1. ave aven&t n&t been able to find 2. sould ave been built 3. you may ' migt as %ell give it 4. must be looking 5. migt ave asked +me, 6. ave been aving
5. e(#losive 6. assum#tion 7. collided
7. 8. 9. 10.
residents isolated to conventions
11. reveal 12. uncanny
1. %as being taken 2. as already been %arned 3. to be given
4. being introduced ' aving been introduced 5. must be allo%ed 6. is not being treated 7. being attacked 8. to be invited ' to ave been invited
1. %aiting 2. get 3. stolen 4. make
5. removed 6. aving 7. com#laining 8. %alked
1. e %ill %ill be offered ' to to be be of offered fered 2. sould not ave been given 3. sure to ave your #one taken 4. so muc food being %asted 5. ad ' got te cildren running 6. tougt to ave been #ainted by
PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // Unit Tests: Answer Key // .
1. to ave informed 2. s#end too muc time on ' #laying 3. ave any obection to me ' my aving 4. tried using oil 5. a##reciated you ' your el#ing el#ing 6. seem to ave been damaged
10. are looking 11. /ould you 12. ave filled
11.. didn&t live 2. adn& adn&tt forgot+te t+ten, n, 3. could learn
1. ake ad a degree! e %ould a##ly
4. %ould sto# 5. %a %ass ' %ere %ere 6. to e(tend
2. se ad attended 3. you %ere to e(ercise more often 4. only te government %ould invest 5. in case -&m not 6. olly gone to college yesterday yesterday!! se %ould ave
PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // Unit Tests: Answer Key // .
Burlington Books
1. acute 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. diversity
confiscated rigtful re#roduction #ainstaking
7. 8. 9. 10.
scenario irrefutable #ays valid
1. strong 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. communities
triving )uality densely inaudible
7. 8. 9. 10.
studied eyed secure undercurrent
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
on to do%n out %it
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
on %it in on from
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
off into in u# on
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
aead back on do%n %it
1. 2. 3. 4.
artefacts vast sole verified
8. 9. 10. 11.
raids loot retrieved scattered
1. 2. 3. 4.
elegant time focal vibrant
7. 8. 9. 10.
breat /ensing calling case
5. treasure 6. disintegrated
5. landmarks 6. stands
12. deemed 13. #riceless
11. mind
7. safeguard
Grammar 1
1. during 2. %atever 3. #osting 4. in %ic case 5. %ose 6. grateful 7. te youngest of %om 8. %ic 9. %ic - found 10. at %ic #oint
Grammar 1
2 A
b d b b
1. every bit as
4. easily te least 5. more and more
1. seriously 2. igly 3. utterly 4. #erfectly 5. dee#ly 1. %asn&t so muc tired as disa##ointed 2. is by far te most lu(urious +one, 3. blamed ason for losing ' mis#lacing 4. er not to stay 5. %asn&t nearly as difficu difficult lt 6. %anted to kno% %en te #arade %as taking
1. %as cancelled! leaving many fans 2. bot of %ic are 3. none of %om ack 4. o%ever long it takes
PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // Unit Tests: Answer Key // .
5. 6. 7. 8.
3. so muc
3. ooking 4. making 6. ot being 7. aving booked 8. not aving seen
b d a d
2. among te most
1. am amaged aged ' aving been damaged 2. $eeling
5. $rigtened
1. 2. 3. 4.
Burlington Books
1. nosedive 2. out 3. vicinity 4. #ased 5. full
6. matc 7. emerged
1. c 2. c
7. a 8. a
8. eigt 9. limitations
3. b 4. d
9. b 10. c
10. constraints
5. d 6. b
11. b 12. a
1. ca#tivity 2. ensure
5. stunned 6. confinement
3. deviate 4. unfit
7. regulations 8. assertive
2. mass mass un unem em#l #loy oym ment ent 3. uman resources
#roibited motionless resembled s#ecies
7. 8. 9. 10.
tereby mate %ild maintain
11. brink 12. trived
Grammar 1. ittle did anyone reali*e 2. o sooner ad %e agreed 3. ot until anyone travels
6. ot only does aria teac 7. n no account must you tell
1. am gro%ing ' ave gro%n %eary of 2. tey are beside te #oint 3. te maority of #eo#le do not obect to
1. ad - arrived arrived at %ork %en - %as 2. you must do is read
4. in all likeliood te concert %ill be 5. are fe% and far bet%een in
3. %ill you be able to 4. tat te #atient not be 5. no time did anyone mention ' no time %as tere any mention of 6. #ro#osal tat e(tra tuition be offered
PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // Unit Tests: Answer Key // .
4. %ill be #laying 5. may be %aiting 6. doesn&t ave to be finised 7. can&t ave been 8. sould ave booked
1. fasion! media 2. natural! social 3. marketing! brand 4. career! life 5. moral! root
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. cam#aigns
d d a b c c
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
b d d b a a
1. is on te verge of closing 2. ig time you sa% 3. as %ell get 4. %ould not let me borro% is 5. must be looking 6. are due to be #osted 7. %ill ave started 8. may ' migt ave been slee#ing
2. %ill visit 3. ad been sele select cted ed 4. see
4. 5. 6. 7.
being cry bursting flo%ing %atc become
5. %oul %ouldd not not be flyi flying ng 6. is concentrating 7. %ou %ould you take take 8. ad remembered 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
running to ave been to s#ark %i#ed iring to bring
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
c b a b b c
%ill not ave students eating %ould not ave been asked from its aving been treated better focus on your
8. your offering to tak takee
2. ac)uisition 3. critically
7. 8. 9. 10.
%aves %ay stone ground
5. deduced
2. favouritism 3. imaginary 4. underutili*ed
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
d c a b b d
7. d 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
a b c c c
PERSPECTIVES ON PROFICIENCY // (e+iew Tests: Answer Key // .
Burlington Books
(EVIE) TEST 3: UNITS #*1' Vocabulary 1. b
2. e 3. c 4.
5. g 6. d 7. a 8. f
1. vast array 2. %ides#read use 3. marine #ark 4. sar# contrast 5. detrimental effect 6. cultural legacy 7. sensory de#rivation 8. sole intent 1. %alks 2. 3. 4. 5.
%ake scales scenario breat
1. sould you touc 2. is to encourage 3. tuition fees be #aid ' tat tuition fees are #aid 4. ot aving been invited 5. a#ologi*ed for u#setting ' a#ologi*ed for aving u#set 6. aving been baked ' :aked 7. %ill ' do you gain 8. te bus %ent ' %as going
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. #ro#osal #ro#osal tat students be given 2. none of %om 3. muc sur#rised as disa##ointe disa##ointedd
4. congratulated im on being #icked 5. struck everyone as 6. %arned te visitors not to a##roac 7. are tourists seen in 8. is being ' as been #ut on
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