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Dedication To my sons—Alexander David and Michael Oliver and to my parents—Ella Esedora and David Alexander

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Preface to the Second Edition Because the purpose of this book has not changed, the users of the first edition will hopefully find the basic content and structure of this edition familiar. Two important aspects of the application of mathematics to chemical engineering are: (1) setting up a mathematical model and (2) verification of the mathematical model with experimental or other independently derived data. In this edition of the text, I have attempted to address these two aspects. Chapter 1 has been expanded to include two popular approaches to model development. Each approach is discussed in the format of an example while using a real application from research. Both applications are solved as examples in Chapter 7. Further, a model of a one-dimensional rod is introduced in Chapter 6 and a planar model of heat conduction in one direction is introduced in Chapter 7. The solutions to the two examples of modeling approaches developed in Chapter 1 are verified with independently derived experimental data in Chapter 7. In addition, a figure comparing model results to independently derived experimental data is included for one example of mass transfer in a membrane separator discussed in Chapter 7. Additional changes have been made in Chapter 3 and Chapter 9. In particular, Chapter 3 has been expanded to include systems of first-order differential equations. Chapter 9 has been expanded to include the numerical method of lines. As usual, an example using the numerical method of lines is provided which extends into Appendix B, where an actual MATLAB1 program is given.

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Preface to the First Edition The purpose of this book is to introduce students of chemical engineering to several mathematical methods that are often essential to successfully solve real process engineering problems. The book emphasizes analytical methods even though most realistic models will be solved using numerical methods. However, prior to an extensive and expensive numerical analysis of a model, it is very useful to develop some understanding of the gross tendencies of the model. This type of understanding usually comes from the derivation of analytical solutions of a modified version of the problem under consideration. Typical chemical engineering curriculums consist of the equivalent of three semesters of calculus capped off by a course in elementary ordinary differential equations. This usually occurs within the first two years of a fouryear program (five years, if co-op is an option). The next two or three years are usually dedicated to solving unit operation problems using prederived formulae. The point being, with few exceptions, the use of the four semesters’ worth of mathematics is not applied until the first year of graduate school. Those graduates who do go on to industry and later encounter the need to understand and apply the results of computer algebraic systems—indeed, to choose a software package for their own applications—have to rely heavily on the salesperson’s judgment. This book provides worked-out examples using a number of solution techniques while exposing the use of mathematics in chemical engineering to the reader. The first chapter provides an introduction to the three classes of transport common to chemical engineering. Chapter 2 deals with select first order ordinary differential equations and provides chemical engineering examples that demonstrate the use of solution techniques. A section addressing the formulation of some physically applicable first-order ordinary differential equations (problem setup) is included. The third chapter addresses linear second-order ordinary differential equations. A brief discourse, it reviews elementary differential equations, and the chapter serves as an important basis to the solution techniques of partial differential equations discussed in Chapter 6. An applications section is also included with ten worked-out examples covering heat transfer, fluid flow, and simultaneous diffusion and chemical reaction. In addition, the residue theorem as an alternative method for Laplace transform inversion is introduced. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 introduce Sturm–Liouville problems and Fourier series and integrals, respectively. These topics contain essential background

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material for use in solving linear partial differential equations. Applications of these are postponed until partial differential equations are discussed. The sixth chapter provides instruction in a number of solution techniques for linear partial differential equations. Also included is a section introducing regular perturbation, a common approach to solving some nonlinear differential equations. Since the material in this chapter will be a new experience for a large segment of the readership, a substantial number of drill-type examples are included. Chapter 7 is dedicated entirely to worked-out examples taken from the chemical engineering research literature. This chapter relies on the mathematics of the previous six chapters to solve problems in heat transfer; mass transfer; simultaneous diffusion and convection; simultaneous diffusion and chemical reaction; simultaneous diffusion, convection, and chemical reaction; and viscous flow. The eighth chapter briefly discusses dimensional analysis and scaling of boundary value problems. This is an important topic in chemical engineering. The practicing engineer is continually faced with justifying the simplifying assumptions invoked in deriving a solution to some process model of concern to him or her. Chapter 9 introduces selected numerical methods and available software packages. Because methods that were previously too effort consuming are now commercially available in many software packages, it is more important to mention those packages and leave the algorithmic details to the numerical analysis literature. Here it is hoped that enough of an introduction to numerical methods is made so that the interested reader can independently pursue the subject. Since a goal of this text is to remove the mathematics phobia that usually exists among some of our bright young chemical engineers, rigor is sacrificed in favor of exposition. Therefore, the references at the end of each chapter have been carefully selected to aid the reader who wishes to pursue further study in the discussed subject matter. However, I do wish to point out that those references are not in any way exhaustive. Boldface or italic type is used to draw attention to a term or statement that is significant to the concept under discussion. Others and I have successfully used this book as a text for both undergraduate and first-year graduate courses. Most of the students in the graduate course have been chemical engineers with varying backgrounds in elementary differential equations. For an undergraduate one-semester course, the applications in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are emphasized, and knowledge of those solution techniques is treated as a prerequisite. Chapter 4 through Chapter 6 are covered in their entirety with some applications taken from Chapter 7. Also, parts of Chapter 9 are covered based on the audience needs. The graduate class uses the entire book in a one-semester course.

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Acknowledgments I am indebted to many who have encouraged me on this project and to all my ChE626 students for their contributions, and patience and understanding since the first print of the first edition. I thank especially Professor Ali Elkamel of the University of Waterloo for his very timely suggestions and Professor William E. Schiesser of Lehigh University for his generosity in sharing his computer programs with me.

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Author Norman W. Loney is an associate professor of chemical engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). He has authored or coauthored more than 50 publications and presentations relating to the use of applied mathematics in chemical engineering since joining the department in 1991. Dr. Loney has been awarded several certificates of recognition from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the American Society for Engineering Education for research contributions. Prior to joining NJIT, Dr. Loney, a licensed professional engineer, practiced engineering at Foster Wheeler, M.W. Kellogg Company, Oxirane Chemical Company, and Exxon Chemical Company.

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Table of Contents 1

Differential Equations ........................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Ordinary Differential Equations..................................................... 2 1.3 Model Development ....................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Turbulent Core Region (0  r  Rb)................................. 4 1.3.2 Laminar Sublayer Region (0 < x < d) .............................. 5 1.3.3 Outline of Model Development ......................................... 8 Tube-Side (Equation of Continuity for Species A)............................................................ 8 Shell-Side............................................................. 10 References................................................................................................ 11


First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations .................................... 13 2.1 Linear Equations............................................................................. 13 2.2 Additional Information on Linear Equations................................. 21 2.3 Nonlinear Equations ....................................................................... 25 2.3.1 Separable Equations ........................................................... 25 2.3.2 Exact Equations .................................................................. 27 2.3.3 Homogeneous Equations .................................................... 29 2.4 Problem Setup................................................................................. 29 2.5 Problems ......................................................................................... 35 References................................................................................................ 38


Linear Second-Order and Systems of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations.......................................................... 39 3.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 39 3.2 Fundamental Solutions of the Homogeneous Equation................. 42 3.3 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients.................... 44 3.4 Nonhomogeneous Equations .......................................................... 48 3.4.1 Method of Variation of Parameters.................................... 56 3.5 Variable Coefficient Problems ....................................................... 59 3.5.1 Series Solutions Near a Regular Singular Point ................ 61 3.6 Alternative Methods ....................................................................... 66 3.6.1 Summary ............................................................................. 69 3.6.2 Initial Value Problems........................................................ 71 3.6.3 Some Useful Properties of Laplace Transforms ................ 76 3.6.4 Inverting the Laplace Transform........................................ 78

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3.6.5 Taylor Series Solution of Initial Value Problems............ 83 Applications of Second-Order Differential Equations................. 86 Systems of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations............. 110 3.8.1 Nonhomogeneous Linear Systems ................................... 122 3.9 Problems ....................................................................................... 127 References.............................................................................................. 133 3.7 3.8


Sturm–Liouville Problems .................................................................. 135 4.1 Introduction................................................................................... 135 4.2 Classification of Sturm–Liouville Problems................................ 136 4.2.1 Properties of the Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of a Sturm–Liouville Problem.......................................... 144 4.3 Eigenfunction Expansion.............................................................. 147 4.4 Problems ....................................................................................... 149 References.............................................................................................. 151


Fourier Series and Integrals............................................................... 153 5.1 Introduction................................................................................... 153 5.2 Fourier Coefficients ...................................................................... 155 5.3 Arbitrary Interval .......................................................................... 160 5.4 Cosine and Sine Series ................................................................. 162 5.5 Convergence of Fourier Series..................................................... 166 5.6 Fourier Integrals ........................................................................... 173 5.7 Problems ....................................................................................... 181 References.............................................................................................. 181


Partial Differential Equations ............................................................ 183 6.1 Introduction................................................................................... 183 6.2 Separation of Variables ................................................................ 184 6.2.1 Boundary Conditions ........................................................ 190 6.3 Nonhomogeneous Problem and Eigenfunction Expansion.......... 215 6.4 Laplace Transform Methods ........................................................ 224 6.5 Combination of Variables ............................................................ 231 6.6 Fourier Integral Methods.............................................................. 238 6.7 Regular Perturbation Approaches ................................................ 242 6.8 Problems ....................................................................................... 255 References.............................................................................................. 258


Applications of Partial Differential Equations in Chemical Engineering..................................................................... 259 7.1 Introduction................................................................................... 259 7.2 Heat Transfer ................................................................................ 259 7.3 Mass Transfer ............................................................................... 277 7.4 Comparison between Heat and Mass Transfer Results ............... 287

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7.5 Simultaneous Diffusion and Convection ..................................... 290 7.6 Simultaneous Diffusion and Chemical Reaction ......................... 305 7.7 Simultaneous Diffusion, Convection, and Chemical Reaction ... 317 7.8 Viscous Flow ................................................................................ 331 7.9 Problems ....................................................................................... 341 References.............................................................................................. 348 8

Dimensional Analysis and Scaling of Boundary Value Problems ................................................................................... 351 8.1 Introduction................................................................................... 351 8.2 Classical Approach to Dimensional Analysis.............................. 353 8.3 Finding the Ps .............................................................................. 355 8.4 Scaling Boundary Value Problems .............................................. 362 8.5 Problems ....................................................................................... 373 References.............................................................................................. 375


Selected Numerical Methods and Available Software Packages.... 377 9.1 Introduction and Philosophy ........................................................ 377 9.2 Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations ................................. 377 9.2.1 Newton–Raphson Method ................................................ 382 9.2.2 Modified Newton–Raphson Method ................................ 383 9.3 Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations ............... 385 9.3.1 Error Estimate................................................................... 395 9.4 Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations................................ 401 9.4.1 Initial Value Problems...................................................... 401 9.4.2 Boundary Value Problems................................................ 409 9.4.3 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations.................... 414 9.5 Solution of Partial Differential Equations.................................... 416 9.5.1 Explicit and Implicit Finite Difference Methods............. 416 9.5.2 Numerical Method of Lines ............................................. 418 9.6 Summary ....................................................................................... 420 9.7 Problems ....................................................................................... 420 References.............................................................................................. 423

Appendix A Elementary Propetries of Determinants and Matrices ........ 425 Appendix B Numerical Method of Lines Example Using MATLAB1 441 Index............................................................................................................ 451

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Differential Equations

1.1 INTRODUCTION There are several significant problems in chemical engineering that require a fundamental understanding of differential equations in order to fully appreciate the underlying transport phenomena. In this book, differential equation means an equation containing derivatives of an unknown function to be determined [1]. For example, Fourier’s law [2–4] for the molecular transport of heat in a fluid or a solid can be written as a first-order differential equation qz d(CP T) ¼  dz A


for constant density r and heat capacity CP. In this equation, qz/A represents the heat flux (J/s m2), a the thermal diffusivity (m2/s), and rCPT the concentration of heat (J/m3), with the subscript z indicating that energy is transferred in the z-direction. The unknown function is the temperature T(z). A second example that is familiar to chemical engineers is Fick’s law [2–4] for the molecular transport of mass in a fluid or a solid for constant total concentration in the fluid. This fundamental transport process can be written as JAZ ¼ DAB

dCA dz


where JAZ is the flux of species A (kmol/s m2), DAB is the molecular diffusivity (m2/s) of species A in B, and CA is the concentration of A (kmol/m3). In this case, the unknown function to be determined is CA(z). A third example is Newton’s law [2–4] of viscosity, written as follows for constant density r: t zx ¼ g

d(nx r) dz


where tzx is the flux of x-directed momentum in the z-direction [(kg m/s)/ s m2], g is the kinematic viscosity (m/r) or momentum diffusivity. Transport or diffusion takes place in the z-direction and m is the viscosity (kg/m s). In this equation, the unknown function to be determined is the x-component of velocity nx(z). 1

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Differential equations are usually divided into two classes. If the unknown function depends on a single independent variable, then the differential equation is classified as an ordinary differential equation (ODE); if there are two or more independent variables, then the equation is called a partial differential equation (PDE). Equation 1.1 through Equation 1.3 are examples of ODEs. A general equation for the conservation of momentum, thermal energy, or mass can be written as @G @2G d 2 ¼R @t @z


where G represents the concentration of the property (momentum, energy, or mass), d is a proportionality constant (e.g., diffusivity), t is time, z indicates the distance in the direction of flow, and R is a source term (generation). In this differential equation, the unknown function to be determined is G(z, t), which depends on both distance and time. This equation is an example of a PDE. Several other examples of PDEs are given in Chapter 6.



In discussions involving differential equations, the word order is very prevalent. The working definition of order of an ODE is the order of the highest derivative that appears in that equation. Hence, the equation f [t, r(t), r0 (t), L, r(n) (t)] ¼ 0


is an ODE of the nth order. Equation 1.5 represents a relation between the variable t (independent) and the values of the dependent variable r and its first n derivatives r0 , r00 , . . . , r(n). An explicit example of Equation 1.5 is r000 þ 2et r00 þ rr0 ¼ t4


which is a third-order differential equation for r ¼ r(t). In this book, we will avoid the common assumption that it is always possible to solve a given ODE for the highest derivative. However, most of the discussion will be expedited when the form r(n) ¼ f (t, r, r0 , r00 , L, r(n1) )


can be obtained. It should also be noted that even when the form given by Equation 1.7 is achievable, it does not generally mean that there is a function r ¼ f(t) that satisfies it. Thus a solution of the ordinary differential equation 1.7 on a < t < b is a function f such that f00 , f000 , . . . , f(n  1) exist and satisfy

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f(n) (t) ¼ f [t, f(t), f0 (t), L, f(n1) (t)]


for all t in a < t < b. In other words, a solution of a differential equation is a function that satisfies the differential equation and the domain of definition of the differential equation. By way of direct substitution into the first-order equation dQ ¼ kQ dt


it can be shown that Q(t) ¼ cekt ,

1 < t < 1


is a solution, where c is an arbitrary constant and k is a given constant. There are three very important issues to be resolved for a given differential equation: 1. Existence of a solution 2. Uniqueness of the solution 3. How to determine a solution These issues are covered in detail in Ince [5] and other standard differential equation texts. However, if an engineering problem is to be formulated as a differential equation, it is expected to have a solution. This solution provides one way of verifying the correctness of the mathematical formulation. The remaining chapters of this book will be dedicated to the exposition of some of the common mathematical techniques that are useful in chemical engineering. However, before we address the mathematical techniques it may prove helpful to review some modeling examples that lead to differential equations. In the section below, examples are provided that use the conservation laws to set up differential equations.

1.3 MODEL DEVELOPMENT Regardless of the specific techniques used to derive the mathematical model of chemical processes, the conservation laws must be taken into consideration. This is the thesis of transport phenomena and such conservation laws are well documented in standard textbooks. The following examples are provided as reminders of two popular approaches that lead to differential equations. The techniques used in these examples are the shell balance and the balance based on a previous mathematically formulated conservation law. Both approaches are acceptable in practice but the second requires good judgment and experience in order to

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combine the conservation laws and appropriately eliminate the terms that may not be reflecting the current mechanisms under consideration. In the following example the shell balance [4,6] is illustrated. Example 1.1 One approach to deriving correlations for mass transfer coefficients in process systems is to generate experimental data in momentum transport studies. In this approach, it is assumed that both molecular and eddy diffusions play a role in the intermediate region. Then at any distance y from the wall, the rate of mass transfer can be expressed as a function of both the molecular and eddy diffusivities. However, applications of these models rely on a knowledge of the eddy diffusivity, ED, as a function of y, a relationship that is usually inferred from the experimental data [7–10]. There the eddy diffusivity can be inferred from the eddy viscosity by similarity arguments. A substantial amount of published works is along this line [11–13]. Consider an alternative approach that does not rely on the knowledge of the eddy diffusivity as a function of the distance y from the wall. Here, we examine the mass transfer for a turbulent flowing fluid in a smooth tube. In the tube, a turbulent core region and a laminar sublayer region are considered separately as contributing to the total mass transfer of the transferring species from the fluid toward the wall as well as away from the wall.



In this region the velocity Vb is assumed to be independent of both r and z. The concentration of the transferring species Cb is independent of r but depends on z. For a core region of radius Rb in a smooth tube of radius R, a mass balance in a shell of volume pR2bDz is NAz pR2b jz  N Az pR2b jzþDz  N Ar jRb 2pRb Dz ¼ 0



x z

R d Z Turbulent core region

FIGURE 1.1 Turbulent core. (From Huang, Chem. Eng. Series, Vol 59, pp 1191–1197, 2004. With permission.)

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Differential Equations

where NAz and NAr are the fluxes of the diffusing species in the z- and r-direction, respectively [4,14]. Dividing by pR2bDz and let Dz and let Dz ! 0 in the limit, we get dNAz 2 ¼  NAr jRb Rb dz


Further, assuming that diffusion in the z-direction is negligible in comparison to bulk flow gives NAz ¼ D

dCb þ xA (NAz þ NBz ) ffi Cb Vb dz


By combining Equation 1.12 and Equation 1.13, we get Vb

dCb 2 ¼  NAr jRb Rb dz


where Vb is the bulk velocity whose profile is sketched in Figure 1.2. Also shown in Figure 1.2 is an expanded view of the laminar sublayer in relation to the turbulent core.

1.3.2 LAMINAR SUBLAYER REGION (0 < X < d) In this laminar sublayer region, the velocity of the fluid, vz, is assumed to be linear with respect to x. At the interface of the two regions, x ¼ d, the velocities are equal, that is Vb ¼ vzjx ¼ d. The concentration of the transferring species, CA, is expected to depend on both x and z. At the interface, Cb ¼ CAjx ¼ d. Consider now, a mass balance in a shell of volume Dx Dzw and length L over the laminar sublayer: wDxNAz jz  wDx  NAz jzþDz þ wDz  NAx jx  wDz  NAx jxþDx ¼ 0


Division by Dx Dzw and allowing Dx and Dz to go to zero in the limiting process results in



R z




FIGURE 1.2 Laminar sublayer. (From Huang, Chem. Eng. Series, Vol 59, pp 1191–1198. With permission.)

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@NAz @NAx þ ¼0 @z @x


Since there is no bulk flow in the x-direction NAx ¼ D

@CA @CA þ xA (NAx þ NBx ) ¼ D @x @x


Also, assuming that the mass flux of A in the z-direction is controlled by bulk flow NAz ¼ D

@CA þ xA (NAz þ NBz ) ffi vz CA @z


Therefore, Equation 1.16 can be restated as vz

@CA @ 2 CA ¼D @z @x2


where vz is the velocity profile in the laminar sublayer as shown in Figure 1.2. Since we assumed that vz is proportional to the distance from the wall, then vz ¼ hx


The proportionality constant h is defined by h¼

Vb d


since at x ¼ d, vz ¼ Vb. Then Equation 1.20 becomes vz ¼

Vb x d


and Equation 1.19 becomes Vb @CA @ 2 CA x ¼D d @z @x2


where CA is the concentration of the diffusing species in the laminar sublayer and D is the diffusion coefficient of that species. Equation 1.14 and Equation 1.23 may be subjected to the conditions CA ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0


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CA ¼ Cb (z) at x ¼ d


CA ¼ C0 at z ¼ 0


when the mass transfer takes place from the fluid through the wall. The final problem to be solved (Example 7.11) consists of Vb

dCb 2 ¼  NAr jRb Rb dz


Vb @CA @ 2 CA x ¼D d @z @x2


CA ¼ 0 at x ¼ 0


CA ¼ Cb (z) at x ¼ d


CA ¼ C0 at z ¼ 0


The next example uses a previous mathematically formulated conservation law to develop a model for a mass exchanger. Example 1.2 Large surface area membrane modules such as hollow fiber units are often used in the production of low-alcohol beer, hemodialysis, or desalination. In all these processes the rate of transfer is believed to be governed by the concentration difference across the membrane, the molecular size, and the permeability characteristics of the membrane. A model that has shown some promise in correlating the amount removed as a function of flow rate is discussed below. The hollow fiber system consists of a shell, which houses a bundle of fibers. These fibers are grouped together in a parallel array. Both ends terminate in a tube sheet similar to a shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The length-to-diameter ratio of a typical channel in a well-packed hollow fiber system can be as large as 103 to 104. The Reynolds number may be very low and the system is expected to operate in a laminar flow regime. The entry region effect, which is important in traditional heat exchangers, is negligible for this type of unit that contains on the order of 102 to 104 fibers. Figure 1.3 shows the shell-in-tube arrangement of a typical unit. Notice that only one of the many tubes is shown in order to emphasize the orientation of the solute concentrations in both the shell- and tube-sides. The following assumptions are made in the development of a proposed mathematical model: . . .

Steady state conditions prevail. Fully developed laminar flow on the tube side. Fick’s law can describe the diffusion process.

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FIGURE 1.3 Tubes-in-shell mass exchanger.


. .

Physical properties such as density, diffusivity, and overall mass transfer coefficient are the constants, independent of concentration. Dialyzate-side mass transfer resistance is independent of position. Plug flow occurs on the dialyzate side.



Subdivide the mass exchanger into two subsystems: tube-side and shell-side.

Tube-Side (Equation of Continuity for Species A)

Following Bird et al. [4], the equation of continuity for species A in terms of wA for constant r and DAB in cylindrical coordinates is   @wA @wA nu @wA @wA þ nr þ þ nz r @t @r r @u @z     2 1 @ @wA 1 @ wA @ 2 wA r þ ¼ rDAB þ rA þ 2 (1:32) r @r r @u2 @r @z2 where wA is the mass fraction of species A, r and DAB represent the mass density and diffusion coefficient, respectively. Equation 1.32 can be reduced to       @wA 1 @ @wA @ 2 wA r r nz (1:33) ¼ rDAB þ r @r @z @r @z2 By making the following observations: @wA ¼0 @t

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because we assumed steady state; the radial and u-components of velocity, nr and nu, are both zero in this system and there is no diffusion in the u-direction, that is, rDAB

1 @ 2 wA 0 r 2 @u2

Also, there is no chemical reaction indicated in this process; therefore, there is no generation or consumption of species A (rA  0). Based on the experience, we can anticipate that the convection contribution in the z-direction will be much larger than the diffusion contribution, that is, nz

@wA @ 2 wA > DAB @z @z2

Therefore, the equation of continuity for species A in this system is      @wA 1 @ @wA r r nz ¼ rDAB r @r @z @r Finally, if we move r inside the derivatives and divide each term by the molecular weight of species A and observe that rwA r ¼ A ¼ CA MA MA is the concentration of species A, we get the result   @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DA nz (r) r @r @z @r


subject to the boundary conditions


CA (0, r) ¼ CA0


@CA (z, 0) ¼0 @r


@CA (z, R) ¼ K(CAjr ¼ R  CAS ) @r


where CAS is the concentration of species A on the shell-side and is a function of z only. CA(z, r) is the local solute concentration in the stream, CA0 is the inlet solute concentration for the tube-side, DA is the diffusivity, while K is an

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overall mass transfer coefficient. Since the flow is fully developed, we can replace nz(r) by the parabolic velocity profile:   r2 nz (r) ¼ nmax 1  2 R


such that Equation 1.34 becomes     r 2 @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DA nmax 1  2 r @r R @z @r



The material balance on the shell-side results in Q

dCAS ¼ 2pRNK ðCA jr ¼ R  CAS Þ dz


subject to the condition that CAS (L) ¼ CASL


where N is the number of fibers and Q is the volumetric flow rate of the shellside (sweep) stream. Also, a total mass balance of species A between the two streams results in 2 3 r¼   ðR NpR2 nmax 4 4 r2 CA0  2 Q(CAS0  CASL ) ¼ CA jz ¼ L 1  2 r dr 5 R 2 R r¼0

(1:42) where CAS0 is the outgoing sweep stream concentration of species A (Figure 1.3). Equation 1.39 through Equation 1.42 along with the conditions given by Equation 1.35 through Equation 1.37 represent the model. The solution to this problem is developed in Example 7.12. It is well known that mathematical models are useful tools that contribute to the understanding of underlying mechanisms occurring in a given process. It is also known that the most useful models are the ones benchmarked with experimental data. Although the benchmarking step can be challenging, it does guide the model development toward the actual physicochemical realities existing in a given system. Both examples outlined above are favorably compared with independently derived and published experimental data.

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REFERENCES 1. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005, chap. 1. 2. Geankopolis, C.J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3rd ed., PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1978. 3. Bennett, C.O. and Myers, J.E., Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer, McGrawHill, New York, 1962. 4. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., Transport Phenomena, John Wiley, New York, 2002. 5. Ince, E.L., Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover, New York, 1956. 6. Huang, C.R., Denny, A.F., and Loney, N.W., Molecular diffusion in the laminar sub-layer during turbulent flow in a smooth tube, Chem. Eng. Sci., 59, 1191 (2004). 7. Van Shaw, P. and Hanratty, T.J., Fluctuations in the local rate of turbulent mass transfer to a pipe wall, AIChE J., 10, 475 (1964). 8. Son, J.S. and Hanratty, T.J., Limiting relation for the eddy diffusivity close to a wall, AIChE J., 13, 689 (1967). 9. Hughmark, G.A., Wall region mass transfer for large Schmidt numbers in turbulent pipe flow, AIChE J., 23, 601 (1977). 10. Shaw, D.A. and Hanratty, T.J., Turbulent mass transfer rates to a wall for large Schmidt numbers, AIChE J., 23, 28 (1977). 11. Campbell, J.A. and Hanratty, T.J., Mass transfer between a turbulent fluid and a solid boundary: linear theory, AIChE J., 28, 988 (1982). 12. Campbell, J.A. and Hanratty, T.J., Turbulent velocity fluctuations that control mass transfer to a solid boundary, AIChE J., 29, 215 (1983). 13. Na, Y., Papavassiliou, D.V., and Hanratty, T.J., Use of direct numerical simulation to study the effect of Prandtl number on temperature fields, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 20, 187 (1999). 14. Plawsky, J.L., Transport Phenomena Fundamentals, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2001.

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First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

2.1 LINEAR EQUATIONS Examples of linear first-order differential equations occur frequently in chemical engineering practice through unsteady state mass balances or firstorder chemical reaction problems. Here we will review a few methods for solving the first-order ordinary differential equations. Following each method are examples demonstrating the application of that method. Also, the notion of translating prose into mathematical symbolism is introduced as ‘‘Problem Setup’’ in Section 2.4. Presented below is a brief recap of the definition of linear equations in the context of differential equations. Following the recap are examples of unsteady mass balances, which lead to linear first-order problems. Also presented are examples involving chemical reactions that can be treated as linear first-order problems. In this chapter, attention will be focused on differential equations of the form r0 ¼ f (t, r)


where f is a given function of t and r. By linear equations, we mean any equation that can be expressed in the polynomial form an (t)r(n) þ an1 (t)r(n1) þ    þ a2 (t)r0 þ a1 (t)r(0) þ a0 (t) ¼ g(t)


where r(.) symbolizes the derivative of r with respect to t. Consequently, the equation a2 (t)r(1) þ a1 (t)r(0) þ a0 ¼ g(t)


is a linear first-order differential equation and is more familiar in the form a2 (t)r0 þ a1 (t)r þ a0 (t) ¼ g(t)


The general solution of Equation 2.4 can be obtained by employing the following steps:


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1. Rewrite Equation 2.4 as r0 þ

a1 (t) g(t)  a0 (t) r¼ , a2 (t) a2 (t)

2. Determine m(t) ¼ exp

a2 (t) 6¼ 0 for all t

 a1 (t) dt a2 (t)



where m(t) is called an integrating factor. 3. Multiply both sides of the Equation 2.5 by m(t)   a1 (t) g(t)  a0 (t) r0 þ r m(t) ¼ m(t) a2 (t) a2 (t)


and observe that the left-hand side of Equation 2.7 can be written as d [rm(t)] dt or 0

r exp

 ð  a1 (t) a1 (t) a1 (t) d dt þ r exp dt ¼ [rm(t)] a2 (t) a2 (t) a2 (t) dt


Thus, Equation 2.7 can be recasted as  ð  ð  d a1 (t) g(t)  a0 (t) a1 (t) r exp dt ¼ exp dt dt a2 (t) a2 (t) a2 (t)


4. Integrate both sides of Equation 2.8 with respect to the independent variable to get ð  ð   a1 (t) g(t)  a0 (t) a1 (t) r exp dt ¼ exp dt dt þ c a2 (t) a2 (t) a2 (t) or  ð ð   a1 (t) g(t)  a0 (t) a1 (t) r(t) ¼ exp  dt exp dt dt a2 (t) a2 (t) a2 (t)  ð  a1 (t) þ c exp  dt a2 (t) where c is the constant of integration.


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Example 2.1 [1] Water containing 0.5 kg of salt per liter (L) is poured into a tank at a rate of 2 L/ min, and the well-stirred mixture leaves at the same rate. After 10 min, the process is stopped and fresh water is poured into the tank at a rate of 2 L/min, with the new mixture leaving at 2 L/min. Determine the amount (kg) of salt in the tank at the end of 20 min if there were 100 L of pure water initially in the tank. Solution Let CA(kg/L) be the concentration of salt in the tank at any time t. Then, from material balance [5], a salt balance gives 2 L/min, 1/2 kg salt/L


2 L/min, CA(kg/L)

Rate of accumulation ¼ Rate of input  Rate of output


or in symbols, 100 L

dCA ¼ dt

     1=2 kg 2L 2L  CA L min min


with initial condition CA (0) ¼ 0


Equation 2.11 can be rewritten as dCA 1 1 þ CA ¼ 50 100 dt as suggested in step 1. Then, following step 2 above, m(t) ¼ exp and Equation 2.13 is recasted as

 1 t dt ¼ e50 50


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0 1 t t e50 e50 CA ¼ 100


which is in the form of Equation 2.8 as given in step 3. Following step 4 we get CA (t) ¼

50 1 þ ae50 t 100


where a is an arbitrary constant. Using the given initial condition, Equation 2.12, we get CA (t) ¼

 50  1 1  e50 t 100


Equation 2.16 is the salt concentration profile for the first 10 min of the process. For the subsequent time during which pure water is added, Equation 2.10 reduces to Rate of accumulation ¼ Rate of output


and the new initial condition is CA (10) ¼

 50  10 1  e50 100

Thus dCA 2 CA ¼ 100 dt


and CA (10) ¼

 50  10 1  e50 100


describe the process where no salt (pure water) is being poured in. Solution of Equation 2.18 and Equation 2.19 gives 1

CA (t) ¼ be50 t where b¼

 10 1 10 1  e50 e50 2


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Then at t ¼ 20 min or after the second 10-min period,   10 10 CA (20) ¼ 1=2e50 1  e50 and the amount (kg) of salt in the tank at the end of this time period is 100CA (20) ¼ 50e0:2 (1  e0:2 )kg Example 2.2 Consider a tank with a 500 L capacity that initially contains 200 L of water with 100 kg of salt in solution. Water containing 1 kg of salt/L is entering at a rate of 3 L/min, and the mixture is allowed to flow out of the tank at a rate of 2 L/min. Determine the amount (kg) of salt in the tank at any time prior to the instant when the solution begins to overflow. Determine the concentration (kg/L) of salt in the tank when it is at the point of overflowing. Compare this concentration with the theoretical limiting concentration if the tank had infinite capacity [1]. Solution Let CA (t) (kg/L) be the concentration in the tank at any time t, and let V(t) (L) be the volume of the tank contents, with V0 the initial volume. Then Equation 2.10 becomes d(VCA ) ¼ dt

     1 kg 3L 2L  CA L min min


but V(t) ¼ V0 þ (Volumetric rate in  Volumetric rate out) t


and dV ¼ Volumetric rate in --- Volumetric rate out dt Therefore, Equation 2.21 becomes CA

dV dCA þV ¼ 3  2CA dt dt


or CA þ (200 þ t)

dCA ¼ 3  2CA dt


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subject to CA (0) ¼ 1=2

kg L

Equation 2.24 can be solved using the 4 steps previously given as follows: Step 1: dCA 3 3 CA ¼ þ 200 þ t 200 þ t dt Step 2: m(t) ¼ exp

 3 dt ¼ (200 þ t)3 200 þ t

Step 3: 

0 (200 þ t)3 CA ¼ 3(200 þ t)2 ð (200 þ t)3 CA ¼ 3 (200 þ t)2 dt þ k or Step 4: CA (t) ¼ 1 þ

k (200 þ t)3

at t ¼ 0, CA ¼

1 k ¼1þ 2 (200)3

thus 1 k ¼  (200)3 2   1 200 3 CA (t) ¼ 1  2 200 þ t Then the amount of salt in the tank at any time t prior to the instant when the solution begins to overflow is V(t)CA.

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That is V(t)CA (t) ¼ 200 þ t 

100(200) (200 þ t)2

for t < instant of overflow

Noting that the tank’s capacity is 500 L, then at the instant of overflow 500 ¼ 200 þ t, t ¼ 300. At t ¼ 300 CA (300) ¼ 1 

1=2(200)3 121 ¼ 125 (500)3

in comparison to the theoretical limiting concentration of lim CA (t) ¼ 1


Example 2.3 Consider the consecutive second order, irreversible reactions occurring in a batch reactor [6]: k1

A þ S ! X k2

X þ S ! Y If one mole of A and two moles of S are initially added, determine the mole fraction of X remaining after half the A is consumed. Assume that k2/k1 ¼ 2. Solution dCX ¼ k1 CA CS  k2 CX CS dt


is the net rate of formation of X in terms of the appropriate concentrations. dCA ¼  k1 CA CS dt


is the rate of disappearance of A. dCY ¼ k2 CX CS dt


is the rate of formation of Y. Dividing Equation 2.25 by Equation 2.26 results in

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dCX k2 C X ¼ 1 þ dCA k1 C A


a linear first-order differential equation. For an integrating factor m(CA ) ¼ C2 A the differential equation can be represented as 0 2 (CX C2 A ) ¼ CA

which integrates to CX ¼ CA þ m1 C2A subject to CA ¼ 1, CX ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 Therefore, CX ¼ CA  C2A Similarly, dividing Equation 2.27 by Equation 2.26 gives dCY ¼ 2 þ 2CA dCA which integrates to CY ¼ 1  2CA þ C2A based on the initial condition CA ¼ 1, CY ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0 Finally, the mole fraction of X is CA  C2A 1 ¼ CA þ CS þ CX þ CY 9 when half of A is consumed. The above examples demonstrate a technique to solve linear first-order differential equations of the type given by Equation 2.5. Although this method

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is straightforward, there are three things to note. First, the form given by Equation 2.5 is required; that is, the coefficient of the derivative term, r0 , must be one. Second, the functions a1(t), b2(t), and [g(t) – a0(t)]/a2(t) must be continuous. Third, Equation 2.7a provides a check as to whether the derivative of the product of m and r is in fact the appropriate left-hand side of Equation 2.7. It should also be noted that each example problem was stated in prose and required transformation to mathematical symbolism. This transformation or problem setup is an important step and is usually where most students are left behind. However, in this book, whenever the demonstration involves physical phenomena such as those encountered in chemical engineering, the formats of Examples 2.1 and 2.2 will be followed. As an aid to this step, it is suggested that the student invest some time in reviewing the laws of conservation of mass and energy, as well as the unit operations principles discussed in undergraduate chemical engineering courses.

2.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON LINEAR EQUATIONS In this section a very important fundamental theorem will be discussed. This theorem is important because it resolves two of the issues raised at the end of Section 1.1. Specifically, the theorem addresses existence and uniqueness of a solution. An initial value problem for a first-order linear equation will always have a unique solution if the conditions of the theorem stated below are satisfied [1,2]. Theorem 2.1 If the functions p and g are continuous on an open interval a < x < b containing the point x ¼ x0, then there exists a unique function y ¼ f (x) that satisfies the differential equation y0 þ p(x)y ¼ g(x)


for a < x < b, and that also satisfies the initial condition y(x0 ) ¼ y0


where y0 is an arbitrary prescribed initial value. Proof (nonrigorous) We seek a function m such that if Equation 2.29 is multiplied by m, then the lefthand side of Equation 2.29 can be written as the derivative of the single function m(x)y, i.e., m(x) [y0 þ p (x) y] ¼ [m(x) y]0 ¼ m(x) y0 þ m0 (x) y. Thus, m(x) must satisfy m(x)p(x)y ¼ m0 (x)y

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or m0 (x) ¼ p(x), m(x) > 0 m(x) then ln m(x) ¼

ðx p(t) dt

or m(x) ¼ exp


 p(t) dt


Therefore, [m(x)y]0 ¼ m(x)g(x)


following the multiplication of Equation 2.29 by m(x). Integrating both sides of Equation 2.32 with respect to x and solving for y gives y¼

1 m(x)

ð x

 m(s)g(s) ds þ c


Further, Since p is continuous for a < x < b, it follows that m is defined in this interval and is a nonzero differentiable function. Thus, the conversion of Equation 2.29 into the form of Equation 2.32 is justified. Also, the function mg has an antiderivative because m and g are continuous and Equation 2.33 follows from Equation 2.32. The assumption that there is at least one solution of Equation 2.29 is verifiable by substituting Equation 2.33 into Equation 2.29. The initial condition, Equation 2.30, determines the integration constant c uniquely. Sometimes nonlinear equations can be reduced to linear ones by a substitution. One example where such a substitution is helpful is in solving the Bernoulli equations. The form of the Bernoulli equations is y0 þ p(x)y ¼ q(x)yn


v(x) ¼ y1n (x)


and if n 6¼ 0, 1 then

reduces Equation 2.34 to a linear equation.

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Example 2.4 Solve: x2 y0 þ 2xy  y3 ¼ 0 Solution By comparison to Equation 2.34, n ¼ 3, i.e., x2 y0 þ 2xy ¼ y3 or 2 1 y0 þ y ¼ 2 y3 x x let v ¼ y13 ¼ y2 ¼


1 y2 dv 2 dy ¼ 3 dx y dx

Solving for

dy to get dx dy y3 dv 1 dv ¼ ¼  v3=2 dx 2 dx 2 dx

Substituting for

dy and y in Equation 2.36 gives dx 1 dv 2 1  v3=2 þ v1=2 ¼ 2 v3=2 2 dx x x

following simplification, the differential equation becomes dv 4 2  v¼ 2 dx x x


a linear first-order differential equation with new dependent variable v(x). Equation 2.37 can now be solved using the method of Section 2.1. A more engineering-type example is demonstrated below. Example 2.5 Suppose that in a certain autocatalytic chemical reaction a compound A reacts to form a compound B. Further, suppose that the initial concentration of A is CA0 and that CB(t) is the concentration of B at time t. Then CA0 – CB(t) is the concentration of A at time t. Determine CB(t) if CB(0) ¼ CB0. Solution Note that in an autocatalytic reaction, the substance produced stimulates the reaction; thus, the reaction rate ddCtB is proportional to both CB(t) and CA0  CB(t), that is

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dCB (t) ¼ kCB (t)(CA0  CB (t)) dt


subject to CB (0) ¼ CB0 where k is the reaction rate coefficient. Equation 2.38 can be restated as dCB  kCB CA0 ¼ kC2B dt By comparison to Equation 2.34, n ¼ 2. Let v(t) ¼ CB12 ¼ C1 B Then dCB dv dv ¼ C2B ¼ v2 dt dt dt Substitute

dCB and v(t) into Equation 2.39 to give dt v2

dv kv1 CA0 ¼ kv2 dt

Then multiplying both sides of the resulting equation by v2 gives dv þ kCA0 v ¼ k dt ð  m(t) ¼ exp kCA0 dt Then [v exp (kCA0 t )]0 ¼ k exp (kCA0 t) Integrating both sides with respect to t gives v exp (kCA0 t) ¼ where m1 is an arbitrary constant. Therefore,

1 exp (kCA0 t) þ m1 CA0


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1 1 þ m1 exp (kCA0 t) ¼ CA0 CB

such that CB (t) ¼

1 1=CA0 þ m1 exp (kCA0 t)

with m1 ¼

CA0  CB0 CA0 CB0

2.3 NONLINEAR EQUATIONS For those first-order equations that cannot be expressed in polynomial form, there is no single analytical method to produce a solution as seen earlier in Section 2.1. This difficulty increases the importance of the issues of existence and uniqueness of a solution. For a very lucid discussion on the existence and uniqueness theorem for nonlinear first-order differential equations, many excellent texts are available [1,2]. In this section a few standard methods are presented for use on those firstorder nonlinear differential equations that can be solved analytically. Even though the form dr ¼ f (t, r) dt


is common, it is sometimes more convenient to rewrite Equation 2.40 in an alternate form M(t, r) þ N(t, r)

dr ¼0 dt


2.3.1 SEPARABLE EQUATIONS Suppose M is a function of t only, and N is a function of r only, then Equation 2.41 becomes M(t) þ N(r) which can be written as

dr ¼0 dt


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N(r)dr ¼ M(t) dt


Whenever a first-order differential equation can be written in either of the forms Equation 2.42 or Equation 2.43, the equation is said to be separable. If we reconsider Equation 2.38: dCB ¼ kCB (CA0  CB ) dt subject to CB (0) ¼ CB0 Then, this differential equation is separable and results in dCB ¼ k dt CB (CA0  CB )


In order to solve Equation 2.44, the left-hand side must first be simplified. Consider now the fraction 1 CB (CA0  CB )


a g þ CB CA0  CB

Where a and g are constants to be determined. Then a(CA0  CB ) þ gCB ¼ 1 If we put CB ¼ 0: aCA0 ¼ 1 then a¼

1 CA0

If we put CB ¼ CA0 : gCA0 ¼ 1 then g¼

1 CA0


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Equation 2.45 can now be expressed as 1 CB (CA0  CB )


1 CA0



1 CA0


and Equation 2.44 becomes   1 1 1 þ dCB ¼ kdt CA0 CB CA0  CB


which integrates to 


C 1


¼ m1 exp (kt)

where m1 is an arbitrary constant to be determined with the given initial condition. At t ¼ 0, CB ¼ CB0, then 

CB (t) ¼


C 1


¼ m1

CB0 CA0 (CA0  CB0 ) exp (kCA0 t) þ CB0

following simplification. As is evidenced in this later illustration, the potential difficulty in applying this separation of variable technique lies in one’s ability to carry out the resulting integration that may arise, such as in Equation 2.44 above. Another nonlinear problem that is not of the variable-separable type may be solvable if it is exact or can be made exact by use of an appropriate factor.

2.3.2 EXACT EQUATIONS Suppose Equation 2.41 is given, then if a function w(t, r) exists such that @w(t, r) ¼ M(t, r), @t

@w(t, r) ¼ N(t, r) @r


and such that w(t, r) ¼ constant defines r ¼ f(t) implicitly as a differentiable function of t [1,3], then M(t, r) þ N(t, r)

dr @w @w dr d ¼ þ ¼ w(t, r(t)) dt @t @r dt dt


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By comparing Equation 2.48 with Equation 2.41, we get d w(t, r(t) ) ¼ 0 dt


When Equation 2.47 to Equation 2.49 holds, Equation 2.49 is called an exact differential equation. To determine whether an equation is exact in a given region R, the following criteria are essential: @N 1. The functions M, N, @M @r , and @t must be continuous in the given region. @N 2. @M @r ¼ @t must hold at each point in the region. 3. The region R must be simply connected; that is, a single closed curve which does not cross itself or a region without holes.

Sometimes criterion 2 is not immediately satisfied, and an adjustment can be made that will remedy such occurrences. Whenever such an adjustment is possible, the differential equation, Equation 2.41 will become exact. In order to determine this adjustment consider @ @ (mM) ¼ (mN) @r @t


where m is the adjustment to be determined and can be a function of both t and r. Then   1 @m @m @M @N N M  ¼ m @t @r @r @t


Equation 2.51 is not easy to solve in its present form; however, if either m ¼ m(t) or m ¼ m(r), then Equation 2.51 simplifies to   1 dm 1 @M @N ¼  m dt N @r @t


  1 dm 1 @N @M ¼  m dr M @t @r



Either Equation 2.52 or Equation 2.53 gives a formula to determinerm. When m ¼ m(t, r), then Equation 2.51 must be solved directly. Equation 2.38 can be solved by first finding m ¼ m(CB) and multiplying both sides with m to get an exact differential equation.

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m(CB )

dCB  km(CB )CB (CA0  CB ) ¼ 0 dt

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Homogeneous equations comprise a third group of nonlinear-type problems that usually do not yield to either the variable-separable or exact solution techniques. An equation of this type, however, may yield a solution if a new variable can be introduced.

2.3.3 HOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS Whenever Equation 2.40 can be rewritten in the form dr ¼ h(r=t) dt


then Equation 2.55 is said to be homogeneous. The quantity r/t can now be treated as a new variable, and one of the solution techniques of the previous sections may now be applicable. So far, the examples have assumed that the differential equations are given. However, as chemical engineers, we know that more often than not, the main problem is in the derivation of the differential equation and the associated conditions. To address that aspect of mathematical methods in this chapter, a problem setup section follows.

2.4 PROBLEM SETUP The traditional approach of outlining the theory and presenting some supporting examples has been followed up to now. However, a needed deviation from tradition is a ‘‘how to’’ or a problem setup section. This section is included to demonstrate one approach to formulating a physically applicable first-order ordinary differential equation. Problem Statement Consider the continuous extraction of benzoic acid from a mixture of benzoic acid and toluene, using water as the extracting solvent [4]. Both streams (acidic mixture and water) are fed into a tank where they are stirred efficiently and the mixture is then pumped into a second tank where it is allowed to settle into two layers. The upper organic phase and the lower aqueous phase are removed separately, and the problem is to determine what proportion of the acid has passed into the solvent phase. A list of simplifications for the idealized problem (model) follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Combine the two tanks into a single stage (see Figure 2.1). Express stream-flow rates on solute-free basis. Assume steady flow rate for each phase. Assume that toluene and water are immiscible.

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R L/min, toluene CA0 kg/L acid

R L/min, toluene V1

S L/min, water


x kg/L, acid

V2, y

S L /min, water

y kg/L, benzoic acid

FIGURE 2.1 Equilibrium stage.

