1. The founder of the Ikshvaku dynasty was Shantamula-I. 2. Ikshvakus were the feudatories of Satavahanas. 3. Ikshvakus ruled the Andhara Desha between 225 A.D to 300 A.D 4. After the defeat of ulomavi-III! Shantamula "I laid the foundation for Ikshvaku kin#dom. 5. Another name of Ikshvaku kin# Shantamula-I was $asisti%utra Sri Santhamula. 6. The ins&ri%tions of $asisthi %utra Santamula were re&ently dis&overed in 'entala and (esava%ath. 7. )atari Devi was the wife of Shantamula-I. 8. $ira%urusha data is the son of Shantamula-I. 9. Adavi Shantisri is the dau#hter of Shantamula-I. 10. *armyasri and Shantisiri were the sisters of Shantamula-I. 11. Santamula-I issued &rores of #old &oins and donated thousands of &ows. 12. Santamula arran#ed laks of %lou#hs to brin# land into irri#ation. 13. $ira%urusha Datta was the %o%ular kin# amon# Ikshvakus. 14. $i+aya%uri was the &a%ital of the Ikshvakus. 15. ,a#ar+una (onda is the modern name of $i+aya%uri. 16. A&&ordin# to the %uranas Ikshvakus were &alled as Sri arvatiyas. 17. A&&ordin# to $ishnu%urana and aina dharmamruta! Ikshvakus were the heirs of uddha. 18. A&&ordin# to the uranas! Ikshvaku dynasty &onsists of / kin#s. 19. A&&ordin# to ins&ri%tions! Ikshvaku dynasty &onsists of 5 kin#s. 20. ,a#ar+unakonda! a##ayya%et and 'amireddy%alli ins&ri%tions are the sour&es of history of Ikshvakus.
21. rakrit is the ins&ri%tional lan#ua#e durin# Ikshvakus. 22. Sivaskanda varma destroyed the Ikshvaku dynasty. 23. After the downfall of the Ikshvaku dynasty! the re#ion to the south of river (rishna &omes under the rule of allavas. 24. After the downfall of the Ikshvaku dynasty! the re#ion to the north of river (rishna was ruled by ruhat%alayanas. 25. $ira%urushadatta married 'udrabhattarika! the %rin&ess of ++ain. 26. uddhism flourished durin# the rei#n of $ira%urushadatta. 27. ush%a hadra Swami tem%le at ,a#ar+una (onda was &onstru&ted by $ira%urushadatta. 28. hattidevi! 'udra hattarika! Shantisri ! a%isri and Shantisri were the wives of $ira%urushadatta. 29. Santamula-I is the 1 st *indu kin# to %atronie *induism. 30. Ikshvakus &onstru&ted the 1 st *indu tem%le. 31. (onda alasri is the dau#hter of $ira%urusha Datta. 32. ahubala Santamula-I is the son of $ira%urusha Datta. 33. The rei#n of $ira%urushadatta is said to be #olden a#e for uddhism. 34. (andarara+u issued he+erla ins&ri%tion. 35. he+erla ins&ri%tion tells us about wars between Ikshvakus and Ananda#otrikas. 36. 4lisiri &onstru&ted Sarvadevadhikasam tem%le for (umara Swami. 37. )an&hikallu ins&ri%tion was found near $i+aya%uri. 38. )an&hikallu ins&ri%tion is similar to the ins&ri%tion of ,a#ar+una (onda. 39. A&&ordin# to ar&hite&ture of the Ikshvaku %eriod! $ira%urisha Datta is said to have destroyed the Sivalin#am. 40. The so&ial evil Sati saha#amanam is in eisten&e durin# the Ikshvaku %eriod.
41. rihat%alayanas were the feudatories of the Ikshvakus. 42. Durin# the Ikshvaku %eriod! the trade #uilds were &alled as ,i#amalu. 43. )any 'oman &oins were found in ,a#ar+una (onda. 44. )otu%alli and 6hantasala were the im%ortant %orts durin# Ikshvakus. 45. Ashtabhu+a ,arayana tem%le is lo&ated in ,a#ar+una konda. 46. Tem%le ar&hite&ture was initiated durin# Ikshvaku %eriod. 47. The an&ient name for hatti%rolu is rati%ala%uram. 48. The an&ient name for ,a#ala%uram! lo&ated in alanadu is *alam%uram. 49. %asika odhisri7s ins&ri%tion is an im%ortan&e eviden&e about the %atrona#e of uddhism durin# Ikshvakus. 50. The tem%les dis&overed in the e&avations near ,a#ar+una (onda are *arati tem%le! )aha+ana tem%le! (umara swami tem%le! ush%abhadra swami tem%le! ashtabho+i narayana swami tem%le. 51. The )andhata s&ul%ture was dis&overed in a##ayya%et. 52. After $iru%urushadatta! his son 4hubala Santamula born to hatti )ahadevi &ame to %ower and ruled the &ountry for about 28 years.
