API 570 Questions 18

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API 570 Questions 18...



Whic Which h doc docum umen entt giv give es the the meth method odol olog ogy y for for RBI? RBI? a. . c. d.


15!3 5!3 11!3 1$53

arer ar er chem hemica ical (tra trace cer* r* is use sed d for for tes testin ting the und undergr rground und &i&es for the &ur&ose of+ a. . c. d.


2ight 2ight hours hours shall shall not e/ceed e/ceed 53 53 ,our ,our hours hours shall shall not not e/ceed e/ceed 53 53 -)enty four four hours hours shall shall not not e/ceed e/ceed 1!3 1!3 -)enty four four hours hours shall not not e/ceed e/ceed 53

In &ressure4decay method for testing underground &i&es mini minimu mum m lea lea test test &re &ress ssur ure e is 6666 666666 6666 663 3 of ma/i ma/imu mum m o&erating &ressure. a. . c. d.


,ive ,ive year years s -hre -hree e ye years ars -en ye years ars i/ years ars

In &re &ressure sure dec decay meth metho od for for testi sting unde underr gro ground und &i&e &i&e the the acce&tance criteria is that &ressure decrease over over a &eriod of+ a. . c. d.


57 579 57! 5" 5"! 57#

%Pi& %Pi&e e to so soil il &ot &oten enti tial al sur surve vey' y' for for &oor &oorly ly coa coate ted d &i&e &i&es s (or (or )her )here e cath ca thod odic ic &rot &rotec ecti tion on is no nott reli relia ale le** shou should ld e co cond nduc ucte ted d at intervals of+ a. . c. d.



8hecing internal smoothness of &i&e 8hecing st strength an and du ductility of of &i &i&ing ma material 8hecing the diameter of underground &i&e etecting and locating the leas in the &i&e line

2/c 2/ce&t for for the cla clas ss #5! #5!! valve lves the the valve lve )all )all thi thicn cness is  666666 times the thicness of a sim&le cylinder designed for a stress of 6666666 &si for similar &ressure and tem&erature. tem&erature. a. 1.1 times times and 7!!! 7!!! &si &si . 1.5 times times and and 15!! 15!!! ! &si &si c. 1.$5 1.$5 time times s and and 15!! 15!!! ! &si &si

d. 1.5 times and 7!!! &si 7.

-he retirement thicness of valves and flanged fittings can e com&uted using formula for &i&es y using+ a. . c. d.


of of of of

1.5 and the stress ; 15!!! &si 1.$5 and stress ; 7!!! &si 1.5 and allo)ale stress as &er A2 B 01.0 1.5 and stress ; 7!!! &si

-em&orary re&airs of locally thinned sections or circumferential linear defects may e made on4stream y installing a &ro&erly designed and faricated olted lea clam&. What )ould this activity e termed as? a. . c. d.


,actor ,actor ,actor ,actor

Welding re&air (on4stream* Permanent re&air uired thicness ; !.#$$ in Actual thicness measured ; !.51$ in ong term corrosion rate ; !.!1" in @ year Remaining life for this circuit )ill e+ a. 5.! years . #.5 years c. :.! years d. ata is insufficient to calculate remaining life


Pi&ing classifications (class 1 $ 0* in API 57! )ill res&ectively mean+ a. . c. d.


o) medium and high &ressure &i&es =igh medium lo) &ressure &i&es o) medium high level of ins&ection to e &erformed =igh medium lo) level of ins&ection to e &erformed

Ins&ection records contain the follo)ing information for a &articular thicness measurement location (-* in a return end+ Thickness


!.5!! !.#$5

! 5



n the asis of the information aove the long4term corrosion rate for the location is+ a. . c. d. 1$.

,or thicness measurement of &i&es ue Radiogra&hic &rofile techni>ue Anyone is D
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