Ante-Nuptial Agreement A

May 10, 2018 | Author: James Decolongon | Category: Marriage, Private Law, Civil Law (Common Law), Society, Social Institutions
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Short Description




KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Agreement is made and entered into by and beteen: John Calvo! o" #ega# age! $i#i%ino and a resident o" Brgy& Brgy& 'one (! )igos *ity! )a+ao de# S,r! and Rhea Olaivar! #i-eise o" #ega# age! $i#i%ino and a resident o" Brgy& 'one (! )igos *ity! )a+ao de# S,r!

. itnesseth . WHEREAS! the %ar/es hereto ere married in 0i+i# rites on 1an,ary 2! 34(5 in )igos 0ity! )a+ao de# S,r& WHEREAS! the %ar/es hereto ha+e %ro%er/es o" their on a06,ired be"ore their marriage to ea0h other and! be0a,se o" the origin o" the said %ro%er/es! the %ar/es hereto desire that their res%e0/+e %ro%er/es remain as his and her on so#e#y& WHEREAS! the %ar/0,#ar %ro%erty re"erred to herein is that %ro%erty des0ribed as a %or/on o" that %ar0e# o" #and 0o+ered by Trans"er *er/70ate o" Tit#e No& 8393.(38 o" the Registry o" )eeds "or )igos *ity 0ontaining an area o" S;29? S@ARE METERS! more or #ess! hi0h the %ar/es hereto a06,ired by ay o" sa#e "rom the e0#,si+e %ara%herna# ",nds o"  R;NA M& BAB;AC WHEREAS! WHEREAS! "or the "oregoing "oregoing reasons! the %ar/es hereto desire to 7 and determine the res%e0/+e rights and 0#aims o" ea0h in and to the estate and %ro%erty o" ea0h other! and to a00e%t the %ro+isions o" this Agreement in #ie, o" and in ",## dis0harge! seD#ement and sa/s"a0/on o" a## s,0h rights and 0#aims! and the %ar/es hereto do hereby agree ,nder this Ante.N,%/a# Agreement that the %ro%erty re#a/ons beteen them as h,sband and i"e d,ring their marriage sha## be a regime o" SEPARAT;ON O$ PROPERTY ,nder the Ne *i+i# *ode o" the Phi#i%%ines! as amended by Ee0,/+e Order No& 34! otherise -non as the $ami#y *odeC WHEREAS! %,rs,ant to the said Regime o" Se%ara/on o" Pro%erty! the %ar/es hereto do hereby agree that: Ea0h s%o,se sha## on! %ossess! dis%ose o"! administer and enFoy their indi+id,a# rights o+er their res%e0/+e and se%arate estate or %ro%erty 1.

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ith need o" 0onsent "rom either s%o,se! and to ea0h sha## be#ong the "r,its! nat,ra#! ind,stria# or 0i+i#! d,e or re0ei+ed d,ring their marriage "rom their res%e0/+e and se%arate %ro%er/es! %ro+ided! hoe+er! that the earnings o" ea0h s%o,se "rom their res%e0/+e %ro"ession or ind,stry sha## be 0onsidered 0onF,ga# %ro%erty o" the marriageC A## %ro%er/es re0ei+ed by ay o" dona/on or inheritan0e! in0#,ding a## the "r,its or interest deri+ed there"rom! sha## 0ons/t,te the se%arate and indi+id,a# %ro%er/es o" ea0h s%o,seC 2.

NOW! THERE$ORE! "or and in 0onsidera/on o" the "oregoing and the so#emniGa/on o" the marriage o" herein %ar/es! and o" the 0o+enants herein 0ontained! the %ar/es hereto do hereby sign! ee0,te and a0-no#edge this ANTE.NPT;AL AREEMENT! this (st  day o" 1an,ary at )igos *ity& John Calvo  IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII S%o,se




A*KNOWLE)MENT REPBL;* O$ THE PH;L;PP;NES? * ; T Y O $ ) ;  O S & & & & & & & &?S&S& BE$ORE ME! a Notary P,b#i0 "or and in )igos *ity! this ( st  day o"  1an,ary 34(5! %ersona##y a%%eared:

 _______ John Calvo _____  ________R#EA OLAI$AR_

Proo" o" ;den/ty:  IIIISSS ID No. 1!1"!_____ ____GSIS ID No. %!"%"___

both -non to me to be the same %ersons ho ee0,ted the "oregoing instr,ment! and ho a0-no#edged to me that the same is their on "ree and +o#,ntary a0t and deed&

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W;TNESS MY HAN) AN) SEAL on the %#a0e and date 7rst abo+e riDen&

)o0 No& IIII Page No& IIII Boo- No& IIII Series o" 34(5 *ity

JAMES L. DECOLONGON Notary P,b#i0 n/# )e0ember (! 34(5 Ro## No&: J35(8 ;BP No& 2(J34! 1an,ary 2! 34(8! )igos *ity PTR No&4J438 1an,ary 2! 34(8 )igos *ity T;N: 34.5.845 1an,ary 2! 34(4 )igos

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