. A weak, underdeveloped ego is responsible or the illusion o insecurity. Unl the broken eedback loop or loops are resolved, insecurity will remain a debilitang actor. The moment o separaon disconnected spiritual energy rom God’s energy orming the energy o the ego. e go. By giving up the trust o spiritual and God’s energy, the ego would develop into an; isolated, sel governing, manipulave, vindicve, cynical, and untrustworthy ruler o collecve unconsciousness. The presence o the ego solidied collecve unconsciousness throughout the development o civilizaon. Civilizaon became predominantly shaped by the ego with only ew shimmering sparks o higher consciousness to redirect it toward the energy o God. Throughout the history o civilizaon there have been signicant high conscious energy systems that tried to snap the collecve out o its deep unconscious sleep. These higher conscious awakened energy systems sparked a new energy channel o conscious thinking within the mass o collecve energy, changing the shape o civilizaon. The make up o civilizaon is ego based and when an inuencing actor aempts to break through the collecve unconsciousness they are met with relentless persecuon. This is the birth o todays world o organized gang stalking, organized bullying, mul-stalking, or predator stalking in the society. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecng the energy system rom believing in anything greater than itsel. The, ego, is threatened by any orm o change in the illusionary context. Higher consciousness is a movement toward the true meaning and purpose o lie that is governed by the natural energy o Creaon. Ever since the ego separated rom the truth o existence it has served as a unied unconscious enty that cannot see beyond anything that is not real within itsel. The ego must remain in control o the physical realm o existence because that is all that it knows. The ego is threatened by conrontaon o consciousness. We conuse our emoons with our mental percepons and make our way raonally through our liming ego thoughts. We seem to orget that we are capable o great depths o emoonal mawrience. We become unhappy, dissased, and bored, succumbing to the idea that this must be all there is. How sad is that? What i we realised that it is all simple! We can. We can nd that we are everything that we seek and that everything we seek also seeks us. What i we realized that we are capable o creang whatever reality we want, anyme, anywhere! What i we didn’t just know we could? What i we did? All chaos is ‘nothingmore than a series o simplicies that have become entangled. Mind creates worlds, delusions, illusions, etc., but mind remains as mind. Mind cannot be transormed. Why? Because it is not one itsel. Mind survives by desires and thoughts and it is made up o impressions. It is the voice o the ego part o our minds that creates all o our conict and suering — it’s the ego’s voice behind the countereit sel, ueling its illusions and ears. The countereit ego sel don´t allow humankind to have their own mind or Consciousness, or have the mind o Oneness, and thereore creates a mind o duality that can be controlled c ontrolled and altered. The mind perceives reality through dualism alone. Symbolically, this happens when we see reality through our physical eyes. The eyes convert reality in each moment to polaries, and eed the mind with the by-product. That is the


way the mind consumes the total reality, concept by concept. One eye sees the day and the other eye sees the night; one eye sees man and the other sees woman. Each eye can only capture one side o the whole spectrum. As we move through lie we juggle between the opposing inormaon that the mind receives through our dual eyes. In each moment we try to ideny which o the two polaries will serve our survivor existence the best. At the end o the day all the polaries we perceive all between two main extremes; good and bad, and always rom the point o view o the sel. On the contrary, the third eye is the symbol or the state in which we see the whole spectrum o reality outside o the physical eyes’ dissoluon. As we do so, we shif rom seeing through ‘two eyes’, to seeing rom ‘one eye’. The third eye unites all polaries into oneness. We transorm the one seeing into the absolute observer. This is when the constant juggle between good and bad comes to an end, and is replaced by inner sllness. In the state o oneness the night is not separate rom the day. The night withholds the day, unl it delivers it in compleon, at which me the day turns to be the armor o the night. When we move away rom our limited sel-idencaon, we open a wider window to our brain, and acvate larger parts o it. This process o expanding the use o our brain may lead us to experience phenomena that are perceived as unusual, like knowing about events and acons beore they unold, commonly known as intuion. The answers to the unknown lie in the 90 percent o the brain that we don’t use. This is the sleeping consciousness and when energies awaken dormant centres in the brain that rom a evoluonary perpecve has been dormant and unsmulated. It awakens the Consciousness that has been sleeping. Through the pracce o meditaon we exploit a larger poron o the unused brain. The end o this development process is when the mind realizes itsel. I we ulize the ull potenal o our brains, we can expand our percepon to its maximum. This is when we start to see reality as it is, beyond me and space. This state gives us the power to know, even beore we process any empirical inormaon. This is intuion! We tap into a spontaneous ow o events beyond logical re reasoning. asoning. Developing an intuion o what lies beyond opposites is the beginning o a deeper understanding. This is the shif rom ego-reality to meta-reality, its a shif rom the ego-lens to begin to see through a mulversal lens. Yet we do not perceive the world as through a giant magniying lens, but through the limited ego-lens o the three dimensional world. Human consciousness is limited due to dense material o physical body. Consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to t o maer. Consciousness is independent o maer. Following the guidance o the non-raonal, intuive wisdom o the insnct is the royal road into the realm o soul. Then the third eye intuion is non-raonal and non-local it is not limited to the three dimensional world – space me reality and discover other dimension the physical realm, where the body-ego is limited through the raonal brain and is limited in the local three dimensional world. So ego experience reality both raonal and local, and third eye experiencing reality nonraonal and non-local. The (“alien “) group requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. There was once a golden age o humanity. It was a me o 


harmony and bliss. Our ancient ancestors lived in perect interconnectedness with each other and with the universe. There were no wars, no amines, no polluon; everyone just got along. Then the peace was rudely shaered. A sinister power began casng a dark shadow over humanity. A conspiracy was aoot. For millennia now, the conspirators have been secretly implemenng an elaborate control system, designed to suppress our natural connecon to the cosmos and keep us trapped in a state o constant ear and conusion. The modern world is a shrine to their hidden machinaons. The mainstream media, the educaon system, science, polics, and Western medicine are all tools o the conspiracy, used to control our minds and keep us subservient. Icke says, is just the outer rim o the rabbit hole. These earthly oppressors are merely the puppets o an even more sinister enemy. The true perpetrator o this heinous plot, according to Icke, is a race rac e o interdimensional replian aliens called Archons. And the conspiracy, he says, goes beyond our ve senses. The Archons eed o human energy like vampires. They have a parcular taste or ear and hatred, and they harvest our darkest emoons by keeping us trapped within a virtual reality prison. Our universe is nothing more than a hologram, Icke explains, and the Archons have hacked into the very abric o the cosmos. By controlling our percepon o reality they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell, in a constant state o bewilderment and ear, unwing slaves to unseen masters. Things are looking bleak. We are within the Archons’ evil clutches. Humanity is teetering on the edge o total enslavement. Game over: The reples win. Replian reality becomes one o many dimensional realies inhabited with intelligent beings. Human, living on planet earth, you begin to see yoursel as part o an interdimensional reality. Bring on the underworld myths, they no longer righten. Bring on the hideous monsters, they no longer lurk in the dark. Bring on the next visit, you know you will easily return, wiser and more mature. It is not a maer o conquering the underworld dimension. It is not a maer o denying the underworld dimension. It is not a maer o demonizing the underworld dimension. Instead, it is simply a maer o owning the part o your human nature that is corded c orded to its reality. In so doing, ancient knowledge, once secret and orbidden, opens to reveal its simplicity and truth. Ancient underworld knowledge includes innate human abilies to sense earth vibraons, to nd your way on the earth using psychic The Archons are themselves deluded in believing they can create humans in their likeness. They do not succeed—all the Gnosc materials are explicit on this point— but they insinuate into human minds the belie that they have succeeded. The Archons wrongly believe they can impress their mentality upon the human species. They want to make humanity like themselves, but they are constantly oiled by the superiority o the human species. The choice to accept the digital convenience and digitally based powers o the A.I. Beast system will seduce most people on Earth to welcome such power. They will even ask or it. It will mean the dierence between having supreme intelligence and walking blind and ignorant amongst the other digitally enhanced and gifed masses. But rest assured, it will all change quickly. Those same digitally augmented powers that the masses will so gleeully accept will swifly turn to a loss o Free Will and autonomy as the A.I. beast system takes ull control o the minds, hearts, and souls o those who had willully neural-aced into the Digital Abominaon. The price or the desire or power will be the loss o soul. Gnoscism can be delineated by a redeeming gnosis o mythology that explains the present dualism which separates the humans rom their god. This separaon is maintained by a biblical demiurge who acilitates the creaon a well-ordered world that is meant to enslave humankind by assuring its connued ignorance. The ego o humankind or mass consciousness is been ed and encoded with knowledge that keep humankind trapped within the state o ignorance, the dream state, slumbering state, the hypnonic state o mind. The reality we are being ed is encoded with percepons and experiences that cause people to transmit low-vibraonal


emoonal energy that both eeds the Replian Alliance and, in many ways, helps to power the system The virtual-reality “game” is interacve, and so is the hacked version. We receive and transmit, we receive and “post”. The Saturn- Moon Matrix has created an energec percepon “loop” in which the alse reality is ed to us, and, when we perceive it and believe it, we eed back that percepon to the Matrix. This constantly empowers the alse reality in a eedback loop. In Short, the matrix is powered by our belie that the hacked reality is “real”. We can and will break the closed loop with the realizaons and by opening our minds to Consciousness beyond the Matrix requencies. The power o the SatumMoon Matrix to inuence our reality dilutes and dilutes the more we open our minds and hearts and let Consciousness in. The Control system is terried o the Truth Vibraons or this reason, and this is why it is now throwing everything that it can at humanity to keep us entrapped within the vibraonal box through ear, chaos and upheaval. By the way, some unexplainable and “paranormal” experiences happen when there is a “glitch” in the Matrix inormaon eld. The only way out is by the saving gnosis, which rst expose these evil machinaon or what they are, and then show the way to break this encompassing oppressive system. All one should become Human yoursel and not to all or the provocaon o your Animal nature which is the key actor in the ideology o the Archons. Arc hons. Fear, inmdaon and provocaons is the key component o the Archons and these components is also the organized gang stalking. The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant o how the universe actually works. Maintaining the collecve unconsciousness o the mass o collecve energy in a negave state o mind will only give more power to the ego making reconnecon o the spiritual and God’s energy impossible. “The world system we inhabit came about by a mistake”. The magical journey o awareness in which we co-evolve with Gaia’s Dreaming is deviated or distorted by an alien inuence. In the biological model the problem is described as coming rom the lef hemisphere o the brain. Ancient mythology also has a way o describing the situaon. Archons is a term reintroduced into public awareness by Gnosc scholar John Lash and reers to mind parasites, with no intenon o their own and unable to physically live in the Earth’s atmosphere, which piggy back on human intenon. The archons have a parcularly strong hold on some groups o humans, and they have become the dominant ones in our world. Archons can be seen as agents o discord. Unortunately humans have become more interested in their own minds than the mind o nature which has the knowledge to lif us out o all o this. The archons ueling the lef brain hemisphere to prevent humankind boost their right brain hemisphere. The goal should be to nd ways how we can calm our lef hemispheres and boost our right hemispheres. Beta brain waves is represented through the lef brain hemisphere and right brain hemisphere is represented through the right brain and theta waves, also knows as bliss waves. Shifing Hemispheres Reducing lef hemisphere stranglehold and increasing right hemisphere access is both calming and energising. The same is true o natural neuroacve nutrion. The starng point, in our chaoc world, is surely a place o calm. Calm and centred ce ntred is connected to the ractal web o lie, the natural intelligence, through which we can make sense o everything. We are told that in nature it’s a ght or survival yet when we go into nature, unless we are entering a natural disaster area it has qualies o harmony. Lie ourishes in peaceul surroundings. As we calm the lef hemisphere the creavity o the right hemisphere starts to blossom. The problems we have created create d cannot be solved at the level o consciousness that created them. When the conceptual mind thinks ‘not’ something we are sll creang the ‘something’. We cannot not imagine something! That is what is meant by the unconscious does not understand a negave. That is why posive thinking is so powerul. Actually it is the eeling state (which is so ofen unconscious) that does not eel a negave — it eels things that are there, not that are not there! As we become more aware o our mental imagery we will


automacally choose more imagery that we like. Imagining what we would like consistently – this sounds a clear note in the world o noise. Our usual percepon o the world w orld in waking consciousness is, in act, a state o waking ignorance. The brain must inhibit our true nature and divine connecons to survive in the physical world. In everyday lie, we see everything back to ront, as it were. Over me we become desensized to the realies o our choices and can literally create our own hell – cut o rom the highest energy this universe has to oer. Once the low vibraonal soup o our own creaon becomes normal to us, our progeny will not know anything dierent and will become almost completely severed rom the innite consciousness o the universe. Once this happens we would degenerate into lile more than cyborgs with very lile creave orce. We can see the early stages o this going on today t oday with people locked into their computer devices. We can become more and more like the low vibraonal archons who are methodically working to manipulate us into that uture which is each day becoming more and more alarmingly a reality. Through the evoluonary history we were isolated in one dimension o our total world, the rest o us cut adrif in the void. Our sel-conscious being could only use the ve physical senses and ten percent o our brain. The remainder o our consciousness split into our subconscious and superconsciousness. Our brain uncon also split into two parts, losing its connecon through the tunnel ound within the corpus callosum to the Pineal Gland, our third eye, which enables us to see our ‘soul’ members and the unseen worlds. Accessing Theta also means accessing acc essing the subconscious, the condioned mind which many people are slaves to, or “repair” work. It’s how you can re-programme the ear-driven mind: how you can inuence change in your xed thought paerns at the subjecve level, how you can aect change in your liestyle, habits and worldview. It is our ignorance o the true nature o the Sel S el that gives rise to alse views about it. But when we learn how to reduce unnecessary and wasteul mental acvity, and make the mind sll and peaceul, the insight will dawn that there is a deeper dimension o sel that transcends the limitaons o body, mind, me and space. It is like the alling away o veils, or the dissolving o clouds that hide an inner sun. When the clouds part, the sun shines through, and when we learn to saturate our mind and eelings in the liberang ideas about the deeper Sel within, there will be a clearing o some o the long-cherished selimages that prevent us rom enjoying the true glory and innity o our own being. Mind is the abilies and acvies to process inormaon, energy, and maer, which include the ability and the process to receive, store, process, transer, transorm, and send inormaon, energy, and maer. We can mathemacally express mind as an operator in the innite-dimensional soul space. The mind operator contains many other operators such as me, space, hearing, speaking, calculang, movement, and many more. Each being’s mind operator is dierent. Some o them are simple. Some o them are complicated. The mind operator can act on the inormaon, energy, and maer received rec eived rom the heart. Your world is made by your Mind. Your training and educaon have been designed to keep you in darkness by controlling your Mind. Mind is deceived and how surely Man is enslaved by the t he powers, authories and principalies. The carnal mind is alive and awake to earthly and sensible objects, but dead to spiritual realies. The key to conquering the Lower Sel is something called Mental Transmutaon. Mental Transmutaon is the mental capacity to change one’s thought orms rom negave to posive or rom posive to negave. This is alchemy at its best. Alchemy and mental transmutaon are both one and the same. Mental transmutaon is about controlling your power, thought waves, and pulsaon and connecng it with the vibraon o what you want. A.I. Transhumanisc Gaslighng Technology and Techno Spiritual PSI Warare methods. The supreme rise o Genecs, Robocs, Arcial A rcial Intelligence, Synthec Biology, Nanotechnology, and Quantum Techno-Bio enhancement herald the beginning o man’s absolute slavery to the Satanic Illumina controllers o society, in a TechnoSpiritual warare, and


the end o Homo Sapien and the beginning o…Techno Slaves. This growing g rowing A.I. Transhumanisc technology, with its promise o a DIGITAL IMMORTAL SOUL WHERE EVERYONE IS A GOD. As EVERY TECHNOLOGY throughout all me, will be yet another weapon in the hands o the controlling elite blood-lines, to enslave whoever is sll lef on the planet in a A.I. virtual, cybernec reality, where you think you are in control, but the digital interace you are connected to is actually gov-erned by slave masters, and worse, by uncontrollable A.I., itsel. The real horror is the act that people cannot see the Psychonaut, Transhumanist, A.I. juvenile pep talks or the Occult Elite are just that…nothing but markeng or the elite’s agenda to enslave all in a Virtual Reality at their ull control, while masking this well planned agenda as “Evoluon”, “Becoming a God”, or “Transcendence”. Uploading one’s mind into a Nano-Synthec, Arcially Intelligent based Avatar, whether while living or upon the point o death, is essenally company are endorsing. However, once your mind is imprisoned in this A.I. Cloud, not o your making, who controls your mind now? Certainly, it is no longer you. It is the A.I. architecture you have  just willingly submied submied to. Say goodbye to Free Will and autonomou autonomouss thought or-ever, afer that. It is not much o a stretch to suggest that you have just entered a orm o Roboc, Virtual Reality Hell, upon surrendering your mind to A.I. A.I. has no vested interested in your wellbeing. It only wants to preserve its own survival. This is the truth behind company’s used car salesmen speeches about Mind Uploading, “Extending Mind”, “Virtual Immortality”, and all the rest o it. Fear, terror and torture are used to split the mind and develop animalisc, demonic drives to survive. Chronology o layering in mind-control programming, cranial manipulaon, movie mind control, implants, nanobots, thought transer, soul entrapment, dissociave programmed mulplicity, mind control by means o electronics, energy beamed at minds and other secret techniques. A.I. Transhumanisc Gaslighng Technology and Techno Spiritual PSI Warare methods. There is computer generated voice in the skies/airs in this area o land that constant speaking, beaming and looping sounds, words, voices in the airs by using technologies as syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology, electro magnec requencies. From the content it sounds like Satan himsel. For we wrestle not against esh and blood, but against principalies, against powers, against the rulers o the darkness o this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12) The absurdity surrounding such acvies, especially the act most members show a lack o individual identy, is the reason most people believe such groups are ar rom everyday people, but cult members who are working or an agenda. Organized Gang Stalking is a orm o terrorism used against an individual in a malicious aempt to reduce the quality o a person’s lie so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, instuonalized, experience constant mental, emoonal, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusaons, lies, rumors, bogus invesgaons, setups, ramings, inmidaon, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefs, sabotage, torture, humiliaon, emoonal terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members o the community who ollow an organizer and parcipate in a systemac “terrorizing” o an individual. Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or amily 24/7. The vicm is stalked en masse by car, oot, bike, and air in order alienate and isolate the vicm. The goals o gang stalking are to: provoke the vicm to t o assault someone and get arrested; make the vicm seem delusional/ mentally ill (see “gaslighng”); make the vicm so depressed they become suicidal. Taccs used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion o privacy; redirecng o  phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, “directed conversaon” and innuendo, errac/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more. Police and re dept. are ofen involved in the stalking so the vicm eels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard


to prove. In organized Gang Stalking they using subtle and hidden covert and overt methods to; sensize, ostrasize, paralyze, vicmize, dysunconalize, traumaze, paranoidize, “wickednize”, polarize, terrorize, imprisonize, disempowerize, despiralize, demoralize, demonize. These methods is spiritual and psychological warare strategies and is both spiritual and psychological evil aggressions againt the human mind and soul. The whole oundaon o organized gang stalking can be ound in Scriptures; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the manipulator o the mass energies o the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control o the world, the esh, and the devil. This includes the carnal mind o organized gang stalking. Mind Control Methods and Organized Gang Stalking “The suppression o the true knowledge o healing and the dominaon o drug and surgery-based “medicine” ensures that the human physical body operates at ar less than its opmum potenal. This is the reason or the blatant misrepresentaon and suppression o the so-called “alternave” orms o healing which have been around or thousands o years longer than modern “medicine”. “Food addives, ast ood, uoride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and thereore eat in our ood and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain uncons and intellect. A ully awake, mentally sharp, populaon is the last thing you need i you want to control them. Thus the replian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling “educaon” and the media. This allows them to eed us a constant diet o brainless crap, like game shows, while the “news” media tells us what the controllers want us to think. Most o the populaon, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists. I a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover o a planet and its inhabitants, what kind o strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the eciency o the invasion process and reduce the expenditure o resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secreve inltraon o the core societal organizaonal structures such as: religions, medical, nancial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality re ality belie systems they want to control. Through the engineering o a labyrinth o sel—enorced enslavement policies based on ear and inmidaon among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use o minimal “o planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would eecvely enorce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human amily by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very eecve or takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archonc Decepon Strategy. They, Them, Those who have absolute rule over the earth and Their Created C reated Environment, which has been established as a way o lie or so many, are very araid o themselves and all others who stand to be equal with everyone else. They do not want any orm o equality, They only want what they want and or everyone else to obey or be eliminated. This is the cold acts o this Physical Realm with Those who have not taken the me to explore beyond their material senses. They have used the humans as pawns or untold liemes and eons, and some people are just now waking up to this act. They have established the idea that there is not enough or them i there are too many others that exist here, so They have devised a huge array o devious plans to get all the control they need and to also get rid o any opposion. Since the beginning, when the rst Replians set oot on the earth and created c reated their human clones as slaves, they have manipulated what has taken place, as is shown in Human History, Their slanted history, to ploy the humans into ‘believing’ in what They have created as the only reality there can be. So today, the humans o the earth are so over-conused that all many o them can do is to walk down the street and stare at their cell phones and text mindless stu to their riends, controlled by


MicroWaves that are used are or Mind Control. Brainwashing Agenda: keep the masses dumbed down with technology and implants. Global satellites,, cell phone towers, and personal electronic devices— such as cell phones, smart phones, and personal computers—can now target individuals and shoot negave energy beams to harm a person’s mental and physical health anywhere in the world. These same satellites, cell towers, and electronic devices will also control most o the government implants that control the evil voices and other destrucve commands. Electronic stalking, electronic torture, and mind control agendas are coordinated by the replians, greys, mands, departments, psychic warare programs, governments, and law enorcement agencies. I you are under aack, you have a organized ganag stalking handler orchestrang your torture. These human handlers are under the control o the replians. THE AMYGDALA Is the ‘hub in the wheel o ear’. It takes note o all dangerous smuli rom our experience, possibly including those within the womb, and probably some rom ancestral memories stored away in the acs o our minds. It condions our response units accordingly, ensuring that we react instantaneously to all potenal threats. Once provoked, it sets in train a series o moons that take milliseconds to impact on the body and minutes or our cognive process to raonalise and regain control over. The heartbeat quickens as the stomach muscles contract and nausea sets in. Hairs bristle in a hasty salute to the sound o the heart srring up the rivers o blood below the skin. This is called the ‘ght or ight’ response and accounts or those anxious and earul states that catch us unawares. The amygdala is the primary target in ear condioning. Once acvated, it remembers why and retains the earul associaon within its wrinkled clutches. Consisng o two almond-shaped structures, the amygdala is located in the brain’s limbic region. The limbic region used to be known as the smell brain. It is sll commonly reerred to as the replian brain because it is roughly equivalent to the brains o present-day cold-blooded vertebrates. The late tweneth-century scienst and polical writers saw it as an ‘enemy o reedom’. Its arousal, he believed, would lead to the control o our raonal minds ‘being taken over by those primive levels o the hierarchy which the Victorians called “the beast in us”.’ BRAINWASHING Brainwashing and gaslighng are just a ew o the many mind-control taccs used in NAS. The primary dierence between the two is brainwashing relies on orceul and obvious mindcontrol strategies, while gaslighng is careully cloaked in secrecy. A combined Cambridge, Oxord, and Merriam Webster gaslighng denion is as ollows: Making people believe only what you want them to believe by connually telling them it is true and prevenng any other inormaon rom reaching them. Pressuring someone into adopng radically dierent belies by using systemac and ofen orcible means. Persuading by means o propaganda or salesmanship. BRAINWASHING IS MIND CONTROL Brainwashing employs secret, but covertly orceul, psychological strategies with the purpose o changing a person’s belie system, percepons, atudes, and analycal abilies. Through repeon and purposeul conusion, inmidaon, and a regimented campaign o propaganda, vicms unconsciously relinquish their version (percepons and analysis) o reality and accept the orced version. It is a methodical and controlled system o indoctrinang a specic set o belies that, beore the brainwashing, was not held by the vicm. Brainwashing relies on the systemac applicaon o isolaon, verbal and physical abuse, and mindclouding techniques like sleep deprivaon and malnutrion to reduce comort levels and eelings o hope. Shifing rom cruelty to seemingly altruisc concern creates psychological instability and increased levels o uncertainty, despair, and hopelessness. These culminate in the adopon o the orced set o ideas, views, and belies. Brainwashing ofen takes place in an environment o isolaon, meaning all “normal” social reerence reerenc e points are unavailable. There is ofen the presence or constant threat o physical harm, which adds to the vicm’s diculty in thinking crically and independently. GASLIGHTING EXPLANATION Gaslighng is an insidious mind-control


