Appointment Setter Manual

March 7, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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-Welcome to your Appointment Setter position with Instant Mobi!We are thrilled to have you as a part of the team, and look forward to great success! 1.0



Table of Contents In order to proceed, you will need a scan, legible picture or copy of your photo ID and Social Security card in order to verify eligibility for work within the United States.

Section-Title 1.0 Welcome! 2.0 Table of Contents 3.0 Company Registration 3.1 Registration cont’d. 4.0 Daily Schedule 5.0 The Team Portal 6.0 Lead Generation 7.0 Appointment Center 7.1 Making the Call 7.2 Recording the Appt. 8.0 Recording the Call Result



  3.0> Registration Welcome to the team! In order to ensure you are paid on time and in verify your identity, you will need to provide your personal information, please go to The password to the page will w ill be provided via email, or ask your manager.

This is your TEAM PORTAL!  You will be performing your daily activities activities through this portal, so bookmark the page or add it to your favorites. We will explore the team portal more in upcoming sections, but for now, just scroll down and click on the “Register Here” Button. 3.0


  3.1> Registration cont’d.

Please read the Independent Contractor statement carefully, and complete the form.

 You can upload a scan or legible pictures of your photo ID and Social Social Security card directly in this section. You will also need to fill out a W-9 form. You may download it using the provided link, and either mail it to us, or scan it and upload it directly in the form.

Next, you will Register your Affiliate Account for deal tracking and payout You will be provided with login details for your company webmail within 24hrs.  All further communications communications including other logins such as Skype, will be sent to the company email address. Please do not use your personal email address for company communication. 3.1


  4.0> Daily Schedule: 12:00pm-4:00pm Monday-F Monday-Friday riday 12:00pm-12:15pm> Login/Em Login/Emails/Updates ails/Updates 12:15pm-1:15pm> Lead Generation 1:15pm-2:00pm> Appointment Setting 2:00-2:15> Break 2:15-4:00pm> Appointment Setting



  5.0> The Team Portal:  Open your Team Portal:  Portal: The password will be updated weekly and will be sent to your company webmail.

Please clock in and log into Skype, read news and updates, check your company webmail and ensure you have the tools you need to perform your tasks for the day.

Upcoming appointments will appear in this section, click on each one for more details.


  6.0> Lead Generation

Use the top menu to access the Lead Center 

Read the instructions for generating a warm lead. Basically, find local businesses that have non-compatible websites, and let them know about it! Once you have contacted them in some way, you may record the lead.

Fill out the required information, and the lead will be recorded. Leads submitted through the Lead Center will automatically be added to your leads to be called in the following days.


  7.0> Appointment Center  -Accessing Leads-

Open Pipedrive to access your leads and record appointments.

Email:  [email protected] Email: [email protected]  Pwd: Provided via webmail

 Your leads will appear on the left under the “Appt” “Appt” Tab in the “Leads” section. -CLICK ON THE WORD “DEAL” TO OPEN THE DETAILS-

Once the deal opens, enter your Team ID in the “Appointment Setter ID” section, and click the green check.


  7.1> Making a Call

Open your Outbound Call Center 

Select the appropriate script

Call the number on the deal

When making cold-calls, you may need to create a new deal for the appointments.

Capture all the required details, as if creating a lead.


  7.2> Record the Appointment


Click on the “Activities” Tab, and click in the “Add an Activity” box

SELECT “MEETING” and enter the Date and Time of the appointment.



  8.0> Record the Call Result

 You will need to fill out a record for each call in your Outbound Call Center, whether  cold-called or a lead.

Once you have called a lead, move it to the appropriate section in Pipedrive.




  Top Tips… 1. Plan your call – Taking the time to plan your call call will help you maintain control. Review all the information information you have and make sure you are prepared. Know how you are going to begin and how you can bring the conversation back if it goes off topic. 2. Pretend you are meeting in person – Smile when you pick up the phone and throughout the conversation and sit comfortably in your chair and relax. Try to understand what sort of communicator the person is and try to mirror their  behavior. However, don’t be put off with someone who is short on the phone – this may be their way of communicating. 3. Have a ‘wow’ offer – offer – The first appointment objections will normally be raised at the beginning of the call so it is important in the first few seconds of the call to create interest with the benefits for the prospect. . 4. Feel, felt, found – A good way to respond when handling appointment objections is to use the objection as a reason for a sales meeting. Use the FEEL, FELT, FOUND – Acknowledge the prospect’s objection. objection. “I understand how you feel. Many customers we have today felt that same way. However, However, after they looked ____ they found ____ to be the case”. Let them know that at the appointment you will take the time to assess their needs. Then move on, take an assumptive approach and set the appointment. 5. Have a conversation – Don’t talk AT them – Don’t talk for too long and try to engage them in the conversation as much as possible. Clearly explain who you are and why you are calling and state how long the proposed appointment will last. Most recipients of sales calls are l ess threatened by short appointment times. Ask quick, relevant questions to discover as much about the prospect as possible to tailor the call and to keep their attention. Always ask open questions – who, what, when, why, how – which prevents them from giving one-word answers. answers. Only ask one question at a time and repeat back what they have said when appropriate, so they get in the habit of saying yes. 6. Don’t make it up – Do not be afraid to ask if you do not understand. Knowledge is power and often people like to talk about themselves and will be happy to explain. If you are asked something you do not know, say that you are not the expert but the sales representative will answer any questions they may have. 7. Do not give up on the first objection – If the prospect says they are not interested – don’t ask why they’re not interested. When cold calling and appointment setting you should not ask why as all it does is reinforce the objection. Repeating the objection has the same results. Ask polite questions to determine why the client said no – perhaps you did not ask the right open questions. Keep going and don’t give up – learn to live with rejection and try not to take things too personally when people say no. It can take several attempts to convince the prospect prospect you are worth seeing. 8. Interested, but too busy to meet – If your service/offering can save the prospect time, then say you are phoning because you thought she would be a busy person and you can help with that. If the prospect objects saying that it is approaching Christmas, Easter, or any holiday time, then you can handle this objection by saying that’s why you’re phoning, to make an appointment now for after the holidays. 9. Sell the benefits of the product or service, not its features – Discover what their issues are and how they would prioritize them and work for the most appropriate one first. Find something to offer them that they find difficult to say no to and then try to close the call. 10. Be assertive when closing and close as many times as feels comfortable - Clarify at the end of the call the appointment time and date before thanking them for their time.

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