Background Background to to arbitration arbitration legislation legislation::
The Indian law of of arbitration is contained in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 (Act!
The Act is based on the "#$% 'I TRA) *odel )aw on International ommercial Arbitration and the 'ITRA) 'ITRA) Arbitration Rules "#+! The Statement of -b.ects and Reasons of the the Act reco/nises that India0s economic reforms will become effecti1e only if the nation0s dis2ute resolution 2ro1isions are in tune with international re/ime! The Statement of -b.ects and Reasons set f orth the main ob.ecti1es of the Act as follows3 4i to com2rehensi1ely co1er international international and commercial arbitration and conciliation as also domestic arbitration and conciliation5 ii to ma6e 2r o1ision for an ar bitral 2rocedure which is fair , efficient and ca2able of meetin/ the needs of the s2ecific arbitration5 iii to 2ro1ide that the arbitral tribunal /i1es reasons reasons for its arbitral award5 award5 i1 to ensur e that the arbitral arbitral tribunal remains within the limits of its .urisdiction5 1 to minimise the su2er1isory role role of courts in the arbitral 2rocess5 2rocess5 1i to 2ermit an arbitral tribunal tribunal to use mediation, conciliation or other 2rocedures 2rocedures durin/ the arbitral 2roceedin/s to encoura/e settlement of dis2utes5 1ii to 2ro1ide that e1ery final arbitral award is enforced in the same manner as if it were a decree of the court5
The authors are 2artners of th e law firm, Kachwaha & Partners! 7ull te8t of the Act Act can be 1iewed at3 htt2399www!6a2le/al!com9statutes9inde8!h tml
1iii to 2ro1ide that a settlement a/reement reached by the 2arties as a result of conciliation 2roceedin/s will ha1e the same status and effect as an arbitral award on a/reed terms on the substance of the dis2ute rendered by an arbitral tribunal5 and
i8 to 2ro1ide that, for 2ur2oses of enfor cement of forei/n awards, e1er y arbitral award made in a country to which one of the two Inter national on1entions relatin/ to forei/n arbitral awards to which India is a 2ar ty a22lies, will be treated as a forei/n award!:
Scheme of the Act:
The Act is a com2osite 2iece of le/islation! It 2ro1ides for domestic arbitration5 international commercial arbitration5 enforcement of forei/n award and conciliation ( the latter bein/ based on the 'ITRA) onciliation Rules of "#$;! The more si/nif icant 2ro1isions of the Act are to be found in Part I and Part II thereof! Part I contains the 2ro1isions for domestic and international commercial arbitration in India! All arbitration conducted in India would be /o1erned by Part I, irres2ecti1e of the nationalities of the 2arties! Part II 2ro1ides for enforcement of forei/n awards! Part I is more com2rehensi1e and contains e8tensi1e 2ro1isions based on the *odel )aw! It 2ro1ides inter alia for arbitrability of dis2utes5 non
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