APA Quiz

November 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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APA Quiz Before taking this quiz, you should review APA citation guidelines, for example by reading Chart  or relevant sections of a college writing reference through  Purdue OWL’s Citation Style Chart through book such as Rules for Writers. Writers. 1. What does APA stand for?   APA is the abbreviation of the American Psychological Association, which is an organization that provides a set of writing style rules that are usually used in most social science courses. 

2. In what academic disciplines is APA style most commonly used?  A. The humanities humanities B. The social sciences C. The natural sciences D. Performing arts 3. What information should you include at the very minimum when you cite a source using APA format?  A. The author’s last name  name  B. The year of publication C.  A complete, complete, properly formatted reference in the “References” “References” section section of your your paper  paper   D. All of the above In-text citations

4. What is the difference between integral and non-integral citations?  A. Integral citations citations are directly relevant relevant to your your argument, argument, whereas whereas non-integral non-integral citations citations are merely used to suggest sources that readers might find interesting B. An integral citation refers to a source that you discuss in its entirety; providing a nonintegral citation means that you are interested only in specific sections of the source C. In an integral citation, the name of of the author is incorporated into the sentence, while a non-integral citation appears in parentheses D. The use of integral citations generally indicates agreement with the sources that are cited, whereas the use of non-integral citations could convey a critical stance 5. When should your citation include a page number? (select any that apply) ❏  When you summarize a source ❏  (When you paraphrase a specific passage in a source) ❏  When you paraphrase a source’s main conclusion  conclusion   ❏  When you quote from a source

6. How should you arrange multiple sources that appear in the same parentheses? © University of Arizona Writing Program 


 A. In chronological chronological order order B. In alphabetical order C. In order of relative importance to your argument or analysis, starting with the most important source D. It doesn’t really matter   7. Which of the following series of non-integral citations is formatted correctly?  A. Abercrombie Abercrombie (1922), Nielsen (1988), (1988), and Smith Smith (1950) (1950) B. (Abercrombie, (Abercrombie , 1922; Nielsen, 1988; Smith, 1950) 1950) C. (Abercrombie 1922, Nielsen 1988, Smith 1950) D. (Abercrombie, (Abercrombie , 1922; Nielsen, 1988; and Smith, 1950) 8. The following passage containing a quote is incorrectly formatted.  According to Braskamp, Br a askamp, skamp, and Merrill, “Education abroad has become an increasingly important educational program (experience) in global learning and development, intercultural competence, intercultural maturity, and intercultural sensitivity of students’.(2009, p. 101)  101)   Correct answer:

 According to Braskamp et al. (2009) “Education “Education abroad has become an increasingly important educational program (experience) in global learning and development, intercultural competence, intercultural maturity, and intercultural sensitivity of students” students” (p.101). References 9. Which of the following elements are capitalized in a list of references that follows APA conventions? (select any that apply) ❏   Authors’ last last names  names  ❏  The first word and proper nouns in article titles, e.g., ‘Car talk’: automobility and Chinese international students in Michigan. ❏  The first word and the principal words in journal titles (all the words except articles, prepositions, or conjunctions), e.g. Journal of Pulmonary and Clinical Research ❏  Publisher names and publication cities 10. TRUE or FALSE: In the list of references, both book citations and journal article citations should include the name of the publisher. 11. TRUE or FALSE: If multiple publications by the same author are listed, they should be given in chronological order. 12. TRUE or FALSE: Authors are always named by their last names and initials in the list of references. 13. What abbreviation is used when the year of publication is unknown? © University of Arizona Writing Program 



14. Which of the following references is formatted incorrectly? ❏  Hammer, M. R. (1989). Intercultural communication communicat ion competence. In M. K. Asante & W. B. Gudykunst (Eds.), The handbook of international and intercultural communication (pp. communication  (pp. 247-260). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. ❏  Shaftel, J., Shaftel, T., & Ahluwalia, R. (2007). International educational experience and intercultural competence. Journal of Business & Economics, Economics , 6 (1), (1), 25-34. ❏  Kim, M. (1993). Culture-based conversational constraints in explaining cross-cultural strategic competence. In R. L. Wiseman & J. Koester (Eds.), Intercultural communication competence (pp. competence  (pp. 132-150). ❏  Taylor, E. W. (1994). Intercultural Intercultur al Competency: A Transformative Transformati ve Learning Process.  Adult Education Education Quarterly  Quarterly , 44(3), 44(3), 154-174. ❏  Institute of International Education. (2008). Open doors report. Retrieved from http://www.iie.org/opendoors.

15. Correct the following citation: Greenholtz, Joe. (2000). Assessing cross-cultural competence in transnational education: The intercultural development inventory. Higher Education in Europe, Europe, 411-416. Correct citation:

Greenholtz, J. (2000). Assessing cross-cultural competence in transnational education: The intercultural development inventory. Higher Education in Europe, Europe, 411- 416.

© University of Arizona Writing Program 

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