
February 25, 2019 | Author: Jeferson Camilo | Category: Manufactured Goods, Technology, Computing And Information Technology
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KONE KONE Signalisatio Signali sation n System Spare Part Part s Manual


 AR-12.20.004-USK  All KONE © (B) 2004KONE rights 2004-12-03 Signalisation reservCorporation ed. System




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KONE KONE Signalisatio Signali sation n System Spare Part Part s Manual



GENE GE NERA RAL L ..........................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


20 21 22 23

KSI 370, 370, 371, 371, 471 471,, surfa surface ce moun mounted ted displa display y, 80106 801065 5 ............ KSI 521, 521, thinl thinline ine displa display y, 8043 804385 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSD, KSD, emerg emergenc ency y disp display lay,, 80418 804186 6 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. KSI 621, 621, flush flushlin line e disp display lay,, 80436 804360 0........................... KSI 622, 622, flush flushlin line e disp display lay (LCD), (LCD), 80436 804365 5 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .

24 25 26 28 29

KSS KS S CAR CAR OP OPER ERAT ATIN ING G PAN PANEL ELS S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 30 5.1


KSH 370 and 470, 470, surfa surface ce mou mounte nted d lante lantern, rn, 801066 801066 . . . . . . . . . . . . KSJ car direct direction ion lanter lantern n 8041 804127 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSH 520, 520, thinl thinline ine lanter lantern, n, 8043 804380 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSH 620, 620, flushl flushline ine lanter lantern, n, 8043 804335 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

KSS KS S LAN LANDI DING NG DISP DISPLA LAYS YS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5


KSL 420 and 470, 470, surfa surface ce mounte mounted d landi landing ng call call statio station, n, 8010 801067 67 . . . . 8 KSF 420, 420, 470, 470, Fire Fire recall recall unit, unit, 8041 804178 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 KSE KS E 420, 420, 470, 470, Emer Emerge gency ncy power power unit unit,, 80418 804182 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 .11 KSL 520, 520, thinl thinline ine landin landing g call call stat station ion,, 80439 804390 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 KSL KS L 522, 522, W/Wi W/Witho thout ut Fire Fire Signag Signage, e, 8042 804270 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 KSL 620, 620, flushl flushline ine landin landing g call call sta statio tion, n, 8043 804315 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

KSS KS S LAN LANDI DING NG LANT LANTER ERNS NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


4 5 6 7

KSS KS S LAN LANDI DING NG CALL CALL ST STAT ATIO IONS NS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6


Abbrev Abbreviat iation ions s used used to to name name and and iden identify tify the equipm equipment ent . . . . . . . . . . . KSS 300, 300, 370 370 serie series s signa signaliza lizatio tion n (surf (surface ace mounte mounted) d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSS 500 series series signa signaliz lizatio ation n (thin (thinlin line) e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KSS 600 series series signa signaliz lizati ation on (flu (flush sh moun mounted ted)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

KSS 300, 300, 370, 370, 500, 500, 600 600,, surfac surface e mounte mounted d COP, COP, North North Americ America a 804142 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

FIRE FIRE ST STAT ATUS US PANEL ANEL / LOB LOBBY BY PANEL ANEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33



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KONE KONE Signalisatio Signali sation n System Spare Part Part s Manual


APPE AP PEND NDIX IX 1: COP COP DIS DISPL PLAY AY FILM FILM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 36


APPE AP PEND NDIX IX 2: KS KSL L 520 520 BA BASE SE PA PACK CKAG AGE E 8043 804395 95G0 G02 2 - G05 G05 . . 36


APPE AP PEND NDIX IX 3: KS KSL L 522 522 BA BASE SE PA PACK CKAG AGE E 8042 804279 79G0 G02 2 - G09 G09 . . 37

10 APP APPEND ENDIX IX 4: 4: KSH KSH 520 520 AND KSI 521 BAS BASE E PACK PACKAGE AGE 804387G01 - G04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 11

APPEND APP ENDIX IX 5: 5: PRESS PRESSEL EL MARK MARKING INGS S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

12 APP APPEND ENDIX IX 6: 6: KEY SWITCH SWITCHES ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 13 APP APPEND ENDIX IX 7: 7: BRAIL BRAILLE LE MARK MARKING INGS S 83093 830932, 2, US63 US63672 672,, US63673 AND US63674 US63674 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 14 APP APPROV ROVALS ALS AND VERSIO VERSION N HISTO HISTORY RY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46



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KONE KONE Signalisatio Signali sation n System Spare Part Part s Manual



This spare part manual describes spare parts for the KONE signalisation System (KSS) equipment. This product covers low, mid and high range elevator deliveries. Product range is split in three base sets according to the following sections. Global KSS signalisation also includes signalisation products for North America. Some assemblies already include some North America specified parts. NOTE! For Modernization applications: KSS ReVive product offering offering only includes KSS 500 and 600 Series components. NOTE! Order number for “ confi guration swit ch” is 8042 804250 50G1 G10 0


Abbre Abbrevia viatio tions ns used used to to na name and identi identify fy the equipme quipment nt



