Antigravity The Dream Made Reality

February 18, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Space o r  Space Fabric I n this context means t h e three dim dimens ension ional al medi medium um wh whic ich h supports matter force for ce fie fields lds a n d radiant energy. I t does no t mean specifically interplanetary space, b u t

includes inclu des it it.. E th t h er e r o r  Aether -

Another name for spa pace ce,, b u t i mp mp l i e s a d if if ffee r en en t co ncep t in that s p a c e is re garded as t h e ab abse senc ncee of matter a n d ether is regarded as t h e e x i s t en ce of a s p paa ce ce medium having spe peci cifi ficc pro proper perties ties.. re: O. Lodge theo theory ry..

Inertial Mass Comparis Comp arison on of amounts of matter by examination of t he inertial pro proper perties ties us nertii a l m a ss ss  m a t in g t h e eq equa uati tion on:: P = m a where P = force required to accel accelera erate te i nert accele lera rati tion on of val value ue a. a n acce Gravitational Mass -

Comparis Comp arison on of amount of matter. G, t h e force on it, is a gravitational field. P

= Emg.


= force

on mass mg i n a field of strength E.

E is g i ve n by t h e Newtonian Formula. Where G is universal gravitational constant, d 2 is dist distan ance ce from planetary body mass M.

P r i m a r y Magnetism - A large scal scalee mov moveme ement nt of ethe ether. r. Glowing Glow ing Magneti Magnetism sm Glowing Core A c ent ent er er whe where re ether is co conv nver erte ted d from undisturbed state to perturbed states various us mani manifesta festations tions of primary magnetism e.g. giving rise to vario e.g. grav gravity, ity, magnetism electrostatic fi fiel elds ds,, matter a nd nd r a ad d i an an t energy.

E.M.F. - Electr Electro o motiv motivee for orce ce,, potential di diff ffer eren ence ce pr produ oduced ced by separation of char charge. ge. I n e r t i a - Relu Reluctan ctance ce of matter to ch chan ange ge i t s state of mot motion ion.. Levity - I n op oppo posi sitio tion n to gr grav avit ity. y. Microcellular - M a d e up of ve ry ry sm sma a llll cells.

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  hapte hapterr

Macrocellular - M a d e up of quite large cells.

Vortex - Ci Circ rcul ulat atio ion n in a fluid.

circulation. ion. Microvortex - Small area of circulat Quas ar Very small small b u t highly dense star with a fantasti fantastical cally ly high grav gravit ity, y, produ produci cing ng a large  red shif shiftt in t he spectrum of t h e star. Exothermic - Gi Givi ving ng of ener energy gy  usually heat .

BACKGROUND THEORY Th e Searl Ef Effe fecct ty type pe of craft is a fact. The The following theory is offered as to i t s

means of operat operation. ion. A theory to cover force fiel fields ds o f al alll ty type pess shou should ld attribute a fundamental cause to interaction of matter a t a distance wh eth gravi vitat tation ional, al, mag eth er er th e interaction be gra neti ne tic, c, nucl nucleo eoni nicc or elec electro trosta stati tic. c. Present the theori ories es inclu include de interchange of virtual pho tons or meso mesons ns,, an d mult multidim idimensi ensional onal distort distortion ion of t h e spa spacece-tim timee con contin tinuum uum.. Wha What t ever t he argument, i t will depend depend basica basically lly on t h e co conc ncep eptt of a medium to support th e

wave wa ve motion, flux or disto istort rtio ion. n. T h e medium is sp spaa c e a n d t h e properties of i t have neverr been neve been seriou seriously sly investigated, neither practically n or theoretically, that is exce except pt a t i t ha s been ov in g t he possibility t h at over erlo look oked ed.. The acce accepted pted idea is that spac spacee is empt mpty, a pl a c e with t h e abs absenc encee of matter, de devo void id of ta tang ngib ibil ilit ity. y. This This is taught to ou r children a s be bein ing g a primary contention, a n d is i n fact fact wr wron ong g an d negative thinking. We do no t understand i t so we turn ou r backs to it. Physic Phy sical al invest investiga igatio tion n of spac spacee is impo imposs ssib ible le,, for t h e experimental technique deman dem ands ds us use e of apparatus wh whic ich h is made of matter which i n turn occu occupies pies sp spac ace. e. One of th e fund fundame amenta ntals ls of t h e ex expe peri rime ment ntal al meth method od is that t he materials a nd principles under inve invest stig igat atio ion n cannot cannot be in incl clud uded ed in th e ap appa para ratu tus. s. This his was b u t one fa fail ilur uree of t he Mi Mich chel elso sonn-M Morle orley y experim experiment. ent. In it itss origin original al form form,, this experime experiment nt wa wass s et up to test for ether drag due to t he pass passage age of the earth earth through th e medium, b u t ha s been assum ass umed ed to ha have ve been been a n experiment   actually test for th e exis existenc tencee of a n et ethe her. r. Failure of t h e experiment to give give a posi positi tive ve result made i t possible to interpret th e neg negati ative ve result as favo favori ring ng th e non nonexi existe stence nce of t he he e tth h er e r as Oli Oliver Lodge dge ima imagin gined ed it it.. Th e then-develop ing materi materialist alist ph phil ilos osop ophi hies es took t he opportunity to discredit th e pseu pseudo-s do-scien cientifi tificc reli reli gi giou ouss cult cult ofspiri ofspiritual tualism, ism, in whi which ch t h e idea ofspirit ofspiritua ualis lism, m, in wh whic ich h t he idea of a n  etheric existence was a n important part of t h e philosophy:   i t happened, t he tw two o eth etheri erics cs need need not have have ha d any con conne necti ction on exce except pt i n th e ch choi oice ce of ofwo word rds. s. Th Thee ether theo theory ry was was dr drop oppe ped d subdued. ued. Thda Thday, y,th e Mi Miche chelso lson-M n-More orely ly exper experiment iment h as been mo modi di a n d th e spiritualist cult subd fied to show show Dopp Dopple lerr interf interfere erenc ncee between cohere coherent nt wave wave trains. trains. One One wa wave ve travels travels aga agains inst, t, direc rectio tion n ofrotation of th e wh who ole apparatus. apparatus. Results Results ar e in fa fav vor of an d th e otherwith t h e di theory y of rela relati tivi vity ty,, b u t ca n also be i n ntt erp erp ret ret eed d in favor of  ether drag within th e t he theor station stat ionary ary medi medium um about about th e apparatus.

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A vacuum transmits radiation a n d force field elds, so to refer to i t a s bein being g emp empty ty is

in inac accu cura rate te.. Re Real al emp empti tine ness ss must include i n it s de defi fini nitio tion n ref refere erence nce to i t s ina inabili bility ty to propagate energy. Such ma y be better termed  hyp  hypers erspac pacee . As to whether hyperspace h a s th e dim dimens ension ionss of spa space ce a n d time or no t is a topic for mor oree thou though ght. t. I t is easier to attrr ibute att ibute the dim dimens ension ionss to t h e sp spac acee fa fabr bric ic in hype hypers rspa pace ce,, th e ether. Th e i de de a of a n energy continuum throughout sp ace o cc ccu u r r ed to D ir irac ac.. On t h e basis of hi s theory, matter particles emerge from a g r o u n d state an d be beco come me ph phys ysi i state te has a higher energy than t h e ground cally Obser Observable. vable. Material above t h e ground sta s ta ta te te a nd nd so requ require iress en ener ergy gy to be dislo islodg dged ed.. Th e ene energy rgy co corr rres espo pond ndss to t h e total en ergy of t h e particle, i t s mass energy (me ) an d other pot ergy potent ential ial or kin kineti eticc en ener ergi gies es.. Th e theory, then, supposes that matter is of t h e substance of t h e ground state, that is,  empty spa pace ce . I n comparison, t h e Lodge theory theory su supp ppos oses es that t h e ether h a s a max i m u m of en ener ergy gy,, an d matter particles a r e a lo wer en ener ergy gy pr prec ecip ipit itat atee f rom rom t h e ether. Th e same idea, b u t a di diff ffer eren ence ce of sign sign.. However, this implies that t h e appearance of matter is a p r e f e r r e d state, a n d that t h e c r e a t iv iv e process is a naturally occurring condition. Heisen Hei senber berg, g, in formu formulatin lating g th e  unif  unified ied fi fiel eld d the theory ory , assumed a s p pac acee fabric of some nature. To qu quote ote from t h e Lindau Conference, 28th June 1962, The disc discov over ery y shows that t he different elementary particles a re no t Nature s bui buildi lding ng bric bricks ks,, com pletely independent of each other, b u t many d i f f e r e n ntt forms of a fundamental sub stance sta nce man manife ifest st as en ener ergy gy . From then on, t h e  fundamental substance is is for forgot gotten ten.. these