5. Assume that feed concentration is constant. 6. Assume that the mixing is efficient enough such that the two streams leaving the stage (Figure 2.1) are always in equilibrium with each other and can be expressed as y ¼ mx


where m is the distribution coefficient, x is the concentration of benzoic acid leaving the stage in the organic phase, and y is the aqueous phase benzoic mass concentration. 7. Assume that the composition of a stream leaving the stage is the same composition as that phase in the stage. 8. Assume that the stage initially contains V1 liter of toluene, V2 liter of water, and no benzoic acid. Then, using Equation 2.10, that is Rate of accumulation ¼ Rate of input  Rate of output the quantities for any time t can be derived. A helpful procedure [4] is to tabulate the quantities for any time t and for a small change in time Dt. A typical table, Table 2.1, is given below. Then, during a time interval Dt, input of acid ¼ RCA0 Dt while output of acid ¼ R(x þ ddxt Dt) Dt þ S(y þ ddyt Dt)Dt and accumulation of acid ¼ V1 ddxt Dt þ V2 ddyt Dt. Therefore,    

  dx dy dx dy Dt ¼ RCA0 Dt  R x þ Dt þ S y þ Dt Dt V1 þ V2 dt dt dt dt which simplifies to V1

    dx dy dx dy þ V2 ¼ RCA0  R x þ Dt  S y þ Dt dt dt dt dt

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TABLE 2.1 Quantities for t and Dt System Property


Flow rate of organic phase Flow rate of aqueous phase Volume of organic phase in stage Volume of aqueous phase in stage Input acid concentration in organic phase

R S V1 V2 CA0

Output acid concentration in organic phase


Output acid concentration in aqueous phase


Amount (mass) of acid in organic phase

V1 x

Amount (mass) of acid in aqueous phase Input acid concentration in aqueous phase

V2 y 0

t1Dt R S V1 V2 CA0 dx Dt dt dy y þ Dt dt dx V1 x þ V1 Dt dt dy V2 y þ V2 Dt dt 0 xþ

Source: Adapted from Jenson, V.G. and Jeffreys, G.V., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Academic Press, London, 1963.


  dx dy dx dy lim V1 þ V2 ¼ lim RCA0  R x þ Dt  S y þ Dt Dt!0 Dt!0 dt dt dt dt gives V1

dx dy þ V2 ¼ RCA0  Rx  Sy dt dt


Equation 2.57 reduces to V1

dx dy þ V2 m ¼ RCA0  Rx  Smx dt dt

or (V1 þ mV2 )

dx ¼ RCA0  (R þ sm)x dt


a linear first-order ordinary differential equation subject to the initial condition (state) of the system (assumption 8) x¼0

when t ¼ 0


The solution of Equation 2.58 and Equation 2.59 will give the organic phase acid concentration profile as a function of time. Both the organic and aqueous

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phase acid concentration profiles can be used to forecast the behavior of a single stage liquid–liquid extraction unit during start-up. In the derivation of Equation 2.58, eight assumptions were listed. No general rule governs the number of assumptions that will result in a perfect model. However, a balance between too many and too few assumptions must be found if a workable solution is to be expected. If too many assumptions are made, the result will be in gross error, while too few assumptions can result in a mathematical problem that is not tractable. The above format may be modified according to the situation under consideration. The reader should keep in mind that there is no single way to set up problems. However, there are some key items to pay close attention to: .

. . .

Always check for the involvement of some physical law or principle (mass, momentum, or energy balances). Include a consistent set of units (same units in each term). Appropriately include given conditions (initial or boundary). Check the mode of operation (steady or unsteady process).

Below are some examples for which the straightforward application of mass or energy balance is sufficient to set up the differential equation. Example 2.6 Transient Behavior of an Air-Cooling System [5] Consider an engine that generates heat at a rate of 8530 Btu/min. Suppose this engine is cooled with air, and the air in the engine housing is circulated rapidly enough so that the air temperature can be assumed uniform and is the same as that of the outlet air. The air is fed to the housing at 6.0 lb-mol/min and 658F. Also, an average of 0.20 lb-mol of air is contained within the engine housing and its temperature variation can be neglected. If heat is lost from the housing to its surroundings at a rate of Ql (Btu/min) ¼ 33.0 (T  658F) and the engine is started with the inside air temperature equal to 658F: a. Derive a differential equation for the variation of the outlet temperature with time. b. Calculate the steady state air temperature if the engine runs continuously for an indefinite period of time, using Cv ¼ 5.00 Btu/lb mol8F. Solution The unsteady-state balance equation for this system (air within the engine housing) is the first law of thermodynamics for open systems with changes in kinetic and potential energies neglected. Also, the temperature and composition of the system contents are assumed independent of position and no phase changes occur. This gives the equation MCv

dTsys ¼ mCp (Tm  Tsys ) þ Q þ Ws dt

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where Ws is the rate of transfer of shaft work, Q is the rate of heat transfer, M is the mass (or number of moles) of the system contents, while m is the mass flow rate. Taking Cp ¼ Cv þ R ¼ 6:99 Btu=lb mol F then mCp ¼ (6:0 lb mol=min) (6:99 Btu=lb mol F) ¼ 41:9

Btu min F

For this problem, Ws ¼ 0, as there are no moving parts and Q ¼ Qgen – Ql. Therefore, the differential equation becomes (0:2)(5:0)

dT ¼ 41:9(65  T) þ 8530  33(T  65) dt

which reduces to dT ¼ 74:9T þ 13398 dt subject to t ¼ 0, T ¼ 65 F The solution to the differential equation and initial condition is TðtÞ ¼ 179  112e74:9t The steady state temperature is lim T(t) ¼ 179 F


Example 2.7 Comminution Operation [5] Suppose a copper ore is fed to a ball mill at a steady rate Q (kg/h), and crushed ore is withdrawn at the same rate. At an initial time (t ¼ 0) the total mass of ore in the mill is M (kg). Further suppose that a series of ten particle size ranges is defined and xi represents the mass fraction of particles in the ith size range, where i ¼ 1 is the largest size range and i ¼ 10 is the smallest. The rate at which particles are broken out of the ith size range is ri ¼ ki m i where mi is the mass of particles in this size range. Further suppose that of the particles broken out of size range i in a differential time interval, a fraction bij

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go into size range j. Assume that the size distribution of particles is uniform throughout the mill and equals that of the product, and let xif be the mass fraction of the feed that falls in the ith size range. Show that a mass balance on the jth size fraction in the tank yields X dxj ¼ ðQ=MÞ(xjf  xj )  kj xj þ ki xi bij dt i¼1 j1

Solution Accumulation ¼ Input þ Generation  Output  Consumption dxj d Accumulation ¼ (Mxj ) ¼ M dt dt Input ¼ Qxif Generation: the rate at which particles enter the jth size fraction from the ith size fraction by breakage is kimibif. Output ¼ Qxj Consumption ¼ kjmj Therefore, the balanced equation becomes M

10 X dxj ¼ Qxjf  Qxj  kj mj þ ki mi bij dt i¼1

Note that bij ¼ 0 for j  i (particle size cannot increase, and breakage within a size range i ¼ j does not count as an event), then dividing by M gives X dxj Q ¼ (xjf  xj ) þ ki xi bij  kj xj M dt i¼1 j1

subject to t ¼ 0, xj ¼ xj0 (jth size fraction of initial contents of the mill). Example 2.8 Semi-Batch Reacting System [5] A liquid-phase chemical reaction with stoichiometry A ! B takes place in a semi-batch reactor. The rate of consumption of A per unit volume of the reactor is given by the first-order rate expression rA (mol=Ls) ¼ kCA where CA (mol/L) is the reactant concentration. The tank is initially empty. At time t ¼ 0, a solution containing A at a concentration CA0 (mol/L) is fed to the tank at a steady rate f (L/s). Develop differential balances on the total volume of the tank contents, V, and on the moles of A in the tank, nA. Solution Total volume balance: Accumulation ¼ Input

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dV ¼f dt t ¼ 0, V ¼ 0 Moles of A balance: Accumulation ¼ Input  Consumption CA ¼

nA V

dnA ¼ CA0 f  knA dt t ¼ 0, nA ¼ 0 Example 2.9 Water containing 2 oz of pollutant/gal flows through a treatment tank at a rate of 500 gal/min [7]. In the tank, the treatment removes 2% of the pollutant per min and the water is thoroughly stirred. The tank holds 10,000 gal of water. On the day the treatment plant opens, the tank is filled with pure water. Determine the concentration profile of the tank effluent. Solution Let P(t) be the amount of pollutant in the tank at any time t. Then dP ¼ input  output dt       oz gal oz gal  P ¼ 2 500 500 gal min 10,000 gal min |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} effluent input oz  0:02P min |fflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflffl} treatment subject to P ¼ 0 at t ¼ 0. Therefore, P(t) ¼ (100,000=7)(1  e0:07t )

2.5 PROBLEMS 1. a. Derive the organic phase benzoic acid concentration profile as a function of time (Section 2.4). b. Determine the steady state solution to (V1 þ mV2 )

dx ¼ RCA0  (R þ sm)x dt

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i. directly ii. by taking the limit as t ! 1. c. If E is the proportion of benzoic acid extracted and a ¼ R/ms, what is the relationship between E and a for the steady state process? 2. Consider a two-stage solvent extraction of the benzoic acid with the previously made assumptions and yi ¼ mxi , i ¼ 1,2 where i denotes the stage [4]. a. Develop a table similar to Table 2.1. b. Use your table to write the time-dependent mass balance of acid for each stage. c. Find the steady state organic (x2) and aqueous (y1) acid concentration profiles. d. If E is the proportion of acid extracted and a ¼ R/ms, what is the relationship between E and a for the steady state process? R, X2


R, X1

I S, y1


S, 0

S, y2

3. Give suitable initial conditions for the two first-order differential equations and outline a solution. 4. Phosgene (COCl2) is formed by reacting CO and Cl2 in the presence of activated charcoal [5]: CO þ Cl2 ! COCl2 At a temperature of 303.8 K in the presence of 1 g of charcoal, the rate of formation of phosgene is Rf (mol=min) ¼

8:75[CO][Cl2 ] (1 þ 58:6[Cl2 ] þ 34:3[COCl2 ])2

where ‘‘[ ]’’ denotes concentration (mol/L). a. Given that the input to a 3.00-L batch reactor is 1.00 g of charcoal and a gas containing 60 mol % CO and 40 mol % Cl2, and that the initial reactor conditions are 303.8 K and 1 atm, determine the initial concentrations (mol/L) of both reactants. The volume occupied by the charcoal may be neglected. b. Write a differential balance on phosgene and show that it simplifies to d[COCl2 ] 2:92(0:02407  [COCl2 ])(0:01605  [COCl2 ]) ¼ dt (1:941  24:3[COCl2 ])2

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5. A gas that contains CO2 is contacted with liquid water in an agitated batch absorber [5]. Henry’s Law gives the equilibrium solubility of CO2 in water CA ¼ pA =HA where CA (mol/L) is the CO2 concentration in solution, pA (atm) is the partial pressure of CO2 in the gas phase and HA is Henry’s Law constant. The rate of transfer of CO2 from the gas to the liquid per unit area of gas– liquid interface is given by ra (mol=cm2 s_ ) ¼ k(CA  CA ) where CA is the concentration of CO2 that would be in equilibrium with the CO2 in the gas phase (CA ¼ PA / HA). Suppose the gas-phase total pressure is P (atm) and contains yA mol fraction of CO2, and the liquid phase initially has V (cm3) of pure water with the agitation of the liquid phase sufficient to neglect spatial composition dependency, and if the amount of absorbed CO2 is low enough for P, V, and yA to be assumed constant, write a differential balance on CO2 in the liquid phase and solve the differential equation to show that CA (t) ¼ CA {1  exp ( kSt=V)} 6. An iron bar 2 cm  3 cm  10 cm at a temperature of 958C is dropped into a barrel of water at 258C. The barrel is large enough that the water temperature rises negligibly as the bar cools. The rate at which heat is transferred from the bar to the water is given by Q(J= min ) ¼ UA(Tb  TW ) where U ( ¼ 0.050 J/min cm2 8C) is a heat-transfer coefficient, A (cm2) is the exposed area of the bar, Tb is the surface temperature of the bar, and TW is the water temperature. Given that the heat capacity of the bar is 0.460 J/g 8C, and heat conduction in iron is fast enough to assume that the temperature Tb(t) is uniform throughout the bar, write an energy balance on the bar and determine the steady state temperature of the bar. Also, calculate the time required for the bar to cool to 308C. 7. A steam coil is immersed in a stirred heating tank [5]. Saturated steam at 7.50 bar condenses within the coil, and the condensate emerges at its saturation temperature. A solvent with a heat capacity of 2.30 kJ/kg.8C is fed to the tank at a steady rate of 12.0 kg/min and a temperature of 258C, and the heated solvent is discharged at the same rate. The tank is initially filled with 760 kg of solvent at 258C, at which point the flows of both steam and solvent are commenced. The rate at which heat is transferred from the coil to the solvent is given by

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Q (kJ=min ) ¼ UA (Tsteam  T) where UA ¼ 11.5 kJ/min 8C. The tank is well stirred such that the temperature can be considered as spatially uniform and is the same as the outlet temperature. Derive a differential energy balance on the tank contents and calculate the time required to heat the solvent to an arbitrary temperature Tf (8C).

REFERENCES 1. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1977. 2. Giordano, F.R. and Weir, M.D., Differential Equations, a Modeling Approach, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1991. 3. Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 6th ed., AddisonWesley, Reading, MA, 1984. 4. Jenson, V.G. and Jeffreys, G.V., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Academic Press, London, 1963. 5. Felder, R.M. and Rousseau, R.W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976. 6. Rice, R.G. and Do, D.D., Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. 7. West, B.H., Setting up differential equations from word problems, in Modules in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1, Differential Equations, Lucas, W.F., Ed., SpringerVerlag, New York, 1983, chap. 1.

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Linear Second-Order and Systems of FirstOrder Ordinary Differential Equations

3.1 INTRODUCTION Chemical engineers working in the area of transport phenomena must frequently solve problems that involve linear second-order differential equations. These may occur as boundary value problems in diffusional systems or initial value problems in process control or reacting systems, but most frequently, they are the result of reduction of partial differential equations. In this chapter, linear second-order ordinary differential equations will be reviewed. There will be examples on applications; however, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 emphasize both mathematical and engineering applications. Herein, the meaning of linearity is the same as that given in Chapter 2. Attention will now be focused on equations that can be written in the form z ¼ f (t, z, z0 )


Previously, it was observed that in the case of first-order equations, the integrated solutions contained one arbitrary constant. This constant could be determined by a given condition at an initial time. In the case of second-order equations, two constants of integration are expected to occur, and therefore two conditions at an initial time will be needed for the so-called initial value problems; or two conditions at separate locations for the so-called boundary value problems [1,4,6]. In the discussion of the theory of second-order linear ordinary differential equations, the standard mathematical symbols will be employed. In chemical engineering applications the usual chemical engineering nomenclature will be used whenever there is no conflict. The general second-order linear differential equation is of the form P(x)

d2 y dy þ Q(x) þ R(x)y ¼ G(x) dx2 dx


where P, Q, R, and G are the given functions. 39

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Three important examples of second-order linear differential equations that frequently occur in chemical engineering are Legendre’s equation [3,4] of order a (1  x2 )y00  2xy0 þ a(a þ 1)y ¼ 0


Bessel’s equation [6,9,10,11] of order n x2 y00 þ xy0 þ (x2  n2 )y ¼ 0


and the confluent hypergeometric equation [5,7,8,12] x

d2 y dy þ (c  x)  ay ¼ 0 2 dx dx


where the quantities a, n, and c are constants. In the discussion to follow, unless otherwise stated, the functions P, Q, R, and G in Equation 3.2 are taken to be continuous on some interval a < x < b (a may be 1 and b may be þ1). If the function P(x) 6¼ 0 everywhere on the interval, then Equation 3.2 can be rewritten as d2 y dy (3:6) þ p(x) þ q(x)y ¼ g(x), dx2 dx following division by P(x). Similar to first-order equations, the issue of existence and uniqueness of a solution to second order equations must be dealt with. Below is a theorem [1,4] that addresses the existence and uniqueness of solutions of second-order differential equations. Theorem 3.1 If the functions p, q, and g are continuous on the open interval a < x < b, then there exists one and only one function y ¼ w(x) satisfying the differential equation 3.6, y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ g(x) on the entire interval a < x < b and the given initial conditions, y(x0 ) ¼ y0 ,

y0 (x0 ) ¼ y00

at a particular point x0 in the interval. It is important to note that this theorem does not address the issue of existence and uniqueness of solutions for boundary value problems. Boundary value problems are discussed in Chapter 4.

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The following three elementary examples serve to demonstrate how the above-mentioned interval can be determined for a unique solution to exist. Example 3.1 Given: xy00 þ 3y ¼ x, y(x0 ) ¼ y0 ; y0 (x0 ) ¼ y00 rewrite as: 3 y00 þ y ¼ 1 x then the interval consists of all points not including the origin. Example 3.2 Given: y00 þ by0 þ 7y ¼ 2 sin x; y(x0 ) ¼ y0 ; y0 (x0 ) ¼ y00 since the differential equation is defined on 1 < x < þ 1, the whole real line is the interval. Example 3.3 0 Given: x(x  1)y00 þ 3 jx y0 þ 4y ¼ 2, y(x0 ) ¼ y0 ; y0 (x0 ) ¼ y00 rewritten as y00 þ

3x 4 2 y0 þ y¼ x(x  1) x(x  1) x(x  1)

This differential equation is defined everywhere except at 0 and 1. Thus, the interval is any interval excluding the points 0 and 1. Essentially, to determine the interval or domain of definition of the differential equation, one elementary procedure is to look for points where division by zero will occur or points where the equation becomes unbounded. These so-called singular points will be classified later, but for now, these are to be excluded from the interval over which Theorem 3.1 is applied. In order to discuss the methods used to solve linear second-order differential equations, it is necessary to reintroduce the term homogeneous, or complementary, but with a meaning unrelated to previous usage in this book. When the forcing function g(x) is set to zero in Equation 3.6, the reduced equation d2 y dy þ p(x) þ q(x)y ¼ 0 2 dx dx


results. This is the homogeneous form of the second-order linear differential equation. Any equation of second-order or higher with right-hand side identically zero is termed homogeneous as opposed to nonhomogeneous.

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Suppose p and q in Equation 3.7 are continuous on a < x < b, then for any twice-differentiable function w on a < x < b, the linear differential operator L is defined to mean L[f] ¼ f00 þ pf0 þ qf


L  D2 þ pD þ q



where D is the derivative operator. Then Equation 3.7 becomes L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ 0


The use of the operator L here reduces the task of integrating the linear second-order differential equation as will be seen below. However, before the integration process can be employed, a few more definitions are needed. Theorem 3.2 If y ¼ y1(x) and y ¼ y2(x) are solutions of the differential equation 3.10, L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ 0 then the linear combination of y ¼ c1y1(x) þ c2y2(x), with c1 and c2 being arbitrary constants is also a solution. Proof Since y ¼ y1(x) is a solution set of Equation 3.10 then L[y1] ¼ y001 þ p(x)y01 þ q(x)y1 ¼ 0 and since y ¼ y2(x) is also a solution set of Equation 3.10, then L[y2] ¼ y002 þ y02 þ q(x)y2 ¼ 0. But L[c1 y1 þ c2 y2 ] ¼ L[c1 y1 ] þ L[c2 y2 ] ¼ c1 L[y1 ] þ c2 L[y2 ] ¼0 Theorem 3.2 is a statement of the superposition principle [1,2,4], which is also applicable to higher-order linear differential equations. The two solutions y1 and y2 form what is called a fundamental set of solutions for Equation 3.10. In general, two solutions y1 and y2 of Equation 3.10 are said to form a fundamental set of solutions if every solution of Equation 3.10 can be expressed as a linear combination of y1 and y2. In particular

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Theorem 3.3 If the functions p and q are continuous on the interval a < x < b and if y1 and y2 are solutions of the differential equation 3.10, L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 q(x)y ¼ 0 satisfying the condition y1 (x)y02 (x)  y01 (x)y2 6¼ 0


at every point in a < x < b, then any solution of Equation 3.10 on the interval a < x < b can be expressed as a linear combination of y1 and y2. The condition described by Equation 3.11 is called the Wronskian and is commonly written in the determinant form as [1]  y W(y1 , y2 ) ¼  10 y1

 y2  y02 


The linear combination mentioned in Theorem 3.3 is usually called the general, complementary, or homogeneous solution of Equation 3.10. The following theorem should help to clarify when equation 3.11 or Equation 3.12 is expected to be different from zero. Theorem 3.4 If the function p and q are continuous on a < x < b and the function y1 and y2 are linearly independent solutions of the differential equation 3.10, L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ 0, the W(y1, y2) is nonzero on a < x < b and hence any solution of Equation 3.10 can be expressed as a linear combination of y1 and y2. Linear independence is defined as two or more functions on the interval a < x < b that are not linearly dependent [1,2,4]. For example, if f and g are two functions on a < x < b, such that c1 f (x) þ c2 g(x) ¼ 0 for all x in a < x < b is a true statement for c1 and c2 not both zero, then f and g are linearly dependent, otherwise they are linearly independent. In other words, if f and g are a constant multiple of each other on the interval, then they are linearly dependent; otherwise, they are linearly independent. Finally, we come to the question ‘‘how to’’ find solution for linear secondorder differential equations. Specifically, the case where p and q are constant in Equation 3.10.

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The most general constant coefficient, linear, second-order, ordinary, homogeneous differential equation is ay00 þ by0 þ cy ¼ 0


where a, b, and c are real constants and a 6¼ 0. Equation 3.13 in operator notation is L[y] ¼ ay00 þ by0 þ cy ¼ (aD2 þ bD þ c)y ¼ 0


Now, we are interested in integrating Equation 3.14 and expressing our findings as y ¼ w(x) and in this case, include the two integration constants as implied by the presence of the second derivative term. To solve Equation 3.14, we seek a function w(x) such that a times its second derivative added to b times its first derivative added to c times the function itself results in zero. Among all possible candidate functions, the function w(x) ¼ erx, where r is a constant, turns out to be the best candidate. Thus L[erx ] ¼ a(erx )00 þ b(erx )0 þ c(erx ) ¼ erx (ar 2 þ br þ c) ¼ 0


Since erx is never zero, then ar 2 þ br þ c ¼ 0


Equation 3.16 is called the characteristic or auxiliary equation and the resulting roots r1 and r2 are called the characteristic roots or the eigenvalues. The roots r1 and r2 are given by r1 ¼

b þ

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b2  4ac , 2a

r2 ¼


pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b2  4ac 2a


If the discriminant b2  4ac > 0, then r1 and r2 are real and unequal. Then y1 (x) ¼ er1 x ,

y2 (x) ¼ er2 x


and Theorem 3.2, the superposition principle tells us that the linear combination y ¼ c1 er1 x þ c2 er2 x


with c1 and c2 being arbitrary (integration) constants is also a solution.

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It is easy to check that Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 3.4 both hold; that is, er1x and er2x are linearly independent functions and thus form a fundamental set. If the discriminant b2  4ac ¼ 0, then r1 and r2 are identical and there only results one solution, namely e(b/2a)x, that is y1 ¼ e(b=2a)x


In order to find y2, consider the following procedure. Let y ¼ y(x)e(b=2a)x


then b y(x)e(b=2a)x 2a   b b2 y00 ¼ y 00 (x)  y 0 (x) þ 2 y(x) e(b=2a)x a 4a y0 ¼ y 0 (x)e(b=2a)x 

(3:22) (3:23)

Substitute Equation 3.21 to Equation 3.23 into Equation 3.13 to get     b b2 b a y 00  y 0 þ 2 y þ b y 0  y þ cy ¼ 0 a 2a 4a


and simplify further to get y 00 ¼ 0


Integrating Equation 3.25 twice gives y(x) ¼ (c1 x þ c2 )


y(c1 x þ c2 )e(b=2a)x


y2 ¼ xe(b=2a)x


Then Equation 3.21 becomes


and Equation 3.27 is the general solution when r1 ¼ r2, that is y ¼ c1 xe(r1 x) þ c2 e(r1 x)


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If the discriminant b2 – 4ac < 0 then r1 and r2 are complex numbers. Furthermore, since a, b, and c are real, then r1 and r2 will be a conjugate pair. That is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b i b2  4ac r1 ¼  þ ¼ l þ im 2a 2a pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi b i b2  4ac ¼ l  im r2 ¼   2a 2a

(3:30) (3:31)

where the real numbers l and m are introduced for convenience. Similar to the results obtained in Equation 3.19, the general solution is y ¼ k1 e(lþim)x þ k2 e(lim)x


where k1 and k2 are arbitrary constants. Equation 3.32 can be rewritten as y ¼ [k1 eimx þ k2 eimx ]elx ¼ [k1 (cos mx þ i sin mx) þ k2 ( cos mx  i sin mx)]elx ¼ [(k1 þ k2 ) cos mx þ i(k1  k2 ) sin mx]elx


¼ [c1 cos mx þ c2 sin mx]elx where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants since the sum or difference of two arbitrary constants is still an arbitrary constant. In going from Equation 3.32 to Equation 3.33, the following concept was employed to define eimx and eimx: The function emx has a Taylor series expansion of emx ¼ 1 þ mx þ

(mx)2 (mx)3 (mx)4 (mx)5 þ þ þ þ  2! 3! 4! 5!

about the origin. Then (imx)2 (imx)3 (imx)4 (imx)5 þ þ þ þ  eimx ¼ 1 þ imx þ 2! 3! 4! 5!     (mx)2 (mx)4 (mx)3 (mx)5 ¼ 1 þ     þ i mx  þ   2! 4! 3! 5! It is also known that the functions cos mx and sin mx each have Taylor series expansion of

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cos mx ¼ 1 

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(mx)2 (mx)4 þ   2! 4!

and sin mx ¼ mx 

(mx)3 (mx)4 þ   3! 5!

about the origin. Therefore eimx is defined as eimx ¼ cos mx þ i sin mx


eimx ¼ cos mx  i sin mx



Equation 3.19, Equation 3.29, and Equation 3.33 give the general solutions of the second order, constant coefficient, homogeneous, and linear differential equation for the respective cases of real unequal, repeated, and complex characteristic roots. However, the actual steps that are used in deriving a solution to the homogeneous problem are as follows: Step 1: Put differential equation into operator form. Step 2: Identify the characteristic equation and roots. Step 3: Use Equation 3.19, Equation 3.29, or Equation 3.33 to express the general solution. The following examples should clarify the three steps given above. Example 3.4 Given: 2y00  3y0 þ y ¼ 0 Step 1: Operator form: (2D2  3D þ 1)y ¼ 0 Step 2: Characteristic equation: (2r2  3r þ 1) ¼ 0 Characteristic roots: r ¼ 1, 1/2 Step 3: Since the roots are real and distinct, Equation 3.19 gives y ¼ c1 ex þ c2 e1=2x Example 3.5 Given: y00 þ 2y0 þ y ¼ 0 Step 1: Operator form: (D2 þ 2D þ 1)y ¼ 0

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Step 2: Characteristic equation: r2 þ 2r þ 1 ¼ 0 Characteristic roots: r ¼ 1, 1 Step 3: Since roots are repeated, Equation 3.29 gives y ¼ c1 xex þ c2 ex Example 3.6 Given: y00 þ 6y0 þ 13y ¼ 0 Step 1: Operator form: (D2 þ 6D þ 13)y ¼ 0 Step 2: Characteristic equation: r2 þ 6r þ 13 ¼ 0 Characteristic roots: r ¼ 3 þ 2i, 3  2i Step 3: Since roots are complex, Equation 3.33 gives y ¼ [c1 cos 2x þ c2 sin 2x]e3x where l ¼ 3 and m ¼ 2.



Previously, some brief theory and a few examples were given that demonstrate the approach necessary to construct solutions to the homogeneous problem. The summarized procedure for the constant coefficient case is very simple, and one would like to maintain that simplicity for the case of at least the nonhomogeneous constant coefficient problem. The nonhomogeneous differential equation can be written as L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ g(x)


where p, q, and g are continuous on the interval of interest. The following two theorems are needed to establish the procedure for solving Equation 3.36: Theorem 3.5 The difference of any two solutions of the differential equation 3.36 L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ g(x) is a solution of the corresponding homogeneous differential equation

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L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ 0


Proof Suppose the two functions u1 and u2 are solutions of Equation 3.36 then L[u1 ] ¼ g and L[u2 ] ¼ g Therefore, L[u1]  L[u2] ¼ 0. But L is a linear operator; thus L[u1]  L[u2] ¼ L[u1  u2] ¼ 0 Theorem 3.6 Given one solution yp of the nonhomogeneous linear differential equation 3.36 L[y] ¼ y00 þ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y ¼ g(x) then any solution y ¼ f(x) of this equation can be expressed as f (x) ¼ yp (x) þ c1 y1 (x) þ c2 y2 (x)


where y1 and y2 are linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation. The above equation is the general solution of the nonhomogeneous equation 3.36. That is, the general solution yg, of the nonhomogeneous equation is yg ¼ yc þ yp


where yc is the general solution of the associated homogeneous equation and is termed the complementary solution. The function yp is the particular solution satisfying the nonhomogeneous differential equation 3.36. A relatively simple procedure for finding the most suitable candidate for yp is demonstrated below for the constant coefficient case. For example, given y00  3y0  4y ¼ 2 sin x then the associated homogeneous problem is y00  3y0  4y ¼ 0 which can be put in the operator form


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(D2  3D  4)y ¼ 0 In fact, the nonhomogeneous problem can be put in the operator form as well: (D2  3D  4)y ¼ 2 sin x


Then one can see that if the RHS or nonhomogeneous part is differentiated two times, the result is 2 sin x. Further, if the nonhomogeneous part is added to the twice-differentiated result, one gets a final result of zero. That is d2 (2 sin x) þ 2 sin x ¼ 0 dx2 or (D2 þ 1) 2 sin x ¼ 0 Then, since the RHS of Equation 3.41 is operated on by D2 þ 1, the same operation must be carried out on the LHS, giving (D2 þ 1)(D2  3D  4)y ¼ 0


a homogeneous equation of the fourth order. Following steps 2 and 3 of Section 3.3, the characteristic equation is (r 2 þ 1) (r 2  3r  4) ¼ 0 with characteristic roots r1 ¼ 1, r2 ¼ 4, r3 ¼ þi, r4 ¼ i. Then Equation 3.42 and Equation 3.33 give yg ¼ c1 ex þ c2 e4x þ c3 cos x þ c4 sin x


where yc ¼ c1 ex þ c2 e4x which comes from the associated homogeneous equation and therefore yp ¼ c3 cos x þ c4 sin x

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is the best candidate for the particular solution. The constants c3 and c4 are not arbitrary and are determined by substituting yp into Equation 3.40 y0p  3y0p  4yp ¼ 2 sin x that is (c3 cos x þ c4 sin x)00  3(c3 cos x þ c4 sin x)0  4(c3 cos x þ c4 sin x) ¼ 2 sin x which results in an identity (  c3 cos x  c4 sin x)  3(c4 cos x þ c3 sin x)0  4(c3 cos x þ c4 sin x) ¼ 2 sin x Following simplifications and equating coefficients, one gets (5c3 þ 3c4 ) cos x ¼ 0 (3c3  5c4 ) sin x ¼ 2 sin x or 5c3  3c4 ¼ 0 and 3c3  5c4 ¼ 2 giving c4 ¼ 5/17, c3 ¼ 3/17 such that yp ¼ 3=17 cos x  5=17 sin x Therefore, the problem of finding the general solution to Equation 3.36 is reduced to finding a particular solution to Equation 3.36. It should be noted that the method works when the nonhomogeneous part can be differentiated to zero or when an appropriate number of differentiation will bring back some constant multiple of the original function. For example, this method would fail for RHS of the types: tan x or xm/n, where the number m/n is not an integer and for combinations of these. In other words, the method works in theory for g(x) of the type g(x) ¼ Pn (x) ¼ a0 xn þ a2 xn2 þ a2 xn2 þ    þ an ¼ eax Pn (x) ¼ eax Pn (x) sin bx ¼ eax Pn (x) cos bx

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In general, given a linear ordinary differential equation P(D)y ¼ R(x)


the general solution is y ¼ yc þ yp where P(D)yc ¼ 0 and P(D)yp ¼ R(x). Suppose there is a differential operator, ‘‘Annihilator,’’ A(D) that is linear with constant coefficients such that A(D)R(x) ¼ 0 If we operate on both sides of Equation 3.44 with A(D) we would get A(D)P(D)y ¼ A(D)R(x) ¼ 0 Now, consider this new equation A(D)P(D)y ¼ 0


In order to find the general solution of Equation 3.44, we need the roots of the polynomial A(D)P(D) and they are r1, r2, . . . , rj; q1, q2, . . . , qk where the r1, r2, . . . , rj come from P(D) and q1, q2, . . . , qk come from A(D). The general solution of Equation 3.45 can be written as y ¼ yc þ yq But A(D)P(D)[yc þ yp ] ¼ A(D)R(x) ¼ 0 thus yc þ yp is also a solution of Equation 3.45. Since yc þ yq is the general solution of Equation 3.45, it contains yc þ yp. Therefore yc þ yq  yc þ yq or yp  yq The function yq can be thought of as the best candidate for the particular solution, and the method of undetermined coefficients can be used to find yp. Below are three more elementary examples that demonstrate successful application of the method, and a fourth example in which the method fails.

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Example 3.7 Find the general solution of y00  y0  6y ¼ 12xex Solution Operator form: (D2  D  6)y ¼ 12xex Determine the operator that will annihilate the nonhomogeneous part: 12xex d (12xex ) ¼ 12ex þ 12xex dx 2 Annihiliate RHS: ddx2 (12xex ) ¼ ddx (12ex þ 12xex ) ¼ 24ex þ 12xex then the combination of d2/dx (12xex), 2 d/dx (12xex), and the function itself adds to zero. That is

(D2  2D þ 1)12xex ¼ 0 operates on the LHS of the given equation with the newly found operator to get (D2  2D þ 1)(D2  D  6)y ¼ 0 Solve using the procedure for the homogeneous problem. (r  1)2 (r  3) (r þ 2) ¼ 0 is the characteristic equation r ¼ 1, 1, 2, 3 are the characteristic roots. Therefore, yg ¼ c1 ex þ c2 xex þ c4 e2x þ c5 e3x yc ¼ c4 e2x þ c5 e3x where yc is the solution to the associated homogeneous problem, and the candidate for yp is yp ¼ c1 ex þ c2 xex Determine c1 and c2 by substituting yp into the given differential equation (c1 ex þ c2 xex )00  (c1 ex þ c2 xex )0  6(c1 ex þ c2 xex ) ¼ 12xex which results in c1 ex þ 2c2 ex þ c2 xex  c1 ex  c2 ex  c2 xex  6c1 ex  6c2 xex ¼ 12xex an identity, which simplifies to

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c2  6c1 ¼ 0 6c2 ¼ 12 Therefore, 1 yp ¼  ex  2xex 3 and 1 yg ¼ c4 e2x þ c5 e3x  ex  2xex 3 where c4 and c5 are the arbitrary constants. Example 3.8 Find the general solution of y00  6y0 þ 8y ¼ 3ex (D2  6D þ 8) ¼ 3ex becomes (D  1)(D2  6D þ 8)y ¼ 0 (D  1)(D  4)(D  2)y ¼ 0 with characteristic roots: 1, 2, 4 yg ¼ c1 e2x þ c2 e4x þ c3 ex ¼ yc þ yp where yp ¼ c3 ex y0p ¼ y00p ¼ c3 ex That is c3 ex  6c3 ex þ 8c3 ex ¼ 3ex Therefore, 3c3 ¼ 3 giving

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c3 ¼ 1 and yp ¼ ex such that yg ¼ c1 e2x þ c2 e4x þ ex

Example 3.9 Find the general solution of y00  2y0 þ 10y ¼ 20x2 þ 2x  8 Solution (D2  2D þ 10)y ¼ 20x2 þ 2x  8 D3 (D2  2D þ 10)y ¼ 0 Characteristic roots: 0,0,0,1 þ 3i,1  3i yg ¼ (c1 cos 3x þ c2 sin 3x)ex þ c4 þ c5 x þ c6 x2 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} yp yc y0p ¼ 2c6 x þ c5 y00p ¼ 2c6 2c6  2(2c6 x þ c5 ) þ 10c4 þ 10c5 x þ 10c6 x2 ¼ 20x2 þ 2x  8 Equating coefficients x0 : 2c6  2c5 þ 10c4 ¼ 8 x: 4c6 þ 10c5 ¼ 2 x2 : 10c6 ¼ 20 from which c6 ¼ 2,c5 ¼ 1,c4 ¼ 1


yp ¼ 1 þ x þ 2x2

yg ¼ [c1 cos (3x) þ c2 sin (3x)]ex þ 2x2 þ x  1


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Example 3.10 Find the general solution of y00 þ y ¼ tan x, (D2 þ 1)y ¼ tan x ¼



2. If r1  r2 is a positive integer, then there are linearly independent solutions of the form y1 ¼

1 X

an xnþr1

and y2 ¼ Ay1 ln (x) þ


1 X

bn xnþr2 ,



where A is a constant that may turn out to be zero. 3. If r1 ¼ r2, then there are linearly independent solutions

y1 ¼

1 X

an xnþr1

and y2 ¼ y1 ln (x) þ



1 X

bn xnþr1 ,




So far, the methods discussed can be classified as standard. However, there are other techniques, some of which may even be applicable to a few nonlinear problems. For example, the problem y00 þ x(y0 )2 ¼ 0 can be solved by making the change of variable y0 ¼ v,

y00 ¼ v0

such that the problem is reduced to v0 þ xv2 ¼ 0 a separable first-order differential equation. Here one takes advantage of the missing dependent variable, y, in

Sometimes the smaller root will give the general solution or no solution.

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y00 ¼ f (x, y0 ) Another example of an otherwise difficult problem is yy00 þ (y0 )2 ¼ 0 Here the independent variable, x, is missing from the equation. By making the substitutions v ¼ y0 and using the chain rule dv dv dy dv ¼  ¼v dx dy dx dy a new independent variable, y, can be defined. The problem is now reduced to yv

dv dv þ v2 ¼ y þ v ¼ 0 dy dy

a linear first-order equation. Hence, by taking advantage of the missing independent variable, x, in y00 ¼ f (y, y0 ) can reduce the second-order problem to a first-order one that we know how to solve. In engineering, prototype differential equations often occur as a result of some peculiarity of the system under investigation. Then the approach is to compare one’s derived problem with a prototype, and extract and modify the pertinent result. For example, the problem  

1 d dy x  1  x2 )ly ¼ 0 x dx dx


can be transformed into y

  d2 f df 1 l   þ (1  y) f ¼0 dy2 dy 2 4


The above equation is the confluent hypergeometric equation (the prototype) with linearly independent solutions tabulated in the literature [12] whereas Equation 3.76 resulted from a fluid flow problem with a parabolic velocity profile. Another example of a prototype equation that should be familiar to most chemical engineers is Bessel’s differential equation of order n

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x2 y00 þ xy0 þ (x2  n2 )y ¼ 0


There are tabulated solutions of Bessel’s equation [6,9,10,11], and the standard approach is to solve by comparison. Equation 3.76 to Equation 3.78 could be solved by using the Frobenius series (Equation 3.65), but that approach may be too work intensive. In order to solve Bessel’s differential equation by comparison one needs a standard form of the equation to compare to. For example, the form


    2a  1 0 a2  g 2 c 2 y¼0 y þ b2 c2 x2c2 þ x x2


has linearly independent solutions y1 ¼ xa Jg (bxc )


y2 ¼ xa Jg ðbxc )



based on the fact that Jg is a solution of Bessel’s equation of order g. Thus, the problem   1 4 y00 þ y0 þ 4x2  2 y ¼ 0 x 9x can be compared to Equation 3.79 to give 2a  1 ¼ 1 ) a ¼ 0 2c  2 ¼ 2 ) c ¼ 2 b2 c2 ¼ 4 ) b ¼ 1 4 1 a2  g 2 c 2 ¼  ) g ¼  9 3 y1 ¼ J1=3 (x2 ), y2 ¼ J1=3 (x2 ) yg ¼ c1 J1=3 (x2 ) þ c2 J1=3 (x2 ) where Jg(.) and Jg(.) are Bessel functions of the first kind of order g.

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3.6.1 SUMMARY In this chapter, a few methods were presented for obtaining a solution to the linear second-order (or higher) ordinary differential equations. To the inexperienced practitioners, these many options could present a dilemma; that is, given a problem, which method should one use? For example, consider the constant coefficient linear differential equation y00 þ y0 ¼ xex sin 3x with the intent to determine a general solution. One could attempt to annihilate the nonhomogeneous portion, but that would require some clever algebra to be successful without a lot of labor. Therefore, it is not the recommended procedure for this problem. A second alternative is let v ¼ y0 , then v0 ¼ y00 and we now have v0 þ v ¼ xex sin 3x a linear first-order differential equation, which can be solved by the method given in the previous chapter for such equation. That is m(x) ¼ ex (vm(x))0 ¼ (vex )0 x sin 3x such that v¼

dy x 1 ¼  ex cos 3x þ ex sin 3x þ c1 ex dx 3 9

Therefore y¼

1 3


xex cos 3x dx þ

1 9


ex sin 3x dx þ c1 ex þ c2

where the integration (arbitrary) constant c1 absorbs the change in sign resulting from an integration of ex. With the aid of a good set of integral tables [13], the first term on the right-hand side can be quickly evaluated. After some simplification the result is yg ¼

1 1 (5x  9)ex cos 3x  ð45x þ 14Þex sin 3x þ c1 ex þ c2 |fflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflffl} 150 450 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} yc yp

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As a third alternative y00 þ y0 ¼ xex sin 3x can be solved using the method of variation of parameters. That is yc ¼ c1 ex þ c2 where

y1 ¼ ex y01 ¼ ex

y2 ¼ 1

and and

y02 ¼ 0

Then a candidate for the particular solution is yp ¼ u1 (x)y1 þ u2 (x)y2 subject to u01 y1 þ u02 y2 ¼ 0 u01 y01 þ u02 y02 ¼ xex sin 3x or ex u01 þ u02 ¼ 0 ex u01 ¼ xex sin 3x such that


u1 ¼  x sin 3x dx ¼

x sin 3x cos 3x  3 9

and ð

u2 ¼ xex sin 3x dx ¼ 

ex xex (6 cos 3x  8 sin 3x) þ ( sin 3x  3 cos 3x) 100 10

where this integral was evaluated using a set of tables [13]. Therefore yp ¼ ex þ

 x sin 3x xex cos 3x  (sin 3x þ 3 cos 3x)  3 9 10

ex (8 sin 3x  6 cos 3x) 100

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which simplifies to yp 

1 1 (5x  9)ex cos 3x  (45x þ 14)ex sin 3x 150 450

From a cursory glance, it appears that both the second and third alternates are equivalent in expediency; however, the underlying algebra is more work intensive for the second alternate. Therefore, one should make a choice based on all the factors, including the amount of time that can be spent on the overall problem. Bear in mind that the more steps that have to be executed, the greater the chance to introduce errors in an otherwise complicated analysis.

3.6.2 INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS Theorem 3.1 guarantees a unique solution to the initial value problem, and the subsequent methods that are discussed can be used to derive general solutions. Given a general solution, the integration constants can be evaluated with the use of the given initial conditions. Another procedure, which transforms a differential equation into an algebraic equation, is given below. This is the Laplace transform method. For example, the problem y00  y0  2y ¼ 0 y(0) ¼ 1,

y0 (0) ¼ 0

can be solved using Laplace transform as follows: L{y00  y0  2y} ¼ L{y00 }  L{y0 }  2L{y} ¼ 0 giving s2 Y(s)  sy(0)  y0 (0)  sY(s) þ y(0)  2Y(s) ¼ 0 where L{y} ¼ Y(s) Then, following simplification, we get Y(s) ¼

s1 (s  2)(s þ 1)


1=3 2=3 þ s2 sþ1

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using partial fractions. To recover the result in terms of the variables with which we started, an inversion of Y(s) is needed. The inverse Laplace transform, L1{y(s)} is given as 1 1 1 1 L ¼ e2t 3 s2 3 and 2 1 1 2 L ¼ et 3 sþ1 3 Therefore, the complete solution to the given initial value problem is 1 2 y(t) ¼ e2t þ et ¼ L1 {Y(s)} 3 3 This method is very efficient when it is applicable, and is one of the many integral transformations that are useful for solving initial value problems. Integral transforms are certain functions that are defined by an integral, such as F(s) ¼

ðb K(s, t) f (t) dt



where the function f(t) is transformed into F(s) and K(s, t) is called the kernel of the transform. In this case, the Laplace transform of f(t) is defined to be L{f (t)} ¼ F(s) ¼


est f (t)dt



where est is the kernel. Laplace transform is most efficient in solving problems with nonhomogeneous terms that are discontinuous or impulsive. These types of problems would at best be awkward if the previously discussed methods were attempted. When can this method be expected to work successfully? Below are some definitions that address this issue.

Theorem 3.8 Suppose that f is piecewise continuous on the interval 0 t A for any positive A and jf(t)j keat when t  M, where k, a, and M are real constants. Then the Laplace transform L{f(t)} ¼ F(s) exists for s > a.

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By piecewise continuous one means, given a function on an interval a t b, where the interval can be subdivided by a finite number of points in the following way, a ¼ t0 < t1 <    < tm ¼ b such that f is continuous on each open subinterval ti1 < t < ti and f approaches a finite limit as the endpoints of each subinterval are approached from inside. Essentially, Theorem 3.8 says that if a function is piecewise continuous and is exponentially bounded, then one can expect it to have a Laplace transform. The theory of Laplace transform is well documented [1,4,6,15,16] and should be consulted for a deeper discussion. Also available are convenient tables of Laplace transforms [13]. Equation 3.83 can be used to determine Laplace transforms of derivatives provided that the derivatives satisfy the appropriate conditions of continuity and boundedness as required by Theorem 3.8. For example ð1


L{y (t)} ¼

est y0 (t) dt


By definition, the improper integral is ðB lim


est y0 (t) dt


then applying integration by parts let u ¼ est


dv ¼ y0 (t) dt

then du ¼ sest dt and

v ¼ y(t)

therefore ðB e

st 0


y (t) dt ¼ e


y(t) þ s e


B yðtÞ dt




y(B)  y(0) þ s


est y(t) dt



then ðB lim

n!1 0

est y0 (t) dt ¼ lim

esB y(B)  y(0) þ s B!1 ð1 ¼ y(0) þ s est y(t) dt 0

¼ y(0) þ sY(s)


est y(t) dt



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where Equation 3.83 was used in Equation 3.84. This integration procedure can be extended to finding the Laplace transform of an nth-order derivative of a given function. That is

L f (n) (t) ¼ sn L f (t)  sn1 f (0)      sf (n2) (0)  f (n1) (0)


and for n ¼ 2 L

d2 f dt2

¼ s2 F(s)  sf (0)  f 0 (0)


which is the Laplace transform of the second derivative that was used in the above example. As mentioned previously, Equation 3.85 can be found in tables of Laplace transform in most mathematical handbooks [13]. Equation 3.83 can also be used to derive the Laplace transforms of most elementary functions such as L{1} ¼

1 s

L{t} ¼

1 1 ¼ 1þ1 2 s s

L{t2 } ¼

2 2 ¼ s3 s2þ1

L{tn } ¼

n! snþ1

; n ¼ 1,2, . . .

