October 27, 2018 | Author: Manoj Kumar | Category: Supreme Court Of India, Member Of Parliament, Supreme Courts, Elections, Parliamentary System
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this project talks about the ANTI-DEFECTION LAW AND ITS IMPACT ON DEMOCRACY...




 Reg. No. BC0140035

Under the Guidance of  MS. NIKITA PATTAJOSHI  Assistant Professor Professor

TAMIL NADU NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL (A State University established by Act No. 9 o !"#!$ Tir%chira&&alli Ta'il Nad%  )!" ""9 SEPTEMBER – 2016

Ms. N!# P##$%s& Assistant *roessor in +onstit%tional la, Ta'il Nad% National -a, School Tir%chira&&alli Ta'il Nad%  )!" ""9

CERTIFICATE This is to certiy that the &roect ,or/ entitled 'ANT01DE2E+T0ON -A3 AND 0TS 0M*A+T ON DEMO+RA+4 ( is a bonaide record o the research ,or/ done by

B.MAHATHEER MOHAMED5 %nder 'y s%&ervision and 6%idance. 0t has not been s%b'itted by any other University or the a,ard o any de6ree5 di&lo'a5 associate shi&5 ello,shi& or or any other si'ilar reco6nition.

*lace7 Tir%chira&&alli Date7 S)*#+, % & /+


 Reg. No. BC0140035 00  B.+o'.5 --B. (Hons.$ Ta'il Nad% National -a, School Tir%chira&&alli Ta'il Nad%  )!" ""9


I B.MAHATHEER MOHAMED   do hereby declare that the &roect entitled 'ANT01

DE2E+T0ON -A3 AND 0TS 0M*A+T ON DEMO+RA+4 ( s%b'itted to Ta'il Nad%  National -a, School in &artial %lill'ent o re8%ire'ent or a,ard o de6ree in Under 

rad%ate in -a, to Ta'il Nad% National -a, School5 Tir%chira&&alli5 is 'y ori6inal research ,or/. 0t and has not been or'ed basis or a,ard o any de6ree or di&lo'a or ello,shi& or any other title to any other candidate o any %niversity.

+o%nter Si6ned P,%$ /+

Si6nat%re o the +andidate

ACKNOWLED/EMENT At the o%tset5 0 ta/e this o&&ort%nity to than/ 'y *roessor Ms. P,#*+s&# K+3!#,*.5 ro' the botto' o 'y heart ,ho have been o i''ense hel& d%rin6

'o'ents o an:iety and tor&idity ,hile the &roect ,as ta/in6 its cr%cial sha&e. Secondly5 0 convey 'y dee&est re6ards to the ;ice +hancellor A,+* R%4 IAS and the ad'inistrative sta o TNN-S ,ho held the &roect in hi6h estee' by  &rovidin6 reliable inor'ation in the or' o library inrastr%ct%re and database connections in ti'es o need. Thirdly5 the contrib%tion 'ade by 'y &arents and riends by ore6oin6 their   &recio%s ti'e is %nor6ettable and hi6hly solicited. Their val%able advice and ti'ely s%&ervision &aved the ,ay or the s%ccess%l co'&letion o this &roect. 2inally5 0 than/ the Al'i6hty ,ho 6ave 'e the co%ra6e and sta'ina to conront all h%rdles d%rin6 the 'a/in6 o this &roect. 3ords arenvol%ntarily 6ives %& 'e'bershi& o a &arty? (&ara6ra&h !(#$(a$$. Second5 a 'e'ber also inc%rs dis8%aliication ,hen heKshe votes (or abstains ro' votin6$ contrary to the directive iss%ed by the &arty (&ara6ra&h !(#$(b$$. 0n the #99 Ravi Nai/ vs. Union o 0ndia case5 the S%&re'e +o%rt (S+$ said7 >Even in the absence o a or'al resi6nation ro' 'e'bershi&5 an inerence can be dra,n ro' the

cond%ct o a 'e'ber that he has vol%ntarily 6iven %& his 'e'bershi& o the &olitical &arty to ,hich he belon6s.? E;PULSION UNDER ANTI-DEFECTION LAW