th e

t h e mathematical

 T  Th he multip multiplic licity fo form rmssncor corres ponds ds to multipl mul tiplici icity ty of symmetries ofity th eofbasi basicc equ equatio ation . respon Si r Ol Olive iverr Lodge imagin imagined ed t he sp spac acee fabr abric as ha havin ving g a micro cellular structure, each cell b e i n g a v o r t e x w h o se size w as of t he order of th e size of t h e fundamental partic par ticles les,, or ev even en sm smal alle ler. r. T he he m e ed d iiu u m w as as frictionless a nd t h e rotational ve veloc locity ity of th e vortices related to th e ve velo locit city y of light light.. Th e intrinsic energ energy y of t h e ether wa s i n th e motion i n t h e vo vorti rtices ces.. This attributed a n ultimate ene energy rgy so sour urce ce to spa space ce itse itself lf.. Lodge also imagined that t h he e e tth h er er h a d a n enormous ine inerr tia tia and density. Th e in ertia ertia in mass was du e to t he e th th e err i n it, a nd solid solidarity arity of matter was vir virtua tual. l. A similaridea occu occurred rred to Kar Karll Sch Scha appe ppeller ller of Cas Castle tle Aurolzmunster i n Inviertel, Austria (die (died d 1947). Ac Acco cord rdin ing g to h is ph phil ilos osop ophy hy,, a ch chan ange ge i n t h e sp spac acee fabr fabric ic (s (sta tati ticc pote po tent ntia ial) l) gave rise rise to so-called primary magnetism which ma y be interpreted as a typee of auto typ autogravi gravitatio tation. n. This primary magnetism ca caus used ed a gathering of t h e surroundin g spa space ce fabr fabric ic an d from i t issued more fundamental ene energ rgy y as a n intens intensificat ification ion of t h e primary ma magn gnet etis ism. m. At a certain stage, th e system reached a n equilibrium gath ering space fabr fabric ic,, a n d from i t precipitated energy. When t h e energy dens density ity rea reache ched d a required level, matter wo woul uld d be pr prod oduc uced ed.. Th e sys system tem wo woul uld d take u p a s p phe heri rica call form i n t h e  natural state a n d become what Schappell Schappeller er call called ed glow glowin ing g magnetis magnetism m . Glow Gl owin ing g magn magnetism etism,, he clai claime med, d, constituted th e co core re ofall planets a n d suns, t h e gravi tational core of wh whic ich h wa wass du e to t h e glowing magnetism a t i ts co core re.. Ho How w this theory fits t h e universal l aw aw of gravitation is a t first diff diffic icul ultt to see ee.. We must remember that t h e universal l a w of gravitation is base don Ke Kepl pler er s ssess Laws La ws,, wh which ich wer weree de deri rive ved d from astron astronomi omical cal ob obse serv rvat atio ions ns of t h e planets. T he m aasse gravit vitati ationa onall int intera eracti ction, on, not from of these bodies ca n only be determined from their gra

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  hapte hapterr their inertial pro proper perties ties.. He Henc ncee for cosmic bodi bodies es t he he t er er m m i n t h e der derive ived d for formul mulaa




is no t necessarily related to t h e inertial mass of these bodies, b u t t h e

g rav ravit ity y of them them.. Gravity cannot be pr ov e d to be d ue to t h e mass content of these bodi bo dies es by astro astrono nomi mica call ob obser serva vatio tion n only. Further no conv convin inci cing ng experi experimen ments ts have been co cond nduc ucte ted d to prov provee that static inert m a tt tt e err h as a s a n y gravitational field ield.. Experi Experi ments like that ofA ofAiri iries, es, which us e th e earth as a mass a r e questio questionable nable on t h e basis that th e gravity m ay be due to th e earth s field alon alone. e. Boys a n d Caven Cavendish dish s experi experi ments showe showed d on only ly that masses i n relat relative ive mo motio tion n have a force bet betwee ween n them since i n both experiments t h e masses were i n torsional vibration suspended by a b e a m . Th e force could be attributed to a n in indu duct ctiv ivee or rela relati tivi vist stic ic effect betw betwee een n t h e charged particl par ticles es consti constituting tuting t h e masses. Hoyl Ho yle, e, fr from om hi s wo worr k on quasars h a s deduced that vast cosmic masses could undergo gravitational co coll llap apse se leadin leading g to a singularity a n d that t h e converse wa s pos si sibl ble. e. A singularity co coul uld d ex expl plod odee int into o a cre creati ation on field. This is much th e same id idea ea as that ofSchappeller, though on t h e basis of his theory t h e creat creation ion pr proc oces esss is much less dramatic dram atic.. Hoyle s creat creation ion fie ielld arises from no nothi thing ng,, whereas that ofSchap ofSchappeller, peller, gl glow ow in g magnetism, arises from t h e sp spac acee fabric. Wh Whic ich h is t h e mo more re pla plausi usible ble?? agnett ism ism m ay ay be avai Phys Ph ysic ical al ev evid iden ence ce for t h e ex exis iste tenc ncee of gl glow owin ing g m agne availa labl ble. e. Th e so sour urce ce of energ energy y i n comets h a s long been a p r o b le m . How a c o m e t ca n give off so much radiant energy a n d con contin tinuall ually y dissip dissipate ate it s matter in t h e tail, y et despite i ts substance apparent return after many lack lack of entional survives surv ives o usual explanation ye year s drif iff ictuhlte ten o expl ex plai conv conventio nal sc scie ienc nce. e. Thte is,ars, os, f ciour ou se, sef,icu ener ergy gyain in s i n terms of reradiated sun s energy. Who h a s pro proved ved it it?? Th e exi existen stence ce of ba ball ll lighte lightenin ning g h a s now been accepted b u t as y e t el elud uded ed ex expl plan anat atio ion, n, ex exce cept pt that attempts have been made without th e usual math mathemat ematica icall sub substa stanti ntiat ation ion.. The peculiar anti-gravitational ef fect, th e indu inductiv ctivee eff effec ects ts a n d t h e fantastic ene energ rgy y of ball light lightning ning fit fitss neatly i n with Schapp Sch appell eller er s theory of gl glow owin ing g magn magnetism etism.. Th e gl glow owin ing g ball of polar polarize ized d spa space ce fabr fabric ic is pre precip cipita itated ted by eno enormo rmous us static field ldss or high current pulses i n thunder storms. At a center of glo glowing wing magnetism t h e sp spac acee fabr fabric ic is mo modi difi fied ed a nd nd t h e energy con co nd den ensa sate te comes off as ma mag gn net etic ic fields a nd radiation. T he he c o n s u um m e d fa b ric is re plac placed ed by a n in infl flux ux of t h e surrounding space. Matter particles i n t h e surrounding space spa ce would ex expe perie rience nce a force toward towardss t h e center. This wo uld be a gravitational field. Lod odg ge imagined that t h e ether wo woul uld d be near incompressible with a v e r y high elastic

ity. A sma small ll inho inhomo moge gene neity ity would give rise rise to a rel relati ativel vely y big effect. Also t h e ether flux would wou ld be a t th e vel veloci ocity ty of light a n d bunched i n much t h e same way as mag magnet netic ic fields bunch a t high intensity. Thus th e maximum vel oci ty of a matter pa part rtic icle le wo wou uld be that of th e ve veloc locity ity of light a nd nd t h he e app approa roach ch to that velocity, a n exponential. C an t h e theory then exp explain lain cosmic grav gravitati itation? on? I f so, there must alwa always ys be a ma magn gnet etic ic effect associated with it. Th e name  glow glowin ing g magnetism impli implies es that Schappeller consi considere dered d this to be o f prime imp import ortanc ance. e. I n fact, he maintained that t h e ma mag gn net etic ic field p r od od uce uced d by a gl glow owin ing g co core re w as dif differe ferent nt from th e f am am i llii ar ar t yp yp e of field in t h at at i t w as a d y n a m i c field, no t static. This is co cons nsis iste tent nt for a n ene energy rgy sou sourc rcee with ind indefi efinit nitee ener energy gy could prod produc ucee a con continu tinually ally expanding flux. Such a dyna dynami micc flux would be capa capabl blee of ofin indu ducc-