Now suppose n is not a positive integer; for example, what is L{t1/2}? Since for any n, Lft n g ¼


tn est dt, s > 0


u ¼ st; du ¼ s dt

letting ð1

tn est dt ¼


If we denote

Ð1 0


ð 1 n u ð ð 1  n u u du u e du 1 1 u n ¼ e ¼ e u du s s snþ1 snþ1 0 0 0

eu un du by G (n þ 1), that is ð1 0

eu un du ¼ G(n þ 1)


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then L{tn} becomes G(nþ1) is the so-called gamma function or snþ1 where G (n þÐ1) 1 factorial function. Also, the quantity 0 eu un du can be evaluated using integration by parts to give ð1

u n

n u

e u du ¼ u e






eu un1 du ¼ nG(n)


Therefore G(n þ 1) ¼ nG(n);

n 6¼ 0


However, for n ¼ 0, Equation 3.87 gives G(1) ¼

ð1 0

 eu du ¼ eu 1 0 ¼1

Hence, 0! ¼ 1. The gamma function, or factorial function, can now be evaluated for other values of n using Equation 3.88. For example n ¼ 1: G(2) ¼ 1G(1) ¼ 1 n ¼ 2: G(3) ¼ 2G(2) ¼ 2  1 n ¼ 3: G(4) ¼ 3G(3) ¼ 3  2G(2) ¼ 3  2  1 and in general G(n þ 1) ¼ n! Now then, for n ¼ 1/2, G(  1=2 þ 1) ¼ G(1=2) ¼


eu u1=2 du ¼ I


Thus, by substituting u ¼ x2, du ¼ 2x dx, I becomes I ¼ G(1=2) ¼


eu u1=2 du ¼


ð1 0

1 x2 e 2x dx ¼ 2 x



ex dx


In order to evaluate I, the following device is employed: I2 ¼

 ð1  ð 1  ð1 ð1 2 2 2 2 2 ex dx 2 ey dy ¼ 4 e(x þy ) dx dy 0




 @x  @(x, y) dr du ¼  @r But x ¼ r cos u, y ¼ r sin u dx dy ¼ @x @(r, u) @u

@y   @r dr du ¼ r dr du @y  @u

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I2 ¼ 4

ð p=2 ð 1 0


er r dr

 du ¼ p


such that I ¼ G(1=2) ¼

pffiffiffiffi p

and ffi rffiffiffiffi n o pffiffiffi p p L t1=2 ¼ 1=2 ¼ s s





1. If the Laplace transform of f(t) is F(s), then Lfeat f (t)g ¼ F(s þ a) where a is a constant. For example Lfeat cos btg ¼ ? from a table of Laplace transforms L{cos bt} ¼

s (s2 þ b2 )

therefore Lfeat cos btg ¼

sþa [(s þ a)2 þ b2 ]

2. The transform of an integral is given by ðt

f (t) dt

L 0

1 ¼ F(s) s

3. The derivative of a transform is given by dn F(s) ¼ Lf(t)n f (t)g dsn

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4. Transform of a step function: if U(t) is a unit step function U(t) ¼ 0 t < 0 ¼1 t>0


and if U(t  t) is a unit step function starting at t ¼ t U(t  t) ¼ 0 ¼1



then L{U(t)} ¼ and

1 s

est s f (t  t) ¼ 0

L{U(t  t)} ¼ L{f (t  t)} ¼ ets F(s);



0 2« : 0 if t  t0 þ «

1 2e

de(t − t0)


Sketch of the Delta Function.

t0 − e

t0 + e

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where « > 0 is a small number and t0 > 0. As can be seen from the sketch, as « ! 0, the rectangular pulse d«(t  t0) gets taller and thinner, but the limit does not exist. Even though the limit does not exist in the usual sense, one can still derive useful properties of the impulse function. For example, ð1 1.

d« (t  t0 ) dt ¼


ð t0 þ« t0 «

1 dt ¼ 1 2«

since d« (t  t0) ¼ 0 for all t outside of the interval t0  « t t0 þ «. That is, if d«(t  t0) is considered as a force, then property (1) says the total impulse is unity. ð ð t0 þ« ð1 1 1 t0 þ« f (t) dt ¼ d« (t  t0 )f (t) dt ¼ f (t) dt ¼ f (t « ) 2. 2« t0 « 1 t0 « 2« for some t« in t0  « t t0 þ « and any continuous function f(t) defined on the interval 1 < t < 1. Further, if « ! 0, then ð1 d(t  t0 ) dt ¼ 1 ð1 1 d(t  t0 )f (t) dt ¼ f (t0 ) ð1 1 dn (t  t0 )f (t) dt ¼ (1)n f ðnÞ (t0 ) 1

3. The Laplace transform of the impulse function is given by L{d« (t  t0 )} ¼ est0


t0 > 0

and L{d(t)} ¼ 1





t0 ! 0


In order for this operational method to be useful to chemical engineers, there must be convenient ways to invert the transform. That is, it is necessary to be able to perform the operation L1 {F(s)} ¼ f (t)


to complete a problem. There are three standard ways to invert the Laplace transform and each is outlined below. The Laplace transform of a function can be arranged to be of the form F(s) ¼

P(s) Q(s)


where P and Q are polynomials in s and Q(s) is of higher degree than P(s). The function F(s) can then be expanded into its partial fractions [14] such that the form

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F(s) ¼

n X i¼1

Ai (s  r)i


is obtained, where the quantity (s  r) is a linear factor of Q(s) and the Ai are determined constants. Once the form Equation 3.93 is obtained, then Equation 3.91 can be applied to each term with the aid of a table of transforms [13]. The second standard method of inverting the Laplace transform is by convolution. This method is most effective when F(s) is the product of two other transforms, H(s) and G(s), where transforms H(s) and G(s) are respectively transforms of the functions h(t) and g(t). The following theorem defines what is meant by convolution [1,17]. Theorem 3.9 If H(s) ¼ L{h(t)} and G(s) ¼ L{g(t)} both exist for s > a  0, then F(s) ¼ H(s)G(s) ¼ L{f (t)}s > a


where f (t) ¼


h(t  t)g(t) dt ¼



h(t)g(t  t) dt



The function f is called the convolution of h and g and the integrals (Equation 3.95) are called convolution integrals. The convolution obeys the following rules: Commutative law: h  g ¼ g  h Distributive law: h  ðg1 þ g2 Þ ¼ h  g1 þ h  g2 Associative law: h  ðg  hÞ ¼ ðh  gÞ  h h0¼0h¼0 However, h1¼h is not generally a true statement. That is, if h(t) ¼ sin t, then ðt  h  h ¼ sin (t  t)dt ¼ cos (t  t)t0 ¼ 1  cos t 6¼ sin t 0

Also h h is not necessarily nonnegative, that is ðt ðt h  h ¼ sin (t  t) sin t dt ¼ ( sin t cos t  cos t sin t) sin t dt 0

¼ sin t



sin t cos t dt  cos t


1 ¼ ( sin t  t cos t) 2

ðt 0

sin2 t dt

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Essentially, the convolution integrals do not have all the properties of ordinary multiplication. This example illustrates inversion using the convolution integral. Consider 

s ¼ F(s) ¼ (s þ 1)(s2 þ 4)

1 sþ1

s 2 s þ4

From a set of tables of Laplace transforms [13] one can find L



1 sþ1

¼ et

and L1 ¼

s s2 þ 4

then t


 cos 2t ¼


¼ cos 2t

e(tt) cos 2t dt





et cos 2t dt


¼ et

 t  e ( cos 2t þ 2 sin 2t) t 5 0

1 ¼ ( cos 2t þ 2 sin 2t  et ) 5 Therefore L


s (s þ 1)(s2 þ 4)

1 ¼ ( cos 2t þ 2 sin 2t  et ) 5

The third standard method of inverting a Laplace transform is by making use of the Residue theorem [6,15,16,18,22]. The transform function F(s) is analytic, except for singularities. In this discussion, when F(s) is analytic, the inverse transform of F(s) is given by f (t) ¼ L1 {F(s)} ¼

1 X

rn (t)



where rn(t) is termed the residue of F(s) at the singularities (poles) Sn. The residues of F(s) may be determined by employing the form given in Equation 3.92, that is

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F(s) ¼

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P(s) Q(s)

If Sn is a simple pole of F(s), then rn(t) is given by rn (t) ¼

P(Sn ) Sn t e Q0 (Sn )


where Q0 (Sn) is the value of dQ/ds evaluated at the singular point of interest. Recall that P(sn ) P(s) P(s)  ¼ lim (s  sn ) ¼ lim  s!sn Q0 (sn ) s!sn Q(s)  Q(sn ) Q(s) s  sn The form lim (s  sn )


P(s) Q(s)

is convenient for applications, especially when sn ¼ 0. When Sn is a multiple pole of order m of F(s), then   t2 t m1 Am r n (t) ¼ e A1 þ tA2 þ A3 þ    þ 2! (m  1)! m i1 X t ¼ eSn t Ai (i  1)! i¼1 Sn t


where 1 dmi Ai ¼ lim ½(s  sn )m F(s) s ! sn (m  i)! dsmi The following example illustrates the use of the residue theorem and should serve to clarify certain new terminology: Consider F(s) ¼

1 P(s) ¼ 2 Q(s) s(s  a)

then the polynomial Q(s) has singularities at s ¼ 0 and s ¼ a. These singularities are termed poles [16,18] and in particular, s ¼ 0 is termed a simple pole whereas s ¼ a is a double pole (pole of order two). For the simple pole, Equation 3.97 gives

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r0 (t) ¼

1 0t 1 1 e ¼ 0 ¼ 2 Q0 (0) Q (0) a

since Q0 (s) ¼ (s  a)2 þ 2s(s  a). Alternatively, we could first determine the quantity P(0)/Q0 (0) by taking the limit lim (s  0) s!0

1 1 ¼ 2 2 a s(s  a)

Then, multiply the result by e0t to get the residue at s ¼ 0. The residue at the double pole, s ¼ a, is given by ra (t) ¼ eat (A1 þ tA2 )

since m ¼ 2

where   1 d21 1 2 A1 ¼ (s  a) (2  1)! ds21 s(s  a)2 s¼a   d 1 1 ¼ ¼ 2 ds s s¼a a and   1 d22 1 2 A2 ¼ (s  a) (2  2)! ds22 s(s  a)2 a   1 1 ¼ ¼ s s¼a a then ra (t) ¼ e


t 1  a a2

and   1 1 at t  f (t) ¼ L {F(s)} ¼ 2 þ e a a a2 1

The previous example is very straightforward and could easily be inverted by use of partial fractions and a table of Laplace transforms. This next example may be tabulated. However, it is used here to demonstrate more clearly how the residue theorem may be useful for similar or more complicated inversions. Consider

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pffiffi sinh x s pffiffi F(s) ¼ sinh a s Then pffiffi Q(s) ¼ sinh a s pffiffi If we let a s ¼ il such that s ¼ l2/a2 then F(s) transforms to sin (x l/a)/sin l such that dQ dQ dl cos l ¼ ¼ a2 ds dl ds 2l where Q(l) is given by sin l. Then application of Equation 3.96 and Equation 3.97 result in 1 X n¼0

2ln sin (xln =a) (l2n =a2 )t e a2 cos ln

pffiffi But the poles of sinh a s are the zeros of sin l and these occur at l ¼ n p, n ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . . . Therefore replacing ln by the quantity n p and observing that cos (np) ¼ (1)n, we get the result 1 2p X 2 2 2 (1)nþ1 n sin (xnp=a)e(n p t=a ) a2 n¼1

More detailed usage of the residue theorem to invert Laplace transforms is discussed in Chapter 6.

3.6.5 TAYLOR SERIES SOLUTION OF INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS In Section 3.5.1, the Frobenius series method was discussed with regard to differential equations with regular singular points. In this section, a method is given that effectively deals with differential equations with ordinary points. To illustrate the importance of this method consider the relatively harmlesslooking first-order initial value problem y0 þ ex y ¼ x2 ; y(0) ¼ 4


This problem has a unique solution (Theorem 2.1) for all x and is given by ð x x 1 2 ej y(x) ¼ ex j e dj þ 4e (3:100) e 0

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However, the above equation 3.100 is not in closed form. By closed form we mean y0 þ 2y ¼ 1;

y(0) ¼ 3

has 1 y(x) ¼ (1 þ 5e2x ); 2

1 0 for which there is a unique solution to

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x0 ¼ F(t, x),

x(t0 ) ¼ x0

with t e (t0  d, t0 þ d) The proof of this theorem is dealt with in the given reference. The form given by Equation 3.153 is often expressed more explicitly as x0 ¼ Ax þ f(t)


where A is an n n matrix (see Section A.2 in Appendix A) and f(t) is an n 1 vector-valued function. For example, the initial value problem x01 ¼ 2x1  3x2 , x02 ¼ 3x1 þ 2x2 , x1 (0) ¼ 1, x2 (0) ¼ 1 can be restated as 

x01 x02

2 ¼ 3

3 2

   0 x1 þ , x2 0

1 x0 ¼ 1

Here   0 f(t) ¼ 0 which means that we are working with the homogeneous form x0 ¼ Ax


In practice, this form is most conducive to the applications of matrix theory [28, 29]. To construct a solution to the homogeneous case, we begin with an approach similar to that used in the discussion of linear second-order constant coefficient differential equations. We seek solutions to Equation 3.156 of the form x ¼ pelt


where l and the constant vector p are to be determined. Substituting Equation 3.157 into Equation 3.156 results in lpelt ¼ Apelt which reduces to lp ¼ Ap or [A  lI]p ¼ 0


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where I is the n n identity matrix. Now, in order to solve the system Equation 3.156, we must solve the system of algebraic equations 3.158. It is important to note that solving the system given by Equations 3.158 is exactly solving for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix A. Therefore the vector x is a solution of Equation 3.156 if l is an eigenvalue and p is an associated eigenvector of the coefficient matrix A. For example, let us reconsider Example 3.23 x01 ¼ x1 þ x2 x02 ¼ 4x1  2x2 Step 1: Rewrite the given system as  0     x 1 1 x x0 ¼ 10 ¼ x; x ¼ 1 x2 x2 4 2 Step 2: Assume x ¼ pelt and substitute for x in the given problem. This leads to the system of algebraic equations (Equation 3.158)      1l 1 p1 0 ¼ (3:159) 4 2  l p2 0 which will have a nontrivial solution if and only if the determinant (Appendix A) of coefficients vanishes. That is   1  l 1   ¼ (1  l)(  2  l)  4 ¼ 0  4 2  l  Step 3: Solve the characteristic equation for the eigenvalues and determine the associated eigenvectors, that is, l ¼ 2, 3. For l ¼ 2, we solve the system given in Equation 3.159 to get p1 þ p2 ¼ 0 ) p2 ¼ p1 Therefore, the eigenvector corresponding to l ¼ 2 can be taken as   1 (1) p ¼ 1 For l ¼ 3, substitution into Equation 3.159 produces 4p1 þ p2 ¼ 0 ) p2 ¼ 4p1 this produces the corresponding eigenvector

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1 ¼ 4

Finally, we can state the solution in the form     1 2t 1 (2) x (t) ¼ e ; x (t) ¼ e3t 1 4 (1)

Step 4: Determine if the solutions form a fundamental set by examining the Wronskian (Section 3.2) of these solutions   e2t  (1) (2)  W x , x (t) ¼  2t e

 e3t  ¼ 5et 6¼ 0 4e3t 

Because the Wronskian is different from zero for all finite values of t, the solutions x(1) and x(2) form a fundamental set and the general solution of the given system, Equation 3.159 is x ¼ c1 x(1) (t) þ c2 x(2) (t)     1 2t 1 ¼ c1 e þ c2 e3t 1 4 which is the identical result obtained previously. This later method, although straightforward, can become complicated for larger systems. There is a good number of computer algebraic software [29] available and it is recommended that the reader explore the use of those tools when faced with a system of three or more equations. Similar to linear second-order problems, there are cases of complex eigenvalues and repeated eigenvalues. First, we will explore an example having complex eigenvalues and illustrate how to obtain real (as opposed to imaginary) solutions. Then we will solve an example that has repeated eigenvalues and illustrate how to obtain linearly independent solutions. Example 3.25 This example demonstrates the complex eigenvalue case [1]. Consider the linear system given by  0 1 x ¼ x 1 0 0

Determine the two real linearly independent solutions. Solution

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Step 1: Construct the characteristic polynomial of A by taking the   l 1 determinant of that is 1 l    l 1  2    1 l  ¼ l þ 1 ¼ 0 The roots of this polynomial are l1 ¼ i and l2 ¼ i. Step 2: Determine the associated eigenvectors by solving the system of algebraic equations      l 1 p1 0 ¼ for each l 1 l p2 0 This reduces to the equation p2 ¼ ip1

l1 ¼ i


If p2 ¼ 1, then p1 ¼ 1/i ¼ i such that p(1) ¼

i 1

is the associated eigenvector for the eigenvalue l1 ¼ i. Similarly, the eigenvalue l2 ¼ i when substituted into      p1 l 1 0 ¼ 1 l p2 0 produces p


  i ¼ 1

This would mean that the general solution for the given system is     i it i it x(t) ¼ c1 e þ c2 e 1 1 Step 3: Expand the general solution and rename the constants x1 (t) ¼ ic1 eit þ ic2 eit ¼ ic1 ( cos t þ i sin t) þ ic2 ( cos t  i sin t) ¼ i(c1  c2 ) cos t þ (c1 þ c2 ) sin t

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and x2 (t) ¼ c1 eit þ c2 eit ¼ c1 ( cos t þ i sin t) þ c2 ( cos t  i sin t) ¼ i(c1  c2 ) sin t þ (c1 þ c2 ) cos t If we make the substitutions k1 ¼ (c1 þ c2 ) and k2 ¼ i(c1  c2 ) we now have x1 (t) ¼ i(c1  c2 ) cos t þ (c1 þ c2 ) sin t ¼ k1 sin t þ k2 cos t and x2 (t) ¼ i(c1  c2 ) sin t þ (c1 þ c2 ) cos t ¼ k1 cos t  k2 sin t Therefore the general solution can be restated in the form  x(t) ¼ k1

   sin t cos t þ k2 cos t  sin t

In general, if the n n matrix A is real, then the coefficients in the polynomial det (A  lI) ¼ jA  lIj ¼ 0, for l is real and any complex eigenvalues must occur in conjugate pairs. Further, the corresponding eigenvectors are also complex conjugates. The following example illustrates the key steps to developing a solution when the eigenvalues repeat and it is possible to find linearly independent eigenvectors. Example 3.26 This example demonstrates the repeated eigenvalues case [1]. Consider the system x0 ¼ Then the characteristic equation is

 1 1 x 0 1


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(1  l)2 ¼ 0 which results in l ¼ 1,1. For l1 ¼ 1, the associated eigenvector turns out to   1 be . 0 Therefore one solution is   1 t e x (t) ¼ 0 (1)

To determine a second linearly independent solution we will assume that     1 t u te þ 1 et (3:161) x (t) ¼ 0 u2   u1 Notice that the 2 1 vector is unknown, but we will determine the u2 components of this vector knowing that x(2)(t) must satisfy Equation 3.160. Substitution of Equation 3.161 into Equation 3.160 gives (2)

      dx(2) 1 t 1 t u ¼ e þ te þ 1 et 0 u2 0 dt which must be equated to 

  1 1 1 (2) x (t) ¼ 0 0 1

1 1

     1 1 u1 t 1 t te þ e 0 1 u2 0

That is        1 t 1 t u1 t 1 e þ te þ e ¼ u2 0 0 0

1 1

   1 1 t te þ 0 0


1 0

1 1

    1 1 ¼ 0 0

the terms containing tet cancel out and we have

1 1

 u1 t e u2

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       1 t u1 t 1 1 u1 t e þ e ¼ e 0 0 1 u2 u2 which can be restated in the form 

u [A  I] 1 u2

  1 ¼ 0

that is 

       u1 1 1 1 0 1  ¼ 0 1 0 1 u2 0 |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl ffl}  ffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl  0 1 0 0      0 1 u1 1 ¼ ) u2 ¼ 1 0 0 u2 0 and the unknown vector is   0 1 Therefore the second solution is     1 t 0 t x (t) ¼ te þ e 0 1 (2)

We now need to check to see if the two solutions x(1)(t) and x(2)(t) are linearly independent by calculating the Wronskian.  t    e tet W x(1) , x(2) (t) ¼ ¼ e2t 6¼ 0 0 et Therefore the two linearly independent solutions can be combined as x ¼ c1 x(1) (t) þ c2 x(2) (t) to give the general solution. Notice that x(1)(t) and x(2)(t) form a fundamental set or fundamental solutions.



In Section 3.4, we employed the undetermined coefficients (equivalent— annihilation) or variation of parameters methods to solve the nonhomoge-

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neous problem. In this section we will suggest the use of the same two methods to determine particular solutions of the nonhomogeneous system of first-order differential equations. An example will be provided to illustrate the necessary steps to follow when constructing the general solution to x0 ¼ Ax þ f(t)


using the method of undetermined coefficients. Although the necessary theory to generalize the method of variation of parameters is beyond the scope of this book, we will provide an example outlining the method. Example 3.27 This is an example using the undetermined coefficient method [1]. Consider the system 

0 x ¼ 1 0

   1 4e3t xþ 0 e2t

Step 1: Determine the complementary solution In solving Example 3.25, we, in fact, derived the solution to the homogeneous part of this new problem. This means that we have the complementary solution, that is  xc (t) ¼ k1

   sin t cos t þ k2 cos t  sin t

Step 2: Select the candidate particular solution Recall that we selected candidate particular solution based on the complementary solutions being linearly independent of the nonhomogeneous part of the given differential equation. In this example, the complementary solution is a linear combination of sin t and cos t. Therefore the candidate particular solution is a combination of the exponential functions appearing in the nonhomogeneous part of the given system xp ¼ ae3t þ be2t


The unknown n 1 vectors a and b are to be determined by substituting into the given system. Step 3: Determine the unknown vectors Upon substitution into the given system we get 3ae3t  2be2t ¼ Aae3t þ Abe2t  4

    1 3t 0 2t e þ e 0 1

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or (3I þ A)ae


 (2I þ A)be


    1 3t 0 2t ¼ 4 e þ e 0 1

Then, equating coefficients of the exponential functions results in    a1 4 ¼ a2 0     b 0 e2t : (2I þ A) 1 ¼  b2 1 e3t : (3I þ A)

Solving these two systems result in  a¼

6=5 2=5


1=5 2=5

Therefore the particular solution is  xp ¼

   6=5 3t 1=5 e þ e2t 2=5 2=5

and the general solution is xg ¼ xc þ xp The method of undetermined coefficients is effective when the matrix, A in Equation 3.155 is constant and the vector f has a special form (exponentials, polynomials, sines, and cosines). However as we know from our experience with second-order equations, the method of variation of parameters is more general. This method is expected to work even when A depends on t and f belongs to a much larger class of vector-valued functions. Recall that the method of variation of parameters require that we already have a set of linearly independent complementary solutions. Following that, we choose the candidate for the particular solution by allowing the arbitrary constants in the complementary solution to be functions of t. For example, consider the linear system given by 

1 x ¼ 3 0

  2t  3 e xþ 1 0

The first step is to solve the associated homogeneous problem using the approach already illustrated in the previous examples. That is

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determine the characteristic equation   1  l 3   ¼ (1  l)2  9 ¼ 0  3 1  l This leads to the eigenvalues l1 ¼  2 and l2 ¼ 4. Using each of these eigenvalues in turn, find the associated eigenvectors, that is      3 3 p1 0 ¼ ) p2 ¼ p1 3 3 p2 0 or (1)


1 ¼ 1


l1 ¼ 2


3 3

3 3

p1 p2

  0 ¼ ) p2 ¼ p1 0

or p


  1 ¼ for 1

l2 ¼ 4

Therefore the complementary solution is     1 1 4t xc ¼ c 1 e2t þ c2 e 1 1 From this complementary solution one can form the matrix  2t 4t  e e X(t) ¼ e2t e4t which is known as a fundamental matrix consisting of the fundamental solutions. The candidate for the particular solution is now given as ðt xp (t) ¼ X(t) X1 (s)f(s) ds (3:163) where X1 is the inverse of the fundamental matrix. In order to determine X1, follow the procedure given in Section A.2 of Appendix A, using elementary operations:

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Form the augmented matrix 2 2t

4 e e2t .

Add row 1 to row 2 followed 2 2t 0 4e 2e4t

0 .

3 .. e . 1 05 . e4t .. 0 1 4t

by adding  12 row 2 to row 1 to get 3 .. . 1=2 1=2 5 .. . 1 1

Multiply row 1 by e2t and then multiply row 2 by 12 e4t to get 2 41




.. . 1=2e2t .. . 1=2e4t

3 1=2e2t 5 1=2e4t

Therefore X1 (t) ¼

1=2e2t 1=2e4t

1=2e2t 1=2e4t

Now ðt


X (s)f(s) ds ¼




1=2e4s 1=2e4s  ðt  1=2 ds ¼ 1=2e6s   1=2t ¼ 1=12e6t

e2s 0


Such that ðt

xp (t) ¼ X(t) X1 (s)f(s) ds  2t       1=2t 1=12 2t 1=2t e e4t 2t ¼ ¼ e e  1=12 1=2t e2t e4t 1=12e6t

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Notice that the last column is a multiple of c1 in the complementary solution and can be dropped from the particular solution, that is     1 1 4t x(t) ¼ c1 e2t þ c2 e þ xp 1 1       1=2t 1 1 4t 2t e2t ¼ c1 e þ c2 e þ 1=2t 1 1 As usual, in order to determine the arbitrary constants, initial conditions are needed. In summary, the following theorem provides us with the formula to solve the nonhomogeneous initial value problem: Theorem 3.12 The unique solution to the initial value problem x0 ¼ A(t)x þ f(t),

x(0) ¼ x0


is given by x(t) ¼ X(t)X1 (0)x0 þ X(t)


X1 (s)f(s) ds



where X(t) is a fundamental matrix solution of the homogeneous system.

3.9 PROBLEMS 1. Two thin-wall pipes of 1-in. outside diameter have flanges 1/2-in. thick and 4-in. diameter on the ends joining them together. If the conductivity of the flange metal is k Btu/h ft2 8F ft1, and the exposed surfaces of the flange lose heat to the surroundings, which are at T18F by means of a heat transfer coefficient, h Btu/h ft2 8F, show that the equation giving the temperature distribution in the flange is  2  d T dT 6k r 2 þ ¼ hr(T  T1 ) dr dr where r is the radial distance coordinate in inches. If the circular faces of the flanges are thermally insulated and the flanges only lose heat through the rim where h ¼ 20 Btu/h ft2 8F, solve the differential equation and determine the temperature of the rim for a pipe temperature of 2008F, T1 ¼ 608F, and k ¼ 200 Btu/h ft2 8F ft1. 2. Mass transfer. As liquid flows across any plate of a distillation column its composition, x, changes from the entry concentration, x0, to the exit

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concentration, x1 [15]. The composition at any point on the plate is influenced by the passage of the stripping gas at a rate G, the bulk flow at a rate L, and the mixing on the plate by the eddy diffusivity, DE. If a constant Murphree point efficiency Emv ¼

y  y1 y  y1

can be assumed and a straight line equilibrium curve given by y ¼ mx þ b show that the liquid composition satisfies the equation


d2 x dx mGV  V  E (x  x ) ¼ 0 dz2 dz Lz1 mv

where z is the distance measured along the plate from the inlet weir, z1 is the distance between the weirs, V is the linear velocity of the liquid, and x is the liquid composition in equilibrium with the entering gas, which is constant across the plate. 3. Consider the problem of heat loss from the surface of an oven wall due to ‘‘through metal,’’ which conducts heat from the inside. The heat is dissipated to the air from the sheet-metal protective covering of the insulated housing. The metal covering consists of 0.005-ft thick steel having thermal conductivity of 25 Btu/h ft2 8Fft1. The surface coefficient of heat transfer is 2.5 Btu/h.ft2 8F and the head of the bolt is 5/8-in. diameter. The temperature of the room is 708F and the bolt head temperature is constant at 1508F. Neglecting heat loss, except by conduction along the bolt, determine temperatures of the outer metal wall at several points up to 1 ft from the bolt. (Hint: since the temperature is symmetrical about the bolt, then T can be assumed to be a function of r only.) 4. A copper fin L-ft long is triangular in cross-section [6]. It is w-ft thick at the base and tapers off to a line (see Figure 3.10). The base of this wedge-shaped piece of metal is maintained at a constant temperature TA, and the fin loses heat by convection to the surrounding air, which is at a temperature TB. The surface coefficient of heat transfer is h Btu/h ft2 8F. Derive the relationship between the temperature, T, of the metal fin and the distance from the base, L  x. (Hint: assume T is a function of x only.)

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Base at TB

Air at TA



FIGURE 3.10 Wedge-shaped fin.


  d w dT k x ¼ h 2 sec u(T  TA ) dx L dx

5. Steady flow between a fixed and a moving plate [26]. Assume that (1) Two infinite plates are 2h apart, and the upper plate moves at speed U relative to the lower. (2) The pressure p is constant. (3) The upper plate is held at temperature T1 and the lower plate at T0 (see Figure 3.11). Derive the velocity and temperature profiles assuming that u ¼ u(y) and T ¼ T(y). Also, find the shear stress. Answer: Continuity:

@u ¼0 @x

d2 u ¼0 dy2  2 d2 T du k 2 þm ¼0 dy dy



mU 2h


y = +h, u = U, T =T1 r = const. y = -h, u = 0, T =T0

moving y z

FIGURE 3.11 Couette flow between parallel plates.

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dx x

FIGURE 3.12 Diffusion with chemical reaction.

6. Diffusion with chemical reaction. A gas is absorbed by a solution with which it reacts chemically [6]. The rate of diffusion in the liquid can be assumed proportional to the concentration gradient, and the diffusing gas is eliminated as it diffuses by a first-order chemical reaction. The reaction rate is proportional to the concentration of the solute gas in the liquid. Obtain an expression for the concentration in the liquid as a function of the distance from the gas–liquid interface (see Figure 3.12).


  d dc D ¼ kc dx dx

7. Consider the set of reversible reactions [6].


A ! B k2

B ! A k3

B ! C k4

C ! B Suppose the initial amount of A is 1 mol and NA, NB, and NC denote the moles of A, B, and C, respectively, at any time t. Derive a second-order constant coefficient linear differential equation relating NA, t, and the rate constants. 8. Oxygen dissolves into and reacts irreversibly with aqueous sodium sulfite solutions [23]. If the gas solubility is denoted as CA at

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Linear Second-Order and Systems of First-Order


the liquid–gas interface, develop a differential equation that describes the steady-state composition profiles of O2 in the liquid phase when kCnA is the O2 reaction rate, and JA ¼ DA

dCA dz

describes the local O2 diffusion flux. d2 CA ¼ kCnA Answer: DA dz2 9. If one of the planes of Example 3.22 is moving with speed V, what are the boundary conditions? Derive the velocity profile for this case. A V y þ1 þ (y2  b2 ) Answer: u ¼ 2 b 2m 10. Consider the steady flow of a fluid through a circular pipe of radius R. Suppose the fluid flows with a velocity uz ¼ U in the z direction, starting with the continuity equation in polar coordinates and the Navier–Stokes equations [19] show that 0¼

   A m 1 d duz þ r r r r dr dr

where A is the pressure gradient, which is taken as constant. Why is the quantity @ 2 uz ¼ 0? @u2 Also, show that dP ¼ 

8m uz m uz dz ¼ 32 2 dz R2 D

11. Reduction of linear boundary value problems to initial value problems [27]. Consider the problem given by the differential equation d2 y dy þ f1 (x) þ f2 (x)y ¼ r(x) 2 dx dx


and the boundary conditions y(a) ¼ ya

and y(b) ¼ yb


This problem can be transformed into a set of two initial value problems.

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Transform Equation 3.166 into a set of two differential equations by assuming that y(x) ¼ y1 (x) þ my2 (x)


is a linear combination of solutions to the desired differential equations, where the quantity m is a constant. Use the boundary conditions given by Equation 3.167 to derive the initial conditions y1 (a) ¼ ya


y2 (a) ¼ 0


dy1 (a) ¼0 dx


dy2 (a) ¼1 dx


and set

to identify the missing slope. Transform the boundary condition at the second point to define m. Answer: Initial value problem-1: d2 y 1 dy1 þ f2 (x)y1 ¼ r(x) þ f1 (x) dx2 dx dy1 (a) ¼0 y1 (a) ¼ ya , dx initial value problem-2: d2 y 2 dy2 þ f2 (x)y2 ¼ 0 þ f1 (x) dx2 dx dy2 (a) ¼1 y2 (a) ¼ 0, dx m ¼ [yb  y1 (b)]=y2 (b) 12. Find a fundamental set of solutions of 

1 1 x ¼ Ax; A ¼ 1 3 0

13. Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find a particular solution of

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Linear Second-Order and Systems of First-Order

2 x ¼ 1 0

  t  1 2e xþ 2 3t

14. Show that Equation 3.163 is a valid candidate particular solution when the method of variation of parameters is used. 15. Use the method of variation of parameters to find the general solution to 

2 x ¼ 1 0

  t  1 2e xþ 2 3t

16. Use the method of Laplace transforms to solve the system   t  2 1 2e x ¼ xþ ; 1 2 3t 0

  0 x0 ¼ 0

REFERENCES 1. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005. 2. Giordano, F.R. and Weir, M.D., Differential Equations, a Modeling Approach, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1988. 3. Greenberg, M.D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988. 4. O’Neil, P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., PWS-Kent, Boston, 1995. 5. Hildebrand, F.B., Advanced Calculus for Applications, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. 6. Mickley, H.S., Sherwood, T.K., and Reid, C.E., Applied Mathematics in Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1957. 7. Loney, N.W., Analytical solution to mass transfer in laminar flow in hollow fiber with heterogeneous chemical reaction, Chem. Eng. Sci., 51, 3995, 1995. 8. Huang, C.R., Heat transfer to a laminar flow fluid in a circular tube, AIChE J., 30, 833, 1984. 9. Watson, G.N., A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, London, 1966. 10. Gray, A. and Matthews, G.B., A Treatise on Bessel Functions and Their Applications to Physics, 2nd ed., Dover, New York, 1966. 11. Tranter, C.J., Bessel Functions with Some Physical Applications, English University Press, London, 1968. 12. Slater, L.C.J., Confluent Hypergeometric Functions, Cambridge University Press, London, 1960.

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13. Spiegel, M.R., Mathematical Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968. 14. Thomas, G.B. and Finney, R.L., Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 6th ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1984. 15. Jenson, V.G. and Jeffreys, G.V., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Academic Press, London, 1963. 16. Churchill, R.V. and Brown, J.W., Complex Variables and Applications, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984. 17. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993. 18. Saff, E.B. and Snider, A.D., Fundamentals of Complex Analysis for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976. 19. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., Transport Phenomena, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002. 20. Schlichting, H., Boundary-Layer Theory, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979. 21. Incropera, F.P. and DeWitt, D.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1985. 22. Dettman, J.W., Applied Complex Variables, Dover, New York, 1984. 23. Rice, R.G. and Do, D.D., Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. 24. Walas, S.M., Modeling with Differential Equations in Chemical Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, 1991. 25. Hale, J.K., Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974. 26. White, F.M., Viscous Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. 27. Na, T.Y., Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary Value Problems, Academic Press, New York, 1979. 28. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1980. 29. Sewell, G., Computational Methods of Linear Algebra, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey, 2005.

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

4.1 INTRODUCTION In the previous chapters, the discussion was primarily about the initial value problems, for which one seeks a solution to a differential equation subject to conditions on the dependent variable and its derivatives specified at only one value of the independent variable. In this chapter, the discussion will be about the class of problems, for which one seeks a solution to a differential equation subject to conditions on the dependent variable specified at two or more values of the independent variable, namely boundary value problems. Among the many problems encountered in chemical engineering science, those that appear very frequently involve the Sturm–Liouville boundary value problems. Following is an illustration of what is meant by a Sturm–Liouville problem. Consider the problem 2 y00 þ y0 þ (x2  lx)y ¼ 0 x


then an integrating factor for the above equation is Ð2 m(x) ¼ e xdx ¼ x2 If Equation 4.1 is multiplied by x2, we get x2 y00 þ 2xy0 þ (x4  lx3 )y ¼ 0 or (x2 y0 )0 þ (x4  lx3 )y ¼ 0


The above equation is considered to be in the Sturm–Liouville form. That is (p(x)y0 )0 þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0


is the Sturm–Liouville differential equation.


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It is also helpful to distinguish between two types of linear boundary value problems, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous. The equation p(x)y00 þ Q(x)y0 þ R(x)y ¼ G(x)


is a general, linear, second-order, and nonhomogeneous differential equation and was discussed in Chapter 3. The condition a1 y(x0 ) þ a2 y0 (x0 ) ¼ c


is a general, linear, and nonhomogeneous boundary condition. Both Equation 4.4 and Equation 4.5 are considered homogeneous if their right-hand sides are identically zero. Therefore, we are using the same definition of ‘‘homogeneous’’ as introduced in the discussion on second-order differential equations. However, it is very important to note what is meant by a homogeneous boundary value problem as opposed to a differential equation. A boundary value problem is homogeneous when both the differential equation and all boundary conditions are homogeneous [1–4] and nonhomogeneous otherwise. For example, the problem P(x)y00 þ Q(x)y0 þ R(x)y ¼ 0, 0 < x < 1 a1 y(0) þ a2 y0 (0) ¼ 0 b1 y(1) þ b2 y0 (1) ¼ 0 is a second-order linear homogeneous boundary value problem. Sturm–Liouville problems are categorized according to the type of boundary conditions that the differential equation must satisfy.



A general homogeneous second-order differential equation of the form a1 (x)y00 þ a2 (x)y0 þ [a3 (x) þ l]y ¼ 0


can be recast in the Sturm–Liouville form   d dy p(x) þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0 dx dx with the aid of the following device


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Sturm–Liouville Problems

2x 3 ð a (t) 2 dt5 p(x) ¼ exp4 a1 (t) q(x) ¼


a3 (x) p(x) a1 (x)


p(x) a1 (x)


and r(x) ¼

where p, q, and r are real-valued functions of x, and l is a parameter. Further, to ensure the existence of solutions on a closed finite interval [a, b], q and r are to be continuous on [a, b], whereas p is to be continuously differentiable on [a, b] [2,4]. Generally, there are three classes of Sturm–Liouville problems: 1. Regular 2. Periodic 3. Singular Each class is discussed below with an illustrative problem. Again the boundary conditions are very influential as to what class of boundary value problem one has to solve. Class 1. The Regular Sturm–Liouville Problem on [a, b] If p(x) > 0 and r(x) > 0 on a  x  b, one seeks numbers l and nontrivial solutions of (p(x)y0 )0 þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0


A1 y(a) þ A2 y0 (a) ¼ 0


B1 y(b) þ B2 y0 (b) ¼ 0


subject to

in which A1 and A2 are given are nonzero values, and B1 and B2 are given are nonzero values. Equation 4.11 through Equation 4.13 constitute a regular Sturm–Liouville boundary value problem. For example, the problem y00 þ ly ¼ 0;


p 2

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y(0) ¼ 0 p y ¼0 2 where p(x) ¼ 1, r(x) ¼ 1, and q(x) ¼ 0 is a regular Sturm–Liouville problem with A1 ¼ B1 ¼ 1 and A2 ¼ B2 ¼ 0. There are three cases to consider, depending on the parameter l, that is, l ¼ 0, l > 0, and l < 0. Case I Suppose l ¼ 0, then y00 ¼ 0 and yg (x) ¼ k1 x þ k2 g(0) ¼ 0 ¼ k2 p p y ¼ 0 ¼ k1 , k1 ¼ 0 2 2 giving the trivial solution. Therefore, l 6¼ 0. Case II Suppose l > 0, say l ¼ b2 (for convenience), then y00 þ b2 y ¼ 0 y(0) ¼ 0,

y(p=2) ¼ 0

has general solution y(x) ¼ k1 cos bx þ k2 sin bx and y(0) ¼ 0 ¼ k1 p p y ¼ 0 ¼ k2 sin b 2 2 therefore, either k2 ¼ 0 or sin b

p ¼0 2

If k2 ¼ 0, then we get a trivial solution. Then, for nontrivial solution to exist sin b

p p ¼ 0 ) b ¼ np 2 2

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

or b ¼ 2n,

n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . .

Therefore, ln ¼ 4n2 defines the so-called eigenvalues of this problem. Corresponding to each eigenvalue is an eigenfunction fn (x) ¼ k2n sin (2nx) with k2n an arbitrary constant. Case III Suppose l < 0, say l ¼ a2, a > 0, then y00  a2 y ¼ 0 p y(0) ¼ y ¼0 2 Therefore, yg(x) ¼ c1eax þ c2eax and y(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c1 þ c2 , c2 ¼ c1 y

p 2

¼ 0 ¼ c1 ea(p=2) þ c2 ea(p=2) ) c1 (ea(p=2)  ea(p=2) ) ¼ 0

from which one can conclude that c1 ¼ 0 ¼ c2, and there are no negative eigenvalues. In summary, the regular Sturm–Liouville problem y00  ly ¼ 0, y(0) ¼ y

p ¼0 2

has eigenvalues ln ¼ 4n2 ,

n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . .

and corresponding eigenfunctions fn (x) ¼ k2n sin (2nx) with k2n nonzero but otherwise arbitrary. Class 2. The Periodic Sturm–Liouville Problem on [a, b] If p(x) > 0 and r(x) > 0 on a  x  b, one seeks numbers l and nontrivial solution of

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(p(x)y0 )0 þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0


y(a) ¼ y(b)


y0 (a) ¼ y0 (b)


subject to

For example, y00 þ ly ¼ 0 on [p, p] y(p) ¼ y(p) y0 (p) ¼ y0 (p) is a periodic Sturm–Liouville problem. Again there are three cases to consider. Case I Suppose l ¼ 0, then yg (x) ¼ k1 x þ k2


y(p) ¼ k1 p þ k2 ¼ y(p) ¼ k1 p þ k2

which results in y ¼ k2 Thus, l ¼ 0 is an eigenvalue for this problem with the corresponding eigenfunction y ¼ k2, which is an arbitrary constant. Case II Suppose l > 0, say l ¼ b2 then yg ¼ c1 cos bx þ c2 sin bx and y(p) ¼ c1 cos bx  c2 sin bx ¼ y(p) ¼ c1 cos bp þ c2 sin bp and y0 (p) ¼ c1 b sin bp þ c2 b cos bp ¼ c1 b sin bp þ c2 cos bp ¼ y0 (p) Therefore,

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

2c2 sin bp ¼ 0 and 2c1 sin bp ¼ 0 ) sin bp ¼ 0 ) bp ¼ np,

n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . .

for nontrivial solution. Therefore, l ¼ n2 is an eigenvalue with corresponding eigenfunctions fn (x) ¼ c1n cos(nx) þ c2n sin(nx) in which c1n and c2n are arbitrary constants, which cannot both be zero but are otherwise arbitrary. For the case with l < 0, it can be shown that only trivial solutions result. Therefore, the periodic Sturm–Liouville problem y00 þ ly ¼ 0, y(p) ¼ y(p) and

y0 (p) ¼ y0 (p)

has eigenvalues l ¼ n2 ,

n ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . .

and eigenfunction fn (x) ¼ c1n cos(nx) þ c2n sin(nx) with not both c1n and c2n zero. Class 3. The Singular Sturm–Liouville Problem on [a, b] If p(x) > 0 and r(x) > 0 on a  x  b, one seeks number l and nontrivial solution of (p(x)y0 )0 þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0


satisfying one of the following three types of boundary conditions: 1. If p(a) ¼ 0, then B1 y(b) þ B2 y0 (b) ¼ 0


with B1 and B2 given and are nonzero, and also the solutions must be bounded at a. 2. If p(b) ¼ 0, then A1 y(a) þ A2 y0 (a) ¼ 0


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with A1 and A2 given and are nonzero, also solutions must be bounded at b. 3. If p(a) ¼ p(b) ¼ 0, we have no boundary conditions specified at either a or b but require that solutions be bounded on [a, b]. For example, Legendre’s equation [2] (1  x2 )y00  2xy0 þ ‘ (‘ þ 1)y ¼ 0 can be recast as ½(1  x2 )y0 0 þ ly ¼ 0

1  x  1

with l ¼ ‘(‘ þ 1), p(x) ¼ 1  x2 such that p(1) ¼ p(1) ¼ 0: This results in the class of singular Sturm–Liouville problems having type 3 boundary condition. Further, since (1  x2 )y00  2xy0 þ ‘(‘ þ 1)y ¼ 0 can be rewritten as y00 

2x 0 ‘(‘ þ 1) y þ y¼0 1  x2 1  x2

with singular points at x ¼ +1, but both 2x/(1  x2) and ‘(‘þ1)/(1  x2) have Taylor Series expansion about the origin in 1 < x < 1 (x ¼ 0 is an ordinary point), then y¼

1 X

an x n


can be assumed as a solution of the given differential equation. Proceeding formally, as in the Frobenius series method, results in 2a2 þ ‘(‘ þ 1)a0 þ [3  2a3 þ ‘(‘ þ 1)a1  2a1 ]x þ

1 X n¼2

from which

{(n þ 2)(n þ 1)anþ2 þ [‘(‘ þ 1) n(n  1)  2n]an }xn ¼ 0

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

a2 ¼ 

a3 ¼ 

anþ2 ¼ 

‘(‘ þ 1) a0 2

(‘ þ 2)(‘ þ 1) a1 32

(n þ ‘ þ 1)(‘  n) an , n  2 (n þ 2)(n þ 1)

where the latter equation is the recurrence relation. Following the determination of a few more constants, one can observe the patterns: a2n ¼

(1)n (‘ þ 2n  1)(‘ þ 2n  3) . . . (‘ þ 1)‘(‘  2) . . . (‘  2n þ 4)(‘  2n þ 2) a0 (2n)!

for even indexed coefficients and a2nþ1 ¼

(1)n (‘ þ 2n). . . (‘ þ 4)(‘ þ 2)(‘  1)(‘  3). . . (‘  2n þ 1) a1 (2n þ 1)!

for odd indexed coefficients. Therefore, one can obtain two linearly independent solutions of Legendre’s equation. Say for a0 ¼ 1 and a1 ¼ 0 y1 ¼

1 X



(‘ þ 2n  1)(‘ þ 2n  3).. . (‘ þ 1)‘(‘  2). .. (‘  2n þ 4)(‘  2n þ 2) 2n x (2n)!

and for a0 ¼ 0 and a1 ¼ 1 y2 ¼

1 X n¼0


(‘ þ 2n). . . (‘ þ 4)(‘ þ 2)(‘  1)(‘  3). . . (‘  2n þ 1) 2nþ1 x (2n þ 1)!

