Ansa v15.1.x Users Guide

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ANSA V15.0.X USERS GUIDE v.15.1.x

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

ANSA version 15.1.x User’s Guide ANSA version 15.1.x User‟s Guide

Printed in Greece – June 2014

COPYRIGHT © 1990-2014 BETA CAE SYSTEMS S.A. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This ANSA User‟s Guide is an integral part of the ANSA software. This User‟s Guide, in whole or in part, may not be copied, reproduced, translated, transferred, or reduced to any form, including electronic medium or machine-readable form, or transmitted or publicly performed by any means, electronic or otherwise, unless BETA CAE Systems consents in writing in advance. Use of the software and its documentation has been provided under a software license agreement. BETA CAE Systems assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages or data loss caused by installation or use of the software. Information described in this documentation is furnished for information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by BETA CAE Systems. BETA CAE Systems assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

The software and its documentation contain valuable trade secrets and proprietary information and are protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of the software or its documentation can result in civil damages and criminal prosecution. All other company and product names, mentioned in the software and its documentation, are property, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

BETA CAE Systems S.A. Kato Scholari, Thessaloniki, GR-57500 Epanomi, Greece Tel: +30-2392 021420 +30-2311 993300 Fax: +30-2392 021828 E-mail: [email protected] URL:

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide



Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19


Chapter 20


Chapter 21


Chapter 22


Chapter 23


Chapter 24


Chapter 25


Chapter 26


Chapter 27


Chapter 28


Chapter 29


Chapter 30


Chapter 31




Appendix II


Appendix III


BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide


BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Introduction Introduction

Chapter 1


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 7 1.1. About ANSA .......................................................................................................................... 8 1.2. About this User's Guide ......................................................................................................... 9 1.2.1. Annotations and Symbols ............................................................................................ 10

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Introduction 1.1. About ANSA ANSA is an advanced CAE preprocessing tool in Finite Element Analysis. Applications include the generation of models for Crash, Durability, NVH, CFD and other research areas. The main concepts of the software are the following: - A properly cleaned-up geometry is the key prerequisite for a well-defined mesh model. Connection and assembly of single parts should be performed in accordance with meshing and modeling requirements. - Alternative mesh models should be generated based on a common assembled geometry model. - The grid nodes of the shell mesh to be generated lie exactly on CAD-data geometry. - The most usual pre-processing jobs may be completed in this single software, without the use of additional software. - Compatibility with many major CAD/CAE interfaces and packages used in the industry. Some of ANSA's key features include: - CAD-geometry topology and cleanup. - CAD 2D and 3D functions. - Advanced part management, assembly and connection. - High flexibility in surface preparation for shell meshing. - Batch Meshing. - Automatic execution of ANSA commands through Scripts. - Unstructured shell meshing for first and second order shell elements with grid nodes lying on CAD geometry surfaces. - Volume mesh generation based on surface shell mesh. - Advanced mesh quality checks and improvement functions. - Pre-processing Decks for NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ANSYS, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, and RADIOSS. - Cross-Section analysis tool. - KINETICS tool. - Fuel Tank analysis tool. - Body in White bath analysis tool. - Surface and Volume mesh Morphing.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Introduction ANSA in CAE process flow


Materials Database


Geometry Cleanup Modification Definition

Tools Cross section Fuel Tank Volume Traps

Alternative FE-Models Morphing

Connections Definition & Management

Properties & Materials Definition

Model Assembly Common Model

Mesh Shell/Solid mesh generation Quality check Modification Quality Improvement Penetration Check & Auto correction

Pre-Processing Decks


Special Elements Loads/Constraints Solution numerics Contacts Dummy model positioning & restraining



1.2. About this User's Guide This User's Guide is addressed to new and advanced users, as it consists of a combination of examples and detailed description of functions. New users can also refer to the Tutorial Guide, which contains a Getting Started section. Since not all of the functions and features can be documented in this User‟s Guide, users should also refer to the ANSA On-Line-Help, for a detailed description of all menus and functions. As the users become more experienced, they develop their own techniques and certainly, if they go through this Guide, they will be able to combine ANSA functions and techniques for their own benefit. The material is presented in the order that the user would follow to work with the software. Not all chapters may be relevant for every application.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Introduction If any queries are not referenced in this User‟s Guide or in the On Line Help, refer to Technical Support (e-mail: [email protected]). 1.2.1. Annotations and Symbols Throughout the manual the following text presentation conventions are followed to distinguish the various text interpretations. Object - Action ANSA buttons, functions ANSA Entities ANSA Windows Text Window messages Files, variables, OS commands Warning

Presentation All capitals First letter capital Italics “Italics” Courier New !

Example CUT Face DECK Parameters window “Please select PART” ANSA.defaults ! Do not cut Macros at locations …

Due to the nature of the program a lot of graphical conventions are also used. Mouse and keyboard icons, arrows, cursors etc. are widely utilized. Some examples are presented below: Cursor position in the ANSA display window where left mouse button is pressed

Click and drag with left mouse button movement


Cursor position over menus and entry cards

As a function is described in the manual its button is presented in its not pressed state, prior to selection. PARAM




Function simplification. Option

Keyboard for alphanumerical input

Some commands have sub-options displayed in the pull down menu that appears when the button is pressed. In the manual only the option of interest is presented for

For example if the user selects the option NORMAL from the function PROJECT which belongs to the CONS group of the TOPO > menu, the button below is presented: In addition in the text the command path is stated: TOPO>CONS>PROJECT [NORMAL] Many times the root path (TOPO > in this case) is omitted.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface User Interface

Chapter 2


Table of Contents USER INTERFACE .......................................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Screen Layout ..................................................................................................................... 14 2.2. ANSA Settings ..................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.1. Settings Window.......................................................................................................... 16 2.2.2. Saving User Settings ................................................................................................... 17 Saving GUI Settings under ANSA.xml ................................................................. 17 Saving Application Settings under ANSA.defaults .......................................... 18 2.3. Handling ANSA windows ..................................................................................................... 19 2.3.1. Fullscreen mode ......................................................................................................... 23 2.4. The use of mouse-buttons................................................................................................... 24 2.5. View Control using the mouse............................................................................................. 25 2.5.1. SpaceMouse support .................................................................................................. 26 2.6. View Control using Views toolbar ........................................................................................ 26 2.7. View Control using the F keys ............................................................................................. 28 2.7.1. Standard views ............................................................................................................ 28 2.7.2. Rotate and Panning..................................................................................................... 28 2.8. Selecting Items.................................................................................................................... 29 2.8.1. Single Items ................................................................................................................ 29 2.8.2. Box selection ............................................................................................................... 30 2.8.3. Polygon area selection ................................................................................................ 30 2.8.4. Front Only selection .................................................................................................... 31 2.8.5. Selecting 2D & 3D entities ........................................................................................... 32 Feature Area selection ......................................................................................... 32 PID Region selection ........................................................................................... 34 Macro Area selection ........................................................................................... 35 Poly Area selection .............................................................................................. 36 Poly Line selection ............................................................................................... 36 2.8.6. Selecting 1D entities.................................................................................................... 37 Feature Line selection for edges ......................................................................... 37 PID neighbors selection for line elements ........................................................... 40 2.8.7. Selecting nodes ........................................................................................................... 40 Feature Line selection for nodes ......................................................................... 41 Feature Area selection for nodes ......................................................................... 42

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.9. Numerical Input ................................................................................................................... 42 2.9.1. Single Numerical Input windows ................................................................................. 42 2.9.2. Active/Not-active Numerical Input windows ................................................................. 42 2.9.3. Vector Definitions & Arithmetical Operations ............................................................... 42 2.10. Multi-touch screen controls ............................................................................................... 43 2.10.1. Mouse buttons to gestures correlation ..................................................................... 43 2.10.2. Touch screen view controls ...................................................................................... 43 2.10.3. Selections .................................................................................................................. 44 Touch Assistant toolbar ...................................................................................... 44 Single selections ................................................................................................ 45 Box selections ................................................................................................... 45 List selections .................................................................................................... 45 2.11. Entities Visibility ................................................................................................................. 46 2.11.1. Property and Material Colors ..................................................................................... 46 2.11.2. Property‟s Shadow, Wire and Perimeters state ......................................................... 46 2.11.3. Transparency ............................................................................................................. 48 2.11.4. Light control ............................................................................................................... 49 2.11.5. Coloring FE-Model Entities ........................................................................................ 50 2.11.6. Automatic transparency implementation .................................................................... 50 2.11.7. Detail on demand effect ............................................................................................. 51 2.12. Draw modes ...................................................................................................................... 52 2.13. Fringe modes .................................................................................................................... 54 2.13.1. Element thickness view mode ................................................................................... 55 2.13.2. Non Structural Mass (NSM) view mode .................................................................... 56 2.13.3. Contact thickness view mode .................................................................................... 56 2.13.4. Mass Scale view mode .............................................................................................. 57 2.13.5. Pressure and Temperature view modes .................................................................... 58 2.13.6. Boundary Conditions view mode ............................................................................... 58 2.13.7. Quality Graph view mode .......................................................................................... 59 2.13.8. Separation Graph mode ............................................................................................ 60 2.14. Saving visibility status ....................................................................................................... 61 2.15. Focusing on Items ............................................................................................................. 62 2.15.1 Lock Entities and Views ............................................................................................. 68 2.16. Multiple Views ................................................................................................................... 70 2.17. Cutting Planes ................................................................................................................... 72 2.18. Database Browser and Lists ............................................................................................. 77 2.18.1. General ..................................................................................................................... 77 2.18.2. Focusing on items ..................................................................................................... 77 2.18.3. Selecting items .......................................................................................................... 78 Selection Lists interface ..................................................................................... 78 Selecting ............................................................................................................ 79 Visibility Control ................................................................................................. 80 Sorting ............................................................................................................... 81 Managing Columns ............................................................................................ 81 Quick Filtering.................................................................................................... 84 Quick Modify ...................................................................................................... 86 Edit cards........................................................................................................... 89 User Attributes ................................................................................................... 91 2.18.4. Creating New Entities ................................................................................................ 92 2.18.5. Other uses of the Database Browser ........................................................................ 93 2.19. Search Engine................................................................................................................... 94 2.19.1. Searching for program functions ............................................................................... 95 2.19.2. Searching for data ..................................................................................................... 95 2.19.3. Command Line commands ....................................................................................... 96 2.19.4. Mathematical Calculations ........................................................................................ 96 2.20. File Manager ..................................................................................................................... 97 2.21. Display clipping ............................................................................................................... 101

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.22. Graphics .......................................................................................................................... 102 2.23. Saving Images in ANSA .................................................................................................. 104 2.24. Acquiring Help ................................................................................................................. 105 2.24.1. ANSA on-line Help ................................................................................................... 105 2.24.2. ANSA documentation index ..................................................................................... 107 2.24.3. About ANSA ............................................................................................................ 107 2.25. Beep sound ..................................................................................................................... 107 2.26. System - OpenCL............................................................................................................ 107 2.27. Undo/ Redo ..................................................................................................................... 108

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.1. Screen Layout The main features of the Graphical User Interface are highlighted and described below:

1. Main pull down menus - File: contains all the functions for data Input/Output - Windows: access all ANSA windows, as well as the Settings window - Containers: access all the container Group functions (Parts, DM, Properties, Materials, Sets, Includes, Filters, Database) - Tools: access the tool functionality (Batch Mesh, Compare, Task Manager, Script, Includes Manager, Checks) - Utilities: access the utility functions (i.e. Mesh Parameters, Quality Criteria, Measure etc.) - Assembly: access all the functions that can be used for the Handling of Connections. - Help: invoke all the options concerning ANSA Help. 2. Toolbars: User can optionally have any of the Main pull down menus, in the form of toolbars, which can be docked in the main ANSA window. Furthermore there is the option to create custom toolbars. For more details refer to the Customizing Toolbars section in the Customizing User Interface chapter of the same document. 3. Modules Buttons: contains all the ANSA functions, according to the selected module, i.e. TOPO, MESH, etc. 4. Module buttons groups: all ANSA functions are arranged in groups, depending on the Entity that they are applicable to. The number in parentheses next to the group name indicates the number of additional functions located in the Hidden window of each group. 5. Hidden window: the hidden window can be accessed by pressing on the group's name with the right mouse button. The user can then choose which functions will reside there. Furthermore, one can access the hidden buttons pop-up to directly activate a function by pressing the left mouse button on the group's name. 6. Info window: Instructions and reporting of the program are printed in this window. 7. Command Line: the user can activate functions by typing in the command line. 8. Database Browser: this window can contain tabs for Database, Includes, or Filters, and is used for visualization and management of all the entities in the database. 9. Status Bar: in this area are displayed several error or guiding messages, the title of the currently active function and an option to terminate it, as also a progress bar whenever this is needed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 10. Search engine: The former Function Finder has been replaced by a more sophisticated engine, which: • is activated through Windows>Search Engine or with the shortcut Ctrl+F. • invokes functions of any menu, loaded script functions and session commands. • The function access is achieved by typing few letters. • Search by meaning is also possible. • Filter ranges of any entity and then open the respective list. • History of last applied functions is stored. Access is enabled by hitting the 'Enter' key. 11. Options List: In this area they appear options and settings for the currently active function.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.2. ANSA Settings 2.2.1. Settings Window Prior of starting any process in ANSA, or during that, one must know how to change ANSA settings. All settings, concerning the Graphic Interface and many of the options related to the ANSA functionality, can be accessed through the Settings window. To invoke the Settings window go to Windows>Settings, or press the shortcut key Ctrl+I. The main features of this window are highlighted and described below:

1. Settings Categories

3. Save Settings in ANSA.defaults

2. Define the Settings

4. Save GUI Settings in ANSA.xml 5. Current *xml location

1. Settings Categories: In this section of the Settings window, all the settings categories are listed in a tree-form. Choose between the two major categories, “Settings” or “GUI settings”, and select the desirable subcategory to edit its options. 2. Define Settings: This section of the Settings window is updated according to the selected category. Here the user can define the desirable settings. 3. ANSA.defaults: To save the new settings in the ANSA.defaults file, press the Save button, or save the current settings in a new ANSA.defaults file by pressing the Save as button. For more information about saving in ANSA.defaults please refer to section 4. ANSA.xml: To save the new GUI settings in the ANSA.xml file, press the Save button, or save the current GUI settings in a new *.xml file by pressing the Save as button. Additionally, the user can read another *.xml file by pressing the Read button, and all GUI settings are updated accordingly. For more information about saving in ANSA.xml please refer to section 5. ANSA.xml location: In this field is displayed the location of the current *.xml file. At any point the user can press OK button to accept the changes, taken place in any category, and exit the Settings window, or press Cancel button.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface In the latter case, if no changes have taken place, the user exits the Settings window, else, if changes have taken place in any category, a warning message appears, listing all the changes and prompting the user to decide whether the changes will be applied or discarded.

2.2.2. Saving User Settings All settings that can be changed by the user, are saved and can be available for the next ANSA session. The settings regarding the graphical interface are saved into the ANSA.xml file, whereas all the settings regarding the application of ANSA functions, are saved into ANSA.defaults file. Hence, the size and position of all ANSA windows are saved into the ANSA.xml file, whereas the meshing parameters and the quality criteria are saved into the ANSA.defaults file. These files are located into the directory .BETA/ANSA/ANSA/version_13.x.x, which is created the first time ANSA is launched. The easiest way to distinguish which settings are saved into the ANSA.xml and which into the ANSA.defaults is based on the classification in the Settings window. Thus, the settings that reside in the category “Settings” of the Settings window are saved in the ANSA.defaults, whereas the settings that reside in the category “GUI settings” are saved in the ANSA.xml. Saving GUI Settings under ANSA.xml All settings that can be changed inside the “GUI settings” category of the Settings window are saved into the ANSA.xml file. Some of these settings are saved only when the user presses the Save GUI settings button, whereas some others are also saved when ANSA quits. A general rule is that the settings that are related to the display of the ANSA windows and buttons (e.g. size and position of windows, format and position of ANSA buttons, etc.), are saved either when the user presses the Save GUI settings button, or when ANSA quits. The rest GUI settings are saved only when user presses the Save GUI settings button. Note: The state of the General Buttons (i.e. activate or deactivate) is saved only upon pressing Save GUI settings button and not when ANSA quits. This is due to the fact that such kind of options are frequently altered by the user during a project (to control the visibility, isolate entities in the screen etc.), but it is not meant to be permanently changed. Whenever a user changes the size and position of an ANSA window (File Manager, Property List etc.) this information is stored in the ANSA.xml file either by pressing the Save GUI settings button or automatically the moment ANSA quits. This way, the user does not have to worry about saving settings, and in the next ANSA session the windows will appear as were set in the last session. The user defined menus (see section 4.7) are also saved upon ANSA quiting, and thus the user can be sure that even if accidentally quits ANSA prior of saving them, these will not be lost. The ANSA.xml file also contains the list of recently opened files, accessed from FILE>OPEN RECENT or FILE>INPUT RECENT, and generally the history wherever this appears. The filters and additional columns added by the user in the list windows, are also saved into the same file. The Save GUI settings as button allows the user to save the current settings in a file with different name and path so as not to overwrite the existing ANSA.xml file. In this case the File Manager window opens for the filename specification. When the current GUI settings are saved in a different

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface xml file, this file becomes the current one and any GUI changes from that point on are written there. See Appendix I (RUNNING ANSA) for some extra uses of the ANSA.xml file. Saving Application Settings under ANSA.defaults All settings that can be changed in the “Settings” category of the Settings window are saved into the ANSA.defaults file, so that the next time the user starts ANSA they will be set as required. To do so go to Windows>Settings and press the Save settings button. Beside these settings, in this file are generally saved all those settings that are related to the way ANSA functions are applied, such as the Mesh Parameters, the Batch Mesh Parameters, the Output and Input Parameters, etc. Such type of settings are also the options and values of the F11 window, and hence are saved into the ANSA.defaults file. Note: The state of the CRITERIA group flag buttons (i.e. activate or deactivate), is saved into the ANSA.defaults file and not into the ANSA.xml file. This is due to the fact that these flag buttons are related to the quality criteria and are actually controlled through the F11 window (i.e. by activating a criterion into the F11 window, the respective flag is activated). Nevertheless, their relative position inside the General Buttons area is saved into the ANSA.xml file, similarly to the rest flag buttons of the General buttons group. In the Settings Categories there is also a category ANSA defaults where the settings, which are saved in the ANSA default file, can be modified. The Save settings as button allows the user to save the current settings in a file with different name and path so as not to overwrite the existing ANSA.defaults file. In this case the File Manager window appears for the filename specification. See Appendix I (RUNNING ANSA) for details on the format and use of the ANSA.defaults file.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.3. Handling ANSA windows The ANSA working window can be resized using the mouse. Using the -g option the desired ANSA window size is obtained as width x height when ANSA is launched, i.e.: > ansa -g 1280x815 If the ANSA working window is minimized, all the ANSA windows that were open are minimized as well. When the ANSA working window is restored all the minimized windows are restored as well. All ANSA main windows can be found under the Windows menu, in the menubar. From there one can activate or deactivate any of these windows. When an ANSA window is active, one can close it either by pressing the Esc key, or by pressing the “x” symbol on its titlebar.


Accordingly, the List windows of: Parts, DM, Properties, Materials, Sets, Includes, Filters, Database can be found under the Containers menu, in the menubar. From there, one can activate or deactivate any of these List-windows.

The functionalities of: Batch Mesh, Compare, Task Manager,Script, NVH Console, Includes Manager and checks can be found under the Tools menu, in the menubar. From there one can access any of these functions.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface Under the Utilities menu in the menubar the Mesh Parameters and Quality Criteria window can be accessed. Further functions that can be accessed through the Utilities menu are: Delete, Deck Info, Renumber, Measure, Cut Plane, Best, Snapshot, Isolate, Compress and Transform.

Under the Assembly menu all the functions for working with Connections are listed: Connection Manager, Template Manager, Erase, Define connections, Convert, Rm. Dbl., Project, Adhesive, Info.

All ANSA windows can be docked in every side of the ANSA working window. To dock a window grab it from its title bar and drag it towards the desirable position. As soon as the cursor changes from arrow to hand, one can be sure that this position can accept the window to be docked, and as soon as a preview of the docking status is displayed, the user can drop it.

o r

Drag o r


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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface Furthermore, all ANSA windows can be placed inside an already docked window, in the form of tab. To tab a window grab it from its title bar and drag it towards the title of an existing docked window or another tab. As soon as a preview of the tab is displayed, drop it in the current position.



Once a window is tabbed, use the right mouse button onto its title, to untab, or close it. Additionally, the user can pick the tab from its title and drag it to change its position respectively to the other tabs of the same window.

Drop The position and size of each window are saved in the ANSA.xml file, every time the user saves the GUI options through the Settings window, or when ANSA quits (see section Hence, all the ANSA windows appear in the same manner, in the next ANSA session. The same stands for all the other windows that pop up during an ANSA functionality. All these windows can be positioned by the user or be docked, and its position and size are saved for the next ANSA session, in the ANSA.xml file. To facilitate working with ANSA windows, several handling options regarding their format exist. All windows that accommodate check boxes, have the ability of selecting multiple check boxes simultaneously, by box selection using the left mouse button. Correspondingly, by box selection using the right mouse button, one can deselect multiple check boxes. This is also applicable in lists with check boxes.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface

To make the window roll-up and leave only its titlebar visible middle-click on the title bar.

To expand a window which has a scroll bar, for a better overview of its contents, press Shift key, middle click anywhere inside the window, and move the mouse pointer towards the desired expansion direction.

Especially for all lists, one more option to save space exists. All the filtering check boxes, as well as the visibility and management buttons, can be hidden by the user by pressing the respective arrow button.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface For all those windows which host entities in a tree form list, one can expand or collapse their contents, by using the Ctrl key in combination with the Num_Plus key (+) or the Num_Minus key (-), respectively. Such windows are the SETs window, the Database window, the Filters window, the Settings window, etc.





2.3.1. Fullscreen mode Ansa can be viewed in full screen mode by toggle selection of the Windows>Views>Fullscreen flag button. When ANSA is set to Fullscreen mode, all the toolbars and windows are hidden.

The visibility of the toolbars is controlled by four buttons in the middle of each side of the screen. Press on these arrow buttons to reveal or hide the toolbars and menus of the respective side of the screen.

To exit the Fullscreen mode, select again, Windows>Views>Fullscreen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.4. The use of mouse-buttons The left mouse button is mainly used to: - activate modules buttons - select or define entities The double click of the left mouse button is mainly used to: - edit entries in lists - control visibility by clicking on the screen The middle mouse button is mainly used to: - declare the end of a selection process - cancel the currently activated function The right mouse button, depending on the function, is mainly used to: - deselect previously selected items - reapply last action to other entities - pick closest point position (Working Plane mode) - access the right click menu in lists - activate hidden windows, select buttons to custom place them on ANSA desktop panel The double click of the right mouse button is mainly used to: - control visibility by clicking on the screen The mouse-buttons combined with the Control (Ctrl) key, are used for the View control (section 2.5). The mouse-buttons combined with the Shift key, are used for the definition of a polygon selection area (section 2.7.3). Special use of the mouse buttons, in certain functions, is given in their description in the ANSA online help (section 2.18.1).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.5. View Control using the mouse Rotating Pressing Ctrl and left mouse button the view rotates around an axis, which is perpendicular to the mouse track and lies on the screen plane. The rotation pole is automatically defined on the closest position that the mouse was pointing when the left mouse button was pressed.

Rotation Axis

Mouse Track


Pressing Ctrl and right mouse button the view rotates around an axis, which is normal to the screen plane. The rotation pole is automatically defined on the closest position that the mouse was pointing when the right mouse button was pressed.

Mouse Track



Rotation Axis Panning The view translates along the mouse track with Ctrl and middle mouse button.

Mouse Track


Zooming Pressing Ctrl and left and middle mouse buttons simultaneously the view Zooms IN and OUT according to the mouse movement. Moving left and down the view zooms in and moving right and up the view zooms out.




! View control is faster when both Ctrl and Shift buttons are pressed, as certain items are not drawn during the movement (see section 2.16).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface The mouse zooming can also be controlled by the mouse roller. The sensitivity of the roller, as also the behaviour during zoom (auto center before zoom or not), are adjusted in the GUI settings under Mouse. Rotation Center visibility

Rotation center can be visible during rotations. Visibility paremeters (color, radius) are controlled through Settings>GUI settings>General.

2.5.1. SpaceMouse support ANSA supports the use of SpaceMouse for Linux O/S and Windows OS.

2.6. View Control using Views toolbar Views toolbar provides functions for retrieving default views (front, top, left, etc.) as also change the mouse mode (rotate, pan, zoom) when Ctrl button is not available or convenient to use (as it is described in § 2.5).

Default views


Pan & Rotate

Default views (no screen fit)

Step rotations

Views toolbar can be activated through the context menu in the toolbar area. ! By default, only Zoom Area and Fit In View functions will be available. In order to arrange what functions will be available in the toolbar, go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>Buttons manager, and activate their visibility status (for more about Buttons manager please refer to sections 4.5, 4.6).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface Top View Front View

View functions, according to which, the visible entities will orient and zoom to fit the full graphic area.

Left View Bottom View Back View Right View Isometric Zoom

Zoom mode. Use mouse without Ctrl, to zoom. (Left MB)

Zoom In

Zooms In with each press

Zoom Out

Zooms Out with each press

Zoom Area

Specify an area to zoom into, by drawing a box.

Fit in View

Fit all visible entities to the graphic area.


Pan mode. Use mouse without Ctrl, to zoom. (Left MB)


Rotation mode. Use mouse without Ctrl, to rotate.

Set Rotation Center

Activate to define a center and keep this until deactivation.

Fix Clipping Planes

Correct any “disappearing” or cut entities effect.

Non-Fitted Top View Non-Fitted Front View

View functions, according to which, the visible entities will orient without any zoom actions.

Non-Fitted Left View Non-Fitted Bottom View Non-Fitted Back View Non-Fitted Right View Non-Fitted Isometric X+ X-

Each function will apply a rotation by a specific step according to the screen coordinate system.

Y+ YZ+ Z-

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

User Interface 2.7. View Control using the F keys 2.7.1. Standard views








Default View

* The F1~F6 keys orient and zoom the visible entities to exploit the full graphic area. Combine them with Shift (e.g. Shift+F1), to apply only the orientation, without the zooming.

+ Note that while F9 zooms all, pressing Ctrl+F9 recalculates the visible model screen depth, thus resolving any problems that may appear during view manipulation (“invisible” areas). 2.7.2. Rotate and Panning step rotations


Rotate x +


Rotate x –


Rotate y +


Rotate y –


Rotate z +


Rotate z –


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User Interface By default the rotations are performed in angle steps of o 10 . The user can change this value inside the Settings window (Windows>Settings) in the category “Settings>General Settings”.

2.8. Selecting Items 2.8.1. Single Items



Terminate To select, press the left mouse-button over or close to each entity. Selected entities become highlighted. Repeat for multiple selections. In some functions, it is possible to deselect the previously selected entities, step by step using the right mouse-button. In other functions it is possible to deselect any entity, by indicating it with the right mouse-button. On multiple selections, declare the termination using the middle mouse-button.

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User Interface 2.8.2. Box selection




For functions that support box-selection, press and hold the left mouse-button. Drag the mouse by means of the diagonal of a rectangle. All the entities that are relevant to the current function and lie in the red rectangle are automatically selected. In some functions, it is possible to de-select previously selected entities by box-selection. To de-select, press and hold the right mouse-button. Drag the mouse by means of the diagonal of a rectangle. All the selected entities, which lie in the aqua colored rectangle, are automatically unselected. Declare the end of selections by using the middle mouse-button. 2.8.3. Polygon area selection



Simultaneous selection of a number of entities may also be achieved by defining a polygon area. Press Shift-key only once. Then move the mouse and press the left mouse-button at each selection-polygon‟s corner. When the last corner is defined, press the middle mouse-button, and the selection polygon is closed. All the entities that are relative to the current function and lie in the red polygon are automatically selected.

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In most functions, it is possible to deselect previously selected entities by polygon-selection. To deselect, press Shift-key only once. Then move the mouse and press the right mouse-button at each selection polygon‟s corner. When the last corner is defined, press the middle mouse-button, and the polygon is closed. All the selected entities that lie in the area of the aqua polygon are automatically unselected. 2.8.4. Front Only selection Front Only flag, enhances the Box and Polygon selections by providing the option to select only the entities inside the box/polygon area that are visible to the user.

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User Interface 2.8.5. Selecting 2D & 3D entities When the user activates a functionality which requires selection of entities (shells, solids, facets etc.), a selection assistant appears as a free window or docked as toolbar (ICONs:Feature Selection toolbar).

Mind that there is an option for visualization of the label for each icon of the toolbar (see section 4.4).

The features of this window are described in the following sections. Feature Area selection The concept of Feature Area, which is defined according to the feature angle, is widely used in many functions in ANSA. The Feature Area is defined as the area of shell elements between whom the angle that is formed at their common edge is less than the given feature angle, as shown.

In many functions where the selection of shell elements or free facets of solid elements is required, the Feature Selection tool is available and its window appears. If the “ENT” flag is active, then elements can be selected one by one or with box or polygon area selection.

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User Interface If the “Feature Area” flag is activated and a feature angle is specified, then by picking one element, all elements are selected provided that the angle formed by the normals of neighboring elements is less than the specified value. This allows fast and easy selection of specific regions of the model.

Adjusting the feature angle value controls the extent of the selection area of the elements.

(Note that box or polygon area selection or deselection is not affected by the Feature Angle functionality). De-activating the WIRE flag, allows the display of feature lines only (according to the angle limit specified in the Presentation Parameters window, activated by F11).

In this example the feature lines are not closed curve limits.

If elements were selected using the “Feature Angle” selection tool the selection would extend quite far as the identified feature lines leave “openings”

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User Interface If however the check box “Shell/Solid selection: auto-close feature lines” in the Settings window is activated, then ANSA closes automatically the identified feature lines by extending them (Windows>Settings: “Settings>General Settings”). As a result the “Feature Area” selection is more limited. PID Region selection If the “PID region” flag is activated in the Feature Selection tool, then by picking an element (shell or solid) of a particular PID, ANSA automatically selects all the connected, visible elements which are assigned with the particular PID. Select with the left mouse button an element. The selected element is highlighted along with all the connected, visible elements which share the same PID. Resulting Selection

The user must know that the selection will stop wherever red bounds exist either because of nonvisible elements or due to unconnected elements. The same applies for the cyan bounds. Non-visible elements‟ Red bound

Resulting Selection

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Unconnected elements‟ Red bound

Resulting Selection This functionality can also be used to de-select already selected areas, by picking an element with the right mouse button. (Note that box or polygon area selection or de-selection is not affected by the Feature Angle functionality). Macro Area selection If the “Macro Area” flag is activated in the Feature Selection tool, then by picking an element that lies on a MACRO, ANSA automatically selects all the corresponding MACRO area.

This functionality can also be used to de-select already selected macros, by picking an element with the right mouse button.

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User Interface Poly Area selection If the “Poly Area” flag is activated in the Feature Selection tool, then the user can pick individual elements in order to select all the elements enclosed in the path that is formed among the picked elements. Select with the left mouse button an element. The selected element is marked by a blue triangle. Proceed with the selection of more elements. The paths between the picked elements are marked in red. In every step, the closing path is displayed in green. At any time you can de-select the last bluemarked element with right mouse button. Pressing middle mouse button, ANSA selects all the elements enclosed by the paths of the picked elements.

This functionality can also be used to de-select already selected elements, by picking positions with the right mouse button. Poly Line selection A similar selection mode is the “Poly Line”. In a similar manner, the user selects with left mouse button individual elements, marked in blue, and their connecting path is highlighted in red. De-select with right mouse button if required.

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User Interface Confirming with middle mouse button leads to the selection of all the elements along the path.

2.8.6. Selecting 1D entities The concept of the selection assistant is also used when a function requires selection of 1D entities (shell edges, perimeters, line elements, etc.). When the user activates a functionality which requires selection of such entities, a selection assistant appears as a free window or docked as toolbar. Depending on which function will be activated the selection assistant has the two following types. Mind that there is an option for visualization of the label for each icon (section 4.4).

The features of this window are described in the following sections. Feature Line selection for edges The “Feature Line” selection tool uses the concept of Corner Angle, which is widely used in several functions.

corner Unsele angle ct

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The Corner Angle is defined as the angle formed by two consecutive element edges, as shown in picture.


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User Interface Certain functions in ANSA require the selection of a continuous string of element edges (for the definition of feature lines, perimeters etc.). In these cases the Feature Selection tool pops up, where the user can activate the “Feature Line” selection flag. If the flag in the window is de-activated then the user must select the element edges one by one.

Activating the flag, and picking a single element edge, ANSA automatically identifies and includes all edges that fall within the specified Corner Angle value.

Increasing the input value, allows the selection of a longer string of edges as edges that form larger angles are also selected. Right-mouse button pick on an edge results in the de-selection of edges within the same Corner Angle. (Note that box or polygon area selection or deselection is not affected by the Corner Angle functionality). Controlling the direction of selection When selecting an element edge with the “Feature Line” selection tool, the direction of the highlighted path is determined by which end of the edge is picked. The picked end is considered as the start of the path, and the edge length points to the direction, as shown here.

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User Interface The resulting highlighted path is the one shown in the picture.

Another path is selected by picking on another element edge.

Finally, the identified path stops automatically when it intersects with another highlighted path.

! The same rules apply to right mouse button deselections.

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User Interface PID neighbors selection for line elements Certain functions in ANSA require the selection of line elements (for the creation of curves, shell elements, etc.). In these cases the Feature Selection tool pops up, with an extra option, the “PID Neighbors” flag. If the flag is de-activated then the user must select the line elements one by one.

Activating the flag then by picking a line element of a particular PID, ANSA automatically selects all the connected, visible line elements which are assigned with the particular PID. The tool follows the concept of the PID region selection which applies on 2D and 3D entities, as described in the section.

2.8.7. Selecting nodes The selection assistant concept apply also to the selection of nodes. Whenever the user is asked to select nodes (to align them or create line element from them) a Selection window mode appears, where the user can either select “Nodes” or “Entity Nodes”.

Furthermore, the Feature Selection window appears which, according to what the user has selected in the selection window, has the following formats. The combinations of selections in these two windows are described in the following sections.

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User Interface Feature Line selection for nodes When the user is in the “Nodes” mode, if the “ENT” flag is active, then one must select the nodes one by one or with box or polygon selection.

Activating the “Feature Line” flag, and picking a single element edge, ANSA automatically identifies and includes all nodes that lie along a feature line defined by the given angle.

Increasing the input value, allows the selection of a longer string of nodes, since edges that form larger angles are also selected.

Right-mouse button pick on an edge results in the de-selection of the respective nodes within the same Corner Angle. The Loop selection option automatically selects closed loops without the need to define a feature angle.

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User Interface Feature Area selection for nodes When the user switch to “Entity Nodes” mode, the ICONs:Feature Selection toolbar is updated and the user can then select elements following all the features and rules for the 2D entities selection, that was described in section 2.8.4. ANSA then will use the nodes that belong to the selected elements.

2.9. Numerical Input 2.9.1. Single Numerical Input windows When a function requires the numerical input of a single number then the typing of this number is possible even if the mouse cursor is outside the Input window. Type the value and press enter. The value is accepted and the window closes 2.9.2. Active/Not-active Numerical Input windows When a function allows the numerical input of data as an alternative to graphical input, the activation of the “Numeric Inp.” check box is necessary. While the “Numerical Inp.” check box is active, press the left mouse-button when the cursor is on the input field in order to activate the field, and type the required data. 2.9.3. Vector Definitions & Arithmetical Operations A vector is specified either by typing the values in the corresponding fields or by selecting the appropriate point positions from the screen. Arithmetical operations (+,-,*,/) are also allowed in these fields.

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User Interface 2.10. Multi-touch screen controls ANSA supports the use of multi touch screens for Windows OS. Following are the gestures and tools with which the user can control ANSA through a multi-touch screen. 2.10.1. Mouse buttons to gestures correlation The one finger tap, is used to: - activate modules buttons - select, deselect or define entities The one finger double tap is used to: - edit entries in lists The two fingers tap is used to: - confirm a selection process - cancel the currently activated function

The one finger press and hold, is used to: -open context menu -move fringe-bar, etc.

2.10.2. Touch screen view controls

Rotatio n Axis

Rotation a. Axis on screen plane Dragging one finger along the graphic area, rotates the view around an axis perpendicular to the finger track.

b. Axis perpendicular to the screen Use two fingers. The one that remains still defines the axis‟ position. Otherwise the axis is defined between the two fingers.

Rotation axis

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Rotation axis


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User Interface Panning Dragging with two fingers along the graphic area, translates the view.

Zoom Use two fingers. Spread the fingers apart to zoom in or pinch them together to zoom out.

2.10.3. Selections Touch Assistant toolbar Virtual keyboard switch Deselection mode

Touch Assistant toolbar, provides the ability to switch between select/ deselect modes as also to control the activation of virtual keyboard, when a text field is active.

Selection mode Touch Assistant toolbar can be activated through the context menu in the toolbar area (with right mouse button or one finger press, hold and release).

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User Interface Single selections

In order to select, activate the select state icon in the Touch Assistant and select entities with one finger tapping. Deselect by switching to deselect state in the Touch Assistant and again with a one finger tap on selected entities. Terminate the procedure with a two fingers tap. Box selections In order to activate the box selection, tap and hold until the box appears. Then, without raising the finger, drag along to resize the box accordingly. Touch Assistant state defines the resulting action. Conclude selections with a two fingers tap. List selections

In order to select many rows in a list at once, tap on a row and drag to add more lines in the selection.

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User Interface 2.11. Entities Visibility 2.11.1. Property and Material Colors The colors of Properties and Materials are being edited in the same way as the interface colors are edited (section 4.2) through the relative functions available in Property and Material Cards.

2.11.2. Property‟s Shadow, Wire and Perimeters state The visibility status of Shadow, Wire and Perimeters can be controlled specifically for each Property. This applies for the ENT, PID and MID draw modes. The activation status of this capability is controlled by the “Draw per PID” flag in the Presentation Parameters tab of the F11 card. Once this is active, then each PID is drawn according to its specific settings.

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User Interface These settings are controlled through four flags, one for the “per PID” draw activation and three flags for the three parameters respectively. These flags can be accessed through the respective Property‟s card,

the Color Editor of the Property,

or the Property list by activating the appropriate fields (refer to paragraph:“Managing Columns”)

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User Interface 2.11.3. Transparency In PID display mode the user can set some PIDs to be viewed with transparency. Setting Transparency from the Property List Activate the PR.LIST, select some PIDs and press the SET-TRANSP [ON] button.

The selected PIDs are now viewed in transparency.

The SET-TRANSP [OFF] button removes transparency from selected PIDs. Note that, globally, the visibility control of transparency is achieved through the “Transparency” check box in the Presentation Parameters tab of F11 window. By deactivating this check box the user can temporarily deactivate transparency without changing the transparency status of each PID. Next to this check box is the default transparency percentage that is assigned with the SET-TRANSP button in the PR.LIST.

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User Interface Setting Transparency from the Property Card EDIT a PID from the Property List and press the Color Edit button. In the Color Editor window the user can change the transparency status, by altering the transparency percentage.

2.11.4. Light control By default the Light rendering effect is active in shadow mode.

However, the user can deactivate Light, by deactivating the “Light” check box in the Presentation Parameters tab of the F11 window.

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User Interface 2.11.5. Coloring FE-Model Entities The colors used in the visual representation of supported FE-Model entities are described in the ANSA.defaults file. See Appendix I for details on the customization of the FE-Model entities colors. 2.11.6. Automatic transparency implementation Whenever the user activates a function which requires selection of entities of certain type, an automatic transparency is applied on all other entities which are not suitable for selection. Thus, the selectable items become more clear for the user.

In this example the function NASTRAN>ELEMENTs>R BE2>BRANCH is activated, which requires the selection of RBE2 elements. Automatically, only the existing RBE2 remain visible, while all the other entities becomes transparent. Notes: There are cases where entities which are not selectable by the current function remain nontransparent, only because this state of visibility helps the user to have a more clear image of the model. At any point during this automatic transparency implementation, the user can hold Ctrl+Shift to see the model in normal draw.

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User Interface 2.11.7. Detail on demand effect It is very usual, especially in models with a large amount of elements, for the user to need a gradual increase of detail for the model, which will depend on the current view. Such a “detail on demand” effect can be obtained by adjusting the respective regulator inside the Presentation Parameters window, invoked by the F11 key. The more the user zooms in, the more details of the model come to visible, leading in a more detailed view of the model. The detail on demand effect affects, first of all the visibility of the mesh in a model. By zooming out, the wire is lost equivalently to the view with the WIRE flag off. Other entities that are affected by the detail on demand effect, are the line elements, the hot points in TOPO and MESH modules, the nodes of the perimeters in the MESH module, etc.







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The more to the right the regulator is, the more intense is the effect, which means that less zoom out is needed for the details to disappear.

2.12. Draw modes In the Drawing Styles Toolbar, the 'Draw Mode' switch button is available, with the following options: ENT / PID / MID / PART / INCLUDE Depending on its status, the user can view Geometry and FE-model mesh with different coloring, according to the selected mode. Cycle through the different modes is available using a combination of buttons (shortcut). The reverse cycle operation is also available. This can be set in the Settings>GUI settings>Buttons Manager (e.g. Alt+V / Alt+Shift+V) Each mode colors the entities according to their entity type (ENT), their Property (PID) color, their Material (MID) color, the Part (PART) color or the color of the Include (INCLUDE) they belong to, as shown. The Entity colors can be modified as described in section 4.3. The definition of Property and Material colors is achieved through their edit cards, using the Color Editor window as described in section 2.9.1.

Note that FE-Model entities that belong to sets (Loads, SPCs etc.), are colored according to their entity type in ENT mode, and their Set ID in PID and MID view modes, as shown below.

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The color of these entities in PID and MID mode can be modified by the Color Edit button in the respective Set card. In all modes besides ENT, the CONS can be colored either by the respective mode's color representation or by the ENT mode's one (refer to chapter: Basic terms & principles>Geometric entities used in ANSA>Cons for CONS color meaning in ENT mode.) The CONS color representation is controled from the "Visualization" region that can be found in the Presentation Parameters tab, inside the Presentation Parameters window, invoked by F11 key.

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User Interface 2.13. Fringe modes In the Drawing Styles Toolbar, the 'Fringe Mode' switch button is available, with a list of options, depending on the active DECK menu, include: EL.THICK / EL.NSM / EL.PRESS / EL.PRESS MENU / EL.TEMP / EL. TEMP2 / EL.TEMP MENU / C.THICK / M.SCALE / BC / QGRAPH / SGRAPH Depending on its status, the user can view Geometry and FE-model mesh with different coloring, according to the selected option.

All the options that the user can tune in order to have the desirable result drawing on his/her model, can be found in the Presentation Parameters window, invoked by F11 key, in the Graph Parameters tab. Here can be found: “Quality Graph” options: select according to which criterion the model will be drawn. “Separation Graph” options: select the calculation way of the distance for the S.GRAPH. “Color Bar Limits” options: select the ranges of the color bar. “Color Bar Colors” options: select the colors of the color bar.

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User Interface 2.13.1. Element thickness view mode EL.THICK . elements.

Shell elements can be colored according to their thickness if the EL.THICK mode is selected. A legend appears indicating the thickness color ranges for the visible The user can select the limits of the color bar, by choosing one of the following three options: Whole DB: Auto adjust range from all shell elements of the Database Visible: Auto adjust range from Visible shell elements only User min-max: Specify user defined min and max values in the two activated fields Note that the last option is used only for the Q.GRAPH drawing mode (see section 2.10.8).

Furthermore, the user can select the way the color bar will be configured, by choosing one of the following two options: Palette: Define a color bar a user defined number of colors. Each color can be configured by pressing on the sample square. Unique color: Assign a unique color for each class of thickness. Note that the last option is used only for the G.GRAPH drawing mode (see section 2.10.8). The “Color Bar Limits” and the “Color Bar Colors” options can be combined according to the user's needs. The following images show two of the aforementioned combinations: EL.THICK.


Note that if nodal thickness values are assigned in the shell element cards, then their average value is used for the coloring of each element.

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User Interface 2.13.2. Non Structural Mass (NSM) view mode EL.THICK. The user has the option to visualize a model according to the applied Non Structural Mass. This is applicable for NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, ABAQUS, ANSYS decks, where the respective keyword exist in the property card. Select the EL.NSM option to view the properties colored according to the respective value inside their edit cards. For NASTRAN deck menu, one can find this value inside the [PSHELL] card under the keyword [NSM]. For the rest deck menus the correspondence is the following: LS-DYNA: [SECTION_SHELL] - > [MAREA] ABAQUS: [SHELL_SECTION] - > [DENSITY] ANSYS: [PSHELL] - > [ADMSUA] 2.13.3. Contact thickness view mode C.THICK. Select the C.THICK option to view the elements colored according to their contact thickness. For LS-DYNA, the elements are colored according to their OPTT value in the CONTACT card of the PART&SECTION SHELL card, when C.THICK mode is selected. If no OPTT value is specified then the elements are colored according to their PID thickness. If no OPTT is used but a valid value exists in the STF field then the product of PID Thickness multiplied by the STF is displayed. For PAM-CRASH the elements are colored according to their TCONT value in the PART (ATYPE=SHELL) card.

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User Interface 2.13.4. Mass Scale view mode M.SCALE. For LS-DYNA and PAM-CRASH decks only, the M.SCALE mode option provides a fringe plot of the 2-D and 1-D elements based on the calculated time step value (A color bar is also displayed): LS-DYNA - If the CONTROL>CONTROLs>T>TIMESTEP check box is activated and the DT2MS field has a negative value, extra mass will be added (during analysis by LS-DYNA) only to elements that need to increase their current mass, so as to reach the desired time step value ( |DT2MS| * TSSFAC ). In order to check this situation these Shell and Line (e.g.: BEAMs etc.) elements are colored according to the ratio: Additional mass over Physical mass

- If the CONTROL>CONTROLs>T>TIMESTEP check box is activated and the DT2MS field has a positive value, the LS-DYNA solver has to add or subtract mass to all elements so that they obtain the specified time step value ( DT2MS * TSSFAC ). Thus, Shell and Line elements are colored according to the ratio: Scaled mass over Physical mass PAM-CRASH The CONTROL>CONTROLS>TCTRL_/_>INIT MASS SCALE check box is activated and the DTSCAL field has a valid value. If the time step of an element, Dte, is found to be smaller than the given mass scaling time step, DTSCAL, the solver will adjust its mass density such that its time step equals DTSCAL. These elements are colored according to the ratio: [Physical mass +Added mass] over Physical mass AUXILIARIES>CONTROL>CONTROLS> TCTRL_/_

F11>Presentation Parameters window

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User Interface 2.13.5. Pressure and Temperature view modes EL.TEMP The EL.TEMP, EL.TEMP2 and EL.TEMP MENU view modes allows the display of the elements colored by their assigned Temperature boundary condition with the corresponding color bar beside.

EL.PRESS Correspondingly the pressure view mode (EL.PRESS and EL. PRESS MENU) displays the applied pressure on the elements.

2.13.6. Boundary Conditions view mode The BC view mode enables the visibility of boundary conditions in FLUENT models.

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User Interface 2.13.7. Quality Graph view mode Shell elements can be colored Q.GRAPH according to their quality, based on a certain criterion, if the Q.GRAPH mode is selected. A legend appears indicating the values of the selected criterion and the shell elements are colored according the value they get in this criterion. This view mode work in collaboration with the Quality Criteria of the F11 window and the values the user defines there.

To define according to which criterion the coloring will take place, the user must activate the Presentation Parameters window invoked by F11, in the Graph Parameters tab. In the “Quality Graph by” drop down menu select the desirable criterion. Similarly to the EL.THICK view mode, the user can define the color bar limits, making use of the same options. In the QGRAPH view mode there is one more option the user can select, the “Ranges defined min-max”. This option works in collaboration with the ranges in the Quality Criteria (Shells or Solids). Thus, the user can choose to have as minimum and maximum values of the color bar, the values of the respective columns (Best, Good, Failed, Worst) in the quality criteria.

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User Interface The user can also choose to visualize the shell elements colored according to which category they fall based to the selected quality criterion and its ranges. To do so, one must enable the option “Use unique color for each range”. Thus, there will be three unique colors for the color bar, one for the range between Best and Good, one for Good to Failed, and one for Failed to Worst. Note that in order these options to work properly, one must have activated the check box “Enable ranges”, in the Quality Criteria (Shells or Solids). For more information about the Quality Criteria, the ranges and their usage please refer to the Chapter 10. 2.13.8. Separation Graph mode The separation graph view mode (SGRAPH), can be used by the user for comparisons between two FE meshes or between a FE mesh and a geometry. SGRAPH Having in the current database two FE models with a certain mesh, or a geometry model and a FE one, activate the SGRAPH view mode to compare them. In this picture a comparison between a geometry and a FE model is taken place. The shell elements of the FE mesh are colored according to their distance from the geometry.

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User Interface The distance can be calculated based on the selected option inside the F11 window in the Graph Parameters tab. Thus, the user can select to calculate the distance from the middle point of the shell element or from its nodes, by activating the respective check box. In case the nodes option has been selected the average of all is displayed. These two options can be combined, and in this case again the average distance of all will be displayed. Note that switching to the SGRAPH view mode ANSA is calculating the distances and such a procedure might take a while. To halt the process one can press the Break key.

2.14. Saving visibility status Display Styles tool provides the ability to save the status of the visibility buttons and the Presentation Parameters tab options of the F11 card, under a specific style. Thus, different styles can be stored for respective needs and use them later, in order to instantly switch massively the visibility status of the database. Create a new style Select New option from the sub-menu to create a new style. The New Display Style window opens. Edit the name accordingly and press OK to confirm. The style is created by storing the current status of visibility buttons and Presentation Parameters. Create new styles by changing each time the status of the visibility buttons and Pr.Parameters to store different cases. Changing styles The created styles can be seen in the sub-menu. The active one is the checked one. To activate another style, select it from the list with left mouse button. Updating a style By selecting Save option, the active style is overwritten with the current visibility status. Handling Display Styles Select the List option, to open the Display Styles list window. Double click with left mouse button to activate a style. Additionally, from the context menu, it can be activated (Apply), updated (Save) or deleted (Remove). Furthermore, the whole list select Clear All to delete.

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User Interface 2.15. Focusing on Items The FOCUS Group of buttons contains functions, operations and flags, which allow the control of the visibility of selected items, in order to isolate regions of the model and facilitate work. These functions and operations may be applied: on single entities like Faces or elements (ENT mode), on items with the same Property ID number (PID mode), on items with the same Material ID number (MID mode), on defined ANSA Volume entities (VOL mode), or on ANSA Parts (as listed in the Part Manager) according to the status of the ENT / PID / MID / VOL / PART switch button. Selections are performed using the mouse, as described in section 2.8. Example applications of these functions in ENT mode are shown below:


Logical operation for the selection of items to remain visible

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User Interface And Logical operation for the selection of items to become visible


Logical operation for the selection of items to be excluded from the view

Resulting selection


Brings to visible all items near the nodes/points of the selected visible entities, within a specified distance that can be modified from the “radius” parameter in the Options List window. In the display below, the radius has the default value of 10.

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User Interface Similarly, in the display below, the radius has been set to 55 and the “Dense search” has been activated in order to search through the whole suface of the selected Faces and not only the Hot Points (this may result in poor performance for big models).

Neighb 1st Level

Brings to visible the first neighboring items connected to the already visible ones.

1st Level

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User Interface Neighb All

Brings to visible all the neighboring items connected to the already visible ones st (equivalent to pressing repeatedly the NEIGHB [1 LEVEL] function until no more entities are brought to visible). All

Note that the function NEIGHB is affected by the check box Show only locked entities, which can be found in the Settings window in the “Settings>General settings” category,

and the status of the LOCK button. If certain entities have been locked (LOCK ON) Loc and this flag is active, then the NEIGHB operations will be limited to the currently k locked entities. Invert

to invert current visibility status. Visible items become not visible and vice-versa.

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User Interface All to make all items visible.


to automaticaly align a view parallel to the screen. You can select entities such as Faces, elements, Working Planes, or 2 or 3 points or nodes and confirm with middle mouse button. Example 1

Example 22 angle

1 2

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User Interface !Not


Logical operation for the selection of multiple items to remain visible. Select first with left mouse button and confirm in the end with middle mouse button.

(FE-Model mesh only). Each press excludes from view all elements with free edges or facets

All of the above functions that require picking from the model can work either by selecting single items or by box selection.

Additionally, the above logical operations are functioning also if the NUMERIC option is active. In this case the selection of the items is made by numerical input and always in relation to the type selected by the ENT /... / VOL button. In this case you can, for example, isolate with an OR operation a Face by typing its ID number in the window that appears.

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Notes on Focus commands: OR




The OR, AND, NOT, !NOT functions can be inverted if selections are made with the right mouse button, e.g. OR and AND with right mouse button selection results in a NOT operation, while NOT with right mouse button leads to an AND operation.

AN + = D NO + = T !NO + AND = T The OR, AND, NOT, !NOT functions, while working in ENT mode, can also work with double click of the left or the right mouse button, which leads in selections equivalent to PID mode. Thus, being in ENT mode and, for example, in function AND, by double clicking with the left mouse button on a face the whole PID will become visible. Correspondingly, by double clicking with the right mouse button on a face the whole PID will be excluded from the view. ! Note: This behavior can be deactivated through GUI Settings>Mouse.

Focusing logical operations may be also achieved through various functions and their list windows, like for example the PR.LIST and M.LIST. These lists provide the buttons Show, Hide, and Show Only, that are applied upon the selected listed items. 2.15.1 Lock Entities and Views The LOCK flag button in the Focus group can be used to Lock the status of currently visible entities (Faces, Curves, Elements etc.) and the view angle, so that they can later be retrieved by the ALL function. The LOCK flag button has three sub options: LOCK ON/OFF: Change of Flag button status. Activating this flag locks temporarily all currently visible entities. While the flag is activated, the entities remain locked, so if other entities are removed or brought to visible by other Focus commands, only the initially locked entities can be retrieved by pressing the ALL function. De-activating the LOCK button erases any previous information, and the ALL function brings all the entities to visible. See also the Lock option of the Part Manager in section 5.5.1. STORE LOCK: Option to store the current status of visible entities and the View. Whenever Locks are stored and the LOCK flag is active, the Locks also appear under the ALL function. Stored LOCKs are also saved in the ANSA database. MANAGE LOCKs: Access to the Saved Views window, for restoring previously stored LOCKs

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User Interface In this example there is a vehicle assembly.

Change the view to the desired one. Activate the LOCK [Store Lock] function. The Input window opens. Type in the name of the view to be stored under, and press Enter.

Move on and change the visibility of entities using the Focus commands. Activate again the Lock [Store Lock] function. Specify a different name for this Lock group and view and press Enter.

One can continue with additional Locks in a similar manner.

my_custom_view front rear_door

While the Lock flag is activated, all the stored locks appear also under the All function as suboptions.

The user can thus switch immediately to a stored view lock.

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Manage Locks

The user can finally access and modify all the stored locks from the Lock [Manage

Locks] function. This list window supports all the functionality of Focus commands, and Edit, Modify, Copy, Delete, Save List.

2.16. Multiple Views The Multiple views functionality can be used to created multiple screen windows and display a different view of the model in each screen. The functionality is accessible through the Windows>View pull down list. In the pull down list shown in the left the user can create new view windows by the ADD Window option. The next set of options control the organization of the different views inside ANSA. These can be organized as Tile horizontally and/or vertically and as Cascade. The possible combination are listed in the Layout menu. The options Next Window and Previous Window changes the active status of a window to the next. This can also happen with a mouse click on the window. The Show Scroll Bars displays scroll bars in the case were size of the view windows are beyond the size of the screen layout.

The Active Window list allows for a direct selection of the window that should be active. The Dock/Undock option controls if a view can be totally undock from the rest of ANSA can be moved outside the bounds of the ANSA window. In the image below, the tiled display of three views is shown. In the second image the Show Scroll Bars is activated.

Scroll Bars

In the image below, the display of a cut plane on the left A-pillar of the model is shown. There are three views that display the cut tool position. In addition, a Cross Section tool view is also displayed, that shows the resulting cross section of the cut and the properties of the section.

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User Interface 2.17. Cutting Planes The Cutting planes functionality can be used to cut a model in order to achieve a better overview of the Model. Activate the C.Planes function from the Utilities Menu. The user can define a NEW Cutting Plane, move a specific Cutting Plane or view a list with all the defined Cutting planes. A NEW Cutting Plane can be created by selecting among several options, in order to define either Default Planes or Planes defined through Boxes or to create a Custom Plane by picking 3 points.

The Cutting Planes can be interactively manipulated via the combination of Shift and Fkeys: Once the Cutting Planes are defined they can be managed through the C.PLANE>LIST functionality. Among the usual Handling List Functionality the following options can be also selected: Send to: send the selected C.Planes to the current Include or the Current Function. Flip: Flips the visibility of the model Clip: When the option Clip is activated only the cut model is visible otherwise the whole model can be seen. Move: Option to interactively move the Cutting Plane and change the current cut-position Cross Section: Option to define a Cross Section, based on the Cutting Plane definition. All Geometrical Results of the Cross Section definition are analytically displayed in Ansa Info window, by the successful completion of its definition. Edit Settings: Option to change the definition (position and orientation) of the plane, according to the tab options that the emerging window offers. Specifically, the following options are available: The Origin and the X-axis, Z-axis field can be edit in the Position tab. Furthermore there is the option 'Follow Node' in order to define a C.Plane using Node IDs. In this Tab the plane can also be moved either through Interactive Editing or by Move Free the Control Points of the plane. The definition of the Plane can also be flipped.

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In the same window, in the Cutting Settings tab, like in the C.Plane Card, there is the possibility to define what will be cut through the Plane. Additional there is different options to set the visibility of the solid elements that are cut through the plane. It can be set to see only the Skin or only the Inside of the solid elements or Both. Furthermore the form of the plane, Infinite or Finite can also be selected. The Freeze Section option when it is activated freezes the position of the draw section lined independently of the section position.

In the last tab of the Edit Settings window there are three options: - Clip or not the model - Show the Mesh in the inner of the Solid Elements - To draw only the Section and not the whole Plane. Furthermore there are also the color settings for the plane. The options are to color the plane according to the default color or according to the Property/Material color of the cut entities. There is the option to change the Slice Width to draw neighboring elements that reside within this width.

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No Clip

Flip option

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User Interface The Move Option can be activated either from the CUTTING PLANE List window or from the Utilities>Cut Plane>Move function. Select the Cutting Plane you want to move with the left Mouse button. If you press the middle mouse button and drag the mouse on the screen the C. Plane will be moved along the mouse movement.

If you press the Left Mouse Button and move the Cutting Plane it will be rotated to an axis on the screen and perpendicular to the mouse movement.

If you press the Right Mouse Button and move the Cutting Plane it will be rotated to an axis perpendicular to the screen.

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User Interface The Cutting Plane Card can be accessed from the Cutting Planes List window by double clicking on the Cutting Plane or through the Edit function. In the card we can control the Clip option and the form of the plane as well. It can be finite or infinite. The position and the orientation of the plane can be modified from the corresponding fields. What will be cut through the plane can be also defined in this card. Either ALL or VISIBLE. Furthermore we can restrict what will be cut by giving a Property ID or a Set ID in the 'OF' field. So that means that only the Entities that belong to this Property (or Set) will be cut, either from the whole Model or only from Visible. The Nodes lying on the Bound can be put in a Set. To do so, an existing Set ID must be set in the NSET field. Furthermore there is the option to create RBE2, RBE2 and MASS or SPC on the Bounds by selecting the corresponding option from the pull-down menu.

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User Interface 2.18. Database Browser and Lists The Database Browser (DB.BROWSER) is a utility which, working as a model index, allows the direct preview of the model contents, their visibility control, management and modification, and the creation of new model entities. It can be invoked through the Containers toolbar or through the Containers>Database option. 2.18.1. General The DB.BROWSER appears by default docked at the left-side of the ANSA drawing area. It can remain open throughout any operation. In DB.BROWSER, all model entities are listed in an organized manner, maintaining the solver grouping for all deck entities. In the left column (“Visible”), visibility-control flags exist to toggle the visibility of entities on and off. A grayed-out check next to a group item indicates that not all of its contents are checked (see GEOMETRY category in the image on the left). Additionally, toggling the visibility of a group item off and on always remembers the previous visibility status and turns visible only those flags that were visible before. The right column (“Number”) displays the total number of entities of each category and type.

ANSA entities, such as GEOMETRY, ANSAPARTs, CONNECTIONs, CROSS, etc., also appear in the DB.BROWSER list 2.18.2. Focusing on items Through the DB.BROWSER, the user can directly focus on entity categories and types through the Show, Hide and Show Only options of the right-click menu. Note that these functions can be applied at any time, complementary to any other operation.

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User Interface 2.18.3. Selecting items Apart from model browsing on entity group and entity type-basis, DB.BROWSER can be also used to navigate through model entities on a single entity-basis through the Selection Lists. With the Selection Lists the user can select entities for the creation of a SET or include, identify visually entities that are otherwise marked (identification by id, name etc.) or, the other way round, select entities from the drawing area to identify them in a list. Getting in selection mode through the DB.BROWSER, requires that the user double-clicks on the entry of the entity type of interest to invoke its selection list. While in selection mode, all entities apart from the selected type appear transparent, to aid in further selections. Selection Lists interface To open the Selection List for any of the items listed in the DB.BROWSER, double click on its entry or select the Open option of the right-click menu. The Selection List window opens and by default is docked at the bottom left corner. The user can adjust its size to contents using the quick window re-sizing (Shift+middle mouse drag) or un-dock it, by double-click on the window header. The main characteristics of the list window are highlighted below.


Advanced Filters

Highlight Back/Forward

Quick Filter


Remove Filter Add/Remove Column Activate selection from screen

Show/Hide Buttons

“Back/Forward” buttons Go to the previous/next view of this window. Note that the same window is used to host the Selection Lists, unless otherwise specified. “Refresh” button Refresh the list contents. Particularly useful when new entities are created and deleted via user script. “Highlight” button Highlight the selected entities on the drawing area. By default this button is pressed. “Quick filter” field Filter among the list's contents. See paragraph “Advanced” button Create new or activate existing advanced filters. See paragraph 16.2. “Remove filter” button Clear any filter currently applied, either quick-filter or advanced filter.

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User Interface “Add/Remove Column” button Add columns to the list or remove existing ones. “Show/Hide Buttons” button Show/hide the functions that can be applied on selected items in form of buttons. The same functions are available in the right-click menu. Activate selection from screen Activate the screen selection of the database browser's list. The toggle button in pressed when the selection is activated and unpressed when the selection is deactivated. Selecting From the List Window The selection of listed items is made using the left mouse-button. Selected items are marked in black (color depends on the configuration). Left click and drag selects multiple sequential entries. If a second item has to be selected, press Ctrl and use the left mousebutton. De-select a selected item by pressing Ctrl and left mouse button again, if required. Selecting one entry and then pressing Shift and another entry simultaneously results in the selection of all the in-between entries. The number of selected entries appears at the bottom of the window. From the Screen While in selection mode, selecting from the screen, results in the automatic marking of the corresponding entry in the list.

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User Interface If the Highlight button is activated in the list window and an entry is selected, it is also marked on the display. Its feature lines are highlighted. Visibility Control Show, Hide and Show Only operators are available for visibility control in all lists. The selected operation is always applied on the selected entries.

Activating the Zoom Button in the 'List Toolbar' and pressing the “+” & “-” buttons, controls the zoom-in or zoom-out of the selected entities in the corresponding list. Notice that if nothing is selected in the list, it is considered as all the entities are selected. So the zoom operation will affect all the entities.

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User Interface Sorting By default, the lists are sorted by id in ascending order. Clicking on the Id column header switches the sorting order from ascending to descending and vice versa. In the same manner, the listed items can be sorted according to any other column, just by clicking on the column header. Managing Columns By default, in a list appear the columns for color, Id and Name. However, the user can add as column any other attribute of the listed entities by typing its name in the field that appears by pressing the “Show/Hide Columns” arrow button.

Cross-referenced attributes can be also added, using the attribute->cross reference syntax. For example, to display in a PSHELL list the Young's modulus of the materials referenced by PSHELLs, the user can type as column name: MID1->E (The MID1 is an attribute of the PSHELL card that references a material card. E is an attribute of the latter). ! Note that auto-completion is available while typing, suggesting possible names of attributes for the listed items. Navigate through suggestions with the up/down arrow keys.

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User Interface To get further assistance in the columns addition, the user can select the List Fields option of the “Show/Hide Columns” arrow button menu.

The Available fields for list window opens, listing all the attributes of the listed items. Here, the user can mark which attributes should appear as columns in the list.

In case the list displayed multiple keywords (e.g. a list of properties displays PSHELL, PBEAM, PBAR, PSOLID etc.), the default view displays the attributes of All keywords as dictated by the “List fields for:” option at the top. The user can shorten the list by selecting a particular keyword from the drop-down menu. At any point the user can hide/show list columns by toggling on/off the check next to their name in the arrow drop-down menu.

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User Interface Another handy feature is the direct access and visibility control of cross-referenced entities by right-click on their column headers. For example, right-click on the MID1 column header in the PROPERTY list provides the Show, Hide and Show Only options which refer to the material ids of the selected properties. Therefore, a Show Only will isolate the material ids referenced by the selected properties.

E L . PAlternatively, the user can open a list with the Rcross-referenced entities, in a new window or Eas a new tab in the same window selecting the SOpen and Open in New Tab options Srespectively.

Note that the window header denotes that the list viewed is a cross-reference. ! Important notes a. The maximum number of columns that can be displayed is 20. b. There are 3 ANSA attributes that can be added as columns in every list. These are: - __id__: Will add a column with the id of the listed items, no matter what is the exact label of its attribute (e.g. NID, PID, MID, JID etc.) - __type__: Will add a column with the type of the listed items, regardless of whether they have a type attribute in their cards or not. - __prop__: Will add a column with the property id of the listed items, no matter what is the exact name of its attribute (e.g. PID, IPART etc.) An example of the use of “__type__” is given in the MATERIAL list below. The material types are displayed along with the types of the cross referenced curves and tables.

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User Interface Quick Filtering Quick filtering of the list entries can be achieved by typing filtering keywords or regular expressions in the field at the top. As soon as the user starts typing, ANSA suggests alternative filtering possibilities with auto-completion. The alternatives are listed in the drop-down menu and the user can navigate through them with the up/down arrow keys. Pressing ENTER applies the specified filter. Whenever the user starts typing an integer number it is automatically considered as id filtering and thus Id comes as top suggestion. Note that a comma separates ids while a dash denotes a range between two given ids.

Whenever the user starts typing alphanumeric characters in the filter field, it is automatically considered as name filtering and thus Name comes as top suggestion. Note that both literal and special characters can be typed in the filter field.

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User Interface To apply a filtering expression on any attribute of the listed items other than Id and Name, the user must type before the expression the attribute name, followed by colon (:). For example, to filter for material ids of shells in a NASTRAN property list: MID1: 3-5

Previously applied filters are stored in the filter history drop-down menu and can be accessed at any time.

To remove the active filter, press the “x” button at the right side of the filter field. To delete an entry from the filter history menu, place the cursor on it (to highlight it) and hit the Delete key.

Note that the filter history for each list is saved in ANSA.xml upon quit.

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User Interface Quick Modify The attributes of the listed entities that were added as columns in the list can be quickly modified without the need of editing their cards. Quick-modification for an attribute of selected items can be achieved by typing the modification expression in the field that appears with right-click on the column header. Modifying a string attribute A string attribute can be modified by typing directly the new literal expression in the modify field. 1

Press the Enter key to apply modification and confirm the action in the information window.


Apart from specifying a new target literal expression, the user can modify the existing attribute using Filter-Modify expressions (see Appendix III). In this example, the properties get the extension “_OLD” in their name with the expression: $.”_OLD”

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User Interface Modifying a numeric attribute In the same manner, a numeric attribute can be directly modified, either by declaring explicitly its new value or by specifying a numerical expression based on its current value.


E N TNote that in this example, where all materials Pare modified, there is no need to select any of I the listed items, since by default, all list entries Dare considered selected (as shown in the Mbottom status row). I Modifying an attribute with prescribed values D VThere are various attributes that can only get a Ovalue among a list of prescribed values. In the LEdit Cards, these attributes are assigned a value with the aid of a drop-down menu. The Psame applies in the quick modify. A R T

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User Interface Modification failure Of course, there may be cases where the modification pattern specified by the user does not make sense and cannot be applied. Such cases are detected and a relevant message pops-up. In the example on the left the user tries to assign the same PID to multiple properties.

At this point, the user can preview the entities that failed to be modified either in the same list window, pressing OK, or in a new tab in the same window, pressing Open in New Tab. Pressing Cancel, no further info is provided. OK

Open in New Tab

There are cases where the user tries to specify a modification expression and accidentally makes a syntax error. Such cases are detected by ANSA and a relevant message pops-up. In the example on the left, the quotation marks were omitted.


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The user is prompted to select how to proceed.


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User Interface Pressing OK, the user implies that indeed this is the expression to be applied. ANSA tries to evaluate the expression. It will probably fail.

Pressing Use as a literal, the string specified is considered as a literal expression. Edit cards All listed items have their edit card where all their attributes are defined. To open the edit card of an entity, double click on its entry in the list or pick the Edit option of the right-click menu.

...or alternatively...

If multiple items are selected when the Edit is pressed, their cards will open the one after the other given that the user presses OK inbetween. Type-in

Pull-down menus Select predefined value Long editing field

Color related function

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User Interface In all cards press OK button or Enter key to confirm the changes and close the window,


or discard any changes and close the window pressing Cancel button or Esc key.


Certain cards may contain many fields. Use the scroll bars on the right and bottom to navigate through the card contents.

Moreover a pull down menu may reveal additional fields in the card.

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User Interface User Attributes User defined attributes can be used for saving various information regarding a Part, Group and connection entity. These are saved in the database and will be written in the deck output as ANSA comments.

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User Interface 2.18.4. Creating New Entities During the model build up process the database browser is used a lot to query the model data. While doing this, many times comes a need to created new data. The database browser provides a capability to the user to create New entities from the lists without requiring the user to leave the browser and go to the module button to the left side of the screen to create new entities.

As shown in images above, a new entity can be created from the DB. BROWER directly in the lists. From the DB.BROWSER window, any type of new entity can be created. The first six options shown, are the most common deck entities. The rest of the entities can be accessed from the Other… option. In the lists, the New option allows the creation of entities, of type, as of the list. As an example in the contacts list, the New option will give access to options for new contact definitions.

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User Interface 2.18.5. Other uses of the Database Browser The Database Browser has two important additional functionalities. The first is to select connectivity for entities such as Connectors, GEBs, Connections etc. The second functionality is the Modify Contents that can be found in lists of SETs, KIN_RBODY and more. The Database browser during these operations provides filtering and list selection assistance. Examples are shown in the list below.



The Database Browser is transformed to assist the user in selection. A new list appears that displays the number of selected entities in red. In addition an OK and a Cancel button appear to end the selection process.

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User Interface 2.19. Search Engine The ANSA Search Engine has similar functionality with what it is already familiar from the web search engine. Thus the ANSA search allows to easily search ANSA's functions and model data. The main characteristics of the tool are: - In searches program functions. - It searches model data, by string, id and id range. - It searches and gives result as the user types. - The exact name of the program function is not needed. Descriptive words can also be used instead. - The tool adapts and learns from the usage. So common functions can be accessed by just typing two or three characters. The default position of the Search Engine is on the Top toolbar of the ANSA window, as shown in the image below: Search Engine

In this image the interface of the search engine is shown. The search engine can be placed permanently on the toolbar by activating it through the Toolbar Manager. It it very important to note that the search engine is always focused, so that the user can start typing at any point without having to place the mouse cursor in the engine's edit field.

There are settings available for the search engine in order to control the listed results.

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User Interface 2.19.1. Searching for program functions As the user types, results of the search start to appear without pressing the Enter button. By pressing the Enter button, when a function is highlighted, the function gets executed. The “Incremental Search” technology allows for finding the desired query really fast. In the example above with the CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES search, it is observed that the first result of the search is the NODE option. If the user selects the third result which is the sets option and executes the function, in the next search of the “extra” keyword the order of the results will change. Since the search query does not have to be the exact string match of the keyword or ANSA, a descriptive word such as bush is given. Although the LS_DYNA deck does not have a keyword that includes the word bush, the engine found *ELEMENT_DISCRETE keyword as a match. Below the matches of the current deck, matches from other decks are also displayed.

With left mouse click on the arrow the search list shows a list with most recent functions that were searched and used. Thus functions commonly used can be accessed from this drop down list.

2.19.2. Searching for data The search engine can search for type of data in an ANSA database. Searching by characters, the search engine will list, by category, all the categories that have entities with name that matches the string of characters that was entered. Pressing Enter on a category, a DB Browser list opens up, listing the entities of the selected category.


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User Interface Similarly searching for Ids, the engine will return results for every type of entity that has the given Id.

Ranges of Id's can be search. A range can be checked, to identify if there are any entities in there or to display the entities found in the range in a list.

2.19.3. Command Line commands The search engine provides a faster and more efficient and easy way to access program functions. Command Line commands that are not direct ANSA functions can also be accessed by the search engine. In the image the commands to handle ANSA scripting are accessed.

2.19.4. Mathematical Calculations Mathematical calculations can be conducted in the Search Engine field. The result is shown in the ANSA Info window.

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User Interface 2.20. File Manager The File Manager window appears in several cases such as, OPEN, SAVE AS, INPUT or OUTPUT data, etc. The File Manager has the usual windows functionality and some additional features. The left section contains the available directories in the current path, while the right section lists all available files. By typing in the “Directory Filter” field and pressing Enter, the user can apply filters, which leave visible only the directories with names that matches the typed word.

In the “Look in” section the user can type the path he/she wants to look in. As the first characters are typed, ANSA recognizes, auto-completes and highlights the available folder. (At this stage the user can press the Tab key to jump to the next available folder with the same starting characters). Pressing Enter confirms the autocompletions and the user moves to the identified directory. All files are listed in the right section.

In the “File name” field the user can type a character string for filtering. In this example *.igs is typed.

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User Interface Pressing Enter activates the typed filtering string.

The filtering string is placed in the “File Type” section, and only the files that satisfy it are left visible. In the “File Filter” field the user can type a string for filtering. By pressing Enter, the filter is applied, and leaves visible only the files with names that match the typed string.

Activating the “details” thumbnail displays all the files with additional details, like Size, Type, Date and Attributes.

Clicking on any category allows the sorting of files according to it.

In the “File name” field the user can type in the filename and ANSA again autocompletes any identified file that matches the input characters (At this stage, pressing the Tab key jumps to the next available file with the same starting characters). Pressing Enter or double-clicking on a file confirms the selection of the File Manager.

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User Interface Some additional functionality of the File Manager includes: - Right click on an item, displays options to Open/Rename/Delete a File, and Show hidden files.

- Right click somewhere on the free space, displays options to Reload/Sort/Show hidden files.

- All used paths are stored in the ANSA session so that they can be rapidly accessed again.

- All used filters are also stored in the Directory/File Filter field. - Similarly all used File type filters are stored and displayed along the default available ones. ! Note that you should avoid the characters #, !, @, $, %, ^, &, " and ' in the paths and filenames.

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User Interface Finally, if the “Preview File Contents” button, in the top left corner of the File Manager, is pressed then an additional column appears. This contains a thumbnail icon of the data contained in the selected ANSA file and information of the ANSA version, username and hostname, as well as the text written in the DECKs>AUXILIARIES>COMMENT section. Note that this applies to ANSA databases saved with v12.1.1 or later.

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User Interface 2.21. Display clipping In order to easily recognize the geometry of complicated assemblies or solid parts, the use of the Z-CUT display mode is recommended. Activate the ZCUT function from WINDOWS>Z-cut, or through the shortcut Ctrl+Z.

The screen z-axis clip plane is activated. A scroll bar appears on the left of the screen. Move this scroll bar up and down with the left mouse button to move the clip plane along the normal axis of the screen, and examine the assembly.

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User Interface 2.22. Graphics The user can access the Graphics settings through Windows>Settings, in the “Settings>Graphics” category. Open the Benchmark Settings window, from which the user can set the parameters for the graphics display rotation and translation acceleration, and perform a display system benchmark. There are two modes of view manipulation, + depending on whether the CTRL only, or CTRL + SHIFT keys are pressed. By default, in the CTRL + SHIFT mode some features do not appear, so as to accelerate the movement. In this window, the user can specify which features should appear in the two modes separately. For example he/she can specify whether the Faces or shell elements appear shaded during rotation in SHADOW mode, or whether their two sides appear in different color, gray and yellow in ENT display mode (2SIDE). The appearance of Face Perimeters (CONS) or Macro Perimeters can also be controlled.

In the example below the part consists of both FE-Model and Geometry mesh. Using the default settings in the Benchmark Settings window, view manipulation will appear as shown for the two modes.


+ The following images demonstrate the effect of different settings during view manipulation.

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User Interface

Finally, in the Presentation Parameters window, activated by the F11 button, there are two more controls for graphics in SHADOW display mode for both still and moving views.

Shadow Unmeshed Macros

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User Interface Draw 2


Order faster shell and solid elements

2.23. Saving Images in ANSA The FILE>PRINT TO FILE option (or the Ctrl+P shortcut) in every module (TOPO, MESH, DECK etc.) allows the export of images from the display window in the following formats: Postscript, RGB, TIFF, JPEG, PNG and BMP.

Activating the function opens the Print to File window, with the following options: File name: Specify the filename. Remember also to type the correct extension after the filename (.ps, .rgb, .tif, .jpeg, .png, .bmp). By default the file will be saved in the ANSA starting directory, unless a full path is also specified. Alternatively, press the Browse button

to open the File Manager.

Grab options: The user can select to capture the complete Graphics window, or a particular active window, or select an area by box selection with the left mouse button.

Text & Axes: Controls the display of Text and Axes of the Graphics window, in the output image file. Background color: Click on the color box to select the required background color from a palette Format: Select the appropriate image format from the pull down menu. PNG format also supports transparent background.

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User Interface Once the user is ready to capture the image, two options are available. Capture the complete ANSA window by pressing the Grab ANSA button

, or capture only the

Graphics window by pressing the Grab button . To make use of the two options "Area Graphics Window" and "Window", one must use the Grab button. Once the image is saved, it is also displayed in the Last Grab window. In order to clear the last captured image, one can press the button Clear Last Grab history, press the button Clear History Press Close to exit the function.

. Similarly, to clear the name


2.24. Acquiring Help ANSA has a fully integrated help repository, residing under one of the main pull down menus, the Help menu. Under this location the user can find several helpful tools and topics. 2.24.1. ANSA on-line Help ANSA online help is a detailed reference manual for each function. To access ANSA online help to obtain information about a particular function, the user can press on a button while holding the Ctrl key. The Help window then appears, and a detailed stepwise manual is written for the particular function. To obtain information about related items the user can move to the “See Also” area at the bottom of the help context and click on the links with the left mouse button. The corresponding page will appear. Furthermore, the user might find several links inside the context which lead in similar or related information.


The Help window is independent of the ANSA window and can remain open while the user works and activates functions.

Menubar Help Tool

Another way to access online help is through Help>Help Window. The Help window can be divided in three main areas. Help context: This is the main area of the Help window, where the context of the help is displayed. Menubar: In this area one can find the main pull down menus and a search field.

Help Context In this search field the user can look for a word inside the currently displayed context. The matching of the word is achieved depending on the activated rules: “Case sensitive” and/or “Whole words only”. If more than one words is written ANSA will look for the written phrase, as if it was inside quotes.

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User Interface Help tool: The Help tool, is another window which can be docked inside the Help window. It contains three tabs: The Bookmarks tab, where one can add a bookmark to a certain page, for quick reference. Press the Add button to add a bookmark for the currently displayed page.

The Search tab, where one can search inside all the Search Pattern online help, by typing a word or phrase. The matching of the word is achieved depending on the activated rules: “Case sensitive” and/or “Whole words only”. If more than one words is written, ANSA will look for the Search Results functions that have in their help context all the words. If the words are written inside quotes or double quotes then ANSA will display the functions that have in their help context the written phrase. The functions for which the help context matches the search pattern, if any, will be displayed in the search results area. By double clicking on one of them, its help is displayed inside the main area, with the matching phrase in green.

In the Index tab, one can have an overview of all ANSA functions, categorized according to which module they Mesh module belong to, and can also search for a function by its name or Search Pattern path. Search results

In the main area where the help context is displayed, the user can generate more than one tabs to include help of more than one functions. To do so, go to FILE>NEW TAB, or type Ctrl+N. To close a tab, go to FILE>CLOSE TAB, or type Ctrl+W. To exit the Help window go to FILE>EXIT or type Ctrl+Q.

