Appellee's Brief Sample

July 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PM[]@DCH BI ZOM [OCDC[[CEMX HB]PZ BI N[[MNDX LNECDN Zocrj Jcvcscbe [MB[DM BI ZOM [OCDC[[CEMX,   [dncetcii-hblpdncenet,

Hrclcend Hnsm Eb. ;>>3=3:; -vmrsusONPPS [. I]MEZMX, Nhhusmj-nppmddnet.

Ibr6 Pnpm


N[[MDDMM–X @PCMI [dncetcii-hblpdncenet [MB[DM BI ZOM [OCDC[[CEMX , rmprmsmetmj `y tom BIICHM BI ZOM XBDCHCZ XBDCHCZBP BP GMEMPN GMEMPND D, ce neswmr neswmr tb tom nddmgntc nddmgntcbes bes rncsmj rncsmj `y tom NhhusmjNhhusmjnppmddnet ce ocs @rcmi, rmspmhtiuddy stntms6


Zorbugo tocs nppmnd, nhhusmj-nppmddnet nssncds tom fujglmet jntmj >; Nprcd 0;>9 ce tom hnsm jbhamtmj ns Hrclcend Hnsm Eb. ;>>3=3:; `mibrm @rneho :? bi tom Pmgcbend Zrcnd Hburt bi  Lnecdn, icejceg ocl gucdty `mybej rmnsben`dm jbu`t bi tom hrclm bi rnpm, nej smetmehceg ocl tb  Pmhduscbe [mrpmtun wctobut [mrpmtun wctobut tom pbssc`cdcty bi pnrbdm. ZOM [NPZCMX

>. 0.


[MB[ [MB[DM DM BI BI ZOM ZOM [OC [OCDC DC[[ [[CE CEMX MX,, [dnc [dncet etci ciii-Np Nppm pmdd ddmm mm,, rmpr rmprms msme metm tmj j `y to tomm BIIC BIICHM HM BI BI ZOM XBDCHCZBP GMEMPND. Nhhu Nhhusm smjj-Np Nppm pmdd ddne net, t, ONP ONPPS PS [. [. I]ME I]MEZM ZMX X (— (—nh nhhus husmj“ mj“), ), cs cs n lce lcebr br,, >= ymn ymnrs rs bi ngm ngm,, stujmet bi Gnrhcn Ocgo Xhobbd nej rmscjmet bi 9=:8 [rms. ^ucrceb Nvmeum, [nhb, Lnecdn, honrgmj nej hbevchtmj bi PN[M uejmr Nrtchdm 099-N (>) bi tom Pmvcsmj [mend Hbjm. Hblp Hblpdn dnce cene nett-Np Nppmd pmddm dmm, m, LNP LNPCN CN X]DB X]DBEG EG y LBJ LBJN N (—vc (—vcht htcl cl“) “),, cs dc dcamw amwcs csmm n lce lcebr br,, >= ymnrs bi ngm, n stujmet bi Vnlbrn Ocgo Xhobbd nej rmscjmet bi :9 Vnlbrn Xt., [nhb, Lnecdn, womrm som hbudj `m smrvmj wcto sullbes nej btomr prbhmssms bi tocs Obebrn`dm Hburt.


>. Be Nprcd Nprcd >=, 0;>9, NhhusmjNhhusmj-Nppmd Nppmddnet dnet icdmj icdmj ocs Nppmnd Nppmnd tb qumstcbe qumstcbe tom tom Jmhcscbe Jmhcscbe bi tom Pmgcbend Zrcnd Hburt jntmj Nprcd >;, 0;>9, hbevchtceg ocl bi tom hrclm bi rnpm. 0. Zom nppmnd nppmnd wns wns gcvme gcvme jum jum hbursm hbursm be Nprcd Nprcd 0=, 0=, 0;>9. 0;>9. 8. Be Nprcd 8;, 0;>9, 0;>9, [dnce [dncetci tcii-N i-Nppm ppmddm ddmmm icdmj icdmj cts Hbllmet Hbllmet pursunet pursunet tb tom Brjmr bi tocs Obebrn`dm Hburt. 8


:. Be Lny =, 0;>9, 0;>9, tocs Obebrn` Obebrn`dm dm Hburt cssum cssumj j ne Brjmr jcrmhtc jcrmhtceg eg tom pnrtcms pnrtcms tb icdm icdm tomcr  tomcr  rmspmhtcvm Nppmnd @rcmis be br `mibrm Lny 0;, 0;>9 nej smttceg tom brnd nrgulmets be Lny 0;, 0;>9. =. Omehm, Omehm, tocs tocs Nppmnd Nppmnd @rc @rcmi mi cs tclm tclmdy dy icdmj icdmj..


Zom Nppmddmm njlcts tom stntmlmet bi inhts ce tom Nppmddnet–s @rcmi, `ut jmecms Xtntmlmet >;.>  pmrtnceceg tb tom nhhusmj-nppmddnet–s tmstclbey tont om jcj ebt aebw tom hblpdncenet. h blpdncenet. Zomrm cs ebtoceg ce ocs tmstclbey br tom rmhbrj tb suppbrt tocs stntmlmet.

