API 570 Part 3 - Pipe Fabrication
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API 570 Piping Inspection Code Part 3: Pipe Fabrication
5/27/2014 5:45:47 AM
Objectives Determine
the Minimum Design Metal Temp Temp
Familiar Familiar
with welding restrictions with basic fabrication requirements Determine Preheat & PWHT temperatures Know the NDE requirements for new pipe Evaluate weld discontinuities
This part will cover Chapter III, V & Vi in B31.3
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Materials Listed
Materials: Material “listed” “listed” in in B31.3 in either Table A-1 or Table 326.1
Unlisted Use
Materials: Materials not “listed” in B31.3 “listed” in
only if they meet the material property requirement of the Code
Unknown Cannot
Materials be used for pressure containing components
of material to resist corrosion is not within the Scope of the Code (323.5)
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Low Temperature Limits Brittleness
of a material is a major design issue for all types of pressure
equipment. A brittle material can fail catastrophically!! Some
of the factors that affect brittleness of a material include:
Material Temperature Stress
Level Thickness The opposite of brittleness is “Toughness” “Toughness”.. Brittle materials have low toughness.
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Low Temperature Limits Minimum
Temperature per Code Temperature
Material – Material – Listed Listed Table A-1 CS – Lists Lists Curve Letter Most CS – Below
this temperature
cannot be used or i mpact tested at desired temperature The material must be impact Carbon Steel Low Temp Process 1. Find ind Cu Curv rve e Le Lette terr – Table – Table A-1 2. Fi Find nd In Init itia iall Min Min Temp emp Use Table 323.2.2A (t nominal) Check Notes – Notes – Fig Fig 323.2.2A 3. If St Stress Ra Ratio Fig 323.2.2B 323.2. 2B Reduction Temp Enter at Left (Stress Ratio) At Curve go vertical to Reduction Temp Subtract Reduction from Step 2 Impact Test Acceptance Acceptance Criteria Criteri a 1. Each se set ha has 3 bars 2. Average ≥ Table 323.3.5 3. Minimum ≥ Table 323.3.5 4. Only 1 specimen ≤ Table Ave 5/27/2014 5:45:47 AM
Exercise 1 1.
What What is the minim minimum um desig design n temper temperatu ature re for for A-33 A-335-P 5-P5 5 (5% Cr) Cr)
What is the the minimu minimum m design design temperature temperature for A-358 A-358 Typ Type e 304L? 304L?
What What is the the minim minimum um design design temper temperatu ature re for for a 0.750 0.750” pipe that is i s made from A-106-B?
What What is the the minim minimum um desi design gn tem temper peratu ature re for for a 0.500 0.500” ” pipe that is made from A-516-60 plate and is normalized?
What What is the the mini minimu mum m desig design n tempe temperat rature ure for a 0.625 0.625” ” pipe that is made from A-106-C and has a Stress Ratio of 0.90?
If the designe designerr wants wants to use a pipe materia materiall below below the minimum minimum temper temperature ature allowe allowed d by B31.3, B31.3, then the material must be ________
Impact Impact testing testing is performed performed on an pipe pipe made from from A-106-C A-106-C (a fully fully deoxidize deoxidized d steel). steel). Determine Determine the following: a. The impact impact proced procedure ure must must follo follow w what what spec specs? s? b. The The set set cons consis ists ts of how how man many y bars bars? ? c. The The min minim imum um aver averag age e for for the the set set is? is? d. The The mini minimu mum m valu value e for for a sing single le bar bar is? is? e. How many many bar(s) bar(s) can be belo below w the the requir required ed aver average age? ?
5/27/2014 5:45:47 AM
Answers 1 1.
What What is the minim minimum um desig design n temper temperatu ature re for for A-33 A-335-P 5-P5 5 (5% Cr) Cr)
What is the the minimu minimum m design design temperature temperature for A-358 A-358 Typ Type e 304L? 304L?
What What is the the minim minimum um design design temper temperatu ature re for for a 0.750 0.750” pipe that is i s made from A-106-B? Curve B, 15oF
What What is the the minim minimum um desi design gn tem temper peratu ature re for for a 0.500 0.500” ” pipe that is made from A-516-60 plate o
and is normalized?
