Antibacterial MCQ

October 25, 2017 | Author: Khairul Azman | Category: Organic Compounds, Medical Treatments, Biocides, Pharmacology, Medical Specialties
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MCO 1) Adverseeffectsof aminaglycosides includethe followingexcept a) Nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity b) Neuromuscular blockade . c) P s eudomembranous c o lit is . d) hypersensitivity reactions. 2) Concerningvancomycin, the followingare correctexcept; a) lt inhibitssynthesis of bacterial cellwall b) lt is usedintravenously as secondschojcedrugin pseucomembranous colitis c) lt is effective as firstchoicedrugagainstORSA( MRSA) d) Histaminereleaseis one of its adverseeffects 3) Antimicrobialscontraindicated in infantsand childr€nincludethe followingexcept a) Tetracycline b) Clindamycin c) Clinafloxacin d) Chloramphenjcol 4) The followingantitubercular drug can causegoutyarthritis: a) Ethambutol b) Pyrazinamide c) Streptomycin d ) tN H 5) The antimicrobialthatcouldbe safelygivenorallyin lats pregnancywith gram negativeinfectionsis : a) Tetracycline b) Ceftriaxone c) Cefaclor d) Cotrimoxasole 6) Th€eliminationhalf life of whichof the followingdrugs remainsunchangedwhen it is administered to patientssufferingfrom impairedrenalfunctioni a) CefoDerazone. b) Azithromycin. c) Doxycycline. d) All of theabove. 7) The eliminationhalf life of whichof the followingdrugsremainsunchangedwhen is administeredto patientssufferingfrom impairedrenalfunction: a) Tetracycline b) Erythromycin. c) Doxycycline d) All of the above 8) A cephalosporin with increasedactivityagainstanaerobicbacteriais ; a) Cephalexin b) Cefuroxime c) Cefoxitin d) Cefazolin 9) A characteristic adverseeffectassociatedwith the use of ampicillinis : a) phototoxicity b) l\4aculopapularrash c) Acutehaemolytic anemia d) Agranulocytosis

10)Adverseeffectsof Rifampicinincludeall ofthe followingexcept: a) Flu likeeffects. b) Reddiscolouration of secretions plasmalevelof concomitanfly c) Increased useddrugs d) lt is requiredto increasedoseof concomitanflv useddruos. 12)The followingdrugs may interferewith plasmalevelof othlr drugs except: a) Ciprofloxacin. b) Chloramphenicol. c) Rifamoicin. d ) Amoi c i l l i n. 13)Thefollowingantibioticsinhibitbacterialce wall synthesisexcept: a) Cephalosporins b) penicillins c) Erythromycin d) Vancomycin 14)All the followingantimicrobials are correcflymatchedto their usesoxcept: prophylaxis a) Rifampicin of meningitis b) metronidazole - anaerobic infections c) Amoxicillin typhoid fever d) Cephalexin of meningitis - treatment 15)All the followingantitubercular drugscan affectotherdrug'sl6velexc€pt: a) Rifamoicin b ) IN H c) Streptomycin d) l\y'oxifloxacin 16)All the followingantitubercular drugsare not hepatotoxicexcept: a) Ethambutol b) Pyrazinamide c) Ceftriaxone d) Capreomycin '17)All the followingare adverseeffectsof vancomycinexcept: a) Pseudomembranous colitis b) Ototoxicity c) Nephrotoxicty d) Red-man syndrome '18)All the followingare contraindicated in renaldysfunctionexcept a) Doxycycline b) Tetracycline c) Gentamycin d) Amohotericin B 19)All the followingare true aboutcotrimoxazole except: pneumonia a) lt is thetreatment of choicefor dueto pneumocystis carinii b) lt is an alternative to chloramphenicol for entericfever c) lt is replaced by trimethoprim alonefor urinarytractinfections dueto E.coli d) lt is a combination of trimethoprim andclavulanic acid 20)All the followingare usedagainstpenicillinaseproducingStaphylococci except: a) Cloxacillin. b) Clindamycin. c) Co-trimoxazole. d) Amoxicillin.

