Archangels Seichim attunement
April 22, 2017 | Author: Diana | Category: N/A
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The Traditional 7 Archangels Michael - Michael means "who is as God". He is an angel of "The Last Judgment". He is the "Weigher of souls" who decides where people are sent for eternity: to Heaven, or to Hell. He is often described in wondrous form with armor and swords, and is known as a dragon-slayer. He defeated Satan, the fallen angel, by the order of God. Regardless of which major faith's angelic beings is being followed, Michael ranks as the highest of the host. He is the leader of the celestial armies and is the angel who fought Satan during the War and enchained the rebel leader. He is considered to be of the class of seraphim, and yet is also head of other ranks within the hierarchy: the ruler of the archangels, leader of the virtues, and head of the principalities in his role as protector of Israel. Michael is considered to be the angel of the burning bush through which God spoke to Moses, and has also appeared in the book of Daniel, where God states him as being the highest within the angelic ranks. Although other angels have been attributed with the title of Angel of Death, it is Michael who weighs the souls on judgment day, after his battle once more with the forces of evil. He is mentioned as both an angel of destruction and vengeance in the name of God, but also as a protector and the angel who kept Satan from claiming the body of Moses after the patriarch's death. By all rights, Michael can be considered foremost among the angels. Gabriel - Gabriel Rules the Moon, West, Water and the Cherubim Gabriel means "power" or "hero". Gabriel is the governor of Eden and the ruler of Cherubim. Gabriel is often described as a female angel with a lily in her hand. The lore of the Annunciation is well-known. Gabriel is the angel of resurrection, mercy, revelation, and death Gabriel is often considered as a slightly more benevolent spirit than her ally Michael., Another notable birth that Gabriel presided over was that of John the Baptist when abriel came to Zacharias and told him of his coming son. Within all of the legends of birthing, Gabriel as been accredited as the angel who selects souls from heaven to be birthed into the material world and spends the nine months as the child is being eveloped informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, only to silence the child before birth by pressing his finger onto the child's lips, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose. Besides births however, Gabriel is also the angel who came before Daniel and told him of the future as well as the angel responsible for strengthening Christ prior to the Crucifixion. Finally, not being all pregnancies and wisdom, she is told as the angel who struck down the cities of Sodom and Gommorah as well as other places of sin throughout the Old Testament although she is never named there as such. Raphael - Raphael, the "shining one who heals", is often shown holding a bottle of medicine. He is the guardian of the Tree of Life in Eden, and the angel of the Sun. Raphael rules the Sun, the East and Air. Although a seraph, Raphael is also mentioned as being a member of the cherubim, dominations and powers. He has been attributed as the chief of virtues, although that ranking has also been given to Michael, and also can be considered head of the guardian angels. His most notable appearance in scripture is his guiding of young Tobias in the apocryphal book of Tobit where he teaches the lad about medicine and demon exorcising among other things. Also in his role as healer, it is Raphael who eases the pain of Abraham after his circumcision, and healing Jacob's thigh after Jacob wrestles with another angel. He is also considered to be a patron of the sciences as well as medicine, teaching Noah how to construct the ark before the flood, and teaching Solomon how to bind demons into slave labor when Solomon's Temple was being built. Uriel - Uriel means "the fire of God" or "the face of God". He is seen holding a fiery sword at the gate of Eden. He watches over thunder and terror. Uriel is identified as both a seraph and a cherub, Uriel is most well known for his role as Regent of the Sun in the book of Revelation where he calls forth the birds of the air to feast upon the fallen. As one of the most faithful and dedicated members of the host, Uriel was also placed in charge of Tartarus (another name for Hades), warned Noah of the impending flood (although Raphael is credited with teaching the building of the ark), and attacked Moses for failing to circumcise his son. Accepted as an archangel by the Church for many centuries, he was finally removed from the records in 745 CE as the Church became increasingly concerned with the prominence the public was placing upon angels. Sariel - ("Gods command") also known as angel of death Sariel works along side of Raguel. Sarial is a seraph who is given the role of deciding the fate of angels which stray from God's path. He is also credited 27 as being an angel of knowledge, and one of the leaders in Heaven's armies, his name being written upon the shields of one of the fighting forces. Sariel is an Angel of Guidance. He is responsible for the lot of angels that violate God's sacred ordinances. Sariel is considered the prince of presence and an angel of healing. This celestial being is associated with the skies and holds dominion over the sun sign, Aries. Raguel - (Raguil, Rasuil, Rufael, Suryan, Akrasiel -"Friend of God") One of the 7 Archangels listed in the Enoch writings. Raguel is an angel of earth, a guard of the 2nd (or 4th) Heaven. He 'takes vengeance on the world of luminaries," which is interpreted to mean that, for cause, he brings other angels to account. Raguel is one of the principalities. Besides this vigilance, Raguel is also mentioned as being an angel of ice and snow, calling forth other angels during the Final Judgment to deal with the unpure. He is also said to be an
