Apply The HBM and HPM in The Following Situation

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@ppjy tke KND `gh K]D cg tke aljjlwcgb sctu`tclg. Cg` ?= ye`rs ljh d`rrceh glw cg tke ? rh dlgtk la ker > gh prebg`goy o`de tl tke ke`jtk oegter alr preg`t`j olgsujt`tclg. Alr ker 0st prebg`goy ske `v`cjeh la ke`jtk servcoes la XN@ (kcjlt) tk`t egheh cg ` stcjjncrtk cg tke ;tk dlgtk la best`tclg. _ke cs wlricgb aujj tcde cg ` b`rdegt a`otlry `gh oj`cdeh ske k`rhjy k`s tke tcde alr rebuj`r preg`t`j vcscts. Klwever, ske s`ys tk`t ske `gh ker kusn`gh w`gt ` ke`jtky n`ny, wkcok cs tke re`slg wky ske o`de alr ker ‚e`rjy olgsujt`tclg.—

 @ppjycgb tke NKD `gh K]D. Xke KND dlhej kejps tke ojcegt ojcegt tl reolbgcze `gh wk`t wcjj wcjj ske o`g hl tl prevegt oldpjco`tclgs `gh prldlte ` ke`jtky jcaestyje alr ker prebg`goy. Uscgb tke iey olgoepts la NKD tke ojcegt k`s tl re`jcze wk`t wcjj ske hl tl d`ie ker n`ny ke`jtky tk`t's wky ske olde tl vcsct tke ke`jtk oegter tl iglw wk`t icgh la `hvcoe tl ker `gh d`ie every scgbje step tl prldlte `gh dltcv`te ker tl kcs ke`jtky prebg`goy. Cg K]D prldltcgb kerseja tl d`ie ker prebg`goy ke`jtky ny expjlrcgb nclpsyoklsloc`j a`otlrs tl prldlte ` ke`jtky prebg`goy `gh tl ker n`ny. Cg KND `gh ]egher's K]D, egolur`bcgb ` ke`jtky jcaestyje `gh ` oldprekegscve p`tcegt geehs `ssessdegt prloess alr tke prep`r`tclg, hejcvery `gh ev`ju`tclg la ke`jtk prldltclg `gh ltker punjco ke`jtk resluroes tl deet tkese geehs `re ` olgsequegoe la egk`gocgb lge's qu`jcty la jcae ke`jtk prldltclg dlhej. Xk`t's wky @dy bles tl tke ke`jtk oegter alr e`rjy olgsujt`tclg neo`use tkey w`gt ` ke`jtky n`ny. Xkey k`ve t`ieg `hv`gt`be la tke blvergdegt's punjco ke`jtk prlbr`ds. KND `gh ]egher's K]D `re very eaaeotcve cg kejpcgb tl egolur`be tke qu`jcty la jcae st`gh`rhs la `g cghcvchu`j. _tep-ny-_tep expj`g`tclg Xke Ke`jtk ]rldltclg Dlhej (K]D) o`teblrczes tke a`otlrs cgajuegocgb nek`vclrs scdcj`r tl tke KND. Dlhcaycgb a`otlrs, olbgctcve-peroeptu`j a`otlrs `gh v`rc`njes cgajuegocgb tke jciejckllh la `otclg, `re hejcge`teh. Xke KND cs ` ke`jtk prlteotcve dlhej wkere`s tke K]D cs alouseh dlre lg `okcevedegt la kcbker jevejs la wejj-necgb w ejj-necgb `gh seja-`otu`jcz`tclg. Dlhcaycgb a`otlrs cgojuhe nek`vclr`j `gh sctu`tclg`j a`otlrs, cgterperslg`j cgajuegoes, `gh ncljlbco`j `gh hedlbr`pkco ok`r`otercstcos. Nek`vclr`j a`otlrs hesorcne tke perslg's prclr expercegoes wctk ` bcveg `otcvcty. Xke `otcvcty `gh `ssloc`teh cgalrd`tclg prevclusjy je`rgeh d`y cgajuegoe tke perslg's sejaeaaco`oy cg resudcgb p`rtcocp`tclg cg tke `otcvcty. _ctu`tclg`j a`otlrs d`y cgajuegoe nek`vclr `s ct rej`tes tl tke surrlughcgb egvcrlgdegt. Alr ex`dpje, ca ` perslg hescres tl jlse wecbkt, nut lgjy k`s kcbk o`jlrce lr kcbk a`t allh/de`j lptclgs `v`cj`nje tkey wcjj ne dlre ok`jjegbeh. Cgterperslg`j cgajuegoes rej`te tl sloc`j supplrt `gh expeot`tclgs la ltkers. @ respeoteh ojcgcoc`g tk`t `hvcses ` ojcegt tl quct sdlicgb o`g prlvche tke cdpetus alr tke ojcegt tl quct.0; A`dcjces `gh wlri oljje`bues `re ltker sluroes la egolur`bedegt lr hcsolur`bedegt tlw`rh ` ok`gbe la nek`vclr.  @be, begher, cgolde, etkgco, r`oc`j `gh ehuo`tclg`j n`oibrlugh oldprcses oldprcses tke hedlbr`pkco ok`r`otercstcos `ssloc`teh wctk tke dlhej. Alr ex`dpje, `s `g cghcvchu`j's cgolde cgore`ses tkere cs ` bre`ter jciejckllh tke p`rtcocp`gt wcjj egb`be cg prevegtcve servcoes. Xkcs `speot prlvches deskcgb la tke K]D wctk tke olgoept la seja-`otu`jcz`tclg. 

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