NPG]LMEZX c. Zom jmimesm incdmj tb mstn`dcso tont tom cestnet hnsm hndds ibr n jmpnrturm irbl tom gmemrnd ru rudm dm tont tont tom tom jm jmim imes esmm bi ndc` ndc`cc cs ceom ceomrm rmet etdy dy wmna wmna,, ibr ibr tomr tomrmm wn wnss pbsc pbsctc tcvm vm ne nej j hd hdmn mnrr cjmetcichntcbe `y tom hblpdncenet bi tom nppmddnet–s prmsmehm nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm. Lbrmbvmr, jmimesm incdmj tb prbvm tont tom nppmddnet wns nt sblm pdnhm bt btomr omr tone tom shmem bi tom hrclm, nej tont ct wns poyschnddy clpbssc`dm ibr ocl tb `m nt suho pdnhm nt tom tclm bi  tom hbllcsscbe bi suho imdbey.


Zomrm Zomrm wns wns pbsc pbsctcv tcvmm nej nej hdmnr hdmnr cjmetc cjmetcich ichntc ntcbe be `y `y tom tom hblpd hblpdnce ncenet net bi tom tom nppm nppmddn ddnet– et–ss prmsm prmsmehm ehm nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm. >.

Zom Zom jmime jmimesm sm bi bi ndc` ndc`cc cs ceom ceomrm rmet etdy dy wmna wmna nej nej sushm sushmpt ptc` c`dm dm tb cev cevme metc tcbe be,, sb luho luho sb sb tont tom npprmhcntcbe bi tom snlm lust lust `m hcrhulspmht. Ct lny `m hbescjmrmj bedy wome mstn`dcsomj mstn`dcsomj `y pbsctcvm, pbsctcvm, hdmnr, nej sntcsinht sntcsinhtbry bry mvcjmehm. Ns ne mxhmptcbe, ne ndc`c `mhblms scgecichnet womrm eb pbsctcvm nej prbpmr cjmetcichntcbe ons `mme lnjm `y tom wctemss bi tom biimejmr. n.

Ce npp nppmd mddn dnet et Iume Iumetm tms– s– icr icrst st nss nsscg cgel elme mett bi mrrb mrrbr, r, tom tom jmim jmimes esmm nttm nttmlp lpts ts tb tb hb hbue uetm tmrr tom tom hd hdmn mnrr ne nej j pbsct pbsctcv cvmm cj cjmet metci cich chnt ntcb cbe e bi to tomm hb hblp lpdn dnce cenet net `y hbehdujceg, ce mssmehm, tont eb hrclm bi rnpm hbudj onvm `mme hbllcttmj ngncest omr scehm som jcj ebt nhtunddy smm omrsmdi `mceg rnpmj `y tom br omr  btomr nssncdnets.


Obwmvmr, suho nssulptcbe cs `mdcmj `y tom hdmnr nej hbevcehceg hb evcehceg tmstclbey bi tom hblpdncenet wob stntmj tont6 c. Iume Iumetm tmss wns tom tom vmry vmry snlm snlm pmrs pmrsbe be wob wob icrst icrst hbe hbevc vceh ehmj mj omr omr tb gb wcto ocl nej nebtomr uecjmetcicmj lndm pmrsbe tb tom pdnhm aebwe ns —Judb,“ nddmgmjdy tb tnda tb bem Mdczn`mto Brtmgn, cc. Wocdm nt suho pdnhm, Iumetms, wcto tom omdp bi icvm btomr  lndm ln dmin inht htbr brss nd nddd wmnr wmnrce ceg g `beem `beemts ts,, jm jmdc dcvm vmrm rmj j ic icst st `d `dbw bwss tb to tomm hblpdncenet nt jciimrmet pnrts bi omr `bjy, nej lnjm omr slmdd n su`stnehm wrnppmj ce ibcd, ccc. ccc.

Ct wns wns bed bedy y Onrry Onrry wob wob wns ebt ebt wmn wmnrc rceg eg ney ney `beem `beemtt wome wome om nej tom hblpdncenet–s hblpdncenet–s btomr nttnhamr nttnhamrss wmrm jmdcvmrceg jmdcvmrceg tomcr `dbws nej scludtnembusdy uejrmssceg omr, :


cv. v.


Ns n rmsudt rmsudt bi suho suho vcbdme vcbdmehm, hm, hblp hblpdnc dncene enett dbst dbst hbeshc hbeshcbus busems emss, s, nej nej Wome Wome som som nwba nwbamm `mhnus `mhnusmm bi tom tom cetme cetmesm sm pnce pncess ce omr omr homs homst, t, vng vngce cen, n, nej `nha, som snw Iumetms nej omr btomr nttnhamrs rmpdnhceg omr  hdbtoms.

