AP History Bits

July 29, 2018 | Author: ksko07 | Category: South India, Religion And Belief
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AP History Bits for APPSC...


A. AP History History Group Group 2 Bits

1. The founder of the Ikshvaku dynasty was Shantamula-I. 2. Ikshvakus were the feudatories of Satavahanas. 3. Ikshvakus ruled the Andhara Desha between 225 A.D to 300 A.D 4. After the defeat of ulomavi-III! Shantamula "I laid the foundation for Ikshvaku kin#dom. 5. Another name of Ikshvaku kin# Shantamula-I was $asisti%utra Sri Santhamula. 6. The ins&ri%tions of $asisthi %utra Santamula were re&ently dis&overed in 'entala and (esava%ath. 7. )atari Devi was the wife of Shantamula-I. 8. $ira%urusha data is the son of Shantamula-I. 9. Adavi Shantisri is the dau#hter of Shantamula-I. 10. *armyasri and Shantisiri were the sisters of Shantamula-I. 11. Santamula-I issued &rores of #old &oins and donated thousands of &ows. 12. Santamula arran#ed laks of %lou#hs to brin# land into irri#ation. 13. $ira%urusha Datta was the %o%ular kin# amon# Ikshvakus. 14. $i+aya%uri was the &a%ital of the Ikshvakus. 15. ,a#ar+una (onda is the modern name of $i+aya%uri. 16. A&&ordin# to the %uranas Ikshvakus were &alled as Sri arvatiyas. 17. A&&ordin# to $ishnu%urana and aina dharmamruta! Ikshvakus were the heirs of  uddha. 18. A&&ordin# to the uranas! Ikshvaku dynasty &onsists of / kin#s. 19. A&&ordin# to ins&ri%tions! Ikshvaku dynasty &onsists of 5 kin#s. 20. ,a#ar+unakonda! a##ayya%et and 'amireddy%alli ins&ri%tions are the sour&es of  history of Ikshvakus.

21. rakrit is the ins&ri%tional lan#ua#e durin# Ikshvakus. 22. Sivaskanda varma destroyed the Ikshvaku dynasty. 23. After the downfall of the Ikshvaku dynasty! the re#ion to the south of river (rishna &omes under the rule of allavas. 24. After the downfall of the Ikshvaku dynasty! the re#ion to the north of river (rishna was ruled by ruhat%alayanas. 25. $ira%urushadatta married 'udrabhattarika! the %rin&ess of ++ain. 26. uddhism flourished durin# the rei#n of $ira%urushadatta. 27. ush%a hadra Swami tem%le at ,a#ar+una (onda was &onstru&ted by $ira%urushadatta. 28. hattidevi! 'udra hattarika! Shantisri ! a%isri and Shantisri were the wives of  $ira%urushadatta. 29. Santamula-I is the 1 st *indu kin# to %atronie *induism. 30. Ikshvakus &onstru&ted the 1 st *indu tem%le. 31. (onda alasri is the dau#hter of $ira%urusha Datta. 32. ahubala Santamula-I is the son of $ira%urusha Datta. 33. The rei#n of $ira%urushadatta is said to be #olden a#e for uddhism. 34. (andarara+u issued he+erla ins&ri%tion. 35. he+erla ins&ri%tion tells us about wars between Ikshvakus and Ananda#otrikas. 36. 4lisiri &onstru&ted Sarvadevadhikasam tem%le for (umara Swami. 37. )an&hikallu ins&ri%tion was found near $i+aya%uri. 38. )an&hikallu ins&ri%tion is similar to the ins&ri%tion of ,a#ar+una (onda. 39. A&&ordin# to ar&hite&ture of the Ikshvaku %eriod! $ira%urisha Datta is said to have destroyed the Sivalin#am. 40. The so&ial evil Sati saha#amanam is in eisten&e durin# the Ikshvaku %eriod.

41. rihat%alayanas were the feudatories of the Ikshvakus. 42. Durin# the Ikshvaku %eriod! the trade #uilds were &alled as ,i#amalu. 43. )any 'oman &oins were found in ,a#ar+una (onda. 44. )otu%alli and 6hantasala were the im%ortant %orts durin# Ikshvakus. 45. Ashtabhu+a ,arayana tem%le is lo&ated in ,a#ar+una konda. 46. Tem%le ar&hite&ture was initiated durin# Ikshvaku %eriod. 47. The an&ient name for hatti%rolu is rati%ala%uram. 48. The an&ient name for ,a#ala%uram! lo&ated in alanadu is *alam%uram. 49. %asika odhisri7s ins&ri%tion is an im%ortan&e eviden&e about the %atrona#e of  uddhism durin# Ikshvakus. 50. The tem%les dis&overed in the e&avations near ,a#ar+una (onda are *arati tem%le! )aha+ana tem%le! (umara swami tem%le! ush%abhadra swami tem%le! ashtabho+i narayana swami tem%le. 51. The )andhata s&ul%ture was dis&overed in a##ayya%et. 52. After $iru%urushadatta! his son 4hubala Santamula born to hatti )ahadevi &ame to %ower and ruled the &ountry for about 28 years.