21)All the following_concerning antitubercular drugsare correctexcept: a) lsoniazide, Rifampicjn andcycloserine arefirst_line druos b) Hepatrc damagecanoccurwithisoniazjde and Rifampiiin c) Ethambutol inducesopticneuritis d) Pyrazinamide rnduces hyperuricemia 22) Thefollowingincreasethe risk of nephrotoxicity o f gentamycinexcept: a) Age over70 years. b) Prolonged courseof therapy. c) Concurrent vancomycin therapy d) Concurrent therapywithpenicilljn 23) All the following statementscorrecflyidentifythe mechanismof actiOnof the chemotherapeutic agentexcept: a) Aminoglycosides bindto 3OSribosome - irreversibly b) Tetracycline - reversibly bindsto SOSribosome c) Chloramphenicol irreversibly bindsto 50Sribosome d) Macrolides bindto S0Sribosome. - reversibly 24)Amikacinhas the followingadvantageover gentamycin. a) Betteroralabsorption. b) Lessnephrotoxic c) Lesssusceptible to bacterial inactivation. d) Lessallergenic. 25)Aminoglycosides havethe followingcharactersexcept: a) Theyareinetfective againstanaerobic organisms b) Theyact by inhibiting proteinsynthesis. c) Theycanbe absorbed wellafteroralintake. d) Theyare ineffective in treatment of menincitis. 26)Aminogtycosides inhibitbacterialproteinsy;thesis by : a) Bindingto 30Srlbosome leading to inhibiton of bindinqto tRNA reading I b Bindingto to mrsreading of mRNAcode c) Bindingto 50Sr bosomepreventing transJocation of peptidecharn d) Bindingto 50Sribosome leadrng to inhrbition of transpeptidatiorl 27)A narrowspectrumoral drug,effectiveagainst+vegm anerobicbacteriais; a) Vancomvcin b) Aztreonam c) Tobramycin d ) Cl i ndamv c i n 28)Antibiotic- associatedpseudomembranous colitisis mostlik e lyt o b e c a u se db y: a) Vancomycin b )AZ i thromy c i n. c) Clindamycjn. d) l\iletronidazole. 29)Antimicrobialseffectivein anaerobicinfectionsincludeall the followingexcept: a) Chloramphenicol b) Gentamycin c) Clindamycin d) L4etronidazole 30) A patientwith hypersensitivity to penicillinV acquiredan infectionwith streptococcuspneumonia, whichof the followingantimicrobiats w6uld be the best choicefor that patient: a) Amoxvcillin / clavulanate.

b) Cefaclor. c) Erythromycin. d) Ampicillin. 3'l)A bacteriostatic antibioticthat becomesbactericidal at highfoncentrationis : a) Tetracycline. b) Erythromycin. c) Vancomycin. d) AmDicillin. 32) Arrangethefollowing betalactamantibiotics according to theirspectrum of action( the mostnarrowsoectrum first) : a) lmipenem b) Aztreonam c) Amoxycillin a ) a , o,c b ) a , c ,b c) b .a.c d ) b , c ,a e ) c,a,D 33)Arthralgiamay be an adv€rsgeffectof: a) capreomycin b) pyrazinamide c) rifampicin d) ethambutal 34)Augmentinis a combinationof penicillin penicillin a) broadspectrum andantistaph penicillin b) broadspectrum and B-lactamase inhibitor penicillin c) antipseudomonal penicillin andantistaph d) noneof the above 35) A 6l yearold womanwho is allergicto penicillinand cefoxetinhas a staphylococcal septicemiawith organismsresistanito tetracyclineand erythromycin. The most appropriatefor treatmentof this patientis: a ) Ca r beni c i l l i n b) Cefaclor c) Amoxicillin d) Vancomycin 36) Clindamycinhas the followingexcept: a) associated withdiarrhea b) activeagainstanaerobes c) activeagainstsomegram-positive organisms d) activeagainstmostgfam-negative organisms 37)Concerningaminoglycosides, the followingare true except: gramnegative a) Theyare mainlyeffective in anaerobic bacteria b) Theycauseconcentration - dependent nottime-dependent bacterial killing c) Theirdosesshouldbe adjusted according to creatinine clearance d) Theyhavesynergistic antimicrobial effectswithB-lactams 38)Concerningaminoglycosides, the followingare true except: a) Theyaremainlyeffective in aerobicgramnegative bacteria. b) Theycausetime- dependent notconcentration - dependent bacterial killing. c) Theirdosesshouldbe adjusted according to creatinine clearance. d) Theyhavesynergistic antimicrobial effectswithB-lactams. 39)Concerningfluroquinolones, the followingare true except; gramnegative a) Theyare mainlyusedin anaerobic bacteria

