API 510 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (CLOSED 1) Instructions:
Choose only one answer, which you think is most appropriate. Use the attached answer sheet in answering the following questions.
Post weld heat treatment of vessel welds generally results in: a. b. c. d.
A pr pres essu sure re v ve ess ssel el fab fabri rica cate ted d in 1 1!" !" w was as iin n se serv rvic ice. e. IItt ha has s be been en deci de cide ded d to remo remove ve the the top top he head ad an and d e# e#te tend nd the the he heig ight ht an and d replace the dish head with a new one. $he proposal is: a. b. c. d.
Reduction in in h ha ardness Increase o off tte ensile s sttrength Incr cre ease of b bo oth stre treng ngtth a an nd d du uctili tilitty None of the above
$he pro proposal ca can n be a ac ccepted for rev review by authorised inspector No m mo odifi difica cati tio on iis sa all llo owed o on n tth his v ve esse sell A p prressure v ve essel e en ngineer should b be e consulted for approval None of the above
&essels that are 'nown to have a remaining life of over (((((((((( years or that are protected against e#ternal corro co rrosio sion n nee need d no nott hav have e ins insula ulatio tion n rem remov oved ed for the pe perio riodic dic e#ternal inspection. a. b. c.
1" 1) )
After an inspection interval is completed and if calculations indicate that an inaccurate rate of corrosion has been assumed initially+ how do you determine the corrosion rate for the ne#t inspection period, a. b. c. d.
ec' the original calculations tto o find out what the error is in the original assumption. -nless tth he c co orrosion rra ate iis s c ch hanged b by y u urisdiction+ tth he initial rates shall be used. $he corrosion rate shall be ad/us /usted to agree with the actual rate found. 0all in a corrosion specialist
If a vessel is made up of un'nown materials and computations must be made to determine the AP what can the inspector or the vessel engineer do to establish the AP, a.
Assume 30 a as s 4A 25% 6 6rr. 0 a an nd /oint e effficiency 7 ".8
$he vessel m ma ade of th the un'nown material m mu ust b be e removed from service and vessel of 'nown material must be installed.
$he v ve essel o off u un n'nown m ma aterial s sh hall be be s su ub/ected tto o hydrostatic tests while having strain gages on it to determine its yield strength and thus allowable stress.
R9I assessment can be used to alter the inspection strategy provided: a. b. c. d.
c. d.
0ooler dry locations. &ery co colld lo loc cations wi witth y ye ear rou round te tem mperature les less than 2);< armer+ wet locations armer dry locations
4oil= il=to= to=air >4 >4?A ?A@@ in intterfa rface ces s for for pa parrtia tially lly bur uriied vesse sels ls are a location where localied corrosion may ta'e place. If the buried part is e#cavated e#cavated for inspection+ how deep should the e#cavation be to determine if there is hidden damage, a. b. c. d.
$he degradation methods are identified and evaluated $he R9I is fully documented. A third party conducts the R9I 9oth A and 9 above
h hat at c cli lima mati tic c ar are ea ma may y re reu uir ire e a ve very ry a act ctiv ive e pr prog ogra ram m fo forr corrosion under insulation, a. b.
he lowest code gr grademay m ma atebe riaassumed l a an nd h hiighfor estcalculations. //o oint e effficiency iin n the$applicable
12 to 15 inches ! to 12 inches 12 to 2* inches ! to 15 inches
2 0 0om ommo mon n w way ay to mi mini nimi mie e temp temper er em embr brit ittl tlem emen entt iis s tto o llim imit it a.
BC factor fo for w we eld metal.
API 510 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (CLOSED 1) b. c. d. 1".
$he m mini inimum mum hy hydro dro ttest est ttemp emper eratu ature re fo forr in= in=ser servic vice e ve vesse ssell of 2F thic'ness is: a. b. c. d.
as per API=)1"@, a. b. c. d.
2!.. 2!
PJ$ may be e#empted+ if if proper NGK is carried out. 0a 0arrry out temp mpe er=b =be ead we weld ldin ing g as alte altern rna ativ tive to PJ$ J$.. 0arry o ou ut b bo oth h hy ydro=testing a an nd p pn neumatic tte esting iin n lieu of the PJ$. 0arry out preheating to minimum 2"";<
A cy cyli lind ndri rica call sh shel elll wi with th thi thic' c'ne ness ss 7 *. *."F "F++ IG7 IG7!F !F++ 47181 47181"" "" and K7".5) and 0. A. 7 1?5F showed metal loss of 1?*F within the ar area eas s ly lyin ing g 5F on eith either er side side of the the long longit itud udin inal al we weld lds. s. ou analysis of situation is: a. Re Recalcu calculate late shel shelll thi thic'ne c'ness ss BBtC tC minimum minimum considering K71." b. $he thin thinne ned d are area a is on o orr wit within hin w weld eld a area rea h henc ence e >a >a@@ abo above ve can not be adopted c. Pre Prepar pare e repai repairr pro proce cedur dure e and resto restore re the meta metall loss loss as pe perr API =)1" d. b and c above
28.. 28
a ate terrials ials used for for ma ma'i 'ing ng re repa pair ir by we welldi din ng in ca carb rbo on ste steel vessels shall have the following limitations, a.
$hey shall meet the reuirements stipulated in NA0K 4tandard.
b. c.
$he carbon content shall not be over ".%) elding repair shall be done by using only the 6$A process All of the above
d. 25.. 25
s@ >s@ a. b. c.
d. )2.. )2
1" mm 5 mm 8 mm mm
If an any y se sett ttin ing g is no noti tice ced d on a vess sse el+ which hich of th the e fo foll llo owi win ng should be done: a.
)1.. )1
$he inspector should as' for re=test using proper test pressure and new pressure gauges.
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