API 578 Positive Material Identification Pmi

February 15, 2017 | Author: riysall | Category: N/A
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5.2 API 578 Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Objectives and methodologies (e.g. X-Ray Fluorescence and Optical Emission Spectroscopy) – ASTM- E1916 – Pipe Fabricator Institute PFI-ES42 – API 578 – MSS SP-137-2007 – Material Test Reports

Positive Material Identification (PMI) Testing • Any physical evaluation or test of a material to confirm that the material which has been or will be placed into service is consistent with the selected or specified alloy material designated by the owner/user. • These evaluations or tests may provide qualitative or quantitative information that is sufficient to verify the nominal alloy composition. composition

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



Positive Material Identification (PMI) • It is critically important for workers in inspection, safety and maintenance departments in refineries, safety, refineries petrochemical, process, power and other industrial plants to prevent the accidents that can occur as a result of the installation of incorrect or out-ofspecification metal alloy parts. • With Positive Material Identification (PMI) the alloy composition and so, the identity of materials can be determined/verified.

Positive Material Identification (PMI) • As a result of a series of accidents resulting from material mix mix-ups, ups many companies have instituted stringent Positive Material Identification (PMI) programs. • Industry organization has also worked to develop guidelines to assure that the nominal compositions of all alloy components in a process system are consistent with design specification.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



OSHA Regulations and PMI 1/2 • Inspection Scheduling by OSHA: All Refineries – Section E-10 E 10 – It should be noted that both PMI and proper OPERATOR TRAINING programs are QUESTIONS that the Compliance Safety and Health Officer (CSHO) will address to the Owner/Operator as to compliance with their Process Safety Management (PSM) program. – Does D the h employer l ensure that h replacement l piping i i is i suitable for its process application? Yes, No, N/A

OSHA Regulations and PMI 2/2 • If no, possible violations include: – The employer p y did not ffollow Recognized g z And Generallyy Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) when it failed to conduct Positive Material Identification (PMI) testing to ensure that construction materials of replacement/repaired piping were adequate for process conditions. Examples RAGAGEP for PMI testing for existing piping systems include but is not limited to, • API RP 578, Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems, Section 4.3, and • CSB, Safety Bulletin – Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors During Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance, BP Texas City, TX Refinery Fire;

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) • “Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice” Practice (RAGAGEP) - are engineering, operation, or maintenance activities based on established codes, standards, published technical reports or recommended practices (RP) or a similar document. • RAGAGEPs detail generally approved ways to perform specific engineering, engineering inspection or mechanical integrity activities, such as fabricating a vessel, inspecting a storage tank, or servicing a relief valve

Regulatory Compliance Positive Material Identification (PMI) • Does the employer ensure that replacement piping process application? pp is suitable for its p – Yes, No, N/A

• If no, possible violations include: – The employer did not follow RAGAGEP when it failed to conduct Positive material identification (PMI) testing to ensure that construction materials of replacement/repaired piping were adequate for process conditions (An example RAGAGEP for PMI testing for existing piping systems includes but is not limited to, API RP 578, Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems, Section 4.3), and CSB, Safety Bulletin – Positive Material Verification: Prevent Errors During Alloy Steel Systems Maintenance, BP Texas City, TX Refinery Fire);

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



Approximate Hardness of Steel By the File Test File Reaction

Brinell Hardness

Type of Steel

File bites easily into metal

100 BHN

Mild Steel

File bites into metal with pressure

200 BHN

Medium carbon steel

File does not bite into metal except with extreme pressure

300 BHN

High carbon steel High alloy steel

Metal can only be filed with difficulty

400 BHN

Unhardened tool steel

File will mark metal but metal is almost as hard as the file and filing is impractical

500 BHN

Hardened tool steel

Metal is harder than file

600+ BHN

Metal Identification – Spark Test

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Standards • ASTM E1916 Standard Guide for Identification and/or Segregation of Mixed Lots of Metals American Society of Testing Material /1997 , reaffirmed 2004 • MSS SP-137-2007 - Quality Standard for Positive Material Identification of Metal Valves, Flanges, Fittings, and Other Piping Components Edition: 1st Manufacturers Standardization Society / 01-May-2007 This Standard Practice provides methods and acceptance standards for Positive Material Identification (PMI) of metal flanges, fittings, valves, and pressure boundary parts of valves and other piping components. • PFI ES42 - Standard for Positive Material Identification of Piping Components Using Portable X-Ray Emission Type Test Equipment Pipe Fabrication Institute / 01-Oct-1996

PMI Standards • API R P 578 Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems American Petroleum Institute / May 1999

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Standards – API RP 578 SCOPE • This recommended practice provides the guidelines for material control and material verification programs on ferrous and nonferrous alloys during the construction, installation, maintenance, and inspection of new and existing process piping systems covered by the ASME B31.3 and API 570 piping codes. • This practice applies to metallic alloy materials purchased for use either directly by the owner/user or indirectly through vendors, fabricators, or contractors and includes the supply, fabrication, and erection of these materials. • Carbon steel components specified in new or existing piping systems are not specifically covered under the scope of this document.