Under the anti1deection la,5 even an e:&elled le6islator is re8%ired to ollo, the ,hi& iss%ed  by the &arty on ,hose tic/et he ,as elected to the Ho%se and vote or hisKher ori6inal &arty d%rin6 a loor test. 0n  ;is,anathan vers%s Hono*ara6ra&h !(#$ read ,ith the e:&lanation clearly &oints o%t that an elected 'e'ber shall contin%e to belon6 to that &olitical &arty by ,hich he ,as set %& as a candidate or election as s%ch 'e'ber. This is so not,ithstandin6 that he ,as thro,n o%t or e:&elled ro' that &arty5? the S+ r%led. Ho,ever5 the to& co%rt &rovided relie to Sa'a,adi *arty leaders A'ar Sin6h and Gaya *rada on Nove'ber #5 !"#"5 declarin6 that they co%ld not be dis8%aliied ro' *arlia'ent %nder the anti1deection la, even i they deied the ,hi& o their or'er &arty. The 'atter ,as reerred to a lar6er bench to resolve contradictions on the i'&ortant constit%tional iss%e and still re'ains &endin6 beore the S%&re'e +o%rt.


Accordin6 to the Tenth Sched%le5 it re8%ires at least t,o1third 'e'bers o a le6islat%re &arty to or' a ne, &olitical 6ro%&5 or ='er6e< ,ith another &olitical &arty ,itho%t 6ettin6 dis8%aliied %nder the anti1deection la,. *ara6ra&h  o the Tenth Sched%le ori6inally reco6nised a =s&lit< i at least one1third 'e'bers o the le6islat%re &arty decided to or' or oin another &olitical &arty.

Ho,ever5 this &rovision ,as done a,ay ,ith by the 9#st a'end'ent to the +onstit%tion in !"". The a'end'ent5 ,hich ca'e into orce in Gan%ary !""5 does not reco6nise a =s&lit< in a le6islat%re &arty. 0nstead5 it reco6nises a ='er6er< that re8%ires at least t,o1third 'e'bers o a le6islat%re &arty to oin another &olitical or'ation or or' a ne, one ,itho%t invitin6 the ,rath o the anti1 deection la,. CHALLEN/ES AND INTERPRETATIONS

The anti1deection la, raises a n%'ber o 8%estions5 several o ,hich have been addressed by the co%rts and the &residin6 oicers.

Does the la, i'&in6e on the ri6ht o ree s&eech o the le6islatorsC This iss%e ,as addressed  by the ive1%d6e +onstit%tion Bench o the S%&re'e +o%rt in #99! (Lihoto Hollohan vs achilh% and others$. The co%rt said that >the anti1deection la, see/s to reco6nise the  &ractical need to &lace the &ro&rieties o &olitical and &ersonal cond%ctabove certain theoretical ass%'&tions.? 0t held that the la, does not violate any ri6hts or reedo's5 or the  basic str%ct%re o &arlia'entary de'ocracy.

3hat constit%tes >vol%ntarily? resi6nin6 ro' a &artyC ;ario%s %d6e'ents and orders indicate that a 'e'ber ,ho &%blicly o&&oses the &arty or states his s%&&ort or another &arty ,o%ld be dee'ed to have resi6ned ro' his &arty. Ne,s re&orts 'ay be %sed as evidence or  this &%r&ose.

+an the decision o the &residin6 oicer be challen6ed in the co%rtsC The la, states that the decision is inal and not s%bect to %dicial revie,. The S%&re'e +o%rt str%c/ do,n &art o  this condition. 0t held that there 'ay not be any %dicial intervention %ntil the &residin6 oicer 6ives his order. Ho,ever5 the inal decision is s%bect to a&&eal in the Hi6h +o%rts and S%&re'e +o%rt. ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION

The Anti1Deection -a, ,as &assed in #9 thro%6h the !nd A'end'ent to the +onstit%tion5 ,hich added the Tenth Sched%le to the 0ndian +onstit%tion. The 'ain intent o 