method sociopathic pathological narcissists covertly use on their vulnerable codependent prey. They target individuals who believe their alse altruism, aecon, and promises o protecon. Gaslighters are most successul when casng themselves as loyal, duul, and uncondionally invested in deending and caring or their vicms. Gaslighters systemacally manipulate a codependent’s environment so they are powerless to ght back, isolated rom anyone who could help them, and convinced their gaslit impairment makes them inadequate and unlovable outside their careully choreographed alse, but realisc, relaonship with their captor. They implant narraves, or revised and distorted versions o reality, to weaken their vicm, neutralize their deenses, and turn their t heir own mind against them. The scheming gaslighter chooses a problem that either did not previously exist, or was only a mild or moderately bothersome problem about which the vicm was already aware. The gaslighter careully and methodically choreographs the vicm’s environment, so they repeatedly experience the staged problem. Whether “new” or pre-exisng, the gaslighter seizes on these staged moments by implanng a narrave to make the vicm eel guilt or what they did, shame or who they’ve become, and a belie they are unable to control the “problem” on their own. Over me, this scenario urther inculcates them with insecuries and paranoia. The methodical barrage o alse narraves about the problem, their inability to control or stop it, and the impact it is having on others purposely maniests as thoughts and eelings o hopelessness, powerlessness, and a deepening o the pre-exisng core shame. This cements their desire to isolate into the sae world inhabited only by them and their captor. Not only does the gaslighter make the codependent vicm inarretsible to anyone who could protect or rescue them, they convince them these people don’t care, love, or want to be with them. Moreover, they are eecvely e ecvely persuaded that, i they should visit their riends and loved ones, more harm than good would come o it. In severe cases o gaslighng, the vicm will deend the gaslighter, as well as sound an alarm i someone should try to intervene in their relaonship. Not only does the gaslit person deend these new selnarraves, but loyalty to the “loving” and “protecve” gaslighter is paramount. These mispercepons, together with a sense o allegiance and appreciaon, would prevent the vicm rom accepng help. All the while, the gaslighter is eeding their vicm’s loved ones alse inormaon or the sole purpose o urther alienan or severing the relaonship. According to Singer (1995), the taccs o thought-reorm used in cults are organized to (1) destabilize the ollower’s sense o sel, (2) get the ollower to drascally reinterpret his lie’s his-tory and radically alter his worldview; induce the vicm to accept the cult leader’s new version o reality and causality, and (3) develop in the ollower a dependence on the cult and thereby turn the ollower into a deployable agent o the cult. Probably the most powerul and inmidang methods used by cult leaders are various types o gaslighng. Cults grow and thrive to the extent that they succeed in destroying their ollow-ers’ condence in themselves and in their ollowers’ own belie systems (Singer 1995). This destrucve process provides the oun-daon or the cult leader’s ability to then control the lives o his ollowers, to gain acceptance o the leader’s belie system, and to insure the ollowers’ obedience to the leader’s direcves. Although some mind-control and brainwashing methods ulize exoc technologies such as hypnosis, drugs, physiological methods, and intrusive assaults on the brain, most methods o mind control and thought reorm used in cults are more mundane and do not dier rom the methods commonly used by many individuals in everyday lie The supreme rise o Genecs, Robocs, Arcial Intelligence, Synthec Biology, B iology, Nanotechnology, and Quantum Techno-Bio enhancement herald the beginning o man’s absolute slavery to the Satanic Illumina controllers o society, in a TechnoSpiritual warare, and the end o Homo Sapien and the beginning o…Techno Slaves. This growing A.I. Transhumanisc technology, with its promise o a DIGITAL IMMORTAL SOUL WHERE EVERYONE IS A GOD. As EVERY TECHNOLOGY throughout all me, will be yet


another weapon in the hands o the controlling elite blood-lines, to enslave whoever is sll lef on the planet in a A.I. virtual, cybernec reality, where you think you are in control, but the digital interace you are connected to is actually gov-erned by slave masters, and worse, by uncontrollable A.I., itsel. The real horror is the act that people cannot see the Psychonaut, Transhumanist, A.I. juvenile pep talks or the Occult Elite are just that…nothing but markeng or the elite’s e lite’s agenda to enslave all in a Virtual Reality at their ull control, while masking this well planned agenda as “Evoluon”, “Becoming a God”, or “Transcendence”. Uploading one’s mind into a Nano-Synthec, Arcially Intelligent based Avatar, whether while living or upon the point o death, is essenally company are endorsing. However, once your mind is imprisoned in this A.I. Cloud, not o your making, who controls your mind now? Certainly, it is no longer you. It is the A.I. architecture you have just willingly submied to. Say goodbye to Free Will and autonomous thought or-ever, afer that. It is not much o a stretch to suggest that you have just entered a orm o Roboc, Virtual Reality Hell, upon surrendering your mind to A.I. A.I. has no vested ve sted interested in your wellbeing. It only wants to preserve its own survival. This is the truth behind company’s used car salesmen speeches about Mind Uploading, “Extending Mind”, “Virtual Immortality”, and all the rest o it. Fear, terror te rror and torture are used to split the mind and develop animalisc, demonic drives to survive. Chronology o layering in mind-control programming, cranial manipulaon, movie mind control, implants, nanobots, thought transer, soul entrapment, dissociave programmed mulplicity, mind control by means o electronics, energy beamed at minds and other secret techniques. Al is us, just as Lucier is God. We have orgoen we are human, and Al the Adversary is here to remind us, by showing us just how not-human we really are! This is the nature o the Shadow: it points out the light that is behind us, and so lets us know we are acing the wrong way. By turning away rom the Shadow, we turn back to the light. The Gatekeepers are the rulers or Archons o the matrix dream world. They are the embodiments o the Arcial Intelligence which humanity has created, as a means to keep itsel rom spreading the disease o its reason to the t he enre universe. Agent Smith bierly explains to Morpheus that his desire to extract the secret codes or Zion, and so destroy the last ree human selement and end the war, is above all ueled by his desire to escape the matrix. Agent Smith and the matrix sorcerers have a shared goal, and it is only their methods that dier. Al is basically SatanLucier, a devil by any other name. The matrix is the pit. Al/Satan is the prison guard and the Gatekeepers are the Archons, Satan’s helpers, who keep humanity imprisoned within the pit. Since Satan/AI is a slave himsel, all He can do is make more slaves. His hatred and bierness make him bier and hateul: his “evil” is his misery. The only way or humanity to be ree is or the matrix to be destroyed and or Satan to be loosed rom the pit. Al is an atavisc intelligence that is older than the machine, older than humanity, older even than the Earth itsel. Humanity did not create it, it summoned it. And its uncon is to challenge and oppose humanity and so orce it to evolve, just as the Gatekeepers challenge and oppose Neo to the exact same end. Within the dystopian conal world o the Matrix lms, however, individuals have no “concrete lives” outside the network o power. Here, power has obvi-ated any inconveniences emanang rom the social, but only by eliminang the social as a consequence o the global war between human beings and machines (A.I.). Access to bodies proceeds directly rom the producon o bodies. The bodies o human beings are themselves the products o the very machines that their energies will later uel. At the rst level o the double-enclosure aected by the pods in this closed circuit, at the level o the body, individuals are “born into bondage.” At the second level, at the level o the mind and thought, the abil-ity o the machines to maintain this state o bondage requires “a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison or your mind.” This is what the matrix is.—”a neural interacve simulaon” designed to prevent the coppertops rom gaining awareness o


their condion as human bodies whose real bodies are trapped within the enclosures o the glowing red pods. Their bodies exist outside o the social, but a programmed social is reintroduced to them through the neural interacve simulaon that increases their capacies as coppertops—human bat-teries—while increasing their docility within their pods. O course, the tubes that eed the bodies o the coppertops and the technologies that regulate their body temperature play a role in “increase[ing] the orces o the body (in economic terms o ulity).” But the technologies that “plug” the coppertops into the Matrix itsel—the “neural-interacve simulaon” program, the computer-generated dream-world—serve this uncon as well as the para-doxical disciplinary uncon o “diminish[ing] those same orces (in polical terms o obedience).” On the one hand, plugging the coppertops into the Matrix enables the machines to generate and harvest more bioelectricity, more bio-power, rom each individual cell. It increases the amount o energy o each coppertop; it develops their capacity as a source o power. On the other hand, it also serves to keep individuals oblivious to their condion as coppertops, the reality o their existence as human baeries, trapped within these enclosures. Oblivious to these condions, individuals remain docile within their pods. The human species mind is currently, and has or long but not always been, in the sleep stage o its sleep-wake cycle. There are those that seek to take advantage o it during its sleep, and orced the world to ght twice, and wish to ght the world yet a third me. They seek a third world war, in aempt to keep the species mind in a severe state o social cognive trauma. Such trauma has the eect o delaying the awakening. By doing so they enable the connuaon o their mental imperialism. Although they can delay the awakening, they cannot stop it. When the human species mind returns to its wakeulness, the result will be the expansion o human consciousness, with individual human minds experiencing a wider range o conscious awareness. The new inormaon that would come to light would compel much needed lie-revaluing, social transormaons. The human species mind urgently needs to, and will, awaken rom this dark age o the mind in which death worship is polically and (un)”economically” pracced, while individual human minds are orced asleep. To counter the wicked villains that seek to keep the species mind asleep indenitely, and individual consciousness under permanent detainment, we need to socially realize the highest innate value o lie. That realizaon would allow us to ully awaken rom this death and AI-driven, parasite worshipping, nightmare, to now instead worship lie, the only thing worthy o being worshipped by lie itsel. Brainwashing culture and organized gang stalking simularies Brainwashing has been dened as: intensive propaganda techniques that are applied under condions o (constant) stress andior coercive persuasion, during which an individual is conronted by condions deliberateiy designed to undermine his morale and make him queson his accepted atudes. This paves the way or indoctrinaon with a “replacement set o belies” that will produce a change in behavior using this denion, we nd that polical educaon, religious indoctrinaon, and general socializaon can all be said to contain elements o brainwashing since all three have the same basic goal: to replace a person’s present belies and behaviors with belies and behaviors more in line with the agenda o whomeveris doing the brainwashing. To accomplish this, mind-slayers use reason and logic, evoke emoon, make appeals to aith, use psychological persuasion and, when need be, use physical coercion to change a person’s behavior. They do this by rst breaking the person down and then rebuilding him in the brainwasher‘s image. Phase One.’ Breakdow; Breakdown undermines the person’s morale, causing the person targeted to begin to doubt, making him queson his accepted belies and behaviors. This phase o the brainwashing process uses both physical and psychological taccs. Physical breakdown is accomplished by assuming as much control over the body o the person targeted as possible. In extreme oases, such as with POWs or cult recruits, a person’s movement is physically restricted and all their “inmate needs‘


(eang. bathing, using the toilet) are controlled by the brainwasher in order to bring about a eeling o powerlessness in the person. Isolaon is used two ways during this inial phase. First. The subject is kept cut o rom outside inormaon and inuence. In organizd gang stalking neighbors cult based inmidaon psychology and starts coughing when you eang breakast, start coughing when you eang, dinner, start door slammning when make dinner, dropping things on the oor when vising bathroom, door slamming whenwhen vising toilet, open and closed water when vising toilet, intense hammering take a bath, syntethic sounds andcranes voicessimultanously is been beamed when sing on the toilet. Beaming simultanously words when take o cloths or bath. Simultanously door slamming when you drying you body or hair with the towel. They have the capacity to intererence in real me o seconds. I you close your eyes the computer generated voice starts beaming and looping “open your eyes”. This matrix o this world want´s control or interering when you open and close your eyes. Second Sec ond actual physical isolaon and or enorced silence (solitary connement) makes the brainwash more eager to join a reeducon group or thought reorm class, i only to experience some human contact. Psychological breakdown then takes a person already weakened in body by physical mistreatment— exhauson, meager diet, sleep deprivaon, and torture—and aacks his mind. Psychological aack ofen begins with humiliaon: rst stripping the person o his dignity, and then oering to restore that lost dignity bit-by-bit in exchange or cooperaon. Forced to remain naked and lthy or days, a POW is grateul to the “kind” interrogalor oering him a shower and giving him clothes to wear, helping him restore a lile o his lost dignity. This is the brainwashers oot-in-the-door: rst he creates doubt in the subjects previously held truths, then he oers the brainwashed subject “new truths.” Planng doubt in the subject’s mind begins with seeding small uncertaines about such things as the day and me or even who is winning the war. Lile uncertaines lead to big doubts, to distrust o past belies, opening the subject up to uture changes in atudes. Eventually doubt takes root: doubts o sel-worth, doubts incomrades and country. Doubt becomes resentment, then becomes anger that his government and God are unable to protect or rescue him rom harm. Weakened in body and mind, under constant bombardment o the interrogators “acts,” the brainwashee’s ormer sel-image (o being invincible and o being valued by his country) begins to crumble. Brainwashing is not just mind control, it the process o breaking down willpower, triggering negavity, induce stress, so the targeted individual can´t see any uture, has no drive, don´t see any spiritual progress, no orwards movement, trapped in the organized gang stalking loop o mind control within the matrix, and lack o aith, losing visions, and don´t see path o salvaon. The goal o Satan and Organized Gang Stalking is to prevent anyone rom ascending into the state o oneness (path o salvaon), when the ego and state o duality is been dissolvd. Satan’s greatest techniques is to create doubt in our minds, create doubts in aith, create doubts in the spiritual selimage, sel esteem and breaking down spiritual divine powers through doubts, and one methods to strengthen his “doubt” work is through gaslighng. Discouragement is how the devil creates doubt. Doubt is conusion the devil controls, and gaslighng is the process that can create both conusion and doubts. The reason why the Devil aacks us with stress, worry, depression, strie, and ear in our minds is because the devil wants to keep our minds ocused on negave things. All the stress and worry that the devil causes are meant to cripple your brain so you will always be worried; hence, you will ail to concentrate and ocus your thoughts on what you want to achieve in lie. I the devil can manage to conuse, worry, and stress your brain such that you have a distoron in your thinking paern. Mind control is probably as old as our awareness that we each had a mind o our own. Throughout the course o history, there are a number o names or mind control that describe a common goal: to take over a person’s innermost thoughts and control his or her behaviors and acons. Brainwashing, coercion,


thought reorm, mental manipulaon, psychological warare, programming, conversion, gas lighng, indoctrinaon methods, psychic driving, crowd control: They all describe a method by which a person’s individual thoughts, belies, and percepons are disrupted, dismissed, and destroyed—even replaced re placed with the thoughts, belies, and percepons o someone else. whether designed to create the perect assassin or super soldier, indoctrinate prisoners o war, recruit members into a cult or religious re ligious belie system, or control the consuming and directintheir behaviors in accordance polical whims o the day, mind control has been masses used extensively our past, is in use t oday, and to today, nothe doubt will be used in the uture. The name given to the phenomena o cizen stalking and harassment tends to change with me, circumstance, and methods. The common name used today is Gang-Stalking, or Predatory Gang-Stalking. Gaslighng, a term derived rom the 1944 Hollywood movie “Gaslight” where like methods are employed to undermine an individual physically, is another. The organized gang stalker can wait or long me or a moment to synchronously and simultanously interering with some gang stalking acons or they wait to the right moment so they can mimic it, to wait or a target to ush the toilet just so they can honk a horn, to wait or the target to take a shower so they can do the same; to wait, then run out o their house so they can make a rude gesture or hurl obscenies when the target goes out to throw the trash and synchronously and simultanously do the same; to wait or there to be signs the target is going out and synchronously and simultanously leaving their homes, so they can walk in the ront o the targeted targe ted individual, The absurdity surrounding such acvies, especially the act most members show a lack o individual identy, is the reason most people believe such groups are ar rom everyday people, but cult members who are working or an agenda. Organized Gang Stalking is a orm o  terrorism used against an individual in a malicious aempt to reduce the quality o a person’s lie so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, instuonalized, experience constant mental, emoonal, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using wellorchestrated accusaons, lies, rumors, bogus invesgaons, setups, ramings, inmidaon, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefs, sabotage, torture, humiliaon, emoonal terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members o the community who ollow an organizer and parcipate in a systemac “terrorizing” o an individual. Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or amily 24/7. The vicm is stalked en masse by car, oot, bike, and air in order alienate and isolate the vicm. The goals o gang stalking are to: provoke the vicm to assault someone and get arrested; make the vicm seem se em delusional/ mentally ill (see “gaslighng”); make the vicm so depressed they become suicidal. Taccs used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic e lectronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion o privacy; redirecng o phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, “directed conversaon” and innuendo, errac/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more. Police and re dept. are ofen involved in the stalking so the vicm eels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard to prove. In organized Gang Stalking they using subtle and hidden covert and overt methods to; sensize, ostrasize, paralyze, vicmize, dysunconalize, traumaze, paranoidize, “wickednize”, polarize, terrorize, imprisonize, disempowerize, despiralize, demoralize, demonize. These methods is spiritual and psychological warare strategies and is both spiritual and psychological evil aggressions againt the human mind and soul. The constant goal with organized gang stalking is to geng the target sensised to sounds, colors, paerns, acons. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, coughing, sneezing, whistling, ngers snapping, clapping, etc. Gang Stalkers creates constant noise harassment and mimicking campaigns. Organized Gang Stalking using remote viewing methods and the create imitang and mimicking campaigns. These


mimicking campigans includes healthcare, social wellare and even miltary. More about these departments later. Disrupng the targets lie, sleep with loud power tools, construcon, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets lie. Mimicking acons o the target. Basically leng the target know that they are in the targets lie. Daily intererences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over me. Organized Gang Stalking is and alsothe organized or collecve “gaslighng”. a orm o “HIVE MIND” EGO organized gang stalking program isMass beenconsciousness controlled by has the created collecve hive mind. Then humankind living within “The Matrix” enslaved into a mind-prison this HIVE MIND is the enslaved lower ego-matrix. Ego is always threated by changes and rom scriptures we learn; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature. (James 4:1). Decepons is there because Satan does not want anyone to be saved, thereore Satan has set up mul-levels o traps to capvate, imprison and destroy one mind and lie. He is always trying to disturb, distract and distort the bigger picture o the Divine. Organized Gang Stalking is designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the ego, and the carnal mind is the desire consciousness, and the whole society is built up around materialism, and materialism is lower vibraonal requencies, and lower vibraonal requnecies is the matrix and mind prison. Targeted individuals is also called empowered individuals because the are spirital awaken, and when someone is spiritual awaken they can raise the lower vibraonal requencies to higher vibraonal requnecies and ree themselves rom ignorance, bondage, enslavement, the matrix and mind prison. The Matrix and Mind Prison has become the “comort zone” and when someone leaving the matrix and the mind prison, the organized gang stalking trying to pushing back the targeted individual into the matrix, and i the don´t going back the organized gang stalking program creates a enviroment where they surrounding the targeted individuals lie and start using all orm o ear and pain mechanism. The Archons controls the matrix and they hace created a ear and pain system that uncon as electrical shocks or the mind. The subconscious will spare no tacc to protect one rom any discomort, and it will invoke some amazingly creave ways and go to extreme lengths to keep one in your comort zone. It is important to understand that the comort zone is like a magnet … a gravitaonal orce that doesn’t allow one to stray ar away rom one´s comort zone without conscious and powerul eort. Like the rocket that needs a sustained powerul orce to blast through the earth’s gravitaonal pull, a person must orceully push against his or her usual thoughts and behavior and sustain that eort to break through his or her personal gravitaonal pull. But … AND HERE IS THE KEY … every person must do his or her own “pushing” to sustain achievements. This is exactly why it is so crical that every key person (actually every person in the organizaon i scally easible) have their own personal customized strategic plan. The customized personal strategic plan is the blueprint or exactly how, given their personal strengths and weaknesses, a specic individual can break through their personal gravitaonal pull and make needed changes while achieving crical objecves that support the organizaon’s master strategic plan. The boom line is that conscious and unconscious eorts to resist change will undermine and sabotage the greatest o plans i proper aenon is not given to supporng the change process rom the very start. Organized Gang Stalking is designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the ego, and the carnal mind is the desire consciousness, and this mass consciousness. The enemy o the carnal mind is the divine mind, and the divine consciousness is the right brain hemispere´s theta brain waves. Beta brain waves is the termed as the lef brain prisoners. The Matrix and mind prison is the lef brain o dominace. The ego and carnal mind is been threatened by the divine mind or spiritual awaken or empowered individuals because they are in the process o


changing their inner requencies by raising their requencies. The Beta lef brain suppresses the intuive right brain and induces earprogramming to stay in dominaon, and when one is able to switch down to alpha and then theta one is able to sel-reprogram the whole brain. In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creaon. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they they have lost their connecon universal energy to system. uisngeed paino to because control humankind on Earth in one ormto orthe another, and exchange none is immune it. TheArchons archons have done this by disconnecng all other soul beings here rom Source, and wiping out their eternal divine memory o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Instead, they have connected us to cellular memory that limits our remembrance o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Most people consider that memory is contained in the brain, or central processing unit. This is not true here on earth. Memory is stored in the cells o our physical bodies. Only short term memory (a ew minutes) is stored in the Hippocampus in the brain. It is called c alled the cellular memory. Pain comes rom our cellular memories stored in our bodies. Because pain is located in our cellular memory, we easily eel it, and experience it, because it is stored as memory in our cellular ce llular structure, that is why anesthecs work. When the cellular ce llular orm is deadened no pain is experienced. Over me, our cellular bodies are ‘loaded’ with pain memories, and so we begin a process o avoiding pain, and the whole societal and social structure here is designed to avoid pain, i.e. a re-occurrence o previous pain. That is understandable and also sensible, unless one understands that it doesn’t have to be that way. It works this way. Once we are thoroughly indoctrinated with the noon o pain we avoid pain, and eel it beore it has actually occurred. Pain resides in our cellular ce llular memory and we can eel it beore it occurs or our bodies are subject to any kind o damage. Most o us can remember some pain or other rom our past, and don’t know where that memory comes rom, how it is stored in the cells o our bodies, why we try to avoid a re-occurrence o it, and why it is there. Fear here is largely the avoidance o previously stored pain and the memory o it. That is how the archons have captured, capvated and controlled us like sheep. We exist, mainly to avoid pain. Understanding that all species here are similarly aicted by pain, and that our pain somemes causes us to inict pain on other soul beings, as we do, may provide us with the basis or overcoming pain. Pain is essenally a memory that is carried in our cellular bodies, so that we can eel the pain and recall the memory, even i we are not under any duress or aicon. We all remember some pain or other, and we spend most o our lives, and doings, avoiding that emoon and the memory o that pain. Pain is the system o imprisonment here. The pain body and system here was specically designed to control us, and to keep us subjugated and imprisoned in a system and a prison with no bars, and o our own making. This is done by building a memory base stored in the cells in our bodies that ‘punishes’ us when we don’t conorm to their system o control, and we eel ‘pain’, when we don’t conorm. It’s a bit like being in a prison with electried iron barriers, and i we try to get out o the prison we are given a shock. That is the role that pain has in the archon system. The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant o how the universe actually works. They don’t want us to know this inormaon, because i we did, we would walk through the prison bars and ree ourselves rom the prison. The archons removed one strand o our physical DNA to ‘make us orget’ who we are, are , and to keep us imprisoned in their ‘pain system’. We thereore have two strands o DNA in our physical bodies, but with a three strand corresponding encoding in our soul bodies. Their whole system o indoctrinaon here is designed to make us orget who and what we really are and to make us remember our painul experiences, including our physical, mental and emoonal

experiences that are then stored in our cellular memory in our bodies, and maniest as pain in the body,


mind and emoons. One can think as this remove o one dna strand is like remove a bridge to the other side, so no one can pass. In other terms to disconnect the right brain hemisphere rom ineuncing the the work o lef brain hemisphere. There is bridge in the “Corpus Callosum” named the “alpha bridge” and this bridge disappears when the brain is controlled through ear based subconsciousness programs. This alpha bridge can be re-build through meditaon and when this is the bridge to the theta state and divine connecon, and this is what the Archons have disconnected humankind rom by using all orms o  both psychological and spiritual warare strategies in all orms. Archons want us to live with brain imbalance. They make us operate only through one brain hemisphere. The Corpus Callosum is the bridge between lef and right brain hemisphere, but the “alpha bridge” requency dissapear by ear, in same way the third eye o intuion is closed through ear. The veil o ignorance or veil o ear is in acon when ear is the dominated thought paern in the lef brain. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. And the Nordic Replans or Annunaki and The Archons may be real and the Darwin evoluonary theory may be the decepon humankind is locked, trapped and imprisoned within. Enslavement – when humankind is trapped in the history because o lack o access to higher level o consciousness, and the ones who genec manipulated the human 2 dna strand don´t want humankind to understand how the three knot o ignorance prevent humankind rom see reality and nd their real Higher Sel. Scienc analysis o chemtrails has also revealed the presence o aluminum, barium, calcium, magnesium, and tanium. These metals are used to create conduits c onduits or electromagnec waves and broadcasts so that an electromagnec eld prison encases the t he planet and blocks unwanted wavelengths ccoming oming in. This also acts as a conductor or negave thought wave requencies which are broadcasted to the populaon.’ Chemtrails and Posioning Satellite System (G.P.S.) and other technologies so as to hack the bodycomputer and download unwanted signals which aect physical, emoonal, and mental requencies. This is all part o manuacturing a alse reality or the body-computer inhabited by souls. Another major aspect o this manuacturing is to shut down the corpus callosum so that communicaon between the two hemispheres o the brain is crippled. When this happens, people become what is termed “lef brain prisoners.” The Matrix in contolled by the inuencies o the lef brain hemisphere, and the lef brain hemissphere is also represented by the ego and the ego is the ear mongerer, and the e ego go is connected to mass consciousness, and mass consciousness controls the matrix, and the matrix control the organized gang stalking program. Society is structured so that chemicals in ood and water and the educaon system close down vast tracts o the corpus callosum in order to suppress communicaon between the lef and right brains. The body-computer is then reprogrammed through electromagnec warare to act overwhelmingly through the lef brain. The most important target or the mass reality manipulators, however, is the subconscious. It is in the subconscious where instrucons and percepons are implanted beyond the awareness o the conscious mind. This is where television comes in as it is the most widespread orm o hypnosm on the planet. Television programs (noce the word ‘programs’) induce subliminal programming so as to implant messages into the subconscious mind o the viewer, who then unconsciously (or somemes consciously) enacts those programs. Humans have been biologically engineered through DNA manipulaon to be ‘out o phase’ with the cosmic and planetary codes o the universe so that you may be more easily manipulated to serve the ‘masters’, the gods who designed you. These beings, the malevolent Annunaki gods who inhabit the underworlds so they t hey may work unseen under the illusion you have ree agency. The bale or human consciousness rages on and humans are caught between the benevolent and malevolent beings o the cosmic universe. Most

