What is required for a Inspection engineer or Inspector. A, Being well informed, Impartial B, should have good welding experience, C, Friendly with all When you find a welding repair in the welding whom to report for rectification, A, to the welder his welder no mentioned near the weld, C, Next person to the welder, D, Welder foreman, D, Project co-coordinator. What is PMI What is importance of essential Variable in WPS Why Maximum inter pass temperature to followed when doing austenitic stainless steel What is NACE MR 0175 What is the additional test apart from hardness test required as per NACE MR 0175 What is acronym of SAW What is acronym of FCAW What is WPS WHAT IS PQR What is 1 mill surface roughness unit What is carbon equivalent TRUE/ False - If a welder is approved in 6G position he is qualified to do welding in all position. How welding is performed in 3g position. What are the mechanical test shall be conducted for toughness test What is HAZ What are the precautions to be taken for welding low hydrogen electrode. Hydrogen in the steel creates A, Induce crack in steel, B, Will corrode What is ASME SEC V Porosity will be better deducted in which method RT or UT TRUE-False -The laminar defect parallel to surface shall be deducted by UT What is welding toe What is auto genius welding 1 degree how many radians To weld ss 304 with carbon steel at root which electrode shall be used. When doing root welding of joint were back side welding is not possible whci welding process is ideal. 1, SMAW, 2, GMAW, 3, GTAW What is difference between discontinuity and defect What is the international standard for quality assurance What is the deference between DCEP and DCRP What are 5 important things you will check in material test certificates. What is purpose of pre heating
What is the purpose of PWHT If a change in PQR essential variable re qualification is required or not What are the different types of defects shall be noted in welding What are different types of hardness testing What ANSI standard shall be followed for pipe welding procedure and welder qualification test In a metal were you find melted dots by electrical contact on the surface which is happened due to what True or False – From hardness of the material the tensile strength shall be arrived. Mention different types plate welding position What are the types of wled and describe each Write 2 attributes of flattening test of weld Define SMAW Define GTAW What are the two test in electric arc welding What are the different types of steel making process True of False – If Carbon percent is less in material the weld ability is increased. What do you mean by X 60 in ASTM A 516 GR. 60 What is P no parent metal no. What is F no filler metal no. What is A no aws classification What mechanical test qualifies the welder What is the ndt method used to deduct crack in welding What is the 3 type of metal transfer in GMAW Mention types of metal transfer in SMAW Where is interpass temperature to be checked 3 attributes of tensile testing
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