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 h pter 3 in g a D.C. in conduct ors. As a s eco econd ndar ary y effect, t h e currents wo uld pr pro o du duce ce a static

magnetic f i e l d of t h e usual type A c o r d of a c o sm i c body then w ou ou lld d p rro o du du ce ce dynoma dyn omagne gnetis tism m wh whic ich h wo woul uld d be ab abso sorb rbed ed by matter to p r o d u ce a magnetic field. This field w o u l d h a v e to be a f u n c ti o n of t h e gravity of t h e theory is an y good. As i t ha happ ppen en,, a re refe fere ren n ce to related work ca n be fou ound nd.. Prof. P.M.S. Bra Bracke ckett, tt, ut h he e rrll an a n d a nd n d H.A. Wilson, sh quoting quot ing from th e works orks of Sc Schu hust ster er,, S ut show owed ed that t h e magnetic mo nd s un un a rre e related by th e mome ment nt P an d angular momentum U of t h e earth a nd

equation: where P  

univer versal sal gravit gravitati ation on constant. Th e relationship c is t he veloc elocit ity y of lig light ht a n d G th e uni hold ho ldss for Bo Bohr hr ma magn gnet etro rons ns,, a nd support for i t appears i n DeBroglie s equations for mass waves. I t is interesting to no note te that t h e for formul mulaa als lso o inc includ ludes es rotational motion. Particularly, t he equation relates angular mo mome ment ntum um,, ma magn gnet etic ic field a n d gravity. Angular Angul ar moment momentum um is k n o w n to be related to gy gyro rosc scop opic ic restoring cou couple ples. s. Although dealtt with with math gyrosco gyr oscopic pic action ca n be deal mathema ematica tically lly,, no phy physic sical al explanation exis exists ts for hi s n ot ot it. I n vi view ew of t h e fact that a vec ecto torr is required along t h e axi axiss of rota rotation tion,, might t hi suggest that rotating matter generates a field a lon lon g this axis? As yet, i t c an only be postulated that t h e fie ield ld co coup uples les t h e gyro i n a fixed orientation i n t h e space fabr fabric ic..

the This dire direct ctio ion n might se sens nsiti itivi sugg ggest estss is isot otro ropi picc qu quali alitie tiess of space spa ce fa fabr bric ic.. Lodge imagimagthis ined that bvity e ty Magnetism a t one time w as regarded as separate from from elec electrici tricity ty until th e electromagnetic effect wa s discovered. Then th e p r o b l e m was: Is e l e c t r i c i t y a form of magnetism or is magnetism a form of ele lect ctri rici city ty?? Einstein sho showe wed, d, ho howe weve ver, r, that magnetism was a rela relativ tivis istic tic effect du e to t h e mov moveme ement nt of ch char arge ge,, thereby identifying magn magneti etism sm as be bein ing g a form of electr tric iciity. From thence sprung t h e con concep ceptt of el elec ec-t r on on s p pii n wh i c h fit a good theory to explain permanent magnetism. Much w o r k is being do done ne on spi spin n re reso sona nanc ncee wh whic ich h further supports th e the theory ory.. Ho Howev wever, er, th e discovery of magn magnetic etic mo mono nop poles oles ind indicat icates es th e po poss ssib ible le ex exist isten ence ce ofmagnetism without char charge ge a n d that mag magneti neticc line liness offo offorc rcee need no t be con contin tinuo uous us.. This raises qu ques estio tions ns as to th e ei r present form. exactnes exac tnesss of th e Theo Theory ry of Relat Relativity ivity a n d Electromagnetic theory i n t h ei Schappeller regarded magnetism as mo r e fundamental than electric current a n d that current w as flowing magnetism i n th e co con ndu duct cto or. The field of infl influe uenc ncee su surrrounding a wire w as a n externalization of t h e flux within t h e wire. Th e field, therefore, must be regarded as fl flow owin ing g parallel to th e  current i n t h e con conduc ductor tor.. The mathematical treatment of s u uch ch a co conf nfig igur urat atio ion n le lead adss to t he same practical results as t h e being g per perpen pendic dicula ularr to t h he e c ur u r re re nt n t  low Th e conv co nveent ntiion onal al idea idea of ma magn gnet etic ic flux as bein actual nature of cur currr ent ent and magnetism bei nd t h he e same, m ay be vis being ng one a nd visual ualize ized d a s large sc intersp rspace aced d bet between ween t h e Lo scal alee flux inte Lodg dgee micr microvo ovortic rticies ies.. Such a flux must result from t he he b rre ea ak k up u p of t h e microvorticies a n d ther therefor eforee will appear as a form of energy ene rgy po pote tent ntia ial. l. Co Conv nven enti tion onal al magnetic field ma y be regarded a form of p o t e n t i a l


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I f we acce accept pt that magnetism is m o orr e fundamental then a co cons nsis iste tent nt ex expl plan ana a

tion must be found for static potential, induced E.M.F. a n d elec electroc trochemic hemical al poten potential. tial. A conducto conductorr forc forced ed through a magnet magnetic ic field int intera eracts cts with t h e macr macroflu oflux x of t h e ether ahead of i t a nd absorbs t h e flux i n a d i re re cctt io io n depending on th e di dire rect ctio ion n of t h e macr ma crof oflu lux. x. This This con consti stitut tutes es t h e current i n t h e conductor. Th e flowing magnetism i n t h e co cond nduct uctor or reconstitut reconstitutes es t h e macroflux behind it, ,the ,the energy be being ing de deri rive ved d from that which fo forc rces es th e conductor. I f t he co cond nduc ucto torr is op open en circ circui uit, t, a n E. E.M. M.F. F. is s e t up. Thiss is li Thi like ke el elec ectro trost stati aticc po poten tentia tial, l, i n that i t is static magne magnetism tism t h e polarity dep depend end in g on a n ex exces cesss of ether a t t h e point a t higher potential compared with t ha h a t a t lower poten po tentia tial. l. Sinc Sincee t h e ether tends toward towardss un unif ifor ormi mity ty,, then a n ether flow will occur under suitable co cond ndit itio ions ns to re reli liev evee t h e strain This constitutes flowing magnetism w h i c h is c u urr rree n ntt . T h hee flow in t h e condu conductor ctor aff affect ectss t h e surrounding eth ether, er, gi givi ving ng u p some en ener ergy gy to it, creating ma macr crov ovor orti tice ces, s, wh which ich is a magnetic field. An electro electrochemical chemical E.M. E.M.F. F. is a n express expression ion of t h e energy available fr from om a n exo thermic reaction b u t i n a potenti potential al form. When current flows, t h e reaction takes place a nd t h e pot potenti ential al ch chem emic ical al ene energy rgy is diss dissipa ipated ted.. Sch Schapp appell eller er regarded chem chemical ical bond bondss as a static form of magnetism i n th e same w ay that static electr electricity icity co coul uld d be regarded a s imm immobi obile le magnetism. Matter part particles icles being a n e th th e err precipitate cause permanent density irregularities i n t h e et ethe her. r. Ch Chem emic ical al bo bond ndin ing g or part partic icle le bo bond ndin ing g lo low wers ers t h e stressed co cond ndit itio ion n of t he h e e th th e err releasing t he retained ethe ether, r, or static mag magnet netism ism,, as some so me form of ether disturbance. This could be ether wave wavess rad radiati iation) on),, macr macrov ovor ortic tices es a re all fo   mag magnet netic ic fing iel ielgd)back or kflo low wer ingt hmagnetism csurrent), nt), whic which form rmss of energ y. space magnetism Look Lo okin bac ov over e t heo ry, it  icurre seen that i nhglowing t he fa fabr bric ic is de dest stro roye yed d as mi micr crov ovor orti tici cies es a n d t h e r e ess ul u l t an an t residual flux appears as l ar ar g e scal scalee flow patterns in magnetic fiel ields or ma macr crov ovor orti tice ces. s. I f this primary magnetism reaches high values, t h e flux interferes with t h e surrounding sp space ace fa fabr bric ic to pr prod oduc ucee matter pa part rtic icle les, s, so be bein ing g partially reabsorbed. Radiation c an only be p r o d u c ed by matter par particl ticles, es, so that once matter h as formed, energy m a y leave t h e creation fi fiel eld d as radiation from t h e parti particles cles whi which ch a re stimulated by t he magnetism T he he p rrii m ma a rry y ma magn gnet etic ic field of t he S c h haa p pp p e ll ll er er g lo win g core is d iiff f e rree n t in a very fundame fundamental ntal way from t h e usual type off offiel ield. d. I n a perfect co cond nduc ucto tor, r, i f t h e E.M.F. is maintained t h e current increases a n d hence t h e magnetic fi fiel eld. d. That is, as long as ener en ergy gy is su supp ppli lied ed to t h e system th e fi fiel eld d expands expands.. I n a res resist istanc ance, e, t h e ene energy rgy is di disssi si pated a s heat a n d t h he e field is co cons nsta tant nt.. I n t h e Schappeller primary field, t he flux is