the la, ,as to co'bat >the evil o &olitical deections?. There are several iss%es in relation to the ,or/in6 o this la, ,hich need to be disc%ssed. Does the la,5 ,hile deterrin6 deections5 also lead to s%&&ression o healthy intra1&arty debate and dissentC Does it restrict re&resentatives ro' voicin6 the concerns o their voters in o&&osition to the oicial &arty  &ositionC Sho%ld the decision on deections be %d6ed by the S&ea/er ,ho is %s%ally a 'e'ber o the r%lin6 &arty or coalition5 or sho%ld it be decided by an e:ternal ne%tral body s%ch as the Election +o''issionC 0n this note5 ,e s%''arise the 'ain eat%res o this la, and inter&retation by the +o%rts and the &residin6 oicers. 3e also see ,hich other  de'ocracies have si'ilar &rovisions. Sho%ld the la, be valid or all votes or only or those that deter'ine the stability o the 6overn'ent (s%ch as the conidence and no1conidence 'otions$C The 'ain intent o the la, ,as to deter >the evil o &olitical deections? by le6islators 'otivated by l%re o oice or  other si'ilar considerations. Ho,ever5 loss o 'e'bershi& is hardly a &enalty in cases ahead o the sched%led ti'e o 6eneral electionsas seen last year. 0t also loses si6niicance i the Ho%se is li/ely to be dissolved. On the other hand5 the votin6 behavio%r 'ay be aected even on iss%es not related to the stability o the 6overn'ent. A 'e'ber 'ay be %nable to e:&ress his act%al belie or the interests o his constit%ents. Thereore5 a case 'ay be 'ade or  restrictin6 the la, to conidence and no1conidence 'otions. The Dinesh os,a'i +o''ittee on electoral reor's (#99"$ reco''ended this chan6e5 ,hile the -a, +o''ission (#"th re&ort5 #999$ s%66ested that &olitical &arties iss%e ,hi&s only ,hen the 6overn'ent ,as in dan6er.

Sho%ld the la, a&&ly only to &re1&oll alliancesC The rationale that a re&resentative is elected on the basis o the &artyvol%ntarily 6ivin6 %&? 'e'bershi& o a &olitical  &arty. S+ G%d6e'ent7 There is a ,ider 'eanin6 o the ,ords >vol%ntarily 6ivin6 %& 'e'bershi&?. The inerence can be dra,n ro' the cond%ct o the 'e'bers also. . ;ish,anathan v. S&ea/er5 Ta'il Nad% -e6islative Asse'bly (#99)$ 0ss%e7 0 a 'e'ber is e:&elled ro' old &arty and he oins another &arty ater bein6 e:&elled5 ,ill it be considered as havin6 vol%ntarily 6iven %& his 'e'bershi&C S+ G%d6e'ent7 Once a 'e'ber is e:&elled5 he is treated as %nattached 'e'ber in the ho%se b%t he contin%es to be a 'e'ber o the old  &arty as &er the Tenth Sched%le. 0 he oins a ne, &arty ater bein6 e:&elled5 he can be said to have vol%ntarily 6iven %& 'e'bershi& o his old &arty. CONCLUSION

 Th%s the evil o &olitical deection across o%r body &olity and their conse8%ent deleterio%s eect on o%r 'ethod o 6overnance can be stron6ly tac/led i necessary constit%tional reor's are carried o%t as s%66ested above and also so1called chan6es in o%r attit%des to,ards this &roble' by eective 'obilisation o s%&&ort both at the national 5re6ional and local level or the ado&tion o s%ch 'echanis's or &ro'otion o the lon6 ter' obective o a stron6 and stable &olitical 6overnance or %rtherance o s%ch ends


The anti1deection la, has enabled the &olitical &arties to have stron6er 6ri& on their  'e'bers ,hich 'any ti'es has res%lted into &reventin6 the' to vote or the l%re o 'oney o 'inisterial birth. 0t also &rovides stability to the 6overn'ent by &reventin6 shits o &arty alle6iance and ens%res that candidates elected ,ith &arty s%&&ort and on the basis o &arty 'aniestoes re'ain loyal to the &arty. Ho,ever5 it is also res%lted into its %nintended o%tco'e i.e. the c%rtailin6 to a certain e:tent the role o the M* or 'e'ber o state le6islat%re. 0t is c%l'inated into absence o constr%ctive debates on critical &olicy iss%es. The ,hi& has beco'e all the 'ore &o,er%l and has to be ollo,ed in all circ%'stances. 3hat reor's are needed in Anti1deection la,C 2ollo,in6 are the /ey reor's needed in anti1 deection la,. The decision 'a/in6 &o,er o s&ea/er K chair'an needs revie, The &hrase >vol%ntarily 6ivin6 %& 'e'bershi&? is too va6%e and needs co'&rehensive revision. *olitical  &arties sho%ld li'it iss%ance o ,hi&s to instances only ,hen the 6overn'ent is in dan6er  The Election +o''ission had reco''ended that the decisions %nder the Tenth Sched%le sho%ld be 'ade by the *residentK overnor on the bindin6 advice o the Election +o''ission. A constit%tional a'end'ent vestin6 the &o,er to decide 'atters relatin6 to dis8%aliication on the 6ro%nd o deection ,ith the *residentKovernor actin6 on the advice o the Election +o''ission ,o%ld act%ally hel& in &reservin6 the inte6rity o the S&ea/er
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