API 577_______ for the training and experience required to be an American Welding Welding Society Certified We Welding lding InspectorCWI! is not a replacement
API 577______ all "elds to be inspected# does not require
Who determines the "elds to be inspected$$ Welding We lding inspectors and/or engineers
Who should be consulted on any critical % speciali&ed or complex "elding issues$ A welding engineer
'hree of the items listed belo" are "elding inspection acti(ities that can be separated into three stages corresponding to the "elding "or) process# Which one does not belong$$ Tasks Tasks in selecting personnel
Which of the basic arc "elding processes is the most "idely used$ SMAW
*o" is shielding pro(ided for the arc "hen using a consumable co(ered electrode in shielded metal Shielding is provided from the decomposition of the electrode covering
What are some disad(antages or limitations of shielded metal arc "elding$ Deposition rates are low and slag must be removed at stops and starts.
What does the +C,- stand for "hen used to describe the .'AW .'AW "eld process$ D!" stands for direct current electrode#negative .
What are some of the ad(antages to gas tungsten arc "elding $ $t produces high purit% welds and it allows for e&c ellent control of root pass weld penetration.
What is a "elding process that produces fast a free&ing "eld pool and is generally suited for /oining thin sections or root passes# 'MAW#S
What type of "eld process normally employs a semiautomatic mode and depends on a flux from a tubular electrode that contains a shielding gas from an externally supplied gas$ (AW
What type of "elding is used extensi(ely in shop pressure (essel fabrication and pipe manufacturing$ SAW
What type of "elding process is predominantly limited to "elding insulation and refractory support pins to tan)s% pressure (essels and heater casings$ SW
What is the definition of non0destructi(e examination$ $t is inspection methods)which allow materials to be e&amined without chan ging or destro%ing their usefulness.
What are the most commonly used -+, methods used during "eld inspection $ -1',2 S,3,C' '*, A-SW,4 '*A' *AS A33 '*, C144,C' ,'*1+S6666 *T) MT) W(MT) +T) ,T) !T) -T) T) A(M.
Where "ould you loo) for slag inclusion discontinuities$ Weld metal one and weld interface.
Which -+, method is the most acceptable for a lap /oint $ +T
What is the most capable -+, method for finding a discontinuity such as incomplete fusion in a /oint $ T
When "elding carbon steel% "hat is the ma/or cause of lac) of fusion in all "elding processes$ improper heat input and improper welding technique.
When "elding stainless steel "hat "ould cause porosity in the "eld$ $mproper shielding) not using a low h%drogen electrode) 0 welding in a high sulfur area.
When "elding stainless steel% "hat is the cause of undercut$ fast travel speed.
When "elding carbon steel% ho" "ould you control burn through$ use proper heat input
'he Alternating Current ield easurement AC! technique is an electromagnetic non0 contacting technique that is able to detect and si&e surface brea)ing defects in a range of different materials and through coatings of (arying thic)ness# 'his technique is ideal for inspecting2 "oles) ring#grooves and grind#out areas or radii.
What is the maximum temperature that AC may be used$ 122 (
What are the 8 typical radioacti(e isotopes used for radiography$ $ridium 314 or obalt 52
What is the normal de(eloping time for radiographic film at 9: $ 6 to 7 minutes
'he transmitted film density through the radiographic image through the radiographic image through the body of the hole type I;I or ad/acent to the "ire I;I% in the area of interest% should be "ithin the range of ______ for .amma 4.2 to 8.2
4adiographic _________ is the art of extracting the maximum information from a radiographic image# interpretation
*o" many cycles per second no" )no"n as *& or *ert& ! us classified as being in the ultrasonic frequency range$ greater than 42222 9:
What type of 6
Steels "ith a carbon equi(alent of higher than ___ require both preheat PW*'# 2.66
What are the t"o main concerns "hen "elding on in ser(ice piping and equipment $ burn through and cracking
hot tap and in ser(ice "elding operations should be carried out only "ith lo"0hydrogen consumables and electrodes such as 2 !?237
carbon steels "ith a carbon equi(alent C,! greater than ___ should be "elded "ith an extra lo" hydrogen electrode such as ,0*B # 2.8>@
liquid flo" rates in piping to be hot tapped shall be bet"een __ feet per second and ___ feet per second 3.>)8.2
ho" much liquid should be abo(e the area that is to be hot tapped on a storage tan) or (essel$ > feet
What si&e electrodes should be used on the first "eld pass on a hot tap or an in0ser(ice "eld on piping or equipment less than =B inch thic)$ >/>4 inch or smaller
"hen using SAW% "hat do the first t"o numbers of ,7>: electrode identify $ ?2222 psi ultimate strength
"ith a SAW electrode AWS designation % the Bth character represents "hat$,! position
If a "elder ma)es unacceptable production "elds% the inspector must identify and quarantine all the improper "eldments made by the "elder # 'he "elder is than retested and fails his test# What is the nest step $ identif% reason the welder failed and re train the welder
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