By making appropriate choices of ‘, the linearly independent solutions can be reduced to polynomials (Legendre’s polynomials). A knowledge of the properties of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions can dramatically reduce the labor typically required to solve a Sturm–Liouville problem. These properties also provide a check on whether or not one’s solution is reasonable.

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The following theorem summarizes the important properties of the Sturm– Liouville problem and its eigenvalues [1,2]. Theorem 4.1 1. For the regular and periodic Sturm–Liouville problems, there exist an infinite number of eigenvalues. Further, these eigenvalues can be labeled l1, l2, . . . so that ln < lm if n < m and n!1 lim ln ¼ 1. 2. If ln and lm are distinct eigenvalues of any of the three types of Sturm– Liouville problems, with corresponding eigenfunctions fn and fm, then fn and fm are orthogonal on [a, b] with weight function r(x). That is ðb

r(x)n (x)m (x) dx ¼ 0 if n 6¼ m:


3. For all three classes of Sturm–Liouville problems, all eigenvalues are real. 4. For a regular Sturm–Liouville problem, any two eigenfunctions corresponding to a given eigenvalue are linearly dependent. 5. The Laplace transform, F(s), of a solution to a Sturm–Liouville problem is analytic for all finite s except for poles, which correspond to the eigenvalues of the system. Sometimes it is helpful to approximate the value of the smallest eigenvalue when one is faced with a computationally difficult engineering problem. An iterative procedure known as the method of Stodola and Vianello [5] is outlined as follows. Consider the regular Sturm–Liouville problem d2 y þ ly ¼ 0 dx2


subject to y(0) ¼ 0,

y(L) ¼ 0


This problem can be easily shown to have eigenvalues ln ¼

n2 p 2 , L2

n ¼ 1, 2, . . .


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Sturm–Liouville Problems

with corresponding eigenfunctions fn (x) ¼ sin

npx L


However, the method can be illustrated using this familiar problem: 1. Rewrite Equation 4.20 as d2 y ¼ ly dx2


2. Replace the unknown function y on the right-hand side of the above equation by a conveniently chosen first approximation y1(x) giving d2 y ¼ ly1 (x) dx2


3. Solve Equation 4.25 and Equation 4.21 formally to get y ¼ lf1 (x)


If y1(x) were actually an eigenfunction of the problem, then y ¼ y1 and l would be the eigenvalue given by the constant ratio l¼

y1 (x) f1 (x)

However, y1(x) is generally not an eigenfunction and therefore y1(x) and f1(x) generally will not be in a constant ratio. To illustrate further, suppose y1(x) is chosen to be y1 (x) ¼ x(L  x) then d2 y ¼ lx(L  x) ¼ l(x2  Lx) dx2 whose solution satisfying Equation 4.21 is

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l 4 (x  2Lx3 þ L3 x)  lf1 (x) 12

Observe that y 6¼ y1, but a first approximation of the smallest eigenvalue, l1, can be obtained from ðL


y1 (x) dx ¼ l f1 (x) dx



That is, ðL

l (Lx  x ) dx ¼ 12 2



(x4  2Lx3 þ L3 x) dx


or ÐL l ¼ 12 ÐL

(Lx  x2 ) dx


(x4  2Lx3 þ L3 x) dx


such that l(1) 1 ¼

10 L2

is the first approximation to the smallest eigenvalue. By taking y2 (x) ¼ x4 2Lx3 þ L3 x as the next approximation, and formally solving d2 y ¼ ly2 (x) dx2 subject to Equation 4.21 gives y ¼ lf2 (x) ¼  then Equation 4.27 becomes

l 6 (x  3Lx5 þ 5L3 x3  3L5 x) 30


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Sturm–Liouville Problems



y2 (x) dx ¼ l f2 (x) dx



such that the second approximation to l1 is l(2) 1 ¼

168 9:882 ¼ 2 17L2 L

In general, successive estimates of the eigenvalues l1 may be obtained after each iteration by requiring that the functions yn(x) and y ¼ lfn(x) agree as well as possible over the interval (0, L). In particular, the nth approximation to be the smallest value of l is given by ÐL l(n) 1 ¼

0 ÐL

yn (x) dx (4:28) fn (x) dx


and the corresponding eigenfunctions is yn(x). An improved version of the above equation is given by Ðb l(n) 1


r(x)fn (x)yn (x) dx



(4:29) r(x)[fn (x)]2 dx


The above equation is a consequence of point 2 of Theorem 4.1. The next section briefly introduces an application of property 2 given in the theorem. This is a very important property that will be used repeatedly in solving application problems in both Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

4.3 EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION Consider a Sturm–Liouville problem on [a, b], that is (p(x)y0 )0 þ [q(x) þ lr(x)]y ¼ 0


A1 y(a) þ A2 y0 (a) ¼ 0


subject to

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B1 y(b) þ B2 y0 (b) ¼ 0


Then, if the eigenvalues l1, l2, . . . , and corresponding eigenfunctions f1(x), f2(x), . . . have been found, one can sometimes expand a given function f(x) in a series of these eigenfunctions. That is f (x) ¼

1 X


cn fn (x),



The series in the above equation is called an eigenfunction expansion of f(x) on [a, b]. In order to determine the cn’s, property 2 of Theorem 4.1 will be used in the following way: Multiply Equation 4.33 by r(x)fk(x) and integrate the result from a to b. ðb

r(x)f (x)fk (x) dx ¼

1 X n¼1


ðb cn r(x)fn (x)fk (x) dx



assuming that term-by-term integration of the series is permissible. Then property 2 of Theorem 4.1 gives ðb

r(x)fn (x)fk (x) dx ¼ 0

if n 6¼ k


Therefore, Equation 4.34 reduces to ðb


r(x)f (x)fk (x) dx ¼ ck r(x)[fk (x)]2 dx


for n ¼ k


Finally, Ðb

r(x)f (x)fk (x) dx ck ¼ a b Ð r(x)[fk (x)]2 dx



These ck are the so-called Fourier coefficients of f(x) with respect to the eigenfunctions of the given Sturm–Liouville problem. A more comprehensive discussion on Fourier coefficients will be given in the next chapter. Also, the conditions that a function must satisfy in order to have a series expansion, as given in Equation 4.33 will be discussed in Chapter 5.

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

Following is an example demonstrating the computation of Fourier coefficients. Example 4.1 Consider y00 þ ly ¼ 0 subject to y(0) ¼ y(p/2) ¼ 0, a regular Sturm–Liouville problem on [0, p/2] with eigenvalues ln ¼ 4n2, n  1 and corresponding eigenfunctions fn(x) ¼ sin 2nx. Then, if f(x) ¼ x2 on [0, p/2] satisfies all the required conditions to be given in Chapter 5, one can proceed to find the cn’s as follows: p=2 ð

r(x)f (x)fn (x) dx ¼


p=2 ð

x2 sin 2nx dx


p2 1 cos np þ 3 [ cos np  1] ¼ 4n 8n and p=2 ð



r(x)[fn (x)] dx ¼

p=2 ð

sin2 2nx dx ¼ p=4


such that   4 p2 1 cos np þ 3 ( cos np  1) cn ¼ p 8n 4n p 1 cos np þ 3 ( cos np  1) ¼ 2n pn Finally,  1  X 1 p cos np sin 2nx x ¼ ( cos np  1)  pn3 2n n¼1 2

Again, eigenfunction expansion will be useful in solving certain types of boundary value problems to be discussed in Chapter 6.

4.4 PROBLEMS 1. Find all the values of l, satisfying the boundary value problem X00 ¼l X

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X(0) ¼ 0,

X(1) ¼ 0

2. Find all the values of l, satisfying the boundary value problem X00 ¼l X X(0) ¼ 0, X0 (L) ¼ 0 3. Find all the values of l, satisfying the boundary value problem X00 ¼l X X(L) ¼ X(L), X0 (L) ¼ X0 (L) 4. Find all the values of l, satisfying the boundary value problem X00 ¼l X X0 (0) ¼ 0, X0 (L) ¼ 0 5. Use property 2 of Theorem 4.1 to determine Bn in the series 1 X

Bn sin


 f (x) ¼

1, 0,

npx ¼ f (x) L 0 < x < 0.5 0.5 < x < L

6. Use property 2 of Theorem 4.1 to determine An in the series 1 X

An cos


 f (x) ¼

1, 0,

npx ¼ f (x) L 0 < x < 0.5 0.5 < x < L

7. Use property 2 of Theorem 4.1 to determine An and Bn in the series 1  X n¼0

An cos

npx npx þ Bn sin ¼ f (x) 2 2

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Sturm–Liouville Problems

 f (x) ¼

x, 2,

2 < x < 0 00

0, eax ,

Solution Using Equation 5.51 with ð1

1 A(v) ¼ p ¼

f (x) cos vx dx 1 1 ð

1 p

eax cos vx dx



1 a p a2 þ v2

and ð 1 1 ax e sin vx dx p 1   1 v ¼ p a2 þ v 2

B(v) ¼

Therefore, the given function becomes f (x) ¼ ¼

ð1 0 1 ð

[A(v) cos vx þ B(v) sin vx] dv

  1 a v cos vx þ 2 sin vx dv p a2 þ v2 a þ v2


Some other useful forms of Fourier’s integral are f (x) ¼

1 p

ð1 ð1

f (u) cos v(x  u) du dv




and f (x) ¼

1 p

ð1 ð1 0


f (u)eiv(xu) du dv


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Fourier Series and Integrals

Example 5.10 Use Equation 5.58 to find the Fourier representation of  f (x) ¼

x 0,

0, eax ,


Solution ð ð 1 1 1 f (x) ¼ f (u)eiv(xu) du dv 2p 1 1 ð ð 1 1 1 ax ivx ivx ¼ e e e dx dv 2p 1 1 where the substitution f (u)eivu du  eax eivx dx has been made. However, ð1 e


dx ¼



e(aþiv)x dx ¼


1 a þ iv

Therefore, 1 f (x) ¼ 2p

ð1 1

1 eivt dv a þ iv

If f(x) is either an odd or an even function, the Fourier integral can be reduced to a sine or cosine representation. That is, for f(x) odd f (x) ¼

2 p


ð1 sin vx dv





f (u) sin vu du


f (u) cos vu du


and for f(x) even 2 f (x) ¼ p

cos vx dv 0


Equations 5.59 and Equation 5.60 are the Fourier sine and cosine integral representations of f(x), respectively. Example 5.11 Find the Fourier cosine and sine representation of f(t) ¼ eat, 0 < t < 1, a > 0.

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Solution Equation 5.60 suggests that ð1

f (u) cos vu du 



eat cos vt dt



a a2 þ v2

Therefore, the cosine representation of the given function is 2 f (t) ¼ p

ð1 0

a cos vt dv a2 þ v2

Similarly, the sine representation of eat is 2 f (t) ¼ p

1 ð

v sin vt dv a2 þ v 2


Example 5.12 Find the Fourier cosine integral representation of the function  f (x) ¼

1, 0,

0 1

is the Fourier sine transform of f(x). Then, by Equation 5.64, 2 f (x) ¼ p

ð1 0

2 Fs (a) sin ax da ¼ p ¼


(1  a) sin ax da


2(x  sin x) px2

Example 5.14 If the Fourier transforms of the functions f1(x) and f2(x) exist, what is the Fourier transform of a1 f1 þ a2 f2 for a1, a2 constants? Solution F{a1 f1 þ a2 f2 } ¼


[a1 f1 (u) þ a2 f2 (u)]eivu du ð1 ivu f1 (u)e du þ a2 f2 (u)eivu du

1 ð1

¼ a1



a1 F{ f1 } þ a2 F{ f2 }


The linearity property displayed by Example 5.14 is generally true for Fourier transforms and their inverses. Example 5.15 If f(x) is continuous and f 0 (x) is at least piecewise continuous on (1, 1), and if ð1

j f (x)j dx


and ð1 1

j f 0 (x)j dx

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Fourier Series and Integrals

exist, then show that F{ f 0 (x)} ¼ ivF{ f(x)}. Solution 0

F{ f (u)} ¼


f 0 (u)eivu du ¼ F(v)


then using integration by parts with p ¼ eivu

dq ¼ f 0 (u) du


results in 0

F{ f (u)} ¼ lim




f (u)




f (u)eivu du


However, f(x) is given as absolutely integrable; therefore, it must vanish at both 1 and 1. Such that, the final result is 0

F{ f (u)} ¼ iv


f (u)eivu du



¼ ivF(v) The result of this latter example can be extended to the general result F{ f (n) (x)} ¼ (iv)n F(v)


as long as successive derivatives of f(x) are continuous and absolutely integrable on (1, 1). Additional properties of Fourier transforms can be found in most advanced engineering texts [2,7,8]. Example 5.16 Obtain the solution of the initial-value problem of heat conduction in an infinite rod as described by @T @2T ¼k 2, @t @x

1 < x < 1, t > 0

subject to T(x, 0) ¼ f (x)

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where T is the temperature distribution and is bounded, and k is a constant representing diffusivity. Solution Let U(v, t) ¼ F{T(x, t)} ¼


T(x, t)eivx dx


then the inverse transform is 1 2p

T(x, t) ¼


U(v, t)eivx dv


Therefore, the differential equation becomes dU(v, t) þ kv2 U ¼ 0 dt and the given initial condition becomes U(v, 0) ¼ F(v) This is now a first-order linear ordinary differential equation with U(v, t) ¼ Cekv



as its general solution while treating v as a parameter. The particular solution is U(v, t) ¼ F(v)ekv



Using Equation 5.62, the inverse transform is ð 1 1 U(v, t)eivx dv 2p 1 ð 1 1 2 ¼ F(v)ekv t eivx dv 2p 1

T(x, t) ¼

This is now in the appropriate form for which the convolution theorem for Fourier transform is useful to carry out the inversion. That is f g ¼


f (u) g(x  u) du

1 2

By comparison, g(x) is the inverse of G (v) ¼ ekv t, which has the form

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Fourier Series and Integrals

ð 1 1 G(v)eivx dv 2p 1 ð 1  1 2 ¼ ekv t eivx dv 2p 1 rffiffiffiffi  1 p x2 =4kt ¼ e 2p kt 1 2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ex =4kt 4pkt

g(x) ¼

Consequently, the final solution is 1 T(x; t) ¼ 2p

  1 (x  u)2 f (u) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  du 4kt 4pkt 1


5.7 PROBLEMS 1. Assuming that f(t), f 0 (t), f 00 (t), and f 000 (t) are continuous and absolutely integrable on (1, 1), show that a. F { f 00 (t)} ¼ ivF { f 0 (t)} ¼ (iv)2F(v) b. F { f 000 (t)} ¼ ivF { f 00 (t)} ¼ (iv)3F(v) 2. If F(v) is the Fourier transform of f(t) show that F00 (v) ¼ F{f(t)}. Hint: assume that f(t) is absolutely integrable on (1, 1). 3. What error is made in approximating f(t) ¼ et on 0 < t < 1 by the sum of the first three nonzero terms of its Fourier series? 4. Determine the values of a and b, which make the line y ¼ a þ bx the best least-square approximation to ex on 0 < xÐ < 1, using the least-square 1 criterion given in Example 5.8 E(a, b) ¼ 0 ½ ex  (a þ bx)2 dx as the quantity to be minimized. Recall that for E to be a minimum, the quantities @E/@a and @E/@b must both be zero.

REFERENCES 1. Churchill, R.V. and Brown, J.W., Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987. 2. O’Neil, P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., PWS-Kent, Boston, 1995. 3. Spiegel, M.R., Fourier Analysis with Applications to Boundary Value Problems, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974. 4. Myint-U.T. and Debnath, L., Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. 5. Giordano, F.R. and Weir, M.D., Differential Equations, a Modeling Approach, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1991.

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6. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 3rd ed., John Wiley, New York, 1977. 7. Wylie, C.R. and Barrett, L.C., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995. 8. Greenberg, M.D., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988. 9. Zauderer, E., Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics, John Wiley, New York, 1983.

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Partial Differential Equations

6.1 INTRODUCTION In the previous five chapters, the essential tools necessary to tackle this chapter have been outlined. Herein, we will follow the ‘‘standard mathematician’s MO,’’ that is, I will attempt to reduce these new problems (solution of partial differential equations) to those we already know how to solve (ordinary differential equations). In the practice of chemical engineering science, there are many problems that must be described by two or more independent variables. For example, the equations of change for isothermal systems [1] are   @r @ @ @ ¼ rvx þ rvy þ rvz @t @x @y @z r


* * * D* v ¼ r p  [r  t ] þ r* g Dt


* D* v ¼ r p þ mr2* vþ* g Dt



Equation 6.1 is the equation of continuity, and it describes the rate of change of density at a fixed point resulting from the changes in the mass velocity vector r~ v. Equation 6.2 is the equation of motion, which states that a small volume element moving with the fluid is accelerated due to the forces acting on it. Equation 6.3 is the Navier–Stokes equation. These equations together with appropriate boundary and initial conditions make up a large portion of the research problems that are encountered in chemical engineering. Equation 6.1 through Equation 6.3 are partial differential equations (PDEs), as opposed to ordinary differential equations, but the definitions of linearity and homogeneity remain the same as those given for second-order ordinary differential equations. As a reminder, a linear operator L [2–5] must satisfy L(c1 u1 þ c2 u2 ) ¼ c1 L(u1 ) þ c2 L(u2 )



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for any two functions u1 and u2 where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. For example, @/@t and @ 2/@x2 are linear operators since they satisfy @ @u1 @u2 (c1 u1 þ c2 u2 ) ¼ c1 þ c2 @t @t @t and @2 @ 2 u1 @ 2 u2 (c1 u1 þ c2 u2 ) ¼ c1 2 þ c2 2 2 @x @x @x The general linear second-order PDE in one dependent variable u and independent variables x and y is Auxx þ Buxy þ Cuyy þ Dux þ Euy þ Fu ¼ G


where the coefficients are functions of x and y and do not vanish simultaneously. Also, in Equation 6.5 it is assumed that u and the coefficients are twice continuously differentiable in some domain R . If G ¼ 0 in Equation 6.5, then the equation is homogeneous. A fundamental property of linear operators (Equation 6.4) allows solutions of linear equations to be added together. This property is the principle of superposition and can be stated as follows: Given that u1, u2, . . . , uk satisfy a linear homogeneous equation, then an arbitrary linear combination of these, c1u1 þ c2u2 þ    þ ckuk also satisfies the same linear homogeneous equation. The concepts of linearity and homogeneity also apply to boundary conditions (see definitions in Chapter 4). In the sections that follow, solution techniques for linear boundary value problems are developed. Specifically, the method of separation of variables in Section 6.2 is illustrated. In Section 6.3, the method of eigenfunction expansion is outlined. In Section 6.4, the method of Laplace transform is illustrated. The method of combination of variables is outlined in Section 6.5. In Section 6.6, Fourier integrals are introduced. Each method is accompanied by at least two worked-out examples demonstrating the important steps in the construction of a solution to a given problem. Also, the method of regular perturbation, a technique that can be very helpful in estimating a solution to some nonlinear problems, is briefly introduced in this chapter.



Separation of variables is one of the most widely used solution techniques for a system consisting of a second-order PDE with boundary and/or initial conditions. This solution technique requires that the PDE be reduced to a

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Partial Differential Equations

system of ordinary differential equations. The spatial part of the PDE forms the ordinary differential equation in the resulting boundary value problem. Typically, these boundary value problems are precisely those Sturm–Liouville problems discussed in Chapter 4. As a reminder, a boundary value problem consists of a differential equation together with appropriate boundary conditions. In separating the variables, a substitution is made that transforms the PDE to an ordinary differential equation. This same substitution is used to transform the boundary conditions accompanying the PDE into appropriate boundary conditions for the ordinary differential equation. The time or time-like part of the PDE usually results in an initial value type problem. The general solution of this initial value problem is then combined with the eigenfunctions resulting from solving the boundary value problem. Application of the initial condition usually results in a Fourier series. In order for this technique to be successfully applied, both the PDE and accompanying boundary conditions must be linear and homogeneous. To demonstrate the technique, we will consider the following model: One-dimensional rod of length, L, which is laterally insulated. Heat is not internally generated. Rod is uniform with constant density throughout its length. Material of construction has constant specific heat and constant thermal conductivity. 5. Ends of the rod are kept at a fixed temperature, 08K in this case. 6. Rod has an initial temperature distribution that is a function of its length.

1. 2. 3. 4.

This model can be mathematically described for the temperature distribution, u, by conducting an energy balance over a finite segment of a onedimensional rod:   heat energy Let w(x, t) ¼ heat flux surface area  time   heat energy Q(x, t) ¼ heat source volume  time

f (b,t )

f (a,t )

L x=a

x=b x

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u(x, t) ¼ temperature  mass  r(x) ¼ mass density volume   heat energy c(x) ¼ specific heat mass  degree A ¼ cross-sectional area Then the total heat energy is Since 

Ðb a

change in total heat energy

c r u A dx.

flow through side ¼ edges at x ¼ a and x ¼ b   heat generated þ inside the region


Then, we have d dt


c r u A dx ¼ f(a, t)A  f(b, t)A þ


ðb AQ dx



Ðb An ordinary derivative, d/dt is used in Equation 6.7 because a c r u A dx depends on t only. Also notice that A is constant and can be divided out. From calculus, the quantity ð ðb d b @u (6:8) c r u A dx  cr A dx dt a @t a as long as u is continuous and a and b are constants. Also Equation 6.8 holds because the derivative is taken with x held constant, which means the ordinary derivative is to be replaced by a partial derivative. Furthermore, we can observe that ðb @f f(a, t)  f(b, t) ¼  dx a @x since f(x, t) is being taken as continuously differentiable. Therefore, Equation 6.7 can be restated as  ðb  @u @f  Q dx ¼ 0 (6:9) cr þ @t @x a From which one can conclude that

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Partial Differential Equations


@u @f ¼ þ Q(x, t) @t @x


But w(x, t) ¼ k

@u (Fourier’s law) @x

Therefore, upon substitution, we get @u k @2u @2u ¼ þ Q(x, t) ¼ k þ Q(x, t); @t cr @x2 @x2

k ¼k cr


In the present model, we are assuming that heat is not generated, therefore the term Q(x, t) ¼ 0, such that the model becomes l @u @ 2 u ¼ , 0; < x < L, t > 0 k @t @x2


u(0, t) ¼ 0 BC :

for t > 0


u(L, t) ¼ 0, IC: u(x, 0) ¼ f (x), 0 < x < L


where k is thermal diffusivity (L2/time) and these boundary conditions are described as fixed homogeneous. Solution Assume that u(x, t) ¼ X(x)T(t)


where X(x) represents a function of x only and T(t) represents a function of t only. Then Equation 6.15 can be substituted into Equation 6.12 such that @u dT ¼ X(x) ¼ X(x)T 0 (t) @t dt @u dX ¼ T(t) ¼ X0 (x)T(t) @X dx @ 2 u d2 X ¼ T(t) ¼ X00 (x)T(t) @x2 dx2 giving

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1 X(x)T 0 (t) ¼ X00 (x)T(t), k which can be rewritten as 1 T 0 X00 ¼ k T X


Now, observe that the left-hand side of Equation 6.16 is a function of t only, whereas the right-hand side is a function of x only. This can be a true statement only if Equation 6.16 is equal to a constant. That is 1 T 0 X00 ¼ ¼l k T X


where the number l is called the separation constant. Equation 6.17 can now be recasted as a system of two ordinary differential equations 1 T0 ¼l k T


X00 ¼l X



In order to further define l, we sequentially substitute the BC, Equation 6.13, into Equation 6.15 thus u(0, t) ¼ X(0)T(t)


X(0) ¼ 0

where the argument that T(t) is an arbitrary function independent of x has been applied to conclude that X(0) ¼ 0. The result u(L, t) ¼ X(L)T(t)


X(L) ¼ 0

is arrived at using the same reasoning. Therefore, Equation 6.19 is to be subjected to the boundary conditions X(0) ¼ 0


X(L) ¼ 0



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Partial Differential Equations

Equation 6.19 together with Equation 6.13a and Equation 6.13b constitute a homogeneous boundary value problem as defined in Chapter 4. Furthermore, Equation 6.19 together with Equation 6.13a and Equation 6.13b is an example of a regular Sturm–Liouville problem, where p(x) ¼ 1, r(x) ¼ 1, and q(x) ¼ 0. Also, A1 ¼ B1 ¼ 1 and A2 ¼ B2 ¼ 0 for the boundary conditions (Chapter 4). The three cases of l are examined in the way of Chapter 4, that is, l ¼ 0 and l > 0 both produce the trivial solution. The third case, l < 0, say l ¼ b2 gives X00 þ b2 X ¼ 0 X(0) ¼ 0 X(L) ¼ 0 which solves to n2 p 2 , L2

ln ¼ 

n ¼ 1, 2, . . .

and Xn (x) ¼ A1,n sin

npx L

The numbers defined by ln are the eigenvalues and the functions Xn(x) are the corresponding eigenfunctions as discussed in Chapter 4. Now, attention is given to Equation 6.18, which solves to Tn (t) ¼ celn kt where c is an arbitrary constant. Therefore, Equation 6.12 through Equation 6.15 result in  npx ln kt un (x, t) ¼ A1,n sin ce L for each n. However, by the principle of superposition the solution of Equation 6.12 and Equation 6.13, using Equation 6.15, can be represented as  2 2  1 X npx np exp  2 kt u(x, t) ¼ Bn sin (6:20) L L n¼1 We now use the given initial condition, Equation 6.14, to define Bn in the following way: u(x, 0) ¼

1 X n¼1

Bn sin

npx ¼ f (x) L


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Equation 6.21 can be recognized as the Fourier sine series representation of f(x). That is Bn ¼

2 L

ðL f (x) sin 0

npx dx for n  1 L


Therefore, the described model has Equation 6.20 and Equation 6.22 as its solution.



In this section, we will use examples to demonstrate the four standard types (classes) of boundary conditions that usually accompany a PDE. Class 1: Bar with zero temperature at both ends @u @ 2 u ¼ , 0 < x < 1, t > 0 @t @x2


BC: u(0, t) ¼ u(1, t) ¼ 0


 IC: u(x, 0) ¼

1, 0,

0 < x < 0.5 0.5 < x < 1


Solution Step 1: Substitute u ¼ XT into Equation 6.23 to obtain X00 ¼ constant X


T0 ¼ same constant T



Interpret the boundary conditions, Equation 6.24 in terms of the substitution u ¼ XT u(0, t) ¼ X(0)T(t) ¼ 0 and u(1, t) ¼ X(1)T(t) ¼ 0 Then, for nontrivial solution to exist we get X(0) ¼ 0 and X(1) ¼ 0


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Partial Differential Equations

Step 2: Usually there are three cases of the constant to consider in solving Equation 6.26. However, in the general model considered in Equation 6.12 through Equation 6.14, we found out that only the trivial solution resulted if the constant was zero or positive. Nontrivial solution resulted only for a negative constant, say l2, that is, designating the constant to be l2, Equation 6.26 has general solution X(x) ¼ c1 cos lx þ c2 sin lx Then applying the conditions given by Equation 6.28, we get l ¼ np,

n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . .

and Xn (x) ¼ c2 sin npx Step 3: Solve Equation 6.27 T0 ¼ l2 ¼ n2 p2 T to get Tn (t) ¼ c3 exp (n2 p2 t) Therefore, for each n we have the product solution un (x, t) ¼ Xn Tn ¼ Bn sin npx exp (n2 p2 t) Step 4: By the superposition principle we get u(x, t) ¼

1 X



Bn en p t sin npx


as the solution to Equation 6.23 and Equation 6.24, with Bn to be determined. Step 5: Here we determine the constants Bn with the aid of Equation 6.25. That is 1 X n¼1

 Bn sin npx ¼

1, 0,

0 < x < 0.5 0.5 < x < 1

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Then, following the discussion on Fourier series in Chapter 5, we get ð 2 0:5 1  sin npx dx 1 0 2  np 1  cos ¼ np 2

Bn ¼

Finally, the solution to the model described by Equation 6.23 through Equation 6.25 is u(x, t) ¼

1 X 2  np n2 p2 t 1  cos sin npx e np 2 n¼1

It is important to note that the above models include the fixed homogeneous type boundary conditions and they both result in a Fourier sine series. Class 2: Bar with insulated boundaries As a second model, consider the previous model with one modification. Suppose we have the situation in which the ends of the rod are insulated instead of being at a fixed temperature of 08. Then in this scenario, no heat flows out of, or into, either end. This is the so-called insulated boundary condition. This new model can be described as l @u @ 2 u ¼ , k @t @x2

0 < x < L, t > 0


subject to @u(0, t) ¼0 @x for t > 0

BC: @u(L, t) ¼0 @x IC:

u(x, 0) ¼ f (x),


0 0



ux (L, t) ¼ ux (L, t) IC:

u(x, 0) ¼ f (x),  L < x < L


Again, the solution procedure is the same as above. Step 1: Substitute u ¼ XT into Equation 6.34 to get X00 ¼ constant X


T0 ¼ same constant kT


The boundary conditions in Equation 6.35 are interpreted in terms of u ¼ XT to be X(L) ¼ X(L)


X0 (L) ¼ X0 (L)


It should be observed here that Equation 6.30, Equation 6.35a, and Equation 6.35b together form a periodic Sturm–Liouville problem on [L, L] as discussed in Chapter 4. Step 2: Again there are three cases of the separation constant to consider. Case I: Separation constant is zero. This gives the solution to Equation 6.30 as X(x) ¼ c1 x þ c2

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Partial Differential Equations

which is subject to the boundary conditions, Equation 6.35a and Equation 6.35b. That is, at L X(L) ¼ c1 L þ c2 and at L X(L) ¼ c1 L þ c2 such that X(L) ¼ c1 L þ c2 ¼ X(L) ¼ c1 L þ c2 ) c1 ¼ c1 Therefore, c1 ¼ 0. Further, since X0 ¼ c1, no new information is obtained except that X(x) ¼ c2 , a constant This constant will be conveniently denoted as A0/2 to correspond with the notation for the Fourier series coefficient discussed in Chapter 5. That is X(x) ¼

A0 2

This is taken to mean that zero is an eigenvalue with the corresponding eigenfunction a constant. Case II: Separation constant is positive, say l2. Then Equation 6.30 gives the general solution X(x) ¼ c3 elx þ c4 elx Application of Equation 6.35a results in X(  L) ¼ c3 elL þ c4 elL ¼ c3 elL þ c4 elL ¼ X(L) or (c3  c4 )[elL  elL ] ¼ 0 ) c3 ¼ c4 since elL 6¼ elL Substitution of Equation 6.35b into the general solution yields X0 (L) ¼ lc3 elL  lc4 elL ¼ lc3 elL  lc4 elL ¼ X0 (L)


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But since c3 ¼ c4, Equation 6.37 can be rearranged to give c3 (elL  elL ) ¼ c3 (elL  elL ) ) c3 ¼ c3 Therefore, c3 ¼ 0 ¼ c4. From this, we can conclude that only the trivial solution is obtained for a positive separation constant. Case III: Separation constant is negative, say l2. Equation 6.30 then solves to X(x) ¼ c5 cos lx þ c0 sin lx


Then, applying Equation 6.35a to Equation 6.38 results in X(L) ¼ c5 cos lL  c6 sin lL ¼ c5 cos lL þ c6 sin lL ¼ X(L) or c6 sin lL ¼ 0 and applying Equation 6.35b to Equation 6.38 results in X0 (L) ¼ lc5 sin lL þ lc6 cos lL ¼ c5 l sin lL þ c6 l cos lL ¼ X0 (L) which reduces to c5 sin lL ¼ 0 Therefore, for nontrivial solution to exist sin lL ¼ 0 ) lL ¼ np, n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . giving the eigenvalues, l¼

np L

and X(x) ¼ c5 cos

npx npx þ c6 sin L L

are the corresponding eigenfunctions. Step 3: As before, Equation 6.31 solves to T(t) ¼ c7

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Partial Differential Equations

in the case of the zero eigenvalue and T(t) ¼ c8 el



¼ c8 ek(np=L)



in the case of the negative eigenvalues  l2n. In terms of the assumption u(x, t) ¼ XT we get h npx npxi k(np=L)2 t þ sin un (x, t) ¼ An cos e L L for each n. Step 4: By the principle of superposition, the temperature profile u(x, t) is given by u(x, t) ¼

 1  A0 X npx npx k(np=L)2 t þ Bn sin þ An cos e L L 2 n¼1

which is the solution to Equation 6.34 and Equation 6.35 with the as-yetundefined Fourier coefficients. Step 5: Application of Equation 6.36 defines the constants A0, An, and Bn. That is u(x, 0) ¼ f (x) ¼

1 h A0 X npx npx i þ Bn sin þ An cos L L 2 n¼1

where ð 1 L npx dx, An ¼ f (x) cos L L L ðL 1 npx dx, Bn ¼ f (x) sin L L L

n0 n1

Class 4: Bar with fixed nonhomogeneous time-independent boundaries So far we have dealt with models that are strictly homogeneous. However, there are cases of nonhomogeneous problems that can be adjusted in such a way that the method of separation of variables can still be applied. One such case is that in which the boundary conditions are nonzero constants (fixed nonhomogeneous). This case is illustrated below. A model can be constructed by maintaining the ends of the rod at fixed nonzero temperatures, that is, at x ¼ 0, u ¼ T1, and at x ¼ L, u ¼ T2. This model is the so-called fixed nonhomogeneous, time-independent boundary conditions case. However, the technique of separation of variables requires

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the boundary conditions and the differential equation to be homogeneous. Therefore, the model given by l @u @ 2 u ¼ , k @t @x2

0 < x < L,



u(0, t) ¼ T1 BC:

(6:39) u(L, t) ¼ T2 ,


IC: u(x, 0) ¼ f (x), 0 < x < L


is a nonhomogeneous problem that must be reduced to a homogeneous one. The substitution of u(x, t) ¼ w(x, t) þ v(x)


where v(x) and w(x, t) represent the steady state and transient solution, respectively, reduces Equation 6.12 and Equation 6.39 to l @w @ 2 w ¼ 2, k @t @x

0 < x < L, t > 0


and w(0, t) ¼ 0 w(L, t) ¼ 0, t > 0


with v(x) defined by v00 (x) ¼ 0


v(0) ¼ T1 v(L) ¼ T2


Equation 6.12a and Equation 6.41 now form a homogeneous boundary value problem, with the initial condition given by w(x, 0) ¼ f (x)  v(x),

0 0

subject to u(0, t) ¼ 0 BC: u(l, t) ¼ 60 IC: (x, 0) ¼ 25 This is a problem with fixed nonhomogeneous boundary conditions and the eigenvalues and series solution are given in Table 6.1. That is u(x, t) ¼ w(x, t) þ v(x) where   T 2  T1 60x v(x) ¼ T1 þ X¼ l l and w(x, t) ¼

1 X n¼1


Bn ekl t sin lx

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np l

(a) In order to define Bn, the initial condition is applied w(x, 0) ¼ u(x, 0)  v(x) ¼ 25 

1 60x X npx ¼ Bn sin l l n¼1

Therefore, for n  1 2 Bn ¼ l

 ðl  60x npx 10 dx ¼ (7 cos np þ 5) 25  sin l l np 0

and the temperature distribution in the rod at any time t is u(x, t) ¼

1 2 60x X 10 npx þ (7 cos np þ 5)e0:86(np=l) t sin l np l n¼1

(b) For, l ¼ 20 cm, x ¼ 5 cm, and t ¼ 30 s, the first term of the series gives u(5, 30) ffi 15 þ

10 p (2)(0:53) sin ¼ 12:68C p 4

When t ¼ 60 s u(5, 60) ¼ 15 þ

10 (2)(0:28)(0:707) ¼ 13:78C p

(c) Using the first two terms of the series, we get u2 (5, 30) ¼ 15 þ

10 10 (2)(0:530)(0:707) þ (12)(0:078) ¼ 14:18C p 2p

Then the percentage difference between the one- and two-term approximations is 

 u2 (5, 30)  u(5, 30)  100 ¼ 11% u2 (5, 30)

For t ¼ 30 s, the third term of the series is 4.876  103, which does not have any appreciable effect on either of the two approximations.

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(d) Time interval that must elapse before the temperature at x ¼ 5 cm comes within 1% of its steady-state value with the first term of the series can be estimated as follows: u(5, t) ¼ 15 þ

10 (2)(0:707)e0:0212t p

where t indicates the time interval. Then 0:15 0:0212t ) t ¼ 160 s 4:5 ¼ e Therefore, a time interval of 160 s would have to elapse before the temperature at x ¼ 5 cm comes within 1% of the steady-state value. Example 6.3 Consider a uniform rod of length, l, having an initial temperature distribution given by f(x), 0 < x < l. Assume that the temperature at the end x ¼ 0 is held at 08C, while the end x ¼ l is insulated, so that no heat passes through it. (a) Show that the fundamental solutions of the PDE and boundary conditions are 2

un (x, t) ¼ e(2n1) p




(2n  1)px , 2l

n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . .

(b) Find a formal series expansion for the temperature u(x, t), un (x, t) ¼

1 X

cn un (x, t),


that also satisfies the initial condition u(x, 0) ¼ f(x). Solution The model for this problem is 1 @u @ 2 u ¼ , k @t @x2 u(0, t) ¼ 0

0 < x < l, t > 0

t>0 ux (l, t) ¼ 0 u(x, 0) ¼ f (x), 0  x  l

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From Table 6.1, there is no model with this combination of boundary conditions. Therefore, the method must be directly applied; that is, let u(x, t) ¼ X(x)T(t) Then, after substitution into the differential equation, one gets 1 T 0 (t) X00 (x) ¼ ¼l k T(t) X(x) or the boundary value problem X00  lX ¼ 0 X(0) ¼ 0 X0 (l) ¼ 0 and T0 ¼ lk ) T(t) ¼ c1 elkt T We now consider the three cases of l that must satisfy the above boundary value problem. That is, for l ¼ 0 we get the general solution X(x) ¼ c2 x þ c3 X(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c3 X0 (l) ¼ 0 ¼ c2 ,

l 6¼ 0

Suppose l > 0, say l ¼ b2, then X(x) ¼ c4 ebx þ c5 ebx and X(0) ¼ c4 þ c5 ¼ 0 ) c5 ¼ c4 Therefore

X(x) ¼ c4 ebx  ebx ¼ 2c4 sinh bx then X0 (l) ¼ 2bc4 cosh bl ¼ 0


c4 ¼ 0


c5 ¼ 0

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since cosh bl 6¼ 0 Therefore, l > 0 yields the trivial solution. As the third case, suppose l < 0, l ¼ a2, then the general solution X(x) ¼ c6 cos ax þ c7 sin ax results. X(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c6 X0 (l) ¼ ac7 cos al ¼ 0 then for nontrivial solution to exist, c7 6¼ 0 and cos al ¼ 0


p , 2 (2n  1)p a¼ 2l

n ¼ 1, 2, . . .

al ¼ (2n  1)

are the eigenvalues and X(x) ¼ c7 sin

(2n  1)px 2l

are the eigenfunctions. Then, for each n un (x, t) ¼ Tn (t)Xn (x) ¼ cn e(2n1)


p2 kt=4l2


(2n  1)px 2l

By the superposition principle u(x, t) ¼

1 X

cn un (x, t) ¼


1 X


cn e(2n1) p





(2n  1)px 2l

where f (x) ¼ u(x, 0) ¼

1 X

cn sin


(2n  1)px 2l

That is, for n  1 ðl f (x) sin 0

(2n  1)px dx ¼ cn 2l

ðl 0


(2n  1)px dx 2l

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or 2 cn ¼ l

ðl f (x) sin 0

(2n  1)px dx 2l

Example 6.4 Consider the model described by 1 ut ¼ uxx , 0 < x < l, t > 0 k u(0, t) ¼ 0, ux (l, t) þ gu(l, t) ¼ 0,



u(x, 0) ¼ f (x) 0  x  l where g is a positive constant. (a) Let u(x, t) ¼ X(x)T(t) and show that X00  sX ¼ 0,

X(0) ¼ 0,

X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0


and T 0  skT ¼ 0 where s is the separation constant. (b) Assume that s is real, and show that Equation 6.46 has only trivial solutions if s  0. (c) If s < 0, let s ¼ l2, l > 0. Show that Equation 6.46 has nontrivial solutions only if l is a solution of the equation l cos ll þ g sin ll ¼ 0 Solution (a) For u(x, t) ¼ X(x)T(t), substitution into the PDE results in 1 T 0 X00 ¼ ¼s k T X and u(0, t) ¼ X(0)T(t)


X(0) ¼ 0

Also ux (x, t) ¼ X0 (x)T(t)


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such that ux (l, t) ¼ X0 (l)T(t) But ux (l, t) þ gu(l, t) ¼ 0 ¼ X0 (l)T(t) þ gX(l)T(t) ¼ X0 (l) þ gX(l) since T(t) is arbitrary. Therefore, we have X00  sX ¼ 0 subject to X(0) ¼ 0,

X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0

and T 0  skT ¼ 0 (b) Given that X00  sX ¼ 0 and X(0) ¼ 0 X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0 then the general solution for the case s ¼ 0 is X(x) ¼ c1 x þ c2 and X(x) ¼ c3 e

pffiffiffiffi sx

þ c4 e

pffiffiffi sx

if s > 0

But X(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c2


X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0 ¼ c1 þ c2 gl ) c1 ¼ 0

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Therefore, the case s ¼ 0 gives only the trivial solution. Also, for s > 0, say s ¼ b2, b > 0 X(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c3 þ c4


c4 ¼ c3

and X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ c3 b(ebl  ebl ) þ gc3 (ebl þ ebl ) ¼ 0 or c3 {2b sinh bl þ 2g cosh bl} ¼ 0: Thus, either b tanh bl ¼ 1 ) bl < 0 or c3 ¼ 0 but bl > 0, g

c3 ¼ 0

Therefore, the case s > 0, also results in the trivial solution. (c) For s < 0, say s ¼ l2, l > 0 then X00 þ l2 X ¼ 0 X(0) ¼ 0 X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0 give X(x) ¼ c5 cos lx þ c6 sin lx X0 (x) ¼ lc5 sin lx þ lc6 cos lx then X(0) ¼ 0 ¼ c5


X0 (l) þ gX(l) ¼ 0 ¼ lc6 cos ll þ gc6 sin ll

Therefore, for nontrivial solution to exist we must choose c6 6¼ 0 and l cos ll þ g sin ll ¼ 0

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Example 6.5 In this fifth example for this section, we will consider the temperature distribution in a circular cylinder of finite length with insulated ends. Also, the lateral surface r ¼ c is kept at a temperature of 08K and the initial temperature distribution is a given function of r-only.





f u=0


For the cylinder shown, the model under consideration for a homogeneous material is  2  @u @ u 1 @u ¼k þ (0 < r < c, t > 0) (6:48) @t @r2 r @r u(c, t) ¼ 0

(t > 0)

u(r, 0) ¼ f (r) (0 < r < c)

(6:49) (6:50)

Observe that there is an unstated boundary condition at r ¼ 0. However, one can argue that the temperature must be finite along the axis of the cylinder and so the temperature distribution must be bounded there. Alternatively, the

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boundary value problem that will result from reducing the PDE is a singular Sturm–Liouville type. That is, the resulting second-order ordinary differential equation, when put in Sturm–Liouville form, will satisfy the requirement of r(0) ¼ 0. One boundary condition is given by Equation 6.49 while the other requirement is the solution must be bounded at r ¼ 0. This type was discussed as Class 3, type 1 in Chapter 4. Solution Assume a solution of the form u(r, t) ¼ R(r)T(t)


then follow the five steps previously given. Equation 6.48 gives   T0 1 1 0 00 R þ R ¼ l2 ¼ r kT R That is rR00 (r) þ R0 (r) þ l2 rR(r) ¼ 0


subject to R(c) ¼ 0 and T 0 (t) þ l2 kT ¼ 0


Equation 6.48a is Bessel’s equation. Comparing Equation 6.48a with y00 

    2a  1 0 a2  g 2 c 2 y¼0 y þ b2 c2 x2c2 þ x x2

gives 2a  1 ¼ 1 ) a ¼ 0, 2c  2 ¼ 0 ) c ¼ 1 b2 c2 ¼ l2 ) b ¼ l, a2  g 2 c2 ¼ 0 ) g ¼ 0 Also, Equation 3.79 has fundamental solutions y1 ¼ xa Jg (bxc )


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and y2 ¼ xa Jg (bxc ) where Jg (.) and Jg (.) are Bessel functions of the first kind of order g as discussed in Chapter 3. Since g ¼ 0 in this case, then we have the zero-order Bessel functions; that is, the general solution of Equation 6.48a is R(r) ¼ c1 J0 (lr) þ c2 Y0 (lr)


where Y0 (lr) ¼

2 fln (lr=2) þ g gJ0 (lr) p       2 l2 r2 l4 r4 1 l6 r 6 1 1 þ þ  1 þ 1 þ þ     p 22 2 2 3 22  4 2 22  42  62

and J0 (lr) ¼ 1 

l2 r2 l4 r4 l6 r6 þ 2 2  2 2 2 þ ... 2 2 2 4 2 4 6

It is clear that the function Y0(lr) is unbounded at r ¼ 0. Therefore, in order to have a bounded solution, c2 must be chosen as zero. Application of the other boundary condition gives R(c) ¼ 0 ¼ c1 J0 (lc) ) J0 (lc) ¼ 0 for a nontrivial solution to exist. This means that the eigenvalues li are defined by J0 (li c) ¼ 0 for i ¼ 1, 2 ,   


and Rk (r) ¼ J0 (li r) are the corresponding eigenfunctions. Furthermore, Equation 6.48b solves to 2

T(t) ¼ c3 eli kt Therefore for each i, 2

ui (r, t) ¼ Ai J0 (li r)eli kt

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and by the principle of superposition u(r, t) ¼

1 X


Ai J0 (li r)eli kt



satisfies the given differential equation and boundary conditions. The initial condition is incorporated as follows: f (r) ¼

1 X

Ai J0 (li r)

(0 < r < c)


Then, for i  1, ðc

rf (r)J0 (li r) dr ¼ Ai



r½J0 (li r) 2 dp


That is ðc rf (r)J0 (li r) dr

2 Ai ¼



c2 ½J1 (li c) 2

Therefore, Equation 6.53 through Equation 6.55 define the solution to the model given by Equation 6.48 through Equation 6.50. Example 6.6 In this example a model with a nonzero sink term is examined. That is, consider the problem described by @u 4@ 2 u ¼  Au @t @x2

(0 < x < 9), t > 0

u(0, t) ¼ u(9, t) ¼ 0, u(x, 0) ¼ 3x




(0 < x < 9)


where A is a positive constant. Then except for the term Au, this would be similar to previous problems. One is therefore motivated to find a substitution that will recast the problem into a familiar homogeneous one. In order to accomplish this, consider the substitution u(x, t) ¼ w(x, t)eAt Then Equation 6.56 to Equation 6.58 become


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@w 4@ 2 w ¼ @t @x2

(0 < x < 9), t > 0


w(0, t) ¼ w(9, t) ¼ 0, t > 0


w(x, 0) ¼ 3x


(0 < x < 9)

a problem that can be solved using Table 6.1. From Table 6.1, the case of fixed, homogeneous boundary condition gives w(x, t) ¼

1 X


Bn e4ln t sin ln x


where ln is defined by ln ¼

np , n ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . 9

and the Bn are the Fourier sine series coefficients of f(x) ¼ 3x. That is, for n  1 ð npx 2 9 npx dx ¼ dx x sin 9 3 9 0 0 " #9  2 2 9x npx 9 npx 54 ¼  cos þ cos np sin ¼ 3 np 9 np 9 np

Bn ¼

2 9


3x sin


54 ¼ (  1)nþ1 np Therefore, the solution to Equation 6.56 to Equation 6.58 is u(x, t) ¼

1 X 2 54 npx (  1)nþ1 e(4ln þA)t sin np 9 n¼1

6.3 NONHOMOGENEOUS PROBLEM AND EIGENFUNCTION EXPANSION In the previous section, the method of separation of variables was applied to some problems with special nonhomogeneous terms that could be recasted as homogeneous by using a suitable substitution. In this section, a method will be outlined that is applicable to those nonhomogeneous problems for which no simple substitution can be made to remove the nonhomogeneity. This method is called eigenfunction expansion [3,4,6].