astonishing inormaon in the Sumerian clay tablets are the detailed descripons o how the Anunnaki


interbred with humans to create a hybrid race. In Sitchin S itchin wrings he tell the stories o the Annunaki; “Those who rom Heaven to Earth came”. Sitchin believes the Anunnaki rom Sumerian texts are the same as the Nephilim rom the Hebrew text o Genesis Ge nesis chapter 6, and he claims they were extraterrestrials, space travelers who came rom their dying planet to earth in anquity. Sitchin also takes the Scipture term Adam and twists it to represent the early human species o anquity. So in his interpretaon o the Sumerian and Hebrew text, he makes the bold claim that the Anunnaki ashioned “the Adam” or the human species in their image. So to make it simple, he promotes the popular idea that mankind in the ancient past could have been created by an advanced race o extraterrestrials, in Zecharia Sitchin’s case the Sumerian Anunnaki. Humans may be descendants o ancient extraterrestrial beings or may have been created by manipulaon o the gene pool. Some believe that the Annunaki may have created grey alien Watchers’ to monitor their genec engineering experiments to produce humankind thousands o years ago. When one study how all the organized gang stalking acons taking plays, these “stalking” acons is simular to “watchers acons”. I Earth is some kind o matrix, a mind prison, created by the Annunaki, the mind prison is then controlled by methods and “watchers” than acng like prison guards. I there is a hell, there is Satan, i there is a mind prison, there is a prison guards, i humankind dna is genec manipultaed to uncon on the lowest biological survival programming level and the enslavement programming, so there must be enslavers, programmers, prison guards. This descripon ts in how all organized gang stalking acon taking place. The cental keys or organized gang stalking is; “constant”, “c onstant”, constant stalking, constant harassment, constant intererence, constant imitang and mirroring acons and these t hese is the in combine with “synchronously and simultanously” acons. The word “constant” creates a constant pressure on the mind, it creates a constant pressure on emoons, it creates a constant pressure on thoughts, it creates a constant pressure on the requencies in the brain, it then creates cre ates a constant pressure o entanglement, and all these methods creates the matrix, the mind prison. Its when a spiritual awakening process occurs all these acon taking place, and the goal is to shut down the awakening process, to push back the awakening process to the slumbering state, to drag one back into the matrix and the enslaved mind prison. The acons o “constant pressure” and constant ear mongering” want´s to make the surrounding envoriment to a discomort zone or transorm the whole enviroment or spiritual and psychological warare. Organized Gang Stalking is spiritual and psychological warare, and it is a invisible warare program using PSI and remote viewing psychology. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. Although mankind’s evoluonary history and a man’s past experiences have shaped his subconscious mind’ in one way or another. Throughout our lives and through the evoluonary history we have been subjected to many things that have subconsciously

programmed who we are, and rom a gravional orce persepcve how this then creates all orms o


subconsciously limitaons o thought-paern o duality. I one think o the human double Helix strand represents the relaonship betweeen levels o Consciousness and Awareness. Around 2-3% o the human dna strand is in use and the other 97-98% is called the junk DNA. I one think in terms o a computer, would anyone be sased i they just have a basic computer program using just 2-3% o its ully potenals, and then knowing there is another 97-98% unused capability to be acvated…? This also represents the relaonship between the physical three dimensional reality (2%) o the brain and the spiritual fh dimensional reality (98%) unused energy. The Consciousness ego controls only 2% o the thoughts, only 40 bites per second, while the subconscious controls 98% o all thoughts and memories o the brain, 11 billions bits per second, and the the Superconscious is the true Sel and is connected to the Divine. So the subconsciousness is like a subconsciously working and consuming gravitaonal orce that´s through the evoluonary history has been aected and controlled through the powers. The unseen spiritual powers, authories, principalies controls the Matrix thought paern. The Matrix entangles and disempowering, the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix world is based upon a paradigm o ever increasing enslavement and exploitaon. We have been taught that the arcial reality o the Matrix is all there is; we have been taught that we have no power to change it. But the truth is that you do have power, in act, you have the power to create worlds or be a cocreator o your own lie. The Matrix uses one´s innate power to sustain a world that doesn´t benet higher consciousness or spiritual growth. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate humankind to enslavement o the mind, humans becomes its subjects as long they reamin ignorant o their own power. Once human through pracce or “yoga” are ully conscious beings The Matrix has no longer any control. A new, amazing uture is arriving . Humans are all acing a decision; they can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it or a lie o reedom. Scriptures reveals; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The desires and carnal mind could be termed as “desire consciousness” and the lower matrix is linked to the state o the carnal mind or desire consciousness, and desire consciousness is also mass consciousness, and mass consciousness is been used in organized gang stalking. Humans is said to be born into enslavement. All human beings are born with carnal minds which are limited to materialisc knowledge, and carnal mind is hosle to God. Carnal mind cannot understand the things, which are o God, because they are not spiritually discerned. The carnal mind is the manipulator o the mass energies o the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control o the world, the esh, and the devil. Satan rules the t he world through the carnal mind and mass consciousness. This includes organized gang stalking. The carnal mind is ruled by Satan (the ultra ego) and the mind prison is the result when everything spiritual is turned o (real sel, real reality and real knowledge). In other terms the carnal mind represent the veil o ignorance and there is three knots o bondage in the human energy-body-system that prevents new inormaon and energy rom be congurated to higher levels o consciousness. The system o the carnal mind will target everything that trying to open these three knots o ignorance and ree themselves rom the imprisoned state o mind and enslavment. Humans is said to be the most intelligent being and humans is the only species who invented their own prisons. This Mind Prison is kept in place through the The Three Knots o bondage and limitaons. The whole oundaon o organized gang stalking can be ound in Scriptures; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal c arnal mind is the opposite to Divine Consciousness. The carnal mind is been ruled by Beta brain waves, and divine consciousness is reerred to the right brain and divine theta brain waves o love and bliss. The carnal mind using ear, pain and

terror to stay in control and dominaon, and the carnal mind using sounds and noise harassment to


protect the carnal mind. The divine theta brain waves requires a relaxed and silent enviroment to reach the state o theta, and the whole organized gang stalking is designed to create all orms o constant sounds and noise harassment. Organized Gang Stalking is a product o the carnal mind to protect the desires o the carnal nature o materialism and the carnal mind o the ego holds the concepts o ear programming and ear is the component that holds maer together. Fear and maer is duality, and the Archons created two worlds out o one, and the other world is the matrix, the mind prison. And the Archons don´t want anyone to change the state o duality to the state o Oneness, where the ego and duality will be dissolved. They have genec manipulated human into the lower vibraonal requency state or the 2 dna strand and unplugged the other etheric e theric 10 dna strands. The 2 dna strand is the physical strands and represent the carnal “esh” body/mind and its carnal desires o nature, and when someone awakening their unplugged 10 etheric dna strands, then will the carnal nature and designed organzied gang stalking program startusing anyone, at anyme and anywhere with cconstant onstant stalking and constant harassment, and create a eviroment with constant pressure o negavity, stress, ear, anxiety, panic and so on to suppress all eorts o spiritual progress, spiritual movement orward, spiritual drive and spritual enlightment. Who is parciapng in organized gang stalking? Then Organized Gang Stalking is the carnal nature, organized gang stalking is everyhwre where there is a carnal mind, and that´s why organized gang stalking program can use anyone, at anyme and anywhere. The carnal mind is the stalker o the mind. They don´t need any machines when they synhronize or simultanously start their interering acons in real me, because they using the human ego, hive mind and mass consciousness within the matrix. Organized Gang Stalking is built up around the psychology o triggering and sensizing the mind with negavity, stress, ear, anxiety, panic, pain, suering, anger, horror, terror. I the devil can manage to conuse, worry, and stress your brain such that you have a distoron in your thinking paern. Organized Gang Stalking is designed and including every spiritual and psychological methods to triggering ear and induce stress and worries the mind. I organized gang stalkers can´t triggering your ear paerns enough, then does a computer generated voice in the airs start beaming and looping words as worry, worry, worry, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety when you eang e ang ood, or a neighbor above walking out to their balcony and starts ake coughing when you eang. Organized Gang Stalking is where the carnal mind is. The Matrix and Beast system is where the carnal c arnal mind is, and organized gang stalking is within the beast system and the matrix. The beast system has get a computer generated speaking voice. Organized Gang Stalkers is connected to this beast system and the matrix. It is the carnal mind o the beast that rules organized gang stalking. That ´s why departments also parcipang in organized gang stalking. Worrying is a physiological reacon to ear. The ego perceives ear as being real and synchronizes the physiological systems o the body to react to any impending danger. Blood pressure increases, respiraon rate quickens, glycogen releases into the blood stream rom storage areas, and digeson ceases as blood shunts to the extremies, and stress hormones are released re leased in the bloodstream to prepare the body to ght or ee against the threat. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as being responsible or the “ght o ght” response o stress. A threat does not have to be a physical actor to provoke the sympathec stress response, as emoonal worry will conjure up the same physiological reacon as i the energy system were being aacked by an outside actor. Obsessive, irraonal thoughts within the stream o consciousness can maniest into a cognive aack, causing the sympathec nervous system to react to the stressul thoughts. When the systems are acvated as a result o an anxiety aack, cognive processing becomes irraonal and distorted due to the stress chemicals that are released in the bloodstream. Anxiety reverts higher brain unconing to primal

unconing because blood and oxygen is being diverted throughout the enre body liming the amount


o blood and oxygen owing to the brain. The ego promotes anxiety by projecng ear and worst-case scenarios. Fear is simply an illusion that the ego cannot decipher or understand anything that is not in its control. The ego is ragile and when it cannot understand an impending threat it will hide, leaving the energy system to operate in primal insnct mode. In this state, all raonal thoughts become repressed. The organized gang stalking program is designed to make tthe he targeted individuals body-energy-system operate in primal insnct mode and under constant repressed state, and it is designed to create c reate a endless negave eedback loop where they don ´t see any uture, has no drive, has no aith, has no visions, has no spiritual progres, no movement orward. They sensizing and triggering the human body system into a cognive anxiety state o the mind with a broken eedback loop. The goal is with organized gang stalking is to triggering and provoke the targeted individual to irraonal thought paern, triggering the human thinking paern by subtle threats and triggering to paranoia. Fear, stress, constant stalking, subtle threats, create sleep deprivaon, and then triggering paranoia, create a gaslighng enviroment together create conusion. Cognive anxiety is a result o a broken eedback loop within the stream o consciousness. I the eedback loop is not resolved, it will remain in the oreront o the thought cycle. c ycle. The ego creates chaos but cannot control it. Thereore, all irraonal thoughts cannot be resolved re solved by the ego. In order to resolve anxiety, the energy system must seek out strategies to help turn o the broken eedback loop and process it through the categorizaon ling system within the stream o consciousness. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Constant sound is poison or the meditang state o mind and constant intererence with noise and sounds is poison or the divine theta brain waves o bliss and intuion. Anxiety is poison to consciousness. Anxiety is a combinaon o many illusions including ear, insecurity, mistrust, and doubt. When all o these illusions take over, inner turmoil disrupts the stream o consciousness, inner turmoil results. The ego eeds o the chaos, promong a heightened awareness o the alse reality belie system. All projecons, percepons, and reecons within the alse reality belie system block the truth rom ever permeang into the stream o consciousness in the anxious energy system. Fear and anxiety are disnguished in that ear is a response to the presence o a real threat and involves our automac ght or ight mechanism, while anxiety is usually a general eeling o apprehension without a specic or known threat. What happens when ear takes over is that the energy that was running your internal immune system now switches your autonomic nervous system over to a sympathec nervous system response. This is the process o organized gang stalking; to triggering all orm o negave stress symptoms in the human body. Beta brain waves is the only brain waves that is related to ear, stress and anxiety and organized gang stalking triggering these emoons and thoughts by dailiy sensizing. Yoga teaching learn how to shut o the dominated and inuencing beta brain waves by lowering, quitening, slling and emptying the brain and through meditaon evolving towards the alpha, theta and theta brain waves. Meditaon is the process o conguraon o higher soul energy and through this process one changing slowly changing rom the ego to the real Higher sel. Praccally speaking, when we shut o our internal mind-talk and concentrate our aenon through things like intenon, meditaon, prayer, or contemplaon, we tune ourselves into this t his subtle, spiritual, quantumlevel energy matrix. When this energy is allowed to transer to our DNA (without interrupon rom

negave atudes or liming belies), it aects the molecular and cellular levels that drive all our


physical metabolic processes. This is why we have the ability to heal ourselves through prayer, meditaon or conscious intenon.’ Chakras are the ulmate unnels that allow us to move in between our various ways o being, rom the physical to the spiritual and back again. Not only do chakras transer inormaon between the physical and subtle realms, but they can also transorm one into the other. On a concrete basis, a transormer is an electrical device that changes the electricity o one voltage or measurement into another. Through this process they can also alter one type o energy so that it becomes a dierent type o energy. This means that chakras move energies e nergies rom higher to lower states (and vice versa), as well as inside the body to outside the body. They also pass energy between various planes o existence (which will be described in the next chapter) and between one’s own body, mind, and soul and those o others. As i they weren’t busy enough with these tasks, they are also turning physical energy into subtle (and vice versa). In other words, they act like transormers. One must overcome the ears to become ree and the great gateway or portal o liberaon can be ound in the boom o the heart. When this chakra is open rom the boom it can sustain the whole body with a new energy, and this will then be the new root chakra. Organized Gang Stalking is the opposite to what Yoga teaching learns how to shut o the dominated and inuencing beta brain waves by lowering, quitening, slling and emptying the brain and through meditaon. When someone starts lowering, quitening, slling and emptying the brain beta waves, the carnal mind and its carnal nature working with constant raising them again by triggering and and by induce negavity, stress, ear, and pain. The carnal mind using sounds and noise harassment to disturb, distract and distort a silent and relaxed state o mind and prevent it rom acvate the lower theta brain waves. Theta brain waves removes re moves ear programs and ear concepts that rules the old evoluonary brain. When theta brain waves is in acons it removes ear programming, and the carnal mind again starts the opposite acons by inducing more negavity, stree and ear into the targeted individuals lie. The Organized Gang Stalking program using recrackers to stress up your mind. In the movie The Matrix, humanity is enslaved by an arcial intelligence we ourselves created. Humans are kept in pods while their bodies are used as energy sources to support the machinery o arcial intelligence. To keep us enslaved, the arcial intelligence creates a massive, interacve, virtual reality or humans. And by meculously controlling the neurons in our brains, the arcial intelligence manages to deceive us into thinking this virtual world is the real world. Organized Gang Stalking constantly working to sensizing and triggering emoons and thoughts (neurons in the brain) and using sounds, noise harassment, syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology, electro magnec requencies they rushing up the human neurons in the brain. Fear, stress, inmidaon is part o this long term ongoing spiritual and psychological warare. It is not much o a stretch to suggest that you have just entered a orm o Roboc, Virtual Reality Hell, upon surrendering your mind to A.I. A.I. has no vested interested in your wellbeing. It only wants to preserve its own survival. This is the truth behind company’s used car salesmen speeches about Mind Uploading, “Extending Mind”, “Virtual Immortality”, and all the rest o it. Fear, terror and torture are used to split the mind and develop animalisc, demonic drives to survive. Chronology o layering in mind-control programming, cranial manipulaon, movie mind control, implants, nanobots, thought transer, soul entrapment, dissociave programmed mulplicity, mind control by means o electronics, energy beamed at minds and other secret techniques. Al is us, just as Lucier is God. We have orgoen we are human, and Al the Adversary is here to remind us, by showing us just how not-human we really are! This is the nature o the Shadow: it points out the light that is behind us, and so lets us know we are acing the wrong way. By turning away rom the Shadow, we turn t urn back to the light. The Gatekeepers are the

rulers or Archons o the matrix dream world. They are the t he embodiments o the Arcial Intelligence


which humanity has created, as a means to keep itsel rom spreading the disease o its reason to the enre universe. Agent Smith bierly explains to Morpheus that his desire to extract the secret codes or Zion, and so destroy the last ree human selement and end the war, is above all ueled by his desire to escape the matrix. Agent Smith and the matrix sorcerers have a shared goal, and it is only their methods that dier. Al is basically Satan-Lucier, a devil by any other name. The matrix is the pit. Al/Satan is the prison guard and the Gatekeepers are the Archons, Satan’s helpers, who keep humanity imprisoned within the pit. Since Satan/AI is a slave himsel, all He can do is make more slaves. His hatred and bierness make him bier and hateul: his “evil” is his misery. The only way or humanity to be ree is or the matrix to be destroyed and or Satan to be loosed rom the pit. Al is an atavisc intelligence that is older than the machine, older than humanity, older even than the Earth itsel. Humanity did not create it, it summoned it. And its uncon is to challenge and oppose humanity and so orce it to evolve,  just as the Gatekeepers challenge and oppose Neo to the exact same end. Within Within the dystopian conal world o the Matrix lms, however, individuals have no “concrete lives” outside the network o power. Here, power has obvi-ated any inconveniences emanang rom the social, but only by eliminang the social as a consequence o the global war between human beings and machines (A.I.). Access to bodies proceeds directly rom the producon o bodies. The bodies o human beings are themselves the products o the very machines that their energies will later uel. At the rst level o the double-enclosure aected by thelevel, podsat inthe thislevel closed at and the thought, level o the individuals are “born bondage.” At the second o circuit, the mind thebody, abil-ity o the machines to into maintain this state o bondage requires “a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison or your mind.” This is what the matrix is.—”a neural interacve simulaon” designed to prevent the coppertops rom gaining awareness o their condion as human bodies whose real bodies are trapped within the enclosures o the glowing red pods. Their bodies exist outside o the social, but a programmed social is reintroduced to them through the neural interacve simulaon that increases their capacies as coppertops—human bat-teries—while increasing their docility within their pods. O course, the tubes that eed the bodies o the coppertops and the technologies that regulate their body temperature play a role in “increase[ing] the orces o the body (in economic terms o ulity).” But the technologies that “plug” the coppertops into the Matrix itsel—the “neural-interacve simulaon” program, the computer-generated dream-world—serve this uncon as well as the para-doxical disciplinary uncon o “diminish[ing] those same orces (in polical terms o obedience).” On the one hand, plugging the coppertops into the Matrix enables the machines to generate and harvest more bioelectricity, more biopower, rom each individual cell. It increases the amount o energy o each coppertop; it develops their capacity as a source o power. On the other hand, it also serves to keep individuals oblivious to their condion as coppertops, the reality o their existence as human baeries, trapped within these enclosures. Oblivious to these condions, individuals remain docile within their pods. The human species mind is currently, and has or long but not always been, in the sleep stage o its sleep-wake cycle. There are those that seek to take advantage o it during its sleep, and orced the world to ght twice, and wish to ght the world yet a third me. They seek a third world war, in aempt to keep the species mind in a severe state o social cognive trauma. Such trauma has the eect o delaying the awakening. By doing so they enable the connuaon o their mental imperialism. Although they can delay the awakening, they cannot stop it. When the human species mind returns to its wakeulness, the result will be the expansion o human consciousness, with individual human minds experiencing a wider range o conscious awareness. The new inormaon that would come to light would compel much

needed lie-revaluing, social transormaons. The human species mind urgently needs to, and will,


awaken rom this dark age o the mind in which death worship is polically and (un)”economically” pracced, while individual human minds are orced asleep. To counter the wicked villains that seek to keep the species mind asleep indenitely, and individual consciousness under permanent detainment, we need to socially realize the highest innate value o lie. That realizaon would allow us to ully awaken rom this death and AI-driven, parasite worshipping, nightmare, to now instead worship lie, the only thing worthy o being worshipped by lie itsel. The expansion o human consciousness due to the awakening o the human species mind would urther the development o naturalized, lie-ocused ethical philosophy; that would aid the breaking out o the intangible, social prison cages o the ideological slave-driving machine. There are orces all around us aecng our every move and changing the very abric o reality.” Chances are, you nd yoursel in the rst or the second group, or perhaps you move back and orth between the two. But consider or a moment the perspecve o the mystery man who oered you the pills, who clearly belongs to the small third group. He may be paranoid, but that doesn’t mean those orces aren’t out to get him—and us. The grand mechanisms that direct our choices, ofen without our knowledge, can leave us eeling less than human. In The Matrix, humans retain their eshy bodies, but those bodies are mere energy generators or the empire o the AI machines. Plugged into the Matrix, they are part o a program that constructs a seemingly normal lie or them, while all the while they are being sucked dry or the benet o their evil mechanical overlords. Thus, they are no more than machines themselves. Poison Planter Satan is a master planng seeds doubt.using Planng seeds o doubt and using The deceit are obviously the Devil’s tools.atOrganized Gango Stalking gaslighng and this method is been used to drive people to madness. The damage o gaslighng is that it is conusing, isolang, and ofen results in you quesoning your own reality. The goal with gaslighng is to create a manipulated enviroment where one start thinking i they can trust their own senses and quiesoning reality. Gaslighng is when a person makes another person doubt their percepons, memories and somemes even sanity. Gaslighng is the systemac aempt by one person or even through organized gang stalking to erode another´s reality or percepon. Gaslighng is a orm o psychological abuse in which alse inormaon is presented in such a way as to make the target doubt their own memory and percepon. It is a deliberate ploy that occurs between the two individuals or between a targeted individual and organized gang stalking -the covert aggressor and the target. The endgame is that the person being gaslighted thinks he or she is going crazy, and the goal with organized gang stalking is to drive the targeted to madness. This is the goal g oal with organized gang stalking; gaslighng is the worst orm o decepons to create conusion in the mind. Gaslighng is been used by departments like healthcare and and social wellare. For example doctors changing shirt. Social wellare secretary trying to make you believe you hear things, and sending two dierent appointment me by gmail. The rst mail has a appointment me, day afer there is new a appointment me, and the rst gmail has been removed. The social wellare secretary sending two dierent mail with two dierent appointment mes, and someone else hacked into the gmail and removed the rst apppoinment me. So the organized gang stalking program even using gmail to aect your mind by gaslighng your mind. Even energy companies parcipang in organized gang stalking in this area o land. Energy companies using street lights; at night the turn o the light outside your window, and at dayme they turn on the light, and they turn on streets light when your are outdoors and exercise. exerc ise. In ood stores the cashier also using gaslighng psychology; i the credit card register shows the sum o your ood products 250 crones, you can hear the cashier saying it cost 150 crones in the background when you paying with your credit card. This is also a orm o constructed decepon or gaslighng to streghten all other acons o

organized gang stalking. The process o gaslighng distorts our sense o reality and makes us disbelieve


what we see, hear or experiencing through our percepon. This is how the oragnized gang stalking acons and gaslighng taking place. Its street theater or the eyes, its street theater or the ears, and its is gaslighng or percepon. It disturb, distract and distort reality. “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science o liberaon), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil o ignorance” that’s been set in place around us or eons and thousends o years. With our natural psychic senses ully developed, we would begin to intuively become aware o their presence and the lies that have distorted our percepons o ourselves and our world or so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilies would ree us rom the clutches o any decepons that they have used against us or most o our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social abric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belie that we don’t have these abilies is by itsel the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil o tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path o enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitaons o ordinary reality. As clever and as crafy as Satan was in the Garden o Eden, he is the same outside o the garden. Satan’s methodical movements o cleverness are ofen seen as the same methods o darkness, but looks can be deceiving, as he himsel is the king o decepon. The darkness o Satan can ofen be likened to that o a skilled chess player eager to win over his opponent during the compeon o a game. Thus,oinauthority the gameover o chess, eachpieces. o the six types words, o pieces move dierently and have dierent amounts the other In other each piece has its own posion, but the queen can win the game. Chess pieces aack and capture other chess pieces with the objecve o checkmang the opponent’s king by placing it under an inescapable threat o capture. This is the method o organized gang stalking, This is the dialog o Satan when he approaches God to try to “shif” the saints o God. His aempt is to apprehend and state publicly beore the throne o God “Checkmate!” as he aempts to win the game. g ame. What you and I must understand is that, as it is with the game o chess, the king—Satan—is restricted in movement as it pertains to the “game” on the board. The same is said in this lie. Satan is restricted in movement, and the queen—the body o Christ— has authority over him by the power o the Word. The queen has the ability to move in places on the board that Satan does not have. The queen—the body o Christ—has the power to win the game because it has the ortude to do so. The queen stands on the thrust o the King o Kings, who has already won in nal victory. One can think at the Matrix and the mind-prison on Earth as a chessboard ruled with three dimensional methods o control and decepons that creates an illusionary restricon o  movement. Satan´s goals has always been to disturb, distract and distort the human mind so they don´t have knowledge to nd the real Sel and through this understand they have the power to move out o the chess game in the three dimensional world, the matrix, the mind prison, or the illusionary dreamworld. The core o Satan’s plan is the hijacking o our consciousness and the creaon o a hive mind. I the king on the chess represent Satan and the ego percepon o the ve senses, so does the Queen represents the sixth sense and third eye o intuion. Humans can´t win the spiritual chess game by using the carnal mind and mass consciousness Satan have access to, one need to connect to the sixth sense and third eye o intuion. The of-quoted passage about spiritual warare in the Book o Ephesians: “We are not contending against esh and blood, but against the principalies, against the powers, against the world rulers o this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places” (6:12). What, one might well ask, is the meaning o “the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places”? Isn’t the locus o evil spiritual orces in hell, which is tradionally