1st Chief Minister of Justice Party Government Province was Subbarayalu Reddiar.
53. The
54. The
in the Madras
1st President of Andhra Conress Circle was !yaya"ati Subba Rao.
1st #e"uty Chief Minister of Andhra State was #r. !. San$eeva Reddy.
55. The
56. The
1st Governor of Andhra Pradesh was C.M.Trivedi.
57. #r.
Pattabhi Seetharamaiah wrote the %istory of &ndian !ational Conress.
58. The
editor of 'Andhra Pra(asi(a) was A.C. Parthasarathi !aidu.
59. C.
Ra$ao"alachari was the chief minister of Madras Presidency in 1*+,.
60. The
ceded districts were named as 'Rayalaseema) by Gadicherla %ari sarvothama Rao.
61. 'Samastha
Gandharva -idya ovida) chellavva was the court musician of Chalu(ya /hima.
62. urnool was
the ca"ital of Andhra State.
63. Sri
-en(ateswara 0niversity was established in the year 1*2.
64. Sri
/ah"act was made in the year 1*+,.
65. The
3ditor of the 0rdu daily news"a"er 'Rayyat) was M.!arsina Rao.
66. The
-ira Siromanta"a at Srisailam was constructed by Anavema Reddy.
67. The
ohinoor diamond was discovered in the diamond mines at olluru.
68. The
&talian traveller who visited South &ndia durin the rein of #evaraya4&& was !icolo Conti.
69. The
musical instrument 'Jala(aranda) was referred in the a(atiya inscri"tion of #harmasaaram.
70. Accordin
to ridabhiramam5 6ruallu was (nown as an adobe of drama artists7actors.
71. Chin
8ilich han was the founder of %yderabad State.
72. The
main "oint of di9erence between !i:am Ali of %yderabad and the 3nlish was 'The !orthern Circar).
73. Motur"ha indicates Ta;
on looms.
74. The
uarter of ceded reion.
1st novel written in Teluu by -eeresalinam was Ra$ase(hara Charitram.
79. The
80. Rev4!obel established
a school at Machili"atnam in 1=2+.
81. The
%yderabad !i:am Collee was established in 1==,.
82. The
1st Teluu $ournal that was "ublished from /ellary was Satya #oota.
83. The
Gentle men)s Areement was made in 1*?.
84. /i"in
Chandra"al)s tour of Andhra was oranised by Mutnuri rishna
85. !.G.Rana led
the isan and ararian movements in Andhra.
86. !ational
collee in Machili"atnam was started in 1*1@.
87. The
Anti4#rin( and Swadeshi movements were conducted in the ceded districts by alluru Subba Rao.
88. Tanuturi
Pra(asam "a"er 'Swara$ya).
89. C.R.Reddy was
90. .ina
Panthulu started
the 1st -ice4Chancellor of Andhra 0niversity.
Ra$u translated Ma;im Gor(y)s 'Mother) into Teluu.
Ananda Charyulu was the 1st Teluu man to become the President of &ndian !ational Conress.
91. P.
1st !i:am Andhra Mahasabha was "resided by Suravaram Prata"a Reddy.
92. The
93. 'Sri
rishnadevaraya /hasha !ilayam) was established in 1*@1.
94. /urula
Rama(rishna %yderabad State.
Rao was
the 1st elected
95. asim
Ra:vi was the leader of the Ra:a(ars.
96. Accordin
to the the Satavahanas.
97. '/hatti"rolu
"uranas Pulomavi4&&&
inscri"tion) refers
to 'niama4sabha) of
the Satavahana
98. 'Syadwadachala
99. -i$aya"uri
Simha) was the title of Somadeva Suri.
was the ca"ital of the &(shva(us.
-eni was the ca"ital city of the Salan(ayanas.
The lanuae used in the inscri"tions of Satavahanas is Pra(rit.
Saivisam was "atronised by the Salan(ayanas.
Gunaa -i$ayaditya was the reatest of the (ins of 3astern Chalu(yan dynasty.
Ra$ara$a "atronised !annayabhattu.
The 1st Chalu(ya4Chola em"eror was ulottuna4&.
Motu"alli was an im"ortant sea"ort in the a(atiya indom.
Jainism was "atronised by the early a(atiya ins.
The 1@@@ "illared tem"le at %anuma(onda was under the "atronae of Rudradeva.
The traveller who visited of Rudramadevi was Marco Polo.
'Prata"arudra Bashobhushanam) was written by -idyanatha.
The "o"ular reliion of the Reddy "eriod was -eerasaivism.
Peda(omati -ema Reddy was the author of Sanita Chintamani.
3rra "reada was the -idyadhi(ari in the court of Prolaya -ema Reddy.
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