b) Cloxacillin c) Piperacillin d) Nafcillin 50) lsoniazideis a primaryantituberular agentthat: pyridoxine a) Requires supplementation . b) Maydiscolor tears.Saliva,fecesandurine c) lvlaybe otoboxic d) ls givenonlyintramuscularly 51) Macrolidesinhibitbacterialproteinsynthesisby : a) Bindingto 30Sribosome leadingto inhibition of bindingto IRNA. b) Bindingto 30Sribosome leadingto misreading of mRNAcode. preventing c) Bindingto 50Sribosome translocation of peptidechain. d) Bindingto 50Sribosome leadingto inhibition of transpeptidation. 52) One of the following about ceftriaxoneis correct : a) lt is bactericidal . proteinsynthesis. b) It actsby inhibiting c) lt is effective orallyandparentrally. d) Hepatictoxicityis a mainsideeffect. 53)Ototoxicitycan followthe administration of the followingexcept: a) Ethacrynic acid. b) Gentamycin. c) Frusemide. d) Cefuroxime. 54) Pick out tho betalactamaseinhibitorfor co.administration with penicillins: a) Ethacrynic acid b) Sulbactam. c) l\,4onobactam. d) Moxalactam. 55) Pneumococcal meningitisin a'14yearold patientis treatedwith : a) Erythromycin. b) Rifamoicin. c) Cettriaxone. d) Ciprofloxacin. 56) Pseudomembranous colitismay be treatedwith ; a ) Cl i ndamy c i n b) Vancomycin c) Metronidazole d ) b andc 57) Regardingisonizide( INH), the followingare true €xcept: a) lt inhibits thesynthesis of mycolicacidin mycobacterial cellwa b) lt produces hepatictoxicityin rapidacetylators. of hepaticmicrosomal c) lt causesstimulation enzymes. d) lts neurotoxicity canbe prevented by pyridoxine. 58)The antibioticof choicein hepaticcoma is: a) Cephalexin. b) ChloramDhenicol. c) Neomycin. d) Penicillin G. 59)The antimicrobialdrug that is safelygivenin renalimpairmentis a) Gentamvcin.

b) Vancomycin. c) Doxycycline d) Tetracycline. 60)Theaminoglycoside most likelyto remaina useful therapeuticagent in the event of gentamicin-resistance is : a) Streptomycin. b) Amikacin. c) Neomycin. d) Kanamycin. 61)One of ths followingdrugs is effectiveagainstanaerobicbacteria: a) Ceftriaxone b) Flucloxaillin c) Benzathine oenicillin e) l\4etronidazole 62)The bestag€ntof the followingdrugseffectiveagainstmeningocdcciis: a) Ceftriaxone b) Flucloxacillin c) Doxycycline d) Benzathinepenicillin 63)The bestagentof the followingdrugseffectiveagainstmycoplasmais: a) Ceftriaxone b) Doxycycline penicillin c) Benzathine d) Metronidazole 64)The bestagentof the followingdrugseffectiveagainstStaphaureusisi a) l\y'etronjdazole b) Flucloxacillin c) Doxycycline penicillin d) Benzathine 65)The.b^est agentof followingdrugseffectiveprophylacticin Strept.hemolyficusis: a) Ceftriaxone. b) Flucloxacillin. c) Doxycycline. penicillin. d) Benzathine 66)The drug of choicefor methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureusis: a) Oxacillin. b) Gentamycin. c) Vancomycin. d ) Pi D erac i l l i n. e) Noneof theabove. 67)The drug ot choicein a patientwith allergyto penicillinis : a) lmioenem b) Cefradin c) Aztreonam. d) Erythromycin. 68) The following drug is effectivein treatmentof anaerobicinfection : a) Streptomycin. b) Gentamyctn. c) Clindamycin. d) Ciprofloxacin.

69)Thefollowingdrugsare betteravoidedwith oral anticoagr,r/a nts e x c e p t : a) Co-trimoxazole. b) Erythromycin. c) AmDicillin. d) Chloramphenicol. 70)Thefollowingdrugsare contraindicated in infantsand childrenexcept: a) Tetracyclines. b) Co-trimoxazole. c) Cefradin. d) Ciorofloxacin. 71) All of the followingdrugs can be usedin anasrobicinfectionexcept: a) Tindiazole. b) Clindamycin. c) Gentamycin. d) Cefoxitin. 72) All of the followingare true regardingRifampicinexcept: a) Inhibits DNAdependent RNApolymerase enzyme. b) Inducesfluiddiscoloratior,. plasmalevelof theophylline. c) Increase d) Etfective in treatment ofTB. 73) All of the followingare true regardingquinolonesexcept: a) lnhibitDNAgyraseenzyme. jnfection. b) Clinafloxacin is 4'ngeneration and usedin anerobic c) Ciproflaxacin is moreeffective thanlevofloxacin in pneuomonia. d) Norfloxacin is usedin UTIonlyas it doesnotachievesystemic level. 74) Whichof the followingusedin prophylaxsisof meningitis: a) Ciprofloxacin. b) Gentamycln. c) RifamDicin. d) lsoniazide. 75) Typhoidfeverin 12 yearsold patienthas favismis treatedbyi a) Co trimoxazole. b) Ciorofloxacin. c) Amoxacjllin. d) Chloramohenicol. 76.Whichof the followingis consideredthe 1"!in patientallergicto penicillin a l mtpenem. b. Cefazolin. c. Erythromycin. d. Aztreonam. 77.Chosethe bestdrug for a patientwith historyof allergytopenicillinand sufferingfrom severeinfectionby -ve bacilli. a. Ampicillin andsulbactam. b. Aztreonam. .c. lmrpenem, d. Cefazolin. 78.ThepenicillinG with the longesldurationof actionis: penicillin. a. Procaine penicillin. b. Benzathine c. Penicillin V.

