Aramco Evaluation Questions

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Aramco Evaluation Questions. 1$,-

How lo long ng have y you ou been ((ch/o ch/ofcer fcer or Ma Master ster)) How lo long ng have you be been en wor wor!ing !ing in o" sho shore# re# %hat w was as you yourr last ve vessel ssel # an an& & what ty ty'e. 'e. %hat is the sie o* the +owing wir wire e # an& lengt length h# %hat is the ou outt 'ut ca'aci ca'acity ty o* the r re e monitor ( cu cubic bic meter ' 'er er hour)# - %hat iis s the bo bollar llar& & bul bulll o* the v vessel essel # - %hat iis s the ho horse rse 'o 'ower wer o o** the en engin gines# es# 0- %hat iis s the 'o 'ower wer o* tthe he bo bow w thru thruster sters# s# - %hat is the 'u 'um'ing m'ing ca'acity o* the ballast 'um'# 12%hat is the ca'acity o* ca cargo (bul!) 'um'.# 11%hat is is tth he m me eaning o o** **rresh w wa ater a alllowance# Answer 3-change o* &ra*t(increase or &ecrease) &ue to change in water &ensity4

1-what is the meaning o* +56.#  Answer 3- +ons to be loa&e& (&ischarge& ) to change &ra*t by 1 cm. or tons o*  cargco   +o be loa&e& to immerse the vessel by 1 cm.(+ cm.(+on on 5er 6entimeter immersion) 1$-what is the meaning o* 'ermissible loa& on &ec!#   Answer3- Means how many tons the shi' &ec! can loa& on one s7uar s7uare e meter. 8ou can get it  

9rom 6argo securing manual. :r vessel stability boo!let.

1-;s it allowe& to cross se'aration scheme 4 an& how # Answer3- 8es. +o cross by right angle to the se'aration scheme. 1,-;* you are on a crossing situation with other vessel on your si&e4 which is the give way ?essel an& which is the stan& on vessel# Answer3- your vessel is the give way vessel (you shoul& ta!e action) 1- @e*erence to 7uestion 1,- what is the rst thing you will &o in that situation#  Answer3-;n any situation with other vessels 4; have to chec! i* ris! o* collision eists


  =y watching the bearing an& &istance o* the other vessel. ;* the bearing is stea&y  

An& &istance &ecreases then there is a ris! o* collision.

1-;* you are on hea& on situation with other vessel 4what action you will ta!e#   Answer3- ; will alter my course to si&e clearly away *rom the other vessel. 10- ;* you &etecte& a vessel crossing on your 'ort si&e4 then which is the give way vessel  

An& which is the stan& on vessel#

  Answer3- the vessel on your 'ort si&e is the give way vessel an& he must ta!e action  

+o avoi& colli collision sion..

1-@e*erance to 7uestion Bo.10- i* the other vessel &i& not ta!e any action then what  

8ou will &o#

Answer3- ; will ta!e action to avoi& collision 4 by altering course to !ee' away  

9rom him 4 even i* ; have to ma!e *ull turn to .

2-%hat is the minimum un&er !eel clearance allowe& to 'ass over a 'i'e line# Answer3- , meters. (im'ortant) 1-;* you are obligate& to 'ass 'i'e line less than , meters 4 what you will &o.  Answer3- ; will call the 'ort control an& el& service to get 'ermission 4 an& will @e&uce my s'ee& (slow s'ee&) to avoi& o you !now how to calculate com'ass error # Answer3- 5ractical 7uestion4 you have to 'ractice it.

->o you !now how to use ?H9 4 to call the 'ort control an& &rilling an&   +a!e 'ermission to cast o" or entering channels an& oil el&  Answer3- 'ractical 7uestion 4 'ractice the use o* ?H9. 0-%hat are the names an& location o* Aramco oil el&s. Answer3- Abu
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