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Consider the flow of heat in a rod of length L that is uniformly constructed (Equation 6.11, Section 6.2). Further, the rod has temperature-independent heat sources distributed in some prescribed way throughout and is time-dependent. In addition, the temperature at the ends is allowed to be time-dependent. Then, for a prescribed initial temperature distribution, the following model is appropriate: @u @2u ¼ k 2 þ Q(x, t) @t @x


u(0, t) ¼ A(t)


u(L, t) ¼ B(t)


u(x, 0) ¼ f (x)




Equation 6.60 to Equation 6.62 describe a nonhomogeneous PDE with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. The associated homogeneous model is given by @v @2v ¼ k 2 þ Q(x, t) @t @x


v(0, t) ¼ 0


v(L, t) ¼ 0


v(x, o) ¼ f (x)


and was solved in the previous section. Also recall from the previous section that the associated homogeneous model produced the regular Sturm–Liouville boundary value problem d2 fn þ ln fn ¼ 0 dx2


fn (0) ¼ 0


fn (L) ¼ 0


where ln ¼ (np/L)2 with corresponding eigenfunctions fn(x) ¼ sin(npx/L). Any piecewise smooth function can be expanded in terms of these eigenfunctions. Again, as in Chapter 5, by piecewise smooth we mean a function, f(x) say, that is continuous on the closed interval [a, b] and whose first derivative, f 0 (x) is continuous on each of the subintervals xj < x < xjþ1 and the limits  f(xþ j ) and f(xj ) exist. Therefore, even though u(x, t) satisfies nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, it is valid that

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u(x, t) ¼

1 X

bn (t)fn (x)



except at x ¼ 0 and x ¼ L. This means that term-by-term differentiations with respect to x are not justified because u(x, t) and fn(x) do not satisfy the same homogeneous boundary conditions. That is, 1 @2u X d2 f 6¼ bn (t) 2n 2 @x dx n¼1

However, term-by-term time derivatives are valid, such that 1 @u X dbn ¼ f (x) @t dt n n¼1


Therefore, Equation 6.60 becomes k

1 X @2u dbn f (x) þ Q(x, t) ¼ @x2 dt n n¼1

a generalized Fourier series from which  ðL  2 @ u k 2 þ Q(x, t) fn (x) dx dbn @x ¼ 0 , ðL dt f2n (x) dx




and can be rearranged to give ðL 2 ðL @ u k 2 fn (x) dx Q(x, t)fn (x) dx dbn @x ¼ 0 ðL þ 0 ðL dt f2n (x) dx f2n (x) dx 0



The quantity ðL 0

Q(x, t)fn (x) dx ðL f2n (x) dx 0

can be evaluated from known information; that is, we know the eigenfunctions fn(x) from solving Equation 6.60a to Equation 6.62a and Q(x, t) is given in Equation 6.60. The resulting quantity is expected to be a function of t only and is denoted as qn(t). That is,

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ðL qn (t) ¼


Q(x, t)fn (x) dx ðL f2n (x) dx



Equation 6.70 may now be simplified to ðL 2 @ u k 2 fn (x) dx dbn @x ¼ qn (t) þ 0 ð L dt f2n (x) dx



In order to evaluate the quantity ðL k 0

@2u f (x) dx @x2 n

the Sturm–Liouville operator   d d p L þq dx dx is reintroduced. In this problem, p ¼ 1,


and L¼

@2 @x2

@ d ¼ with t held constant. Then the formula @x dx   ðb dv du b [uL(v)  vL(u)] dx ¼ p u  v (6:73) dx dx a a

Further, recall that

known as Green’s formula, or the integral form of Lagrange’s identity can be used instead of integration by parts. Therefore, for this problem, we have    ðL  2 @ v @2u @v @u L u 2  v 2 dx ¼ u  v (6:74) @x @x @x @x 0 0 The right-hand side of Equation 6.74 can be evaluated as         @v @u @v @u u(L, t)  v(L, t)  u(0, t) þ v(0, t) @x x¼L @x x¼L @x x¼0 @x x¼0 np np np cos np  A(t) ¼ ¼ B(t) ½ B(t)(1)n  A(t) L L L

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for npx L dv @v np npx ¼ ¼ cos dx @x L L v(0, t) ¼ fn (0) ¼ 0 v(L, t) ¼ fn (L) ¼ 0

v ¼ fn (x) ¼ sin

Therefore, Equation 6.74 becomes  ðL  2 d fn (x) @2u np u  f (x) ½ B(t)(  1)n  A(t) dx ¼ n 2 2 dx @x L 0


But Equation 6.64 can be rearranged to give d2 fn ¼ ln fn dx2 such that Equation 6.75 becomes ðL ðL @2u np fn (x) 2 dx ¼ ln ufn (x) dx  ½ B(t)(  1)n  A(t) @x L 0 0


Then, substituting Equation 6.76 into Equation 6.72 gives ðL dbn ¼ qn (t) þ dt


@2u k 2 fn (x) dx @x ðL f2n (x) dx 0


ln k ufn (x) dx npk ½ A(t)  (1)n B(t) ¼ qn (t)  ð L 0 þ L ðL f2n (x) dx f2n (x) dx 0



However, Equation 6.67 is also a generalized Fourier series, which means that for n  1 ðL u(x, t)fn (x) dx bn (t) ¼ 0 ð L (6:78) f2n (x) dx 0

Therefore, Equation 6.78 can be used to simplify Equation 6.77 to npk ½ A(t)  (1)n B(t) dbn L þ kln bn ¼ qn (t) þ ðL dt f2n (x) dx 0


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a linear first-order ordinary differential equation. The required initial condition for bn(t) comes from Equation 6.63. That is u(x, 0) ¼

1 X

bn (0)fn (x) ¼ f (x)


such that for n  1 ðL bn (0) ¼

f (x)fn (x) dx ðL f2n (x) dx




As an illustration on the use of this method, an elementary example follows. Example 6.7 Given the model @u @ 2 u ¼ þ sin (5x)e2t , @t @x2 u(0, t) ¼ 1, t > 0

0 < x < p,


u(p, t) ¼ 0 u(x, 0) ¼ 0,


find the temperature distribution u(x, t). Solution The associated homogeneous model is given by Equation 6.60a to Equation 6.62a and the boundary value problem satisfying the same homogeneous boundary conditions is given by Equation 6.64 to Equation 6.66. Then ln ¼

np2 L

¼ n2

since L ¼ p and the corresponding eigenfunctions are fn (x) ¼ sin (nx) Also, from the given differential equation Q(x, t) ¼ sin (5x)e2t

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Then the quantity ðL 0

f2n (x)dx ¼


sin2 nx dx ¼


p 2

and ðL qn (t) ¼


ð Q(x, t)fn (x) dx 2 2t p sin 5x sin nx dx ¼ 0, if n 6¼ 5 (why?) ¼ e ðL p 0 f2n (x) dx 0


2 2t e 


sin2 5x dx ¼ e2t

if n ¼ 5


Further, the other needed quantities are u(0, t) ¼ 1, u(p, t) ¼ 0, v(0, t) ¼ fn (0) ¼ 0 v(p, t) ¼ fn (p) ¼ 0 since fn ¼ sin (nx) ¼ v dv ¼ n cos (nx) dx Therefore, the RHS of Equation 6.74 evaluates to n, and Equation 6.79 becomes dbn 2n þ n2 bn ¼ e2t  p dt subject to bn (0) ¼ 0 since f(x) ¼ 0. The first-order linear differential equation solves to b5 (t) ¼ 

5p þ 46 25t 1 2 e , þ e2t  115p 23 5p

using the integrating factor method described in Chapter 2. Finally, the temperature distribution is given by Equation 6.67 as  5p þ 46 25t 1 2t 2 u(x, t) ¼ e bn (t)fn (x) ¼  þ e  sin 5x 115p 23 5p n¼1 1 X

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This method is suitable for nonhomogeneous problems when the nonhomogeneity occurs as a time-dependent source term or as time-dependent boundary conditions. If either the differential equation or the boundary conditions is nonhomogeneous, then direct substitution into Equation 6.67 may be applicable. For example, consider a plane wall of thickness L that is initially at a uniform temperature Ti. The ambient temperature on one side of the wall is suddenly changed to a new value of T1 while the temperature on the other side of the wall is held at Ti. This can be mathematically modeled as @ 2 u 1 @u , ¼ @x2 a @t

0 < x < L,


u(0, t) ¼ Ti   @u  k ¼ h[u(L, t)  T1 ] @x x¼L u(x, 0) ¼ Ti

(6:81) (6:82) (6:83) (6:84)

The associated homogeneous problem was previously discussed as Example 6.4. Then since both u(x, t) and fn(x) satisfy the same homogeneous boundary conditions, 1 @2u X d2 fn (x) ¼ bn (t) 2 @x dx2 n¼1


is justifiable, and direct substitution can reduce the computational effort. Also, 1 @u X dbn ¼ f (x) @t dt n n¼1


Then from Example 6.4, fn (x) ¼ sin ln x, ln ¼ 

h tan ln L k

d2 fn ¼ l2n fn dx2 Substitution of these quantities along with Equation 6.85 and Equation 6.86 into Equation 6.81 give 1  X dbn n¼1



aln2 bn

 fn (x) ¼ 0


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where Equation 6.67 has been used. Also, the required initial condition on the first-order linear differential equation given by Equation 6.87 is u(x, 0) ¼ Ti ¼

1 X

bn (0)fn (x)


which is a generalized Fourier series. Then, ðL Ti x1 fn (x)dx for n  1 bn (0) ¼ 0ð L 2 fn (x)dx 0

In this case, ðL 0

f2n (x)dx ¼


sin2 ln x dx ¼


L 1  sin 2ln L 2 4ln

and ðL

Ti fn (x)dx ¼



 Ti sin ln x dx ¼ Ti


1 1  cos ln L ln ln

Therefore, for n  1 bn (0) ¼

2Ti (1  cos ln L)   sin 2ln L ln L  2ln

and dbn þ al2n bn ¼ 0 dt which solves to bn (t) ¼

2Ti (1  cos ln L) al2n t  e sin 2ln L ln L  2ln

Therefore u(x, t) ¼

1 X 2Ti (1  cos ln L) al2n t  e sin ln x sin 2ln L n¼1 l L  n 2ln

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So far, the methods that have been outlined are primarily applicable to problems involving finite space dimensions. In the next section, problems with semi-infinite domains will be discussed.



In this section, the method of Laplace transform will be used. The properties of Laplace transforms, and especially Theorem 3.7 (Section 3.6.1), will be applicable. The Laplace transform was introduced earlier for use in solving ordinary differential equations. Now we will emphasize its use in solving PDEs. Assuming that the Laplace transform of the dependent variable exists, the usual procedure to solve a PDE is 1. Transform the PDE to an ordinary differential equation. 2. Transform the accompanying boundary conditions to those suitable for use with the ordinary differential equation. 3. Solve the resulting problem using the techniques discussed (Chapter 1 to Chapter 3). 4. Invert the results to recover the solution to the PDE. The inversion step can be relatively easy if the terms of step 3 can be located in a table of Laplace transforms. Without such a convenient table a more difficult technique involving the residue theorem has to be employed (see Example 6.11). Here, a semi-infinite rod with one end at x ¼ 0 and extending to infinity along the positive x-axis will be a typical physical model. For example, consider the following model: Example 6.8 @u @2u ¼ a2 2 @t @x

(x > 0, t > 0)

u(x, 0) ¼ A   B, 0 < t < t0 u(0, t) ¼ 0, t > t0 Then applying the Laplace transform to Equation 6.88 means  2    @u @ u ¼ a2 L L @t @x2 giving  L

@u @t

 ¼ sv(x, s)  u(x, 0)

(6:88) (6:89) (6:90)

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where v(x, s) ¼ Lfu(x, t)g ¼


est u(x, t) dt



@2u L @x2

@2 ¼ 2 @x


est u(x, t)dt ¼


@2 ½Lfu(x, t)g @x2

where differentiation is done treating s as a parameter, such that Equation 6.88 becomes sv(x, s)  u(x, 0) ¼ a2

d2 v(x, s) dx2

or d2 v s A  2v ¼  2 2 dx a a


using Equation 6.89. It should also be noted that the Laplace transform is carried out on the variable t while x is treated as a parameter. The general solution of Equation 6.91 is v(x, s) ¼ c1 (s)e

pffi sx=a

þ c2 (s)e

pffi sx=a


A s


where the arbitrary constants c1(s) and c2(s) may depend on s. For a bounded solution, the constant c1(s) must be chosen as zero. Also, to determine c2(s), it is necessary to take the Laplace transform of the given boundary condition, Equation 6.90. That is, in terms of the unit step function u(0, t) ¼ B[1  U(t  t0 ) where  U(t  t0 ) ¼



t < t0



t  t0

is the unit step function. Then Lfu(0, t)g ¼ BLf½1  U(t  t0 ) g ¼

B B st0  e ¼ v(0, s) s s

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Therefore v(0, s) ¼ c2 (s) þ

A B B st0 ¼  e s s s

or c2 (s) ¼

B  A B st0  e s s

such that Equation 6.92 becomes  pffiffi x B  A B st0  s A aþ  e v(x, s) ¼ e s s s 


Then taking the inverse transform of Equation 6.93 results in     x x pffi  B erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ A u(x, t) ¼ L1 {v(x, s)} ¼ (B  A) erfc 2a t  t0 2a t where the quantities 2 erfc(x) ¼ 1  erf(x) ¼ pffiffiffiffi p



ej dj


and 2 erf(x) ¼ pffiffiffiffi p



ej dj


are the complementary error function and error function, respectively. As a second example illustrating the method, consider Example 6.9 @u @2u ¼ a2 2 @t @x

(x > 0, t > 0)

subject to u (0, t) ¼ 1 u (x, 0) ¼ 0

(t > 0) (x > 0)

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Then, as a procedure, the first step is to transform the PDE. Thus 

@u L @t

@2u ¼ sv(x, s)  u(x, 0) ¼ a L @x2 2

¼ a2

@2v @x2

resulting in an ordinary differential equation a2

d2 v ¼ sv(x, s) dx2

since, in this case, the initial value is zero. The second step is to find the general solution of the ordinary differential equation, resulting in v(x, s) ¼ c1 (s)e(

pffi s=a)x

þ c2 e(

pffi s=a)x

and observe that a bounded solution is expected, in which case the arbitrary constant, c2(s) in this case, must be chosen as zero. The remaining constant in the equation can be determined by taking the Laplace transform of the left boundary condition and comparing that result to v(0, s) ¼ c1 (s) That is L{u(0, t)} ¼ L{1} ¼

1 s

so that v(0, s) ¼ c1 (s) ¼

1 s

Therefore 1 pffis v(x, s) ¼ e a x s The third step is to invert the Laplace transform or find the inverse transform of v(x, s) with the aid of a table [7] to get     pffi x 1 1 a sx pffi e u(x, t) ¼ L ¼ erfc s 2a t where erfc(.) was defined in the previous example.

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This third example demonstrates the flexibility of the Laplace transform method over the separation of variables method to efficiently solve some PDE problems when the domain is finite. Example 6.10 Consider @u @ 2 u ¼ , @t @x2

0 < x < 1,


subject to u(0, t) ¼ 1,


u(1, t) ¼ 0, t > 0 u(x, 0) ¼ 0, 0 < x < 1 First, take Laplace transform of the given differential equation to get d2 v(x, s) ¼ sv(x, s)  u(x, 0) dx2 which reduces to d2 v(x, s) ¼ sv(x, s) dx2


where use of the initial condition is made and v(x, s) ¼ L[{u(x, t)}] ¼


est u(x, t)dt


In order to find the constants of integration for the general solution to Equation 6.94, the Laplace transform of the boundary conditions are needed. That is 1 s L{u(1, t)} ¼ v(1, s) ¼ 0 L{u(0, t)} ¼ v(0, s) ¼

Then, the general solution of Equation 6.94 can be represented as pffiffi pffiffi v(x, s) ¼ c1 (s) sinh x s þ c2 (s) cosh x s

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Employing the transformed boundary conditions gives pffiffi pffiffi v(1, s) ¼ 0 ¼ c1 (s) sinh s þ c2 (s) cosh s which can be rearranged to give pffiffi c2 (s) cosh s pffiffi c1 (s) ¼  sinh s Then, use of the second boundary condition gives v(0, s) ¼

1 ¼ c1 (s) sinh (0) þ c2 (s) cosh (0) s

which results in c2 (s) ¼

1 s

Therefore c1 (s) ¼ 

pffiffi 1 cosh s pffiffi s sinh s

The solution may now be represented as v (x, s) ¼  1 s 1 ¼ s ¼

pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi 1 1 cosh s pffiffi sinh x s þ cosh x s s sinh s s pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi sinh s cosh x s  cosh s sinh x s pffiffi sinh s pffiffi sinh½(1  x) s pffiffi sinh s

Then 1

u(x, t) ¼ L {v(x, s)} ¼ L ¼1xþ


pffiffi  sinh½(1  x) s pffiffi s sinh s

1 2 X (  1)n n2 p2 t e sin np(1  x) p n¼1 n

As a note, the quantity 1 – x can be represented in its Fourier sine series form to be

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1 2 X 1 sin npx p n¼1 n

Another example follows. Example 6.11 Solve: uxx ¼ uy in y > 0, 0 < x < a, subject to: u(x, 0) ¼ 1, u(0, y) ¼ u(a, y) ¼ 0 Solution Consider the Laplace transform of u with respect to y, that is, u(x, s) ¼


esy u(x, y) dy


Then the differential equation and time-like condition transforms to u1 uxx ¼ s


d2 u ¼ s u1 dx2

The general solution to the transformed ordinary differential equation is u(x, s) ¼ c1 e

pffi sx

þ c2 e

pffi sx

þ c3


pffiffi pffiffi k1 cosh sx þ k2 sinh sx þ c3

The particular constant c3 can be evaluated by the method of undetermined coefficient, while the arbitrary constants k1 and k2 must be evaluated from the transformed boundary conditions on x. Following this procedure, u(x, s) is given by pffiffi

1 cosh s x  a2 pffiffi u(x, s) ¼  s sa s cosh 2 The first term can be located in a table of Laplace transforms. The second term requires a little more effort, say, the residue theorem. That is, let pffiffi pffiffi sa a P(x, s) ¼  cosh s x  , Q(s) ¼ s cosh 2 2 Then the residue at s ¼ 0 is lim sP(x, s)=Q(s) ¼ 1. For s 6¼ 0, the s!0 residue is given by P(x, sn ) sn y e Q0 (sn ) pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi sa a s sa þ sinh Q0 (s) ¼ cosh 2 2 4

rn (y) ¼

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To determine the sn, Q(s) is set equal to zero, that is pffi pffi pffiffi sa e sa=2 þ e sa=2 ¼ ¼0 cosh 2 2

simplifies to e

pffi sa

¼ 1

But the natural logarithm of a negative real number represents a multiplevalued function [8–10]. That is, if z ¼ ew, w ¼ ln z ¼ ln r þ i(u þ 2np), n ¼ 0, + 1, + 2, . . . where z ¼ reiu ¼ rei(u þ 2np). However, in our case, u ¼ p, r ¼ 1 and pffiffi sa ¼ i(p þ 2np),

n ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . .

Therefore sn ¼ (1 þ 2n)2 p2=a2 Finally rn (y) ¼

4 sin½(1 þ 2n)px=a ½(1þ2n)2 yp2 =a2 e (1 þ 2n)p

Therefore, the final result is

 1 X 4 sin½ (1 þ 2n)px=a exp (1 þ 2n)2 yp2 =a2 u(x, y) ¼ (1 þ 2n)p n¼0 Additional examples involving the use of the residue theorem are discussed in Chapter 7.

6.5 COMBINATION OF VARIABLES Another technique that is sometimes employed to reduce partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations is combination of variables or a similarity transformation. The process of normalization can be used to establish the applicability of combining the independent variables of the given PDE. For example, consider the flow of a fluid near a wall suddenly set in motion. Following [1], the problem statement is as follows: A semi-infinite body of liquid with constant density (r) and viscosity (m) is bounded on one side by a flat surface (the xz-plane). Initially, the fluid and

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the solid surface are at rest, but at time t ¼ 0, the solid surface is set in motion in the positive x-direction with a velocity V (shown below). y

t < 0, fluid at rest


t = 0, wall, set in motion

Vx(y, t )t > 0, fluid in unsteady flow

One would like to know the velocity profile as a function of y and t. If there is no pressure gradient or gravity force in the x-direction and the flow is laminar, then this simplified problem can be solved in the following way. Solution In rectangular coordinates (x, y, z) @r @ @ @ þ (rvx ) þ (rvy ) þ (rvz ) ¼ 0 @t @x @y @z


is the equation of continuity [1]. The x-component equation of motion in terms of velocity gradients for a Newtonian fluid with constant r and m is [1]    2  @vx @vx @vx @vx @P @ vx @ 2 vx @ 2 vx þ vx þ vy þ vz ¼ r þ 2 þ 2 þ rgx (6:96) þm @t @x @y @z @x2 @y @z @x

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However, vy ¼ vz ¼ 0 and vx ¼ vx (y, t) such that Equation 6.95 reduces to @vx ¼0 @x and Equation 6.96 reduces to @vx @ 2 vx ¼g 2 @t @y


where g ¼ m/r. The initial and boundary conditions are at t  0, vx ¼ 0 for all y


at y ¼ 0, vx ¼ V for all t > 0


at y ¼ 1, vx ¼ 0 for all t > 0


vx ¼ f(h) V


y h ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4gt


Now suppose


such that @(vx =V) 1 h 0 @ 2 (vx =V) h2 00 ¼ f; ¼ 2f @t 2 t @y2 y then Equation 6.97 becomes w00 þ 2hf0 ¼ 0


f ¼ 1 at h ¼ 0


f ¼ 0 at h ¼ 1


subject to

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Note that the initial and boundary conditions are combined to form Equation 6.105. Equation 6.103 solves to give the general solution f(h) ¼ c1



eh dh þ c2


where the lower limit of the integral is a convenient selection. However, notice that an alternate choice of lower limit would only affect c2, but c2 is an arbitrary constant. With the aid of Equation 6.104 and Equation 6.105, the solution to Equation 6.103 is 2 f(h) ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffi p



eh dh ¼ 1  erf


y 4gt


where the error function 2 erf(x) ¼ pffiffiffiffi p



ej dj


was defined in the previous section. As a second example, consider a semi-infinite solid, which is subjected to a step change in its surface temperature T [11]. Suppose the model can be described by 1 @T @ 2 T ¼ 2 a @t @x


T(0, t) ¼ Tc


lim T(x, t) ¼ Ti



and x!1

as boundary conditions, and the initial condition given by T(x, 0) ¼ Ti


Further, suppose that the normalized variables are T¼

T  Ti x , x¼ x0 T0

and t ¼

t t0


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Substitution into Equation 6.107 gives x20 @T @ 2 T ¼ 2 @ x at0 @t


Equation 6.108 can be restated as T(0, t ) ¼

Tc  Ti T0

then the choice of T0 ¼ Tc  Ti gives T(0, t ) ¼ 1


Equation 6.109 and Equation 6.110 become x, t ) ¼ 0 lim T(


T( x, 0) ¼ 0,




respectively. Equation 6.112 can be further simplified if the quantity x20 at0 is taken as 1, since neither x0 nor t0 has been assigned any physical significance (see Chapter 8 on scaling). That is, if x20 ¼1 at0 then Equation 6.112 becomes @T @ 2 T ¼ 2 @t @ x


and a possible choice of a combined variable is j¼

  x2 (x=x0 )2 x2 t0 x2 ¼ ¼ ¼ 2 t t=t0 t x0 at


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Using Equation 6.117, the conditions described by Equation 6.114 and Equation 6.115 can now be collapsed into one condition similar to Equation 6.105, namely T(1) ¼ 0


since j ! 1 as x ! 1 or t ! 0. Therefore, Equation 6.107 or Equation 6.116 can be reduced to a secondorder ordinary differential equation following substitution of Equation 6.117. Given that a combined variable is available, its substitution into the PDE can be a delicate process and is demonstrated with the following example. Consider the model described by Equation 6.107 subject to T ¼ T0



for all x


T ¼ Ts



for all t


T ! Ts ,

t ! 1,



T ! T0 ,

x ! 1,



and further suppose that the combined variable is x h ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4at


T(x, t) ¼ f (h)


dT(x, t) ¼ df (h)



which implies that

The chain rule applied to Equation 6.123 gives @T @T df dx þ dt ¼ dh @x @t dh


also, the total derivative of h(x, t) gives dh ¼ such that Equation 6.126 becomes

@h @h dx þ dt @x @t


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  @T @T @h @h 0 dx þ dt ¼ f (h) dx þ dt @x @t @x @t Then equating like coefficients of both sides gives dx:

@T @h ¼ f 0 (h) @x @x



@T @h ¼ f 0 (h) @t @t


In order to find the second derivative, the following device is useful: let H(x, t) ¼

@T @x

and f(h, t) ¼ f 0 (h)

(6:130) @h @x


then dH(x, t) ¼ df(r, t) such that @H @H @f @f dx þ dt ¼ dh þ dt @x @t @h @t that is   @H @H @f @h @h @f dx þ dt ¼ dx þ dt þ dt @x @t @h @x @t @t and equating like coefficients of both sides results in dx:

@H @f @h ¼ @x @h @x

and dt: Therefore

@H @f @h @f ¼ þ @t @h @t @t


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 2 @ 2 T @f @h @h 00 ¼ f ¼ (h) 2 @x @h @x @x since

@h is independent of x. Finally, Equation 6.107 becomes @x  2 @h @h 0 00 ¼ a f (h) f (h) @t @x

or f 00 (h) þ 2h f 0 (h) ¼ 0


using Equation 6.123.



In chemical engineering, the use of Fourier integrals to solve problems is not as popular as separation of variables or Laplace transform. This is due to the fact that the incorporation of the boundary conditions associated with a particular application can usually be very challenging. For instance, consider a slab of finite thickness undergoing some heat transfer phenomena. Suppose the phenomena can be described by V

@T @ 2 T @ 2 T ¼ þ @x @x2 @y2


@T j ¼ qex=d , x < 0 @x y¼ 1 @T j ¼ qex=D @y y¼ 1


T(1, y) ¼ 0


T(0, 1) ¼ 1



Then, using Fourier transforms, Equation 6.134 becomes @2u  v2 u  ivVu ¼ 0 @y2 where


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u(v, y) ¼


T(x, y)eivx dx


is defined by Equation 5.61. The general solution of Equation 6.138 includes two arbitrary constants, one of which can be eliminated based on the fact that the temperature field is symmetric. That is, the solution to Equation 6.138 reduces to pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u(v, y) ¼ c1 cosh (v2 þ ivV)y (6:139) Transforming the conditions given by Equation 6.135 results in @u j ¼ @y y¼1

ð0 q exp 1

x d

 ivx dx þ


q exp (  (x=D)  ivx) dx,


which integrates to   @u 1 1 jy¼1 ¼ q þ @y (1=d)  iv iv þ (1=D) Therefore, Equation 6.139 becomes ) ( 1 1 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ u(v, y) ¼ q 1=d  iv iv þ (1=D) (v2 þ ivV) sinh (v2 þ ivV) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  cosh (v2 þ ivV)y 

Application of Equation 5.62 gives the inverse transform # pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (v2 þ ivV)y exp (ivx)dv pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 [(1=d)  iv] (v2 þ ivV) sinh (v2 þ ivV) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð q 1 cosh (v2 þ ivV)y exp (ivx)dv pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 2p 1 [iv þ (1=D)] (v2 þ ivV) sinh (v2 þ ivV)

q T(x, y) ¼ 2p

ð1 "



However, at this point it is not obvious how the conditions given by Equation 6.136 and Equation 6.137 are to be used. There are some cases of practical value for which Fourier integrals can be helpful. For example, consider a semi-infinite thin slab whose surface is insulated. Suppose that the surface temperature of the bar is initially f(x), and a temperature of zero degrees is suddenly applied to the end x ¼ 0 and is maintained. (a) Show that the solution to this boundary value problem can be represented as

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u(x, t)

1 ¼ p

ð1 ð1 0


f (v)ekl t sin lv sin lx dldv


(b) If f(x) is a constant, say u0, show that u(x, t) ¼ u0 erf

x pffiffiffiffi kt 2

Solution The boundary value problem can be described by @u @2u ¼ k 2 x > 0, t > 0 @t @x u(x, 0) ¼ f (x), u(0, t) ¼ 0, ju(x, t)j < M (due to physical reasons) By separation of variables, the differential equation has a solution of the form 2

u(x, t) ¼ ekl t (A cos lx þ B sin lx) Using the condition at x ¼ 0 reduces the solution to 2

u(x, t) ¼ ekl t (B sin lx) Since there are no restrictions on l, B can be replaced by a function B(l). Further, integration over l from 0 to 1 can be carried out analogous to the superposition principle that was applied to discrete values of l. Therefore, a possible solution is u(x, t) ¼



B(l)ekl t sin lx dl


Application of the condition at t ¼ 0 results in u(x, 0) ¼ f (x) ¼

ð1 B(l) sin lx dl 0

which is an integral equation for the determination of B(l). This integral equation can be interpreted with the aid of Equation 5.63, suggesting that f(x) is an odd function. In which case B(l) ¼

2 p

ð1 0

f (x) sin lx dx ¼

2 p

ð1 f (v) sin lv dv 0

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Therefore, ð ð ð1 2 2 2 1 1 B(l)ekl t sin lx dl ¼ f (v)ekl t sin lv sin lx dl dv u(x, t) ¼ p 0 0 0 Since 1 sin lv sin lx ¼ [ cos l(v  x)  cos l(v þ x)] 2 then ð ð 2 1 1 1 f (v)ekl t [ cos l(v  x)  cos l(v þ x)] dl dv p 0 0 ð 1  ð ð1 2 2 1 1 ¼ f (v) ekl t cos l(v  x)dl  ekl t cos l(v þ x) dl dv p 0 0 0

u(x, t) ¼

But ð1


eal cos bldl ¼


1 2

rffiffiffiffi p b2 =4a e a

Therefore,  ð1  ð1 1 (vx)2=4kt (vþx) 2=4 kt f (v)e dv  f (v)e u(x, t) ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 pkt 0 0 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi By letting (v  x)/2 kt ¼ p in the first integral and (v þ x)/2 kt ¼ p in the second integral, u(x, t) reduces to 1 u(x, t) ¼ pffiffiffiffi p

ð1 pffiffiffi p2 dp  pffiffi f (2p k t þ x)e


x=2 kt

pffiffiffi p2 dp pffiffi f (2p kt  x)e


x=2 kt

but f(x) is a constant and can be taken outside of the integrals, thus giving u0 u(x, t) ¼ pffiffiffiffi p u0 ¼ pffiffiffiffi p


pffiffi x=2 kt p ffiffi ð x=2 kt pffiffi x=2 kt







ð1 pffiffi x=2 kt

2u0 dp ¼ pffiffiffiffi p



ð x=2pffiffikt


pffiffiffi 2 ep dp ¼ u0 erf(x=2 kt)


From the very brief introduction of Fourier integrals in Chapter 5 together with the above examples, the engineer should get the sense that these integrals are more useful for general problems than specific practical problems. When

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the various transforms are to be employed, one has to be careful in making sure that the boundary conditions can be utilized a priori.



Sometimes a problem is encountered in which the governing equation is almost identical to a simpler problem that one already knows how to solve. Hopefully, some modification of the new problem can resolve the difference and lead to useful results. For example, consider the following model for a species A in a reacting system [12]:     1 @ r@CA @ @CA þ ¼0 (6:141) r @r @z @z @r where r and z are the radial and axial coordinates, respectively, as shown in Figure 6.1. Suppose Equation 6.141 is subject to the following boundary conditions: @CA ¼0 @z

at z ¼ 0


@CA ¼0 @r

at r ¼ 0


CA (RW , z) ¼ CABi ; DAB

0 0) problems. Therefore, if at t ¼ 0,

T ¼ T0

and at x ¼ 0, T ¼ T1   @T @2T ¼a 2 L @t @x gives a

d2 y(x, s) ¼ sy(x, s)  T0 , dx2

where y(x, s) ¼ L{T(x, t)}

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subject to the boundedness of y(x, s) and L{T(0, t)} ¼ y(0, s) ¼

T1 s

Therefore y(x, s) ¼

T1  T0 pffias x T0 e þ s s

which inverts to 

 x T(x, t) ¼ (T1  T0 )erfc pffiffiffiffiffi þ T0 2 at

Example 7.5 A solid rectangular slab at a uniform temperature T0 has its four edges thermally insulated. The temperature of one exposed face is raised to and maintained at T1, whereas the temperature of the other exposed face is held fixed at T0. Determine how the temperature distribution varies with time. Solution As the edges are insulated, heat is expected to flow in one direction, and the differential equation @T @2T ¼a 2 @t @x can be used to model the temperature distribution subject to the conditions T(x, 0) ¼ T0 T(0, t) ¼ T0 T(L, t) ¼ T1 Then using the method of Laplace transform we get sU(x, s)  T(x, 0) ¼ a

d2 U(x, s) , dx2

U(x, s) ¼ L{T(x, t)}

or sU(x, s)  T0 ¼ a

d2 U(x, s) dx2

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Applications of Partial Differential Equations in Chemical Engineering


with general solution pffi pffis s T0 U(x, s) ¼ c1 (s)e a x þ c2 (s)e ax þ s

The transformed boundary conditions become T0 s T1 L{T(L, t)} ¼ U(L, s) ¼ s L{T(0, t)} ¼ U(0, s) ¼

Upon using the transformed boundary conditions, the constants of integration are determined such that pffis pffiffis T1  T0 e ax  e ax T0 pffis pffiffis þ U(x, s) ¼ s s aL  e  aL e rffiffiffi s sinh x (T1  T0 ) T0 a rffiffiffi þ ¼ s s s L sinh a Two methods will be used to find T(x, t) ¼ L1 {U(x, s)}. Method I: In a suitable table of Laplace transform [3], we can locate


pffiffi  1 sinh x s x 2 X (1)n n2 p2 at=L2 npx pffiffi ¼ þ e sin a p n¼1 n a s sinh a s

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi then, if a is replaced by L= a and x= a replaces x rffiffiffi 9 8 s > > > > = x 2 X < sinh x 1 (1)n n2 p2 at=L2 npx a 1 rffiffiffi ¼ þ L e sin > L p n¼1 n > L > ; :s sinh L s > a Therefore, (

1 x 2 X (1)n n2 p2 at=L2 npx þ T(x, t) ¼ (T1  T0 ) e sin L p n¼1 n L

) þ T0

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Method II: Consider the quantity rffiffiffi s T1  T0 a P(s) rffiffiffi ¼ s s Q(s) sinh L a sinh x


rffiffiffi s Q(s) ¼ s sinh L a

and Q(s) ¼ 0 at either s ¼ 0 or rffiffiffi s L ¼ inp, a

n ¼ 1, 2, . . .

because sinh inp ¼ sin np. The singular values s ¼ 0, sn ¼

n2 p2 a L2

are poles and in particular, simple poles as opposed to multiple poles. Further, rffiffiffi rffiffiffi rffiffiffi s L s s Q0 (s) ¼ sinh L þ cosh L a 2 a a such that (T1  T0 ) sinh

P(s) rn (t) ¼ 0 esn t ¼ Q (s)

inpx L

inp cosh inp sinh inp þ 2 npx n2 p2 at=L2 e (T1  T0 ) sin L ¼ np cos np 2


en p


or rn (t) ¼ (T1  T0 )

2 npx 2 2 2 (1)n en p at=L sin np L

For the simple pole s ¼ 0:

r0 (t) ¼ (T1  T0 ) lim s!0

sinh x


x paffiffiffi ¼ (T1  T0 ) L sinh L as


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where the series expansion of the hyperbolic functions were used in the limiting process. Therefore, f (t) ¼ L1

P(s) Q(s)


) 1 x 2 X (1)n n2 p2 at=L2 npx þ e sin ¼ (T1  T0 ) L p n¼1 n L

such that (

1 x 2 X (1)n n2 p2 at=L2 npx þ T(x, t) ¼ (T1  T0 ) e sin L p n¼1 n L

) þ T0

Recall Table 6.1. One could certainly reduce the labor by employing that table where appropriate.

7.3 MASS TRANSFER Example 7.6 A slab of porous solid 1/2-in. thick is soaked in pure ethanol [1]. The void space in the solid occupies 50% of its volume. The pores are fine, so that molecular diffusion can take place through the liquid in the passages: there is no convective mixing. The effective diffusivity of the system ethanol–water in the pores is one-tenth that in the free liquid. If the slab is placed in a large well-agitated reservoir of pure water at 778F, how long will it take for the mass fraction of ethanol at the center of the slab to fall to 0.009? Assume that there is no resistance to mass transfer in the water phase and that the concentration of ethanol in the water, and thus at the surface of the slab, is constant at zero. Solution Since the densities of alcohol and water differ by only 20%, then one may assume that the total density remains constant such that @CA @ 2 CA ¼ DAB @t @y2 is a reasonable mathematical description of the unsteady state process under discussion. If the following substitutions t¼

DAB t , y02

CA , Ctot

y y0

are made, where the distance y is measured normal to the center of the slab, and y0 is the half thickness of the slab, then we get

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@Y @ 2 Y ¼ @t @j2 subject to @Y(0, t) ¼0 @j Y(1, t) ¼ 0 Y(j, 0) ¼ 1 This system of equations was solved in the context of heat transfer previously (Example 7.1). There the solution was given as Y(j, t) ¼

X1 n¼1

"  2 #   4 2n  1 2n  1 exp  p t cos pj ð1Þ (2n  1)p 2 2 n

For j ¼ 0 and Y ¼ 0.009, and DAB ¼ 1.0 cm2/s, it is determined that t ¼ 2.01. Therefore, t¼

ty0 (2:01)(1=48)2 ¼ 0:0217 h or 1:30 min ¼ DAB (1=10)(1:0)(3:87)

Note that use is made of the solution from a previous problem that was solved in dimensionless form. Also, the analogy between heat conduction and molecular diffusion can best be exploited when dimensionless variables are utilized. Example 7.7 Diffusivities of gases in polymers [5] is a model of diffusion through a membrane, which separates two compartments of a continuous-flow permeation chamber. Essentially, at time t ¼ 0, a penetrant is introduced into one compartment (the upstream compartment) and permeates through the membrane into a stream flowing through the other (downstream) compartment. Assumptions: 1. Diffusion of the penetrant in the gas phase and absorption at the membrane surface are instantaneous processes. 2. Diffusion in the membrane is Fickian with a constant diffusivity D(cm2/s). 3. The concentration of dissolved gas at the downstream surface of the membrane is always sufficiently low compared to that at the upstream surface, such that the downstream surface concentration may be set equal to zero.

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Below are the models for a flat membrane of thickness h and a cylindrical membrane of inner radius a and outer radius b. The penetrant is introduced from the outside (cylindrical case). Determine the rate at which the gas permeates through the downstream membrane surface. Flat Membrane @C(t, x) @ 2 C(t, x) ¼D @t @x2 C(0, x) ¼ 0 C(t, 0) ¼ C1 C(t, h) ¼ 0 Cylinder   @C(t, x) D @ @C ¼ r @t r @r @r C(0, r) ¼ 0 C(t, a) ¼ 0 C(t, b) ¼ C1 Solution For the flat membrane case: Let L{C(t, x)} ¼ y(s, x) then the differential equation transforms to d2 y s  y¼0 dx2 D whose general solution is rffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffi  s s y(s, x) ¼ k1 cosh x þ k2 sinh x D D subject to L{C(t, 0)} ¼

C1 s

and L{C(t, h)} ¼ 0

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Therefore, rffiffiffiffi  s C1 cosh h C1 D , k2 ¼ k1 ¼ rffiffiffiffi  s s s sinh h D The solution in the s-domain is 8 rffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffi 9 > s s s s > > > > h cosh h  cosh h sinh x > = > s > > > > s sinh h ; : D and the inverse transform is derived using the residue theorem 8 rffiffiffiffi9 > s> > > > > = > Q0 (sn ) s > > n¼0 > > h ; rffiffiffiffi : s sinh D s s sinh (h  x) D hx For s0 ¼ 0, the residue ¼ lim rffiffiffiffi  ¼ s!0 h s s sinh h D using L’Hospital’s rule. For sn 6¼ 0 rffiffiffiffi   rffiffiffiffi  s h s Q (sn ) ¼ sinh h þ s pffiffiffiffiffiffi cosh h D D 2 sD 0

Also, substituting

rffiffiffiffi s ¼ il D

simplifies the results and we get l¼n from sinh

p , n ¼ 1, 2, . . . h

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi s=Dh ¼ 0. Finally, npx P(sn , x) 2 sin ¼  Q0 (sn ) np h

and the concentration profile is ( )  2 2   1 hx 2 X 1 n p tD npx  exp C(t, x) ¼ C1 sin h p n¼1 n h2 h

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The rate of penetrant across the surface x ¼ h is given by 

@C J(t) ¼ DA @x

DAC1 ¼ h x¼h


 2 2 ) n p Dt 1þ2 (1) exp  h2 n¼1 1 X


for a flat membrane with a surface area A (cm2). Also, notice that the steady state rate Jss, is given by Jss ¼ D

AC1 h

Cylinder The differential equation is Laplace transformed to d2 u 1 du s  u¼0 þ dr 2 r dr D subject to u(s, a) ¼ 0 C1 u(s, b) ¼ s The general solution of the transformed differential equation is  rffiffiffiffi   rffiffiffiffi  s s u(s, r) ¼ k1 J0 i r þ k2 Y 0 i r D D where J0() are Y0() the zero-order Bessel functions of the first and second kind, respectively. Following the use of the transformed boundary conditions k1 ¼

C1 Y0 (ab) s[J0 (aa)Y0 (ab)  J0 (ab)Y0 (aa)]

and k2 ¼ 

C1 J0 (ab) s[J0 (aa)Y0 (ab)  J0 (ab)Y0 (aa)]

where the substitution rffiffiffiffi s a¼i D

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has been used. Therefore, u(s, r) ¼ C1

[Y0 (ab)J0 (ar)  J0 (ab)Y0 (ar)] s[J0 (aa)Y0 (ab)  J0 (ab)Y0 (aa)]

The inverse transform gives C(t, r) ¼ r0 (t, r) þ

1 X P(sn , r) exp(sn t) Q0 (sn ) n¼1

where r0 (t, r) ¼ lim s s!0

P(s, r) ln(b=r)  lim s u(s, r) ¼ C1 s!0 Q(s) ln(b=a)

The results for small arguments of the Bessel functions were employed where appropriate. (where?) Finally, the concentration profile for the cylindrical geometry is

C(t, r) ¼ C1

8 > > > <

1 X ln (b=r) þp J0 (an b0 (an a) ln (b=a) n¼1

9 > > > =

> [Y0 (an b)J0 (an r)  J0 (an b)Y0 (an r)] > > > > > ; : J02 (an a)  J02 (an b)

exp (a2n Dt)

where J0 (an a)Y0 (an b)  J0 (an b)Y0 (an a) ¼ 0 defines the eigenvalues, an 6¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, . . . The rate of penetrant across the surface at r ¼ a, for a cylinder of length L is   @C J(t) ¼ 2pDL @r r¼a ( )  X 2pDLC1 b 1 J0 (an a)J0 (an b) 2 1 þ 2 ln ¼ exp (an Dt) a n¼1 J02 (an a)  J02 (an b) ln (b=a) Again, the steady-state permeation rate is Jss ¼ for the cylinder.

2pDLC1 ln (b=a)

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Example 7.8 This model describes the release of relatively small molecules such as benzoic acid [6]. Initially, the solute to be released is present in solution in a reservoir. A microporous membrane (a x b) without nonporous coating bounds the reservoir. The pores of the membrane are filled with a liquid that is immiscible with the reservoir phase (0 x < a). In addition, we assumed the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Diffusion of the agent (benzoic acid) is Fickian. Interfacial boundary layers are not influential here. Diffusivities of the agent are independent of concentration. Aqueous–organic partition coefficient for the agent is independent of concentration. Reservoir and bath solutions are ideal. Uniform temperature exists throughout the system. Aqueous and organic phases are immiscible. Initially, the agent in the reservoir is at some concentration below its saturation value in the solvent.

Following previous works in this area [7,8], the governing equation for the agent concentration in the reservoir is @C1 @ 2 C1 ¼ D1 @t @x2


@C2 @ 2 C2 ¼ D2 @t @x2



is the governing equation for the agent in the membrane. The subscripts refer to the respective regions [0, a] and [a, b] as shown in Figure 7.4. D2 is an effective diffusivity and is defined as D2 ¼

D« t


where D is the agent diffusivity in the pore liquid, « is the membrane porosity, and t is the membrane tortuosity. Both the agent diffusivity in the pore liquid (D) and in the reservoir liquid (D1) are calculated (Wilke–Chang correlation [9]). The quantity t was defined and measured for various systems[10]; here we adopt the value given for a hydrophobic membrane. The porosity value (0.38) is a manufacturer-supplied quantity.

