April 26, 2018 | Author: narswiponshistoryan | Category: N/A
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Arabic Medical Translation Guide Common Medical Terms sorted by English

English Common

English Medical

 Abdomen abnormal abortion abscess accidental  Achilles Tendon Tendon acidity acne active addiction adrenal glands adult advice after  Agammaglobulinaemia age  AIDs airplane alcoholism alert all right n/a allergic allergic reaction, severe anaphylactic

 Abdomen abnormal abortion abscess accidental Achilles Tendon Tendon acidity acne active addiction adrenal glands adult advice after  Agammaglobulinaemia age AIDs airplane alcoholism alert all right n/a allergic allergic reaction, severe anaphylactic

allergy always ambulance amnesia anal analysis anemia anesthesia anesthetic angina pectoris anigna drug ankle antibiotic antidepressant antidote antihistamine

Arab Arabic ic Medi Medica call

Tran Transl slite itera rati tion on of Arabic Medical

Arabic Common

Transliteration of Arabic Common

batn ghayr tabee’ y  ijhaad  khorraj 

batn ghayr tabee’ y  ijhaad  khorraj 

nateeja lehaadeth watar al orqoub homouda Hab el shabab Nasheet Idman  Al ghoda al kazreya kazreya Balegh Naseeha Baad Faqd korayeen gamma fil dam Omor Marad al aids Ta’era Sokr Yaqez Kol shay tamam Hassas Rad fe’l tahasosy, e’wari shadeed

nateeja lehaadeth watar al orqoub homouda Hab el shabab Nasheet Idman  Al ghoda al kazreya kazreya Balegh Naseeha Baad Faqd korayeen gamma fil dam Omor Marad al aids Ta’era Sokr Yaqez Kol shay tamam Hassas Rad fe’l tahasosy, e’wari shadeed

allergy always ambulance amnesia anal analysis anemia anesthesia anesthetic angina pectoris antianginal ankle antibiotic antidepressant antidote antihistamine

Hasaseya Da’eman Sayarat esa’af Feqdan al zakera Sharaji Tahleel Faqr dam Takhdeer Mokhadder Zabha sadreya Dawa’ lel zabha Kahel Modad hayawi Modad lel ikte’ab teryaq Modad lel histamine

Hasaseya Da’eman Sayarat esa’af Feqdan al zakera Sharaji Tahleel Faqr dam Takhdeer Mokhadder Zabha sadreya Dawa’ lel zabha Kahel Modad hayawi Modad lel ikte’ab teryaq Modad lel histamine

antiseptic anti-worm drug

antiseptic anthelmintic

Mo’aqem Dawa’ lel deedan al ma’aweya

Mo’aqem Dawa’ lel deedan al ma’aweya

anus agitation anxiety

anus agitation anxiety

Sharaj Hayaj Qalaq

Sharaj Hayaj Qalaq

Copyright © 2002, Highway to Health, Inc. d/b/a HTH Worldwide Page 1 of 10

English Common

English Medical

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical  Ay Eltehab al za’eda al doudeya

any appendicitis

any appendicitis

appendix appetite arm armpit artery X-ray

appendix appetite arm axilla arteriography

arthritis artificial limb assist asthma asthma drug

arthritis prosthesis assist bronchospasm antiasthmatic

asymptomatic athlete's foot baby back backache bacteria baldness barium or iodine bathroom bedpan bedrails bedwetting

asymptomatic tinea pedis baby/infant back backache bacteria alopecia contrast medium bathroom bedpan bedrails enuresis

bee-sting before belly bend better biopsy birth control birthmark bladder blanket bleed bleeding blister pack blistered blood blood clotting

bee-sting before belly bend better biopsy birth control birthmark bladder blanket hemorrhage bleeding blister pack bullous blood thromboembolism

Lase’at al nahla Qabl Batn Yalwi  Afdal Khaza’a Mane’ al haml Wahma Mathana Battaneya Nazeef Nazf Shareet foqa’at

blood count

blood count

Te’dad khalaya el dam

blood in the urine blood test blood type body boils bowels

hematuria blood test blood type body furunculosis bowels

 Al bawel al damawi  Ekhtebar dam

al za’eda al doudeya  Al shaheya Zeraa  Al ibet Tasweer al sharayeen Eltehab al mafasel Taraf ta’weedi Yosa’ed