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User Interface 2.24.2. ANSA documentation index Another very important tool which is integrated in the help repository of ANSA is the ANSA documentation index. To access the ANSA documentation index, go to Help>ANSA Documentation Index. The same Help window appears displaying now a list with all ANSA documents. In this list the user can find links to Release Notes, User's Guides, Reference Manuals and other useful documents, which are placed inside the ANSA installation directory. Thus, one can have access to all this auxiliary material directly from ANSA. 2.24.3. About ANSA By accessing HELP>About ANSA a window containing build and runtime information of the running ANSA, appears. The information displayed in this window can be saved for reference reasons.

2.25. Beep sound All ANSA prompts or important messages in the Ansa Info window are accompanied by a beep sound. To deactivate this option one can go to Windows>Settings, in the category “Settings>General Settings” and deactivate the “Beep Sound activate” check box.

2.26. System - OpenCL Via the Settings > System menu, the user is able to control the usage of the GPU computing capabilities. If the OpenCL acceleration is activated then ANSA will use the GPUs, resulting in a high increase of the performance of specific functions (Morphing, Map, Results Mapping). The user is able to select: Platform: The platform used for the acceleration. If more then one platforms are available in the computer i.e. NVIDIA CUDA or AMD OpenCL, they are identified automatically and can be selected here. Compute Device: Once the platform is selected the user can select one of the available devices. Memory Limit: The user is able to specify the maximum percentage of the device memory that will be available. Info: Prints the system's information Benchmark: This is used to evaluate the performance of different devices / platforms. Pressing Benchmark ANSA will run a demo test and print the time needed to fulfill it. In the case that a different option is selected the user has to press the Apply button at the bottom of the Settings windows and before rerunning Benchmark. ! NOTE: The option OpenCL Acceleration is available only in those systems that can support such a functionality. In the case that this option cannot be activated it means that the system cannot support this functionality, either because the hardware or the graphic card are old or outdated.

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User Interface 2.27. Undo/ Redo Recent actions in ANSA are stored and the user can move sequentially back and forth between them, through the Undo/Redo features. The two features reside in the Utilities toolbar. The keyboard shortcuts for undo / redo are correspondingly: Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y

+Z +Y

: Undo

: Redo The settings of the memory usage and the number of stored actions is controlled through the Windows>Settings>Undo Settings.

1. Minimal number of undo actions: This is the minimum number of steps that ANSA keeps stored even if these five steps occupy more memory than the specified in the “Maximum undo memory” setting. 2. Maximum undo memory: This is the maximum undo memory allocated for the past undo actions. If the "Undo History" memory size exceeds this, undo actions are erased from memory, starting from the older ones, unless the “Minimal number of undo actions”, as specified above, has been reached. 3. Maximum memory of undo action: The limit of the maximum amount of memory that a single action (step) can occupy. Actions exceeding this limit are deleted, even if this results in less actions stored than the specified “Minimal number of undo actions”. The 0 value is also valid and if used, it will “disable” the Undo feature. Define the appropriate settings and press the OK button to apply the new settings and close the window

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Basic Terms & Principles Basic Terms & Principles

Chapter 3


Table of Contents BASIC TERMS & PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................... 109 3.1. Geometric entities used in ANSA ...................................................................................... 110 3.2. Geometry coloring and Drawing Styles ............................................................................. 114 3.3. Presentation resolution ..................................................................................................... 115 3.4. Topology process .............................................................................................................. 117 3.4.1. Topology tolerances .................................................................................................. 117 3.4.2. Automatic Topology and Cleanup .............................................................................. 117 3.5. Reading and writing CAD data .......................................................................................... 118 3.5.1. Read CAD formats and ANSA files............................................................................ 118 3.5.2. Direct CAD translation ............................................................................................... 118 3.5.3. Read multiple neutral CAD data files into ANSA Databases ..................................... 119 3.5.4. Merge ANSA Databases ............................................................................................ 119 3.5.5. Create new empty Database ..................................................................................... 120 3.5.6. Compress Database.................................................................................................. 121 3.5.7. Save an ANSA Database .......................................................................................... 121 3.5.8. Autosave option ......................................................................................................... 121 3.5.9. Output geometry........................................................................................................ 122 3.6. Specifying Length Units .................................................................................................... 122

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.1. Geometric entities used in ANSA The CAD entities used in ANSA are described in this chapter. The Geometry flag controls the visibility of all geometric entities 3D Point

3D Points

3D Curve

These are points in 3D space that are not connected to the surface model. They can be defined by the functions of the TOPO>Points Group or can be obtained from a CAD file (in IGES, VDA-FS, STEP format). The user can export the Points, which are defined in ANSA, into a CAD file, in IGES, VDA-FS or in STEP format [CAD OUTPUT]. They are symbolized as cyan rectangles. The visibility of 3D Points is controlled by the Points flag.

3D Curves These are curves in 3D space. 3D Curves are not connected to the surfaces on which meshing will take place. However they are very useful for the creation or modification of existing geometry, as they can be used to create surface models from wire-frame models or in general to correct or modify surface geometry. They appear as magenta lines and their visibility is controlled by the Curves flag. Triple CONS Surfaces Surface These are surfaces in 3D space. They can CONS be defined by the functions of the TOPO>Surfaces Group. A surface is only visible at the stage of its creation. Another way to make a Surface visible is to pick the Face which lays on it, using the Surfaces>Info function. Collapsed A surface appears as a cyan net. Double CONS Single CONS

CONS These are curves in 3D space laying always on a Surface (Curve ON Surface). CONS are the boundaries of a Face. CONS appear in three different colors: - red if they are single free boundaries of a Face or inner perimeter of a Face (hole) - yellow if they are the common boundaries of two Faces (double CONS) or - cyan if they are the common boundaries of three or more Faces (triple or more CONS). Moreover, when a double CONS has been joined in order to create a common Macro Area in the MESH menu (see section 10.2.2.), it is colored orange in the TOPO menu. A collapsed CONS has its start and end nodes coincident and it is represented as a white dot in the TOPO menu and as a red dot in the MESH menu.

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Basic Terms & Principles A corresponding flag button controls the visibility of each type of CONS separately. Faces Faces are entities of great importance and the comprehension of the relevant terms is necessary. They are surfaces in 3D space that always lay on a Surface entity and they have specific boundaries. Face

This is a shaded Face (SHADOW mode). Its boundaries (CONS) are red because no other Face is connected to them. It has holes (inner perimeters), which are also red CONS. In ENT display mode the positive side of a Face is colored in gray and the negative in yellow.

The Face lays on a Surface. Use the TOPO>Surfaces>Info function to visualize the Surface that the Face lays upon. A Face is always defined on a Surface. Use the functions of the Surfaces Group in order to generate a Surface. This Surface is trimmed (bounded) to produce a Face. The boundaries of the Face are the CONS. Boundaries can be created from 3D Curves or other existing CONS. To create a Face use the functions of the TOPO>Faces Group. Info

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Basic Terms & Principles The functions of the Faces Group automatically create a Surface or use a Surface of another Face, and trim it by the selected boundaries.


Therefore, the Surface is an untrimmed surface while a Face is a trimmed surface.


Sometimes, a more handy way to deal with Faces is to use the Crosshatches. These appear as green dashed lines and represent the isoparametrics of the Surface on which the Face lays. A Face can be selected by its Crosshatch. In case that a Face is “frozen” (by the Freeze function), its crosshatch is colored in blue. The crosshatch of Linked Faces is colored in orange. The Macros flag controls the visibility of all Faces. The Cross Hatches flag controls the visibility of the Crosshatches. Linked Faces

Untrimmed Child Face surface

Parent Face

Child Face

Parent Face

A Face generated by the “Link” functions * is called “Child” and its crosshatches are colored in orange. The “Child” face references the Surface of the “Parent” face (the one that has been selected in order to create the “Child”). Any action (e.g. Hot Point insertion, Face Cut, etc.) that is made on each of them, affects both. Moreover, identical mesh is generated on both Faces. Information about the “Parent” and “Child” relationship between Faces is displayed using the Faces>Info function.

*{Faces>Link, Transform>Link, etc.}

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Basic Terms & Principles Connection

Hot Points


Hot point

These are the nodes that appear on CONS and 3D Curves representing their end points. They can be defined and handled by the functions of the TOPO> Hot Points group. Hot Points are symbolized as small crosses in magenta and their visibility is controlled by the Hot Points flag.

Weld spot Circle Centers They are points in 3D space and centers of a circle. They may be automatically generated during the reading of a CAD File or at the definition of a new circle. They are symbolized as cyan circles and their visibility is controlled by the Centers flag. Connection Points These points carry information about the connection of different parts at a specific position. The definition of these points may be input from special files and the information about the identification of the parts to be assembled, may be input from the header of CAD files. These points may be handled and processed using the Realize function of the Connection Manager window which is used for automatic assembly of parts. Connection Points can also be created: by the Define Connection, the Convert> [3D Points] or [FINITE ELEMENTS] functions found in the Assembly menu. They are symbolized as magenta circles and their visibility is controlled by the Connection Points flag. Weld Spots They are points connected to the Faces and can be defined either inside the Face or on its perimeter. They are defined and handled by the Hot Points>Weld Spot function in the TOPO menu. They are symbolized as magenta circles with a cross inside and their visibility is controlled by the Spots flag. Connecting Spots They are Weld Spots on the geometrical surface, connected to a Finite Element entity (Shell, CBAR, CBEAM etc.). They are symbolized as yellow circles with a cross inside and their visibility is controlled by the Spots flag. Point Sets Point sets are not connected to the surface model. Such entities can only be read in from CAD files or ANSA databases. They can be treated the same way as 3D Points but they cannot be defined in ANSA. They are symbolized as white connected rhombuses and their visibility is controlled by the P.Sets flag. Weld Points Weld points are not connected to the surface model and can only be read in from CAD files or older ANSA databases. They can be converted to Connection Points using the Convert [3D POINTS] function found in the Assembly menu. They are symbolized as red circles and their visibility is controlled by the Spots flag.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.2. Geometry coloring and Drawing Styles In the following table the view mode combinations are described. Use each combination for a more convenient representation of the model.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.3. Presentation resolution The appearance of the visible geometric entities in ANSA (Curves, CONS etc.) depends on the resolution values. The presentation resolution may be changed through Windows>Settings [Settings->Resolution] in the main pull down menu. This function allows the setting up of the Resolution values for the 3D Curves and CONS presentation. The user input values are applied to all the currently visible entities. When the input value decreases the resolution becomes higher. The distortion distance and angle controls the number of elements generated at curved surfaces like fillets.

The CONS resolution also corresponds to the element length of the Perimeter Segments in the MESH menu. When new CONS Resolution values are defined, be aware that the mesh on the visible faces, as well as on their neighbors, will be erased as a new element length is defined. Bear in mind that extremely small Resolution values will delay all drawing procedures and the resulting mesh may have a rather small element length.


CONS Resolution=20

CONS Resolution=2

In Settings->Resolution, the user can also define the minimum number of the appeared Crosshatches.

Minimum Number of Cross-Hatches=1

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Minimum Number of Cross-Hatches=3


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Basic Terms & Principles Fine A similar effect as the change of the presentation resolution values can be achieved locally, using the TOPO>Auxiliaries> Fine function on selected Faces or CONS. Activate the TOPO>Auxiliaries> Fine function. Click with the left mousebutton, on a CONS. The resolution of the selected item becomes two times finer. Alternatively click with the left mouse-button on the crosshatch of a Face. The resolution of all CONS of the Face becomes finer.


By applying this function using the right mouse-button, the resolution of the selected item becomes two times coarser. Consecutive applications may be used. Be aware of the consequences of the resolution change mentioned in the previous page.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.4. Topology process As soon as a CAD file is read in ANSA, an automatic process, called Topology, is performed. This is the first step towards geometry cleanup. During this process, all the information about the connectivity of the geometric entities is automatically produced. The result of this process is that adjacent Faces are connected along their common boundaries. Note that if a VDA-FS or STEP CAD file, (as also any of the native CAD files) contains topology information already, then this is used initially and then the ANSA topology process may connect any remaining gaps. 3.4.1. Topology tolerances The topology process is controlled by the tolerance values, set by the TOLERANCES function of the Windows>Settings [Settings->Tolerances] window.

CONS matching distance

HOT POINTS matching distance

There are two tolerance values that ANSA uses during Topology: - the Nodes Matching Distance, and - the Curves Matching Distance. ANSA tolerances are not necessarily compatible with the tolerances used by CAD systems. The Nodes Matching Distance is recommended to be smaller than the Curves Matching Distance. These distances appear graphically at the lower left corner of the graphics screen as white lines that are always scaled according to the dimensions of the visible part on the screen.

There are four sets of predefined values: draft, middle, fine and extra-fine. There is also the ability to type in the required values. The tolerance values are also included in the ANSA.defaults file, for future use. The default tolerance setting is middle. ! Note also that the current tolerance settings influence the accuracy of the applied CAD functions of ANSA (see section 8.8.) The minimum Nodes matching distance is 10E-09 and Curves matching distance is 10E-09 (avg). 3.4.2. Automatic Topology and Cleanup Follow the described steps to perform automatic topology and geometry cleanup. Activate the Windows>Settings. Under Settings->Translators, the user can specify the following: Perform ANSA Topology: option to perform topology during CAD file reading Topology between PIDs: option to perform topology between different CAD layers Topology between parts: option to perform topology between different parts. Clean Geometry: option to perform automatic geometry cleanup in addition to topology (see section 8.9.) Heal model: alternative procedure for geometry clean up, provided by CoreTechnologie©.

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Basic Terms & Principles Set the tolerances values according to model‟s needs. If the model has small detailed geometric descriptions, use smaller tolerance values, as large values may lead to collapsed Faces in the model, as a result of Topology. ! Keep in mind that the choice of values must be done before the opening of the CAD-data.

3.5. Reading and writing CAD data 3.5.1. Read CAD formats and ANSA files Directly read a CAD file or an ANSA database using the FILE> OPEN function. The file type is automatically recognized. .ansa .vdafs .iges .step

Supported neutral CAD formats are: - IGES v5.3 - VDA-FS v2 - STEP 214 cc2

Automatic Topology

.CATPart, CATProduct, .cgr .model, .session, .dlv .x_b, .xmt_bin, .x_t, .xmt_txt .prt, .asm .sldprt, .sldasm .ipt, .iam .ctp., .cta

Supported native CAD formats from: - Catia v4 and v5 - NX 6 / 7.5 / 8 - Parasolid - PTC Creo (ex-Pro/ENGINEER) - SolidWorks - Inventor - CoreTechnologie 3.5.2. Direct CAD translation ANSA has also translators, for direct translation to ANSA databases (.ansa), from: - Catia v4 and v5 - NX 6, 7.5 and 8 - PTC Creo (ex-Pro/ENGINEER) - SolidWorks - JT Open - Inventor - CoreTechnologie (for more details on reading or translating Native CAD files, please refer to document cad_data_translators.pdf in the /docs directory.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.5.3. Read multiple neutral CAD data files into ANSA Databases FILE> AUTO translates multiple CAD data files, which may reside in different locations, into ANSA Databases. The selected files are shown at the bottom list of the window. To do a multiple selection keep pressed the CTRL key and select with left-click the files you want to translate. Topology is performed automatically, if the option “PERFORM TOPOLOGY” in the Settings window, is active (Windows>Settings “Settings>Translators”). .vdafs .iges .step

Automatic Topology


3.5.4. Merge ANSA Databases Multiple ANSA Databases, which may reside in different directories, can be merged into one new, or the currently open database, in order to form a large assembly. The selected files are shown at the bottom list of the File Manager window. To do a multiple selection keep pressed the CTRL key and select with left-click the files you want to merge. The entities of the merged files will reside in separate Groups of the Part Manager.

Before the files are merged in the current ANSA database, the Merge Parameters window appears where the user can specify the following: PID/MID/SID conflicts: The user can select what should happen when the files to be merged keep-old contain Properties and Materials with conflicting keep-new IDs. offset: If this option is activated then ANSA will offset any identical IDs to the first free available ID, so that PID and MID specification values are not lost. If two files are merged at the same time, the PID or MID of the second selected, will be affected, as described above. keep-old: If this option is used the existing specification values of the PIDs and MIDs are kept. The features that are not conflicting are merged normally. keep-new: If this option is used, the incoming specification values of the PIDs and MIDs will overwrite the existing ones. The features that are not conflicting will be merged normally. offset

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Basic Terms & Principles Merge Sets by Name: Option to merge Sets that share the same Name. Paste Nodes by Name: Option to paste nodes that have the same Name, within a specified Tolerance value. Paste CONS by Name: Option to paste CONS with the same Name. Merge Abaqus Steps by ID: Option to merge Abaqus Steps with the same ID. Merge Parts: Option to merge Parts by Name or Module ID. If this option is active and:  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with the same Part Name and the same Module ID, they will be merged together.  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with different Part Name but the same Module ID, they will be merged together keeping the Part Name of the new file.  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with the same Part Name but different Module ID, they will NOT be merged, but ANSA will offset the new file‟s Part Name. If this option is not active and:  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with the same Part Name and the same Module ID, ANSA will offset the Part Name of the new file and erase its Module ID.  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with different Part Name but the same Module ID, ANSA will erase the Module ID of the new file.  a new file is merged in a database containing a part with the same Part Name but different Module ID, ANSA will offset the Part Name of the new file. Autoposition Parts: This will automatically place the merged part to the appropriate position, according to the transformation matrix that has been defined in the CAD system. ANSA is able to read and keep “multi-instantiated” Parts along with their Transformation matrices. Notes: 1) Nodes and CONS acquire Names through the Save option of the Part Manager (see section 5.12.). Any nodes or CONS that stand as common boundaries between different Parts, which are Saved, acquire the same Name. Therefore, if the user merges those Parts and activates the Paste Nodes and CONS flags, the “original” topology is automatically retrieved. 2) When Merging multiple ANSA databases that contain Connection Points, there are two possibilities: a) If their IDs lie within the user defined range (defined in the ANSA.defaults file as over 100,000 by default) then Connection Points of the merged databases with IDs that already exist in the current database are automatically offset to the first free available ID, regardless if they share the same connection information and position in space. b) If the IDs lie outside the user defined range, then the Connection Points of the merged databases with IDs that are already occupied are combined automatically. 3.5.5. Create new empty Database A new empty ANSA database is opened with the FILE> NEW or with the shortcut Ctrl + N.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.5.6. Compress Database To reduce the size of the database use the Utilities>Compress function. Under the GEOMETRY tree, there are the different entities (Faces, Curves etc) that have been deleted but are still stored in the ANSA database for undelete. Activating their respective flag and pressing OK will remove them completely from the database. Similarly for FE and Groups/Parts to remove unused PIDs, nodes, SETs and ANSA Parts and Groups respectively.

3.5.7. Save an ANSA Database Save an ANSA database with the default name or enter a name to save the database with it using the File Manager.

File Save Save as Save Visible as

The filename of the current database appears in the bottom left corner of the display and on the main window toolbar.

Additionally, the user can keep visible only the entities that are of interest and then use the FILE>SAVE VISIBLE AS option to save only these entities in another database. 3.5.8. Autosave option The user can activate the auto save option through Windows>Settings [Settings->General Settings] in the main pull down menu. Activating the flag and specifying the time interval in minutes(minimum every 15min), instructs ANSA to save automatically a database under the name: _autosaved.ansa. By activating the Set custom path flag the user can specify the directory where the files will be saved.

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Basic Terms & Principles 3.5.9. Output geometry File Output CAD


Output geometry in three types (IGES, VDA-FS, STEP) of CAD-data format. Only visible geometric entities (Surfaces, Faces, 3D-Curves, 3D-points, etc.) are output.

3.6. Specifying Length Units Go to Windows>Settings [Settings->Units]. In the Units section the Current Units are stated. By default, these are millimeters. The user can change the current units by selecting any of the available from the pull down list. Note that as the current units change the Tolerances are adjusted automatically.

In the example below the Current Units are changed from Meters to Feet. If the “Scale Model Dimensions” flag is not active then the units are changed but the coordinates remain the same as shown.

When the “Scale Model Dimensions” flag is active the units are changed and the coordinates are scaled by the appropriate conversion factor

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Basic Terms & Principles

Select the appropriate conversion and press the OK button. If one wants to scale a model but keep the same Current Units, then the appropriate function is the SCALE, from the Geometry Group (see section

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Basic Terms & Principles

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Customizing User Interface

Chapter 4


Table of Contents CUSTOMIZING USER INTERFACE .............................................................................................. 125 4.1. Customizing the General Settings of menus and windows ............................................... 126 4.2. Customizing Mouse Buttons Operations ............................................................................ 127 4.3. Customizing Interface Colors ............................................................................................ 128 4.4. Customizing Display Fonts ................................................................................................. 130 4.5. Customizing Toolbars ......................................................................................................... 131 4.6. Customizing ANSA Buttons ................................................................................................ 134 4.7. Visibility of Menus and Hidden Windows ............................................................................ 140 4.8. User defined menus .......................................................................................................... 143 4.9. User defined toolbars ......................................................................................................... 148

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.1. Customizing the General Settings of menus and windows The user can customize the appearance of ANSA menus and windows, by choosing among several options inside the Settings Window, in the respective category. Go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>General. In this settings category the user can decide the main characteristics of the ANSA layout. Style: The appearance of the ANSA menus and windows depends on the Style the user selects. Main window corners: The user can choose the dock area that occupies the top left, the top right, the bottom left and the bottom right window corner.

Axes: In this section, the user can modify the size and the position of the global coordinate system. By increasing or decreasing the value in the “Size” field, the axes in the main ANSA window are updated. Respectively, the user can choose the corner for the axes to be placed. Maximum file paths: The user can define here how many file paths will be displayed in the File Manager, as history. Main window corners: The user can define the top, bottom, left and right docking area the Main window occupies. Tooltips: The user can disable the appearance of tooltips every time the mouse stays upon a button (for extra information about tooltips please refer to section 4.5). At any point the user can press the Restore Launcher: Deactivate this option in order to defaults button to go back to the default options. disable the launcher's visibility on start-up. The Restore defaults button is available only in ANSA layout (see Appendix I). Press OK button to accept the changes and exit.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.2. Customizing Mouse Buttons Operations The user can customize several mouse button operations. Go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>Mouse. In this settings category the user can define the main mouse button operations. Mouse wheel sensitivity: Increasing this value will make the mouse wheel more sensitive while zooming in/out. Mouse button operations: In this section the user can define which mouse buttons will be used in combination with the Ctrl key, in order to perform particular operations.

Also there is the option to disable the double click selection (see section 2.11).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.3. Customizing Interface Colors Go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>Colors. The colors of the interface can be customized inside this category. In the available fields the user can type the required RGB values, or left- click on the Configurable color preview window to access the Select Color window and specify the desired color. Configurable color Current color

Left-click to access color editor window

Press this button to restore the default color of the selected „Style‟ Press this button to apply the colors of ANSA_v12.x.x

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Drawing area: Change the color of the background. Optionally, add a gradient effect according to the Gradient value. An image can be added in the background. To do so, the user can select a file image, drag it onto the ANSA main window, and drop it. The image is added in the background area. To remove it, one can press the Remove background image button. Windows: Select to change the color of the buttons, their text, the module buttons group labels, etc. Leave the mouse upon an option to view a helpful tooltip concerning what color the particular option affects. Mind that the way the colors affects ANSA, sometimes depends on the selected Style (section 4.1). Faces, shell and solid elements: In ENT (section 2.9.1) and SHADOW display mode: Current color



the positive (front) side of the Faces (in TOPO) or shell elements (in MESH) is colored in gray, while the negative (back) in yellow. These colors can be changed here, by pressing the respective button. Color selection can be made either from the color palette or the list. A filtering colors field also exists. Filter colors by name


The TOPO>FACEs>ORIENT and the MESH>MACROS>ORIENT functions orient/invert the FRONT and BACK sides of Faces.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Lists: Enable the option 'Use 2 colors' to display a color effect of two colors in all lists. Increase the offset value, for a more intense effect.

4.4. Customizing Display Fonts



The user can modify the default fonts that are used in the ANSA interface, through Windows>Settings> GUI settings>Fonts.

Windows There are three categories of fonts. OpenGl: text on the ANSA display Windows: text in ANSA windows. Menus: text of module buttons. Accessing the Fonts category in the Settings Window, the user can select Font, Font Style and Size for each category. In the Sample field one can view a sample of the selected fonts. By pressing the button 'Restore defaults' the user can apply the ANSA default fonts. The Restore defaults button is available only in ANSA layout (see Appendix I). Once the desired Fonts are set the user can save them in the ANSA.xml file by pressing the button 'Save GUI settings' (section

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.5. Customizing Toolbars All ANSA functionalities are grouped and can reside in the working window in the form of toolbar. The toolbar appearance is controlled inside the Settings Window in the categories Buttons Manager. The same menu though can also be activated via pressing the right-mouse mutton on a specific toolbar.

To make such a toolbar visible, one can press the right-mouse button on a specific toolbar and activate toolbar(s) upon demand.

The visibility of a toolbar can be also controlled inside the Settings Window, by pressing the Toolbar settings button of the desired function that resides in the MENUBAR tree. Apart from the Visibility, the user can affect other parameters as well, such as the number of rows/columns, the alignment and the orientation of the Toolbar buttons (functions), as figured and explained below.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Line Up: All toolbars are lined up to the left, with no spaces in-between. Lock Size: In case of activation, the size of the toolbar(s) locked is fixed. This means that the toolbar occupies a specific space, regardless of the size and position of the nearby toolbars. Anchor: By activating this button, in case a toolbar is undocked, its position is kept intact, regardless of movement or resizing of the ANSA main window.

Additionally, the user can edit and affect the number of Rows/Columns, according to which the toolbar will be displayed, as well as its Alignment (Align Left, Align Right, Align Top, Align Bottom). Last, but not least, the toolbar's Orientation can either be the default (Auto), or user-defined Horizontal or Vertical. In other words the user can tune the settings for the current toolbar. Note that if the 'Apply to all toolbars' check box is active, the changes will affect all the toolbars, and not just the current one. Moreover, the user can also affect the visibility of the corresponding icons and labels. By selecting from various options regarding the appearance of the toolbars, one can choose to visualize only icons, …

icons and labels, ...

or just labels, ...

… to have small or large icons, …

… to have the labels above or beside the icons, etc.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface In order to arrange what functions will be available in the toolbar, one can go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>Buttons manager, and activate their visibility status (for more about Buttons manager please refer to section 4.6).

Once a toolbar is visible, one can use it by pressing its buttons with the left mouse button, and thus activate the respective functionality.

Moreover, in order to change the place and position of a toolbar, in other words, “release” it from the ANSA main window and place it somewhere else (docked or undocked), you may act as follows: First of all, you have to “undock” it (i.e. release it from ANSA main window) by double-clicking with the left-mouse button on the little lines of the toolbar. In this way, the toolbar can be moved to any other place, just by being dragged from these lines (i.e. drag, while keeping the left-mouse button pressed). Release the mouse button and the toolbar is placed at its new position. After the re-positioning step, the toolbar can also be docked to its new position: As the toolbar is being moved, a grey box is displayed, describing its boundaries. This box gets highlighted when the toolbar is placed at a “dockable” position. If you keep the toolbar at that position for a second, the “dockable” new toolbar position is previewed. Release the mouse button and the toolbar is docked at its new position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.6. Customizing ANSA Buttons In this section of Settings Window all the settings regarding buttons, can be arranged. Go to Windows>Settings>GUI settings>Buttons manager, in order to activate the respective category. Here the user can have an overview of all ANSA functions, in a form of a tree list. To expand/collapse the tree list, press the respective button or just hit Ctrl+(+), or Ctrl+(→). A filter is also available, to help the user. All ANSA functions are categorized according to which module they belong to (i.e. MENUBAR, TOPO, NASTRAN, V.TRAPS, etc.). The settings are sorted in columns, and according to the module the user wants to edit, several of the columns are applicable. Visibility: Controls the visibility of functions or group of functions. Activating a check box, the user can choose to have an icon visible for the respective ANSA function. The icon will be placed in the respective toolbar, e.g. the icon for File>Open will be placed inside the File toolbar. Note that to see the icon, the toolbar must also be visible (section 4.4).

The user has additionally the ability to affect the GUI settings of a whole group of functions, grouped under a specific Menu. This is achieved by activating the corresponding pull-down menu Menu settings, located on the right of every Menu/Function title. As displayed in the figure on the left, the user can change the number of Columns, according to which the Menu buttons (functions) are displayed, as well as the visibility of the corresponding icons and labels.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface As explained in the previous section, the user can affect the visibility and the visibility parameters of the whole Toolbar of a Menu, by activating the Toolbar settings pull-down menu accordingly. Such parameters are the number of rows/columns, the alignment and the orientation of the Toolbar buttons (functions). Like in Menu settings, the user can also affect the visibility of the corresponding icons and labels.

Shortcut key: Shortcut keys for some ANSA functions are already used by default. Thus, the shortcut Ctrl+I is used to activate Windows>Settings, Ctrl+O is used for File>Open, etc. Nevertheless, the user can change the default shortcuts to meet the current needs, and add more.

NOTE: The Ctrl+S shortcut is used for File> Save as.

NOTE: When a function of Module Buttons has a drop down menu with options, a shortcut key can be given only to these options, and not to the button itself. For example, one cannot give a shortcut key for the function MESH>Mesh Generation>Free but can give one for the option MESH>Mesh Generation>Free [Select].

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface When a ANSA function has a default locked shortcut, the user cannot set another shortcut for this function and this shortcut cannot be assigned to other function. The specific, system-based shortcuts that are locked and not manageable by the user are listed below. This means that these shortcuts are: Ctrl+A: Select all in model Ctrl+W: Close current MDI sub window Ctrl+F: For search engine Ctrl+Z: For Undo Ctrl+Y: For Redo Ctrl+C: Copy model as image and system‟s shortcut for copy Ctrl+V: System‟s shortcut for paste F11: Quality Criteria F12: Open the Database Browser if not already open

Apart from the shortcuts mentioned above, locked shortcuts are all F buttons that refer to standard views (see section 2.6.1) and Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2, Ctrl+F3, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+F5, Ctrl+F6 that refer to X+, X-, Y+,Y-, Z+, Z- rotation respectively (see section 2.6.2). The shortcuts F12 and Ctrl+W are not displayed in Buttons Manager. Of course, apart from these 'global' shortcuts, there can be other shortcuts locally to some windows (e.g. pressing '1' when the 'Measure' window is open will select the next radio button). Custom name: Applicable to all ANSA functions. The user can add a custom name for all ANSA functions, and thus rename them, to meet the current needs.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface The button is renamed To add (or change) a custom name, select the function to be highlighted, click with the left mouse button onto the word (or the old name), to activate the field, and type the new name. In this example the function Release of the TOPO>Cons module buttons group, is renamed to cons>rls. Custom tooltip: Applicable to all ANSA functions. Every function in ANSA has a default tooltip which appears every time the user leaves the mouse upon a button, and includes the path of the function along with a short description about the usage of the function. The user can change these tooltips to meet the current needs. Note that a tooltip can exist only for the top functions that appear in ANSA as buttons, and not for possible options inside them.

To add (or change) a custom tooltip, select the function to be highlighted, click with the left mouse button onto the word (or the old Old tooltip tooltip), to activate the field, and type the new tooltip. In this example the tooltip of the function TOPO>Hot Points>Delete, is changed. New tooltip

Icon: Applicable to all ANSA functions. Icons for several ANSA functions of the MENUBAR are already used by default, and can be viewed in the toolbars. The user can add similar customized icons in every ANSA button. Note that when a function has a drop down

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface menu with options, an icon can only exist for the top function.

To add (or change) such an icon left-click on the current icon preview window, to open the Icon selection window. The supported icon files are *.png, *.xpm, *.jpg, *.jpeg.

Select a path to a directory or press the browse button to navigate into the file manager. Double click onto the desirable icon or select it and press OK. The icon preview window is updated. As soon as the user presses the OK button in the Settings Window the icon will be placed onto the respective button.

Note that to see the icon one must activate the 'Show icons' check box.

If both check boxes 'Show icons' and 'Show labels' are activated, then next to the icon the label of the button will be shown too. Default action: Applicable to all ANSA functions via options drop down menu. For functions that have a drop down menu with several different actions, the user can select which will be the default one, i.e. the one which will be placed first. To change the default action just drag and drop it to the desired place.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface

NOTE: For easy access to the Buttons manager directly to the desirable function, one can middleclick upon a button, while holding the Ctrl key. In this way the Settings Window will open at the category Buttons manager and with the desirable function highlighted.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.7. Visibility of Menus and Hidden Windows All the functions that reside in the Module Buttons area and in the General Buttons area are placed on the ANSA desktop panel separated in groups (Hot Points, Macros, Focus, etc.). The user can choose which groups will be visible in the ANSA desktop panel, and which not. To do so, one can right-click onto the title bar (i.e. 'Modules Buttons', or 'General Buttons') and activate or deactivate the respective group.

Each of these module buttons groups has a label name. Next to the label there is an arrow indicating that there are additional functions in this group, which reside in the respective hidden window. Pressing the left mouse-button on the group's label activates the respective hidden pop-up menu.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface The functions can be used directly from the hidden pop-up menu in the same way as in the main menu. Left-click on buttons in order to activate the relative functions. To exit an activated hidden pop-up menu leftclick on the group's label, or press the Esc key. Pressing the right mouse-button on the group's label opens the respective hidden window.

The functions can be used directly from the hidden window in the same way as in the main menu. Left-click on buttons in order to activate the relative functions. To exit an activated hidden window left-click on the “x” symbol, or press the Esc key. Having the hidden window open, the user can remove buttons from the main menu using the right mouse button on the button. Buttons are thus placed in the hidden windows. Note that the number of hidden functions is updated in the respective group.

The aforementioned procedure works also in the inverse way. Thus, the user can add buttons to the main menu using the right mouse button on the buttons of the hidden window.

Additionally, to the aforementioned procedure, the user can move buttons from or to the hidden window, using drag and drop actions with the middle mouse button, and place them in desirable positions.

O p e Furthermore, when the target position is an occupied one, then n the moving button and the one in G the target position will switch places. l

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface

This procedure is valid not only for movements from or to the hidden window, but also inside the main menu or the hidden window. Thus, it can be used for rearrangements in buttons positioning.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.8. User defined menus The user has the possibility to create fully customized menus through the user defined menus functionality. Such menus can contain any function the user chooses regardless the module buttons group this function belongs to. To create such a menu go to Modules>Create Menu. The Create New Menu window appears where the user is prompt to give a name for the custom menu. Give an appropriate name and press OK to proceed. The window of the new menu in editing mode appears. Activate the Draw Mode drop down menu and choose between TOPO, MESH, or DECKS. Every time the user switches to this menu this will be the draw mode. Activate the Deck Mode drop down menu and choose which will be the active deck (NASTRAN, PAM-CRASH, etc.) each time this menu is activated. In the field next to the Add Group button enter an appropriate name for the first group of functions that is going to be created, and press Add Group. The new group is added and the user is ready to add buttons. Using drag and drop actions with the middle mouse button one can pick buttons from any module buttons group, to place them in the group. Note that when the row has been completed and no free position is directly available, the button must be dragged onto the label of the group, in order to be added in the next row. NOTE: the user is not allowed to add buttons from any deck menu, but only from the one that has been defined as active, in the 'Deck Mode' drop down list. To ensure this, ANSA deactivates all the other deck menus, and thus the user cannot switch to them. Furthermore, if the user add buttons from the active deck menu, and then change the 'Deck Mode' status, a message appears warning the user that the buttons corresponding to the previously active deck menu will be deleted. In case the user presses OK, the 'Deck Mode' status will change and the non compatible buttons will be deleted.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Proceeding in this manner one can add any button into the first group, then add a second user defined group with other buttons, etc. When creating such a menu the user will probably encounter the problem of having buttons with the same name. Although, for all buttons a short tooltip appears whenever the cursor stays upon them, which displays their origin path, perhaps it would be a good practice to give a custom name to some buttons for better tracking. This can be done inside the Settings Window, as described in section 4.5. Thus, in this example, one can rename the two “RELEASE” buttons and end up in a menu like this.

NOTE: Mind the fact that when a custom name is given to a button, this is kept also in the origin module where this button resides. Another way to add buttons in the user defined menu is to drag and drop a whole module buttons group, by picking with the middle mouse button from the label of the group.

Note that the user can also add buttons in hidden windows in the same manner that this is achieved for the ANSA modules and can use them respectively.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface In order to delete a button from a group, press the Ctrl key and with then press the right mouse button click on the button. In the same manner, the user can proceed to delete all buttons from a group. Once a group is empty from buttons the user can delete it, by clicking with the right mouse button onto its label while pressing the Ctrl key.

Ctrl +



Ctrl +

To change the name of a group left-click on its label. The 'Rename Group' field is activated and the user can add a different name to the group. By pressing the 'Rename Group' button, the respective group is renamed. Type the new name here Press the button to accept

New name

When the user has finished the selection of groups and buttons, the menu can be finalized by pressing the button 'Finished'. As soon as this button is pressed ANSA switches to the new menu, and the user is ready to work with it. The new menu has now all the properties of an ANSA module and it resides in a drop down menu called “CUSTOM MENUS”. It can be treated through the Settings Window like any other module.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface To edit an already created user defined menu, one have to activate it and then by right-clicking on its title bar select 'Edit Mode'. To delete an already created user defined menu, one have to activate it and then by right-clicking on its title bar select 'Delete Menu'.

A user defined menu can be operated exclusively, as any other module (TOPO, MESH, etc.), or simultaneously with the main modules. This property is controlled via the “Exclusive Mode” checkbox. If this option is deactivated the user defined menu can be active independently of the current module.

The user has also the possibility to create fully customized menus through the Button Manager by right-clicking on the right part of the window and selecting Create Menu or by pressing directly the Create Menu at the bottom.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface Edit the name or rename the new toolbar either by left- clicking or by pressing F2 in Function column. From the left section of this Buttons manager window, drag-n-drop one by one any button (functions) you wish to embed in your Menu.

The user can create a Container in the defined function by pressing the Create Container at the bottom or by left- clicking in the created function. The settings of the customized menu can be modified by pressing in Menu Setting in Visibility column. In the specific example, we create a menu called “Forces and Boundaries” that contains the NASTRAN groups SPC1, FORCES with the respective functions and a renamed group Grid_Info that contains the NASTRAN>GRIDs>INFO.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface 4.9. User defined toolbars The user has the possibility to create fully customized toolbars, through the user defined toolbars functionality. Such toolbars can contain any function the user chooses and can be fully customizable, like any other “default” toolbar. To create such a menu, go to Settings > GUI Settings > Buttons manager. On the right part of the window is the “user defined Toolbars section”. Either press the Create Toolbar button at the bottom, or choose the corresponding command from the menu invoked by the right-mouse button.

Edit the name of the new toolbar in the Function column accordingly. From the left section of this Buttons manager window, drag-n-drop one by one any button (function) you wish to embed in your toolbar.

In the specific example, we create a toolbar called Improve MESH, that contains the functions/buttons GRIDs >ALIGN, SHELL MESH > RECONS and RESHAPE and, of course, the Mesh Parameters and Quality Criteria. Like all the already existing “default” ANSA toolbars, this one has all the customizable toolbar features via the Toolbar Settings button, as displayed on the picture on the left.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface The new toolbar has been created. In the specific figure on the left, it has also been docked, next to the other toolbars. Its visibility can be affected via the pulldown menu, invoked via the right-mouse button on the toolbars on top.

The user can export the created functions or toolbars in *.xml format by pressing in export button at the bottom or by leftclicking in the respective functions or toolbars. The button export all exports everything created in the Button Manager. Customized toolbars and function can by imported in ANSA by using the Import button in Button Manager.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Customizing User Interface

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Part Manager Part Manager

Chapter 5


Table of Contents PART MANAGER .......................................................................................................................... 151 5.1. The Part Manager ............................................................................................................. 153 5.2. Part Manager window layout ............................................................................................. 154 5.2.1. Window Layout options ............................................................................................. 155 5.3. Display modes, Navigation and Handling .......................................................................... 155 5.3.1. Icon View ................................................................................................................... 155 5.3.2. Tree View .................................................................................................................. 157 5.3.3. List View .................................................................................................................... 160 5.4. Visibility Control using the Part Manager .......................................................................... 161 5.4.1. Locking Parts and Groups ......................................................................................... 162 5.4.2. Color Visibility mode .................................................................................................. 163 5.5. Creation and Deletion of Parts/Groups ............................................................................. 165 5.5.1. Part Creation ............................................................................................................. 165 5.5.2. Group Creation .......................................................................................................... 167 5.5.3. Creating new Part/Group from visible........................................................................ 169 5.5.4. Creating new Parts from PIDs ................................................................................... 170 5.5.5. Decompose Group .................................................................................................... 171 5.5.6. Part/Group Deletion................................................................................................... 171 Remove Empty Parts/Groups ............................................................................ 171 Delete Parts/Groups along with their contents ................................................... 172 5.5.7. Creating Parts/Groups hierarchy ............................................................................... 174 5.6. Part attributes .................................................................................................................... 175 5.6.1. User Attributes ........................................................................................................... 176 5.7. Edit – Filter – Modify operations ........................................................................................ 178 5.7.1. Editing Parts and Groups .......................................................................................... 178 5.7.2. Filtering Parts and Groups ........................................................................................ 178 5.7.3. Modifying Parts and Groups ...................................................................................... 180 5.8. The Current Part ............................................................................................................... 181 5.9. Linked Parts and Groups .................................................................................................. 182 5.10. Multi-Instantiated Parts ................................................................................................... 183 5.11. Saving Parts and Groups ................................................................................................ 186 5.12. Inquiring information........................................................................................................ 188 5.12.1. Identify Part ............................................................................................................. 188

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Part Manager 5.12.2. Part contents ........................................................................................................... 189 5.12.3. Connectivity information .......................................................................................... 190 5.12.4. Saving a Parts/Groups list ....................................................................................... 190 5.13. Merging Parts/Groups ..................................................................................................... 191 5.13.1. Merging ANSA databases ....................................................................................... 191 5.13.2. Merging FE-model files ........................................................................................... 192 5.14. Replacing Parts and Groups ........................................................................................... 193 5.15. Compare ......................................................................................................................... 196 5.16. Part Numbering Rules ..................................................................................................... 196 5.17. Editing the Position of Parts/Groups ............................................................................... 197 5.18. Creating Includes from Parts/Groups .............................................................................. 198 5.19. Configurations ................................................................................................................. 199 5.19.1. Manual creation of the configurations ...................................................................... 199 Preparing the model ........................................................................................ 199 Creation of the configurations .......................................................................... 200 5.19.2. Automatic creation of the configurations .................................................................. 203 5.19.3. Working with the Configurations .............................................................................. 204 5.20. Part Manager Options ..................................................................................................... 207

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Part Manager 5.1. The Part Manager The Part Manager is a tool within ANSA, which provides all the essential functionalities for the management of assemblies. The Part Manager can be used for: - Creation and management of Parts and Groups that facilitate the handling during the preparation of a model. - Characterization of Parts for the realization of connections through the Connection Manager. - Saving, deleting, comparing, and replacing specific parts/groups of an assembly to and from other ANSA databases. - Communication with ANSA Data Management and Task Manager tools. The ANSA Part Management is similar to a file system that treats the ANSA Groups as folders and the ANSA Parts as files. Parts and Groups may reside in other Groups to form an assembly tree structure similar to a file tree structure. Each Part/Group has a unique name called Part/Group Name, and a unique identification, called Module Id. Both can contain alphanumeric characters. The Part/Group Name is essential for the definition of the Part/Group. On the other hand the Module Id can be omitted, but it is needed in many cases, such us the realization of connections (see Chapter 9), or the manipulation of Parts/Groups in ANSA Data Management (see Chapter 30). In general, every Part/Group is followed by particular attributes, which are available for viewing and/or editing in the edit area of the Part Manager, when the Part/Group is selected. For more information about Part/Group attributes please refer to section Part attributes 5.7.

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Part Manager 5.2. Part Manager window layout The Part Manager is invoked by pressing the respective button on the main menu, through Windows>Parts, or just by pressing Ctrl+R keys. The window layout of the Part Manager is described below. Menu Bar Highlight-Pick

Easy filtering

Color View Mode

Visibility Control

Pix-map preview

Direct Editing

Comment area

Menu Bar: In this area all the functionality is available in the form of drop-down menus. Easy filtering: Filtering capabilities per column. Highlight-Pick: When highlight button is active the selected parts are highlighted on the screen. When pick button is pressed parts can be selected on the graphics area and be highlighted in Part Manager. Visibility Control: Single/double click visibility control. Color View Mode: Color assignment per Part/Group. Direct Editing: Area for editing the Part/Group attributes. Pix-map preview: A preview of the selected Part/Group is available. Comments area: A comment can be added to every Part/Group.

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Part Manager 5.2.1. Window Layout options

Two layouts for the Part Manager window are available, regarding the position of the Part Info area. By accessing the View>Part Info, the user can select the desirable layout. Additionally, the Part Info area can be hidden by selecting the respective option.

5.3. Display modes, Navigation and Handling The Groups and Parts can be viewed inside the Part Manager Window in several different formats, according to needs. 5.3.1. Icon View The Icon View provides the user a visual representation of the Parts and Groups.

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Part Manager In icon view mode, the user can navigate through the assembly, either by double clicking on a Group icon or by using the Open in New Window option, from its context menu. In the first case the contents of the selected Group appear in the same window, whereas in the latter case, a new window will appear containing the items of the selected Group. Clicking on the 'Go Back' and 'Go Forward' arrow buttons, the user can navigate through the previously accessed states of the window. Clicking on the 'Go Up' arrow button, one can go one level up in the assembly. At the bottom line of the main window an index appears showing how many Parts/Groups are in the window currently, and how many are selected.

When in icon view mode, the user can select more than one Parts or Groups at the same time, in order to perform operations on selected items. In the Part Manager window, pick the desired parts by box selection.

Alternatively, hold the Shift key pressed and pick two parts. All the parts between them are selected.


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Part Manager Hold the Ctrl key pressed and select different parts. By pressing Ctrl+A all the Parts/Groups in the window are selected. Selected items appear with blue highlighted name.

Ctrl 5.3.2. Tree View

The Tree View displays all the Groups and Parts in a hierarchical manner. Thus the user can have an overview of the assembly structure. In this view several columns with attributes appear, such as Name, Module Id, Version, Representation, etc. In order to add or remove columns the user can access the respective menu by pressing the arrow button. In order to arrange columns in a different manner the user can grab a column from its label, drag it and drop it to the new position.

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Part Manager In tree view mode, the user can see the contents of a group by expanding it in the list. To expand/collapse a group one can press the plus symbol at the name of the Group. In order to Expand/Collapse the whole tree, the user can press the respective button. To select a Group and leave visible in the window only its contents, the user can either double click on a Group line or use the right-click Open in New Window option. In the first case the contents of the selected Group appear in the same window, whereas in the latter case, a new window will appear containing the items of the selected Group.

When the tree view is active the way of selecting and deselecting Parts/Groups is similar to any file management system. Pick an item and drag upwards or downwards. All the items up to the end of the dragging are selected. S h i f t Alternatively, hold the Shift key pressed and pick two items. Anything between them is selected.


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Part Manager Hold the Ctrl key pressed and select different items.

By pressing Ctrl+A all the Parts/Groups in the list are selected.


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Part Manager 5.3.3. List View The List View displays all the Groups and Parts in a flatten list. In this way the user can perform easily various actions of filtering and modifying. When this view mode is active, all the actions for navigation and handling that were described for the Tree view, are valid.


In all of the above cases hold the Ctrl button and pick parts with left mouse in order to deselect them.

Utilities Clear Selection Utilities Invert Selection

All the selections that were previously done can be cleared through Utilities>Clear Selection option. Moreover, inversion of the selection can be performed through the option Utilities>Invert Selection.

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Part Manager 5.4. Visibility Control using the Part Manager The Part Manager can be used to control the visibility of entities inside a database. The user can change the state of visibility for a Part/Group, simply by clicking on its light bulb icon. Furthermore, by double clicking on the light bulb icon, the action “Show only” is performed.

All the above actions can be also achieved through the context menu of a Part/Group, and via the respective options “Show”, “Hide”, and “Show Only”.

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Part Manager Optionally, auto-focus in the graphics area can be performed along with “Show Only” of a Part/Group. This is controlled through Windows>Settings>Part Manager, in the respective check box. The light bulb icon can be found in four different states, indicating four different states of the visibility of a Part/Group. Visible: All the contents of a Part/Group are currently visible. Non-visible: All the contents of a Part/Group are currently not visible. Half-visible: Only some contents of a Part/Group are currently visible. Empty: The Part/Group is empty. No entities belong to this Part/Group. To change the visibility status massively, the user can select the parts, and click (or double-click) on a bulb icon. The action will be applied on all selected Parts/Groups.

The same result can be achieved by selecting Modify>Show, Hide, Show only, from the context menu of the header of the visibility column.

Utilities Options

NOTE In Icon view only, the light bulb icon can be set to a larger icon in order to facilitate its selection. This is controlled through Windows>Settings>Part Manager or Utilities>Options button of the Part Manager, in the respective drop down menu.

5.4.1. Locking Parts and Groups The Part manager can also be used to lock the visibility status of particular Parts/Groups. Right-click on Groups or Parts and select Lock. Their icons are highlighted in yellow.


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Part Manager While some Parts/Groups are Locked, the ALL function of the FOCUS group brings into visible only the locked ones. ALL

The user can unlock selected Groups Unlock and Parts using right-click Unlock, All the locked Parts/Groups can be unlocked through the Utilities>Unlock All option, from the context menu. This LOCK functionality can be very useful especially when handling large models. 5.4.2. Color Visibility mode When the PART view mode is active, from the General Buttons group, the user can visualize the entities colored according to which Part/Group they belong to. Two columns of the Part Manager window define the behavior of this feature. These are the 'Color' and the 'Is color active' columns. In the 'Color' column the user can see the current color of a Part/Group. To change this color one can double click on it and select another from the Color Editor window. Alternatively, the color can be changed from the respective field in the edit area of the Part Manager window.

In the 'Is color active' column, the user defines which Parts/Groups will display their color. The check boxes of this column function in a precedence manner. This means that when this check box is active for a Group, its content Parts/Groups are inactive. Hence, this Group is colored accordingly, while its contents are not. If the user activates one or more check boxes of the contents, then these are colored accordingly. In this way the user can decide which Parts/Groups will display their color, and in which level of assembly the displayed colors will correspond.

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Part Manager The following examples demonstrate how the model can be displayed in different colors according to the selections in the “Is Color Active” column.

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Part Manager 5.5. Creation and Deletion of Parts/Groups 5.5.1. Part Creation To create a new Part, one can select New>Part, from the main menu, or from the context menu accessed by right clicking on empty space in the Part Manager window. The new Part appears in the Part Manager empty and with a default Name. The user can change its Name by clicking onto the respective edit field. Also, other attributes can be given to the new Part through the edit area of the Part Manager window, such as Module Id, Version etc.

To assign entities into the Part, select Set Part from the main menu, pick entities from the screen, and press middle mouse button to confirm. Double click onto the new Part, and the operation is finished. The Part now hosts the selected entities.

! Note that, if the Part Manager is undocked its window will be hidden as soon as the Set Part is pressed to facilitate the selection. As soon as the selection is done and middle click is pressed the Part Manager will pop-up again. This behavior can be changed through the respective option accessed within Part Manager from Utilities>Options, or in the general settings of ANSA through Windows>Settings>Part Manager.

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Part Manager A new Part can be created also by drag and drop operations from the Database Browser to the Part Manager.

The user can select items from the DBB, drag them towards to the Part Manager, and drop them onto the New Part box that appears. In this way a new Part is created hosting the shifted items. The selected items can be either particular entities from any Selection List, or whole categories directly from the DBB.

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Part Manager 5.5.2. Group Creation A new Group can be created by selecting the option New>Group from the main menu, or from the context menu accessed by right clicking on empty space in the Part Manager window. The new Group appears in the Part Manager empty and with a default Name. The user can change its Name by clicking onto the respective edit field. Also, other attributes can be given to the new Group through the edit area of the Part Manager window, such as Module Id, Version etc.

This newly created Group can host other Groups as subgroups or/and other Parts. To move Parts/Groups into the new Group, the user can select the desired Parts/Groups, and then drag and drop them into the new Group. As the dragging operation takes place the number of the shifted Parts/Groups is shown along with a preview of them. As soon as the drop operation takes place the option Move/Link appears. Select the 'Move' option in order to move the Groups/Parts. For details about the Link option please see section 5.9.

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Part Manager When the 'Move' option is selected the operation is finished and the new Group hosts now all the shifted Parts/Groups.

Alternatively to the drag and drop operation, the user can use from the context menu of a Part/Group, the options, Cut and Paste to perform the same operation.

A new Group can also be created during the drag operation, if the user drops the selected items onto the New Group box that appears. The new group is created, already containing the dropped items.

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Part Manager 5.5.3. Creating new Part/Group from visible An alternative way to create new Part or Group, is from the visible entities or parts, respectively. Isolating in the screen only New the entities of interest the Part from visible user can then select New>Part from visible. A new part with a default name is created automatically hosting all the visible entities. This Part can be then edited to take a new Name and Module Id, and any other attribute.

In a similar manner a new Group from visible Parts can Group from visible be created. Isolating in the screen only the parts of interest the user can then select New>Group from visible [Move]. A new group with a default name is created automatically hosting all the visible parts. This Group can be then edited to take a new Name and Module Id, and any other attribute. New

For details about the Link option please see section 5.9.

In this way the user can create a whole hierarchy from scratch.

This functionality can be used in combination with the filtering capabilities of the Part Manager (see section 5.7.2) or the Database browser (sections & 17.2).

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Part Manager The functionality to create New>Part/Group & New> Part/Group from visible are also available from the context menu in the Part Manager.

5.5.4. Creating new Parts from PIDs There are cases where a proper Part/Group structure does not exist in the database and the existing Parts/Groups lack a clear and useful content. In these cases a draft separation can be extracted easily and quickly by using the Pid to Part functionality. This functionality creates one Part for each different Property (PID). From the Part Manager menu bar, select the option Utilities>Pid-Part. Upon confirmation all the Parts/Groups of the current level in the Part Manager are decomposed and new Parts that correspond to the existing PIDs are created. These new Parts have been assigned a Name and Module Id that correspond to the Name and Id of the respective Property.

When OK is pressed in the warning window ANSA creates one Part for every PID. Each Part has the Name of the property and Module Id the Property Id. All previous Parts and Groups are left empty, except the Parts that contained entities that do not have a PID (Curves, Points, etc).

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Part Manager 5.5.5. Decompose Group A group can be decomposed to its contents, by selecting the Ungroup option from its context menu.


Upon confirmation, the selected group remains empty and all its contents are shifted one level up.

5.5.6. Part/Group Deletion Remove Empty Parts/Groups Parts or Groups that are empty (i.e. they do not contain any entity) are symbolized inside Part Manager with an “E” in their icon. In order to remove empty Parts/Groups the user can select the option Utilities>Remove Empty Parts from the main menu. There is the option All, which will remove all the Parts/Groups that appear Empty in the Part Manager, and Current Level which will remove only the Parts/Groups that appear Empty in the current level. Notes: ! Only empty Parts or Groups may be removed with this functionality. To remove Parts/Groups that contain entities use the Delete option (see section

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Part Manager ! If a Part appears empty but it is not removed with Remove Empty Parts, then probably it is the current Part. The user must first set another Part as current and then remove the Part. For more details about the current Part see section 5.8. ! If a Part has not any apparent contents, however it appears without the “E” symbol in Part Manager, it may host deleted entities in undelete status (deleted Faces, Points, Curves etc.). In this case the user must use the File>Clear function that will permanently remove all deleted entities and will also remove these Empty Parts. Delete Parts/Groups along with their contents A Part/Group can be deleted from the database by selecting the Delete option in its context menu.


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The Delete Part window appears. According to the selected Part/Group, this window may vary in order to let the user decide whether other entities such as Connections, Connectors, General Entity Builders, etc., will be deleted or not.


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Part Manager In this window the user has the following options: - Delete the entities that belong to the Part/Group. If this option is inactive then only the connections will be handled. - Delete the entities that belong to the Part/Group Delete and also its entry in the hierarchy. - Delete only the Internal connections, or all the Affected connections or none of the connections of the Part/Group.

NOTE 1: In the image on the left the concept of Internal/ Affected Connection Points is presented. Consider a Group that is composed from Part 1 and Part 2. This Group is connected with two other Parts/Groups, A and B. Regarding the Group, the yellow connection points are considered Internal, since they are used to connect its own components. The magenta ones, are considered Affected (or External), since they are used to connect it with the external Parts/Groups. In general Internal connection points regarding an entity are considered those that lie completely within this entity and thus they will follow it during Saving or Deleting actions. On the other hand Affected/External connection points regarding this entity are considered those that are used to connect it with external entities. NOTE 2: The database might contain entities which are defined on other entities that belong to the Part/Group to be deleted. Such entities can be SETs that contain FACEs, SHELLs that belong to the Part/Group or even the Part/Group itself, LOADs that are defined on shell elements that belong to the Part/Group, etc. During deletion these entities are affected or even implicitly deleted. In this case the Delete Part Report window appears in order to inform the user about the actions taken. The information concerns their type and Ids. ! NOTE 3: Entities such as Faces or Points that are deleted through Part Manager, cannot be retrieved by the respective UNDELETE functions.

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Part Manager 5.5.7. Creating Parts/Groups hierarchy Using the ways described in the above paragraphs, one can create manually a full structure of a model assembly. Nevertheless, there are automatic ways to import such a structure inside ANSA and reflect it in the Part Manager. This can be done by importing in ANSA a product definition file. Such a file is exported by PDM systems and contains information regarding the product tree structure and the component attributes. It is usually XML-based. Examples of such formats include the VPM Tree, the Siemens PLMXML and the Sim PDM from VDA. ANSA is capable of reading some of the commonly used product definition file formats, by using the File>Read model definition function. Moreover, the user can create special scripts that when executed will be capable of reading any xml-based product definition file format, using the ANSA scripting language. For more information about these capabilities please refer to Chapter 3 of the ansa_scripting.pdf document.

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Part Manager 5.6. Part attributes Every Part/Group is followed by certain attributes. These attributes characterize the Part/Group and follow it from its creation up to the deck output, providing that ANSA comments are written in the output file. The basic attributes of a Part/Group are: Module Id: This is a unique alphanumeric attribute that can serve as the identification number of a Part/Group. It is used for tracking Parts/Groups, in the Connection Manager for the realization of connections with respect to Parts/Groups, in the ANSA Data Management functionalities (DM), and in many other cases. Name: This is a unique alphanumeric attribute that is essential for the definition of a Part/Group. Version, Representation, Study Version: These three attributes are related to the ANSA Data Management functionalities (DM). In the General category of attributes the user can find and edit the following fields: Id: This is the ANSA ID which will be used where necessary if the field Module Id is empty. Hierarchy: This attribute indicates the hierarchy of the Part/Group Target Mass: This is the target mass of the Part/Group. This number can be set during translation by taking this information from the CAD software, in order to be then used later in ANSA. User Group: This attribute can work in cooperation with ANSA DM. By giving to a part a particular User Group, this inherits the equivalent permissions. Pid Offset: This number (integer) specifies the increment by which the PID of a MultiInstantiated Part will be offset when Synchronize Representation action will take place. For more information about MultiInstantiated parts please see section 5.10. Freeze: Freeze on Depenetration field allows the user to freeze entries of the Part during the depenetration process. Color, Is Color Active: These fields affect the color of a Part/Group, when ANSA is in PART visibility mode. Characteristics: All properties of a Part/Group, such as its mass and area, its center of gravity etc. All the fields of this category are non-editable.

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Part Manager Position: The 4X3 transformation matrix of the Part is displayed. This matrix reflects the translation, rotation and scaling of a Part. Please refer to the 'Editing the Position of parts/Groups' session for more information. Miscellaneous: Displays the status of the Part/Group regarding several conditions.

Configurations: Information about which configuration the selected part/Group belongs to. Please refer to the 'Configurations' session for more information. The last section of attributes is the User Attributes. Their use is explained in the next paragraph. NOTE For more information about the ANSA DM functionalities please refer to Chapter 30 of this User‟s Guide. 5.6.1. User Attributes The User defined attributes are suitable for saving various information regarding a Part/Group, which are saved along the database and also will follow it during deck output, providing that ANSA comments will be written out. These information exist as pairs of "attribute-value". Both sides of this pair are given by the user, and do not follow any specific format. Every time a user attribute is added, it is ready to accept a value for every Part/Group of the database. As soon as the user saves the database, the added attributes are saved along it. In addition, the user can save those attributes inside the ANSA.defaults file. Thus, the saved attributes will be available for every new Part that is created, provided that ANSA has read the according ANSA.defaults. In this way a group of users can have the same attributes for the databases that they manipulate, as long as they keep a common ANSA.defaults file. Furthermore, a unique user can add his/her own attributes, read from an ANSA.defaults file, located in the user's home directory. In case common attributes are found during the ANSA.defaults reading, the last read values will be kept. Right-click on the Part Attributes to get access to the context menu and select the User Attributes option to get access to the List of attributes window. In this window all the existing attributes, if any, are listed. Press New to create a new one, Edit to modify an existing one or Delete to erase the selected attributes. The user can perform Filter/Modify procedures based on any user attribute. The attributes belong to the Parts entity card as every other parameter.

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Part Manager The ATTRIBUTE Card opens. Give an appropriate name in the Name field. In the Group Name field select the Group where the attribute should belong to if needed. The Full Name field indicates in which group the attribute belongs in. From the Type drop-down menu select the proper type for the Attribute. Pressing OK the Attribute is defined and it is ready to get a value for each Part/Group of the database. Note: Using the options FILE or DIRECTORY a path can be given as a value for this attribute. When the Part is saved in the DM, then the corresponding file/directory is also saved in the DM as an attached file. If the respective LINK option is used, then a hard-copy of the corresponding file/directory will be saved. For more information about these saved files please refer to Chapter 30 „Data Management‟ of this User‟s Guide. The created attributes are listed in the „List of Attributes‟ window. Press the button to select which columns will be visible in the list.

The created attributes are added in the „User Attributes‟ section of the part/group info. The respective Attributes Groups are also created and include all the attributes that were defined inside them. ! Note that in order to create a new attribute the given name must be valid. This means that it cannot be used by any other parameter of the Part entity card (e.g. "Name", "ID", "Comment") or by another already existing attribute. All the values of the attribute can be edited either using the Edit option from the context menu or by directly editing the field in the list. The default value of an attribute is adopted by every Part/Group that has no other value. Edit

User attributes can be created also via scripting, by using the respective script commands. ! Note that when a user attribute is created via scripting, and particularly in no-gui mode, then this attribute is marked as “Read Only”, and can be edited only via scripting. Also the “Read Only” status can be disabled only via scripting.

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Part Manager 5.7. Edit – Filter – Modify operations 5.7.1. Editing Parts and Groups The user can edit all the editable attributes of a Part/Group, inside the edit area of the Part Manager window. Simply by clicking on a field, this becomes highlighted and ready to accept a new value. ! Note that when clicking on a field that is not allowed to be edited by the user, it becomes available for COPY operations, but it cannot be modified. ! Note that Name and Module ID are unique entries. There cannot be more than one Part/Group with the same Name or Module ID. If the user creates a New Part/Group or edits an existing one, and attempt to assign an already existing Name or Module ID, a relative Warning window will appear. The user can select to Merge the two parts or cancel the operation.

5.7.2. Filtering Parts and Groups Filtering actions within Part Manager can be achieved through the multi-condition filter area, activated by pressing the respective button . By pressing this button an extra row appears in the Part Manager window, where special fields for every visible column are available. By typing in these fields, the Parts/Groups are filtered accordingly. This filter is multi-conditional, and thus the user can type in more than one field. Only the Parts/Groups that fulfill all conditions are filtered.

Various options for the filtering procedure are available to the user. They can be activated by pressing the arrow button next to the filter activation button. - Filter as you type, when this option is activated the filtering is taking place during the typing. In the opposite case the user must press the Enter key in order to perform the filtering when typing has finished. - Case Sensitive, when this option is activated the filtering is taking into account whether capitals or small letters have been typed. - Select Filtered, when this option is activated the items that are filtered are also selected at the same time. - Search on selected items only, when this option is activated only items from the selected entities will be filterd.

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Part Manager - Show Children, when this option is activated the Parts or Groups that belong to a filtered Group, remain visible along with the filtered Group. - Invert Selection, activate to invert the current selection. - Save List in file, a text file can be created from the Parts/Groups list, similarly to all the available Selection Lists. The user is prompt to select a file of any type and press Save in the File Manager. The Save List Parameters window appears where the user can have a preview of the file that will be created, and also tune the way the various columns will be written. NOTES: - This filtering capability is only available in Tree and List views. - Filtering fields also exist for the columns where predefined options exist, e.g. the visibility status, or the type column. In these cases, a drop down menu is available with the alternative options. While the user is typing, the filtering rule is “echoed” into the quick filter field, where all the functionality from the Selection Lists, is available. Also the filter will be saved in history for future reference. This quick filter is another way to filter entities in Part Manager. For more information about its use please see section “Quick Filtering”. For the creation of more advanced filtering rules, the user can activate the Advanced Filter window from the respective button. Built-in filters for the isolation of the selected or the visible items are also available. There is also the option to isolate the ANSAPARTS or the ANSAGROUPS. In this window new advanced filters can be created or already existing can be used. The functionality is the same as in all the Selection Lists. For more information about the advanced filtering procedures please refer to section 17.2.

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Part Manager 5.7.3. Modifying Parts and Groups


Massive modification of the attributes of Parts/Groups can take place via the Modify window invoked inside the Part Manager window. To access it select the Parts/Groups to be modified and select the Modify option from the context menu. Note that the Parts/Groups to be modified are the ones that are selected when the Modify window is invoked. The procedure that is followed inside the Modify window is the one described in section 17.3“Advanced Modification Procedures”.

Another option to massively modify attributes of selected Parts/Groups, is a quick accessed Modify procedure, similar to all Selection Lists. This is convenient for the attributes that have been added as columns in the Part Manager window, and it is available only in List and Tree views. To modify an attribute select the Parts/Groups to be modified, right click on the header of its column, and type the new value in the Modify field that appears. Press Enter to accept the new value. ! Note that when nothing is selected the modification is applied to ALL. ! Note that this modification option is available only for attributes that are not restricted by uniqueness constraints.

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Part Manager 5.8. The Current Part The Current Part is a status that is assigned to a Part in the ANSA database. Its purpose is to serve as the default Part in which newly created entities will be placed. Every database has one current part. As new items (Faces, elements etc.) are created, ANSA decides if the new items can be put automatically to an existing Part. When this decision cannot be made automatically, the user is required to select a Part. In order not to make this selection, the current Part can play the role of the container for every newly created entity. In order to see which is the current part the user can select Utilities>Cu rrent Part>Show Current. The current part will be selected. In order to set another part as the current one, the user can select the Set Current option from the context menu of the Part. In order to set the current Part as the container for every newly created entity, the user must activate the option Put to Current via Utilities>Current Part>Put to Current. Alternatively, this option can be changed through Windows>Settings>Part Manager.

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Part Manager 5.9. Linked Parts and Groups LINK Parts and Groups is an additional functionality of the Part Manager that allows the creation of a different structure, without modifying the original assembly structure. References of Parts and Groups can belong in a different Group than the one that physically hosts them. Thus the original structure remains unaltered, while a new different hierarchy can be created. The user can create a new empty Group that will host the references of some Parts and Groups. Then by using drag and drop operations, or Cut and Paste options, the Links can be created. Select the Parts and Groups of interest, drag and drop them in the newly created group. Select the Link option instead of Move. As a result the selected Parts and Groups remain in their original position, but they also appear inside the new Group as links.

All the selected Parts and Groups appear as LINKs, which is indicated by the “L” letter on their symbol. Selected LINK Parts and Groups can be unlinked by the option Unlink of the context menu.


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Part Manager 5.10. Multi-Instantiated Parts In an assembly model a certain part may appear more than once, based on a circular, rectangular or symmetrical pattern. The assembly file carries only the information of the transformation matrix used to position each part from its initial to its target position. Following these definitions of the CAD systems, ANSA is able to recognize and treat accordingly such parts through the concept of Multiinstantiated Parts. A common example of such parts, would be the bolts of a model. This component has been designed once and has been placed in the assembly in various positions. When the CAD file which represents the assembly is translated, via the CAD Translator, and converted into an ANSA database, these components are converted automatically as Multi-instances and can be manipulated inside the Part Manager. These instances have the same Module Id and Part Name. Although, information about multi-instantiated Parts is obtained from the original CAD file during CAD translation, multi-instantiated Parts can also be created inside ANSA. The benefit of multi-instantiated Parts is that an action can be performed on one of them, and then the rest can get updated accordingly. There is no parent-child relation between multi-instantiated Parts. Actions can be performed to any of them, and the rest can get updated. The following example depicts how multi-instantiated Parts can be created and used within ANSA. In this simple case we have one Part named base and one named bolt. The target assembly should consist of six identical solid meshed bolts. In this example we did not translate any CAD data that contained the multi-instantiated Part information, so we will create them through the GEOMETRY>TRANSF. function (see section 7.7.1) or through the Part Manager. The target is to hexa mesh only on one bolt, thus save time, and also be able to make afterwards a modification on one and automatically update all.

Transformations Copy

The Part Manager will also be used for the creation of the instances. By right-clicking on the Part, the option Transformations>Copy can be used. This will invoke the Copy Parts window, where the user can create copies produced from translation, rotation, symmetry, etc.

For more information about the use of this window please see section 7.7.1. The copies in this case are created via rotation.

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Part Manager In the Transformation Options window, the user can select Auto-Offset, in order to assign different PID to every bolt, by letting ANSA offset the original PID. Alternatively, the option Specify can be selected, and the user will be able to assign a particular offset value for the new PIDs. The option New Instance must be selected in order to create instances of the initial Part.

In the Part Manager there are now seven Parts. The multi-instantiated Parts are marked by the capital letter “M”. Notice how they all share the same Module ID and Part Name. Also, the index reports to the user the existence of six multi-instances.

When the Part is meshed, the user is ready to apply the changes to the rest multi-instances.

In the Part Manager, the user can identify the meshed bolt. By selecting the option DM>Sync. Representation of the context menu, the rest multi-instantiated bolts are updated and adopt the changes. The option can be accessed also from the main menu of the Part Manager. A respective message appears in the DM Functions Log window that pops up.

DM Sync. Representation

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Part Manager All Instances of this Part are now synchronized and have the same mesh.

If at a later point a change in the mesh is required, e.g. refinement or coarsening, this can be applied on any of the instances and then they can be synchronized again, so that the changes are updated to all. ! Note: When a Part is selected for Synchronization, the state of this Part will be enforced on all other Instances. In case all the Parts are in the Database but there is no Multi – Instance definition between them, such a definition can be achieved inside the Part Manager

Select the Parts to be Multi-Instantiated and from their context menu select the option Instances>Connect. A warning window appears.

Instances Connect

! Note that the Information regarding the Name and the Module ID that will be applied on the Multi Instantiated Parts is taken from the Part on which the right mouse button is pressed. Pressing the right mouse button on a Part that has Multi-Instances, following options are available under the option Instances: Select all the parts that are instantiated with this one Open in New window all the instantiated Parts Break the Instantiation between the parts

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Part Manager 5.11. Saving Parts and Groups


Individual Parts/Groups can be saved as separate ANSA databases. The user can select one or more Parts/Groups and activate the Save option from the context menu. The Save Part Parameters window appears. In case only one Part or Group is selected the user has the following options: - Save the entities that belong to the Part/Group, or deactivate this option in order to treat only the connections. - Save the contents of a Part/Group, along with all the assembly structure up to its level, or without. ! Note: the options that appear in the Save Part Parameters window are different according to the entities that are referenced by the selected Parts\Groups. Thus, the option to save connections, connectors, GEBs, etc. might appear. Additionally, when saving a part that reference such entities the user has the option to save only the Internal or all the Affected ones. The concept of Internal/Affected connections has been described in section After pressing OK button, the File Manager appears and the user can specify the path and filename of the ANSA database to be saved. By default, the Part Name is used as the filename of the database. If more than one Part or Group is selected, the user has the additional option to save one single database with all the selected Parts/Groups, or alternatively, save one database for each Part/Group. In the latter case the File Manager will pop up for each database. By activating the “Apply to all” check box the File Manager will appear only once and the user will specify only the path for all the databases which will be saved with the Part name as filename. ! Note that in this case no Overwrite Warning window will appear.

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Part Manager When Saving Parts connected to each other, either via pasted CONS or via FE-elements, ANSA automatically assigns common Names to these boundaries on all Parts. To view these names the LABELS>Names check box must be active inside the Presentation Parameters window, accessed through F11 key.

These names are assigned so that when the Parts are merged together, they can be connected automatically, if the user requires so (see section 3.5.4.).

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Part Manager 5.12. Inquiring information 5.12.1. Identify Part Using the Identify button of the Part Manager the user can inquire to which Part an entity belongs to.

By pressing the Identify button, the Part Manager window disappears so that it is easier to select an entity from the screen.

As soon as a selection is done the Part Manager highlights the respective Part. If the Tree view is active, the hierarchy will expand if this is required in order to show the selected Part. If the Icon view is active the relative Group will open in order the identified Part to appear. ! Note that, if the Part Manager is not docked its window will be hidden as soon as the Identify is pressed to facilitate the selection. As soon as a selection is done the Part Manager will pop-up again. This behavior is controlled through the respective check box, which can be found under Windows>Settings>Part Manager. The user can continue selecting and the respective Parts will be highlighted. ! Note: When in Icon view mode, and during the Identify procedure, Part Manager might need to change to Tree view in order to show all identified parts. Alternatively, this can be done by opening more than one Part Manager windows. This behavior is controlled through Windows>Settings>Part Manager, by the respective radio button.

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Part Manager When the Highlight button is pressed, parts can be highlighted on the screen. When the Pick button is pressed, parts can be selected from the screen and will be highlighted in the Parts List as well.

5.12.2. Part contents In order to access the contents of a Part or Group, one can right click on it and select Reference. In the window that appears the user can activate the types of entities that want to access. By pressing OK, a tree list appears.

All the contents of the Part are listed according to type. With right-click on a listed entry, the user can directly isolate the items in the drawing area. Also one can access the respective Selection List by picking the Open or Open in New Tab options. The “Reference” functionality is common in all Selection Lists. For more information about its use please see section 17.1.

! Note that, each time a part/group is selected, in the Reference Part Parameters window, only the type of entities that are contained in the part appear. The available types are: - Included Entities - Connections, Internal / External / All - Connectors, Internal / External / All - Trim Items, Internal / External / All - Boundary Conditions, Internal / External / All - Output Requests, Internal / External / All - Set Builders, Internal / External / All - General Builders, Internal / External / All - Damping Patches, Internal / External / All - Hard Points - Sets - Properties - Materials

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Part Manager 5.12.3. Connectivity information Using the Options>Connections functionality from the context menu of a selected Part, a new Part Manager window appears.

Options Connections

This includes all the Parts that are connected to the selected one by connections edited through the Connection Manager. Please refer to Chapter 9 of this User‟s Guide for more information about the Connection Manager.

5.12.4. Saving a Parts/Groups list Similarly to all lists, the user can extract from the Part Manager window, a list of Parts/Groups, in a .csv format. In the Save List Parameters window, one can define a proper Header, the delimiter, and the formatting of the saved file.

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Part Manager Furthermore, in the Tree view and List view modes, the user has the capability to copy the contents of a column, in order to paste them afterwards in a spreadsheet. This functionality is accessible through the context menu of the label of a column, selecting the option 'Copy column'. If some of the contents in Part Manager are selected, then also the option 'Copy selected in column' is available, which will copy only the selected entries of the particular column.

5.13. Merging Parts/Groups In a streamlined process ANSA extracts the Group and Part information (Name, Module ID, position in the assembly structure, etc.) from the CAD data, either during a direct translation of the CAD file and the creation of the ANSA database, or through the import of IGES VDA-FS or STEP data in combination with the use of the ANSA_TRANSL file and attributes files (see Appendix II). The following sections describe how Parts are treated when ANSA databases or FE-model files are input. 5.13.1. Merging ANSA databases File Merge

After the translation of the CAD data, it is a common case to have one empty ANSA database with the hierarchy of the whole assembly, and several ANSA databases each for every part of the assembly. In such cases the user can open the hierarchy file and then use the option File>Merge to merge all the parts of the assembly.

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Part Manager Assuming that during the translation process the Parts have been assigned the correct Module Ids and Names, the “Merge Parts” option can be used during the merging procedure. This option will assure that each merged part will automatically take its position in the assembly tree. In this case the option “Autoposition Parts” should also be used, in order the transformation matrices available in the hierarchy tree to be applied to the incoming parts. In case the “Create instances” option is active during the merging, Parts/Groups of the incoming database, which have the same Module Id or Name with Parts/Groups of the current database, will be imported as Multiinstances.

5.13.2. Merging FE-model files When FE model files are input in various formats (e.g. Nastran, LS-Dyna, Abaqus, etc.), through File>Input there are two possibilities: a) If the FE-model was output from an ANSA database already containing an assembly tree structure, and the Write ANSA comments option was active during output, then during input back into ANSA the activation of the flags Read ANSA comments and Merge Parts will assure that all Part information and structure will be recreated back in the Part manager. b) If the FE-model was not output from ANSA, or if no ANSA comments information is available, then for each input FE-model file, a Group will be created and inside this for each Property a Part will be created. The name of the Group is the filename and the Name and Module ID of the Part is the Property name and ID number, respectively.

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Part Manager 5.14. Replacing Parts and Groups Replacement of Part or Group can be achieved and handled through the respective functionality within Part Manager. In the following paragraphs the procedure of replacing Parts/Groups is described. To serve the purpose of discussion, the Part/Group that participates into the replacement procedure is referred as sub-assembly. Hence, Parts/Groups selected for replacement will be referred to as the outgoing sub-assembly and, correspondingly, Part/Groups coming into the database as the incoming sub-assembly. During the replacement procedure ANSA investigates any entity of the outgoing sub-assembly that can be maintained and reapplied after the replacement. For this ANSA will ask the user to decide whether to keep or delete those entities. Such entities can be: - Connections, Connectors - Generic Entity Builders (GEBs) of any kind - Trim Items - Boundary Conditions - SETs - Mass - Names of nodes - Any other entity can be reapplied onto the incoming sub-assembly, such as: damping patches, segments, etc. Furthermore, ANSA will ask the user whether to try to paste nodes connecting the outgoing subassembly with the rest of the assembly, according to names. The results of the performed actions are summarized in the Replace Part Report window that appears, after the replacement completion. There is also the option to save this information in a .txt file. In the following paragraphs the procedure of the replacement is described in a stepwise manner. In the Part Manager window, the user can select the outgoing sub-assembly and activate the Replace option, from its context menu. The File Manager appears and the user can select the ANSA database that contains the incoming sub-assembly. The corresponding Module IDs between the outgoing and incoming sub-assemblies do not have to be the same. Replace

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Part Manager As soon as an ANSA database is selected, the Replace Part Options #1 window appears. This window can differ according to what types of entities exist in the outgoing sub-assembly. It can be divided into two sections: - Outgoing Part/Group: request of information about keeping or deleting entities. Its appearance depends on the types of existing entities. - Delete, entities are deleted and no further action is required. The Final Replace Part Report window informs the user about the type and number of entities deleted. - Keep, any entities from the aforementioned are kept and reapplied. Further actions will be required. The Final Replace Part Report window informs the user about the type, number and Ids of entities succeeded/failed during reapply. - Paste Nodes by Name: Request of information about pasting or not named nodes of the incoming sub-assembly. - Option active: enables the automatic pasting of nodes of the incoming sub-assembly with nodes of the rest of the assembly that share the same name, within the user specified tolerance. The Final Replace Part Report window informs the user about the nodes that succeeded/failed during pasting. - Option inactive: No further action regarding named nodes is taken. ! Note: if both nodes belong to MACROs, they cannot be pasted. As soon as OK button is pressed, the Replace Part Options #2 window appears. This window, according to what types of entities exist in the outgoing sub-assembly, requests information about further handling. - Add Entities in SETs: The user can select to maintain any sets exist in the outgoing sub-assembly, by applying their area onto the incoming sub-assembly, according to the given tolerance. If so the set will be handled and information will be given in the Final Replace Part Report window. - Paste Old and New Nodes: If the outgoing sub-assembly is connected with the rest of the model using Pasted Nodes, then the user can instruct ANSA to try to paste the nodes of the incoming subassembly at the corresponding positions, according to the given tolerance. - Keep Names of Nodes: The user can select to maintain any names of nodes exist in the outgoing sub-assembly, by applying them onto equivalent nodes of incoming sub-assembly, according to the given tolerance. If so, ANSA will try to maintain those names and information will be given in the Final Replace Part Report window accordingly. Shell Expansion Factor: This factor is used to calculate the respective area on the incoming subassembly, on which an entity is applied, with respect to the initial area on the outgoing subassembly.

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Part Manager As soon as OK button is pressed, the Replace Part Report – Reapply options window appears. According to what actions the user has selected in the previous two steps, this window lists information regarding the entities that were handled. At this point the user can navigate among these information, using optionally the filtering capabilities, and decide to proceed or go back to change some of the previous selections. To do so, the user can press the Reapply button. This will give access to the tolerances of the second step, by opening the Replace Part Options #2 window. The user can change the tolerances in order to change the final result. If OK button is pressed the procedure continues, and the actions are finally applied. The Final Replace Part Report window appears, listing all the actions taken regarding the entities under consideration. This report can be saved, either as a txt or as an html file, by pressing the Save Report button.