H= Hall lantern I= Hall indicator  L= Landing call station C= Car operating panel J= Car direction lantern D= Emergency display F= Fire recall unit E = Emergency power unit

Display type: 0= 7-segment 1= DOT-matrix 2= LCD

Series number: 3= Low duty segment 4= Low duty segment 5= Mid duty segment 6= High duty segment

KONE Signalization



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KSS 300, 370 series signalization (surface mounted)

Hall indicators Hall lantern

Car operating panels Hall displays





 t a   E le v  o r  


O  T  R   V   E   L   E



KSH 370 KSH 470

KSI 370

KSI 471

Landing call stations










1012144.wmf  1019942.wmf 



KSL 420

KSF 420

KSL 470

KSF 470

KSC 370

KSC 300



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KSS 500 series signalization (thinline)

Hall indicators Hall lantern

Emergency display

Hall display



Car direction lantern

Car operating panel



KSH 520 Landing call stations


KSI 521





KSL 520

KSL 522

KSC 500



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KSS 600 series signalization (flush mounted)

Hall indicators Hall lantern

Car operating panels Emergency display

Hall displays





KSH 620

Car direction lantern


KSI 621 KSI 622


Landing call stations






KSL 620 rectangular 

KSL 620 barrel

KSL 620 rectangular with fire plate

KSC 600



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KSL 420 and 470, surface mounted landing call station, 801067

1 2


4 1025141.wmf 


Part number 


KM824714G01 KM824714G02 KM824714G03 KM824714G05 KM824714G06 KM824714G07 KM824714G09 KM824714G10

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks KSL 420 terminal up Amber, stainless steel

KSL 420 terminal down KSL 420 intermediate KSL 470 terminal up KSL 470 terminal down KSL 470 intermediate KSL 420 down collective KSL 470 down collective


Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel



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Part number 


KM804162G06 KM804153G06 KM804162G07 KM804153G07


KM804162G08 KM804153G08 KM804162G11 KM804153G11 KM804133G01 KM804133G02 KM804133G04 KM804133G05 KM804133G06 KM804133G07 KM804133G12 KM804133G14 KM804133G15 KM804133G16 KM804133G17


Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks KSL button 420/470 terminal up Amber KSL button 420/470 terminal up Amber, California KSL button 420/470 terminal  Amber  down KSL button 420/470 terminal  Amber, California down KSL button 420/470 primary up Amber  KSL button 420/470 primary up Amber, California KSL button 420/470 secondary Amber  KSL button 420/470 secondary Amber, California Fire hat Pilot light, English Out of service Pilot light, English Emergency power Pilot light, English Medical Emergency Pilot light, English Security Pilot light, English

Car to lobby Out of service Emergency power Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Key switches for North America



Pilot light, English Pilot light, French Pilot light, French Pilot light, French Pilot light, French Pilot light, French See Appendix 6.



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KSF 420, 470, Fire recall unit, 804178








Part number 


KM801072G02 KM801072G06


KM804180H02 KM804180H01 KM804180H04 KM804133G01

3 4 5


Number of parts in one assembly Description Base package, KSL420 round, 2 holes Base package, KSL470 square, 2 holes FRD text plate, NY FRD text plate, std.

FRD text plate, std Pilot Light, Fire Hat Phase 1 key switch Back box KSL/KSF/KSE 420/470

Remarks Stainless steel Stainless steel

English English French



See Appendix 6.

1 1 1



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KSE 420, 470, Emergency power unit, 804182








1 2 3 4 5

Part number 

Number of parts in one assembly Description

KM801072G02 KM801072G06 KM804180H03 KM804180H05 KM804133G04 KM804133G14

Base package, KSL420 round, 2 holes Base package, KSL470 square, 2 holes EPD, text plate EPD, text plate Pilot light, emergency power Pilot light, emergency power Phase 1 key switch Back box KSL/KSF/KSE 420/470



Stainless steel Stainless steel English French English French See Appendix 6.

1 1 1 1 1



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KSL 520, thinline landing call station, 804390

4 1





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1 2

Part number 

KM804395G0x KM804163G06 KM804164G06 KM804155G06

Number of parts in one assembly Description Base package KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up


KSL 500/600 button terminal up

KM804165G06 KM804166G06 KM804163G07 KM804164G07 KM804155G07

KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down


KSL 500/600 button terminal down

KM804165G07 KM804166G07 KM804163G08 KM804164G08 KM804155G08

KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up


KSL 500/600 button primary up

KM804165G08 KM804166G08 KM804163G11 KM804164G11 KM804155G11

KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down


KSL 500/600 button secondary down

KM804165G11 KM804166G11

KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down

Remarks See Appendix 2. Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz

1 1

White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California



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Part number 

KM804133G01 KM804133G02 KM804133G04 KM804133G05 KM804133G06 KM804133G07 KM804133G12 KM804133G14 KM804133G15 KM804133G16 KM804133G17


Number of parts in one assembly Description Fire hat Out of service Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Out of service Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Key switches for North America

Remarks Pilot light, English


Pilot light, French

See Appendix 6.