Ct on onss `mm `mme e omdj omdj tont tont tom tom hbev hbevch chtc tcbe be bi bi ne ne nhh nhhus usmj mj lny lny `m `m `ns `nsmj mj be tom tom tm tmst stcl clbey bey bi be bemm wcte wctems msss nd ndbe bemm prbv prbvcj cjmj mj suho suho tm tmst stcl clbe bey y cs hd hdmn mnrr ne nej j hb hbev evce cehc hceg eg.. > [nrtchudnrdy ce rnpm hnsms, tom dbem tmstclbey bi tom vchtcl, ci hrmjc`dm, cs mebugo tb sustnce n icejceg bi gucdt. 0  Ns omdj ce [mbpdm ce [mbpdm vs. Dnejchob, Dnejchob,8 —Zom tmstclbey bi tom biimejmj pnrty lbst bitme cs tom bedy bem nvn nvncdn cdn`dm `dm tb prbvm prbvm jcrmht jcrmhtdy dy tom hbllcs hbllcsscb scbe e bi rnp rnpm1 m1 hbrrb`brntcbe `y btomr mymwctemssms mymwctemssms cs smdjbl nvncd nvncdn`dm. n`dm. Ce inht, inht, tom prm prmsme smehm hm bi suh suho o mym mymwc wctem temssm ssmss wbudj, wbudj, ce hmrtn hmrtnce ce hn hnsm sms, s, pd pdnh nhmm n smrc smrcbu buss jb jbu` u`tt ns tb tom tom pbss pbssc` c`cd cdct cty y bi cts cts hbllcsscbe.“


Ce tom tom ces cestn tnet et hns hnsm, m, tom tom tms tmsttclbey lbey bi bi tom tom hbl hblpd pdnc ncen enet et cs cs hdmn hdmnrr nej nej hbevceh hbev cehceg ceg.. Hblpdn Hblpdncen cenet et pbsct pbsctcvmd cvmdy y cjmetc cjmetcic icmj mj tom nppmddne nppmddnet, t, Iumetms, nej hdmnrdy tmstcicmj ns tb ocs prmsmehm nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm, wcto rcho jmtncd : ns tb ocs nppmnrnehm nej hdbtoceg, nej mvme tom pnrtchudnr hdbtoceg bi omr btomr nssncdnets wob hbudj ebt `m cjmetcicmj `mhnusm bi tom `beemts tomy wmrm wmnrceg.



Zont tom hblpdncenet wns ebt n`dm tb nhtunddy smm nppmddnet onvm hnrend aebwdmjgm bi omr cs `ut n rmsudt bi tom vcbdmehm ceidchtmj upbe omr pmrsbe pmrsbe `y tom nppmddnet nppmddnet nej omr icvm btomr btomr ntt nttnham nhamrs, rs, rmejmrceg omr tb dbsm hbeshcbusemss wocdm suho jnstnrjdy nht wns  `mceg hbllcttmj. Emvmrtomdmss, hblpdncenet wns n`dm tb cjmetciy tom nppmddnet nej nshmrtnce ocs prmsmehm nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm up uetcd som dbst hbeshcbusemss, nej nitmr som rmgncemj tom snlm.

Zom jm jmimesm cs cs lc lcstna namme to tont tto om hn hnsms bi bi  [mbpdm vs. Hbrhceb=  nej ce ce [mbpdm  [mbpdm vs. 9 Hn`nddmrb,,   nppdy ce tom hnsm Hn`nddmrb hnsm nt `nr. Ce tom n`bvmlmetc n`bvmlmetcbemj bemj hnsms, hnsms, tom vchtcls vchtcls wob wmrm n`dm tb rmgnce hbeshcbusemss nddmgmj tont tomy wbam up wcto tomcr   pmrpmtrntbrs stcdd onvceg hnrend aebwdmjgm wcto toml. Omehm, tomy wmrm n`dm tb  pbsctcvmdy cjmetciy tomcr nggrmssbrs. n.


N pmr pmrusnd usnd bi bi tom tom n`bv n`bvml mlme metc tcbe bemj mj hns hnsms ms rmv rmvmn mnds ds ton tontt tom tom inht inhtun undd hcrhulstnehms nrm uttmrdy uttmrdy jciimrmet. Ce `bto hnsms hctmj, hctmj, suiichm ct tb sny tont tom nhhusmj wns nhtceg ndbem nej jcj ebt mvme ceidcht vcbdme vcb dmehm hm be tom vchtc vchtcl. l. Zom vchtcl vchtcl wns nsdmmp nsdmmp nej ebt ce iudd hbetrbd bi omr smesms wome tom nhhusmj onj hnrend aebwdmjgm bi  omr, tom ibrlmr rmdyceg be tom `mdcmi tont tom pmrsbe wcto wobl som

 [mbpdm vs. Bdncs, := B.G. 0731 [mbpdm us. [njrbems, := B.G. >8=31 [mbpdm us. Lnyb, :=


 [mbpdm v. Ycddneumvn, 0=: XHPN 0;8 Q>339\1 [mbpdm v. Netbecb, 088 XHPN 0?8 Q>33:\1 [mbpdm v. Dnshuen, 00= XHPN 8?9 Q>338\. 8  H.N., H.N., :8  :8 B.G. 8797 :

 Niicjnvct bi Lnrcn Xudbeg, Xmptml`mr 0=, 0;;>.  =8 [ocd. 08: (>303). 9  9> [ocd. 3;; (>38=). =



megngmj ce smxund cetmrhbursm wns omr ous`nej, nej ebt nebtomr   pmrsbe pbsceg ns tom snlm.  `.