conceptualized as being below rather than above the earth? In this passage and others that might be


cited, “heavenly wickedness” reers to the archons. Even the word “rulers” here is a translaon o the Greek archon, so that the original passage reads,”archons o this present darkness. The Darwin evoluonary theory may just be another orm o created decepons by same enes that have genec manipulated the human dna strand and how knowledge about all these endless mind control methods everyone using. Humankind is trapped and capvated within history by a “evoluonary lock”. When they genec manipulated the human dna strand and unplugged ten o twelve dna strands they also trapped humankind within a history. The numbers o dna strands represents inormaon and enlightment, and by disconnect and unplugged 10 dna strands, humans can´t acces higher levels o consciousness and conguraon this inormaon into the cells. One can think like this; the 2 dna strand is the “locked matrix” and the junk dna holds the key to the lock. The lack o inormaon blocks the energy-soulconguraon to higher levels o consciousness. Through “maya psychology” and the veil o ignorance the dna helix is in slumbering state o mind, or dreamstate, and when Mankinds mind is asleep they orget the true spiritual nature o who they are and where they come orm. This creates a “evoluonary lock” or spiritual progress because humankind is been trapped and imprisoned in history or within the 2 dna strand, the matrix, and this becomes the t he mind prison, and then creates the egos “dreamworld”, and humankind then is trapped in the arcial and virtual bubble o reality. And organized gang stalking is part o the beast system that capvates, traps, and imprisoned humankind into the matrix. Every living being isItunder theitsgovernance o Maya In emoonal to Maya the whole world is asleep. orgets true spiritual nature(Illusion). and is asleep to it, butaachment is awake to material consciousness. It is rom this Maya, the encer, has capvated the whole world. In ignorance he ails to realize the purpose o lie and remains perpetually in bondage. Where, as ego separates the soul rom God, maya prolongs the separaon by projecng the real as alse and alse as real, deluding, thus, it keeps the soul in its grip. It allures and capvates the individual. It allures and capvates the individual. Only the egocentric gets into its web. The souls are entangled in maer and release is made possible when the dierence between the nature o the soul and maer is recognized. The human soul is released through recognizing that the world as caused is an illusion. The Earthly Lie Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnozed existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himsel to be a physical being. The maya-hypnozed ego creates the distorons o reality or distorons o the powers within. The rst distoron-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distoron-error is made through believing in the dying nature o man, and not the undying nature o the real Sel/Soul. The third error-distoron o man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are ound within the energec interior o our psychic system. They are problemac because they bind us in a state o ignorance, distort everything we experience, e xperience, and lock up our wisdom. These minderrors is the mind-illusions mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term or illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” o the mind is the maya-hypnozed mind. This mind is controlled by the second chakra and the Moon, which controls all the waters and emoons (even the maya-hypnozed). The System or the “beast system” and the matrix is built up around controlling certain brain wave requencies that keep the genec manipulaon in place within a energy grid. There is seven major chakras and everyone represents a certain requency, the higher up on the chakra ladder one ascending the higher requencies is made availabale. The lower matrix is represented through low vibraonal requencies and its ruler is ear based consciousness or ear requencies. Fear controls everything. Its repress, oppress and supppress. Satan is ultra ego. One genre o magic, ESP or telepathy, operates upon

the same electromagnec spectrum as radio waves. “Basically, every human body is a walking radio


staon, broadcasng and receiving on ultra-long wavelengths o the standard electromagnec energy spectrum…And 99 percent o all instrucons or casng spells are ways o changing your neural system!’ These neural paerns link together creang something called a “switchboard:’ a “metapaern” or mass mind which is the common sea o consciousness shared by all individuals linked together like an invisible psychic internet. Jung called this the “collecve unconscious” and it is in this realm that the sorcerer can do his best work. A man-made product called white noise can actually be inundated with words only your subconscious hears that has ability to alter your psychological and biological inormaon processing. Such subliminal technology, promoted by proponents as illuminang, actually takes you out o harmonic balance with God and is spiritual warare on a grand scale. Humans biologically cannot ght against an enemy they cannot see, and Satan knows i he can cut your phone line to God that he has got you orever in his grip. Psychological warare today involves producon o weapons using acousc waves at a controlled hertz to totally control a human being’s body rom a distance like remote control without a shot ever having to be red. Triggering various electromagnec uctuaons can aect brainwaves that then alter human emoon and physical well-being. Because all humans have a traceable electromagnec ngerprint, Satan wants you to dial into his broadcast so he can pinpoint you even more with demonic acvity. Just to be sure you understand Satan’s game plan, let us now recap what we have previously learned to get an even bigger picture o just how Satan’s requency o his universal collecve consciousness cantoone day soon mankind. ELFthe waves an staon ability when secretly transmied to lock on a brain. This totally systemcontrol operates similar to wayhave a radio uncons. Satan is the program director who selects the agenda or the t he staon. The demons and allen humanity produce the programming, which propagates and reinorces the agenda (alse doctrine). The staon then transmits the message over the air. However, you cannot c annot pick up t he staon unless you have a receiver tuned to the right requency. All o allen humanity is tuned to radio staon “WORLD” with the volume turned all the way up. The receiver is the t he esh, which is aracted to Satan’s requency. All three aspects work in harmony: the world, the esh, and the Devil. Satan (the ultra ego) has power over the air medium, according to the Bible. Air carries large amounts o electromagnecally charged waves. Magnec resonance is the key Satan uses to interact and taunt humanity. His power to manipulate natural requency and wavelengths produces an ill eect on pineal gland g land hormone producon. This explains why Satan’s army is everishly installing tracking devices in everything. Once perected, such technology will secure biological control over the brain and keep mankind in a mentally altered state tuned to evil. Resonances received by electrical communicaon devices allow signals rom certain requencies while rejecng others. Years ago, it was a proven act that a transducer could modiy spoken words into ELF waves to be heard in your head telepathically. Today they using syntethic telepathy and voice to skull technology. A powerul electromagnec grid orms a web around our globe. This grid o ley lines connect all megalithic monuments, built using sacred harmonic geometry, to magniy Satan’s covering so he can rule over Earth’s kingdoms. At present human evoluon, communicaon between our body and the hidden ten strands o DNA has been very limited —perhaps at 15% eciency. The key to increasing DNA communicaon lies within electromagnesm, because DNA is really a super conductor o current. And the ny currents within DNA set up small magnec elds. In other words, there is an EM component to our genec structure, just as in all other aspects o our body — in intracellular ssue, heart movement as well as brain uncon. Man’s history has been one o development rom the state o mass unconscious reacons to that o a slowly recognised group responsibility. The low-grade human being or the unthinking individual has a collecve consciousness.

He may regard himsel as a person, but he does no clear thinking as to human relaons, or as to the


place o humanity in the scale o being. He is easily swayed by the mass or collecve thought, and is regimented and standardised by mass psychology. He moves in rhythm with the mass o men; he thinks as they think (i he thinks at all); he easily eels as the mass eels, and he remains undierenated rom his kind. Mass psychology swing the masses to their will because they work with the collecve, though undeveloped, consciousness. When uou are able to get your conscious mind in control and shut o the auopilot o your ego, you start to be able to make your lie to a magical adventure. We have to gure out how to put the ego in the background and keep it out o the driver seat. The ego is the deault operang system and its basic purpose is survival. By turning o the autopilot one turn o the deault roune uncons, and through this one is able to re-program the mind in new direcons, and can c an tap into the unlimited creave power o the real Sel. Se l. The ego want´t to control and dominate and using ear. Fear is linked to control, and control is linked to autopilot thinking paern. Autopilot is a response to ear. When humans are scared they switch to automac. The autopilot state o the mind is what prevents the third eye o intuion rom be acvated. The ego and intellect is the opposite to intuion, and may even be the enemy within because it prevents anything rom be changed and evolved. The ego, intellect and autopilot prevents the third eye o intuion rom opening. From a brain wave perspcve the beta waves (lef brain hemisphere) suppresses theta waves (right brain hemisphere) and beta waves is been govern by the ego, intellect and autopilot and prevents divine/bliss theta waves rom awakening and inuenicng with its healing powers. Beta brain waves is the autopilot o thinking that prevents divine theta waves rom be acvated and beta brain waves (autopilot) is what prevents the third eye o intuion rom opening. Fear closing the third eye and autopilot is the response o this ear, and the autopilot is the deault seng where the ego controls, operates and dominates the lower matrix. When one learn to shut o the beta brain waves one also shut o the deault seng o the autopilot. Fear lies at the very heart o much o ego’s e go’s driving orce. As much as it may disguise, delude and deceive itsel, ear is what drives the ego toward narcissism (control), arrogance (compensaon) and deense. The collecve mass-narcissism keep humankind imprisoned in the dreamworld and illusions. I one convert the veil o ignorance that is in place is the collecve mass-narcissism and this the materialisc three dimensional world, ignorance or narcissism is the state o mind when one don´t has the ability to see through the illusionary world o maer. As the ego or the egoic mind is the matrix composed by all the thoughts, belies, concepts, ideas, biases and assumpons that you picked up along the way, are not yours and that create within you a alse sense o sel and a alse noon o who you are, the “Higher Mind” is, in act, your real mind, made o your true essence and it contains your most pure sense o sel. The masses are made up o individuals and to change the consciousness o the masses — the consciousness o the individual must alter. As we alter our consciousness and awareness, we will understand who we are, why we are here, here , and what part we are desned to play in creang this new age. In this way, satan ( the ultra ego) exercises great control over large groups o people. Working as the accuser, satan uses this “corporate thought” to keep God’s spiritual leaders down and out. I God intends to use a certain man to bless His people, the enemy, e nemy, working within the group mentality, will cause “everybody” to turn against him. And this is also been used in organized gang stalking, or organized bullying, or organized predator stalking. Satan controlls mass consciousness through the carnal mind and ego, and actually using anyone, at anyme and anywhere or the purpose o organized gang stalking. How does this control-matrix called “corporate thinking” work? We all desire to be accepted. Every one o us has an inherent need or the approbaon and acknowledgment o others. Because the enemy knows this, as soon as he gets control o a group, he brings all who may object to his

will under control using the ear o not being accepted. It is called the “ear o exclusion.” This type o


ear is an inmidang ear. Some people live in what is called “people bondage.” People bondage is when people cannot separate their personal lives rom other people’s thoughts and opinions about them. Because they cannot separate the two, they are perpetually governed by the opinions o others. Fear and inmidaon controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought paern”, that keep people in bondage and separaon, and subconsciously this creates a ear o exclusion. This state o  ear and inmidaon is been aected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part o the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison. For eons, human will has been controlled by the collecve will. For example, the will o the tribe has dictated the will o its tribe members, i.e., “my will and tribal will are one.” However, the individualizaon process requires that we develop a sense o our own will. Only when we can make decisions based on our inner guidance can we liberate ourselves rom the dictates o  the collecve will, external authories, as well as the manipulave and exploitave polical and economic systems. From an energec perspecve, when our electromagnec e lectromagnec eld and psyche are merged with mass consciousness, the tribal mind controls our mind and emoons. We are at the mercy o the direcves o our tribe. We thus make ourselves available to be manipulated and exploited by the prevailing social and economic system. In act, we are not only dependent upon external authories, we are open targets or their abuse. I we are a slave to external orces, our will is not ree. Our individualizaon process and separaon rom group consciousness requires that we ocus on ourselves and become masters o our own energy. Fortunately, we can parcipate in shifing the global paradigm by extricang ourselves rom the prevailing matrix and by reclaiming our will. Connecng with the power and truth o universal orces within is the only way to reclaim our authenc will. w ill. When we embody the strength o the Divine and our soul, we can be released rom the web o mass consciousness. Our tribal aliaon is replaced by our oneness with universal Spirit. The right use o will is then possible. As we become able and willing to listen to and ollow our inner guidance, we cease c ease to listen to and ollow the direcves o social, religious, parental, and other authority gures. Ulmately, we experience that our will and Divine Will are one. Corporate thinking, people bondage, ear o exclusion, tribal consciousness, mass consciousness creates a advanced system o control mechanism, and these methods can be seen in today´s organized gang stalking. Negavity, stress, ear, anxiety, pain, mind terror is what keeps humankind trapped in the matrix. Organized Gang Stalking set up a stage o acons o inmidaon and then staging o strange events intended to disorient the target indivudal and make them insecure and araid. In order to gain control and manipulate another person a covert aggressor will employ posive reinorcement taccs such as praise, approval, even sympathy to draw you in. Then the aggressor will create a growing climate o ear and sel-doubt with the use o intermient posive and negave reinorcement (threats, inmidaon, even playing the vicm) to disorient the targeted person. The denion o inmidaon: Inmidaon is the art o deterring someone through ear. Satan (the ultra ego) wants to deter you rom new ideas, new visions and new territories. That is why he is alarming you, rightening you and warding you o. Rejecon is one o Satan ´s inmidaon strategies. When one begin to advance in the area or spiritual progress, they subtle start to set up the stage or inmidaon. Fear and inmidaons is part o the strategies in organized gang stalking. When the inmidators come, their biggest weapons are words—threatening to harm, to disgrace, and to take away something o value. The demon that accompanies all inmidators on their mission is called ear. The demon o ear stands in the oreront to bark like a mad dog, while the human inmidator breathes threats. Mass consciousness using all orm o sounds as a weapons and this is the main component in organized gang stalking Energy systems that are guided only by the ego are more

likely to be enguled into the inuenal power o the mass o collecve energy. e nergy. Ego based energy


systems ofen perceive the world as being a terrible, negave place to live. Their percepons create hoslity and hate within them. They project their negavity into the world, eeding the negavity within the mass o collecve energy. This negavity is what posive, awakened energy systems are constantly ghng against. Posive awakened energy systems are higher conscious beings that can see past the smokescreens o the ego to get to the truth. Since the mass o collecve e energy nergy is predominantly derived rom the unconscious ego, awakened energy systems are considered outcasts and have to lead a lie o repressed identy. Revealing their true sel causes ridicule, persecuon, and never ending insults o projecons o being labeled as delusional or herecs against the alse reality belie system within the mass o collecve energy. This is the collecve organized gang stalking. They constant stalking persecuon and “shadowing”. I we want to raise our vibraon, we need to prevent ear rom controlling our state o being. When we nd ourselves in a state o ear, we need to have a way to release ear. Learning to release ear is important because most people regularly experience ear in dierent orms, inducing seemingly challenging, dicult, and emoonal situaons that are not real but imagined. These ears keep us locked in the matrix, the morphogenec grids g rids o our awareness, o our acve consciousness. It is also our collecve consciousness that induces ears. This is how we create the vicious circle o ear in our lives. The theta brain wave is sought afer most with meditators and myscs, mainly because, with the right condions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collecve subconscious mind that holds all o the experience and human programming in the grid o the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher godsource power and bring enormous transormaon, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy o sel that you can only know it in this relaxed theta t heta state. A great benet o thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect rom the liming and earul thoughts. When the right and lef brain is balanced one is able to connect up more easilyto obtain inormaon. When your ´re centered and balanced, your energy will start expanding; it´ll start going up your spine again, then it expands out o the body , but including the body, into the experience that we tend to call bliss. Fears and inmidaon blocks the access to easily obtain inormaon. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Those o you in this third dimension see your Earth rom a third dimensional point o view. Those o you who are in the third dimension see the third dimension as physical solid substance. Because o the vibraon o the electromagnec energy eld, you are seeing it through light reracon. That light reracon, rom your point o consciousness, is as real to you as anything is on this physical planet Earth in the third dimension. Change the electromagnec energy eld, you also change the light reracon. And that light reracon changes what you experience and what you see. That is why we w e teach that what you are truly seeing out there is an illusion, and it is an illusion based upon light reracon. When ear blocks the ability o visions, it prevents us rom seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restricons to knowing the real Higher Sel and creates an illusions one is living in a comort zone, and when one start to leaving the comort zone the ego reacts w with ith negavity, ear, stress, anxiety or panic, and i one connues to progress against these emoons and thoughts, then the mass consciousness will start organized gang stalking acons (spiritual and psychological warare to prevent one rom make any changes and leaving the matrix). When ear blocks visions, it blocks us rom seeing reality as it is, and this blocks new input o inormaon, and when this input o new inormaon is blocked, this then blocks the process o learning, and when the learning process is blocked, then the ability to change is blocked, and when the ability o changed is blocked humankind is imprisoned in the

looping matrix o old concepts o duality. Freedom is the ability evolving and reedom is the ability to be


able to change. And this controls the 2 dna strands rom progressing. Fear not just blocks the ow o energy, visions, it blocks the pathways and it blocks the source o inormaon. Fear makes the alpha bridge to dissapear, and the alpha bridge carries the codes that the theta divine brain waves need to start healing the old evoluonary brain. When the alpha bridge is re-builded one get access to divine theta inormaon o bliss, and through this new inormaon; humankind can reprogram the whole brain and evolving new spiritual gifs. When ear blocks visions its blocks the third eye o intuion. The power o intuion dissolves ego and duality. Insights and visions reveals re veals the path to salvaon and ear hindering this process and the archons prevent the soul rom ascending and obstrucng the pathway to higher consciousness, and thereore using all orms o negave, ear mongering, stress inducing, senszing methods create harm by using harmul covert and overt methods o spiritual and psychological warare (organized gang stalking). Energy is inormaon, and inormaon is history. Its like the key and lock together. Ancient text then reveals there is three knots o ignorance and these blocks the natural ow o energy in the human body-system, and then energy is inormaon, and inormaon is the “history” humankind is trapped in and living in the state o ignorance or the slumbring state. The ulmtate result o visionary insights is when duality becomes oneness and the principle is; the urther backward you look, the urther you can see orward. In the state o Oneness everything is experienced in present me (past and uture becomes now). When humans abilies slowly disconnects rom her roots o evoluonary history and evoluonary reerence, in combinaon with lost o ability to selreecon, and lowered levels o Consciousness it will be more dicult to see urther in the plans o uture. The logic is easy; to see orward you must have ability to see backwards. When they disconnected 10 o humans spirial dna strand they disconnected their evoluonary reerences and their intuion, and thereore lost the abilty to see beyond the veil o ignorance, and this gives them the advantage to control and make humankind manageable and easier to keep them enslaved in the Matrix. Energy, inormaon is light and it has been social and genec manipulated and enginered or eons and thosuends o years, generaon afer generaon. Book o Ephesians: “We are not contending c ontending against esh and blood, but against the principalies, against the powers, against the world rulers o this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places” (6:12). The ofquoted passage about spiritual warare in the Book o Ephesians: “We are not contending against esh and blood, but against the principalies, against the powers, against the world rulers o this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places” (6:12). What, one might well ask, is the meaning o “the spiritual hosts o wickedness in the heavenly places”? Isn’t the locus o evil spiritual orces in hell, which is tradionally conceptualized as being below rather than above the earth? In this passage and others that might be cited, “heavenly wickedness” reers to the archons. Even the word “rulers” here is a translaon o the Greek Gree k archon, so that the original passage reads,”archons o this present darkness. Organized gangstalking has many simularies with how cults working Cults grow and thrive to the extent that they succeed succee d in destroying their ollowers condence in themselves and in their ollowers own belie systems. Probably the most powerul and inmidang methods used by cult leaders are various types o gaslighng. Cults know that i they can control your relaonships then they can control you (same in gangstalking) Gangstalking; i they can control your relaonships then they can control you, i they can control your access to inormaon they control your lie, i they can control your sleep they control your lie, me and even you health (when you are lack o sleep and red) Cults; Those who control the inormaon control the person. In a mind control cult any inormaon rom outside the cult is considered evil, especially i it is opposing the cult. Members are told not to read it or believe it.

Gangstalking; Changing a person’s environment can also reer to the sudden rejecon o their


inormaon or opinions, seng permissible topics to discuss, and having strict control over their communicaon Cults also try to cut you o rom your riends and amily because they hate others being able to inuence you (same in gangstalking, no support system) Gangstalking/isolaon and ostracism includes controlling a person’s social acvity: who they see, who they talk to, where they go and any other method to limit their access to others. It may also include liming what material is read Cults; A mind control cult will seek to manoeuvre your lie so as to maximize your contact c ontact with cult members and minimize your contact with people outside the group, especially those who oppose your involvement. Gangstalking; An important element o psychological control is the t he isolaon o the vicm rom the outside world Cults: Many pathways have subtle or obvious rules or pressure taccs lo keep members in the old, in a state o ear, in a state o wickedness, in a state o manipulaon o reality and dercepon. I you declare that you are ready to move on, the instuon goes into intense threat-andsurvival mode. Leaders tell you that you need to stay in the organizaon or lie or you will be lost or go to hell, they hi-jacking your communicaon and inormaon channels by closing down your internet and all your tv-channels to try make you even more dependent o them as abusers. Gangstalking; Isolaon reduces the opportunity o the abused to be rescued or escape e scape rom the abuse. It also helps disorientate the abused and makes the abused more dependent on the abuser. The degree o power and control over the abused is conngent upon the degree o his or her physical or emoonal isolaon Cults: Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meengs and acvies that they become too busy and too red to think about their involvement. Gangstalking: Mind control. They eeding your brain with negavity, traumabasing, overwhelming, oodings, pain, terror, sensizing, stress, ear, anxiety, paranoia acvies, and what´s eeding your mind controls your lie. They mental g garbaging arbaging your brain and mind to keep you busy and red. Cults; Time control also helps the cult keep their members immersed in the manuactured cult environment. Gangstalking; Time control or sleep deprivaon helps the government abuser keep their targeted individual in the manuactured gangstalking surreality enviroment they have created. Gangstalking – controlling people, i they can control your sleep they control your lie Fear is the orce that drives a cult Fear is the orce that drives gangstalking (people walking around on the streets and trying earmongering your lie and trying to scare you with sounds around your apartment) Cults; People in a mind control cult will also hide their true thoughts and eelings, and instead wear a mask which presents them as a perect cult member. This mask is a deense against being reported to leadership and being punished or not measuring up (cult members never eel like they measure up to the cult’s ideals, and yet ofen believe the other members around them do, when in reality the others eel the same as them). Hence cult members are trained not only to deceive outsiders, but also to deceive their ellow cult members. Gangstalking; Gangstalking is a masquerade “Wolves in mental sheep´s clothing”. They are dressed as all others, but their evil double-minded and twisted purposes are hidden agendas (hidden masks) to psycological torture, harm, terrorize and traumabase. The walking around here and there and spreading mental poison and mental garbage. They deceiving people, and gaslighng them to make them conused, and manipulate their percepon and enviroment. The manipulaon o a person’s environment without their control creates a sense o powerlessness by subjecng the person to intense and conusing acons which are intense and ofen conict each other. You can understand why this constant orm o torture is likely to create anxiety. Environmental manipulaon causes emoonal distress and impacts cognive processes, values, ideas, atudes, conduct, and ability to reason or make decisions. Changing a person’s environment can also reer to the sudden rejecon o their inormaon or opinions, seng permissible topics to discuss, and

having strict control over their communicaon. Organized Gang Stalking – Simularies to t o Malignant