angel of earth, a guardian of the second heaven and is the one who brought Enoch to the heavens. Jarahmeel (Remiel)- Remiel...over those who rise. Remiel or Jeremiel ("mercy of God or whom God sets up") Leads souls to judgment. Also angel of true visions. Remiel is accredited with two tasks. First, he is the angel responsible for true divine visions, and is said to be the angel to give such a vision to Baruch before destroying Baruch's enemies, the armies of Sennacherib. Beyond that, he is also the guide for the souls of the faithful, leading them into Heaven after Michael weighs them at the last trump. Although not mentioned specifically as such, such a role would lead to the assumption that Ramiel is a power. There are several others that are identified as Archangels that we will have participate with us in this attunement: Raziel ("Secret of God"): One of the cherubim, Raziel is the giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge. It is he who lead to the writing of the book of Enoch and is also the author of the tome from which Noah learns to build the ark. This is not to be confused with Raphael, who is the angel to give Raziel's book to Noah, but did not write it himself. Jophiel ("Beauty of God"): One of the cherubim, Jophiel is accredited with being the angel to drive Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after they eat the forbidden fruit. If this is the case, Jophiel receives also the honor of being the first angel to be mentioned in the Bible. In such a role, he is last left guarding the Tree of Life with a flaming sword to prevent the return of man. Jophiel is the Angel of Enlightenment. This angel inspires us toward awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought. He teaches our consciousness to discover the Light within. Zadkiel ("Righteousness of God"): Belonging to the ranks of the dominations, and considered by some to be chief, Zadkiel is considered an angel of mercy. It is he who holds back the hand of Abraham to prevent the patriarch from sacrificing his son, and because of this is usually shown holding a dagger. Also, Zadkiel is one of two standard bearers (along with Zophiel) who follow directly behind Michael as the head archangel enters battle . SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF THE ANGELS WE WILL USE IN THE ATTUNEMENT Michael - Strength, honor Gabriel - resurrection, mercy, revelation Uriel - the fire of God, psychic phenomena Raphael- one who heals, love and devotion Jarahmeel - guidance, angel of true visions Sariel - angel of knowledge, healing and faithfulness Raguel - angel of earth, a guardian, friendship Jophiel - awareness, enlightenment, open-mindedness and freedom of thought, and beauty Raziel - giver of divine mysteries as well as an angel of knowledge Tzadquiel - angel of mercy, and righteousness The SKHM Archangelic Attunement Begin by taking some long breaths in through the mouth and out through the nose. Allow your body to relax. Feel the connection to earth and allow your roots to extend deep to the core of the earth, grounding you and connecting you to the earth. See the divine light, growing and expanding as a shaft of the purest brilliant white light coming over you. The energy of the earth rises to the light and the light moves through you to the center. And know that you are connected to the earth and grounded and centered. Now the angels begin gathering around you. Before you stands Raphael, Behind Gabriel, at your Right Michael, at your left Uriel. This makes the cross. Now you form the first triangle of the hexagram, from heaven to earth. Before you Sarial, at right behind is Jarahmeel, and left behind is Raguel. Now your form the second triangle, from earth to heaven. At Right front is Tzadkiel, at left front is Raziel, behind is Jophiel. The hexagram is now complete. You stand with the Archangels surrounding you and protecting you. Visualize a star shining just above your head. It has a corona of Light around it. Watch the star growing in brilliance while you vibrate a tone you have for the skhm, or just naturally vibrate a tone. (The Tetragrammaton - Yod heh Vau Heh, or the Kaballic Name of the Messiah -- Yeheshua or Yehovasha -- are good names to vibrate.) You now stretch your roots to the very center of the earth and feel the connection. You begin connecting to the source. Feel the source coming into your crown. Above the crown is Metatron and Shekinah. The source is the oness and light of all. Metatron and Shekinah are the duality, one and yet two. Two flowing into one perpetually. Metatron and Shekinah, we ask that you connect with us and the skhm, guide us in this initiation to the oneness of the source in skhm. Feel the angels guideing the energy. They float above the crown, on a point on you energy body, connecting the higher source with you. Let the skhm float into the crown and then through the body and down into the earth. Relax for a few minutes and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. We now call the first of our angels. See the archangel Jophiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive awareness, beauty in all you see. I connect you with the skhm and with beauty and enlightenment. I bring the skhm to help you find the light within". Jophiel places his hands on the crown and sends the skhm into the crown. See a shaft of white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your
