API 2517 Ed. 3 (1989/R1996): Evaporation Loss From External Floating-roof Tanks

June 12, 2019 | Author: tonyfanatic4 | Category: Pressure, Phases Of Matter, Gases, Chemistry, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics
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Download API 2517 Ed. 3 (1989/R1996): Evaporation Loss From External Floating-roof Tanks...


API 2517 Ed. 3 (1989/R1996) Evaporation Loss From Et!rna" F"oatin#$roo% &an's Table of Contents Section 1 - Scope Section 2 - Procedures for calculating losses 2.1 Loss equations 2.1.1 General 2.1.2 Standing storage loss 2.1.3 Withdrawal loss 2.1.4 Total loss 2.2 iscussion of !aria"les 2.2.1 General 2.2.2 Standing storage loss factors #i$-seal loss factor factor To Total tal roof-fitting loss factor %ap %apor or pressure function %ap %apor or $olecular weight weight 2.2.2.& Product factor 2.2.2.' ensit( of condensed condensed !apor 2.2.3 Withdrawal loss factors Significance )nnual net throughput throughput *lingage )!erage liquid liquid stoc+ densit( densit( 2.3 Su$$ar( of calculation procedure 2.4 Sa$ple pro"le$ 2.4.1 Pro"le$ 2.4.2 Solution Standing storage storage loss Withdrawal loss To Total tal loss Section 3 - *o$ponents of e,ternal floating-roof tan+s 3.1 ,ternal floating-roof tan+s 3.2 loating roofs 3.3 #i$ seals 3.3.1 General 3.3.2 /echanical-shoe pri$ar( seals 3.3.3 #esilient-filled pri$ar( seals 3.3.4 le,i"le-wiper pri$ar( seals 3.3.& Secondar( seals 3.3.' Weather shields 3.4 #oof fittings 3.4.1 General 3.4.2 )ccess hatches 3.4.3 0nslotted guide-pole wells 3.4.4 Slotted guide-polesa$ple wells 3.4.& Gauge-float wells 3.4.' Gauge-hatchsa$ple wells 3.4. %acuu %acuu$ $ "rea+ers 3.4. #oof drains 3.4. #oof legs 3.4.15 #i$ !ents Section 4 - etails of loss anal(sis 4.1 6ntroduction 4.2 Loss $echanis$s 4.2.1 General 4.2.2 #i$-seal loss 4.2.3 #oof-fitting loss 4.2.4 Withdrawal loss 4.3 ata "ase for loss correlations 4.3.1 Standing storage loss data 4.3.2 Withdrawal loss data 4.4 e!elop$ent of standing storage loss correlation 4.4.1 General 4.4.2 #i$-seal loss factors 4.4.3 Tan+ dia$eter 4.4.4 #oof-fitting loss factors 4.4.& %apo %aporr pressure function 4.4.' Product factors 4.4. Ta Tan+ n+ paint colour

4.& e!elop$ent of withdrawal loss correlation Section & - #eferences  )ppendi, ) - e!elop$ent of ri$-seal loss factors  )ppendi, 7 - e!elop$ent of relationship "etween airflow rate and wind speed  )ppendi, * - e!elop$ent of dia$eter function  )ppendi,  - e!elop$ent of roof-fitting loss factors  )ppendi,  - e!elop$ent of !apor pressure function  )ppendi,  - e!elop$ent of product factors  )ppendi, G - e!elop$ent of clingage factors  )ppendi, 8 - ocu$entation records igures 1 #i$-seal loss factor for a welded tan+ with a $echanical-shoe pri$ar( seal 2 #i$-seal loss factor for a welded tan+ with a liquid-$ounted resilient-filled pri$ar( seal 3 #i$-seal loss factor for a welded tan+ with a !apor-$ounted resilient-filled pri$ar( seal 4 #i$-seal loss factor for a ri!eted tan+ with a $echanical-shoe pri$ar( seal & #oof-fitting loss factor for access hatches ' #oof-fitting loss factor for unslotted guidepole wells  #oof-fitting loss factor for slotted guidepolesa$ple wells  #oof-fitting loss factor for gauge-float wells  #oof-fitting loss factor for gauge hatchsa$ple wells 15 #oof-fitting loss factor for !acuu$ "rea+ers 11 #oof-fitting loss factor for roof drains 12 #oof-fitting loss factor for ad9usta"le roof legs 13 #oof-fitting loss factor for ri$ !ents 14 Total roof-fitting loss factor for t(pical fittings on pontoon floating roofs 1& Total roof-fitting loss factor for t(pical fittings on dou"le-dec+ floating roofs 1' %apor pressure function 1) True !apor pressure of refined petroleu$ stoc+s with a #eid !apor pressure of 1-25 pounds per square inch 17 quation for true !apor pressure of refined petroleu$ stoc+s with a #eid !apor pressure of 1-25 pounds per square inch 1) True !apor pressure of crude oils with a #eid !apor pressure of 2-1& pounds per square inch 17 quation for true !apor pressure of crude oils with a #eid !apor pressure of 2-1& pounds per square inch 1 ,ternal floating-roof tan+ with pontoon floating roof 25 ,ternal floating-roof tan+ with dou"le-dec+ floating roof 21 /echanical-shoe pri$ar( seal 22 #esilient-filled pri$ar( seal 23 le,i"le-wiper pri$ar( seal 24 /echanical-shoe pri$ar( seal with shoe-$ounted secondar( seal 2& #esilient-filled pri$ar( seal with ri$-$ounted secondar( seal 2' )ccess hatch 2 0nslotted guide-pole well 2 Slotted guide-polesa$ple well 2 Gauge-float well 35 Gauge-hatchsa$ple well 31 %acuu$ "rea+er 32 :!erflow roof drain 33 #oof leg 34 #i$ !ent *-1 *alculated losses as a function of dia$eter e,ponent Ta"les 1 Su$$ar( of procedure for calculating standing storage loss 2 Su$$ar( of procedure for calculating withdrawal loss 3 #i$-seal loss factors; for selected 0.S. locations & #oof-fitting loss factors;
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