Notes: 1. When handling Connections, if the user select to Keep the Connections of the outgoing subassembly, and also the incoming sub-assembly has Connections, ANSA is required to keep them all. If conflicts of Ids occur, the Connections of the incoming sub-assembly will be renumbered according to the usr_spw_id_range defined inside ANSA.defaults. 2. Existing SETs are merged with incoming ones, if any, according to Names. 3. The Sets Node Tolerance value affects only NODE SETs.

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Part Manager 5.15. Compare The Compare functionality allows the full comparison of two models for the identification of differences in geometry, attributes, solver-specific definitions, as well as connections. The comparison can be performed between Ansa databases or Input files of any of the supported input decks. Alternatively, a Part or Group can be selected through the Part Manager to be compared with another Ansa database or Input file. The tool offers easy navigation in the comparison results with the aid of short-cuts and filters. In the end, the model currently in use can be replaced or can be partially updated according to user directions. For more information about model comparison please refer to Chapter 19 of this User‟s Guide.

5.16. Part Numbering Rules Using from the context menu the option Options>Numbering Rules, the user can assign numbering rules for the elements of a Part, and optionally for the nodes, properties and materials.

Options Numbering Rules

General Rule The user sets the start and end IDs inside the respective edit card that appears. Optionally, the user can switch on the respective drop down menus for NODES, PROPERTIES, MATERIALS.

Per Type Rule The user can assign numbering rules separately for each element type.

From File The File Manager appears, and the user is prompt to select a file of type *.ansa_rules.

The created numbering rules are added into the Special Rules section of the Renumber Tool window, accessed via Utilities>Renumber. For more information about the use of numbering rules please refer to section 17.4 of this User‟s Guide.

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Part Manager 5.17. Editing the Position of Parts/Groups The position of any Part is defined by a 4x3 transformation matrix. The user can access this matrix in the edit area of the Part Manager by simply selecting a Part. The respective matrix can be found in the Position section of the edit area. The matrix can be assumed that it has two sections. The first section, which is the x0, y0, z0 fields, corresponds to the translational terms. The rest components that form a 3x3 matrix correspond to rotation and scaling.

Edit Position

In order to edit this transformation matrix one can activate the option Change Position, by right clicking onto the label 'Position' of the edit area. The Edit Part Position window appears where the user can alter the values in the respective fields. There are two options regarding the result of the editing procedure: Apply transformation “on” If this check box is active, the respective alteration in the position of the Part/Group will be translated also to an actual movement of the Part. Apply transformation “off” If this check box is inactive, the alteration in the position will work only in collaboration with ANSA DM.

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Part Manager 5.18. Creating Includes from Parts/Groups

Parts to Include

Include definitions can be created directly from Parts/Groups by using the Parts to Include option of their context menu. Activating this option the Parts to Include Parameters window pops-up, where the user specifies which entities that are related to the part will be moved to the include. If more than one Part/Group are selected than there is the option to add all the selected entities in one single include.

Then, the Inclusion Rules window opens, containing the adequate rules, based on the selection of the user in the previous window. Upon confirmation, an include definition with the part or group name is automatically created. For more information about this functionality and the includes definition in general please refer to Chapter 18 of this User's Guide.

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Part Manager 5.19. Configurations The Part Manager gives the capability to create, use and maintain several different variants of the same model in one single ANSA database. The concept is to have in a single database all the parts that form the different variants of the model, e.g. the long and the short version of the BiW, the normal and the sun roof, etc, and use each time the ones that form a single variant. In this way, time consuming processes concerning the common parts of the models are performed only once. Additionally, only one single ANSA database is maintained. 5.19.1. Manual creation of the configurations Preparing the model Providing that all the parts from all the different variants of the model exist in a single database the user must organize them inside the Part Manager in a way that it will be possible to identify the common parts, the mutually exclusive parts, and the ones that are the same for all variants but they are used in different positions (if any). The common parts are identical for all the different variants of the model. These parts exist in the database only once and the user does not need to treat them in a special manner. Common

The mutually exclusive parts are the ones that cannot participate into all variants of the model, e.g. the parts of the normal roof and the respective parts of the sun-roof. Finally, there are cases when some parts while being the same they are used in different positions for different variants of the model, e.g. the rear parts of the model for a long and a short variant. These parts exist in the database only once but they have to be treated specially in order to be shifted in the correct position for each variant.

Mutually exclusive

Shifted Common

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The above distinction must be reflected in the Part Manager. This is achieved by the creation of new groups that host the respective parts. The parts are moved into these groups as links, in order not to break the original hierarchy.


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Part Manager Especially for the shifted parts, their links are placed in two mutually exclusive groups for which the only difference is their transformation matrix.

When the aforementioned groups have been created the user is ready to move on with the creation of the configurations. Creation of the configurations The Configuration window is activated/ deactivated through the Configurations>Show/Hide function. In order to create a new configuration the user can press the right mouse button in the Configurations area of the Part Manager and select New Configuration.

The definition of a new configuration is similar to a group definition. The configuration must have a unique name, and can have a Module Id, Version, etc.

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Part Manager In this way several configurations can be created representing the different variants of the model.

Having created the different configurations the user is ready to set under their control the appropriate groups of the model. By selecting Configurations>Open configurations table, the Configurations Table window appears.

In this table all the groups/parts of the model are listed. Each configuration is a column of the table. The user can set which groups will participate into which configuration by activating the respective check boxes. Notice that one group can participate into more than one configuration.

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Part Manager Important! Only the mutually exclusive and the shifted groups will participate into the configurations. The common groups are not active in any of the configurations. Closing the Configurations Table, in the Part Manager the Configurations are listed including the Groups that were defined.

Alternatively, the user can add groups into the configurations from within the Part Manager by using drag and drop operations.

Additionally, when a group is dragged towards to the configurations area, the option to create a new configuration containing this group is activated. A group can also be assigned to a configuration by activating it in the Configurations area of the Attributes of the group.

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Part Manager 5.19.2. Automatic creation of the configurations Apart from the tools within the Part Manager that allow the user to create the single database containing all the alternative variants of the model, ANSA also provides an automated tool for that purpose. Given the initial ansa databases each of which contains one single variant, ANSA creates the essential groups inside the Part Manager and also the respective configurations. The tool is invoked through Tools>Compare>Build Variants. The Variants Wizard pops up. For the Definition of Model 1, the user can select from various types of databases (ANSA db, Input file, Connection file, etc.) and then press the button to open File Manager and select the desired database. Pressing the Next button the user can continue with the selection of the Definition of Model 2. Once the initial databases have been selected the Finish button is pressed. The databases are merged in and ANSA generates the Variants Model, which is the one that contains both variants (e.g. sun-roof and normal roof BiW), and the respective configurations. Before the function ends, the user has a preview of the two initial models, as well as the resulting variants model in the same ANSA session. In the Build Variants window that appears, one can control the visibility of the three models, visualize them in Exploded view, and also activate one model at a time, in order to inspect its contents in the Part Manager or/and the Database Browser.

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Part Manager

Once the Close button is pressed the variants model is inserted in the current ANSA session. Accessing the Part Manager the user can overview the generated configurations. ANSA has created the groups with the linked parts that are needed, and also has placed them in the respective configurations. Following the above procedure one can add more variants in the generated database. Saving this database as an intermediate step the user can then activate again the Build Variants tool and combine this one with one more variant. In this way one can end up with the database that will contain all the different variants of the model. 5.19.3. Working with the Configurations Once the configurations for all the variants of the model have been set, the user can select to set as active one of them and work only with this variant of the model, by selecting Activate from its context menu. An active configuration is indicated by having its name written in Italics.

When one of the configurations is activated the groups that do not participate into this configuration but only to the rest ones, take the representation “Don‟t Use”. This means that they are excluded from the model along with any related entities, such as connections, connectors, GEB entities, etc.

The groups that are common, as mentioned before, do not participate into any of the configurations, thus they are always used regardless of which configuration is active.

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Part Manager The parts that must be shifted in case of the long variant of the model are moved automatically to the right position, due to the transformation matrix of the respective group, as mentioned before. At any point the user can set another configuration as active through the option Activate from its context menu. To deactivate the currently active configuration select the Deactivate option from its context menu, or select Clear Active from any configuration‟s context menu.

In this way several variants of the model can exist in the database and the user can activate one of them each time according to needs. During this process the connections are updated automatically in order to have a properly assembled model every time.

For more information about the „Don‟t Use‟ representation please refer to section of this User‟s Guide. To delete the definition of a configuration one can select the Remove option from its context menu. In the same way a group can be removed from within a configuration. At any point a particular variant of the model can be saved as a separate ANSA database. The user must activate the respective configuration and then save it. A Configuration can be saved using the Save option from its context menu. The Save Part Parameters window appears in order to select what entities will be saved along with the configuration.

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Part Manager Opening the saved Configuration ANSA file, this file contains the configuration definition and all the parts that participate into this configuration.

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Part Manager 5.20. Part Manager Options Under the Utilities>Options the user has access to all the settings of the Part Manager. The same can be accessed through the main menu of ANSA, Windows>Settings in the Part Manager section. Identify/Set Part When the Hide Window option is active, the Part Manager window will be hidden during the Identify/Set Part functionality in order to facilitate the selections in the graphics area. In case the Part Manager is docked then it will not be hidden. There are cases when during the Identify Part functionality the selected part is not shown in the current view of the Part Manager. In this case the user can select whether to see the selected part in a new window of Part Manager, or use the initial window but change its view in order the selected part to be shown. This is controlled by the respective radio button in this section. Select Part Controls whether the current part will be used to host newly created entities, that need a part assignment, or the user will be prompted to select a part. See also section 5.9 for more information about the current part. Show/Hide/Show only - Auto focus after 'Show only': The isolated entities from the Show Only function are focused on the screen. - Include parent group of single part: There are cases when entities are assigned directly to a group. If this group contains only one part and the user perform Show/Hide/Show Only functionality on this part, then this option controls whether the entities that are assigned directly to the group will also be affected. - Consider Connections/Connectors/GEBs: Controls whether the Internal, the Affected, or None of the Connections/Connectors/GEBs will be affected when the 'Show/ Hide/ Show Only' functionality is performed on a part/group. Bulb icon size Controls the size of the bulb icon when in icon view for easier handling of the visibility.

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Part Manager

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Making Measurements Making Measurements

Chapter 6


Table of Contents MAKING MEASUREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 209 6.1. Making measurements ....................................................................................................... 210 6.1.1. Nodes ......................................................................................................................... 212 6.1.2. Edges ......................................................................................................................... 213 6.1.3. Shells ......................................................................................................................... 214 6.1.4. Solids ......................................................................................................................... 214 6.1.5. CONS ......................................................................................................................... 215 6.1.6. Other entities .............................................................................................................. 215 6.1.7. Combined measurements .......................................................................................... 216 6.2. Saving measurements ...................................................................................................... 217 6.2.1. The Measurement Entity ........................................................................................... 217 6.2.2. Clearing measurements ............................................................................................ 217 6.2.3. Measurement Settings Options ................................................................................. 218 6.3. Manipulating measurements ............................................................................................. 219 6.4. Advanced measurement capabilities .................................................................................. 220 6.4.1. Defining a Local coordinate system............................................................................ 220 6.4.2. Setting Measurement limits ........................................................................................ 221 6.5. Measurement Synopsis Table ............................................................................................ 222

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Making Measurements 6.1. Making measurements The MEASURE function, in the Windows tool bar, is a useful tool for making various measurements, such as length, angle, area, etc. It can be used in the TOPO menu, as well as in the MESH and DECK menus. The applied measurements can be saved in a List and viewed at a later stage (see section 6.3.). What makes the Measure Tool so exclusive and functional, is the ability that gives to the user to, simultaneously, measure multiple quantities between groups of different kinds of entities. For example, the user can consecutively select nodes, edges, shells or solids and watch the real-time alteration of the potential measuring results. The latter are displayed via a pull-down menu in the main Measure window and, therefore, the user has a full overview, in order to conclude to the final combined measurement result.

To facilitate the selection of nodes (Hot Points, 3D Points, grids etc) or entities (Edges, CONS, 3D Curves, Faces, Working Planes etc.), Shells or Solids, the user must activate the respective flag prior to screen selection and then keep selecting entities with left-mouse button. De-selection takes place with right-mouse button, if necessary. The aforementioned procedure takes place at the Selection Mode section of the main Measure window. Note the ability to switch between different selection modes using the "1" key in the alphanumeric section of the keyboard and, additionally, the ability to switch between different potential results using the “2” and “3” keys, for “Up” and “Down” arrow-keys, accordingly. Middle-mouse confirmation is demanded after the aforementioned procedure and the results of the measurement are reported in the Ansa Info window

and also displayed graphically on screen. The user can affect the exact screen graphic display, by editing the Measurement Settings Options(see section 6.2.3.). Additionally, note that all applied measurements can be also saved in a List, with the application of the Store button (see section 6.2.). Before proceeding with the analytical measurement capabilities, let's start with some basic definitions:

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Making Measurements - Node = all kinds of nodes in ANSA: points, nodes, connection points, origin of coordinate systems, control points of morphing boxes and all points of already stored measurements, meaning: centers of circles, centers of gravity, measured node positions and both points of measured distances. - Edge = shell edge, solid facet's edge, all line deck elements (CBEAM, CBAR, etc) - Shell = Shell or solid facet - Curve = CONS (in TOPO menu), PERIMETER (in MESH menu), morphing box edge, 3D curve - Other entities = morphing box edges, work planes, macro areas, faces, coordinate systems and line elements The function has various applications as described analytically in the following examples, according to the selection mode. As a summary, the measurements that can take place in ANSA are the following: Node position









Middle Point

Inscribed Circle

Circumscribed Circle

Equivalent Circle

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Making Measurements 6.1.1. Nodes The following table is featuring the Node measurement results, according to the number of nodes selected: Number of Nodes

Measurement results


Node position


Distance COG (2 Nodes)


Distance to line Angle at Node 1, 2 or 3 Polyline (3 Nodes) COG (3 Nodes) Inscribed circle Circumscribed circle


Distance to plane (1,2,3,4 Nodes) Angle between vectors Polyline (4 Nodes) COG (4 Nodes) Inscribed sphere Circumscribed sphere


Polyline (5 Nodes) COG (5 Nodes)


Angle between planes Polyline (6 Nodes) COG (6 Nodes)

7 or more (x)

Polyline (x Nodes) COG (x Nodes)

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Making Measurements

6.1.2. Edges The following table is featuring the Edges' measurement results,according to the number of Edges selected: Number of Edges

Measurement results




Angle Length (2 items) Total Length (2 items) Distance


Length (3 items) Total Length (3 items)

4 or more (x)

Length (4 items) Total Length (4 items) Equivalent circle (closed path)

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Making Measurements 6.1.3. Shells The following table is featuring the Shells' measurement results,according to the number of Shells selected: Number of Shells

Measurement results


Area Middle Point Distance from geometry


Angle Area (2 items) Total Area (2 items) Distance

3 or more (x)

Area (x items) Total Area (x items) Distance (x items)

6.1.4. Solids The following table is featuring the Solids' measurement results, according to the number of Solids selected:

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Number of Solids

Measurement results



2 or more

Total Volume


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Making Measurements 6.1.5. CONS The following table is featuring the CONS' measurement results, according to the number of CONS selected: Number of CONS

Measurement results


Length Curvature Neighboring max.dist. Neighboring max.angle

2 or more (x)

Length (x items) Distance (x items) Total Length (x items)

6.1.6. Other entities The aforementioned method applies to other entities as well. With 'Other entities' are defined the following: morphing box edges, work planes, macro areas, faces, coordinate systems and line elements. The following table is featuring the other entities'' measurement results, accordingly: Number of entities Measurement results 1



Angle Distance Length Total length

3 or more (x)

Length (x items) Total length (x items)

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Making Measurements 6.1.7. Combined measurements The MEASURE function, apart from measurements among same-mode quantities, additionally offers the selective combination of different categories in the Selection mode window. Such cases are, for example, the Distance between a Node and a CON, the Angle between an Edge and a CBAR, etc. All potential combined measurements can be previewed in the Measurement Synopsis Table (see section 6.5) Point from edge distance Select a node in Nodes mode and an element edge in Edges mode with the left mouse button. Confirm with middle mouse button. The shortest distance between the point and the edge is reported.

In a similar application, if there is no projection of the point on the element edge, then the edge is extended and the distance between the point and the projection displayed as shown.

Point from Macro Area distance Select a node in Nodes mode and a Macro Area in Other entities mode with the left mouse button. Confirm with middle mouse button. The user can select either the point-to-shell element (Distance from surface), or the point-to-actual geometry distance (Distance from geometry), from the corresponding pull-down menu options.

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Making Measurements 6.2. Saving measurements The MEASURE function in the main pull down menu additionally offers the opportunity for saving the applied measurements with the Store button on the initial Measure window. The latter are saved in a List and can be previewed, edited, deleted, or generally altered at a later stage (see section 6.3.). Note that all items in the List are Measurement Entities, which can be previewed in the Database Browser, like the rest entities (see following section).

6.2.1. The Measurement Entity All stored measurements are, actually, Measurement Entities, which are displayed in the Database Browser window, together with the rest ANSA entities. This means that they can be handled with all the Database Browser functionalities, which are analytically described in Chapter 2.

6.2.2. Clearing measurements The Clear button on the initial Measure window deletes real-time measurements. As real-time measurements are considered all measurements that take place while consecutively selecting entities, either before, or immediately after middle-mouse confirmation.

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Making Measurements 6.2.3. Measurement Settings Options The user can easily modify the MEASURE Tool Interface according to current needs, by selecting the Measurements option under the Settings tree in Windows > Settings... pulldown menu. The Settings – Measurements window that appears offers the following options: -Color: By clicking on the corresponding square color-icon, the Color manager appears for the desired color selection.

-Show: The flags under the Show option indicate which parameters will be visible in the Measurement results' preview. Specifically: -ID: the entity ID -Label: the label of the measured quantity -All results (dx, dy, dz): all xyz-coordinates of the result, or just the resultant quantity. -All participating components: the selected quantities (nodes, shells, edges, etc) -Local coordinate system: the Local coordinate system that may have been defined (see section 6.4.1) -Limits: the limits, if set, with the Use limits option in the main Selection Mode window. (see section 6.4.2) -Always in front: Suspend the z-dimension (in a sphere, for example) and show the measurement in a two-dimensional mode.

-Width: the line-width of the measuring result -Format: fixed and scientific format. -Digits: Number of digits to display in the Measurement result. Keep in mind that the user can achieve maximum accuracy, by defining up to 15 digits.

Note that all the aforementioned Measurement Settings can be saved in ANSA.defaults file, with the aid of the corresponding Save icons of the Settings – Measurements window.

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Making Measurements 6.3. Manipulating measurements The saved/stored measurements can be easily accessed by double-clicking on the MEASUREMENT entity through the Database Browser. Right clicking on one or more set entries in the MEASUREMENT ENTITIES window the following options are available: -OR/AND/NOT/ALL: Commands for handling the visibility of the saved measurements -NEW: Create a new measurement as described in the previous section. -INFO: Reports the corresponding measurement information in the Ansa Info window. -EDIT: Edit the measurement's card. This is a new card that pops up as soon as this option is selected. -COPY: Make a copy of the selected measurement(s). -REFORM: Opens the initial Measure window for direct access to the desired measurement modifications. With the specific option the user can radically change the whole measurement from the very beginning: change the potential measurement result, alter the entities' measurement combination, set or remove limits and/or local coordinate system. -DELETE: Deletes the selected measurement(s). At this point it is useful to point out that the user can access and modify the color of the MEASUREMENT Entity directly from the List, by double-clicking on the colored part of it:

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Making Measurements 6.4. Advanced measurement capabilities 6.4.1. Defining a Local coordinate system The measurement calculations taking place in the MEASURE function are generally based on the Global coordinate system. An extra flagoption in the main Measure window offers the opportunity for calculation based on a Local coordinate system. By checking the corresponding Local coord. flag in the main Measure window and clicking on the activated Pick button, the user is prompted to select an existing coordinate system, or create a new one and middle-mouse click for confirmation. By the time this step has been accomplished, all measurement calculations that take place are based on the recently defined local coordinate system. The results of the measurement are reported in the Ansa Info window, signifying the use of a Local coordinate system. In order to return to the (default) Global coordinate system calculation, just de-activate the corresponding flag. The specific example is featuring the C.O.G. Measurement, with reference to Global and to Local coordinate system, accordingly.

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Making Measurements 6.4.2. Setting Measurement limits Setting Measurement limits in ANSA can be proved really helpful in Mesh menu functions (such as MV.FREE) or in Morph menu. The user can specify minimum and maximum limits of the measured quantity, which are also previewed on screen and become red when exceeded. By checking the corresponding Use limits. flag in the main Measure window and clicking on the activated Set button, the Measurement limits window opens. In this window the user can activate the corresponding Result flag and set the desired Min/Max limits accordingly.

The defined limits appear on screen, accompanying the measurement result and the whole edit-group becomes red, when exceeded. The specific example is featuring an excess of the defined limits, when changing the position of the control points of morphing box, by applying the MV.FREE function of MORPH menu.

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Making Measurements 6.5. Measurement Synopsis Table The following table offers a synopsis of the Measurement quantities, results and combinations with corresponding TOPO/MESH menu specifications: NODE






a) Position b) Distance from geometry (MESH-DECKs ONLY and macro node, internal or boundary) c) Distance from perimeter (MESH-DECKs ONLY and macro node, hot point or grid on perimeter)




Distance, Angle, Circumscribed/Inscribed Circle


Distance (between 2 vectors), Angle (between 2 vectors), Circumscribed/Inscribed Sphere


Angle (between 2 planes)


COG, Polyline Length




Distance, Angle


Length, Equivalent circle


a) Middle point b) Middle point Distance geometry (shell that belongs to macro, no FE shell)


Angle, Distance


Distance a) from geometry b) from shells (MESH ONLY), Area


Distance a) from geometry b) from shells (MESH ONLY)


Distance a) from geometry b) from shells (MESH ONLY)


Length, Curvature







Distance from geometry/surface


EDGE Distance

Distance, Length

Distance a) min distance b) min distance to linear extension of the edge



SHELL Distance



Distance a) from geometry b) from the extended surface (TOPO ONLY) c) from shells (MESH ONLY)

CURVE Distance

Distance, Length




a) Double Cons Neighbors' Distance (TOPO ONLY) b) Double Cons Neighbors 'Angle (TOPO ONLY)


Equivalent circle (in closed path) SOLID


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CAD Functions CAD Functions

Chapter 7


Table of Contents CAD FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................................... 223 7.1. Working Planes ................................................................................................................. 225 7.1.1. General description ................................................................................................... 225 7.1.2. Definition of a Working Plane .................................................................................... 225 7.2. Hot Point Entities............................................................................................................... 228 7.2.1. Creating 3D Points .................................................................................................... 228 New function ...................................................................................................... 228 2D Points function ............................................................................................. 229 Relative function ................................................................................................ 230 ON Curve function ............................................................................................. 231 On COG function ............................................................................................... 232 Info function ....................................................................................................... 234 7.2.2. Creating Hot Points ................................................................................................... 234 Insert function .................................................................................................... 234 Project function .................................................................................................. 235 Parametrical function ......................................................................................... 235 Mult.Project function .......................................................................................... 235 Intersect function ............................................................................................... 236 Find Inters. Function .......................................................................................... 238 Weld Spot Function ........................................................................................... 238 Delete function................................................................................................... 238 7.2.3. Creating Weld Spots ................................................................................................. 239 7.3. Curves ............................................................................................................................... 240 7.3.1. New function ............................................................................................................. 240 7.3.2. Project function.......................................................................................................... 246 7.3.3. Transform function..................................................................................................... 250 7.3.4. Cons2Curves function ............................................................................................... 250 7.3.5. Clear function ............................................................................................................ 251 7.3.6. Tangent function ........................................................................................................ 252 7.3.7. Connect function ....................................................................................................... 253 7.3.8. Normal function ......................................................................................................... 256 7.3.9. Middle function .......................................................................................................... 257 7.3.10. Surf Int function ....................................................................................................... 258

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CAD Functions 7.3.11. Circle function .......................................................................................................... 259 7.3.12. Ellipse function ........................................................................................................ 261 7.3.13. Epicycloid function................................................................................................... 262 7.3.14. Involute function ...................................................................................................... 262 7.3.15. Center function ........................................................................................................ 264 7.3.16. Imprint function ........................................................................................................ 265 7.3.17 Modify function ......................................................................................................... 266 Control Points ................................................................................................... 266 Tangents ........................................................................................................... 272 Modifications on Working Planes ...................................................................... 275 Flexibility and Torsion modification Tools .......................................................... 275 Confirming the modifications and concluding the session ................................ 276 7.3.18. Deleting and Undeleting Curves .............................................................................. 276 7.3.19. Tubes2Curves function............................................................................................ 276 7.4. Creating Surfaces and Faces ............................................................................................ 277 7.4.1. New function ............................................................................................................. 278 7.4.2. Sweep, Glide and Extrude functions ......................................................................... 281 7.4.3. Revolute function....................................................................................................... 286 7.4.4. Helical function .......................................................................................................... 287 7.4.5. Plane function ........................................................................................................... 289 7.4.6. Fit function ................................................................................................................. 290 7.4.7. Fillet function ............................................................................................................. 292 7.4.8. Shrink function........................................................................................................... 293 7.4.9. Volume function ......................................................................................................... 295 7.4.10. Assigning Properties to Faces ................................................................................. 298 7.4.11. Extend function ........................................................................................................ 301 7.5. Manipulating Surfaces & Faces......................................................................................... 302 7.5.1 Surfaces ...................................................................................................................... 302 7.5.2 Faces .......................................................................................................................... 310 Release in contact Volumes ............................................................................... 310 7.6. Cutting Faces .................................................................................................................... 311 7.6.1. Cutting between two positions ................................................................................... 311 7.6.2. Cutting by projecting curves ...................................................................................... 315 7.6.3. Plane cutting ............................................................................................................. 318 7.6.4. Multiple Plane Cutting ............................................................................................... 321 7.6.5. Zone Cut function ...................................................................................................... 322 7.6.6. Divide Face function .................................................................................................. 325 7.7. Transformations Functions ................................................................................................ 326 7.7.1. Translate function ...................................................................................................... 328 7.7.2. Rotate function .......................................................................................................... 329 7.7.3. Transform function..................................................................................................... 330 7.7.4. Scale function ............................................................................................................ 332 7.7.5. Symmetry function..................................................................................................... 332 7.7.6. Mirror function ........................................................................................................... 334 7.8. Delete function .................................................................................................................. 336 7.9. Effect of tolerances on CAD operations ............................................................................ 337 7.10. ANSA / SpaceClaim Interoperability ................................................................................ 339 7.10.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 339 7.10.2. Conditions ............................................................................................................... 339 7.10.3. Procedure ................................................................................................................ 339 7.10.4 Troubleshooting Table .............................................................................................. 341

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CAD Functions 7.1. Working Planes 7.1.1. General description The concept of Working Plane basically allows drawing Points, Curves and planar Faces in 2D, as well as other operations, like plane cutting or Cross Section creation. The Wrk. Plane flag button controls the visibility of Working Planes and it is in the Auxiliaries toolbar.


By default there are three Working Planes in an ANSA database corresponding to the three main planes XY, ZX and ZY. There is always one currently Active Working Plane, which is marked in green. Non Active Working Planes appear in orange. In order to activate an existing New Working Plane, press the Auxiliaries>Working P.>New button and select it with the left mouse button from its boundary, its coordinate system symbol, or its center symbol (yellow square). Temporary Working Planes can also be created when a certain function requires one but the Wrk. Plane flag is not pressed and hence no Active Working Plane is specified. Temporary Working Planes are only used once and are Active by default. 7.1.2. Definition of a Working Plane There are five methods of defining a new Working Plane using the Working P.>New function. The same methods apply to the creation of a Temporary Working Plane when it is required. New Three positions

1 3

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Select three positions, using 3D Points, Hot Points, Weld Spots, etc. The created plane is passing through these three points. The sequence of selections affects the orientation of the Plane's coordinate system. The first position is the Plane's center, marked as a yellow square. The vector from the first to the second position, declares the X-axis. The third position declares the Y-axis.


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CAD Functions 2


New Two Positions-Normal to vector Select two positions, which indicate a vector, and press the middle mouse button. The created Working Plane is normal to this vector and is passing through the first selected position. The selected positions may be 3D Points, Hot Points, Weld Spots, etc.

New Normal to curve Select a CONS or a 3D Curve near to one of its end. The Working Plane will pass through this end and will be normal to the curve at that location.

New Tangent to Face



Select a Face from its crosshatch (the Face becomes highlighted) and then pick a position on it. The resulting Working Plane will be tangent to the Face at this position.

New Tangent to Face on a Weld Spot Select a Weld Spot and press the middle mousebutton to confirm. The defined Working Plane is tangent to the Face at the Weld Spot position.

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CAD Functions Snapping As the Active or a Temporary Working Plane is used for creating a curve on it, the indicated positions on the Working Plane may be snapped to a grid. The Snap flag in the options window, activates snapping and the grid step is determined by the Grid Step option in the same window.

DELETE UNDEL. The Delete and UNDelete functions can be used to delete and undelete selected inactive Working Planes. The default working planes cannot be deleted.

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CAD Functions 7.2. Hot Point Entities 7.2.1. Creating 3D Points Points are handled by the functions of Points Group and their visibility is controlled by the Points flag. New function The simplest way to define Points in 3D space is to type Num.Input their coordinates in the Numerical Input window, which is activated by the Points>New>Num.Input function. The resulting points appear as cyan squares as soon as all the coordinates are typed and the OK button is pressed. The x, y, z coordinates may be separated by blank or comma characters. New New

Instead of typing the coordinates in the Numerical Input window, there is the ability to copy the coordinates from a Shell, using the left mouse-button, and paste them in the Numerical Input window. This can be used in cases where the points' coordinates already exist in a file. Apart from the Numerical Input, the creation of new 3D Points can be achieved by function In_Line. The New>In_Line function creates 3D points, along a straight line, defined by two positions (3D points, Hot points, Grids, etc.). Activate the function and with left mouse button select two points. In the Points in line window, type either, the New New In_Line

number of points (e.g. 10) to be created, or tilde (~) followed by the distance between the points and press Enter to confirm.

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CAD Functions 10 points have been created along the line of the two positions selected, in the image on the left. ! Note that when the input is distance, there are cases where the created points don't have this distance between them, but an approximate to this. This happens when the distance between the positions that define the line, cannot be divided exactly, with the one typed in the INPUT window. 2D Points function To define Points in the currently Active Working Plane, use the 2D Points function. In this function, the currently Active Working Plane is used, regardless if the WORK Plane flag is active or not. The indicated positions may be snapped to a grid, as the SNAP flag is active. 2D Points

To define Points on the currently Active Working Plane use the 2D Points function and pick existing positions (Points, Hot Points, etc.), with right mousebutton. The selected positions are projected on the Working Plane as new Points. 2D Points

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CAD Functions Relative function This function creates 3D Points relatively to other selected 3D Points, Hot Points, Weld Points, Nodes, etc. Select the point locations with the left mouse button. De-select with right mouse button if required. Confirm with middle mouse button. The RELATIVE window appears. Type in the direction vector‟s dX, dY, dZ coordinates and the required distance from the selections. Relative

2 1

Alternatively, you can select two point positions from the screen to define this vector. The vector and magnitude values are automatically calculated and filled in the RELATIVE window. The user can modify them if required. Press OK in the RELATIVE window, or middle mouse button, to create the new 3D Points.

! Note that all entries in the RELATIVE window support arithmetical operations for calculations (+, -, *, /, ^). For instance, if you type “47.9535 / 2.” in the distance field, then a Point will be created in the middle of the specified distance, along the input vector.

! Note that, by default, dx, dy and dz input values in the Relative window refer to the global coordinate system. You can, however, use local coordinate systems that exist in the database. In this example the coordinate system of an edge of a FE-model shell element is used. ! Note also, that if the Faces are meshed, you can pick an element‟s coordinate system. Such a coordinate system can be selected with the right mouse button when the RELATIVE window is open. The coordinate system is highlighted in yellow, and its rectangular, cylindrical or spherical type, is indicated by the letters R, C and S respectively.

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CAD Functions ON Curve function The ONCURVE function creates equally distributed 3D Points or Point Sets along a string of selected 3D Curves, CONS, or element edges. The user can specify the number of points to be created explicitly, or the distance between them. On Curve

Activate the POINTs>ONCURVE


Select a series of curves or CONS one by one with the left mouse button. De-select with the right mouse button if needed. The Corner Angle window appears to assist selection of consecutive CONS (Curves have no connectivity relation).

Leave the flags inactive in the Options window that appears. Type in the number of 3D points you want to create, or the ~ symbol (tilde) followed by the required distance between them, and press enter. Confirm selection with middle mouse button. Twelve 3D Points were created along the selected Curves, depicted in the image on the left. In this example the selected Curves are not continuous. Activate the POINTs> ONCURVE function. Activate the “Fill gaps with Curves” flag in the Options window. Type in the number (or distance) of 3D Points to be created and press Enter. On Curve

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CAD Functions

Select sequentially the Curves or CONS with the left mouse button. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Apart from the 3D Points, this time smooth 3D Curves were also created to fill the gaps between the selected Curves. If the Produce Point Sets is also activated, then ANSA will create Point Sets instead of 3D Points in a similar fashion. Ensure the P.SETs flag is active to view the created entities. On COG function The function POINTs>ON_COG can be used to automatically create a 3D Point as the center of gravity using three selection methods: [Edges]: CONS, Curves, element edges [Points]: several Points or Grids [Circle]: three Points or Grids, as the centre of a circle. [Sphere]: four Points or Grids, as the centre of a sphere Activate the function and On COG select with the left mouse Edges button CONS, curves, Points element edges, hot points, 3d Circle points or circles. Sphere Confirm with middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions ANSA creates a 3D point at the calculated center location. The selected path of curves or edges does not have to be circular. ANSA will calculate the effective center of any shape.

! Note that activating the Feature Selection tool, enables faster selection.

Another useful option in the function POINTs>ON_COG>Edges is the Holes AutoSelection window, which appears when the function is activated. It recognizes different diameters and puts a 3D point on the COG.

Activate the function POINTs>ON_COG>Edges and type in the Holes Auto-Selection window the desired diameter. Press select button and the function recognizes and selects, only the holes with a diameter equal or smaller than the one typed. Press middle mouse to confirm.

3D points, have been created, only on the COG of the selected holes.

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CAD Functions Info function Finally, the user can use the Points>Info function to inquire about a 3D Point. Info

Activate the function.

Select with left mouse button a 3D Point and the Point card opens. Also, ANSA reports its coordinates in the Text Window.

A name can be assigned in this Point. Activating the Names flag in the Presentation Parameters tab/window (activated by F11), allows the display of this name on the screen.

7.2.2. Creating Hot Points Hot Points are handled by the functions of the Hot Points Group. They can be created on 3D Curves or CONS in the same way. Their visibility is controlled by the NODEs flag. Insert function Activate the Hot Points> INSERT function and pick with the left mouse button a position on a CONS. Insert

A Hot Point is inserted at that position and the CONS is split in two. You can delete a Hot Point by selecting it with the right mouse button while still in the INSERT function. ! Note: select to keep the existing mesh while deleting a hot point, by activating the “keep mesh” option, in the options window.

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CAD Functions Project function Activate the Hot Points> Project function and select with the left mouse button a point position (Hot Point, 3D Point, node etc.). Project

Next select a CONS or a CURVE.

A projection is made and a new Hot Point is created on the selected CONS, which is split in two. You can delete a Hot Point by selecting it with the right mouse button while still in the Project function. ! Note: select to keep the existing mesh while deleting a hot point, by activating the “keep mesh” option, in the options window. Parametrical function Activate the Parametrical function and select with the left mouse button CONSs from near one of their two ends. Parametrical

An arrow appears for each selection, indicating the start and direction and the INPUT window opens. The user can now input a parametric length value from 0 to 1 or a tilde (~) followed by the absolute distance, of a Hot Point to be inserted. In the case that the value 0.5 is typed, a Hot point is inserted in the middle of the selected entities. While still in the function the user can insert another Hot Point in the same distance (either absolute or parametric), by selecting a CONS or Curve with the right mouse button. Mult.Project function Activate the Hot Points> Mult.Project function and select with the left mouse button one or more point positions (Hot Point, 3D Point, node etc.). Mult.Project

Confirm with middle mouse button

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CAD Functions Next select a CONS and press middle mouse button again.

The selected positions are projected and Hot Points are inserted at the selected location. The new Hot Points remain highlighted and selected so that the user can pick another CONS and repeat the projection.

Alternatively press the middle mouse button to select different point positions to continue with this function. Intersect function

Using the Intersect function, Hot Points can be inserted at locations where two curves (or a Curve and a Face, or a curve and a Working Plane) intersect.

Activate the Hot Points> Intersect function and select, with the left mouse button, two curves. Intersect

Hot Points are inserted at their intersection. In this example Hot Points have been inserted at the location of closest distance of the two curves. To get the intersection of a Curve and a Face, the user must select the Face from its Cross hatch.

See also the Curves>Clear function for multiple

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CAD Functions intersections (refer to section 7.3.5.). When the Hot Points> Intersect is applied between intersecting CONS, activating the “Paste Hot Points” parameter from the Options List window, will result in a common Hot Point between the Faces of the intersecting CONS.

See also the Hot Points> Find Inters. function for multiple intersections (refer to section In case the two curves have to be extended to intersect, Extend option of the function Intersect should be used.

Activate the Hot Points>Intersect function and activate the Extend flag in the Options window that appears. Select with left mouse the first curve and continue with the selection of the second curve in the same way

A 3D point is inserted in the position that the two curves intersect if they are extended.

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CAD Functions Find Inters. Function Use the Hot Points>Find Intersect function, for simultaneous recognition of multiple intersections between CONS and insertion of Hot Points. Find Inters.

By activating the function, a tolerance of the distance between the CONS that will be affected can be defined, then select massively the CONS

to be checked according to the tolerance, and the intersecting CONS couples, are previewed with different colors. The user can deselect any of them and by confirming the highlighted preview, Hot Points are created and pasted between each pair of intersecting CONS. Weld Spot Function Weld Spot Using the Weld Spot function, 3d points can be inserted at user selected locations if the Produce 3d point option in the Options window, is active.

Select a Face from its cross hatch. Pick with left mouse button positions on the selected face. 3D points are created on it. Delete function Activate the Hot Points> Delete function and select with the left mouse button one or more Hot Points on CONS to delete them. Delete

To delete Hot Points from 3D Curves use the Curves>Connect function (refer to section 7.3.7.).

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CAD Functions 7.2.3. Creating Weld Spots

Weld Spots can be created on Faces. Their visibility is controlled by the SPOTs flag. Activate the Hot Points> Weld Spot Weld Spot function and select a Face from its cross hatch. The Face becomes highlighted.

Pick with the left mouse button positions on the selected Face. Press middle mouse button at the end.

Weld Spots are created on the Faces

Weld Spots can also be created on Faces, as projections of selected point positions (provided these projections can be realized). Activate the Hot Points> Project function and select a point position. Next select a Face from its cross hatch. Project

A projection is made and a Weld Spot is created at that location.

The Hot Points>Mark/Unmark function can be used to create or to remove Weld Spots or Connecting Spots. Activate the function and select with left mouse button points, hot points or nodes to create WELD SPOTS. Pick with right mouse button already existing WELD SPOTs to remove them. Mark/Unmark

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CAD Functions 7.3. Curves Curves are defined and managed using the functions of the Curves group. Their visibility is controlled by the Curves flag. 7.3.1. New function While the WRK. PLN flag is inactive, activate the Pick Curves>New>Pick function. Without activating any flag in the New curve window that pops up, select positions (Points, Hot Points, etc) in 3D space, using the left mouse-button. De-select any selected position, using the right mouse-button. During selection a preview of the created Curve is provided. New

While in the function the user can select a Face from its crosshatch (the Face becomes highlighted) so that he/she can pick positions on the Face for the creation of the Curve.

Pressing middle mouse button, exits from the Face position selection mode.

The user can proceed with the selection of more point positions. Finally, the middle mouse-button declares the end of the selections.

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CAD Functions The resulting curve is a smooth 3D Curve passing from all selected positions.

Additionally, the user has the ability to manage the tangency conditions of a curve to be created, using the New curve window, that pops up when activating the function. The entities that can be selected for defining a curve, using the New curve tool, are CONS, curves, element edges and line FE elements.

In the New curve window, activate the Tangent at start flag and select with left mouse button a CONS. Its tangency will be imposed on the starting point of the new curve. Then continue with the selection of the points to complete the creation of the new curve. To end the definition and create the curve, press middle mouse button. Continuing with the management of tangency conditions, instead of selecting the last point of the curve, activate in the New curve window the flag Tangent at end, and select with left mouse button a cons. Its tangency will be imposed on the ending point of the curve. To end the definition and create the curve, press middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions Additionally, the application of common tangency is available. In the New curve window, activate the Tangent at start flag and select a cons. Continue selecting the points to create the curve.

After the final selection, activate the flag Common Tangent. The tangency of the starting point of the curve, will be imposed also on the ending point and the curve will close. To end the definition and create the curve, press middle mouse button. Another useful tool is the detachment of the tangents. Activate Tangent at start flag and select a cons. Continue selecting the points of the curve. Activate the Tangent at end flag and pick the last cons. If after the selections, the flag Detach tangents is activated, the starting and ending points from the selections are removed but their tangency conditions are kept to the new ones. To end the definition and create the curve, press middle mouse button. The created curve will be like the one in the image on the left.

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CAD Functions Additionally the user has the ability of merging curves in positions were the tangency conditions are the same.

With the flag Tangency at start activated, pick the first curve. Next, activate the flag Tangency at end and pick a second curve. Activate then Merge curves flag and type in the respective field, the minimum angle between the curves to be connected. Press middle mouse button in the working area to create the curve. A single curve has been created, like the one depicted in the image on the left.

! Note: At least one of the two flags Tangent at start or Tangent at end must be activated in the selections, in order to be able to merge curves. This happens because the curves must have the same tangency conditions at the merging positions.

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CAD Functions Activating the Curves>New>Box function, the user has the ability Box to create curves by selecting with box selection Hot Points, Grids or 3d Points. Activate the function and in the New curve window that appears, activate the Exact flag. Select the positions through which the created curve will pass. New

If simultaneously, the Single flag in the New curve window is activated, pressing middle mouse button, a single curve is going to be created, passing through all the selected Hot Points, Grids or 3D Points.

Alternatively, if the Multi flag is simultaneously activated, type in the respective field the minimum distance between the groups of the points. Pressing middle mouse button, several curves are going to be created, having a distance from each other equal with the one typed. Additionally, the Curves>New>Box function, can create curves, having as input a cloud of Hot Points, Grids or 3D Points. Activate the function and select with box selection the cloud of Hot Points Grids or 3D Points.

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CAD Functions In the New curve window activate the flag Through cloud and in the respective field type the mean value of the cloud width. If the flag Single is activated, a Single curve is going to be created passing through the cloud of the selected positions. To end the definition and create the curve, press middle mouse button.

Alternatively, if the flag Multi is activated, type in the respective field, the minimum distance between the groups of positions (3D Points, Hot Points, Grids). Pressing middle mouse button, several curves are going to be created, having a distance from each other, equal to the one typed. Active W.P.

While the Working Plane flag is active, the Curves> New function defines 2D Curves lying on the currently Active Working Plane. The Curve is defined by indicating positions on the W.P. (left mousebutton) or by picking existing positions (Points, Hot Points, etc) using the right mouse-button. The middle mouse-button, declares the end of the selection and the creation of the curve. New

Remember that when a position is picked using the right mouse-button, the real position used is the projection of the picked position on the W.P. When the WRK. PLN flag is active at the moment of the termination of selections (middle mouse-button) the resulting curve is a 2D Curve on the Active Working Plane. The same applies to the Connect and Extend functions of the Curves group.

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CAD Functions 7.3.2. Project function The function TOPO>Curves>Project defines new 3D Curves/CONS or Faces as projections of a number of selected 3D Curves, CONs or FE element edges. Project

Produce Curves Activate the Curves> Project function. Select option Produce Curves in the Curves Project Parameters window and select edges (3D Curves, CONS, or FE element edges). Take advantage of the Feature Selection window options to facilitate your selections. Confirm with the middle-mouse button. New 3D Curves are created from the selections projection on the active working plane. ! Note that one curve is created for every element edge. Connect the curves using the function Curves>Connect (refer to section 7.3.7).

The options that appear in the options list window, are explained below

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CAD Functions Produce Cons Activate the function and select the option Produce Cons. Result of this option is a face. Select with left mouse button, the entities to be projected.

- if the selected entities to project perform a closed loop, the new face(s) has the same boundaries .

- if the selected entities don't perform a closed loop,

function creates a bigger planar face, and entities are projected on it.

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CAD Functions Perform topology the Perform Topology flag button, becomes available when the user selects to Produce Cons. Activate the Perform Topology option and select the entities to be projected

If the CONs of the new face, fall within the tolerance values (refer to section 3.4.1) topology will be automatically performed. ! Note that topology is performed ONLY between Faces. FE model elements are not taken into account. However user can continue with topology between FE and Geometry, using the function GRIDs>PASTE>AUTO (refer to section 14.2.1)

Split Original Curves/Cons In some cases the selected entities intersect each other but due to their position, no intersection hot point appears. A the resulting face, the intersection points will always be created no matter if the flag button is active or not, due to topological reasons. In order to continue and create the faces between the new and the original face, function creates the intersection hot points on the first selected entites (named as originl at the window) Activate the function and select the entities to be projected. At the end, function creates the faces by the projected entities, performs topology between the selected entities and inserts 2 hot points as intersection points at the 2 firstly selected Cons as shown in the picture below

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CAD Functions The option “Put in new Part, will assign the entities in a Part named “Projection on WORKING Plane”. ! Note : the option Perform Topology has to be active simultaneously with the Split Original Curves/CONS. On the contrary, Split Original Curves/CONS can be active by itself. Both options however, become available only of the Produce CONS option is active.

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CAD Functions 7.3.3. Transform function This function defines new 3D Transform Curves as transformation of a number of selected consecutive 3D Curves, CONS or Cross Section segments. The transformations are simultaneous translation, rotation and scaling. Activate Curves> TRANSF. function, select entities (3D Curves, CONS, C.S. segments) and finish selection with the middle mouse–button. An arrow appears which indicates the start and direction of the selected chain. Select two positions, which indicate the corresponding start and the end of the new 3D Curve. Automatically the curve has been transformed to the new selected positions. 2

1 7.3.4. Cons2Curves function New 3D Curves can be defined from existing CONS. Use the Curves> Cons2Curves function, select the CONS and confirm with the middle mousebutton. Cons2Curves

Deactivate the Faces visibility flag to view the created 3D Curves. ! Note that if the flag in the Corner Angle window is activated, then selection of CONS is performed with the aid of the Corner Angle selection tool (refer to section The CONS2CV function can also be used to make Curves from FE-model or Cross Sections.

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CAD Functions 7.3.5. Clear function In some cases there may be identical Curves, multiply defined and overlaid. In other cases, some Curves may intersect, but without a Hot Point at the intersection location. This may cause problems during their selection for Surface generation. To avoid such problems the function Curves>Clear can be used to remove all duplicate Curves.

Activate the Curves>Clear function and select the Curves with left mouse button box selection. Confirm with middle mouse button. Clear

All duplicate Curves are deleted, Hot Points are inserted at the intersection locations, and a clean wire frame geometry description is left. ! Note that the Clear (Curves) function depends on the current Tolerance settings. Increasing the tolerances to draft (or more) will lead to the identification of more intersection locations, and the removal of more duplicate Curves. See also the Connect function in section 7.3.7.

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CAD Functions 7.3.6. Tangent function The Curves>TANGENT [Curve] function creates a straight Curve as the tangential extension of a selected Curve or CONS. Tangent Curve

Activate the function and select with left mouse button a Curve or a CONS from the end you want to extend.

Having selected the CONS, a preview of the Curve to be created is given. Sliding the mouse cursor, alters the length of the generated Curve. Left click at the end position of the Curve. Alternatively activate the Numerical Inp. flag, type in the required length for the curve and press left mouse button in the working area, to create the Curve.

The Curves> TANGENT [Point To Curve] function Point To Curve creates a straight Curve from a point position to a Curve or CONS. Select the point position first and then the Curve or CONS. Tangent

A straight Curve is created, tangent to the selected CONS.

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CAD Functions 7.3.7. Connect function This function defines a smooth 3D Curve as a connection of two existing 3D Curves or CONS. The connecting 3D Curve may pass through a number of selected positions (3D Points, Hot Points, etc.). Activate Curves> Connect Connect [Single] function and select the Single starting curve near its end. Select any intermediate point positions (if required) with the left mouse-button and confirm the selection with middle mouse-button. Then select a second curve with the left mousebutton, pointing close to the edge where the connection will take place. A smooth 3D Curve is created, tangent to the selected curves. If the Wrk. Plane flag is active the resulting 3D Curve is a planar curve on the active Working Plane that is actually the projection of the real connecting curve. ! Note that the same functionality can be achieved through Curves>New>Pick (refer to section 7.3.1). The utility of the function Curves>Connect>Single continues with the creation of a single curve, after the merging of two curves being at a distance.

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CAD Functions Activate the function Curves>Connect>Single and activate the flag Merge curves in the Connect single window that appears. Type in the Corner angle field the minimum angle between the curves that are going to be connected. Select with left mouse button the first curve and confirm with middle mouse button. Select with left mouse button, the second curve.

The result is one single curve like the one depicted in the image on the left. ! Note that the curve preserves the tangency conditions, to the positions where the Hot Points of the initial curves were. ! Note that in case the curves to be connected are named, the name is preserved in the resulting curves.

Another capability of the Connect [Single] is to remove Hot Points from Curves and connect them as one. Activate the function and activate the Merge curves flag. Select a Curve near the end, where the Hot Point to be deleted exists. An arrow appears to indicate the direction of the selection. Confirm with middle mouse button. Next select the adjacent consecutive Curve near the end to be connected.

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CAD Functions The two Curves are connected into a single one.

Connect Multi

The same thing can be achieved with the Connect [Multi] option. Select the two Curves one after the other and then press middle

mouse button.

Finally the Connect [Multi] option can connect multiple Curves in one step, as shown in this example. ! Note that Curves, are identified automatically for connection, provided that the Corner Angle and Nodes Matching distance are below the user specified limits. Activate the function. The Connect Connect Curves window opens. Multi

corner angle

matching distance

Corner Angle: The angle formed at the location of connection. Node Matching Distance: The distance (gap) between the two Curves at the connection location.

Having specified the above parameters, select one by one or with box selection the Curves to be connected. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions The Curves are connected and Hot Points are left only at sharp corners. ! Note that some Hot Points that were deleted at Curve intersection locations can be retrieved using function Curves>Clear (refer to section 7.3.5). ! Note that in case the curves to be connected are named, the name of the resulting curve is kept randomly. 7.3.8. Normal function Using function Normal (Curves), a straight line normal to a Face, an FE-shell element or a Working Plane can be defined. Select a single Face from its crosshatch, or an FE-shell element and pick with the left mouse-button a position on it, or a Hot Point on its perimeter, to define the starting point of the line. Alternatively, snap to a point (Hot Point, Grid or 3D Point), by right mouse clicking near it. The Normal Value window appears. If you activate the Numerical Inp. check box, you can type in the length of the straight line to be created. Click the left mouse button to create the Curve. Alternatively, you can leave this flag deactivated, drag the cursor and left click at a new position, which will be the end of the line. Normal

! Note that if a Weld Spot on a Face is selected, this position is directly defined as the start point of the normal Curve on the Face, without the need of selecting the Face. Another pick with the left mouse-button defines line's length.

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CAD Functions 7.3.9. Middle function The function Curves>Middle (located by default in the buffer window) defines new 3D Curves which lie between two selected sets of Curves or CONS. Activate the function and select with the left mouse button sequentially one by one the first set of Curves or CONS. Middle

Confirm with middle mouse button. Select the second set of Curves or CONS and confirm with middle mouse button.

A string of Curves is created, lying in the middle of the two selected sets.

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CAD Functions 7.3.10. Surf Int function The Curves> Surf Int (Surface Intersection) function generates a 3D Curve along the intersection of two selected Surfaces. The selection of the Surfaces is made through the selection of the Faces that are defined on them. Activate the Surf Int function. In the case that the two picked Surfaces are not intersecting, the extend options may be used in the Extend Values window that appears. (! Note that the Surfaces definition is kept intact regardless the options used in the Extend Values window). In this window, activate one or both flags and input the necessary Extend Values, if necessary. Select with the left mouse button the two Faces (Surfaces). A 3D Curve is created along the intersection of the two Surfaces Surf Int

If the two Faces (and not just their Surfaces or the extensions of their Surfaces) are actually intersecting, then the “Project & Topo” option can be activated.

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CAD Functions A 3D Curve will be created along the intersection of the two selected Surfaces, it will be projected on the respective Faces and topology will be applied to paste their CONS together, hence the cyan CONS in this example.

Please see also the function Faces>Intersect (refer to section 8.25) for more complicated intersections creation.

7.3.11. Circle function The Curves>Circle function can be used to create circles on Working Planes. If the WORK Plane flag is active, then the circle is drawn on the Active Working Plane. If the flag is not active, then a Temporary Working Plane must be defined prior to the circle creation, using one of the methods described in section 7.1.2. A circle is always drawn in two segments. As a circle is created, or read in from a CAD file, its center is also identified as a special position (Center) and marked as a small cyan circle. Its visibility is controlled by the Centers icon.

There are five options to create a circle, as demonstrated below: Circle Center-Radius

This option allows the definition of a circle by its center and its radius. The circle's center may be defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with the left mouse-button) or at an existing point position (picked with the right mouse-button). The radius may be defined by dragging the mouse and fixing the position with the left mouse-button. Alternatively the radius may be input numerically in the Circle window that appears, if the Numerical Inp. flag is activated. The access to this flag is provided as soon as the circle's center has been determined.

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CAD Functions This option defines a circle by three positions (Points, Hot Points, etc.). These 3 Points positions may be defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with the left mouse-button) or from existing point positions (picked with the right mouse-button). Remember that when an existing point position is picked, the projection of it on the W.P. is used. Circle

This option defines a circle by a position from its perimeter and its diameter. The Diameter position may be defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with the left mouse-button) or an existing point position can be selected (with the right mouse-button). The diameter may be defined by dragging the mouse and fixing a position with the left mouse-button, or using an existing one with the right button. Circle

This option defines an arc between two 3D Tangents To Curves Curves or CONS. Select two Curves or CONS near to their endpoints (i.e. endpoints P1 on the first curve and P2 on the second). A plane (i.e. plane PL) is now defined by P1 and the tangential directions passing from P1 and P2. The created arc lies on the plane PL passing tangentially from P1 up to the point that runs parallel to the tangent at P2. Circle



This option creates concentric circles from existing ones. Concentric Activate the function and select with the left mouse button one Curve of a circle. Circle

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CAD Functions The Input window appears. Type-in the offset distance value and press enter. The new concentric half circle is created.

While still in the function with right mouse button you can select more half circles and create new ones with the same offset value.

7.3.12. Ellipse function The Curves>Ellipse function can be used to create ellipses or sections of them on Working Planes. If the WORK Plane flag is active, then the ellipse is drawn on the Active Working Plane. If the flag is not active, then a Temporary Working Plane must be initially defined, using one of the methods described in section 7.1.2. The function allows the definition Ellipse Y axis of an ellipse or section of it by its center and its two radii. The ellipse‟s center may be defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with the left mouse-button) or Start at an existing point position (picked with the right angle X axis mouse-button). Reselect a new position and the center relocates instantly each time. End angle Once the center position is selected a preview of the ellipse is visible according to the current settings in the Ellipse window.

Change the ellipse characteristics by typing the values in the respective fields and pressing Enter to update the ellipse preview. The X and Y axes are defined by the active Working Plane. Press middle mouse button or OK to confirm the current preview and create the ellipse. The Start and End angle parameters, cannot accept values “360” and ”0” respectively as also negative values or greater than 360.

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CAD Functions 7.3.13. Epicycloid function The Curves>Epicycloid function can be used to create epicycloids or sections of them on Working Planes. If the WORK Plane flag is active, then the epicycloid is drawn on the Active Working Plane. If the flag is not active, then a Temporary Working Plane must be initially defined, using one of the methods described in section 7.1.2. Epicycloid The function allows the definition Y axis of an epicycloid or section of it by its fixed circle‟s center and the two radii of the radius Start fixed circle and the epicycle. angle The epicycloid‟s center may be defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with the left X axis mouse-button) or at an existing point position (picked with the right mouse-button). Reselect a new position and the center relocates instantly Basic each time. radius Once the center position is selected a preview of End the epicycloid is visible according to the current angle settings in the Epicycloid window. Change the epicycloid characteristics by typing the values in the respective fields and pressing Enter to update the epicycloid preview. The X and Y axes are defined by the active Working Plane. Press middle mouse button or OK to confirm the current preview and create the epicycloid. The End angle parameter, cannot accept values ”0” or smaller than the Start angle as also negative values.

7.3.14. Involute function The Curves> Involute function can be used to create involutes of circles on Working Planes. If the WORK Plane flag is active, then the involute is drawn on the Active Working Plane. If the flag is not active, then a Temporary Working Plane must be initially defined, using one of the methods described in section 7.1.2. Involute The function allows the definition of an involute of circle by its center and its radius. The ellipse‟s center may be Start defined anywhere on the Working Plane (with angle the left mouse-button) or at an existing point position (picked with the right mouse-button). End Reselect a new position and the center relocates angle instantly each time. Once the center position is selected a preview of Radius the ellipse is visible according to the current settings in the Involute window.

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CAD Functions Change the involute characteristics by typing the values in the respective fields and pressing Enter to update the involute preview. Press middle mouse button or OK to confirm the current preview and create the ellipse. The End angle parameters, cannot accept value “0” as also negative values and Start angle cannot be smaller than the End angle.

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CAD Functions 7.3.15. Center function Center

The Curves>Center is a function that creates the center of specific geometries as a Center Point or a 3d Curve, depending on the selected geometry type. CONS (Curves On Surface) Select with left mouse button a closed chain of CONS. If needed, take advantage of the feature line and the loop selection methods to facilitate the selections. and a corresponding Center Point is created at the geometrical center. Confirm with middle mouse button and a corresponding Center Point is created at the geometrical center of the selected CONSs. ! Note : center points are visible, only if the respective flag button is active (refer to section 3.1) FACE In case where the FACE option is selected, the face must lay on a surface that describes Revolution, Cylinder, Cone, Torus or sphere geometry. In any other case (planar, fillet etc), function will not work and a respective message will appear in the status bar area. If a spherical face is selected, result will be a Center Point in the geometrical center while in any other case, result will be a CURVE in the same position. Activate the function and pick a face from its crosshatch. A 3d Curve that passes from the geometrical center of the underlying surface is automatically created. ! Note : curves are visible, only if the respective flag button is active (refer to section 3.1)

CURVES In case where the CURVES option is selected, the curve that is going to be selected must be an ellipse. Activate the function and pick a curve. A Center Point in the geometrical center of the selected curve is automatically created. ! Note : center points are visible, only if the respective flag button is active (refer to section 3.1)

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CAD Functions 7.3.16. Imprint function The Curves>Imprint performs a projection of selected CONS, 3DCurves. shell/solid edges or Line elements (CBAR, CBEAM etc) on Faces, and creates curves as imprints of the selected entities. The function has three options, that appear in the options list window, according to the definition of the projection vector. Imprint

[Normal]: Curve is projected normally to the Face (most commonly used option) [SCREEN]: Curve is projected along a direction vector normal to the screen plane (viewdependant) [USER]: User specified projection direction vector. Activate the function and with left mouse button pick the entities you want to imprint one by one, by box selection or using one of the feature selection methods. Confirm selection with middle mouse button. Next select the Face(s) on which the curves will be projected.

Curves are imprinted on the selected face(s).

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CAD Functions 7.3.17 Modify function The Curves>Modify function offers the capability of modifying existing 3D Curves or creating from CONS and modifying 3D Curves, by defining Control Points on them. Curves are modified by moving the Control Points as also changing the properties of the Tangent vectors of the 3D Curves at the position of the Control Point. When activating Curves>Modify function, the Curves Modify window appears, containing all the tools needed. All the modifications that can be applied, according to the following instructions, are illustrated as a preview. Only when the OK button is pressed in the Curves Modify window, these modifications will take effect on the Curves and a new modification session can start again. Modify

!So, by “session” we will refer to either of the following periods: - between the activation of the Curves Modify window and the realization of the modifications, by pressing OK button - after pressing OK button and until the next realization by pressing OK button. Control Points Activate the curves (3D Curves, CONS) that are going to be modified, by selecting them with Left Mouse button. The activated curves are highlighted with green color and Anchor Points are defined on their end points. Deselect with right mouse button. ! Only activated curves can be affected by the curve modification tools of the Curves Modify window.

Anchor Points

The modifications are applied through the manipulation of Control and Anchor Points. Add/Rm

So in order to add Control Points to the activated curves, press the Add/Rm button from the Control Points group of the Curves Modify window. Now, add Control Points, by selecting their position on the curves with left mouse button. To remove Control Points, select them with right mouse button.

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CAD Functions Additionally, Control Points can be created by projecting Hot Points or 3D Points on the curves. Select the points to be projected with left mouse button. The points are highlighted. Deselect with right mouse button. Confirm the selection with middle mouse button. Select with left mouse button the curve, on which, the points will be projected. Confirm with middle mouse button. Control Points are created, where a perpendicular projection could be defined on the curve. ! If more than one curves have been selected, the projection occurs to the one closer to the projecting points. ! Press Esc to exit the projection procedure, at any time. To exit the Add/Rm button procedure press middle mouse button or Esc. Another way to add Control Points is by defining a number of Control Points that will be evenly distributed along the curve. Press Insert to activate this functionality. Insert

Select with left mouse button the curves to define their number of Control Points. ! Any existing Control Points on the selected curves will be deleted during the procedure. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions An INPUT window opens for defining the number of Control Points to add to each selected curve. Type the desired number and press Enter.

The Control Points are added, evenly distributed, on each curve. Continue by repeating the procedure or exit the Insert procedure with middle mouse button or Esc.

When the Control Points are created, they are frozen, as stated by their cyan colored symbol. This means that their position is not affected by the movement of other Control Points on the curve. To change the Frozen state of Control Points press Freeze button to activate the function. Freeze

Freeze Control Points by selecting them with left mouse button. Unfreeze them with right mouse button. ! Unfrozen Control Points are colored red. Exit Freeze function with middle mouse button or Esc. Move

In order to move the Anchor and Control Points, activate the Move

button. Select with left mouse button the Anchor/ Control Points to move. Deselect with right mouse button. Confirm selection with middle mouse button. A local coordinate system appears on the Control Point, closer to the mouse cursor, when

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CAD Functions middle mouse button was pressed. Transformations For movement along a specific axis, select an axis with left mouse button.

The axis is highlighted and by moving mouse, the selected points are moving along the axis direction. Confirm the new position with left mouse button or select the position of an existing point with right mouse button. Otherwise, cancel with Esc.

For an unrestricted translation in all three axes, select instead, the axis origin.

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CAD Functions The points are moving in three dimensions following the mouse cursor movement. Confirm the new position with left mouse button or select the position of an existing point with right mouse button. Otherwise, cancel with Esc.

Instead of defining the new position with the mouse, the Transformations window can be used. The window appears after an axis or the origin, has been selected. To define a specific destination, select each field with left mouse button and type the desired movement distance for each axis. Without moving mouse cursor outside the Transformations window, press Enter to confirm. The movement completes according to the defined coordinates. Rotations For rotations around specific axis, select the colored corner area of the coordinate system corresponding to the desired rotation axis color.

Move the mouse cursor to the desired location and press left mouse button to define the final position. Alternatively cancel with Esc. The angle can also be defined inside the Transformations window by typing the exact angle value in degrees(see earlier reference for the numerical input in Transformation window).

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CAD Functions Moving Coordinate system The position and orientation of the coordinate system can be altered according to user's needs. Activate the “Adjust” check box inside the Transformations window. The Coordinate system turns gray.

! Now all the aforementioned Translation and Rotation procedures apply to the Coordinate system only. The Control points remain intact.

Once the repositioning is complete, deactivate “Align” check box, to continue with the transformation of the selected entities.

Keep transformations and exit Move tool Once the Coordinate system appears, it remains visible throughout all transformations. To keep all the modifications and exit the Move tool, press middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions In order to return Anchor/ Control Points to their initial position when the ongoing Modify session started, use the Origin tool. Origin

Press Origin button to activate it. Select Anchor/ Control Points with left mouse button. Deselect with right mouse button.

The selected Points return to their initial position.

! Origin can be applied only to Anchor Points and frozen Control Points. To return unfrozen Control Points to their initial position, they must first be frozen and then apply Origin on them. Tangents Besides the manipulation of the Control and Anchor Points, the tangency characteristics of the curves at the Control Points position can be modified. The tangency characteristics (direction and curvature) are visualized through vectors (Tangents). Activate Tangents check box, in Curves Modify window, to make Tangents visible. Tangents exist only on frozen Points. The Tools for manipulating Tangents exist in the Tangents group in Curves Modify window. The scale of the Tangents can be changed by the slider on the left of “Tangents” check box.

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CAD Functions To change the direction of Tangents activate Rotate tool with left mouse button. Rotate

Select with left mouse button the Tangents to change their direction. Deselect with right mouse button. Press middle mouse button on a selected Tangent to confirm and define the location of the local Coordinate system.

Rotate the coordinate system around a selected axis (see “Rotations” in the Move tool section of the previous “Control Points” chapter). All the selected Tangents rotate with the same defined angle on the same plane, but each one around their respective Control Point.

To change the magnitude of the Tangent, (which affects the curvature in the specific point) activate Resize button with left mouse button. Rotate

Select with left mouse button one or more Tangents to change their magnitude. Confirm by pressing middle mouse button on one of the selected Tangents. This Tangent will be the one, that its length modification will be applied to all other selected Tangents.

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CAD Functions Drag the mouse along the Tangent to alter its length and press left mouse button to set the new length. Continue with another selection or exit with middle mouse button or Esc.


The Tangents are initially Frozen as defined by their cyan color. This means that the curve in that point has tangency continuity. By unfreezing the tangent, this continuity is lost. To Freeze or Unfreeze Tangents activate Freeze tool with left mouse button. Select Tangents with left mouse button to freeze them and with right mouse button to Unfreeze them. Exit Freeze tool with middle mouse button or Esc. ! Unfrozen Tangents that are Resized or Rotated become Frozen. To cancel all modifications of Freeze Tangents, activate Origin from Tangent tool group.



Select with left mouse button the desired Tangents. Confirn with middle mouse button or cancel with Esc.

The Tangents return to their initial condition as in the beginning of the session.

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CAD Functions Modifications on Working Planes At any time during a session, if the Working Planes become visible, (refer to section 7.1) the active curves (green color) are projected to the active plane. Now all the modifications take place on the active plane. If the Working Planes become hidden again, the curves return to their real position, otherwide the curves will be created on that Plane. Wrk Pln ON

Wrk Pln OFF

The Snap option can also be activated in Options List window. (refer to chapter 7.1.2) Flexibility and Torsion modification Tools There are also two tools that alter the responsiveness of the curves to the modifications. The Flexibility tool affects the “stiffness of the curve or how yielding is to the modifications. The more to the right the slider is, the more “stiff” is the curve.

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CAD Functions The Torsion tool gives to the curves torsional stiffness. This affects mostly modifications that “twist” the curves. Confirming the modifications and concluding the session Once all the modifications have been completed, press OK button in the Curves Modify window. The current modification session ends and the green curves become actual 3D Curves. If “Replace Original Curve” check box is active, then the original 3D curves are deleted (that does not apply to CONS). 7.3.18. Deleting and Undeleting Curves Delete Undelete

With the Curves>Delete function you can select Curves with the left mouse button (end selection with middle) and delete them after confirmation. With the UNDelete function you can retrieve previously deleted Curves by selecting them among the previewed.

7.3.19. Tubes2Curves function This function generates curves on the centerline of tubes.

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CAD Functions 7.4. Creating Surfaces and Faces This section describes the most commonly used functions for surface creation. Keep in mind that when a Surface is generated, automatically a Face is created, too. Perimeter Path Selection Tool Function Faces>New can be used to create a Face by selecting existing CONS of other Faces as boundaries. To facilitate the sequential selection of these CONS, the Feature Line and Loop selection tools are available and appear in the relative window. If these flags are not activated then the user must select the CONS one by one or by box selection. If the user selects the boundaries by box selection, option “Respect user selection” at the options window, should be inactive. This way ANSA internally decides the order of the selected CONs and gives the best result. ! Note : in any case, the user can take advantage of massive deselection either by box or with any of the feature selection options active. ! Note : the Respect user selection option is available to all options of the Faces>New function and is now stored in the ANSA.defaults file as New_FACE_RESPECT_USER_SELECTION (refer also to ch. Especially for the COONS function and once the user confirms the selection, a preview of the surface is provided. The corners of the surface are marked on the screen with green circles.

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CAD Functions In case of wrongly selected corner positions, user can deselect them with right mouse button,

pick a new with left mouse button and then proceed. This way, canceling the function and reselecting CONS/Curves, etc, is avoided.

7.4.1. New function The TOPO>Faces>New function, is used to define a new Face and therefore a new Surface, selecting the COONS, PLANAR or the FitTED options. For the EXISTING SURF option (refer to section 8.12). The TOPO> Faces>New> New COONS function, is ideal for COONS defining Surfaces whose surrounding boundaries are already defined, as CONS, 3D Curves or even sides of elements. Such a Surface may be defined by selecting two to four boundaries of the missing area. The result may be one or more Surfaces. Keep in mind that the start of the first selected boundary segment must be a corner of the START OF CHAIN = FIRST CORNER resulting Surfaces. The selection of the boundary segments must be sequential and the recognition of the rest of the Surface corners is automatic. If a segment is missing from the selected boundary, a smooth segment automatically substitutes it. Confirm selection with the middle mouse button.

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CAD Functions The Surface is previewed and the Accept Surface window appears. Upon confirmation a new Face which is topologically connected to the neighboring Faces, is created. An interesting feature of this function are the alternative (Alt.) Surface definitions that are provided if not closed sides are selected, assuming that the rest of the sides (at least three) can define such a surface.

Switch between the two alternative solutions using the Alt. button. The first alternative definition has a linear fourth side. The second alternative definition is a Surface with a fourth side having the same morphology as its opposite one. The PLANAR option creates a new planar Face. Select sequentially with the left mouse button the CONS that will form the boundaries of the new Face. If the Loop-path flag is activated, and the user selects a red CONS, ANSA searches for a string of consecutive red CONS. If this path is unique it is automatically selected and highlighted.

Press middle mouse button to confirm selection. A preview of the surface appears and the Accept surface window appears. Upon confirmation a new Face which is topologically connected to the neighboring Faces, is created.

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CAD Functions The FitTED option is used for the definition of a nonplanar Face. The created Face fits to the selected boundaries.

FitTED option is particularly useful in cases where openings of triangular shape must be closed. Although the generated Face is triangular, the underlying Surface is not.

! Note that the new Face‟s boundary CONS are automatically pasted to the neighboring CONS.

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CAD Functions 7.4.2. Sweep, Glide and Extrude functions A ruled Surface can be defined using the Sweep and Sweep Glide functions. There is a fundamental difference between these two definition types. Using the Sweep function the Generatrix travels along the Directrix while maintaining the angle to the curvature of Directrix. Extrude





Using the Glide function, the Generatrix travels along the Directrix by simply translating parallel to its position.



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In both functions the selections begin at the start of Generatrix and finish at the end of Directrix. The two chains of curves (CONS, 3D Curves or sides of shell elements) may be consecutive or may lie apart. At the end of the first chain selection, press the middle mouse-button to declare the end of the first chain. Afterwards the same is repeated at the end of the second chain.


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CAD Functions If the selections are made all at once, the middle mouse-button may be pressed twice at the end of all selections. The Break Point that stands at the corner between the two chains is automatically detected. END OF SECOND CHAIN (DIRECTRIX) AUTOMATIC BREAK POINT RECOGNITION

Once middle mouse button is pressed, the options in Sweep or Glide window become available. Direction of the chains, can be reversed by pressing the Reverse buttons of st nd the 1 or 2 chain section.


Reversed direction of the 1 chain

Reversed direction of the 2

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CAD Functions The starting position/point of the new surface can be changed, if one of the selected chains (directrix or generatrix) forms a closed loop. In this case, option Change start becomes available.

Pressing Change start option, makes all the candidate nodes that lie on the selected chain red. The already starting position, remains white.

Pick with left mouse button the new starting point and confirm with middle. Press ok to accept the result.

In both Glide and Sweep functions the reference point can be changed by selecting a node from the screen. Pick the new position with left mouse button.

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CAD Functions The surface moves instantly in the new selected position.

Extrude Extrude

The Extrude function works in the same principle as the two mentioned above. It creates a middle surface out of an extruded profile. The selections are made in the same way but there is also the ability to perform a box selection on the extruded profile. The selection can include Faces, CONS, 3D Curves or sides of shell/solid elements.

After confirming the selection, the Directrix of the extrusion has to be selected. If the “Use vector selection” option is inactive, pick a Curve or a CONs as Directrix and confirm with middle mouse button.

Alternatively, user can specify a direction vector as Directrix by activating the option “Use vector selection” in the Extrude window. Pick 2 positions (hot points, 3d points, nodes...) from the screen and confirm with middle mouse button

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CAD Functions In any case, upon confirmation (middle mouse button), a preview of the Faces‟ Surfaces is provided. Accept the resulting faces.

Extrude works similarly to the Sweep function in principle. It sweeps the selected profile along the Directrix while maintaining the angle of curvature of the Directrix. When Faces are selected, result forms a closed volume or volumes by having the option whether to create the internal faces or not. The main difference between the Sweep and the Extrude function is that the second creates a new Surface, and hence a new face, for each curve of the selected profile. Topology is automatically applied on the created extrusion.

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CAD Functions 7.4.3. Revolute function GENERATRIX

Using the Revolute function a Surface and Face of Revolute revolution can be defined. Select Curves or CONS that constitute the Generatrix. Press middle mouse-button to declare the end of selection. Then specify the axis of revolution by selecting two positions (3D Points, Nodes, etc.) and confirm again with middle mouse button. The Surface Limits window appears. By default the user can modify the boundaries of the face, while the surfaces boundaries are constant as a result of a 360 degrees revolution Extrude

There are two ways to define the starting and terminate angles of the face. The first way is to declare them by using the left mouse-button. This interactive method is active when the Numerical Inp. flag is not activated. Select the side of the face to be moved using left mouse-button. Drag the side to the required position and lock it there using once more left mouse-button. ! Note that as the sides of the Surface are dragged, the values of the current starting and terminating angles are continually updated. Repeat the same for the other side if needed. A second way to declare the starting and terminating angles of the Surface is to activate the Numerical Inp. flag, and type the S and T values in the respective fields. Press Enter to accept. A preview of the face appears on the screen. ! Note : Activate the Extend in s and t directions flags so that the face exceed the already existing surface as shown in the left picture. Middle mouse or OK to confirm. As the resulted Face definition is accepted, the Faces are created. ! Note : the Untrim button reselects as faces boundaries, the surfaces ones. The status of the Always Break flag controls whether individual Faces, or continuous ones, are created for each generatrix Curve. Press the button in the right down corner of the Revolution Angle window to go one step back.

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CAD Functions Always Break

Always Break

7.4.4. Helical function Using the Extrude>Helical function, Surfaces and Helical Faces of helical pattern are created. Select the Extrude>Helical option. The Helical window appears. Select Curves or CONS that constitute the Generatrix of the Faces. Press middle mousebutton to declare the end of selection. Extrude

Activate the 2 Points option to define the axis of the helix, by picking points: The positive direction of the axis is from the first to the second selected point. Activate the Coordinate System option to define the axis by picking a coordinate system: The axis of the helix is the z-axis of the coordinate system. Once the axis is defined a preview of the Surfaces appears according to the current settings of the Helical window.

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CAD Functions Change the settings by typing inside the fields and pressing Enter, to update the preview and see the effect of the changes. !The fields accept mathematical expressions (eg. 1.5*360) Length: defines the length of the projection of helix on its axis. Start/ End radius ratio (r1/r2): defines the ratio between the radius of the starting (r1) and the ending (r2) point of the helix from the axis. angle: the total rotation angle of the helix anti-clockwise: activate the option to invert the revolution direction of the helix.

r1/r2 > 1

r1/r2 < 1

Confirm the preview result and create the Faces by pressing middle mouse button or OK button. Define the Part and the Property, the new Faces will belong to.

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CAD Functions 7.4.5. Plane function The Surfaces>Plane function can be used to define a planar Surface. In order to define a new planar Surface, an Active Working Plane has to be specified. This Working Plane may be defined by selecting an existing Working Plane or by defining a new Temporary Working plane, with one of the five available methods described in section 7.1.2. The plane Surface will lie on this Active Working Plane. Plane

In this example a Temporary Working plane is created by selecting three point positions. Temporary Working Plane

After the Temporary Working Plane is selected or defined, indicate a position on this plane where a corner of the Surface will lie. If this position already exists, pick it by the right mouse-button, and its projection to the Temporary Working Plane will be used.

Drag the mouse to the opposite corner and indicate (left mouse-button) or pick (right mousebutton) the position of this corner.

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CAD Functions As the position of the opposite corner is defined, the plane Surface is completely defined.

7.4.6. Fit function The function Surfaces>Fit can be used to create a new Face by modifying (re-shaping) an existing one so that it fits selected edges or point entities. Edges refer to Curves, CONS or even shell element edges, whereas point entities can be 3D Points, Hot Points or FE-Model nodes. Fit

Activating the function opens the Selection window. Depending on which flag is active in this window the user can either select Entities or Nodes. You can switch the flags during selection in order to select a combination of them. Confirm selection with middle mouse button. If the Entities flag is active, use the selection methods of the feature selection window to make selections faster. The message “Select Surface or middle mouse button to proceed” appears in the Text Window, indicating that the user can select an existing Face, so that ANSA creates a new fitted Face based on it. Alternatively pressing middle mouse button will let ANSA create a new Face that covers all the selected entities. A preview of the created Surface is given and the Accept Surface window appears.

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CAD Functions Upon confirmation the new Face is created. If the Replace old face‟s surf flag is activated then no new face will be created. The surface description of the selected face will be replaced with the new surface and the face will be fitted on the new surface.

In this example the Fit function is used to create a Face based on selected FE-model shell elements.


Activate the Surfaces>Fit function and select in Entities mode the

shell edges. Confirm with middle mouse button. Confirm again with middle mouse button as you do not select an existing Face and a new Surface will be created.

ANSA calculates and previews the Surface (you can press the Pause/Break key to interrupt the calculation) The Accept Surface window opens.

Press OK to confirm.

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CAD Functions A new Face is created. You can use the CONS>Project function to trim the Surface with the FE-model boundary.

7.4.7. Fillet function The function Surfaces>Fillet[Surfaces] can be used to create fillets or chamfers between the Surfaces of two selected Faces. Fillet

Activate the function and select two Faces.

Two arrows appear indicating the side of the Faces where the fillet will be created. Left clicking on the arrows inverts their direction if required. Confirm with middle mouse button. The Rounding Parameters window opens, where the user can select specify a radius or distance value for a round fillet or a planar chamfer. Press OK to proceed. The created Surface is previewed and the Accept Surface window appears.

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CAD Functions Upon confirmation the new Face is created. ! Note that the fillet is not connected and the initial Faces are not trimmed. Use the CONS>Project function to project the fillet boundaries and trim the Faces

The option Surfaces>Fillet [Faces] creates continues fillets from multiple faces. • Selection of yellow CONs is required • The orientation of faces does not affect the result • The created fillet has constant radius

7.4.8. Shrink function The function Faces> Shrink can be used to shrink inwards the CONS of a Face by a given distance. Shrink

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CAD Functions Activate the function, select a Face and confirm with middle mouse button. Type in the shrink distance and press Enter.

A new Face is created, shrunk inwards by the given distance. Additionally, the respective curves are created.

! Note: If you specify a negative value , the Faces will grow outwards, but in such a case you must ensure that the underlying Surface is large enough for the definition of a valid new Face. If not, use the Surfaces>Extend in advance (refer to section 7.5.).

