Answer Petition Sample

August 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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COMMENT/ANSWER  Petition for Relief from Judgment Civil Case No. Br. !"#$#%

Republic of the Philippines Second Judicial Region REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 20 Cauayan City, Isabela

PRISCILLANO ESPEJO represented by his attorney-in-fact NELL! ESPEJO,, ESPEJO Plaintiff/s,   CI"IL CASE NO# $R#%&-'(')

-ersus*OILO $A!LON and ISA$ELO $A!LON   !efendants" #-----------------------#

CO++ENT,ANSER IT. GREA GREATEST TEST RESP RESPECT ECT,, Plai Plainti ntiff  ff   by co coun unse sell an and d to this this $onorable Court, as co%%ent/ans&er to !efendants Petition for Relief  fro% Judg%ent, 'rders and other Proceedings, states that(

ANTECE/ENTS (# 'n %& No No0e 0e1b 1ber er %& %&(2 (2,, the the $o $ono nora rabl ble e Co Cour urtt issu issued ed a !ecision, its dispositie portion reads(

)$*R*+ )$*R *+'R 'R*, *, in ie& ie& of the foreg oregoi oing ng,,  udg%ent is hereby h ereby rendered in faor of plaintiff  Prisci Pri scilla llano no *speo *speo and against against defend defendant ant oilo oilo and Isabelo Baylon as follo&s( ." !i !irrec ecti ting ng defe defend ndan antt oilo oilo Ba Bayl ylon on and and Isabelo Baylon and all other persons clai%ing rights under the%, to acate and surrender peacefully the possession of the parcel of land &ith resp re spect ect to an ar area ea of ., .,0 00 0 sua suare re %eters e%braced in 1C1 o" 1-..32.4 registered in the na%e plainti ntiff  Pricillano *speo5 2"

'rd rder erin ing g def defend endant oilo ilo Bay Baylon lon to accept pay%ent of the plaintiff in the



COMMENT/ANSWER  Petition for Relief from Judgment Civil Case No. Br. !"#$#%

a%ount of P40,000 as agreed upon in the 67atulagan Iti Panangibanag85 9"

o a&ard for ator orne ney y:s fees as the plaintiff failed to present and sub%it in eid e ide ence nce th the e offic fficia iall rec ecei eipt pt duly uly registered &ith the Bureau of Internal Reen eenue ue sho& sho&in ing g pay%ent %ent of th the e attorney:s fees5


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