continua contin ually lly su supp ppli lied ed as t h e energy is cr crea eate ted, d, a nd therefore th e field cont continua inually lly ex pand pa ndss . Th This is is dy dyno noma magn gnet etis ism m a nd a n ordinary magnetometer is in inss eens nsit itiv ivee to t h e field. A co cond nduc ucto torr i n t h e  fi  fieeld will have a n induced c ur ur re re n ntt a nd nd thereby p r o duc duce a detectable static field. Th e instrument to detect a dyn dynoma omagne gnetic tic field must con consis sistt of a loop co cond nduc ucto torr with a magnetometer a t i t s center. If, as Sc Scha happ ppel elle lerr states th e earth h a s glowing magnetism as i ts core, then i t should sho uld pro produ duce ce dynoma dynomagne gnetis tism. m. Mos Mostt of this wo woul uld d be abs absorb orbed ed i n t h e material of t h e planet a nd produce th e static field. I f a n y of t h e dyn dynomag omagneti neticc field did pen penetr etrate ate the surface, i t would be diff diffiicu cult lt to de dete tect ct against t h e background of atmosp atmospher heric ic dis distur tur ar lly y exp bance a n d static field. I n h iiss e ar experi erimen ments, ts, Ri Riec ech h did detect a n d accum accumulate ulate en ergy from from t h e e a rt rt h which w as other than natural radiati radiation. on. A cor core of gl glow owin ing g magnemagnePage 37


  hapter hapter tism would be a n d would have b e e n in t h e pr proc oces esss of pr prod oduc ucin ing g matt matter er.. Th e earth

av e b e ee e n expa would h av expandin nding g from t he he c e en n te te r since i t fi firs rstt formed. Th This is wa s t he he b e ess t explanatio expla nation n for con contine tinental ntal dr drif iftt , b u t a reason for t he expanding earth could n o t be foun found d. Geographers wo woul uld d wel elco come me t h e idea, idea, for t h e land masses have been sh show own n to fit neatly together on a sphere of ab abou outt half t h e size size of t h he e e ar ar th th Thee crea Th creati tion on fields or glowing ma magn gnet etic ic co res a t t he center of cosmic bo bodi dies es must so some meho how w origin originate ate.. Schapp Schappelle ellerr s argument as to th e or orig igin in is more more dif iffficu icult to follow, because of te term rmin inol olog ogy, y, than t h e rest of t h e theory. I t see seems, ms, ho howe weve ver, r, that when a s u n beco mes larg largee en enou ough gh to form a crust t h e ve very ry pr proc oces esss of do doin ing g so causes he e c en en tte er a fo focu cussin ing g of t h e var variou iouss fiel fields ds wh which ich starts up a new flowing core making t h of t h e new s u un. n. Th e old s u n h a s it s su supp pply ly of ether c u t down a nd th e gl glow owin ing g core is subdued b u t n ot snu snuffe ffed d out. out. I t be beco come mess a planet of t h e new s u n with a n apparent reduce mass du e to t h e drop of gr grav avit ity y a n d redu reduce ced d size as i t initially co cool olss a n d con he e p la la ne ne t is not y e t fin he e c rru u st st be tracts. Th e core of t h finish ished, ed, for i t continues until t h come co mess very t hi hi c ck k a nd nd finally cuts off t h he e e th th e err supply. T he he n t h he e core does die a n d t h e grav avit ity. y. On Only ly mol molecu ecular lar forces remain to h o ld t h e plan planet loses it s gr planet et mate material rial to gether get her and i f t h e internal pressure is high t h e planet ca n explode. Thiss cla Thi clashe shed d with t h e conv conventi entional onal ideas, b u t th thou ought ght out in deta detail il eq equa uall lly y ex plains obse observati rvation. on. I t does go one better i n that i t adequately exp explai lains ns some fa fact ctss n ot cove co vere red d by t h e conventional the theory ory,, t h e ast astero eroids ids,, for exam exampl ple. e. fundament mental al exp explan lanati ation on for t h e org Other than pr prov ovid idin ing g a funda organi anized zed univ universe erse,,

went as f a r as to d e s i g n a device u si si n ng g a nd nd t h e fundamental Schappeller substance into usefu usefull energy. I t was de desi sign gned ed to pr prod oduc ucee aconverting gl glow owiing ma magn gnet etic ic core i n a vacuum vacu um wh which ich then is selfself-sus sustai tainin ning. g. Bas Basica ically lly i t co cons nsis ists ts of a pair of coils woun wound d on to a hollow ce cerr am amic ic form, shaped spherically a n d co cont ntai aine ned d in a n iron sphere. Th e coils a r e of copper copper tubing packed with a permanent electret material This constitutes th e dyn dynoma omagnet gnetic ic genera generator tor.. To con conver vertt t h e energy int into o mechan mechanica icall energy, a rotor is he s ph ph e err e fu used used,, also made from co copp pper er tube packed with electret. T he funct nction ionss only after t h e electret material is pol polari arized zed.. Because Beca use of t he termi terminolo nology gy in t h e Schappeller th theo eory ry,, to is naturally dif diffic ficult ult to follow, that is, apart from t h e strangeness of t h e co conc ncep epts ts.. Afte Afterr several several read readings ings,, one might conclude that  glow glowin ing g magneti magnetism sm , or ether precipitation, starts i f th e electric and/or th e magnetic fi fiel elds ds reach enormous values a t a gi give ven n poin point. t. I t seems that this is th e fun functi ction on of t h e stator de devi vice ce outlined ab abov ove. e. T h e arrangement of t he fields must

be s u cch h that a reduc reductio tion n i n t h e den densit sity y of t h e ether occ occur urss instantaneo instantaneously. usly. An imme diate dia te in infl flux ux of ether occ ccu urs which which con continu tinues es under it s own inertia The resultant com pression then causes th e pro produc ductio tion n of energy which appears as (r (rad adia iati tion on and) and) mag mag netis ne tism. m. By this process i t wo woul uld d seem seem that a n oscillatory state is s e t up. This This m a y be so a n d t he frequency related to th e size of t he gl glow owin ing g core. One might ex expe pect ct so some me sort of longit longitudina udinall ether w a v e to be s e t u p w hic hich h w o uld be enti entire rely ly di diff ffer eren entt to t h e transverse wa wave vess of elec electr trom omag agne neti ticc rad radiati iation. on. Th e w ave ave wo u ld ca caus usee variations i n t h e ether density wh whic ich h wo woul uld d mean that matter would tend to occupy r eg i o n s of maximu max imum m den densit sity y i n t h e wave a n d that t h e ve velo loci city ty of light would vary sli slight ghtly ly be tween maxima a n d minima.