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CAD Functions 7.4.9. Volume function TOPO>Surfaces>Volume function allows for fast creation of five basic geometries: - Orthogonal Box - Cylinder - Cone (Frustum of Cone) - Sphere - Torus. The definition of each one of these entities can be done either by selecting points or by selecting a Coordinate System. Upon their creation a Volume entity is also created , defined by the created Faces of the geometries. For the creation of an orthogonal Box, select the Box TOPO>Surfaces>Volume [Box] option. The Box window appears. Set the x-, y- & z-dimension for the creation of the Box. Volume

Activate the 3 Points option to define the Box by picking points: The first Point is the center of the Box. The second Point defines the x-axis and the third point defines the y-axis of the Box. The z-axis is then perpendicular to the x-y plane. 2


Activate the Coordinate System option to define the Box by picking a coordinate system: The Center of this coordinate system is the center of the Box and each axis of the coordinate system corresponds to each axis of the Box.


For the creation of a Cylinder, select the Cylinder TOPO>Surfaces>Volume [Cylinder] option. The Cylinder window appears. Set the length and the radius that will be used for the Cylinder. Volume

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CAD Functions Activate the 2 Points option to define the Cylinder by picking points: The first Point is the center of the Basis of the Cylinder. The second Point defines the axis of the Cylinder.


Activate the Coordinate System option to define the Cylinder by picking a coordinate system: The Center of this coordinate system is the center of the Cylinder and the z-axis of the coordinate system defines the axis of the Cylinder.


For the creation of a Cone, select the Cone TOPO>Surfaces>Volume [Cone] option. The Cone window appears. Set the length for the cone. Set the 2 radius (radius 1 & radius 2) for the 2 faces of the cone. Volume

Activate the 2 Points option to define the Cone by picking points: The first Point is the center of the basis of the cone (radius 1). The second Point defines the axis of the cone and the center of the second face of the cone (radius 2). 1


Activate the Coordinate System option to define the Cone by picking a coordinate system: The Center of this coordinate system is the center of the Cone and the z-axis of the coordinate system defines the axis of the Cone.

For the creation of a Sphere ,select the Sphere TOPO>Surfaces>Volume [Sphere] option. The Sphere window appears. Set the radius for the sphere. Volume

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CAD Functions Activate the Center Point option to define the Sphere by picking a points. This will be the center of the sphere. Activate the Coordinate System option to define the Sphere by picking a coordinate system: The Center of this coordinate system is the center of the Sphere.


For the creation of a Torus ,select the Torus TOPO>Surfaces>Volume [Torus] option. The Torus window appears. Set the major radius & minor radius for the torus. Volume



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Activate the 3 Points option to define the Torus by picking points: The first Point is the center of the Torus. The other 2 points are need for the definition of a plane which is the middle-plane of the Torus. The major radius is the outer radius of the Torus. The minor radius is the “ thickness” of the Torus. Activate the Coordinate System option to define the Torus by picking a coordinate system: The Center of this coordinate system is the center of the Torus. The x-y plane of the coordinate system defines the middle plane of the Torus.


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CAD Functions 7.4.10. Assigning Properties to Faces Different Properties may be assigned to different Faces, either directly from the CAD file, or during the ANSA session. By default, in ENT view mode, the Faces are colored gray and yellow, on their positive and negative side, respectively.

Point To Curve


Switching to PID view mode, the Faces are colored according to

their PID. To modify the Property of Faces, activate the function Faces>Set PID. The Selection Window appears in order to select Faces, Shells or Groups. Activate the flag Faces/Shells. Select some Faces with left mouse button and confirm with middle mouse button. For the activation of Groups flag refer to the end of

the paragraph. The steps after the selections are exactly the same. (The function can also be applied on FE-model shell elements.) The Properties window opens. The user can double click on an entry to assign it, or select it and press the OK. In addition, pressing the New button a new Property can be created. In this case a new Property card opens.

! Note that the current example is according to NASTRAN. So the Headers of the windows have NASTRAN names. Using other solvers the Labels and names on the Headers are changed respectively.

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The user can modify its content, for example the Name field, and press OK.


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CAD Functions Back in the Property list, the newly created Property is highlighted. The user must double click on it or mark it and press OK.

The Faces are now colored according to the new PID.

When a new Face is created, based on selected CONS of the same Property then by default, the new Face obtains the same Property.

However, if the user selects, for the generation of a new Face, CONS from Faces of different Properties, as in this case using the COONS function, then ANSA will prompt the user to specify the Property of the new Face.

The Properties window opens again. The user can pick from the screen an existing Face and ANSA will highlight it in the screen. If multiple Faces must be created, to avoid the continuous prompt, activate the CURRENT flag button and double click on a Property in order to assign it to the Face and also make it from now on the “Current” Property.

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CAD Functions While the CURRENT flag is active, ANSA will not prompt the user for PID specification in such cases, and will automatically assign the Current Property to the new Faces.

Activating the Groups flag in the Selection Window, the Groups window appears. In this window the user can apply a Property selecting entities from a list (Parts, Properties or Sets). According to the entities on which the PID will be applied, the user can activate the respective tab and make the selections.

! Note: The SET PID function can also be used to assign more than one PID (up to five) on a Face (Multi-properties). In this case the user can select more than one entry in the list and press the OK button.

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CAD Functions 7.4.11. Extend function TOPO>Extend [Target] This function extends Faces (source), according to a specified distance or until they reach a target Face or target group of Faces, by adding new Faces as extensions to the source ones. The new Faces' Surfaces are extensions of the Surfaces of the sources. Topology can be applied automatically, if required.

TOPO>Extend [Pairs] This option extends the two selected chains of CONS (red & blue chains), so that they intersect each other.

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CAD Functions 7.5. Manipulating Surfaces & Faces 7.5.1 Surfaces Certain ANSA CAD functions affect the Surface description of Faces. In several cases the Surface extends further than the visible Face. The Surfaces>Info function provides a preview of the actual underlying Surface. Activate the function and select with the left mouse button a Face from its crosshatch. In addition, information about the number of patches, the curvature in the two parametric directions (s and t) and the type of the surface appear in the ANSA Info window. A graphic representation of the origin and the s and t directions is provided. Info

The display of the axes, the wireframe and the drawing of the surface is controlled from the Options List window. For example, in the picture below, the surface is drawn according to the local average curvature.

The Surfaces>Shrink function (located in the buffer window by default) can be used in order to shrink the size of the underlying Surface to the size of the visible Face. ! Note that the exact geometrical description of the Face is not altered, only the excess Surface is removed. The Per Face flag allows the shrink of multiple Faces selected by box selection, to be performed individually. Shrink

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CAD Functions Select the Face from its crosshatch and confirm with middle mouse button. The Surface is shrunk. Use the Surfaces>Info again to view the result. Info

The opposite can also be performed. In this case the Surface does not extend further than the visible Face. Activate the Surfaces>Extend function and select the Face from its crosshatch. Extend

A preview of the underlying Surface is given.

Next select with the left mouse button one edge of the Surface. Slide the cursor to extend the Surface tangentially from that edge. Left click at the end position and confirm with middle mouse button. Alternatively activate the Numerical Inp. flag in the Extend Value window that appears, specify the extend distance and press middle mouse button. The flags Untrim Surf. and Delete old Face perform automatically the tasks described in the steps below. Info

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Use the Surfaces>Info again to view the result.

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CAD Functions Finally, the Surfaces>Untrim function creates a new Face that extends over the whole of the Surface of a selected Face. Untrim

Activate the function and select a Face (whose Surface is larger). Confirm with middle mouse button. A Confirm window appears, where the user can select whether to delete or not the original Face.

A new Face is created. This Face is unconnected and superimposed over the original selected one (if it was not deleted).

Certain Surfaces may have a very detailed description. In some rare cases this may lead to problems like bad projections and offsetting or slightly distorted mesh. Using the Surfaces>Info function the user can observe a very dense wire frame description of the Surface. Also, in the Text Window the number of patches of the Surface may be high (13x13 here).

The data of such Surfaces can be reduced by a simplification of the description and the number of patches using the Surfaces>REDUCE function. Reduce

Activate the function.

Select with the left mouse button the Face whose Surface you want to reduce. Confirm with middle mouse button. ANSA reduces the Surface.

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CAD Functions Using the Surfaces>Info function again the user can see the resulting coarser wire frame description and reduced number of patches (7x8) of the Surface. The REDUCE (Surfaces) function does not alter the geometrical CAD description noticeably. In addition, if the data of a Surface cannot be reduced any more than its current state, then the function does not change it at all. ! The effect of REDUCE function depends on the Tolerance Settings. If, for example, the current Tolerances are Draft, then the REDUCE function will have a greater effect, compared to the result of the REDUCE function with Extra Fine tolerances. Info

The TOPO>Surfaces>Resize function, is used to define a new Face based onto an existing surface and to an extended position. In periodical surfaces, if the start of the new surface exceeds the start of the old, the new surface is shifted Resize

How the function works Pick the face either from a red CONs or its crosshatch. Yellow or triple CONs cannot be used for selection. A preview of the surface is displayed on the screen. The Surface Limits window appears on the screen. By default, the initial boundaries of the face to be created, coincide with the surfaces boundaries. The position of the face that it is going to be created, is controlled by the min and max values in the S and T directions. The user cannot exceed those values, unless the “Extend in s direction” and “Extend in t direction” flag buttons are activated. The position of the cursor is indicated by the “position s:.... t:......” section which is dynamically updated by the cursor movement. Activate the “Produce new face” option to generate a new face. If it is inactive, all changes affect only the surface. Delete the old face by clicking o the respective option of the Surface Limits parameters window.

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CAD Functions In order to trim the faces boundaries, pick, with left mouse button, the sides of the surfaces that need to be trimmed and move the cursor inside the surface. Press left mouse button to declare the end of the movement or with right mouse button, snap an already existing position indicated by a 3d point, a hot point, etc. !Tip : Alternatively, pick with left mouse button the corners of the surface to trim it in 2 dimensions simultaneously.

Press the Untrim button to undo the selections and pick as faces boundaries the surfaces ones, or confirm with middle mouse or the OK button to create the new face.

Activate the Extend in s and t direction to create a new face outside the initial surface boundaries ! Note the flag buttons can be activated or deactivated, while the user is in the function.

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CAD Functions Confirm the selection. Now the new face is created outside the initial surface boundaries Numerical Input Alternatively the boundaries of the face, may be input numerically in the Surface Limits window that appears, if the Numerical Inp. flag is activated. Once the values are specified, press ENTER to apply them. ! Note : activate the Extend flag buttons prior to S and T values specification if the face is greater than the initial surface. Move on surface An extra option is the capability of the function to move the face to be created on the initially selected surface. Once boundaries of the new face are selected, move it along the underlying surface or out of it, if the flag buttons are active. This is done, by clicking with left mouse button to the central point of the candidate face.

Once the face is selected, move it on the surface. Click with left mouse button to position it at any location and

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CAD Functions press middle mouse button to apply the function and create the face at the new location.

Periodical surfaces For periodical surfaces (NOT closed necessarily), the process is the same but the Surface Limits window differs a little. The options that refer to the periodical dimension (T in this case) change from : - “Extend in t direction” to “Shift in t direction and - the Tmin and Tmax values are translated to an angle.

Thus, the window that appears on the screen is the following Select the position of the new face, as previously and confirm the selection.

Snap positions Use already existing positions such as 3d points, grids, hot points, to snap the In the example on the left, there are 2 faces. The one surface covers the gap while the other does not.

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CAD Functions Activate the Surfaces>Resize function and pick one of the faces. Select the surface from the right side and snap it to the left CONs of the face. Resize

A preview of the action is shown in the left picture

Select the left side of the new face and snap it to a hot point of the other face

Confirm the selection and the new face is created. Note : no topology is applied between the faces. Perform topology using the Faces>TOPO function and continue.

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CAD Functions Select the second face. Activate the Extend options, pick the upper side of the face and snap it to one of the hot points of the other face.

Pick the bottom side and snap it on one of the hot points as shown in the picture.

Confirm with middle mouse button and apply topology. Join the yellow CONs if needed. (refer to section 10.2.2)

7.5.2 Faces Release in contact Volumes CONS>Release [Volume]: Disconnect geometrical volumes that have been topologically pasted. • The function works on visible faces • Even one selected face is enough for the function to identify the volumes and to disconnect them

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CAD Functions 7.6. Cutting Faces 7.6.1. Cutting between two positions The function Faces>Cut splits one or more Faces between two Hot Points or Welding Spots. Select with left mouse button the two Hot Points and confirm with middle-mouse button. The Faces cut and a new yellow CONS is created. Cut

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CAD Functions Options Parametric Cut: Select the two Hot Points or Welding Spots. If the selected Hot Points or Welding Spots do not belong to the same Face, the operation is not possible, so a relative message appears in the text window. As the second Hot Point or Welding Spot is selected, a new CONS is automatically defined. This CONS composes a new boundary curve, which splits the existing Face. The automatically defined CONS is linear into the isoparametric space of the Face's Surface and follows the mathematical description of this Surface, therefore the results are not always the expected ones due to occasional improper definition of the Surface. The new CONS that is created takes the minimum length of the macro's segments.

Plane Cut: Select two Hot Points or Welding Points that belong to connected Faces. As the second Hot Point or Welding Spot is selected, a new CONS is automatically defined. This CONS composes a new boundary curve, which splits the involved Faces. Heal Cut: it is an option that allows the user to close openings along the perimeter of a face. Faces>Join Delete hot points: when you right-click a CONS, ANSA will join it and if you have this option activated, then it will delete all unnecessary hot points. Freeze non visible macros: if this option is activated, then all non-visible macros will remain intact. The function can also be applied on nodes.

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CAD Functions You can undo a Cut operation, by selecting one or more yellow CONS with the right mouse button, while still in the Cut function. This is the equivalent of a MACROs>JOIN operation in the MESH menu (refer to section 10.2.2.). ! Note: select to delete the hot points of the joined CONs by activating the “Delete Hot Points” option in the options list window. ! Note: if the “Freeze non visible macros” option is active, yellow CONS that belong also to faces that are not visible cannot be joined.! Note that the Cut (Faces) function splits a Face into two, by means of a CONS that is linear in the 2D parametric space of the Face's Surface, as demonstratedUse in this theexample. Surfaces>Info function and Info left click on the Face to reveal the form of the iso-parametric lines of the underlying Surface. (If a straight cut is preferred instead, then the user can switch to the MESH menu and perform a Cut operation, as described in section 10.2.2.)

The Faces>Proj.Cut (Project-Cut) function splits a Face between a selected Hot Point and its projection on a selected CONS. Proj.Cut

Activate the function and select with the left mouse button a Hot Point. Next select a CONS that belongs to the same Face.

The Hot Point is projected on the CONS, a new Hot Point is created at that location, and a Cut operation is performed. The new Hot Point remains highlighted, allowing the user to select another CONS and proceed with the same operation. Similarly for the next Face. Pressing the ESC exits from the function, while pressing middle or right mouse button allows the user to select a different Hot Point and proceed with it in the same way. ! Note : you can undo a Proj.Cut operation,

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CAD Functions by pressing middle or right mouse button and then by selecting one or more yellow CONS with the right mouse button, while still in the Proj.Cut function. This is the equivalent of a MACROs>JOIN operation in the MESH menu (refer to section 10.2.2.). ! Note : in case Cut or Proj.Cut is applied between faces with different element length, the Length Parameters window appears and the user can select the length that will be applied on the new CONs. Length can have the min, max, resolution value or can be a variable length from min to the maximum. ! Note : length on the new CONs can be controlled also from Cut : in case of non uniform length option under Windows>Options>ME SH window

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CAD Functions 7.6.2. Cutting by projecting curves The CONS>Project performs a projection of selected CONS or 3D-Curves on Faces, and cutting along that locus. The function has three options according to the definition of the projection vector. [Normal]: Curve is projected normally to the Face (most commonly used option) [SCREEN]: Curve is projected along a direction vector normal to the screen plane (viewdependant) [USER]: User specified projection direction vector. Activate the CONS>Project Project [Normal] function and select Normal with left mouse button the CONS or 3D Curves to be projected. Deselect with right mouse button if necessary. Project

! Note that if the flag in the Feature Selection window is activated, then selection of CONS is performed with the aid of the Corner Angle selection tool, as described in paragraph 2.10.1). Confirm with middle mouse button. Next select the Faces on which the curves will be projected. Confirm with middle mouse button

The curves are projected and the Faces are cut.

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CAD Functions

By activating the option”Split original Curves/Cons”, the curves that were selected for projection will be split according to the projection‟s intersecting points

Split ON

Split OFF

Having the “”Connect with Faces” option active, results in the creation of Faces between the original CONS and the projections. The Faces are also connected to the Faces that the projection was applied on.

There are cases that the selected curves need to be projected to a selection of Faces.

This could lead to unwanted projections due to the fact that the projections are calculated on all the selected Faces, regardless of their distance between them.

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CAD Functions To avoid such cases, the “Max.distance” parameter could be activated from the Options List window, to restrict the projection of the curves, on selected Faces, that are closer than the specified value.

In cases where the projection creates CONS residing very close, will lead to needle Faces or very narrow areas that result in problematic mesh. This would, later, need manual improvement with the TOPO and/or MESH functions or can be handled through the “Min. match. length” option in the Options List window.

According to the picture on the left, the critical length has to be greater than the “Min. match. Length” in order for the projection to be avoided in the problematic areas.

Intersecting CONS

Critical length

Hot Points tolerance Source curve

The user can also create only curves at the intersection with the faces, instead of cutting them.

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CAD Functions 7.6.3. Plane cutting Cut operations can also be performed by means of a plane. An existing Working Plane can be selected or the user can specify a plane. Furthermore an option to produce planar faces and perform topology in the path of the plane cut is provided. In the first case activate the visibility of Working Planes. By default the three global Working Planes exist in an ANSA database. In this example we will cut the model along a cutting plane and split the initial volume in 2 subvolumes by creating the face between them. Activate the Faces>Plane Cut [Single] function. In the Single PlaneCut window that appears, select to Produce planar face(s) and Perform topology options. Select with the left mouse button a Working Plane. In this case the global z-x plane has been selected. A cyan wire frame preview of the selected plane is provided. Next select with left mouse button the Faces to be cut by this plane. Select CONs/CURVs option for CONs and 3D Curves selection. Plane Cut

Confirm with middle mouse button. The model is cut, a new face with the boundaries of the plane cut is created and the model is split along the symmetry plane z-x. ! Note : For faster selection, use the selection methods in the Feature selection window.

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CAD Functions In this example these round Faces will be cut by a user specified plane. To prepare the plane specification insert three Hot Points along CONS. Activate the Hot Points> Parametrical function to place Hot Points at a given distance. Select the CONS from its bottom end. An arrow appears indicating the measuring direction. Type in ~20 to place a Hot Point at an absolute distance of 20. Parametrical

While still in the Parametrical function select two more CONS with the right mouse button to insert Hot Points at the same distance.

Plane Cut Single

Now activate the Faces>Plane Cut [Single] function and select with the left mouse button the three

Hot Points. The plane is defined and is previewed as a cyan net.

Select with the left mouse button the Faces to be cut.

Confirm with middle mouse button. The Faces are cut.

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CAD Functions Important Notes: 1) The accuracy of the plane cut on curved Faces depends on their current resolution (Macro‟s element length). Reducing the element length will lead to more accurate plane cuts. 2) Before cutting with the Plane Cut function check that there are no yellow CONS oriented “parallel” to where the plane will cut, as this will lead to double cuts and needle thin Faces, which should be cleaned up afterwards. To avoid that, you can remove such regions from visibility so that they do not participate in the plane cut operation.

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CAD Functions 7.6.4. Multiple Plane Cutting The Faces>Plane Cut [Multiple] can cut Faces along multiple planes. Activate the function and select with the left mouse button one or more Curves or Multiple CONS normally to which cut planes will be defined. Plane Cut

Confirm with middle mouse button. The INPUT window opens where you can specify the number of equidistant cut planes, or the absolute step distance between them.

Type in the value and press Enter. In this example cut planes are defined normally to the selected Curve every 100 mm. ! Note that cut planes are also defined at the start and end positions of the chain of Curves or CONS. Next select with the left mouse button the Faces to be cut. ! Note : For faster selection, use the selection methods in the Feature selection window.

Confirm with middle mouse button. The Faces are cut.

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CAD Functions 7.6.5. Zone Cut function The Faces>ZONE Cut cuts a zone on Faces along one or more selected string of CONS.

(! Note that red, yellow or cyan CONS can be selected for this function. However, in the case of cyan CONS the user must ensure to leave visible only two connected Faces for each cyan CONS so that the Zone Cut is performed on them only).

Zone Cut

Activate the function and select consecutively one more strings of

CONS. Confirm with middle mouse button.

As the stripe is to be cut on all the Faces that participate in the selected string of CONS, press middle mouse button again. The INPUT window opens where you specify the distance by which the string of CONS will be offset to cut the Faces.

Type in the value and press ENTER. The Faces are cut. ! The last used distance value becomes the default one for the next application of the function.

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CAD Functions The Zone Cut function can also be applied on a string of red CONS, like this internal perimeter for example.

Zone Cut

Activate the function and select consecutively the string of red


Confirm with middle mouse button. Press middle mouse button again as there is no need to select Faces. specify the distance by which the string of CONS will be offset to cut the Face.

Type in the value and press ENTER. The Face is cut.

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CAD Functions This example demonstrates, that: - More than one zones can be created - Zones are automatically generated in both sides - A preview is available where deselections can be made interactively. With right-click the user deselects any zone-cut and they are demonstrated with red lines. - Many different (independent) groups of CONS can be selected to apply the same zonecut inputs. - Zones generation can intersect with existing CONS While in preview, changing the input values the new results are automatically updated when the keyboard Enter button is hit.

The zones that are open, are extended tangentially until they intersect a CONS.

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CAD Functions 7.6.6. Divide Face function The Faces>Dach [Divide Face] function cuts a string of Faces in half iso-parametrically. Activate the function. The Dach Fillets/Chamfers Divide Face Parameters window appears. The user can type in the ranges for Face radius, and width for the automatic detection and selection of fillets and press Select. ! Note : select to apply the function on chamfers by activating the Corner angle flag button. (refer to section 8.21.1 for chamfer recognition) The user can also select or de-select fillets with the left and right mouse button respectively. Picking one CONS leads to the selection of a string of Faces along the perpendicular direction. The identified string of Faces is highlighted in white. Press middle mouse button to confirm the selected Faces. The Dach Divide’s Parameters window appears and the divide string is also highlighted. Press OK to proceed with the splitting of the Faces or Reselect to change your selection (refer to section 10.2.2. for the Join Macros flag button option).

The function cuts in half all the Faces along the less curved direction.

If the Faces constructed after the Dach function have to be joined with the adjacent, in the Dach Divide's Parameters window activate the Join Macros flag. For the maintenance of PIDs of the created Faces, activate the Keep PIDs flag.

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CAD Functions 7.7. Transformations Functions Transform icon is used to Translate, Rotate, Transform (simultaneous translation and rotation), Scale, Symmetry or Mirror, selected entities (Faces, Points, elements etc).

The TRANSF. functions can be applied on a combination of different entities (Points, Curves, Faces, FE-Model entities, etc.) at the same time. The Feature Selection toolbar is available for the selection of the entities to be transformed. The TRANSF. function has the following options: COPY

Create new independent entities by copying the selected ones.


Move selected entities.


Create linked Faces from selected ones. ! This option is available only for Faces.

After selecting the entities and confirming, the Geometric Transformations – Entities window opens. Here, the user can select a specific tab of the window, which corresponds to the respective transformation. In addition the user can perform a combination of various functions on the same selected entities (say a translation and a rotation). The highlight button is available to highlight the selected entities. The user can change between COPY and MOVE mode from the respective pull down menu. The user can traverse through all the forward or backward steps that took part in the transformation of a specific entity with the arrow buttons. In Translate and Rotate tabs, when pressing '+' and '-' buttons, a step of the transformation is applied to the selected entities,across the selected direction and the opposite respectively. According to what the user has selected to do, (COPY, MOVE or LINK), the header of the window changes respectively (COPY has been selected in the image above). To cancel a transformation, press Cancel button. To clear all the transformation fields, press Clear button. To terminate the function TRANSF, press Finish button.

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CAD Functions When using the COPY or LINK options and new entities are created, the Transformation Options window appears, so that the user can specify a Property ID (PID) and Module ID (Part) for them. In addition, if selected entities for COPY belong to SETs then the new entities can also belong to new or the same or no SETs at all, according to user selection. For PID the following options are available: - AUTO-OFFSET: Offset the ID automatically to the first free available ID. - NO OFFSET: Keep the same ID as the selected entities - SPECIFY: Offset the ID by a specific offset value. If the resulting value exists then created entities will be merged to the existing PID. For PART the following options are available: - SAME PART: New entities are placed in the same Part. - New PART: New entities are placed in a new Part created by ANSA. - New INSTANCE: New entities are placed in a new Instance created by ANSA (refer to section 5.18). For the TRANSF.>Copy applications, when [New PART] is selected, the new Module ID of the created Part can be controlled. If the input value is alphanumeric, it is appended to the original starting Module ID: Original starting Module ID AX_12345

User offset input

Resulting Module ID of new Part

ABC_100 100_GBL

AX_12345ABC_100 AX_12345100_GBL

If the input value is only a number and the initial Module ID ends in a number, then the two numbers are added and then appended to the alphanumeric part (if it exists) of the starting Module ID: Original Module ID AX_45_YG_123 123

User offset input 10000 10000

Resulting Module ID of new Part AX_45_YG_10123 10123

Notes: ! If a New Part is requested and no input is given, a new part will be defined with empty Module ID. ! Negative symbol is taken as character. For SETs, the following options are available: - COPY: creates a new SET for the new entities - EXPAND: created entities are put to the same SET as the selected ones - NONE: created entities will not belong to any SET Notes: ! When you create new Faces (either COPY or LINK) ANSA performs topology automatically at the common boundaries (CONS) of the original and the new Faces. This is controlled by the flag “Perform TOPO in Geometry functions” which is located in the Settings - TOPO window (WINDOWS>Settings>Settings>TOPO). This option is active by default.

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CAD Functions 7.7.1. Translate function Activate the Utilities> TRANSF> COPY function. Keep the default Entities flag active in the Selection Window window that appears in order to select Faces (or other geometrical entities). Select one or more Faces with the left mouse button. De-select with right mouse button if required. Confirm selections with middle mouse button. The Copy – Entities window opens. Press on the Translate tab to define the translation.

Type in the fields, the translation vector components , the distance and the number of steps that the selected entities will be copied. Alternatively, pick two point positions to define the translation vector and distance. As the values are automatically filled, the user can modify them, if needed.


Press '+', or middle mouse button in the working area to proceed with the copy operation. The Transformati on Options window opens. Keep the default setting so that the new Faces acquire the same PID and Module ID values. Press OK and the new Faces are created. In the Copy Entities window now, pressing the highlight button, the selected entities are highlighted. The Finish button becomes active after the application of at least one step. If the Finish button is pressed, the current previewed status is accepted. Pressing '+', an additional increment of the last action is reapplied. Pressing '-' an increment in the opposite direction will be applied With the arrow buttons the previous and next steps of the transformation can be applied.

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CAD Functions 7.7.2. Rotate function Activate the Utilities> TRANSF.> LINK function. Select the Faces with the left mouse button (! Note that for the LINK option only Faces can be selected). Confirm with middle mouse button. The Link – Entities window opens. Activating the Rotate tab, the user can specify in it the rotation axis, angle and number of steps.



The rotation axis can be defined either by inputting numerically the origin coordinates (x, y, z) and the axis direction (dx, dy, dz), or as in this example by selecting two positions (Hot Points, 3D Points, etc.). Enter the rotation angle and number of steps (60 degrees and 5 steps in this case). Press the '+' or middle mouse button to proceed. Keep the default NO OFFSET options for PID and Module ID to use the same IDs for the created Linked Faces and press OK. New Linked Faces are created from the rotation of the selected Faces.

Activate the Faces>Info function and select with the left mouse button a Linked Face from its crosshatch. The Linked Face is marked in green and its Parent Face marked in cyan, to indicate this relationship. Info

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CAD Functions 7.7.3. Transform function Use this function to relocate a number of entities to a new position. The transformation takes place between two coordinate systems and is a simultaneous translation and rotation procedure. No scaling is performed during the transformation. Activate Utilities> TRANSF.> MOVE function. Select one or more entities, even of different type (Curves, 3D Points, Faces, etc.), using one of the selections methods. Press the middle mouse-button to end the selection and activate the Transform tab in the Move Entities window. 3‟


Select the “Nodes” option and pick (left-click) three positions (1, 2, 3) to define, manually, the source coordinate system (C.S.) and three positions (1‟, 2‟, 3‟) to define the target C.S. The first position selected of each C.S., corresponds to the respective system‟s origin. The second position defines the direction of the Χ-axis and the third position defines, the vertical plane of the Z-axis. Alternatively, existing C.S.(refer to §16.3:”Coordinate systems”) can be selected (“Coords” option), or the C.S. of Working Planes (“Wplanes” option) with left mouse button. Deselect with right button.

1‟ 3

Press the Apply or middle mouse button to confirm and the selected entities will be “relocated” accordingly.



You may use the Faces>TOPO function to Paste the CONS of the relocated faces to the neighboring ones. NOTE: When the MOVE option of the function has been selected, the Transformation Options window does not appear, as the selected entities have already Property, Group and Set ID. In the MOVE option, activate the connectivity button, to keep the connectivity, in case that the transformed entities are only FE entities released from the geometry.

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CAD Functions The following example, demonstrates the difference between retaining connectivity or not, through a MOVE transformation. This applies to the case when using the function on FE-entities.

Activate the function TRANF>MOVE. Select FE elements and confirm with middle mouse button. In the Move – Entities window in the Translate tab define the translation vector and activate the connectivity flag. Press '+' button to apply the transformation. The transformation will take place and the connectivity of the elements will be kept. The image depicted on the left demonstrates the result of the transformation with the connectivity having been kept.

In case the connectivity flag is not activated the selected elements are detached from the remaining part and translated. Thus connectivity is broken. The image depicted on the left demonstrates the result of the transformation with broken connectivity.

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CAD Functions 7.7.4. Scale function


Activate Utilities>TRANSF>COPY. function. Select entities (Faces and FE-Model mesh here) and confirm with middle mousebutton. The Copy Entities window appears. Input the reference point coordinates (by default the global 0,0,0) or pick a position on the screen. Type in the scale factor and press the '+' or middle mouse button to proceed. Specify PID and Module ID Offset values in the Transformation Options window that appears next (for the COPY option) and press OK. New scaled entities are created. The Finish button has been available, after the application of the transformation. Press it to terminate the function.

7.7.5. Symmetry function This function creates or moves symmetrical entities by means of the current symmetry plane (by default the global Z-X plane). Activate Utilities>TRANSF.>LINK function. Select the entities with the left mouse button (!Note that for the LINK option only Faces can be selected) and confirm Symmetry with middle Plane mousebutton. The Link Entities window appears. Press Apply to proceed.

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CAD Functions In the Transformation Options window, specify Pid, Part and Set offset for the entities to be created. In this case a PID offset value of 1 and a Module ID offset of 10 are specified. If the resulting PID and Module ID already exist, then the Faces will be assigned to them. If not, then a new PID and Module ID are going to be created by ANSA. Press the OK button to confirm and the linked Faces are created.

Symmetry Link Faces Symmetry Plane

The LINK option of this function is very useful for the preparation of a model before meshing. Symmetrical Faces can be created as linked Faces using the LINK option. All modifications that take place on a Face will affect also its linked one and vise versa. Modification of fillets and flanges, removal of holes, offsetting Faces, Projection of Connection Points, etc. could be performed only on the one side, since they affect both sides. Finally, during meshing, only Faces on one side of the symmetry plane have to be meshed, since the linked ones obtain identical mesh. Use the Settings> Settings> Symmetry Plane to change the default symmetry plane,and save this change to ANSA.defaults file. A change in the default symmetry plane will affect the linked Faces, which have been created by the SYMMETRY function.

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CAD Functions 7.7.6. Mirror function This function creates or moves mirror entities by means of a user specified plane, line, or point. Activate Utilities> TRANSF.> COPY function. Select entities and confirm with middle mouse button.

In the Symmetry – Mirror tab: -select three positions to define a mirror plane -select two positions to define a mirror axle -select one position to define a mirror point and press Apply to proceed. The Transformation Option window appears. Specify Pid, Part and Set offset for the entities to be created. Press the OK button to confirm. New entities are created. Press Finish to terminate the function.


Plane normal to the vector

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If in the pull down menu, the Mirror Plane is selected, select with the left mouse button two point positions. The normal to this vector plane, will be the mirror plane.


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CAD Functions Press Apply button and in the Transformations Options window define the Pid, Part and Set input. Press OK button and the mirrored entities will be created.

The last option in the Mirror function is the Working Plane. Select it from the pull down menu and with left mouse button, select a Working Plane from the screen. The selected Working Plane, becomes highlighted and corresponds to the mirror plane. Press Apply and in the Transformations Options window that appears, define the Pid, Part and Set Input. Press OK button and the mirrored entities will be created.

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CAD Functions 7.8. Delete function The Delete function of the Geometry Group can be used to delete various ANSA entities (Curves, Faces, FE-Model entities etc.). Select the entities with the left mouse button and confirm with middle button. Upon confirmation in the Warning window that appears, the selected entities are deleted. Delete

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CAD Functions 7.9. Effect of tolerances on CAD operations Apart from the topology operations (during CAD import or afterwards by TOPO and PASTE functions), the current Tolerance Settings also influence the accuracy of all CAD operations in ANSA. Being aware of this, the user can adjust the tolerances to obtain the desired result. Tolerances are managed in WINDOWS>OPTIONS>Settings>Tolerances.

The effect of tolerances will be demonstrated in the following example using the CONS>Project function. The idea applies to all CAD operations. In this example a 3D Curve is projected on a Face to trim it near its edge. ! Note that the 3D Curve lies very close to the boundary CONS of the Face.

draft tolerances

If the Projection takes place with Draft Tolerances, the result may not be good. Here the trimming has not taken place along the whole length of this edge of the Face. In some other cases, no cut may take place at all.

fine tolerances

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Contrary, if Fine Tolerances are used, the trimming takes place with high accuracy and a very thin part of the Face is cut, exactly along the original 3D Curve.


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CAD Functions Fine tolerances, do not always mean the best possible result. In this example, the two 3D Curves are projected on the Faces below. ! Note that the 3D Curves do not meet at a common location. A gap exists between them.

The 3D Curves and the corresponding Faces are selected for the CONS>Project function.

draft tolerances

fine tolerances

With Draft Tolerances a closed cut is performed, because the gap of the original Curves falls within the current tolerances.

However, with Fine Tolerances, the gap of the original Curves is reflected on the cut of the Faces. The created CONS do not meet. As a result SHADOW is usually lost. The user must then close the cuts manually to close the Faces and recover Shadow.

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CAD Functions 7.10. ANSA / SpaceClaim Interoperability 7.10.1. Introduction ANSA offers the capability to transfer Face entities to SpaceClaim, in order to exploit the advanced capabilities of the CAD program, and retrieve the edited geometry. 7.10.2. Conditions  

Only SpaceClaim 2012+ or newer is compatible with this feature. Only Face entities can be transferred to SpaceClaim. Additionally these Faces cannot be: - Frozen Faces - Linked Faces or Parents of linked Faces (see section - Offset Faces (see section 8.22)

7.10.3. Procedure Since only visible geometry is exported to SpaceClaim, first step is to leave visible only the faces that are going to be exported.

Activate Space Claim TOPO>AUXILIARIES>Space Claim. The SpaceClaim Manager window opens. ! While this window is open, ANSA remains inactive. Press START button to start the exporting procedure. Otherwise press CLOSE button to exit the procedure.

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CAD Functions ! The status of the SpaceClaim Manager is declared in the region beneath the START button. Watch out for error messages (these are red colored) and look them up in the Troubleshooting section.

SpaceClaim launches, if not open, and a new empty design window is created, into which the exported geometry is loaded. ! There is a new design window opening for each export. Once the export is completed the START button in SpaceClaim Manager switches to RETRIEVE and the status to “Ready”.

The geometry has been imported successfully to SpaceClaim, in a new window (in the example, Design2). It is advisable that the procedures inside SpaceClaim, will follow a geometry clean up (refer to SpaceClaim help guides), in order for the user to be able to exploit the full capabilities of the program.

When the geometry editing inside SpaceClaim is completed, we retrieve the edited Faces by pressing RETRIEVE button. ANSA starts retrieving the Faces existing in the design window, (in this case Design2). ! If the corresponding design window has been closed, nothing will be retrieved. Faces that were deleted inside SpaceClaim are also deleted in ANSA.

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CAD Functions Edited Faces are recreated in Ansa by reassigning as much information as possible, i.e., Part, Property, Set, Name, etc. New Faces created in SpaceClaim are imported inside Ansa under a part, named: "space_claim_geometry". Once the retrieving concludes, SpaceClaim Manager window closes. Inspection of the imported geometry, may reveal topological problems. Handle these problems by using appropriate functions (refer to Chapter 8 for detailed procedures).

7.10.4 Troubleshooting Table SpaceClaim Manager Error message



SpaceClaim failed to start a new session!

Check SpaceClaim installation and license

SpaceClaim failed to create body. Please restart SpaceClaim and work with smaller parts!

Sometimes SpaceClaim fails to import ANSA body without specifying the reason

SpaceClaim failed to create empty body!

No face was able to export

SpaceClaim failed to create face(s)!

SpaceClaim failed to import one or more faces.

Restart SpaceClaim

Please check if all the visible faces are linked, frozen or offset No specific action

SpaceClaim failed to create body The modeler body is nonmanifold!

No specific action

SpaceClaim failed to export geometry!

No specific action

Unexpected error!

No specific action

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CAD Functions

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Geometry Cleanup Geometry Cleanup

Chapter 8

GEOMETRY CLEANUP Table of Contents GEOMETRY CLEANUP ................................................................................................................ 343 8.1. Automatic Location and isolation of the Topological problems .......................................... 345 8.2. Solving a problem by simply pasting CONS ...................................................................... 347 8.3. Special cases of Paste function ........................................................................................ 348 8.3.1. CONS of different segmentation................................................................................ 348 8.3.2. CONs that belong to linked faces .............................................................................. 350 8.4. A more complex case of pasting CONS ............................................................................ 351 8.5. CONS that cannot be pasted due to their position ............................................................ 353 8.6. Dealing with triple or more CONS ..................................................................................... 354 8.6.1. The case of degenerate Faces .................................................................................. 354 8.6.2. The case of Collapsed Faces .................................................................................... 355 8.7. Dealing with collapsed CONS ........................................................................................... 356 8.7.1. Collapsed CONS due to resolution............................................................................ 356 8.7.2. Collapsed CONS due to improper topology .............................................................. 357 8.8. Automatic Cleaning of Geometry – Clean G ..................................................................... 361 8.9. The Rm.Overlap function .................................................................................................. 361 8.10. Dealing with irregular Face boundaries ........................................................................... 362 8.11. Trimming a Face by projecting CONS ............................................................................. 365 8.12. Replacing missing Faces ................................................................................................ 367 8.13. Extending Faces ............................................................................................................. 374 8.13.1. Extending Faces to a target Face............................................................................ 374 8.13.2. Extending Faces simultaneously ............................................................................. 376 8.14. Deleting and Undeleting Faces ....................................................................................... 378 8.15. Opening holes in geometry ............................................................................................. 380 8.16. Removing unwanted holes and openings ....................................................................... 382 8.17. Dealing with logos ........................................................................................................... 386 8.17.1. Locating logos ......................................................................................................... 386 8.17.2. Removing logos....................................................................................................... 387 8.18. Dealing with flanges ........................................................................................................ 389 8.18.1 Locating Flanges ...................................................................................................... 389 8.18.2 Simplifying the Shape of Flanges ............................................................................. 393 8.18.3. Creating Compatible Flanges .................................................................................. 396 Linked Flanges : FLANGES>COMPATIBLE function ...................................... 396 Linked Flanges : LINK>CREATE function ....................................................... 398 Linked Flanges : LINK>EDIT function .............................................................. 400 Special cases of Linked Flanges ..................................................................... 400 FLANGES>TOPO function .............................................................................. 401 8.18.4 Inquiring info about Linked Faces............................................................................. 403 8.19. Dealing with fillets ........................................................................................................... 404

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Geometry Cleanup 8.19.1. Locating fillets.......................................................................................................... 404 8.19.2. Removing Unwanted Unconnected Fillets ............................................................... 405 8.19.3. Keeping Unconnected Fillets ................................................................................... 406 8.19.4. Sharpening Fillets.................................................................................................... 408 8.20. Dealing with chamfers ..................................................................................................... 411 8.20.1. Locating chamfers ................................................................................................... 411 8.20.2 Sharpening chamfers ............................................................................................... 411 8.21. Dealing with Faces of Bad Surface Description .............................................................. 412 8.22. The OFFSET function ..................................................................................................... 418 8.22.1. The OFFSET>FACES option .................................................................................. 418 8.22.2. The OFFSET>LINK option ...................................................................................... 419 8.23. Automatic Middle surface Mesh generation. The MID. SURF CASTING function ........... 421 8.24. Middle Surface extraction ................................................................................................ 425 8.24.1. The MID.SURF Skin function .................................................................................. 425 Constant thickness ........................................................................................... 425 Variable thickness – Taylor blanked parts ......................................................... 427 Process in Batch Mode ..................................................................................... 430 8.24.2. The MID.SURF Welding function ............................................................................ 431 8.24.3. The MIDDLE MULTI function ................................................................................... 432 8.25. Checks and improvements of Middle surface extraction ................................................. 441 8.25.1. Checking the Middle surface ................................................................................... 441 8.25.2. Calculating the nodal thicknesses of the Middle surface ......................................... 444 8.26. Intersecting Faces ........................................................................................................... 445 8.27. Fusing Faces................................................................................................................... 448 8.28. Isolating Faces ................................................................................................................ 452 8.28.1. Faces with curvature ............................................................................................... 452 8.28.2. Skin ......................................................................................................................... 452 8.28.3. Isolate Exterior ........................................................................................................ 455 8.28.4. Tubes in solids......................................................................................................... 457 8.29. Isolating Ribs from FE ..................................................................................................... 458 8.30. Locating regions based on connectivity .......................................................................... 460 8.31. Locating similar groups ................................................................................................... 461 8.32. Isolate matched connections ........................................................................................... 463 8.33. The RM.DBL [Geometry] function ................................................................................... 464 8.33.1. Symmetry Plane option ........................................................................................... 464 8.33.2. Mirror plane option .................................................................................................. 466 8.33.3. Same Side option .................................................................................................... 467 8.33.4. Translate option ....................................................................................................... 468 8.33.5. Rotate option ........................................................................................................... 469 8.34. Final check of the geometry ............................................................................................ 470

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Geometry Cleanup 8.1. Automatic Location and isolation of the Topological problems The recognition of Topology among the Faces that compose the geometry of a part is an automatic process that is performed in ANSA, as soon as a CAD data file is opened. However, it may be the case that some topological problematic areas are left without treatment. Such problems appear when the automatic topology process fails to recognize the neighboring conditions, due to improper selection of tolerance values, inaccurate geometry, bad mathematical description, or morphology. In order to proceed to geometry cleanup, the positions of topological problems have to be located. The location of these problematic areas can be identified either automatically or manually. In order to obtain information about topological problems of all visible entities, press the Tools>Checks>Geometry function. The Check Geometry window appears and the user can select to check for the following geometrical problems: Unchecked faces: faces that failed the shadow operation. (refer to section 8.31) Needle Faces: or degenerated faces are faces that have their opposite CONS coincident. (refer to section 8.6.1) Collapsed Cons: A CONS where it's starting and ending position coincide. (refer to section 8.7) Triple Cons: Areas where three or more faces have a common boundary. (refer to section 8.6) Overlaps: Overlapping faces (refer to section 8.9) Cracks: Red CONS at inner areas (holes are excluded). Single Bounds: Red CONs at outer areas. Holes (included) In the Checks window all problems are reported with red color. Under Description column the kind of problem is explained. Focus functions are available in order to isolate geometrical problems and handle them easier. Select to fix all or specific reported problems by pressing right mouse button on the header of the list or one or more highlighted problems. ! Note: All problems except triple CONs can be fixed by the automatic fixing. ! Note: Right mouse clicking on Check Geometry line, performs an action to all listed problems. In case where not all problems are fixed automatically, retry or proceed to fix them manually:

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Geometry Cleanup Deactivate the DOUBLE flag and locate the unwanted CONS : SINGLE (red) CONS should appear only at the free edges of the part or inner perimeters. If the part is a closed volume part, no red CONS should appear. TRIPLE or more (cyan) CONS, should appear only at locations where three or more Faces connect each other, or else they are unwanted. Collapsed CONS (white dots) are CONS whose ends are coincident. The geometry of the part cannot be considered cleaned, if such problems exist. On the other hand, further check has to be made for Unchecked Faces, as described in section 8.31. In order to proceed to the solution of the topological problems, each problematic area has to be isolated and each problem is then solved separately. As the visibility of double CONS is not active, the OR operation allows the isolation of the problematic locations.

The Faces have been isolated. Activate the visibility of the double (yellow) CONS and zoom all by pressing the F9 key. The Topological problem can now be solved easily.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.2. Solving a problem by simply pasting CONS This specific problem may be solved by simply pasting opposite CONS. The CONS to be pasted must lie opposite to each other and have similar length and morphology.

Activate the CONS> Paste function and select the CONS to be pasted, one after the other. Terminate the selection of CONS using the middle mouse-button. All selected CONS are pasted to the last selected one. Paste

The problematic location seems to be clean. In order to verify this, deactivate again the visibility of the double CONS. If the problem is solved, then no unnecessary CONS should appear at this location. In this case only the red circle describing the opening should appear.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.3. Special cases of Paste function 8.3.1. CONS of different segmentation Although the CONS to be pasted don't have similar length, similar morphology, they can be pasted.

Activate the CONS>Paste function and select with left mouse button the CONS to be pasted. Select one by one or by box selection. Deselect with right mouse if needed. Terminate the CONS selection using the middle mouse-button. In case of non-uniform CONs, one or more new Hot Points are created on the CONS. The result of this action is that the CONS now has the same segmentation, the same length and the same morphology. All selected CONs will be pasted on the last. Other functions of the TOPO> Hot Points group may be used for this purpose. Paste

The problematic location seems to be clean. In order to verify this, deactivate once more the visibility of the double CONS. If the problem is solved, then no unnecessary CONS should appear at this location.

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Geometry Cleanup An alternative fast way to redefine Topology, instead of pasting, is the use of Faces> Topo function. If a CONs lie in a distance that satisfy the tolerance values, TOPO will perform all necessary topological actions to the related CONS.

Activate the Faces>Topo function and select the CONS, whose Topology has to be defined. Terminate the selection by the middle mouse-button. Topo

The result is the same as before. Follow the same checks to confirm that the problem is solved.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.3.2. CONs that belong to linked faces


In most cases when two CONS are pasted the first one is moved to reach the second one. However there is one exception that is described in the following case. Paste

2 1


A CONS that belongs to a Linked Face (a Face that was created using the Faces>Offset [Link] function) never changes its position except in cases where the opposite CONS belongs to a Linked Flange.

2 1

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Geometry Cleanup 8.4. A more complex case of pasting CONS This problem may seem to be solved by simply pasting opposing CONS. However, this case is not so simple!

A closer look (Zoom In using F7 key), reveals that there is a gap between the highlighted opposite CONS, but the adjacent CONS do not present exact topological correspondence. If we try to paste the two highlighted opposite CONS, then the small single CONS will collapse, and an irregular topological condition will emerge.

The collapsed CONS, appears as a white dot. Such irregular conditions may also derive when the user tries to solve other geometrical problems in this area. However, all these cases should be treated individually, so that the model is free of these irregularities. A way to solve the problem of the collapsed CONS is presented in the next example.

The first step that has to be made is to release the topological conditions around the hot points where the problem exists. To do this, use the Hot Points> Release Release function that releases all pasted Hot Points. All CONS connected to the related Hot Points are released, too. !Note: the functions CONS>Release and Hot Points>Release work in the same way. Both release the selected CONS to the related Hot Points. Their only difference is the entities that will be selected to be released.

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Geometry Cleanup Following, it is necessary to delete all the extra Hot Points that were created by the Automatic Topology, and leave only the Hot Points that are necessary for the proper description of the boundaries of each Face. Delete

Note that the Hot Points>Delete function with box selection only deletes unnecessary Hot Points. Important Hot Points, such as those at sharp corners are left, and can only be deleted if selected individually one by one with the left mouse button. After these steps the Topology around the Hot Points that appeared to have a problem, is cleared and the location is ready for the definition of new topological conditions.

The Topology is reconstituted by pasting CONS in couples. Select the CONS to be pasted, one after the other. Terminate the CONS selections by the middle mouse-button. Selected CONS are pasted to the last selected one. Paste

A fast alternative way to reconstitute the Topology is to use the Faces> Topo function. Topo

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Geometry Cleanup

The problematic location seems to be clean. In order to reassure this, deactivate the visibility of the double CONS. If the problem is solved, then no unnecessary CONS should appear at this location.

8.5. CONS that cannot be pasted due to their position In case of CONs that their distance do not satisfy the tolerance values, a preview of the result appears on the screen.

In the preview the user is able to obtain information regarding the new hot points that are going to be created, so that CONs have length similarity, and the position after pasting. All CONs st highlighted in dark green (1 chain) will be nd pasted to the ones highlighted in light green (2 chain). Alternatively, click with left mouse button st on the 1 chain to switch between pasting positions.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.6. Dealing with triple or more CONS 8.6.1. The case of degenerate Faces The most common case that unwanted triple or more (cyan) CONS appear is when degenerate Faces exist. Such Faces have their opposite CONS coincident (as if the face has no breadth).

This problem is solved easily by deleting the degenerate Face, using the Faces> Delete function. Delete

Make the usual checks to confirm that the problem has been resolved.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.6.2. The case of Collapsed Faces This case seems to be the same as the previous one, but a closer look will reveal that the triple (cyan) CONS does not derive from a degenerate zero-area Face. This Face has been collapsed because its width is smaller than the tolerance values. One way of treating this is to delete the Face (if the resulting gap is small) as in the previous example and reconstitute the topology without it. Alternatively define Hot Point on Release the CONS to define its shape properly. First, release the Hot Points that belong to the collapsed Face.

Define the extra Hot Points required for the proper description of the previously collapsed Face and the better uniformity of the adjacent CONS. The functions needed for this, are the functions of the TOPO> Hot Points group. In this example project the opposite Hot Point on one of the CONS of the collapsed Face. Project

As a new Hot Point is defined on the CONS, the Face is described in more detail and now its crosshatch and shadow can be seen. If the Faces>Topo function is used in this area, with the current tolerance values, the Face may be collapsed once more. Instead, use the CONS>Paste function to paste manually the adjacent CONS, in pairs. Paste

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Geometry Cleanup Such small Faces will lead to very small shell elements. In order to avoid this, these small Faces have to be joined with adjacent Faces during Meshing so as to form a wider Macro Area.

8.7. Dealing with collapsed CONS 8.7.1. Collapsed CONS due to resolution In this case, a collapsed CONS appears while the morphology of the adjacent Faces is not clear. This is because the dimensions of this part are quite small relatively to the current resolution.

Using the FINE function from the Geometry group, one or more times, on the surrounding Faces, the real morphology appears, and the collapsed CONS obtains its real shape. Fine

! Be careful. The FINE function, as it increases

the resolution, it decreases the element length of the related perimeter segments, in MESH. Thus, if the function applies on meshed areas, mesh is erased.

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Geometry Cleanup The problematic location seems to be cleaned. In order to verify this, deactivate again the visibility of the double CONS. If the problem is solved, then no unnecessary CONS should appear at this location. Note that it is recommended to split such Faces using the SURFs> BREAK function (refer to section 8.21).

8.7.2. Collapsed CONS due to improper topology In this case, a collapsed CONS appears, while at the same time, the morphology of the adjacent Faces seems to be clear. This implies that the topological conditions, at this position, are not well defined. At first, release the Hot Points Release where the problem appears to be, using the Hot Points>Release function.

The result of this action reveals that the segmentation of the adjacent CONS is not the same.

Excess Hot Point

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Geometry Cleanup Activate the Hot Points> Delete function to delete the excess Hot Points, in order to create the same segmentation to the adjacent CONS. Delete

After this action, the adjacent CONS are ready to be pasted in couples. If the Faces> Topo function is used instead of CONS> Paste, most possibly, the same problem with the collapsed CONS will emerge again.

Begin to paste carefully the adjacent CONS, in couples, using the CONS>Paste function. Select the CONS to be pasted, one after the other. Terminate the CONS selections by the middle mouse-button. Paste

Repeat carefully for all the coupled surrounding CONS that were previously released.

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Geometry Cleanup Use the Faces>Topo function to reconstitute the Topology of neighboring CONS. Topo

Make the usual checks to confirm that the problem has been resolved.

In cases where the user has explicitly deleted the Hot Points of opposite CONS (as those at the "corners" presented on the left), local topology cannot be recovered using the Faces>Topo or CONS>Paste function. To proceed, use the CONS> Break function to recover the deleted Hot Points.

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Geometry Cleanup Activate CONS> Break function and select with the left mousebutton or by box selection the CONS to be broken. Pick middle mouse-button to end the selection. Break

In general, the CONS> Break function will insert Hot Points at locations of curvature discontinuity along the selected CONS.

Hot Points are inserted in all selected CONS. Now Topology can be redefined as shown in the previous example.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.8. Automatic Cleaning of Geometry – Clean G The function Hot Points> Clean G. automatically clears the model from most of the common topological problems. More specifically this function eliminates: - Collapsed CONS - Gaps (small openings between faces) - Cracks (unpasted cons) - Triple or more CONS (needle faces) Clean G.

Before CLEAN G.

The function works based on the current Tolerance Settings. The images on the left show an example of how the Clean G. function would automatically correct some typical topological problems. More specifically, the collapsed CONS (white dot), the triple CONS (needle face) and the unpasted CONS visible on the first image (before Clean G.), are all cleared after the application of the function. The function applies on all visible Faces. Note that this function is automatically applied during CAD file input if the flag “Perform TOPO in GEOMETRY functions” is active in the Settings>TOPO window.

After CLEAN G.

8.9. The Rm.Overlap function Common DELETE overlap area

The Hot Points> Rm.Overlap Rm.Overlap function removes overlapping or untrimmed sections of Faces. The opposite images show a typical simple example of the function‟s operation, where two Faces overlap.

Face 1

Face 2

The edge of one of the overlapping Faces is projected onto the other Face and the second Face‟s overlapping section is deleted. Topology is automatically applied to create a common boundary between the two faces. Any untrimmed Faces are also trimmed by the Rm.Overlap function. The function applies on all visible Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.10. Dealing with irregular Face boundaries There are cases where Face boundaries show strong irregularities. Such irregularities must be removed. This case may be treated as if there is an excess part of the Face, which has to be removed. The solution of such cases is very simple, using the CUT function.

Use the Faces> Cut function to trim the Face by creating a CONS between two selected Hot Points. Cut

The definition of a CONS by the CUT function is possible only if the two selected Hot Points lie on the same Face. The defined CONS is a straight line in the Face's 2D-parametric space.

The initial Face is now divided into two Faces. It is obvious that the defined CONS belongs to both Faces, as it appears in yellow color.


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Use Faces> Delete to delete the excess Face.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Geometry Cleanup Use Hot Points> Delete to delete any excessive Hot Points, so as not to produce any further problems during the next steps of topology or meshing. Delete

Make the usual checks to confirm that the problem has been resolved.

In this example Topology could not be completed due to the presence of a Face with an irregular boundary, which must be trimmed off.


Use the Faces>Info function to identify the problematic Face.

Release the local incomplete Topology using the Hot Points>Release function, Release

and Isolate the Face with the OR function of the FOCUS group.

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Geometry Cleanup Cut


Use the Faces>Cut function to trim the Face.

Use the Faces>Delete to delete the small excess Face.

Note that in that corner there are two Hot Points left. One of them must be removed so that the corner is properly defined. Delete

Use Hot Points> Delete with box selection to delete the excess Hot


Re-apply the Topology with the Faces>Topo function, or the CONS> PASTE function. Topo

The problem has been resolved.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.11. Trimming a Face by projecting CONS This specific problem has to be solved by projecting a new boundary segment comprised by CONS or 3D Curves on a Face, so as the excess piece of this Face can be deleted.


Project Normal

Activate the CONS>Project with Type: “Normal” in the Options List window and select the CONS to be

projected. The Corner Angle window opens to facilitate the selection procedure, in cases where a string of CONS has to be selected. Confirm with middle mouse-button. Select the Face where the CONS should be projected to. Terminate the Faces selection using the middle mouse-button.

New double (yellow) CONS have been defined which divide the selected Face. !Note: Having the option “Connect with Faces” activated from the CONS>Project function‟s option list, the cons are automatically connected to the face they‟re projected on.

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Geometry Cleanup Pasting the projected, to the defined CONS, a triple CONS results, which shows that the projection was successful. Paste


Delete the excess piece of the initial Face with the Faces>Delete


The problematic location seems to be clean. In order to reassure this, deactivate again the visibility of the double CONS. If the problem is solved, then no unnecessary CONS should appear at this location. Note that the PROJECT function can be applied for more than one CONS and /or 3D Curves in one step.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.12. Replacing missing Faces This example demonstrates the use of all options of SURFs>COONS and FACEs>NEW as well as some additional functions related to the generation of new Faces.

Starting from this area here, there is a missing Face. It is a well-defined four sided patch which could be filled with SURFs>COONS. However another way is described below.

Using the Surfaces>Info function, notice that the Surface of the adjacent Face, is sufficient, in order to use it for the missing Face as it completely covers the opening. Info


Use the Faces> New function and select EXISTING SURF option.

Select sequentially the CONS that will compose the perimeter of the new FACE. Activating the Color-path flag allows auto-selection of all red CONS. Confirm with middle mouse button Next select from its crosshatch the Face whose Surface will be used.

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Geometry Cleanup Cut

ANSA creates a NEW Face based on the selected Surface.

The advantage of this option is that the exact underlying surface has been used, so that there is no deviation from the original geometry. In addition, if you use the function Faces>Cut and select with right-mouse button (to perform the opposite task i.e. JOIN) the yellow CONS between the two Faces, this CONS is completely removed.

Both Faces are merged into one as they share the same underlying Surface.

Next comes the visor.

If the Surfaces>Coons function is selected the result is not good. The reason is that this path does not have well defined corners. Coons

Cancel is pressed as another approach must be followed here. The Face should be created in separate, better defined sections. The CONS must be properly segmented. Activate the Hot Points> Parametrical function and select the CONS shown. The Input window opens. Parametrical

Type in the value 0.7 and press Enter.

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Geometry Cleanup ANSA places a Hot Point parametrically at 0.7 of the CONS. While still in the Hot Points> Parametrical function select the other three red CONS with right mouse button to place a new Hot Point on them also.

Activate again the Surfaces>Coons function, select the opposite CONS shown and confirm with middle mouse button. Coons

This time the result is a well-defined Surface so press OK.

Now the smaller sides must be filled.

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Geometry Cleanup If Coons is selected, the result is again not good as a Surface with collapsing isoparametrics, something that should be avoided. Coons


In this case the Faces>New [Fitted] option is most suitable.

A good Surface and Face are thus created. Finally moving to the top of the helmet, there is one remaining opening. New

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The Faces>New [Planar] can be used here.

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Geometry Cleanup A new planar Face closes the opening. It would be better here if this Face followed the neighboring curvature.

Parametrical Place two Hot Points half way of the two CONS using the HOT POINTs>PARAM. Then use the Faces>Proj-Cut function as shown here to project these new Hot Points and make vertical cuts on the two surrounding Faces. Proj-Cut

Now there are two pairs of CONS that “define” the local curvature. Connect Single

Activate the Curves> Connect [Single] function.

Select one CONS, press middle mouse button and then select the opposite CONS.

A new 3D Curve is created.

Place a Hot Point half way on it using the Hot Points>Parametrical. Parametrical

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Geometry Cleanup Then use again the Curves>Connect [Single], Single select one CONS, select the Hot Point, then confirm with middle mouse button and finally select the opposite CONS. Connect

This will ensure that the two Curves will pass from the same point.

Now these Curves can be used as target lines to reshape the existing planar Face below.

Activate the Surfaces>Fit function. In Edges mode select the created Curves and the bounding CONS. Fit

Confirm with middle mouse button. Next select the planar Face below. ANSA reshapes the Surface of the selected Face to fit to the selected Edges A preview of the Surface is provided.

Activate the Replace old face‟s surf flag and press OK.

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Geometry Cleanup ANSA has modified the Surface so that the Face follows better the local curvature.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.13. Extending Faces 8.13.1. Extending Faces to a target Face

In this example the two vertical Faces must intersect with the horizontal one. Instead of extending a Surface, creating a new Face and trimming it according to the target Face, the function FACEs> EXTEND>Target can be used. This function performs all these operations automatically.

Extend Target

Activate the Faces> Extend> Target function

In the Options List window, set a “Range” greater than the extension needed for the faces to meet. Select with the left mouse-button the CONS of a Face in the extending direction. Press middle mouse-button to confirm the selection. Select the target Face with left mouse button. Confirm with middle mouse button. If the “Topo” option has been inactive, the Faces are simply extended up to the target Face.

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Geometry Cleanup Otherwise, they are extended, projected and pasted automatically, leading to a cyan triple connection with the target Face.

Extending Faces by range If a target Face is not defined (by pressing the middle mouse button two times after selection of the CONS to extend from), the Faces extend according to the defined “Range” in the Extend FACEs window. ! Any intersection with other Faces is ignored.

Deleting excess Hot Points In cases that the selected CONS to extend can be joined to a single CONS (the Hot Points between them can be deleted),

the “Delete Hot Points” check box can be activated to join these CONS before the extension,

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Geometry Cleanup or, left inactive, to extend from each CONS respectively.

In case that the “Put to Set” option is active, the new Faces that the Extension function creates are put in a SET named: “ExtendFace” If “Empty Set” is active, then each time that new Faces are created as extensions, they will replace the previous contents in the “ExtendFace” Set. 8.13.2. Extending Faces simultaneously In case that both of the Faces need to be extended in order to be connected, the FACEs> EXTEND> Pairs will be used.

Extend Pairs

Activate the Faces> Extend> Pairs function.

In the Options List window, set a “Range” greater than the extension needed for the faces to meet. Select with the left mouse-button the CONS of the first Face from where it will extend. Press middle mouse-button to confirm the selection.

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Geometry Cleanup Now select the CONS of the second Face from where it will extend. Press middle mouse-button to confirm the selection.

The extensions are being applied and if the Range is adequate, the intersecting Faces are connected appropriately.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.14. Deleting and Undeleting Faces To delete a Face, activate Faces> Delete button and pick on the boundary of a Face. The Faces Delete List window appears. The user can choose to keep or to delete the Face. If the selected boundary belongs to more than one Faces, then all these Faces can also be handled by the same window. Delete

First Face to delete

Second Face to delete

A more direct way to delete a Face is to pick it from its crosshatch. In this case the Face is deleted without the need of confirmation.

If a Face to be deleted is a Parent Face of other Linked Faces, a Warning window appears after pressing the DELETE button of the Delete Face window. The Linked Face appears in green highlight even if it was not visible at the time. The user can select between deleting the Linked Face as well, or converting it to real geometry.

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Geometry Cleanup There is the ability to restore deleted Faces, in condition that the FILE> COMPRESS function was not used since the Face was deleted. Activate Faces> Undelete function. All the deleted Faces appear in white highlight. Using the left mouse-button select the Faces to be restored. Press the middle mouse button to end the operation. The topological conditions need to be redefined. Undelete

The Faces> Undelete function appears also in other Groups and operates in a similar way.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.15. Opening holes in geometry Open Hole

The function CONs>Open Hole is used to open holes on

Faces. Activate the function. In the Open Hole window, specify the radius of the hole and press Enter. Select with left mouse button the faces and confirm with middle mouse button.

As a next step, select with left mouse button the face where the hole will be opened. Use its crosshatch to select it. The face is highlighted in red. Pick a random position on the highlighted face with left mouse button. ! Alternatively before selecting a face, an existing Hot Point, 3D Point, etc., can be selected directly.

A cylinder is drawn, with the defined radius and its axis perpendicular to the Face, through the selected position. The cylinder‟s intersections with the selected Faces, defines where the holes will be opened.

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Geometry Cleanup The cylinder can be moved in all directions by selecting the respective axis (transformation) or corner (rotation) and moving the mouse accordingly. Press again the left mouse button to confirm the new position. Alternatively, an exact value can be defined in the Transformations’ window respective field (confirm with Enter). Refer also to chapter “Control Points”: Transformations and Rotations paragraphs. When ready, confirm with middle mouse button to create the hole(s). A window asks for the deletion of the holes‟ Faces. Select OK or Cancel accordingly. The hole(s) is/are opened.

Creation of Tubes There is the possibility to create tubes between the holes. To achieve this, activate the Tube option in the Options List window, before the confirmation of the preview cylinder‟s final position.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.16. Removing unwanted holes and openings


In most models, small holes are unwanted details that have to be removed before meshing. The function CONS>Fill Hole can Fill Hole be used to close such internal opening, regardless of their shape. Selection of holes can be performed manually, or automatically by ANSA if their diameter is below a user specified limit. If the openings are not circular, their perimeter must correspond to the circumference of a circle with the same user specified diameter. The function can only fill holes if there is underlying Surface data, and if a given hole lies on one or no more than two Surfaces. (The function SURFs>INFO can be used to preview the underlying Surfaces). Activate the CONS>FIL HOL function. The Fill Hole Parameters window opens.

Hole lying on two Surface

Hole lying on one Surface RELEASE

Select with the left mouse button the holes to be closed. Alternatively, enter a diameter value and press Select. The identified visible internal perimeters are highlighted. Increasing the diameter value and pressing Select again, leads to the selection of more visible holes.

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Geometry Cleanup De-select with right mouse button any holes that should not be removed by the function. Optionally, you can activate the flag buttons to create 3D Curves, 3D Points and Connection Points in order to mark the location and shape of the removed holes for reference. Press the OK button.

ANSA closes the holes and leaves the 3D Curves and Points at these locations. Additionally, the user has the capability to assign the faces created by the FILL HOL function to a different PID or add them to a set. (The corresponding visibility flag button must be active in order to view the created entities).

In SHADOW mode the results are clearly viewed.

This is a case of an opening that its perimeter is defined by CONS belonging to many different Faces. There is no underlying Surface to cover this gap, as a check on all neighboring Faces using the SURFs>INFO function shows.

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Geometry Cleanup Activate the CONS>Fill Hole function, select this opening and confirm with middle mouse button. Fill Hole

In this case ANSA creates a new Face and Surface that fits to the opening and closes it topologically.

Not-closed perimeters on the edge of a Face, or openings between two Faces, may be treated as boundary irregularities, and removed using the Faces> Cut function. Cut

The Faces> Cut function will produce an excess Face that has to be deleted. Delete

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Geometry Cleanup As the boundary segments of the required morphology are obtained, the topological conditions with the adjacent Faces may be defined using the CONS> Paste or the Faces> Topo function.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.17. Dealing with logos 8.17.1. Locating logos Use function Rm.Logos Utilities>Isolate>Logos in order to isolate automatically logos from visible faces.

Activate the function. The Remove Logos Parameters window opens:

Type in the maximum height and size of the logos and press OK.

All faces that satisfy both criteria remain visible on the screen. Increase the height and size values if the results are not satisfactory.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.17.2. Removing logos Use function Faces> Rm.Logos Rm.Logos>Auto in order to remove automatically logos from visible faces.

Activate the function. The Remove Logos Parameters window opens:

Type in the maximum height and size of the logos to be removed and press Next. All logos that fulfill the above criteria are selected. Deselect with right mouse button logos you want to keep. Press Next button to remove the unwanted logos.

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Geometry Cleanup Note: logos can be removed automatically during batch mesh session execution. For more information, please refer to chapter 12.4.3

Rm.Logos Use function Faces> Rm.Logos>Per Face in order to remove logos that belong on user selected faces. Activate the function. The INPUT window opens:

Type in the maximum height and size of the logos to be removed and press Enter.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.18. Dealing with flanges 8.18.1 Locating Flanges To identify geometric or FE-entities that could potentially be model flanges, the ISOLATE [FLANGEs] function can be used available in the FOCUS group of functions. There are 4 alternative methods for the detection of such model entities: i. By proximity This detection method uses two criteria for the identification of proximity between geometric and FE entities: Their distance and the angle formed by their normals. In the end, it identifies flanges pairs. Entity types taken into account include FACEs, shell elements, gasket, thick shells and solid elements. ii. Through “linked” faces This detection method isolates all the linked faces of link types “LINK DISTANCE” and “LINK FACTOR THICKNESS” along with their parent faces, leading to the isolation of flanges pairs. iii. By shape This detection method identifies candidate areas for flanges based on the red bounds of the components and a maximum value of flange width. Works for both FACEs and shell elements. iv. Using connections This detection method identifies candidate areas for flanges based on the existence of spotweld points, gumdrops, spotweld lines, adhesive lines, seamlines and adhesive faces on them. Works for both FACEs and shell elements. To locate the Faces that lie opposite to each other in close proximity, and are possibly the Flanges flanges of the visible parts, use the Isolate > Flanges Proximity [Proximity] function of the Utilities Group. The input value is the search distance between these Faces. All faces of different PIDs, which lie within the input distance, remain visible.

The Flanges Recognition Parameters pops-up: Specify the Angle Tolerance, Solid Thickness and choose one of the Definition types:

Factor: dF  f 

t1  t 2 2

Distance dD  D 

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t1  t 2 2

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Geometry Cleanup


Proximity Searching Distance

t1 and t2 the thickness values of Part 1 and Part 2 respectively. Note that the facets of solid elements are th considered to have a “thickness” equal to 1/20 of the facet‟s smallest diagonal. Any flanges (Faces or Shells) with proximity distance less than dF or dD are isolated. The function searches and detects flanges also between FE-model shells.

Note that the free facets of solid elements are also searched as candidate flange areas, based on the specified Solid Thickness. For example, a solid facet and a shell will be identified as contact areas, if their distance is less than:

Factor*[Solid Thickness + (shell thickness/2)]

The Isolate > Flanges [Link] function detects all faces created with the Faces>Link Flanges [Create] function, along with their “parent” faces. Link

The Isolate > Flanges [Link] function works on the visible faces of the model. Only the faces of link types LINK DISTANCE” and “LINK FACTOR THICKNESS” along with their parent faces are isolated.

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Geometry Cleanup


The Isolate > Flanges [Shape] function detects candidate flange areas on single components.


It takes into account the free boundary (red bounds) of the Faces and the given value as the maximum width. Keep in mind that this function also works on FE-model shell elements.

The Isolate > Flanges [Connection] function detects candidate flange areas Flanges based on the existence of Connection Entities. Connections Connection Entity types taken into account include: Spotweld points, spotweld lines, adhesive lines, gumdrops, adhesive faces, seamlines and hemmings.

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Geometry Cleanup The Isolate > Flanges [Solid Flanges] function detects candidate Flanges flange areas based on their shape or Faces that lie Solid Flanges opposite to each other in close proximity, and are possibly the flanges of the visible solid parts, Function is applicable only to geometry.

Activate the function and in the Solid flanges recognition window that appears activate Recognize solid flanges only if proximity exists option.

Specify Distance and Angle Distance is : Anglele

Proximity Searching Distance

dD  D 

t1  t 2 2

and press OK

t1 and t2 the thickness values of Part 1 and Part 2 respectively. Any flanges with proximity distance less than dD are isolated.

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Geometry Cleanup Leave the option Recognize solid flanges only if proximity exists inactive in order to isolate faces that belong to solid parts by shape.

All flanges remain visible on the screen

8.18.2 Simplifying the Shape of Flanges In some cases the width of the flanges is variable or is not sufficient for good Width connections and meshing. Use the WIDTH option of the TOPO>Faces> Flange function to increase (or even decrease) the width of the flange and give a uniform width. Flange

Select the free edge of the flange‟s Faces (red CONSs) and input the target width for these Faces. When the Delete Old Flange flag is active, the original Faces will be deleted after the new Flange definition. ! Note : Facilitate the selection by using one of the feature selection methods By typing a zero value, the resulting width is automatically calculated as the average value of the width of all the selected Faces. New Faces are defined, with uniform width equal to the input value. The new Faces keep the same topological connectivity as the original flange‟s Faces. ! This function cannot be used in “Parent” or “Child” LINK Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup In other cases the corners of the flanges are rounded. The Faces> Corner Flange [Corner] function transforms such flanges into sharp cornered ones. If the Auto mode is selected the user can select the curved part of the red CONS that will be transformed. Flange

The sharp corner is automatically created and a Hot Point is inserted to define the corner.

If the Manual mode is selected the round potion of the red CONS that is to be transformed must be isolated in advance. Insert

If no Hot Points exist already, insert them using the Hot Points>Insert function.

Having defined the limit Hot Points, the user can proceed in the same way as in the Auto mode by clicking with the left mouse button on the round portion of the free red CONS. The inserted Hot Points are automatically deleted. The result is similar, although in certain complicated cases the Manual mode gives better control. Flange Corner Mark

The Flange [Corner Mark] function can be used again on filleted corners.

Select with left mouse button the rounded corner CONS.

ANSA does not alter the CONS shape, but instead places two Hot Points at the edges of the rounded corner so as to mark its shape.

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Geometry Cleanup Flange Simplify

When along the edges of Faces, notches or recessed corners exist that need to be removed, the Faces>Flange [Simplify] function can be used.

Activate the function and select the CONS that define the notches that need to be removed. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Additionally, the Faces>Flange [Simplify] can be used to convert round or chamfered corners to sharp ones. Only restriction is that the corners must be defined by Hot Points.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.18.3. Creating Compatible Flanges Linked Flanges : FLANGES>COMPATIBLE function The TOPO>Faces>Link and TOPO>Faces>Flanges>Compatible functions can be used in order to: - create identical mesh between two or more flanges - locate two or more flanges to a distance depending on their thickness or a specific value. The LINK function results to “Parent” and linked - “Child” faces that form the master and linked flange respectively. The linked Faces are recognized by the orange crosshatch in the TOPO menu. The linked faces are virtual entities and not real geometric entities, for this reason they are not output in CAD files (CAD OUTPUT function).

The 2 solids in the left picture have a distance of 0.3 mm as shown in the picture. Flanges isolation can be done using the ISOLATE>FLANGES>SOLID FLANGES function (refer to section 8.18.1).

The 2 identified flanges are incompatible. In order to create linked areas that will be meshed with compatible mesh, Flanges> Compatible function will be used.

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Geometry Cleanup Activate the function and pick with left mouse button a first group of one or more faces. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Then select a second group of one or more faces.

! Note : for faces selection the user may pick one of the feature selection methods to facilitate them Confirm with middle mouse button.

Upon confirmation, the 2 groups of faces were projected to each other, so as the compatible area(s) to be created.

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Geometry Cleanup If the compatible area is created, then the faces from the second group of faces is deleted and it's place is taken from faces of the first group. The new faces are linked ones, they are created with the Offset>Link function and they have the same properties with the faces of first group The function doesn't work if the faces of the 2 groups: -1. are intersecting each other (refer to section -2. aren't close to each other and -3. Inclined Linked Flanges : LINK>CREATE function Link Create

The TOPO>Faces>Link [Create] function is used for creating linked Faces.

Select with the left mouse-button, the faces consisting the master flange. Press the middle mouse-button to confirm selection. An arrow appears indicating the direction in which the new flange will be created. With the left mouse button pick the arrow to flip the direction and press the middle mouse-button to confirm. The distance between the two flanges is defined through the Parameters window that hosts three options:

a) Thickness factor, f: The linked Faces will be located at a distance equal to from the parent Faces, where t1 is the thickness of the base Face property and t2 is the thickness of the linked Face property.




 t2  2

b) Distance: The linked Faces will be located at the specified given distance. c) Thickness + Distance: The linked Faces will be located at a distance equal to f  t1  t 2  where f is the user specified distance. The selection of the Property ID of the linked Faces as well as of the Part where these linked Faces will reside is required. Pick a Face from the screen to adopt this information for the linked Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup Delete the initial flange that will be replaced by the linked one, using the Faces>DELETE or Geometry>Delete functions. Delete


Paste the linked flange with the rest part using CONS>Paste or Faces>Topo.

As a result the two flanges are identical. Each change performed to the geometry or the mesh of any of the two will automatically reflect to the other (except from node movements performed by the MESH>Grids> Mv Free and MESH>Shell Mesh>Fix Quality functions, refer to section 9.9.).

CONS residing on Faces created by the LINK (FACEs) function are not relocated during the PASTE procedure. If the location of the linked Face is determined using property thickness information, then any change in the property thickness value of either the basis or the linked Face, will automatically relocate the linked Face. The default linked Face creation method is the Thickness factor one, with a value of 1.2, as specified by the fact_thick variable in the ANSA.defaults file. fact_thick = 1.2 Input of a different method or value in the Parameters window will affect only the current operation. The user can select the Distance method as default by replacing in the ANSA.defaults file the fact_thick variable with the const_thick equal to the desired distance value, e.g.: const_thick = 2.0

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Geometry Cleanup Note: The values assigned to the above parameters serve only as initial values in the Parameters window appearing when the TOPO>Faces>Link [Create] function is used. The user can alter any of these when working within an ANSA session. Linked Flanges : LINK>EDIT function Linked Faces can be edited with the Faces>Link [Edit] function. Select the Edit linked Faces one by one or with box selection. Confirm selections with the middle mouse button. Link

The Link Parameters window appears.

In this case the linked flange will be moved to the appropriate distance and the faces that are connected to the linked flange will be transformed to retain part's surface continuity. Any subsequent change in the Thickness Factor or the thickness of the flanges will lead to the automatic relocation of the flanges, thus avoiding mesh penetration problems Special cases of Linked Flanges Triple flanges Child A1

In the case of a triple or more flanges consider the following: 1

a) Choose as “parent” the middle flange if it is possible. Faces A1 and A2 have the face A as a “Parent”.

Parent face A 2

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Child A2

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Geometry Cleanup b) If two or more flanges have to be created at the same side, choose the first linked flange as the parent of the second linked and so on. Face A1 is the “Parent” face of the Child face (A1)1

Child (A1)1


Child A1 Parent face A

PR J- 1 CU T

Flanges with SYMMETRY LINK

The “Parent” and “Child” relationship between linked Faces, generated by the Faces>Link function, can be kept at the symmetrical side as well, if the faces are selected simultaneously for the SYMMETRY>LINK function. In order to save time first generate the linked flanges (Faces>Link ) and afterwards create their symmetrical parts (SYMMETRY>LINK). FLANGES>TOPO function Flanges>Topo is a function that connects topologically solid parts by creating a common flange area. The 2 solids in the left picture lie on each other. Flanges isolation can be done using the Isolate>Flanges>Solid Flanges function (refer to section 8.18.1).

The 2 identified flanges are incompatible. In order to connect them through a common flange , Flanges>Topo function will be used.

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Geometry Cleanup Activate the function and pick with left mouse button a first group of one or more faces. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Then select a second group of one or more faces.

! Note : for faces selection the user may pick one of the feature selection methods other than ENT to facilitate them Confirm with middle mouse button.

Upon confirmation, the 2 groups of faces were projected to each other, so as the compatible area(s) to be created.


Common flange area of the 2 selected group is deleted and the 2 solids are connected through the common flange, as indicated by the cyan CONSes if ENT view mode is selected.

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Geometry Cleanup Result is 2 connected solid parts that describe 2 different volumes.

8.18.4 Inquiring info about Linked Faces You can also acquire information regarding the relation between “Parent” and “Child” Faces using the Faces>Info function. Select a Face with the left mouse button. If a Link relationship exists the mouse pointer appears as "!" and the corresponding faces are highlighted, regardless if they were visible or not. Child faces are highlighted in green while the Parent face is highlighted in cyan. Info

Select which of the highlighted faces to become visible, if there were not, using box-selection with the left mouse button, and which ones to become non visible by box selection with the right mouse button. Using this function, consider the difference of the relations between symmetrical parts that have been created before flange creation and symmetrical parts that have been created after flange creation. Singl e


Note that the user can break the Parent Child relation of selected Faces by converting the linked Faces into real geometry. Activate the Faces>Convert function, select the linked Faces and confirm with middle mouse button.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.19. Dealing with fillets 8.19.1. Locating fillets The cleanup of the fillets and their treatment may sometimes be proven to be a time consuming – but important job. In this paragraph a variety of problems and their treatment are demonstrated. The following examples describe a general concept. More careful and progressive steps should be taken during a real model cleanup. The first step is to locate the fillet Faces. Use the Radius Isolate>Radius function of the Utilities group and input a value of curvature radius, e.g. 7 mm.

Only the Faces that have one of their curvature radii smaller or equal to the input value remain visible. As it can be seen in this example, sometimes the fillets don't have any topological connection with the rest of geometry (the one with the red boundary), or they may be clearly connected with the rest of the geometry (the one with the yellow boundary).

The Surfaces> INFO function provides information, in the ANSA Info Window, about the curvature of the Surface of a selected Face, by means of its two parametric directions, s and t. Info

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Geometry Cleanup 8.19.2. Removing Unwanted Unconnected Fillets Suppose that the unconnected fillets are considered unwanted and Radius have to be removed. As a first step, these fillets have to be located using the Isolate>Radius function of the FOCUS menu, as shown previously.

