Ergonomic Principles and the objectives are adaptation of the work to the worker and the worker to adopt to the work sit...
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Ergonomics was invented in 1857and was understood as “a scientific approach enabling us to reap for the benefit of ourselves and others, the best fruits of life’s labour for the minimum effort fruits of life’s labour for the minimum effort and maximum satisfaction”
The world ‘ERGONOMICS’ was coined from two Greek words ergon(work and nomos(R!le or "aw
!he international labour review in 1"#1 defined ergonomics as “!he application of the human biological science in con$unction with the engineering sciences to achieve the optimum mutual ad$ustment of man and his wor%, the benefits being measured in terms of human efficienc& and well being”
PRINCIPLES: Ergonomic Principles and the objectives are adaptation of the work to the worker and the worker to adopt to the work sitation! "t emphasis shold be given in design of improved work spots# work methods and e$ipment! %he benefits that can be e&pected from application of ergonomics in Indstr' are(
More efficient operation Feer accident !oer co"t of prod#ction Red#ced trainin$ ti%e Effecti&e deplo'%ent of per"onnel Red#ction in p('"ical "tre"" on orker"
The human-body can endure considerable discomfort and stress and can still perform work in many awkward and unnatural positions and adverse conditions but for a limited period of time. To ease discomfort during work to minimise fatigue and to improve efficiency of workers, ergonomic principles are applied. The principles should suit to the man-machineenvironment system in any Industry.
AIM OF APP!ICATION To facilitate a person to do or! efficientl"# To ens$re t%at &ec%anical or! is done it% &ini&al $se of ener'" and &aterials it%o$t aste ca$sed d$e to &ista!es# To ens$re safet" and %ealt% of &an at or!# To de(elop !noled'e and tec%ni)$es t%at ill i&pro(e t%e tec%nolo'" f$rt%er#
S C ) P E : +an and +achine partnership! : It deals with seat design# work bench design# positioning of displa's# controls and materials! : Is concerned with ensring that the# heating# ventilation noise# vibration and so are appropriate to the re$irements of the hman operator!
: ,ispla' design deals with design of scales# pointers# letters# nmbers and the si3e positioning and groping of instrments! : ,eals with hors of work# rest porers# shift work# interpersonal relationship and organisational aspects of work! 0ll these designs can be aimed at particlar kinds of people engaged in particlar tasks in an' Indstr'!
.)R/ SP0CE 0RR0N-E+EN%
Avoidance of all stooping(bending) and unnatural body positions. Extended position of arms constantly either forward or side ward should be avoided. Always prefer sitting position at work. Avoid standing. The arms should move together or in opposite direction.
Er$ono%ic A"pect of )and and *ri"t To $ra"p c'lindricall' or "p(ericall' To pinc( -' tip pre""#re, -' p#lp To (ook pre""#re or -' lateral pre""#re
Forces which come down the spine compresses the inter-vertebr! discs nd d"e to contin"o"s # repetitive s$"ee%in& the' cn r"pt"re nd b"!&e o"t prod"cin& severe pin( This he!ps to desi&n methods to minimi%e the )orces on these discs( To void s"ch )orces* one sho"!d "se pe!vic ti!t b' p"!!in& the stomch m"sc!es( It co"!d be done with +eepin& the bc+ stri&ht nd bendin& the !e&s( ,hen seted s"pport )or the bc+ to +eep the m"sc!es w' )rom &ettin& )ti&"ed sho"!d be "sed(