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In th e case of the earth earth the Van All llen en be belt ltss could be t a ak ke en n a s a n indi indicati cation on of

such gravi gravity ty wa wave vess a n d for t h e sun t h e ob obvi viou ouss fact that t h e planets oc occu cup py orbits that a re harmon harmonically ically related. I n both ca cass es a standing wa wave ve is in indi dica cate ted. d. I t might be worthwhile research to look for variations i n th e ve velo loci city ty of light in t h e Van Al Alle len n


Lodge deals with th e pro Lod proble blem m of inertia by attributing t h e property to t h e ether itse itself lf.. Mat Matter ter he cl clai aims ms ha s no inertia as s u ch b u t acquires a n indu induction ction as i t moves though t h e spac spacee fabric or more co corr rrec ectl tly y t h e sp spac acee fab abrric mo move vess through it. Th e he e s tta a tte e of mo in indu duct ctio ion n co cons nsti titu tute tess a ch chan ange ge of energy seen as kinet kinetic ic energy a n d t h t io io n l as as ts ts as long as th e indu he e e th th er e r itself inductio ction n last lasts. s. Th e theory also asserts that t h h a s a n enormous ine inerr tia tia and is i n a preferred state of rest. Small move movement mentss giv ivee rise to big effects for ex exam ample ple as i n gravitational fiel fields ds.. Ho Howe weve verr small movem movement ent does n ot mean slow slow movemen movement. t. T he he i de de a that t h e cellu cellular lar vo vort rtic ices es circ circulate ulate a t t h e sp spee eed d of light migh mightt be ex exte tend nded ed to larger fluxes. Th e conc conclusi lusion on to this is that matter acceler ated by force field pproa oac c h to i t wo ldss cannot exceed t h e sp spee eed d of light a n d t he a ppr woul uld d be exponential. APPLICATION O F THEORY Th e ultra high potential pro ea rrll r in in g g en en er er a att or o r be produc duced ed by t h e S ea bein ing g so much greater than t he ionization potential of t h e ai ir a t airr causes io ioni nicc breakdown of t h e a ir some fe feet et from th e craft skin as this ac acts ts as t h e positi positive ve elect electrode. rode. Th e neg negativ ativee sid sidee of t h e generator is co conn nnec ecte ted d to t h e periphery of t h e disc a n d isolated from from t h e skin. Th e field a t t h e negative terminal is the theref refore ore ver very y much greater a n d t he a i r is ion ionize ized d a t a greater distance a t t h e rim. Th e a i r a t t h e positive terminal los loses es elect electrons rons a n d th hi gh gh acceleration. Th e electrons t h e resulting ions ar e repelled from from t h e terminal wi th pass through th e generator constituting t h e current i n t he generator a n d provide t h e charge a t t h e negative terminal to pr prod oduc ucee ne nega gati tive ve io ions ns in th e a i r near t h e rim. Th e craft ther therefo efore re is en enve velo lope ped d i n a va vacu cuum um.. In ordi ordinar nary y high high voltage generators t h e max maximu imum m potenti potential al is l iim m iitt eed d by th e accumul mulated ated ene energy rgy lost. Th e ge io ioni nize zed d bre breakd akdown own of t h e air. Flashover occurs a n d accu ometry and the ar rang rangeme ement nt of t h e fi Searl rl generator generator is s u fiel eld d co coil ilss in th e Sea uch ch that flash over is eli he t hi hi n ng g is in a vacuum a n d then is imp elimin minate ated d until t he imposs ossibl ible. e. Energy is required to b u i l d up t h e potential a n d initially h a s to be s u p p pll iiee d vacuum uum laye layerr increases about t h e cra from a n external sou source rce.. As t h e vac craft ft les lesss energ energy y is required to maintain t h e potential. Th e generator soon re reac ache hess a potential when th e Searl Effect takes place a nd t h e de dev vic icee prod produces uces i t s own en ener ergy gy al alon ong g with th e levity phenomen phen omenon. on. On t h e basis of t h e theory a t this potential t h e stress on t h e spac spacee fab fabric ric cannot be equ equaliz alized ed by flowing magnetism  current flow through t he he a iirr a n d craft as space ce fab fabric ric breaks do down wn to prov provid idee t h e magnetism to reli reliev evee t h e stress a circ circui uit. t. Th e spa b u t t h e ene energy rgy by by-p -pro rodu duct ct is abs absorb orbed ed by t h e generator which rein reinfor forces ces t h e field. The generato generatorr t he he n m u uss t s e t up a n ether flux al alon ong g t h e lines o f t he he ele electri ctricc field as is co conv nven enti tion onal ally ly represented. Th e dir direc ectio tion n of ether flow is nd o u utt a t t he ne however i n a t th e positive a nd nega gati tive ve.. This is de dedu duce ced d from th e Schappeller th theo eory ry.. The generator a n d craft the theref refore ore prod produc ucee their own gravitation type field.

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effect ct of t h e craft field plus th e eart fiel eld d give givess rise to a co ndi Th e n e t effe earth h s gravitatio gravitation n fi

abov ovee it. T he t iio o n w he he rre e th e ether density below t h e craft is higher than that ab he c ra ra ft ft therefore is str strongl ongly y repell repelled ed from t h e planet. A nd to stop i t from shooting off into space t h e field of t h e craft must be inten conditi ition, on, t h e intentional tionally ly perturbed. I n t h e drive cond field is as shown i n fig. 4 a n d t h e craft is s ho h o t o ut ut of t h e earth s f ie ld l ik ik e a w et orange pip from between t h e fingers. T he accel accelerati eration on is enormous, b u t since al l matter asso ciated w it it h t he h e craft is linked with th e field no distortion of a ny ny p ar ar t, t, including pasany y, oc occu curs rs.. T he he l im im it it to t h e speed is unknown b u t since t h e craft h a s no sengers i f an inertia there is p o s s i b l y no l i m mii t . I t w o u l d be s a f e to say, h o w e v e r , that t h e limit is below t h e spe speed ed of lig light. ht. Above this speed too much is unknown to take th e risk, b u t since t h e cra spacee with i t t h e theory of relativity is inap inappli plicabl cable. e. I n craft ft carries carries it s own spac fact, t h e craft does n o t t ra ra ve ve l t h hrr o ou u gh g h space b ut ut p as as t it . I t ca n be seen from t h e gravity field diagram that a neutral zone appears below t h e craft as well a s t h e neutral ring above, when t h e l e v i t y d r i v e is on. I f matter become bec omess loc locate ated d i n t h e zone, then i t is h eld eld th ther ere. e. I n consequence, t h e Searl craft so f ar ar m ad a d e have left their mark on t h e countryside i n t h e fo form rm of lar large, ge, neat holes when they suddenly take off. T he chunk of earth is taken u p w iitt h it. body dy of t h e craft is such that t h e center is u p a n d T he he g rrav avity ity field within t h e bo t h e r im down. I f t h e generator is allo allowe wed d to   r u n up , because t h e polarity is opp opposi osite te to that of t h e Schappeller machine, t h e field is expansive a n d pulls t h e craft apart. Prior to this, glowing magnetism could start, characterized by a n orange-yel orange-yellow low glow glow,, t bec Th e Se arl arl from ge ne ne rat rat or b u t speeds at could no become selfself-sust sustaini ng, being expansive. low an d is ome to flaining, y apart by centrifugal force. Apart this, truns h e side unlikely effect electromagnetic forces help to keep i t together. As with other gravity fields, t h e flux flux fav favors ors passage through matter a n d so t h e field within th e craft m ay be tailored by appropriately distributing t h e mass i n t h e craft. This is of particular convenience i n manned cr comf mfor ortt of crew crew m ay be improved by making th e cab cabin in fi fiel eld d craf af t wh er er e t h e co about one half G. free ee s p pac ace, e, wou wou ld ld resemble T he he e xt xt e err n na a l field, when t h e craft is travelling i n fr craft, ft, sinc sincee i t wo woul uld d be mo movi ving ng relative to a stationary that of t h e combined earth a n d cra ether. Col Collis lision ion between t h e craft an d large objects i n space is very unlikely except i n line ne of fl flig ight ht when such co coul uld d be seen a n d t h e craft r ap direct li ap iid d lly y t ur ur ne n e d. d. T he he field is a s t t h e craf craftt , or i t p as a s t t h e object. I f th e object such that t h e objects a r e diverted p as qualifies a s a planet o r moon having i t s ow n g rav win n g core, t h rav ity ity d u e to a g l o wi he en th he e craft oriented by t h e interaction of fiel fields ds is strongly repelled away unless measures a re re t ak a k en e n to alter t h e field of t h e craft. Small objects such a s meteorites a r e pushed o u t by t h e com combin bined ed elec electri tricc a n d dyn dynom omagn agneti eticc fi fiel elds ds.. An obje object ct entering such a pow en strongly repelled. Th e erful static field is a t first attracted, then ionized a n d t h en dynomagneticc fi dynomagneti fiel eld d induces a magno magnostatic static (ordinary (ordinary magnetic) field i n objects which will interact with t h e craf craftt magnosta magnostatic tic field a t considerable distance  miles) a n d re pe l it .