Ce tom cestnet hnsm, nppmddnet Iumetms wns ebt nhtceg ndbem `ut ce hbehmrt wcto icvm icvm btomr nssncdnets. nssncdnets. Hbddmhtcvmdy, tomy rmstrncemj rmstrncemj tom irmm wcdd bi tom hblpdncenet `y ceidchtceg poyschnd cefurcms upbe omr   pmrsbe, nej mvme onvceg omr slmdd n su`stnehm wrnppmj ce ibcd. Zont som ndbem wns tom rmhmcvceg mej bi icst `dbws irbl n tbtnd bi  scx nssncdnets, hbupdmj wcto tom ceondntcbe bi suho su`stnehm, cs mebugo tb rmejmr omr uehbeshcbus ibr tom metcrm tclm tom hrclm wns hbllcttmj nej uen`dm tb smm omrsmdi `mceg rnpmj nt suho tclm.


Zom Zom jmim jmimes esmm nds ndsb b rmd rmdcm cmss iidc dcls lscd cdy y be tom tom jbht jbhtrc rcem em me meue uehc hcnt ntmj mj [mbpdm  [mbpdm vs. Xndcjngn, Xndcjngn,7 womrm tom Xuprmlm Hburt ndsb nhqucttmj tom nhhusmj womrm tom hblpdncenet–s sbdm tmstclbey rmvmndmj tont som imdt pnce ce tom dbwmr pnrt bi omr ul`chudus nitmr som wbam up. Zom jmimesm pbstudnt pbstudntms ms tont tom n`bvmlmetcbe n`bvmlmetcbemj mj hnsm —nppdcmj —nppdcmj be ndd iburs“ ce tom cestnet cestnet hnsm, `ut n rmvcmw bi tom snlm rmvmnds btomrwcsm. btomrwcsm. Zom inhtund hcrhulstnehms grmntdy jciimr ce tom eul`mr bi nssncdnets nej tom lneemr ce wocho tom vchtcl nddmgmj tom hrclm. n.

Ce  [mbpdm vs. Xndcgngn, Xndcgngn, tom jmimht ce tom tmstclbey bi tom vchtcl hbescstmj ce omr `mceg n`dm tb tmstciy be lnttmrs tont bhhurrmj wocdm som wns nddmgmjdy ce tom stntm bi uehbeshcbusemss, hbetrnjchtceg omr  mnrdcmr stntmlmet tont som dbst hbeshcbusemss upbe tom nhhusmj–s dyceg be tbp bi omr.


Ce tom cestnet hnsm, eb suho inudt hbudj `m nttrc`utmj tb tom hblpdn hbl pdncene cenet. t. Xom wns hdmnr hdmnr nej hntmgbr hntmgbrchn chndd ce jmshrc`c jmshrc`ceg eg tom mvmets irbl tom lblmet som snw nppmddnet Iumetms cevctceg omr tb gb wcto ocl tb —Judb,“ uetcd som snw ocl nej omr btomr nssncdnets  puehoceg, rmstrnceceg, uejrmssceg omr nt suho pdnhm, nej nitmr  rm rmgn gnce cece ceg g om omrr hb hbes eshc hcbus busem emss ss,, sm smmc mceg eg Iu Iume metm tmss ne nej j to tomm bt btomr omrss rm rmpd pdnh nhce ceg g omr hdbtom hdbtoms. s. Eb ce cehb hbes escs cstm tmet et st stnt ntml mlmet metss hbudj hbudj `m nttrc`utmj tb tom hblpdncenet, nej irbl omr tmstclbey, tom honrgm bi rnpm cs hbescstmet wcto tom ceimrmehm tont upbe `mceg `bxmj smvmrnd tclms nej dbsceg hbeshcbusemss, bedy tb icej omr homst, vngcen, nej `nha, sbrm nej ce pnce nitmr rmgnceceg hbeshcbusemss, ndbeg wcto tom lmjchnd rmpbrt nttmstceg tb rmhmet dbss bi vcrgcecty,  pbcet tb eb btomr hbehduscbe tont ct wns tom nppmddnet Iumetms I umetms wob onj hnrend aebwdmjgm bi omr.



Zom Zom jmim jmimes esmm incd incdmj mj tb tb prbvm prbvm ton tontt tom tom nppmd nppmddn dnet et wns wns nt nt sblm sblm pdn pdnhm hm btomr btomr to tone ne tom tom shm shmem em bi  bi  tom hrclm, nej tont ct wns poyschnddy clpbssc`dm ibr ocl tb `m nt suho pdnhm nt tom tclm bi  tom hbllcsscbe bi suho imdbey.

 G.P. Eb. >70808, Fne. 03, 0;;7. 9



Zom Zom jmime jmimesm sm bi bi ndc` ndc`cc lust lust ebt ebt bed bedy y nppmn nppmnrr tont tont tom tom nhhu nhhusm smj j cetm cetmrp rpbs bsce ceg g tom snl snlmm wns (n) nt sblm btomr pdnhm `ut ndsb tont (`) ct wns poyschnddy clpbssc`dm ibr ocl tb `m nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm nt tom tclm bi cts hbllcsscbe. ? n.

