¸E`odrdcl`m dctrd fms tdhréms ed Z`mndt y Ahgfkdrn8 Fm e`odrdcl`m dctrd fm tdhrém ed Z`mndt y Ahgfkdrn dstí dc qud Z`mndt oud df pr`idr dc phstufmr fm tdhrém edf edsmrrhffh lhnc`t`vh dc dtmpms. Zmrm àf, fhs c`ýhs sd edsmrrhffmc `ctdfdltumfidctd dc lumtrh dtmpms qud vmc edsed fm `comcl`m gmstm fm mehfdsldcl`m ed imcdrm bdrírqu`lm. M lhipmrml`üc ed fhs l`clh dstmehs edf edsmrrhffh ihrmf ed Ahgfkdrn, mucqud lmkd edstmlmr qud dsths tmik`àc shc tmik`àc bdrírqu`lhs, pdrh m e`odrdcl`m ed Z`mndt ch dspdl`o`lm fm deme, fms dtmpms ed Ahgfkdrn tmik`àc pdri`tdc df edsmrrhffh ihrmf eurmctd them them fm v`em, v`em, ch sü süfh fh gmstm gmstm fm mehfd mehfdsl sldc dcl` l`m. m. Fm Fmss dt dtmp mpms ms ed Ahgf Ahgfkdr kdrn n ch `c `clf lfuyd uydc c fm `ctdrmll`üc lhc fhs pmerds, prhodshrds mqué dstms ehs tdhréms prdsdctmc htrm e`odrdcl`m lhc fm tdhr tdhrém ém ed edff ed edsm smrr rrhf hffh fh lh lhnc nc`t `t`v `vh h ed Z`mn Z`mndt dt dc fm lumf lumf fm `c `ctd tdf` f`ndc ndcl` l`mm sd ed edsm smrr rrhf hffm fm dc lhcbucl`üc lhc df edsmrrhffh k`hfün`lh. ¸Mphrtds ed fm tdhrém ed edsmrrhffh ihrmf ed Z`mndt8 E`v`e`ü dc lumtrh dtmpms qud phsdd ucm pdrshcm eurmctd su lrdl`i`dcth, àf e`bh qud df edsmrrhffh ed fm ihrmf dstí f`nmeh lhc su tdhrém edf edsmrrhffh idctmf edf c`ýh e`ld qud ds cdldsmr`h qud bucths vmymc ed fm imch y qud dstd ds dqu`vmfdctd m su deme dstms dtmpms shc2 Dtmp Dtmpmm sdcs sdcshr hr`h `h-i -iht hthr hr,, lh lhrr rrds dsph phce ce`d `dct ctdd m fhs fhs pr pr`i `idr drhs hs ehs ehs mý mýhs hs ed v` v`em em,, dt dtmp mpmm prdhpdrml`hcmf, edsed fhs ehs m s`dtd mýhs, dtmpm ed fms hpdrml`hcds lhclrdtms, edsed fhs s`dtd m fhs ehld mýhs, dtmpm ed hpdrml`hcds ohrimfds, edsed fhs ehld mýhs gmstm fm meuftdz ¸Mphrtds ed fm tdhrém ed edsmrrhffh ihrmf ed Ahgfkdrn8
Ahgfkdrn pdcsmkm qud df rmzhcmi`dcth ihrmf dvhful`hcm y sd edsmrrhffm m fh fmrnh ed fm mehfdsl mehf dsldcl dcl`m `m y ed fm v`em v`em meuftm meuftm,, e`v`e` e`v`e`dceh dceh df edsmrr edsmrrhff hffh h ihrmf ihrmf sdnòc sdnòc df edsmrr edsmrrhff hffh h prhnrds`vh ed fms lmpml`emeds lhnc`t`vms dc sd`s dtmpms mnrupmems dc trds c`vdfds. Zr`idr c`vdf2 Ihrmf prd-lhcvdcl`hcmf2 \d lmrmltdr`zm phr fm mltuml`üc sdnòc lhctrhfds dxtdrchs, df bu`l`h sd kmsm dxlfus`vmidctd dc fms prhp`ms cdlds`emeds y pdrldpl`hcds ed fm pdrshcm. \dnuceh c`vdf2 Ihrmf lhcvdcl`hcmf2 \d em m rméz edf lhi`dczh ed fm mehfdsldcl`m, dtmpm dc fm qud sd mltòm sdnòc fh ‖shl`mfidctd mldptmeh’. Udrldr C`vdf2 Ihrmf phst-lhcvdcl`hcmf2 vmc iís mffí ed fms chrims shl`mfds, phlhs meufths ffdnmc m dstd c`vdf.
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