API 500 & 505 Presentation

May 6, 2018 | Author: Kamal | Category: Phases Of Matter, Chemical Process Engineering, Energy Technology, Gases, Chemistry
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API RP 500/505 KAVIN Presentation

Recommended Practice for Hazardous Area Classication of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum acilities


$il and &as Plants Handle lamma'le (aterials


$il and &as Plants Handle lamma'le (aterials

Hazardous Area A “hazardous area” is defned as an area in which the atmosphere atmosphere contains, ammable o explosive ases! dusts or vapors" #n such an atmosphere a fre or explosion is possible when three basic conditions are met" $his #s reerred to as the “hazardous area” or “combustion” trianle"

)C$PE  $he Purpose Purpose o this AP# %P &'' &'' is to provide provide uidelines uidelines or classiyin (lass #, )ivision *, (lass #, )ivision + locations at petroleum petroleum acilities or the selection and installation o electrical euipment"  $he Purpose Purpose o this AP# %P &'& is to prov provide ide uidelines or or classiyin (lass #, -one ', (lass # -one *, (lass # -one + locations at petroleum acilities or the selection and installation o electrical euipment"

CLA))IICA*I$N Location

lamma'le or Com'usti'le (aterials

(lass #

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o+er E,-losi.e limit ncentration o ammable as, /apor or mist in air, below which an expl  atmosphere will not be ormed"

--er E,-losi.e Limit ncentration o ammable as, /apor or mist in air, above which an expl  atmosphere will not be ormed"


2i.ision 3 1here initable concentrations o ammable ases, vapors or liuids can exist all o the time or some o the time under normal operatin conditions"

API 505 4one 0 1here initable concentrations o ammable ases, vapors or liuids can exist all o the time or or lon periods o time under normal operatin conditions" 4one 3 1here initable concentrations o ammable ases, vapors or liuids can exist some o the time under normal operatin conditions"

CLA)) I AREA CLA))IICA*I$N API 500 2i.ision  1here initable concentrations o ammable ases, vapors or liuids are not li2ely to exist under normal operatin conditions"

API 505 4one  1here initable concentrations o ammable ases, vapors or liuids are not li2ely to exist under normal operatin conditions"

3A04 A%4A (1) Area where the piping system is without valves, fittings, flanges. (2) Area where flammable liquids or vapor are transported only in suitable containers or vessels. (3) Area where permanent ignition sources are present lie area where combustion gases are present, for the e!ample flare tips, flare pits, other open flames and hot surfaces. (") #$ set room with adequate ventilation. (%) &il'gas fired boilers installations.

in7 Relations6i- 'et+een &rade of Release8 Presenc a'le mi,ture and 4one Classication &rade of Release

lamma'le (i,ture Present



*''' or more hours5 6ear7*'89



:ore than *' or less than *''' hours 5 6ear 7'"*8 ; *'89



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