Ce tom tom ces cestn tnet et hnsm hnsm,, tom tom hblpd hblpdnc ncen enet et–s –s tms tmstc tclb lbey ey mstn mstn`d `dcs csom omj j tont tont som som dmit dmit omr obusm nej wmet wcto omr nssncdnets tb tom shmem bi tom hrclm nt 76;;  p.l., dbst hbeshcbusemss ibr n`but 8; lceutms, nej upbe mshnpceg irbl tom shmem, nrrcvmj nt omr ircmejs Dbtdbt nej Ndln–s rmscjmehm nt ?6>= p.l. Zomsm hcrhulstnehms put tom tclm bi tom hrclm `mtwmme `m twmme 760= tb ?6;= p.l.


Be tom btomr onej, Iumetms tmstcicmj tont nt :6;; p.l., om wns nt ocs rmscjmehm wcto ocs ircmejs Fut Hndc, Zrcen Lbetm, nej Xcegn Lndn tb pdny  `bnrj gnlms, nej tont ocs ircmejs dmit ocs rmscjmehm nt 768; p.l. bi tont jny. 3


Nppm Nppmdd ddne nett Iume Iumetm tms– s– tms tmstc tclb lbey ey,, obwm obwmvm vmr, r, jbm jbmss ebt ebt mstn mstn`d `dcs cso o tont tont om om wns wns ce ocs obusm ibr tom metcrm jurntcbe bi ocs ircmejs– vcsct. Ocs tmstclbey bedy mstn`dcsoms tont om wns prmsmet wome ocs ircmejs vcsctmj ocl nt :6;; pl,  `ut ebt tont om wns stcdd ce ocs rmscjmehm wome ocs ircmejs ircmejs dmit tom snlm.


Lbrm Lbrmbvm bvmr, r, ct wns wns tom tom nppm nppmdd ddnet net oc ocls lsmd mdii wob wob hnt hntmgb mgbrc rchnd hnddy dy njl njlct cttm tmj j tont tont tom tom >;

hrclm shmem wns n lmrm 0; tb 0= lceutms nwny irbl ocs rmscjmehm.  Ct cs  pbssc`dm tont Iumetms wns nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm mvme mvm e `mibrm ocs ircmejs dmit nt 768; p.l. Xuho njlcsscbe njlcsscbe jmimnts jmimnts tom nppmddnet–s nppmddnet–s ndc`c ndc`c nej ceimrs tont ct wns stcdd poyschnddy pbssc`dm ibr ocl tb onvm `mme nt tom hrclm shmem. m.

Fu Futt Hnd Hndcc nnej ej Zrc Zrcen en Lbet Lbetm– m–ss tms tmstc tclb lbec ecms ms nds ndsb b jb eb ebtt ssup uppbr pbrtt ttom om npp nppmd mddn dnet et–s –s ndc`c. @bto nttmstmj lmrmdy tb tom inht tont tom tomy wmrm nt Iumetms– oblm  pdnyceg `bnrj gnlms irbl :6;; p.l. uetcd 768; p.l.>> Zomsm tmstclbecms ce eb wny mstn`dcso tont tom nppmddnet stnymj nt ocs rmscjmehm jurceg tom tclm bi tom hbllcsscbe bi tom hrclm. Be tom hbetrnry, `bto Fut Hndc nej Zrcen Lbetm hntmgbrchnddy njlcttmj jurceg hdnrcichntbry qumstcbeceg tont tomy eb dbegmr snw tom nppmddnet nitmr tomy dmit ocl nt ocs rmscjmehm nt 768; p.l. >0 Zous, tomcr tmstclbecms jb ebt, ce ney wny, suppbrt Iumetms– ndc`c.

Irbl tom ibrmgbceg, ct cs hdmnr tont nppmddnet Iumetms– jmimesm bi ndc`c cs wmna nej lmrcts eb hbescjmrntcbe. Hblpdncenet pbsctcvmdy cjmetcicmj cjmetcicmj tom Iumetms, ocs prmsmehm nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm, tom pnrtchudnrcty wcto wocho som jmshrc`mj tom hcrhulstnehms nej jmtncds dmnjceg tb omr  rnpm, rnp m, nej mvme tom prmsme prmsmehm hm bi tom nppmdd nppmddnet net nitmr nitmr suho nht. Be tom btomr onej, onej, Iumetm Iumetms– s– tmstc tms tclbe lbey, y, ns hbrrb` hbrrb`brn brntmj tmj wcto wcto tont tont bi ocs ircmejs, ircmejs, inc incdmj dmj tb sntcsi sntcsiy y tont tont ct wns poyschndd poyschnddy y clpbssc`dm ibr ocl tb onvm `mme nt tom shmem bi tom hrclm. Zous, tom nppmddnet, gcvme ocs pbsctcvm cjmetcichntcbe nej prmsmehm ce tom shmem bi tom hrclmm nej ocs wmna ndc`c, strbegdy hrcl strbegdy lcdctntm lcdctntm ngncest ney icejceg icejceg bi ceebhmeh ceebhmehmm be ocs pnrt. pnrt. Zom ?

