Application 151

August 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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IN THE HON’BLE COURT OF SH. JAY THAREJA, ARC, KKD, DELHI E - 13/2015  NEW NO. – 666/2016 In the matter of:Smt. Renu Mittal &Anr.


Versus Smt. Ruby


APPLICATION ON BEHALF OF THE PETITIONERS U/S 151 FOR APPROPRIATE ORDER AND DIRECTION Most respectfully showeth:1. That the above above case is pending for for disposal disposal before before this this Hon’ble Hon’ble court and and fixed for for 29.10.2015. 29.10.2015. 2. That considering considering the averment avermentss made by the respondent respondent in her written written statement statement,, this Hon’ble Hon’ble court has been pleased to pass an order on dt. 27.07.2015 u/s 15(1)of the DRC act whereby directing the respondent to deposit the arrears of rent w.e.f. December 2014 till date within thirty days @ Rs. 500/ per month and also directed to continue to pay at the same rate month by month upto the 7 th day of  succeeding month.

3. That That the contents contents of the order passed passed by this Hon’bl Hon’blee court an order dt. 27.07.2 27.07.2015 015 has not been complied with so far despite having been elapsed 50 days. Hence the present application. 4. That That the non-compl non-complian iance ce of the order order dt. 27.07.201 27.07.2015 5 on the part of the respon respondent dent resul resulted ted in an appropriate eviction order as the respondent tenant is enjoying the demise premises without payment of rent. Hence at this stage, pronouncement of the Hon’ble Apex court in matter of Smt. Satyawati Sharma is attracted. 5. That That the presen presentt applicat application ion is being files files in view of the facts facts and circumsta circumstances nces of the case not otherwise. Therefore, petitioners are entitled for an eviction order at this stage.


6. That there there is no undue undue delay in approach approaching ing this Hon’bl Hon’blee court by way way of the present present applicat application ion on the part of the petitioners. It is therefore most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble court may be pleased to pass an appropriate order  for eviction by striking off the right to defense this case ca se at this stage in the interest of justice. Petitioners Delhi  


Dated 12.10.2015      

V K Sharma Advocate 102, shiv puri, Delhi – 51 9811116149

IN THE HON’BLE COURT OF MS. BHAVANI SHARMA, ARC, KKD, DELHI E - 13/2015 In the matter of:Smt. Renu Mittal &Anr.


Versus Smt. Ruby

Respondent AFFIDAVIT


I, Renu Mittal W/o Sh. Rakesh Mittal Mittal aged about 57, R/o H. No.1175 E Main Hari Om Gali, East Babarpur, Shahdara, Delhi-32 and Also At H. No.30/8 E Main Hari Om Gali, East Babarpur, Shahdara, Delhi-32, do solemnly affirm and declare as under:1. That I am the petitio petitioner ner no.1 in the above above noted Eviction Eviction Petition Petition and therefore therefore fully fully conversant conversant with the facts and circumstances of the case as such I am competent to swear this Affidavit on my behalf  and on behalf of the petitioner no. 2 being wife. 2. That That the content contentss of the accompa accompanyi nying ng applicat application ion u/s 151 CPC for an evicti eviction on order are true true and correct to my knowledge and belief.



Verification Verified on this day of , 2015, in Delhi that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.



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