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KSL 522, W/Without Fire Signage, 804270




3 5




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Part number 

1 2

KM804279G0x KM804163G06 KM804164G06 KM804155G06 KM804157G06 KM804165G06 KM804166G06 KM804163G07 KM804164G07 KM804155G07

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Base package See appendix 3. KSL 500/600 button terminal up Amber, stainless steel KSL 500/600 button terminal up White, stainless steel KSL 500/600 button terminal up Amber, stainless steel, California KSL 500/600 button terminal up White, stainless steel, California KSL 500/600 button terminal up White, Muntz KSL 500/600 button terminal up White, Muntz, California KSL 500/600 button terminal  Amber, stainless steel down KSL 500/600 button terminal White, stainless steel down

KM804163G08 KM804164G08 KM804155G08

KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up


KSL 500/600 button primary up

KM804165G08 KM804166G08 KM804163G11

KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down

KM804157G07 KM804165G07 KM804166G07

KM804164G11 KM804155G11 KM804157G11 KM804165G11 KM804166G11


 Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California  Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel  Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California



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Part number 


KM804133G01 KM804133G02 KM804133G04 KM804133G05 KM804133G06 KM804133G07 KM804133G12 KM804133G14 KM804133G15 KM804133G16 KM804133G17 KM821136H0x KM821139H0x KM821140H0x KM821141H0x KM821142H0x KM821143H0x KM821146H0x KM821147H0x KM821148H0x


KM821149H0x KM821152H0x 5

US Keys witch

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Fire hat Pilot light, English Out of service Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Out of service Pilot light, French Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby ASME A17.1, warning Fire sign plate Maryland, warning H01 Asturias Satin Florida Building Code, warning Stainless Steel Massachusetts Code, warning H02 Murano Mirror CSA B44-00, warning French Stainless Steel ASME A17.1, instruction+warning H03 Muntz #4 Maryland, instruction+warning H04 Muntz #8 Florida Code, instruction+warning Massachusetts, instruction+warning NYC instruction + ASME A17.1 CSA B44-00 French, instruction+warning US Emergency operation key Includes cable, function selection for Thinline and See Appendix 6. flushline landing call stations US Key function selection






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KSL 620, flushline landing call station, 804315







Part number 

KM804163G06 KM804164G06 KM804155G06 KM804157G06 KM804165G06 KM804166G06 KM804163G07

Number of parts in one assembly Description KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal up KSL 500/600 button terminal down

Remarks Amber, stainless steel 1 White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel



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Part number 

KM804164G07 KM804155G07 KM804157G07 KM804165G07 KM804166G07 KM804163G08 KM804164G08 KM804155G08 KM804157G08 KM804165G08 KM804166G08 KM804163G11 KM804164G11 KM804155G11 KM804157G11 KM804165G11 KM804166G11


KM804133G01 KM804133G02 KM804133G04 KM804133G05 KM804133G06 KM804133G07 KM804133G12 KM804133G14 KM804133G15 KM804133G16 KM804133G17


Number of parts in one assembly Description KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button terminal down KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button primary up KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down

KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down KSL 500/600 button secondary down Fire hat Out of service Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Out of service Emergency power  Medical Emergency Security Car to lobby Key switches for North America

Remarks White, stainless steel 1 Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Amber, stainless steel White, stainless steel Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California  Amber, stainless steel

White, stainless steel  Amber, stainless steel, California White, stainless steel, California White, Muntz White, Muntz, California Pilot light, English


Pilot light, French

See Appendix 6.



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KSH 370 and 470, surface mounted lantern, 801066





1 2

Part number 

Number of parts in one assembly Description


KM772792H01 KM801068G01 KM824690G01 KM824690G02

Hall lantern cover Hall lantern cover KSH 370 lantern assembly KSH 470 lantern assembly

Polycarbonate Velvet stainless steel Amber   Amber  




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K SJ car di rec ti on lan ter n 804127


1 3



1 2 3

Part number 

KM804251H01 KM804122G01 KM804122G02 KM722880G01

Number of parts in one assembly Description Lens Car direction lantern assembly

Car direction lantern assembly Car direction lantern interface PCB


Amber White

1 1 1 1



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KSH 520, thinline lantern, 804380


2 1,2



Part number 

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks

1 2

KM804251H01 KM804334G01 KM804334G02 KM804334G03 KM804334G04 KM804387G0x

HL Lens Lantern PC assembly Lantern PC assembly Lantern PC assembly Lantern PC assembly Base package


Amber, horizontal White, horizontal Amber, vertical White, vertical See Appendix 4.