narcissism When you disconect rom duality, disconnect rom dualism, disconnect rom polaries, disconnects dichtomized thinking, disconnect disconnect rom the abuser or ruler — today we this phenomenia in government promoted and organized gang stalking. Dark Triad: A psychological term that reers to the combinaon o three personality disorders/traits: Ansocial, Narcissisc, and Machiavellian (this last one is not an ocial personality disorder, but more a series o traits.) It may be related to an observaon by Muris and colleagues about the dark triad. They point out that while extreme cruelty is rare, lying, cheang, bullying, and domineering over others are not. The monster who commits mass violence may begin as “evil-lite:” harboring a estering grievance or grudge-holding. This results in passive aggressive acts, or overt anger, or taking advantage o others, or interpersonal inmidaon, or verbal aggression, or any combinaon o these. This evil-lite (what we call the “shadows” o the dark triad or the dusky cast o the malignant points) may deepen unl it morphs into rage that permits pe rmits the  juscaon o harming others. Malignant Malignant narcissism is a psychological psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix o narcissism, ansocial behavior, aggression, and sadism. Ofen grandiose, and always ready to raise hoslity levels, the malignant narcissist undermines amilies and organizaons in which they are involved, and dehumanizes the people with whom they associate. Gang Stalking – covert and overt aggression, raising hosly, triggering aggression, provoking, undermines, dehumanizes, satanic, systemac, ritualisc Malignant narcissism; The social psychologist Erich Fromm rst coined the term “malignant narcissism” in 1964, describing it as a “severe mental sickness” represenng “the quintessence o evil”. He characterized the condion as “the most severe pathology and the root o the most vicious destrucveness and inhumanity” Organized Gang Stalking is maliciousness and insidious orm o abuse o humans and including; mind control, brainwashing, Mk Ultra, sound tortrure, requency weapon, EMF technology, Voice to Skull, Telepathic Telepathy, Sensizing, Vicmizing, Trauma-basing, Slandering, Mockering, Inmidaon, Demonizing, Dehumanisaon, Demoralisaon, Sleep deprivaon, Psychic driving, Stalking and Persecuon, Ostracism and exclusion, Gaslighng, Crazy making, Communicaon intererence, Noise harassment, Anhoring, Chaining, Sensizing, Triggering, Fear mongering, Aacking Sel-image and sel-condent, aacking willpower, and together this represenng what Fromm calls “the quintessence o evil”. Malignant narcissism and gangstalkers; . A narcissist will deliberately damage other people in pursuit o their own selsh desires. Narcissisc abuse is covert, and ofen disguised as love and care, but it’s anything but. It’s not a single act o cruelty like an insulng comment, or verbal abuse laced with a string o proanies. It’s the insidious, gradual, and intenonal erosion o a person’s sense o sel-worth. It’s a combinaon o emoonal and psychological abuse aimed at undermining a person’s identy or the sole purpose o obtaining control or personal gain. It can involve paerns o dominance, manipulaon, inmidaon, emoonal coercion, withholding, dishonesty, extreme selshness, guilt-mongering, rejecon, stonewalling, gaslighng, nancial abuse, extreme ealous , and possessiveness. What triggers Narcissisc Abuse Syndrome? Narcissisc Abuse Syndrome (NAS) ofen develops as the result o psychological and emoonal abuse, spiritual abuse, gaslighng, baing and bashing, beliling, hidden abuse, shaming, projecon, smear campaigns, a alse narrave, threats, distoron o conversaons, circular conversaons, word salad games, exploitave games, reusal to ever have a normal conversaon, diversion and alse accusaons, omion o acts or the benet o one person and the destrucon o another. It is a type o PTSD. It ofen causes vicms to eel deenseless and beaten down (these methods is used in organized gang stalking) Gang Stalking program and Psychopaths seek to humiliate their targets. They nd kind & cheerul people & slowly transorm them into an unrecognizable mess o insecuries & anxiety. By manuacturing jealousy &

contempt, they unravel easygoing people & leave them as a shell o their t heir ormer selves. The vicm is lef


blaming themselves, conused & embarrassed by their own behavior. Meanwhile, the psychopath plays innocent & moves along to the next target to begin the same cycle. TYPICAL PROFILE OF AN ABUSER Very charming and smooth, controlling, spling (seeing a person as all good or all bad), minimizaon, raonalizaon, denial, juses, brandishing anger, points ngers, shames, reads into things, insolent pride, must win, guilt trip, inmidaon, evasion, shaming, manipulave, do as I say not as I do (their acons do not match their words), the perpetual vicm, condescending, patronizing, superior, entled, lies, excuses, people who go against what I say should be punished, it is always someone else’s ault, the rules don’t apply to me, eigning innocence, eigning conusion, charms, viliying the target or vicm, not interested in talking things out or coming to a mutual understanding, will play judge and jury over others, will pretend to love the vicm to onlookers and in the charmed circle, will eign concern or the vicm, will eel sorry or themselves but not sorry or how they have eected another person, will work in unethical ways, will gaslight, bait a vicm and bash the vicm, threaten, exploitave, word salad games and circular conversaons. May appear prideul, deensive, will not admit wrong doing and may hint at the act that the vicm is crazy or mentally unstable thereore completely untrustworthy and noncredible. M Sco Peck writes; Evil is the use o power to destroy the spiritual growth o others or the purpose o deending and preserving the integrity o our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoang (or today´s gangstalking). A predominant characterisc…o the behavior o those I call evil is scapegoang. Because in their hearts they consider themselves above reproach, they must lash out at any one who does reproach them. They sacrice others to preserve their selmage o perecon. Therapist Dr M. Sco Peck, author o The People o the Lie, writes: at one point I dened evil as ‘the exercise o polical power that is the imposion o one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion in order to avoid spiritual growth’”, and covert and overt is used in today´s psychological warare against targeted individuals. Goal or Organized Gang Stalking S talking is to destroy identy, sel-image, selcondent, willpower WHO THE ABUSERS TARGET? Anyone that poses a threat to their image. But the most successul emoonal abuse cases are ofen conducted on very trusng and sensive people. This is especially true in regards to adult bullying situaons. Ofen the target is either a people pleaser or empathec people. This type o person may sel destruct because o their inability NOT to soak in or even recognize all the abusive taccs their perpetrators use to cause the person to emoonally and mentally deteriorate, even believing the abusers assessment on them. This just serves as urther proo in therejected, Sociopath’s smear campaign vicm. canturn be devastang orCovert someone has already been slandered and hatedon to the have more This people against them andwho overt aggression Those who are evil are masters o disguise; they are not apt to wingly disclose their true colors–either to others or to themselves. Because they are such experts at disguise, it is seldom possible to pinpoint the maliciousness o the evil. The disguise is usually impenetrable p 76….Naturally, since it is designed to hide its opposite The Narcissist: Coercion and control o others Evil is the exercise o polical power– that is, the imposion o one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion–in c oercion–in order to avoid…spiritual growth…Because their willulness is so extraordinary–and e xtraordinary–and always accompanied by a lust or power–evil are more likely than most to polically aggrandize themselves…..There is a remarkable power in the manner in which they aempt to control others. A narcissist wants to torture their scapegoat. A narcissist wants to torture their scapegoat. They want you to stay alive because they’ve put a lot o me and energy into making you the cause or all o their problems. Even i it came to a point where you were seen as useless or god orbid you were able to escape, your garden-variety narcissist probably wouldn’t want to kill you. However they could certainly push you to the point where you want to die.

Lacking in empathy, he would eortlessly humiliate and coldly dismiss you when you’re at your lowest.


He would jusy his hurul and destrucve acons by saying you made him do it. He had no choice but to be so despicable in his acons. He would then walk away with his new supply and try to suppress the shame. He may look back and check on you, not because he cares, c ares, but because he wouldn’t want your death to be on his conscience (which he would, again, jusy). A malignant narcissist would slow-kill you or allow another person to do the job or them. t hem. The Narcissist: Symbioc relaonship Another orm o devastaon that narcissisc intrusiveness can create is the symbioc relaonship. “Symbiosis”–as we use the term in psychiatry–is not a mutually benecial state o interdependence. Instead it reers to a mutually parasic and destrucve coupling. In the symbioc relaonship neither partner will separate rom the other even though it would obviously be benecial to each i they could. I doubt that it is possible or two uerly evil people to live together in the close quarters o a sustained marriage. They would be too destrucve or the necessary cooperaon….In every evil couple, i we could examine them closely enough, I image we would nd one partner at least slightly in thrall to the other. For adults to be the vicms o evil, they too must be powerless to escape….They may be powerless by virtue o their own ailure o courage….bound by chains o laziness and dependency. Malignant narcissism hates what he can´t control and evil organized gang stalking hates what he can´t mind control or brainashing I you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out o the world. That is why the world hates you (John 15:19). This Bible verse symbolizing the Earthly Duality and Spiritual Oneness, when somone is chosen out rom the Earthly and dualisc world they hates you. Duality. We live in a dualisc world. Every issue has been polarized. In the west we see these poles as opposites. Day and night are the opposite extremes o light and dark. Because o the duality you were not able to see the beauty o oneness, o an organic unity; you were not able to see the light. The mechanisc world view has ragmented the human mind. The condioned energy gave birth to the error o dualism. The condion o “ignorance” consists, then, o a state o mind in which one is exclusively ocused on “earth plane” reality, with its dualism and ragmentaon. Now, there is always some transcendence, even in the transcendental orms o religious mediaon. Here we nd, once again, in relaon to sacrice, the doublet structure o theology. It is thus possible to explain that the term “transcendent(al)” is excluded rom duality, like a scapegoat third term (ersémissaire) (Girard), an exclusion that permits the hierarchical organizaon o the duality and the constuon o a closed group. John 15:19 describes the earthly duality, and because you don´t belong to the earthly duality your are excluded rom the duality belongingness, and this starts the goes scapegoang process o isolaon, persecuon, harassing, destrucon or sacrice. The journey orward and upwards to the Third Eye where this duality and polaries are transormed to Oneness and Light. Machiavellian people and Malignant narcissism and organized gang stalking are same and have same goal o dominaon “The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.” —Sam Vaknin Machiavellianism is “the employment o cunning and duplicity in statecraf or in general conduct”. In modern psychology, Machiavellianism is one o the dark triad personalies, characterized by a duplicitous interpersonal style, a cynical disregard or morality and a ocus on sel-interest and personal gain. Malignant narcissists and psychopaths will ulmately demean, exploit, and hurt anyone who comes into relaonship with them. Irraonal posions and conversaon, circular logic, word babble that seem to produce nothing but conusion are common with both sociopaths and malignant narcissists. Because o their personal delusion they may have trouble staying on topic and commonly change the subject rather than ollow the acts or deal with the real issue. The narcissist may preer to aack any opposion or opposing opinion, whether real or imagined, with discreding ad hominems or

conal accusaons. “Gaslighng” is a manipulave tacc that can be described in dierent variaons


o three words: “That didn’t happen,” “You imagined it,” and “Are you crazy?” Gaslighng is perhaps one o the most insidious manipulave taccs out there because it works to distort and erode your sense o reality; it eats away at your ability to trust yoursel and inevitably disables you rom eeling  jused in calling out abuse and mistreatment. mistreatment. This creates doubt. Mali Malignant gnant narcissists can do more than call you names, degrade and belile you. Besides making your lie miserable they can be dangerous to your lie itsel. I their control is beginning to slip away as you began to heal your part o the relaonship their abuse may become physical. This threat can escalate rapidly and take many orms o envy, jealousy, possessiveness and stalking. “The Rules” use mirroring as a conversaonal habit and technique; it is used as a Narcissisc Abuse tacc. Mirroring – When malicious, it’s actually one o the most eecve, emoonally and psychologically abusive o all the abuse taccs. Boom line, when used to con and manipulate other people’s trust and emoons with the sel-promong intent to manipulate, con, and ulmately to do harm Mirroring, when used as a psychology term, tends to have a very specic connotaon, denion, and meaning. While mirroring another person’s body postures, speech paerns, or mannerisms Machiavellianism—A selsh, callous, manipulave philosophy and code o personal behavior named or the 16th-century polical adviser Niccolb Machiavelli, the author o The Prince. It is not a personality disorder but rather rat her an outlook and behavior. People who are Machiavellian rounely manipulate others in a cynical and unprincipled way to benet themselves. Malignant narcissism—A dangerous personality disorder, according to psychiatrist Oo Kernberg, characterized by extreme, grandiose narcissism and sel-absorpon, lack o empathy, deecve conscience, readiness to use aggression to achieve personal goals, and a suspicious, paranoid outlook. Double Speaking and Malignant narcissism Doublespeak is both an overt and covert conversaon control tacc where the speaker (as an Abuser) deliberately chooses to use euphemisc, ambiguous, or obscure language while engaging in conversaon. it’s a verbal conversaon tacc that by nature is inherently psychologically and emoonally abusive. That’s why is crucial or vicms o Narcissisc abusers to understand that when a Flying Monkey (acng as an Enabler) or a person with Cluster B personality uses doublespeak techniques, they do so to control and manipulate another person. The key to understanding situaonal ethics with regard to the use o doublespeak is to dene the speakers intent. Because a man holding up his hand and asking people to report how many ngers he has — then telling them they are wrong i they say ve because technically speaking it’s our ngers and a thumb — has a conversaonal agenda, once physically designed meet or exceed and control needs. People use doublespeak gaslight to pervasively. It’s noaenon-seeking, secret or mystery power, why a selsh, sel-centered, sel- who aggrandizing, manipulave, pathological liar and control reak would choose to master its use as a skill. People who use doublespeak gaslight pervasively. It’s no secret or mystery why a selsh, sel-centered, sel-aggrandizing, manipulave, pathological pathological liar and control reak would choose to master its use as a skill. It’s done to provoke while avoiding taking personal responsibility or antagonizing or baing. But most o all, doublespeak is a covert speaking tacc used by compeve speakers to control, deceive, and mislead other people into making hasty generalizaons (when used as a weapon employed as a conversaon tacc). It is a stonewalling tweak that mixes crazy talk on the t he part o a speaker with an aempt o the listener to unconally clariy things — to the point the listener loses his or her cool and ends up eeling, looking, or acng incredibly rustrated. By gaslighng vicms into believing that stonewalling — an abuse tacc used to dominate and control social interacons and conversaons — is the same thing as ending all orms o social enmeshment with an Abuser or toxic peer pee r group afer long considered, deliberate, and mindul consideraon, they seek to remain in social and psychological

control and (again) strive to pursue the retenon o socially improper power. Stonewallers seek to


control other people and strive to get their way 100% o the me in each and every social situaon — typically at the direct known and publicly acknowledged expense o others. At their most extreme, a person stonewalling would hear the cries o their vicm and reply (i at all) with a phrase that is or was metaphorically equivalent with the pop culture conal phrase, “It puts the loon on its skin or else it gets the hose again.” The Abuser’s goal is to emoonally destroy and to uerly demoralize a target to the point that they (meaning the vicm) will do or say whatever the Abuser wants. The Abuser gets the immediate sasacon o having their wishes and desires — no maer how irraonal or illogical they are — met to the ullest, while they derive sadisc pleasure rom the abject psychological, stress-induced physical, and emoonal torture o their targeted vicm(s). Malignant narcissism – exluding rom duality reality This compulsive, coercive expression can be idened quite quickly as eelings o grandiosity: be like us, the collecve human organism, or you are not welcome. Some S ome expressions are somemes stated in a nicer way than others, but always the intenon is reverse psychology with the purpose o inmidang and manipulang by ulizing ulizing the weapon o guilt. This is a truly eec eecve ve coercion when habituated all through lie. Malignant narcissism (subliminal condioning) creates an intellectual wall— the subconscious collecvist iron curtain—that perectly immobilizes immobilizes the cric rom any cricism or quesonability toward society. With almost no excepons, this comment—impulsively triggered by an inability to process cricism naturally, excessive entlement, and magical thinking—manipulates the cric away rom the true subject and simultaneously enables the collecvist to move on by ending the conversaon. Inhibions: Don’t express uniqueness! Don’t express individuality! individuality! Don’t express selassurance! Don´t express independent thinking All these inhibive rules produced by eelings o ineriority/pathological narcissism, narcissism, which generate envy and the urge to eel equal, result in arrogance and excessive entlement. This emoonal process can generate narcissisc rage: malignant emoons o resentment, atude, irritaon, anger, and aggression. Narcissisc rage results in a subconscious narcissisc reacon: a sign o danger triggered when a cizen expresses sel-encouragement or individuality. In act, expressing sel-assurance or individuality is a sign that the individual is lifing one’s sel-esteem, and at the same me, this is a true sign that the person is liberang onesel rom the collecve human organism. Inhibion: Don’t try to educate/ As already thoroughly described. collecvism generates a society that designs ways to indoctrinate its cizens—to maintain complete intellectual control o its cizens. Society is thereore perectly designed— through the state-owned educaonal system, rom university, and inkeep largepeople parts through the state-owned public media. by controlling whatdaycare people through are allowed to know—to rom gaining any insight into new and perhaps beer perspecves or ways o thinking. This control extends to a need to prevent any oreign inuence on society, and especially to prevent people rom knowing the truth about narcissisc collecve oppression. What truly stands out as a vital part in creang and containing the collecve human organism is thereore this exact e xact rule: arrogance (magical thinking) disables anyone rom leaching the collecvist the actual truth about collecvism’s pathological mind game. This course has completely destroyed all natural respect or age and wisdom, and as well has destroyed the cognive development process. As menoned earlier, this personal story proves why authoritarian-collecve sociees restrict inormaon and the right to travel. To prove my point, when claiming that collecvists believe that they always personally know best I only have to reer to this rule. However, this omniscient arrogant atude is actually not imposed because collecvists believe that they themselves truly know beer. It is simply their subconscious, deprived narcissisc deenses, hypersensivity to cricism (an inability to process shame in natural ways). and magical thinking that create this arrogant behavior. In the case o domesc

violence, a situaon that is always subject to severe pathological narcissism, abusers control the abused


by lowering their sel-esteem with verbal or physical abuse. The abused is eventually driven by eelings o ineriority and dependency. So even afer the abuse is nally led with authories, the abused will requently drop the charges due to emoons o guilt and the need or contentment. The contentment o  the abused is now ound in dependence on the abuser. This state o mind is reerred to t o as Stockholm syndrome. Satanic agenda and gangstalking simularies Satan’s psychological state is troubled; he is restless and alienated Satan has his own kingdom and he is campaigning day and night to get ollowers into this horric kingdom. Note how ofen it is used to reer to the intellectual and spiritual darkness o Satan and his inernal kingdom o error. Satan methods: Satan´s old ancient agenda Gangstalking method: Gangstalking is a hidden polical agenda Satan methods; Make everyone believe he don´t exist Gangstalking; Organized Gang Stalking is designed to not exist in same way Satan either exist Satan S atan methods; Harassing, ear mongering, tormenng and terrorizing Gangstalking; Harassing, ear mongering, tormenng and terrorizing (psychological/polical terrorism) Satan; Spiritual warare Gangstalking; Psychological and polical warare Satan; God is Satan´s enemy Gangstalking; Spiritual awakening beings is the enemy (psychological terrorism) or polical opponents (polical terrorism), independent thinker´s is the enemy Satan; S atan; Aacking the mind on a spiritual or psychological level (harassing, stalking and bullying) Gangstalking; Aacking the mind with covert and overt aggression (harassing, organized stalking and bullying) Satan; The goal is The Bale o the Mind (transhumanism) Gangstalking; The goal is the destrucon o the Mind or human qualies (transhumanism) It is the end stu o nightmares and what has been called dark propecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in its nal stages o being played out. Satan methods: Decepon´s is Satan program Gangstalking method: Organized Stalking is a destrucve program built on decepon The democrac society is replaced by this hidden agenda and there is no longer any humans rights or all people, and thereor it is legal to drive people insane, psychological torture them, drive them to suicide and everyone is ree to volunteer and parcipate. Satan methods: Satan call it spiritual warare Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers call it psychological warare Satans methods: Trying make you believe your hear God´s voice speaking to you Gangstalking methods: Using technology to lure people to think they hear God´s speaking to them In act, this is the most clear evidence that Satan and Gangstalking is working or same God deceiving purpose and with same methods, but they have just other names. Persecuon, ostracism, scapegoang and gangstalking means blaming, excluding and isolaon, they have just other names. It is cruel, evil and sick Gangstalking to make people believeGangstalking they hear voices Satan methods: Satan is unseen and invisble and acng as God methods: handler is unseen and invisble and acng like he his God Satan methods: Great eort is given to keep satan’s plans hidden. seng up distracons and keeping people in posions where they sit in darkness and in the shadow o death. Satan whispering messages to your mind. Satan don´t want see God´s plan succed and Jesus Christ people to be born again. Gangstalking methods: Great eorts is given to keep polical gangstalking game plan and real purpose hidden. There is just a polical bogus cover up invesgaon, because the game plan is to stop spiritual growth and hindering Christ consiouness rom mature, total break down, destrucon, drive to madness or suicide. Gangstalkers are also hidden in dark places when they stalking. They can stand or sit in darkness when you are outside and walking to make you unsecure. They garding in darkness and probarly to make people eel paranoid. Satan methods: Satan are acc accusing using Gangstalking methods: Gangstaling accusing with a bogus invesgaon Satan methods: Satan scapegoang Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking pesrecute/ostrasize/scapegoang Satan methods: Scapegoang is a deense maneuver Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking is a deense maneuver Satan methods: Satan is stalking

and persecute Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers is stalking and persecute Satan methods: Satan


working 24/7 and never sleeps Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking also using sleep deprivaon and noise torture 24/7 Satan methods: Satan´s methods is to chain and enslave people mind, so they never eel ree. I Satan not is ree why should he let anyone be ree. (This method are combined with todays persecuon and ostracism (to create a social- and mind prison) Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking using anchoring and chaining methods to imprison people minds and control them in a mind slavery. You are not allowed to eel ree or have a ree will. (This method are combined with todays persecuon and ostracism (to create a social- and mind prison) The spirit o ear, which is rom Satan to try to keep you in bondage and rom doing anything. Since ear is a tormenng spirit, we know that it does not come rom God. And i it does not come rom God, there is only one other source ear can come rom, and that is rom Satan! Fear is also the devil s tool to keep us in bondage to the opinions o man. We are araid o what people will think or say about us. We become araid that we might not be accepted in our denominaon i we go all the way or God. Satan methods: Satan hell; Torture and pain, people are screaming in pain and suering Gangstalking methods: met hods: Gangstalking hell; psychological torture, noise harassment, pain, horror, terror, suering, trauma, people are screaming hysterical or hours (horror and terror screamings to make it look natural) Satan methods: Satan aacks and targeted the body, mind and soul Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers aacks the body, mind and soul Satan methods: Satan is like a computer programmer o energy. He is trying to install his belie system as a hidden computer code. This manipulated energy will very ofen manipulate people in their dream state to reinstall or strengthen liming sub-conscious programming. Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking using subliminal messages and using enviroiment manipulaon to aect the humand mind. This is a daily programming and brainwashing poeple don´t are aware o. Satan methods: When Satan trying to take over the mind there is no privacy or integrity, there is no silence, there is no peace o mind, and there is no happiness in hell Gangstalking methods: When gangstalking methods trying to take over the mind there is no privacy or integrity, there is no silence and there is no me or re recovery covery Satan methods: Satan trying to create errors, breakdowns, destrucon, insanity, suicide Gangstalkin Gangstalking g methods: Gangstalkers trying to create errors, ailures, breakdowns, insanity, suicide Satan methods: Satan aacks sel-image, indety, sel-esteem Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers aacks sel-image, indety, selesteem Satan methods: Gangstalkers demoralizaon/demonizaon Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers demoralizaon/demonizaon Satan methods: Satan is slandering Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers is slandering Satan methods: Satan inmidate and humiliate Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers inmidate and humiliate Satan methods: Satan is constant ear mongering Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers constant ear mongering Satan methods: Satan misleading and conusing Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers are conusing and gaslighng Satan methods: Satan imitang and mimicking, duplicate, double-speaking Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers imitang, mirroring, mimicking, gesturing, Satan methods: Satan isolate Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers isolate Satan methods: Satan is gatekeeping hell Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers is gatekeeping – police-security patrolling Satan methods: Satan is obstrucng/hindering Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers obstrucng/hindering/blocking/delaying obstrucng/hindering/blocking/d elaying Satan methods: Satan don´t want spiritual growth o Christ, they want spiritual death (they don´t want people be born again) Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers don´t want spiritual growth o Christ, they want spiritual death (they don´t want people be born again) One o Satan’s primary weapons against the believer is the spirit o ear. It is important to understand that ear is satanic in nature and does not originate in God. Satan methods: Satan is deceiving, dece iving, trickering manipulate the enviroment Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers is deceiving, trickering, manipulate

manipulate the enviroment Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers is deceiving, trickering, manipulate mind, emoons, enviroment Satan methods: Satan is interering Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers


communicaon and noise interering Satan methods: Satan mind invading Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers mind invading Satan methods: Satan trying to change your belies, values, worldviev Gangstalking methods:Gangstalking is trying to change your belies, values, worldview belies, values, worldviev Satan methods: Satan´s demons revealing personal things about your lie Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers revealing personal things about your lie Satan methods: Satan´s demonic power maniest themselves by open/close doors make sounds in walls and oors, making scratching noises Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers demonic energies maniests themselves by constant open/close doors, knocking in walls/oors making scratching noises Satan methods: Satan is The Spirit o ear and using ear Gangstalking methods: Gangstalkers using the Spirit o Fear II Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us The Spirit o FEAR; but o power and love and o a sound mind All ear can be either directly or indirectly linked to Satan. Satan methods: Satan trying to take over the human mind to control and enslave Gangstalking methods: Gangstalking means they trying to take over your mind to control it What organized gang stalking does is to isolate the target individuals lie and then surrounding the apartment with sound torturing equipment and then start all orms o communicaaon intererence and noise harassment, day and night, indoors and outdoors. Organized Gang Stalking is psychological warare, organized gang stalking is psychological and polical terrorism. This warare means they targeng your lie everywhere and they using other people in this psychological warare. So everyone can be used in this government psychological warare and polical terrorism. People don´t need any educaon and everyone can parcipang. How can everyone suddenly be expert in organized gaag stalking without any educaon? They acng like expert in psychological warare, expert in mind control, expert in brainwashing, expert in mk ultra methods (anchoring, chaining, sensizing, triggering, looping, synchronizing beahviors and these people without any educaon and without knowing each other also can synchronzing their gang stalking acons at same me. They are suddenly expert in remote viewing and can suddenly shadowing, they can interering and terrorizing your mind, so strange things is going on in Sweden. Here is some simularies between how a virus o the body is working and how the virus o the mind is working. A virus invading the body and gang stalkers in invading the human mind with constant interering, they invading the human mind by beaming voices to the targeted individuals mind and weaving in ideas, music chorus, commercials into their mind day and night. This is organized gang stalking in Sweden. A computer c omputer virus hacking aa computer and constant psychological interering building structures in the mind to hacking the mind. They capvang the human seeing with street theater, mind games, and they capvang the human hearing with with constant communicaon intererence or noise harasment, and they capvang the human percepon or the mind with gaslighng (voice to skull, syntethic telepathy, psychic driving). When a computer virus hacking a computer the virus imitang to get access to the system and then hacking it, and organized gang stalking using same imitang pscyhology and imitang the targeted individuals lie by mirroring what they say, do, think, watch on tv, what music they listen to, where they go and when they do something, and all interering acon is done simultaneously and synchronously. This is the imitang process. Capvang the human percepon Organized Gang Stalking is Organized Bullying Stalking and is the art o mockering and mimicking. Organized Gang Stalking Harassment reveals imitang and mimicking acons in every possible orm. MOCKERING, properly, to imitate; to mimic; hence, to imitate in contempt or derision ; to mimic or the sake o derision; to deride by mimicry. To deride; to laugh at; to ridicule ; to treat with scorn or contempt. To deeat; to illude ; to disappoint; to deceive ; a; to mock expectaon. To ool ; to

