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General Instrucons: 1. While wring wring soluons soluons please please try try to provide provide step step by step step soluons soluons being being as elaborate elaborat e as possible possib le so that anyone can underst understand and the soluon. 2. While crean creang g quesons, quesons, please mae mae sure that that you create create quesons quesons !rom scratc scratch h and write soluons as per above guidelines. "lease #nd a$ached a #le containing #ve quesons o! %uantave &bility. &bility. 'tudy it well and write the detailed soluon o! each queson. (. 'ubse 'ubsequen quently tly,, you have to create create ) original original quesons quesons at the same level level o! di*culty. di*culty. "rovide opons, answers and soluons !or each queson. +. We are are also a$aching a$aching a sample soluon soluon !or !or your re!e re!erenc rence e so that you unders understand tand the ind o! eplanaon epected epected !rom you.
1. A shopkeeper shopkeeper buys buys 25 bags bags for Rs. Rs. 4000. Out Out of these, these, 5 bags are are bigger than than the the rest. At what price price should he sell the bigger big ger bags so as to earn a prot of 20! if he th sells the rest at "#4 of this price$ %&' Rs. 240 %&&' Rs. 140 %&&&' Rs. 2(0 %&)' Rs. 150 Ans* %&'
+oluon* -et us assue the selling price of each of the bigger bags / Rs. According to the probles stateent * +elling rice of a saller bag will be Rs. "#4 %"#4 th of ' 3ow,, it is gien that the rot ust be 20! . 3ow herefore,the total +elling rice should be such that the rot is 20! of the 6ost rice /7 herefore,the he rot is / 40008%20#100' / Rs. 900 herefore, herefor e, +elling rice/ 6ost rice : rot /7 Rs. 4000 : Rs. 900 / Rs. 4900 3ow,, it is gien that there are 25 bags of which 5 are bigger ones 3ow /7 20 of the bags are the saller ones . ;ence, the nal e
=or ruck * / #H%> : 40#@ '8ie%in ;rs'I / 1B50#H%> : 40#10'825I /(.9 =or ruck 6 * 6 / 6#H%> : 40#@6 '8ie%in ;rs'I/ 20>4#H%> : 40#B'824I K 9.2"4
=or ruck C * C / C#H%> : 40#@C '8ie%in ;rs'I / 1912#H%> : 40#11'822I K 9.54(
6learly, A has the highest alue of the four . his gies us the answer as Opon %&' * ruck A . ". &f a tea tea of 4 persons persons is to to be selected selected fro fro 9 ales ales and 9 feales feales,, then in how how any ways can the selecons be ade to include at least 1 feale. %&' "500 %&&' 19(5 %&&&' 1(50 %&)' 3one of these Answer* %&&&' +oluon* De hae, otal nuber of @ales / 9 otal nuber of =eales / 9 De need to select a tea of 4 persons with at least one feale . o nd this easily, we can use a siple trick * he re eople%@ale:=eale' L otal 3uber of Days of +elecng 4 persons such that all are @ale. 3ow, otal 3uber of Days of +elecng 4 persons out of 1> people / 1>
64 / 1920
otal 3uber of Days of +elecng a tea of 4 @ales out of gien 9 @ales / 964 / (0 herefore, the otal 3uber of Days of +elecng a ea of 4 persons out of 9 @ales and 9 =eales under the gien condion that there is at least one =eale in the tea / 1>64 G 964 / 1920 L (0 / 1(50 . his gies us the the answer as Opon Opon %&&&' L 1(50 . 4. Aisha and and alak alak can do a piece of work work in 25 and 20 days days respecel respecely y. hey began began the work together but alak leM aMer soe days and Aisha copleted the rest of the work in 1> days. AMer how any days did alak leae$
%&' %&&' %&&&' %&)' Ans* %&&'
( days 4 days B days 12 days
+oluon* Aisha can do a piece of work in 25 Cays. herefore, herefor e, in one day she can do 1#25 of the work. alak can do the sae piece of work in 20 Cays. herefore, herefor e, in one day she can do 1#20 of the work. -et, us assue the nuber of days that passed before alak leM / ? Cays hen, we hae *G ?%%1#25':%1#20'' : 1>#25 / 1 %Dhole Dork' H +ince, =or ? Cays both Aisha and alak we working and for the rest 1> Cays only Aisha was working.I On soling we get *G ?%B#100' / B#25 Or, ? / 4 . his gies us the re %&&&' " %&)' 5 Answer * %&&&' +oluon * he rie =actoriWaon =actoriWaon of (5 / " 1 ? 52 he nuber of ways of decoposing (5 into two diPerent factors factors is the sae as nuber of factorss of (5 diided by 2 . factor %Q?planaon * Qach factor%of factor%of (5' diides (5 to gie another factor of (5 therefore, we ay think that the nuber of prie factors factors of (5 shall gie us the answer but it is iportant to note that in this process each set of two factors of (5 shall get repeated twice . ;ence, it is diided by 2' herefore 3uber of =actors Of (5 / %Q?ponent of " : 1'8%Q?ponent of 5 :1 ' H+ince, in the rie =actoriWaon =actoriWaon of the factors the power of " can be 0 or 1 %2 choices' and that of 5 can be 0,1 or 2 %" choices' I /2?" /> herefore , 3uber of Days it can be decoposed into two factors / >#2 / ". his gies us the answer as Opon %&&&' .
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