Application For The Withdrawal of The Complaint Under Section 257

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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  Hppilnhtlak jar tfc wltfmrhwhi aj tfc Nagpihlkt ukmcr ^cntlak 43?, Nr.R.N.

DCJATC ]FC FAK'DIC NAST] AJ…………………..  AJ…………………..  Nrlglkhi Hppilnhtlak Ka. ………………… aj ………….  ………….   (Skmcr ^cntlak >42 (4), Nr.R.N.) Ak dcfhij aj tfc Nagpihlkt………………… Nagpihlkt… ………………   Lk Nhsc Ka. ……………………. aj 42………..  42………..  (Skmcr ^cntlak ………….. L. R. N./Nr.R.N.)  N./Nr.R.N.)  Mlstrlnt………………..   Mlstrlnt……………….. ^rl………………….. ^/a……………….. T/a …………………… R.^. ………………. Mlstrlnt …………….   ……………. ………….....

…Nagpihlkt …Nagpihlkt Zcrsus

^rl……………………….. ^/a …..…………….. T/a…………………… R.^. ………………. Mlstrlnt …………….  …………….  ………........ ………......

… Hnnuscm

]a ]fc Fak'dic @umoc aj tfc hjarcshlm Naurt. ]fc fugdic nagpihlkhkt gast fugdiy sfawctf hs ukmcr0 8. ]fht tfcajnagpihlkhkt tfc hnnuscm,aj dclko chnf atfcr, fhvc rchnfcm hk hglnhdic sctticgckt tfc nhsc ak hkm tfc lktcrvcktlak oaamrcihtcm jrlckmstahkm wcii wlsfcrs. 4. ]fht lk tfc hjarcshlm nlrnugsthkncs tfc nagpihlkhkt macs kat lktckm ta prascnutc tfc hnnuscm. >. ]fht tfc hjarcshlm nhsc stlii hwhlts tfc jlkhi armcrs. RTH\CT Lt ls, tfcrcjarc, gast rcspcntjuiiy prhycm tfht tfc Fak'dic Naurt ghy dc pichscm ta pcrglt tfc nagpihlkhkt ta wltfmrhw fls nagpihlkt hkm ghy hisa dc pichscm ta hnqult tfc hnnuscm. Mhtc0………….   Mhtc0………….




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