Tashanoj sho’abi  Modaad lel tashanoj al sho’abi  La ‘aradi  Sa’fatul qadam Tefl radee Zahr  Alaam al zahr Bacteria

 Al hassa Wasseet tabayon Merhaad 

nouneya Qodban al sareer 

Salas al bawel 

Nofati  Dam

Ensemaam khothari 

Faseelat al dam Jasad

Da’ al damamel   Ama’aa

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Arabic Common

Transliteration of Arabic Common  Ay Eltehab al za’eda al doudeya al za’eda al doudeya  Al shaheya Zeraa  Al ibet Tasweer al sharayeen Eltehab al mafasel Taraf ta’weedi Yosa’ed Rabow  Adweyat al rabow Bedoun aarad Fetr al qadam Tefl radee Zahr  Alaam al zahr Bacteria  Al salaa Sabgha Merhaad Qasreya Qodban al sareer  Al tabawol fee al sareer Lase’at al nahla Qabl Batn Yalwi  Afdal Khaza’a Mane’ al haml Wahma Mathana Battaneya Nazeef Nazf Shareet foqa’at Foqa’ey Dam Jalta Te’dad khalaya el dam Dam d feel bowl Tahleel dam Faseelat al dam Jasad Damamel  Ama’aa

English Common

English Medical

boy braces (dental) brain brain inflammation brand names breakfast breast breathing breathing in breathing out brief bronchitis

boy braces (dental) brain encephalitis brand names breakfast breast ventilation inspiration expiration transitory bronchitis

brother bruise build-up burns burp buttocks by mouth caesarian section cafeteria calf call (for/name) call-bell cancer cancer-causing cardiac CAT/CT Scan

brother contusion accumulation burns eructation buttocks per oral (PO) caesarian section cafeteria calf call (for/name) call-bell carcinoma carcinogenic cardiac CAT/CT Scan



cavities chaplain cheek chest chicken pox children chin cholesterol Christian Scientist claustrophobia

caries chaplain cheek chest varicella children chin cholesterol Christian Scientist claustrophobia

clear clinic cold (low temp)

clear clinic cold (low temp)

cold (resp. infection)

upper respiratory infection

cold sore/

genital herpes virus herpes simplex

Arabic Medical



Transliteration of Arabic Medical sabbey Moqawem Mokh Eltehab al demagh  Alamaat tojareya Iftar Thadye

Arabic Common



 Al tahweya Shaheeq Zafeer

 Aradi  Eltehab al qasaba al hawa’eya

 Akh Kadma Tarakom Hourouq Tagasho’  Al ardaaf  A’n tareeq al fam Welada qaysareya Maqha Batn al saq Yonadi Jaras al isteda’aa Saratan Mosabeblel saratan Qalbi Fahs bel ashe’a al maqtae’eya



Kadma Tarakom Hourouq Tagasho’  Al ardaaf  A’n tareeq al fam Welada qaysareya Maqha Batn al saq Yonadi Jaras al isteda’aa




Waram sarataani  mosarten Qalbi Fahs bel ashe’a al maqtae’eya

 Al ma’ al abyad

‘etaam adasatul ayn Nakhr 

Rohaab al ehtejaaz 

Taswees qesees Khad Sadr  Al jodayri  Atfal Zaqn Kolesterol  Aalem maseehi Khgawf men al amaken al moghlaqa

Wadeh Eyada Bared

Wadeh Eyada Bared

qesees Khad Sadr

 Al homaq  Atfal Zaqn Kolesterol  Aalem maseehi


Transliteration of Arabic Common sabbey Moqawem Mokh Eltehab al demagh  Alamaat tojareya Iftar Thadye  Al tanafoss Shaheeq Zafeer Wajeez Eltehab al qasaba al hawa’eya