Putting off the visibility of the DOUBLE (yellow) CONS, makes it more clear which are these unconnected fillet Faces. Use the Faces> Delete function to Delete delete these Faces.

Repeat the same steps for all unwanted, unconnected fillets. Then activate again the visibility of DOUBLE (yellow) CONS and use the Focus> All function to have the complete view of the model with no unwanted fillets.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.19.3. Keeping Unconnected Fillets


Suppose that the unconnected fillets must be kept in the model and they have to be topologically connected to the

rest of geometry. As a first step, these fillets have to be located using the Isolate>Radius function, as shown in the previous pages.

As the visibility of the double (yellow) CONS is deactivated, only the free (red) boundaries of the fillet remain visible. Use the CONS> Project [Normal] function to project Normal the free boundaries on the model. Select these free boundary CONS. Project

Confirm selection with middle mouse button.

Then activate again the visibility of the double CONS and select the Faces on which the selected free boundary has to be projected. Terminate Faces' selection by the middle mouse-button.

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Geometry Cleanup After the free boundary of the fillet is projected, create the Topology between the fillet and the adjacent Faces, using the Faces> Topo or the CONS> Paste function. Topo

The topology shows that there is a triple connectivity between the fillet and its adjacent FACES, as it was expected.


Use the Faces> Delete function to delete the excess Faces of the


When all the corners are trimmed, the fillet is expected to have clear topological connection with the adjacent CONS. There may be some CONS that have to be connected using the CONS> Paste function, later on.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.19.4. Sharpening Fillets In order to sharpen fillets, use the Faces> Dach [Dach] function. Activate the function Dach and the Dach Selection window appears. The user can select fillets automatically by specifying ranges for fillet radius and arc length and pressing the Select button. Selected fillets are highlighted in white. The user can also select or de-select fillets with the left and right mouse button respectively. When a CONS is picked ANSA automatically selects a whole string of Faces along this direction. Dach

D S E e L c E o T n E d

Confirm with middle mouse button. As the corner Faces are calculated and previewed, the Dach’s Parameters window opens.

F a c e t o d e l e t e


The user can select whether to Delete the original fillet or Keep it and optionally disconnect it topologically from the rest of the geometry (Release CONS option). Deleting or disconnecting the fillet allows the Join Macros option to be activated.

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Geometry Cleanup MESH>

In this way no narrow Macros are left, leading to a better mesh.

If the option Produce Curves is selected then no Faces are created. 3D Curves are only created instead along the intersection of the sharpened Faces.

The function can also be used to sharpen flat chamfers and bevels.

The user must select the chamfer Faces. Picking a CONS, ANSA identifies the string of Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup

First option

While in the preview mode, the user can press the Cng. Tang button to change the tangency calculation of the Dach‟s faces of round fillets.

There are two options available, the first (default) takes the tangents from the neighboring Faces. Second option The second option (applied if the Cng. Tang button is pressed) calculates the tangents from the edges of the fillet Faces. Depending on the quality of the CAD data, the user can select the option that leads to the best sharpened geometry description.

The Reselect button returns the user to the fillet Faces selection mode. Refer to section 7.6.6. for the DIVIDE FACE option of the DACH function.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.20. Dealing with chamfers 8.20.1. Locating chamfers Notes : As chamfers are recognized faces that : – satisfy both angle and width criteria – their starting and ending positions coincide (circular, oval..) – in case of “straight” chamfers, recognition will be done only if they have a RED boundary. If they are part of a solid described part, they will not even though they satisfy both angle and width criteria. Refer to section 7.6.6. for the DIVIDE FACE option of the DACH function

8.20.2 Sharpening chamfers In order to sharpen chamfers, use the Faces> Dach [Dach] function. Activate the function Dach and the Dach Selection window appears. The user can select chamfers automatically by specifying ranges for corner angle and width and pressing the Select button. Selected chamfers are highlighted in white. The user can also select or de-select fillets with the left and right mouse button respectively. When a CONS is picked ANSA automatically selects a whole string of Faces along this direction. Dach

Confirm with middle mouse button. As the corner Faces are calculated and previewed, the Dach’s Parameters window opens.

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Geometry Cleanup The user can select whether to Delete the original fillet or Keep it and optionally disconnect it topologically from the rest of the geometry (Release CONS option). Deleting or disconnecting the fillet allows the Join Macros option to be activated.

8.21. Dealing with Faces of Bad Surface Description In certain cases some Faces may have a bad underlying Surface description, as they were read from the CAD file. In this example there is a Face that is not shaded, but its presence is indicated by the visible crosshatches. The Surfaces>Info function can be used to examine the underlying CAD surface. Activate the function and select with the left mouse button the Face from its crosshatch. Info

The Surface of the Face is displayed in a cyan net. This Surface is problematic because its isoparametric lines in one direction all collapse at a single point at both ends. The Face must be deleted and replaced with a new one.

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Geometry Cleanup In this case it is recommended to use the Faces>New [Fitted] function instead of the Surfaces>Coons. Although the Coons function will create a Face that can be shaded, the generated Surface will be a triangular one with the iso-parametric lines collapsing at one corner. Activate the Faces>New function and select the FITTED mode. Select the free red CONS that form the boundaries, and confirm with middle mouse button. New

The generated Surface is previewed.

Upon acceptance of the Surface the Face is created and the problem is solved.

There are also certain cases where a Face can be shaded but cannot be meshed. This is an example of such a case.

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Geometry Cleanup Using the Surfaces>Info function, examine the underlying CAD o Surface. As can be seen, it is a single 360 cylindrical surface. Such Faces may lead to problems in meshing, and should therefore be treated appropriately. Info

Use the Surfaces>Break [Break] function, with the Break illustrated options selected, to split the selected Face automatically to as many parts as required. Use the Break [Hot Pnt] to split the selected Surface at the location of a Hot Point selected by the user. Break

The resulting Face is split in two in this case, and can be meshed. The underlying Surface is duplicated for each of the two Faces. There are cases where a face, although geometrically clean and with a surface , its shape leads to bad mesh generation due to very small curvature. The solution would be to cut the face along the curvature.

Break Break

To achieve this, use the Break>Break function.

Enable only the Curvature Peaks and Preview check boxes and move the slider to the Highest position.

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Geometry Cleanup

Select the face and confirm with middle mouse button. A preview highlights with green line the highest curvature region of the face. Select this line with left mouse button.

It turns red to declare its selection. Since this is the only one curve result, press middle mouse button to confirm the selection.

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Geometry Cleanup The face is cut along this curve.

This is another example of a Face with a degenerate Surface. The isoparametrics in one direction all collapse at the corner point.

Zooming in very close at that point shows also some twisting of this Surface.

Such Surfaces may lead to problems for CAD operations (Faces>Offset, or Surfaces> Break and Extend etc.) or in some rare cases meshing quality issues.

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Geometry Cleanup In these cases it is recommended to delete such Faces...

...and create new ones, using functions such as the Surfaces>Coons shown here.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.22. The OFFSET function 8.22.1. The OFFSET>FACES option Offset Faces

In order to relocate the Faces to the “middle surface”, the FACES option of the OFFSET function may be

used. In this example the 3D Curves indicate the Part thickness. Part thickness C U T

Desired position of face Face

The selected Faces are offset towards the arrow direction, according to the offset value that is input in the respective window. A negative value would offset the faces to the opposite direction of that indicated by the arrow.

If the “Keep PID & Part” flag button is active the offset Faces will get the same PID and will reside in the same Part as the original ones. The user is asked whether to Delete the original Faces or not.

Thickness Middle surface

Original position

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Geometry Cleanup 8.22.2. The OFFSET>LINK option Using the LINK option of the OFFSET function, selected Link Faces can be offset to a distance value specified by a percent of their thickness or by a specific value. Offset


The use of the LINK option is highly recommended, because it is fast (no new geometrical entities are created), it does not modify the original CAD Middle surface description, no topological problems arise (provided ty Searching the original geometry is cleaned), and finally Distance because any future thickness modifications lead to the automatic relocation of the Faces (provided that the thickness parameter mode has been selected).

Original position Part thickness Desired position of face Face OFFSET>LINK position Such a Face is still lying on the Surface that is determined at the original position.

! A new Face, defined by the boundaries of already Original position

offset linked Faces, has its “Surface-definition” at the same position as the surrounded ones (the “original position”). This does not happen if a 3D-Curve is used for the new Face‟s definition.

! The original position is retrieved using a zero (0) input value.

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Geometry Cleanup Changing the Thickness value in the Property card automatically relocates the Faces that have been offset linked to a distance defined by a parameter of the Property‟s thickness. OFFSET>LINK position


New thicknessNew position

Original position

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Geometry Cleanup 8.23. Automatic Middle surface Mesh generation. The MID. SURF CASTING function For all models, even for the most complicated with a lot of ribs and thickness variation, there is the capability to move a step forward and generate FE surface mesh in the middle position of the model. Some of the advantages are : 1. fully automated process 2. function can be applied by specifying only a minimum thickness value 3. although it is recommended to use the function on clean geometry, it can be used in geometry with problems as well 4. generated surface mesh id of a very good quality with user specified target element length and type 5. thickness value is automatically applied on each element 6. Time needed to improve areas is much less than to extract the middle surface and fix it manually


! Note: tool tips are available on all options. They become visible if you leave the cursor on the field description area

Activate Faces>Mid.Surf [Casting] function. Select the model or part of it, from the screen either with box selection or with the selection assistant and confirm with middle mouse button. The initial model can be described either by faces or by FE elements. In the Automatic Middle – Surface Mesh Generator window that appears specify the parameters for the mesh that will be generated. All of them are described below. 1 2 Thickness fringe bar

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The resulting mesh consists of FE mesh only, while the initial geometry is kept. ! Note :resulting mesh is assigned in a different part (refer to chapter 5) named Middle Skin Shells ! Note : all parameters and the total extraction time are reported in the comments of the part that was created by the function


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Geometry Cleanup 1


In the resulting mesh, all shells belong to a common property, that inherits name and attributes from the original model. Information about the thickness value exists in the nodes of the shell elements. In order to visualize the thickness in the model, switch to EL.THICK view mode (please refer to chapter 2.10.2). However there is the capability to output this nodal thickness value and assign the shell elements to different newly created PIDs of different corresponding thickness values (refer to chapter 8.24.3: “Properties handling during extraction”). Function parameters are explained below.

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Geometry Cleanup Minimum thickness : minimum thickness value that appears on the model Element type: controls the type of the elements to be generated. Target element length: target element length value. If field is blank, Minimum thickness value will be taken into account as target element length Add feature lines to Set: creates a set of shell edges. User can specify directly the id of the set or open the Sets list using the “?” And pick one of the already existing ids. This is very useful for mesh improvement, with RECONSTRUCT and RESHAPE functions. (refer to section 10.6.4 and 10.6.5) Note: if the value in this field is lower than the Minimum thickness value, the last will be taken as target element length during mesh. Join perimeters with distance < : perimeters that are closer than the specified distance will be joined in the resulting mesh Paste triple bounds : triple bounds that are closer than the specified distance will be pasted as shown in the picture

T-junction treatment: real middle.

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Geometry Cleanup T-junction treatment: exact middle.

In case the model consists of a volume with sub volumes, treatment can be different. Middle from green volume

Middle from cyan volume

Leave the option Handle as single inactive in order to generate middle surface mesh on both volumes as shown on the picture

Middle from orange volume

On the contrary, if the surface mesh between the 2 volumes is needed, activate the Handle as single solid and then press ok to continue. The resulting mesh is in the middle position between the 2 volumes (the orange shaded area). The element length can also be controlled with the use of size boxes during the casting procedure.(refer to chapter 25.2).

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Geometry Cleanup 8.24. Middle Surface extraction 8.24.1. The MID.SURF Skin function Constant thickness The Faces>Mid.Surf>Skin function turns the solid description of a thin part into thin shell description by isolating the outer or inner skin of the solid description. Skin

To obtain the “middle skin” description, activate the function. The Skin Options window pops up and the user has the following capabilities available: Offset type : the user can select whether to offset the geometry (refer to section 8.22.1) or offset link (refer to section 8.22.2) by a distance or using a thickness factor. Delete original faces : option to delete the faces or not Apply Estimated thickness : when active, the property thickness of the selected skin is updated with this value, which corresponds to the calculated thickness of the original solid description. If it is inactive, the newly created faces belong to the initial property. Create New Property : if the flag is active, ANSA will create new property/ies with the updated thickness value(s) assigned in it. Faces that correspond to these thickness values are assigned to it. If it is inactive, ANSA will update the thickness value(s) in the already existing property. This could be erroneous in case of Tailor blanked parts where the initial faces belong to the same property. The name of the property is “SKIN's new PSHELL Property” Process in Batch Mode : option to handle more than one selected models -that are included in the same ANSA database- without any user interaction. (It can be applied in a single model as well) The options are stored in the Window>Settings>Settings>ANSA defaults>Middle Skin Auto Parameters, and can be saved in an ANSA.defaults file (refer to chapter

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Geometry Cleanup Select the Faces of the solid part. Confirm with middle mouse button.

The band of CONS composing the solid description's thickness is automatically detected and highlighted in white. During inner and outer skin recognition, all the invalid paths are marked in sequence. In case the identified path is not correct, use the left mouse-button to add, or use the right mousebutton to exclude, selected CONS in order to correct it. Declare the acceptance of the thickness path detection using the middle mouse-button. The outer and inner skins of the description are colored in green and red color. The thickness edges are highlighted in blue. Pick (left-click) one of the two sides to keep. Press right mouse button to go to the previous step.

The Faces of the picked side remain as the shell description of the part. The middle surface is generated. As next step, the positioning of the middle surface is controlled by the Skin Offset Value window. The user can select whether to OFFSET or NO OFFSET the kept side by pressing the respective button. In addition he/she can decide if the offset should result to real new Faces being created (Geometry flag), or if it should be a simple Offset Link operation (LINK flag), as the option of the OFFSET function, described in section 8.19.


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Geometry Cleanup

Original position

Offset position

! Note1: This function is applicable to geometries of extruded and/or processed sheet parts and not cast solids. It cannot be used on parts whose resulting middle skin description would contain Tjunctions. Such parts must be treated manually using the functions Mid.Surf>Casting and Middle>Multi.

! Note2: The hot points of the original model are kept in the skinned parts. Variable thickness – Taylor blanked parts Taylor blanked parts are parts with variable thickness. Usually, all their faces belong initially to the same property.

T1 = 1.5mm C O R N E R

T2 = 2.4mm

T3 = 2mm Initially, there are 3 properties with the default thickness value which equals to 1mm

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Geometry Cleanup Activate the SKIN function. Select to create the middle surface using the options shown in the picture below. Confirm with middle mouse button. The band of CONS composing the solid description's thickness is automatically detected and highlighted in white. Note here that the boundaries of the areas where the thickness changes have to be selected. Otherwise, all faces will be assigned a unique property. Make any selections/deselections needed and confirm with middle mouse button. In case of tailor blanked parts, the side that contains the details is the red one. ! Note: when the function is used through script, ANSA picks always to keep the red side. Pick the red side.

The first area is recognized and the Skin Offset Value window appears where the user can specify the offset values and whether to offset the faces or not. ! Note 1: in the Skin Offset Value window all the different thickness areas are reported under the estimated thickness value.

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Geometry Cleanup Similarly for the second area...

And the third...

The result consists of 3 different areas, disconnected between each other. Create new faces to continue with the model completion.

(refer to section 7.4) Finally, in the property list window, 3 new properties are created with name the initial, plus the extension @SKIN and with the new thickness values assigned.

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Geometry Cleanup On the contrary, if in the initial Skin Options window, the user deselects the “Create New Property”, ANSA will change the thickness values to the initial properties. ! Note : the number of decimals that will be assigned in thickness field of the property card, is controlled from the option Thickness Decimal Digits in the Skin options window. Process in Batch Mode Activate the function and select the solid parts with box selection or with CTRL+A. In the Skin options window activate the Process in Batch Mode option. Confirm with middle mouse button. In this case the option Maximum Thickness checks for parts with big thickness. If their calculated thickness value is greater than the specified one, they will be ignored during the batch process.

ANSA extracts the middle surface from each selected solid part without any user interaction.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.24.2. The MID.SURF Welding function In case that the middle surfaces extracted from solid representations are intended to be a single connected entity, the Faces>Mid.Surface [Welding] function can be used. This function applies Faces>Mid.Surface [Skin] to the selected solid descriptions, then extends the new Faces and applies topology between them, according to the proximity between each other.

To start, select the TOPO>Faces>Mid.Surface [Welding] function. Select the Faces of the solid representations. Confirm with middle mouse button. The function is applied.

As a result, the middle surfaces are created as if the following skin options were applied:

The Welding function result may need extra actions from the user, to reach the desired outcome. For this purpose, the extension Faces are put in a SET named “ExtendFace”. This way they can be controlled easier through the final trimming of the Welding result. ! The contents of this set are overwritten with each new application of the Welding function that will result in new extended Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.24.3. The MIDDLE MULTI function For more complicated models where the SKIN function cannot work, the middle skin extraction can be achieved - in a semi-automated way by the TOPO>Faces>Middle>Multi. In the left picture some of the areas of different thickness are displayed using the measure tool (refer to section 6.2) Note 1: the function is applicable on visible entities only. Note 2: it is not a fully automated function, thus needs user's guidance.

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Geometry Cleanup Note 3: resolution value is very important for the function's performance. Extremely fine models decrease the speed of the movements while very coarse models, lead to self-intersecting areas thus in very bad results. Use as resolution value, the target element length or a value, similar to this. Note 4: a properly cleaned up geometry is a prerequisite for a well middle skin extraction. Press the Faces>Middle>Multi function. The MIDDLE window appears. There are 2 ways to proceed: - manual selection of the opposite faces and - automatic selection according to a maximum thickness specified in the “Thickness” field. In the lower section of the MIDDLE window, there are the following options: “Preview” : have a preview of the new face and decide whether to keep it or not “Put in new part”: will put the middle faces to a part named “PART created from MIDDLE”. “Hide middle faces”: hides the middle extracted faces. “Hide used faces”: hides the used faces. “Delete used faces”: deletes the used faces. “Fill pair‟s outline”: creates new faces to fill the gaps of the resulting faces. “Focus current pair”: translates the selected pair to the center of the viewing window.

Note: the option “Focus current pair” works only when the Auto option is selected, while the other 2 work with both ways. In the Group Selection section the radio buttons indicate: Red and Green: the outer and inner skins. Blue: all faces that indicate the thickness. When the function is activated, the radio button is switched to Red by default.

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Geometry Cleanup Manual selection: A simple case will be demonstrated here. The model on the left picture will be handled by the MIDDLE function. Activate the function. Note that there are 2 areas of the model. The first with thickness 1mm and the second with thickness 1.2mm Press Faces>Middle>Multi

By default the radio button is switched to Red.

When the MIDDLE window appears select directly from the screen the inner (Red) faces. Confirm the selection. The radio button is switched to Green.

Select the outer faces (Green). Confirm selection.

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Geometry Cleanup The radio button is switched to blue.

Select all faces that “indicate” the thickness (Blue). Confirm the selection. The selected faces where deleted and the generated middle faces become not visible due to the option “Hide middle faces”. In the area that was left open, a face is created to fill the gap. Furthermore the middle face close to the rest of the part was extended and topologically connected to that as indicated by the cyan line.

Having the option “Fill pair‟s outline” disabled would create the result depicted in the picture on the left.

Continue with the rest of the model. The picture on the left shows the result. Note: Switch to other Group Selection in order to alter the selections at any time

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Geometry Cleanup Properties handling during extraction In the MIDDLE window, there is the section from which the user controls the thickness of the properties that will be created after the middle skin extraction.

Thick. step: a value that controls the created PID thickness to be the sum of predefined increments. Mean thick.: the average thickness of the selected areas.

The thickness of the property that will be created during middle surface extraction depends on the Thick step and the Mean thick values. e.g if Thick.step = 0.2 and 1< Mean thick < 1.2 then: if Mean thick < 1.1 the middle face will have thickness 1.0 if Mean thick >=1.1 the middle face will have a thickness of 1.2 PID thick. : the thickness of the Property that will be created. In this case the face will be assigned to property with thickness value 1.0mm In our example there were 2 areas of different thickness, 1.0 and 1.2 mm respectively. After middle skin extraction in the property list we have 3 properties with names :

Default PSHELL Property was the property initially existed in the database, while the PSHELL Property created from MIDDLE (thickness : 1.0000) and PSHELL Property created from MIDDLE (thickness : 1.20000) respectively are the properties that were automatically created for the 2 aforementioned areas

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Geometry Cleanup Automatic selection: In order to take advantage of the automatic capabilities of the Middle>Multi function, specify a value in the “Thickness” field. Once a value is inserted there, the Auto option is activated below the field. Press the Auto button so that the recognition of the opposite faces to begin. Opposite faces with distance less than the value specified in the Thickness field will be recognized.

Once the Auto button is pressed, ANSA moves to the first pair of opposite faces (the Focus current pair option is activated). The opposite faces are automatically selected and more options become available now:

Examine the selection and if it is valid, press the Ok button to extract the middle face and continue to the next pair. Note that if the selection is invalid, a respective message appears in the status bar.

If the selection is invalid press the Edit button so as to modify it manually. Modify the selection, by switching to the appropriate radio button (Red, Green or Blue) and select/deselect faces. Press the Ok button to extract the middle face and continue to the next pair. Press the Prev or Next button to move to the previous or next pair without extracting the middle face from the current pair. Information regarding the total number of pairs appears below the buttons.

Press Manual to switch to the manual way of selection.

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Geometry Cleanup Recommendations: 1. Do not specify big values in the thickness field. This may lead to selections that are not valid due to faces that are close to each other but are not “opposite”. Start from small thickness values and increase it gradually. 2. Always check the selected faces. Modify the selection (red, green, blue faces) or the shape of the blue faces if needed as explained in the next paragraph (Trimming the model paragraph) 3. Avoid blue faces selections as shown in the following pictures

Deselect the excessive blue face.

The selected blue faces should be sequential. Select the unselected one.

4. Closed shaped areas (e.g. cylinders) is better to be treated separately and manually. Trimming the model Take advantage of the trimming options: by pressing the Edit button while you are in the automatic selection. by pressing the Trim Auto or Trim Manual buttons directly, while you are in the manual selection. Trim manually the shape of the selected faces: The Trim Manual option This option gives the ability to change the shape of the selected faces (red, green or blue). In the case in the left, the blue face (indicates the thickness) needs to be trimmed. Instead of exiting the function, trimming it with the FACEs>CUT function and repeat the whole process, press the Trim Manual button:

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Geometry Cleanup Zoom to the area and click between the highlighted positions.

The blue face is cut in the selected positions. Confirm with middle mouse button to end the trimming. The function is still in the Edit mode so either press Ok -if no other modification is needed – to extract the middle face or proceed to further modifications with the Trim auto and Trim Manual options.

Auto trim the blue faces selection and shape: The Trim Auto option Modify automatically the shape and the selection of the blue faces. In the case on the left, the selected blue face needs to be cut between the highlighted positions and the selection to be modified.

Press Trim Auto to automatically cut and reselect the faces. Press Ok button to continue. Note: the selection of the skin faces is not affected by this option. Note: When the Trim auto option does not work use the Trim manual option.

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Geometry Cleanup The SINGLE option The function Faces>Middle>Single can be used in order to define a new Face that lies in between two opposite selected Faces. In this example two sets of Faces define the outer surface of a variable thickness sheet

Activate the function and select one Face with the left mouse button.

Select the opposite Face with the left mouse button. A preview of the Surface to be generated is given and the Accept Surface window opens.

Upon acceptance of the Surface, the Face is generated and the two opposite Faces are removed from the display (they are not deleted). This is to facilitate the manipulation of the newly created Face, for example assigning a new PID. Proceeding with all the opposite sets of Faces the middle skin geometry is created. Refer to section 13.5. to find how the variable thickness information can be transferred to the shell mesh.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.25. Checks and improvements of Middle surface extraction To check the validity of a Middle surface extraction, a variety of specific checks can be provided. Hence, the user is able to isolate the problematic areas in order to resolve them either manually or automatically by reassigning the nodal thickness to middle surface shells. 8.25.1. Checking the Middle surface There are many cases where the Check Middle Surface middle surface extraction may differ significantly from the initial solid description component. Mid.Surface

The function Faces> >Check Middle Surface detects errors related to the shape, position and thickness assigned to the surface extraction.

The Check Middle Surface window opens in order to choose the relative settings to perform the function. In particular two settings exist: 1. Specify a limit percentage of the initial thickness and position of solid part which means if, e.g., a shell of middle surface is in a position outside the range (real percentage*init.thick./2. , init.thick. - real percentage*init.thick./2.) then it will be detected as an error. 2. Select one of the four possible Check Types. ! Note: The “Loose” corresponds to 50% and “Strict” to 90%, so the real percentage is equal to 50%+percentage*40%. Semi-automatic execution of checks If activating one of the last two options of Check Type section (“Middle Fe – Solid FE” or “Middle Geom – Solid Geom”) and pressing OK, the user is prompted to select the Shells/Faces of middle surface from the screen. After selection, press middle mouse to proceed.

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Geometry Cleanup Select the skin Shells/Faces of the initial solid component and press middle mouse again to finish. The Checks list opens with all detected errors.

Automatic execution of checks When pressing OK to the Check Middle Surface window, while having active one of the first two Check Type options (Middle FE – Solid Geom or Middle Geom – Solid FE), the Checks list opens automatically with all detected errors. Five categories of errors may appear in the list. ! Note: Both middle surface and solid component should be visible on the screen in order to perform the checks.

Zero Thickness: Detects either zero thickness Faces or Shells of middle surface as errors if at least one of their nodal thicknesses (T1, T2, T3, T4 fields) is zero.

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Geometry Cleanup Single Bounds Intersection: Lists the Shells/Faces of middle surface with a single edge that intersect with the initial geometry or FE-mesh of solid part.

Missing Middle: The Shells/Faces of initial solid component that generate middle surface in a position outside the range as described above are identified as errors. As shown in the left figure there is a shell of middle surface in a location outside the accepted range (0.42,0.78).

Middle Openings: Lists the Shells/Faces which comprise an opening (single bounds) in the interior of middle surface and does not exist in the initial solid component.

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Geometry Cleanup Thickness Penetration: Identifies the Shells/Faces of middle surface that produce a property thickness penetration with the initial solid part.

8.25.2. Calculating the nodal thicknesses of the Middle surface Mid.Surface Calculate Thickness

There are many cases where the middle surface extraction may not have the correct

thickness. The function Faces>Mid.Surface>Calculate Thickness assigns the nodal thicknesses of the middle surface based on the thickness of the initial solid component.

The Calculate Middle Surface Thickness window opens in order to specify the “Maximum Thickness” of the initial solid part in order to get the thicknesses to assign in the Middle surface. Select one of the four “Check Type” options and press OK to continue. Refer also to the paragraphs 'Semi-automatic execution of checks' and 'Automatic execution of checks' of the section 8.25.1 Checking the Middle surface for more details about the “Check Type” options. The nodal thicknesses of the middle surface are calculated automatically (T1, T2, T3, T4 fields of the shells of middle surface are updated accordingly). ! Note: if “Middle Geom – Solid FE” or/and “Middle Geom – Solid Geom” Check Type is selected the Faces of the middle surface should be meshed otherwise the function will fail.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.26. Intersecting Faces There are many cases where parts intersect, as the two pipes shown in the picture. In order to automatically cut the involved parts at their intersection, the function Faces>Intersect is applied. Intersect

NOTE: The function works not only with geometry faces, but also with FE model or combination of geometry and FE model.

Applying the function, the Intersect FACEs/SHELLs window opens. The user must select two groups of Faces. By default the selection radio button is switched to First group. If the option Perform Topology is activated, topology (pasting) will also take place after the entities are cut at their intersection. Tools for easy deletion of the unneeded remaining faces are available in the Boolean Operation section. In this example, None (Manual) is selected. Select with left mouse button the Faces of the first group. Selected Faces are highlighted in purple. Note: The model is depicted in WIRE mode, in order to make the intersection clearer.

Press middle mouse button to switch to Second group. Select with left mouse button the Faces of the second group. If the PID region selection tool is active then the user can select a whole PID with a single click.

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Geometry Cleanup The user can switch between First and Second group buttons and alter the selections (add or remove Faces). At the end, press middle mouse button and ANSA will perform the intersection.

As shown in the result in the picture, cyan CONS appear at the intersection locations, where the Faces were cut and pasted together.

As the option None (Manual) was selected, deletion of unneeded remaining faces is done with the aid of the Delete FACEs Area window.

Select either to delete the highlighted faces or keep them and proceed to the next Area. Deleting the interior Faces, leads to a model with yellow CONS at the intersection. Note: The accuracy of the intersection operation depends on the current resolution (assigned element length). If highly curved Faces are intersected, it is recommended to reduce the assigned element length and make a more accurate intersection. Ensure also that the Faces can be shaded in SHADOW mode.

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Geometry Cleanup In case of intersections of areas that constitute closed volumes, the Boolean operations Union, Intersect and Subtract can be applied.

Using these options, the orientation of the faces is of importance: The positive (gray) side must be towards the exterior of the volume In this example, the Union option is selected. The highlighted faces are automatically selected for deletion. The window Confirm Boolean Delete opens, where the user can either accept the deletion of the selected faces or, with MANUAL SELECT, proceed with manual operations, as if None (Manual) were selected.

The result after confirming with OK is shown in the picture on the left. Note that if Volume definitions existed for each of the two cubes (see section 11.1), they are automatically merged into a single Volume.

The results using the Intersect and Subtract options are shown in the pictures below:

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Geometry Cleanup 8.27. Fusing Faces There are many cases where parts are very close together leaving narrow gap regions that are difficult to mesh. In this example two pipes are close together leaving little space for volume meshing. We somehow need to “fuse” the two parts together and connect them along a wide area. This can be achieved by specifying a virtual translation vector for one part, virtual intersection, and creation of Faces along the two intersecting boundaries at the original location. Fuse Proximities

Activate the Faces>Fuse >Proximities function. The Fuse window opens.

Select the translate method. With the radio button in First Group, select with left mouse button, the Faces of the First Group (the one that will be virtually translated). Confirm with middle mouse button to switch to the Second group radio button and select the Faces that belong to the second group (you can switch radio button by pressing the 1 from the alphanumeric keyboard).

If the Keep PID & Part flag is active the fusing Faces will be placed in the same PID and Part as that of the Faces of the first group. If not the PID list and Part Manager will open.

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Geometry Cleanup Next the Translate Parameters window opens. Specify here the translation vector and magnitude for the virtual translation of the first group. The Faces will remain where they are, only the intersections will be calculated at this virtually translated position. Press OK to proceed. Because the Keep PID & Part flag was not active, the PR.LIST and the Part manager will open in sequence so that the user specifies the PID and Part of the Faces to be created. The resulting Faces are as shown. The two Groups have been “fused” by the newly created Faces. In ENT mode you can see the triple connectivity of the new Faces. The interior remaining Faces can be deleted or used for a separate volume. The FUSE>PROXIMITIES function can also be used in cases like this one. The wheel is in contact with the road at the contact patch.

However using this function a zone of Faces (shown here in green PID) can be created to allow for better volume meshing.

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Geometry Cleanup There are cases where 2 pipes are one inside the other and they are topologically disconnected. In this example, 2 solid described pipes are one inside the other and they are disconnected. We need to connect the 2 parts together. This can be achieved by specifying a virtual common area for both parts, virtual intersection, and connection of Faces along the intersecting boundaries.

Fuse Pipes

Use the Faces>Fuse>Pipes function to topologically connect pipes.

Select 2 of the CONS that define the common area between the 2 pipes. First select the inner CONS of the outer (yellow) pipe. The inner faces of the outer pipe, are highlighted in blue and the face indicating the thickness in green.

Next select the outer CONS of the inner pipe.

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Geometry Cleanup Once the second CONs is selected, the common part between the 2 pipes is removed and the remaining faces are topologically connected as shown in the picture.

In case that red CONs need to be topologically connected to Faces, if the distance between Project them, is smaller than the HOT POINTS matching distance tolerance setting, Fuse>Project can be used to project and connect these CONS to the respective Faces. Fuse

The function is applied to all the visible single CONS and Faces and connectes them if they are close enough.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.28. Isolating Faces The ISOLATE function of the FOCUS Group can be used to isolate Faces or FE elements according to a specific criterion, so that the user can then perform an operation on them only. The function can isolate entities that are candidate flanges or that have a radius of curvature below a certain value, outer or inner Faces/FE of an assembly, Faces/FE that form tubes (cylindrical or arbitrary cross section) below a given effective diameter or FE elements that constitute ribs. 8.28.1. Faces with curvature


The Isolate [Radius] function will detect any faces that have a radius of curvature below a user specified value. The function can be used for example to isolate fillets. Please refer to section 8.20.1. for details.

8.28.2. Skin There are many cases where the user wants to extract the outer or inner surfaces of an assembly or from parts designed as solids. A simple example of part of an exhaust system is depicted here. The tubing is designed as solid with thickness.

Inside it, there are several interior parts as shown in this cutaway view.

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Geometry Cleanup Consider the case where the user wants only to keep the outer shape for an external flow analysis. The geometry does not have to be cleaned up. It can contain small gaps. However you should take care of closing some big openings, like the inlet and outlet shown here. Use functions like FACEs>NEW, or SURFs>COONS for this purpose.


Activate the Utilities>Isolate>Skin function. The Isolate Inner/Outer Skin window

opens. Input a characteristic length for the leak test (larger that the possible gaps in the geometry, but smaller than the detail to be maintained). Select also if you want (by clicking on the screen or by typing their coordinates) the seed points for the excluded volumes. Press OK to proceed. ANSA isolates only the outer Faces.

Press the Focus> Invert function, to see what ANSA has removed. You can delete all these interior Faces, in order to be left with the outer description only. It is recommended to examine the result and make any required modifications using the focus functions.

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Geometry Cleanup Notes: 1) The function searches among all visible Faces (whether meshed or not). You should check for any UNCHECKED Faces (Faces that cannot be shaded). Do not leave large Unchecked Faces as they will not be kept and will be regarded as openings. 2) Prior to using the function, assign a suitable LENGTH value to all Macros, so that all important details are resolved. 3) Reducing the value of the specified characteristic size will make the algorithm more accurate in the detection of the required surfaces, but will increase the computational effort. It is suggested that you start with a relatively large value, examine the results, and then reduce the size progressively, until the best result is obtained. 4) If your database consists of an assembly of several Parts and you want to use the ISOLATE function on a specific Part, it is recommended that you lock the Part in the Part Manager first (right click on the Part icon in the Part Manager and select LOCK). In this way, when you press INVERT to examine the result of the ISOLATE function, only the hidden Faces of the locked Part will become visible.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.28.3. Isolate Exterior One of the main problems that the CAE engineer has to deal with, is the isolation and keep of only the surfaces that he needs for his analysis. This procedure is fully automatic in ANSA.


Activate the Isolate>Exterior function.

This function understands what parts of the model are visible and what are not visible (parts enclosed in the assembly) and automatically groups them.

The Groups window opens listing all available depth groups.

The model is colored according to the visibility level of each face from completely visible (blue) to completely invisible (red). Areas that are partial visible are colored accordingly.

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Geometry Cleanup Select the appropriate groups and right click to access their context menu. Select the Show only option to isolate them on the screen.

! Note: The user can create Sets, Lock Views or Merge Sets from the same menu.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.28.4. Tubes in solids The Isolate [Tubes] function can be used to isolate Faces forming tubes (cylindrical or of arbitrary cross section). The function is applied on all visible Faces. Activating the function the Isolate Tubes window opens.

Type in the maximum effective diameter and the feature Line Angle Limit and press Enter.

ANSA isolated all tubes below the specified diameter. The user can perform several tasks on these isolated Faces, like Map mesh them and Freeze them, or assign them to a different PID.

Alternatively they can delete them and using the CONS>Fill Hole close completely these passages in a solid model.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.29. Isolating Ribs from FE The function Utilities>Isolate>Ribs identifies rib regions of FE models. Once the elements that comprise the rib areas have been identified, it is easy to select them and organize them accordingly. Select Utilities>Isolate>Ribs. The Ribs Property wizard window opens. In the Select tab, specify to work on “Visible” or “Selected” areas. If “Selected” is specified, the areas can be selected/deselected with left/right mouse button respectively. When ready, press Next. In the Rib areas tab, the Rib identification results are presented. The list shows all the identified element areas with their thickness and the Property, the Type (Rib or Base) and Thickness class (Round Thick) they belong to.

The identified areas can be selected either from the list or from the Graphic area and they become highlighted in both the list and the Graphic area. The context menu of the selected areas in the list provides options to control their visibility (Show/Show Only/ Hide) allowing their easy manipulation (e.g., keep visible only the rib areas in order to put them in a SET, etc.)

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Geometry Cleanup Additionally, the Create Properties option, creates new Properties with names, according to the area Type and Thickness class of the selected areas and assigns these Properties to the respective areas. The option Reset Properties, assigns to the selected areas their initial Property.

The Thickness classes (Round Thick column) are defined according to the thickness step that is determined in the respective field and applied by pressing Separate. The default value is 1. So, in this case, the classes are: 0, 1, 2, etc. The marginal values of each class are the middle values between the classes. I.e., for the default classes: Round Thick

Min value

Max value












To conclude the procedure press Finish or middle mouse button.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.30. Locating regions based on connectivity The function Utilities>Isolate>Connectivity Groups separates all the visible faces and elements into groups of connected entities. Optionally, any triple bounds or boundaries between connected PIDs can be also considered by the function. Application examples are given below: In some cases, translation of a CAD file can result into a model with many unconnected areas of the same property and part. In order to facilitate the management of the model, apply Utilities>Isolate>Connectivity Groups, without enabling any option in the Connectivity Groups Options window that opens.

The Groups window opens, listing all the identified unconnected regions of the model. Selecting the needed groups (in this example all the groups), a context menu is available. Among other options, the user can create Locked Views (see section 2.11.1) or Sets (see section 16.5) for each selected group.

The created Sets or Locked Views can be then used in order to assign the required PIDs, Parts etc, either manually or with the use of scripting (e.g with the script that is found under /scripts/ Properties/). The result, after creating properties is shown in the picture.

In the example shown next, a model with ribs is assigned a unique property. In order to easily distinguish the ribs of the model, apply Utilities>Isolate>Connectivity Groups, enabling Separate at triple bounds in the Connectivity Groups Options window. The identified groups are depicted in different colors in the picture on the right:

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Geometry Cleanup 8.31. Locating similar groups The function Utilities>Isolate>Similar Groups detects groups of faces/elements with independent connectivity and assigns groups with similar shape under one parent group. Optionally, any triple bounds or boundaries between connected PIDs can be also considered as connectivity group by the function. Application examples are given below:

Similar Groups

Activate the Utilities>Isolate>Similar Groups function.

The Similar Groups wizard opens. In the Select Entities tab, define the options for the detection of the connectivity groups and the values for the comparison procedure between the detected groups. Specify a similarity factor and a distance in the compare options. Select the entities that you want to compare from the screen and press Next.

In the Connectivity Groups tab, all the detected connectivity groups are listed. The columns of the number of faces and elements are also provided. From the connectivity group‟s context menu the user can control its visibility, create lock views, merge groups etc.

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Geometry Cleanup In the Similar Groups tab all detected similar groups are listed. Throught the context menu, the user can create Multi-Instances or Linked geometries. Select a group and use the Create Part Instances from its context menu. A confirmation window appears. Press OK to create the multi instances.

Having all the matching groups selected right click to enable the context menu and select the show only option. The matched groups are isolated on the screen.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.32. Isolate matched connections The Isolate>Matched Connections matches the connection entities (cons & lines) with the real geometrical representation ( faces or shells). The result will issue a group of both the matched geometry & connection entities, and 2 more groups for the entities that failed to be matched.

Matched Connections

Activate the Utilities>Isolate>Matched Connections function. Select with box selection the connections which will be included in the match.

The Groups window appears listing all matched connections. By right clicking the context menu can be accessed. Among other options, the user can create Locked Views (see section 2.11.1) or Sets (see section 16.5) for each selected group.

Using the Show only option the matched connections are isolated on the screen.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.33. The RM.DBL [Geometry] function This is another preparation of the model before proceeding with meshing. Similar Faces (either along the symmetry plane, a local mirror plane, a translational vector or even superimposed Faces) of the model can be identified and one Face of each pair can be substituted by a linked Face. Using this technique, considerable time can be saved at the meshing procedure as linked Faces obtain identical mesh with the parent Faces. 8.33.1. Symmetry Plane option To identify symmetrical Faces by means of the Symmetry Geometry Plane, activate Faces> Rm.Dbl [Geometry] function. The RMDBL Options window appears. Select the Symmetry Plane mode. Input appropriate values for Nodes Tolerance and Similarity Factor for the identification of symmetrical Faces. Rm.Dbl

Child (A1)1

Press OK to continue. ANSA identifies the similar Faces and highlights them in green and blue. Note that the area around the fuel cap has not been identified as it differs. The Parameters window appears.

Select which one of the two groups of Faces to be kept and either delete or substitute the other group with corresponding linked Faces or to add them to a set.

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Geometry Cleanup Note that if you are not satisfied with the previewed identification, you can edit the selections by pressing on the Green or Blue button. Remove faces with right mouse button. Deselection happens simultaneously from both sides. Alternatively cancel the operation and reapply with different node tolerance and similarity factor values.

(Note that faces that don't satisfy the aforementioned criteria cannot be picked when you edit the selection.)

Topological conditions between link and remaining real Faces need to be redefined. The new linked Faces appear with light brown color crosshatch.

Use the Options>Settings> Symmetry plane to change the symmetry plane. The default is the z-x plane. Use the Options>Settings>Save settings, optionally, to save the change to ANSA.defaults file. A change of the symmetry plane will affect the linked Faces, which have been created by the SYMMETRY function.

The link between the Parent and Child Face, can be visualized by the Faces>Info function. Activate the function, and select a Info Parent Face from its crosshatch.

Its Child Face is highlighted in green.

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Geometry Cleanup Using the Faces>Info function on a Child Face, ANSA highlights its Parent in cyan. Info

Note also that in case one of the two Faces is not visible and the Faces>Info is used, the message “Now you can make selected faces visible or not” appears in the ANSA Info Window.

Selecting the previewed Faces makes them visible for close examination or modification if required.

8.33.2. Mirror plane option The same operation can be used to identify symmetrical Geometry Faces by means of a selected Plane. Activate Faces> Rm.Dbl and select the Mirror Plane option. Rm.Dbl

You are prompted by a relative message in the ANSA Info Window to define the mirror plane by selecting 3 point positions, or 2 for the plane‟s normal vector (you can also select a Working Plane).

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Geometry Cleanup ANSA identifies the similar Faces and you can proceed as shown in the previous section.

8.33.3. Same Side option To identify similar Faces on the same side of the model, select the Same Side option. Rm.Dbl Geometry

Press OK to continue. Confirm to delete the highlighted Faces. This function may be very helpful in order to identify multiply defined Faces in a model, when merging new geometry and comparing with the old one. Note that in order to control which Faces will be deleted, the RM.DBL.[same side] will not delete the meshed or frozen Faces/Macros.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.33.4. Translate option To identify similar Faces by means of translational vector, Geometry activate Faces> Rm.Dbl function and select the Translate option. The message “Please select Faces” appears. Rm.Dbl

Select the Faces that you consider as master and confirm with middle-mouse button. The Translate Parameters window appears.

2 1

Specify the translation vector either by numerical input, or by selecting two point positions. Type also the number of steps that you want to check for, in this example 3. Pick OK to continue. The identified similar Faces are highlighted in green and the Parameters window appears.

Select to delete or to replace the Faces with linked ones. Note that more than the necessary steps (i.e. >3) may be input so as assure the identification of the similar Faces. Now the linked Faces appear with orange crosshatch. Redefine topology using Faces>Topo function.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.33.5. Rotate option To identify similar Faces by means of rotational vector, Geometry activate Faces> Rm.Dbl function and select the Rotate option. The message “Please select Faces” appears. Rm.Dbl

Select the Faces that you consider as master and confirm with middle-mouse button. The RMDBL Rotate Parameters window appears.


2 You can specify the rotation vector either by numerical input, or by selecting two point positions. Type also the number of steps that you want to check for, in this example 5. Pick OK to continue. The identified similar Faces are highlighted in green and the Parameters window appears.

Select to delete or to replace the Faces with linked ones. Note that more than the necessary steps (i.e. >5) may be input so as assure the identification of the similar Faces. Now the linked Faces appear with orange crosshatch. Redefine topology using Faces>Topo function.

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Geometry Cleanup 8.34. Final check of the geometry In order to make a final test of the geometry cleanup, before proceeding with Meshing, make all the cleaned part visible. Press the All function of the Focus Group and the F9 key to zoom all. F9

Deactivate the visibility of the double (yellow) CONS, and check that there are no unnecessary single (red) or triple (cyan) CONS visible. If there are, fix the topology and check again.

Next, activate the Shadow mode and the visibility of the double (yellow) CONS.

! Make sure that there are no CONS with very fine resolution, or else the shading operation will be very slow. The Pause/Break key aborts the shading operation if this takes too long. When Shadow mode is used, there may be cases that some Faces fail to be shaded.

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Geometry Cleanup Right click on the Uncheck legend and select Show Only. Only the Faces that failed the shading operation remain visible. The most common cases will be: - Faces with extra Hot Points very close to each other (these areas are also highlighted). - Needle-shaped or zero-area Faces. - A Face that its perimeter intersects itself. - Faces with bad Surface description. - Faces with CONS with great variation in Resolution or corresponding element length. Unchecked Faces cannot be meshed, so they must be fixed before moving to MESH menu. Delete First delete all the extra Hot Points from the Faces that failed to be shaded. (Extra Hot Points can be removed at the beginning of the model cleanup using the Hot Points>Delete function with box selection of the whole model.)

This will fix some of the Faces and Shadow will appear on them. Use again the Show Only option from the unchecked Context menu to isolate the remaining not shaded Faces.

The following steps show some typical corrective actions that the user can perform to fix the remaining problematic Faces.

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Geometry Cleanup Needle Faces can be deleted using Faces>Delete. In this case Topology should be reapplied to the remaining Faces afterwards. Delete


In some cases, the FINE function can be used on them a couple of


As the resolution is increased, the actual form becomes apparent and Shadow is applied.

Whenever the CONS of a Face intersect themselves, Shadow fails. Intersection usually occurs due to the fact that the applied Resolution (element length) is too coarse to represent small details. Use the Hot Points>Project function to insert some Hot Points on the CONS that intersects. Project

As new Hot Points are created, a more accurate representation of the actual geometry is obtained and SHADOW is established.

In such case you may also use the function Faces>Proj-Cut. By making a cut you will ensure that the inserted Hot Points that fixed the problem, are not accidentally deleted later.

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Geometry Cleanup This Face looks proper, but still it is not shaded…

If however we switch to MESH menu, we can see the current resolution (element length) that is applied on the perimeters. This may happen in the TOPO menu, if the FINE function is used excessively on a CONS. Assign a proper element length to the specific Perimeter.

In some rare cases a Face that fails shadow can be corrected by simply inserting a Hot Point manually on a CONS. Insert

Other problems may be fixed by cutting the Face in two. If the Surface is problematic, use the Surfaces>Break function, or replace the Face in whole with a new one.

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Geometry Cleanup At the end, press Tools>Checks>Geometry function as a final check. If in the checks window no problems are reported continue with the shell mesh generation.

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Assembly Assembly

Chapter 9

ASSEMBLY Table of Contents ASSEMBLY.................................................................................................................................... 475 9.1. Overview ........................................................................................................................... 478 9.2. Terms and Presentation .................................................................................................... 478 9.3. Basic Concepts ................................................................................................................. 480 9.4. Definition of meta data for assembly components............................................................. 481 9.5. Connection Entities in ANSA ............................................................................................. 482 9.5.1. Point connections ...................................................................................................... 482 Spot-weld points ................................................................................................ 482 Gum-drops......................................................................................................... 483 Bolts .................................................................................................................. 483 Robscans........................................................................................................... 485 9.5.2. Line connections ....................................................................................................... 485 Spot-weld lines .................................................................................................. 486 Adhesive lines .................................................................................................... 487 Seam lines ......................................................................................................... 488 Hemmings ......................................................................................................... 489 9.5.3. Surface connections .................................................................................................. 490 Adhesive face .................................................................................................... 490 9.5.4. Connection view modes ............................................................................................ 491 9.5.5. Connection Entities in the Database Browser .......................................................... 493 9.6. Creating Connection Entities ............................................................................................. 494 9.6.1. Importing connection files .......................................................................................... 494 The VIP format................................................................................................... 495 The XML format ................................................................................................. 496 The VIP2 format ................................................................................................ 497 9.6.2. Importing Weld Points from CAD-files ....................................................................... 499 9.6.3. Creating connections from existing geometric entities .............................................. 500 Connection Points from 3D Points ..................................................................... 500 Connection Lines from Curves .......................................................................... 500 Bolt connections from Curves ............................................................................ 501 Adhesive Faces from Faces and Shell Elements ............................................... 502 9.6.4. Creating connections from existing FE-entities ......................................................... 503 Spot Weld Points from FE-entities ..................................................................... 503 Adhesive lines and Seamlines from FE-entities ................................................. 504 9.6.5. Defining connections directly on the model ............................................................... 505

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Assembly Automatically on faces and shell elements ........................................................ 505 Manually on faces and shell elements ............................................................... 506 Automatically on flanges .................................................................................... 510 Automatically on bolt holes and tubes ............................................................... 511 9.6.6. Switch Connection Types .......................................................................................... 513 9.6.7. Resolution of connection id conflicts ......................................................................... 514 9.6.8. Related Script Commands ........................................................................................ 514 9.7. Connection Entities' Handling ........................................................................................... 515 9.7.1. The Connection Manager interface ........................................................................... 515 Parts/Properties section..................................................................................... 517 Connections section .......................................................................................... 518 FE-rep settings section ...................................................................................... 522 9.7.2. Selection Assistant .................................................................................................... 525 9.7.3. Automatic connectivity detection ............................................................................... 530 9.7.4. Automatic connection elements generation ............................................................... 532 Connection settings assignment through the Connection Manager ................... 532 Connection settings assignment through Connection Templates ...................... 534 Connection settings assignment in the connection's card ................................. 537 9.7.5. Adjusting the position and geometry of connections.................................................. 537 Relocating connection points ............................................................................. 537 Modifying the length and segmentation of connection lines .............................. 538 9.7.6. Inspect connections................................................................................................... 541 9.7.7. Interactive adjustment of connections search domain ............................................... 543 Setting the search distance of a connection entity ............................................. 543 Setting the vector of a bolt ................................................................................. 544 9.7.8. Renumbering connections ......................................................................................... 546 9.7.9. Erasing connections .................................................................................................. 547 9.7.10. Exporting connection files ....................................................................................... 548 VIP format........................................................................................................ 548 XML format ...................................................................................................... 548 VIP2 format...................................................................................................... 549 9.7.11. Troubleshooting the Connection Manager ............................................................... 550 9.7.12. Comparing connections ........................................................................................... 551 Comparing connections of model with connection file ..................................... 552 Comparing connections of two models ............................................................ 553 Comparing two connection files ....................................................................... 553 9.7.13. Identify duplicate connections ................................................................................. 554 Specifying the connections to be checked ........................................................ 554 Matching criteria ............................................................................................... 556 Results.............................................................................................................. 558 9.7.14. Inquiring info on connection entities ........................................................................ 560 9.7.15. Related Script Commands ...................................................................................... 560 9.8. Spot-welds modeling ......................................................................................................... 561 9.8.1. Overview ................................................................................................................... 561 9.8.2. Point-to-point spot-weld models ................................................................................ 561 Projecting the connection points on geometry ................................................... 562 Projecting the connection points on mesh ......................................................... 563 9.8.3. Spot-weld models that require the existence of mesh ............................................... 564 “Mesh-independent” spot-welds models ............................................................ 564 “Spider” mesh-patterns ...................................................................................... 565 9.8.4. Flange thickness to diameter mapping ...................................................................... 566 Spot-weld diameter from flange thickness ......................................................... 566 Master flange and thickness .............................................................................. 568 9.8.5. Thickness to PID mapping......................................................................................... 571 9.8.6. Creating custom connection models ......................................................................... 572 The post-realization script function .................................................................... 572 Setting-up a post-realization function ................................................................ 576

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Assembly 9.8.7. Overlapping of adhesive lines with spotweld points .................................................. 578 9.9. Connection Template Manager ......................................................................................... 579 9.9.1. Overview ................................................................................................................... 579 9.9.2. Adding/removing assembly scenarios and rules ....................................................... 579 9.9.3. Loading connections to the assembly scenario ......................................................... 581 9.9.4. Grouping connections using filters ............................................................................ 583 9.9.5. Assigning templates to connection groups ................................................................ 585 9.9.6. Applying an assembly scenario ................................................................................. 586 9.9.7. Saving an assembly scenario .................................................................................... 586 9.9.8. Reading an assembly scenario ................................................................................. 586 9.9.9. Related Script Commands ........................................................................................ 587 9.10. Checking Connection Entities ......................................................................................... 588 9.10.1. Check Parameters set-up ........................................................................................ 588 9.10.2. Check Report .......................................................................................................... 590 9.10.3. Related Script Commands ...................................................................................... 592 9.11. FEMSITE - External Assembler ....................................................................................... 593 9.11.1. General .................................................................................................................... 593 9.11.2. Usage ...................................................................................................................... 593 9.12. Connector Entities (CONNECTOR) ................................................................................ 594 9.12.1. Creating Connector Entities .................................................................................... 594 General Connector Entity Information ............................................................. 595 “What to apply” information: Representations .................................................. 596 “Where to apply” information: Search patterns ................................................ 597 “How to apply” information: Interface and orientation ...................................... 600 9.12.2. Using the “FromFile” representation: Library items ................................................. 602 Creation of Library Items ................................................................................. 602 Parametrization of Library Items ...................................................................... 608 9.12.3. Creating custom interfaces and representation with User Scripts ........................... 609 The “UserScript” interface option ..................................................................... 609 The “UserScript” representation ...................................................................... 610 9.12.4. Using Connectors and GEB_xx as Connectivity of Connectors .............................. 612 9.12.5. Examples of Search Patterns .................................................................................. 613 9.12.6. Troubleshooting Connector Entities......................................................................... 620 9.13. The Adhesive function. .................................................................................................... 622 9.14. The BOLT function .......................................................................................................... 627

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly 9.1. Overview The term “assembly” in ANSA involves numerous actions that will finally lead to the creation of an inter-connected structure. Characteristics of this structure are: - The hierarchical organization of all components in the ANSA Parts Manager which represents the CAE model tree structure - The welding of standalone components with suitable FE-representations - The connection of standalone components or sub-systems so that the kinematic conditions that physically exist between them are modeled with suitable FE-representations In the majority of applications, all three aforementioned characteristics co-exist in the final model. However, ANSA can also handle any of these aspects individually. Since in an assembled model the individual components are connected in various positions and with various welding/assembling techniques, the tools which will carry-out such tasks must be able to easily interpret the information provided by the user into the desired FE-representations. The tools used in ANSA for this purpose are the Connection Manager, the connector entities, the “Adhesive” function and the “BOLT” function. Assembly specific tools are gathered in the “Assembly” menu and can also be accessed through the “Assembly” toolbar/

In the following paragraphs a brief reference will be made to the creation of the CAE model tree structure in the Parts Manager and then the user will be guided through the available tools for model assembling.

9.2. Terms and Presentation The table below lists and explains some of the assembly-related terms that will be often used in the following paragraphs. Term


Connection Entities

Point, curve or face ANSA entities, used to carry welding characteristics like the connection position and the connected components. These entities can be “realized” into user-defined FE-representations, connecting two or more components. They include spot weld points, gumdrops, bolts, robscans, spot weld lines, adhesive lines, seam lines, hemmings and adhesive faces. Also referred to as Connections and BiW Connections. These entities are accessed through the Connection Manager or the CONNECTION category of the DB.BROWSER.

Connector Entities

Point entities used to connect two or more components or sub-assemblies. These entities are accessed through the CONNECTORs function and the CONNECTOR_ENTITIY category of the DB.BROWSER.

Connection Manager

The ANSA tool for handling Connection Entities, previewing and modifying their attributes and realizing them into user-specified FE-representations. It can be accessed through the Assembly>Connection Manager function.


Attributes of connection and connector entities, specifying the components to

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Assembly information

be connected by each entity in terms of module ids, property ids or include ids.

The symbols used in ANSA to denote connection and connector-related entities in the drawing area are presented in the table below. Points: Spot Weld Points appear as circles (in ENT. connection view mode), symbolizing the number of connecting parts with diameter-like lines (spot weld points with 0, 1, 2 and 3 connecting parts are shown on the left) Gumdrops appear as two concentric circles (in ENT. connection view mode), symbolizing the number of connecting parts with diameter-like lines (gumdrop with 2 connecting parts is shown on the left) Bolts appear as hexagons (in ENT. connection view mode) Robscans appear as circles that contains a coordinate system as shown in the icon on the left (in ENT. connection view mode) Lines: Spot Weld Lines, Adhesive Lines, Seam Lines and Hemmings appear as magenta curves Faces: Adhesive Faces appear as faces with magenta boundaries Weld Spots They are connected to the Faces and can be defined either inside the Face or on its perimeter. They appear in TOPO as magenta circles with a cross and as orange dots in MESH. They are defined and handled by the functions of the HOT POINTs Group in TOPO and MESH Menu. Connecting Spots They are Weld Spots that are connected to a Finite Element entity (Shell, CBAR, CBEAM etc.). Generally this is a position where geometry is connected to FE-Model. In MESH this position is marked as a yellow dot. Connected positions between connection elements and FE-model mesh can be identified with the C.NODES flag, which highlights, in general, common nodes of different properties. Weld Points They are not connected to the surface model. They are symbolized as red circles. They cannot be defined in versions later than ANSA v11.0, but can be read in from older ANSA databases or a CAD data file (Weld Points Convention). They can be converted to Connection Points using the 3D_POINTS option of the Assembly>Convert function.

Connector Entities They appear as yellow circles with the letter “C”. Their visibility is controlled by the CNCTN flag button or through the DB.BROWSER..

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Assembly 9.3. Basic Concepts The creation of connection and connector elements between components requires the existence of information concerning the connections position, type, connectivity and other attributes like the diameter, width, height etc. The Connection and Connector Entities are ANSA entities used to carry this information. These entities can be handled massively through the Connection Manager and the Connector list respectively, which are the tools that can “interpret” all connection information into FE-entities characteristics, “realizing” the Connection and Connector Entities into connection elements. The image below describes the assembly process in a stepwise way.

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Assembly There are various alternative approaches for the creation of Connection Entities. First and foremost comes their creation by importing a connection file (*.vip, *.xml, VDA-FS (vip2)). If this option is not available or not adequate, the user can create Connection Entities directly on the model through the Assembly>DEF.CNCTN or based on existing geometric entities (points, curves, faces) and shell elements, through the Assembly>Convert. Connection Entities can be also created based on existing connection elements through the Assembly>Convert function. This way the user can control the connections of the model, modifying their characteristics or FE-representation.

9.4. Definition of meta data for assembly components The connectivity information of Connection and Connector Entities can consist of part numbers (module ids) and/or property ids. If this information has not been provided by the user, ANSA will automatically assign an ANSA id to parts and groups and default property ids to model properties. However, in the vast majority of applications, the user needs to control the part numbers and property ids so that they conform with the PDM information and any other OEM-specific numbering schemes. This set of attributes, along with others like part name, part CAD version, property name and thickness, material name and id may derive from different sources. The most common ones are listed below: a. Product definition file: This file is exported by PDM systems and contains information regarding the product tree structure and the component attributes. It is usually XML-based. Examples of such formats include the VPM Tree, the Siemens PLMXML and the Sim PDM from VDA. b. Attributes files: These are unformatted text files that contain information regarding the component attributes. c. CAD file header section: This is a comment section consisting of a set of keywords, defining various attributes for each component. Attributes information, in any of the aforementioned forms, can be extracted and automatically assigned to components during the CAD files' Translation with the aid of the ANSA_TRANSL script. For more information, see document ansa_scripting.pdf.

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Assembly 9.5. Connection Entities in ANSA ANSA supports point, line and surface connection entities. Each connection type has certain characteristics that make it suitable for the modeling of particular weld and joint types. A description of the connection entities follows in the paragraphs below. 9.5.1. Point connections Point connections are 0-d entities. The connection types that fall in this category are: - Spot-weld points - Gum-drops - Bolts All point connection types are located in space by the (x, y, z) coordinates of a point. They can connect 2 to 10 parts. Spot-weld points Spot-weld points are the most common connection type and are used to model welding points. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type



X, Y, Z

x, y, z coordinates


Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center (X,Y,Z) in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Diameter. Can either be explicitly defined or automatically calculated based on the thickness of the connected sheets.

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. Some characteristic FE-representation types are shown in the images below:



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Assembly Gum-drops Gum-drops are used to model glue points. They are very much alike with spot-weld points but they can also carry the information of mass to be added at each position. Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type



X, Y, Z

x, y, z coordinates


Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center (X,Y,Z) in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Diameter. Can either be explicitly defined or automatically calculated based on the thickness of the connected sheets.


Mass. A mass element of this amount is added to one of the piercing points.

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. Bolts Bolts are used to model bolt-connections. Subsequently, they can attach on openings or nodes and they can also drill holes on shell structures, if necessary. Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type



X, Y, Z

x, y, z coordinates


Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center (X,Y,Z) in which the nodes of the opening or the shells need to be identified.


Bolt axis (optional)


Bolt length (optional)

Search On Direction

This switch modifies the search domain from a sphere to a cylinder.

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Assembly Washer

Bolt washer. Can be used either as washer diameter or as washer width for the generation of a quad hole-zone.


The diameter of the bolt.

Head Type Body Type

Choose among a great variety of FE-elements available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. Alternative search methods with their respective options are shown in the images below.

Some characteristic FE-representations are shown in the following table:


Rigid interface

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Tria interface


Beam interface

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly Robscans The Robscan is a new connection type which stands for Robot guided remote Scanner for laser beam welding. The Robscan creates small laser beam welds with a big variety of weld geometry. Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type



X, Y, Z

x, y, z coordinates


Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center (X,Y,Z) in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Width of the Robscan.


Width of the Laser beam


Length of the Robscan

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. 9.5.2. Line connections Line connections are 1-d entities. One connection line may consist of one or more connection curves. One can imagine the connection curve as the geometric description of a connection line. The definition of a connection curve is identical to the one of the geometric curve. The connection types that fall in this category are: - Spot-weld lines - Adhesive lines - Seam lines - Hemmings

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Assembly Spot-weld lines Spot-weld lines are an alternative for the modeling of welding points. They describe the path along which point welds will be generated with specified distance the one from the other. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type




Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center at the weld positions, in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Diameter. Can either be explicitly defined or automatically calculated based on the thickness of the connected sheets.


Spacing. The distance between to consecutive welds.


Margin. The distance from the edge of the connection line to the first weld.

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. The welds are generated along the spot-weld line as shown in the image below:

The spacing value S can either be a positive or negative real number. The distribution of the spot welds along the spot line is performed as described below: A positive spacing value "s" with a margin value "m" implies that upon realization, priority will be given to the preservation of the margin value "m". Thus, the resulting spacing value may vary between "s" and "2s". A negative spacing value "-s" with a margin value "m" implies that upon realization, priority will be given to the preservation of the spacing value "s". Thus, the resulting spacing value will be as specified, while the actual margin value may vary. In this case, during the output of connection information in xml or vip2 format, a positive spacing value will be exported.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly Adhesive lines Adhesive lines are used to model continuous glue connections. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type




Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect. No more than 2 parts can be connected.

Search Dist

Radius of a cylinder with center on the connection line, in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Width of the glue line.


Diameter. It is an alternative for the definition of the width.


Height of the glue line (optional)

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. The search domain of an adhesive line is depicted in the image below:

Some characteristic FE-representations are shown in the following table:


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Hexas with RBE3s


Hexas pasted on the shells

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly Seam lines Seam lines are used to model arc welds. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type




Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect. No more than 2 parts can be connected.

Search Dist

Radius of a cylinder with center on the connection line, in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Width of the arc weld.

M1 , M2

Margins. The distance from the edges of the connection line to the start and end of the weld.


A vector that denotes the welding side. It must point towards the weld gun.


The origin of the vector (DX, DY, DZ) on the connection line (Param. 0-1).

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. The search domain of a seam line is depicted in the image below:

A seam-line searches for feature lines within the search domain. If a feature line is found then the connection element is generated between the feature line and its projection on the connected part. Otherwise, the connection element is generated between the projections of the connection line on both parts. Some characteristic FE-representations are shown in the following table:


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Rigid elements


Shells with HAZs

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly Hemmings Hemmings are used to model hems. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type




Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect. No more than 3 parts can be connected.

Search Dist

Radius of a cylinder with center on the connection line, in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Width of the arc weld.

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. The search domain of a hemming is depicted in the image below:

A characteristic FE-representation is shown below:


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Folded shells with hexas and RBE3s


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly 9.5.3. Surface connections Surface connections are 2d-entities. Their definition is based on geometric faces and thus they can be modified with the topological functions that affect faces. They can be meshed as macro-areas and the topology of their mesh controls the shape of the connection elements that will be generated. The connection type in this category is the adhesive face. Adhesive face Adhesive faces are used to model surface glue connections. Their basic attributes are listed in the table below: Attribute


Symbol in ENT. drawing mode Type




Connection id. Unique among all connection types.


Connectivity. The part number/property id/include id to connect. No more than 3 parts can be connected.

Search Dist

Radius of a sphere with center at the weld positions, in which the connected parts need to be identified.


Height of the glue (optional)

FE Rep Type

The FE-elements type that will model the weld. Choose among a great variety of FE-elements and element combinations available. Can be specified either individually, for each connection, or massively, through Connection Templates.


Connection Template id (optional). A connection that adheres to a connection template acquires its characteristics.


This label is displayed in the Database Browser. Additionally, this is the entity type that must be used for the handling of these connections through scripting. A characteristic FE-representation is shown below:


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Hexas with contact


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Assembly 9.5.4. Connection view modes Color view modes for connections allow the coloring of connections according to their characteristics. They can be activated from the pop-up menu of the connections visibility button. Supported view modes are: Connectivity num: Connections are colored according to how many parts they connect. Connectivity parts: Connections are colored according to which parts they connect. Each different combination of connectivity strings yields a different connection group. Type: Connections are colored according to their type (spot-weld points, adhesive lines, etc.) Status: Connections are colored according to their status (Ok, Geometry Error, etc.) FE Representation: Connections are colored according to the type of their connection elements. Diameter: Connections are colored according to their diameter. User attributes: Connections are colored according to the value of a user attribute. Template: Connections are colored according to the template they adhere to. Name: Connections are colored according to their Name Comment: Connections are colored according to their Comment field


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Note that the USER ATTR. view mode appears inactive in case no user attribute has been defined on connection entities. In case there are user attributes for connections in the model, a window pops-up and the user can select according to which attribute the connections should be drawn. ! A user attribute with alphanumeric values will yield a color legend with distinct values while a user attribute with numeric values a fringe bar. The CONNECTIVITY PARTS view mode shows a legend with all existing combinations of connectivity being displayed as different groups, with different colors. The user can select the “Show/Hide/Show Only” options of the context menu to isolate the connections of a group. Additionally, picking the “Info” option of the context menu, information for this connectivity group is printed in the ANSA Info window.

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Assembly 9.5.5. Connection Entities in the Database Browser Connection Entities can be found under the CONNECTION group of the Database Browser. They are organized per-type, allowing quick navigation and massive application of focus functions.

The user can view, edit or massively modify the existing connection entities through their Selection list. Note that with right-click on the header of a connectivity columns (P1, P2, etc.) the user can directly control the visibility of connected parts, properties or includes. Editing a listed item accesses its card. The Connection Entity's attributes can be directly edited, apart from the non-editable fields (e.g. Status, Error Class), which appear grayed-out. The header displays the Connection Entity type, as this should also be specified in ANSA scripting applications.

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Assembly 9.6. Creating Connection Entities 9.6.1. Importing connection files Usually connections are created by direct import of connection files. ANSA can input the most wide-spread connection file formats directly, through the File>Read connections function. A brief description of the formats follows in the table below. Contents



Point connections only (spotweld points, gumdrops, bolts)

Connectivity specified with part numbers (module ids) only. The format can be fixed or free (comma separated).


Point, curve and surface connections.

Connectivity specified with part numbers (module ids) or property ids. When exported from ANSA, the connectivity can be also expressed by include file ids.


Point, curve and surface connections.

Connectivity specified with property ids only.


Apart from the standard formats listed above, some custom formats are also supported. The formats that are listed under File>Read connections can be controlled through the value of the variable spotw_mode of the ANSA.defaults (which by default has the value “ANSA”, corresponding to vip, vip2 and xml formats). ! Note that any other connection format can be directly imported through ANSA scripts. Activate the File>Read connections function and select one or more connection files of the specified type through the File Manager. The READ SPOTS Parameters window pops-up: “Connection Id Offset”: Activate this check box to offset the ids of conflicting connections. If this check-box is inactive, id conflicts will be resolved - depending on the connection format - as described in the sections9.6.1.1- “Group Connections: Activate this check box to add to the incoming connections a distinctive label in the automatically created user-attribute “Group” Connection Id Offset The offset value can either be automatically determined by ANSA as the maximum id of existing connections (option “Offset value: Existing max id”), or can be explicitly set by the user. The first option is ideal for automatic conflicts resolution in case multiple files are read-in. Group Connections The group label can either be automatically determined by ANSA according to the connection file name, or can be explicitly set by the user. The first option is ideal for automatic grouping in case multiple files are read-in.

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Assembly To visualize the connections according to their group, activate the USER ATTRIBUTES view mode (refer to section9.5.4). The VIP format VIP connection files can be imported through the File>Read spots [vip] function. Format description Each line of the file describes a point connection. An example is shown in the table below: Type keyword WSPOT WSPOT BOLT GUMDROP

id 5043 10019 60001 10100

diam. 4.0 20 2




2192.00 2933.29 1643.03 2583.3

-6.68 74.37 712.3 257.9

71.00 631.44 374.55 1835.3

PartNo_1 1099 81656 5020006 4860707

PartNo_2 10049 81656 4860596 4860499

PartNo_3 10493_A 81658B

PartNo_4 33698

According to the format, up to 4 parts can be connected by a connection. The part numbers can be defined as 8-character alphanumeric strings. From a record of type WSPOT a spot-weld point will be generated. Gumdrops and bolts will be generated from GUMDROP and BOLT types respectively. To designate a different type to be interpreted as a spot-weld point during the import, the user can define the keyword in the assemb_in_key variable of the ANSA.defaults. Longer part numbers can be referenced only in a modification of the standard VIP format, which is comma-separated. In the VIP csvformat,columns are interpreted according to the description above, but they are separated with comma.

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Assembly The XML format XML connection files can be imported through the File>Read spots [xml] function. Format description An XML connection file can describe point, curve and surface connections. An example of an XML connection file is given below: line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

XML text Read spots [vip2] function. A vip2 file can contain references to: - weld spots and weld lines - bolts - seam lines - glue spots, glue lines and glue faces - clinches - rivets and blind rivets Format description In the vip2 format, each connection makes a reference to a property and to one or more geometrical entities (points, curves, faces). A property, in turn, makes a reference to a material. Multiple connections can refer to the same property id (pid). Multiple properties can refer to the same material id (mid). The connection meta-data are indicated with $$vip at the beginning of a line. A description follows below: $$vip:material:mid,E,ν,ρ $$vip:property:pid,mid,real1,. . .,realm,part1,. . .,partn $$vip:IDENT,cid,pid,GEOM




Tag IDENT cid pid GEOM

Type char int int char








real real

ν ρ

Description Type (0d-*, 1d-*, 2d-*) Connection identifier Property identifier Link to geometrical entity. Supported geometric entities are: POINT, CURVE, CIRCLE, FACE Material identifier. If mid=0, 6 real numbers are expected which define the 6 dof stiffness of the connection and material 0 is omitted. i = 1, . . . ,m arbitrary number of real values (optional) Connectivity. i = 1, . . . ,n Part identifier (property ids) Note: Instead of one part (int) there can be a list of parts enclosed in brackets {part1, part2, . . .} denoting alternative connectivities. Young‟s modulus (Default: 2.1E5 for steel, 1800. for glue) Poisson‟s ratio (Default: 0.3 for steel, 0.45 for glue)

mass density (Default: 0.78500E-8 for steel, 1.0E-10 for glue) The identifier IDENT must be of the format “xd-*“, where x is an integer specifying the dimension and * is a string defining the type of connection. x 0 0 1 1 1 2

string wspot gluespot weldline glueline seamline glueface


description weldspot gluespot line of weldspots glue laser/-CO2 weldline glue surface

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real property parameters (default) diameter (5.0) diameter (15.0),height (1.0) diameter (5.0), spot-spacing (50.0) width (15.0),height (1.0) width (5.0) height (1.0), ignore any other real values


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Assembly Notes: - Real numbers have to contain a “.“ to distinguish them from integers. - The formats are free field so they can contain blanks. - The number of real values in the property card is arbitrary. So there can be none. - The number of part references in the property card is arbitrary. So there can be none. - Blanks “, ,“ or no entries “,,“ are interpreted as default values. - All materials, properties, connections and geometric items (GEOM) must have unique identifiers - Clinches, rivets and blind rivets are created as spot-weld points and just their diameter is set. Especially for blind rivets, which contain info about head-size and nut-size as well as orientation, the head-size is interpreted as the diameter of the created spot-weld. Some example follow: $$vip:material:24,2.1e7,0.3,7.8e-9 $$vip:property:23,24,5.0,,8232357,8343357,8245487 $$vip:0d-wspot,4711,23,P4711 $$vip:property:24,24,5.0,,8232357,8343357,8245487 $$vip:1d-seamline,4712,24,CV000004 $$vip:material:23,1.e5,0.49,1.e-10 $$vip:property:23,23,20.0,1.,8232357,8343357,8245487 $$vip:1d-glueline,4711,23,CV000005 $$vip:material:24,2.1e7,0.3,7.8e-9 $$vip:property:24,24,5.0,50.,25.,8232357,8343357,8245487 $$vip:1d-weldline,4712,24,CV000006 $$vip:material:10, 2.1E+07,,7.8e+09 $$vip:property:10,10,,,,4674958,{4860499,4860566,4860567,4860870} $$vip:2d-glueface,3, 10,FA9 In the examples above, the referenced geometric entities (P4711, CV000004, CV000005, CV000006 and FA9) should be included as well in the file. ! Important note When the connectivity properties referenced by the VIP2 file do not exist in the model, ANSA creates default properties automatically, which are marked as undefined and have frozen Id.

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Assembly 9.6.2. Importing Weld Points from CAD-files CAD file Weld Points Convention

In order for an entity to be recognized as a Weld Point: by the IGES interface, its label should include one of the following strings of characters: - Circles‟ centers : ‟weld‟, ‟WELD‟, ‟wc‟, ‟WC‟, ‟pos‟, ‟POS‟, ‟sw‟ or ‟SW‟. - Points : ‟weld‟, ‟WELD‟, ‟wp‟, ‟WP‟, ‟pos‟, ‟POS‟, ‟sw‟ or ‟SW‟. - Point Sets : ‟weld‟, ‟WELD‟, ‟ws‟, ‟WS‟, ‟pos‟, ‟POS‟, ‟sw‟ or ‟SW‟. When using a VDA-FS file, the entity‟s name should start with: - Circles‟ centers : ‟WC‟. - Points : ‟WP‟. - Point Sets : ‟WS‟. When using a SET file, the entity‟s name should include the following strings of characters: - Circles‟ centers : ‟weld‟ or ‟WELD‟. - Points : ‟weld‟ or ‟WELD‟. - Point Sets : ‟weld‟ or ‟WELD‟. Note that the imported weld points should be converted to Spot Weld Connection Points or to Gumdrop connection points by the [3D points] and [Gumdrop] options of the function: Assembly>Convert

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Assembly 9.6.3. Creating connections from existing geometric entities If no connection information is imported via a vip, xml or vip2 (vda-fs) file the Connection Types (Points, Lines, Faces, shells) can be created by converting the respective geometric entities. Such entities can be either imported as CAD-data or can be defined in ANSA. Connection Points from 3D Points Point information provided either by a CAD-data file or created within ANSA [TOPO>POINTs>] can be converted to Spot Weld, Gumdrop or Bolt Connection points. Activate the Assembly>Convert [3D points] function and select the point entities one by one or with box selection. Confirm and specify the target connection type in the Connection Type window.

The 3D-points can be retrieved using the Assembly>Convert [Cnctn2Geom]. Function.

Note that the new Connections carries as connectivity the module id of the part where the 3D-points belonged before the conversion. Connection Lines from Curves A curve connection type can be created based on geometric curves through the Assembly>Convert [Curve] function. Select the 3D curves and confirm with middle mouse button. Specify the target connection type in the Connection Type window.

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Assembly The selected curve will be converted to a connection line of the specified type. When more than one curves are selected, an auto-grouping takes place so that all the curves whose end points are closer than the nodes matching distance (as this is defined in Windows>Settings>Tolerances) yield a single connection line. If the distance between their end-points is greater than the aforementioned tolerance, more than one connection lines are created. Bolt connections from Curves A bolt connection can be created from geometric curves through the Assembly>Convert [Curve] function. Select the 3D curves and confirm with middle mouse button. Specify as target connection type “Bolt” in the Connection Type window.

The generated bolt connection acquires the following characteristics: - Length: curve length - Direction: curve direction - Location: curve geometrical center - Name: curve name

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Assembly Adhesive Faces from Faces and Shell Elements With the Convert [Face] function, select FACEs or a set of shell elements to be used as the base “surface” for adhesive faces connections. In case of shell elements selection, new geometric FACEs are automatically created and they are converted to adhesive connection faces. Note that the Adhesive Faces can be treated as common Macro Areas. Thus, suitable mesh can be generated on them to guide the surface or solid adhesive elements.

When more than one faces are selected, an auto-grouping takes place so that all the faces whose edges are pasted yield a single connection face. If the common edges are not connected and the distance between them is greater than the curves matching distance (as this is defined in Windows>Settings>Tolerances), more than one connection faces will be created.

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Assembly 9.6.4. Creating connections from existing FE-entities If an FE-model is imported with no connection information, Connection Points and Curves can be created using the FE-entities that represent them. Spot Weld Points from FE-entities Spot-weld points can be also generated by converting connection elements (e.g: Beams, RBE2s, etc.) regardless of whether these elements are supported as Connection Manager's FErepresentations or not. This is performed by the Assembly>Convert [FE to CnctnPnts] function. Select the connection elements one by one or with a box selection.

Selections are highlighted. De-select with the right mouse button if necessary. Confirm with middle.

Spot Weld connection Points are automatically created at the geometrical center of the connection elements. These spot-weld points contain the connectivity information taken from the connected parts. The connection elements are not deleted but they are integrated into the connection points. Additionally, the property type and PID of the element is maintained in the Comment field of the Connection Point.

! Important notes After the conversion of FE-entities to connection points, they are considered as the FErepresentation of the latter. Subsequently, erasing the FE-representation through Connection Manager Erase-FE button will also remove the initial FE-entities.

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Assembly The created Spotweld Points can be further converted to other connection types through the Convert>Cnctn2Cnctn function. For more information see section9.6.6. Adhesive lines and Seamlines from FE-entities Seamline and Adhesive line connection types can be created based on existing connection elements that are defined between consecutive elements. Seamline connection is generated passing through the middle position of the line elements.

When an adhesive connection line is generated from hexas, it passes through their middle point.

In case the connection elements do not connect consecutive elements (as shown on the left), the user first needs to convert them into connection points and then convert the connection points into a connection line, using the Convert>Cnctn2Cnctn function.

! Important notes After the conversion of FE-entities to connection lines, they are considered as the FE-representation of the latter. Subsequently, erasing the FE-representation through Connection Manager Erase-FE button will also remove the initial FE-entities.

The created Adhesive lines and Seamlines can be further converted to other connection types through the Convert>Connections function. For more information see section9.6.6.

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9.6.5. Defining connections directly on the model Automatically on faces and shell elements In the cases where no connection information is supplied at all, Connection Entities can be defined using the function Assembly>Define Connections. The [AUTO] option allows the definition of Connection Points on selected Faces or FE-model Shells. Select a face or a chain of faces and press middle mouse button to confirm.

The SPOT-POINTS DEFINITION PARAMETERS window appears, where the user can input the function settings. The number of connection points to be generated can be controlled in two ways: a. Defining the target number of spots and the margin. b. Defining the spacing and the margin. In the latter case the user can control whether priority should be given to the margin or to the spacing.

The Connection Points are created and distributed to all selected Faces or shell elements along a path that runs along their middle and is previewed in red. Note that this is applicable to selected areas with well-defined parallelogram shape.