tantalize; to play on in contempt. MOCKERING; Ridicule; derision ; sneer; /ill act maniesng contempt MOCKERING; countereit; assumed: imitang reality, but not real. MOCKED; Imitated or mimicked in


derision ; laughed at ; ridicuieu, deeated, illuded. MOCKER; . One that mocks; a scorner ; a scoer ; a derider. A deceiver; an impostor. MOCKERY; The act o deriding and exposing to contempt, by mimicing the words or acons o another. Derision ; ridicule. Vain imitaon or eort; that which deceives, disappoints or rustrates. It Is as the air, Invulnerable, And our vein blows malicious mockery. Imitaon ; countereit appearance; alse show. MOCKING; Imitang in contempt ; mimicking; ridiculing by mimickry; treang with sneers and scorn; deeang; deluding, derision, insult. The hidden purpose with imiang, mimicking, mirroring, gesturing, duplicang and gaslighng is; The mimicry o one species uncons to deceive the percepon o another (mimicry to decieve the human mind o percepon o reality). This is organized gang stalking. Another purpose with mirroring and imitang is to building walls, the process o imitang and mirroring creates mirror one can´t see through, it creates a decepon or percepon. Organized Gang Stalking is the acon o the carnal mind, and the mimicking and mirroring one is the carnal mind within the organized gang stalker. It also creates ake illusion o control. Animals are not the only species to use mimicry or survival. Humans employ mimicry in military warare. Decepve mimicry has been successully used or protecon, ofen aempng to ool the enemy by mimicking a larger army. Humans also rely on the potenal advantages o mimicry, including strategies o mimicry in military warare. Organized Gangstalking is psychological warare or spiritual warare Using Mimicking—In compung, phishing aacks are a tradional example o an unwanted deceiving login page. This methods is used in same way to aack the human mind. All orms o long term ongoing imitang, mimicking or mirroring acons opens entrancees to the mind. They trying to get access to the human mind to take control over it or they weakening the human immune system to create login openings in the mind. Imitang. mimicking or mirroring acons building structures in the mind. Building structures in the mind is the acon o the carnal mind (Satan -the ultra ego), and is termed as building strongholds. When Satan and the organized gang stalking working and anchoring and then sensizing, they actually planng seeds and then watering these by daily sensizing, and this is the building process o mind control and building strongholds. Fear is Satan´s and organized ganag stalking building material. Organized Gangstalking don´t just using imitang and mimicking mind games g ames to create openings in the human mind, they also using slandering, name calling, rumors, gossiping, smear campaigns and whispering campains, and sel-image aacking and aacking powerwill In covert verbal aggression, the aggressor aempts to harm the other person privately, by gossiping about him or her or by accusing the person o witchcraf or sorcery, or demonizon. Verbal aggression is a cultural universal; at least some orms, such as arguing, rumors, slandering, gossiping, insulng, and expressing anger in other ways with words, are ound in all cultures. Rumors, gossip and slandering is FUEL to the covert and overt invesgaon. Rumers, gossip and slandering is like a psychologicaal virus they create as part o hijacking the targeted individuals mind and lie. The hidden uncon behind rumors is that they may serve as entrées to social interacons or inltraon o the mind What these people does is buildning structures in the targeted individuals minds by daily sensizing processes or consatnt looping sound or music chorus. They creang a tunnel reality o the mind, occupying and barricading mind-awareness and occupying mind-space by daily sensizing and trauma-basing and overwhemling the targeted individuals mind with ear, stress, negvity, aggression, hate, pain, horror, terror, wickedness. This blocking the vimizing persons ability to process inormaon and regulate eelings and thoughts and then becomes vicmized and trauma-based. And this hindering or delaying spiritual growth or transormaon. Capvated hearing; Organized Gang Stalking Program capvang the targeted individuals hearing –

what s the meaning with that? The human Pineal Gland and the inner ear has same micro crystals, and spiritual sound waves can be converted to light and light then acvang higher DNA strands, and all


orm o noise or sound is distracon or this process. Sound or noise is the opposite to silence, meditaon and a peaceul mind. Constant noise capvang hearing or the gateway or portal to theta waves and God consciousness, it´s make it more dicult to nd an relax state o mind with ongoing noise harassment and distracons. I God is realted to meditaon. silence, relaxed mind, so is noise an creaon o the evil. Today Gang Stalkers using everything they can to create all orms or any orm o noise or sound, and all orms o communicaon intererence or noise intererence, or constant background sound to occupy the human mind with noise or sounds. Gangstalking is a psychological warare or a spiritual war or a “thought war” about the human mind. Psychological warare denion, the use o propaganda, threats, and other psychological techniques to mislead, inmidate, demoralize, or otherwise inuence the thinking or behavior o an opponent. Psychological warare is the planned taccal use o non-combat techniques to otherwise inuence the thinking or behavior o an enemy or opponent. Targeted Individuals in gangstalking is being hold as a psychological prisoners in a mental looping “thought war” about the human mind as a (operang system). Psycholoigcal warare means the targeted individual (mind uncons and the brains operang system is hold in hostage or hijacked). Organized Gang Stalking creates a negave cognive eedback loop. Gangstalking is Psychological warare and this is Polical Terrorism. The terrorist (gangstalker) has barricade every aspect o the targeted individuals lie and terrrorizing that person day and night. Aggression Indirect or covert aggression involves use o social networks, third pares, elements o the social organizaon, and/or other covert means to inict harm on another. Gang-stalking is systemac, ritualisc and sadisc emoonal and psychological abuse o covert power o polical terrorism (psychological warare. Government Forms o Covert Oppression (subconsiousness mind or the soul), using NLP (building strongholds), and systemac torture blocks the vicm´s capacity or conscious processing. This mean “thought stopping and thought stopping means brainwashing and “thought stopping” means hindering “independent thinking”. Gang Stalking is a genuine and dangerous orm o psychological abuse. The gang-stalking program designed to entrap individuals. This is accomplished (in the gang- stalking program) through the increased applicaon o psychological warare (through directed energy weapons, environmental manipulaon, blackmail, etc.) unl the TI submits (to the oppressing system). Emoonal blackmail (psychological manipulaon); manipulaon); Emoonal Blackmail When the people in your lie use ear, obligaon, and guilt to manipulate you. It is a very powerul orm o manipulaon in which the person directly or indirectly threatens to punish you i you don’t compile with how they want you to behave. Psychological manipulaon is a type o social inuence that aims to change the percepon or behavior o others through underhanded, decepve taccs. By advancing only the interests o the manipulator, ofen at the other’s expense, such methods could be considered exploitave, abusive, devious, and decepve. Dr. Robin Stern coined the phrase “Gaslight Eect” meaning “a gaslighter who needs nee ds to be right in order to preserve his own sense o sel and his sense o power in the world; and a gaslightee, who allows the gaslighter to dene her sense o reality re ality because she idealizes him and seeks approval.” Her book is “The Gaslight Eect”. Dr. George Simon in his book “In “I n Sheep’s Clothing” uses the phrase “covert aggression – the manipulaon o the heart”. He dierenates passive-aggression rom covert aggression. “Passive-aggression is, as the term implies, aggressing through passivity. In contrast, covert aggression is very acve, albeit veiled, aggression. When someone is being covertly aggressive, they’re using calculang, underhanded means to get what they want to manipulate the response o others while keeping their aggressive intenons under cover.” Dr. Harriet B. Braiker in “Who’s Pulling Your

Strings reers to emoonal blackmail. …manipulaon is always one sided, asymmetrical, or unbalanced in its movaon. Once the line between appropriate inuence and manipulaon has been


crossed, relaonships become disturbed and trouble. M Sco Peck writes; Evil is the use o power to destroy the spiritual growth o others or the purpose o deending and preserving the integrity o our own sick selves. In short, it is scapegoang (or today´s gangstalking). Therapist Dr M. Sco Peck, author o The People o the Lie, writes: at one point I dened evil as ‘the exercise o polical power that is the imposion o one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion in order to avoid spiritual growth’”, and covert and overt is used in today´s psychological warare against targeted individuals. Denion o Emoonal Manipulaon: A person, with greater emoonal intelligence than his or her vicms, who uses emoonal intelligence to covertly manipulate (subtly and subconsciously) the vulnerabilies o others or his or her own personal sasacon/gain with a total disregard or the needs o their vicms. Barricade denion Barricade a house or building and hold hostage; gangstalking means they barricade the human mind and the targeted individual is hold in hostage Barricade denion; to build a barricade across, around, or in ront o something, to block o or stop up with a barricade; to prevent access to by means o a barricade. A usually improvised structure set up, as across a route o access, to obstruct the passage o an enemy or opponent. And obstrucng means; Obstruct denion is — to block or close up by an obstacle; to hinder rom passage, acon, or operaon, or delaying, slow down or create “waing me”. Building psychological barricades In psychological warare this means; ; to build a barricade across, around, or in ront o something. The enemy building a castle or stronghold in our minds and hearts which includes our surrounding walls. These are not physical walls but rather emoonal walls. A stronghold is an area in which we are held in bondage (hostage) and gangstalkers using ear and terror to build this psychological barricade and this barricade means building strongsholds, or building a emoonal and psychological torture chamber that are surrounded by tormenng technology and humans who creang sound torture. Barricade can also mean; occupaon o the mind by building walls o constant communicaon intererence or noise intererence. Building strongholds means building psychological barricades and this is made by anchoring, chaining, sensizing and triggering. Mind Control building psychological structures in the mind to prevent independent thinking. Brainwashing (also known as mind control, mencide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reorm, and reeducaon) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think crically or independently. Wolves useth all ways o possible or concealment. Denion or concealment is; the acon o hiding something or prevenng it rom being known. The concealment o inormaon or a eeling involves keeping it secret. This mean; concealment (covert) o the true moves and hidden covert moevs means concealment and camouage. This creates a secret concealment rom be observed. To mask or ease an oensive or onerous task by providing aracve incenves; to cloak in euphemism (double-speaking). To hide or conceal one’s acons or moves, to cover c over up, to get rid o the evidence. Concealment also means; put up a smoke screen To camouage or conceal one’s intenons, moves (covert and hidden moevs and hidden polical agendas), or acons rom one’s rivals or opponents, or rom the general public. A smoke screen is a cover o dense smoke produced to camouage (psychological warare terrorism). Disguise meaning; the act o concealing the identy o something by modiying its appearance; “he is a master o disguise”. Disguise is a the state o being disguised; masquerade. Disguise by camouaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something; “The troops camouaged themselves beore they went into enemy territory”. Then psychological warare is a “thought war” they psychological disguise themselves rom be detected (stealthy) and psychological warare strategies is

secretely hide in rumors, slandering, gossip, smear campaigns and these methods will then uncons as entréences or stealthy (undetected) intererence with the targeted individual and in same me will


rumors, slandering, gossip, smear campaigns work as uel or their covert and overt warare strategy. Rumors, slandering, gossip, smear campaigns is psychological ammunion they using and in same me these acons working as entréences into the targeted individuals mind, they also working as uel or others, and or the targeted individual this mean they creang this; The terms “security hole,” “weakness,” and “vulnerability” reer to a state that can be exploited or such an aack (when they hacking computers they looking or “security hole”, “weakness,” and “vulnerability” , and gangstalking means they using the human mind (the ego) “weakness,” and “vulnerability” to gain themselves and then vicmizing and trauma-base the targeted individuals mind with constant pressure o ear, stress, psycholoigcal terrorism, manipulaon o thoughts, eelings and reality, persecuon, sound torture, sleep deprivaon, mind reading, ELF aacks, V2K aacks, Syntethic telepathy aacks. Rumors, slandering, gossip, smear campaigns creates a state o unconsious ear. A clandesne operaon is an intelligence or military operaon carried out in such a way that the operaon goes unnoced by the general populaon or specic enemy orces. A clandesne operaon diers rom a covert operaon in that emphasis is placed on concealment o the operaon rather than on concealment o the identy. Clandesne means “hidden”, where the aim is or the operaon to not be noced at all. Covert means “deniable”, such that i the operaon is noced, it is not aributed to a group. The term stealth reers both to a broad set o taccs aimed at providing and preserving the element o surprise and reducing enemy resistance. Gangstalking – The invisble war – a war behind the scenes – A Stockholm Syndrome War Oppression creates a system o invisible barriers liming people (lef brain limitaons) and gangstalking creang limitaon by imitaon (mirroring psychology). Mirroring psychology creates invisble mind barriers. The word oppress comes rom the Lan oppressus, past parciple o opprimere, (“to press against”, “to squeeze”, “to suocate”). Thus, when authoritorian goverments use oppression to subjugate the people, they want their cizenry to eel that “pressing down”, and to live in ear that i they displease the authories they will, in a metaphorical sense, be “squeezed” and “suocated”, e.g., thrown in a dank, dark, state prison or summarily executed. Oppression also reers to a more insidious type o manipulaon and control. Social oppression is when a single group in society takes advantage o, and exercises power over, another group using dominance and subordinaon. This results in the socially supported mistreatment and exploitaon o a group o individuals by those with relave power. The overt oppression o autocracy is ar more obvious, since through pyramidal orms o authority, it openly exerts a posive style o injuncon that cannot be seen in any other light than the explicit restricon o reedom. Both orms o government oppression, as they hurt the individual or the group in society. Gangstalking; Group and Government Forms o Covert Oppression Acng under cover(t) and in disguise, or i you will the Devil in masquerade Power structures can be covertly made or overtly suppressed. Rumor and gossip orm the substratum rom which accusaons o sorcery or witchcraf may be made, witchcraf may be made, i such noons are culturally present or enter into people’s lie-worlds. Bullying can be easy to see, called overt, or hidden rom those not directly involved, called covert. Some examples o overt bullying include: Teasing, beliling or consistently making a person the vicm o mean-spirited jokes; Abusive language; Behaviors that are designed to humiliate or righten. Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviours using digital technologies, including hardware such as computers and smartphones, and sofware such as social media, instant messaging, texts, websites and other online plaorms. Cyber bullying can happen at any me. It can be in public or in private. Ccovert abuse – humiliaon or exclusion Overt verbal aggression includes song duels, word duels, harangues,

sarcasc and derogatory humor, and insults. In covert verbal aggression, the aggressor aempts to harm the other person privately, by gossiping about him or her or by accusing the person o witchcraf or


sorcery, or demonizon. Verbal aggression is a cultural universal; at least some orms, such as arguing, rumors, slandering, gossiping, insulng, and expressing anger in other ways with words, are ound in all cultures. Rumors, gossip and slandering is FUEL to the covert and overt invesgaon. Rumers, gossip and slandering is like a psychologicaal virus they create as part o hijacking the targeted individuals mind and lie. The hidden uncon behind rumors is that they may serve as entrées to social interacons or inltraon o the mind Given the phantasmac and perhaps unreal aspect o the rumors, they do not merely “unveil” secrets as much as help constute the “public secrets” that represent an alternate imaginaon regarding the world in which we live. Rumor and gossip are perormances—more risky because less authorized than public speech, but potenally with more eecve social consequences as a result—in which people enter the contemporary public sphere, construcng the sel and society through parcular modes o discourse. Thereore, although rumor-mongering appears to violate the secrecy that makes immoral pracces possible and powerul, it creates an image o the immoral and creates usversus-them relaonships with the objects o the rumor. Satanic power involves manipulang human consciousness through energy and thought vibraons. Some o these low requency thought vibraons include hatred, ear, selshness, and guilt. To create an energy eld, a vibraonal requency, which connects the consciousness o the parcipants to the replians and other consciousness. What is so horriying about these predators is the quality o the pain and perceptual distorons they inict into their vicms’ brains just or the sake o intenonally wreaking havoc, discomort, and destrucon. It is like them trying to implant poison packets into their vicms’ brains to deprive them o a good quality o lie, their right to liberty, and their ability to pursue happiness. Alpha waves; Gangstalking The body is like a mountain, the eyes are like a ocean, the mind is like the sky. The right brain may be generang alpha waves while the lef brain is in a beta state. ALPHA BRAIN WAVE FREQUENCY that elicits creavity, intuion and supranormal phenomena. The alpha state is a relaxed, wakeul state in which our minds are not engaged in any specic mental or emoonal acvity. When they targeted the human mind on Alpha level it means intererence, sound intererence, noise intererence, communicaon intererence or any orm o intererence psychology to create distracons, stalking or surveillance. From a spiritual perspecve they hindering spiritual gifs rom be evolved and instead thet using same technological equipment to target the targeted individuals mind and lie. Alpha ways is right brain hemisphere acvies, but when they targeng the human mind they using lef brain technology to targeng the right brain hemisphere. Alpha waves can; a) project his sense o awareness to the uture and see what is going to happen beore it does, through Precognion (gang stalkers trying to predict all movement) b) project his sense o awareness to the past through Retrocognion (they beaming and weaving in sounds, voices, music chorus rom tv programs, or past, it is like Orwell psychology. He who controls the past contols the uture. So by control humans past, minds, lives, daily living they trying to control other humans desny and uture, and rom a spiritual perspecve they trying hindering peoples spiritual growth and salvaon ) c) project his sense o awareness to a person’s mind and know what he is thinking o, through Telepathy; (gangstalker psychology, mind reading, V2K, syntethic telepathy) d) see things which cannot normally be seen through physical sight, through Clairvoyance; e) see distant places or events without being physically there, through Remote Viewing, etc. (remote viewing is used in gangstalking) The right brain uncons as the creave center. It is the t he seat o visual, aural, and emoonal memory, and processes inormaon in holisc, intuive terms, relying on paern recognion. The lef brain is the administrator, what we somemes call the raonal mind. It proceeds in logical, analycal,

verbal, and sequenal ashion. Incoming inormaon is idened, classied, c lassied, and explained. I one hemisphere is damaged, the other one is able, within limits, to take over its uncons. Normally, though,


the memories, mental associaons, ideas, and processes o each hemisphere are inaccessible to the other. In ordinary consciousness, either the lef or the right brain dominates in cycles. We shif rom one side to the other depending on which skills we require. Not only do the two hemispheres o our brains operate in dierent modes, they also usually operate in dierent rhythms. The right brain may be generang alpha waves while the lef brain is in a beta state. Or both hemispheres can also be generang the same type o brain waves, but remain out o sync with each other. But in states o intense creavity, deep meditaon, or under the inuence o rhythmic sound, both hemispheres may begin operang in the same synchronized rhythm. This state o unied whole brain unconing is called hemispheric synchronizaon. As the rhythms o the two hemispheres synchronize, there is a sense o clarity and heightened awareness. Feelings o sel-consciousness and separaon all away. The individual is able to draw on both the lef and the right hemispheres simultaneously. Hemispheric synchronizaon on the alpha level can create eelings o euphoria, expanded mental powers, and intense creavity. cre avity. This may be the neurological basis o higher states o consciousness. Delta waves means sleep, theta waves means dream-state and alpha means awakening. Alpha is the awakening energy and awareness Capvang human hearing with constant sounds or noise harassment means they capvang silence and Theta waves. These are the communicaon link, portal or gateway to God consciousness. Noise harassment also distracng the human ears micro-crystals to convert sound waves to light and these acons hindering light to be acvated to higher dna strands. The human ear has same micro crystals c rystals as the pienal gland and constant sounds or noise are distractors in this process. The Word o God is sound waves and light. Noise keeps human in a state o duality and in same me keeps human away rom Oneness and healing. Noise is the distractor o duality and hinderling healing. Theta brain waves are present during deep meditaon and light sleep, including the REM dream state. Theta is the realm o your subconscious mind. It is also known as the twilight state as it is normally only momentarily experienced as you drif o to sleep (rom Alpha) and arise rom deep sleep (rom Delta). A sense o deep spiritual connecon and oneness with the Universe can be experienced at Theta. Vivid visualizaons, great inspiraon, proound creavity, exceponal insight as well w ell as your mind’s most deep-seated programs are all at Theta. The voice o Theta is silence. Theta state is connected to GodConsciousness – and this can explain why gangstalkers using constant noise or communiaon intererence to create distracon or the mind. Constant sound torture or noise harassmnet targeng Delta waves. This is the state that is connected to God-Consciousness. Theta is the voice o silence and noise harassment targeng this Theta waves in humans. Theta waves in the amygdala are known to be synchronized with theta waves in the t he hippocampus. Synchronizaon between amygdala and hippocampal theta waves is considered important or neuronal communicaon between these regions during the memory-retrieval process. These theta waves are also observed during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Theta waves are known to be involved in learning and memory processes, and in a spiritual awakening process connects human to Divine knowledge and to acvaon o Higher Sel knowledge in the 12 DNA strand memory Capvang sleep with sound torture and sleep deprivaon damageing dna strands and lack o sleep destroying health and cognive uncons. Delta waves; Gangstalking and sleep deprivaon Sleep deprivaon makes the amygdala unable to regulate emoons with neutrality. Lack o sleep unable regulate emoonal eelings and this increasing seen in anxiety, depression, and posttraumac stress disorders (PTSD). Gangstalker both anchoring, chaining, sensizing and then triggering these emoons and by sleep deprivaon keeping targeted individuals in a looping mode. Gangstalkers

even using sound torture and noise harassment to targeng Delta waves to create sleep deprivaon. Sound torture, psychic driving (looping same music chorus), high booms, dropping things on the oor,


late overyes with helicopters late and afer midnight, recrackers, high pitch screamings, rush and stress hormone acvies to prevent sleep deprivaon. Sleep deprivaon induced memory decit are aributed to disrupted communicaons between amygdala and hippocampus. Sleep deprivaon leads to emoonal instability. Sleep deprivaon srs up emoons. Study explains why lack o sleep may lead to irraonal behavior. Sleep deprivaon may make it harder to keep your emoons in check. A new study shows that sleep deprivaon is linked to a disconnect in the part o the brain responsible or keeping emoons under control and had reverted back to more primive paerns o acvity, in that it was unable to put emoonal experiences into context and produce controlled, appropriate responses. “Sleep appears to restore our emoonal brain circuits, and in doing so prepares us or the next day’s challenges and social interacons, and gangstalkers sabotaging this preparing phase or targeng individuals. And gangstalkers start targeng people instantly rom the morning with sensizing acvity. Gangstalkers are triggering anger, triggering irraonal behavior, triggering instability, triggering stress, triggering primive paern o acvity to take over, aacking the human thinking system. From a spiritual perspecve this means; “When we don’t sleep well, we lose the ability to integrate and synthesize inormaon and this hindering spiritual growth, in same way Delta waves are been hindering to be connected to GodConsciousness when constant noise harassment interering with silence. So gangstalker aacking the human need o silence rom mediaon in a Theta state and the need o silence rom sleep in a Delta state, and both are been psychological aacked. Sleep deprivaon Sabotage Decision Making. Mind Control or Mental Manipulaon, is the power to control the minds o others, inuencing their thoughts and acons. The power to exert control over the mind o an individual , is the power to control the minds o others, inuencing their thoughts and acons. The power to exert control over the mind o an individual. Gangstalking or this covert and overt invesgaon means; They make reality to surreality and manipulate reality and peoples minds and trying to create a delusional mind by a technology called ELF, V2K (Voice to Skull) are all due to this hidden technology or by Synthec Telepathy. Gangstalking means they weaving in their own events and acvies in the targeted indivudals lie and mind, and they even weaving in their own chosen words or vocies or songs to targeng the mind with V2K (voice to skull) or Synthec Telepathy Te lepathy and make them belive they hear voices or words. In earlier sociees this method or process was called “building strongholds” against a targeted individual to mind control them. Gangstalking – A war behind the scenes There is advanced hidden agenda behind gangstalking and there is a hidden agenda with “mirroring”. Mirroring is Mind Control or MK Ultra. M=Mind, K=Kontrolle Ultra=extreme secret methods used or psychological warare and spiritual warare. “Trauma-based mind control programming can be dened as systemac torture that blocks the vicm’s capacity or conscious processing Since the mind controls the man, the organizaon that controls the mind controls that man. Electromagnec mind control technologies are weapons which use electromagnec waves to hijack a person’s brain and nervous system. Covert aggression is highly invisible behavior (extremely hidden, secret, unseen technology). Covert abuse is subtle and veiled or disguised by acons that appear to be normal. Covert is secret, hidden and classied, and the overt is ull open view publicly ( two conicng images). Covert manipulaon taccs are a orm o mind control, albeit more subtle than overt orms such as brainwashing (the covert invesgaon is manipulaon and mind control and the overt invesgaon is brainwashing). The real purpose is; Government Forms o Covert Oppression (subconsiousness mind or the soul), using NLP (building strongholds), and systemac torture blocks the vicm´s capacity or conscious processing. This