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x a



FIGURE 7.4 Cross-section of membrane device.

Equation 7.12 and Equation 7.13 are subject to the following boundary conditions: C1 (a, t) ¼ m1,2 C2 (a, t)


@C1 (0, t) ¼0 @x


@C1 (a, t) @C2 (a, t) ¼ D2 @x @x


@C2 (b, t) @C2 (b, t) ¼ D2 a2 m2,w @t @x


D1 Vw

Further, as the entire agent is initially present in the reservoir phase, then C1 (x, 0) ¼ C01


C2 (x, 0) ¼ 0


Equation 7.15 is a statement of the equilibrium partitioning at the reservoir–pore liquid interface with m1,2 the partition coefficient. Equation 7.16 indicates that the solute concentration is expected to be finite at the bottom of the reservoir. Equation 7.17 displays the continuity of the agent flux across the reservoir–pore interface, whereas Equation 7.18 accounts for the material leaving the membrane and entering the surrounding water bath. The quantity a2 is the membrane area at the outer wall (cm2). In deriving the solution to the model, we recast the model in a dimensionless form by introducing the following quantities:

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u1 (j, u) ¼

C1 (x, t) C01


u2 (j, u) ¼

C2 (x, t) C01


x D1 t j¼ , u¼ 2 b b



The dimensionless model now consists of the following eight equations: @u1 @ 2 u1 ¼ @u @j2


D1 @u2 @ 2 u2 ¼ D2 @u @j2


u1 (a=b, u) ¼ m1,2 u2 (a=b, u)


@u1 (0, u) ¼0 @j


D1 @u1 (a=b, u) @u2 (a=b, u) ¼ @j @j D2



@u2 (1, u) @u2 (1, u) ¼ @u @j


u1 (j, 0) ¼ 1


u2 (j, 0) ¼ 0


where b¼

Vw D1 bm2,w D2 a2


This type of coupled system of equations is very amenable to the technique of Laplace transform. As such, we let u1 (j, s) ¼

ð1 0

u1 (j, u)esu du


u2 (j, s) ¼


u2 (j, u)esu du



such that Equation 7.24, Equation 7.25, Equation 7.30, and Equation 7.31 transform to the second-order linear differential equations:

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d2 u1 dj2


D1 d2 u2 s u2 ¼ 2 D2 dj


s u1  1 ¼ and

subject to the transformed boundary conditions: u1 (a=b, s) ¼ m1,2 u2 (a=b, s)


d u1 (0, s) ¼0 dj


D1 d u1 (a=b, s) d u2 (a=b, s) ¼ dj dj D2


bs u2 (1, s) ¼ 

d u2 (1, s) dj


The solution to the dimensionless model, Equation 7.34 through Equation 7.39 are rffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffi    D2 D2 a a D2 lb j cos l 1  cos l þ sin l 1  1 b b D1 D1 D1 u1 ¼ þ sq(l) s


and  rffiffiffiffiffiffi [blD2 =D1 sin l(1  j)  cos l(1  j)] a D2 sin l u2 ¼ sq(l) b D1


where    rffiffiffiffiffiffi   D2 a a a D2 sin l 1  sin l  cos l 1  q(l) ¼m1,2 lb b b b D1 D1 rffiffiffiffiffiffi  rffiffiffiffiffiffi    D2 D2 a a a D2 lb cos l 1   cos l þ sin l 1  b b b D1 D1 D1 (7:42) The substitution rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi D1 s il ¼ D2


where i is the imaginary unit, was used in Equation 7.40 through Equation 7.42.

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Equation 7.40 and Equation 7.41 are inverted by the residue theorem [11] to give u1 (j, u) ¼

m1,2 a=b D2 a 1 þ b þ (m1,2  1) D1 b rffiffiffiffiffiffi   2 D2      ln D u D2 D2 a a D2 1 ln b cos ln 1  þ sinln 1  cos ln j e 1 X D1 D1 D1 b b þ  

l dq


2 dl



and u2 (j, u) ¼

a=b D2 a 1þb þ (m1,2  1) D1 b

rffiffiffiffiffiffi   D2 a D2  l2n DD21 u ln b sin ln ð1  jÞ  cos lÞn ð1  jÞ sinðln e 1 X b D1 D1  

þ l dq

n¼1 2 dl l¼ln 

(7:45) where the eigenvalues, ln, are defined by pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi D2 =D1 ) þ D2 =D1 D2 =D1 bln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (7:46) tan ln (1  a=b) ¼ ln m1,2 D2 =D1 b tan (ln a=b D2 =D1 )  D2 =D1 m1,2 tan (ln a=b

Then using Equation 7.22, the concentration profile of the agent at x ¼ b can be determined. Figure 7.5 shows the release profile for benzoic acid, which was calculated using the first eigenvalue (Equation 7.46) and the first two terms of Equation 7.45.

7.4 COMPARISON BETWEEN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER RESULTS Quite frequently heat transfer problems have their analogs in mass transfer. This can be fortuitous if recognized, as time and labor can be saved when solving a given problem. One approach that can be very helpful in exposing the similarities between two problems requires the use of dimensionless

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Benzoic acid released (mg)


15 Theory Expt.



0 0







Time (h)

FIGURE 7.5 Release profile for benzoic acid. (From Ramraj, R., Farell, S., and Loney, N.W., Sep. Sci. Technol., 34, 225, 1999.)

quantities. That is, recast the given differential equation and its conditions into a dimensionless form. Then derive a dimensionless solution. At this juncture the solution is not tied to either heat transfer or mass transfer and can be interpreted as needed. In two previously worked-out applications, Example 7.1 and Example 7.6, both situations were reduced to the identical dimensionless differential equations @Y @ 2 Y ¼ @t @j2 subject to @Y(0, t) ¼0 @j Y(1, t) ¼ 0


Y(j, 0) ¼ 1

This dimensionless model has the solution Y(j,t) ¼

1 (1) X n¼1


"  #   4 2n  1 2 2n  1 exp  p t cos pj (2n  1)p 2 2

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This result may now be interpreted in terms of a heat transfer application (Example 7.1) or a mass transfer application (Example 7.6). As a second illustration, consider a solid body occupying the space from y ¼ 0 to y ¼ 1 that is initially at a temperature T0. At time t ¼ 0, the surface at y ¼ 0 is suddenly raised to a temperature T1 and is maintained at that temperature for some t > 0. Determine the temperature profile T(y, t), if the mathematical statement of the problem is given by @T @2T ¼a 2; y>0 @t @y T(y, 0) ¼ T0 T(0, t) ¼ T1 T(1, t) ¼ T0 Conveniently, the dimensionless temperature profile can be taken as u(y, t) ¼

T  T0 T1  T0

which recasts the differential equation into @u @2u ¼a 2 @t @y subject to u¼0 u¼1

at t 0 8y at y ¼ 0 8t > 0


at y ¼ 1

8t > 0

Then, if we let u ¼ f (h),

y h ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4at

the dimensionless differential equation can be reduced to an ordinary differential equation f 00 (h) þ 2hf 0 (h) ¼ 0 This latter differential equation has the general solution

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f (h) ¼ k1



eh dh þ k2


with arbitrary constants k1 and k2. By employing the conditions f (0) ¼ 1 and

f (1) ¼ 0

there results u¼

T  T0 2 ¼ 1  pffiffiffiffi T1  T0 p

ðh 0

  2 y ej dj ¼ 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4at

Comparing this dimensionless temperature profile with the dimensionless concentration profile (Example 7.10) results in identical form and substance: ! cA  cA1 x ¼ 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cA0  cA1 4DAB z=v0 Notice the argument of the error functions. In the heat transfer interpretation, a represents thermal diffusivity whereas DAB represents mass diffusivity in the mass transfer case. Also, the quantity z/v0 represents time whereas x and y are coordinates in their respective systems. If one is able to anticipate analogies between conduction and diffusion in certain specific situations, then a given issue may be resolved in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. A procedure on how to convert dimensional differential equations to their dimensionless forms is given in Chapter 8.



By extending our definition of diffusion to include the process of heat transfer by conduction, the examples that follow demonstrate how some problems involving diffusion and flow can be treated effectively with the mathematical tools previously discussed. For example, consider the problem involving heat transfer to a flowing fluid. This problem was solved [12] with the use of the confluent hypergeometric function [13]. Example 7.9 An example of heat transfer to a laminar flow fluid in a circular tube, this, the so-called Graetz problem, involves the determination of the temperature profile in a fully developed laminar flow fluid inside a circular tube. The governing equation for the Graetz problem may be obtained from an energy balance in cylindrical coordinates. Alternatively, one can start with the equation of energy in terms of transport properties for Newtonian fluids of

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constant density r and thermal conductivity k [14]. In cylindrical coordinates, the steady state equation of energy excluding the r and u component of velocities and neglecting viscous dissipation is given by     @T 1 @ @T 1 @2T @2T ¼k r rCp vz (r) þ þ 2 @z r @r @r r @u2 @z2


The above equation 7.47 can be further simplified if both the terms @2T @2T and 2 @z2 @u are neglected on the basis that the amount of heat conducted in these directions are negligible in comparison to that conducted in the r-direction as well as that conducted by convection. The dimensionless form of the reduced Equation 7.47 is (1  j2 )

  @u 1 @ @u ¼ j @z j @j @j


subject to u(0, z) is finite


u(1, z) ¼ 0


u(j, 0) ¼ 1


where the dimensionless quantities u(j, z) ¼

Tw  T , Tw  T0

r , r1

kz rCp vz max r12

have been used. Here, the quantities T0, Tw, r1, and vzmax are entering fluid temperature, wall temperature, radius of tube, and maximum axial fluid velocity, respectively. Then, applying the method of separation of variables to Equation 7.48, by assuming that u(j, z) ¼ f (j)g(z)


such that Equation 7.48 reduces to g0 þ l2 g ¼ 0, ) g(z) ¼ c1 el




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and j

d2 f df þ þ l2 j(1  j2 )f ¼ 0 dj2 dj


where l is real. In order to solve Equation 7.54, the Frobenius series method is appropriate. However, the following substitutions will be made in order to recast the differential equation into a more recognizable form: (i) Let w ¼ lj2 and (ii) f(w) ¼ ew/2 y(w) Then Equation 7.54 becomes   d2 y dy 1 l   w 2 þ (1  w) y¼0 dw dw 2 4


following application of the chain rule. The above equation is a confluent hypergeometric equation for which there are Tabulated solutions [13]. That is, Equation 7.55 has two linearly independent solutions: a a(a þ 1)w2 a(a þ 1)(a þ 2)w3 þ þ  y1 (w) ¼1F1 [a;b;w] ¼ 1 þ w þ b b(b þ 1)2! b(b þ 1)(b þ 2)3! where, in this case b ¼ 1,

1 l  2 4

and y2 (w) ¼ y1 log w þ

  aw 1 2  þ  1!1! a 1

Therefore, the general solution to Equation 7.55 is y(w) ¼ c2 y1 (w) þ c3 y2 (w) The boundary condition given by Equation 7.49 requires that f(0) be finite, which means that y(w) must also be finite. However, y2(w) is unbounded at w ¼ 0, thus c3 must be chosen as zero. For a nontrivial solution, c2 6¼ 0 such that f (j) ¼ c2 eln j



 1 F1

1 l  ;1;lj2 2 4


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gives f (1) ¼ c2 e


 1 l  ;1;l ¼ 0 1 F1 2 4

following application of the boundary condition given by Equation 7.50 resulting in 1 F1

  1 ln  ;1;ln ¼ 0 2 4

for n  1


The above equation defines the n eigenvalues whereas Equation 7.56 defines the corresponding eigenfunctions. Then, by the principle of superposition u(j, z) ¼

1 X

Cn e

ln2 z


ln j2 =2


1 ln  ;1;ln j2 1 F1 2 4


is the solution to Equation 7.48 through Equation 7.50. The condition given by Equation 7.51 reduces Equation 7.58 to u(j, 0) ¼ 1 ¼

1 X n¼1

Cn eln j



 1 F1

1 ln  ;1;ln j2 2 4

which is a generalized Fourier series. Then, by making use of the orthogonal properties of a Sturm–Liouville problem, Cn is given by     1 1 ln =2 3 ln   ;2;l F e 1 1 n 2 ln 2 4 (7:59) Cn ¼ ð 1   2 1 ln 2 ln j2 2  ;1;ln j j(1  j )e dj 1 F1 2 4 0 From the temperature profile given by Equation 7.58, the heat flux at the wall, the total rate of heat transfer, and the bulk temperature of the fluid at the exit can be evaluated. Also, using the arithmetic mean of terminal temperature differences together with the definition of heat transfer coefficient, the arithmetic mean Nusselt number can be expressed as a function of the Graetz number. Similarly, the logarithmic Nusselt number can also be obtained as a function of the Graetz number [12]. Example 7.10 Diffusion into a falling film (see Figure 7.6)[8]. Consider the diffusion of a solute A into a moving liquid film B. The liquid is in laminar flow. Assuming that (1) the film moves with a flat velocity profile v0, (2) the film may be

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FIGURE 7.6 Diffusion into a falling film.

taken to be infinitely thick with respect to the penetration of the absorbed material, and (3) the concentration at the interface x ¼ 0 is cA0, then the mathematical statement of this problem is v0

@cA @ 2 cA ¼ DAB @z @x2

subject to cA ¼ cA0 cA ¼ cA1

at x ¼ 0 at x ¼ 1

cA ¼ cA1

at z ¼ 0

(a) Derive the concentration profile for the solute A. (b) Derive a liquid-film mass transfer coefficient based on the driving force cA0  cA1. Solution Let

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cA  cA1 ¼ f (h), cA0  cA1


x h ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4DAB z=v0

Then @cA dh ¼ (cA0  cA1 )f 0 (h) dz @z @cA dh ¼ (cA0  cA1 )f 0 (h) dx @x  2 2 @ cA dh dh ¼ (cA0  cA1 )f 00 (h) þf 0 (h) dx dx @x2 but dh 2DAB x 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ ; dz 4D v0 4DAB z=v0 AB z=v0

dh 1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi dx 4DAB z=v0

Therefore, the differential equation reduces to f 00 ¼ 2h f0 and the boundary conditions become f (h) ¼ 1 at h ¼ 0;

f (h) ¼ 0 at h ¼ 1

Integration of this new ordinary differential equation results in f (h) ¼ k1



ej dj þ k2


where k1 and k2 are arbitrary constants. Imposing the boundary conditions results in 2 f (h) ¼  pffiffiffiffi p

ðh 0



x dj þ 1 ¼ 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4DAB z=v0

That is ! cA  cA1 x ¼ 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi cA0  cA1 4DAB z=v0


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(c) For short contact times for absorption in wetted-wall towers, the following expression for the liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient was developed in the literature [15]. The total moles of A transferred per unit time per unit cross-sectional transfer area is n0 NA ¼ L

ð1 0

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4DAB n0 (cA  cA1 )z¼L dx ¼ (cA0  cA1 ) ¼ kL (cA0  cA1 ) pL

such that rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4DAB n0 kL ¼ pL Note that the quantity L/v0 is the time required for the liquid film to traverse the length L. The next two examples are solutions to the models that were developed in Chapter 1. We apply some of the mathematical methods discussed in the last five chapters to address issues of some practical concerns. In both cases we were able to obtain favorable comparisons with available experimental data. It is understood that a mathematical model is useful so long as it reasonably describes the physics, chemistry, or biology it is attempting to capture. Example 7.11 Recall the model developed in Chapter 1 describing the molecular contribution to the mass transfer coefficient of a turbulent flowing fluid in a smooth tube. Use Equation 1.29 to Equation 1.31 to derive the concentration profile for species A. Substitute the derived concentration profile into Equation 1.14 and then develop a local average mass transfer coefficient, kAV ¼ NAV/Cb,AV (NAV is the average molar flux and Cb,AV is the average bulk concentration). Vb

dCb 2 ¼  NAr jRb Rb dz

Vb @CA @ 2 CA x ¼D d @z @x2 CA ¼ 0

at x ¼ 0

CA ¼ Cb (z) CA ¼ C0 at

(1:14) (1:28) (1:29)

at x ¼ d




Solution First we recast Equation 1.28 through Equation 1.31 by letting

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u ¼ CA  C0 Then taking the Laplace transform with respect to z L{u(z, x)} ¼ CA (s, x) transforms the recast Equation 1.28 and Equation 1.31 into Airy’s differential equation d2 CA  a2 sxCA ¼ 0 dx2 where a2 ¼

Vb Dd

The general solution to Airy’s equation can be given in either 1/3-Bessel functions or Airy functions [17], that is      2 2 1=2 3=2 3=2  k1 J1=3 alx CA (x, l) ¼ x þ k2 J1=3 alx 3 3


or CA (y, l) ¼

pffiffiffi 3 1 (al)1=3 2 n h pffiffiffi i h pffiffiffi io  k1 3Ai(y)  Bi(y) þ k2 3Ai(y) þ Bi(y)


where y¼

 2=3 3 2  alx3=2 ¼ (al)2=3 x 2 3

and pffiffi l¼i s Both forms are utilized in order to evaluate the constants k1 and k2. The quantities Ai(y) and Bi(y) are Airy functions [17]. The constants k1 and k2 turn out to be

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 k1 ¼

     C0 1=2 C0 (al)1=3 2 2 3=2   2 G Cb (l) þ 2 d J1=3 ald 3 3 l l 31=3   2 J1=3 ald3=2 3

and   C0 (al)1=3 2 k2 ¼ 2 G 1=3 3 l 3 where Cb(l) ¼ L {Cb (z)} symbolizes the Laplace transform and G () is the gamma function. The next step is to solve for the concentration of the transferring species in the turbulent core, Cb(z). As the mass fluxes of the turbulent core and the laminar sublayer are equal at the interface, Equation 1.14 may be written as dCb 2D @CA ¼ j RVb @x x¼d dz


and Laplace transformed to sCb (s)  C0 ¼ 

2D dCA j RVb dx x¼d

Then using Equation i and performing the necessary simplification, we get pffiffiffi Dd1=2 (al)1=3 G(2=3)32=3 3 1 Cb (l) p  RVb    (iii) ¼ 2  2 2D 2 C0 l 3=2 1=2 3=2 2 2 l l J1=3 ald d alJ2=3 ald  3 RVb 3 Equation iii is inverted using the residue theorem to give the dimensionless concentration profile at the intersection of the laminar sublayer and the turbulent core   Cb (z) Dd1=2 a1=3 37=6 2 G ¼  C0 3 RVb p 2 1 X eln z     2 D 2 2 l2n RVb 2 3=2 n¼1 5=3 2 þ ln d a þ d J1=3 aln d 3 3 RVb 3 6 D


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The values for ln, are defined by  ln J1=3

2 aln d3=2 3

  2D 1=2 2 3=2 d aJ2=3 aln d ¼ RVb 3


MASS TRANSFER COEFFICIENT In order to estimate a local mass transfer coefficient for comparison to available experimental data we take the approach that the mass transfer coefficient, k, can be defined as the flux at the wall divided by the concentration difference between the bulk and wall concentrations. In the case that the wall concentration is zero and the bulk concentration is the same as that at the intersection of the laminar sublayer and the turbulent core, Cb(z), we can define the flux at the wall, Nw, as Nw ¼ NAx jx¼d Since d is small. Employing Equation 1.14a and Equation iv result in NAx jx¼d ¼

R dCb Vb 2 dz

Therefore, the mass transfer coefficient, k, is 1 P

l2 Bn exp (l2n z) R n¼1 n k ¼ Vb P 1 2 Bn exp (l2n z) n¼1

where Bn ¼ l5=3 n

1    2 2 D 2 2 l2n RVb 2 þ da þ d J1=3 aln d3=2 3 3 RVb 3 6 D

In practice, an average value of the mass transfer coefficient, kAV, is used. Here we consider the average flux at the wall, NAV, over the closed interval [0, z] to be ðz X 1 RVb C0 Dd1=2 a1=3 37=6 G(2=3) l2n Bn exp (l2n z)dz 2z RVb p 0 n¼1 " # 1 1 1=2 1=3 7=6 X X DC0 d a 3 2 G(2=3) Bn  Bn exp (ln z) ¼ 2pz n¼1 n¼1


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Also, the average bulk concentration is ðz X 1 C0 Dd1=2 a1=3 37=6 G(2=3) Bn exp (l2n z)dz z RVb p 0 n¼1 " # 1   1   X C0 Dd1=2 a1=3 37=6 X Bn Bn 2 ¼  exp (ln z) 2 2 z RVb p n¼1 ln n¼1 ln

Cb,AV ¼

Then the local average mass transfer coefficient, kAV, is defined to be kAV ¼ NAV =Cb,AV 1 P (R=2)Vb Bn 1  exp (  l2n z) n¼1 ¼ P 1 (Bn =l2n ) 1  exp (  l2n z) n¼1

COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA In the works cited, the experimentally derived mass transfer coefficients are referenced to the frictional velocity as þ K1

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  ffi f 0:0791 ¼ K1 =V  ; V  ¼ Vb ; f ¼ 2 NRe

where K1 is the fully developed mass transfer coefficient (cm/s). Therefore, we also reference kAV to the frictional velocity to get  KAV ¼ kAV =V 

Before making the comparisons, we needed to determine how many terms of the infinite series are required to give a reasonable estimate of kAV. Because the eigenvalues increase rapidly as n increases (l2/l1 2 orders of magnitude), we discovered that for z  100 cm, kAV is influenced more by the first eigenvalue than by z. Also, the cited experimental mass transfer coefficients [18,19] were all measured in the fully developed flow region. Therefore, the criterion z  100 cm is satisfied in all cases as the reported fully developed region is well beyond 100 cm. This fact (z  100 cm) is used to get kAV ¼ such that

  R Vb l21 2

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TABLE 7.1 Model Predictions Versus Experimental Data 

l1 3 103 5.9543 5.8209 5.6411 5.5643 5.3037

K Avg 3 104 (Model)

4 K1 1 3 10 (Expt [18])

4 K1 1 3 10 (Correlation [19])

y1 d 5 f(y1)



3.46 3.47 3.47 3.47 3.47

3.52 3.50 3.46 3.46 3.50

3.71 3.71 3.71 3.71 3.71

1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2

7750 11200 18600 23200 50200

2400 2400 2400 2400 2400

Source: From Huang, Chem. Eng. Series, Vol. 59, 1191–1197, 2004. With permission.


R ¼


Vb l21 V

The first eigenvalue l1 can be determined using the Mathematica routine FindRoot [20]. Then the local dimensionless fully developed mass transfer coefficient can be calculated. Results using the first eigenvalue, l1, are reported in Table 7.1 below: Example 7.12 Given below is the model of a subdivided mass exchanger that was developed in Example 1.2. Determine the local solute concentration profile, CA(z, r) on the tube side using the method of separation of variables discussed in Chapter 6. As part of your solution, you will need to define the relationship that will yield the eigenvalues. Also, use Ð 2p Ð R CAb ¼


CA (L, r)nz (r)r dr du Ð 02p Ð R 0 0 n z (r)r dr du

to develop an expression for the bulk concentration. Finally, develop an expression for CAb / CA0. Model (i) Tube-side:     r 2 @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DA nmax 1  2 (1:39) r @r R @z @r subject to the boundary conditions: CA (0, r) ¼ CA0


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@CA (z,0) ¼0 @r


@CA (z, R) ¼ K(CA jr¼R  CAS ) @r


dCAS ¼ 2pRNK(CA jr¼R  CAS ) dz


DA (ii) Shell-side: Q subject to



N is the number of fibers and Q is volumetric flow rate of the shell-side (sweep) stream. Total mass balance of species A between the two streams:     ð NpR2 nmax 4 r¼R r2 Q(CAS0  CASL ) ¼ CA0  2 CAjz¼L 1  2 r dr (1:42) R r¼0 2 R CAS0 is the outgoing sweep stream concentration of species A (Figure 1.3). Solution Equation 1.37 through Equation 1.39 were put into dimensionless forms: (1  j2 )

  @u 1 @ @u ¼ j @z j @j @j



at z ¼ 0


@u ¼ 0 at j ¼ 0 @j


@u KR ¼ (u þ uS  1) @j DA ¼ NSh (u þ uS  1)

The dimensionless variables were defined as: Dimensionless tube-side concentration u(z, j) ¼


Dimensionless shell-side concentration


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uS (z) ¼



where j ¼ r/R and z ¼ DA z/vmax R2 are the dimensionless radial and axial coordinates, respectively. Equation 1.40 for the dialysate side is transformed into duS 2pRNK nmax R2 ¼ (ujj¼1 þ uS  1) Q dz DA ¼ 4NSh V(ujj¼1 þ uS  1)


subject to the condition uS ¼ 1 at z ¼

  DA L 1 L 2 ¼ nmax R2 Pe R


The quantity V is the tube-side volumetric flow rate divided by the sweep-side (shell-side) volumetric flow rate, Nsh is the Sherwood number and Pe is the length Peclet number. The method of separation of variables was used to solve the dimensionless system of Equation 1.37a through Equation 1.39a; however one could have used the methods of Laplace transform. Notice that Equation 1.39a is identical to Equation 7.48 of Example 7.9. Then the boundary value problem will contain the identical second-order differential equation: j

d2 f df þ þ l2 j(1  j2 )f ¼ 0 dj2 dj


In Example 7.9, this differential equation was shown to be the confluent hypergeometric equation:   d2 y dy 1 l w 2 þ (1  w)   y¼0 (7:55) dw dw 2 4 with linearly independent solutions a a(a þ 1)w2 a(a þ 1)(a þ 2)w3 þ þ  y1 (w) ¼1 F1 [a;b;w] ¼ 1 þ w þ b b(b þ 1)2! b(b þ 1)(b þ 2)3! where in this case b ¼ 1, a ¼

1 l  2 4

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and y2 (w) ¼ y1 log w þ

  aw 1 2  þ  1!1! a 1

The boundary condition given by Equation 1.36a requires that the solution be finite, which eliminates the second solution. The resulting dimensionless concentration profile is given by u(z, j) ¼

1 X

An exp (l2n z) exp (ln j2 =2)1 F1 [1=2ln =4;1;ln j2 ]


The substitution of this dimensionless concentration profile into Equation 1.40a and solving the subsequent linear first-order differential equation produces the shell-side dimensionless concentration profile, uS (z). The Fourier coefficient, An is defined (using Equation 1.35a) by eln =2 [1 F1 [1=2  ln =4;1;ln ]  (1  ln =2)1F1[3=2  ln =4;2;ln ]] l An ¼ n n1 ð1 2 ln j2 2 j(1  j )e (1 F1 [1=2  ln =4;1;ln ]) dj 0

The eigenvalues, ln are defined (Equation 1.37a) by   1 L 2 (ln1 F1 [1=2  ln =4;1;ln ]  2ln (1=2  ln =4)[1 F1 3=2  ln =4;2;ln ]) Pe R ¼ NSh1 F1 [1=2


B B ln =4;1;ln ]B B @

  2 l2n 1 L l2n þ 4NSh V Pe R



 4NSh V 1  exp [  (l2n þ 4NSh V=Peð L=RÞ2 2 þ 4NSh V)

1 C C C C A

Now the quantity, CAb / CA0 can be determined using the bulk concentration, CAb given by ð 2p ð R CA (L, r)nz (r)r drdu 0 CAb ¼ 0 ð 2p ðR nz (r)r drdu 0

such that


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1 Model—Alcohol Expt.—Alcohol Model—Extract Expt.—Extract

Fractional removal





0 50







Beer flow rate (ml/min)

FIGURE 7.7 Alcohol and extract removal as a function of beer flow rate. 1 X CAb CA0  CASL An eln =2 1 F1 [1=2  ln =4;1;ln ] ¼1þ 4NSh CA0 CA0 l2n þ 4 NSh V n¼1   2   l þ 4NSh V  exp  n  1 Pe(R=L)2

Typically, in the design of a dialysis system, one would like to know how much material would be removed for a given set of flow characteristics and system geometry. In order to address that question, the eigenvalue equation was solved using the Mathematica routine FindRoot to determine the first eigenvalue. Then working in the same Mathematica notebook the Fourier coefficient was calculated for each case of interest. An application of the results from the above model (CASL ¼ 0 and the first term of the infinite series) was compared with published experimental data for the dialysis of beer. That comparison is displayed in Figure 7.7.

7.6 SIMULTANEOUS DIFFUSION AND CHEMICAL REACTION There are numerous practical situations in which both diffusion and chemical reaction may be occurring, for instance, during low-pressure chemical vapor

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deposition (LPCVD), solid catalytic processes, or decoking a pyrolysis furnace, to name a few. Example 7.13 This example involves the derivation of the differential equation and boundary conditions for a process step that is integral to microelectronics processing. Consider the process of LPCVD in a horizontal cylindrical reactor heated from the outside [16]. That is, the reactor is surrounded by a furnace that supplies heat to the reacting contents. This heating strategy is the so-called hot wall process, and it is usually assumed that heats of reaction are small in comparison to the supplied heat. In this assumed isothermal process, thin circular disks called wafers are supported in a special wafer holder consisting of prearranged slots of equal distance apart so that the disks are located axisymmetric with the cylindrical tube. Material flows from one end of the reactor in the annulus created by the wafers and the reactor wall, but diffusion is anticipated to be the dominant mass transfer mechanism in the region bounded by any two wafers. Derive the mathematical model using the following assumptions: 1. Diffusion is the mass transfer mechanism in the region between any two wafers. 2. Gap between two wafers (inter-wafer region) is 2d long. 3. Surface reaction dominates over homogeneous reaction. 4. Azimuthal flow effects can be neglected. 5. Pseudo-binary mixture prevails. 6. Homogeneous gas phase reactions are negligible. Also solve the derived system of equations for the concentration profile as a function of r (radial) and z (along the axis). Solution Conservation of mass applied to the reactant species A in the inter-wafer region: 1 @ @ (rNAr ) þ NAz ¼ 0 r @r @z


where NA is the molar flux relative to stationary coordinates [14] and is defined by N A ¼ CDAB rXA þ XA (N A þ N B )


Then the molar flux in the r-direction for a dilute system is NAr ¼ DAB

@CA þ XA (NAr þ NBr ) @r


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which consists of a diffusion part and a bulk flow part. For a diffusiondominated mechanism, the above equation becomes NAr ¼ DAB

@CA @r


@CA @z


and the z-directed flux becomes NAz ¼ DAB

Therefore, substitution of Equation 7.63 and Equation 7.64 into Equation 7.60 gives   1 @ @CA @ 2 CA r ¼0 þ r @r @r @z2


@CA (0, z) ¼0 @r


subject to

that is, no concentration gradient exists along the axis of the cylinder. By symmetry, @CA (r, 0) ¼0 @x


Also CA (RW , z) ¼ CAb

0 0, Equation I becomes 1 R00 þ R0 þ b2 R ¼ 0 2 a Bessel differential equation [3,21], which can be solved by the same process of comparison used above. That is, compare this new R-equation with

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   2a  1 0 a2  g 2 c 2 2 2 2c2 y  þ y¼0 y þ b c x x x2 00

whose general solution is y ¼ xa Jg (bxc ) þ xa Jg (bxc ) Then, by comparison to the R-equation above 2a  1 ¼ 1 ) a ¼ 0 2c  2 ¼ 0 ) c ¼ 1 a2  g 2 c 2 ¼ 0 ) g ¼ 0 b2 c 2 ¼ b 2 ) b ¼ b such that the R-equation has general solution R(r) ¼ c6 J0 (br) þ C7 Y0 (br) where J0(br) is the zero-order Bessel function of the first kind and Y0(br) is the zero-order Bessel function of the second kind, which contains a logarithmic term. As a result of the logarithmic term, Y0(br) and its derivative become unbounded as their argument approaches zero. Therefore, the constant c7 must be chosen as zero. Such that R(r) ¼ c6 J0 (br) Also, Equation (II) gives the general solution Z(z) ¼ m5 ebz þ m6 ebz and Z0 (0) ¼ 0 ¼ bm5  bm6 ) m5 ¼ m6 such that Z(z) ¼ m5 (ebz þ ebz ) ¼ 2m5 cosh bz Then, for each n, all we can conclude at this point is CA,n ¼ Hn J0 (bn r) cosh bn z where the bn are to be defined. Then, by the principle of superposition

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CA (r, z) ¼

1 X

Hn J0 (bn r) cosh bn z


and 1 @CA (r, d) X ¼ Hn bn J0 (bn r) cosh bn d @z n¼1

Therefore, Equation 7.69 becomes DAB

1 X

Hn bn J0 (bn r) cosh bn d ¼ k


1 X

Hn J0 (bn r) cosh bn d


or bn tanh bn d ¼ 

k , DAB


which defines bn. However, the argument of the hyperbolic tangent is positive which means that the left-hand side is always positive, whereas the right-hand side is negative. This is impossible and therefore l < 0 has to be rejected. Finally, the solution to this model is given as CA (r, z) ¼

1 X

An I0 (an r) cos an z


where the Fourier coefficient is given by 0


B An ¼ B @

C 1  C d sin 2an d A I0 (an RW ) þ 2 4an

ð d

 CAb cos an z dz


and the eigenvalues are defined by an tan an d ¼


for n  1:

Example 7.14 The following system of equations have been used in the modeling of biodegradation processes

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  1 @CA @ 2 CA 2 @CA 1  «s K ¼  þ CA Dse @t r @r Dse @r 2 «s


CA (0, t) is finite


@CA k ¼ (CA  Cb ) at r ¼ R Dse @r


CA (r, 0) ¼ CA0


Determine the concentration profile for species A. Solution In order to simplify the problem let CA (r, t) ¼ u(r, t) þ F(r)


where u(r, t) represents the transient solution and F(r) represents the steadystate solution. Further, we require that 2 F00 þ F0  bF ¼ 0 r


F is to be finite at r ¼ 0


dF(R) km ¼ (F(R)  Cb ) dr Dse



Then Equation 7.70 through Equation 7.72 reduce to 1 @u @ 2 u 2 @u ¼  bu þ Dse @t @r 2 r @r


u(0, t) is finite


subject to

@u km ¼ u @r Dse

at r ¼ R

where b¼

1  «s K «s Dse


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As a further simplification to Equation 7.78 through Equation 7.80, let u(r, t) ¼ eDse bt w(r, t)


such that Equation 7.78 through Equation 7.80 become 1 @w @ 2 w 2 @w ¼ 2 þ Dse @t @r r @r


W(0, t) is finite


subject to

@w km ¼ w @r Dse

at r ¼ R


Then, by separation of variables, that is for w ¼ f(r)T(t), we get 1 T 0 f 00 2 f 0 ¼ þ ¼l Dse T r f f For the case l ¼ 0, we get f(r) ¼ a constant, which implies that zero is an eigenvalue for this problem. This solution must be rejected, however, since Equation 7.84 could only be satisfied for the particular case of w being identically zero. The case l > 0, say l ¼ a2 produces T(t) ¼ c1 elDse t and 2 f 00 þ f 0  a2 f ¼ 0 r which has f (r)c2 r 1=2 J1=2 (iar) þ c2 r 1=2 J1=2 (iar) as its general solution. However, w ¼ f(r)T(t) is required to remain finite, even as t gets larger and larger. This condition cannot be met for l > 0. For l < 0, say l ¼ h2 then we have 2 f 00 þ f 0 þ h2 f ¼ 0 r

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whose general solution is f (r) ¼ c4

J1=2 (hr) J1=2 (hr) pffiffi þ c5 pffiffi r r

Again, for a bounded solution, c5 must be chosen as zero, as J1=2 (hr) pffiffi r becomes unbounded as r approaches zero. However, for a nontrivial solution to exist, c4 6¼ 0. Recall now that sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hr J1=2 (hr) ¼ pr such that J1=2 (hr) pffiffi ¼ r

sffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hr p r

Therefore, the solution up to now is w(r, t) ¼

1 X

Ai e


h2 Dse t

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hr hp r


with the use of the superposition principle. That is, the above equation solves Equation 7.82 and Equation 7.83. Equation 7.84 will define the eigenvalues for this system in the following way: 1 @w X 2 ¼ Ai eh Dse t @r n¼1

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  2 h cos hr sin hr  2 hp r r

then, at r ¼ R h cos hR sin hR km sin hR  , ¼ R Dse R R2 or


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  km R hi R ¼ þ 1 tan hi R; i  1 Dse


The initial condition is u(r, 0) ¼ w(r, 0) ¼ CA0  F(r)


where F(r) is the solution to Equation 7.75 through Equation 7.77. That is let F(r) ¼

q(r) q0 (r) q(r) q00 (r) 2 0 2q(r) 00 , then F0 (r) ¼  q þ 3 , and F (r) ¼ r r r2 r r r

Then these substitutions reduce Equation 7.75 to q00 (r)  bq(r) ¼ 0 whose general solution is q(r) ¼ k1 cosh

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi br þ k2 sinh br

Therefore, F(r) ¼

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi k1 cosh br k2 sinh br þ r r

However, k1 must be chosen as zero, as F(0) is required to be finite. Also, Equation 7.77 gives k2 ¼

R2 Cb km n pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi o Dse 1 þ RDkm sinh bR  R b cosh bR se

such that F(r) ¼

pffiffiffi R2 Cb km sinh br n pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi o Dse 1 þ RDkm sinh bR  R b cosh bR r se

Finally, u(r, t) ¼ eDse bt w(r, t) ¼

1 X i¼1


Ai e

(Dse bþh2i Dse )t

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hi p hi p r


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CA (r, t) ¼ F(r) þ

1 X

(Dse bþh2i Dse )t

Ai e



sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hi p hi p r

then at t ¼ 0 CA (r, 0) ¼ F(r) þ

1 X i¼1

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hi p ¼ CA0 Ai hi p r

or CA0  F(r) ¼

1 X i¼1

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 sin hi p Ai hi p r

defines Ai. That is, for i  1 ðR 0

sin hi r dr ¼ Ai (CA0  F(r) )r r 2

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð   2 R 2 sin hi r 2 r dr hi p 0 r

where r2 is the weighting function.

7.7 SIMULTANEOUS DIFFUSION, CONVECTION, AND CHEMICAL REACTION This type of phenomenon is typified by flowing systems, in which both surface and homogeneous chemical reactions are occurring. However, sometimes the mathematics associated with these phenomena may be too nontractable and a simpler model may be sought. Simplifying assumptions that are used to reduce a model would still require some measure of justification, at least in theory. In the very next example an approach is taken that can be used to determine the effect of diffusion and surface reaction on a chemical vapor deposition process. Example 7.15 In multiwafer LPCVD systems, the convection contribution to the transport of reactants to surface sites in the interwafer region is usually neglected [22]. Consider laminar flow with a velocity profile in the annulus, between the wafers and the reactor walls. This velocity profile is assumed to be constant and contains the ratio of wafer radius to that of the reactor denoted by k. Then in this case, an average velocity, vavg can be described by [14]

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  (P0  PL )R2 1  k4 1  k2 ¼  8 mL 1  k2 ln (1=k)


where R is the reactor radius. A mathematical description of the process occurring in this annulus region is given as vavg

  @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DAB  kb CA r @r @z @r


subject to CA ¼ CA0

at z ¼ 0


CA is finite at r ¼ 0


and DAB

@CA ¼ ks C A @r

at r ¼ R


The differential equation is the equation of continuity of species A for constant density r and binary diffusivity DAB [14]. Also, the r and u components of velocity are neglected. Develop an equation that can be used to justify the assumption of transport by diffusion in the interwafer region of a multiwafer LPCVD reactor. Solution Equation 7.90 through Equation 7.93 can be recast in dimensionless form as @F @ 2 F 1 @F ¼  aF þ @z @j2 j @j


subject to F¼1

at z ¼ 0


F is finite at j ¼ 0 


@F ¼ bF at j ¼ 1 @j


where the dimensionless quantities F(j, z) ¼

CA r ; j¼ ; R CA0

DAB z ; vavg R2

R2 k b ; DAB

ks R DAB

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were used. Equation 7.90a is nonhomogeneous and can be made homogeneous by the substitution w(j, z) ¼ Feaz


Therefore, the system @w @ 2 w 1 @w ¼ 2þ @z j @j @j w¼1

at z ¼ 0

w is finite at j ¼ 0 

@w ¼ bw @j

at j ¼ 1

can now be solved using the method of separation of variables to give F¼

1 X


Bn J0 (ln j)e(ln þa)z



where the eigenvalues ln are defined by b J0 (ln ) ¼ ln J1 (ln ), n  1


and Bn ¼

2 J1 (ln ) ln (J1 (ln ) )2 þ (J0 (ln ) )2


The axial concentration profile can be predicted from " # 1  X @F 2 (l2n þa)z ¼ Bn ln J0 (ln j) þ aBn J0 (ln j)e @z n¼1 ¼ l2n F  aF


The left-hand side of the above equation can now be written in dimensional form as dCA/dt. That is   dCA DAB ¼  l2n 2 þ kb CA dt R


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or by the ideal gas law   dpA 2 DAB ¼  l n 2 þ k b pA dt R


where t ¼ z/vavg has been used. Equation 7.99 or Equation 7.100 can be used to argue the effect of diffusion and surface reaction on the overall deposition process. Notice that the eigenvalues, ln, are defined in relation to the overall surface rate coefficient ks, and the term (l2n DAB/R2) grows as n increases whereas kb tends to remain relatively constant. Example 7.16 This is an example of rapid chemical reaction in the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. Consider the steady-state dissolution of a slightly soluble solid in a flowing dilute solution, and suppose the solid is acidic whereas the flowing solution is basic [23]. The geometry under consideration is a flat plate consisting of acid, located at zero incidence to the flow. The process may be assumed isothermal, and the fluid properties are to be treated as independent of position. Species A dissolves from the plate and diffuses into the reaction zone whereas species B diffuses into the reaction zone from the main body of the solution. In the negligibly thin reaction region, the two substances undergo a fast irreversible reaction: aA þ bB ! products


In the region between the reaction zone and the surface, the diffusional process can be described by u

@CA @CA @ 2 CA þv ¼ DA @x @y @y2



@CB @CB @ 2 CB þv ¼ DB @x @y @y2



describes the diffusional process in the region outside the reaction zone. DA and DB represent the diffusivities of species A and B in the fluid, whereas CA and CB are molar concentrations. The quantities u and v are respectively the x and y components of the boundary layer velocity and satisfy the continuity equation [14, 24]

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@u @v þ ¼0 @x @y



and the x-component equation of motion [14, 24] u

@u @u @2u þv ¼n 2 @x @y @y


Then, the velocity components [24], are given by u¼

@C @C @h ¼ ¼ U1 f 0 (h) @y @h @y


rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi nU1 0 (hf  f ) x


and @C 1 ¼ v¼ @x 2

with U1 being the free stream velocity (far away from the surface) and h is the combined variable defined as rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U1 h¼y (7:108) nx where n is the kinematic viscosity. The dependent variable C is the stream function [14]. Upon substitution of Equation 7.106 through Equation 7.108 into Equation 7.105, there results ff 00 þ 2f 000 ¼ 0


the so-called Blasius equation [24]. Now, one would like to know the rate at which dissolution takes place as a function of distance from the leading edge of the plate and the concentration of reactant in the mainstream (far from the surface). Solution Let cA ¼



where CAS is the surface concentration (moles/L) of A, and CBM is the mainstream concentration (moles/L) of B. Then, for cA (x, y) ¼ f (h)


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@cA @cA df dh dx þ dy ¼ dh @x @y


h ¼ h(x, y)



Therefore, dh ¼

@h @h dx þ dy @x @y

Substituting Equation 7.114 into Equation 7.112 gives   @cA @cA df @h @h dx þ dy dx þ dy ¼ dh @x @y @x @y Equating coefficients of dx and dy dx:

@cA df @h @h ¼ f 0 (h) ¼ dh @x @x @x


@cA df @h @h ¼ f 0 (h) ¼ dh @y @y @y


By letting H(x, y) ¼

@cA @h and f(h, y) ¼ f 0 (h) @y @y

suggest that dH(x, y) ¼ df(h, y) such that @H @H @f @f dx þ dy ¼ dh þ dy @x @y @h @y   @f @h @h @f dx þ dy þ dy ¼ @h @x @y @y


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and equating coefficients give @H @f @h ¼ @x @h @x @H @f @h @f ¼ þ dy: @y @h @y @y


that is  2   @H @ 2 cA @h @ @h @2h 00 0 0 ¼ ¼ 2f (h) þf (h) (h) þ f @y @y @h @y @y2 @y2 But @h ¼ @y

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U1 , nx

@ @h

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! U1 @2h ¼0¼ 2 @y nx

and @h h ¼ @x 2x Therefore, Equation 7.102 becomes uh f 0 (h) þv  2x

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi U1 0 U1 00 f (h) ¼ 2DA f (h) nx nx

Then with Equation 7.106 and Equation 7.107 

    uh[f 0 (h)]2 1 U1 n 1=2 U1 1=2 0 U1 00 þ f (h) f (h) (hf 0  f ) ¼ 2DA 2 x 2x nx nx

which reduces to 

ff 0 DA 00 ¼2 f 2 n

That is 2 d2 cA f dcA ¼0 þ SA dh2 2 dh


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Equation 7.103 can be similarly transformed to 2 d2 cB f dcB ¼0 þ SB dh2 2 dh


The quantities SA and SB are Schmidt numbers (v/D) for the respective species. Equation 7.115 and Equation 7.116 are subject to the conditions cA ¼ 1 at h ¼ 0 cA ¼ cB ¼ 0 at h ¼ hR cB ¼ 1 at h ¼ 1 and cB ¼ 1 at h ¼ 1 Substituting Equation 7.109 into Equation 7.115 and integrating results in Ð h 00 SA=2 dh 0 (f ) cA ¼ 1  Ð hR , 0 < h < hR (7:117) SA=2 00 dh 0 (f ) Similarly, Equation 7.116 gives Ðh hR

(f 00 )SB=2 dh


(f 00 )SB=2 dh

cB ¼ 1  Ð 1


hR < h < 1


Example 7.17 This is an example of rapid chemical reaction in the laminar boundary layer on a flat plate. Reconsider the previous example with nonisothermal condition and constant fluid properties. In this case, assume that the surface temperature TS and the mainstream temperature TM are constant. This implies that the temperature of the reaction zone TR is also constant. Under these conditions, determine the temperature profile for species A. Solution The equation of energy [14] can be modified to u

@TA @TA @ 2 TA þv ¼a @x @y @y2


for the problem under consideration. The temperature of species A can be made dimensionless by tA ¼



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Equation 7.119 becomes u

@tA @tA @ 2 tA þv ¼a 2 @x @y @y


Then, following the procedure of Example 7.16, the above equation can be reduced to 2 d2 tA f dtA ¼0 þ Pr dh2 2 dh


subject to the conditions tA ¼ 1 at h ¼ 0


tA ¼ 0 at h ¼ hR where the quantity Pr is the Prandtl number (cp r n / k). Equation 7.122 and Equation 7.123 solve to Ð h 00 P r=2 dh TR  TA 0 (f ) tA ¼ ¼ 1  Ð hR , P 00 r=2 TR  TS (f ) dh

0 < h < hR


Example 7.18 In this example of carrier-facilitated transport in membrane separation, consider a bundle of parallel hollow fibers through which a fluid flows [25]. One can examine the concentration profile in a single fiber and then predict the performance of the separation device. Further, consider a fluid (Newtonian) from which the solute is to be extracted while entering the reactive section of the hollow fiber in fully developed, one-dimensional laminar flow. As shown in Figure 7.8, at z equal zero, the fluid contacts the reactive membrane. At such a location the solute concentration CA is uniform and has the value CA0. As the fluid flows further into the reactive section, the solute diffuses through the membrane by carrier-facilitated transport and emerges into the second fluid (shell side), which surrounds the hollow fiber. CA is negligible axially on the shell side, as the incoming shell-side fluid is devoid of the solute, and is at a much higher flow rate. An alternative to this condition is a constant solute concentration on the shell side. Following the development in the literature [26], a reversible equilibrium reaction of the form k1

AþB¼ AB k 2


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Shell side Reactive section

R r z

Fluid side

Impermeable wall

A + B = AB Shell side Inlet plane

FIGURE 7.8 Hollow fiber with reactive walls containing the supported carrier.

occurs inside the membrane, where A is the solute, B is the carrier, and AB is the solute–carrier complex. The quantities k1 and k2 are the forward and reverse rate coefficients. The equation of continuity for the solute (species A) in this system is:     r 2 @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DA 2navg 1  2 r @r R @z @r


subject to CA ¼ CA0 @CA ¼0 @r DA

at z ¼ 0

at r ¼ 0

@CA ¼ kw Sf (CA ) at r ¼ R @r

(7:126) (7:127) (7:128)

where DA is the solute diffusivity in the fluid, kw is the membrane mass transfer coefficient for the solute, and S is the shape factor based on the inside radius, R, of the hollow fiber. This shape factor [25,27] behaves as a correction factor for geometry. It permits the translation of experimental data derived in flat membranes to nonflat membrane configurations for the same experimental conditions. Equation 7.128 is the boundary condition that incorporates the relevant information given in Equation 7.124 as to the rate of disappearance of species A.

