Archangel Gabriel

April 20, 2017 | Author: Christoffer Rosenberg | Category: N/A
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LightWorker™ Gabriel Archangelic Link

Channeled by Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Søeborg Manual written by Jens Söeborg

LightWorker™ Gabriel Archangelic Link This is a link to the Archangel Gabriel, which is a part of the LightWorker™ Archangelic Links. They are mostly re-attuned and has a maximum price of 25 $ or €. The series contains: LightWorker™ Archangelic Colours (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Chamuel Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Gabriel Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Jophiel Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Metatron Link Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Michael Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Raphael Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Sandalphon Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Uriel Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Zadkiel Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Zaphrael Archangelic Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) They are channelled by Andrew Brocklebank and me to fit into the LightWorker™ Archangelic Links, Buddha & Bodhisattva Links and the Netjer Links. We use the Higher Self Attunement Method to pass on this attunement, but you can use Chi-Ball or any other method as well. The explanation is mainly compiled from the Internet. The other links series are: LightWorker™ Ascended Master Links (original attunements – maximum 25 $ or €) LightWorker™ AM Buddha Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM El Morya Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Hilarion Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Kuan Yin Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Kuthumi Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Maitreya Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Mary Magdalene Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Melchiezedek Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Mother Mary Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Saint Germain Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Sananda Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ AM Sanat Kumara Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Buddha & Bodhisattva Links (original attunements – maximum 25 $ or €) LightWorker™ Amida Buddha Link - Amitabha Buddha (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Chenrezig Link – Tibetan Kuan Yin (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Green Tara Link (Tantric form of Tara) (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Medicine Buddha [Sangye Menla] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Vajrasattva [Diamond Being] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ White Mahakala Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ White Tara Link - Common form of Tara (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Egyptian Netjer Links (original attunements – maximum 25 $ or €) LightWorker™ Amon [Amun] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Anubis [Anpu] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Bastet [Bast] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Hathor [Heret-hep] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Horus [Heru] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Isis [Auset] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Khnum Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg)

LightWorker™ Maat Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Nephtys [Nebet-hut] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Osiris [Ausir] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Ptah Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Ra [Re] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Sekhmet Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Seth [Suti] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Sobek Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) LightWorker™ Thot [Tehuti] Link (Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Söeborg) Love & light

Andrew Brocklebank & Jens Søeborg Meaning of Gabriel God is my strength – Communication

Colour Indigo / white

Message Archangel Gabriel is the messenger angel and is responsible for communication. This can be within you and with others. Archangel Gabriel helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Archangel Gabriel's guidance if you, wish to understand your life's plan and purpose, have strayed from your soul's pathway, if you can find no reason for being, if there are changes ahead and you need guidance, if you are contemplating a house move or major purchase, thinking of changing career, or considering starting a family, or if you need help communicating with people, partners, children, parents, bosses etc... Archangel Gabriel is indicating that he is always there for you to guide you through the changes that lie before you. If you feel unfulfilled or dissatisfied with life Archangel Gabriel is here to help you discover your soul pathway. Ask his guidance. Gabriel embodies the quality of purity. Maybe you need to pay attention to your physical body by avoiding toxins and taking exercise. Gabriel will help you rid your mind of impure or negative thoughts and will assist you in purifying your emotions. Archangel Gabriel can bring messages to you just as he did to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel is also credited with inspiring Joan of Arc in her mission. Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision blocked, if you wish to receive angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in, if you need help in interpreting your dreams and visions. Gabriel can be called forth to awaken the purification process. This may need to be done to make way for changes. Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying, if your thoughts are negative and need clearing, if you have been assaulted and feel dirty, if you are under psychic attack, if you have been robbed, if your home or work environment feels negative, if you have absorbed someone else's problems. Related Chakras - 2nd Sacrum Related Emotional Issues - Sensuality, intimacy, possession, creativity Related Health Issues - Kidney, bladder, prostate

Aromatherapy Oils - Carrot seed, dill, geranium, hyssop, jasmine, marjoram, neroli, rose, sandalwood Crystals - Amber, carnelian, citrine, golden labradite (orange sunstone) orange calcite, topaz

Fiats to Archangel Gabriel Reveal to me my life's calling, Guide me along my soul's pathway, Guide me through the changes that lie ahead, Cleanse my body of all toxic substances, Cleanse my mind of negative thoughts, Purify my body, mind and spirit, Reveal to me the meaning of my dreams, Free me from psychic attach.