I t shou should ld be pointed o u t that o n l y a v e r y small amount of spac spacee fa fabr bric ic passes through t h e craft a n d a n even smaller amount is converted for en ener ergy gy.. Ho Howe weve ver, r, as previously mentioned, small changes i n t h e ether lead to large physical ef effec fects ts..

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v e n in deep sp spac acee th e craft h a s a n electronic fl flow ow through t h e generator which

is co cont ntin inuo uous us alon long t h e el elec ectr tric ic fie field outside outside t he craft Electrons a r e pick picked ed up a n d some le leav avee t he ri m a t relat relativis ivistic tic velo veloci citi ties es These These do no t con contrib tribute ute to t h e drive So t h e cra craft ft also ca carri rries es it s own nega negati tive ve spac spacee char charge ge I n a n atmosphere t h e electronic flow flow is much greater a nd funcnd t h he e generator current much higher The craft therefore fun t i o n s a l o t b et recombinati ination on of ions ions et te te r a nd nd h as as greater flexibility in space I n air t h e recomb gives r is is e to a p i n k to b l u e glow around t h e craft a n d in damp damp co con nditi dition onss t h e ions in conden ensa sati tion on This ef effe fect ct couple coupled d with th e output of elect electrical rical t h e a i r ca n give rise to cond energy ene rgy could well pre precip cipita itate te thunderstorms Th e only hazard so far obser bserv ved is that i f t h e craft ho hove vers rs for too long long low near soil beco become mess burnt due to th e electric currents i n i t wh whii cch h b u i l d up th e ground t he soil heat Also th e ne nerv rvou ouss syst system emss of animals a r e interfered with by ioni ionizi zing ng dis discha charge rge i f near ar they g et too ne



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Thiss ch Thi chap apte terr will deal with Se Sear arll s su succ cces essf sful ul per period iod when eve everyt rythin hing g wa wass in full full swing is work by many countries a n d hunt t h i s time there was g re a t interest in h is dreds o f peo eop ple This pe peri riod od la last sted ed unt until il 1983. The fo foll llow owin ing g ar e some of t he he m an an y sour source cess of th e publicity that John Searl got. 1. Lif Life Maga Magazine zine US USA A 2. Thames TV Program



Gr eat eat Br itia itian n

3. Saturday Post Magazine US A 4. Saturday Tid Tidbits bits Oct Octobe oberr 2 19 1971 71 Gr eat eat Br itia itian n 5. H an an ts ts a nd nd Berk Gazette Gr eat eat Br iti itian an 6. John Drysdale of Cam Camer era a Pr ess ess LT LTD. D. Photograp Photographs hs 9 19 1971 1971 G.B G.B. 7. Southern Television Producer Mi Mike ke Con Connor nor Ap April ril 23 197 1972 2 G.B. G.B. 8. U.S .S.. Bureau of Astrodyn Astrodynautics autics 197 1974 4 US USA A 9. ATV Tel Televis evision ion Gr eat eat Br itia itian n 10. BBC 1 Te Tele levi visi sion on co cove vera rage ge eve every ry mont month. h. Gr eat eat Br itia itian n All t h e above have don donee art articl icles es taken pho photog tograp raphs hs or tele televi vised sed John Searl s work. This by no means is a c o m p le lette lis istt. DEMONSTRATIONS O F T HE HE S E G

I as ked  oh n i f th ther eree wer eree dem demons onstra tratio tions ns o f his his ge gener nerat ator or Hi s re repl ply y is as follows:

We show showed ed all sorts of thi things ngs.. You must have read a n article by Bill Sher Sherwo wood od w h e r e he s ai ai d he sa w a demonstration of cir circul cular ar magnets magnets t h at rotated. An d as soon as you brought t h e b a r i n to close th e system they started rotating. There wa s no in inpu put. t. Th They ey we were re running on there own. J.T.-Are t h he e sse e th he e rollers  t ha h a t r an a n completely around t h e bar J.S.J.S .- The They y r u n round ye yes. s. They r u n righ barr up one si side de an d right around rightt around around t h e ba t he corner a n d down t h e other side. Gunner Sandberg remarked that he d never seen rollers r u n a lo n g a b a r turn r o u nd nd t he he e nd nd a n d down t he other side a n d up t h e other e nd nd a nd nd a ro ro un un d p as as ssii n g thru two right angles a t th e e nd n d w it it ho ho ut u t lo loos osin ing g speed. speed. An d although t h e bars have def defini inite te magne magnetic tic po pole less a t each en d to h o lld d t h e roller you ca n pick t he r o oll ller erss up on t h e en d of th e b a r a nd n d s ha h a ke ke i t an d they do don n t come off. Why do

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they just p ss by  n d go  r ou ou nd nd n d up t h e other side p st t h t end  n d do don n t stop stop?? They Th ey do don n t st stop op   u t they sho should uld becau because se you c n pick t he ro roll ller erss up with t h e   r   nd come off off So t he definitee pole poless   u t they re   ot h th e same sh ke i t  n d t h he e y don t come he re re r e definit Each e nd is t h e s me wass re real ally ly h i r raising Now me pole He rem rked on this t h t i t wa we h d a lot of letters from from scientists scientists t h t wro wrote te to other scienti scientists sts tell telling ing them   ou t neve verr seen seen ro roll ller erss t h t simply p ss thru two right t he demonstration And they h ve ne angl an gles es so close togeth together er without sl slow owin ing g down or stop stoppi ping ng

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You se You seee t he Searl effect is only to make t h e ro roll ller erss rotate rotate.. Bec Becaus ausee until they rotate no e ne ne rgy rgy will move. You ve ve got no movi ng flux. What is happening is yo you u re re cutting yo your ur line liness of co cond nduc ucto tors rs by magn magnet etic ic flux that you do i n a n y other generator. There Th ere s nothin nothing g diffe differe rent nt the there. re. B u t t h e only diff differ eren ence ce we a r e doi oin ng is we a r e a t t h e windi nding ngs. s. Whereb Whereby y i n normal conventional same time inserting electrons into t he wi us h t h he e m away. You do engine eng iness you p us don n t insert an anyt ythi hing ng.. Ther Theref efor oree ever every y time you swii tc sw tc h off a s wi witt c h you lose a n elec electr tron on or two. Th e light loses a n elec electr tron on or two. I n this case every every time you swit switch ch on or offyou re re putting mo more re elec electro trons ns into into t h e system. We re putting ele electr ctrons ons into t h e system instead of taking them away. So you you re re buil builddi ng up th e sy at t h he e y do. Of cour syst stem em.. We re do doin ing g t h e op oppo posi site te actua actually lly to w h at course se we re no t like othe otherr man manufa ufactu cturin ring g companies. I t means less less bu bulb lbss will be sold less less cable will be sold lleess sw swit itch ches es will be sold. But But t h e way I look a t i t is this I f people have free ener energy gy then they they ll buy things to us e on it. I f ene energy rgy gets gets d ea e a re re r a n nd d de ea a re re r each year less less good goodss ar e boug bought ht to u se on it.