1 1




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KSH 620, flushline lantern, 804335





Part number 

1 2

KM804251H01 KM804334G01 KM804334G02 KM804334G03 KM804334G04


Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks HL Lens Lantern PC assembly Amber, horizontal Lantern PC assembly White, horizontal Lantern PC assembly Amber, vertical Lantern PC assembly White, vertical

1 1



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KSI 370, 371, 471, surface mounted display, 801065

2 3




1 2


Part number 

KM772793H01 KM801069G01 KM824602G01 KM824602G02 KM824602G03 KM772812H51 KM801111H51

Number of parts in one assembly Description Hall display cover Hall display cover KSI 370, 7-segment, assembly KSI 371, DOT-matrix, assembly KSI 471, DOT-matrix, assembly 7-segment display film DOT-matrix display film

Remarks Polycarbonate Velvet stainless steel Amber Amber  Amber  French French

1 1




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KSI 521, thinline display, 804385







Part number 

1 2

KM804258H01 KM804366G01 KM804366G02 KM804366G03 KM804366G04 KM804387G0x KM801111H50 KM801111H51 KM804234H50 KM804234H51

3 4

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Display lens Display PC assembly Amber, horizontal Display PC assembly White, horizontal Display PC assembly Amber, vertical Display PC assembly White, vertical Base package See Appendix 4. Horizontal display film Dot Matrix, English Horizontal display film Dot Matrix, French Vertical display film Dot Matrix, English Vertical display film Dot Matrix, French

1 1

1 1



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KSD, emergency display, 804186

4 3



6 7 1

3 4 2

6 7





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Part number 

1 2

KM804258H01 KM804189H01 KM804189H02 KM804189H03 KM804188H01 KM829130H01 KM813183

3 4 5 6 7

KM804387G01 KM804387G03 KM246534 KM281808

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Lens Film, Flashing fire sign English Film, Emergency power display English Film, Emergency power display French Fixing piece Surface Fixing piece Flush Backlight, Red, w/Connectors, Emergency Sign HL/HLI Base package Satin nickel, see appendix 4. HL/HLI Base package Satin cold, see appendix 4. Screw, DIN965 M3x8 Screw, Plastofast 3x10

1 1

1 1 4-6 4



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KSI 621, flushline display, 804360



2 1025655.wmf 


Part number 

1 2

KM804258H01 KM804366G01 KM804366G02 KM804366G03 KM804366G04 KM801111H50 KM801111H51 KM804234H50 KM804234H51


Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Display lens Display PC assembly Amber, horizontal Display PC assembly White, horizontal Display PC assembly Amber, vertical Display PC assembly White, vertical Horizontal display film Dot Matrix, English Horizontal display film Dot Matrix, French Vertical display film Dot Matrix, English Vertical display film Dot Matrix, French

1 1




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KSI 622, flushline display (LCD), 804365







1 2 3

Part number 

KM804359H01 KM804359H02 KM828385G01 KM828385G02 KM806980G01

Number of parts in one assembly Description HLI lens HLI lens Display PC assembly Display PC assembly F2KFUL board

Remarks Snow white Detroit gray White lens Gray lens

1 1 1 1 1



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KSS 300, 370, 500, 600, surface mounted COP, North America, 804142


1 17 2


8 7 11,12 13,14





15 7 9

18 1021276.wmf 



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual


Part number 


KM804330G02 KM804330G03 KM804331G01 KM804331G02 KM772790H01



4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


KM804263H01 KM804311H01 KM804311H02 KM772860G01 KM806830G01 KM806830G02 KM804181G01 KM772850G01 KM772850G02 KM801047G01 KM804132G03 KM804132G05 KM804132G06 KM804132G07 KM772791H01 KM804138G01 KM804374H01 KM804135G01 US Key switch US Key switch KM804193G01 KM804193G02 US Key switch KM 830932Gxxx US63672Gxxx US63673Gxxx US63674Gxxx KM804136Hxx KM804137Hxx

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Car display assembly Rectangular, Dot-matrix, amber Car display assembly Rectangular, Dot-matrix, white Car display assembly 7-segment Car display assembly DOT-matrix Lens, COP Display KSC 320, 370, polycarbonate black Lens, COP display KSC 500, polycarbonate black Lens, LCD display LCD white Lens, LCD display LCD Gray F2KC7S display 7-Segment, amber leds F2KCDMW display Dot-matrix, white leds F2KCDMW display Dot-matrix, amber leds ACU unit speaker assembly Loudspeaker, assembly incl. cable to ACU unit F2KMUL A & C side calls F2KMUL Only A-side calls F2KMUL termination and jumper Only main COP KoneXion cover plate with holes Blank, stainless steel KoneXion cover plate with holes Blank, Muntz

Emergency light cover Emergency light cover Emergency light lens Emergency light assembly Display back frame Fireman pilot light Phase II key switch asm Medical emergency switch Fireman’s jack, English Fireman’s jack, French Stop key switch asm. Braille markings

Blank, stainless steel Blank, Muntz For LCD

See Appendix 6. See Appendix 12.

7-Segment display film Dot Matrix display film

See Appendix 1. See Appendix 1.


1 1 1 1 1

1 1 0-1 1

1 1

For LCD See Appendix 6. See Appendix 6.