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Assembly Note that the “Feature Angle” selection assistant can be used to facilitate the selection. Manually on faces and shell elements Using the Assembly>DEF.CNCT [MANUAL] function the user may define manually Connection Entities by picking positions on Faces or shell elements (in the case of FE-Model mesh). With this function, the user will first specify the connectivity information of the Connection Entities to be generated and then their location and type. For the definition of the connectivity, the Definition Parameters window appears and the user has to declare whether Connection Entities to be generated will acquire the Module-ID or the PID of the selected entities. Additionally, the user will specify here whether each connectivity string Pi will consist of a single or multiple parts or properties.

“Single part per Pi” option


3 2

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To specify the connected components select a Face or a shell element with the left mouse button. The whole Part/Property in which the selected Face or shell element belongs gets highlighted. Terminate the selections with middle mouse button. Each selected component will be referenced in a connectivity field Pi of the connections to be generated. The selected components get highlighted in blue and the Define Connections window pops-up.


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Assembly “Multiple parts per Pi” option

3 2 1


Now the connected components can be specified in selection groups. In the example shown on the left, where the connectivity will be expressed with PIDs, to specify the P1 connectivity string the user can first select all the top PIDs and terminate the selection of the first group with middle mouse button.

Then the bottom PID is selected, again terminating selection with middle mouse button. To declare the end of all selections, middle is pressed again. Now each group of selected components will be referenced in a connectivity field Pi of the connections to be generated (the different PIDs will appear comma separated). The selected components get highlighted in blue and the Define Connections window pops-up. The function has three operation modes, depending on the connection type to be created and its generation method: Single connection point: Creates point Connection Entities at the positions picked freely on Faces and shell elements. Multiple connection points: Creates point Connection Entities massively, based on polylines and curves. The latter are generated realtime by picking positions on Faces and shell elements. Connection curve: Creates connection lines, based on perimeters or poly-lines and curves. The latter are generated real-time by picking positions on Faces and shell elements.

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Assembly Single connection points From the Select radio-group, the user can specify whether the positions to be picked will be existing points (i.e. 3D points, hot points, grids with the Point option) or arbitrary locations on Faces and shell elements (Point on face option). Note that the parts highlighting can be deactivated through the marker toggle button, to ease selection. The Connection Entity type to be created is controlled through the Connection Type radiogroup. Select positions with either one of the Select options and press middle mouse button to generate Connection Entities of the specified type at the white markings. Activating the Center Connections check button, the connections are automatically positioned at the geometrical centers of the projections of the selected points on the connected parts. Multiple connection points In this operation mode, the point Connection Entities are created either on a poly-line or on a curve, according to the spacing and margin values. From the Select radio-group, the user can specify whether the positions to be picked for the definition of poly-lines and curves will be existing points (i.e. 3D points, hot points, grids with the Point option) or arbitrary locations on Faces and shell elements (Point on face option). Perimeters and edges can be also picked. From the Form radio-group, the user can specify how the picked positions will be connected: poly-line: The picked positions will be connected with straight lines curve: The picked positions will be connected with smooth 3D curves. The Connection Entity type to be created is controlled through the Connection Type radiogroup. The number of connection points to be generated can be controlled in two ways:

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Assembly a. Defining the target number of spots and the margin. b. Defining the spacing and the margin. In the later case the user can control whether priority should be given to the margin or to the spacing. Selecting positions with either one of the Select options the curve or poly-line created is shown “real time”. Additionally, the user can preview the Connection Entities to be created according to the spacing and margin values specified. At this point, the user can alternate the spacing and margin to modify the distribution of connections on the line. Pressing middle mouse button, the Connection Entities are created. Connection curve In this operation mode, curve Connection Entities are created either directly on perimeters or as poly-lines and curves. From the Select radio-group, the user can specify whether the positions to be picked for the definition of poly-lines and curves will be existing points (i.e. 3D points, hot points, grids with the Point option) or arbitrary locations on Faces and shell elements (Point on face option). Additionally, here the user can directly pick perimeters for the definition of connection lines (Perimeter option). From the Form radio-group, the user can specify how the picked positions will be connected: poly-line: The picked positions will be connected with straight lines curve: The picked positions will be connected with smooth 3D curves. Finally, the Connection Entity type to be created is controlled through the Connection Type radio-group. Selecting positions with either one of the Select options the user can preview the curve or poly-line created Pressing middle mouse button, the connection line is created.

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Assembly Automatically on flanges Using the Assembly>DEF.CNCT [FLANGES] function to define automatically spot weld connection points to all the visible flanges taking into account all the existing parts in the current file. The connecting flanges are automatically identified. Connection points are created on geometry and FE-model mesh flanges as well.

S-S S-E θ O-E

If the “Work on visible” flag is ON only the visible Parts will be considered for the connections definition.


A series of flanges are separated with the “angle limit” criterion. In the case shown on the left if the angle α is greater than the given angle limit a new segment begins from that point. Spot Weld Connection Points are automatically defined along the identified flanges, where two (or more) parts are connected.

The values of the Flanges Connections Parameters window are used as follows:

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Assembly Automatically on bolt holes and tubes Using the Assembly>DEF.CNCT [HOLES] function the user can define automatically bolt connections or connectors based on bolt hole and tube recognition. The user can control whether the function will work on All or on the Visible entities only, from the respective combo-box at the top. Bolts or Connectors will be generated, according to the combo-box option below. The connectivity of the generated entities will be expressed either using PIDs or Module Ids, depending on the radio-button selected. The function will detect the holes and tubes according to the recognition criteria specified, it will then identify the connections that should be generated according to the parts proximity for connection merging distance and in the end, it will apply the filters for total length end number of connected parts. Bolt holes recognition All openings are recognized as candidate bolt holes according to the specified diameter range. The identified results are filtered according to 2 criteria for bolt holes: The proximity and the shape. The user can control whether the bolt-holes must match one or both criteria through the any/all combo-box. Tubes recognition The tubes recognition algorithm can identify through and blind holes, of constant or variable diameter. The recognized tubes are then filtered according to the specified diameter range. Note that for tubes of variable diameter, the maximum diameter must be within the range. In order to “merge” more than one identified features in one connection, the parts proximity for connection merging distance is used. If the distance between the centers of the holes/tubes' top/bottom rings is less than this value, one connection will be generated, referencing all the parts. Otherwise, individual connections will be generated for each feature.

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Activating the Preview check-box, the user can get a preview of the connections to be generated. While in preview mode, any unwanted connections can be deselected with right mouse button. With middle, the white-colored connections will be generated.

The attribute values assigned to the generated connections are summarized in the table below: Bolt Connections Reference point Diameter Length



Connector Entities

At the geometrical center of all features The minimum diameter of all or the diameter from the mapping (bolts only) Tubes: The total length of the tubes Holes: The distance between the most distant hole centers


Parallel to the hole/tube axis, towards the narrowest diameter


The PIDs/Module Ids of the detected holes/tubes


If only holes were detected for the connection: BOLT representation is assigned. If only tubes, or combination of tubes with holes were detected, BOLT ON SOLID representation is assigned.



FE-rep: BOLT (2) Search Distance: Dmax/2 Search On Direction: Yes From/To: According to the position of the connection relatively to the detected features FE-rep: BOLT ON SOLID (2) Search Distance: Dmax/2 From/To: According to the position of the connection relatively to the detected features

Search: Hole on Direction (2) sdist: Dmax/2 From/To: According to the position of the connector relatively to the detected features


The decimal places kept during the measurement of the diameter and length can be controlled through the Windows>Settings Connections options (2) Dmax: The maximum diameter in the user-specified diameter range

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Assembly Especially for the generation of bolt connections, it is possible to assign their diameter based on a hole diameter to bolt diameter mapping table. The hole diameter taken into account is the narrowest of the stack.

9.6.6. Switch Connection Types The “Cnctn2Cnctn” option of the Convert function switches an already defined connection to a different type of the same category [Points / Curves] through the respective dialog box.

Notice the capability to create a connection line out of point connections.

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Assembly 9.6.7. Resolution of connection id conflicts Conflicting ids can be resolved with offset during reading, as explained in paragraph 9.6.1. However, in case that no id offset is performed and the id of an incoming connection is already allocated by an existing connection, the conflict will be resolved as described in the table below: Reading method

Is id of incoming connection in the “user spot weld id range”(1)?

File>Read spots It doesn't matter


Same type and position?



Incoming connection is ignored


Incoming connection is automatically offset, getting a new id that falls in the “user spot-weld id range” as this is defined in the ANSA.defaults under the variable usr_spw_id_range(1)

It doesn't matter

Incoming connection is automatically offset, getting a new id that falls in the “user spot-weld id range” as this is defined in the ANSA.defaults under the variable usr_spw_id_range(1)


Connections are merged. Incoming connection's FE-rep and connectivity are appended to existing connection's info,


Incoming connection is ignored.

File>Merge File>Input



Default value: usr_spw_id_range

= 100000 :

(ID of user defined Connection Points > 100,000)

9.6.8. Related Script Commands Script Command



Create connection points at x,y,z locations


Create connection lines from CURVEs


Create connection faces from FACEs


Reads an XML, VIP or VIP2 connection file


Convert connections of one type into another


Create connection entities out of connection elements

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Assembly 9.7. Connection Entities' Handling Given that all necessary information for the realization of a connection are defined in the Connection Entity (e.g. position, connectivity etc.), connection elements between components can be directly generated and models can be assembled automatically. The function Assembly>Connection Manager is used for the manipulation of Connection Entities. This function invokes the Connection Manager, an interface for the massive handling of Connection Entities. A great variety of actions can be performed from within the Connection Manager: - Connection Entities are “realized”, creating user-specified connection elements (mesh-dependent or mesh-independent), along with the appropriate properties, materials and interface entities. - The FE-representation of already “realized” Connection Entities can be modified in a single step - The connectivity information of Connections can be viewed and modified - Attributes of Connection Entities, like diameter, width and height can be viewed and massively modified 9.7.1. The Connection Manager interface Activating the Assembly>Connection Manager function, the Connection Manager window opens and the user is prompted to select the connection entities to work with. Selections can be made either with mouse, directly on the drawing area, or using filters, with the aid of the Selection Assistant (see section 9.7.2). Connections can be selected and de-selected with the left and right mouse buttons respectively, in the usual manner. To load selected connections in the Connection Manager press the middle mouse button.

The Connection Manager window is divided in 3 sections: a) The connected parts/properties section, b) the Connection Entities' list and c) the FE-representation settings section

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Connection types Connected parts (parts, properties, includes)

FE-representation settings

Connection Entities list

The window contents are organized in tabs according to the Connection Entity type. There may be up to 8 tabs for all supported connection types: Spot Weld Points, Spot Weld Lines, Adhesive Lines, Adhesive Faces, Seam Lines, Gumdrops, Hemmings, Bolts. Each tab has its own “Connections” section and provides only its compatible FE-representations at the FE-representation settings section. A tab will only appear if Connection Entities of this type were selected and loaded in the Connection Manager. ! Note that by dragging the separator between the Parts/Properties list and the Connection Entities' list upwards or downwards, the top or bottom section of the Connection Manager can be collapsed. Additionally, the FE-representation settings section on the right can be collapsed by pressing this button:

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Assembly Parts/Properties section This section lists all the parts/properties/includes to be connected by the connections listed in the “Connections” list. The number of the listed entities is shown at the top. The columns displayed in the list by default are described in the table below: Column name



The id of the connected item. This can be: - A part module id, if the connected item is an ANSA part - A PID, if the connected item is a property. PIDs have the #prefix. - An include id, if the connected item is an include. Include ids have the #IN prefix.


The ANSA id of the connected part. This is a negative integer (It is the inverse of the part id, as this is displayed in the “Id” column of the ANSAPART list of the Database Browser i.e. for a part with id 64, the ANSA id displayed in this column will be -64). This id can appear in the connection's connectivity i) if the part does not have a module id (module id is blank) or ii) if the part does have a module id but has multiple instances. In the latter case, the ANSA id, which is unique, is used to distinguish the multiple instances.


The name of the part, property or include.


The status of the listed item: - Missing Part/Property/Include: This item, referenced by the Connection Entities, does not exist in the database - Empty Part/Property/Include: This item, referenced by the Connection Entities, exists in the database but does not contain any entities. The user can add any other attribute of the listed items as a new column in the list from the arrow button. Few examples include the thickness of connected properties, or the version and representation of connected parts. Giving “focus” to this list by pressing the Pick button, enables direct picking from the drawing area to identify items in the list, as well as the highlighting of the selected items.

Several options are available in the context menu: Show/Hide/Show Only: Apply these focus functions to the selected parts/properties/includes. They will not affect the visibility of related connections. Invert Selection: De-selects the items currently selected and selects the ones not selected. Clear Selection: Clears the selected items. It's shortcut is Ctrl+L. Remove From Connections: Remove this part/property/include from any of the listed connections that currently reference it Replace: Directly replace this part/property/include by one or more parts/properties/includes selected through the Database selection window. Select/Deselect Connections: Select/Deselect all the listed connections that reference this part/property/include

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Assembly Connections section In this section, all selected Connection Entities of the respective tab type are listed. The number of the listed entities is shown at the top. The columns displayed by default in this section are listed in the table below: Column name



The connection entity's id, unique for all connection types.


The connection entity's diameter. Available for spot weld points and lines, adhesive lines, gumdrops and bolts


The connection entity's width. Available for adhesive lines, seam lines and hemmings


The connection entity's height. Available for adhesive lines and faces.


Parts, properties or include ids to be connected (connectivity string). For spot-weld points and lines, gumdrops and bolts: i=2-10. For adhesive lines, faces and seamlines: i=2 For hemmings: i=3


User-specified attribute (string). Can be communicated via xml files' I/O. Can be automatically filled by the Tools>Checks [Connections] upon fix, indicating the error type.


User-specified attribute (string). Can be communicated via xml files' I/O.


Connection template id


Connection template name


Output: Status indication for the connection entity after Project or Realize , Ok, Failed, Projected

Error Class

Output: Additional information on the connection entity's status. Part Missing, No FE Repr., Geometry Error, CUSTOM FE,


Output: Compliance with the connection template. Full : All current characteristics of the connection are identical to those dictated by the template Partial : The FE-representation of the connection is identical to the one dictated by the template. However, one or more characteristics differ None :The FE-representation of the connection is not the one dictated by the template.



Output: Read-only column, automatically filled via user-script upon connections' realization


To instruct the Connection Manager to auto-fill the User column upon “realization” according to the results of a user script, the user should do the following: 1. In Windows>Settings>Connections load the script function in the field “Update User field function” by typing F1 in the field. 2. Realize the connection entities in order to have the script run. The column is then filled with the return value of the user-script. For more information, see document ansa_scripting.pdf.

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Some basic operations of the Connections List are described below: Selections While the Connection Manager is open and the Pick button is pressed in the connections list, the user can select any connection from the drawing area, either to identify it in the list -if it is already loaded, or to load it in the list by following the selection with middle mouse button. Connections that are not loaded in the list, can be also selected based on several criteria with the aid of the Connections Selection Assistant that can be invoked from the button (see section9.7.2). The connections loaded in the list can be graphically distinguished by their distinctive green color. Once a connection is also selected and the highlight button is pressed, the connection is drawn white. The connections that are not loaded in the list, are colored according to the active drawing mode (in magenta in ENT. Mode).

Filters The connections list supports all the standard filtering tools of ANSA: The multi-conditional filter can be used for filtering based on attributes that are visible in the list as columns. The quick-filter at the top keeps a history of all applied filters. For more complicated filtering operations, the advanced filtering can be used. For the quick isolation of connections of interest in the list, the context menu option Remove from list can be used to remove selected connections from the Connection Manager.

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Assembly Editing connection attributes To quickly edit a single connection, click on the attribute to be edited.

To edit multiple connections at once, select them and pick the Edit Value option of the context menu while on the attribute to be modified.

Note that when the Pi fields of the connectivity are edited, the user can hit F1 to select from the Database Browser selection mode. Modifying the connectivity of connections To modify the connectivity of connections, select them, edit the Pi field and press the F1 key to select one or more parts, groups, properties or includes from the Database Browser selection mode. In case that more than one entities are selected their ids appear in the field separated by comma. !NOTE : If there is already a value in the Pi field modified, the selected entities will be added to the existing, separated by commas. Apart from the direct modification of the connectivity information by editing the Pi fields, the user can also: - Add/Remove a part/group property or include as connectivity to the selected connections by using the Connectivity>Add/Remove options of the context menu - Replace a connected part from selected connections by selecting it in the parts/properties list and picking the Replace option of the context menu. Visibility control of connections and the parts they connect The visibility of the selected connections is controlled from the Show/Hide/Show Only options of the context menu. Additionally, the options Show Connectivities / Hide Connectivities / Show Only Connectivities control the visibility of the parts connected by the selected connections. Converting the connectivity from part numbers to PIDs and vice versa In some cases it is required to express the connectivity of connections with PIDs while initially it was defined with part numbers (module ids) or vice versa. To do this, the Connectivity>Convert>To Parts/To Props options are available in the context menu.

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Assembly Select the connections that need to be affected and pick the Connectivity>Convert>To Parts option of the context menu.

It is likely that there is no “one-to-one” correspondence between parts and properties. In such case, a warning message pops-up and the user is given the option to decide how to proceed.

Removing connections from the list Selected connections can be removed from the list through the Remove from list option of the context menu.

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Assembly FE-rep settings section In the FE-rep settings section the user can set-up the options and parameters that will be taken into account for the generation of connection elements when the Realize button is pressed. The FE-representation settings appear in color groups, according to the FE model characteristics they affect. The library of FE-representations for each connection type is found in the FE Rep Type entry and is accessed through the pop-up menu on the right The first column, with the blueprint icon, signifies that the settings have been acquired by a connection template. Leaving the cursor on any item, a help balloon pops-up with the description of the setting.

Pressing the Realize button, the visible settings will be applied to the selected connections and the FEconnection models will be generated. Erase FE erases the FE-representation of a realized connection.

There are two view modes for the FE Rep. Settings: The dynamic and the clipboard mode. The dynamic mode (default) allows the set-up of the FErepresentation, while, at the same time, the window displays the current settings of the selected connection. This means that while the selection of connections changes, the settings displayed in the window are updated, in order to reflect the settings of the connections currently selected. The dynamic view provides a real-time comparison between the settings of the selected connections and displays the non-common values grayed out. The clipboard view provides a static card for the set-up of the FE-representation. The user can switch from one mode to the other through the toggle button at the top. ! Connections read from a connection file or connections generated in ANSA do not have any FErepresentation settings at first. Thus, the list may appear empty when in dynamic mode.

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Assembly The default values that will be displayed for each FE-representation when in clipboard mode, can be set in the ANSA.defaults. A list of the supported FE-representations per connection type is given in the following pages: POINTS Spot Weld Points



Spot Weld Lines









Adhesive Lines





























  








   






 





 






 


















 


















Adhesive Faces







Seam Lines




























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Assembly POINTS Spot Weld Points



Spot Weld Lines

Adhesive Lines



























 









 




Adhesive Faces






Seam Lines










 



























The support of other element types is facilitated by the use of the post-realization script function (please refer to section9.8.6)

See Appendix II for details regarding the connection elements generation.

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Assembly 9.7.2. Selection Assistant Very often, it is required to identify and select connection entities with the aid of filters. The Connection Selection Assistant covers this need, by providing a clear-cut and straightforward interface for the selection and identification of connections. This selection tool is invoked automatically by every function that requires the selection of connection entities (e.g. Erase, Project/Unproject, Convert Cnctn2Cnctn, Convert Cnctn2Geom, Remove Double, Info). For the Connection Manager the selection tool is invoked through the button in the connections list. This tool enables the selection and/or visibility control of connection entities according to multiple conditions. In the Quick Filter tab, the most frequently used filtering rules are available. In the Advanced Filter tab, the user can generate a filter based on any connection attribute.

Advanced filtering In this tab, each line of the list is a different filtering rule that can be activated through the check-button on the left. According to the attribute concerned, different filtering options appear on the right. By default, all the active filtering rules form a conjunction (i.e. are combined with an AND operator). However, the user can define any set of filtering rules under a disjunction (i.e. combine them with an OR operator) or create more conjunctions. There is a collection of basic filtering rules that appear by default. However, the user can add more rules through the Add button at the top right. At any point, the default appearance of the list can be restored by pressing the Reset button. Each rule is defined in the form: This way, negation can be defined through a negative operator. Every time the Select, Deselect, Select Only

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Assembly and Show, Hide, Show Only buttons are pressed, the filters are evaluated. Press middle mouse button to proceed with the selected. A short explanation for the default filtering rules is given in the table below: Selection Available Options Assistant Options


All: default option. No filtering. Visible: Only visible connections are identified. Selected: Only selected connections are identified. Visible Ents: Only connections whose FE-representation is visible are identified. Visible Connectivity: If any of their connectivity parts/props is visible the connections are identified. Visible Connectivity Only: If all of their connectivity parts/props are visible the connections are identified.


Spot Weld Points, Spot Weld Lines, Adhesive Lines, Adhesive Faces, Seam Lines, Gumdrops, Hemmings, Bolts


, Ok, Failed, Projected

Error Class

Part Missing, No FE Repr., Geometry Error, CUSTOM FE,


The user can type a string to identify connections by their name


The user can type a string to identify connections by their comment


The user can type an integer to identify connections by their Id. This combobox can be switched to Diam, Width, Height, etc. to enable filtering based on other important attributes


The user can type a float number to identify connections by their diameter. This combo-box can be switched to Width, Height, Spacing etc. to enable filtering based on other important attributes


The user can type an integer to identify connections by the PID of their FErepresentation.

At least 1 connectivity

The user can type a connectivity id to identify connections based on their connectivity. Pressing the “...” button a part, property or include can be selected from the Database Browser selection mode.

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Assembly Selecting connections according to connectivity Connections can be selected according to their connectivity using the connectivity specific filters. By default, the “At least 1 connectivity” option filter is listed. Pressing the “...” button on the right, the user can select with the aid of the Database Browser.

The user can add more through the Add button at the top-right. Note that the number that appears in the options of the combo-box is modifiable. Thus, the option “At least 1 Connectivity” can be switched to “At least 2 Connectivity” to identify the connections that connect the specified part/property id with itself.

An alternative approach for the set-up of connectivity filters is through the “Connectivity is...” option of the Add button. Activating this option, the user is prompted to pick the connectivity from the screen, specifying whether the picked entities should be accounted as module ids or PIDs.

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Self-connecting connections can also be identified through the dedicated filter.

Creating combinations of filters Within Selection Assistant, the user can generate groups of filtering rules that will either form a conjunction (i.e. are combined with an AND operator) or a disjunction (i.e. are combine them with an OR operator). Such conjunction/disjunction containers can be added through the “All/Any” option of the Add button at the top right. To group existing filtering rules the user can drag and drop them onto the “All” or “Any” items.

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Creating filters based on other connection attributes The user can also define filtering rules based on other connection characteristics like custom attributes or FE-representation settings.

A list of all the available fields (that can be also reduced according to connection types) can be invoked through the “All Fields...” option of the Add button at the top right. Pressing the OK button, selected attributes will be added as filtering rules in the list.

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Assembly 9.7.3. Automatic connectivity detection For the automatic definition of connections connectivity the Auto-detect function of the Connection Manager can be used. This function identifies the parts/properties to be connected by vicinity. To activate this function, select the connections in the Connection Manager and pick the Connectivity>Auto-detect option of the context menu.

The connectivity detection method and settings are different for different connection types: Connection points The automatic search options are set in the Auto Edit Parameters window that appears. The Auto-detect function provides a range of options for Part/Property identification searching among the Visible /All, of the geometry, FE-Model shell or solid elements (FACEs, SHELL, SOLID options). A search distance will define the search domain. To prompt ANSA to replace any existing connectivity information by the newly identified components the user can activate the “Clear Connectivity” option. Then, it is also possible to “refine” the search by instructing the function to find a specific number of parts, with the following options: the nearest “x” parts, up to “x” parts, exactly “x” parts Nearest “x” parts No matter how many parts are identified within the search domain, the connection will get as connectivity the “x” closest ones. Up to "x” parts If the function identified number of parts less than or equal to “x”, it will fill the connectivity. Otherwise, nothing will be filled. Exactly “x” parts If the function identifies “x” parts, it will fill the connectivity. Otherwise, nothing will be filled. The user can further restrict the connectivity detection by activating the “Connection between parts” option. When this option is active, parts from both sides of the connection should be identified.

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Assembly Connection lines and faces The Auto-detect function for connection lines and connection faces provides the same options described above. ANSA will identify by default the nearest parts found within the search distance.

Bolt connections The Auto-detect function for bolt connections allows the identification of connected parts by searching for holes, tubes and shells. There are two alternatives for the definition of the search domain for the connectivity detection: a. The search domain can be based on each bolt's settings (i.e. search distance, direction, start / end point) or b. The search domain for all selected bolts can be specified in this card For case (b), activating the “Search On Direction” check-box, the search domain becomes a cylinder along the bolt's axis, with radius equal to “Search Distance” and start/end points defined in the “From/To” values, parametrically to the bolt length. Holes can be detected either by proximity or by shape. To activate the search for tubes and shells, activate the respective check-boxes. To prompt ANSA to replace any existing connectivity information by the newly identified components the user can activate the “Clear Connectivity” option. Then, it is also possible to “refine” the search by instructing the function to find a specific number of parts, with the following options: the nearest “x” parts, up to “x” parts, exactly “x” parts

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Assembly 9.7.4. Automatic connection elements generation A connection entity, apart from its generic information that define the geometric characteristics of the weld, also carries the FE-representation information, which will determine the shape and characteristics of the connection elements to be generated and the attributes of any accompanying entities that will be created alongside (e.g. properties, materials, contacts, etc.) It is not possible to generate connection elements out of a connection that has no FErepresentation characteristics. Connection elements are generated automatically through the Realize button of the Connection Manager.

When a connection entity is first generated, it does not have any FE-representation information. This information can be assigned in any of the following 3 methods: 1. Through the Connection Manager Apply function 2. Using connection templates 3. Individually, in each connection's card (very rare) Connection settings assignment through the Connection Manager If the selected connections have no settings, the “FE Rep. Settings” list will appear empty in dynamic view mode. To assign settings to the selected connections, set the required FErepresentation type in the “FE Rep Type” entry

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Assembly Then, adjust the FE-representation parameters and press Apply. The connection settings specified have been assigned to all selected connections.

It should be noted that no FE elements are created at this point.

Selecting the connection, its settings are directly displayed in the “FE Rep. Settings” list. Making any modification, the affected setting becomes bold, indicating the difference from the original connection settings.

Pressing the Realize button, builds the connection FE-model with the new settings. In the end, selecting all connections will display the different connection settings grayed out.

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Assembly Connection settings assignment through Connection Templates This approach enables the control of connections' FE-representation settings in groups. The connection templates are ANSA entities that carry the FE-representation information of connections. They can be associated with connections in the Connection Manager, in the connections selection list or through the Templates Manager (see section9.9). Connection templates can be generated through the Database Browser and the Search Engine, or through the Template from settings option of the connections' list context menu in Connection Manager. In Database Browser they appear under the category CONNECTION_Template. The interface of the connection template resembles the “FE Rep. Settings” section of the Connection Manager. An additional column on the left indicates which settings are mandatory for a connection that adheres to this template.

Special numbering rules can also be defined, in order to be assigned to all the connections affected by the template. Moreover, the Connection Templates can carry information such as user script functions. For example, it is possible to associate a post realize user script function to a Connection Template. The script function is saved within the Connection Template and it is available for use without the need to access to the original code. More information concerning post realization function can be found in paragraph 9.8.6 of ANSA User’s Guide and in ANSA Scripting.pdf and ANSA Python Programming Interface.pdf documents.

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Assembly To associate a connection template with one or more connections modify the TID column in the Connection Manager or in the connections selection list. Note that while in edit mode, typing “?” in the TID field will open the Templates_HELP window to aid the selection. After confirmation, all selected connections acquire the template settings. ! Note that every time a template is applied, the affected connections need to be realized. The TmplCompliance column is an indication for the compliance of the connection's current settings with the settings imposed by the template. TmplCompliance



This connection is fully compliant with the template: The “FE Rep type” is the same and all the settings marked as “mandatory” in the template have the value imposed by the template (other settings, not marked as important in the template, may differ).


This connection is partially compliant with the template: The “FE Rep type” of the connection matches the template but one or more of the “mandatory” settings differ


The “FE-rep type” of the connection does not match the template

No template is assigned to the connection

While one or more connections are selected in the Connection Manager, the “FE Rep. Settings” section in dynamic mode displays the compliance of each setting with the template values in its first column, marked with a blueprint icon.

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Assembly The following symbols are used to indicate the template compliance: This setting is imposed by the template and has the template value. This setting is imposed by the template but does not have the template value This setting is imposed by the template and it has the template value for some of the selected connections, while for some others, it does not. In the latter case of an indication for multiple selected connections that do not have the same value for the setting, the user can obtain more information in a balloon text, by hovering the mouse over the blueprint icon.

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Assembly Connection settings assignment in the connection's card The FErepresentation settings can be also set individually to each connection in its edit card. Thus, it is possible to assign connection settings massively through the selection lists Modify.

After having set the FE-representation parameters, connection elements can be massively generated with the Realize button or from the Connection Manager or from the Apply button in the Database Browser. In order to view the settings of a connection in the Connection Manager use the View Settings option of the context menu. 9.7.5. Adjusting the position and geometry of connections It is often needed to adjust the position of point connections or modify the segmentation of connection lines. Some methods to perform such modifications are described in the following paragraphs. Relocating connection points To center spot-weld points, gumdrops and bolts select them in the Connection Manager and pick the Center option of the context menu.

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The Center function relocates the connection points to: 1. The center of the connection elements (if the connection is applied) 2. The geometrical center of the connection's projections (if they exist) 3. The mid-position of the distance between the flanges (if relatively close) Additionally, minor adjustments can be made to the position of connection points using the MOVE and ALIGN functions of the GRIDs function groups. Modifying the length and segmentation of connection lines Connecting connection curves It is very likely that a single connection line consists of more than one connection curves. This can happen after the creation of connection lines through from multiple geometric curves through Convert>Curves function.

The two connection curves can be connected with the TOPO>CURVEs>CONNECT function. In the example below, the CONNECT [Multi] is used.

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Assembly Connecting connection lines In case that 2 (or more) connection lines need to be connected into one the user can still use the TOPO>CURVEs>CONNECT function.

In the example below, the CONNECT [Single] is used to fill the gap by extending the one connection line.

Finally, the CONNECT [Multi] is used to combine the two connection lines into one.

! Note: In case the selected connection lines do not have the same attributes (D, W, H, connectivity, etc.), the attributes of just one of them will prevail. The user cannot control which.

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Assembly Splitting connection lines A connection line can be easily split into two by inserting a hot-point with any of the functions of the HOT POINTs menu: INSERT, PARAM, PROJ or INTERS .

The user can select whether the connection line should be split or just its underlying connection curve.

Splitting the connection line leads to the modification of the original and the generation of a new, that has the same attributes with the original.

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Assembly 9.7.6. Inspect connections The inspection of connections can be a time consuming process. The Connection Manager offers a tool to facilitate the inspection of connection entities. The Inspect Connections tool can be launched through the respective button of the connections list in the Connection Manager.

The Inspection options window appears, through which the user can control several visibility options of the inspection process. The tool automatically isolates on the screen the selected connections, and, depending on the current settings, their FE representation and the connected parts.

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Assembly The inspection process can be driven by the user selection in the connections list of the Connection Manager or through the Previous and Next buttons of the Inspect options window. By pressing the Next and Previous buttons the user can scroll through the connections that are loaded in the Connection Manager. The user can control various visibility options of the inspection process: Show Connectivity

Control the visibility of the connected components. If enabled all the elements of the connected components will appear during the inspection process.


Control the transparency of the isolated entities.

Show all with

Equal Connectivity: Isolates all the connections with exactly equal connectivity. Similar Connectivity: Isolates all the connections that have common connectivity with the selected connection.


Control whether the ANSA will focus on the isolated entities.

FE Rep

Control the visibility of the connection‟s FE representation.


Control the visibility of the Entities/Parts/PIDs that are detected within the specified search radius.


The search radius that is used for the detection of Near Entities/Parts/PIDs/.

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Assembly 9.7.7. Interactive adjustment of connections search domain To enhance the model understanding, the search domain of connections can be adjusted interactively. The user can fine-tune the dimensions of the search domains on the screen through the Edit search domain option of the context menu in the Connection Manager. A preview of the search domain is drawn on the screen and the user can modify it interactively by moving the marked control points. When multiple connections are selected, the user can control whether the search domain of all connections will be adjusted simultaneously or one at a time through the options listed in the Options List. The search domain of a single connection entity can be also previewed and adjusted from within its edit card, by hitting F1 in the “Search Dist” field. Setting the search distance of a connection entity Drag the yellow control point away from the connection, to increase the sphere radius and towards the connection to shrink the sphere.

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Assembly Confirm the previewed search domain with middle mouse button. The interactively defined distance is directly passed to the “Search Dist” field.

! Note that depending on the value of the “Search On Direction” field, the search domain of a bolt can be switched from spherical to cylindrical. In the same manner, the search distance of connection curves can be set. The user can adjust the radius of a cylindrical domain along the curve by moving the red control point away or towards the connection curve. Setting the vector of a bolt The vector of a bolt connection can be set through the Set Direction option of the context menu.

The direction can be specified in 3 alternative modes, depending on the values specified in the Options List. - With nodes: Pick 2 nodes to define the direction and length of the bolt - Manual: Type the direction components and length - Interactively: The existing direction and length are visualized with a sphere, representing a spherical coordinate system. Drag the yellow control point outwards or inwards to control the vector length. To set the direction of the vector adjust the position of the two cyan control points which control the inclination and azimuth angles of the spherical coordinate system.

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Confirm the previewed vector with middle mouse button. The interactively defined direction and distance are passed to the respective fields.

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Assembly 9.7.8. Renumbering connections First select the Connection Entities to be renumbered. Edit the ID field for all selected connections through the Edit Value option of the context menu,

Type the start id of the new range.

Hit Enter to renumber the connections.

The renumbering is performed in ascending order from the start id specified.

! Note that as selected connections are renumbered, id conflicts may arise since ids of the target renumbering range may already be allocated by other Connection Entities. Such conflicts are automatically resolved by offsetting the occupied ids. Additionally, connections can be renumbered through the RENUMBER tool. There, special numbering rules can be defined to affect the connections of a certain type, or the connections that adhere to selected connection templates. For more information please refer to section

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Assembly 9.7.9. Erasing connections Connection entities can be deleted through the Connection Manager or from the Erase function of the Assembly menu. To erase selected connections in the Connection Manager, use the Delete option of the context menu.

Alternatively, connections can be deleted through the Erase function of the Assembly menu. ! Important notes - Deleted connections cannot be retrieved - Connections' FE-representations (connection elements) are also deleted - The geometric information of connection lines (that are based upon connection curves) can be retrieved even after deletion through the TOPO>CURVEs>UNDELETE function. This function will retrieve the geometrical curve that can be converted back to connection line through the Assembly> Convert [Curves] function. - If the user deletes a connection curve through the TOPO>CURVEs>DELETE function then an “orphan” connection line remains in the model (it is listed in the Database Browser) but it cannot be visualized. The connection line can be retrieved through the TOPO>CURVEs>UNDELETE function.

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Assembly 9.7.10. Exporting connection files Connection entities can be exported through the File>Output connections function. The user can control which connections will be exported through the all/visible/selected options. Connections can be exported in VIP, XML or VIP2 format. A description of the formats is given in section9.6.1. VIP format The Output connections > VIP function generates a vip connection file that contains point connections only. ! Important notes - The connectivity Module Ids should be up to 8-digit non negative numbers or alphanumeric strings. If longer part numbers are involved, connections could be exported in the VIP (csv) format. - The connectivity of connections must be expressed with module ids only (and not PIDs). - Curve and face connections are disregarded. As connection points are considered the spot weld points, the gumdrops and the bolt connections. - Only connections referencing single components in their connectivity strings are stored in the vip file. Thus multiple module ids separated by comma in the Pi fields will not be exported. XML format The Output connections > XML function exports the connections of all types in the eXtensible Markup Language format. The Output>XML (pid) function exports the connection entities with their connectivity expressed in terms of property ids ONLY, even if they reference module ids. - When the Connection Entities reference parts (instead of properties), their connectivities should not contain ANSA ids (negative ids), unless the parts referenced do have a valid module id but are multiple-instances. In the latter case, during output ANSA writes out the original module id of the multi-instantiated parts. - For a connection line with more than one curves, more than one tags are created, one for each curve - For the adhesive connection_2d, tags are written. - Both Module Ids and PIDs can be stored in an XML connection file, under the module id and pid number tags respectively. - In the case of groups without module id, an assembly entity is defined: id id

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Assembly VIP2 format The Output connections > VIP2 function generates a vip2 connection file of all connections types, except hemmings. $$vip:material: 1, 2.1e5, 0.3, 0.785e8 $$vip:property: 28, 1, 0.000000, 100235, 100241 $$vip:property: 31, 1, 0.000000, 100239, 100241, 100235 $$vip:property: 30, 1, 0.000000, 100239, 100470, 100235, 100474 $$vip:property: 29, 1, 0.000000, 100239, 100472, 100235, 100476 $$vip:0d-wspot, 100154, 2, PN994 $$vip:0d-gluespot, 100154, 13, PN833 $$vip:0d-bolt, 100267, 29, PN935 $$vip:1d-weldline, 100368, 34, CV1 $$vip:1d-glueline, 100233, 17, CV5 $$vip:1d-seamline, 100255, 25, CV14 $$vip:2d-glueface, 100372, 35, FA158, FA159, FA160, FA161… Note that: - In case of alphanumeric module ids, the connections are exported as they are. - In case of integer module ids, the respective PIDs will be exported. - In case PIDs are used in the Pi fields the connections will be exported as they are. - In case where there are no module ids (negative numbers or ANSA ids in the Pi fields) the respective PIDs will be exported. - In case where there is no information about the parts that are going to be connected (the Pi fields in the connection manager are empty) the connections are exported as 3d points.

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Assembly 9.7.11. Troubleshooting the Connection Manager The following table is a list of possible Status and Error Class combinations. Explanations and suggested actions are provided for each case. Status Error Class Explanation Actions


No FE Rep.

Connections haven‟t been projected or applied yet. No FE Rep. has been generated

Part Missing

- One or more of the listed Parts (Module-Ids) are absent from the current database. - Wrong connectivity

- MERGE the missing part in the database. - Edit the connectivity


Geometry Error

- Increase the projection distance - The part lies further than the - Create geometry or projection distance. move the connection - There is no underlying geometry point. at the projection area at least to one of the parts. - Unfreeze the frozen - Projection area consists of Faces. “Frozen” Faces. - Generate Mesh on - Projection on unmeshed faces the projection area or while the “Use nearest MESH Project with the “Use GRID as WELD” option is active. nearest MESH GRID as WELD” option inactive.


No FE Rep

Successful projection. No FE Rep. has been applied at the connection‟s position.


(a selected connection FE type)

Successful application of FE Rep.




The connections have been generated by the Convert>Finite Elems function on existing FE model.

Alter, if necessary, the element type by applying a new one. Project, if needed, with the “Use nearest MESH GRID as WELD” option activated.


Some of the connections FE representations have been removed manually or via a postrealization script function.


Additional messages appear in the ANSA Info Window regarding improper settings as the Apply button is pressed. e.g. : For an “Adhesive line” connection, if : D=0, W=0 the following message appears: A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified for connection 100013 !

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Assembly 9.7.12. Comparing connections Differences between two sets of connections can be identified with the aid of the Compare tool. Depending on the way the connection sets are defined, the comparison process may be slightly different. The table below summarizes the possible configurations and suggests the most efficient comparison process. Set A

Set B

How to compare

Connections of model

Connection file

File>Compare>with Connection file (see section

Connections of model A

Connections of model B

Tools>Compare>Current>With ANSA db or Tools>Compare>Two models (see section

Connection file B

Method 1: Read-in file “A” and then Tools>Compare>Current>With Connection File Method 2: Read-in both “A” and “B”, grouping connections by file name, and then use Assembly>Remove Double between 2 groups (see section

Connection file A

The Compare Tool pairs the connections according to user specified matching criteria and reports the identified differences in a list while, at the same time, it draws the connections according to the type of difference they exhibit.

The difference type-color table is given below. Color

Label Only model 1

Description Connections that exist in model 1 only

Only model 2

Connections that exist in the outgoing model only

Differences in connectivity number Connectivity differences Diameter differences

Other differences

Matched connections that have differences in the number of parts they connect Matched connections that connect the same number of parts, but not the same Matched connections that have the same connected parts, but have differences in diameter Matched connections that have the same connected parts and diameter, but have different FE-representation The rest of the matched connections.

No differences

The connections are identical

Fe-rep differences

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Assembly Comparing connections of model with connection file The connections of the current model can be compared against the connections of a connection file using the function Compare>with Connection file, available in the File menu.

The user is prompted to specify the connection file. The Compare Report window opens, listing the connections of the current model on the left side and the connections of the specified connection file on the right. At the same time, the connections read-in are displayed in exploded view.

Selecting the “CONNECTIONS” item in the list, the two sets of connections are colored according to their differences and a relevant legend appears on the drawing area. Through the legend the user can directly isolate the connections according to the type of difference. For more information regarding the navigation in the Compare Report window, see chapter 19.

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Assembly Comparing connections of two models The connections of the current model can be compared against the connections of another model using the function File>Compare>with ANSA db (or the function File>Compare>with Input file in case the connections exist as ANSA comments in a solver keyword file). For more information on how this comparison is launched and how the user can navigate through the comparison results, see chapter 19. Comparing two connection files There are two methods to compare two connection files: According to the first, the connections of one connection file are read in ANSA through the File>Read spots function. Then, the existing connections are compared against another connection file using the File>Compare>with connection file function, as described in section Alternatively, both connection files can be read in ANSA at once through the File>Read spots function, and then the user can run the Assembly>Remove Double function between two connection groups. To enable the direct grouping of connections according to the file they were read from, mind to activate the “Group connections: by file name” option of the File>Read spots, in order for the connections to acquire as value of the “Group” attribute the name of the connection file. For more information on the operation of the remove double function, see section 9.7.13.

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Assembly 9.7.13. Identify duplicate connections The Assembly>Remove Double function can identify multiply defined connection points using as criteria i) the position, ii) the connectivity and iii) the connection type. Specifying the connections to be checked There are two operation modes available: a) Identification of duplicates within a group of selected connections and b) identification of duplicates within two groups of selected connections. In the first operation mode, two connections will be considered duplicate according to the matching criteria specified, whilst in the second operation mode, in order for two connections to be considered duplicate they also need to belong to different groups. The operation mode can be controlled from the tabs at the top. a. Single group To specify a single group of connections switch to the “Single group” tab. Pressing the Select... button will open the Connection Selection Assistant. Select the connections to be checked for duplicates and press OK.

The number of selected connections appears in the “Number” column. The visibility of the selected connections can be controlled through the “Show/Hide/Show Only” options of the context menu.

b. Two groups To specify two groups of connections switch to the “2 groups” tab. Pressing the Select... button in each line will open the Connection Selection Assistant. Select the connections that should comprise each group and press OK.

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Assembly The number of selected connections of each group appears in the “Number” column. The visibility of the selected connections can be controlled through the Show/Hide/Show Only options of the context menu.

In case there are common connections between the two groups a third group appears in the list, containing the conflicting connections.

Conflicts can be resolved easily using the Remove... options of the context menu. Note that connections are always drawn with the color of the group they fall into.

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Assembly Matching criteria Matching criteria are the conditions that must be met in order for two connections to be considered as duplicate. There are three matching criteria available, listed below in order of importance: i. The connections' distance and geometrical description ii. The connections' connectivity iii. The connections' type The matching criteria are further described below:

i. Connections' distance and geometrical description: This criterion determines which will be the pairs of connections to be further compared according to criteria (ii) and (iii). Connection points Connection points are matched according to their location. The tolerance that controls the matching can be specified either as a value of distance, or as a factor of the average thickness of the components connected by the connection point. In order for two connections to match, their spherical search domains must intersect. Note that the center of the search domain is located at the geometrical center of the connection projections. This way, the distance of two connections in the “normal-to-flange” direction is neglected

Distance In case that a Distance value is specified, the connections search domain is defined by the effective radius of the connection. The effective radius (Reff) of the connection is equal either to the Distance value or to a base radius.

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Assembly The base search domain of the connection is a sphere whose radius is defined from the connection projections. If the base search domains of two connections intersect, these connections are matched, independent of the Distance value. If Rbase > Distance : Reff = Rbase If Rbase < Distance : Reff = Distance

Factor of average thickness: In case that a factor of average thickness value is specified, the effective radius of the connection is calculated by the following formula:

where is the specified factor and is the thickness of each connected flange. When the factor of average thickness is used, the base radius is not considered at all. Connection curves and faces For the matching of curves and faces, apart from the point-to-point tolerance that can be controlled from the “Distance” value, the user can also specify a similarity factor percentage. This value essentially controls the desired similarity between the two geometrical descriptions.

ii. Connections' connectivity Out of all the matched connections, this criterion controls whether connections also need to have equivalent connectivity in order to be considered duplicate. Note that two connections are considered to have equivalent connectivity when they connect the same parts or properties but in not necessarily the same order. However, when the connectivity of one connection is expressed with module Ids while the connectivity of the other connection with PIDs, connectivity cannot be considered equivalent, even if the connections connect the same components. iii. The connections' type Out of all the matched connections, this criterion controls whether connections also need to be of the same type in order to be considered duplicate. Deactivating this option will allow the matching between connections of different type with similar descriptions (i.e. spot-weld point with bolt and gumdrop, adhesive line with seam-line, etc.)

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Assembly Results Pressing the OK button in the Remove Double Settings window, matching of connections is performed and the Remove Double Result window pops-up. At the top, the total number of the identified pairs is reported. At the same time, the matched connections are drawn distinctively.

The action that will be performed on OK is controlled by the Combine/ Delete radio-buttons. Combine: The connectivity and FE-representation of a connection pair will be combined into the connection to be kept (blue). Delete: The connections to be deleted (red) will be removed. To control which connections will be kept and which will be removed (blue/red connections) the user can select among the “highest Id”, “lowest Id” , “selected” options from the drop-down menu, which will mark for “keeping” the connections according to their id or according to user selection from the screen. Note that in case the function was applied on two groups, the options “group1” and “group2” also appear in the drop-down menu. Optionally, the remaining connection points can be moved at the mid-distance between the two matched connections, activating the “Move to Middle” option.

To get a better overview of the differences between the matched connections, the user can invoke the Compare tool by pressing the Compare Matched button.

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Assembly For more information on the comparison tool, please refer to section 5.15. The Comparison Report window pops-up, listing on the left the connections that were marked “to be deleted” and on the right, those marked “to be kept”. The user can navigate through the comparison results with the arrow buttons and with the view options available on the menu-bar. By selecting the CONNECTION category, all connections are drawn according to the type of difference they exhibit.

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Assembly 9.7.14. Inquiring info on connection entities Information about the number of Connections, the minimum and maximum ID of Connections, and statistics about their spot diameters and type (zero, one, two, three, or four part) can be obtained using the “General Info” option of the Utilities>Deck Info function. 9.7.15. Related Script Commands Script Command



Change the default values used for connections

AssignConnectionSettings Assign FE-representation settings to a connection without realization CenterConnections

Reposition point connections between the connected parts

GetConnectionProjections Get the projection points / entities FindDuplicateConnections Identify pairs of connections based on certain matching criteria RemoveDoubleConnections

Remove duplicate connections (obsolete)


Realize one or more connections


Re-apply connections with the settings last used


Output connections in an XML, VIP or VIP2 connection file


Erase the connection elements of a connection


Gets the settings used for the realization of an applied connection

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Assembly 9.8. Spot-welds modeling 9.8.1. Overview A great variety of spot-weld models can be automatically generated through Connection Manager. According to the process being followed for the connection elements generation, the spot-weld models can be categorized in 2 groups: 1. Point-to-point spot-weld models, that are generated between the projections on the flanges 2. Spot-weld models that require that the model is already meshed These groups can be further branched as shown in the image below.

In the paragraphs that follow the best-practices for the generation of spot-weld models are explored. Additionally, the automatic mechanism for the extraction of spot-weld diameter according to the thickness of the flanges is described. Finally, the tools for the generation of custom spot-weld models are presented. 9.8.2. Point-to-point spot-weld models Point-to-point spot-weld models consist of line elements that are generated between the projections of the connection points on each flange. There are two alternative approaches for the generation of such connection elements: a. Project and mesh: According to this approach, the projections of the connection point are marked on the unmeshed geometry so that mesh is forced to pass through the projections. Thus, the line elements can be generated without the model being meshed. This approach is only applicable if no FE-model components participate to the connections. b. Mesh and project: According to this approach, the projection of the connection point takes place on meshed geometry and nodes are positioned at the exact projection locations with a local mesh “reconstruction”. This approach is suitable for both geometry and FE-model mesh.

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Assembly Projecting the connection points on geometry Connection points are projected on geometry with the Assembly>Project function. Activating the function, the Connections Selection Assistant pops-up to aid the selection process. After confirmation, the Projection Parameters window appears, that controls the projection characteristics: The projection distance is specified in the max Dist. field on the top right. It is the distance between the connection point and the flange (taking into account the flange thickness).

Follows a description of the projection parameters: Use WELD SPOT as MESH GRID By default the flag “Use WELD SPOT as MESH GRID” is active implying that the Connecting Spot that will be created on the macro will also be a node of the mesh that will be generated later, thus ensuring connectivity of shell mesh and connection element. If close, move on perimeter If this flag is active then the Connecting Spot will be created on the nearest perimeter segment that lies within the specified maximum distance. This option is used to avoid projected Connecting Spots very close to perimeter segments that will lead to the generation of shell elements with very small element length. Use nearest MESH GRID as WELD This flag is useful when the projection of the connection points is to be performed on macro areas that are already meshed and the connection points are not aligned with the existing mesh. If this flag is active the algorithm will search for the nearest mesh grid and use it as a Connecting Spot. ! Note that if Connection Points are projected to meshed Macros without this option, the mesh is erased. Project WELD SPOT on Perimeter If this option is active the projected Connecting Spots will also be projected as Hot Points on the adjacent Perimeter Segments. This helps in the alignment of the mesh.

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Assembly Mark projected HOT as WELD SPOT If this flag is active the Connecting Spots will be projected on the adjacent Perimeter Segments as Weld Spots.

After the projection, the status of the connection points that were successfully projected turns to Projected and a magenta connecting line is displayed from the connection point to each connecting spot. Notice that the error class column displays “No FE Rep.” for the projected connections, implying that no connection element has been generated yet.

After having projected the connection points, the Batch Mesh tool or any individual mesh generator will generate mesh on the macro areas using the connecting spots as mesh grids. A point-to-point connection can be generated at any moment (either before or after meshing) pressing the Realize button. The projections of Connection Points may be removed using the Assembly>UnProject function. Projecting the connection points on mesh An alternative approach to the one described above is the projection of the connection points on mesh, which takes place at the same time with the generation of the line elements. This is the default behavior when a point-to-point FErepresentation is applied. The projection of the connection point on the mesh generates mesh grids at the projection points by local “reconstruction” of the existing mesh.

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Option “Four quads around projection point” inactive.

Option “Four quads around projection point” active

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Connection-specific parameters of the mesh reconstruction are controlled from within the Connection Manager.

General mesh reconstruction parameters (e.g. target element length, feature line recognition angle) are controlled from the session mesh parameters. Quality criteria specified in F11 are also taken into account. 9.8.3. Spot-weld models that require the existence of mesh There are two categories of spot-weld models that require the existence of mesh: a. Those that do not “reconstruct” the existing mesh: These are the “mesh-independent” spotweld models that generate connection elements without affecting at all the existing mesh topology. Examples of spot-weld models of this category are the RBE3-HEXA-RBE3, the DYNA SPOT, the PAM PLINK etc. b. Those that “reconstruct” locally the existing mesh: These spot-weld models require a particular mesh pattern around their projections on the flanges. Examples of spot-weld models of this category are the FEMFAT SPOT and the SPIDER2. “Mesh-independent” spot-welds models There are three groups of “mesh-independent” spot-weld models: i) Special solver elements, like PLINK for PAM-CRASH or FASTENER for ABAQUS ii) Standard elements with RBE3 interface, like RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 or RBE3-CBEAM-RBE3 iii) Standard elements with contact interface, like the DYNA SPOT (spot-weld beam or hexa)

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DYNA SPOT with hexa

For more information on mesh-independent spot-weld models options please refer to Appendix II. “Spider” mesh-patterns The “spider” mesh pattern is constructed by opening a hole around each projection point of the connection on the flanges. Then, the user can request one or two hole-zones around. This mesh pattern, used by the SPIDER2 and the FEMFAT SPOT FE-representations, is generated with local reconstruction around the connection's projections.

6-node hole, 1 zone

8-node hole, 2 zones

4-node hole, 1 zone, different zone PID

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Connection-specific parameters of the mesh reconstruction are controlled from within the Connection Manager.

General mesh reconstruction parameters (e.g. target element length, feature line recognition angle) are controlled from the session mesh parameters. Quality criteria specified in F11 are also taken into account.

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Assembly 9.8.4. Flange thickness to diameter mapping Spot-weld diameter from flange thickness When the diameter of a connection is not prescribed in the diameter field of the Connection Manager, ANSA can auto-assign a diameter value taking into consideration the thickness of the flanges that are connected (provided that the flag “Use thickness to Diameter Map” -when available, is active). The diameter calculated by the mapping process can be set as a fixed diameter value in the “D” field connection entities if the option Set Diameter On Realization of the Windows>Settings>Connections is activated. There are two alternative methods for the control of the mapping, both specified in the general connections options (or in the ANSA.defaults) file: i. Through a thickness-diameter table ii. Through a user script function By default ANSA will follow the “thickness-diameter” table method with the default table available in the ANSA.defaults. Thickness-diameter table The “thickness to diameter” table is specified in the general connections options, under Windows>Settings.

Alternatively, it can be defined with the variable thick_spw_diam in the ANSA.defaults. The format used to describe the mapping then is: D1 [,T1 ,D2 [,T2 ,D3 [,....]]] where Ti is the thickness class upper bound and Di the corresponding diameter. Note that the maximum number of classes is 100. The default mapping specified in ANSA.defaults is: thick_spw_diam=


and corresponds to the thickness-diameter table below: Flange ThicknessTi from to 0.00 1.02 1.78

1.02 1.78 -

Spot Weld Diameter Di 4.00 5.00 6

The thickness used in the mapping is a master thickness of the connection (please refer to section9.8.4.2)

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Assembly User script function To define a mapping scheme that cannot be described with a table, a user-script function can be used. In this approach, Connection Manager will automatically call this function every time a spotweld is applied (provided that the flag “Use thickness to Diameter Map” -when available, is active) and will pass to it as input argument the master thickness (please refer to section9.8.4.2). The user function is expected to return the diameter value. The script function can be loaded and specified in the general connections settings (Window>Options), by hitting F1 key in the Function Name field.

Alternatively, the user can specify its name in the ANSA.defaults, under the variable thick_spw_diam. An example of such a user-script function is given below: defDiamFromThick(float flange_thickness) { alpha = 0.5; diameter = alpha * Sqrt(flange_thickness); return diameter; } ! Important note In case the formula fails, e.g: if the function name specified is not found among the loaded functions, or the calculated diameter is less or equal to zero, the Connection Manager will use the default tabular diameter map [ 4.0 , 1.02 , 5.0 , 1.78, 6.0 ] .

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Assembly Master flange and thickness The master thickness of each connection used in the mapping corresponds to the thickness of a “characteristic” flange of each connection, hereinafter referred to as master flange. The way the master flange will be selected can be controlled through the Master Flange Election Method options of the general connections options (Window>Options).

Alternatively, the master flange selection can be controlled through the spw_diam_mflng variable of the ANSA.defaults. The setting has two parameters, whose combination defines the master flange. The first specifies which flange(s) of the stack will be taken into account for the identification of the master flange according to their relative location or their relative thickness. If more than one flanges need to be considered, then the second parameter determines the master according to their relative thickness. 1. The first parameter can take the values:

INNER | OUTER | MIDDLE | ALL 10. INNER and OUTER refer to the relative location of the flange. 11. MIDDLE refers to the intermediate thickness value(s), Tmincopy" operation, the user may easily forget to change/offset the property of the copied part, so in the end there are two symmetrical parts having the same rigid property. If the above model, for example, was to participate in a 50% frontal crash, then having the two front doors moving as a single rigid part is clearly a mistake. Other cases include parts that share the same rigid property and are located to the front and rear of the vehicle, for example the bumpers. In this case, it might be desirable to model the rear bumper as rigid, but this cannot be true for the front bumper in a frontal crash simulation.

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Model Check & Report REGIONS in ABAQUS The REGIONS check in ABAQUS can be applied to visible or selected SETs.

Two SETs are used in this example: 1 – a property set containing the two indicated floor parts, and 2 – a shell set containing the shell elements of the front bumper. Only the "visible" option of the REGIONS check is presented here. 1. The two floor parts of the vehicle are not connected, so the REGIONS check should identify SET 1 as having two unconnected regions. Also, by removing from the screen some shell elements of the front bumper, we create two unconnected regions in SET 2


2. Activating the REGIONS > VISIBLE check, a list of visible sets that contain unconnected regions appear on the screen and related information is given in the Ansa Info window.


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Model Check & Report 21.1.33. COHESIVE/THICK SHELL ORIENTATION check

connectivity set 1

connectivity set 2

This check identifies COHESIVEs, C.SHELLs (ABAQUS) / TSHELLs (LS-DYNA) that are not oriented uniformly, with respect to a guiding element. The check is performed per area of connected cohesives (“connectivity set”). The elements of each connectivity set that have incorrect orientation (highlighted in the picture) are reported in the Checks Manager.

Applying Fix, the problematic elements are oriented appropriately. Note: Alternatively, the function COHESIVE/C.SHELL/TSHELL>Orient, can be used to fix the problems.

21.1.34. AMPLITUDES AXES check (ABAQUS) This function checks and reports AMPLITUDEs that have values that are not in ascending order. The axes to check are specified in the check‟s parameters. Note: In case both axes are selected and values in descending order are found by checking the first one, then the second axis will not be checked. 21.1.35. FASTENERS check (ABAQUS) This check is applied on visible FASTENERs. Two sub-checks are available: The CONNECTIVITY check reports an error if the number of layers specified in the NLAYER field of the FASTENER's card or the Surfaces specified in the SURFi fields cannot be found within the search radius SEARCH R from the reference node.

The ECCENTRICITY check identifies FASTENERs whose eccentricity is bigger than a user specified value.

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Model Check & Report The center of cloud nodes (attached nodes) is calculated as: n

 rCoG 

r w i


i 1




i 1

where: ri is the location vector of each cloud node and wi is its weight factor, calculated according to ABAQUS formulation. As fastener's eccentricity is considered the distance between the center of cloud nodes and the fastening point, divided with the Fastener's diameter. 21.1.36. DB HISTORIES check (LS-DYNA) This check finds any problems concerning entities multiply referred from different database histories of the same type (BEAM, NODE, SHELL, SOLID, SPH, TSHELL). Such conflicts can occur e.g. when the sets used in the definition of *DATABASE_HISTORYs share common entities. The errors are listed in the reults list of the Checks Manager. A message is also given in the Ansa Info window. Choosing the Fix option a window pops up, listing the entities that are involved in the conflicts. Select the entries manually and press Remove to remove the entity from the *DATABASE_HISTORY definition or from the set that it references. Alternatively, press AutoFix to let ANSA automatically fix the conflicts, removing all the common entities from one of the two *DATABASE_HISTORYs. Warning: If the same set ID has been used in the definition of multiple DB Histories, then application of AUTOFIX will empty the set! In addition to the above, the CHECK>DB HISTORIES also gives a warning when: DATABASE_HISTORY entities exist, but the DATABASE_NODOUT is not activated. -No DATABASE_HISTORY is applied on Node1 of a ELEMENT_SEATBELT_ACCELEROMETER.

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Model Check & Report 21.1.37. JOINTS check (LS-DYNA) This check identifies errors in the definitions of joints related to: a) the nature of the nodes used in the joint (rigid or deformable). If a -wrongly used in the definition of the joint- deformable node is detected, automatic Fix is available. Fixing will assign a user specified rigid material to the property of the elements that use the node. If the node doesn't just belong to deformable elements, but is completely free, then fixing will assign the node to the appropriate rigid part of the joint e.g. defining it as a constraint extra node of a property with rigid material or including the node in the definition of a nodal rigid body. ANSA identifies the appropriate rigid part based on the definition of the other (rigid) nodes of the joint. When no appropriate rigid part can be found, the message “Can’t fix it !” appears in Ansa Info. The revolute joint of the following example is defined by nodes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Nodes 1-2 and 3-4 coincide. They are depicted in exploded view so that they can be distinguished. The nodal rigid body on the left includes nodes of the yellow part and node 1 (fig. 1). The nodal rigid body on the right includes nodes of the magenta part, node 2 and node 4 (fig. 2). fig. 1

fig. 2

1 2

fig. 3

o w in d o w m e s s a g 1 e:

1 2

3 4 8


3 4

3 4

The definition of the joint is not correct, as it includes a free (thus deformable) node (node 3). Considering that it is required that nodes 1 and 3 belong to the same rigid part, in order to have a correct revolute joint definition, ANSA will fix the error assigning node 3 to the nodal rigid body on the left (fig. 3).

b) the validity of the nodal pairs used in the joint. Depending on the joint‟s type, some pairs of nodes used for its definition must or must not belong to the same rigid part. In case of pairs of nodes that don‟t belong to the same part although they should, automatic Fix can be used. One of the two nodes is then substituted in the joint‟s card with a new *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_NODE that belongs to the other rigid part of the joint. c) nodes (used by the joints) that belong to more than one rigid parts. Such errors can also be detected and fixed by CHECK>RIGID DEPENDENCY. d) nodal coincidence. Depending on the joint‟s type, some pairs of nodes used for its definition must or must not coincide. In case of nodes that don‟t coincide although they should, automatic Fix is available, which matches the two nodes. The user can select which node will be moved to the location of the other. In case of nodes that coincide although they shouldn't (e.g. node pairs of gear joints), automatic Fix provides an easy way to substitute one of the involved nodes with a non-coinciding one. e) Perpendicularity of vectors defined by the nodes of a universal joint. f) Collinearity of nodes used for definition of cylindrical joints. If 3 nodes of the joint are detected as not collinear, automatic Fix can be used. It substitutes one of the nodes with a new *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_NODE, collinear with the other two nodes. If nodes 1,3 and 2 are not collinear, then node 1 will be substituted with a *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_NODE that coincides with node 2. If nodes 1,3 and 4 are not collinear, then automatic fix substitutes node 4 with a *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_NODE that coincides with node 3.

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Model Check & Report 21.1.38. The EX.NODES CONNECTIVITY check (LS-DYNA) This check identifies any Extra Node definition (*CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_OPTION, that is located further than the distance specified in the check‟s parameters (e.g 1000 in this example). The EXTRA_NODES_SET and the corresponding Rigid PART, where the Nodes are added are highlighted in the picture.

The detected error, as can be seen, is the assignment of the Extra Nodes to the Right Rigid Part (yellow) instead of the Left one (magenta).

The smaller distance between the extra nodes and the closet position of the Rigid Part PID=206 (yellow) is bigger than the given distance (=1000).

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Model Check & Report 21.1.39. SOLID FORMULATION (LS-DYNA) This check identifies solid elements that have invalid ELFORM in their property (*SECTION_SOLID card). The following cases are checked: -ELFORM 4, 10, 13, 16, 17 is valid only for TETRA elements. -ELFORM 15, 115 is valid only for PENTA elements -ELFORM 8, 14 are valid only for solids with MAT90_MAT_ACOUSTIC. 21.1.40. SPOT WELDS check (LS-DYNA) This function is applied on visible spotweld elements. As spotweld elements are considered the beams with ELFORM=9 and the hexas, that participate in contacts of the following types: -TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE -TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET -SPOTWELD -SPOTWELD_WITH_TORSION. The check identifies: 1. Spotweld elements that lie inside the same shell element. Spotwelds that satisfy this check are presented in cyan color. 2. Spotweld elements that lie inside neighbouring shells. As “neighbouring” are considered the shells that share at least one common node. Spotwelds identified by this check are also colored cyan. 3. Spotweld beam elements that deviate from the shell's normal up to a specific value. These spotwelds are colored yellow.

4. Spotweld elements that lie on elements having Rigid Nodes. These rigid nodes could belong to: (a) elements with Rigid Material (MAT 20) (b) *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY (c) *CONSTRAINED_NODE_SET (d) *CONSTRAINED_SPOTWELD (e) *CONSTRAINED_RIVET (f) *CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES (g) *CONSTRAINED_GENERALIZED_WELD Spotwelds that fail the check are presented in yellow color. Automatic Fix is available to eliminate the detected conflicts with rigids. Fixing the conflicts, *CONTACT_TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET definitions are created, as copies of the initial contacts in which the elements participated. The new contacts contain in their slave sets the respective spotweld elements. 5. Spotweld beams which have SECTION_BEAM with ELFORM other than 9 (Invalid Spotweld Beams).

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Model Check & Report 21.1.41. TABLES check (LS-DYNA) This function checks the correctness of *DEFINE_TABLE definitions. Warnings are reported in the following cases: - If the input values do not follow an ascending order. - If less than two curves have been used in the table‟s definition. Note that TABLES check does not check each curve that participates in the definition of a table. The CURVES check should be applied for this purpose. 21.1.42. PLINKS check (PAM-CRASH) This function checks the integrity of PLINK elements. It takes into account the search radius (RSEAR of the PART_PLINK), the components of the PLINK sets and the number of layers. 21.1.43. THNOD-THNOD/THLOC check (PAM-CRASH) This function performs the following sub-checks:

1) Identifies nodes that participate in multiple THNODs 2) Identifies nodes that participate in both THNOD and THLOC definitions. Applying the Fix option for such conflicts, a window pops up, as shown in the picture beside, listing the common nodes, together with the related THNOD and THLOC entities that use them.

The user can select an entry and press Remove, in order to delete the THLOC definition or remove the conflicting node from the THNOD definition. The buttons Auto Select THNOD and Auto Select THLOC provide a quick way to select all the listed THNOD or THLOC with a single mouse click. Applying Remove afterwards on all the selected entities, all the conflicts will be fixed. 3) Identifies nodes that participate in a THLOC and in more than one ACFLD definitions. Errors are reported for such nodes if the IDAFLD field of the THLOC card doesn't reference a specific ACFLD. In this case, the Fix option opens the list of ACFLDs in order to update the IDAFLD according to the user's selection.

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Model Check & Report 21.1.44. PIDM-PIDS DISTANCE (LS-DYNA) The RIGID BODIES LS-DYNA>PIDM-PIDS DISTANCE check detects individual CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES (CRBs) that reference PIDs which lie further than a user defined distance. In the following simplified example, PID1 is the master of PID2 and PID2 is the master of PID3




Performing the check for a distance of 30, only the first CRB is detected.

21.1.45. LONG CHAINS (LS-DYNA) The RIGID BODIES LS-DYNA>LONG CHAINS checks the distance of all PIDs of CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES of the same chain from the master one, considering a user defined distance. In the above example that was presented for PIDM-PIDS distance, performing the check for long chains for a distance of 30, detects all the PIDs that are involved in the CRBs 21.1.46. DUPLICATE PERMAS IDS This check identifies entities with conflicting ids for PERMAS. For most entity types, such conflicts cannot appear inside an ANSA database anyway. The following entity type groups constitute exceptions that are considered by this check: -CONTACT_SURFACE, MPC_ISURFACE, MPC_WLDSURFACE, MPC_WLSSURFACE, MPC_WLSCON, MPC_RIGID with MPC_GENERAL and MPCD_IQUAD/TRIA -PLOTA with any other ELEMENT type. -CONTACT ELEMENT with CONTACT_NODE, CONTACT_SURFNODE, CONTACT_SURFACE, MPC_ISURFACE, MPC_WLDSURFACE, MPC_WLSSURFACE A fix function to apply the required renumbering is available. Note that in case of such conflicts, even if the check and its fix is not applied manually by the user, automatic renumbering is applied by File>Output, so that the generated PERMAS file is valid.

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Model Check & Report 21.1.47. OPENFOAM CHECKMESH This is a check for solid elements in OPENFOAM deck. It includes the following: Topological checks: -Upper Triangular Ordering: For neighboring cells with multiple inbetween facets. -Topological Cell zip-up: For topological cell openness i.e. if an edge is used exactly two times in a cell if this is not open. -Face Vertices: Checks if a node is used more than one time in a facet. -Face-face connectivity: Checks for neighboring cells with non-consecutive shared nodes. Geometrical checks: -Closed cells: It checks if the cell is open, i.e if a facet is missing or has wrong orientation. - Aspect ratio/Non Orthogonality/Skewness/Warping: Checks if cells have acceptable values for Openfoam for the respective quality criteria. 21.1.48. Related Script commands Some of the checks described in this Chapter can also be performed through script commands. Moreover, the user can create custom checks through scripting. Results of such checks can also be reported in the Checks window. Fix functions can be programmed as well. Script Command



Checks for intersections and penetrations and fixes penetrations.


Checks for intersections


Checks for interior intersections


Checks for free nodes


Checks connections


Creates a new header (e.g. for a custom check) in the Checks window


Add an entry under a header of the Checks window


Specify an entry in the Checks window as Error or Warning


Specify a fix function for a custom check

CheckListGetErrorGroups CheckListGetErrorValue

Give access to the entries of the Checks window

CheckListGetFirstError CheckListGetNextError CheckDefinitionBegin/End

Initializes/Ends the definition of a user defined check that is to be included in the Checks Manager


Executes a given template of the Checks Manager

For information on the Script Commands syntax, please refer to document ansa_scripting.pdf. For information regarding creation of custom checks that use the interface of the Checks Manager, please refer to the document User_Checks.pdf.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Model Check & Report 21.2. D.INFO. Obtaining information about a model The Deck Info function, accessed from Menu Bar>Utilities>Deck Info, can be used to extract detailed information about all the contents of a model: geometry data, property and material info, connections, volume, mass and centre of gravity location as well as statistical information about the number, type and quality of the elements. The information can then saved in html or text format. As the Deck Information window appears the user can limit the report output, by activating only the flags of the type of information he/she requires. At the top of the window is a pull down menu where the user can specify if the information should be extracted for the Visible/Selected or WholeDB. Then follow four separate Tabs: Model: general model information Shells: quality statistics of shell elements Solids: quality statistics of volume elements At the bottom of the window, the pull down menu Current Tab and All Tabs controls whether the ALL, INVERT and NONE buttons that control the status of the check buttons affect the current tab or all three. Moreover, when the Current Tab option is active, only the contents of the current tab will be included in the report that the function generates.

Note that all current entries (active flags and quality criteria classes) in the Deck info Parameters window can be stored in the ANSA.defaults file for future use. The Shells/Solids tabs hold settings regarding element statistics and quality criteria information. The QC indicates the QCHECK definition. For all the other criteria, classes are defined, in which the elements are grouped according to their quality. Pressing the button of the corresponding quality criterion opens the Threshold Values window. By default, it contains 5 classes. The number of classes can be increased/decreased using the +/- buttons.

The user can specify the minimum and maximum threshold values for each criterion. Pressing the Distribute button, equal ranges are automatically defined. Alternatively, the ranges of the Threshold Values window can be automatically synchronized with the global quality criteria settings that are defined in the Windows>Quality Criteria (F11) window, using the Sync with F11 button of the DECK INFORMATION window. Note that for the LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH and RADIOSS decks there is an option to include or exclude elements with null materials.

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Model Check & Report Pressing OK in the Deck Information window generates the report with all the information in the Deck Report Information window that appears. Use the scroll bars to view all the info in the window.

Alternatively press any of the links at the start of the page to access directly the respective category.

At the top of the window there are additional tools that can help in finding specific words in the page. The text can be copied with the mouse to a shell or it can be saved in an html or text file, pressing the disk thumbnail button. The other buttons help in the navigation through the contents of this page. A description of the information type output is listed in the following sections. 21.2.1. Model Information Header/Footer - Prints the username, hostname, current Deck, the database filename and the date. Generic info - Reports the minimum and maximum ID of all elements as well as their number, and the total number of elements (including line, solid elements etc.). - Provides information about the model Geometrical data (number of Curves, Faces, Links, Parts etc.). - Finally reports number and type of PIDs, Coordinate Systems (and their range) and elements. Property info - Provides a list of all PID number, name, MID to which it refers, thickness, total surface area and volume (for solid elements), as well as centre of gravity location. Mass information is also provided in four columns: Non-structural mass (e.g NSM in NASTRAN), NET MASS (mass based only on property and material card values), ADDED MASS (additional mass due to mass scaling), SCALED MASS (the sum of all masses). When no mass scaling is applied, the ADDED MASS column is omitted and the SCALED MASS column is renamed to TOTAL MASS. Material info - Provides a list of MID number, name, type and properties

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Model Check & Report Area info - Reports the Surface Area of shell elements and the Projected Frontal Area of shell and solid elements. The calculation of the latter is view dependant, since the frontal area is computed from the projection of the elements to the screen plane, so first select the required view and then perform the calculation. If you want to use a custom view (apart from the standard provided by the F keys) you can use the BEST function in the Focus group and select a certain element, Working Plane, Face etc. to align the view normally to it (see section 2.11.), and then press F9 to zoom all. Two values of projected area are reported: (b)


(a) the actual projected area, and (b) the area with filled holes and gaps Note that the Projected Area is an approximate calculation and requires the execution of ANSA with its graphics. It cannot work with the -no_gui option

Mass info - Reports the mass for each element type (shells, solids, concentrated mass, beams, etc.), the total mass and Center Of Gravity location and the total volume of the solid elements. The C.O.G. is also displayed graphically on the screen. The option Create CoG Coord, will also create a coordinate system. Mass information is provided in four columns: NET MASS (mass based only on property and material card values), Non-Structural Mass (e.g NSM in NASTRAN), ADDED MASS (additional mass due to mass scaling), SCALED MASS (the sum of all masses). When no mass scaling is applied, the SCALED MASS column is renamed to TOTAL MASS. - Provides the Inertia Tensor, Principal Inertias and the Principal Directions. By default the Inertia Tensor is calculated with respect to an axes system aligned to the Global Coordinate System (ID=0) and passing through the C.O.G. of the model. The Inertia Tensor is calculated as follows:

I ii  (a 2j  a k2 )dm

i, j, k  1,...,3


I ij  (a i a j )dm

i, j  1,...,3


 I 11  InertiaTensor    I 21   I 31

I 22  I 32

symmetric     I 33

To use a different coordinate system type its ID in the Inertia Tensor Coord field (or press ? to open the list of available coordinate systems). In this case an extra field will appear in the Mass Information section of the report, providing the Inertia Tensor calculated about this local coordinate system. NOTE: For NASTRAN the non-diagonal terms of the above Inertia Tensor (-I21, -I31, -I32) are output multiplied by –1. (in the case of CONM2 element the output values are identical with the values in the CONM2 entry card). Include Mass info - Reports the ID, name, total mass, Center Of Gravity and Inertia Tensor per Include. ANSAPart Mass info - Reports the ID, name, total mass, Center Of Gravity and Inertia Tensor per ANSA part.

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Model Check & Report Weldings - Reports the minimum and maximum ID of Connection Points, Connections per Part, and statistics about their spot diameters and type (zero, one, two, three, or four part connections). Image - Adds the image of the current view in the display window at the beginning of the report. Part Image - Adds a small image of each part next to the Mass Information section of the parts

21.2.2. Shell Information Shell info - Provides information about the number, percentage and type of shell elements for each PID and in total, and reports the minimum, maximum and average element length for each type separately and combined. Shell quality criteria - Provides statistical information about the quality of the shell elements according to the QCHECK quality criteria and other criteria (see section 10.5). 21.2.3. Solid Information Solid quality criteria - Provides statistical information about the quality of the solid elements according to the quality criteria (see section 11.6.1). Solid info - Provides information about the number, percentage and type of solid elements for each PID and in total.

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Kinetics Kinetics

Chapter 22


Table of Contents KINETICS .................................................................................................................................... 1583 22.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1586 22.2. KIN_Markers ................................................................................................................. 1586 22.2.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1586 22.2.2. Creating KIN_Markers ........................................................................................... 1587 22.2.3. Orientation of KIN_Markers ................................................................................... 1587 Some theory .................................................................................................. 1587 Types of orientation ....................................................................................... 1588 22.3. KIN_RBODYs................................................................................................................ 1592 22.3.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1592 22.3.2. Creating a rigid body ............................................................................................. 1592 22.3.3. Creating the ground body ...................................................................................... 1594 22.4 KIN_Graphics ................................................................................................................. 1595 22.4.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1595 22.4.2. Types of Kin_Graphics .......................................................................................... 1595 Ellipsoid .......................................................................................................... 1595 Cylinder ......................................................................................................... 1596 Frustum ......................................................................................................... 1597 Torus .............................................................................................................. 1598 Plane ............................................................................................................. 1599 Block .............................................................................................................. 1600 22.5. KIN_Joints ..................................................................................................................... 1601 22.5.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1601 22.5.2. Creating KIN_Joints with the Assistant .................................................................. 1601 22.5.3. Types of KIN_Joints .............................................................................................. 1605 Fixed .............................................................................................................. 1605 Revolute ........................................................................................................ 1606 Spherical........................................................................................................ 1607 H-point ........................................................................................................... 1608 Slider ............................................................................................................. 1608 Slider-2 .......................................................................................................... 1609 Slot ................................................................................................................ 1610 Cylindrical ...................................................................................................... 1611

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Kinetics Planar ............................................................................................................ 1612 Rackpin........................................................................................................ 1613 Screw ........................................................................................................... 1614 Universal...................................................................................................... 1615 Hook ............................................................................................................ 1616 Convel ......................................................................................................... 1617 Block Rotation ............................................................................................. 1618 Point to Curve .............................................................................................. 1618 Link .............................................................................................................. 1619 Coupler ........................................................................................................ 1620 Primitive Inplane .......................................................................................... 1621 Primitive Inline ............................................................................................. 1622 Primitive Atpoint ........................................................................................... 1622 Primitive Perpendicular ................................................................................ 1623 Primitive Parallel Axis .................................................................................. 1624 Primitive Orient ............................................................................................ 1625 Gear............................................................................................................. 1626 22.5.4. Summary of joint constraints ................................................................................. 1628 22.6. KIN_Motion ................................................................................................................... 1629 22.6.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1629 22.6.2. Types of motion ..................................................................................................... 1629 Motion on joints ............................................................................................. 1629 Motion on bodies ........................................................................................... 1630 22.6.3. Editing motions ...................................................................................................... 1632 22.7. KIN_Forces ................................................................................................................... 1633 22.7.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1633 22.7.2. Types of forces ...................................................................................................... 1633 ACCGRAV ..................................................................................................... 1633 SPRING_DAMPER_TRAN ............................................................................ 1634 SPRING_DAMPER_ROT .............................................................................. 1637 SFORCE........................................................................................................ 1640 VFORCE........................................................................................................ 1643 VTORQUE ..................................................................................................... 1645 GFORCE ....................................................................................................... 1647 BUSHING ...................................................................................................... 1649 FIELD ............................................................................................................ 1654 22.8. KIN_Requests ............................................................................................................... 1656 22.8.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1656 22.8.2. Creating KIN_Requests ......................................................................................... 1656 22.9. The Function Wizard ..................................................................................................... 1658 22.9.1. About ..................................................................................................................... 1658 22.9.2. Creating expressions............................................................................................. 1658 22.9.3. List of the functions (alphabetically) ...................................................................... 1661 22.10. KIN_Variables ............................................................................................................. 1685 22.10.1. About ................................................................................................................... 1685 22.10.2. Creating KIN_Variables ....................................................................................... 1685 22.11. KIN_Tables .................................................................................................................. 1685 22.11.1. About ................................................................................................................... 1685 22.12. KIN_Contacts .............................................................................................................. 1686 22.12.1. About ................................................................................................................... 1686 22.12.2. Some Theory ....................................................................................................... 1686 22.12.3. Creating KIN_Contacts ........................................................................................ 1690 22.13. Simulations.................................................................................................................. 1695 22.13.1. KIN_Simulator ..................................................................................................... 1695 About ............................................................................................................ 1695 Running a simulation for a model ................................................................ 1695 22.13.2. Kin Configurator .................................................................................................. 1698

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Kinetics About ........................................................................................................... 1698 How to create configurations ....................................................................... 1698 Running a simulation for a configuration...................................................... 1700 22.13.3. Simulation results ................................................................................................ 1703 About ........................................................................................................... 1703 Viewing the results....................................................................................... 1703 Output of the results .................................................................................... 1705

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Kinetics 22.1. Introduction In this chapter, information can be found about the functionality of ANSA Multibody Dynamics and the in-house solver that can be used for the dynamic solution of a model, also known to analysts as MultiBody Simulation (MBS). Multibody System is a system of bodies and joints in which some bodies can move with respect to others and on which forces may apply. Bodies are connected to each other with various types of joints. According to the type of joint, connected bodies can follow specific movements. The analysis that studies motion, time and forces of a Multibody System is called mechanics. Mechanics analysis is divided in statics and dynamics. Statics study the behavior of systems that are stationary where time is not a factor. Dynamics study the behavior of systems that move with time and is divided in two disciplines, kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics study the motion of a system without taking into account the forces that produce the motion. In other words, kinematics will study the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the bodies in a system. Kinetics study the motion of bodies in a system taking also into account the forces that produce the motion and thus study why bodies move the way they do. After this brief explanation, ANSA can be used for the dynamic analysis of a Multibody System (either kinematics or kinetics). Dynamics in ANSA can have a broad usage taking advantage of the in-house solver. Mostly, just to refer some examples, it is used for the modelling-positioning of human dummies during a safety analysis, for the modelling of a suspension and generally in cases where the dynamics of a model should be examined kinematically or kinetically. The functionality of ANSA regarding dynamics has been created in such a way to be able to communicate with the widely used MBS software ADAMS. That means that if a model has been set within ANSA and the user does not wish to use ANSA in-house solver, the model can be output in ADAMS file format, in order to be solved at a later time using the solver of ADAMS. The opposite is also feasible.

