API 577

March 30, 2019 | Author: kirubha_karan2000 | Category: N/A
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api 577...


API 577

Visual Inspection Personnel are required to demonstrate annually completion of a J-1 a J-1 Jaeger type Jaeger type eye vision test. Direct visual examination requires requires access to permit the eye to be within 6 inch to ! inch of inch  of the surface" at an angle not less than #$ degrees %ptical aid & 1$$ foot candles '1$$$ lux( %ne of the most popular indicators is the pie gauge. )t consists of eight low carbon steel segments" bra*ed segments" bra*ed together to form an octagonal plate that is copper plated on one side to hide the +oint ,/ •

,/ is used for the evaluation and monitoring of existing crac0s )t requires minimal surface preparation preparation and can be used at elevated temperatures up to $$ . 2ith its increased sensitivity to shallow crac0s

)ridium 1 & $.3 inch to #.$ inch obalt 6$ & 1.3 to 4.$ inch CE •

5 less than $.#3 require no pre heat

5 of $.#3 to $.33 require require pre heat

5 greater than $.33 - both preheat  P278

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