) (

 Adwal masaalek al tanafoseya el ‘olya  Al isaabal tanasoleya bevayrous herpes simplex 

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Nazlat bard Herpes tanasoli

English Common

English Medical

collar bone colon comatose complication concussion (brain) condition condom confusion constipation contact lenses continuous contraceptive

clavicle colon comatose complication concussion (brain) condition condom confusion constipation contact lenses continuous contraceptive

contraction convulsion coordination cosmetic cough cough medicine

contraction convulsion coordination cosmetic cough expectorant

coughing up blood cramps Crohn's disease cry cut (from surgery) cystic fibrosis Dad/Father daughter decongestant defecation dehydration depression diabetes diagnosis dialysis diaper diarrhea difficulty speaking dinner disease dislocation disorientation dizziness doctor (female) doctor (male) dosage schedule dose double vision Down's Syndrome drainage drink

hemoptysis cramps ileitis cry incision cystic fibrosis Dad/Father daughter decongestant defecation dehydration depression diabetes diagnosis dialysis diaper diarrhea dysarthria dinner disease dislocation disorientation vertigo doctor (female) doctor (male) dosage schedule dose diplopia Down's Syndrome drainage drink

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical  Azmat al torqowa  Al qawloon Fee ghaybouba Moda’afat Ertejaj fil mokh Hala Waqi zakari Tashawosh Imsaak  Adasaat laseqa Mostamer Osloob mane’ al homl Enqebaad tashanoj Tanseeq Tajmeeli

Arabic Common

So’aal  Taared lel balaaghem Nafth al dam Taqaloss adali  Eltehaab al lafa’efy  (

) /

Bokaa’ Shaq jerahi  Al talayof al kisi Waled/ab Ebna Mozeel lel ehtqan Tabbarroz Jafaaf Ekte’ab  Al sokarry Tashkhees

 Al daylaza haffada Esehal Osr el talaffoz Eshaa Marad 

enfesaal  Tawahan Dawkha Tabeeba Tabeeb Jadwal hgjara’at Jara’a Ro’ya mozdawaja Motalazemat down Tasreef Sharaab

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) /

Transliteration of Arabic Common  Azmat al torqowa  Al qawloon Fee ghaybouba Moda’afat Ertejaj fil mokh Hala Waqi zakari Tashawosh Imsaak  Adasaat laseqa Mostamer Osloob mane’ al homl Enqebaad tashanoj Tanseeq Tajmeeli Kohha Dawa’ al kohha Kohhat addam Shad adali Daa cron Bokaa’ Shaq jerahi  Al talayof al kisi Waled/ab Ebna Mozeel lel ehtqan Tabbarroz Jafaaf Ekte’ab  Al sokarry Tashkhees Ghaseel kolawi haffada Esehal Osr el talaffoz Eshaa Marad Khale’ Tawahan Dawkha Tabeeba Tabeeb Jadwal hgjara’at Jara’a Ro’ya mozdawaja Motalazemat down Tasreef Sharaab

English Common

English Medical

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical

dry eyes

xerophthalmi a

Jafaaf al moltahema

dry mouth ear drum

xerostomia tympanic membrane otitis ears cerumen

Jafaaf al fam

ear infection ears earwax eczema EEG (brain scan)

Arabic Common

Jafaaf al fam Tablat al ozon

 Al ghesha’al tabli  Eltehab al ozon  Al ozonayn

Eltehab al ozon  Al ozonayn Shame’ al ozon  Al eczema Rasm al mokh

Simlakh  Al eczema

electroencephalog raphy


electrocardiograph y

elbow emergency emergency room emphysema enema enteric-coated

elbow emergency emergency room emphysema enema enteric-coated

epilepsy error estrogen excrement exercise experimental eye eye glasses eye inflammation

epilepsy error estrogen excrement exercise experimental eye eye glasses conjunctivitis

eye sight eyebrow eyedrops eyelid face fainting fallopian tube/ovary inflammation

eye sight eyebrow eyedrops eyelid face syncope adnexitis

family fatal father fatigue feces fever feverish finger fingernail fist flu food poisoning foot forehead

family fatal father fatigue feces pyrexia febrile finger fingernail fist influenza food poisoning foot forehead