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FIRST S EG GENERATO GENERATOR R MADE ir sstt m ad ad e you J.T.- When you f ir yourr ma magn gnet ets, s, you h a d to have them pre presse ssed, d, you h a d to make them y ou ourrself. How did you ev ever er do that?

J.S.- Wel J.S.elll t h e first thing was, I wa wass lucky. I wo rk rk eed d for t h e Mid Midlan lands ds Elec Electri trici city ty Boar Board d Everythi ything ng was there. What i t was, t h e chaps i n 1949 a n d we h a d all th e equipment. Ever a t me were laughing . An And d when yo you' u're re in ch char arge ge of eleve leven n areas, t h e bo boss sses es do don' n'tt like like their boss bosses es be being ingme. laughed a t a nd mocked. So they said to me, Well you have three hii rd rd , b ug ug ge ge r off. I didn t like t h e idea of options. First, s h u utt --u up p.. Second, do it, or t h b ug ug g gee rin rin g off. I d iid dn n'' t like t h e i d ea ea of shutting-up. Becau ecause se I so som meho how w knew I w as right. An d I didn t see why I s h o u l d shut-up i f I wa s confident that I w a s r i g h t . They said, sai d, ''''Yo You u go gott all t h e equipment her here, e, you just tell u s w ha ha t you want in material. We'll ge t it. All you need to do is pa y us t he he b ar a r e co cost stss of t h e material.

J.T.- Boy, you were were luck lucky y ther theree J. J.S S. - I w as luc ucky ky.. I wa s placed there by ch chan ance ce.. Just ch chan ancce I got that job. What hap pened pen ed wa was, s, t he landl landlord ord I moved i n wi with th,, he h a d a n old radiogram a n d i t wasn t work ing. Now I asked hi m why he d id id n n'' t u se it. He s a i d ,   It do does esn' n'tt work . I sa said id,, Ha Have ven' n'tt you taken i t for repa repair irs? s? He said said,, Yes b u t i t wo woul uld d be cheaper to b u y a new one. I sa said, id, Well, do you mind i f I look a t i t then? No , h e sa said id,, G Go o on Well I open opened ed i t up a nd nd s aw aw what t h e pr prob oble lem m was. And I went do down wn to t he replaace ce h e p ar ar ts ts shop a nd got a repl back ck,, plugg plugged ed i t in, ment part. I t co s t me two a n d six of my own money. Brought i t ba swit sw itch ched ed on. Be Beau auti tiful ful.. Sou Sound nd blasted o u t there so I s a i d to h i m , Wh a t' s w r o n g with it? He wa s shocked I t wa wass only two a nd six pe pen nce. So he wr wrot otee t h e Elec Electric tric Board a n d said he h a d a chap lodging with h im who see seemed med very fascinated i n electro electronics. nics. Wo Woul uld d they give h i m a n opportunity? Of Offe ferr hi m a n in inte terv rvie iew. w. And I got i t during a n interview an d they asked me a lot of q u e s t i o n s an d were quite satisfied a n d I mo v ed straight into a n upper position job job No both bother er J. J.T. T.-- Bo Boy y T Talk alk about fortunate J.S.-  

es Everything

wass si wa simp mply ly planned for me

J. J.T. T.-- Ye Yes, s, I t wa wass like like i t was pre preord ordain ained. ed. J.S.- Yes es,, I t prob probab ably ly was done before I wa s born J.T.- Yes, You we were re de dest stin ined ed to do th this is..

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J.S. J.S.-- Yes, I w as p u t in with t h e right landlady i n t h e first place. J. J.T. T.-- Ya Ya,, s h e didn't throw you o u t on your e a r anyway ck y ou o u r b ag ag s a n d go destroy y J.S. J.S.-- Ri Righ ght. t. Mo Most st lan landla dladie diess wo woul uld d say,  P a ck Having you destro my ho home me like like th this is.. That poor wom woman' an'ss nerves must have been made of ste steel el T To o put u p with me. B u t sh e en in ut ut e e.. S he h e s tta a ye ye d up e v e ght ho holl d dii n ng g wires enjo joye yed d eve every ry m in err y ni ght

for me to s o old lder er on. S h e alw alway ayss wo woul uld d say, Is t h e fu fuse se go goin ing g to blow? a nd I 'w 'wou ould ld say, say, ay w he h e n I came ho   No , b u t sometimes i t did Then one d ay home me from w o ork rk s h e wa s all shaking a n d going on. Caw , sh e sai av e s ee ee n it. I went to clean t h e said, d, You ought to h av back of t h e radio s et with a w i r e an d i t pi pick cked ed me up a n d chu chucked cked me o u t t h e window And An d wa wass l a augh ughii n ng g li like ke he hell ll about it I sai said, d, You're lu lucky cky t h e window w as open J.T.- Oh no J.S.- Oh yes I' I've ve been thru some aw awfu full bl bloo oody dy thin things gs I ho hope pe som someda eday y to include them in th e books. Some of t h e funny things along t h e route. J. J.T. T.-- Yo You u really should. They a re funny J.S. J.S.-- Bec Becaus ausee it it's 's mar marvel velous ous how these things mo move ved d in, one after another. A t t h e time i t di didn dn t se see e m funny. B u t now when you look ba back ck,, i t looks very funny. B u t no now, w, yo you u see, you ca n see a p ur urpo poss e. At th e time you co coul uldn dn't 't see see a ny purpose. B u t in an y cas n d l au au gh gh a t t h e things casee you ca n look back now a nd things.. You c a n sa y to your yo urse self lf,, I su suff ffer ered ed.. 1 endured a lot. I p u t u p with th thin ings gs.. I mov ed from one jo job b I got interested i n to a n o t h e r . I didn t kn know ow why. B u t now I k n o w why. At t h e time you didn't know why. B u t you h a d to b e ccaa u ssee y o u h a d to have that knowledge a n d you coul co uld d on only ly gain i t by exp experie erience nce.. That is really what my whole life h a s been about. I t h a s been mo moved ved by a n unseen force to pre precis cisee steps of employ employmen mentt for pre precis cisee kn know owl l edge to be ga gain ined ed.. And when you gain t h e amount needed you a r e automatically moved verythi hi ng ng was was done. Th e boss c a m e to y o u a n d on, l ik e a p a w n . You h a d no ch choi oice ce.. E veryt sa said id,, Look, yo you' u're re too good for this jo job. b. Yo Your ur destiny is for something f a r better a n d bigger. A n d I m hol holdin ding g you ba back ck..

J.T. J.T.-- Ye Yes, s, I t doesn't appear to be a good thing a t t h e time b u t it's it's for th e better. J.S.J.S .- No, that s it. You c an never see ahead. You m ay think things a re go goin ing g to happen point, nt, you generally can t predict. An d b u t how your life is g oi ng to move u p to that poi only when you look ba back ck,, ca can n you see t h e steps.

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J.T.- I g ues uesss it s better n o t to fig fig ht ht it. J.S.- Ye Yes. s. An d as I said in this fourth book. Time Time is ou r master. We ar e slav slaves. es. And And i f we serve time right, i t rewards us. We a rree n o t t h e bosses. J.T.- Yes, I think you re right. J. J.S. S.-- You see people have read a great deal about me b u t they have read t h e wrong thin th ings gs.. They They only r e ea a d t he he highlights a n d bits a nd pieces, b u t no prac practi tica call info inform rma a tion. You see I m n o t wor workin king g to ge t money. I haven t wo work rkee d for a nyo ne e l se for t h e past seve seven n year years. s. I ve ve be been en tr y ying ing to repl replac acee an d re -wo -work al alll my fi gures to remake all t h e stuff that s been d e stro stroy y e d . Bec Bec au auss e i t s a long job. A nd what I m doi ng now is putting i t in book form to make sure, i f ever i t gets des destroy troyed ed her here, e, there will be so much pro proof of to repl replac acee i t pretty quick. Instead ofre working i t all agai again. n. J.T. J.T.-- Ye Yes, s, that s why we want to ge t t he bo book okss out out J.S.- Ye Yess. I t took so long ong to t r y to bring all t h e facts back again. B u t I hope that when people read ab abou outt all t h e studying that s in invo volv lved ed for for this wo work rk,, they they ll re real aliz izee that they ve been getting mi misl sled ed on what they ve heard about me.

