Arc Flash Overview Presentation

June 1, 2018 | Author: jiks_i4u | Category: Personal Protective Equipment, Equipment, Electrical Equipment, Safety, Electric Power
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Arc Flash Hazard Awareness

Developed By Arc Fla Flash sh Aw Awarenes arenesss Team


Outline Introduction to Arc Flash Hazards  New Arc Flash Safety GI 2.721 2.721 Arc Flash Mitigation rogra!

I!"le!entation I!"le!entati on Schedule

Outline Introduction to Arc Flash Hazards  New Arc Flash Safety GI 2.721 Arc Flash Mitigation rogra!

I!"le!entation Schedule

Introduction to Arc Flash •

Arc Flash Video

Introduction to Arc Flash •

Possible Hazards %lectric shoc& 

Se'ere  (urns


)last in*uries Flying de(ris +ung (last in*uries ,u"tured eardru! ressure wa'e in*uries

Introduction to Arc Flash •

Arc Flash tatistics

Annually# $%&& In*uries  '(% /eaths !""A

Daily# )* In*uries  ) Fatality

*% +ears# %, In*uries  % Fatalities

Outline Introduction to Arc Flash Hazards  New Arc Flash Safety GI 2.721 Arc Flash Mitigation rogra! I!"le!entation Schedule

1ew Arc Flash a2ety 3I *"4*) •

Arc Flash Hazard -ontrols

-omprehensive Hazard .iti/ation Pro/ram Applies

0n/ineerin/ -ontrols

Administrative -ontrols

PP0 -ontrols

Hazard 5 6is7 -ate/ory

6ubber Insulatin/ 3loves

Insulated 8 Insulatin/ Hand Tools




5or& on energized electrical conductors and circuit "arts6 including 'oltage testing




5or& on control circuits 912 : with e;"osed energized "arts

2 2 $ $

8es 8es 8es No

8es No No No

erfor! infrared ther!ogra"hy or non@contact ins"ection not closer than .! posure

Hazard 5 6is7 -ate/ory ;H6-<

$ cal5cm*



? cal5cm


*% cal5cm*


$& cal5cm*


Tasks with Arc Flash  Hazard (Table 2.1)

Cate"or# 1

Cate"or# 2

Cate"or# 2&

Select Proper PPE (FRC !ace head etc.)

Cate"or# $

Cate"or# %

0lectrical @or7ers 0veryday @or7 -lothin/ and PP0 hall Be -ate/ory * ;? cal5cm*<  @or7wee7s supply o2 -ate/ory * F6Arcrated 2ace shield: hardhat: etc"


Arc Flash uit hall Be @orn I2#  Per2ormin/ any o2 the tas7s listed in 3I Table *") @or7in/ within Arc Flash Protection Boundary


Proponents to provide -ate/ory ' or -ate/ory $ Arc Flash uits at electrical e=uipment installations -

@hen need more protection than everyday wor7 clothin/ ;-ate/ory *<



Objective Statement

Evaluate and deploy viable technologies to mitigate arc fash hazards at existing and uture installations


Training & Certifcation

Objective Statement

Develop certication and recertication requirements or Saudi ramco and contractor electrical !or"ers


Operation & Maintenance Procedures

Objective Statement

Ensure uniorm Saudi ramco s!itching and maintenance procedures or all acilities# !hich are in accordance !ith international standards and embedded in each plant$s O%&


Operation & Maintenance Delineation

Objective Statement

Establish clear and consistent delineation o electrical system O'& responsibilities to maximize saety# reliability and optimize cost

Team# Objective Statement


(ublicize the dangers o arc fashes and the precautions necessary to avoid them

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