Takhteet al much al kahraba’ee Takhteet al qalb al kahraba’ee

Rasm al qalb

Kooe’ Hala tare’a Ghorfat tawareq Entefakh re’awi Hoqna sharajeya Ma’aweyat al taghleef Sara’ Khata’ Estrogen Boraz Majhoud Tajreebi  Ayn Nazaraat

Kooe’ Hala tare’a Ghorfat tawareq Entefakh re’awi Hoqna sharajeya Ma’aweyat al taghleef Sara’ Khata’ Estrogen Boraz Majhoud Tajreebi  Ayn Nazaraat Ramad

Eltehaab al moltahema  Al nazar Hajeb Qatrat al ayn Jefn Wajh

ghashayaan Eltehab tawabe’ al rahem Osra Momeet

Waled  E’yaa’  Boraz 

homma mahmoom Esba’ Zefr Qabda  Anfluenza Tasamom gheza’ee Qadam Jabeen

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Transliteration of Arabic Common Jafaaf al ayn

/ /

 Al nazar Hajeb Qatrat al ayn Jefn Wajh Eghmaa’ Eltehab al anabeeb/ al mabayed Osra Momeet  Ab Erhaaq Boraz Sokhouna Sakhen Esba’ Zefr Qabda  Anfluenza Tasamom gheza’ee Qadam Jabeen

English Common

English Medical

Arabic Medical

fracture friend frostbite gall bladder inflammation gallstones

fracture friend frostbite cholecystitis

Transliteration of Arabic Medical Kasr Sadeeq Qadmat al saqee’ Eltehab al marara

Arabic Common


Hasawi al marara

Hasawi al marara



 Akhsa’ee al jehaz al hadmi

 Akhsa’ee al jehaz al hadmi

genetic genital geriatric German measles gland glaucoma gluten going to the toilet a lot gonorrhoea good graze groin gynecological hair (head) hallucination hand handicap hardening of the arteries harmful hay fever head headache hearing-related heart heart attack

genetic genital geriatric rubella gland glaucoma gluten polyuria gonorrhoea good cut abrasion groin gynecological hair (head) hallucination hand handicap arteriosclerosis

Werathee Tanasoli Shaykhookhi

adverse rhinitis head cephalgia auditory heart myocardial infarction

Mo’aakes Eltehab al anf 

Werathee Tanasoli Shaykhookhi  Al hasbal almani Ghodda  Al maa’ al azraq  Al dabouq Kathrat al tabawol Sayalan Jayed Sahj Bayn al fakhzayn Nesa’eya Sha’er halwassa Yad E’aqa Tasalob al sharayeen Modder Homma al qash Ra’s Sodaa’ Same’ee Qalb  Azma qalbeya

heart murmur heart specialist heart valve infection

heart murmur cardiologist endocarditis

Laghat al qalb  Akhsa’ee al qalb Eltehab al semamat

Laghat al qalb  Akhsa’ee al qalb Eltehab al semamat

heartburn heel help hemophilia hemorrhoids hepatitis hernia high blood pressure

Reflux heel help hemophilia hemorrhoids hepatitis hernia hypertension


Ertefaa’ daght al dam

Horka Ka’b Mosa’ada Hemofilia Bawaseer Eltehab al kabed Fetaaq Ertefaa’ daght al dam

high blood sugar High/over-active thyroid

hyperglycaemia hyperthyroidism

Fart sokar al dam Fart nashat al darraq

Fart sokar al dam Fart nashat al darraq

 Al homayraa’  Ghodda

 Al so’ayfa  Al dabouq

bowaal  Sayalan Jayed Sahj

 Al arbeya (


Nesa’eya Sha’er halwassa Yad E’aqa Tasalob al sharayeen

Ra’s Sodaa’ Same’ee Qalb

Ehteshaa’ adalatul qalb

Ka’b Mosa’ada

Na’oora Bawaseer Eltehab al kabed


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Transliteration of Arabic Common Kasr Sadeeq Qadmat al saqee’ Eltehab al marara