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J.T.- How big w as as y ou ou r first SE G to pr prod oduc ucee el elec ectr tric icit ity? y? J.S. J.S.-- The first one wa wass only about fourte fourteen en fe feeet. J.T.- Fourteen feet? B u t t he fir first st moto motorr w as real little wasn t it? J. J.S. S.-- No, no. Be Beca caus usee I wa wass trying to bu buil ild d a ge gene nera rato tor. r. Generators we were re big things So we anticipated i t would ha have ve to so some meth thin ing g pretty big. J.T.- So t h e first one was fo four urte teen en feet. J.S.-- Ye J.S. Yes. s.

Jthere. .T.- Now what


it h y ou ou r l an an dl dl a ad dy y ou ou r l iitt ttll e one that to took ok off i n your room w it

J. J.S. S.-- Th They ey we were re litt little le ex expe peri rime ment ntal al things we w eerr e doing. N o ott so m u c h as generators rodu ducce a li litt ttle le motor. That did a lot of d a ma g e . They stored b u t as a n o v e l t y to t r y to pro a lot of energy. I h a d a very very good la land ndla lady dy.. S he wa s seventy-odd an d sh e w as short, about five five foot foot on one. e. B u t I can tel telll you so some meth thin ing. g. Sh e never suffered wit with h rheumati rheumatism sm Every time I d s w i t c h on s h e d jump to t h e ceiling Sh e wa wass th e fittest w o m e n I ever knew J.T.- Now on your fo four urte teen en foot one, did you just build that l i ke a r iim m a rro o un un d it? J.S.- Ye Yes, s, ye yes. s. T he wass that we wo woul uld d t ak electricity city off off t h e rim. T h e unfortu he id idea ea wa a k e t he h e electri nobo body dy knew t h at over erch charg argee so somet methi hing ng like like this, this, you ov over er draw nate thing wa s no a t i f you ov power, i t wou would ld dro rop p in temperature And when i t got down to four four ke kelv lvin in everything we kn kno ow i n ph phys ysic icss rev rever erse sed. d. And i t will lift. We h ad ad r u un n ne ne rs rs running around The trouble w as that we p u t in a w i n d i n g in segments all al l around th e ou outsi tside de to co coll llec ectt t h e energy. An d th e thing is, although we were following normal prac practi tice ce basic asical allly, of normal con conven vention tional al mot motors ors i n t h e actual coll collecti ecting ng of th e energy, we did didn n t know that th he e a mo m o un u n t of en ener ergy gy we would take off would would make t h e veh vehicl iclee speed speedup. up. J.T.- So when you ap appl plie ied d th e load to your electromagnet pickups then i t speed up?

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J.S.- I t started taking more a n d m or oree powe powerr a nd should h av av e b ee ee n slo slowin wing g down down.. Instead i t started going faster an d fast faster er.. Whi Which ch of cour course se is what you weren t expect ing. Th e only thing I like liked d about i t was we h a d a fe feel elin ing g that something might happen a nd we de deccided ded to test i t outside. J.T.- You'r 'ree luck lucky y there there J.S. J.S.-- Yes. Beca Becaus usee othe otherw rwis isee we would cer certai tainly nly bee been n in terrible trouble J.T.- I wo woul uld d have l ike iked d to see yo your ur face when that thing too took k off. J . S . - Oh yes, you s h o u l d have seen eve everyb rybody ody's 's fa facce when i t happened verything goes dead qu quie iet. t. I remember a m a n sayi saying ng to me, Man Man you ought to see your face It's as white as an anyth ythin ing. g. You'd think you've seen a ghos host J.T.- That must have been quite a surprise. surprise. You'r 'ree trying to make a generator a nd nd t h he e thing takes o

J.S.- I t takes off a nd you look a fool i n front of ever everyo yone ne J.T. J.T.-- We Well ll... ...  ithera fool or a ge ni us . J. J.S. S.-- I don' don'tt know. You tend to be t he foo fool. l. We Well ll Th e thing wa s that when i t took of offf.. .... When we lost lost six such machines... then you s a y to yours ourseelf, This This is a sil silly ga gam me. Ifit wants to fly, giv give i t a body. Then you see we c an con control trol it

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BASED ON NEWSLETTER DATED JU N 1,1968 Corrected f o r accuracy o f information

By 1952 t h e fir first st genera generator tor h ad been constructed. I t w as as t e ess te te d in t h e op open en by Searl a nd a f r iend. T h e armature wa s s e t in m o t i o n by a small diesel generator to indu induce ce a starting field. The device pr prod oduc uced ed t h e expe expected cted electr electrica icall pow power er,, b u t a t a n high po t h e or armature unexpectedly pote tent ntia ial. rela lati tive lyduce loced, w d, spe sp e eds edbsy at hpote po ntia iall ef offect static de r of 10 to t h e fif fifth powe po wer rl.vA olttsre was wa svely produ ro a s ind indica icated ted e tent effe ctss on smell ll of ozone supported t h e conclu nearby objects. Characteristic crackling a nd th e sme sion. Th e rea really lly une unexpe xpecte cted d then occurred. Th e generator lift lifted ed whil whilee st stil illl spee speedi ding ng up, br brok okee t h e conne connection ction between itself a nd th e generator, an d ro se to a height of so some me 50 ft. Here i t stayed for a whil ile, e, still still spee speedi ding ng up, a n d surrounded itselfin a pink halo. Thiss in Thi indi dicat cated ed ioni ioniza zati tion on of t he he a ir ir a t a much re redu duce ced d pres pressu sure re:: 10 to t h e minus three m m Hg. More More interesting was t h e side effe effect ct causing local r aadi dio o r e c e i v e r s to go on of their ow own n ac acco cord rd.. This could have have been d ue to io ioni nizin zing g discha discharge rge from t h e generator, or ele electr ctrom omagn agneti eticc indu induct ctio ion. n. Fina Finall lly, y, t he whole generator accelerated a t a fantastic rate a n d is thought to have gone off in into to spac space. e. Sear l an d ot othe herr s have have made made some tens of small fl that day Sear Since flyi ying ng crafts craft, craft, so som me of which which have been similarly lost lost,, a n d de deve velo lope ped d a fo form rm of cont contro rol. l. Larger have also been been buil built, t, som som e 12 feet an d two 30 f eeet et i n diameter. T he he anti antics cs of hi s machines have g i v en r iise se to much spe specul culati ation on as to t he nature a nd or orig igin in of so so-c -cal alle led d fly flying saucer saucers. s. One wonder wonderss w hy hy S ea e a rrll h a s no nott come to t h e noti no tice ce of scientist scientistss a n d to th e public a t large. Th e f aact ct is that he has but for fear of being bei ng ridi ridicu cule led, d, peop people le keep keep t h e kn know owled ledge ge or interest to thems themselv elves. es. Th e public h a s been educated to scoff a t t he su subj bjec ectt of fly lyiing saucer saucers, s, a n d t h e rep report orted ed beha behavio viorr of things that cannot be expl explai aine ned d by current scientif scientific ic theory. theory. Such  diffic difficult ult to explain explain topics must be g iven iven t h e  no  no comm comment ent treatment so as no t to upset t h e uncertain structure of present scien science ce th theo eory ry..



Any theory must explain t h e various phenomena some of w h i c h h av av e b ee ee n obser ob served ved by Searl hims himself elf and some by t h e general pub public lic.. Associated Associated with t h e Searl Effect craft a re re t he he following:


Antigravity o r levity.


Very high v o l ta ta g e e l e ec c t rrii c a l fields

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