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Usually, f(CA) is a quotient of two polynomials, and is typically of the form [25]: f (CA ) ¼

D0B CT Keq CA D0A (1 þ Keq CA H)


where the prime indicates diffusivity of that substance in the membrane, Keq is k1/k2. The equilibrium (thermodynamic) distribution coefficient, H, is defined as a proportionality factor relating the concentration of species A in the two phases (membrane and fluid). The quantity CT accounts for the concentration of species B and AB. Determine the concentration profile for species A. Solution Introducing the dimensionless variables C¼

CA r zDA ; j¼ ; z¼ R CA0 navg R2

into Equation 7.125 to Equation 7.127, we get 2(1  j2 )

@C @ 2 C 1 @C ¼ 2þ @z j @j @j



at z ¼ 0


@C ¼0 @j

at j ¼ 0


Then, recognizing that f(CA) can be recast as an infinite series in dimensionless form to be (1 þ a)C þ a

1 X

(1)n «n Cnþ1


Equation 7.128 becomes 

@C ¼ w[(1 þ a)C  «aC2 þ «2 aC3  «3 aC4 þ    ] at j ¼ 1 (7:129) @j

where w is defined as w¼

Rkw S DA


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a dimensionless group called the wall Sherwood number. The dimensionless quantities, a and b are defined in the literature [25]. In this work « is less than one, and can be associated with the quantity b in two cases. In one case, let « be b, whereas in another let « be the reciprocal of b (for b > 1). The system consisting of Equation 7.125a through Equation 7.127a and Equation 7.129 can be recast by using the following form of the dimensionless concentration: C ¼ F0 þ «F1 þ «2 F2 þ   


such that @C @F0 @F1 @F2 ¼ þ« þ «2 þ  @z @z @z @z @C @F0 @F1 @F2 ¼ þ« þ «2 þ  @j @j @j @j @ 2 C @ 2 F0 @ 2 F1 @ 2 F2 ¼ þ « 2 þ «2 þ  2 2 @j @j @j2 @j which then results in   @F0 @F1 @F2 þ« þ «2 þ  2(1  j2 ) @z @z @z   2 2 @ F0 @ F1 1 @F0 @F1 ¼ þ « þ    þ «    þ j @j @j @j2 @j2 F0 þ «F1 þ «2 F2 þ    ¼ 1

at z ¼ 0

(7:131) (7:132)

@F0 @F1 @F2 þ« þ «2 þ    ¼ 0 at j ¼ 0 (7:133) @j @j @j   @F0 @F1  þ« þ ¼ w{(1þa)F0 þ«((1þa)F1 aF20 )þO(«2 )} (7:134) @j @j Equating coefficients of like powers of « gives «0 : 2(1  j2 )

@F0 @ 2 F0 1 @F0 ¼ þ j @j @z @j2


F0 ¼ 1 at z ¼ 0


@F0 ¼0 @j


at j ¼ 0

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@F0 ¼ w(1 þ a)F0 @j

«: 2(1  j2 )

at j ¼ 1


@F1 @ 2 F1 1 @F1 ¼ þ j @j @z @j2


F1 ¼ 0 at z ¼ 0


@F1 ¼0 @j


at j ¼ 0

@F1 ¼ w[(1 þ a)F1  aF20 ] at j ¼ 1 @j «2 : 2(1  j2 )



@F2 @ 2 F2 1 @F2 ¼ þ j @j @z @j2


F2 ¼ 0 at z ¼ 0


@F2 ¼0 @j


at j ¼ 0

@F2 ¼ w[(1 þ a)F2  2aF0 F1 þ aF30 ] at j ¼ 1 @j


The system of Equation 7.135 through Equation 7.138 is linear, and can be solved using separation of variables to give F0 ¼

    ln 1 ln Bn exp  (ln z þ j2 ) 1 F1  ; 1; ln j2 2 4 2 n¼0

1 X


where the ln are defined by   1 ln {ln  w(1 þ a)}1 F1  ; 1; ln 2 4     1 ln 3 ln   ; 2; ln ¼ 0  2ln 1 F1 2 4 2 4


and Bn by    ln 2 1 ln 2 j(1  j) exp  j 1 F1  ; 1; ln j dj 2 4 2 Bn ¼ ð01   , ln 2 2 2 2 1 j(1  j ) exp {ln j }1 F1  ; 1; ln j dj 2 4 0 ð1

n  0 (7:149)

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where   1 ln 2  ;1;ln j 1 F1 2 4 is one solution of the confluent hypergeometric equation or Kummer’s equation [13]. Values of both ln and Bn can be derived as described in the literature [28], or by employing standard software packages such as Mathematica [20,29]. The system described by Equation 7.139 through Equation 7.142 is also linear, but separation of variables is not the appropriate solution technique. Here Laplace transform is more suitable. That is, by transforming the z variable while treating j as a parameter, one gets Kummer’s equation as shown below: Let L{F1 (z, j)} 


esz F1 (z, j) dz ¼ F1 (s, j)



then Equation 7.139 and Equation 7.140 become   d dF1 j  2sj(1  j2 )F1 ¼ 0 dj dj


where s is a complex number. Upon solving the above equation and applying the transformed Equation 7.141, results in pffiffiffiffiffi    pffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi 2 2s 2 1 i s j 1 F1  pffiffiffi ;1;i 2sj F1 (s, j) ¼ h(s) exp i 2 2 2 2 


pffiffiffiffiffi and one can see that replacing i 2s with l results in 

1 ln F1  ;1;ln j2 2 4

the identical solution of Kummer’s equation previously obtained, where h(s) is defined by n pffi o aF20 exp i 2s h h(s) ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffii [i 2s  w(1 þ a)] 1 F1 12  i2p2sffiffi2 ;1;i 2s pffiffiffiffiffi    pffiffi  pffiffiffiffiffi 1 i s pffiffiffiffiffi 3 i 2s  2i 2s  pffiffiffi 1 F1  pffiffiffi ;2;i 2s 2 2 2 2 2 2

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following the Laplace transformation of Equation 7.142. Here the quantity F20 represents the Laplace transform of F20, where F0 is the solution of Equation 7.135 to Equation 7.138. Equation 7.152 can now be expressed in terms of l as 2 awF0 exp {l=2(1  j2 )} 1 F1 12  l4 ;1;lj2

 (7:153) F1 (s, j) ¼ [l  w(1 þ a)] 1 F1 12  l4 ;1;l  2l 12  l4 1 F1 32  l4 ;2;l pffiffiffiffiffi where i 2s is replaced by l. The above equation can be inverted with the use of the residue theorem [30]. That is, L1 {F1 (s, j)} ¼

1 X p(sn ) exp {sn z} 0 (s ) q n n¼0


where p(sn) and q(sn) are the numerator and denominator, respectively, of Equation 7.153. This latter example demonstrates that several mathematical techniques may be required to achieve an analytical solution to a complicated transport model. In addition, the regular perturbation technique is used to reduce the problem to a set of linear problems that we know how to solve.

7.8 VISCOUS FLOW Example 7.19 A fluid of constant density (r) and viscosity (m) is contained in a very long horizontal pipe of length L and radius R [14]. The fluid is at rest initially. At t ¼ 0, a pressure gradient p  p 0 L L is impressed on the system. Determine how the velocity profiles change with time. Solution Cylindrical coordinates are convenient. Assumptions: 1. Both the r and u-component of velocity are zero. 2. vz ¼ vz(r, t). Problem Setup: The equations of motion and continuity [14] are combined to give   @vz p0  pL 1 @ @vz r ¼ þm r r @r @t L @r

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subject to vz (r, 0) ¼ 0, 0 r R vz (0, t) is finite, vz (R, t) ¼ 0,

t>0 t>0

Then it is convenient to introduce the following dimensionless variables f(j, t) ¼

vz r mt ; j¼ ; t¼ 2 2 R rR (p0  pL )R =4mL

Substitution of the dimensionless variables into the differential equation gives   @f 1 @ @f ¼4þ j @t j @j @j and the conditions become f(j, 0) ¼ 0,

f(1, t) ¼ 0

and f(0, t) is finite This is a case in which the differential equation is nonhomogeneous. However, the fact that the system is expected to reach a steady state as t ! 1 can be used to reduce the differential equation to a homogeneous one. That is, assume a solution of the dimensionless system to be f(j, t) ¼ f1  w(j, t) where f1 is the steady-state solution satisfying   1 d df1 j 0¼4þ j dj dj f1 (1) ¼ 0 and f1 (0) is finite and w(j, t) is the transient solution satisfying   @w 1 @ @w ¼ j @t j @j @j w(j, 0) ¼ f1 w(1, t) ¼ 0 w(0, t) is finite

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Further, assuming a solution of the form w(j, t) ¼ Z(j)T(t) gives T 0 Z 00 1 Z0 ¼ þ ¼ a2 T Z j Z or T0 2 ¼ a2 ) T(t) ¼ c1 ea t T and 1 Z00 þ Z0 þ a2 Z ¼ 0 j subject to Z(0) is finite and Z(I) ¼ 0 which is a singular Sturm–Liouville problem involving Bessel’s differential equation. As in previous examples, the general solution to this differential equation is Z(j) ¼ c2 J0 (aj) þ c3 Y0 (aj) where J0() and Y0() are zero-order Bessel functions. Applying the boundary conditions, we see that the constant c3 must be chosen as zero, as Y0(aj) becomes unbounded as j ! 0 and Z(j) is to be finite. The second boundary condition gives J0 (a) ¼ 0 for nontrivial solutions to exist. Further, as J0(a) crosses the a-axis infinitely many times, then for each n Zn ¼ c2, n J0 (an j) is the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue an satisfying J0 (an ) ¼ 0

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Also for each n 2

wn (j, t) ¼ Bn ean t J0 (an j) where the constants c1 and c2,n are combined as Bn. Then, by the principle of superposition wn (j, t) ¼

1 X


Bn ean t J0 (an j)


satisfies the differential equation and the boundary conditions. Application of the initial condition gives (1  j2 ) ¼

1 X

Bn J0 (an j)


which is a generalized Fourier series. Then the Fourier coefficient can be determined by (Sturm–Liouville theory of Chapter 4) ð1


j(1  j )J0 (an j) dj ¼ Bn



j[J0 (an j)]2 dj,



Here, the weight function is j, for the case of a singular Sturm–Liouville problem as discussed in Chapter 4. Then with the aid of integral tables for Bessel functions [3, 21], we get Bn ¼

8 a3n J1 (an )

for n  1

Therefore, f(j, t) ¼ (1  j2 )  8

1 X J0 (an j) a2n t e a3 J (a ) n¼1 n 1 n

is the solution. An alternative to the steady-state hypothesis is to solve the dimensionless problem using Laplace transform. That is, reconsider   @f 1 @ @f ¼4þ j @t j @j @j

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and the conditions f(j, 0) ¼ 0 f(1, t) ¼ 0 f(0, t) is finite Then let L{f(j, t)} ¼ u(j, s) ¼


f(j, t)est dt


The differential equation transforms to d2 u 1 du 4  su ¼ þ ds2 j dj s subject to fL{f(0, t)} ¼ u(0, s) L{f(0, t)} ¼ u(1, s) ¼ 0g The general solution to the nonhomogeneous differential equation is


pffiffi  4 u(j, s) ¼ c1 J0 i sj þ c2 Y0 i sj þ 2 s As f(0, t) is finite, then its Laplace transform is also pffiffiexpected to be finite. This means that c2 must be chosen as zero, since Y0 (i sj) ! 1 as j ! 0. The second boundary condition gives c1 ¼

4 pffiffi s2 J0 (i s)

Therefore, u(j, s) ¼

pffiffi 4J0 (i sj) 4 p ffiffi þ 2 s s2 J0 (i s)

The inverse transform for u(j, s) can be located in a table of Laplace transforms, for example [3] 1


pffiffi  2 1 X J0 (i sj) 1 2 eln t J0 (ln j) pffiffi ¼ (j  1) þ t þ 2 4 s2 J0 (i s) l3n J1 (ln ) n¼1

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where l1, l2, . . . are the positive roots of J0 (l) ¼ 0. Therefore, 2 1 X eln t J0 (ln j) f(j, t) ¼ (1  j )  8 l3n J1 (ln ) n¼1


Example 7.20 Consider now the problem of tangential Newtonian flow in annuli. Suppose one is interested in studying the velocity profiles of an isothermal, incompressible viscous fluid in the annular space between two cylinders, with either one or both cylinders rotating (Figure 7.9). Then, following the literature [31]   @vu @ 1 @ (rvu ) r ¼m @r r @r @t vu ¼ kRVi

at r ¼ kR

vu ¼ RVo

at r ¼ R

vu ¼ 0

at t ¼ 0

models the phenomena of interest. If the following dimensionless variables are substituted j ¼ r=R: radial coordinate


(r, q) r q




FIGURE 7.9 Fluid in annular space between rotating cylinders.

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t ¼ mt=rR2 : dimensionless time f¼

vu : tangential velocity R(Vo  Vi )

a ¼

Vi : angular velocity (Vo  Vi )

the model can be reduced to   @f @ 1 @ ¼ (jf) @t @j j @j subject to f ¼ ak at j ¼ k f ¼ 1  a at j ¼ 1 f¼0


at t ¼ 0

The condition given by the above equation motivates the use of the Laplace transform method to determine f(t, j). If L{f(t, j)} ¼


est f(t, j) dt  y(s, j)



then the dimensionless differential equation and Equation 7.155 become sy(s, j)  f(0, j) ¼

d2 y(s, j) 1 dy(s, j) y  2 þ j dj dj2 j

subject to the Laplace transformed boundary conditions: y(s, k) ¼ ka=s y(s, 1) ¼ (1  a)=s Rewriting, the second-order ordinary differential equation is recognizable as a Bessel equation where s is a parameter and j is the independent variable   d2 y(s, j) 1 dy(s, j) 1  sþ 2 y¼0 þ þ j dj dj2 j Then, by comparison to y00 

    2a  1 0 a2  v 2 c 2 y¼0 y þ b2 c2 x2c2 þ x x2

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whose solution is y ¼ c1 xa Jn (bxc ) þ c2 xa Jn (bxc ) pffiffi where a ¼ 0, c ¼ 1, b ¼ i s, and n ¼ 1 we get pffiffi pffiffi y(s, j) ¼ c1 J1 (i sj) þ c2 Y1 (i sj) where the second solution, J1(), is denoted by Y1(). Then at j ¼ k pffiffi pffiffi c1 J1 (i sk) þ c2 Y1 (i sk) ¼ ka=s and at j ¼ 1 pffiffi pffiffi c1 J1 (i s) þ c2 Y1 (i s) ¼ (1  a)=s Therefore,



 Y1 ( i sk)

pffiffi pffiffi ak 1a pffiffi

1 sa Y 1 ( i s)  Y1 ( i sk) 

s Y1 ( i s )

s pffiffi psffiffi pffiffi pffiffi c1 ¼

pffiffi pffiffi


J1 ( i psffiffik) Y1 ( i psffiffik) J1 ( i sk)Y1 ( i s)  J1 ( i s)Y1 ( i sk)

J1 ( i s) Y1 ( i s)

and 1  a J ( ipffiffisk) þ ak J ( ipffiffis) 1 s pffiffi1 pffiffis pffiffi pffiffi c2 ¼ J1 ( i sk)Y1 ( i s)  J1 ( i s)Y1 ( i sk) Therefore, pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi Y1 ( i s)ak þ (1  a)Y1 ( i sk) pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi J1 ( i sj) y(s, j) ¼ s(J1 ( i s)Y1 ( i sk)  J1 ( i sk)Y1 ( i s) ) pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi (1  a)J1 ( i sk) þ akJ1 ( i s) pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi pffiffi Y1 ( i sj)  s(J1 (i s)Y1 ( i sk)  J1 ( i sk)Y1 ( i s) ) Let

pffiffiffiffi lj ¼ i sj ) sj ¼ l2j


dlj 1 ¼ 2lj ds

then in terms of l, y(s, j) becomes y(l, j) ¼

[Y1 (l)akþ(1a)Y1 (lk)]J1 (lj) [(1a)J1 (lk)þakJ1 (l)]Y1 (lj)  l2 (J1 (l)Y1 (lk)J1 (lk)Y1 (l)) l2 (J1 (l)Y1 (lk)J1 (lk)Y1 (l))

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Now, by applying the formula L1 {y(s, j)} ¼ f(t, j) ¼

1 X

rn (t, j)


where rn (t, j) ¼

P(sn , j) sn t e Q0 (sn )

the inverse Laplace transform of y(s, j) can be derived. First, recall that P(sn ) P(s) P(s)  ¼ lim (s  sn ) ¼ lim  0 s!sn Q (sn ) s!sn Q(s)  Q(sn ) Q(s) s  sn such that for s0 ¼ 0 r0 (t) ¼

P(0) P(s) ¼ lim s 0 Q (0) s!0 Q(s)

Then for y(l, j) ¼

P(l, j) Q(l)

where P(l, j) ¼ [akY1 (l) þ (1  a)Y1 (lk)]J1 (lj)  [(1  a)J1 (lk) þ akJ1 (l)]Y1 (lj) and Q(l) ¼ l2 [J1 (l)Y1 (lk)  J1 (lk)Y1 (l)] P(s) P(l, j) ¼ lim (l2 ) r0 (t) ¼ lim s s!0 Q(s) l!0 Q(l) But l2 P(l, j) [akY1 (l) þ (1  a)Y1 (lk)]J1 (lj)  [(1  a)J1 (lk) þ akJ1 (l)]Y1 (lj) ¼ Q(l) J1 (l)Y1 (lk)  J1 (lk)Y1 (l) and for small values of l: J1 (lk) ¼ lk=2

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and Y1 (lk) ¼ 2=plk such that lim



[akY1 (l) þ (1  a)Y1 (lk)]J1 (lj)  [(1  a)J1 (lk) þ akJ1 (l)]Y1 (lj) J1 (l)Y1 (lk)  J1 (lk)Y1 (l) 1  a(1  k2 ) k2 j j1 2 1k 1  k2

That is r0 (t) ¼

1  a(1  k2 ) k2 j  j1 1  k2 1  k2

is the steady-state solution. Then for sn 6¼ 0 , ln 6¼ 0, n ¼ 1, 2, . . . J1 (ln )Y1 (ln k)  J1 (ln k)Y1 (ln ) ¼ 0


With the use of the above equation, P(l, j) becomes P(l, j) ¼

1 [(1  a)J1 (lk) þ akJ1 (l)][Y1 (lk)J1 (lj) J1 (lk)  J1 (lk)Y1 (lj)]


Differentiating Q(l) and using Equation 7.157 results in dQ ¼ l2 [J10 (l)Y1 (lk) þ J1 (l)Y10 (lk)  J10 (lk)Y1 (l)  J1 (lk)Y10 (l)] dl But 1 J10 (z) ¼ J0 (z)  J1 (z) z and 1 Y10 (z) ¼ Y0 (z)  Y1 (z) z therefore    dQ J0 (lk)J1 (l)Y1 (lk) ¼ l2 J0 (l)Y1 (lk)  J1 (lk)Y0 (l) þ k J1 (l)Y0 (lk)  dl J1 (lk)

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which reduces to dQ 2l ¼ [J 2 (l)  J12 (lk)] dl pJ1 (lk)J1 (l) 1 following substitution of J1 (l)Y0 (l)  J0 (l)Y1 (l) ¼ 2=pl and J1 (lk)Y0 (lk)  J0 (lk)Y1 (lk) ¼ 2=plk Therefore,   1 dQ 1 Q (sn ) ¼ [J 2 (ln )  J12 (ln k)] ¼ 2l dl l¼ln pJ1 (ln k)J1 (l) 1 0

Finally, P(ln , j) l2n t e Q0 (sn ) pJ1 (ln )[(1  a)J1 (ln k) þ akJ1 (ln )][Y1 (ln k)J1 (ln j)  J1 (ln k)Y1 (ln j)] l2n t e ¼ J12 (ln )  J12 (ln k)

rn (t, j) ¼

and 1  a(1  k2 ) k j j1 1  k2 1  k2 1 X pJ1 (ln )[(1  a)J1 (ln k) þ akJ1 (ln )][Y1 (ln k)J1 (ln j)  J1 (ln k)Y1 (ln j)] l2n t þ e J12 (ln )  J12 (ln k) n¼1

f(t, j) ¼

Using these dimensionless results, now back substitute to recover the dimensioned variables in which the problem was stated.

7.9 PROBLEMS 1. (a) Use Equation 7.104, Equation 7.105, and Equation 7.108 to derive Equation 7.109. (b) Solve Equation 7.109 subject to y ¼ 0; y ¼ 1;

u¼v¼0 u ¼ U1

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2. Show all the intermediate steps to derive Equation 7.117 and Equation 7.118 using Equation 7.109 and the given conditions in Example 7.16. 3. Solve  f (0) ¼ 1 2 00 ff 0 f þ ¼ 0; subject to SA 2 f (hR) ¼ 0 4. For the region hR < h < 1, reduce the equation of energy to: 2 d2 TB f dTB ¼0 þ r dh2 2 dh Solve the reduced equation subject to TB ¼ 0

at h ¼ hR

TB ¼ 1

at h ¼ 1

5. In a porous medium, the continuity equation can be written as «

@r ¼ rr u @t

where « is the porosity, and the equation of motion (Darcy’s law) can be written as u ¼ 

k rp m

where gravity is neglected, k is the permeability and m is the viscosity [14,4]. (a) Show that for an incompressible fluid, r2p ¼ 0. (b) Show that for isothermal flow of a compressible gas 2«mr0 @r ¼ r2 r 2 k @t 6. Two concentric spherical metallic shells of radii a and b cm (a < b) are separated by a solid of thermal diffusivity a (cm2/s). The outer surface of the inner shell is maintained at T08C and the inner surface of the outer shell at T18C. Derive the differential equation governing the unsteady state temperature distribution in the solid as a function of time and radial coordinate. Show that the solution takes the form: T(t, r) ¼


 T1 bT0 a ab T0 T1 X Bn þ þ sin½bðraÞ exp b2 at ba r ba r n¼1

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where b ¼ np/(b  a). Demonstrate how Bn can be determined from any initial temperature distribution. 7. If a liquid is flowing through a fixed bed at a rate v cm/s when a pulse of a tracer is added, show that the later distribution of the tracer is given by the solution of E

@2C @C @C ¼ v @x2 @x @t

where E is the mixing coefficient which operates in the axial direction (x) only. Use the substitution z ¼ x  vt, and assume infinite bed length to find C. 8. The steady laminar flow of a liquid through a heated cylindrical pipe has a parabolic velocity profile if natural convection effects, and variation of physical properties with temperature are neglected [4]. If the fluid entering the heated section is at a uniform temperature (T1) and the wall is maintained at a constant temperature (Tw), develop Graetz’s solution by neglecting the thermal conductivity in the axial direction. 9. The sudden closure of a valve generates a pressure wave within the liquid flowing in the pipe leading to the valve. The passage of this wave causes compression of the liquid and expansion of the pipe. Show that the velocity of the liquid and the pressure are related by 

@r r @v ¼ @x g @t


2 @2p 2@ p ¼ c @t2 @x2

where c is the velocity of propagation of the pressure wave. If a uniform pipe of length L connects a reservoir at x ¼ 0 to the valve at x ¼ L, show that p(x, t) ¼ p0 þ

1 4c rv0 X (1)n px pct sin (2n þ 1) sin (2n þ 1) 2L 2L pg n¼0 (2n þ 1)

10. Consider the case of plug flow with homogeneous chemical reaction and reaction at the wall of a tubular reactor [32]. For an average velocity, a first-order homogeneous reaction and a first-order wall reaction, show that a reasonable model is vavg

   @CA 1 @ @CA r ¼ DAB  kCA r @r @z @r

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subject to @CA ¼ 0 at r ¼ 0 @r CA ¼ CA0 at z ¼ 0 @CA and DAB ¼ kW CA @r

at r ¼ R

Find the concentration profile and use it to show that dCA ¼ (kd þ k)CA , dt

kd ¼

DAB l2n bJo (ln ) , j, ln ¼ 2 J1 (ln ) R


11. Consider a tubular flow reactor modeled by  v0 1 

 r 2  @C R

    1 @ @CA @ 2 CA r ¼ DAB þ kCnA þ r @r @z @r @z2 A

where DAB is the binary diffusivity, v0 is the axial velocity at the center of the tube of radius R. The differential equation is subject to the following boundary conditions CA ¼ CA0

at z ¼ 0

@CA ¼ 0 at r ¼ 0 @r @CA ¼ kW C A DAB @r

at r ¼ R

Further, suppose that n ¼ 1 and that axial diffusion is negligible in comparison to bulk flow, determine the ‘‘cup mixing’’ concentration CA ¼ 4


[1  u2 ]uu du


where u ¼

r , R


12. Consider evaluating the diffusion coefficient, D, for the resin phase in an ion exchange system modeled by  2  @qi @ qi 2 @qi ¼D þ @t @r 2 r @r where qi represents point concentration (meq/g dry resin), and t is time (s).

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The differential equation is subject to qi ¼ 0 for t < 0,

0 1. If bm ¼ 0, we have an explicit or open method, in which wiþ1 is explicitly given in terms of previously determined values. The explicit method constitutes one of the two types of multistep methods. For example, w 0 ¼ a0 ,

w1 ¼ a1 , w2 ¼ a2 , w3 ¼ a3 h wiþ1 ¼ wi þ ½55f (ti ,wi )  59f (ti1 ,wi1 ) þ 37f (ti2 ,wi2 )  9f (ti3 ,wi3 ), 24 (9:61) i ¼ 3, 4, . . . , n  1 defines the explicit four-step method known as the fourth-order Adams– Bashforth technique. If bm 6¼ 0, we have an implicit or closed method, since wiþ1 occurs on both sides of Equation 9.60. The implicit method constitutes the second of the two types of multistep methods. For example, w 0 ¼ a0 ,

w1 ¼ a1 , w2 ¼ a2 h wiþ1 ¼ wi þ ½9f (tiþ1 ,wiþ1 ) þ 19f (ti , wi )  5f (ti1 , wi1 )  9f (ti2 , wi2 ), 24 (9:62) i ¼ 2, 3, . . . , n  1 defines the implicit three-step method known as the fourth-order Adams– Moulton technique. Derivations of these and other multistep methods can be found in the numerical analysis literature [5,20]. The required starting values in either Equation 9.61 or Equation 9.62 are derived by assuming that the initial value, a, is the same as a0. The remaining values, a1, a2, or a3, are generated by either a Runge–Kutta method or some other single-step procedure. The following example illustrates the potential use of both types of multistep methods.

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Consider dy ¼ y þ t þ 1; dt

0  t  1, y(0) ¼ 1

Both Equation 9.61 and Equation 9.62 will be used to approximate the solution. Also, we will use a step size of h ¼ 0.1 together with the values from the exact solution, y(t) ¼ et þ t, as starting values. Therefore, for h ¼ 0.1, ti ¼ 0.1i, Equation 9.61 becomes h [18:5wi þ 5:9wi1  3:7wi2 þ 0:9wi3 þ 0:24i þ 2:52], 24 (9:61a) i ¼ 3, 4, . . . , 9

wiþ1 ¼

and Equation 9.62 becomes h [  0:9wiþ1 þ 22:1wi þ 0:5wi1  0:1wi2 þ 0:24i þ 2:52], 24 (9:62a) i ¼ 2, 3, ..., 9

wiþ1 ¼

which can be rearranged to give h [22:1wi þ 0:5wi1  0:1wi2 þ 0:24i þ 2:52], 24:9 i ¼ 2, 3, . . . , 9

wiþ1 ¼


Results for this example are given in Table 9.2. The table shows that the implicit method gives better results than the explicit method of the same order. Generally this is true. However, implicit methods have an inherent disadvantage in requiring that an algebraic conversion to an explicit

TABLE 9.2 Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Methods ti

Adams–Bashforth wi


Adams–Moulton wi


.3 .4 .5 .6 .7

Starting value 1.0703229200 1.1065354755 1.1488184077 1.1965933934

— 2.874E-6 4.816E-6 6.772E-6 8.090E-6

1.0408180061 1.0703196614 1.1065301384 1.1488110076 1.1965845932

2.146E-07 3.846E-07 5.213E-07 6.285E-07 7.106E-07

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representation be made; for example, the conversion from Equation 9.62a to Equation 9.62b. This type of algebraic conversion can be very difficult or even impossible to accomplish and is very dependent on the differential equation to be solved. For example, if we needed to solve the differential equation given by dy ¼ ey ; 0  t  0:25, y(0) ¼ 1 dt using Equation 9.62, we would get wiþ1 ¼ wi þ

h [9ewiþ1 þ 19ewi  5ewi1 þ ewi2 ] 24

as its difference equation. There is no clear way to solve this equation algebraically, to isolate the wiþ1 to one side. In practice, implicit multistep methods are used to improve upon approximations obtained by explicit methods. This combination is the so-called predictor–corrector method. Predictor–corrector methods employ a singlestep method, such as the Runge–Kutta of order 4, to generate the starting values to an explicit method, such as an Adams–Bashforth. Then the approximation from the explicit method is improved upon by use of an implicit method, such as an Adams–Moulton method. Also, there are variable step size algorithms associated with the predictor–corrector strategy in the literature [5,25].

9.4.2 BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS Boundary value problems appear in many different areas of chemical engineering. Numerical approaches to solving them involve either a conversion to initial value problems (Case I) or, more directly, by finite difference methods (Case II). Because there are theorems that guarantee the existence of and the uniqueness of the solutions to initial value problems, one may favor that approach. However, we must not forget that quite often the physical situation is too complicated for us to ascertain that all the conditions of such theorems are satisfied. A very brief discussion of each approach follows. Case I: Conversion to initial value problems The general approach of converting a given boundary value problem to a system of initial value problems is called the shooting method. In the numerical analysis literature [5,9,25,26], the shooting method is discussed separately for the linear and nonlinear problems. Burden et al. [5] present algorithms for both the linear and nonlinear problems. Following Burden et al. [5], in order to solve the linear boundary value problem y00 ¼ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y þ r(x), a  x  b, y(a) ¼ a, y(b) ¼ b


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one would consider the two initial value problems given by y00 ¼ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y þ r(x), a  x  b, y(a) ¼ a, y0 (a) ¼ 0


y00 ¼ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y þ r(x), a  x  b, y(a) ¼ 0, y0 (a) ¼ 1



Then, if y1(x) is the solution to Equation 9.64 and y2(x) is the solution to Equation 9.65, the solution to Equation 9.63 is y(x) ¼ y1 (x) þ

b  y1 (b) y2 (x), y2 (b) 6¼ 0 y2 (b)


The solution methods discussed in the section on initial value problems can be used to approximate y1(x) and y2(x). For the nonlinear case, the technique remains the same as that used to obtain a solution to Equation 9.63 except that a sequence of initial value problems of the form y00 ¼ f (x,y,y0 ), a  x  b, y(a) ¼ a, y0 (a) ¼ tk


are now required. The parameter, tk, must be chosen such that lim y(b, tk ) ¼ y(b) ¼ b



where y(b, tk) is the solution to Equation 9.67. Choosing the parameter tk to satisfy Equation 9.68 is not easy, and can be complicated by the fact that y(b, tk )  b ¼ 0


is a nonlinear equation. In principle, the methodology in Section 9.2 can be employed here to solve tk ¼ tk1 

(y(b, tk1 )  b) (dy=dtjb, tk1 )


However, we cannot evaluate  dy  dt b, tk1 directly because we do not have an explicit representation for y(b, tk). All we know are the values y(b, t0), y(b, t1), . . . , y(b, tk 1). Burden et al. show that we can rewrite Equation 9.67 to reflect its dependence on tk, as well as on x:

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y00 (x, t) ¼ f (x, y(x, t), y0 (x, t) ), a  x  b, y(a, t) ¼ a, y0 (a, t) ¼ tk (9:71) The subscript k is dropped inside the functional notation for convenience. Differentiating Equation 9.71 with respect to t and assuming that the order of differentiation of x and t is reversible gives @ 00 @ @ @ @ y (x, t) ¼ f (x, y(x, t), y0 (x, t) ) y(x, t) þ y0 f (x, y(x, t), y0 (x, t) ) y0 (x, t) @t @y @t @y @t @ @ 0 (a, t) ¼ 0, y (a, t) ¼ 1 @t @t Simplification, using z(x, t) to represent @y(x, t)/@t, results in z00 ¼

@ @ f (x, y, y0 )z þ 0 (x, y, y0 )z0 , @y @y

a  x  b, z(a) ¼ 0,

z0 (a) ¼ 1

Then, Newton’s method becomes tk ¼ tk1 

(y(b, tk1 )  b) z(b, tk1 )


Equation 9.72 requires that two initial value problems be solved at each iteration. In practice, some version of the methods discussed under initial value problems (Section 9.4.1) is used to approximate the solution required by Newton’s method. In closing this section on the shooting methods, it is important to remember that round-off error may become very significant when we use these methods. For instance, b may be small enough such that the term (b  y1(b) )/y2(b) is dominated by y1(b)/y2(b). When b is too small, an alternate method must be employed. Case II: Finite difference methods Finite difference formulations may occur as any one of three types, namely forward, central, or backward finite difference [5,9,25]. Generally, these formulations lead to nonlinear systems of equations. The methods and approaches discussed in Section 9.2 can be employed. However, if the resulting system of equations is linear, then the methods of Section 9.3 apply. Next, we will briefly discuss a linear central difference and a nonlinear central difference formulation. In the linear case, we may reconsider the boundary value problem given by y00 ¼ p(x)y0 þ q(x)y þ r(x),

a  x  b, y(a) ¼ a, y(b) ¼ b


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Then the interval [a, b] is divided into n þ 1 equal subintervals having mesh points xi ¼ a þ ih,

i ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . . , n þ 1

and h ¼ (b  a)/(n þ 1). At the interior mesh points, xi, i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n, the derivatives y00 and y0 are approximated by centered difference formula for y00 (xi) and y0 (xi) as y00 (xi ) 

1 [y(xiþ1 )  2y(xi ) þ y(xi1 )] h2


1 [y(xiþ1 )  y(xi1 )] 2h


and y0 (xi ) 

Substitution of Equation 9.73 and Equation 9.74 into the differential equation results in 1 1 [y(xiþ1 )  2y(xi ) þ y(xi1 )] ¼ p(xi ) [y(xiþ1 )  y(xi1 )] þ q(xi )y(xi ) þ r(xi ), 2 h 2h which can be restated as 

2wi  wiþ1  wi1 h2

 þ p(xi )



 wi1  þ q(xi )wi ¼ r(xi ) 2h

w0 ¼ a, wnþ1 ¼ b


where w is the approximation to the given boundary value problem. A further convenient rearrangement gives     h h 2  1 þ p(xi ) wi1 þ (2 þ h q(xi ))wi  1  p(xi ) wiþ1 ¼ h2 r(xi ) (9:76) 2 2 Then, if we let   h ai ¼  1 þ p(xi ) 2 di ¼ 2 þ h2 q(xi )   h ci ¼  1  p(xi ) 2 bi ¼ h2 r(xi )

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Equation 9.76 becomes ai wi1 þ di wi þ ci wiþ1 ¼ bi


Equation 9.77 can now be represented as a system of linear equations: d1 w1 þ c1 w2 ¼ b1  a1 a ai wi1 þ di wi þ ci wiþ1 ¼ bi , 2  i  n  1 an wn1 þ dn wn ¼ bn  cn b This system may be solved by Gaussian elimination. When the differential equation is nonlinear, an n  n nonlinear system results. For example, the boundary value problem given by y00 (x) ¼ f (x, y, y0 ),

a  x  b, y(a) ¼ a, y(b) ¼ b


would result in the approximation   1 y(xiþ1 )  y(xi ) [y(xiþ1 )  2y(xi ) þ y(xi1 )] ¼ f xi , y(xi ), , h2 2h


i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n following the same steps as in the linear case. Then, in terms of w, Equation 9.79 becomes w0 ¼ a, wnþ1 ¼ b    2wi  wiþ1  wi1 wiþ1  wi1  þ f xi wi , ¼ 0, 2 h 2h

i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n

Finally then n  n nonlinear system representation is  w 2  a a¼0 2w1  w2 þ h2 f x1 , w1 ,  2h w3  w1   w1 þ 2w2  w3 þ h2 f x2 , w2 , ¼0 2h .. .. . .  wn  wn2   wn2 þ 2wn1  wn þ h2 f xn1 , wn1 , ¼0 2h   b  wn1  wn1 þ 2wn þ h2 f xn , wn , b¼0 2h This system may be solved by the Newton–Raphson method.

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Although finite difference formulations are usually more stable than the shooting methods, they are still approximations. The added level of approximation for the derivatives can generate errors and care must be exercised when applying these methods.





In Section 9.4.1, selected numerical methods are examined for solving the initial value problems associated with first-order differential equations. Those methods are also applicable to higher-order differential equations following the reduction to a system of first-order equations. For example, the secondorder differential equation d2 y ¼ f (t, y, y0 ) dt2


can be reduced to a system of two first-order differential equations [5,17,21]: dy ¼v dt


dv ¼ f (t, y, v) dt


In general, an nth-order differential equation such as y(n) ¼ f (t, y, y0 , . . . , y(n1) )


can be reduced to a system of n first-order differential equations of the form x01 ¼ f1 (t, x1 , . . . , xn ) x02 ¼ f1 (t, x1 , . . . , xn ) .. .


x0n ¼ f1 (t, x1 , . . . , xn ) In the particular case of the second-order equation, a procedure to approximate the solution to a system of two first-order equations

subject to the initial conditions

x0 ¼ f (t, x, y)


y0 ¼ g(t, x, y)


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x(t0 ) ¼ x0 , y(t0 ) ¼ y0


is an extension of those methods discussed in Section 9.4.1. Following Boyce and DiPrima, Euler method would be extended to xiþ1 ¼ xi þ hf (ti , xi , yi ), yiþ1 ¼ yi hg(ti , xi , yi ), i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , n ¼ xi þ hx0i ¼ yi þ hy0i


for the mesh points ti ¼ t0 þ ih. Similarly the fourth-order Runge–Kutta method applied to Equation 9.83 and Equation 9.84 would become 1 xiþ1 ¼ xi þ h[ki1 þ 2ki2 þ 2ki3 þ ki4 ], 6 1 yiþ1 ¼ yi þ h[‘i1 þ 2‘i2 þ 2‘i3 þ ‘i4 ], 6


where ki1 ¼ f (ti , xi , yi ), ‘i1 ¼ g(ti , xi ,yi )     h ki1 1 h ki1 1 ki2 ¼ f ti þ , xi þ , yi þ ‘i1 , ‘i2 ¼ f ti þ , xi þ , yi þ ‘i1 2 2 2 2 2 2     h ki2 1 h ki2 1 ki3 ¼ f ti þ , xi þ , yi þ ‘i2 , ‘i3 ¼ f ti þ , xi þ , yi þ ‘i2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ki4 ¼ f ðti þ h, xi þ ki3 ,yi þ ‘i3 Þ,

‘i4 ¼ f ðti þ h, xi þ ki3 , yi þ ‘i3 Þ

The predictor–corrector method described in Section 9.4.1, which involves the use of Equation 9.61 and Equation 9.62 would become 1 h[55x0i1  59x0i1 þ 37x0i2  9x0i3 ], 24 1 ¼ yi þ h[55y0i1  59y0i1 þ 37y0i2  9y0i3 ] 24

xiþ1 ¼ xi þ yiþ1


and 1 h[9x0iþ1 þ 19x0i  5x0i1 þ x0i2 ], 24 1 ¼ yi þ h[9y0iþ1 þ 19y0i  5y0i1 þ y0i2 ] 24

xiþ1 ¼ xi þ yiþ1


In the above discussion, it is assumed that the functions f and g satisfy the unique solution conditions.

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From Equation 9.87 to Equation 9.89 it is evident that third- and higherorder equations will become cumbersome and are more manageable using matrix notations [16,17,19,22,27]. Both MATHEMATICA and MATLAB, as well as other available software packages, have the capabilities to solve linear or nonlinear systems of algebraic and differential equations.



One of the most frequently occurring partial differential equation in chemical engineering is the so-called parabolic type. This equation is used to describe time-dependent diffusion processes and fluid flow. Therefore, the numerical solution methods for this type of partial differential equation are important in heat transfer, molecular diffusion, and fluid flow. There are many numerical approaches one can use to approximate the solution to the initial and boundary value problem presented by a parabolic partial differential equation. However, our discussion will focus on three approaches: an explicit finite difference method, an implicit finite difference method, and the so-called numerical method of lines. These approaches, as well as other numerical methods for all types of partial differential equations, can be found in the literature [5,9,18,22,25,28–33].





Following Burden et al. [5], we will consider the parabolic partial differential equation in one space dimension: @ @2 u(x, t) ¼ a2 2 u(x, t) þ S(x, t), 0 < x < L, t > 0 @t @x


subject to the initial condition u(x, 0) ¼ f (x), 0  x  L


and the boundary conditions u(0, t) ¼ fL ,

u(L, t) ¼ fR , t > 0


As part of the development of a finite difference scheme to approximate the solution to Equation 9.90 to Equation 9.92, we must select two mesh constants, h and k, such that m ¼ L/h is an integer. The grid points are (xi, tj), where xi ¼ ih, i ¼ 0, 1, . . . , m


tj ¼ jk, j ¼ 0, 1, . . . , T

Then, if we approximate the derivatives by

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u(xi , tj þ k)  u(xi , tj ) @ u(xi , tj )  @t k and u(xi þ h, tj )  2u(xi , tj ) þ u(xi  h, tj ) @2 u(xi , tj )  h2 @x2 and substitute into Equation 9.90 to get wi, jþ1  wi, j wiþ1, j  2wi, j þ wi1, j  a2 ¼ Si, j k h2


Equation 9.93 can be rearranged to wi, jþ1 ¼

  a2 k a2 k a2 k w þ 1  2 wi, j þ 2 wiþ1, j þ Si, j , i1, j 2 2 h h h

i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , m  1, j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , T


where wi,j approximates u(xi, tj), the source term, Si,j is S(xi, tj) and T is a convenient maximum time value. The initial and boundary conditions become respectively wi,0 ¼ u(xi , 0) ¼ f (xi ),

i ¼ 0, 1, 2, . . . , m


and w0, j ¼ u(0, tj ) ¼ fL ; wm, j ¼ u(xm , tj ) ¼ fR , j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , T


In the important case of no source term, and when both end conditions are zero, Equation 9.94 reduces to wi, jþ1

  a2 k a2 k a2 k ¼ 2 wi1, j þ 1  2 2 wi, j þ 2 wiþ1, j , h h h


i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , m  1, j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , T with w0, j ¼ wm, j ¼ 0


The method described by Equation 9.94 to Equation 9.98 is an explicit method and is commonly called the forward difference method. It is explicit because knowledge of wi,j for tj at all the grid points means that

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wi,j þ 1 can be calculated for the new time tj þ 1 without solving simultaneous equations. The forward difference method is considered conditionally stable. Further, it can be shown that the method converges with a rate of convergence on the order of (k þ h2) if the condition a2 k  1=2 h2 is satisfied [18,22]. This restriction means that a small value for h requires an even smaller k-value, which can easily lead to round-off errors. Contrasting the forward difference method is the implicit method of Crank–Nicolson [5,9,18,22,25]. The difference formulation for the homogeneous case of Equation 9.90 with zero end conditions is wi, jþ1  wi, j a2  ½(wiþ1, j  2wi, j þ wi1, j ) þ (wiþ1, jþ1  2wi, jþ1 k 2h þ wi1, jþ1 ) ¼ 0


Burden et al. [5] give an algorithm involving the Crank–Nicolson method for solving Equation 9.99, while Constantinides et al. [9] has MATLAB examples involving the nonhomogeneous case of Equation 9.99. The Crank–Nicolson method is unconditionally stable. However, it does require the solution of simultaneous equations. Also, this method is more accurate than the forward difference method.