English Common

English Medical

hip HIV

hip HIV

hives hoarseness hospitalization husband hypothermia hysterectomy ill immunity immunization impetigo incontinence indigestion remedy infection inflammation of the pancreas

urticaria hoarseness hospitalization husband hypothermia hysterectomy ill immunity immunization impetigo incontinence antacid

injection injury inoperable

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical Mefsal al fakhz

Arabic Common

Transliteration of Arabic Common Mefsal al fakhz

Bhahat assowt Hajz bel mostashfa Zawj Hobout al harrara Este’sal al rahem Mareed Mana’a Tahseen Qawbaa’  Addam estemsak Modad lel homouda  Adwa Eltehab al pankereas

 Articaria Bhahat assowt Hajz bel mostashfa Zawj Hobout al harrara Este’sal al rahem Mareed Mana’a Tahseen Qawbaa’  Addam estemsak Modad lel homouda  Adwa Eltehab al pankereas

injection injury inoperable

Hoqna Esaba Ghayr qabel lel  jeraha

Hoqna Esaba Ghayr qabel lel  jeraha

insect instructions insulin insurance intermittent internal examination using fiber optic tube intestinal intestines intolerance to light intravenous (IV) irregular irregular heartbeat

insect instructions insulin insurance intermittent endoscopy

Hashara Taa’leemat Insoleen Ta’meen Motaqate’ Fahs bel menzaar

Hashara Taa’leemat Insoleen Ta’meen Motaqate’ Fahs bel menzaar

intestinal intestines photophobia intravenous (IV) aberrant arrhythmia

Ma’awi  Ama’a” Rohab al daw’ Fil wareed Ghayr tabee’ee

Ma’awi  Ama’a” Rohab al daw’ Fil wareed Ghayr tabee’ee  Addam entezam darabaat al qalb

irritation is/it is it itchy  jaundice  jaw  jellyfish  joint  joint pain  juice keloid ketoacidosis kidney kidney failure kidney-related knee

irritation is/it is it pruritic jaundice jaw jellyfish joint arthralgia juice keloid ketoacidosis kidney azotaemia renal knee

Tahayoj Howa Heya



Khalal nazmi 

hekka Saffar Faq Qandeel al bahr Mafsal  Alam al mafasel  Asseer Jodra Hemmad ketooni Kolya Fashal kolawi Kolawi Rokba

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Tahayoj Howa Heya Horash Saffar Faq Qandeel al bahr Mafsal  Alam al mafasel  Asseer Jodra Hemmad ketooni Kolya Fashal kolawi Kolawi Rokba

English Common laboratory lack of periods last name laxative

English Medical

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical mokhtabar Enqetaa al dawra

Arabic Common

Molayen Mostalqee alal zahr

Transliteration of Arabic Common mokhtabar Enqetaa al dawra Esm el a’ela Molayen Mostalqee alal zahr

laying down

laboratory amenorrhoea last name laxative supine

leg lethargy leukemia life support

leg lethargy leukemia life support

Saaq Wassan Saratan al dam  Ajhezat al hefaaz alal hayat

Saaq Wassan Saratan al dam  Ajhezat al hefaaz alal hayat

ligament lip liquor liver local low blood pressure

ligament lip liquor liver local hypotensive

Rebat Shaffa Mashroub koholli Kabbed Mawde’ee Enkhefad daght addam

Rebat Shaffa Mashroub koholli Kabbed Mawde’ee Enkhefad daght addam

low blood sugar low/underactive thyroid

hypoglycemia hypothyroidism

Naqs sokar addam Naqs efraaz al doraq

Naqs sokar addam Naqs efraaz al doraq

lump n/a lunch lung lung-related lymph node cancer malaise malaria malignant man massage medical medication medication for irregular heartbeat medication that prevents blood clotting medication to increase urine output medication to prevent convulsions medication to reduce swelling medication to treat cancer medication to treat cancer medication to treat cough medication to treat diabetes medication to treat epilepsy

lump n/a lunch lung pulmonary lymphoma malaise malaria malignant man massage medical medication antiarrhythmic