E!!Y /TTON R/!E Lods tht re he!d* !i)ted or crried sho"!d be +ept ner the be!!' b"tton( ' The wei&ht o) . po"nds !od ne/t to the be!!' b"tton 0 bo"t 12 w' )rom spine 3 e/erts 45. 6o"nds where s when wei&ht is moved o"t 742 )rom the be!!' b"tton* it wo"!d be 4.2 w' )rom the spine nd the spine wi!! now be 8.. 6o"nds( ' There)ore* the wor+ p!ce nd methods sho"!d be desi&ned so tht wor+ re$"irin& the "se o) rms is c!ose to the be!!' b"tton( ' ,hen the rm is e/tended in per)ormin& ts+ the m"sc!es o) the rm cnnot wor+ to the best o) their cpbi!it'(
Methods and work 'laces sho!ld e designed to 'romote workers to !se nat!ral mo)ements and sho!ld not e forced to mo)e loads with hands or arms in a straight line* $ nat!ral swing of arms take ++ , less m!scle strain than mo)ing the arm in a straight line* -ositi)e ste's sho!ld e !sed to sto' load mo)ements rather than to !se m!scle 'ower*
re)$irin' repetiti(e p$s%in' or p$llin'/ t%$&. s%o$ld .e $sed in stead of an" of t%e &iddle fin'ers# -o.s re)$irin' 'raspin' &o(e&ent for t%e %and s%o$ld .e desi'ned in s$c% a fas%ion/ so t%at t%ere is no .endin' of t%e rist %ile perfor&in' t%e 0o.# Contin$o$s .endin' of rist can lead to t%e disorder li!e carpal t$nnel s"ndro&e# So&e tools s$c% as %a&&ers/ pliers etc %a(e .een desi'ned it% a s$ita.le .end in t%eir %andles/ so t%at t%e" can .e $sed it% rist strai'%t#
EYE RULE +or! place .e so desi'ned t%at t%e or!ers can see all t%e t%in's to .e seen li!e 'a$'es/ control and &aterial etc# it%o$t $nd$e %ead &o(e&ent#
S1IN RULE T%e or! area s%o$ld .e free fro& o.str$ction and t%ere s%o$ld not .e a concentrated press$re on s&all s!in areas# +%ere e(er it is fo$nd t%at t%e or!ers $sed a tape or a clot% o(er t%e part of t%e &ac%ine %ile operatin' / it &eans t%at t%is place of &ac%ine is %$rtin' %i& .eca$se of t%e acc$&$lated press$re on a partic$lar part of t%e s!in# T%is needs i&&ediate attention to .e c%an'ed so t%at t%e or!s are it%o$t an" o.str$ction#
T%e T%in! First R$le *$&an tendenc" is to ta!e a s%ort2c$t or do so&e t%in' t%at is eas" rat%er t%an safe# T%is s%o$ld .e a(oided#
No 3rain Mac%ine R$le At t%e ti&e of desi'nin' 0o. or &ac%ines it s%o$ld .e ta!en into consideration t%at if t%e or!er did not t%in! %en %e 4 s%e perfor&ed t%e tas! co$ld %e4s%e 'et %$rt 5 If anser is "es/ necessar" c%an'e in desi'nin' is indicated# S$fficient statistics on t%e n$&.er of or!ers s$fferin' it% (ario$s disorder d$e to i&proper desi'nin' of t%e &ac%ines or t%e or! place are lac!in' .$t t%e lin!ed data clearl" indicate a.o$t t%e serio$sness of t%e sit$ation/ role of %$&an factors en'ineerin' in t%eir pre(ention#
CONCLUSION ERG9:9;ICS hs emer&ed o"t s n importnt brnch o) science in the ind"stri! wor!d( It hs !imited pp!iction in ind"str' prtic"!r!' in the deve!opin& co"ntries( However in never ind"stries the er&onomic spects re considered )rom the desi&n st&e itse!)( ,hi!e p!nnin& )or wor+-spce* e$"ipment nd interior rrn&ements etc( The techno!o&ic! pro&ress wi!! increse its pp!iction in vrio"s )ie!ds in )"t"re on cco"nt o) hi&her thr"st &iven on prod"ction o) $"!it' &oods with !ess h"mn error( Since mn nd mchine re!tionship hve to be optimised in most o) the ind"stries* the er&onomic spect cnnot be !ost site o) n' more in comin& decde(
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