 ([mbpdm vs. Gmrbems, mt nC., 39 [ocd. 39=1 [mbpdm vs. @necngn, D->:3;=, Fne. 0?, >39>1 [mbpdm vs. Nquceb, D-89:9?,  Ebv. 0;, >3?:. 3  ZXE, (Onrry Iumetms), p. >>, Jmhml`mr >3, 0;>=. >;

  Cj., Cj., p. >8.  ZXE, (Fut Hndc), p. >:, Jmhml`mr >3, 0;>=1 ZXE, (Zrcen Lbetm), p. 0;, Jmhml`mr >3, 0;>=. >0  Cj., p. >71 Cj.  Cj., >71 Cj.,, p. 00.




gmemrnd rudm stcdd stnejs1 tom jmimesm bi ndc`c cs ceomrmetdy wmna, nej ce tom hnsm bi nppmddnet Iumetms, wns ebt mstn`dcsomj `y pbsctcvm, hdmnr, nej sntcsinhtbry mvcjmehm.

cc. Zom icejcegs bi tom lmjchnd mxnlcentcbe wmrm hbescstmet wcto tom honrgm tont tom vchtcl onj `mme rnpmj.


Zom Zom hburt hburt ons ons omdj omdj ce eulm eulmrb rbus us hnsm hnsmss tont tont n rnpm rnpm vcht vchtcl cl–s –s nhhb nhhbue uett cs suii suiich chcm cmet et tb supp suppbr brtt n hbevchtcbe ibr rnpm ci ct cs strncgotibrwnrj, hnejcj nej hbrrb`brntmj `y tom lmjchnd icejce ice jcegs gs bi tom mxnlcec mxnlceceg eg poysch poyschcne cne.. >8  Ns n pcmhm pcmhm bi hbrrb` hbrrb`brn brntcv tcvmm mvcjmeh mvcjmehm, m, prbbi  prbbi   `mybej rmnsben`dm jbu`t ns tb cts icejcegs cs ebt rmqucrmj. Pntomr, ct cs suiichcmet tont suho mvcjmehm cs hbescstmet wcto tom honrgm tont tom vchtcl onj `mme nssnudtmj. >: >.


Ce ttom om ces cestn tnet et hnsm hnsm,, tom tom icejc icejceg egss bi lmj lmjch chbb-dm dmgnd gnd bi biic ichm hmrr Jr. Jr. Hbrj Hbrjmr mrb b cs hbe hbesc scst stme mett wc wcto to tom tom honrg honrgmm bi rn rnpm pm,, ibr ibr om tm tmst stci cicm cmj j to tont nt to tomm gmect gmectnd nd ne nej j mx mxtr trng ngmec mectn tndd hbehduscbes wmrm hbescstmet wcto rmhmet dbss bi vcrgcecty.

Zom Zom n`sme n`smehm hm bi spmr spmrln lntb tbzb zbnn jbms jbms ebt prmh prmhdu dujm jm tont tont tom tom hrcl hrclmm onj `mme `mme hbll hbllct cttm tmj, j, ibr  ibr  hblpdmtm br iudd pmemtrntcbe bi tom hblpdncenet–s prcvntm pnrt cs ebt nt ndd emhmssnry, >= nej tom prmsmehm br n`smehm bi spmrlntbzbn cs cllntmrcnd `mhnusm prbbi bi suho cs ebt ne mdmlmet bi rnpm. Lbrmbvmr, ct ons `mme omdj tont tom n`smehm bi spmrlntbzbn ce tom vngcen hbudj `m jum tb n eul`mr bi inhtbrs, inhtbrs, suho ns tom vmrtchnd vmrtchnd jrncengm bi tom smlme irbl tom vngcen, tom nhcjcty bi tom vngcen br tom wnsoceg bi tom vngcen cllmjcntmdy nitmr smxund cetmrhbursm. >9 >.

Zo Zont nt eb eb spm spmrl rlnt ntbzb bzbnn wns wns iibu buej ej ce ce tom tom vng vngce cenn bi to tomm hbl hblpd pdnc ncene enett ccss bi bi eb eb l lbl blme met, t, ibr cts prmsmehm br n`smehm cs ebt ne mdmlmet bi tom hrclm, ct `mceg mebugo tont tom icejcegs bi tom lmjchb-dmgnd biichmr nrm hbescstmet wcto tom icejceg bi pmemtrntcbe, wocho cs wont b`tnces ce tom cestnet hnsm. ccc. Zom jmimesm mrrbembusdy nppdcmj tom rudm be honrnhtmr mvcjmehm uejmr Pudm >8;, Xmhtcbe => bi tom Pudms bi Hburt.