Curve D, -55 F
What What is the the mini minimu mum m desig design n tempe temperat rature ure for a 0.625 0.625” ” pipe that is made from A-106-C and has o Curve B, -7 F a Stress Ratio of 0.90?
If the designe designerr wants wants to use a pipe materia materiall below below the minimum minimum temper temperature ature allowe allowed d by B31.3, B31.3, then the material must be impact tested
Impact Impact testing testing is performed performed on an pipe pipe made from from A-106-C A-106-C (a fully fully deoxidize deoxidized d steel). steel). Determine Determine the following: ASTM A370 & A333 a. The impact impact proced procedure ure must must follo follow w what what spec specs? s? b. The The set set cons consis ists ts of how how man many y bars bars? ? 3 c. The The min minim imum um aver averag age e for for the the set set is? is? 20 Joules d. The The mini minimu mum m valu value e for for a sing single le bar bar is? is? 16 Joules e. How many many bar(s) bar(s) can be belo below w the the requir required ed aver average age? ? 1
5/27/2014 5:45:47 AM
Fabrication - Welding Qualified ASME Can
Weld Procedure B&PV Section IX
accept some Procedures qualified by others
B&PV Section IX accept Qualifications by others
maintain procedures and performance records
ID or Symbol Stamp each weld or Use weld maps Tacks
Fusedby with the root pass a qualified welder
weather – don’t weld
weld sizing
Figure Min
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
328.5.2 weld size 1/8” 1/8”
Info Other Miscellaneous Requirements 1. If exc excessi essive ve m misali isalignmen gnment, t, taper with a maxi maximum mum ang angle le of 30 d degree egrees s
2. Peeni Peening ng is p prohi rohibite bited d on the root & ffinal inal pass 3. Sea Seall weld welds s al allowe lowed d but m must ust c cov over er all e expo xposed sed tthre hreads ads 4. Flan Flange ge all allig ignm nmen entt a. Pa Para rall llel el wi with thin in 1/ 1/16 16” ” per foot (diameter) b. Bo Bolt lt h hol oles es a ali lign gned ed wi with thin in 1 1/8 /8” 5. Bolt llength: ength: Bolts s should hould e extend xtend comple completely tely th through rough the nu nut. t. If no not, t, has to be within one thread o off complete engagement 6. Gas Gasket kets: s: O Only nly 1 p per er fla flange nge ass assemb embly ly
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Welding & Distortion The
Growth – Growth – As As metals heat up they expand. When cooled, they shrink. A metal’s metal’s strength strength decreases with increasing temperatures
Distortion Occurs
arc is initiated Hot surface expands & distorts the plate si de is much weaker than the cool side Not much since the hot side Completed weld, as heat moves away from weld. Weld contracts r esidual stresses Completed weld is distorted & has residual
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Info Stresses from Welding 1.
When we apply heat in a non-unifo non-uniform rm method method (welding (welding)) the result result is a dimen dimensiona sionall change change causing the part to be distorted or warped
The Pr Principle – As – As the metals cool they shrink. A CS weld that is ¾” ¾” wide wide will shrink about 10 mils. The base metal is “anchored” “anchored”.. As the weld shrinks, the base pulls the cooling weld.
(T (Tensile ensile Stress) At higher temperature, the weld metal is weak and ductile. It can be pulled and reshaped to account for shrinkage At low temperature, the weld metal is stronger and less ductile. It is not easily “reshaped” “reshaped” Remaining pull on the weld once cool – cool – “Residual “Residual Stresses” Stresses” If Residual Stresses exceed strength of weld – weld – Crack Crack
Residu Residual al stress stresses es can can be be reduce reduced d or elim elimina inated ted by: by: Preheat Thermal heat treatment Peening – Peening – pneumatic pneumatic hammer used to pound on welds eg jitterbug type of equipment •
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Preheat & PWHT Preheating
to minimize detrimental effects caused from welding w elding Preheat temperatures; Use Table 330.1.1 l east 1” 1” from toe of weld Preheat zone shall extend at least Post
Weld Heat Treating (331)
to relieve reli eve detrimental effects caused from welding PWHT temperatures: Use Table 331.1.1 1” from toe of weld PWHT zone shall extend at least 1” HT: Minimum overlap of 1’ Partial HT: Local HT: Full circumference Testing – if if required 10% of Furnace welds, 100% of field welds Hardness Testing –
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Exercise 2 1.