crown. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the Archangel Uriel Approach. He places his hands on your head. He connects you to the skhm, and sends the energy through the crown through your body. He speaks and says; " Receive wisdom and prophecy. I connect you with the skhm and give you the eyes of the spirit. Uriel places his hands on the third eye, and sends skhm and his gift into the third eye. Feel the energy pulse in the third eye and in the rest of your body. See the archangel Raziel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "I am the giver of the Divine mysteries. I connect you with the skhm and give you knowledge of things hidden". Raziel places his hands on the throat and sends the skhm into the throat. See the skhm coming down to your head into your throat. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Jarahmeel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive guidance, forgiveness and compassion. I connect you with the skhm and with divine guidance in your life. I show you the paths that are hidden that the light may show you the way". Jarahmeel places his hands on the transpersonal heart and sends the skhm into the transpersonal heart. See the skhm coming down to your head into your transpersonal heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Gabriel approach. She places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. She speaks, and says, "receive rebirth and transformation. I connect you with the skhm and the energy of change. I bring the skhm to help you find the knowledge of your earthly mission". Gabriel places her hands on the heart and sends the skhm into the heart. See the skhm coming down to your head into your heart. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Tzadkiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive mercy and righteousness. I connect you with the skhm and with sanctify you with the source that is righteous above all things. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of mercy". Tzadkiel places his hands on the Solar plexus and sends the skhm into it. See the skhm coming down to your head into your solar plexus. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Michael approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive loving strength and putiry and the power of the source. I connect you with the skhm and with honor, strength and dignity. I bring the skhm to help you find the your inner strength and remove blocks within". Michael places his hands on the hara and sends the skhm into the hara. See the skhm coming down to your head into your hara. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Sariel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive knowledge, healing and faithfulness. I connect you with the skhm and with the presence of the source. I am a prince of the presence of the one, that I bring to you that you may see the divinity within". Sariel places his hands on the root chakra and sends the skhm into the root chakra. See the skhm coming down to your head into your root chakra. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Raphiel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. Raphael lovingly takes your hands. He speaks, and says, "I am the medicine of god, receive healing in your heart, in your mind and in all that you are. I connect you with the skhm and with the healing of the source. I bring the skhm to help you find the light of healing that removes all blocks, all negativity and all fear.". Raphael holds your hands and sends the skhm into the hands. See the skhm coming down to your head into your hands. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. See the archangel Raguel approach. He places his hands on your head and connects you to the skhm and the angelic energy, sending energy throughout your body. He speaks, and says, "receive the friendship of god, for you are a guardian who is one with the earth and the source. I connect you with the skhm and with the earth. I bring you the skhm as a sign of the friendship of god that you are joined to the source of all". Raguel places his hands on the feet and sends the skhm into the feet and into the earth. See a shaft of white Light and the skhm coming down to your head into your feet. Relax and feel the Energy pulsing in your body. Relax for a few moments and feel your body. Feel the presence of the angels all around you and know that you are forever connected to the presence of the one and the skhm energy. Each angel passes before you one last time, laying hands on your head and blessing you. Sealing the connection to the source. You are forever connected.
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