PMI Standards – API RP 578 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • A material verification program for piping systems may involve participation of several groups within the operating plant or the shop of a contractor, vendor, or fabricator. • When establishing a material verification program, consideration should be given to the roles and responsibilities that each group has within the specific organization. • These roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined and d documented. d Within Wi hi the h operating i plant, l this hi can include i l d those h groups responsible for purchasing, engineering, warehousing/receiving, operations, reliability, maintenance, and inspection

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Carbon Steel Substitutions in Low Alloy Steel Systems – In determining the likelihood of material nonconformances, it is worth noting that historically the greatest number of material nonconformances with serious consequences have involved carbon steel components in low alloy steel – (e.g., 1 ¼ Cr– ½ Mo, 2 ¼ Cr–1 Mo, 5 Cr– ½ Mo, 9 Cr–1 M ) piping Mo) i i systems. There Th have h been b relatively l i l fewer f nonconformances in stainless steel and nonferrous (e.g. Monel, Inconel) systems because of appearance and weldability issues.

PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Alloy Substitutions In Carbon Steel Systems – Wh When determining d t i i the th needd to t perform f material t i l verification ifi ti on carbon steel systems, the owner/user should evaluate the effect that the process stream could have on substituted alloy materials. – In some cases, the substitution of hardenable alloy materials in carbon steel piping systems resulted in failure and loss of containment. containment Examples of such systems include wet hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrofluoric acid (HF), and sulfuric acid (H2S04) services

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Standards – API RP 578 • Some Highlights – PMI Testingg of W Welding gC Consumables - W When weldingg is conducted, one electrode or wire sample from each lot or package of alloy weld rod should be positively identified. The remainder of the lot should be compared to the sample to verify that the markings of the wires/electrodes are correct – Maintenance Repairs of Piping Systems - It is important that repair procedures include consideration of PMI testing as part of obtaining satisfactory alloy materials to be used for the repair – Material Certifications - Material certifications, mill test reports, or Certificates of Compliance should not be considered a substitute for PMI testing, but may be an important part of an overall quality assurance program

Positive Material Identification (PMI) •

Positive Material Identification (PMI) is one off the th more specialized i li d non-destructive d t ti testing (NDT) methods. There are two methods for PMI: 1. The XRF-principle (x-ray fluorescence) 2 Optical emission systems (OES), 2. (OES) also called arc/spark

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Methods - XRF 1. The X-Ray Fluorescence Technique XRF • XRF iinstruments t t workk by b exposing i a sample l to t a beam of X-rays. – The atoms of the sample absorb energy from the Xrays, become temporarily excited and then emit secondary X-rays. – Each chemical element emits X-rays y at a unique q energy. By measuring intensity and characteristic energy of the emitted X-rays, an XRF analyzer can provide qualitative and quantitative analysis regarding the composition of the material being tested.

PMI Methods - OES 2. The Optical Emission Spectroscopy Technique OES • In the OES technique technique, atoms also are excited; however, however the excitation energy comes from a spark formed between sample and electrode. – The energy of the spark causes the electrons in the sample to emit light, which is converted into a spectral pattern. – By measuring the intensity of the peaks in this spectrum, the OES analyzer can produce qualitative and quantitative analysis off th the material t i l composition. iti

• Although OES is considered a non-destructive testing method, the spark does leave a small burn on the sample surface

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



PMI Methods - OES Optical Emission Spectrography – A spark is released that vaporizes a very small portion of the sample (without impairing its functionality). The analyzer optically measures the atoms in the vapor and d determines d t i the th components of the material. “Spectro” metal analyzer

XRF Excitation Model X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry is an elemental analysis technique with broad application in science and industry. XRF is based on the principle that individual atoms, when excited by an external energy source, emit X-ray photons of a characteristic energy or wavelength. The identification of elements by X-ray methods is possible due to the characteristic radiation emitted from the inner electronic shells of the atoms under certain conditions. The h emitted i d quanta off radiation di i are X-ray photons whose specific energies permit the identification of their source atoms. By counting the number of photons of each energy emitted from a sample, the elements present may be identified and quantified.

N. Al-Khirdaji, AZTech Sr. Consultant



Optical Emission Analyzer Optical Emission analyzer designed to identify all the key elements in metals especially p y where highest g accuracy y and/or the analysis y of light g elements like C,, Al, S, P, Mg, Si is needed and when sorting low alloys and aluminums. Ideal, for example, for separation of 316 H (>0.04% C) and 316 L (
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