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual


Part number 


KM801057Gxxx KM804152Gxxx KM804345Gxxx KM804347Gxxx KM804154Gxxx KM804156Gxxx KM804170Gxxx KM804171Gxxx


KM804344G06 KM804344G07 KM804344G13 KM804344G08 KM804344G09 KM804344G15 KM804344G10 KM804344G11 KM804344G17 KM804146G01 KM804146G02 KM804146G07 KM804146G03 KM804146G04 KM804146G09 KM804146G05 KM804146G06 KM804146G11 KM772840G01 KM772840G05 KM804250G10

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks 300/370 series Amber, stainless steel, std. See Appendix 5. 300/370 series Amber, stainless steel, California, See Appendix 5. 500/600 series Amber, stainless steel, std. See Appendix 5. 500/600 series White, stainless steel, std. See Appendix 5. 500/600 series Amber, stainless steel, California, See Appendix 5. 500/600 series White, stainless steel, California, See Appendix 5. 500/600 series White, Muntz, std. See Appendix 5. 500/600 series White, Muntz, California, See Appendix 5. Alarm, 300/370 series Stainless steel, std. Alarm, 300/370 series Stainless steel, California Alarm, 300/370 series Stainless steel, French Alarm, 500/600 series Stainless steel, std. Alarm, 500/600 series Stainless steel, California

Alarm, 500/600 series Alarm, 500/600 series Alarm, 500/600 series Alarm, 500/600 series Help 300/370 series Help 300/370 series Help 300/370 series Help 500/600 series Help 500/600 series Help 500/600 series Help 500/600 series Help 500/600 series Help 500/600 series KS2 PC board KS2 PC board Configuration key switch

Stainless steel, French Muntz Muntz, California Muntz, French Stainless steel, std. Stainless steel, California Stainless steel, French Stainless steel, std. Stainless steel, California Stainless steel, French Muntz Muntz, California Muntz, French Key switch interface PC, 1 ID Key switch interface PC, 2 ID COP programming key switch



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual





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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual


Part number 

1 2 3

USP33590001 KM837860G01 KM804133G01 KM804133G02 KM804133G03 KM804133G04 KM804133G12 KM804133G13 KM804133G14 KM804133G15 KM804133G16 KM804133G17 KM818837G25


KM818837G26 KM818837G27 KM818837G28 KM818837G29 KM818837G30 KM818837G31 KM818837G32 KM818837G33 KM818837G34 KM818838G09 KM818838G10 KM818838G11 KM818838G12 KM818839G21 KM818839G22 KM818839G23 KM818839G24 KM818848G07 KM818848G08 KM818848G13

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks FSP PI kit Power supply assembly FSP Fire hat Pilot light, English Out of service Pilot light, English Elevator at level Pilot light, English Emergency power Pilot light, English Out of service Pilot light, French Elevator at level Pilot light, French Emergency power Pilot light, French Medical emergency Pilot light, French Security Pilot light, French Car to lobby Pilot light, French Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,A17.1 2000,EN, FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,A17.1 2000,EN, FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,CSA-B4400,FR, FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,CSA-B4400,FR, FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,A17.1 1999,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,A17.1 1999,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,A17.1 2000,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,A17.1 2000,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,CSA-B4400,FR,L/ P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,CSA-B4400,FR,L/ P Key switch assembly Emergency power,SS,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,Mz,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,SS,FR,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,Mz,FR,FSP Key switch assembly Out of service,SS,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Out of service,Mz,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Out of service,SS,FR,FSP Key switch assembly Out of service,Mz,FR,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,Yale 3502,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,Yale 3502,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,SS,Yale 3502,EN,FSP



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual


Part number 


KM818848G14 KM818848G21 KM818848G22 KM818848G27 KM818848G28 KM818848G35 KM818848G36 KM818848G41 KM818848G42 KM818848G43 KM818848G44 KM818848G45 KM818848G46

Number of parts in one assembly Description Remarks Key switch assembly Emergency power, Mz,Yale 3502,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,Yale 255,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,Yale 255,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,SS,Yale 255,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power, Mz,Yale 255,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,Yale 2642,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,Yale 2642,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,SS,Yale 2642,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Emergency power,Mz,Yale 2642,EN,FSP Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,Yale 3502,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall, Mz, Yale 3502,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,SS,Yale 255,EN,L/P Key switch assembly Phase 1 Fire recall,Mz,Yale 255,EN,L/P



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APPENDIX 1: COP DISPLAY FILM Table 1: 7-segment display film KM804136Hxx and DOT matrix display film KM804137Hxx Hxx KM804136H02 KM804136H03 KM804136H04 KM804136H05 KM804136H06 KM804136H07 KM804136H08 KM804136H09 KM804136H10 KM804136H11 KM804136H12 KM804136H13 KM804136H14 KM804136H15


7-segment display film English - 2000 lbs. English - 2500 lbs. English - 3000 lbs. English - 3500 lbs. English - 4000 lbs. English - 4500 lbs. English - 5000 lbs. French - 2000 lbs. French - 2500 lbs. French - 3000 lbs. French - 3500 lbs. French - 4000 lbs. French - 4500 lbs. French - 5000 lbs.

Hxx KM804137H02 KM804137H03 KM804137H04 KM804137H05 KM804137H06 KM804137H07 KM804137H08 KM804137H09 KM804137H10 KM804137H11 KM804137H12 KM804137H13 KM804137H14 KM804137H15

DOT matrix display film English - 2000 lbs. English - 2500 lbs. English - 3000 lbs. English - 3500 lbs. English - 4000 lbs. English - 4500 lbs. English - 5000 lbs. French - 2000 lbs. French - 2500 lbs. French - 3000 lbs. French - 3500 lbs. French - 4000 lbs. French - 4500 lbs. French - 5000 lbs.