*Because of the continuous development and addition of new features, this chapter may appear with insufficient documentation on certain functionality.

22.2. KIN_Markers 22.2.1. About KIN_Markers are points that exist in a model and are used to define the position of joints, the position of forces or the position of center of gravity of a rigid body for example. They can belong to a fixed rigid body (ground) or to a moving rigid body. In the latter case, a KIN_Marker will move along with the rigid body. Upon the creation of a KIN_Marker, the definition of it's orientation is of significant importance. Therefore a marker is properly oriented according to a coordinate system, known to the analysts as Marker Coordinate System.

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Kinetics 22.2.2. Creating KIN_Markers In order to create a KIN_Marker, press the AUXILIARIES>MARKER function. MARKER

The KIN_Marker card appears. At first, a KIN_RBODY should be selected, where the KIN_Marker will belong to. In the RIGID_BODY field type “?” to open the KIN_RBODYs list and double click on a Rigid Body in order to select it. If the marker should be fixed (ground), input the value 0 in the RIGID_BODY field. Also, an anchor point where the KIN_Marker will exist should be defined. Press the 'F1' key in one of the X0,Y0,Z0 fields and select a point from screen. The X0,Y0,Z0 fields are updated accordingly. By turning the TRACE option to yes, ANSA will create a 3D-curve when the model is solved within the Solver. The 3D-curve represents the trajectory that the KIN_Marker will follow during the solution. Finally, define the orientation for the KIN_Marker by selecting a type of orientation. According to the type specified, input the appropriate values or press 'F1' within the orientation fields and select points from screen. 22.2.3. Orientation of KIN_Markers Some theory As mentioned earlier in order to create a marker, it's orientation needs to be defined. Therefore a marker will be oriented according to it's Marker Coordinate System. A coordinate system of a marker that is positioned in the center of gravity (COG) of a Rigid Body is the Body Coordinate System and defines the orientation of the Rigid Body with respect to the Global Coordinate System. The Global Coordinate System is considered to be the origin of the whole model. For example during the solution of a moving Rigid Body (see image beside), it's Body Coordinate System is resolved and measured with respect to the Global Coordinate system. However, for the marker that belongs to that Rigid Body and is moving along with it, during the solution, its Marker Coordinate System is resolved and measured with respect to the Body Coordinate System of the Rigid Body.

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Kinetics All the above rules apply during the solution of a model. However, when defining markers (their position and their Marker Coordinate System) this is done according to the Global Coordinate System. That means that the coordinates that are given by the user for the anchor point of a marker, are with respect to the Global Coordinate System. ANSA during solution, will handle these coordinates and resolve them with respect to any Body Coordinate System automatically. Types of orientation Various types of orientations are supported in ANSA. Some of them provide a more convenient way to the user for the definition of the orientation, while some other may be difficult and complex to be used. For example EULER Z-X-Z and QUATERNIONS types, at most times will be difficult to use to define an orientation easily. A brief explanation of the types of orientation is given below. EULER Z-X-Z This type of orientation involves 3 sequential rotations PHI, THE and PSI in order to orientate the marker with respect to the Global Coordinate System. More specifically, the sequence of these rotations is applied to the Global Coordinate System (GCS) to achieve the orientation of the marker. At first, the rotation PHI is realized about the Z axis of the GCS. Thus, a new temporary coordinate system CS1 is generated. Then, the rotation THE is realized about the new X axis of the CS1 coordinate system and a new coordinate system CS2 is generated. Finally, the rotation PSI is realized about the new Z axis of the CS2 coordinate system and this leads to the Marker Coordinate System.

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Kinetics In the example beside, the user input a PHI value of 1.57rad (90 deg) during the creation of a marker. That means that the Marker Coordinate System will arise from the rotation of a 90 degrees angle about the Z axis of the Global Coordinate System.

QUATERNIONS According to the quaternions theory, the Marker Coordinate System can arise from the Global Coordinate System, if two parameters are known. -The unit vector u that is defined between the origins of the two coordinate systems -The angle theta that the Global Coordinate System is rotated. According to those parameters, the quaternion is defined as Q0 = cos(theta/2)*|u| Q1 = sin(theta/2)*ux Q2 = sin(theta/2)*uy Q3 = sin(theta/2)*uz In this example, the u vector components are ux= 0 , uy= 1 and uz= 0. So, according to the Q0 , Q1, Q2 and Q3 equations, the appropriate input are given. The result of the orientation is shown on the image beside. It is obvious that this type of orientation is not so straightforward and therefore users find it difficult to deal with. Quaternions are used internally by the ANSA solver whenever needed.

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Kinetics DIRECTION XY, YZ or XZ These types of orientation are used when a specific plane only is important to be defined for the orientation of a marker. This would apply for example in case a marker should be used for the definition of a planar joint, where a specific plane is our only concern. Therefore, according to the plane that is defined (XY, YZ or XZ) two axis are given as input. In the example of the image beside, a marker with orientation of type DIRECTION XY is created. As X-axis of the Marker Coordinate System (MCS), the X-axis of the Global Coordinate System (GCS) is defined. As Y-axis of the MCS, the Z-axis of the GCS is defined. The direction of the Z-axis of the MCS is taken arbitrarily. Instead of typing exact values as input for the X and Y axis, users can also define those axis by selecting points from screen. To define the X-axis of the MCS, click inside one of the X1, Y1, Z1 fields and press F1 key. By selecting two points from screen, the X-axis is defined. Proceed similarly for the definition of the Yaxis. DIRECTION Z This type of orientation is used when a specific axis only is important to be defined for the orientation of a marker. This would apply for example in case a marker should be used for the definition of a revolute joint, where a specific axis is our only concern (the axis of revolution). Therefore, one axis is given as input for the orientation. In the example of the image beside, a marker with orientation of type DIRECTION Z is created. As Z-axis of the Marker Coordinate System (MCS), the Y-axis of the Global Coordinate System (GCS) is defined. The direction of the X-axis and Y-axis of the MCS is taken arbitrarily.

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Kinetics Instead of typing exact values as input for the Z-axis, users can also define this axis by selecting points from screen. To define the Z-axis of the MCS, click inside one of the X3, Y3, Z3 fields and press F1 key. By selecting two points from screen, the Z-axis is defined.

AXES This type of orientation is used when all the coordinate axis are important to be defined for the orientation of a marker. This would apply for example in case a marker should be used for the definition of a spherical joint. Therefore, three axis are given as input for the orientation. In the example of the image beside, a marker with orientation of type AXES is created. As X-axis of the Marker Coordinate System (MCS), the Y-axis of the Global Coordinate System (GCS) is defined. As Y-axis of the MCS, the Z-axis of the GCS is defined. As Z-axis of the MCS, the X-axis of the GCS is defined. Instead of typing exact values as input for the X, Y and Z axis, users can also define those axis by selecting points from screen. To define the X-axis of the MCS, click inside one of the X1, Y1, Z1 fields and press F1 key. By selecting two points from screen, the X-axis is defined. Proceed similarly for the definition of the Y and Z-axis.

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Kinetics 22.3. KIN_RBODYs 22.3.1. About During dynamic analysis the interaction and movement of Rigid Bodies is being studied. Generally, a Rigid Body can be defined as a system of particles for which distances between the particles remain unchanged. Those bodies are called in ANSA as KIN_RBODY. So, initially, KIN_RBODYs should be defined correctly as a first step. KIN_RBODYs can be defined on any kind of entities like elements, nodes, properties etc. Upon full definition, a KIN_RBODY will contain the information of mass, position of the center of gravity, inertia tensors and any initial translational or angular velocities. 22.3.2. Creating a rigid body In order to define a non deformable body that is free to move, press the RIGID_BODY>BODY function. BODY

The “Modifying KIN_RBODY” window appears. Double-click on the entity type on which the KIN_RBODY should be defined (e.g property).

The “PROPERTY list” window opens up. Select a particular property from the list or select a part from screen and it's property will get highlighted in the window.

While the property is selected, the “Modifying KIN_RBODY” window gets updated, showing the number of the Property entities that were selected and on which the KIN_RBODY will be defined. Press OK to confirm the selected entities.

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Kinetics The KIN_RBODY card opens. - In the fields of area b the COG position, the COG marker and it‟s orientation as well have all been calculated automatically. Users can switch the ORIENTATION type to see the orientation values of the body according to every orientation method (for orientation types see paragraph “Types of orientation”). - In the fields of area c the total mass and inertia tensors have been calculated automatically. Additionally, any rotational or translational initial velocities may be specified in the respective fields. In the above fields users are also able to manually modify the existing values if needed. Press OK to confirm.

The KIN_RBODY is created. By double-click on KIN_RBODY type in Database Browser, the KIN_RBODY list opens. By pressing the “Calculate Mass Properties” button, ANSA calculates and sets the calculated values for mass and inertia tensors. That means that if during the creation of a KIN_RBODY some specific mass and inertia tensor values were given, those will change. Finally, the “Draw per KinRBody” button will color the bodies in screen according to their KIN_RBODY definition. NOTE: It should be noted that the procedure for the definition of the orientation of the Body Coordinate System (BCS) is similar to that of the Marker Coordinate System (MCS). Therefore, information about orientation types can be found in paragraph “Types of orientation”

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Kinetics 22.3.3. Creating the ground body In order to create a body that cannot move and will represent the ground, press the RIGID_BODY>GROUND function. GROUND

The “Modifying KIN_RBODY” window appears. Double-click on the entity type on which the KIN_RBODY should be defined (e.g property).

The “PROPERTY list” window opens up. Select one or more properties from the list or select a part from screen and it's property will get highlighted in the window.

While the property is selected, the “Modifying KIN_RBODY” window gets updated, showing the number of the Property entities that were selected and on which the KIN_RBODY will be defined. Press OK to confirm the selected entities.

The KIN_RBODY card opens.

Press OK to confirm and create the ground body.

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Kinetics 22.4 KIN_Graphics 22.4.1. About Kin_Graphics are entities that describe the drawing of standard shapes. In other words they are just graphical objects whose shape is defined during their creation, which means that they do not carry any CAD (surfaces, 3D-curves etc) or FE (grids) information. Also, ANSA properties and materials cannot be assigned to Kin_Graphic entities. Therefore, for each Kin_Graphic entity a density value is defined, according to which the mass and inertia tensors of the Kin_Body that contains the Kin_Graphic entity, will be calculated. Because of the Kin_Graphics simple graphical definition, a model with bodies that consist of Kin_Graphics will provide much more faster simulations compared to a model with bodies that consist of geometric of FE entities. The definition of a Kin_Graphics entity by itself, does not makes it a body. Therefore during their creation they are always assigned to a Kin_Body. For example, if three Kin_Graphic entities are created ( three boxes) and they are assigned to the same Kin_Body, they will actually represent one single body instead of three. During the creation of a Kin_Graphic entity, a reference marker is created (or an existing marker is used), according to which the entity is constructed and oriented. 22.4.2. Types of Kin_Graphics Ellipsoid This type of Kin_Graphics will create a spherical or ellipsoid graphical object. In order to define it, press the GRAPHICS>ELLIPSOID function.


In the windows that appears select a “Coord selection” mode - 3 points: Select three points from screen. These points will define the XY plane of the reference marker of the ellipsoid. Specifically, the first and second selected points define the x axis of the marker while the second and third selected points define the y axis of the marker. The z-axis is given according to the right hand rule. The reference marker will be created on the first selected point according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the sphere/ellipsoid according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. Define the x, y, z radius of the object. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm. In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). In the DENSITY field specify an appropriate density value for the Kin_Graphic object. The RESOLUTION field affects how fine the object is drawn. Press OK to confirm. Cylinder This type of Kin_Graphics will create a cylindrical graphical object. In order to define it, press the GRAPHICS>CYLINDER function. CYLINDER

In the windows that appears select a “Axis selection” mode - 2 points: Select two points from screen. These points will define the Z-axis of the reference marker of the cylinder that represents the axis of the cylinder. In the first selected point, the reference marker will be created according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the cylinder according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. The Z-axis of the marker will be the axis of the cylinder. Define the length and radius of the cylinder. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). In the DENSITY field specify an appropriate density value for the Kin_Graphic object. The RESOLUTION field affects how fine the object is drawn. Press OK to confirm. Frustum This type of Kin_Graphics will create a frustum graphical object. In order to define it, press the GRAPHICS>FRUSTUM function. FRUSTUM

In the windows that appears select a “Coord selection” mode - 2 points: Select two points from screen. These points will define the Z-axis of the reference marker of the frustum that represents the axis of the frustum. In the first selected point, the reference marker will be created according to which the frustum object will be constructed and oriented. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the frustum according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. The Z-axis of the marker will be the axis of the frustum. Define the length, bottom and top radius of the frustum. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm. In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). In the DENSITY field specify an appropriate density value for the Kin_Graphic object. The RESOLUTION field affects how fine the object is drawn. Press OK. Torus TORUS

This type of Kin_Graphics will create a torus graphical object. In order to define it, press the

GRAPHICS> TORUS function. In the windows that appears select a “Coord selection” mode - 3 points: Select three points from screen. These points will define the XY plane of the reference marker of the torus. Specifically, the first and second selected points define the x axis of the marker while the second and third selected points define the y axis of the marker. The z-axis is given according to the right hand rule. The reference marker will be created on the first selected point according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the torus according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. The z-axis of the marker will be the axis of the major radius of the torus. Define the major and minor radius of the torus. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm. In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). In the DENSITY field specify an appropriate density value for the Kin_Graphic object. The RESOLUTION_1 (corresponds to the minor radius) and RESOLUTION_2 (corresponds to the major radius) fields affect how fine the object is drawn. Press OK to confirm. Plane PLANE

This type of Kin_Graphics will create a planar graphical object. In order to define it, press the

GRAPHICS> PLANE function. In the window that appears select a “Coord selection” mode - 3 points: Select three points from screen. These points will define the XY plane of the reference marker of the plane. Specifically, the first and second selected points define the x axis of the marker while the second and third selected points define the y axis of the marker. The z-axis is given according to the right hand rule. The reference marker will be created on the first selected point according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the plane according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. The x and y axes of the marker will define the plane of the object. Define the plane's x and y dimensions. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm. In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). The MIN X, MIN Y, MAX X, MAX Y fields are the minimum and maximum distances of the corners of the plane from the reference marker. These values have already been set from the previous step. Press OK to confirm. Block BLOCK

This type of Kin_Graphics will create a cubical graphical object. In order to define it, press the

GRAPHICS> BLOCK function. In the windows that appears select a “Coord selection” mode - 3 points: Select three points from screen. These points will define the XY plane of the reference marker of the block. Specifically, the first and second selected points define the x axis of the marker while the second and third selected points define the y axis of the marker. The z-axis is given according to the right hand rule. The reference marker will be created on the first selected point. - Marker: Select an existing marker from screen. This will be used as the reference marker of the block according to which the graphical object will be constructed and oriented. Define the x, y and z dimensions of the block. Pressing ENTER inside each of the respective fields, the preview of the object gets updated. Press OK to confirm. In the KIN_BODY list that appears double click on a body where the created Kin Graphic should belong.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_GRAPHIC card appears updated. The ANCHOR fields define the coordinates of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. The ORIENTATION fields show the orientation of the reference marker and have already been set from the previous step. Pressing “F1” inside any of the X, Y , Z AXIS fields and selecting two points from screen, the orientation will be updated respectively. It is possible to change the type of orientation from the pull down menu in order to define it according to another method (see paragraph “Types of orientation”). In the DENSITY field specify an appropriate density value for the Kin_Graphic object. Press OK to confirm.

22.5. KIN_Joints 22.5.1. About KIN_Joints (KIN_JOINTs) are very common entities as they are used in every model. Joints are used to interconnect rigid bodies together and allow the interaction between them. Many types of joints exist, each of them applying specific constraints in the motion between rigid bodies. Therefore, the type of joint that should be selected, depends on the motion that rigid bodies should follow. Each of the Joint types applies a specific number of constraints on rigid bodies. In a model with an amount of joints present, the wrong selection of Joint types could lead to a massive number of constraints. In other words, the user could end with having an over-constrained model. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that during a model set-up, the correct type of joints are used in order to avoid an over-constrained model as this would cause the model to lock and not run. 22.5.2. Creating KIN_Joints with the Assistant The Assistant provides an easier and more interactive way to set a joint of a specific type. There is a separate Assistant for the creation of standard joints and another one for the creation of primitive joints. However, in order to create complex joints, this still has to be done through the button of the specific complex joint. Activate one of the Assistants (depending on if you want to create a standard or primitive joint). A wizard appears that will guide the user for the creation of the joint. In the first step: Select a type of joint to create

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the second step: select the bodies between which the joint will be created. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen.

In the third step: select the direction type of the joint.

In the 1Point-1Axis option, the markers of the bodies of the joint will be created at the same position with the same orientation. This option is used if the bodies are already in their correct positions

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the 2Points-2Axes option, the markers of the bodies of the joint will be created at different positions with different orientations. However, upon execution of a simulation, the solver initially (at time zero) will try to apply initial conditions and match the markers of the joint so that it can function properly (see image). This option is used if the bodies are not in their correct position. In the fourth step: if the 1Point-1Axis option has been selected in the third step, then just one position has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the joint will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the position or pick a position from screen. Note that the “Define second position” checkbox appears deactivated.

If the 2Points-2Axes option has been selected in the third step, then two different positions has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the joint will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the position of the first marker (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a position from screen.

Activate the “Define second position” checkbox

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Similarly, either input directly the coordinates of the position of the second marker (X2, Y2, Z2) or pick a position from screen.

In the last step: if the 1Point-1Axis option has been selected in the third step, then just one direction has to be defined. This will be the z axis for the two markers of the bodies of the joint. To do this, either input directly the components of the z axis vector (Z1_x, Z1_y, Z1_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector. Note that the “Define second direction” checkbox appears deactivated.

If the 2Point-2Axes option has been selected in the third step, then two different directions has to be defined. Each of them will correspond to the z axis of each marker. To do this, either input directly the components of the z axis vector (Z1_x, Z1_y, Z1_z) of the first marker or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

Activate the “Define second direction” checkbox

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Similarly, either input directly the components of the z axis vector (Z2_x, Z2_y, Z2_z) of the second marker or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

Press Finish to confirm.

The KIN_JOINT entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard. If necessary, a specific name or a specific Id for the joint may be defined. Press OK to confirm and create the joint.

Both assistants for the standard and primitive joints work in the same way for any type of joint. However, for any reasons, all the joints can also be created from their respective menu buttons through their edit cards. 22.5.3. Types of KIN_Joints Fixed FIXED

The fixed joint provides zero degrees of freedom between two

rigid bodies. In that case the markers of the two bodies are coincident, and no motion (translational or rotational) is possible between them.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics To create a fixed joint, activate the JOINTs>FIXED function. Select the two bodies that will be fixed together. Finally, select an anchor point either by input of the exact coordinates in the respective fields, or by pressing F1 inside one of those fields and picking a point from screen. Upon creation of the joint, two markers will be created (one for each body) and will be positioned on the anchor point in order to coincide. Revolute The revolute joint provides one degree of freedom between two rigid bodies. REVOLUTE

Revolute joint allows only the rotation of the two bodies about the common z axis of their markers.

Inside the revolute joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies that will rotate with respect to each other.

DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics MIN_ANGLE_Z, MAX_ANGLE_Z: are the stop angles of the joint (optionally). If activated, the joint can move and operate in the range between the stop angles. The range between the two angles cannot be greater than 360 degrees. The stop angles are taken into account if the CONTACT_TYPE_RZ is activated and a simulation is run using the Contact solver. CUR_ROT_Z: shows the current position between the bodies about the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been rotated by 45 degrees Spherical The spherical joint provides three degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies.


Spherical joint allows the rotation of the two bodies about their x, y and z directions. However, translations along their x, y or z direction are not allowed.

Inside the spherical joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies that will rotate with respect to each other. . DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. MIN_ANGLEs, MAX_ANGLEs: are the stop angles of the joint (optionally). If activated, the joint can

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics move and operate in the range between the stop angles. The range between the two angles cannot be greater than 360 degrees. The stop angles are taken into account if the CONTACT_TYPE_RZ is activated and a simulation is run using the Contact solver. CUR_ROT_X, CUR_ROT_Y, CUR_ROT_Z: shows the current position between the bodies of the joint with respect to their initial position in the x, y, z directions. For example, if a value 45 is displayed in all fields, it means that one body with respect to the other has been rotated by 45 degrees around all the x, y, z axes. H-point The H-point joint is actually intended for use on dummy models. It's pretty much the same as the spherical joint. The only difference here is that the x, y and z directions are named as s,t and r directions which is the standard naming for the vector components between the dummy users. For information about spherical joints see paragraph “Spherical” Slider SLIDER

The slider joint provides one degree of freedom between two

rigid bodies. Slider joint allows only the translation of the two bodies along the common z axis of their markers.

Inside the slider joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies that will translate with respect to each other. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. MIN_DISP_Z, MAX_DISP_Z: are the stop angles of the joint (optionally). If activated, the joint can move and operate in the range between the stop angles. The stop angles are taken into account if the CONTACT_TYPE_RZ is activated and a simulation is run using the Contact solver. CUR_DIS_Z: shows the current position between the bodies along the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm. Slider-2 The slider-2 joint is a complex joint, combining a slider joint between the two markers of two bodies, with two spherical joints (one for each marker). In that case the markers of the two bodies have different anchor points while their z-direction is coincident. As z-direction is considered the axis that is described between the two markers. SLIDER-2

For better understanding of slider-2 joint, see the image beside. To make the mechanism work, the user needs to define a spherical joint between BODY 1 and BODY 3, a slider joint between BODY 3 and BODY 4, and a spherical joint between BODY 4 and BODY 2. Instead of defining 3 joints between 4 bodies, the user could achieve the same result between two bodies (BODY 1 and BODY 2) with the definition of one slider-2 joint between them. As the image shows, the slider-2 joint is equal with one slider and 2 spherical joints.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Inside the slider-2 joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies that will translate with respect to each other. ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2: are the points where the two markers of the joint will be created. CUR_DIS_Z: shows the current position between the bodies along the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm. Slot The slot joint provides four degrees of freedom between

SLOT two rigid bodies.

Slot joint allows only the translation of the two bodies along the common z axis of their markers and the rotation about the x, y, z axes.

Inside the slot joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. PIN, SLOT: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. PIN ANCHOR: is the point where the pin is located and where it‟s marker will be created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics SLOT AXIS: is the axis of the slot along which the pin body can translate. CUR_DIS_Z: shows the current position between the bodies along the z axis of the marker of the slot with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm. Cylindrical The cylindrical joint provides two degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. CYLINDRICAL

Cylindrical joint allows the rotation of the two bodies about the common z axis of their markers and also the translation along the same axis.

Inside the cylindrical joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies that will rotate and translate with respect to each other. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. MIN_ANGLE_Z, MAX_ANGLE_Z: are the stop angles of the joint (optionally) that constrain the rotational movement. If activated, the joint can rotate and operate in the range between the stop angles. The range between the two angles cannot be greater than 360 degrees. The stop angles are taken into account if the CONTACT_TYPE_RZ is activated and a simulation is run using the Contact solver. MIN_DISP_Z, MAX_DISP_Z: are the stop angles of the joint (optionally) that constrain the translational movement. If activated, the joint can translate and operate in the range between the stop angles. The stop angles are taken into account if the CONTACT_TYPE_RZ is activated and a simulation is run using the Contact solver.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics CUR_ROT_Z: shows the current position between the bodies about the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been rotated by 45 degrees CUR_DIS_Z: shows the current position between the bodies along the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm Planar The planar joint provides three degrees of freedom between

PLANAR two rigid bodies.

The planar joint allows the translation of the two bodies along the x and y axes and the rotation about z axis.

Inside the planar joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined.

DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. CUR_DIS_X, CUR_DIS_Y: shows the current position between the bodies along the x and y axes of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm. CUR_ROT_Z: shows the current position between the bodies about the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been rotated by 45 degrees

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Rackpin The rackpin joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. RACKPIN

The rackpin joint will relate the rotational displacement of the pinion with the translational displacement of the rack. The anchor point of the pinion should be at it's center. The z axis (axis of rotation) of the marker of the pinion must always have the same orientation with the x axis of the marker of the rack. Similarly, the x axis of the marker of the pinion must have the same orientation with the z axis of the marker of the rack.

The distance between the two markers should be equal with the half of the pitch diameter value of the pinion.

Inside the rackpin joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. PINION, RACK: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. PINION ANCHOR: is the point where the marker of the pinion will be created. The marker should be in the center of the pinion. RACK ANCHOR: is the point where the marker of the rack will be created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics PINION AXIS: is the axis of rotation of the pinion (z axis of it‟s marker). RACK AXIS: is the axis of translation of the rack (z axis of it‟s marker). DIAMETER OF PITCH: is the pitch diameter of the pinion. Screw The screw joint provides five degrees of freedom between

SCREW two rigid bodies.

The screw joint will relate the rotational displacement of a marker (e.g. the marker of the nut) about z axis of the second marker (the marker of the bolt), with it's translational displacement along z axis of the second marker. The markers of the two bodies may have the same or different anchor points but their z axis should be coincident. For every rotation of the marker of the nut about z axis of the bolt, it's translation will be equal to the pitch value that is defined inside the screw joint card.

Inside the screw joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BOLT, NUT: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (BOLT ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (SCREW AXIS) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (BOLT ANCHOR, NUT ANCHOR) and can have different z axis (SCREW AXIS, NUT AXIS). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics PITCH: is the pitch value of the bolt CUR_ROT_Z: shows the current position between the bodies about the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been rotated by 45 degrees CUR_DIS_Z: shows the current position between the bodies along the z axis of the joint with respect to their initial position. For example, if a value 45 is displayed, it means that one body with respect to the other has been translated by 45mm Universal UNIVERSAL

The universal joint provides two degrees of freedom between

two bodies. In that case the markers of the two bodies have their z axes perpendicular. The universal joint allows the rotation of each body about the z axes of both markers.

Inside the universal joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have perpendicular z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2) of rotation. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and have perpendicular z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Hook The Hook joint is similar to the Universal joint. Their only difference is the orientation of their markers that they use for their definition. HOOKE

The Universal joint prerequisites that the z axes of it's markers are perpendicular. On the other hand, the Hook joint prerequisites that the x axis of the first marker is perpendicular to the y axis of the second marker. The Hook joint allows the rotation of each body about the x axis of the first marker and the y axis of the second marker.

Inside the Hook joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined.

DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Convel The convel (constant velocity) joint provides two degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. CONVEL

The convel joint allows the rotation of both bodies about the z direction of their markers. The angular velocities of the two bodies about their z axes, are always equal.

Inside the convel joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. Important: The definition of the two axes should always be given so that their directions are opposite.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Block Rotation The Block rotation joint is similar to the primitive orient joint. Their only difference is the way of definition. In a block rotation joint that is defined between two bodies, just one anchor point is defined, which is the same for both markers of the bodies. Their orientation is defined automatically and is the same for both of them. In the primitive orient joint, the orientation of the markers of the bodies is also defined. For more information see paragraph “Primitive orient”. Point to Curve The point to curve joint provides four degrees of freedom between two bodies. The joint is defined between the cam body that contains a curve, and the follower body. In the point of contact between the two bodies, two markers are created (one for each body). The marker of the follower body at that point, should always move along the curve path. POINT_TO_CU

In that case the markers of the two bodies have the same anchor point and their orientation is coincident. The z-direction of the markers is always coincident with the instantaneous tangent of the curve at the current point of contact. Also, the distance between the follower body COG and the point of contact should always remain constant. Point to curve joint allows the translation of the marker of the follower body along the instantaneous tangent of the curve at the point of contact. Also, it allows the same marker to rotate in all three directions.

Inside the point to curve joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. CAM: is the body that contains the curve path.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics FOLLOWER: is the body that follows the curve path. That point should be the point of contact between the cam and the follower. Note that at the same point, a marker for the cam body will also be created. FOLLOWER ANCHOR: is the point where the marker of the follower is created (the point of contact between the cam and the follower) CAM CURVE: is the curve path. This can be a 3d curve. Link The link joint is a complex joint, combining a fixed joint between the two markers of two bodies, with two spherical joints (one for each marker). In that case the markers of the two bodies have different anchor points while their z axis is coincident. As z axis is considered the axis that is described between the two markers. LINK

For better understanding of the link joint, see the image beside. To make the mechanism work, the user needs to define a spherical joint between BODY 1 and BODY 3 and a spherical joint between BODY 3 and BODY 2.

Instead of defining 2 spherical joints between 3 bodies, the user could achieve the same result between two bodies (BODY 1 and BODY 2) with the definition of one link joint between them. As the image shows, the link joint is equal with one fixed joint and 2 spherical joints. With the revolution of the revolute joint of BODY 1, the BODY 2 will also start revolute and the distance between them will be kept constant.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Inside the link joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2: are the points where the two markers of the joint will be created. Coupler The coupler joint is used to relate the rotational and/or translational movement of two or three joints. COUPLER

The joints are related using some scale factors. The following equation describes the relationship of the coupler's joint: S1*σ1 + S2*σ2 + S3*σ3 = 0 where S1, S2, S3 are the scale factors for each joint and σ1, σ2, σ3 are the translational or rotational displacements of the joints. For the example of the image beside, assume that for the revolute joint 1 a scale factor equal to 1 is defined, while for the revolute joint 2 a scale factor equal to 0.5. According to the equation, for every rotation of BODY 1, BODY 2 will perform 2 rotations on the opposite direction. To have both bodies rotate in the same direction, for BODY 2 a scale factor equal to -0.5 should be defined.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Inside the coupler joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). JOINT1, JOINT2, JOINT3: are the joints that should be coupled. Joints should be of type slider, revolute or cylindrical. TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE3: are the types of motion of the respective joints that should be coupled. SCALE1, SCALE2, SCALE3: are the scale factors of the respective joints. Note: It is important to mention that the kinematic relationship between the joints of a coupler, is always kept. That means that if a joint of a coupler is opposed to some external forces, this will not break the kinematic relationship of the coupler and thus the joints will continue moving with the same relation. Primitive Inplane The primitive inplane joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. INPLANE

In this joint only the translation of BODY 1 is constrained along the z axis of the marker of BODY 2. In the example of the image beside, the wheel will always stay in contact with the ground because of the primitive inplane joint that exists between the two bodies that prevents it's lifting off the ground.

Inside the primitive inplane joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS. If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. Primitive Inline The primitive inline joint provides four degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. INLINE

In this joint BODY 1 can rotate about all directions x, y, z of marker of BODY 2. Regarding translational movements, BODY 1 is allowed to translate only along the z direction of the marker of BODY 2. In the example of the image beside, the sphere can rotate freely, but it will only move along z direction of marker of BODY 2. Translational movement along x and y directions of the marker of BODY 2 is not allowed. Inside the primitive inline joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axis (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position. Primitive Atpoint

The primitive atpoint joint provides three degrees of freedom between rigid bodies. This joint is identical to the spherical joint. For more information see paragraph “Spherical”

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Kinetics Primitive Perpendicular The primitive perpendicular joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. PERPENDICU

In this joint the z-axis of the marker of BODY1 (marker 1) is always perpendicular to the z-axis of the marker of BODY2 (marker 2). Thus, rotations and translations of one part with respect to another are allowed, as long as the perpendicularity between their z-axes is kept. In the example of the image beside, rotating the marker 2 about Y2 or Z2 is allowed as this does not break the perpendicularity between the zaxes. However, rotation about X2 is not allowed because this would break the perpendicular constraint. Translations along all axes are allowed. Inside the primitive perpendicular joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have different z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Primitive Parallel Axis The primitive parallel axis joint provides four degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. PARALLEL

In this joint the z-axis of the marker of a body (marker 1) is always parallel to the z-axis of the marker of another body (marker 2). Thus, rotation of the markers about their common zaxis is allowed and translations along all axes. For a clear understanding, see the image beside.

Inside the primitive parallel joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Primitive Orient The primitive orient joint provides three degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. ORIENT

In this joint only translational movements of a part with respect to another are permitted. The constraining of all three rotations about x, y, z axes, ensures that the markers will always keep the same orientation.

An example is shown in the image beside.

Inside the primitive orient joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). DEFINITION: If BY_BODIES is selected, the user needs to select two bodies where between them a new joint will be created. During the creation of the joint, ANSA automatically creates a marker on each of the selected bodies, and assigns an orientation that is defined in the fields below. If BY_MARKERS is selected, the user needs to select two existing markers where between them a new joint will be created, therefore no orientation needs to be defined. BODY 1, BODY 2: are the two bodies between which the joint is defined. DIRECTION TYPE: If the 1Point_Axis option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created in the same position (ANCHOR) and have a common z axis (AXIS). If the 2Points_2Axes option is selected, the two markers of the joint are created at different positions (ANCHOR1, ANCHOR2) and can have different z axes (AXIS1, AXIS2). The latter case is used if the two bodies are exploded and not in their correct position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Gear This type of joint can be used to define a pair of gears constraint. The joint is defined between two existing slider, cylindrical or revolute joints. So, it can be used to define various types of gears including spur, helical, bevel, rack and pinion etc. GEAR

In the example of image beside, a gear joint is defined between two revolute joints. The first revolute joint has been defined between markers 1 and 2, and the second revolute joint between markers 3 and 4. It is known that during the definition of a joint, in the joint card two bodies (RIGID BODY 1 and RIGID BODY 2) or two markers(MARKER_1 and MARKER_2) must be selected where between them, the joint will exist. In case that the joint is about to be used for the definition of a gear joint, it is important to ensure that as RIGID BODY 2, the BODY 3 is selected. Similarly, for the second joint of the gear joint, as RIGID BODY 2, the BODY 3 should be selected. In other words, inside the joint cards of two joints (that define the gear joint), the RIGID BODY 2 field should refer to the BODY 3 which is the body where the two gears are attached. In the same BODY 3 also, the CV marker should belong The anchor point of the CV marker should be in the contact point of the gears where their pitch circles intersect. The z-axis of the CV marker should always coincide with the direction of the common velocity of the gears.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Inside the gear joint edit card, information about the joint can be displayed (or defined). JOINT1, JOINT2: are the joints between which a gear joint is defined. These joints should be of type revolute, cylindrical or slider. MARKER_CV: is the constant velocity marker. This marker should be in the contact point of the gears where their pitch circles intersect and it‟s z axis should coincide with the direction of the common velocity of the gears. The RADIUS values are automatically calculated according to specified CV marker and it's position. The calculation is made after the card is closed by pressing OK.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics 22.5.4. Summary of joint constraints Type of Joint

Translational constraints

Rotational constraints

Coupled constraints

Total number of constraints


































































Block rotation





Point to curve















Joint motion imposer (if translational) (if rotational)

1 0

0 1

0 0

1 1

Primitive inplane





Primitive inline





Primitive atpoint





Primitive perpendicular





Primitive parallel axis





Primitive orient










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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics 22.6. KIN_Motion 22.6.1. About Kin_Motion entity is used to define a prescribed motion on joints or on bodies. It can be considered as a constraint therefore it will remove one or more Dofs from the model. For example, by applying a translational motion on the z axis of a body would constrain it to move along that axis and therefore it would be like having a slider joint on that it. In that case one Dof would be removed from the model. When a Kin_Motion entity exists in a model, the solver will always try to satisfy it's definition and will take precedence over other entities that might counter act against the motion. If the motion cannot be satisfied, the solver will stop with an error. As an example, if a Kin_Motion is applied on the z axis of a body and a Kin_Force counter acts towards the opposite direction, the solver will satisfy the motion no matter if the Kin_Force is opposed to that motion. While creating a Kin_Motion entity on a body or joint, the motion magnitude can be defined as a function of displacement, velocity or acceleration over time and initial conditions may also be applied to be taken into account in the beginning of a simulation. To set complex expressions as motion magnitude, the Function Wizard may be used as well. 22.6.2. Types of motion Motion on joints Joint motion is defined on revolute, slider or cylindrical joints. Depending on the selected joint, during the definition of a joint motion ANSA will identify the free Dofs of the joint so that the user can select on which of them a motion should be prescribed. To define a motion on a joint ON JOINT press the MOTIONs>ON JOINT function. The KIN_JOINT list appears. Only the compatible joints of type revolute, slider or cylindrical are shown. By right clicking on the list and selecting “New” a new joint can be created.

Double click on the joint on which a motion should be prescribed. The Motion Setup window appears. ANSA identifies the type of joint that was selected and leaves activated the dofs where a motion can be prescribed. Select the desired dof and choose a definition type for the motion. - None: By selecting None, no motion is specified and the joint can move arbitrarily. The Function, Disp.IC and Vel.IC fields are disabled. - Disp: The motion is defined as a function of displacement over time. For example by specifying 5*time inside the Function field, the motion will enforce the joint to travel 5mm in each unit of time.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The Disp.IC and Vel.IC fields are disabled. - Vel: The motion is defined as a function of velocity over time. For example by specifying the value 5 inside the Function field, the joint will have a motion of constant velocity. While by specifying 5*time, the joint will have a motion whose velocity will increase by 5 in each unit of time. In the Disp.IC field an initial displacement value for the joint can be defined that will be considered in the beginning of a simulation. The Vel.IC field remains disabled. - Acc: The motion is defined as a function of acceleration over time. For example by specifying the value 5 inside the Function field, the joint will have a motion of constant acceleration. While by specifying 5*time, the joint will have a motion whose acceleration will increase by 5 in each unit of time. In Disp.IC field an initial displacement value for the joint can be defined that will be considered in the beginning of a simulation. Similarly, an initial velocity value can be defined in the Vel.IC field. For complex definitions of motion, the Functon Wizard may be used by typing “?” inside the Function field. Press OK to confirm. The KIN_MOTION card appears. The DEFINITION pull down menu shows how the motion is defined. The MOTION_JOINT field shows the id of the joint on which the motion is defined.

Press OK to confirm. The motion has now been defined. Motion on bodies Motions can be defined between two bodies. It can be said that a motion is defined on a single body, when the motion is defined between the physical body and the ground body. During motion definition the user specifies in which of the 6 DOF of a body, motion should be prescribed. In that way complex movements can be defined on bodies without the need of joints. For every motion that is defined on each DOF of a body, the overall number of DOF of the model is decreased by one. For example, if a motion is defined on the x and another one for the z axis of a body, the overall number of DOF of the model will decrease by two. More specifically, when the user defines a motion between two bodies, ANSA automatically creates one marker on each body, on a user-defined position and with an orientation that the user specifies. So, the motion is actually defined between markers. After the motion definition, the marker of the first selected body will be able to move with respect to the second selected body according to the orientation of the marker of the second body. To define a motion on a body ON BODIES press the MOTIONs>ON BODIES function. The Kinetic Motion Wizard window appears. Click on the respective Pick button of the window and select each of the two bodies between which motion should be applied.

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Kinetics Press Next. In this step the correct positions of the markers of the bodies will be defined. Select a position from screen where both markers of the bodies will be created. By default the two markers will be created on the same selected position. If the marker of the second body should be created in a different position, activate the “Define second position” checkbox and select another position from screen. Press Next. In this step the orientation of the markers of the bodies is defined. Select two points from screen to define the z axis of the two markers. By default the two markers will be created with the same orientation. If the marker of the second body should have different orientation, activate the “Define second direction” checkbox and select another two points from screen to define the z axis of the marker. Press Next. In this step the motions on DOFs are defined. Select in which directions motions should be defined. As said before, these directions are according to the orientation of the marker of the second body. Select the desired DOF and choose a definition type for the motion. - None: By selecting None, no motion is specified and the joint can move arbitrarily. The Function, Disp.IC and Vel.IC fields are disabled. - Disp: The motion is defined as a function of displacement over time. For example by specifying 5*time inside the Function field, the motion will enforce the joint to travel 5mm in each unit of time. The Disp.IC and Vel.IC fields are disabled. - Vel: The motion is defined as a function of velocity over time. For example by specifying the value 5 inside the Function field, the joint will have a motion of constant velocity. While by specifying 5*time, the joint will have a motion whose velocity will increase by 5 in each unit of time. In the Disp.IC field an initial displacement value for the joint can be defined that will be considered in the beginning of a simulation. The Vel.IC field remains disabled. - Acc: The motion is defined as a function of acceleration over time. For example by specifying the value 5 inside the Function field, the joint will have a motion of constant acceleration. While by specifying 5*time, the joint will have a motion whose acceleration will increase by 5 in each unit of time. In Disp.IC field an initial displacement value for the joint can be defined that will be considered in the beginning of a simulation. Similarly, an initial velocity value can be defined in the Vel.IC field.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics For complex definitions of motion, the Function Wizard may be used by typing “?” inside the Function field. Press OK to confirm. The KIN_MOTION card appears. The DEFINITION pull down menu shows how the motion is defined. The RIGID_BODY fields show the id of the bodies between which the motion is defined. Press OK to confirm. The motion has now been defined. 22.6.3. Editing motions Open the MOTIONs>LIST from Database browser.

If a Kin_Motion entity should be edited, select the respective entity from the list and press the Edit function.

This will open the KIN_MOTION card for editing of how the entity is defined(on joint, on bodies).

However, if the motion characteristics of the Kin_Motion entity should be edited, select the respective entity from the list and press the Kin Motion Setup function. This will open the Kinetic Motion Setup window for editing the directions on which motion is defined, the type of how motion is expressed etc.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics 22.7. KIN_Forces 22.7.1. About Forces can generally exist in a model as internal or external. Internal forces exist between two bodies that are connected each other. Internal forces can actually be described as action-reaction forces due to Newton's third law of action and reaction. Typical examples of internal forces are the bushes, springs and dampers that can be defined between the markers of two bodies (e.g. a spring-damper force that is defined between the markers of the top and bottom wishbones of a suspension). External forces are those that can act on a body from external factors without the presence of a reaction on a second body. Typical examples of external forces are the gravitational forces, aerodynamics forces etc. These forces are also described as action-only forces. Forces can be applied as translational or rotational. A rotational force is also referred as torque. 22.7.2. Types of forces ACCGRAV The GRAVITY type of force is used to define gravitational force to a model. Upon definition a gravitational force applies on each body of the model.

In order to define gravitational force, press the FORCEs>GRAVITY function. GRAVITY

Select the way to define GRAVITY. By Numerical Input With this option the magnitude of gravity can be defined directly (GX, GY, GZ) in any of the global x, y, z axes. Pressing one of the Value buttons (X, Y, Z), the default magnitude of gravity will be assigned In the respective axis.

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Kinetics By Vector With this option, a vector may be defined on which the gravity will apply and the magnitude of gravity as well. In order to define a gravity vector, pick two points from screen or input directly the components of the gravity vector (G_x, G_y, G_z). Specify the magnitude of gravity in the respective (G) field. Alternatively, by pressing one of the Value buttons (X, Y, Z), the default magnitude of gravity will be assigned in the respective axis. Press OK to confirm. SPRING_DAMPER_TRAN The SPRING_DAMPER_TRAN type of force is used to define a translational spring-damper between two bodies and it is an action-reaction force.

In order to define a translational spring-damper, press the FORCEs>SPRING_DAMP_TRAN function. SPRING_TRAN

The Force Assistant window appears. In the first step: select the bodies between which the spring-damper will be defined. Either input directly the Id of the bodies or press the pick button and then select a body from screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the second step: two different positions has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the force will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the position of the first marker (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a position from screen.

Activate the “Define point 2” checkbox Similarly, either input directly the coordinates of the position of the second marker (X2, Y2, Z2) or pick a position from screen.

In the last step: define the characteristics of the spring damper force. Input the appropriate values for the Stiffness (K) and Damping (C) coefficients. The Preload Force field represents the force of the spring damper in its reference position The Length at Preload field represents the reference length of the spring at its preload position. Generally, a negative spring damper force indicates that each body will move towards the other one, while a positive indicates that each body will move away from the other one Press Finish to confirm.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard. However, through the wizard the spring and damping forces are defined as linear only by specifying the respective coefficients K and C. If these forces should not be linear, then the user may change it within this card from the SPRING_FORCE_DEFINITION and DAMPING_FORCE_DEFINITION pull down menus.

KIN TABLE With this option a nonlinear spring damper may be defined. Particularly, one Kin_Table has to be defined that will represent the spring force with respect to its deformation and another Kin_Table that will represent the damping force with respect to velocity.

EXPRESSION With this option a nonlinear spring damper may be defined. The spring and damping forces are defined by specifying expressions. To make use of the Function Wizard for writing an expression, type “?” in the respective fields.

For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard”

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics SPRING_DAMPER_ROT The SPRING_DAMPER_ROT type of force is used to define a rotational spring-damper between two bodies and it is an action-reaction force.

In order to define a rotational spring-damper, press the FORCEs>SPRING_DAMPER_ROT function. SPRING_ROT

The Force Assistant window appears. In the first step: select the bodies between which the spring-damper will be defined. Either input directly the Id of the bodies or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. In the second step: select the definition type of the force. In the 1Point option, the markers of the bodies of the force will be created at the same position with the same orientation. In the 2Points option, the markers of the bodies of the force will be created at different positions with different orientations.

In the third step: if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then just one point has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the force will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point or pick a point from screen. Note that the “Define Point 2” checkbox appears deactivated.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics If the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then two different points has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the force will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the first point (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Point 2” checkbox Similarly, either input directly the coordinates of the second point (X2, Y2, Z2) or pick a point from screen.

In the fourth step: if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then just one orientation has to be defined. This will be the orientation for the two markers of the bodies of the force. However, if the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then this will be the orientation of the marker of the first point. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z1_x, Z1_y, Z1_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector. In the fifth step: if the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then this will be the orientation of the marker of the second point. However, if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then this step will appear deactivated. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z2_x, Z2_y, Z2_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the last step: define the characteristics of the rotational spring damper. Input the appropriate values for the Stiffness (KT) and Damping (CT) coefficients. The Preload Torque field represents the torque of the spring damper in its preload position The Angle at Preload field represents the angle of the spring at its preload position. Press Finish to confirm. The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard. However, through the wizard the spring and damping forces are defined as linear only by specifying the respective coefficients KT and CT. If these forces should not be linear, then the user may change it within this card from the SPRING_TORQUE_DEFINITION and DAMPING_TORQUE_DEFINITION pull down menus.

KIN TABLE With this option a nonlinear rotational spring damper may be defined. Particularly, one Kin_Table has to be defined that will represent the spring torque with respect to its angular deformation and another Kin_Table that will represent the damping torque with respect to angular velocity.

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Kinetics EXPRESSION With this option a nonlinear rotational spring damper may be defined. The spring and damping torques are defined by specifying expressions. To make use of the Function Wizard for writing an expression, type “?” in the respective fields.

For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard” SFORCE The SFORCE type of force applies a single component translational or rotational force. The force can apply to one body only (action-only force) or to two bodies (action-reaction force). The SFORCE is defined between the markers of two bodies. In a translational action only SFORCE the marker of the Action body (marker 1) is the one on which the force is applied. The z axis of the marker of the Reference body (marker 2) is the one that defines the direction of the force. If the Reference body is the same as the Action body, the direction of the force will follow the motion of the Action body

If the Reference body is the ground, the direction of the force will be steady and irrelative of the motion of the Action body.

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Kinetics In an action-reaction SFORCE, an action force will apply on the marker of the Action body (marker 1) and also an opposite reaction force will apply on the marker of the Reaction body (marker 2). The z axis for both markers will be along the direction that is defined by their line of sight. This z axis defines the direction of the action reaction forces.

In the same manner, in a rotational SFORCE, the marker of the Action body (marker 1) is the one on which the rotational force is applied. The z axis of the marker of the Reference body (marker 2) is the one that defines the axis about which the rotational force is applied on Action body. In case of an action-reaction rotational force, then the z axes of the two markers should be parallel and will be along the direction that is defined by their line of sight. SFORCE

In order to define a SFORCE, press the FORCEs>SFORCE

function. In the first step: select if the force is of type action only or action-reaction.

In the second step: if in the first step an action only force has been selected to be defined, select the Action body on which the force will be applied. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. Similarly, select the Reference body according to which the direction of the force will be defined. If in the first step an action-reaction force has been selected to be defined, select the Action body on which the force will be applied. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. Similarly, select the Reaction body on which a reaction force will be applied. .

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the third step: if in the first step an action only force has been selected to be created, then just one Action Point has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the force will be created. This is the point at which the force will apply. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point or pick a point from screen. Note that the “Define Reaction Point” checkbox appears deactivated. If in the first step an action-reaction force has been selected to be created, then two points has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the force will be created. The Action point denotes the point at which the action force will apply while the Reaction point denotes the point at which the reaction force will apply. At first, either input directly the coordinates of the Action point or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Reaction Point” checkbox Similarly, input directly the coordinates of the Reaction point or pick a point from screen.

In the fourth step: if in the first step an action only force has been selected to be created, then the direction of force needs to be specified. This will be the z axis of the marker of the Reference body. To do this, either input directly the components of the z axis vector (Z2_x, Z2_y, Z2_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector. if in the first step an action-reaction force has been selected to be created, then this step will appear deactivated. In that case, the force will be exerted in the direction that is defined by the line of sight of the Action and Reaction points.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the last step: define if the force is translational or rotational. Also, the magnitude of force (F) should be defined. By typing “?” inside the F field, the Function Wizard opens in order to define an expression as the magnitude of the force. For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard. Press Finish to confirm. The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard.

Press OK to confirm and create the force. VFORCE The VFORCE type of force applies a translational three component vector force and it is an action-reaction type of force. VFORCE applies an action force on the action body at a specified point (marker). At the same point, a reaction force of the same magnitude and opposite direction is applied on another reaction body. The action and reaction markers coincide but belong to different bodies. A reference marker is also specified to indicate the direction of the force. If the reference marker belongs to a moving body, the direction of the force will change according to the body motion. If the reference marker belongs to ground, the direction of the force will be steady.

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Kinetics VFORCE

In order to define a VFORCE, press the FORCEs>VFORCE

function. In the first step: select the Action body on which the force will be applied. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. Similarly, select the Reaction body and also a Reference body according to which the direction of the force will be defined In the second step: the Action/Reaction point needs to be specified. This is the point where the action and reaction markers will be created and therefore the point at which the action and reaction forces will apply. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Reference Point” checkbox Similarly, specify the Reference point where the marker of the Reference body will be created.

In the third step: one orientation has to be defined. This will be the orientation of the marker of the Reference body that indicates the direction of the force. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z3_x, Z3_y, Z3_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

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Kinetics In the last step: specify the magnitude of each component (FX, FY, FZ) of the vector force. By typing “?” inside the fields, the Function Wizard opens in order to define an expression as a magnitude of force. For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard. Press Finish to confirm.

The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard.

Press OK to confirm and create the force. VTORQUE The VTORQUE type of force applies a rotational three component vector force and it is of an action-reaction type. VTORQUE applies an action rotational force on the action body at a specified point (marker). At the same point, a reaction rotational force is applied on another reaction body of the same magnitude and opposite direction. The action and reaction markers coincide but belong to different bodies. A reference marker is also specified to indicate the direction of the rotational force. If the reference marker belongs to a moving body, the direction of the rotational force will change according to the body motion. If the reference marker belongs to ground, the direction of the rotational force will be steady.

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Kinetics VTORQUE

In order to define a VTORQUE, press the FORCEs>VTORQUE

function. In the first step: select the Action body on which the rotational force will be applied. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. Similarly, select the Reaction body and also a Reference body according to which the direction of the force will be defined In the second step: the Action/Reaction point needs to be specified. This is the point where the action and reaction markers will be created and therefore the point at which the action and reaction forces will apply. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Reference Point” checkbox Similarly, specify the Reference point where the marker of the Reference body will be created.

In the third step: one orientation has to be defined. This will be the orientation of the marker of the Reference body that indicates the direction of the force. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z3_x, Z3_y, Z3_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the last step: specify the magnitude of each component (TX, TY, TZ) of the rotational vector force. By typing “?” inside the fields, the Function Wizard opens in order to define an expression as a magnitude of force. For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard. Press Finish to confirm. The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard.

Press OK to confirm and create the force. GFORCE The GFORCE type of force defines a vector force that consists of three rotational and three translational components and it is of an actionreaction type. GFORCE applies an action force on the action body at a specified point (marker). At the same point, a reaction force of the same magnitude and opposite direction is applied on another reaction body. The action and reaction markers coincide but belong to different bodies. A reference marker is also specified to indicate the direction of the force. If the reference marker belongs to a moving body, the direction of the force will change according to the body motion. If the reference marker belongs to ground, the direction of the force will be steady.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics GFORCE

In order to define a GFORCE, press the FORCEs>GFORCE

function. In the first step: select the Action body on which the vector force will be applied. Either input directly the Id of the body or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. Similarly, select the Reaction body and also a Reference body according to which the direction of the force will be defined In the second step: the Action/Reaction point needs to be specified. This is the point where the action and reaction markers will be created and therefore the point at which the action and reaction forces will apply. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Reference Point” checkbox Similarly, specify the Reference point where the marker of the Reference body will be created.

In the third step: one orientation has to be defined. This will be the orientation of the marker of the Reference body that indicates the direction of the force. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z3_x, Z3_y, Z3_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics In the last step: specify the magnitude of each component (FX, FY, FZ, TX, TY, TZ) of the vector force. By typing “?” inside the fields, the Function Wizard opens in order to define an expression as a magnitude of force. For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard. Press Finish to confirm. The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard.

Press OK to confirm and create the force. BUSHING The BUSHING type of force defines a massless bushing between two bodies. A force and a torque can be applied (transferred) between the bodies of a bushing. Both force and torque consist of three components, one for each axis. Main characteristic of the bushings are the stiffness and damping (linear) properties that they have. A BUSHING transfers force and torque from BODY 1(marker 1) to BODY 2(marker 2). The translation and rotation of one body in relation to the other depends on the specified stiffness (K) and damping (C) coefficients of each component of the markers (x, y, z).

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Kinetics For the correct definition of a bushing the two markers should have their z-axes along the longitudinal direction of the bushing. The two markers can have the same or different anchor points. NO COUPLING BUSHING In this type of bushing, it is important to note that the angle between the z-axes of the two markers should NOT be greater than 17 degrees. For the No Coupling bushing the following equation applies

Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz are the force and torque that are transferred via bushing in the x, y, z directions. The matrix with the K values contains the stiffness coefficients for the force and torque in x, y, z axes. x, y, z, a, b, c are the relative displacements (along x, y, z axes) and rotations (about x, y, z axes) respectively of the first body of the bushing with respect to the second body. The matrix with the C values contains the damping coefficients for the force and torque in x, y, z axes. Vx, Vy, Vz, ωx, ωy, ωz are the relative translational velocities and rotational velocities of the first body of the bushing with respect to the second body. The F1, F2, F3, T1, T2, T3 terms represent the constant force or torque preloads that may apply.

INTER AXIAL COUPLING In this type of bushing it is not necessary to have a maximum angle of 17 degrees between the z-axes of the two markers. However, the main difference is that inter-axial bushings can have their force and torque in one direction (e.g axis X) to be related with the displacements in another direction (e.g axis Y) according to the bushing shape that is selected (rectangular, cylindrical or spherical). More specifically for the bushing shape: if the rectangular shape is selected, the force and torque in a direction is dependent only on the displacement in this direction. In other words, the bushing is not coupled in any direction. If the cylindrical shape is selected, each force and torque in the x and y directions are dependent both in the displacements in the direction x and y. In other words, the bushing is coupled in the x and y directions which means that the force in direction x depends on the displacement of the bushing in the x and y directions. If the spherical is selected, each force and torque in any direction depends on the displacements in all directions x, y and z. The purpose of this type of bushing is to support the bushings of the ADAMS Car package that have a specific definition.

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Kinetics BUSHING

In order to define a BUSHING, press the FORCEs>BUSHING

function. By default using the wizard a No Coupling bushing can be defined. In the first step: select the bodies between which the bushing will be created. Either input directly the Id of the bodies or press the pick button and then select a body from screen. In the second step: select the definition type of the bushing. In the 1Point option, the markers of the bodies of the bushing will be created at the same position with the same orientation. In the 2Points option, the markers of the bodies of the bushing will be created at different positions with different orientations.

In the third step: if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then just one point has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the bushing will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the point or pick a point from screen. Note that the “Define Point 2” checkbox appears deactivated. If the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then two different points has to be defined where the two markers of the bodies of the bushing will be created. To do this, either input directly the coordinates of the first point (X1, Y1, Z1) or pick a point from screen. Activate the “Define Point 2” checkbox

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics Similarly, either input directly the coordinates of the second point (X2, Y2, Z2) or pick a point from screen.

In the fourth step: if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then just one orientation has to be defined. This will be the orientation for the two markers of the bodies of the bushing. However, if the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then this will be the orientation of the marker of the first point. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z1_x, Z1_y, Z1_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector. In the fifth step: if the 2Points option has been selected in the second step, then this will be the orientation of the marker of the second point. However, if the 1Point option has been selected in the second step, then this step will appear deactivated. Select the orientation type (Direction Z, Direction XY, Direction YZ, Direction XZ) and define the appropriate axes. To do this, either input directly the components of the respective axis (e.g Z2_x, Z2_y, Z2_z) or pick two points from screen to define a vector. In the last step: define the characteristics of the bushing. Input the appropriate values for the Stiffness (K, KT) and Damping (C, CT) coefficients.

Press Finish to confirm.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics The KIN_FORCE entity card appears. The card contains all the selections that were made with the wizard. As said before, through the wizard a No Coupling bushing is defined. If an Inter axial Coupling bushing should be defined, then select the respective type from the BUSHING TYPE pull down menu and fill in the appropriate values. Through the wizard also, the spring and damping characteristics of the No Coupling bushing are defined as linear only by specifying the respective coefficients. If these forces should not be linear, then the user may change it within this card from the respective SPRING_FORCE_TYPE and DAMPING_FORCE_TYPE pull down menus. Additionally, any bushing preload forces may be defined in the respective fields as well.

KIN TABLE With this option a nonlinear bushing may be defined. Particularly, a Kin_Table may be specified to represent a spring force with respect to deformation in a specific direction and another Kin_Table to represent the damping force with respect to velocity.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Kinetics EXPRESSION With this option a nonlinear bushing may be defined. The spring and damping forces are defined by specifying expressions. To make use of the Function Wizard for writing an expression, type “?” in the respective fields.

For more information about Function Wizard see paragraph “Function Wizard”

Press OK to confirm and create the bushing. FIELD A FIELD type of force defines translational and rotational action-reaction force between two bodies. During definition, translational and rotational force is applied on marker_1 of BODY_1 and at the same time an equal reaction force is applied on the marker_2 of BODY_2. Definition of FIELD type of force is similar to BUSHING one. The 17 degree rule also exists here, meaning that the angle between the z-axes of the two markers should NOT be greater than 17 degrees. For the FIELD type of force the following equation applies

Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz are the forces and torques of the FIELD in the x, y, z directions. The matrix with the K values contains the stiffness coefficients for the force and torque in x, y, z axes. x, y, z, a, b, c are the relative displacements (along x, y, z axes) and rotations (about x, y, z axes) respectively of the first body with respect to the second body.

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Kinetics x0, y0, z0, a0, b0, c0 are the initial positions (translational and rotational) of the marker of the first body with respect to the marker of the second body in all directions. The matrix with the C values contains the damping coefficients for the forces and torques in x, y, z axes. Vx, Vy, Vz, ωx, ωy, ωz are the relative translational velocities and rotational velocities of the first body with respect to the second body. The F1, F2, F3, T1, T2, T3 terms represent the constant force or torque preloads that may apply. Comparing the above equation with the equation of the BUSHING, the main difference is found with the K and C matrices. While in BUSHING only the diagonal terms of the matrices are defined, in FIELD force all terms of the two matrices are defined. FIELD

In order to define a FIELD force, press the FORCEs>FIELD function.

The definition is similar to the bushing force through a wizard. For more information refer to the paragraph of BUSHING force.

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Kinetics 22.8. KIN_Requests 22.8.1. About KIN_Requests are entities that request and control the output of results during a Multibody dynamic analysis. More specifically, during definition of a KIN_Request, predefined or user defined data are set to be calculated during simulation and the results data may be written out to a XML results file. Then the results can be plotted using an appropriate post processor. The defined data can vary from simple (predefined data) to quite complex definitions (user defined data). Typical predefined data are requests for calculation of displacements, velocities, acceleration and forces between markers. However, much more complex user defined data are often requested for calculation and can be defined by using the Function Wizard. For further information on the Function Wizard, see paragraph “Function Wizard”. 22.8.2. Creating KIN_Requests In order to define a KIN_REQUEST, press the AUXILIARIES>REQUEST function. REQUEST

In the KIN_REQUEST card that appears select as type for the request either the OUTPUT_TYPE_AND_MARKERS or the FUNCTION_EXPESSION option. OUTPUT_TYPE_AND_MARKERS With this type of request, some predefined data are requested to be calculated during simulation between two specified markers. These data can be displacements, velocities, accelerations or forces. Define the markers TO_MARKER and FROM_MARKER that between them the specified data will be calculated. The data are actually calculated on TO_MARKER with respect to FROM_MARKER and results are expressed in the global coordinate system. Optionally, the REF_MARKER can be defined. With the definition of a reference marker, the solver calculates the selected data type (e.g displacement) on TO_MARKER with respect to FROM_MARKER and the results are expressed in the coordinate system of the reference marker. Select as OUTPUT_TYPE the appropriate data type to be calculated. In case of displacement, velocity or acceleration data, the solver calculates the selected data type on TO_MARKER with respect to FROM_MARKER. In case of force data, the solver calculates the sum of forces that are exerted on TO_MARKER among all those forces that are defined between TO_MARKER and FROM_MARKER. However, in case of force data it is possible for the user to define only one marker (TO_MARKER). In that case, the solver calculates the sum of the forces that are of ACTION_ONLY type and are exerted on TO_MARKER. According to the data type that is selected, the following standard data are being calculated

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Kinetics Data type

Calculated data


Three translational displacements along x, y, z axes Three rotational displacements about x, y, z axes The translational and the rotational magnitudes of displacement


Three translational velocities along x, y, z axes Three rotational velocities about x, y, z axes The translational and the rotational magnitudes of velocity


Three translational accelerations along x, y, z axes Three rotational accelerations about x, y, z axes The translational and the rotational magnitudes of acceleration


Three translational forces along x, y, z axes Three rotational forces (torques) about x, y, z axes The translational and the rotational magnitudes of force

FUNCTION_EXPRESSION With this type of request, some user defined data are requested to be calculated during simulation. These data are defined as expressions and can vary from simple ones to complex. The Function Wizard can be used in such cases for easier expression definitions. Within a request, up to 8 individual user defined data can be requested. For further information on the Function Wizard, see paragraph “Function Wizard”.

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Kinetics 22.9. The Function Wizard 22.9.1. About It is very often that forces, requests or other entities are defined with complex expressions instead of single values. For example a force could apply it's magnitude only for a specific period of time, or the force magnitude could vary with time instead of being constant. For these cases the Function Wizard is used for the creation of complex expressions. These expressions may be used for the definition of requests, forces etc. 22.9.2. Creating expressions On any entities that need an expression for definition, the Function Wizard may be invoked for use by pressing the ''?'' key.

In the left part of the Function Wizard window, all the available functions are listed in categories, ready to be used in any expression. In the upper right part of the window, a description of the currently selected function is displayed showing also the arguments of the function that need to be defined. Underneath, the expression definition area is found. This is the place where any expression is written. In the bottom right part of the window, the output results area displays the current status of the written expression. If the expression is written correctly, an expression value is shown. In case of incorrect written expressions, an error message should appear.

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Kinetics Writing an expression To write an expression click inside the Expression definition area. By double clicking on a function from the list, this function is added into the expression for definition. Functions can be combined together (addition, multiplication etc) and create quite complex expressions. Some functions may need markers as arguments for their definition. In that case, press the ''Select Marker'' button to open a list with the available markers. Double click on a marker, in order to pass it as an argument into the expression. When an expression has been written, it can be plotted graphically. Press the ''Plot options'' button. The Tmin and Tmax values specify the limit values of the independent horizontal axis. Also define the number of points that will describe how accurate the curve is displayed in the plot. Finally, press the ''Plot'' button to plot the curve. Example 1 The magnitude of a single force (SFORCE) needs to be defined in a model. The force is not constant. It acts during the first second of the simulation with a magnitude of 50N and then it gets a zero value. At first, the ''?'' Key is pressed inside the respective force magnitude field of the SFORCE card. The Function Wizard window opens. For this example, the STEP function needs to be used. Double click on the STEP function from the list. The STEP function is written to the expression definition area. Initially, the function is undefined so an error message appears in the output area.

The STEP function needs five arguments to be defined. The first argument defines the independent variable of the function. Write time to define it as the independent variable x. Then, two pairs of values need to be defined as well. With the input of x0=0 and h0=50, it is taken that at the time of 0 seconds(beginning of simulation) the value of the function(force magnitude) will be 50. With the input of x1=1 and h1=0, it is taken that at the time of 1 seconds, the value of the function will be 0.

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Press OK to confirm the written expression as the magnitude of the force. Now, the force will apply for the first second of the simulation only. Example 2 A KIN_REQUEST needs to be defined in a model that will calculate the x-component of the translational displacement of one body with respect to another. While creating a KIN_REQUEST, press the ''?'' Key inside one of the function expression (F1,...F8) fields of the card. The Function Wizard window opens. For this example, the DX function needs to be used. Double click on the DX function from the list. The DX function is written to the expression definition area.

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Kinetics The DX function needs three arguments to be defined. These arguments should be the ids of markers. Click on the ''Select Marker'' button. The list with all the available markers appears. The COG marker of the first part is double clicked. It's Id is now written inside the expression definition area as the first argument. Similarly, the COG marker of the second part is selected and included in the expression as the second argument. The third argument of the DX is optional. By giving the zero value as the third argument, the x-component of the translational displacement that will be calculated will be along the x-axis of the global coordinate system.

The expression is now correctly defined. Using the ''Plot'' button in this example would have no meaning, as the result of the x-component of the translational displacement occurs after the simulation is run. In other words, no data exists that could be plotted. Press OK to confirm the written expression for the KIN_REQUEST. The simulation can now be run and the requested data may be calculated and saved in a results XML file.

22.9.3. List of the functions (alphabetically)

∙ ABS The ABS function, calculates the absolute value of an expression. Example:

ABS( sin(x) )

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Kinetics ∙ ACCM The ACCM function, calculates the magnitude of the vector that results from the difference of two translational acceleration vectors of two markers. ACCM ( To_Marker , From_Marker , Ref_Frame ) To_Marker: The marker whose acceleration is being calculated. From_Marker: The acceleration is being calculated with respect to this marker. By specifying 0, the acceleration will be calculated with respect to the global coordinate system. Ref_Frame: If a reference frame is defined, the acceleration magnitude is calculated with the following way. At first an acceleration vector of the first marker(To_Marker) is calculated with respect to a reference marker(Ref_marker). Also another acceleration vector of the second marker(From_Marker) is calculated with respect to the reference marker(Ref_marker). Then, the magnitude of acceleration is calculated as the magnitude of difference of the two acceleration vectors. If no reference frame is specified, then the global coordinate frame is taken as reference.

∙ ACCX The ACCX function calculates the x-component of the vector that results from the difference of two translational acceleration vectors of two markers. ACCX ( To_Marker , From_Marker , Along_Marker , Ref_Frame ) To_Marker: The marker whose acceleration is being calculated. From_Marker: The acceleration is being calculated with respect to this marker. By specifying 0, the acceleration will be calculated with respect to the global coordinate system. Along_Marker: The x-component of the acceleration is expressed according to the x-axis of this marker. If no Along_Marker is specified, then it is expressed according to the x-axis of the global coordinate system. Ref_Frame: If a reference frame is defined, the x-component of the acceleration is calculated with the following way. At first an acceleration vector of the first marker(To_Marker) is calculated with respect to a reference marker(Ref_marker). Also another acceleration vector of the second marker(From_Marker) is calculated with respect to the reference marker(Ref_marker). Then, the difference of the two acceleration vectors is projected on the x-axis of the specified Along_Marker which defines the x-component of acceleration. If no reference frame(Ref_Frame) is specified, then the global coordinate frame is taken as reference.

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∙ ACCY The ACCY function calculates the y-component of the vector that results from the difference of two translational acceleration vectors of two markers. ACCY ( To_Marker , From_Marker , Along_Marker , Ref_Frame ) To_Marker: The marker whose acceleration is being calculated. From_Marker: The acceleration is being calculated with respect to this marker. By specifying 0, the acceleration will be calculated with respect to the global coordinate system. Along_Marker: The y-component of the acceleration is expressed according to the y-axis of this marker. If no Along_Marker is specified, then it is expressed according to the y-axis of the global coordinate system. Ref_Frame: If a reference frame is defined, the y-component of the acceleration is calculated with the following way. At first an acceleration vector of the first marker(To_Marker) is calculated with respect to a reference marker(Ref_marker). Also another acceleration vector of the second marker(From_Marker) is calculated with respect to the reference marker(Ref_marker). Then, the difference of the two acceleration vectors is projected on the y-axis of the specified Along_Marker which defines the y-component of acceleration. If no reference frame(Ref_Frame) is specified, then the global coordinate frame is taken as reference.

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Kinetics ∙ ACCZ The ACCZ function calculates the z-component of the vector that results from the difference of two translational acceleration vectors of two markers. ACCZ ( To_Marker , From_Marker , Along_Marker , Ref_Frame ) To_Marker: The marker whose acceleration is being calculated. From_Marker: The acceleration is being calculated with respect to this marker. By specifying 0, the acceleration will be calculated with respect to the global coordinate system. Along_Marker: The z-component of the acceleration is expressed according to the z-axis of this marker. If no Along_Marker is specified, then it is expressed according to the z-axis of the global coordinate system. Ref_Frame: If a reference frame is defined, the z-component of the acceleration is calculated with the following way. At first an acceleration vector of the first marker(To_Marker) is calculated with respect to a reference marker(Ref_marker). Also another acceleration vector of the second marker(From_Marker) is calculated with respect to the reference marker(Ref_marker). Then, the difference of the two acceleration vectors is projected on the z-axis of the specified Along_Marker which defines the z-component of acceleration. If no reference frame(Ref_Frame) is specified, then the global coordinate frame is taken as reference.

∙ ACOS The ACOS function calculates the arc cosine of an expression X. The expression X must have a value between -1 and 1. The result values vary from 0 to π. The result of the ACOS function is always in radians. ACOS(x) ∙ AINT The AINT function of an expression X, returns the nearest integer value whose magnitude is not larger than the integer value of the expression. Example:

AINT(-1.7) = -1 AINT(4.9) = 4

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Kinetics ∙ AKISPL The AKISPL function applies the Akima method of interpolation on a specified KIN_TABLE. The specified KIN_TABLE can be two dimensional (x,y) or three dimensional (x,y,z). In case of a three dimensional KIN_TABLE, the interpolation in the y-direction is of Akima type while in the z-direction is linear. AKISPL (1st_Indep_Var, 2nd_Indep_Var, KIN_TABLE_Id, Deriv_Order) 1st_Indep_Var: This is the independent variable according to which the AKISPL function will interpolate y. 2nd_Indep_Var: This is the second independent variable according to which the AKISPL function will interpolate y. If the specified KIN_TABLE is two dimensional, specify as 2nd_Indep_Var = 0. KIN_TABLE_Id: This is the Id number of the KIN_TABLE according to which interpolation applies. Deriv_Order: This is the order of derivation that may be optionally taken into account during the interpolation of a KIN_TABLE. If the KIN_TABLE is three dimensional, the derivation should not be used (Deriv_Order = 0). Example:

AKISPL (time, 0, 1, 1)

According to the example, the KIN_TABLE with Id 1 has been specified in the AKISPL function. This table is two dimensional where it's independent x-axis contains time values (sec) and it's dependent y-axis contains displacement values (mm). An Akima interpolation of first order derivation has been asked for this table, where the time willl be the 1st independent variable. Therefore, the AKISPL will return the velocities with respect to time. For more information on KIN_TABLEs, see paragraph “Kin_Tables”. ∙ ANINT The ANINT function of an expression X, returns the nearest integer value to the real value of the expression. Example:

ANINT(-3.7) = -4 ANINT(2.4) = 2

∙ ASIN The ASIN function calculates the arc sine of an expression X. The expression X must have a value between -1 and 1. The result values vary from -π/2 to π/2. The result of the ASIN function is always in radians. ASIN(x) ∙ ATAN The ATAN function calculates the arc tangent of an expression X. The X expression can have any real value. The result values vary from -π/2 to π/2. The result of the ATAN function is always in radians. ATAN(x)

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Kinetics ∙ ATAN2 The ATAN2 function calculates the arc tangent of the fraction X1/X2 where X1 and X2 are expressions. The result values vary from -π to π. The result of the ATAN2 function is always in radians. ATAN2( X1, X2 ) ∙ AX The AX function calculates the overall rotational displacement of a marker about the x-axis of another marker. The x-axes of the two markers should always be parallel and have the same direction. The result of AX is always in radians. AX( To_Marker, From_Marker) To_Marker: The marker whose rotational displacement is being calculated. From_Marker: This is the marker whose x-axis is used as a reference for the calculation of the overall rotational displacement of the To_Marker. If From_Marker = 0, then the global coordinate system is used as a reference. If the angle α between the x-axes of the two markers is greater than 10 degrees, an error will occur as the AX becomes undefined. ∙ AY The AY function calculates the overall rotational displacement of a marker about the y-axis of another marker. The y-axes of the two markers should always be parallel and have the same direction. The result of AY is always in radians. AY( To_Marker, From_Marker) To_Marker: The marker whose rotational displacement is being calculated. From_Marker: This is the marker whose y-axis is used as a reference for the calculation of the overall rotational displacement of the To_Marker. If From_Marker = 0, then the global coordinate system is used as a reference. If the angle α between the y-axes of the two markers is greater than 10 degrees, an error will occur as the AY becomes undefined.

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Kinetics ∙ AZ The AZ function calculates the overall rotational displacement of a marker about the z-axis of another marker. The z-axes of the two markers should always be parallel and have the same direction. The result of AZ is always in radians. AZ (To_Marker, From_Marker) To_Marker: The marker whose rotational displacement is being calculated. From_Marker: This is the marker whose z-axis is used as a reference for the calculation of the overall rotational displacement of the To_Marker. If From_Marker = 0, then the global coordinate system is used as a reference. If the angle α between the z-axes of the two markers is greater than 10 degrees, an error will occur as the AZ becomes undefined. ∙ BISTOP The BISTOP function creates minimum and maximum limits in the displacement of a body that restrict its movement between them. During the BISTOP definition a gap is modeled between the specified limits and the body can move freely along the gap. When the body reaches the min or max limit, impact forces of spring-damper type are created by the BISTOP function that represent a contact with another body, preventing the movement of the body outside of the limits. BISTOP (Disp, Vel, Disp_trigger_low, Disp_trigger_high, K, Exp, C, Ramp_dist) Disp: The displacement variable that represents the distance between the moving body and the limits. This variable is also used for the computation of the impact forces that are generated. Vel: This is the derivative of Disp variable or in other words the velocity of the body. Disp_trigger_low: This is the minimum limit of the displacement variable Disp. When the body reaches that limit, a positive impact force is calculated. Disp_trigger_high: This is the maximum limit of the displacement variable Disp. When the body reaches that limit, a negative impact force is calculated. K: This is the stiffness coefficient (positive) for the spring-damper type of impact force. Exp: This is a positive exponent for the force deformation law. For a stiffening spring characteristic Exp>1 while for a softening characteristic 0 0), the contact force is zero (F = 0). At this state the contact is said to be open. When function q equals zero (q = 0), then the contact force is greater than zero (F > 0) and the contact is said to be closed. However, for a bilateral contact no matter if a contact is closed or open, a contact force is always present. In the real world, contact events that usually appear are actually unilateral like for a example a ball hitting on the ground or a car's tire moving on a road and so our main concern is about them. KIN_Contacts refer to the modeling of unilateral contacts. Bilateral contacts are mostly a mathematical expression of contacts and actually KIN_Joints are described as bilateral contacts during a contact type simulation. As said before, unilateral contacts are quite complex to be modeled as they appear in nature. During the contact of two bodies, impact and friction forces may appear in combination or individually depending on the situation. For example, when a ball hits the ground a collision occurs which leads to the appearance of impact forces, while in another example where a box slides on the ground, no impact forces appear but friction forces instead. Both examples represent a contact phenomenon on which the impact and friction forces can be studied and approached with two different methods. There are two approaches for the analysis of unilateral contacts, the regularized and the non-smooth approach. Regularized approach This is the approach that is used by the majority of the commercial multibody dynamics software. With this approach the unilateral contacts are modeled by nonlinear stiff springs/dampers. So, when a contact is open the stiffness minimizes while in case of a closed contact it maximizes. This approach results in the presence of stiff ordinary differential equations which are solved using an integrator for stiff systems. The following two examples show how the impact and friction forces are modeled with the regularized approach.

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Kinetics In the example of the box that slides on the ground, planar friction forces exist. The friction forces are studied according to the Coulomb law that is λΤ = -μ·λΝ·Sgn(v) where λΤ is the magnitude of the friction force, λΝ is the magnitude of the normal force, μ is the coefficient of friction and Sgn(v) is the sign of the relative velocity of the body with respect to ground. In the image beside, the friction force is plotted with respect to the relative velocity following the

regularized approach. According to the plot, the magnitude of the friction force is zero when the relative velocity diminishes (v = 0). This is not exactly correct and does not correspond to reality because the sticking phase where the magnitude of the friction force can vary while the velocity of the contact point is zero, is not taken into account. This is one of the disadvantages of the regularized approach. In the example of the ball that hits the ground, impact forces appear during the collision. According to the regularized approach and the technique with the nonlinear springs, impact forces are calculated and whether the contact is open or closed, the impact forces are always described by the same mathematical expression that correspond to the nonlinear springs. In the image beside, the impact force λ is plotted with respect to the distance q that exists between the ball and the ground. According to the plot, the magnitude of the impact force is zero when a small distance exists between the ball and the ground. This is not exactly correct as it is part of the regularization process that tries to smooth the impact force function in order to avoid a sudden change of the impact force when the ball touches the ground and this introduces an error in the result.

Non-smooth approach The non-smooth approach is a more accurate and realistic method to study and describe the contact phenomenon using set-valued force laws. These laws apply in cases where during a measure for the same independent variable, two or more different values correspond for the dependent variable. Typical example is the expression of the friction force of a body with respect to it's velocity. The same two examples of the regularized approach are presented here to show how the impact and friction forces are modeled. In the example of the box that slides on the ground, here the friction forces are also studied according to the Coulomb law.

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Kinetics In the image beside, the magnitude of the friction force λΤ is plotted with respect to the contact point velocity v. According to the plot, for the same situation where v = 0, the friction force can acquire a set of different values and this describes correctly the sticking phase of the body. Indeed, if one initially exerts a light external force λF on the box, an opposite friction force λΤ also applies and the box does not move (v = 0). Gradually the external force is increased (so the friction force is increased as well) until it becomes adequate to move the box. Therefore, the behavior of the friction is modeled more realistic using setvalued force laws that lead to mathematical expressions and methods that give much more accurate results compared to the regularized approach.

The non-smooth approach can be used to model the impact forces according to the Newton +


law or the Poisson law. The Newton law is written as V = -ε·V and relates the pre and post -


impact relative velocities of a body, where V and V are the relative velocities right before and after the impact and ε is the coefficient of restitution that denotes a measure of the dissipated energy during the impact. On the other hand, Poisson's law studies the impact more precisely introducing the compression and expansion phases during the impact. It is written as λE = -ε·λC and relates the impact forces during compression and expansion phases, instead of the velocities. λE and λC are the impact forces during expansion and compression and ε is the coefficient of restitution.

Both impact laws that are presented in the non-smooth approach, are much more accurate and robust compared to the regularized approach as they tend to describe the impact with more detail. However, for the Poisson's Law, the theory is in a state of flux among the global scientific community that try to give a solution to a problem that by it's nature appears to be quite complex when it must be interpreted mathematically. For the Newton Law, the numerical methods have progressed in the last decade and are able to provide adequate solutions. Therefore, contacts in ANSA are modeled with a non-smooth approach according to the Newton's impact law.