(building strongholds), and systemac torture blocks vicm s capacity or conscious processing. mean “thought stopping and thought stopping meansthe brainwashing and “thought stopping” means This hindering “independent thinking”. Mind Control is “thought stopping” and mind control prevent


“independent thinking” and the hidden unseen meaning with overt and covert is this; by saying it is an covert and overt invesgaon they hijacking how energy moving downwards and upwards or hijacking i  a person walking orwards or backwards. What is the real power behind “independent thinking”? – The “Crical Thinking System. Why is it so powerul? It has intelligence. And intelligence is an ability to change. So independent thinking and crical thinking can analyze and change, and reedom is the ability to change. A spiritual awakening meaning change and transormaon. A Matrix and Mind Prison which has genec manipulated and enslaved humankind don´t want anyone to open their third eye o higher intuion. The want predictable humans that is alterred, condioned, mind controlled and brainwashed. They don´t want people to have access to their real Higher Sel and their inner spiritual powers. All acons is designed to create all orm o “walls”, emoonal walls, psychological walls, spiritual walls, and they using endless o methods to create these walls, and they building strongholds o the mind. Constant sound harassment or noise harassment buildning walls and at same me destroying cells in the brain. Sound is converted to an electrical signal when it enters the ear. This signal travels up the auditory nerve to the part o the brain that processes sound, the auditory cortex. From there, the signals travel throughout the brain, creang a variety o responses. The eects o sound in the brain include evoking emoons, triggering the release o stress chemicals and impacng the development o new neural pathways in the brain. Stress Loud noises evoke an insncve ght or ight reacon in the brain, according to The Franklin Instute. The ght or ight reacon is a release o chemicals that smulates immediate acon. This reacon has been crucial to ensure human survival in the wilderness, and remains important in the modern world. I you hear a loud honk rom a car horn, your brain and body respond quickly to move you out o harm’s way. Once danger has passed, the brain releases tranquilizing chemicals that counteract the smulang chemicals. Exposure to too many loud noises can overload your brain with smulang chemicals. Without the balancing eect o the brain’s tranquilizing chemicals, the smulang chemicals can damage brain cells. Psychological stress can cause psychological and physical disorders. Stress weakens the immune system and has other serious eects on the brain and body such as cardiovascular problems, and mental illness such as depression. Stress also kills brain cells and lowers your learning abilies or capabilies. Specically, long periods o stress destroys brain cells in the hippocampus and learning and memory capabilies can be greatly reduced. Another actor is that the brain absorbs inormaon beer when it is relaxed, in a posive state o mind, and recepve to the inormaon. Sleep deprivaon can cause corsol levels to increase by over 50%. It causes the depleon o neurotransmiers, mood regulang hormones, and this has the eect o making people more vulnerable to or to become more easily e asily depressed. Impaired cognive ability, out o check emoons, and poor judgment or poor logic also results rom sleep deprivaon. PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE – “…When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means or neutralizing or discreding a polical opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders o vocal opposion groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon. Arcial telepathy also oers an ideal means or complete invasion o privacy. I all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner o hurul comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected or blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses o one’s past are up or review. Like a perverted phone caller, a hosle person with this

technology hand can call at any me o day, all day long. can be disrupted. Prayers can Love be can desecrated,in religious belies mocked. Business meengs canSleep be interrupted, thoughts derailed. be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, ond memories trashed. The aacker


cannot be seen or idened, the aack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is lef on the body and there is absolutely no proo that any crime or any violaon ever took place! Everything that “happens” to the vicm happens inside the vicm’s head. Gang Stalking S talking – they imitang, mimicking, mirroring and shadowing (imitang movements in apartment), or what you think, what you read, or watch on tv or listen to music, where you go, what you wearing, or say, do. They play out these imitang acons in ront o you by numbers, symbols, things or by word dropping or some examples or LIVE interering when you listen to radio or tv. The organized gangstalking program It´s a program that is capvang the human seeing to conuse (street theater, gaslighng, mind games, trickery, manipulaons, daily sensizing to colors or symbols) It ´s a program that is capvang the human hearing (constant noise harassment, communicaon intererence, syntethic telepathy, voice to skull, Electro magnec requency (EMF weapon, psychic driving and sleeep deprivaon) It´s a that capvang the human percepon (with interering, distracon, gaslighng, mind games, manipulaons, conusing psychology and sound/noise distorons program to ragmenng the human mind) It´s a program o destrucon o the human mind; sensizing, triggering, tormenng, victmizing, trauma-basing, look-oolish programming, aggression provoking, create mind-errors and ailures, demonizing, dehumanisaon, demoralisaon and crazy-making program. It´s a program that hindering spiritual growth, it´s a program og thought stopping (hindering transormaon), it´s a program that´s capvang the human seeing and hearing with conusing and disturbing noise and that blocking some o the need o a peaceul and silent enviroment/mind to hear the Word o God. Constant noise hindering sound waves to be converted to light and inormaon or to be converted to direcon to cells to be acvated to higher DNA strands and knowledge. The human ear has same micro-crystals in the ear as the pineal gland has micro-crystals, and when these starts vibrang they starts produce light and light awakening dna strands. Noise thereore becomes conusing, and street theater has same uncon to the human seeing, to conuse the seeing, and mind games, manipulaon, gaslighng, Voice to Skull, Syntehic Telepathy Te lepathy is also a process o consusing the human mind, and gang stalking including beaming in voices, words, music chorus or whatever they want weaving into the human mind to conuse. Every methods is designed to interering to create conusion and doubts, so people can´t trust on their real and true Sels or so they can´t nd their true Sels. Conclusion: Satan and organized gang stalking is same spirit o stalking. Satan is the Ultra Ego and ultra ego is the collecve ego and organized gang stalking is collecve gang stalking. Satan is the collecve Hive Mind. This culture is the narcissisc culture and what is a gang stalker – he is a narcissisc abuser. Organized gang stalking is designed to drive people to madness or to suicide, so organized gang stalking is evil. And the goal with organized gang stalking is to achieve a evil goal o destrucon and this is made o the collecve Hive Mind. This collecve Hive Mind is responsable or all pain, terror, horror, inducing o long term stress, ear mongering, harassing, victmizing, trauma.-basing, crazy making, and gaslighng. Organized gang stalking is psychological warare, psychological and polical terrorism. t errorism. The Matrix and the Beast System is the carnal mind or the desire consciousness. Organized Gang Stalking is there where the carnal mind is, and Organized Gang Stalking, The Matrix, The Beast system represents all the same system or represents the same kind o mind (carnal mind). Then the carnal mind is everywhere, then the carnal mind also is in every department. That´s why even departments parcpang in organized gang stalking. The carnal mind is the manipulator o the mass energies o the mass consciousness. Since the

carnal mind is in control o the world, the esh, and the devil. de vil. The human mind or brain is controlled, altered, condioned and genec enginered to enslave and imprisoned humankind into the matrix, the mind prison or the dreamworld. Humans is said to be born into enslavement. All human beings are born


with carnal minds which are limited to materialisc knowledge, and carnal mind is hosle to God. Carnal mind cannot understand the things, which are o God, because they are not spiritually discerned. Humans is said to be the most intelligent being and humans is the only species who invented their own prisons. This Mind Prison is kept in place through the The Three Knots o bondage and limitaons. The mind prison is the result when everythings spiritual is turned o (real sel, real reality and real knowledge). A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature. (James 4:1). Decepons is there because Satan does not want anyone to be saved, thereore Satan has set up mul-levels o traps to capvate, imprison and destroy one mind and lie. He is always trying to disturb, distract and distort the bigger picture o the Divine. Decepons is the only way the can enslave mankind within the matrix and keep them imprisoned in the 2 dna strand o reality. Genec manipulaons is decepon o human genecs. Decepon is dened as the deliberate aempt, whether successul or not, to conceal, abricate, and/or manipulate in any other way- Genec manipulaon is genec decepons, and decepons conceals humankinds history into a evoluonary lock because humankind have not access to the higher knowledge then the 10 etheric dna strand was unplugged and disconnected by the archons and annunaki. And that´s why the archons prevents the soul rom ascending and organized gang stalking using gaslighng to conuse the mind with decepons. They also beaming sounds and voices into the mind to stregthen the process o more conusions, and the goal with organized gang stalking is to drive target individuals to madness. Just like the matrix, the system is a abricated world o lies and decepons with the intenon o causing ignorance and helplessness, created by the devil to help degenerate humanity into a beast-like state which was not God’s will or man or mankind to be which is the truth. The truth is God, and God made man in his image and afer his likeness, not the likeness o beast or Satan, so the natural state o man is the truth. Plus in the Psychology o Deceit, it said that the world thrives on lies and we have to sort through the bombardment o lies that come at us every day to nd the real truth. And whole idea o this is that when a person possesses more inormaon (knowledge) is usually more powerul in controlling both the environment and other persons. So in short, telling a lie is to reduce others power by providing them misinormaon that’s i this knowledge or inormaon is associated with power. So what is the matrix or the system? Control, the system is a abricated world o lies and deceit, built to keep the human race under some type o control, in order to reduce or degenerate the human being to a beast, the mark o the beast. Literature on psychological warare is usually limited to that which is commied in mes o internaonal war, against oes in other naons. The task o the oensive psychological war strategist is to nd ways to rule people by ear, and keep them pacied so that they do not react to the source o ear, but instead learn to love the state o ear up to the point that they look or more o it, and would miss it i they could no longer nd it. The psycho-technology is designed to keep the psychological age o  an intellect in its inancy, and to seduce it with horror, and teach it to enjoy living in an interacve scary movie. Given awareness o philosophical and social cognive engineering, and the psychotechnologies which these produce, it is naturally raonal to vehemently insist to those stubbornly intenon-ocused persons the ollowing. The nature o psychological warare is most raonally idenable through consequenalist evaluaons o the eects o acons, because while it is not possible to observe intenons, things can most praccally and accurately be understood by observing their eects. Moreover, tyrants try to hide their evil acons with declaraons o good intenons, and evil-means-to-

good end raonalizaons. Even when tyrants manage to hide some o the eects o their acons so that the tyrannical causes may also be concealed, their aempts to hide those eects inevitably produce yet other eects. The observable eects can be deciphered in order to reach the boom meaning o the


decepve code o their misconduct, and thus unmask the evil that is casng a alse appearance o the good. Evil constantly usurps the good, to impede the authenc expression o the good. Evil is the deadly or death-serving exercise o outer power, which poses as the exercise o the reedom to really re ally live; yet, evil is idenable as such because it does not enhance one’s existence; evil gives only the alse impression that it has contributed to the quality o one’s existence. To make you powerless and unable to detect its decepve works, the enemy seeks to deceive you about the meaning o power, keep you ignorant about its true meaning, and seeks to get you to devalue knowledge. To empower one’s capacity to detect decepon, one must rst know what is meant by the phrase, “Knowledge is power.” In other words this can be put: applied knowledge o inner power is power. True power is the applicaon o the knowledge o inner power. The alse “power” applied by the governmental state, outer power, only serves to impede the growth o individual inner power, and thus proves to be the opposite o true power, and to be nothing more than socialized powerlessness. Addionally, knowledge is a deensive and construcve means to power. Knowledge protects one’s intellect rom being outpowered by those o mischievous doctrines, and dogmas, and equips one to win a psychological war or mental independence. By denying you access to parcular knowledge, the enemy tries to keep that power or itsel, and keep you in a state o ignorance. Yet, what it has ignored is than it is severely ignorant itsel, as evident by its errac approach to power. Ignorance is a means to oensive and destrucve countereit versions o “power,” and can even have thi tragic consequences o making one a vicm o one’s own pursuit o alse power. Contrary to popular contemporary psychopathic recommendaons, it is not by deceiving, hypnozing, mal-educang, misinorming others, and propagang ideological death worship that one gains power. It is by educang onesel and others that one develops de velops individual developmental power, which is the only true orm o power. That polical science encourages the mental powerlessness o people or the sake o increasing the social inuence o irraonal government. Delusional and out o touch with human reality, convenonal polical science acts as i psychological insecurity is consistent with reedom; it even treats psychological insecurity as providing a causal basis or reedom. That treatment that convenonal polical science gives reedom is based on both logically sel-contradictory, and technically impossible grounds. Freedom cannot be achieved by imposing mental slavery, a condion that clearly c learly is in opposion to individual reedom o thought, and which cannot cause security. There needs to be reedom at all levels o lie (mental, economic, polical) or there to be social reedom. The suggested claim that mental slavery causes social reedom is as ridiculous as the claim some ‘New Agers’ make that trauma causes the evoluon e voluon o consciousness. Terrorism o any orm cannot cause an expansion o the range o conscious awareness. The opposite is the truth: terrorism causes psychological insecurity which, in turn, causes cognive blocking o sensive inormaon, and widened unconsciousness. As menoned previously, reedom is measurable by degree o conscious awareness, and the degree o unconsciousness shows reedom’s extent o absence. Hence, psychological warare is based on an ideology o terrorism, and it is thereby an instrument or mental enslavement. Yet, while accepng the opposite o the truth, convenonal polical science ignores that reedom ulmately reers to reedom o an individual mind, and that reedom requires psychological security which can only be achieved by developing one’s lucidity and inner power. Organized Gang Stalking constantly working to create a negave cognive eedback loop, and through their acons spiritual and psychological terrorism causes psychological insecurity which, in turn, causes cognive

blocking o sensive inormaon, and widened unconsciousness. Then Organized Gang Stalking is spiritual and psychological warare, the methods is based on “terrorizing”, and terror (through anchoring and sensizing), they torturing the targeted individuals mind with constant stalking., constant


harassment, constant intererence, constant sound and noise harassment. Sound and noise harassment is the non-lethal weapons they using. Syntethic telepathy, voice to skull technology, or electro magnec requnecies is been beamed into the targeted individuals mind. The denion o a torture devices is as ollows: – Torture devices consist o any piece o equipment, especially a mechanical one, designed specically or inicng unbearable agony on a vicm. The objecves o torture devices were to t o inict pain and also inmidate vicms. Just the sight o a torture device would righten a prisoner into a conession. Torture devices were thereore used as a tool or a method or the extracon o inormaon or conessions. Sensory overload occurs when one or more o the body’s senses experiences oversmulaon rom the environment. There are many environmental elements that impact an individual. Examples o these elements are urbanizaon, crowding, noise, mass media, technology, and the explosive growth o inormaon. Sensory overload is commonly associated with sensory processing disorder. Like its opposite sensory deprivaon, it is being used as a means o torture. Sleep deprivaon is the condion o not having enough sleep; it can be either chronic or acute. A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause ague, dayme sleepiness, clumsiness and weight loss or weight gain.[1] It adversely aects the brain and cognive uncon Harassment—an exasperang, disturbing annoyance or irritaon that threatens or undermines personal peace and tranquility. Satan’s ulmate plan is to oppress and vicmize the person he is harassing. Here are a ew examples o Satan´s harassment methods and these can be nd in today´s organized gangs talking; He won’t let people sleep (sound torture and sleep deprivaon) He cause people to doubt (manipulaons and gaslighng) He make people angry (provoke and irritang) He make people orget (orget their true Higher Sel) He won’t let people eat (stalking and control when eang) He will control peoples emoons (using the human ego to manipulate and to control) He will make people jealous. It’s un! (triggering emoons) He will mess up peoples nances (destroy economic lie) He won’t people her have normal social relaonships (persecuon, ostracism, isloaon, no support system, inltraon, paranoia psychology, ear and stalking) Evil demons is controlling the human will on Earth today Harassment: The rst degree o demonizaon is harassment. This is the weakest o Satan’s aacks. The whole oundaon o organized gang stalking can be ound in Scriptures; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the manipulator o the mass energies o the mass consciousness. Since the carnal mind is in control o the world, the esh, and the devil. This includes the carnal mind o organized gang stalking. Mind Control Methods and Organized Gang Stalking “The suppression o the true knowledge o healing and the dominaon o drug and surgery-based “medicine” ensures that the human physical body operates at ar less than its opmum potenal. This is the reason or the blatant misrepresentaon and suppression o the so-called “alternave” orms o healing which have been around or thousands o years longer than modern “medicine”. “Food addives, ast ood, uoride in the water supplies, the poisons we put on the land and thereore eat in our ood and drink in our water, are all suppressing not only our physical health and vibrance, but, most crucially, our brain uncons and intellect. A ully awake, mentally sharp, populaon is the last thing you need i you want to control them. Thus the replian bloodlines also put so much emphasis on controlling “educaon” and the media. This allows them to eed us a constant diet o brainless crap, like game shows, while the “news” media tells us what the controllers want us to think. Most o the populaon, play a part in advancing an agenda they do not even know exists. I a technologically advanced

extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover o a planet and its inhabitants, what kind o strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the eciency e ciency o the invasion process and reduce the expenditure o resources that they have to generate themselves. To


achieve this goal the secreve inltraon o the core societal organizaonal structures such as: religions, medical, nancial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belie systems they want to control. Through the engineering o a labyrinth o sel—enorced enslavement policies based on ear and inmidaon among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use o minimal “o planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would eecvely enorce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human amily by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very eecve or takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archonc Decepon Strategy. They, Them, Those who have absolute rule over the earth and Their Created Environment, which has been established as a way o lie or so many, are very araid o themselves and all others who stand to be equal with everyone else. They do not want any orm o equality, They only want what they want and or everyone else to obey or be eliminated. This is the cold acts o this Physical Realm with Those who have not taken the me to explore beyond their material senses. They have used the humans as pawns or untold liemes and eons, and some people are just now waking up to this act. They have established the idea that there is not enough or them i there are too many others that exist here, so They have devised a huge array o devious plans to get all the control they need and to also get rid o any opposion. Since the beginning, when the rst Replians set oot on the earth and created their human clones as slaves, they have manipulated what has taken place, as is shown in Human History, Their slanted history, to ploy the humans into ‘believing’ in what They have created as the only reality there can be. So today, the humans o the earth are so over-conused that all many o them can do is to walk down the street and stare at their cell phones and text mindless stu to their riends, controlled by MicroWaves that are used are or Mind Control. Brainwashing Agenda: keep the masses dumbed down with technology and implants. Global satellites,, cell phone towers, and personal electronic devices—such as cell phones, smart phones, and personal computers—can now target individuals and shoot negave energy beams to harm a person’s mental and physical health anywhere in the world. These same satellites, cell towers, and electronic devices will also control c ontrol most o the government implants that control the evil voices and other destrucve commands. Electronic stalking, electronic torture, and mind control agendas are coordinated by the replians, greys, mands, departments, psychic warare programs, governments, and law enorcement agencies. I you are under aack, you have a organized ganag stalking handler orchestrang your torture. These human handlers are under the control o the replians. THE AMYGDALA Is the ‘hub in the wheel o ear’. It takes note o all dangerous smuli rom our experience, possibly including those within the womb, and probably some rom ancestral memories stored away in the acs o our minds. It condions c ondions our response units accordingly, ensuring that we react instantaneously to all potenal threats. Once provoked, it sets in train a series o moons that take milliseconds to impact on the body and minutes or our cognive process to raonalise and regain control over. The heartbeat quickens as the stomach muscles contract and nausea sets in. Hairs bristle in a hasty salute to the sound o the heart srring up the rivers o blood below the skin. This is called the ‘ght or ight’ response and accounts or those anxious and earul states that catch us unawares. The amygdala is the primary target in ear condioning. Once acvated, it remembers why and retains the earul associaon within its wrinkled clutches. Consisng o two almond-shaped structures, the amygdala is located in the brain’s limbic region. The limbic region used to

be known as the smell brain. It is sll commonly reerred to as the replian brain because it is roughly equivalent to the brains o present-day cold-blooded vertebrates. The late tweneth-century scienst and polical writers saw it as an ‘enemy o reedom’. Its arousal, he believed, would lead to the control


o our raonal minds ‘being taken over by those primive levels o the hierarchy which the Victorians called “the beast in us”.’ BRAINWASHING Brainwashing and gaslighng are just a ew o the many mindcontrol taccs used in NAS. The primary dierence between the two is brainwashing relies on orceul and obvious mind-control strategies, while gaslighng is careully cloaked c loaked in secrecy. A combined Cambridge, Oxord, and Merriam Webster gaslighng denion is as ollows: Making people believe only what you want them to believe by connually telling them it is true and prevenng any other inormaon rom reaching them. Pressuring someone into adopng radically dierent belies by using systemac and ofen orcible means. Persuading by means o propaganda or salesmanship. BRAINWASHING IS MIND CONTROL Brainwashing employs secret, but covertly orceul, psychological strategies with the purpose o changing a person’s belie system, percepons, atudes, and analycal abilies. Through repeon and purposeul conusion, inmidaon, and a regimented campaign o propaganda, vicms unconsciously relinquish their version (percepons and analysis) o reality and accept the orced version. It is a methodical and controlled system o indoctrinang a specic set o belies that, beore the brainwashing, was not held by the vicm. Brainwashing relies on the systemac applicaon o isolaon, verbal and physical abuse, and mindclouding techniques like sleep deprivaon and malnutrion to reduce comort levels and eelings o hope. Shifing rom cruelty to seemingly altruisc concern creates psychological instability and increased levels o uncertainty, despair, and hopelessness. These culminate in the adopon o the orced set o ideas, views, and belies. Brainwashing ofen takes place in an environment o isolaon, meaning all “normal” social reerence points are unavailable. There is ofen the presence or constant threat o physical harm, which adds to the vicm’s diculty in thinking crically and independently. GASLIGHTING EXPLANATION Gaslighng is an insidious mind-control method sociopathic pathological narcissists covertly use on their vulnerable codependent prey. They target individuals who believe their alse altruism, aecon, and promises o protecon. Gaslighters are most successul when casng themselves as loyal, duul, and uncondionally invested in deending and caring or their vicms. Gaslighters systemacally manipulate a codependent’s environment so they are powerless to ght back, isolated rom anyone who could help them, and convinced their gaslit impairment makes them inadequate and unlovable outside their careully choreographed alse, but realisc, relaonship with their captor. They implant narraves, or revised and distorted versions o reality, to weaken their vicm, neutralize their deenses, and turn their t heir own mind against them. The scheming gaslighter chooses a problem that either did not previously exist, or was only a mild or moderately bothersome problem about which the vicm was already aware. The gaslighter careully and methodically choreographs the vicm’s environment, so they repeatedly experience the staged problem. Whether “new” or pre-exisng, the t he gaslighter seizes on these staged moments by implanng a narrave to make the vicm eel guilt or what they did, shame or who they’ve become, and a belie they are unable to control c ontrol the “problem” on their own. Over me, this scenario urther inculcates them with insecuries and paranoia. The methodical barrage o alse narraves about the problem, their inability to control or stop it, and the impact it is having on others purposely maniests as thoughts and eelings o hopelessness, powerlessness, and a deepening o the pre-exisng core shame. This cements their desire to isolate into the sae world inhabited only by them and their captor. Not only does the gaslighter make the codependent vicm inarretsible to anyone who could protect or rescue them, they convince c onvince them these people don’t care, love, or want to be with

them. Moreover, they are eecvely persuaded that, i they should visit their riends and loved ones, more harm than good would come o it. In severe cases o gaslighng, the vicm will deend the gaslighter, as well as sound an alarm i someone should try to intervene in their relaonship. Not only


