A typical typical soil corrosio corrosion n is aggrav aggravated ated under under which which of the the follow following ing conditions a. b. c. d.
Q.2 Q.2
Thermal fatigue. !echanical fatigue. "ibration fatigue. #oth a and b.
'mpact testing Hydrostatic testing ()HT (neumatic te testing
Ther Therma mall fat fatig igue ue crac crac&s &s usua usuall lly y are are a. b. c. d.
Q. Q.
hig high h res resis isti tivi vity ty of soil soil.. low low resi resist stiv ivit ity y of of soi soil. l. hig high h res resis isti tivi vity ty of soil soil.. low low resi resist stiv ivit ity y of of soi soil. l.
%educt %eduction ion in in li&eli li&elihoo hood d of brittle brittle fract fracture ure can be be obtain obtained ed by performi performing ng a. b. c. d.
Q.* Q.*
con conte tent nt and and con conte tent nt and and con conte tent nt and and con conte tent nt and and
Typica picall “hi “high gh cycl cycle e fat fatig igue ue is is a. b. c. d.
Hgh Hgh moi moist stur ure e Hgh Hgh moi moist stur ure e Low Low moi moist stur ure e Low Low moi moist stur ure e
#ran #ranch chin ing+ g+ Tra Trans nsgr gran anul ular ar and and ini initi tiat ate e from from wit withi hin n the the mate materi rial al.. ,agg ,agger er shape shaped+ d+ interg intergra ranul nular ar and and init initiat iate e form form with within in the mater material ial.. ,agg ,agger er shap shaped ed++ o-i o-ide de fill filled ed and and ini initi tiat ate e for form m the the surf surfac ace. e. ,agg ,agger er shap shaped ed++ clea clean n and inte interg rgra ranu nula larr.
/rosi /rosion on0o 0orro rrosi sion on mitiga mitigatio tion n can can be achie achieve ved d by a. b. c. d.
'ncr 'ncrea easi sing ng the the pip pipe e dia diame mete terr to to dec decre reas ase e vel veloc ocit ity y 'ncr 'ncrea easi sing ng sur surfa face ce hard hardne ness ss by by usi using ng har harde derr allo alloys ys or or hard hard fac facin ing g sing co corrosion re resistant al alloys All of the above.
“lam shell4 type crac& failure having concentric rings called “beach mar&s4 showing “waves4 of crac& propagation is typically the description of a. b. c. d.
%esistance to sulphidation is generally achieved by a. b. c. d.
pgrading to higher nic&el alloys pgrading to higher chromium alloys pgrading to higher copper based alloys All of the above.
haracteristic hloride 6 in Austenitic 6.6. generally will be a. b. c. d.
Transgranular+ branching and aggravated by higher temperature. 'ntergranular and unidirectional 9straight: and aggravated by low temperature 'ndependent of chloride content ;one of the above
austic embrittlement may be reduced0prevented by a. b. c. d.
onducting ()HT. pgrading to ;ic&el alloys. sing High hardness = High strength steels. #oth a and b.
Q.1> High temperature hydrogen attac& is typically due to a. !ethane gas formation. b. )et H26 formation c. Temper embrittlement d. (resence of !olybdenum in alloy steels.
Q.11 %ecording on a data sheet of an indication that e-ceeds the re?ect flaw si@e criteria and needs to be corrected is a. b.
%ecordable indication %eportable indication
c. d.
;otable indication ;one of above
Q.12 A sub Bsurface terrace and stepli&e crac& with basic orientation parallel to the base metal surface caused by tensile stresses in thic&ness direction is called a. b. c. d.
Q.1$ “6lag inclusion4 is not found in welding performed by a. b. c. d.
6!A) 6A) 5A) C!A)
!ost applicable method for subsurface porosity is a. T
b. (T
c. /T
d. %T
Q.1 "T is most conveniently performed placing an eye a. b. c. d.
)ithin 34 B 2*4 with angle less than $>D with the surface )ithin 3EE2*EE with angle not less than $>D with surface #eyond 2*EE with angle less than $>D #eyond 2*EEwith angle not less than $>D
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