d. Benzylpenicillin. 79.Themain reasonfor limiteduse of Chloramphenicol is the highiincidence of: a. Nephrotoxicity. b. Aplasticanemia. c. Hepatictoxicity. d. Ototoxicity. 80.Whichof the followingis not a semisynthetic p e n ic illin : penicillin. a. Procaine b . Ampi c i l ti n. c. Cloxacillin. d. Carbenicillin. 8l.Which of the followingdrug may induceflushingandredness afterraDidlvl: a. Erythromycin. b. Streptomycin. c. Vancomycin. d. Clarithromycin. S2.Antibiotic pseudomembranous associated colitisoccurscommonly with: a. Amoxacillin. b. Metronidazole. c. Cl i ndamy c i n. d. Vancomycin. 83.Whichof the followingdrug is mostsuitablefor anaerobicdentatinfection: a. Gentarnycin. b. Erythromycin c. C l i ndamy c i n d. Aztreonam. 84.Allof the followingdrugseffectivein anaerobicinfectionsexceDt: a. Cefoxitine b . Chl orampheni c ol c. G entamV c tn. d l\4etronidazole. 85. Which_ofthe followingdrug can cross BBB and effectivein meningitis. a . G entamy c l n. b. Cefoperazone. c. Ceftrioxone. d . Dox y c l c l j ne. 86.Whichof the followingis side effectof quinolones. a. Otoioxicity. b. Pseudomembranous coiitis. c. Arthropathy. d. Teethdiscoloration. 87. All followingadverseeffectsare matchedwith corresponding drug except: a. Cefoperazone / Disulfiram likeaction. b. Vancomycin/ Redmansyndrome. c. Outdated tetracyclines / fanconisyndrome. d. Sulfonamides / Greybabysyndrome. 88. All followingindicationsare matchedwith the corresponding drug excepr: a. Prophylactic in rheumatic fever/ Benzathine Denicillin. b. Cefoxitin:l\,4ixed anerobicinfections. c. Vancomycin / Typhoidfever.

d. Metronidazole / Psedomembranous colitis. 89.All following adverseeffects are matchedwith correspondingdrug except: a. Rifampicin / Flulikesyndrome. b. INH/ nephrotxicity. c. Ethamutol / Opticneuritis. d. Pyrazinamide / goutyarthritis. 90. Macrolides:all of the followingare true except a. Bactericidal in largedoses. b. Eyrhromycin jaundice. is oneof themandjnducescholestatic c. Spectinomycin is one of themandusedin resistant;onorrhea. d. Inhibittranslocatton reaction of bacterial ribosome. 91. Whichof the followingis not effectivein typhoidfever: a. P eni c i l lV i n. b. Amoxacillin. c. Ampicillin. d. Co trimoxazole. 92. Whichof the followingis not effectivein BTt: a. Doxycline. b. Ceftrioxone. c. Rifampicin. d. centamycin. 93. Whichof the followingis not effectivein pseudomonasinfections: a. Cefoperazone. b . l mi penem. c. Penicillin G. d. Gentamycin. 94.Whichofthe followingis not used in gonorrhea: a. P eni c i l lci n b. Spectinomycin. c. Norfloxacrn. d. Vancomycin. 95. Whichof the followingis usedsafelyin pregnancy: a . Gentamycin. b . Erythromycin. c . Doxycycline. d . l\4oxifloxacin. 96. All of the followingpairsare true except: a . Clinafloxacin / inhjbitsDNAgyraze b . INH/ Inhibits mycolicacidsynthesis. c Cefrazolin / inhibits transpeptidase enzyme. d . Rifampjcin n rD rts lcl / In inhibits RNA K NA 0e0en d dentDNA ovtmera: e '10=c 2 =b 6=d 9=b 12=d 14=d 1 6=b 18= a 19= d 20=d 22=d 23=b 24=c 26=b 27=d 28=c 29= b 30=c 3 1 = b 32=d 3 5 =d 36=d 38=b 39=a 40=d 41=b 42=c 4 3 = b 44=C 4 5 =D 46=C 4 8 =C 50=A 54=B 5 6 =D 5 9 =C 60 = B 6 1 = D 62=A 63=B 64=B 6 5 = D 66=C 67=D 6 8 = C 6 9 =C 7O=Q 76=c 78=b 7 9 = b 80=a 82=c 83=c 84=c B6=c 87=d 88=c 89=b 9 0 = c 9 1 =a 9 2 =d 93 = c 94=d 95=b 96=d

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