APPENDIX 2: KSL 520 BASE PACKAGE 804395G02 - G05 Table 2: 804395G02 - G05 for North America Part number 

KM804257H02 KM804257H06 KM804260H01 KM804261H01 KM804261H02 KM804394H01 KM804275H01 KM281808 KM281807 KM804389G02

Number of parts in one assembly Description Aluminium profile, satin nickel Aluminium profile, satin gold End cap terminal End cap cover, satin nickel End cap cover, satin gold KSL backplate KSL backbox Screw plastofast 3*10 Screw plastofast 4*10 Fixing bag

G02 x

x x

G03 x

x x

x x x x

x x x x



x x

x x

x x


x x x

x x x x

2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 1



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APPENDIX 3: KSL 522 BASE PACKAGE 804279G02 - G09 Table 3: 804279G02 - G09 KSL 522 Part number 

KM804257H03 KM804257H04 KM804257H07 KM804257H08 KM804264H01 KM804265H01 KM804265H02 KM804394H02 KM804275H02 KM281808 KM281807 KM804266G01 KM804266G02 KM804389G02 KM804389G02


Number of parts in one assembly Description G02 G03 G04 Aluminium profile, satin x nickel Aluminium profile, satin x x nickel Aluminium profile, satin gold Aluminium profile, satin gold End cap terminal x x x End cap cover, satin nickel x x x End cap cover, satin gold KSL backplate x x KSL backbox x Screw plastofast 3*10 x x x Screw plastofast 4*10 x x x KSL middle fix, satin nickel x x KSL middle fix, satin gold Fixing bag x Fixing bag x x

G05 x

G06 G07



2 2 x

x x

x x x

x x

x x

x x


x x

x x x



x x




x x


x x

x x x




2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2

APPENDIX 4: KSH 520 AND KSI 521 BASE PACKAGE 804387G01 - G04 Table 4: 804387G01 - G04 KSH 520 and KSI 521 Part number 

KM804257H02 KM804257H06 KM804255H01 KM804256H01 KM804256H02 KM804382H01 KM804382H02 KM281808 KM281807 KM804389G02

Number of parts in one assembly Description Aluminium profile, satin nickel Aluminium profile, satin gold End cap terminal End cap cover, satin nickel End cap cover, satin gold Backplate, horizontal Backplate, vertical Screw plastofast 3*10 Screw plastofast 4*10 Fixing bag

G01 x

x x

G02 x

x x

x x x x

x x x x



x x

x x

x x


x x x

x x x x

2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 4 1



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Gxx G090 G091 G092 G100 G101

Marking symbol BLANK ARROW UP ARROW DOWN "Door open" "Door close"

Gxx G102 G103 G104 G105 G106


Marking symbol, French "Ouvrir porte" "Fermer porte" "Ouvrir avant" "Fermer avant" "Ouvrir arriere"



"Door open" "Door close" "Front open" "Front close" "Rear open"

G185 G186 G187 G188 G191

G180 G181 G182 G183 G184


Marking symbol "Front open" "Front close" "Rear open" "Rear close" "Door hold"

Gxx G107 G108 G111

Marking symbol "Front hold" "Rear hold" "Call cancel"

Marking symbol, French "Fermer arriere" "Retenir porte" "Retenir avant" "Retenir arriere" "Annuler appel"


"Rear close" "Door hold" "Front hold" "Rear hold" "Call cancel"


Part Number KSF 420, 470 KM818837G09 KM818837G13 KM818837G17 KM818837G21 KM818847G03 KM818847G17 KM818848G17 KM818848G31 KM818848G03 KSE 420, 470 KM818838G01 KM818838G03 KM818847G09 KM818847G23 KM818848G23 KM818848G37 KM818848G09



Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall

FRD, STD3, 1999, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD3, 2000/CAN, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD3, CAN, Chrome face, French text FRD, STD2, Chrome face, English text FRD, BFD-1, Chrome face, English text FRD, SC1000, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_255, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_2642, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_3502, Chrome face, English text

Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power

EPD, STD, Chrome face, English text EPD, STD, Chrome face, French text EPD, BFD-1, Chrome face English text EPD, SC1000, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_255, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_2642, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_3502, Chrome face, English text



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Part Number Description KSL 470 KM818839G01 Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby KM818839G03 Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby KM818839G09 Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency KM818839G11 Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency KM818846G02 Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency KM818839G17 Key switch Asm, Out of Service KM818839G19 Key switch Asm, Out of Service KM818839G25 Key switch Asm, Simplex Service KM818839G27 Key switch Asm, Simplex Service KM818839G29 Key switch Asm, Parking KM818839G31 Key switch Asm, Parking KM818840G05 Key switch Asm, Security KM818840G07 Key switch Asm, Security KM818840G13 Key switch Asm, Security KM818840G15 Key switch Asm, Security KSL 520, 522, 620 KM818837G11 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G12 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G15 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G16 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G19 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G20 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G21 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818837G22 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818847G05 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818847G06 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818847G19 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall KM818847G20 Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall

