Answers: The Case Study Weddings, Parties, Everything Catering Services System

August 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tayyaba Latf

Question 1: Describe the trigger of the Weddings Parties Everything System (WPE) and explain the benefit of WPE would bring. Trigger of the Weddings, Parties, Everything System (WPE):

Weddings, parties, everything is a rapidly growing online business that links together customers who need a caterer for their event with businesses that provide catering. Weddings, parties, everything going to trigger their business. They used very effective technique to boost up their business. They designed a new system to automate their business of putting together the right customer with the right caterer. The two sides of the system are caterer and the customers. The onsite behavior for both parties has multiple stages to take advantage of this service. Benefit of WPE:

These are the following benefits of WPE would bring in their new system: 

WPE will able to provide the best caterers for a customer which increases the WPE revenue on regular basis.

They will remain successful in obtaining a booking for a catering job.

They obtain average satisfaction rating of completed catering jobs.

The customer rating would help out other customers to find out verified catering jobs.

WPE revenue would increase by payments of credit.

Various monitoring reports add to business growth.

Customer rating generate e-Word of Mouth which the sign of any credible business.

The prompt service i.e. On Time Guarantee increases the reciprocal communication of  the website.

 The will remained successful in terms of cost saving.

Their professionalism would be increase.


Tayyaba Latf

Question 2: List the main stakeholders for the Weddings Parties everything system (WPE). For each stakeholder, write a brief description of their interest in the system and what aspects of it are of particular relevance to them. You do no nott ne need ed to ca cate tego gori rize ze th thee st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs.. Don’ Don’tt incl includ udee th thee sy syst stem emss development team. There are two types of stakeholders stakeholders of the Weddings Weddings Parties Parties Everything Everything System (WPE). The first one is caterer and the other is customers. Caterer:

Cate Ca tere rers rs’’ ar aree st stake akeho hold lder erss of th thee Weddi Wedding ngss Pa Part rtie iess Ever Everyt ythi hing ng Sy Syst stem em (WPE (WPE). ). Cate Catere rer  r  stakeholder simply does register on the WPE system. Their registration includes business name, description, types of services they provide their location, link to their own website, and contact email. After that system make process and after the process Verified caterers have provided their  ABN, business name, logo, and proof of current Public Liability or Professional Indemnity insurance to the system. The verified caterer provides confidence to customers that they are using a legitimate business. Customers:

Customers are also stakeholders of the Weddings Parties Everything System (WPE). Customers simply do a quote for a catering job. They submit their requirements through an online form. They supply their postcode location and a list of requirements, including type of event, broad type of cuisine, number of people to be catered for; budget per person; service required, date of  event, and any further instructions. They also supply an email address they can be contacted through. This email address also provides them with access to their account where they can see the status of all their job requests.


Tayyaba Latf

Question 3:  (a) List and briefly describe the main functional requirements requirements for the WPE. (b) List and briefly describe the main nonfunct nonfunctional ional requirements for the WPE. a) Main functional requirements for the WPE A main functional requirement for the WPE includes two sides in the system. These two sides were caterers and the customers. There are following functional requirements of this system.  

Firstly, First ly, Caterers Caterers  regi regist ster er on th thee WPE WPE sy syst stem em by prov provid idin ing g thei theirr bu busi sine ness ss name, name, description, types of services they provide, their location, link to their own website, and contact email. System. Secondly, customer requires a quote for a catering job, they submit their requirements through an online form. They supply their postcode location and a list of requirements, and other any details. They also supply an email address they can be contacted through. Then, WPE system matches the request with the catering services that are registered with it, and determines the three caterers that could best meet the customer’s requirements. These caterers are then notified via email that there is an open request for quotation. The caterers then respond to the customer with a detailed quote. This information is provided in an online form that the caterer completes and the system sends to the customer.


Once the customer has decided on a caterer, they return to their account on the WPE site and choose the ‘hired’ option against the relevant caterer’s quote for the job request. When this has been done, the other caterers who quoted are automatically notified that their quote was unsuccessful. If none of the quotes suits the customer, they may choose to enter ‘unsuccessful’ directly against the quotes. If no quotes are received within 48 hours of posting the job request the customer is notified and the request is closed. A customer may also decide that they wish to cancel the job request any time before making a booking, and record this against the job request in their account. At the end, Customers are encouraged to provide feedback on the service that their  caterer has provided and leave a 5- star rating and associated comment against the job.


Tayyaba Latf

When the review is posted, the feedback recorded against the caterer is updated for other   potential customers to browse through on the WPE site.

b) Main Non-functional requirements for the WPE  Non-functional requirements of the WPE system provide usability and effectiveness of the entire software system. There are following non- functional requirements of this system. 

The system provides guarantee to provide the service on time, and if they are more than half an hour after the scheduled time will reimburse the customer $100.

When the credits expire after three months, and the system will notify the caterer that they need to purchase more credits in order to be able to quote. The system also notifies the caterer if they have run out of credit.

Customers quotes received to the system within 48 hours of posting the job request the customer is notified and the request is closed. A customer may also decide that they wish to cancel the job request any time before making a booking, and record this against the  job request in their account.

They would grab opportunities by giving g iving warranty information to their stakeholders.

It will be helpful for their online businesses to boost their brand awareness in the online marketplace.

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