Determine Determine the minimu minimum m preheat preheat temperat temperatures ures for the the following following situation situations. s. Determine Determine whether whether the pre-heat is required (Req’d (Req’d)) or recommended (Rec) a. 0.750” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 65 ksi b. 0.250” thick, P-8 material c. 0.500” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 75 ksi d. 0.325” thick, P-5C material e. 1.250” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 70 ksi
At what what base metal metal temperatu temperature, re, do all all the recom recommend mend prehe preheat at temps temps become become requir required ed temperatures?
Determ Determine ine the the PWHT PWHT temperat temperature ure for for the follow following ing situa situatio tions. ns. a. 0.750” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 65 ksi b. 0.250” thick, P-8 material c. 0.800” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 70 ksi d.
0.325” thick, 5% Cr material
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT PWHT conducte conducted d on on a CS CS pipe pipe that that is 1.500 1.500” ” thick?
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT PWHT conducte conducted d on on a CS CS pipe pipe that that is 0.875 0.875” ” thick?
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT condu conducted cted on a 9% Cr pipe that is 0.750” 0.750” thick?
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Answers 2 1.
Determine Determine the minimu minimum m preheat preheat temperat temperatures ures for the the following following situation situations. s. Determine Determine whether whether the pre-heat is required (Req’d (Req’d)) or recommended (Rec) a. b. c. d. e.
0.750” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 65 ksi 0.250” thick, P-8 material 0.500” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 75 ksi 0.325” thick, P-5C material 1.250” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 70 ksi
50oF, Rec Rec 50oF, Rec Rec o 175 F, Rec 350oF, Req’d Req’d o 175 F, Rec R ec
At what what base metal metal temperatu temperature, re, do all all the recom recommend mend prehe preheat at temps temps become become requir required ed temperatures?
< 0oC (32oF)
Determ Determine ine the the PWHT PWHT temperat temperature ure for for the follow following ing situa situatio tions. ns. None a. 0.750” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 65 ksi None b. 0.250” thick, P-8 material None None 1100 - 1200oF (593 - 649oC) c. 0.800” thick, P-1 material, SMTS = 70 ksi d. 0.325” thick, 5% Cr material 1300 - 1400oF (704 - 760oC) C)
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT PWHT conducte conducted d on on a CS CS pipe pipe that that is 1.500 1.500” ” thick? 1.5 hr
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT PWHT conducte conducted d on on a CS CS pipe pipe that that is 0.875 0.875” ” thick? 1 hr
What is the minimu minimum m holding holding time a PWHT condu conducted cted on a 9% Cr pipe that is 0.750” 0.750” thick? 2 hr
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Examination Category Some
visual: materials, fabrication & assembly Visual: 5% of all welds RT: 5% of circ welds
Severe Cyclic Visual: 100% of fabrication & assembly RT:
100% of circ welds MT/PT: All socket-welds RT
Random Exam Reject 2 more If these OK, repair & stop If any defects, then Take e 2 more for each reject Tak If these OK, repair & stop If any defects, then Take
Exam all or Repair all Only those represented by this Random Exam
Criteria – – Table Table 341.3.2
Tw =
wall thickness
“and” means means “and” Progressive
“lesser of of values” values”
Exam Reject Take 2 more RT: 5% of circ welds
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Exercise 3 1.
A new Normal Normal Service Service pipe pipe is fabricated fabricated.. The wall thickness thickness is 0.500 0.500” ”. Determine the maximum allowed dimension for the following discontinuities: a. Crack b. Lack of fusion c. Leng Length th of a sla slag g inc inclu lusi sio on d. Widt Width h of of a sla slag g inc inclu lusi sion on e. Cumu Cumulat lativ ive e Leng Length th of of slag slag incl inclus usio ions ns f. Depth of of Un Undercut g h..