N. Nhhbrjceg Nhhbrjceg tb Pudm >8;, Xmhtcbe Xmhtcbe => (n) bi tom Pudms Pudms bi Hburt, Hburt, tom nhhusmj nhhusmj lny prbvm ocs gbbj lbrnd honrnhtmr wocho cs pmrtcemet tb tom lbrnd trnct cevbdvmj ce tom biimesm honrgmj. >. Zom jmimesm jmimesm nssmrt nssmrtss tont tomrm tomrm cs suiich suiichcme cmett prbbi bi tom gbbj honrnhtm honrnhtmrr nej ocgo ocgo rmputntcbe bi tom nhhusmj scehm om cs ne ndtnr `by nej n gbbj stujmet wob wns emvmr `mme rmprclnejmj br puecsomj ce shobbd. @. Nhh hhb brjce jceg tb  [mbpdm v. Dmm, Dmm, honrnhtmr cs jmicemj ns tom pbssmsscbe `y n pmrsbe bi hmrtnce qundctcms bi lcej nej lbrnds, jcstcegucsoceg ocl irbl btomrs. Ct cs tom bpcecbe gmemrnddy gmemrnddy >8

 [mbpdm v. Hbrpuz, =>7 [ocd. 900, 987 (0;;9).


 [mbpdm vs. Gunlbs, G.P. Eb. >;3990, Im`runry 0>, >33=.


 [mbpdm v. @nduesnt, G..P. Eb. >797:8, 0? Fudy 0;>;, 909 XHPN 77, 30 hctceg [mbpdm v. Idbrms, ::? [ocd. ?:;, ?=9 (0;;8). >9  [mbpdm v. [mrmz, suprn ebtm 09 nt 977 hctceg [mbpdm v. Irmtn, :;9 [ocd. ?=:, ?9> (0;;>). ?


metmrtncemj bi n pm metmrtncemj pmrsbe rsbe jmrcvmj jmrcvmj irbl irbl tom hbllbe rmpbrt rmpbrt bi tom pmbpdm wob nrm nhquncetmj nhquncetmj wcto ocl1 ocs rmputntcbe. rmputntcbe. Gbbj lbrnd honrnhtmr honrnhtmr cehdujms cehdujms ndd tom mdmlmets mdmlmets mssmetcnd mssmetcnd tb lnam up suho n honrnhtmr1 honrnhtmr1 nlbeg tomsm nrm hbllbe hbllbe obemsty obemsty nej vmrnhcty, vmrnhcty, mspmhcnddy mspmhcnddy ce ndd  prbimsscbend cetmrhbursm1 n honrnhtmr tont lmnsurms up ns gbbj nlbeg pmbpdm bi tom hblluecty ce wocho tom pmrsbe dcvms, br tont cs up tb tom stnejnrj bi tom nvmrngm hctczme1 tont stntus wocho nttnhoms tb n lne bi gbbj `monvcbr nej uprcgot hbejuht. >7 H. Zous, Zous, wome wome honrnhtmr honrnhtmr mvcjmeh mvcjmehmm cs usmj tb prbvm tom gbbj lbrnd honrnh honrnhtmr tmr bi tom nhhusmj, nhhusmj, honrnhtmr wbudj rmimr tb tom rmputntcbe tont ons nttnhomj tb tom pmrsbe oclsmdi, wocho cs gntomrmj gntomr mj irbl tobsm nhquncetm nhquncetmj j wcto ocl. Zom honrnhtmr honrnhtmr bi tom pmrsbe oclsmdi oclsmdi jbms ebt ebt nttnho sbdmdy `y rmnsbe bi ocs stntus, rnea, br bhhupntcbe. >. Hbesmq Hbesmqume umetdy tdy,, gmemrnd gmemrnd nvmrlmet nvmrlmetss suho ns tom nhhusmj nhhusmj wns ne ndtnr ndtnr `by nej n gbbj stujmet wob ons ymt tb `m rmprclnejmj hneebt suiichm tb prbvm tom gbbj lbrnd honrnhtmr bi tom nhhusmj. cv. Lbtcvm cs ebt cejcspmesn`dm tb sustnce tom hbevchtcbe bi tom nhhusmj1 tom cehbescstmet stntmlmets bi Lnejnetm, oypbtomtchnddy njlcttceg tom snlm tb `m trum, nrm jmmlmj njlcttmj.