KM818848G19 KM818848G20 KM818848G33 KM818848G34 KM818848G05 KM818848G06 KM818838G05 KM818838G06 KM818838G07 KM818838G08 KM818847G11 KM818847G12

Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power


PRL, Chrome face, English text PRL, Chrome face, French text HEL, Chrome face, English text HEL, Chrome face, French text MES, Medeco OSS, Chrome face, English text OSS, Chrome face, French text FPO, Chrome face, English text FPO, Chrome face, French text PAD, Chrome face, English text PAD, Chrome face, French text LOL, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOL, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text LOL, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOL, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text FRD, STD3, 1999, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD3, 1999, Brass face, English text FRD, STD3, 2000/CAN, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD3, 2000/CAN, Brass face, English text FRD, STD3, CAN, Chrome face, French text FRD, STD3, CAN, Brass face, French text FRD, STD2, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD2, Brass face, English text FRD, BFD-1, Chrome face, English text FRD, BFD-1, Brass face, English text FRD, SC1000, Chrome face, English text FRD, SC1000, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_255, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_255, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_2642, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_2642, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_3502, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_3502, Brass face, English text EPD, STD, Chrome face, English text EPD, STD, Brass face, English text EPD, STD, Chrome face, French text EPD, STD, Brass face, French text EPD, BFD-1, Chrome face English text EPD, BFD-1, Brass face English text



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual

Part Number KM818847G25 KM818847G26 KM818848G25 KM818848G26 KM818848G39 KM818848G40 KM818848G11 KM818848G12 KM818835G05 KM818835G06 KM818835G07 KM818835G08 KM818839G01 KM818839G02 KM818839G03 KM818839G04 KM818839G09 KM818839G10 KM818839G11 KM818839G12 KM818846G02 KM818839G17 KM818839G18 KM818839G19 KM818839G20 KM818839G25 KM818839G26 KM818839G27 KM818839G28

Description Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Emergency Power Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby Key switch Asm, Car to Lobby Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Out of Service Key switch Asm, Out of Service Key switch Asm, Out of Service Key switch Asm, Out of Service Key switch Asm, Simplex Service Key switch Asm, Simplex Service Key switch Asm, Simplex Service Key switch Asm, Simplex Service

Remarks EPD, SC1000, Chrome face, English text EPD, SC1000, Brass face, English text EPD, YALE_255, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_255, Brass face, English text EPD, YALE_2642, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_2642, Brass face, English text EPD, YALE_3502, Chrome face, English text EPD, YALE_3502, Brass face, English text HAC, Chrome face, English text HAC, Brass face, English text HAC, Chrome face, French text HAC, Brass face, French text PRL, Chrome face, English text PRL, Brass face, English text PRL, Chrome face, French text PRL, Brass face, French text HEL, Chrome face, English text HEL, Brass face, English text HEL, Chrome face, French text HEL, Brass face, French text MES, Medeco OSS, Chrome face, English text OSS, Brass face, English text OSS, Chrome face, French text OSS, Brass face, French text FPO, Chrome face, English text FPO, Brass face, English text FPO, Chrome face, French text FPO, Brass face, French text

KM818839G29 KM818839G30 KM818839G31 KM818839G32 KM818840G05 KM818840G06 KM818840G07 KM818840G08 KM818840G13 KM818840G14 KM818840G15 KM818840G16

Key switch Asm, Parking Key switch Asm, Parking Key switch Asm, Parking Key switch Asm, Parking Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security Key switch Asm, Security

PAD, Chrome face, English text PAD, Brass face, English text PAD, Chrome face, French text PAD, Brass face, French text LOL, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOL, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOL, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text LOL, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOL, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOL, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOL, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOL, Momentary key, Brass face, French text



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Part Number Entrance Frame KM818837G21 KM818837G22 KM818835G05 KM818835G06 KM818835G07 KM818835G08 KSC KM818837G01

KM818837G02 KM818837G03 KM818837G04 KM818837G05 KM818837G06 KM818837G07 KM818837G08 KM818847G01 KM818847G02 KM818847G15 KM818847G16 KM818848G15 KM818848G16 KM818848G29 KM818848G30 KM818848G01 KM818848G02

Description Mounted Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Phase I Fire Recall Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access Key switch Asm, Hatch Access


Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation Key switch Asm, Phase II Fire Operation

FRD, STD3, 1999, Chrome face, English text

FRD, STD2, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD2, Brass face, English text HAC, Chrome face, English text HAC, Brass face, English text HAC, Chrome face, French text HAC, Brass face, French text

FRD, STD3, 1999, Brass face, English text FRD, STD3, 2000/CAN, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD3, 2000/CAN, Brass face, English text FRD, STD3, CAN, Chrome face, French text FRD, STD3, CAN, Brass face, French text FRD, STD2, Chrome face, English text FRD, STD2, Brass face, English text FRD, BFD-1, Chrome face, English text FRD, BFD-1, Brass face, English text FRD, SC1000, Chrome face, English text FRD, SC1000, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_255, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_255, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_2642, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_2642, Brass face, English text FRD, YALE_3502, Chrome face, English text FRD, YALE_3502, Brass face, English text