Leng Le thum of Und U Maxi Mangth xim m Cnder apercu Hcut ei eig gtht
Al Alll NDE methods methods shal shalll be perform performed ed in accor accordan dance ce with with ______ _________ ____ _
All NDE NDE personne personnell should should be qualified qualified in accorda accordance nce with __________ ____________ __
Info - NDE Definitions: 100% Examination Random Examination Spot Examination Random Spot Examination
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
:“All of All” “All of All” : “All “All of of Some” Some” : “Some “Some of of All” All” : “Some “Some of of Some” Some”
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Answers 3 1.
A new Normal Normal Service Service pipe pipe is fabricated fabricated.. The wall thickness thickness is 0.500 0.500” ”. Determine the maximum allowed dimension for the following discontinuities: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
Crack Lack of fusion Leng Length th of a sla slag g inc inclu lusi sio on Widt Width h of of a sla slag g inc inclu lusi sion on Cumu Cumulat lativ ive e Leng Length th of of slag slag incl inclus usio ions ns Depth of of Un Undercut Leng Length th of Und Under ercu cutt
0 0 1 ” ≤ 2Tw = ≤ 2 x 0.5 = 1” 1/8” 1/8” 2” in any 6” 6” length length 1/32” ” ≤ 1/32 Unlimited Unlimited
Maxi Maxim mum Cap Hei eig ght
1/8” 1/8”
Al Alll NDE metho methods ds shall shall be be perform performed ed in accord accordanc ance e with with ASME Section V V
Al Alll NDE person personnel nel shou should ld be qual qualifie ified d in accor accordan dance ce with with SNT-TC-1A SNT-TC-1A
5/27/2014 5:45:48 AM
Pressure Testing Purpose
of testing
leaks in joints Create higher stress than the operation stress Minimize the risk of brittle fracture while in-service All
new pipe is tested
D – Service D – Service Test
Minimum Hold Time 10 minutes
- Uninsulated
Hydrotestt Hydrotes
Pneumatic Pneumati c Test P T
1. 5 P PxS xS T S
1.1 P 0.5 P T or 25 psig (lesser)
P initial
1.1 P T or PT
ST: Allowable Stress at Test Temperature Temperature (Usually @ 100oF)
50 psig (lesser)
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Info Why ST /S? Note that ST /S will always be ≥ 1.0. If greater than 1.0, then the pipe will be tested at a pressure higher than 1.5 x PT. A pipe will always be tested t ested at or near ambient temperature. But at ambient temperature, a material is stronger than at some elevated elevated temperature. So, So, for pipe that is designed for elevated temperatures, ST /S adjusts the test pressure upward, recognizing that the material is stronger at test temperature. Actually P x ST /S is basically the pressure this pipe is “good “good for” for” if if it was rerated to a design temperature of 100oF
5/27/2014 5:45:49 AM
Exercise 4 1.
Determine Determine the the required required hydrote hydrotest st pressure pressure for for a 8 NPS pipe. The The design design pressu pressure re is 500 500 psig at at 600oF. The pipe is made of A-106 Gr A material.
A pneum pneumatic atic pressur pressure e test is going going to be perform performed ed on a 16 16 NPS piping piping system. system. The The design design pressure is 100 psig at 300oF. The pipe is made of A-106 Gr C material. Determine the following pressures. a. Test Pressure b. In Init itia iall Sy System stem Pre Press ssur ure e c. d.
Maxi Maximu mum m Rel Relief ief Valve alve Pre Press ssur ure e In Insp spec ecti tion on Pr Pres essu sure re
5/27/2014 5:45:49 AM
Answers 4 1.
Determine Determine the the required required hydrote hydrotest st pressure pressure for for a 8 NPS pipe. The The design design pressu pressure re is 500 500 psig at at 600oF. The pipe is made of A-106 Gr A material. PT = 811 psig psig
A pneum pneumatic atic pressur pressure e test is going going to be perform performed ed on a 16 16 NPS piping piping system. system. The The design design pressure is 100 psig at 300oF. The pipe is made of A-106 Gr C material. Determine the following pressures. a. Test Pressure PT = 110 psig psig PInitial = 25 psig psig b. In Init itia iall Sy System stem Pre Press ssur ure e c. Maxi Maximu mum m Rel Relief ief Valve alve Pre Press ssur ure e PRV = 121 psig psig d.
In Insp spec ecti tion on Pr Pres essu sure re
PInspect = 100 psig psig
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