Kotla Ta’am al ghezaa’ Re’a Re’awi Waram limfawi Tawaok aam Malaria Khabeeth Rajol Tadleek Tebbi Dawaa’ Elaj lenazm al qalb

Kotla Ta’am al ghezaa’ Re’a Re’awi Waram limfawi Tawaok aam Malaria Khabeeth Rajol Tadleek Tebbi Dawaa’ Elaj lenazm al qalb


Modaad lel tajalot

Modaad lel tajalot


Modder lel bowl

Modder lel bowl


Modadad lel tashannoj Modaad lel eltehab

Modadad lel tashannoj Modaad lel eltehab


Ded nomow al awram Modaad lel awram

Ded nomow al awram Modaad lel awram


Mohade’ lel so’al

Mohade’ lel so’al


Dawaa’ lel sokarri

Dawaa’ lel sokarri


Modaad lel saraa’

Modaad lel saraa’

anti-inflammatory antineoplastic


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English Common

English Medical

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical

Arabic Common

Transliteration of Arabic Common

medication to treat fever


Khafed lel harrara

Khafed lel harrara

medication to treat fungus infection medication to treat high blood pressure


Modaad lel fetreyaat

Modaad lel fetreyaat


Khafed ledaght addam al mortafe’

Khafed ledaght addam al mortafe’

medication to treat itching medication to treat vomiting medication/substance to cause vomiting melanoma meningitis menopause mental retardation migraine mild


Modaad lel hekka

Modaad lel hekka


Modaad lel taqayo”

Modaad lel taqayo”




melanoma meningitis menopause mental retardation migraine subclinical

Meelanoma Eltehab al sahaaya

Meelanoma Eltehab al sahaaya Sen al ya’s Takhalof aqli  Al sodaa’ al nesfi Khafeef

milk production miscarriage mom/mother more mouth MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) mucus multiple sclerosis muscle muscle pain muscle relaxant muscular dystrophy mutism narcotic nasal nausea navel nearsightedness neck needle nervousness nitroglycerin no none non-malignant non-urgent normal nosebleed not ever nurse obesity

lactation miscarriage mom/mother more mouth MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) mucus multiple sclerosis muscle myalgia muscle relaxant muscular dystrophy mutism narcotic nasal nausea navel myopia neck needle nervousness nitroglycerin no none benign elective normal epistaxis not ever nurse obesity

 Al eyaas Takhalof aqli  Al sodaa’ al nesfi

Gayr badden le’araad 


Erdaa’ Ejhad Om/ waleda  Akthar Fam Fahs bel ranneen al maghnateesi Mokhaat  Al tasalob al lowayhi adala  Awjaa’ al adalat Morkhen lel adalat

Hathalul adalaat  Bokm Mokhadder  Anfi Ghathayan Sorra Qorb al nazar Rakkaba Ebra’  Assabeya Nitroglycerine La  Albatta Hameed

ekhteyaari  Tabee’ee

Ro’aaf  abbadan Momareda Semna

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Erdaa’ Ejhad Om/ waleda  Akthar Fam Fahs bel ranneen al maghnateesi Mokhaat  Al tasalob al lowayhi adala  Awjaa’ al adalat Morkhen lel adalat Soo’ taghzeyat al adalat Bokm Mokhadder  Anfi Ghathayan Sorra Qorb al nazar Rakkaba Ebra’  Assabeya Nitroglycerine La  Albatta Hameed Ghayr mosta’jal Tabee’ee Nazf anfee abbadan Momareda Semna

English Common obstetrical occasional ointment operating room ophthalmological oral orthopedic

English Medical obstetrical occasional ointment operating room ophthalmological oral orthopedic

Arabic Medical

Transliteration of Arabic Medical Weladi  Ahyanan Marham Ghorfat al amaleyat Ramadi Fammi azmi

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Arabic Common

Transliteration of Arabic Common Weladi  Ahyanan Marham Ghorfat al amaleyat Ramadi Fammi azmi

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