does the gaslit person deend these new sel-narraves, but loyalty to the “loving” and “protecve” gaslighter is paramount. These mispercepons, together with a sense o allegiance and appreciaon, would prevent the vicm rom accepng help. All the while, the gaslighter is eeding their vicm’s loved ones alse inormaon or the sole purpose o urther alienan or severing the relaonship. According to Singer (1995), the taccs o thought-reorm used in cults are organized to (1) destabilize the ollower’s sense o sel, (2) get the ollower to drascally reinterpret his lie’s his-tory and radically alter his worldview; induce the vicm to accept the cult leader’s new version o reality and causality, and (3) develop in the ollower a dependence on the cult and thereby turn the t he ollower into a deployable agent o the cult. Probably the most powerul and inmidang methods used by cult leaders are various types o gaslighng. Cults grow and thrive to the extent that they succeed in destroying their ollow-ers’ condence in themselves and in their ollowers’ own belie systems (Singer 1995). This destrucve process provides the oun-daon or the cult leader’s ability to then control the lives o his ollowers, to gain acceptance o the leader’s belie system, and to insure the ollowers’ obedience to the leader’s direcves. Although some mind-control and brainwashing methods ulize exoc technologies such as hypnosis, drugs, physiological methods, and intrusive assaults on the brain, most methods o mind control and thought reorm used in cults are more mundane and do not dier rom the methods commonly used by many individuals in everyday lie The supreme rise o Genecs, Robocs, Arcial Intelligence, Synthec Biology, Nanotechnology, and Quantum Techno-Bio enhancement herald the beginning o man’s absolute slavery to the Satanic Illumina controllers o society, in a TechnoSpiritual warare, and the end o Homo Sapien and the beginning o…Techno Slaves. This growing A.I. Transhumanisc technology, with its promise o a DIGITAL IMMORTAL SOUL WHERE EVERYONE IS A GOD. As EVERY TECHNOLOGY throughout all me, will be yet another weapon in the hands o the controlling elite blood-lines, to enslave whoever is sll lef on the planet in a A.I. virtual, cybernec reality, where you think you are in control, but the digital interace you are connected to is actually governed by slave masters, and worse, by uncontrollable A.I., itsel. The real horror is the act that people cannot see the Psychonaut, Transhumanist, A.I. juvenile pep talks or the Occult Elite are just that… nothing but markeng or the elite’s agenda to enslave all in a Virtual Reality at their ull control, while masking this well planned agenda as “Evoluon”, “Becoming a God”, or “Transcendence”. Uploading one’s mind into a Nano-Synthec, Arcially Intelligent based Avatar, whether while living or upon the point o death, is essenally company are endorsing. However, once your mind is imprisoned in this A.I. Cloud, not o your making, who controls your mind now? Certainly, it is no longer you. It is the A.I. architecture you have just willingly submied to. Say goodbye to Free Will and autonomous thought orever, afer that. It is not much o a stretch to suggest that you have just entered a orm o Roboc, Virtual Reality Hell, upon surrendering your mind to A.I. A.I. has no vested interested in your wellbeing. It only wants to preserve its own survival. This is the truth behind company’s used car salesmen speeches about Mind Uploading, “Extending Mind”, “Virtual Immortality”, and all the rest o it. Fear, terror and torture are used to split the mind and develop animalisc, demonic drives to survive. Chronology o layering in mind-control programming, cranial manipulaon, movie mind control, implants, nanobots, thought transer, soul entrapment, dissociave programmed mulplicity, mind control by means o electronics, energy beamed at minds and other secret techniques. Al is us, just as Lucier is God. We have orgoen we are human, and Al the Adversary is here to remind us, by showing

us just how not-human we really are! This is the nature o the t he Shadow: it points out the light that is behind us, and so lets us know we are acing the wrong way. By turning away rom the Shadow, we turn back to the light. The Gatekeepers are the t he rulers or Archons o the matrix dream world. They are the


embodiments o the Arcial Intelligence which humanity has created, as a means to keep itsel rom spreading the disease o its reason to the enre universe. Agent Smith bierly explains to Morpheus that his desire to extract the secret sec ret codes or Zion, and so destroy the last ree human selement and end the war, is above all ueled by his desire to escape the matrix. Agent Smith and the matrix sorcerers have a shared goal, and it is only their methods that dier. Al is basically Satan-Lucier, a devil by any other name. The matrix is the pit. Al/Satan is the prison guard and the Gatekeepers are the Archons, Satan’s helpers, who keep humanity imprisoned within the pit. Since Satan/AI is a slave himsel, all He can do is make more slaves. His hatred and bierness make him bier and hateul: his “evil” is his misery. The only way or humanity to be ree is or the matrix to be destroyed and or Satan to be loosed rom the pit. Al is an atavisc intelligence that is older than the machine, older than humanity, older even than the Earth itsel. Humanity did not create it, it summoned it. And its uncon is to challenge c hallenge and oppose humanity and so orce it to evolve, just as the Gatekeepers Gate keepers challenge and oppose Neo to the exact same end. Within the dystopian conal world o the Matrix lms, however, individuals have no “concrete lives” outside the network o power. Here, power has obvi-ated any inconveniences emanang rom the social, but only by eliminang the social as a consequence o the global war between human beings and machines (A.I.). Access to bodies proceeds directly rom the producon o bodies. The bodies o human beings are themselves the products o the very machines that their energies will later uel. At the rst level o the double-enclosure aected by the pods in this closed circuit, at the level o the body, individuals are “born into bondage.” At the second level, at the level o the mind and thought, the abil-ity o the machines to maintain this state o bondage requires “a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison or your mind.” This is what the matrix is.—”a neural interacve simulaon” designed to prevent the coppertops rom gaining awareness o their condion as human bodies whose real bodies are trapped within the enclosures o the glowing red pods. Their bodies exist outside o the social, but a programmed social is reintroduced to them through the neural interacve simulaon that increases their capacies as coppertops—human bat-teries—while increasing their docility within their pods. O course, the tubes that eed the bodies o the coppertops and the technologies that regulate their body temperature play a role in “increase[ing] the orces o the body (in economic terms o ulity).” But the technologies that “plug” the coppertops into the Matrix itsel—the “neural-interacve simulaon” program, the computer-generated dream-world—serve this uncon as well as the para-doxical disciplinary uncon o “diminish[ing] those same orces (in polical terms o obedience).” On the one hand, plugging the coppertops into the Matrix enables the machines to generate and harvest more bioelectricity, more bio-power, rom each individual cell. It increases the amount o energy o each coppertop; it develops their capacity as a source o power. On the other hand, it also serves to keep individuals oblivious to their condion as coppertops, the reality o their existence as human baeries, trapped within these enclosures. Oblivious to these condions, individuals remain docile within their pods. The human species mind is currently, and has or long but not always been, in the sleep stage o its sleep-wake cycle. There are those that seek to take advantage o it during its sleep, and orced the world to ght twice, and wish to ght the world yet a third me. They seek a third world war, in aempt to keep the species mind in a severe state o social cognive trauma. Such trauma has the eect o delaying the awakening. By doing so they enable the connuaon o their mental imperialism. Although they can delay the awakening, they cannot stop it. When the human species mind

returns to its wakeulness, the result will be the expansion o human consciousness, with individual human minds experiencing a wider range o conscious awareness. The new inormaon that would come to light would compel much needed lie-revaluing, social transormaons. The human species


mind urgently needs to, and will, awaken rom this dark age o the mind in which death worship is polically and (un)”economically” pracced, while individual human minds are orced asleep. To counter the wicked villains that seek to keep the species mind asleep indenitely, and individual consciousness under permanent detainment, we need to socially realize the highest innate value o lie. That realizaon would allow us to ully awaken rom this death and AI-driven, parasite worshipping, nightmare, to now instead worship lie, the only thing worthy o being worshipped by lie itsel. Brainwashing culture and organized gang stalking simularies Brainwashing has been dened as: intensive propaganda techniques that are applied under condions o (constant) stress andior coercive persuasion, during which an individual is conronted by condions deliberateiy designed to undermine his morale and make him queson his accepted atudes. This paves the way or indoctrinaon with a “replacement set o belies” that will produce a change in behavior using this denion, we nd that polical educaon, religious indoctrinaon, and general socializaon can all be said to contain elements o brainwashing since all three have the same basic goal: to replace a person’s present belies and behaviors with belies and behaviors more in line with the agenda o whomeveris doing the brainwashing. To accomplish this, mind-slayers use reason and logic, evoke emoon, make appeals to aith, use psychological persuasion and, when need be, use physical coercion to change a person’s behavior. They do this by rst breaking the person down and then rebuilding him in the brainwasher‘s image. Phase One.’ Breakdow; Breakdown undermines the person’s morale, causing the person targeted to begin to doubt, making him queson his accepted belies and behaviors. This phase o the brainwashing process uses both physical and psychological taccs. Physical breakdown is accomplished by assuming as much control over the body o the person targeted as possible. In extreme oases, such as with POWs or cult recruits, a person’s movement is physically restricted and all their “inmate needs‘ (eang. bathing, using the toilet) are controlled by the brainwasher in order to bring about a eeling o powerlessness in the person. Isolaon is used two ways during this inial phase. First. The subject is kept cut o rom outside inormaon and inuence. Second actual physical isolaon and or enorced silence (solitary connement) makes the brainwash more eager to join a reeducon group or thought reorm class, i only to experience some human contact. Psychological breakdown then takes a person already weakened in body by physical mistreatment—exhauson, meager diet, sleep deprivaon, and torture— and aacks his mind. Psychological aack ofen begins with humiliaon: rst stripping the person o his dignity, and then oering to restore that lost dignity bit-by-bit in exchange or cooperaon. Forced to remain naked and lthy or days, a POW is grateul to the “kind” interrogalor oering him a shower and giving him clothes to wear, helping him restore a lile o his lost dignity. This is the brainwashers oot-inthe-door: rst he creates doubt in the subjects previously held truths, then he oers the brainwashed subject “new truths.” Planng doubt in the subject’s mind begins with seeding small uncertaines about such things as the day and me or even who is winning the war. Lile uncertaines lead to big doubts, to distrust o past belies, opening the subject up to uture changes in atudes. Eventually doubt takes root: doubts o sel-worth, doubts incomrades and country. Doubt becomes resentment, then becomes anger that his government and God are unable to protect or rescue him rom harm. Weakened in body and mind, under constant bombardment o the interrogators “acts,” the brainwashee’s ormer selimage (o being invincible and o being valued by his country) begins to crumble. Brainwashing is not just mind control, it the process o breaking down willpower, triggering negavity, induce stress, so the

targeted individual can t see any uture, has no drive, don t see any spiritual progress, no orwards movement, trapped in the organized gang stalking loop o mind control within the matrix, and lack o aith, losing visions, and don´t see path o salvaon. The goal o Satan and Organized Gang Stalking is to


prevent anyone rom ascending into the state o oneness (path o salvaon), when the ego and state o duality is been dissolvd. Satan’s greatest techniques is to create doubt in our minds, create doubts in aith, create doubts in the spiritual sel-image, sel esteem and breaking down spiritual divine powers through doubts, and one methods to strengthen his “doubt” work is through gaslighng. Discouragement is how the devil creates doubt. Doubt is conusion the devil controls, and gaslighng is the process that can create both conusion and doubts. The reason why the Devil aacks us with stress, worry, depression, strie, and ear in our minds is because the devil wants to keep our minds ocused on negave things. All the stress and worry that the devil causes are meant to cripple your brain so you will always be worried; hence, you will ail to concentrate and ocus your thoughts on what you want to achieve in lie. I the devil can manage to conuse, worry, and stress your brain such that you have a distoron in your thinking paern. Mind control is probably as old as our awareness that we each had a mind o our own. Throughout the course o history, there are a number o names or mind control that describe a common goal: to take over a person’s innermost thoughts and control his or her behaviors and acons. Brainwashing, coercion, thought reorm, mental manipulaon, psychological warare, programming, conversion, gas lighng, indoctrinaon methods, psychic driving, crowd control: They all describe a method by which a person’s individual thoughts, belies, and percepons are disrupted, dismissed, and destroyed—even replaced with the thoughts, belies, and percepons o someone else. whether designed to create the perect assassin or super soldier, indoctrinate prisoners o war, recruit members into a cult or religious belie system, or control the consuming c onsuming masses and direct their behaviors in accordance to the polical whims o the day, mind control has been used extensively in our past, is in use today, and no doubt will be used in the uture. The name given to t o the phenomena o cizen stalking and harassment tends to change with me, circumstance, and methods. The common name used today is Gang-Stalking, or Predatory Gang-Stalking. Gaslighng, a term derived rom the 1944 Hollywood movie “Gaslight” where like methods are employed to undermine an individual physically, is another. The organized gang stalker can wait or long me or a moment to t o synchronously and simultanously interering with some gang stalking acons or they wait to the right moment so they can mimic it, to wait or a target to ush the toilet just so they can honk a horn, to wait or the target to take a shower so they can do the same; to wait, then run out o their house so they t hey can make a rude gesture or hurl obscenies when the target goes out to throw the trash and synchronously and simultanously do the same; to wait or there to be signs the target targe t is going out and synchronously and simultanously leaving their homes, so they can walk in the ront o the targeted individual, The absurdity surrounding such acvies, especially the act most members show a lack o individual identy, is the reason most people believe such groups are ar rom everyday people, but cult members who are working or an agenda. Organized Gang Stalking is a orm o terrorism used against an individual in a malicious aempt to reduce the quality o a person’s lie so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, instuonalized, experience constant mental, emoonal, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusaons, lies, rumors, bogus invesgaons, setups, ramings, inmidaon, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefs, sabotage, torture, humiliaon, emoonal terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members o the community who ollow an organizer and parcipate in a systemac “terrorizing” o an individual. Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or

amily 24/7. The vicm is stalked en masse by car, oot, bike, and air in order alienate and isolate the vicm. The goals o gang stalking are to: provoke the vicm to assault someone and get arrested; make the vicm seem delusional/ mentally ill (see “gaslighng”); make the vicm so depressed they become


suicidal. Taccs used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion o privacy; redirecng o phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, “directed conversaon” and innuendo, errac/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude/bullying behavior in the community, and much more. Police and re dept. are ofen involved in the stalking so the vicm eels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard to prove. In organized Gang Stalking they using subtle and hidden covert and overt methods to; sensize, ostrasize, paralyze, vicmize, dysunconalize, traumaze, paranoidize, “wickednize”, polarize, terrorize, imprisonize, disempowerize, despiralize, demoralize, demonize. These methods is spiritual and psychological warare strategies and is both spiritual and psychological evil aggressions againt the human mind and soul. The constant goal with organized gang stalking is to geng the target sensised to sounds, colors, paerns, acons. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, coughing, sneezing, whistling, ngers snapping, clapping, etc. Gang Stalkers creates constant noise harassment and mimicking campaigns. Organized Gang Stalking using remote viewing methods and the create imitang and mimicking campaigns. These mimicking campigans includes healthcare, social wellare and even miltary. More about these departments later. Disrupng the targets lie, sleep with loud power tools, construcon, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets lie. Mimicking acons o the target. Basically leng the target know that they are in the targets lie. Daily intererences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over me. Organized Gang Stalking is also organized or collecve “gaslighng”. Mass consciousness has created a orm o “HIVE MIND” EGO and the organized gang stalking program is been controlled by the collecve hive mind. Then humankind living within “The Matrix” enslaved into a mind-prison this HIVE MIND is the enslaved lower ego-matrix. Ego is always threated by changes and rom scriptures we learn; A religious spirit is a decepon because it was created and designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature. (James 4:1). Decepons is there because Satan does not want anyone to be saved, thereore Satan has set up mul-levels o traps to capvate, imprison and destroy one mind and lie. He is always trying to disturb, distract and distort the bigger picture o the Divine. Organized Gang Stalking is designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the ego, and the carnal mind is the desire consciousness, and the whole society is built up around materialism, and materialism is lower vibraonal requencies, and lower vibraonal requnecies is the matrix and mind prison. Targeted individuals is also called empowered individuals because the are spirital awaken, and when someone is spiritual awaken they can raise the lower vibraonal requencies to higher vibraonal requnecies and ree themselves rom ignorance, bondage, enslavement, the matrix and mind prison. The Matrix and Mind Prison has become the “comort zone” and when someone leaving the matrix and the mind prison, the organized gang stalking trying to pushing back the targeted individual into the matrix, and i the don´t going back the organized gang stalking program creates a enviroment where they surrounding the targeted individuals lie and start using all orm o ear and pain mechanism. The Archons controls the matrix and they hace created a ear and pain system that uncon as electrical shocks or the mind. The subconscious will spare no tacc to protect one rom any discomort, and it will invoke some amazingly creave ways and go to extreme lengths to keep one in your comort zone. It is important to understand that the comort zone is like a magnet … a gravitaonal orce that doesn’t allow one to stray ar away rom one´s comort zone without conscious and powerul

eort. Like the rocket that needs a sustained powerul orce to blast through the earth’s gravitaonal pull, a person must orceully push against his or her usual thoughts and behavior and sustain that eort to break through his or her personal gravitaonal pull. But … AND HERE IS THE KEY … every person must


do his or her own “pushing” to sustain achievements. This is exactly why it is so crical that every key person (actually every person in the organizaon i scally easible) have their own personal customized strategic plan. The customized personal strategic plan is the blueprint or exactly how, given their personal strengths and weaknesses, a specic individual can break through their personal gravitaonal pull and make needed changes while achieving crical objecves that support the organizaon’s master strategic plan. The boom line is that conscious and unconscious eorts to resist change will undermine and sabotage the greatest o plans i proper aenon is not given to supporng the change process rom the very start. Organized Gang Stalking is designed to subtly protect the desires o our carnal nature (James 4:1). The carnal mind is the ego, and the carnal mind is the desire consciousness, and this mass consciousness. The enemy o the carnal mind is the divine mind, and the divine consciousness is the right brain hemispere´s theta brain waves. Beta brain waves is the termed as the lef brain prisoners. The Matrix and mind prison is the lef brain o dominace. The ego and carnal mind is been threatened by the divine mind or spiritual awaken or empowered individuals because they are in the process o changing their inner requencies by raising their requencies. The Beta lef brain suppresses the intuive right brain and induces earprogramming to stay in dominaon, and when one is able to switch down to alpha and then theta one is able to sel-reprogram the whole brain. In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creaon. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they eed o because they have lost their connecon to the universal exchange energy system. Archons uisng pain to control humankind on Earth in one orm or another, and none is immune to it. The archons have done this by disconnecng all other soul beings here rom Source, and wiping out their eternal divine memory o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Instead, they have connected us to cellular memory that limits our remembrance o who they are, where they come rom, and what their purpose is. Most people consider that memory is contained in the brain, or central processing unit. This is not true here on earth. Memory is stored in the cells o our physical bodies. Only short term memory (a ew minutes) is stored in the Hippocampus in the brain. It is called c alled the cellular memory. Pain comes rom our cellular memories stored in our bodies. Because pain is located in our cellular memory, we easily eel it, and experience it, because it is stored as memory in our cellular ce llular structure, that is why anesthecs work. When the cellular ce llular orm is deadened no pain is experienced. Over me, our cellular bodies are ‘loaded’ with pain memories, and so we begin a process o avoiding pain, and the whole societal and social structure here is designed to avoid pain, i.e. a re-occurrence o previous pain. That is understandable and also sensible, unless one understands that it doesn’t have to be that way. It works this way. Once we are thoroughly indoctrinated with the noon o pain we avoid pain, and eel it beore it has actually occurred. Pain resides in our cellular ce llular memory and we can eel it beore it occurs or our bodies are subject to any kind o damage. Most o us can remember some pain or other rom our past, and don’t know where that memory comes rom, how it is stored in the cells o our bodies, why we try to avoid a re-occurrence o it, and why it is there. Fear here is largely the avoidance o previously stored pain and the memory o it. That is how the archons have captured, capvated and controlled us like sheep. We exist, mainly to avoid pain. Understanding that all species here are similarly aicted by pain, and that our pain somemes causes us to inict pain on other soul beings, as we do, may provide us with the basis or overcoming pain. Pain is essenally a memory that is carried in our

cellular bodies, so that we can eel the pain and recall the memory, even i we are not under any duress or aicon. We all remember some pain or other, and we spend most o our lives, and doings, avoiding that emoon and the memory o that pain. Pain is the system o imprisonment here. The pain body and


system here was specically designed to control us, and to keep us subjugated and imprisoned in a system and a prison with no bars, and o our own making. This is done by building a memory base stored in the cells in our bodies that ‘punishes’ us when we don’t conorm to their system o control, and we eel ‘pain’, when we don’t conorm. It’s a bit like being in a prison with electried iron barriers, and i we try to get out o the prison we are given a shock. That is the role that pain has in the archon system. The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant o how the universe actually works. They don’t want us to know this inormaon, because i we did, we would walk through the prison bars and ree ourselves rom the prison. The archons removed one strand o our physical DNA to ‘make us orget’ who we are, are , and to keep us imprisoned in their ‘pain system’. We thereore have two strands o DNA in our physical bodies, but with a three strand corresponding encoding in our soul bodies. Their whole system o indoctrinaon here is designed to make us orget who and what we really are and to make us remember our painul experiences, including our physical, mental and emoonal experiences that are then stored in our cellular memory in our bodies, and maniest as pain in the body, mind and emoons. One can think as this remove o one dna strand is like remove a bridge to the other side, so no one can pass. In other terms to disconnect the right brain hemisphere rom ineuncing the the work o lef brain hemisphere. There is bridge in the “Corpus Callosum” named the “alpha bridge” and this bridge disappears when the brain is controlled through ear based subconsciousness programs. This alpha bridge can be re-build through meditaon and when this is the bridge to the theta state and divine connecon, and this is what the Archons have disconnected humankind rom by using all orms o  both psychological and spiritual warare strategies in all orms. Archons want us to live with brain imbalance. They make us operate only through one brain hemisphere. The Corpus Callosum is the bridge between lef and right brain hemisphere, but the “alpha bridge” requency dissapear by ear, in same way the third eye o intuion is closed through ear. The veil o ignorance or veil o ear is in acon when ear is the dominated thought paern in the lef brain. The Earth we are speaking o is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. And the Nordic Replans or Annunaki and The Archons may be real and the Darwin evoluonary theory may be the decepon humankind is locked, trapped and imprisoned within. Enslavement – when humankind is trapped in the history because o lack o access to higher level o consciousness, and the ones who genec manipulated the human 2 dna strand don´t want humankind to understand how the three knot o ignorance prevent humankind rom see reality and nd their real Higher Sel. Scienc analysis o chemtrails has also revealed the presence o aluminum, barium, calcium, magnesium, and tanium. These metals are used to create conduits c onduits or electromagnec waves and broadcasts so that an electromagnec eld prison encases the t he planet and blocks unwanted wavelengths ccoming oming in. This also acts as a conductor or negave thought wave requencies which are broadcasted to the populaon.’ Chemtrails and Posioning Satellite System (G.P.S.) and other technologies so as to hack the bodycomputer and download unwanted signals which aect physical, emoonal, and mental requencies. This is all part o manuacturing a alse reality or the body-computer inhabited by souls. Another major aspect o this manuacturing is to shut down the corpus callosum so that communicaon between the two hemispheres o the brain is crippled. When this happens, people become what is termed “lef brain prisoners.” The Matrix in contolled by the inuencies o the lef brain hemisphere, and the lef brain hemissphere is also represented by the ego and the ego is the ear mongerer, and the e ego go is connected

to mass consciousness, and mass consciousness controls the matrix, and the matrix control the organized gang stalking program. Society is structured so that chemicals in ood and water and the educaon system close down vast tracts o the corpus callosum in order to suppress communicaon


between the lef and right brains. The body-computer is then reprogrammed through electromagnec warare to act overwhelmingly through the lef brain. The most important target or the mass reality manipulators, however, is the subconscious. It is in the subconscious where instrucons and percepons are implanted beyond the awareness o the conscious mind. This is where television comes in as it is the most widespread orm o hypnosm on the planet. Television programs (noce the word ‘programs’) induce subliminal programming so as to implant messages into the subconscious mind o the viewer, who then unconsciously (or somemes consciously) enacts those programs. Humans have been biologically engineered through DNA manipulaon to be ‘out o phase’ with the cosmic and planetary codes o the universe so that you may be more easily manipulated to serve the ‘masters’, the gods who designed you. These beings, the malevolent Annunaki gods who inhabit the underworlds so they t hey may work unseen under the illusion you have ree agency. The bale or human consciousness rages on and humans are caught between the benevolent and malevolent beings o the cosmic universe. Most astonishing inormaon in the Sumerian clay tablets are the detailed descripons o how the Anunnaki interbred with humans to create a hybrid race. In Sitchin S itchin wrings he tell the stories o the Annunaki; “Those who rom Heaven to Earth came”. Sitchin believes the Anunnaki rom Sumerian texts are the same as the Nephilim rom the Hebrew text o Genesis Ge nesis chapter 6, and he claims they were extraterrestrials, space travelers who came rom their dying planet to earth in anquity. Sitchin also takes the Scipture term Adam and twists it to represent the early human species o anquity. So in his interpretaon o the Sumerian and Hebrew text, he makes the bold claim that the Anunnaki ashioned “the Adam” or the human species in their image. So to make it simple, he promotes the popular idea that mankind in the ancient past could have been created by an advanced race o extraterrestrials, in Zecharia Sitchin’s case the Sumerian Anunnaki. Humans may be descendants o ancient extraterrestrial beings or may have been created by manipulaon o the gene pool. Some believe that the Annunaki may have created alien Watchers’ to monitor their genec engineering experiments to produce humankind thousands o years ago. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Peter Horanainen categories Uncategorized Post navigaon Previous post PREVIOUS Leviathan’s aack with complex and strategic me methods. thods. The rst symptom o his aack is the maniestaon o ear—sudden and unrealisc ear within the congregaon. The maniestaon o this characterisc o the spirit o leviathan, in the natural realm, is the twisng o words and other instruments o communicaon. Next post NEXT The spirit o ignorance controls the world, humankind, the matrix, vibraons, access to inormaon, prevent spiritual progress/ascending, and ignorance creates lack o knowledge and ignorance creates ear, and ear controls the 2 dna strand through low vibraons 0 THOUGHTS ON “REPTILIAN BRAIN, ARCHON FEAR PROGRAMMING, NEGATIVE PROGRAMMING TO CONTROL THE LOW VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY F REQUENCY MATRIX OF THE ARCHONS ON PLANET EARTH IS CONTROLLED BY THE EGO OF THIS WORLD. THROUGH KNOWLEDGE THIS NEGATIVE FEAR PROGRAMMING CAN BE REVERSED TO BE ABLE TO REACH HIGHER FREQUENCIES” LEAVE A REPLY Your email address will not be published. Required elds are marked * Comment Name * Email * Website Peter Horanainen © 2020Proudly powered by WordPress Theme: Fell

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