APTIS Reading Part 4
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APTIS Reading Part 4 - Paragraph Heading 1. Question “His career has been an extraordinary one. He is a man of good birth and
excellent education, endowed by nature with a phenomenal mathematical faculty. At the age of twenty-one he wrote a paper on the Binomial Theorem, in a European style. t was so good that he won the !athematical "hair at one one of our our small smaller er uni#e uni#ersi rsitie ties, s, and and had, had, to all appea appearan rance, ce, a prom promisi ising ng career before ahead of him. Question: What would be a good heading to this paragraph?
a$ b$ c$ d$
%herloc& %herloc& Holmes' Holmes' bac&g bac&grou round nd The birth birth of %herlo %herloc& c& Holme Holmes s the writing writing of the the trea treaties ties %herloc& %herloc& Holme Holmes' s' newest newest career career
Answer: %herloc& Holmes' bac&ground 2. Question There was an old man. He stood near the middle of the road in the heat and
sunshine. He stood with hands in the poc&ets of his long coat, and his head was loo&ing at the (oor. E#en though the weather was #ery hot, it loo&ed li&e he was cold. Question: what is the most suitable heading for this paragraph?
a$ b$ c$ d$
)hat the old man was doin doing g The The old old man' man's s face face The temperat temperature ure in the the street street The The shape shape of of the old old man man
Answer: )hat the old man was doing
3. Question )e had the train carriage to oursel#es, but there were a lot of papers on the
(oor. *ames was pic&ing the papers up and reading them one by one. At the same time, he was note-ta&ing and stopping occasionally to thin&. This lastest until we were past +eading. Then he suddenly rolled them all into a gigantic ball and tossed them out onto the rac&. “Ha#e you heard anything of the case he as&ed. Question: What is the most suitable heading for this paragraph?
a$ b$ c$ d$
He tossed up the papers The papers on the (oor The ourney by train +eading the papers
Answer: The ourney by train 4. Question /es, ha#e you not heard 0oor father has ne#er been strong for years bac&,
but this has made him #ery sic&. He only lies on his bed, and 1r. )illows says that he is a wrec& and that his ner#ous system is #ery bad. !r. !c"arthy was the only man ali#e who had &nown dad in the old days in 2ictoria. Question: What is the most suitable heading for this paragraph?
a$ b$ c$ d$
Her father's car has bro&en down A father's sic&ness her father is #ery strong Her father wrec&ed the car
Answer: A father's sic&ness
5. Question He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thin&er. He has a cle#er and
calculating brain. He sits still, li&e a spider in the center of its web, but that web has a thousand strings. He &nows the mo#ement of each line. He does little himself. He only plans. Question: What is the man’s sitting ompare to?
a$ b$ c$ d$
A brain A %pider 3enius A web
Answer: A %pider !. Question Autumn came. The clouded s&y descended to the hills4 and the dead lea#es
were mo#ing under na&ed trees until the wind. 5rom morning until night you could see the hills and buildings under the wet clouds. The bright summer s&ies were now grey and loo&ed o#er the dar& land. There was a road leading straight through the area and stretched for hundreds of miles. /ou could see it all the way to the hori6on. Question: what is the paragraph desribing?
a$ b$ c$ d$
The %&y )hat could be seen )et clouds The landscape
Answer: )hat could be seen
". Question He is a genius, a philosopher, an abstract thin&er. He has a cle#er and
calculating brain. He sits still, li&e a spider in the center of its web, but that
web has a thousand strings. He &nows the mo#ement of each line. He does little himself. He only plans. What is the best heading for this paragraph?
a$ b$ c$ d$
The man's personality The man's philosophy the man's spider The man is a spider
Answer: The man's personality #. Question
7. A$888888888Albert Einstein was a 3erman-born physicist who de#eloped one of the most important theories within science. He is &nown as arguably the smartest man who li#ed and is credited with showing the world the general y of relati#ity, which is a theory explaining the uni#erse. 9. B$888888888He recei#ed the :obel 0ri6e in 0hysics in 7;97, but not for relati#ity. His theories of special and general relati#ity are of great importance to many branches of physics and astronomy. They ha#e been conualities with their intelligence ma&e Hus&ies a popular pet. 1. 888888888Hus&ies are often used in media. 5or example, with the story of the “3reat +ace of !ercy, dogs Balto and Togo famous. They usually appear in mo#ies and cartoons featuring trips to icy and snowy places. An example,
!atch the correct heading to the correct paragraph. Type the correct letter in its space. 7. Ad#antages of Hus&ies 9. Hus&y appearance =. Hus&ies in the media @. The Hus&ys personality Answers
A. Hus&y appearance B. Ad#antages of Hus&ies ". The Hus&ys personality 1. Hus&ies in the media 12. Question 7
%hanghai is the largest "hinese city by population and is one of the four direct-controlled municipalities of "hina, with a population of more than 9@ million as of 97@. t is a global
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