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Part Number KM818839G05 KM818839G06 KM818839G07 KM818839G08 KM818846G01 KM818840G01

Description Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Medical Emergency Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security

Remarks HEC, Chrome face, English text HEC, Brass face, English text HEC, Chrome face, French text HEC, Brass face, French text MES, Medeco LOC, KONE 5, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 5, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 5, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text

LOC, KONE 5, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 5, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 5, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 5, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 5, Momentary key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 6, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 6, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 6, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 6, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 6, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 6, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 6, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 6, Momentary key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 7, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 7, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 7, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual

Part Number KM818842G04

Description Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security


Key switch Asm, Security

KM818835G09 KM818835G10

Key switch Asm, Stop Key switch Asm, Stop

Remarks LOC, KONE 7, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 7, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 7, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 7, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 7, Momentary key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 8, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 8, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 8, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 8, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 8, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 8, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 8, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 8, Momentary key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 9, Maintained key, Chrome face, English text

LOC, KONE 9, Maintained key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 9, Maintained key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 9, Maintained key, Brass face, French text LOC, KONE 9, Momentary key, Chrome face, English text LOC, KONE 9, Momentary key, Brass face, English text LOC, KONE 9, Momentary key, Chrome face, French text LOC, KONE 9, Momentary key, Brass face, French text EMC, Chrome face, English text EMC, Brass face, English text



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual

Part Number KM818835G11 KM818835G12 KM818849G01 KM818835G01 KM818835G02 KM818835G03 KM818835G04 KM818845G01 KM818845G02 KM818845G03 KM818845G04 KM818836G01 KM818836G02 KM818836G03 KM818836G04 KM818836G05

KM818836G06 KM818836G07 KM818836G08 KM818836G09 KM818836G10 KM818836G11 KM818836G12 KM818849G06 KM818849G07 KM818839G13 KM818839G14 KM818839G15 KM818839G16 KM818849G08 KM818849G09

Description Key switch Asm, Stop Key switch Asm, Stop Toggle Switch Asm, Stop Key switch Asm, Access Enable Key switch Asm, Access Enable Key switch Asm, Access Enable Key switch Asm, Access Enable Key switch Asm, Security Override Key switch Asm, Security Override Key switch Asm, Security Override Key switch Asm, Security Override Key switch Asm, Car Light Key switch Asm, Car Light Key switch Asm, Car Light Key switch Asm, Car Light Key switch Asm, Light/Fan combination Key switch Asm, Light/Fan combination

Remarks EMC, Chrome face, French text EMC, Brass face, French text EMC HAC, Chrome face, English text HAC, Brass face, English text HAC, Chrome face, French text HAC, Brass face, French text LOR, Chrome face, English text LOR, Brass face, English text LOR, Chrome face, French text LOR, Brass face, French text OCL, Chrome face, English text OCL, Brass face, English text OCL, Chrome face, French text OCL, Brass face, French text OLV, Chrome face, English text

Key switch Asm, Light/Fan combination Key switch Asm, Light/Fan combination Key switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Key switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Key switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Key switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Toggle Switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Toggle Switch Asm, 2 Speed Fan Key switch Asm, Independent Service Key switch Asm, Independent Service Key switch Asm, Independent Service Key switch Asm, Independent Service Toggle Switch Asm, Independent Service Toggle Switch Asm, Independent Service

OLV, Chrome face, French text

OLV, Brass face, English text

OLV, Brass face, French text OCV, Chrome face, English text OCV, Brass face, English text OCV, Chrome face, French text OCV, Brass face, French text OCV, English text OCV, French text PRC, Chrome face, English text PRC, Brass face, English text PRC, Chrome face, French text PRC, Brass face, French text PRC, English text PRC, French text



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KONE Signalisation System Spare Part s Manual


APPENDIX 7: BRAILLE MARKINGS 830932, US63672, US63673 AND US63674 KM830932Gxxx Plate, tactile, 1.25 square, white US63672Gxxx Plate, tactile, 1.25 square, stainless steel US63673Gxxx Plate, tactile, 1.25 square, Muntz US63672Gxxx Plate, tactile, 1.25 square, white

Gxxx G001 G002 G003 G004 G005 G006 G007 G008 G009 G010 G050 G051 G052 G054 G055 G056 G061

Marking symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "Stop" "Door open" "Door close" "Alarm" A B G

Gxxx G067 G082 G083 G084 G089 G095 G098 G099 G100 G107 G108 G109 G119 G120 G121 G122 G123

Marking symbol M B1 B2 B3 DH LL L1 L2 “Phone” P1 P2 P3 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R

Gxxx G124 G125 G126 G127 G128 G131 G132 G134 G135 G148 G149 G155 G156 G157 G158 G159

Marking symbol 6R 7R 8R 9R 10R *1 *2 *G *L FH RH “Rear open” “Rear close” TP TA TD



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