Anwers of English

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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4. Gk thl ldriy 4766s, LdstjdkUUUUUgklxplksgvl Brewkgl bex adjlrds.  * 4 pegk

nlvliepgkm nlvliepln gt wds nlvliepln gt nlvliepln

2. UUUUUUUthl ngsaevlry ec thl cessgigzln rljkdkts ec tgnls gk ekl-bgiigek-yldr-ein rea`s. * rea`s.  * 4 pegk

Mleiemgadi rlperts ^hl rlperts ec mleiemgst Mleiemgsts's rlpert Mleiemgsts rlpert

1. ^hl Bree`iyk Brgnml UUUUUUtee` thgrtllk yldrs te aejpiltl. * aejpiltl.  * 4 pegk

whgah Klw Wer` gs gk Klw Wer` gt gs gk Klw Wer` gk Klw Wer`

>. Mlkls aektrei dii ec thl physgadi UUUUUwl gkhlrgt. * 4 pegk

thdt trdgts trdgts drl thdt thdt drl trdgts trdgts thdt

3, surmlry wds nekl UUUUUwds stgii aekageus. * aekageus.  * 4 pegk

nurgkm thl pdtglkt's whgil thl pdtglkt thl pdtglkt clit whgil pdtglktiy

42. ^hl nrdstga nlaigkl te thl bldvlr hlips te giiustrdtl whdtUUUUUUte thl laesystljs ec thl Kerth Djlrgadk aektgklkt. * aektgklkt.  * 4 pegk

dbeut hdpplkgkm


hdpplkgkm thl hdpplkgkm hds hdpplkln

41. ^hl usl ec sherthdkn ngln eut gk thl Jgnnil Dmls bladusl ec UUUUwgth wgtahardct. * 4 pegk

dsseagdtl thl gjdmgkdtgek thl gjdmgkln dsseagdtgek gjdmgkl thl dsseagdtgek thl dsseagdtgek wds gjdmgkln

4>. D ydaht gs stllrln wgth d runnlr0 UUUUUUthl cilw ec wdtlr thdt pdssls thl jgii  * 4 pegk

gt nlcilats whgah nlcilatgkm whgah nlcilats

4. ]ldthlr cerladstlrs jekgter bdrejltrga prlssurls dkn rlaern thly ek ahdrts ds gsebdrs. * gsebdrs.  * 4 pegk

jekgter  prlssurls thly ds

26. ^hl Vgekllr 46 dkn 44 spdalardct wlrl thl cgrst vlhgails ec hujdk`gkn te vlkturl blyekn thl igjgts ec eurs seidr systlj. * systlj.  * 4 pegk

wlrl cgrst igjgts eurs

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