As an alternative to the approaches described above for solving partial differential equations, we could take advantage of the methods described in Section 9.4.1. The numerical method of lines does exactly that [33]. Consider the problem described by @u @ 2 u ¼ @t @x2 subject to the typical initial condition u(x, 0) ¼ f (x) and the boundary conditions u(0, t) ¼ 0 u(L, t) ¼ 0


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Following Lee and Schiesser [33], the derivative @ 2u/@x2 is replaced with a finite difference approximation @ 2 u uiþ1  2ui þ ui1 ’ , i ¼ 1, 2,    , n @x2 Dx2 Notice that Dx is the same as h, used in earlier sections. Typically, a spatial grid is defined over the interval 0  x  L. Along this grid, the value of a particular x is designated with the Index i. Therefore, i ¼ 1 corresponds to x ¼ 0 and i ¼ n corresponds to x ¼ L. The spacing between adjacent grid points is Dx (or h). Upon combining the finite difference approximation with the left-hand side of Equation 9.100, we get dui uiþ1  2ui þ ui1 ’ , dt dx2

i ¼ 1, 2,    , n


Equation 9.101 has only one independent variable, namely t, therefore we have an ordinary differential equation, and specifically a system of ordinary differential equations (discretized) for i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , n. Furthermore, this system is a set of initial value ordinary differential equations that are subject to the initial conditions u(xi , 0) ¼ f (xi )  ui (t),

i ¼ 1, 2,    , n

For example, if the initial condition was given as f (x) ¼ sin (px) Then we would restate the condition in terms of the discretized variables as u(xi , 0) ¼ ui (t) ¼ sin (pxi ),

i ¼ 1, 2,    , n

Finally all that remains is to step along the spatial grid and integrate the corresponding ordinary differential equations given by Equation 9.101. In carrying out this step we will include the boundary conditions in the following way: u(0, t) ) u(x1 , t) ¼ u1 (t) ¼ 0,

du1 ¼0 dt

Similarly, for i ¼ n, u(L, t) ) u(xn , t) ¼ un (t) ¼ 0,

dun ¼0 dt

An example of a MATLAB program [33] that was used to solve the problem described above is given in Appendix B.

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The program is composed of the following modules containing functions as defined in the programming sense: . .






Main program (pdelin). Initial parameters defined in a function (intpar); here parameters such as the number of first-order equations, n ( ¼ 21) to be used in Equation 9.101. Also, contained in this function are the number of spatial steps to be taken in the specified time interval and the error tolerances for this problem. Initial and boundary conditions are set in the function (inital); notice that there are 21 initial values and x is defined on the interval 0  x  1. Derivative vector in a function called derv, which is the vectorized form of Equation 9.101 Functions rkc4a and ssrkc4 combined as the programmed form of the Runge–Kutta order four method, which was given in Equation 9.57. Formatted results are displayed using the function fprint.


Admittedly, the scope of the chapter is limited to a few of the methods that are used in chemical engineering problem solving. They certainly are not expected to produce desired results in all possible instances. However, they should provide the reader at least a cursory view of what can be expected when a problem is to be solved numerically. A notable exclusion is a discussion on solving the linear system Ax ¼ 0. However, this important case of a linear system deserves more buildup than the allowable scope of this chapter. Hopefully, the curious reader will be stimulated enough to further explore the selected references. The chapter does highlight areas of concern to the practicing chemical engineer, namely, solution of nonlinear and linear algebraic equations, as well as solution of differential equations. Indeed, attempted numerical solution of differential equations usually leads to the solution of nonlinear or linear algebraic equations. Commercially available software packages that can aid the practicing chemical engineer are also mentioned. Principally, the chapter’s thrust is to expose readers to numerical analysis methods without overwhelming them with premature details.



1. The equilibrium reactions A $ B þ D (1) and A $ B þ 2D (2) occur at a given temperature and pressure. At the given condition of temperature and pressure, the following relationships are observed among the mole fractions yB yD ¼ 3:75, yA

yC y2D ¼ 0:135 yA

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a. On a basis of 100 mol of A, conduct the material balance to show that the relationships can be recasted in terms of the extent, ji, of each reaction. j1 (j1 þ 2j2 ) ¼ 3:75 (100  j1  j2 )(100 þ j1 þ 2j2 ) j2 (j1 þ 2j2 )2 ¼ 0:135 (100  j1  j2 )(100 þ j1 þ 2j2 ) b. Determine j1 and j2, using the Newton–Raphson method. c. Determine j1 and j2, using a computer algebraic system. d. Determine j1 and j2, using the modified Newton–Raphson method. 2. Given the two functions f1 (x) ¼ x2 ,

f2 (x) ¼

xþ1 x

determine the point of intersection a. using the modified Newton–Raphson method with f1 to find x and f2 to find y b. switching the roles of f1 and f2 c. using the Newton–Raphson method 3. Use the Gauss–Seidel method to solve the following system 2x1 þ x2 þ x3  x4 ¼ 3 x1 þ 9x2 þ 8x3 þ 4x4 ¼ 15 x1 þ 3x2 þ 5x3 þ 2x4 ¼ 10 x2 þ x4 ¼ 2 4. a. What happens if you attempt to use the Gauss–Seidel method to solve the rearranged system? x1 þ 3x2 þ 5x3 þ 2x4 ¼ 10 x1 þ 9x2 þ 8x3 þ 4x4 ¼ 15 x2 þ x4 ¼ 2 2x1 þ x2 þ x3  x4 ¼ 3 b. Solve this system using Gaussian elimination with backward substitution. c. Solve by inverting the coefficient matrix. d. Solve using a computer algebraic system.

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5. Use the Runge–Kutta order four method with step sizes of 0.02 and 0.01 to approximate the solution to y0 ¼ 1  t þ 3y; y(0) ¼ 1 at t ¼ 1.0. Also, compare your result to the exact answer. 6. Use the Adams–Moulton predictor–corrector method to approximate the solution to dx ¼ x  4y, x(0) ¼ 1 dt dy ¼ x þ y, y(0) ¼ 0 dt with h ¼ 0.1 at t ¼ 0.4. Correct the predicted value twice. a. Use the exact solution values (five digits) to start the problem. b. Use the Euler method to obtain the appropriate starting values (x1, x2, x3 and y1, y2, y3) to the problem. c. Use the midpoint method to obtain the starting values. 7. Using the Runge–Kutta order four method for starting, the Adams– Bashforth method as the predictor, and the Adams–Moulton method as a corrector, approximate the solution to dx ¼ x; x(0) ¼ 1 dt at t ¼ 1.0 with a step size of 0.01. 8. Repeat problem 7 using the Runge–Kutta order four method. 9. Repeat problem 7 using the Adams–Bashforth method and the Runge–Kutta order four method to obtain the appropriate starting values. 10. Repeat problem 7 using the Adams–Moulton method and the Runge– Kutta order four method to obtain the appropriate starting values. 11. Given a slab of material 1.00 m thick at a uniform temperature of 1008C. If the front surface is suddenly exposed to a constant temperature of 08C, and the back surface is insulated, calculate the temperature profile for a time of 5000 s. Data: @T @2T ¼ (2  105 m2=s) 2 ; @t @x

0  x  1:00 m

12. Use the method of lines approach to solve problem 1 and problem 2 of Chapter 6.

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REFERENCES 1. Underwood, A.J.V., Fractional distillation of multicomponent mixtures, Chem. Eng. Prog., 44, 603, 1948. 2. Treybal, R.E., Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980. 3. Stark, P.A., Introduction to Numerical Methods, Macmillan, New York, 1970. 4. Wolfram, S., The Mathematica Book, 3rd ed., Wolfram Media, Champaign, Illinois and Cambridge University Press, London, 1996. 5. Burden, R.L., Faires, J.D., and Reynolds, A.C., Numerical Analysis, 2nd ed., Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, Boston, 1978. 6. Constantinides, A., Applied Numerical Methods with Personal Computers, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987. 7. Ramraj, R., Farrell, S., and Loney, N.W., Mathematical modeling of controlled release from a hollow fiber, J. Membr. Sci., 162, 73, 1999. 8. Jenkins, M.A. and Traub, J.F., A three-stage algorithm for real polynomials using quadratic iteration, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 7, 545, 1970. 9. Constantinides, A. and Mostoufi, N., Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers with MATLAB Applications, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999. 10. Pattee, H.A., Selecting computer mathematics, Mech. Eng., 117, 82, 1995. 11. Mackenzie, J. and Allen, M., Mathematical power tools, Chem. Eng. Educ., Spring, 156, 1998. 12. Malek-Madani, R., Advanced Engineering Mathematics with Mathematica and MATLAB, Addison-Wesley Longman, Reading, MA, 1998. 13. Johnston, R.L., Numerical Methods: A Software Approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982. 14. Riggs, J.B., An Introduction to Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers, Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX, 1988. 15. Hanna, O.T. and Sandall, O.C., Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1995. 16. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1980. 17. Amundson, N.R., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering: Matrices and Their Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966. 18. Nakamura, S., Applied Numerical Methods, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. 19. Forsythe, G.E. and Moler, C.B., Computer Solution of Linear Algebraic Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1967. 20. Forsythe, G.E., Malcolm, M.A., and Moler, C.B., Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977. 21. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005. 22. Isaacson, E. and Keller, H.B., Analysis of Numerical Methods, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1966. 23. Higham, N.J., Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1996. 24. Butcher, J.C., On the attainable order of Runge–Kutta methods, Math. Comp., 19, 408, 1965.

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25. Cheney, W. and Kincaid, D., Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 2nd ed., Brooks and Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, CA, 1985. 26. Na, T.Y., Computational Methods in Engineering Boundary Value Problems, Academic Press, New York, 1979. 27. Gear, C.W., Numerical Initial Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1971. 28. Myint, U.T. and Debnath, L., Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. 29. Kythe, P.K., Puri, P., and Schaferkotter, M.R., Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1997. 30. Kreyszig, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1993. 31. O’Neil, P.V., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., PWS-Kent Publishing Company, Boston, MA, 1995. 32. Cooper, J.M., Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB, Birkhauser, Boston, MA, 1998. 33. Lee, H.J. and Schiesser, W.E., Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, Cþþ, Fortran, Java1, Maple1 and MATLAB1, Chapman & Hall and CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2004.

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices

A.1 DETERMINANTS The reader may be familiar with determinants, but a brief review is useful to the discussion on the solution of linear equations. It turns out that defining the determinant is a more difficult task than listing its properties; however, we will make an attempt to bring out somewhat of a working definition [1]. A determinant of the nth order is usually written in one of the forms      a11 a12    a1a   a11 a12    a1a       a21 a22    a2a   a21 a22    a2a    ¼ jaij j   det A ¼ jAj ¼  ..  ¼ dot ..     .  .     aa1 aa2    aaa aa1 aa2    aaa


and is an array (matrix) of n2 (n  n) elements, where the elements aij may be real or complex numbers or functions. The determinant itself is a function, and if the aij are considered variables, then jAj is a function of n2 variables with a particular form. Before we express the functional form of jAj, a list of its useful properties are given and illustrated with a 2  2 case [1,2]: 1. The determinant is a linear function of the first row   a þ a0   c

  a b þ b0  0 0  )d  (b þ b )c ¼ ¼ (a þ a  c d   ta  c

  b   a0 þ d  c

 b0  d

   a b tb    ¼ tad  tbc ¼ t c d d


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2. The determinant changes sign when two rows are exchanged   a11   a21

  a a12  ¼ a11 a22  a12 a21 ¼  21 a22  a11

 a22  a12 

3. The determinant of the identity matrix (see discussion on matrices) is 1  1  0

 0  ¼1 1

4. If two rows of the array A are equal, then jAj ¼ 0   a b    a b  ¼ ab  ab ¼ 0 5. The operation of subtracting a multiple of one row from another leaves the determinant unchanged   a11  ta21   a21

  a12  ta22   a11  ¼  a21 a22

 a12  a22 

6. If the array A has a zero row, then jAj ¼ 0   0   a21

 0  ¼0 a22 

7. If the array is triangular, then jAj is the product a11 a22 . . . ann of the entries on the main diagonal   a11   0

  a a12  ¼ a11 a22 ¼  11  a21 a22

 0  a22 

8. If the jAj is zero, then the array A is singular   a11   a21

 a12  a22 

is singular if and only if   a11   a21

 a12  ¼ a11 a22  a12 a21 ¼ 0 a22 

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices


9. For any two n by n arrays (matrices), the determinant of the product is the product of the determinants, that is given two arrays A and B, then jABj ¼ (jAj)(jBj)   a11   a21

 a12  b11 a22  b21

  b12   a11 b11 þ a12 b21 ¼ b22   a21 b11 þ a22 b12

 a11 b12 þ a12 b22  a21 b21 þ a22 b22 

10. The transpose of the array A has the same determinants as the array A jAjt ¼ jAj Now the functional form of the determinant may be given in terms of cofactor expansion det A ¼ ai1 Ai1 þ ai2 Ai2 þ    þ ain Ain


where Aij is called the cofactor and itself is given as Aij ¼ (1)1þj det Mij


where Mij is called the minor and is formed by deleting row i and column j of the array A. An example of this expansion: 2

3 A ¼ 44 1

2 2 1

3 3 2 5 2

Then  2 2 A11 ¼ (1) det ¼6 1 2   4 2 ¼ 10 A12 ¼ (1)1þ2 det 1 2   4 2 1þ3 ¼2 A13 ¼ (1) det 1 1 1þ1

Therefore, the jAj ¼ a11A11 þ a12A12 þ a13A13 ¼ 44 An alternative and useful formula for the determinant is det A ¼ det P1 det L det D det U ¼ (product of the pivots)


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where +1 is the determinant of P1 or of P and depends on whether the number of row exchanges is even or odd. L and U are lower and upper triangular arrays, respectively, and their determinants are 1. Triangular arrays are those whose elements are zeros above or below the main diagonal. That is, a lower triangular array is one in which all elements above the main diagonal are zeros. The main diagonal, D, is a diagonal array whose nonzero elements appear on the main diagonal. The array, P, is a permutation array (matrix) that reorders the rows of the array A, so that the product PA admits a factorization with nonzero pivots [2]. While determinants themselves may have limited uses, they do facilitate the helpful applications of matrices.



A matrix is a rectangular array of elements arranged 3 0 2 a11 a12    a11 a12    a1n 6 a21 a22    a2n 7 B a21 a22    7 B 6 A ¼ 6 .. .. 7 ¼ B .. 4 . . 5 @ . an1 an2    ann an1 an2   

in rows and columns as 1 a1n a2n C C (A:5) .. C ¼ [aij ] . A ann

where the square or round brackets are meant to be different from the straight lines used to represent determinants. The elements can be numbers (real or complex) or functions. The matrix given in Equation A.5 is an m by n or, more frequently, stated as m  n, which exploits the fact that there are m rows and n columns. If m ¼ n, the matrix is said to be square or of nth order. Matrices will be denoted with bold capital letters. A special matrix containing only a single column is called a column vector, and will be denoted by a small boldface letter such as 2 3 0 1 x1 x1 6 x2 7 B x2 C 6 7 B C x ¼ 6 .. 7 ¼ B .. C (A:6) 4 . 5 @ . A xn


The element positioned in the ith row and jth column is designated by aij, the first subscript identifying its row and the second its column. Associated with each matrix A is the matrix At, known as the transpose of A. This transpose is obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of A. Therefore, if A ¼ [aij], then At ¼ [aji]. The transpose xt of a column vector (n  1 matrix) is a row vector (1  n matrix). A square matrix in which all elements except those on the main diagonal are zero is called a diagonal matrix, and the case in which the diagonal elements are all unity is called the identity matrix I.

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices


The algebraic properties of matrices can be found in the literature on linear algebra [2–5]. Here we list those that facilitate the discussions in Chapter 9. Proofs are left to the linear algebra literature: 1. Equality: Two m  n matrices, A and B, are said to be equal if corresponding elements are equal; that is, if aij ¼ bij for each i and j. 2. Zero: A matrix whose elements are all zero is called a null matrix and is denoted by 0. 3. Addition: The sum of two m  n matrices is defined as the matrix obtained by adding corresponding elements: A þ B ¼ [aij ] þ [bij ] ¼ [aij þ bij ]


4. Multiplication: The product AB of two matrices is defined whenever the number of columns of the first matrix is the same as the number of rows of the second matrix. When this condition exists, the matrices are said to be conformable. If A is n  m and B is n  r, then the product AB ¼ C is an m  r matrix. The element in the ith row and jth column of C is obtained by multiplying each element of the ith row of A by the corresponding element of the jth column of B, and then adding the resulting products. That is, cij ¼

n X

aik bkj



Also, matrix multiplication satisfies the associative law (AB)C ¼ A(BC)


A(B þ C) ¼ AB þ AC


and the distributive law

For this reason, it is necessary to use terminology which specifies the order of multiplication. For example, if the matrices A and B are n  n, then C ¼ AB is read as B premultiplied by A whereas D ¼ BA is read as B postmultiplied by A. Further, the results AB and BA are not necessarily equal. This is a very different phenomenon from the usual symbolic algebra and may even result in the product of two matrices being the null matrix without either matrix being null. For instance, 2

1 A ¼ 4 2 0

3 4 2

3 5 05 2



2 B¼4 1 1

0 0 0

3 6 3 5 3

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3 1x2 þ 3x1 þ 5x(1) 1x0 þ 3x0 þ 5x0 1x6 þ 3x3 þ 5x(3) 7 6 AB ¼ 4 2x2 þ 4x1 þ 0x(1) 2x0 þ 4x0 þ 0x0 2x6 þ 4x3 þ 0x(3) 5 2

0x2 þ 2x1 þ 2x(1) 3 0 0 0 7 6 ¼ 40 0 05

0x0 þ 2x0 þ 2x0


0x6 þ 2x3 þ 2x(3)

0 0 0 whereas, 2

2x1 þ 0x( 2) þ 6x0

2x3 þ 0x4 þ 6x2

2x5 þ 0x0 þ 6x2


7 6 BA ¼ 4 1x1 þ 0x(2) þ 3x0 1x3 þ 0x4 þ 3x2 1x5 þ 0x0 þ 3x2 5 1x1 þ 0x(2) þ (3)x0 1x3 þ 0x4 þ 3x2 1x5 þ 0x0 þ 3x2 3 2 2 18 22 7 6 ¼ 4 1 9 11 5 1 9 11 This example illustrates Equation A.8, as well as the fact that the product of two conformable matrices is not necessarily commutative. Matrix multiplication applies to the special cases of 1  n and n  1, row and column vectors, respectively. If we denote the 1  n as xt and the n  1 as y, then xt y ¼

a X

xi yi


(axt )y ¼ axt y ¼ xt (ay)



Also, xt y ¼ yxt ,

xt (y þ z) ¼ xt y þ xt z,

A special product called the scalar or inner product is defined by (x, y) ¼

n X

xi yi ¼ xt y



where y is the conjugate of y. A particular useful form of Equation A.13 is (x, x) ¼

n X i¼1

x1 x1 ¼

n X

jx1 j2



If (x, y) ¼ 0 then the two vectors are said to be orthogonal. These vector properties can be illustrated with the following example:

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices


Let 0

1 i x ¼ @ 2 A, 1þi


1 2i y¼@ i A 3

then xt y ¼ (i)(2  i) þ (2)(i) þ (1 þ i)(3) ¼ 4 þ 3i (x, y) ¼ (i)(2 þ i) þ (2)(i) þ (1 þ i)(3) ¼ 2 þ 7i xt x ¼ (i)2 þ (2)2 þ (1 þ i)2 ¼ 3 þ 2i (x, x) ¼ (i)(i) þ (2)(2) þ (1 þ i)(1  i) ¼ 7

5. Multiplication by a number: The product of a matrix A by a number a (real or complex) is defined by aA ¼ a[aij ] ¼ [aaij ]


That is, each element of the matrix is multiplied by the number a. This differs from the multiplication of a determinant by a number where only the first row is multiplied. 6. Subtraction: The difference A – B of two conformable matrices is defined by A  B ¼ A þ (B) ¼ [aij ]  [bij ] ¼ [aij  bij ]


7. Inverse: This is the operation for square matrices that is analogous to division for numbers. That is, for a given square matrix A, we need to determine another matrix B such that AB ¼ I, the identity matrix. If the matrix B exists, it is called the inverse of A and we write B ¼ A1. Multiplication is commutative between any matrix and its inverse. AA1 ¼ A1 A ¼ I


Also, when A has an inverse, it is said to be nonsingular, otherwise A is said to be singular. Property 8 for determinants is a necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix to be singular. Direct use of the determinant to find the inverse is possible. A procedure known as Cramer’s rule may be used on small systems of equations. That is, given Ax ¼ b, then x ¼ A1b (premultiplication by A1) can be determined as illustrated below:

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x1 þ 3x2 ¼ 0 2x1 þ 4x2 ¼ 6 then  0  6 x1 ¼  1 2

 3  4  18 ¼ ¼ 9, 2 3  4

 1  2 x2 ¼  1 2

 0  6 6 ¼ ¼ 3  3  2 4

In general, the jth component of x ¼ A1b is given by 2

a11 det Bj 6 .. xj ¼ ; Bj ¼ 4 . det A an1

a12 .. .

b1 .. .

3 a1n .. 7 . 5





The vector b replaces the jth column of A. Another way to arrive at Equation A.18 is to start with the definition given in Equation A.3. That is, if aij is any element of a square matrix, and the cofactor of aij in jAj is Aij, the transpose of the matrix whose elements are made up of all the Aijs is called the adjoint of A and is denoted adj A ¼ [Aji]. It can then be shown [2,5] that a typical element of A1 is given by Aji/jAj. A more useful way to compute A1 is by means of elementary operations: 1. Interchange of two rows 2. Multiplication of a row by a nonzero scalar 3. Addition of any multiple of one row to another row Generally, any nonsingular matrix, A can be transformed into the identity I by a systematic sequence of the elementary operations. It can be shown that the same sequence of operations performed on I will yield A1 [1,2,4]. An example illustrating the process is as follows: 2 3 1 1 1 A ¼ 4 3 1 25 2 2 3 Step 1: Obtain zeros in the off-diagonal position in the first column by adding (3) times the first row to the second row and adding (2) times the first row to the third row. 2 3 1 1 1 40 2 55 0 4 5

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices

Step 2: Obtain a one in the diagonal position in the second column by multiplying the second row by 1/2. 2

3 1 1 1 5=2 5 4 5

1 40 0

Step 3: Obtain zeros in the off-diagonal positions in the second column by adding the second row to the first row and adding (4) times the second row to the third row. 2

1 40 0

3 3=2 5=2 5 5

0 1 0

Step 4: Obtain a one in the diagonal position in the third column by multiplying the third row by (1/5). 2

1 40 0

3 3=2 5=2 5 1

0 1 0

Step 5: Obtain zeros in the off-diagonal positions in the third column by adding (–3/2) times the third row to the first row, and adding (–5/2) times the third row to the first row. 2

1 40 0

0 1 0

3 0 05 1

If the same sequence of operations in the same order is now performed on I, the sequence of matrices: 2

1 40 0

3 0 0 1 0 5, 0 1 2


1 0 4 3 1 2 0

1=2 4 3=2 4=2

3 0 0 5, 1


1 4 3=2 2

3 1=2 0 1=2 0 5, 2=5 1=5

The last matrix is A1.


0 1=2 0

3 0 0 5, 1

7=10 1=10 4 1=2 1=2 4=5 2=5


1=2 4 3=2 4 3 3=10 1=2 5 1=5

1=2 1=2 2

3 0 05 1

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8. Distances: To define a distance in Rn, we will use the idea of the norm of a vector. The, ‘2 and, ‘1 norms for the vector x ¼ (x1, x2, . . . , xn)t are defined by ( ‘2 : k x k2 ¼

n X

)1=2 x2i



which is the usual Euclidean norm of the vector x and max jxi j 1in

‘ 1 : k x k1 ¼


Then if x ¼ (x1, x2, . . . , xn)t and y ¼ (y1, y2, . . . , yn)t are vectors in Rn, the, ‘2 and, ‘1 distances between x and y are defined to be ( ‘2 : k x y k2 ¼

a X

)1=2 jxi  yi j


max jxi  yi j 1in



and ‘1 : k xy k1 ¼

Our major concern with matrices has to do with solving linear algebraic equations as discussed in Chapter 9. There the method of Gaussian elimination was emphasized. Below is an alternate approach to solving the system given by Ax ¼ b in which the matrix A1 is exhibited. That is, the solution will be of the form x ¼ A1b, where b is premultiplied by A1. Consider the set of linear equations given by 2x1 x1 2x1

3x2 3x2 2x2 þx2

þ2x3 4x3 3x3

2x4 þx4 þ2x4 x4

¼8 ¼5 ¼2 ¼6

They can be recasted in the form 2

2 3 3 60 4 1 2 2 1

32 3 2 3 0 2 8 x1 2 1 7 6 x2 7 6 5 7 54 5 ¼ 4 5 4 2 2 x3 3 1 x4 6

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices

where A is the 4  4 matrix. We now seek the solution x ¼ A1b through the use of elementary operations. As a first step, we form the augmented matrix by appending the unit matrix of order 4 to the 4  5 matrix formed from A and the vector b: 2 62 6 60 6 6 41 2













.. . .. . .. . .. .

8 5 2 6

.. . .. . .. . .. .

3 1 0


0 1


0 0


07 7 07 7 7 05

0 0



Second, we carry out the three operations in the order given: 1. Divide the first row by 2. 2. Add (1) times the new first row to the third row. 3. Subtract 2 times the new first row from the fourth row. These elementary operations result in 2 61 6 60 6 6 41 2













.. . 4 .. . 5 .. . 2 .. . 2

.. . 0:5 0 ... 0 1 .. . 0:5 0 .. . 1 0

3 0 1

07 7 07 7 7 05




The third step requires the following elementary operations on the newest augmented matrix: 1. Add the fourth row to the first row. 2. Subtract the fourth row from the second row. 3. Subtract 3 times the fourth row from the third row. 2 . . 2:5 3 0 .. 2 .. 0:5 0 0 61 .. .. 6 60 1 5 0 . 7 . 1 1 0 6 .. .. 6 5 0 . 4 . 2:5 0 1 4 0 12:5 . .. . 0 4 3 1 . 2 . 1 0 0

3 17 7 1 7 7 7 3 5

The fourth step requires the operations: 1. Add 2 times the second row to the first row. 2. Subtract 12.5 times the second row from the third row.


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3. Add 4 times the second row to the fourth row. 2 . . 2 2:5 0 9:5 0 .. 19:5 .. 61 .. .. 6 6 0 1 5 0 . 7 . 1 1 6 .. .. 6 0 57:5 0 . 83:5 . 10:0 12:5 40 . .. 0 0 17 1 .. 26 . 1 0

3 0

1:5 7 7 1 7 7 7 9:5 5

0 1 0


The fifth step involves the following elementary operations on the newest augmented matrix: 1 Divide the third row by (57.5). 2. Subtract 9.5 times the new third row from the first row. 3. Subtract 5 times the new third row from the second row. 4. Subtract 17 times the new third row from the fourth row. 2 61 6 60 6 6 40














.. . 5:704 .. . 0:261 .. . 1:452 .. . 1:313

... .. . .. . .. .













3 0:069 7 7 0:174 7 7 7 0:165 5 0:191

Finally, multiplying the second row by (1) results in 2 61 6 60 6 6 40 0









. 0 .. . 0 .. . 0 .. . 1 ..

. 5:704 .. . 0:261 .. . 1:452 .. . 1:313 ..













3 0:069 7 7 0:174 7 7 7 0:165 5 0:191

where the 4  4 identity matrix has moved completely to the left, taking the place of A. This final augmented matrix represents the form Ix ¼ A1b, where the inverse matrix is 2


0:348 6 0:130 ¼6 4 0:174 0:043

0:438 0:087 0:217 0:304

0:165 0:087 0:017 0:296

3 0:069 0:174 7 7 0:165 5 0:191

and the solution vector Ix ¼ (5.704, 0.261, 1.452, 1.313)t.

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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices


In summary, if we use Ei to denote any matrix representing the elementary operations performed above, then Ax ¼ b can be adjusted to a succession of equivalent forms En En1    E2 E1 Ax ¼ En En1    E2 E1 b


where the elementary matrices are selected to convert the square matrix A to the unit matrix I. This means that En En1    E2 E1 A ¼ I


Since the same operations are being performed on the vector b, the column vector b is appended to the n  n matrix A to form an augmented matrix Ab. Then, premultiplying Ab with the operators Ei produces the desired result x ¼ A1b, and, if needed, the inverse of A is En En1    E2 E1 ¼ A1


Another example: Find the inverse of 2

1 A ¼ 42 1

2 5 1

3 3 75 1

Solution: . Form the 3  6 matrix [A..I3] and transform it by elementary row oper.. ations to the form [I3.A]. The pivot element at each stage is emboldened. 2 61 6 42

2 3


1 1

5 7

.. . .. . .. .


3 1 0 0 1

07 7 0 5 Matrix A augmented by I3.

0 0


3 .. . 1 0 07 . 7 1 1 .. 2 1 0 5 To make a21 ¼ 0, replaced row 2 by the .. 0 1 2 . 1 0 1 sum of itself and 2 times row 1. To make a31 ¼ 0, replaced row 3 by the sum of itself and 1 times row 1. 61 6 40



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3 .. . 5 2 07 .. 7 . 2 1 0 5 To make a12 ¼ 0, replaced row one by the .. 0 0 1 . 3 1 1 sum of itself and 2 times row 2. To make a32 ¼ 0, replace row 3 by the sum of itself and row 2. 61 0 1 6 40 1 1

2 61 6 40

0 1 1 1


0 1

.. . .. . .. .







3 07 7 0 5 Multiplied row 3 by 1. 1


3 .. . 2 1 17 .. 7 . 5 2 1 5 To make a13 ¼ 0, replaced row one by the .. 0 0 1 . 3 1 1 sum of itself and 1 times row 3. To make a23 ¼ 0, replaced row 2 .by the sum of itself and 1 times row 3. The final matrix is of the form [I3 .. A1], that is, 61 0 0 6 40 1 0




2 ¼ 4 5 3

1 2 1

3 1 15 1


Square matrices can appear in series (finite or infinite) and may exhibit behavior quite similar to those of scalar series. For instance, we could have a0 Yn þ a1 Yn1 þ a2 Yn2 þ    þ an1 Y þ an I ¼ 0


where Y is a square matrix. Matrix polynomials may be factored in ways similar to that of scalar polynomials. For example: A3  9A2 þ 26A  24I can be factored into (A  2I)(A  3I)(A  4I). It is also possible to use square matrices as exponents of scalar functions, such as eA ¼ I þ

A A2 A3 þ þ þ  1! 2! 3!


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Appendix A: Elementary Properties of Determinants and Matrices


Then, if B is a square matrix of the same order as A, eA eB ¼ eB eA ¼ e(AþB)


eA eA ¼ I



For a given square matrix A of order n whose elements are constants and a column vector x, the equation Ax ¼ lx


(A  lI)x ¼ 0



has nontrivial solution if, and only if, j(A  lI)j ¼ 0


Equation A.32 is called the characteristic equation.

A.4 CALCULUS OF MATRICES If the elements of a matrix are functions of some appropriate independent variable(s), the matrix can be differentiated or integrated with respect to the independent variable(s). Similar to the calculus of functions, we can differentiate matrices by differentiating the elements of the matrix in each case. The usual designation for the derivative of a square matrix Y is dY/dx if the matrix elements are functions of the scalar x. The differential coefficient of a product is also similar to that of a product of scalar functions; however, the order of the matrices in the product must be maintained. Therefore, d dA dB dC (ABC) ¼ BC þ A C þ AB dx dx dx dx


where A, B, and C are conformable square matrices whose elements are functions of x. Integration of a matrix whose elements are derivatives or functions of an independent variable is accomplished by integrating each element with respect to the independent variable. Therefore, for a typical element, yij(x), of the matrix Y, the result Z  Z Ydx ¼ yij (x) dx (A:34)

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REFERENCES 1. Amundson, N.R., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1966. 2. Strang, G., Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1980. 3. Boyce, W.E. and DiPrima, R.C., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th ed., John Wiley, New York, 2005. 4. Schneider, H. and Barker, G.P., Matrices and Linear Algebra, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1968. 5. Jenson, V.G. and Jeffreys, G.V., Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering, 2nd ed., Academic Press, London, 1992.

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Appendix B: Numerical Method of Lines Example Using MATLAB1

% % % % % % % %

% % % % % % % % % % % %

Main program pdelin computes the numerical Solution to a linear PDE by six integrators Declare global variables global nsteps; Step through six integrators for int ¼ 1:6 int ¼ 3 %Selecting the clasical Runge-Kutta order four method Integration parameters [neqn,nout,nsteps,t0,tf,abserr,relerr] ¼ intpar; Initial condition vector [u0] ¼ inital(neqn,t0); Output interval dt ¼ tf-t0; Compute solution at nout output points for j ¼ 1:nout Print current solution [out] ¼ fprint(int,neqn,t0,u0); Fixed step modified Euler integrator if int ¼ ¼ 1 441

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[u] ¼ euler2a(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps); end % %

% %

% %

% %

% %

% %

% % % % % %

Variable step modified Euler integrator if int ¼ ¼ 2 [u] ¼ euler2b(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps,abserr,relerr); end Fixed step classical fourth order RK integrator if int ¼ ¼ 3 [u] ¼ rkc4a(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps); end Variable step classical fourth order RK integrator if int ¼ ¼ 4 [u] ¼ rkc4b(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps,abserr,relerr); end Fixed step RK Fehlberg (RKF45) integrator if int ¼ ¼ 5 [u] ¼ rkf45a(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps); end Variable step RK Fehlberg (RKF45) integrator if int ¼ ¼ 6 [u] ¼ rkf45b(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps,abserr,relerr); end Advance solution t0 ¼ tf; tf ¼ tfþdt; u0 ¼ u; Next output end Next integrator end End of pdelin

function[neqn,nout,nsteps,t0,tf,abserr, relerr] ¼ intpar

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Appendix B: Numerical Method of Lines Example using MATLAB

% % % % % % % % % % %

% %


Function intpar sets the parameters to control the integration of the linear PDE Number of first order ODEs neqn ¼ 21; Number of output points nout ¼ 6; Maximum number of steps in the interval t0 to tf nsteps ¼ 250; Initial, final values of independent variable t0 ¼ 0.0; tf ¼ 0.2; Error tolerances abserr ¼ 1.0e-05; relerr ¼ 1.0e-05;

function [u] ¼ inital(neqn,t) % % Function inital sets the initial condition vector % for the linear PDE % % Problem parameters xl ¼ 0.0; xu ¼ 1.0; % % Initial condition for i ¼ 1:neqn x ¼ xlþ(i-1)/(neqn-1)*(xu-xl); u(i) ¼ sin(pi*x); end function [ut] ¼ derv(neqn,t,u) % % Function derv computes the derivative vector % for the linear PDE % % Problem parameters xl ¼ 0.0; xu ¼ 1.0; %

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% % % % %

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BC at x ¼ 0 ut(1) ¼ 0.0; BC at x ¼ 1 ut(neqn) ¼ 0.0; Interior points dx ¼ (xu-xl)/(neqn-1); dxs ¼ dx*dx; for i ¼ 2:neqn-1 ut(i) ¼ (u(iþ1)-2.0*u(i)þu(i-1))/dxs; end

function [u] ¼ rkc4a(neqn,t0,tf,u0,nsteps) % % Function rkc4a computes an ODE solution by a fixed step % classical fourth order RK method for a series of points % along the solution by repeatedly calling function ssrkc4 % for a single classical fourth order RK step. % % Argument list % % neqn number of first order ODEs % % t0 initial value of independent variable % % tf final value of independent variable % % u0 initial condition vector of length neqn % % nsteps number of rkc4 steps % % u ODE solution vector of length neqn after % nsteps steps % % Integration step h ¼ (tf-t0)/nsteps; % % nsteps rkc4 steps for i ¼ 1:nsteps %

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Appendix B: Numerical Method of Lines Example using MATLAB

% % %

% % % %


rkc4 step [t,u,e] ¼ ssrkc4(neqn,t0,u0,h); Reset base point values for next rkc4 step u0 ¼ u; t0 ¼ t; Next rkc4 step end End of rkc4a

function [t,u,e] ¼ ssrkc4(neqn,t0,u0,h) % % Function ssrkc4 computes an ODE solution by the classical fourth % order RK method for one step along the solution (by calls to derv % to define the ODE derivative vector). It also estimates the % truncation error of the solution, and applies this estimate as % a correction to the solution vector. % % Argument list % % neqn number of first order ODEs % % t0 initial value of independent variable % % u0 initial condition vector of length neqn % % h integration step % % t independent variable % % u ODE solution vector of length neqn after % one rkc4 step % % e estimate of truncation error of the solu% tion vector % % Derivative vector at initial (base) point [ut0] ¼ derv(neqn,t0,u0);

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% % %

% % % % %

% % % % %

% % % % % % % %

% % % % %

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k1, advance of dependent variable vector and independent variable for calculation of k2 k1 ¼ h*ut0; u ¼ u0þ0.5*k1; t ¼ t0þ0.5*h; Derivative vector at new u, t [ut] ¼ derv(neqn,t,u); k2, advance of dependent variable vector and independent variable for calculation of k3 k2 ¼ h*ut; u ¼ u0þ0.5*k2; t ¼ t0þ0.5*h; Derivative vector at new u, t [ut] ¼ derv(neqn,t,u); k3, advance of dependent variable vector and independent variable for calculation of k4 k3 ¼ h*ut; u ¼ u0þk3; t ¼ t0þh; Derivative vector at new u, t [ut] ¼ derv(neqn,t,u); k4 k4 ¼ h*ut; Second order step sum2 ¼ u0þk2; Fourth order step sum4 ¼ u0þ(1.0/6.0)*(k1þ2.0*k2þ2.0*k3þk4); t ¼ t0þh; Truncation error estimate e ¼ sum4-sum2; Fourth order solution vector (from 2,4 RK pair); two ways to the same result are listed

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Appendix B: Numerical Method of Lines Example using MATLAB

% % %

u ¼ sum2þe; u ¼ sum4; End of ssrkc4

function [out] ¼ fprint(ncase,neqn,t,u) %

% % % % % % % % %

% % % % %

% %

% %

% %

% %

Function fprint displays the numerical and exact solutions to the linear PDE Declare global variables global nsteps; Return current value of independent variable (MATLAB requires at least one return argument) out ¼ t; Problem parameters xl ¼ 0.0; xu ¼ 1.0; Print a heading for the solution at t ¼ 0 if(t< ¼ 0.0) Label for ODE integrator Fixed step modified Euler if(ncase ¼ ¼ 1) fprintf(‘\n\n euler2a integrator\n\n’); Variable step modified Euler elseif(ncase ¼ ¼ 2) fprintf(‘\n\n euler2b integrator\n\n’); Fixed step classical fourth order RK elseif(ncase ¼ ¼ 3) fprintf(‘\n\n rkc4a integrator\n\n’); Variable step classical fourth order RK elseif(ncase ¼ ¼ 4) fprintf(‘\n\n rkc4b integrator\n\n’); Fixed step RK Fehlberg 45 elseif(ncase ¼ ¼ 5) fprintf(‘\n\n rkc45a integrator\n\n’);


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% %

% %

% % % % % % % % % % % %

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Variable step RK Fehlberg 45 elseif(ncase ¼ ¼ 6) fprintf(‘\n\n rkc45b integrator\n\n’); end Heading fprintf(‘ ncase ¼ %2d neqn ¼ %2d nsteps ¼ %3d \n\n’,ncase,neqn,nsteps); fprintf(‘t u(num) u(exact) diff\n’); End of t ¼ 0 heading end Numerical and analytical solution output Midpoint value of x x ¼ (xu-xl)/2.0; Analytical solution at midpoint ue ¼ exp(-pi*pi*t)*sin(pi*x); Grid index of midpoint im ¼ round((neqnþ1)/2); Display the numerical and exact solutions, and their difference fprintf(‘%5.2f %11.6f %11.6f %13.4e\n’,t,u(im), ue,u(im)-ue);

Below are the results for the case int ¼ 3, (Runge–Kutta order four). The table is a display of the formatting set in fprint. rkc4a integrator ncase ¼ 3 neqn ¼ 21 nsteps ¼ 250 t 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

u(num) 1.000000 0.139476 0.019453 0.002713 0.000378 0.000053

u(exact) 1.000000 0.138911 0.019296 0.002680 0.000372 0.000052

diff 0.0000e þ 000 5.6448e  004 1.5714e  004 3.2810e  005 6.0893e  006 1.0595e  006

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Appendix B: Numerical Method of Lines Example using MATLAB


As is indicated in the main program, other integrators (such as the Euler or Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg) could have been used to solve this problem. That approach would provide a means to compare the results from each method. However, in the present example the classical Runge– Kutta method was used and the results are compared with those from the analytical solution under the column labeled u(exact). The other columns, u(num) and diff, are the numerical results and the difference between the exact and the numerical.

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Index A Adams–Bashforth predictor method, 407, 409 Adams–Moulton corrector method, 407, 409 Airy differential equation, 297 Airy functions, 297 Alternate methods for second order ODE, 66 Annihilation method, 49–55 Augmented matrix, 126, 388, 435 B Bernoulli equation, 22 Bessel equation, 40, 68, 212, 269, 309, 310, 333, 337 Bessel functions, 66–67, 208, 273, 281, 286, 298, 309, 333, 335, 339–341 Bessel’s inequality, 167 Biodegradation, 311 Biot number, 266 Boundary conditions, see Heat equation Boundary value problems, 136–144, 188, 296, 337, 409–416 scaling of, 291, 297, 318, 327, 337, 351 C Characteristic equation, 44, 48, 439 complex roots, 46 real and equal roots, 44 real and unequal roots, 44 Chemical vapor deposition, see CVD Combination of variables, 231 Condition number, 397 Confluent hypergeometric functions, 292,303, 329 equation 40, 67, 292, 303, 329 Convection, 290, 317 Convergence of Fourier Series, 166

Convolution integral, 79, 177 CVD (chemical vapor deposition), 242 D Determinants, 117, 119, 425–432 cofactor, 427 minor, 427 Differential equations, 1 application of, 29–38, 86–110, 259–348 order, 2, 13, 39 partial, 2, 183, 259 solution of, 3, 183–257 Diffusion equation, 277–296; see also Heat equation in microporous membrane, 284, 305 in polymeric membrane, 278 Dimensionless variables, 262, 277, 290, 351 Pi theorem, 353 Dirichlet kernel, 171 E Eigenfunction expansion, 147–149, 215 application of, 215–223 Eigenvalues, 44, 117, 144, 201, 270, 282, 287, 293, 299, 304, 312, 319, 329, 333, 340 Elimination, 114, 386–388 Error estimate, 395, 403 Error function, 226, 234, 240, 274, 290, 295 Euclidean norm, 434 Euler equation, 59 Euler formula for eiu, 46 Euler methods, 402, 404 Exact equation, 27 F FindRoot, 381 Finite difference methods, 411–414, 416–418 application of, 419


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Applied Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineers

First-order ordinary differential equation, 13 application of, 29–35 exact, 27 existence and uniqueness theorem, 21 homogeneous, 29 integrating factor for, 14–25 linear, 13, 21 nonlinear, 25 separable, 25 systems of, 110–127, 414 Forward difference methods, 417 Fourier integral transform, 173, 238 examples of, 174–181, 238–241 Fourier series, 153–173 coefficients of, 155 convergence of, 166 cosine and sine series, 162 least squares property of, 171 Frobenius method, 61–66 Fundamental set of solutions, 42 matrix, 125 G Gamma function, 74–76 Gaussian elimination, 385–390 Gauss-Seidel method, 390, 393, 395 General solution of linear equations, 13, 43 first order, 7, 15 second order, 43, 52 Green’s formula, 218 H Heat equation, 87, 90, 101, 103, 185–231, 259, 265, 268, 272, 274–277 boundary conditions for, 190–201 eigenfunction expansion of, 215–224 implicit method of solution, 407, 416 sink term, 214 source term, 216, 416 Heun method, 404 Homogeneous equations, 29, 41–48, 136, 189, 188

first-order equations, 29 second-order equations, 41–48, 136 I Identity matrix, 117, 431, 433 Implicit method, 416 Indicial equation, 64 Initial value problem, 32–35, 71, 127, 401, 409 Inner product, 430 Integrating factor procedure 14–20 Inverse Laplace transform, 72, 78, 115, 280, 339 formula for, 81, 339 Inverse matrix, 125, 398, 436 Iterative refinement, 400 J Jacobian, 382 Jacobi Method, 391, 393 Jenkins-Traub algorithm, 381 K Kahan’s condition, 395 L Laplace transform, 71–83, 114, 224–231, 273, 275, 279–282, 285–287, 297, 330, 335, 337–341 inverse of, see inverse Laplace transform properties of, 76–78 Linear differential equation, 13, 39, 49, 183 Linear operator, 42, 47, 183 annihilation method, 50–55 change of variable, 66 characteristic equation for, see Characteristic equation complex roots, 46, 118–120 complimentary solution, 44–48 fundamental set, 42 general solution, 44, 52 independence of solution, 49 particular solution, see Variation of parameters real and equal roots, 45, 120–122 real and unequal roots, 44, 116 undetermined coefficients, 49

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Index M Mass transfer, 95, 96, 242, 277, 299, 305, 317 Matrices, 125, 428, properties, 429–439 rank of, 355 Modified Euler method, 404 Multistep methods, 406 N NDSolve, 406 Newton’s method, 381, 382–385 convergence of, 382 for linear systems of, see FindRoot for nonlinear systems of, see FindRoot Nonhomogeneous equations, 40, 211 Nonlinear system of equations, 383, 421 Norm of a function, 154 Norm of a matrix, 396–400 ‘2 norm, 396, 434 ‘1 norm, 396, 434 NSolve, 381 Null matrix, 429, 430 O Order of differential equation, 2, 13, 39 Orthogonal functions, 154 Orthogonal matrix, 430 Orthonormal functions, 155 P Parseval’s identity, 168 Particular solution, see Variation of parameters Periodic boundary condition, see Heat equations Permutation matrix, 428 Piecewise continuous functions, 73, 153 Pivot element, 393 Pivoting, 388–390 maximal column, 390 partial, 390 Poles, 81 multiple, 82 simple, 82 Power series, 46, 61, 84–86, 405, 438 Predictor-corrector methods, 409, 415

Purturbation method, 242, 328 examples of, 242–255 R Reactive systems, 94, 96, 130, 305 autocatalytic, 23 consecutive second order, 19 surface and homogeneous, 318 surface reaction, 242, 307, 320 with diffusion, 94, 130, 305 with diffusion and convection, 318, 320, 323, 324 Recurrence relation, 64, 143 Reduction of order, 45 Regular singular point, 61 Residue theorem, 80–83, 339–342 application of, 230–231, 280, 285 Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma, 169 Round-off error, 415 Runge–Kutta methods, 405, 415 NDSolve, 406 ode45 of MATLAB, 406 Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg, 406 S Separable equations, 25–27 Separation of variables method, 187–215 Series solution 61–66; see also Power series Shooting method, 414 Singular point, 61–62 regular, 61 Solution of partial differential equation, 183 Steady–state solution, 109 Sturm–Liouville boundary value problems, 135 eigenfunctions, 139, 144, 147–149 eigenvalues, 117, 144, 201 Successive over-relaxation, 394–395 Superposition principle, 42, 184 Systems of algebraic equations, 385–395 of linear first-order equations, 110–127, 414 T Taylor series, 46, 83, 403; see also Power series

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Applied Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineers

Taylor’s method for initial value problem, 83 Truncation error, 403, 406

W Weight function, 144, 154, 317 Wronskian, 43, 122

U Upper triangular matrix, 389

Z Zeros of a function, 276 see FindRoot see NSolve

V Variable coefficient, 59 Variation of parameters, 56–59 Viscous flow, 331

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