AP BIOLOGY EXAM REVIEW GUIDE “The price of success is har wor!" eica#io$ #o #he %o& a# ha$" a$ #he e#ermi$a#io$ #ha# whe#her we wi$ or lose" we have applie #he &es# of ourselves #o #he #as! a# ha$'(
' ;a#er proper#ies. proper#ies. polari#y" polari#y" cohesio$/a##rac#io$ cohesio$/a##rac#io$ #o o#her wa#er molecules" molecules" ahesio$ /a##rac#io$ #o o#her charge compou$s low e$si#y whe$ fro9e$" versa#ile solve$#" high hea# of fusio$vapori9a#io$5 surface #e$sio$ aw of G$epe$e$# Assor#me$#. alleles assor# i$epe$e$#ly uri$g meiosis G #hey are o$ separa#e chromosomes /i'e' AaB& ca$ ma!e game#es AB" A&" aB or a&
3' Pro&a&ili#y" Pa##er$s a$ Excep#io$s #o e$elLs Rules a' prouc# rule. mul#iply cha$ce of o$e eve$# happe$i$g &y #he cha$ce of a$o#her eve$# happe$i$g #o ge# #he cha$ce of &o#h eve$#s occurri$g #oge#her &' au#osomal vs' sex.li$!e /o$ #he U or chromosome c' mo$ohy&ri cross5 o$e #rai#5 3:1 /Aa x Aa5 1:1 /Aa x aa or :1 /AA xV" /aa x aa ' ihy&ri cross5 J:3:3:1 ge$o#ype /AaB& x AaB& or #es# cross 1:1:1:1/AaB& x aa&& e' Thomas *u$# orga$. frui# Mies" U. li$!e #rai#s /1male. he#ero9ygous U5 chromosome is very small i$ mammals a$ frui# Mies wi#h few ge$es /2female. homo9ygous UU /3si$gle ge$e mu#a#io$s o$ U chromosome cause isease such as hemophilia or color&li$$ess /sex limi#e #rai#s are epe$e$# o$ sex of i$iviual li!e mil! prouc#io$ or male pa##er$e &al$ess f' i$comple#e omi$a$ce. re U whi#e pi$!5 &o#h pro#ei$ prouc# are expresse a$ &le$e g' coomi$a$ce. re x whi#e re a$ whi#e5 &o#h pro#ei$ prouc#s are eually expresse ex'AB &loo #ypes h' epis#asis. o$e ge$e aFec#s expressio$ of a$o#her i' li$!e ge$es. ge$es o$ same chromosome #ha# are i$heri#e #oge#her /ca$ &e u$li$!e &y crossi$g over5 recom&i$a#io$ freue$cy calcula#e &y recom&i$a$#s#o#al5 use for chromosome mappi$g5 ge$es fur#her apar# cross over more of#e$ %' ge$ee$viro$me$#. phe$o#ypes aFec# &y e$viro$me$#" -iamese ca#" Mower color wi#h soil p*" seaso$al color i$ arc#ic a$imals" huma$ heigh# a$ weigh# !' polyge$ic. co$#i$uous varia#io$" ma$y ge$es aFec# o$e #rai#. heigh#" color
' *uma$ De$e#ics a' !aryo#ype. 22 pair au#osomes W 1 pair sex chromosomes O #o#al chromosomes &' )hromosomal u#a#io$s /occur uri$g game#e forma#io$ /1ele#io$" i$versio$" ai#io$ of ge$es as a resul# of crossi$g over mis#a!es /2chromosomal $um&er a&$ormali#ies $o$is%u$c#io$ is failure of chromosomes #o separa#e a# a$aphase of meiosis
a' ;ha# process is &ei$g show$ i$ #his pic#ureH #he cell cycle' &' ;ha# #ype of orga$ism are #hese cells fromH *ow o you !$owH eu!aryo#ic" pla$#" o$io$' They have cell walls a$ $uclei c' Ge$#ify a $um&ere cell for each of #he four ma%or s#ages of mi#osis' 16prophase 2.me#aphase 3.#elophase /or i$#erphase .a$aphase > of #he 1 were #all' The 1 crea#ures were crosse a$ #he followi$g a#a was oai$e' 2 Phe$o#ype ale emale Tall 2> of #he 1 oFspri$g ha up#ur$e s$ou#s' The 1 crea#ures were crosse a$ #he followi$g a#a was oai$e' 2 Phe$o#ype ale emale =p#ur$e -$ou# 17
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