N. Zom jmimesm jmimesm nssmrts tont tont tom tmstclbey tmstclbey bi Lnejnetm Lnejnetm wns prmsmetmj prmsmetmj tb clputm cdd lbtcvm lbtcvm be tom pnrt pnrt bi tom nhhusm nhhusmj, j, nej sc scehm ehm tom tmstcl tmstclbec becms ms bi Lne Lnejnet jnetmm nrm cehbes cehbescst cstmet met,, tom wctemss cs jmmlmj tb `m ebt hrmjc`dm. @. Zom nddmgmj nddmgmj cehbescstm cehbescstmet et stntmlmets stntmlmets lnjm `y Lnejnetm, Lnejnetm, oypbtomtchnd oypbtomtchnddy dy njlcttceg njlcttceg ct tb  `m trum, nrm jmmlmj njlcttmj ibr incdurm bi tom jmimesm tb dny tom prmjchntm. ]ejmr Pudm >80, Xmhtcbe >8 bi tom Pudms bi Hburt, `mibrm n wctemss hne `m clpmnhomj `y mvcjmehm tont om ons lnjm nt btomr tclms stntmlmets cehbescstmet wcto ocs prmsmet tmstclbey, tom stntmlmets lust `m rmdntmj tb ocl, wcto tom hcrhulstnehm bi tom tclms nej pdnhms nej tom  pmrsbes prmsmet, nej om lust `m nsamj womtomr om lnjm suho stntmlmets, nej ci sb, nddbwmj tb mxpdnce toml. >. Ce to tom hn hnsm bi bi  [mbpdm v. Pmduhcb, Pmduhcb, tom Xuprmlm Hburt ons omdj tont uedmss tom wctemss cs gcvme tom bppbrtuecty tb mxpdnce tom jcshrmpnehcms, tom clpmnholmet cs cehblpdmtm. >? 0. Mvme nssulceg nssulceg wctobut wctobut njlcttce njlcttceg g tont tom wctemss wctemss wns ebt hrmjc` hrmjc`dm, dm, lbtcvm lbtcvm ctsmdi  ctsmdi  cs ebt cejcspmesn`dm cejcspmesn`dm tb tom hbevchtcbe hbevchtcbe bi tom nhhusmj. Ndtobugo tom stntmlmets stntmlmets bi  Lnejnetm nttrc`utmj cdd lbtcvm tb tom nhhusmj ce tom dbwmr hburt, tom hbevchtcbe bi  tom sncj hburt wns sustncemj prclnrcdy be tom grbuejs bi wmna ndc`c nej tom strmegto bi tom vchtcl–s tmstclbey. 8. Zocs cs cs hbescstmet hbescstmet wcto rudceg rudceg bi bi tom Xuprmlm Xuprmlm Hburt Hburt ce ce tom hnsm hnsm bi  [mbpdm v. Hbrpuz , wocho stntms stntms tont prbbi bi lbtc lbtcvm vm cs ebt cejcspmesn`d cejcspmesn`dmm womrm gucdt cs >3 btomrwcsm mstn`dcsomj `y suiichcmet mvcjmehm.   >7

 [mbpdm v. Dmm, 8?0 XHPN =39, Lny 03, 0;;0.


 [mbpdm v. Pmduhcb, ?9 XHPN 0:0, Ebvml`mr 3, >37?.


 [mbpdm v. Hbrpuz, >;7 [ocd. ::, Im`runry 0:, >39;. 3


:. Iurtomrlbrm Iurtomrlbrm,, ct hne `m rmhnddmj rmhnddmj tont tom vchtcl vchtcl ons ndrmnjy ndrmnjy pbsctcvmdy pbsctcvmdy cjmetcicmj cjmetcicmj tom nhhusmj ce omr niicjnvct. Lbtcvm cs mssmetcnd bedy wome tomrm cs jbu`t ns tb tom cjmetcty bi tom nssncdnet. 0; Ct cs cllntmrcnd wome tom nhhusmj ons `mme pbsctcvmdy cjmetcicmj. 0>


 [mbpdm v. Lnejnpnt, >39 XHPN >=7, Nprcd 00,>33>.  Cj.  Cj.





WOMPMIBPM, prmlcsms hbescjmrmj, ct cs rmspmhtiuddy prnymj bi tocs Obebrn`dm Hburt tont tom Jmhcscbe bi tom Pmgcbend Zrcnd Hburt jntmj j ntmj Nprcd >;, 0;>9 `m sustncemj. Btomr rmdcmis fust nej mquctn`dm uejmr tom prmlcsms nrm dcamwcsm prnymj ibr.   Lnantc Hcty ibr Hcty bi Lnecdn, Lny 0= 0;>9. BIICHM BI ZOM XBDCHCZBP GMEMPND BXG @ucdjceg, >8: Nlbrsbdb Xtrmmt, Dmgnzpc Ycddngm, Lnantc

@y6 [NBDB GBEVNDMX Pbdd Eb. 3?79=: C@[ Eb. >8=73, Lnantc Hcty, ;>-;=->= [ZP Eb. >8=73, Lnantc Hcty, ;>-;=->= LHDM Hblpdcnehm Eb. YC-;;;>0::, ;=-8;->= DMXDCM NEE [B

Pbdd Eb. 3?3798 C@[ Eb. 0:9?;, Lnantc Hcty, ;>-;=->= [ZP Eb. 0:9?;, Lnantc Hcty, ;>-;=->= LHDM Hblpdcnehm Eb. YC-;;;>0:9, ;=-8;->= MPCAN GN@PCMDDM YNDJMV Pbdd Eb. 08:=97 C@[ Eb. 3?708, [nscg Hcty, ;>-;=->= [ZP Eb. 3?708, Lnantc Hcty, ;>-;=->= LHDM Hblpdcnehm Eb. CY-;;;>0:=, ;=-8;->=


Icdceg nej smrvchm bi tom ibrmgbceg Lmlbrnejul wmrm jbem `y rmgcstmrmj lncd jum tb jcstnehm hbestrncets nej dclctmj eul`mr bi lmssmegmrs ce tom uejmrscgemj hbuesmd–s dnw icrl, wocho lnam pmrsbend icdceg nej smrvchm clprnhtchn`dm.


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