1st Chief Minister of Justice Party Government Province was Subbarayalu Reddiar.

53. The

54. The

in the Madras

1st President of Andhra Conress Circle was !yaya"ati Subba Rao.

1st #e"uty Chief Minister of Andhra State was #r. !. San$eeva Reddy.

55. The

56. The

1st Governor of Andhra Pradesh was C.M.Trivedi.

57. #r.

Pattabhi Seetharamaiah wrote the %istory of &ndian !ational Conress.

58. The

editor of 'Andhra Pra(asi(a) was A.C. Parthasarathi !aidu.

59. C.

Ra$ao"alachari was the chief minister of Madras Presidency in 1*+,.

60. The

ceded districts were named as 'Rayalaseema) by Gadicherla %ari sarvothama Rao.

61. 'Samastha

Gandharva -idya ovida) chellavva was the court musician of Chalu(ya /hima.

62. urnool was

the ca"ital of Andhra State.

63. Sri

-en(ateswara 0niversity was established in the year 1*2.

64. Sri

/ah"act was made in the year 1*+,.

65. The

3ditor of the 0rdu daily news"a"er 'Rayyat) was M.!arsina Rao.

66. The

-ira Siromanta"a at Srisailam was constructed by Anavema Reddy.

67. The

ohinoor diamond was discovered in the diamond mines at olluru.

68. The

&talian traveller who visited South &ndia durin the rein of #evaraya4&& was !icolo Conti.

69. The

musical instrument 'Jala(aranda) was referred in the a(atiya inscri"tion of #harmasaaram.

70. Accordin

to ridabhiramam5 6ruallu was (nown as an adobe of  drama artists7actors.

71. Chin

8ilich han was the founder of %yderabad State.

72. The

main "oint of di9erence between !i:am Ali of %yderabad and the 3nlish was 'The !orthern Circar).

73. Motur"ha indicates Ta;

on looms.

74. The

uarter of ceded reion.

1st novel written in Teluu by -eeresalinam was Ra$ase(hara Charitram.

79. The

80. Rev4!obel established


a school at Machili"atnam in 1=2+.

81. The

%yderabad !i:am Collee was established in 1==,.

82. The

1st Teluu $ournal that was "ublished from /ellary was Satya #oota.

83. The

Gentle men)s Areement was made in 1*?.

84. /i"in

Chandra"al)s tour of Andhra was oranised by Mutnuri rishna


85. !.G.Rana led

the isan and ararian movements in Andhra.

86. !ational

collee in Machili"atnam was started in 1*1@.

87. The

Anti4#rin( and Swadeshi movements were conducted in the ceded districts by alluru Subba Rao.

88. Tanuturi

Pra(asam "a"er 'Swara$ya).

89. C.R.Reddy was

90. .ina

Panthulu started




the 1st -ice4Chancellor of Andhra 0niversity.

Ra$u translated Ma;im Gor(y)s 'Mother) into Teluu.

Ananda Charyulu was the 1st Teluu man to become the President of  &ndian !ational Conress.

91. P.

1st !i:am Andhra Mahasabha was "resided by Suravaram Prata"a Reddy.

92. The

93. 'Sri

rishnadevaraya /hasha !ilayam) was established in 1*@1.

94. /urula

Rama(rishna %yderabad State.

Rao was

the 1st elected




95. asim

Ra:vi was the leader of the Ra:a(ars.

96. Accordin

to the the Satavahanas.

97. '/hatti"rolu

"uranas Pulomavi4&&&

inscri"tion) refers



to 'niama4sabha) of




the Satavahana


98. 'Syadwadachala

99. -i$aya"uri




Simha) was the title of Somadeva Suri.

was the ca"ital of the &(shva(us.

-eni was the ca"ital city of the Salan(ayanas.

 The lanuae used in the inscri"tions of Satavahanas is Pra(rit.

Saivisam was "atronised by the Salan(ayanas.

Gunaa -i$ayaditya was the reatest of the (ins of 3astern Chalu(yan dynasty.



Ra$ara$a "atronised !annayabhattu.




 The 1st Chalu(ya4Chola em"eror was ulottuna4&.

Motu"alli was an im"ortant sea"ort in the a(atiya indom.

 Jainism was "atronised by the early a(atiya ins.

 The 1@@@ "illared tem"le at %anuma(onda was under the "atronae of Rudradeva.


 The traveller who visited of Rudramadevi was Marco Polo.










'Prata"arudra Bashobhushanam) was written by -idyanatha.

 The "o"ular reliion of the Reddy "eriod was -eerasaivism.

Peda(omati -ema Reddy was the author of Sanita Chintamani.

3rra "reada was the -idyadhi(ari in the court of Prolaya -ema Reddy.



'Meru(a) was a ta; on
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