I AM the Archangel Gabriel I am the Archangel Gabriel My name means "God Is My Strength" I AM the Angel of Mercy - I am the Patron Angel of all who work in the field of Communications, and now I beseech you not to pray to me, for I am only a messenger of the Lord. Pray only to God. Love God with all your heart and keep His commandments. The Archangel Gabriel is called the Angel of the Annunciation because it was he who informed Mary that she had found favour with the Lord and that she would conceive in her womb Jesus The lilies Gabriel carries symbolize the purity of Mary. The Archangel Gabriel also announced to Zacharias that he would have a son born to him who would be John the Baptist. It was the Archangel Gabriel who inspired Joan of Arc to go to the aid of the King of France. There is a tradition that Gabriel is the Angel of Birth. It is said that he carefully spends the nine months of the pregnancy watching over each unborn child and instructing that child on the necessary knowledge of Heaven that is an inherent part of all people. Just before birth, though, Gabriel touches each baby on the upper lip to make the child unable to remember all of the information about Heaven until the child returns to the spiritual state at death. The sign of Gabriel’s Touch is the cleft just below the nose.

The Archangel Gabriel Gabriel is the Governor of Eden, the ruler of the Cherubim. He is one of the two angels mentioned by name in the Old Testament, along with Michael.

Gabriel is the Angel of the Resurrection and the Angel of Mercy. He rules the first heaven, which is the heaven closest to humankind. Gabriel appeared to Daniel to explain his vision of the fight between the ram and the he-goat (the oracle of the Persians being overthrown by the Greeks). He appeared again to Daniel to tell him of the coming of a messiah. In Jewish legend, it was Gabriel who dealt death and destruction to the sinful cities of Sodom and Gommorah. According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 95b) it was Gabriel who destroyed the armies of Sennacherib "with a sharpened scythe which had been ready since Creation." In the Talmud it is also written that Gabriel prevented Queen Vashti from appearing naked before King Ahasuerus and his guests in order to bring about the election of Esther in her place. Cabalists identify Gabriel as "the man clothed in linen". In Daniel 10-11, this man clothed in linen is helped by Michael. Gabriel is the preceptor angel of Joseph. In more recent times, Gabriel is named as the angel who visited Father George Rapp, leader of the 2nd Advent community in New Harmony, Indiana, and left a footprint on a limestone slab preserved in the yard of the Maclure-Owen residence in that city. The poet Longfellow, in his ‘The Golden Legend’, makes Gabriel the angel of the moon who brings man the gift of hope.

Passing this attunement on You can pass this attunement on in several ways. You can use: • Chi Ball method • Higher Self method or • Moment Method I normally use the Higher Self Attunement Method to pass on this attunement, but you can use the method from Andy - making a statement of intent. That makes the Link a bit more like the Lightarian™ AngelLinks.

Statement of Intent I ask the Source, all the Angels, all the Archangels, all the Ascended Masters, all Beings of Light, my Higher Self and my Guides to help me send this attunement to Jane Doe. I ask for the guidance, support and acknowledgement from Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope. I ask that the attunement be wrapped in love and healing energies, that Jane Doe will be able to connect with and feel the energy and that it is able to be called whenever needed by Jane Doe. I ask Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope together with the other Archangels and Ascended Masters to help me join with Jane Doe on the heart level through a cord of golden yellow from my heart to his heart. “I now send the attunement with the help of Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope together with the other Archangels and Ascended Masters to Master level for the LighWorker Gabriel Archangelic Link to Jane Doe as a divine, glad gift of spirit for healing and spiritual growth. Thank you - thank you - thank you.” I ask my Higher Self to finish the attunement with the help of the Archangels and Ascended Masters making sure the energy sent is to the highest level that can be received and that it is pure and sent with love! That it is for Jane Doe greatest good and my own greatest good. Thank you - thank you - thank you. After this attunement is completed I ask Archangel Michael to help me by cutting the cord between my heart and the heart of Jane Doe. “I bless you and release you from my psychic space" I ask the Archangels and the Ascended Masters, my own Higher Self and the Higher Self of Jane Doe to clear our energy fields to be sure only our own energy is running in them. Thank you - thank you - thank you.

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