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Kinetics In the second example of the ball that hits the ground, impact forces appear. According to the Newton law of the non-smooth approach, the impact forces are calculated and the results are plotted.

In the image beside, the impact force λ is plotted with respect to the distance q that exists between the ball and the ground. According to the plot, when the contact between the bodies becomes closed (q = 0) an impact force appears. The value of the magnitude of the impact force can vary for the same situation where the contact remains closed, until it is vanished when the contact opens (q > 0). As with the friction force of the box-ground example, set-valued force laws are used to provide solution to this example.

This brief explanation in the modeling of contacts using different approaches is given for the reader to understand how and why ANSA models impact and friction forces that may appear during a contact phenomenon. Finally, in the picture below a schematic overview of the unilateral contacts and their modeling is given as they were mentioned.

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Kinetics 22.12.3. Creating KIN_Contacts In order to create a KIN_Contact, activate the CONTACTs> CONTACT function. CONTACT

The “Modifying KIN_CONTACT” window appears. The only available entity type in the list is the KIN_RBODY, as a contact can be defined on KIN_RBODYs only. Double-click on the KIN_RBODY entity type The “KIN_RBODY list” window opens up.

Select any KIN_RBODYs from the list or select them from screen and they will get highlighted in the list.

While a KIN_RBODY is selected, the “Modifying KIN_RBODY” window gets updated, showing the number of entities that were selected and on which the KIN_CONTACT will be defined.

Press OK to confirm the selected entities. The KIN_CONTACT card opens. Inside the FRICTION_COEF field specify the coefficient of friction for the bodies that participate in contact. In the RESTITUTION_N and RESTITUTION_T fields specify the restitution factors in the normal and tangential direction of the contact. In the Bodies list, all the bodies that participate in the contact entity are listed. Between any of those bodies, a contact can be detected. From the Shape pull down menu select for each body if it should be treated as convex or concave by the solver.

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Kinetics The thickness scale factor denotes for a body to what extent it‟s property thickness should be taken into account. Restitution factors and friction coefficient In the following example, the inputs that are defined in a KIN_CONTACT – both restitution factors and friction coefficient – and their meaning are explained so that the user understands how to use them and how they are modeled in ANSA. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, ANSA kinetics model the contacts using a non-smooth approach according to the Newton's impact law. In a typical example where a body reaches the ground at an angle, the impact can be analyzed in three phases.


Just before the impact, the body is about to hit the ground with a pre-impact relative velocity V -


which is analyzed into components VN and VT that correspond to the pre-impact relative velocities in the tangential and normal directions. As soon as the impact occurs, friction and impact forces λΤ and λΝ are exerted to the body. -

ANSA models the friction according to Coulomb law that is λΤ = -μ·λΝ·Sgn(VT ) where μ is the coefficient of friction (FRICTION_COEF) that is defined inside the KIN_CONTACT card. + Just after the impact, the body leaves the ground with a post-impact velocity V which is +


analyzed into components VN and VT that correspond to the post-impact velocities in the tangential and normal directions. According to the Newton's impact law, for the normal direction it is +


valid that VN = -εN·VN where εN is the restitution coefficient (RESTITUTION_N) in the normal direction that is defined inside the KIN_CONTACT card. Similarly, for the tangential direction it is +


valid that VT = -εT·VT where εT is the restitution coefficient (RESTITUTION_T) in the tangential direction. In case in the normal direction a restitution coefficient lower than one is defined ( εN < 1), the impact is considered to be inelastic. Specifically, for a value εN = 0 the impact will be completely inelastic meaning that after the impact the ball will not bounce at all but it will continue moving along the tangential direction. If the restitution coefficient is εN = 1 the impact is considered to be elastic. However, regarding the restitution coefficient in the tangential direction εT, things are not exactly the same. The terms inelastic and elastic impact do not have a meaning here. In other +

words, even if εT = 0, the post-impact velocity VT will not be zero because in the tangential direction there are other factors that also control this velocity like for example the presence of +


friction λΤ. Therefore, when εT = 0 the equation VT = -εT·VT is ignored and the velocity is calculated according to the current conditions of the problem.

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Kinetics Shape type The collision detection engine of ANSA is able to detect collision incidents between bodies of any arbitrary shape. However, by specifying what bodies should be treated as convex (if possible) while some others as concave, the solver can run faster and with much more accuracy. As a general fact, the more convex bodies exist, the better for the solver. A body is described as convex if the line between any pair of points (A, B) of the body always remains within its boundaries.

On the other side, a body is described as concave if there is at least one line between any pair of points (A, B) of the body that goes out of its boundaries.

In the example beside, a hollowed cylinder (BODY 1) comes in contact with a wide box (BODY 2). Physically, the hollowed cylinder is a concave body while the box is a convex body. However, for this case the internal hollow of the cylinder does not play any role in the contact incident and therefore its nonexistence would not affect the contact at all. So, inside the contact entity card the shape type for the cylinder could be set as convex.

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Kinetics This action would treat the hollowed cylinder as a solid cylinder. The same should be done for the box as well. Finally, having two convex bodies instead of two concaves would benefit the solver a lot.

In another example, a solid cylinder (BODY 1) passes through a hollowed cylinder (BODY 2). Physically, the hollowed cylinder is a concave body while the solid cylinder is a convex body. For this case, the solid cylinder comes in contact with the internal faces of the hollowed cylinder. Therefore, the hollowed cylinder could not be considered as a convex body because the hollow participates in the contact incident. However, for the solid cylinder it‟s shape type should be set as convex. It should be noted that during the creation of a contact entity, the shape type of all its bodies is set by default as concave. This is quite safe because even physically convex bodies that its shape type is set as concave can be handled by the solver and the collision detection engine adequately. However, it is always recommended that the shape type of each body is always set depending on the current situation. Thickness scale In order the collision detection engine and the solver run properly, initially no penetrations should exist between bodies. To avoid penetrations the thickness scale number is used for each body of a contact. The thickness scale number is a factor that denotes how far the external boundaries of a body will be with respect to its midplane. This factor can be a parametric or an absolute value. A parametric value has a meaning only on bodies that consist of geometric CAD or FE entities as the bodies that consist of KIN_GRAPHIC entities do not have any property assigned. As an example, in the image beside, a box is sliding between two planes and between them a contact is defined. The dashed lines represent the midplanes of the bodies. By taking into account the full property thickness of the bodies, penetrations occur and this would be a problem for a contact simulation.

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Kinetics If a zero thickness scale value is specified for the bodies, it means that the collision detection engine and the solver would ignore the property thickness and therefore no penetration is identified.

Mathematically, if d is the distance between the outer surface and the midplane of a body, f is the thickness scale factor and t is the property thickness, then d = f * (t/2) In more detail, when thickness scale is 1, the whole property thickness is taken into account and therefore the outer surface of a body will be at distance t/2 from its midplane.

When thickness scale is 2, the double property thickness is taken into account and therefore the outer surface of a body will be at distance t from its midplane.

When thickness scale is 0, then no property thickness is taken into account and therefore the outer surface of a body will be its midplane.

When thickness scale is -1, the whole property thickness is taken into account in the opposite direction and therefore the outer surface of a body will be at distance -t/2 from its midplane. In the above cases the thickness scale factor is specified with a parametric value that is relative to the property thickness of a body. However, if an absolute thickness scale factor needs to be specified (for example in case where a body consists only of solids) then the ~ symbol should be placed in front and will denote the absolute distance between the midplane and the outer surface.

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Kinetics It is important to mention that the contact detection between bodies depends on the orientation of faces or elements. For geometric CAD and FE bodies, as outer surface is considered the positive (grey) side of the face or element respectively. Therefore a contact can only be detected between positive faces/elements only. To view the faces according to their orientation, set the Draw mode to ENT.

22.13. Simulations 22.13.1. KIN_Simulator About Kin_Simulator is the tool that is used for running time based simulations of models or configurations on which the necessary Kin_Entities have been defined. The tool runs for a given time the specified simulation type, and it is able through it to control the animation and the solver's options. Running a model that has been properly set and checked for inconsistencies is of vital importance as this would avoid errors to occur that could terminate the simulation unexpectedly. Running a simulation for a model In order to run a simulation press the SIMULATION>SIMULATOR function. The Kinetics Simulator window appears. SIMULATOR

The window is divided in three basic sections, the Model, the Simulation and the Animation sections Model section From the pull down menu the user selects if the simulation will run for the whole model or for one of the existing Kin_Configurations (for more information about configurations refer to paragraph “Kin_Configurator”) The Model Info button displays in a separate window general information (number of DOFs, number of redundant constraints etc) for the whole model or the selected configuration. The Reload button resets the model to its initial position. Using the Save button the current position of the model can be saved under a Kin_Position entity or it can be saved to be the initial position of the model.

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Kinetics It is possible to run consecutive simulations by specifying for each simulation a greater End Time value than the previous one. In that case, the simulation will continue from the last position Simulation section All the options that are related to the simulation of a model are concentrated here At first the type of simulation is selected. Available simulations that can be run are Dynamic, Kinematic, Contact, Initial Conditions and Static Equilibrium. From the Output pull down menu, the user selects how often results data will be calculated. The All steps selection will provide results data at every step of the simulation, while the Step Size selection will provide results data at every output step that the user specifies. If the „Find Equilibirum first’ option is activated, then initially at time zero the solver finds the position where static equilibrium occurs and the simulation will start from that position. If the „Always calculate from time zero’ option is activated, every simulation will start from time zero, even if consecutive simulations are run one after the other. If deactivated, each simulation will start from the End time of a previously run simulation. The „Animate during calculation‟ option lets the user divide a simulation in two phases, the calculation of the results and the animation. If this option is activated, the calculation of the results and the animation of the model occurs at the same time. If deactivated, by running a simulation only the results will be calculated. Afterwards, the animation of the model according to the results may be playbacked. When the „Overwrite previous results’ option is activated, the results of the simulation will overwrite any results of a previous simulation. If deactivated, the results of every simulation are saved under a new results entity. The End Time field denotes at which time the simulation will finish. A progress bar underneath shows the progress of the simulation.

The Undo button will erase the results of the last simulation and go back to the previous simulation. The Undo pull down menu displays the simulation history and so the user can undo many previous simulations massively.

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Kinetics The Options button once pressed will open the Kinetics Options window. From there the user can define any settings per simulation type

Animation section In this area all the animation buttons (play, stop etc) can be found and all the results entities of the simulations as well. One results entity may exist for every simulation (if the Overwrite previous results option is deactivated). In that case the user just selects the results of a simulation that will be animated. A results entity can be deleted by selecting it and pressing the Delete button of the keyboard. Starts playback of the animation. Each time is pressed, the animation will play with 1x speed. Stops the animation. Pauses/Unpause the animation. Starts a continuous forward-backward playback of the animation. Fast forward playback of the animation. Each time is pressed the playback speed is doubled up to 256x speed. Fast backward playback of the animation. Each time is pressed the playback speed is doubled up to 256x speed. Records a video of the animation. Follows a marker during animation

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Kinetics 22.13.2. Kin Configurator About The Kin_Configurator tool is used for building kinetic configurations from existing models and running simulations on them. The purpose of a configuration is to define a kinetic “submodel” from a complete kinetic model. Then, at it's most common use, for the configuration (and the submodel it defines) a position based simulation may be run. A configuration is built from joints that the user selects. In the configuration will participate the joints that define it, the bodies that are referred by the joints, and other kinetic entities that are directly related to the bodies. As a typical example, a car's seat can be mentioned. Initially, the kinetic model of the complete seat is built. However, there are cases during crash/safety analysis where some parts of the seat should move and be positioned/adjusted individually like the backrest inclination or the headrest height. Therefore, one configuration would be created from the related joints of the backrest and another one from the relative joints of the headrest. Apart from position based simulations, through the Kin_Configurator tool interactive or time based simulations (time based simulations for configurations can be run through the Kin_Simulator tool as well, (paragraph “Running a simulation for a model”) can be run as well. How to create configurations In order to create a kinetic configuration press the SIMULATION>CONFIG function. CONFIG

The Kinetics Configuration Tool window appears. In the upper part of the window all the kinetic joints of the model are listed under the joint group they belong. In the lower part all the kinetic configurations are listed. Kinetic Joints list Pressing the right mouse button on a Joint Group of the list the user can select: - New: This will open a KIN_JOINT card for the definition of a new joint. - Create Config: The user can select the From group option. This will create a new configuration that will consist of all the joints of the group.

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Kinetics Pressing the right mouse button on a joint of the list the user can select: - New: This will open a KIN_JOINT card for the definition of a new joint. - Edit: This will open the KIN_JOINT card of the selected joint in order to be edited. - Copy: This will open a KIN_JOINT card with the same/copied settings of the selected joint. - Delete: This will delete the selected joint from the database. - Lock/Unlock: This will lock or unlock a joint. When a joint is locked, the two bodies that it connects will move and act together as one body and within the configuration ANSA will recognize them as one body. If instead of locking the joint, it is converted to a fixed type, the two bodies that it connects will also move and act together as one body but within the configuration ANSA will still recognize them as two bodies. - Create Config: The user can select either From group (was mentioned above) or From selected. The second option will create a new configuration that will consist of all the selected joints. The selected joints can belong to different joint groups. Kinetic Configurations list Pressing the right mouse button on a configuration of the list the user can select: - Edit: This will open the KIN_CONFIG card of the selected configuration in order to be edited. - Delete: This will delete the selected configuration from the database. The configuration's joints will not be deleted though. - Remove from Config: This will remove the selected configuration from the configuration that it might belong to. - Save Position: After running a simulation for a configuration, the user can save the new position of the configuration as is (Save as New). A new KIN_POSITION entity will be created. The user can also save the new position of the configuration to be the initial position of the configuration (Save as Initial). In that case no KIN_POSITION entity is created. - Move To: The user can select a configuration to move to any of it's already saved positions or move to it's initial position. - Articulate: This will run a simulation for the selected configuration Pressing the right mouse button on a joint of the configuration of the list the user can select:

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Kinetics - Edit: This will open the KIN_JOINT card of the selected joint in order to be edited. - Remove from Config: This will remove the selected joint from the configuration it belongs. - Lock/Unlock: This will lock or unlock a joint. When a joint is locked, the two bodies that it connects will move and act together as one body and within the configuration ANSA will recognize them as one body. If instead of locking the joint, it is converted to a fixed type, the two bodies that it connects will also move and act together as one body but within the configuration ANSA will still recognize them as two bodies. - Set as Actuator: This will set the selected joint as the actuator joint that imparts motion to the configuration. Only one actuator may be defined per configuration. An actuator is always needed when running position based simulation (Articulate>by Actuator Joint) - Move Joint: This will open the Move Joint window and through it the selected joint may be moved. The user should specify a position step value in any of the DOFs of the joint where the joint is allowed to move. Pressing the plus button (+) the joint will move towards the positive direction of the DOF by one position step value while pressing the minus button (-) it will move towards the negative direction. It should be noted that while the joint is moved, the other joints of the configuration will also follow depending on how they are connected/related with the selected joint. Running a simulation for a configuration For any configuration, position based, time based or interactive based simulations can be run through the kinetic configuration tool. However, the most common simulation to use for a configuration is the position based (e.g move/change position of dummies, seats etc). Simulations can re run with the following ways Articulate>by Actuator Joint This will run a position based simulation of dynamic type. At first, make sure that one joint has been set as actuator that will impart motion to the the configuration. This is done by right clicking on a joint and pressing Set as Actuator.

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Kinetics Then the simulation can be run by right clicking on the configuration and selecting Articulate > By Actuator Joint.

This will open the actuator's window. According to the type of the actuator joint, a position step value may be specified on each of it's DOFs so that positioning may be applied on each DOF individually. For example if a revolute joint is set as actuator, the revolute joint has one DOF that allows only rotation around it's Z axis. In that case if a position step value of 10 is specified, every time the plus (+) or minus (-) button is pressed the joint will move 10 degrees towards the positive or negative direction respectively. The rest bodies of the configuration will move accordingly. Every time the joint is moved, the current position value is updated. Pressing the Undo All button will undo any movements that have been applied while the window was open. Press OK to confirm the new position of the configuration and close the window, or Cancel to disregard any movements and close the window. Articulate>by Matching Points This will run a position based simulation of dynamic type by selecting an initial and a final point along the path of a moving body of the configuration. Then the simulation can be run by right clicking on the configuration and selecting Articulate > By Matching Points.

Select a source point on a body of the configuration and a target point. Confirm with middle mouse button. ANSA will try to move the body from it's source point to the target point with respect to the configuration. The rest bodies of the configuration will follow accordingly.

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Kinetics Articulate>by Time This will run a time based simulation of a user specified type. Note that for a configuration a time based simulation can also be run through the SIMULATOR function as well (see more on paragraph “Kin_Simulator”) Right click on a configuration and select Articulate > By Time. The Articulate By Time window appears. The window is identical to the Kinetics Simulator window. For more information refer to paragraph KIN_Simulator.

Articulate>Interactive This will run an interactive based simulation of dynamic type by dragging with the mouse a body of the configuration. The simulation can be run by right clicking on the configuration and selecting Articulate > Interactive.

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Kinetics Click on a point of a body of the configuration and move it by dragging it with the mouse. In the desired position press middle mouse button to confirm the new position.

22.13.3. Simulation results About When a simulation runs for the first time, a KIN_RESULTS entity is created automatically. This entity contains all the results data that are calculated during the simulation by the solver. Through the Results Viewer, these data can then be examined by the user for an estimation of his model. Viewing the results RESULTS

After running a simulation, activate the SIMULATION>RESULTS function in order to view the results. The Kinetic Results Viewer window will show up.

In the upper part of the window the Plots area can be found. All the results data are plotted here.

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Kinetics Underneath, in the first column there is the Kinetics Results Entities area where all the available results entities are listed. Kinetics Results Entities column By clicking on the List pull down menu of a results entity, the user can select the type of kinetic entities for which results should be plotted while the Status column shows if these results were calculated or not. The Computed from column shows if the results were calculated from the simulation of the complete model or a configuration. By right clicking on a results entity, a menu appears. New: This will create a new KIN_RESULTS entity Delete: This will delete the selected results entity Edit: This will open the KIN_RESULTS entity card for editing. When LOCKED=NO, every time a simulation is run, the new results will overwrite those that were stored from the previous simulation and therefore the results are always saved under the same results entity. If LOCKED=YES, if a new simulation is run, the results will be saved under a new results entity that will be created automatically.

Entities column In the second column of the lower part of the Kinetic Results Viewer window (see image above), the entities whose results have been calculated are found. This column displays all the entities of the type (bodies, joints etc) that was specified before from the List pull down menu (first column) of the results entity. Axis X column In the third column (Axis X) the user selects which values will represent the X axis of the plot. Usually, results are plotted with respect to time. However, there are cases where results should be plotted with respect to other values (e.g with respect to displacement of a body). In that case, the user should press the Entity button. The Axis X Entity Selection window will appear

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From the pull down menu the appropriate entity type should be selected. Then, the user should select the specific entity and variable that will represent the X axis of the plot. For example, if results should be plotted with respect to the total displacement of a body, the user should select the Bodies entity type from the pull down menu, then from the Entities column select a specific body and finally from the Axis X and Component columns select the location variable and Mag component respectively. Axis Y column Back to the Kinetic Results Viewer window, in the fourth column (Axis Y) the user has to select the type of calculated results data that will represent the Y axis of the plot. Component column In the fifth column (Component) the component of the selected type of results data that should be plotted is selected. These components refer to the global coordinate system. For example, if the user selects to plot the X component of the displacement of a body, it means that the plot will show the displacement of the body on the X axis of the global coordinate system. After all the appropriate selections, the results can be plotted by pressing the Add curves button. Note that multiple plots can be added simultaneously if the user selects two or more results by holding pressed the Ctrl button and selecting the desired results. When the Clear Plot button is pressed all the plotted curves will be removed. Output of the results All the results that are calculated during a simulation, can be output as an XML file so that the user can examine them in a separate post processing tool instead of the Kinetics Results Viewer. To do so, right click on the desired kinetic results entity and press the Write to File function.

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Kinetics In the file manager that appears select a location and the name of the XML results file to be saved.

Press the Save button. The definition of an optimization problem for NASTRAN Sol 200 can be facilitated through the Morphing Tool. ANSA supports the Manual Grid Variation Method of NASTRAN Sol 200. The displacement vectors (DVGRIDS) that needed to be defined for every grid of the design space can be recorded during a morphing action. This procedure is described in detail in the Optimization with NASTRAN SOL_200.pdf document.

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Safety Safety

Chapter 23


Table of Contents SAFETY ....................................................................................................................................... 1707 23.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1709 23.2. Handling of Dummy Models .......................................................................................... 1709 23.2.1. Input of a Completely Defined Crash Dummy Model............................................. 1709 23.2.2. The AutoMech Function ........................................................................................ 1710 23.3. Positioning the Dummy Model....................................................................................... 1712 23.3.1. The Dummy Translate Functionality ...................................................................... 1712 23.3.2. The Dummy Rotate Functionality .......................................................................... 1714 23.3.3. The Move Limb Functionality................................................................................. 1718 23.4. Defining the Dummy's Seatbelt ..................................................................................... 1719 23.4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1719 23.4.2. Creating a Seatbelt................................................................................................ 1720 Creating 1D Seatbelt ...................................................................................... 1720 Creating 2D Seatbelts .................................................................................... 1720 Creating LS-DYNA 2D *ELEMENT_SEATBELT .............................................. 1722 23.4.3. Interactive Edit of Seatbelt's Path .......................................................................... 1723 23.4.4. Tensioning of a seatbelt‟s component.................................................................... 1725 23.4.5. Passing a Seatbelt Through a 3D slipring ............................................................. 1727 23.4.6. Auto-Detect Seatbelt Entity from an FE Input File ................................................. 1728 23.4.7. The Disable 'Parts to Wrap' option. ....................................................................... 1728 23.4.8. The Auto-Recreate option ..................................................................................... 1729 23.4.9. The Freeze / Unfreeze options .............................................................................. 1730 23.5. Dummy – Seat Depenetration ....................................................................................... 1731 23.6. Pedestrian Tool ............................................................................................................. 1733 23.6.1. Car Marking ........................................................................................................... 1733 23.6.2. Creating the Target Points ..................................................................................... 1736 23.6.3. Headform – Legform positioning ........................................................................... 1739 23.6.4. Pedestrian Multi Positioning .................................................................................. 1741 23.6.5. Pedestrian Tool Data Management ....................................................................... 1742 23.7. Raster Tool .................................................................................................................... 1744 23.8. Occupant Safety Tool .................................................................................................... 1747 23.8.1. FMVSS201U ......................................................................................................... 1747 Target Points .................................................................................................. 1747

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Safety Positioning ..................................................................................................... 1748 Output ............................................................................................................ 1752 23.8.2. FMVSS201 Pendulum ........................................................................................... 1753 23.8.3. FMVSS226 Ejection Mitigation .............................................................................. 1755 Targets ........................................................................................................... 1755 Positioning ..................................................................................................... 1757 23.8.4. Seat Impact ........................................................................................................... 1759 Target Zones .................................................................................................. 1759 Positioning ..................................................................................................... 1760 23.9. Airbag reference nodes ................................................................................................. 1762 23.9.1. PAM-CRASH metric files ....................................................................................... 1762 23.9.2. ABAQUS reference coordinate .............................................................................. 1764 23.9.3. LS-DYNA reference geometry ............................................................................... 1765 23.10. The Kinematic Tool for Occupant Safety. .................................................................... 1766 23.10.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1766 Definition of Terms ....................................................................................... 1766 23.10.2. Interface Overview .............................................................................................. 1766 The Kinematic Rigid Body (KIN_RBODY) ................................................... 1767 The Kinematic Joint (KIN_JOINT)................................................................ 1768 Description of the Types of Kinematic Joints. .............................................. 1768 The Kinematic Configuration (KIN_CONFIG) .............................................. 1771 23.10.3. Creating Kinematic Entities Automatically ........................................................... 1771 The Mech From Sets Functionality .............................................................. 1772 The AutoMech Functionality ........................................................................ 1773 23.10.4. Creating Boundary Conditions & Additional Joints ............................................. 1774 Creating Additional Joints ............................................................................ 1774 Creating Boundary Conditions ..................................................................... 1776 23.10.5. Create the Kinematic Configurations ................................................................... 1777 Backrest Rotation ........................................................................................ 1777 Height adjustment ........................................................................................ 1779 23.10.6. Save Positions..................................................................................................... 1779 23.10.7. Coupling and moving a dummy with a seat. ........................................................ 1780 Dummy configuration and Coupling ............................................................. 1780

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Safety 23.1. Introduction ANSA provides the user with state of the art safety tools. These tools are: - Dummy Positioning and restraining tools. - Pedestrian safety test set-up tool. - Occupant Safety FMVSS201U and FMVSS201 pendulum. - Kinematic Tool for seat and seat dummy positioning. These functions are available for the LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH and ABAQUS decks. In the RADIOSS Deck, the above options are available except from the dummy positioning functionality. The buttons of these safety functions are available under the group SAFETY in the deck menus.

23.2. Handling of Dummy Models 23.2.1. Input of a Completely Defined Crash Dummy Model The model of a Crash Test Dummy for the PAM-CRASH deck can be input from a PAM-CRASH format file. Such file is accompanied by a second file with extension .pos. This file contains all the additional information about members‟ hierarchy, grouping and H-Point. The LS-DYNA new LS Pre-Post tree format for dummy hierarchy definition is fully supported. The old LS-DYNA format file with the .tree (LS-INGRID format) extension provides all the information needed for the complete definition of the Dummy model. In addition the FTSS dummies are supported using the Primer tree format. For ABAQUS input file, all the necessary information is read from the .pos file. The .pos file or the .tree file has to be located in the same path and have the same name as the selected PAM-CRASH/ABAQUS or LS-DYNA file respectively, in order to be read in automatically, thus providing the required information for the dummy model.

A dummy model for ANSA is a rigid body kinematic mechanism. ANSA automatically creates the kinematic rigid body configuration of the dummy by creating the kinematic rigid bodies and kinematic joints. In the images above the graphical representation of the kinematic mechanism is shown. In the cards below the kinematic rigid bodies and kinematic joints are listed. For more information refer to section 23.10.

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23.2.2. The AutoMech Function There are cases where a dummy model may be missing its tree definition. In that case, ANSA provides a functionality with which a dummy hierarchical tree can be created. This functionality is under SAFETY>AutoMech. With this function ANSA creates a kinematic rigid body configuration. Please refer to section 23.10 for more information. By activating the function from DECKs>SAFETY>AutoMech the AutoMech Parameters window appears. Activation of the Create Dummy Kinematic model is needed in order to allow the function to enter the Dummy creation mode. By pressing OK the user is prompted to do a few selections from the screen. AutoMech

Firstly, the user is prompted to select an element anywhere on the dummy (1) and then the pelvis (2). After the second selection, a kinematic joint card (KIN_JOINT) of H-Point type appears. The user can define the new HPoint in the Anchor field manually with F1 .

1 2

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The kinematic configuration of the dummy has been created and it is ready for positioning.

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Safety 23.3. Positioning the Dummy Model Dummy

All the dummy operations are located in a single tool (Dummy Articulation) and can be accessed through the Dummy button. Rotate Tab: This function is used to Rotate the dummy and the individual dummy parts (limbs). Translate Tab: This function is used to translate the whole dummy from one location to another. Move Limbs Tab: This function is used to move a limb onto a target point. An example would be to move the hands of the dummy on to the steering wheel. Conv to NODE_TRANSF: This function outputs an Include file with the nodal transformation keywords and the nodal sets of the dummy in order to be used as a read-only file. Undo: This function returns the dummy to the previous position. Undo All: This function restores the dummy to its initial position. Save: This function saves the dummy's current position.

23.3.1. The Dummy Translate Functionality The Translate functionality performs translations of the whole Dummy model by moving the model in the global coordinate system.

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Safety By pressing the Dummy button, the dummy is automatically selected. In case there are more than one dummies present in the model, the user is prompted to select the desired one. By clicking anywhere on the dummy, the dummy gets highlighted and a tabbed window appears. The inactive fields of HP-x, y, z indicate the current position of the H point of the dummy. There are two translation options. One option is to type the global coordinates of a Target Point or select an existing 3D point as the target point. The dummy will be moved in such a way that its H-point will match the new target point. The second option requests a translation Vector through the definition of its components and magnitude or through the selection of two points. This option translates the dummy along this vector. For the Target Point option, by pressing F1 the user can pick a target point from an existing 3D point. After selecting the target point, an arrow showing the translation vector from the H-Point to the Target point is visible along with the distance of the displacement. In addition, the corresponding fields on the Translate Dummy window are filled.

By pressing the takes place.

button the translation

In the same way, for the Vector option by pressing the F1 in any of the fields of the Translate Dummy window, the user is prompted to pick two points to define a translation vector. The fields are filled with the corresponding values.

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Safety By pressing the takes place.

button the translation

23.3.2. The Dummy Rotate Functionality The Rotate functionality, allows the rotation of the Dummy model and the articulation of the Dummy‟s members. The rotation can be done from a window or interactively from the screen. The user is prompted to select an element on the dummy, resulting in a selection of the corresponding member or the whole dummy. In this case where the torso member is selected, the dummy will rotate around its HPoint. A window appears where the user can perform the rotation operations. In addition, a system of axis is displayed on the screen. All the rotations will be performed based on this system. Joint Type: Depicts the type of joint where the rotation is going to take place. Underneath the Joint Type lies the Rigid Body drop-down menu, from which the Kinematic Rigid Body to be rotated is selected. Axis: The rotational axis can be chosen. The system is an R S' T'' Bryant coordinate system. The Increment Angle value regulates the degrees increment that the dummy member will move around the specified axis. The total rotation angle is shown in the Total Angle field.

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Safety While the function is active and the window is open, a user can work both on the interactive mode from the screen or through the window interface with the + and – buttons. The Total Rotation Angle is also displayed on the screen.

To rotate a Dummy Part activate the Pick from screen and click on a dummy limb. The rotations take place around the joint. The rotations can be performed through the window or interactively from the screen.

The Interactive Movement Sensitivity slider, regulates the sensitivity of the mouse movement relative to the model movement during interactive mouse rotations. Far Right is maximum sensitivity and far left is the minimum sensitivity. The activated Draw Contact Arrows flag, indicates with arrows the direction towards depenetrating the dummy‟s limbs. allows the angle of the rotation to go beyond the limits specified in the *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_ STIFFNESS in LS-DYNA and in *CONNECTOR_STOP in ABAQUS.

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Safety For the LS-DYNA deck, the stop angles of the *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS between the rigid parts are given at the bottom of the window. Similar for the PAM-CRASH and the ABAQUS decks the joint stiffness information is shown. In addition, the current angle (in blue box) of the joint is displayed under the Solver Angle column. If the limits of the joints are violated a warning is printed in the Status column. ! Note: The current Angle is also shown on the screen. In this example an increment angle of 10 degrees is inserted and two steps are applied.

The rotation of the limb can be simultaneously performed either from the window or from the screen. The user can use both methods while the window is active. The total rotation angle gets updated live on the screen.

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If the user decides to violate the stop angles, the white angle drawing turns to red and a 'violated” statement is printed in the respective status field of the Joint Stiffness info area.

If a member is connected via a spherical joint then an R S‟ T‟‟ Bryant coordinate system is calculated and displayed, showing the unmoved position in relation to the hierarchically higher member.

If the selected member has an originally moved position in relation to the higher member, the corresponding, R S‟ T‟‟ system is also calculated and displayed (in LS-DYNA models it is taken from the corresponding *CONSTRAINED_JOINT_STIFFNESS). The required rotation angles that lead to the calculated R S‟ T‟‟ are displayed in the history list. Using a combination of member rotations, the Dummy model can be properly positioned in the required place. ! Note: Do not use the functions under Utilities>TRANSF. to relocate members of the Dummy model. Its use will result in corruption of the dummy model.

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Safety 23.3.3. The Move Limb Functionality The Move Limbs functionality is very useful in performing minor translations of limbs such as moving the upper limbs onto the steering wheel, or moving the lower limbs onto the pedals. The user needs to activate the function Pick Limb and select the limb to move with the left mouse button. With successive left mouse click the user selects the length of the limb (sequence of rigid bodies) that will participate in the motion. With middle click the selection ends.

After the selection of the limb, the two points are needed for the translation. One point on the limb and one target point.

Pressing the Apply Motion button, the limb will perform a rigid body motion and the two points previously selected will coincide. Alternatively the user can interactively move the limb with the aid of the Interactive function. At first the user has to left-click on a point on the limb and then to drag the node to its final resting point.

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Safety 23.4. Defining the Dummy's Seatbelt 23.4.1. Introduction Seatbelt

The seatbelt tool can be accessed through the Seatbelt button under the Auxiliaries group of buttons in LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, RASIOSS and ABAQUS decks. Some of the characteristic features of the tool are:

- The ability to create 1D and 2D Belts. - Ability to interactively edit the path of the seatbelt or automatically tension it while the seatbelt is already created in order to improve belt quality. - Seamless re-application of Seatbelts. As seatbelts are treated as ANSA entities, related information is stored and adjusted accordingly. - Ability to auto-create slipring, retractor, pretentioner etc. elements at the end points of the seatbelt components. - Ability to automatically create contacts between the seatbelt components and the dummy. - The seatbelt information is written out in the deck output files as ANSA Comments. When a deck file is read back into ANSA, all the necessary information is present for further handling of the seatbelt through the seatbelt tool.

Entities List: A list of all the seatbelt entities and their components. A component is a part of a complete seatbelt. The shoulder belt and the lap belt are different components of complete belt (i.e. driver‟s belt). Component Parameters: The component parameter area of the window lists all the parameters that are needed in order to properly set up a seatbelt component. The Component Parameters window adapts according to the Generic Type selection of either 1D or 2D belt creation. The automatic creation of Contact is possible by selecting an id of an already existing contact card. This contact card will be used as a template for the newly created contact between the seatbelt elements and the dummy's torso.

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Safety 23.4.2. Creating a Seatbelt Creating 1D Seatbelt In order to create a 1D Seatbelt, the path of the belt and the Component Parameters are needed. To define the path of the belt, right click on the belt component and select Pick Points.

The selected points are shown in a tree view under the component. After setting up the parameters of the seatbelt, execute the Create Component option from the context menu in order to create the seatbelt. ! Note: The starting and ending points anchors are optional. Creating 2D Seatbelts In order for the 2D (or 1D) belt to have a path over the torso of the dummy, the Parts to Wrap need to be defined. From the context menu, select option Select Parts and then with left click select the depicted parts of the dummy.

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Safety A 2D belt component is made of 3 parts. The Starting Part, the Main Part 2D and the Ending Part. In the starting and ending part the type of the belt and anchor entities are defined. In the main part all the 2D belt properties are defined. The Entry and Exit Vector are described in the next section. Looking at the image below the Length fields are depicted by (a) and (b) for starting and ending point respectively. The Num. to Extend is shown by (f). The Elem. Length field is depicted by (c). The Num. Of Shells field is depicted by (e). The Offset value refers to a required tolerance value between the generated elements of the seatbelt system and the dummy‟s body. ! Note: The Num. to Extend fields are available only for the LS-DYNA deck.


f c

a c


After specifying the desired properties the path of the belt needs to be defined by selecting at least 3 points as described in the previous section.

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The LS-DYNA 2D *ELEMENT_SEATBELT is a tool that allows the 2D elements to pass through the sliprings. A slipring is created for every node of the belt elements at the location of the physical slipring as depicted above. The definition of the 2D element belt is done by selecting 2D Belt El. in the Element Type field. The tool gives the option to create hybrid seatbelt with a combination of 1D and 2D *ELEMENT_SEATBELT and Shells. The Seatbelt tool will automatically create all the necessary SETs and property definitions that are needed for LS-DYNA.

The Entry and Exit Vectors define the axis about which the belt will be folded when it passes through the slipring. The vectors are defined by pressing F1 in the text fields and selecting two nodes from the screen.


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Wherever is appropriate the exit vector of one component automatically becomes the entry vector of the next component. This is the case between the exit vector of the shoulder belt and lap belt. In addition the nodes at the exit of a component and entry of the next component will be automatically pasted.


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Safety 23.4.3. Interactive Edit of Seatbelt's Path The main issue that arises in seatbelt creation is that the user cannot know in advance if the selected seatbelt path will result in a proper seatbelt. For the dummy below, the issue is occurring rd for the 3 component which is the lap belt. To overcome this, the user can use the functionality of the seatbelt tool to edit the path of the seatbelt. This edit can be performed during the creation of the seatbelt in the preview mode or can be applied anytime through the interface from the context menu. Selecting Interactive Edit on a seatbelt component results in activation of the preview mode for this component. While in preview mode, the user is able to drag the component with the left mouse button to the desired new location. These movements will result in a new improved path and geometry of the seatbelt. ! Note: The positions of the seatbelt components are stored and therefore, in case a component gets deleted and another one is recreated, it will pass from the same positions. In case this is not desired, prior to the recreation of the component, the option Reset Path should be selected.

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Safety ! Note: In case an Entry Vector or Exit Vector has been defined for a component, then during Interactive Edit the option „Flip‟ will be available on the graphic area to reverse the direction of the defined vectors.

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Safety 23.4.4. Tensioning of a seatbelt‟s component The Tension option pulls automatically any selected seatbelt component so as to adjust it properly on the dummy creating an improved path of the seatbelt. The option is activated from the context menu of the component.

From the menu of Pull from, select from which end of the seatbelt component the tensioning will be performed. Eventually, pulling can be performed from both sides.

The Start tensioning button function, the Stop button

will activate the will stop the

process and the Undo button will return to the original state of the seatbelt component. After the completion of the tensioning, even if the procedure gets stopped, the user can go through the several positions of the seatbelt and select the position of his preference from the sliding bar. The Options button will open the Belt Tension Options window from which further adjustments can be made. The vector that will define the pulling direction can be manually defined through deselecting the Automatic Pulling Directions flag. Fill in the fields of Start and End or use the „F1‟ key to select from the screen so as to define the start and end vector accordingly for the pulling operation.

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Safety Define any desired friction value among the seatbelt component and the selected Parts to Wrap from the field Friction Coefficient. There is also the option to automatically delete the elements that jut out after the completion of the procedure. If this is not desired deselect the Delete Redundant Element flag.

! Note: The tension option can be performed only if Parts to Wrap have been selected and the component has been created with „2D Seatbelt„ for Generic Type. The component can consist explicitly of „Quads‟ and other similar Element types or it can be a hybrid with Starting Part and/or Ending Part of a 1d Element Type such as a „Truss El.‟ as found in Abaqus and Radioss decks. However, components with „2D Seatbelt„ for Generic Type and „Trias‟ for Element type along with „1D Seatbelt‟ for Generic Type are not supported for tensioning. ! Note: When anchor nodes are not coincident with the belt elements nodes, then the edges of the seatbelt component cannot be detected and the tensioning cannot be performed.

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Safety 23.4.5. Passing a Seatbelt Through a 3D slipring The seatbelt tool provides the capability to automatically pass a seatbelt through a 3D slipring. ! Note: A 3D slipring is a slipring that is modeled in the dimensions of the physical part with shell elements. The first step is to create a seatbelt component that comes close to the slipring opening as shown in the image below. Up to this point the procedure is the same as creating any other type of seatbelt.

After the seatbelt is properly applied, from the context menu on the title of the seatbelt, a 3D Slipring option is available. ANSA prompts the user to make a selection on the 3D slipring. The selection needs to be made in the lower half of the slipring as shown in the image below.

ANSA will automatically pass the seatbelt through the slipring opening and it will update the seatbelt entity with the updated information. Re-application of the seatbelt will create the resulted seatbelt without any further action by the user.

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Safety 23.4.6. Auto-Detect Seatbelt Entity from an FE Input File Sometimes a user may receive an input file (without ANSA comments) that contains a seatbelt and this seatbelt may need editing. Instead of deleting the seatbelt elements and creating a new entity from the beginning, ANSA provides a functionality which automatically extracts an ANSA seatbelt entity from an FE input file. The first step is to create a new seatbelt entity with the corresponding number of components. From the context menu on the Parts to Wrap, select the Select Parts option and with left click select from the screen the parts to be wrapped by the seatbelt. Then from the context menu on a component, select the option Auto Detect. With this option the user is prompted to select three points from the screen. These three points are the first anchor point of the belt component, an element on the main part of the belt and the second anchor point. After the selection is finished, the information is extracted and filled in the seatbelt. This operation needs to be repeated for every other belt component. After completion the user can use all the available ANSA functionality to manage the belts.

23.4.7. The Disable 'Parts to Wrap' option. With the aid of the option Disable 'Parts to Wrap' the user is able to wrap with the seatbelt's components what is visible in the graphics area. This option is useful in cases such as the passing of the seatbelt through a hole (i.e. an opening in the child's seat). The first step is to let visible in the graphics area only the necessary elements, which means not only the important body parts of the dummy but also anything along the seatbelt's path. Then from the context menu on the seat belt, the user can select the Disable 'Parts to Wrap' option.

In case there is an opening through which the seatbelt's component must pass, only the bottom elements must remain visible as depicted in the images.

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Safety 23.4.8. The Auto-Recreate option In case the positioning of the dummy-seat system is not finalized, the user with the aid of the AutoRecreate option can avoid the manual recreation of the seatbelt whenever the system is articulated, resulting to a seatbelt which follows the movement of the dummy. Right click on the seatbelt and enable the AutoRecreate option. Whenever the dummy-seat system is articulated the seatbelt will follow the movement of the dummy as depicted below.

Articulation without the Auto-Recreate enabled

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Articulation with the Auto-Recreate enabled


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Safety 23.4.9. The Freeze / Unfreeze options The Freeze option prevents any editing of the selected component. Thus, if activated, none of the above mentioned options can be performed. To deactivate it, use the Unfreeze option found in the context menu of the seatbelt components as well.

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Safety 23.5. Dummy – Seat Depenetration The Dummy – Seat Depenetration tool is used to correctly position the dummy on the seat. The dummy is positioned in the desired location and then the material of the seat (foam) is deformed so that there is no penetration between the two. There is a physics based solver behind the tool that takes into account the Young's Modulus E of the material. Model preparation: Before using the tool, the user is recommended first to define (a) a SET containing the solid elements that belong to the dummy, (b) a SET that contains the solid elements of the seat foam that is going to be deformed and (c) a SET containing the entities (nodes, facets or elements) that represent the support of the seat. Since depenetration is a demanding calculation the above sets should contain only the necessary entities in order to save time of the calculation.

x9 (a)


(c) Seat Depenetrate

Activate the Seat Depenetrate

function of the SAFETY group. The Dummy – Seat Depenetration window appears. In the Dummy, Seat and Seat Support fields specify the relative ID of the corresponding SETs. Alternatively use the ? or the F1 button to select the SETs from the SETs List or to define new. The presence of the Seat Support limits the movement of the seat.

Specify the desired direction of the seat‟s deformation using the Move Vector field. ! Note: For LS-DYNA deck, there is the option to Create *INITIAL_FOAM on the nodes of the cushions before the foam compression takes place. ABAQUS deck has the option to Create INITIAL CONDITIONS, while for PAM-CRASH deck the equivalent available option is Create METRIC.

When all the fields are defined the Depenetrate button will initiate the calculation process.

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! Note: It is suggested to use the tool on one cushion at a time.

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Safety 23.6. Pedestrian Tool The Pedestrian Tool under DECKs>SAFETY>Pedestrian is used to set up a pedestrian test based on several Regulations and Protocols like EU phase 1 and 2, EuroNCAP v7.1.1 (EuroNCAP Grid) and v5.1 (EuroNCAP (obsolete)), JNCAP and TRIAS 63. The tool is divided in three tabs according to its capabilities. The tabs are: Pedestrian

Car Marking: for the creation of the Reference Lines and Targets according to the selected Regulation or Protocol. Target Points: for the calculation of the Raster of Points and the detection of Critical Points (Hard Parts theory) concerning headform tests and Critical and BLE points for legform tests. Positioning: for headform and legform positioning.

23.6.1. Car Marking In the first tab of ANSA Pedestrian tool the parameters for the creation of Reference Lines are set. Apply: Selection of the regulation or protocol. Test Device: The type of the test device that is going to be used, Headform or Legform. External Parts: The SET id of the front outer parts of the vehicle. Windscreen: The SET id that contains the windscreen parts. Upper Legform 2015: The check box is active when „Headform‟ is selected as a Test device. Selected, it implements the upper legform 2015 update of EuroNCAP protocol. Ground Type: In this field the type of ground is selected among „Flat‟ and „Inclined‟. For the case of „Flat‟ ground, one point P-1 is needed whose Z coordinate will define the xy plane of the ground. In case the ground is switched to „Inclined‟, then an additional P-2 point needs to be defined. The points can be filled manually, or by pressing F1 and selecting a point from the screen.

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Safety Mark button is going to create the lines according to the selected protocol. It also creates new sets with 3d curves and planes from the marking procedure. Filtering these sets can be done with setting “debug” for the parameter of Name.

By pressing the Advanced… button a window pops up where the user can manipulate the values of the theory of each protocol or regulation. This enables the user to create user defined Reference Lines. These values can be saved in the ANSA.defaults and each time ANSA is launched one is able to have one's own default values. If there is need to use the default values of one protocol/regulation just press the Restore Defaults button. ! Note: The fields of the Pedestrian Advanced Options window change according to the selected regulation or protocol on the Apply field. Step Size: The Step Size value determines the resolution of the curve relative to the underlined Front Car SET.

In the Pedestrian Advanced Options window, one is able to create user defined curves in the desired distance. Type the distance in the Length field and a name in the homonym field and press Create button.

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Safety ! Notes: - The External Parts SET must only include areas of the vehicle that are related with the area of interest (bonnet, bumper, fenders, windshield, A-Pillars). - The windscreen is also necessary to be defined separately as a content of the Windscreen SET. - Bumper Beam is a SET which contains the bumper beam part which is substantial for the calculation of the areas of the bumper when „Legform‟ test device is selected. - The Conv2Beams button converts the curves to beam elements with NULL material in order to be able to import them to μETA for post-processing. - If „EuroNCAP Grid‟ protocol is selected in the Apply pull down menu then Pedestrian tool will produce directly the Target Points that are proposed by the protocol. The Target Points tab can then be skipped and the positioning of the impactor on the created Targets can be the next step. To create only the boundary reference lines activate the Boundaries only check box. - If „EuroNCAP Grid‟ protocol is selected then the Bonnet field is activated in the Car Marking tab. Fill in the SET that contains the Bonnet entities and during the creation of Targets, Target Points will be created in the gap between the bonnet and the windscreen according to the protocol. Moreover, when „EuroNCAP Grid‟ is active, Wiper Blades field is available. Fill in the SET that contains the homonym entities and the wipers will be ignored for the creation of the Reference lines but they will be respected for the Target Points if projections appear on them. EuroNCAP (obsolete) 2100 1800 1700 1500 1250 1000

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Safety 23.6.2. Creating the Target Points Target Points are ANSA entities which represent possible positions for the Headform or Legform during a pedestrian (or other safety) test procedure. A category named Safety is present in Database Browser (see section 2.12) which contains Target Points as a sub category. Target Points is a list with all the identified crucial for the test positions. Opening the corresponding card the user can find apart from the ID, TYPE and the coordinates, all the useful information about the specific position.

! Note: The TYPE of a Target Point depends on the ANSA safety tool for which it has been calculated. Apart from PEDESTRIAN Target Points, there are also FMVSS201U Target Points (see section 23.8.1).

The creation of the Raster of Target Points, the identification of the Critical points (Headform and Lower Legform) and the BLE (Upper Legform) points detection are the operations that consist the Target Points tab of the Pedestrian tool. The creation of the Raster of Target points demands the below: Length: Is the length of every square of the raster. Paste Tol: The raster is generated from the middle of the bonnet and outwards. If the outer boundary of the last raster step is in distance less than „Paste Tol‟ then the Reference Line becomes the outer boundary of the raster step. Test Zone: Specifies the test zone per protocol or regulation, Adult, Child or both. Follow all Lines: If this flag is checked, Raster will pass from the Reference Lines taking into consideration the „Paste Tol‟ distance.

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Safety Child Zone Raster for EuroNCAP (obsolete)

Adult Zone Raster for EuroNCAP (obsolete)

The raster is created based on the Test Zone selection as it can be seen above for Adult and Child. The raster is made of null beam elements and on the intersections of them Target Points are created. Concerning the Critical points, the theory of Hard Parts is taken into account for their calculation and identification on the bonnet and bumper of the vehicle depending on the impactor used. Test Device : Specifies the Impactor. Test Zone : Defines the area where the test procedure will take place. Hard Parts: A SET of the hard parts of the underhood. Search Step: Searching step for critical points in x and y directions per EuroNCAP area. Points: Specifies up to how many points should be detected per EuroNCAP area. Impact Angle: The impact angle of the Headform/Legform. Distance: Specifies the minimum distance between successive calculated Target Points. Transparency: Activation of the flag results in transparent visibility of the model. The Critical points detection function creates 3D points and a measure entity that shows the critical distance. 3D points can be picked as position for the impacting device also. Additionally, all the points of the raster and the critical points can be output as a text file by pressing on the Write File button. ! Note: In case there is any reinforcement part under the bonnet and it is included in the respective External Parts SET, then there are two critical distances. The inner distance concerning the reinforcement and the outer one, concerning the bonnet.

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Safety In order to have an overview of the distance between the Hard Parts and the outer trim of the vehicle (External Parts SET) press the button Draw of the Distance Contour option. ANSA will color the bonnet and more specific each element of the External Parts according to the corresponding distance from the Hard Parts. The color palette indicating the distances is simultaneously visible.

ANSA pedestrian tool gives to the user the ability to reproduce an upper legform test by identifying the BLE points (Bonnet Leading Edge Points). In the Area Points field type the number of points to be identified in each area.

For the „Manual‟ option of Create button the user can manually insert a Target point on the BLE curves by inserting a value corresponding to the y-axis. ! Note: Target points are also created on the limit points of each area. Area Points field takes into account only the inside of each area. This means that if the Area Points are 2, there are 4 Target Points created for each area with the 2 created on the limits.

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Safety 23.6.3. Headform – Legform positioning In the Positioning tab of the pedestrian tool the parameters for positioning the impactor are defined. Position: Specifies the position of the impactor depending on whether it is a Headform or a Legform. There is a slightly different interface between these two options. The default option is automatically selected according to the type of the selected protocol. Headform/Legform: Assigns the headform or legform SET id. CID: Id of the coordinate system of the Headform/Legform. External Parts: Id of the SET that contains the front external parts of the vehicle (matched from the Car Marking tab). Move Back: An offset distance in the direction of the impact between impactor and vehicle. Angle: Defines the angle of impact. Mode: Defines the positioning mode. For this case, the positioning will be performed for a single Target Point and thus, a Single Point is chosen. Target: Type the Id of the point where the headform will be positioned. Alternatively press F1 to pick from the screen or ? to select from an existing list. z A local coordinate system for the headform must be defined. The picture on the left shows the orientation of the coordinate system. The X axis corresponds to the direction of motion of the headform. The Y axis is parallel to the lateral (Y axis) of the model.


y Headform X axis The angle of the headform direction must be defined by entering a value in the “Angle” field. The angle is formed by the X axis of the headform and the longitudinal X axis of the model, as shown in the picture on the left. ! Note: The vehicle needs to be always aligned with the -x axis.

Model X axis

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Safety Headform initial position

Last step is the selection of the type of positioning among Target Point, Contact Point or Test Point by activating the respective toggle button.

Press the Position button to move the headform from its initial position to the Target. The headform travels along the defined direction until one of its points comes in contact with the bonnet. This means that the Impact Point is not always the Target Point, since the headform does not necessarily impact the bonnet in a normal direction.

When the user wants to apply a positioning where the Impact point does not coincide with the Target, then the Target Point toggle button is the correct option.

Target point

Impact Point

In case the Impact Point should coincide with the Target Point during the positioning, then the Contact Point toggle button should be selected. The thickness of the headform and the bonnet is taken into account to ensure that no penetration occurs. The effect of Test point toggle button is more obvious for positioning on the fenders. The headform is positioned in a way that the Symmetry Plane of the headform (parallel to the Symmetry Plane of the vehicle) intersects the Target Point and the headform is depenetrated from the vehicle retaining its y coordinate. If needed, the Move Back entry field provides a backward movement (along the line of impact) of the headform at a specified distance.

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Safety 23.6.4. Pedestrian Multi Positioning Positioning tab of pedestrian tool enables the user to apply a multi positioning to all the identified Target Points and produce files ready to be solved. In the Preferences area of Positioning tab if the “Mode” pull down menu is turned to Multi Point, ANSA will apply a multi positioning to the desired Target Points. From the option “Targets” select which Target Points will be taken into account for the multi positioning. By pressing the “Options” button, the Multi Point Options window appears to define the necessary parameters for the Multi positioning procedure.

Master File : Select a created output file of the current database with the vehicle and the headform/legform in its initial position, ready for solution (deck set up). Include Files Name : Type inside this field the name of the include file for each Target Point. Directory : The full path where the created files will be stored. List Name : The name of a .csv file which will contain the selected Target Points with their coordinates and will be created during the Positioning procedure. Meta File Name : The name of a .txt file which will be created for the post processing procedure with mETA. It contains a list of the selected Target Points with their coordinates, their transformation matrix and the corresponding velocity. There are also some empty columns to be filled by the mETA tools. Velocity : If no velocity has been defined in the Master file the user can set the Velocity keyword by filling the homonym field. After setting all the necessary parameters, pressing the Position button, ANSA will create inside the Directory a number of subdirectories equal to the number of the selected Target Points. Inside each subfolder there will be one Include file which contains the transformation matrix of the corresponding position and a reference to the headform SET, and a copy of the master file which has a reference to the respective include file. The combination of these files is available for the corresponding solver. ! Note: For LS-DYNA deck, there is the option to output either the *NODE_TRANSFORM or the *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM in the defined file.

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Safety ! Note: The multi Positioning mode is available for PAM-CRASH, LSDYNA and ABAQUS decks. To run the process in RADIOSS, a script is available in ANSA installation directory. It is accessed through /scripts/Safety/ and it is named The fields that need to be filled are similar to the Pedestrian tool.

23.6.5. Pedestrian Tool Data Management As it was mentioned in section 23.6.2, Target Points are ANSA entities. This means that in the category SAFETY of Database Browser (see section2.12) there is a sub category named Target Points where the user has access to the respective list and via it to each identified Target Point.

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Safety The data generated by the pedestrian tool are organized and saved as ANSA SETs. In the image on the left this kind of structure can be seen.

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Safety 23.7. Raster Tool The Raster tool under DECKs>SAFETY>Raster is used to control the Target Points raster creation. Target points can be created on any desired area of a model according to the user input. Raster

To identify the area of application four boundary geometrical curves need to be selected with the order of front, rear, left and right consecutively. Then, the Raster‟s Target Points density and projection can be adjusted accordingly from the respective window. Length X, Length Y: Number of Target Points along X and Y axis. Paste Tolerance: Tolerance distance between the Target Points and the boundary curves. Projection Axis: Axis along which the Target Points are projected. Symmetry Plane: Symmetry plane of the selected area.

With the Preview Names flag activated, the Names of the Target Points are visible. Activated the Points on Lateral Curves flag is going to create Target Points on the front and rear boundary curves while, the Points on Side Curves flag is going to create Target Points on the left and right boundary curves.

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Safety The activated Uniform Distribution flag is going to keep a uniform distance among the Target Points throughout the desired area with respect to the defined length. The effect of this flag is more obvious especially near the boundary curves.

The effect of Points on Curves at Gaps flag is not visible on the preview as apart from the boundary curves, it takes into account the entities on which the Target Points are going to be projected. When this flag is activated Target Points are created on the boundary curves even if there are gaps on the projected entities. ! Note: to see the effect of the flag Points on Curves at Gaps, the flags of Points on Lateral Curves and Points on Side Curves need to be checked.

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Safety When activated the Delete Tolerance Points is going to delete the Target Points within the area of paste tolerance. ! Note: If Targets exist in distance less than the Paste Tolerance and the Delete Tolerance Points flag is active, then the Targets aren‟t going to be created. If this flag is deactivated the Targets are going to be created but they are going to be colored purple and EXCLUDED option in their card is going to be set to YES. A raster of line elements is created when Create Line Elements flag is activated. The intersections of those line elements are the positions of the created Target Points. The option of reselecting curves is always available through the button


To proceed, the entities on which the Target Points are going to be projected need to be selected. Finally, the card of the created Target Points (see also 23.6.2) appears so as to edit any fields as desired.

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Safety 23.8. Occupant Safety Tool For the simulation of the Occupant Safety, ANSA offers FMVSS201U, FMVSS201 -ECE/R21, FMVSS226 Ejection Mitigation and the Seat Impact function. Through those tools one can set processes according to the desired FMVSS Standard / Regulation. 23.8.1. FMVSS201U The FMVSS201U tool is used for the identification of targets and the positioning of the FMH (Free Motion Headform), for the simulation of the FMVSS 201U occupant protection, in interior impact laboratory test. The tool is divided in three tabs according to its capabilities. The tabs are: Target Points: for the calculation of the Target points according to FMVSS201U protocol. Positioning: for the positioning of the FMH on the selected Target Points lying on the interior of the vehicle (TRIM). Output: for the output of the files that contain the transformation matrix for each Target Point. Interior Target Points In this tab user specifies the ANSA SETs which FMVSS201U tool will use for Target Points identification. These SETs are: Interior – Exterior. Surfaces: Property/elements SETs that contain the interior and the exterior trim of the vehicle (doors excluded) respectively. A, B, Rear, Other Pillar: Property/elements SETs with the interior surfaces of the respective pillars. I. P. Points: Point/nodes SET of the highest points between the A-pillar and the dashboard. Windscreen:Windscreen: Property/elements SET of the front windscreen. Int. Roof: Property/elements SET of the interior surfaces of the upper roof. Seatbelt Anchors: Points/nodes SET with the seatbelt anchorage points on the B pillar. Side Openings: Elements SET that contains the frame elements of Side Doors or Day Light Openings. Front Openings Points: Points/nodes SET with the highest points of forwardmost Door Opening and lowest points of forwardmost Day Light Opening. Rear Opening: SET that contains the frame elements of Rear Windscreen. Rear Opening Points: Points/nodes SET with the highest points of Door Opening or Day Light Opening and the lowest points of Day Light Opening that are forward of the Other Pillar. Sun Roof: Property/elements SET with the interior surface of the sun roof.

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Safety Roll Bar: SET of property/elements of the Roll bar if exists. Stiffener: SET of property/elements of Stiffener. Slide Door Opening: SET of points/nodes that correspond to the forwardmost and rearwardmost points of the Sliding Door, if one exists. Furthermore, the user has to specify the Seating reference Points for the front and rear seat. Finally, the user has to define the Horizontal Travel Distance of the adjustable front seat. By pressing Calculate Points button ANSA creates all the needed planes, curves and critical Target Points on the vehicle's interior according to the FMVSS201U regulation. The planes, curves and points derived from the calculation are stored in SETs with the prefix name “FMVSS201U”. Furthermore, the approach angles for each one of the critical Target Points are calculated and passed to the respective fields of the Positioning tab. ! Notes: - If the SETs that will be used have exactly the same name with the fields, then there is an auto completion of the fields by the tool. - For Target Points refer to section 23.6.5. The tool creates Target Points of “TYPE” FMVSS201U. Positioning Before using the tool the user needs to define the SETs for the following entities: -FIZ, (Front Impact Zone) the frontal zone of the headform that will impact the TRIM. TRIM

-FMH, (Free Motion Headform) the entities of the headform.


-TRIM, the interior of the vehicle where the Target Point will be defined.

FMH - A local coordinate system for the headform must be defined and set in the CID field. X


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Type in “FMH”, “FIZ” and “TRIM” fields the Ids of the homonym SETs. Alternatively press the “?” button to select the SETs from the SETs List.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Safety In “Target Point” select the Target Point where the FMH will be positioned. Press F1 or ? in the field to pick a point from the screen or select from Target Points list respectively. Once the Target is selected the fields “Point Type”, “Area”, “Horizontal Limits”, “Vertical Limits” and “Rebound Angle” are automatically filled with the values placed in the card of the corresponding Target Point. Press F1 in “FIZ Node” field and pick from the screen the FIZ node which will be positioned on the Target Point. Press Auto Position button and the Positioning of the Headform will be applied. ! Notes: - All data stored in a Target Point card are calculated according to FMVSS201U regulation. However, the user has the ability to create Target Points with user defined angle limits and apply the corresponding positioning. - If the button in “FIZ Node” field is pressed then the lower node on the meridian of the FIZ is selected. In real testing, this is the area of the head where the most severe injury occurs. The Positioning of the Headform is divided in two procedures the Horizontal and the Vertical positioning according to the regulation. Although they are applied in one step the user can apply them separately to have full access in the positioning process.

Horizontal Positioning

FIZ node

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Contact Point found here Distance from Target 0.014933

The headform is positioned so that the normal vectors on the FIZ and TRIM nodes (Target Point) are parallel and the distance between them is minimized. Along with the rotations about Z axis within the Horizontal Limits, FMH also rotates about Y axis within the Vertical Limits. These movements enable the algorithm to position the Headform on difficult areas achieving the minimum distance between Target Point and FIZ node.


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Safety If “Optimize FIZ Node” flag is activated (recommended) then a new optimization is done through small movements in order to find another FIZ node which will give a better positioning with minimum Contact Distance. At the end of Horizontal Positioning, a dialog box asks the user if the Positioning is acceptable or not considering the final Contact Distance. If Cancel button is pressed, the horizontal positioning is aborted and the FMH returns to its initial position. In order to validate the positioning, whether it is successful or not, there is a threshold value which can be set according to the user's need. Press “Advanced Settings” button and in the window that pops up, set the value of the “Max Divergence Distance” field. Also, “Max target point movement” is the threshold value of the maximum distance that the headform can move from its initial position. If this is violated, the positioning is canceled. ! Note: During positioning, the elements of FIZ and TRIM SETs must have outward orientation (yellow color). If not, use the MESH>MACROS>ORIENT function before the positioning.

Vertical Positioning

Before Vertical Position

After Vertical Position

After the horizontal positioning of the FHM the next step is the automatic vertical positioning of the headform. The vertical positioning begins with initial conditions the angles (horizontal and vertical) that the FHM has after horizontal positioning. The headform will slide/rotate upwards around local Y Axis until the “chin” of the FMH contacts the TRIM, or until the maximum vertical angle plus the rebound angle is reached. Then, there is a backward rotation with a rebound angle.

During the whole procedure remains depenetrated from the Trim. After Rebound check takes place there is an optimization procedure similar to the one during horizontal positioning in order to reach a FIZ node with the minimum Contact Distance. ! Note: If “Press Auto” button is activated while both Horizontal and Vertical Positioning are applied, in the end the user is asked if the final position is acceptable or not.

Manual Operations By activating Manual Operations, a submenu appears in the bottom of Positioning tab. In this submenu there are fields that show what are the current values for Horizontal and Vertical angles of the Headform. Also, by pressing Auto buttons one can apply Horizontal and Vertical Positioning separately. Moreover, the menu allows manual rotations in Horizontal and Vertical angle and Translations in all axes in Local or Global coordinate system. This way the user has the ability to apply several movements to reach the desired positioning. After manual operations take place, penetrations may exist in the model. In such cases, the “Validate on exit” option under “Manual Position” button can be used and an automatic depenetration is taking place. This ensures that the model will be free of penetrations.

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“XZ Cutting Plane” and “XY Cutting Plane” offer a better overview of the resulted positioning. “Plane on Contact Point” will transform the current Plane from the COG of the Headform to the real Contact Point that was calculated during the positioning procedure. “Show Contact Point” previews the exact Contact Point pointed by an arrow on the TRIM and the distance between the Contact Point and the Target Point. Also, in the lower area of the window appears a new section with information about the Contact Distance. Activate the Ignore Property Thickness flag in order to ignore the Property Thickness during the positioning procedure. By pressing Save Position button the user is able to save the final positioning information under the Target Point card. Apart from the coordinates of the Target and the Angle limits one can get the Horizontal and Vertical angle of the headform on the Target, the coordinates of the Contact Point, the coordinates of COG of the FMH and the Id of the final (optimized) FIZ Node. “LOCAL DX” and “LOCAL DY” are the distances in X and Y directions of a local coordinate system which has origin the lower node of the FIZ in its meridian. This way the user can have an overview of where the optimized FIZ node is placed locally.

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Safety Output In the Output tab the user has the ability to create files ready to be solved for each position. First of all, the user has to define a “Master File” which is the main file with all the initial conditions and has references to the include file of each position. The settings of positioning are explained in detail in paragraph 23.6.4. Finally, the tool creates one folder for each Target Point. Each folder has a copy of the Master File which has references to the Include file which contains the transformation matrix (*NODE_TRANSFORM and *INCLUDE_TRANSFORM for LS-DYNA, TRSFM / for PAM-CRASH) for the corresponding position.

If ABAQUS is the active Deck the *INSTANCE definition field appears in the Positioning tab. In the homonym fields type the “Velocity” and the Id of the coordinate system that will be used for the calculation of the translation and the rotation of the headform for the *INSTANCE card. By pressing the Print Instance button the information is printed in ANSA Info Window.

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Safety 23.8.2. FMVSS201 Pendulum FMVSS201/ECER21 tool is used for FMVSS 201 / ECE-R21 the positioning of the pendulum on front panel of the interior of the vehicle according to the homonym regulation. Interior

The user must specify a SET for the Headform (pendulum) and a SET for the car‟s Interior Panel. The SETs may contain elements or properties.

In the “Headform” and “I.Panel” fields specify the relative Ids of the previously defined SETs. Alternatively press ? button to select the SETs from the SETs List. Additionally, specify the Id for the coordinate system of the headform in “CID” field. Following, the user should type the “Z level” of the rotation of the pendulum. “Z-level” is the Z coordinate of the rotation of the headform. The Pivot Node is a node of the pendulum that will be used as the fixed center of the rotation of the pendulum, considering only x and y coordinates. Fill the corresponding Id in the “Pivot Node” field. Next step is to select from “Point Type” pull down menu the way that the headform will be positioned, Target or Contact (see chapter 23.6.3).

Select the “Single Point” option from the “Mode” drop down menu. For “Single Point” positioning, press “F1” button in “Targets” field and pick a Target directly from the screen, or press “?” to select one Target from Targets Point list.

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Safety Press the Position button to move the headform to the selected Target Point. The thickness of the headform and the panel is taken into account to ensure that no penetration occurs after the positioning takes place.

For “Multi Positioning”, select the respective option from the “Mode” menu and then select on which Targets the positioning should be performed. One can select among: “All Target Points” in order to perform the Multi Point positioning on all the Target Points. “Set of Points” in order to position Target Points that are contained in a SET. “Select from list” in order to select from Target Points list (after pressing Show list button) the Targets where the positioning will take place.

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Safety 23.8.3. FMVSS226 Ejection Mitigation The FMVSS226 tool enables the user to identify the crucial areas on the glazing of the vehicle and position the headform device on them. The tool is separated in two tabs according to the actions each one corresponds to. The two tabs are:

Interior FMVSS 226

Targets: for the creation of the Targets (Preliminary and Secondary) on the glazings of the vehicle Positioning: for the positioning of the headform on the Targets. Targets The user in order to work with the tool has to create some SETs that are needed to identify the targets. The first needed SET is the frame of the window daylight opening. The highlighted red area in the picture depicted on the left, shows the corresponding SET. Glazing

The other needed SET is the glazing. The area highlighted green, points which properties or elements this SET should include.


The “Window” pull down menu enables the user to select the glazing, front or rear, where the targets will be identified. In the fields “Frame” and “Glazing”, the Ids of the SET that contain the corresponding entities should be typed.

Pressing Auto button and selecting Preliminary Targets, ANSA will draw at the corresponding glazing, the Preliminary and the Secondary Targets.

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Safety Through Options button, the user has access to all the values that are required for the calculation and the identification of the impact locations. The values concerning the headform test device and the marking options can be manipulated for user defined results.

Apart from the automatic procedure, the identification of Targets can be done manually. Press Manual button and define in row the Primary left and right and the Secondary left and right Targets by dragging and dropping with left mouse button the headform inside the glazing. The tool respecting the values defined in Options window will guide the user to move the headform.

Also in cases it is needed, using right mouse button the headform can be rotated to fit to the glazing.

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Safety After finishing the manual movements and all of the targets have been defined, there are cases where some of the identified Targets are not needed due to the FMVSS 226 Regulation guidelines.

In order to respect those rules, press “Auto” button and select “Apply Rules” option. This functionality, according to the values in Options window and the dimensions of the glazing, will delete what is not needed leaving only the Targets that should be used. By pressing the Undo button at any time all the identified targets can be deleted. Positioning Positioning tab enables the user to apply the positioning of the headform on the identified targets. The positioning can be done on just one Target Point (single) or on more than one Points simultaneously (Multi). In “Mode” pull down menu select between Multi and Single Point positioning. In the “Headform” field the Id of the SET that contains the headform (properties or elements) should be typed. The “Glazings” field should be filled with the Id of the Glazing SET. “CID” field must contain the coordinate system of the headform. “Targets” enables the user to select on which Target Points the positioning will take place.

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Safety The Multi Point Options window contains all the options that are needed to be defined for the multi positioning. The options are explained in the paragraph 23.6.4.

After defining all the options, by pressing Position button ANSA will apply the multi positioning and produce the needed files for each point. See more details in paragraph 23.6.5. ! Note: that after the positioning a 3d point is created on the coordinates of the Contact point.

If the flag “Show Contact Point” is activated, the tool illustrates on the screen, which is the distance between Contact and Target Point.

Concerning single positioning, after having selected the corresponding option in the “Mode” pull down menu the rest of the settings are the same with Multi. The only difference stands in the “Target” field where the user should type the Id of the desired Target Point where the positioning will take place. After the selection of the Target Point press Position button to apply the positioning.

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Safety 23.8.4. Seat Impact Interior Seat Impact

Seat Impact tool of ANSA is used to set a complete Seat Impact test beginning from the identification of crucial areas till the output of the files that contain the transformation matrices of the positioned impactor. The corresponding window is divided into Target Zones and Positioning tabs for applying the respective

actions. Target Zones Target Zones tab of Seat Impact tool enables the user to identify the crucial areas that the headform should hit on. First, the desired regulation has to be selected. Choose one among “ECER17”, “ECER21”, “FMVSS202A” or “FMVSS201”, by activating the homonym radio button. Next, fill the “Front Seat LHS” field with the Id of the SET that contains the outer trim of the LHS (Left Hand) seat. Then, in “Front Seat HR LHS” put the Id of the SET that contains the outer trim of the headrest (if exists) of the Left Hand seat. Continue filling the fields in the same way for the RHS (Right Hand) seat and the next nd rd rows of seats (2 , 3 , e.t.c). The next step is to fill the fields with the coordinates of the corresponding Seating Reference Points. Press “F1” and pick a point or node from the screen. In the lower section of the Seat Impact window there are fields where the user can type the angle of the torso reference line for each seat. If they are left empty, then the normal vector on the center line elements of the seat is taken into account, for the calculation of the zones. After filling the above, press Calculate Zones button and 3d curves will be created which define the areas of interest for the corresponding regulation. In order to delete them all, just press “Undo All” button. ! Notes: - Press Advanced button to access the theoretical values of each protocol. One can tune them for user defined areas. - “ECER17” and “FMVSS202A” have exactly the same settings as explained above. On the other hand, “ECER21” and “FMVSS201” have “HPoint Offset at X axis” value that has to be defined for the calculation of Target Zones. - If the SETs that will be used have exactly the same name with the fields then there is an auto completion of the fields by the tool. The same stands for Reference Points but at the end the prefix “SRP” has to be added.

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Safety Positioning In the Positioning tab initially select the regulation which will be applied for the positioning procedure on the desired Target(s). The positioning can be applied both in „Single‟ and „Multi Point‟ mode after selecting the corresponding option from Mode pull down menu. Define also the relative SETs for the following fields: Impactor: The SET with the entities of the headform. Impact Area: The SET that contains the entities of impact (elements or properties). Fill in the CID field with the id of the coordinate system of the headform. Type in the degrees of the Vertical (around local Y Axis) and Horizontal Angle (around local Z Axis) and select from the homonym pull down menu the Point Type as „Target or „Contact‟ (see chapter 23.6.3). Finally, select the Target Point on which the positioning will be applied. For the selection of the Single Target press either F1 to pick directly from the screen or press ? to select from Target Point list.

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Safety After finishing with the input, press Auto Position button to start the positioning. In the window there is functionality for manual positioning and visualization tools that give several advantages. They are explained in detail in section After having finished with the positioning process, the user has to press Save Position button to save the positioning information in the Target Point's card. ! Note: The same procedure has to be followed for multi positioning too. The difference is that once “Multi Point” is selected in “Mode” pull down menu, Options button is activated and several options are available for the multi positioning procedure demands. For more details refer to chapter 23.6.4.

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Safety 23.9. Airbag reference nodes The following sections describe the functionality of reference nodes in PAM-CRASH, ABAQUS and LS-SYNA Decks. 23.9.1. PAM-CRASH metric files CONTROL CONTROLS

In PAM-CRASH the airbag reference nodes data is stored in a separate file called METRIC FILE. The manipulation of METRIC FILES is carried out through the METRIC card in the CONTROLS window, which is accessed through: AUXILIARIES>CONTROL>CONTROLS. The respective window appears as shown below. In order to insert a metric file the user has to select the METRIC keyword from the CONTROLS window under the OTHER tab and activate the METRIC/ flag on it. A metric file can be inserted by selecting INSERT FILE. If during file input a metric file is referenced, ANSA will automatically read the metric nodes coordinates. Using the other options available on the right side of the window the user can delete or modify an existing metric file.

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Safety By selecting MODIFY FILE, the Metric file nodes list window opens. Using the EDIT function, the user can edit an existing node and change its coordinates, while with NEW the user can add more nodes in the list. The metric node information can be written during output as a separate file using the FILE option or in-line using the KEYWORDS option from the respective drop down menu. Note that in order for the selection to be applied, the user needs to highlight the entry, select FILE or KEYWORD and press the UPDATE button.

! Note: In order for the metric file to be output the user will have to activate the “Output Metric files” flag on the Miscellaneous tab of the PAM-CRASH Output Parameters window during file output. The visibility of the metric nodes is controlled through Database Browser. Metric files are typically used in airbags where the folded airbag is defined as the input mesh and the deployed airbag as a reference of it. Therefore the input and the reference mesh have the same connectivity (node IDs) but different node coordinates.

If the user has changed the ID numbers of certain metric nodes, or has used the renumbering tool on them but still wants to keep the metric file updated, there is an option during the Output procedure that automatically updates the metric file.

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Safety 23.9.2. ABAQUS reference coordinate


New List

In ABAQUS the reference nodes are controlled through ABAQUS>INIT.CONDIT.>INIT.COND.>REF.COORDI NATE.

In order to create new reference nodes activate the INIT.CONDIT>REF COORDINATE>New function. Then select from the screen the nodes, one by one or with box selection. Finally press middle mouse button and the reference coordinate node window will open.

Confirm the creation by pressing OK. By selecting LIST, the REF COORDINATES nodes list window opens. Using the EDIT button the user can edit an existing node and change its coordinates.

! Note: The visibility of the reference coordinate nodes is controlled through Database Browser.

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Safety 23.9.3. LS-DYNA reference geometry INFORMG

In LS-DYNA the reference nodes are controlled through LSDYNA>INITIAL>INFOMRG (INITIAL FOAM REFERENCE GEOMETRY). . In order to create new reference nodes, for any foam like structure, activate the LSDYNA>INITIAL>INFOMRG function. Select from the screen the nodes, one by one or with box selection. Press middle mouse button and the initial foam reference geometry node window will open.

Confirm the creation by pressing OK. By double clicking on the INITIAL_FOAM_REFERENCE_GEOMETRY in Database Browser, the INITIAL FOAM REFERENCE GEOMETRY nodes list window opens. Using the EDIT function the user can edit an existing node and change its coordinates.

! Note: The visibility of the reference geometry nodes is controlled through Database Browser.

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Safety 23.10. The Kinematic Tool for Occupant Safety. 23.10.1. Introduction One of the greatest burdens of safety/crash engineering is the accurate positioning of the occupant seat, the dummy, and movements of the seat with the dummy positioned on it. A physics based approach is needed to address this problem. A multi body dynamics solver integrated within ANSA has been introduced in order to allow the user to efficiently position complex kinematic mechanisms such as the seat and the dummy. A rigid body dynamics solver requires rigid bodies and joints in order to provide a solution. For this purpose special ANSA entities have been introduced in order to create kinematic rigid bodies out of FE models and kinematic joints out of FE joints. These kinematic entities are used by ANSA for the internal solver and they are not related to the corresponding FE solver entities. Definition of Terms The following terms will be used in this section. KIN_RBODY KIN_JOINT

ANSA kinematic rigid body. It consists of a combination of elements, properties or nodes. ANSA kinematic joint element. It is used to connect two rigid bodies and allows relative motion between them according to its type (revolute, spherical etc.)


ANSA kinematic configuration. It is used to set-up a specific rigid body motion by allowing certain joints to move.


Saved positions of a KIN_CONFIG.

These are ANSA entities and they are not related with the corresponding FE solver entities. These ANSA entities are used in order to define the kinematic problem and get a rigid body motion. 23.10.2. Interface Overview The functions that are needed to create a rigid body mechanism can be found in Safety Group of the ABAQUS, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH and RADIOSS Decks. AutoMech (DECK>SAFETY>AutoMech) is a function that automatically creates a Mechanism by detecting Rigid Bodies and Kinematic Joints of a Crash FE Model. Mech from Sets (DECK>SAFETY>Mech from Sets) is a function that semi-automatic creates the Mechanism given a SETs of Rigid Bodies or SETs of Connectors (Joints). KIN JOINT & KIN RODY (DECK>AUXILIARIES>KIN ENTS ) are functions that allow the editing of the results given by AutoMech and Mech From Sets. In addition, it allows manual creation of Kinematic Rigid Bodies and Kinematic Joints. KIN CONFIG (DECK>AUXILIARIES>KIN CONFIG) is a function that allows the creation of kinematic configurations. With the locking and unlocking of kinematic joints configurations such as backrest tilting, seat sliding, seat height adjustment etc. can be created.

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Safety The Kinematic Rigid Body (KIN_RBODY) By pressing the AUXILIARIES>KIN KIN_RBODY ENTS>KIN_RBODY function an ANSA list becomes visible with all the available rigid body definitions. KIN ENTS

Each rigid body in the tree view has its entities listed. Entities can be added in a rigid body by “Drag and Drop” operations from the Database Browser. By pressing Edit on a rigid body, a card becomes appears with its dynamic properties.

New creates a new rigid body entity. With the assistance of the Database Browser entities can be selected from the screen and get dragged and dropped in the newly created rigid body.

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Safety The Kinematic Joint (KIN_JOINT) By pressing the KIN ENTS> KIN_JOINT function an KIN_JOINT ANSA list becomes visible with all the available kinematic joint definitions. KIN ENTS

By pressing Edit in the context of a kinematic joint, its card becomes visible and the following information is shown.

TYPE: A list of all the available types of joints is available for selection (picture on the right). RIGID BODY 1, 2: In these two fields the two rigid bodies that are connected by the joint are selected. If any of the joints is 0, ground is assumed. ANCHOR: Location of the joint. AXIS: Orientation axis of the joint. MIN_ANGLE_, MAX_ANGLE_: Joint limitations in the respective direction (X, Y, Z, T, S, R). CUR_ROT_Z: Current position of the Joint. Description of the Types of Kinematic Joints. In the table below a description of all the types of kinematic joints is given.

Kinematic Joint



A joint that allows three rotational d.o.f. between two parts at a single anchor point.


A joint that allows a single rotational d.o.f. between two parts about a common axis.

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Safety Slider

A joint that allows a single translational d.o.f. of one part relative to another along a common axis.


A joint that allows a single translational d.o.f. of one part relative to another along a common axis and at its two anchor points behave as spherical joints.


A two d.o.f. joint that allows relative translation and relative rotation of one part relative to another along a common axis.


A two d.o.f. joint that permits relative rotation of two parts along two perpendicular axes.


A joint that does not allow any d.o.f. and locks relative motion between two parts.


A three d.o.f. joint that allows two translational d.o.f. on an xy plane and a rotational d.o.f. about the vertical z axis, between two parts.


The screw joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. It will relate the rotational displacement of a marker (e.g. the marker of the nut) about z axis of the second marker (the marker of the bolt), with it's translational displacement along z axis of the second marker.


A three d.o.f. joint that allows only translations of two parts and blocks rotations.


A joint that allows 1 translational d.o.f. along an axis and the tree relative rotational d.o.f. of one part relative to the another.


The Hook joint is similar to the Universal joint. Their only difference is the orientation of their markers that they use for their definition.


A joint where its anchor points behave as spherical joints and do not allow any relative translation along the common axis between the two parts.


A spherical joint that is used in Crash Test Dummy model definition.


A coupler is a joint that relates the translational or/and rotational relative motion of two or three joints. This relation is given by the equation: S1σ1 + S2σ2 + S3σ3 = 0 where Si is a scalar value and σi is the relative translation / rotation. i.e. Let us assume that we want to relate the rotation of joint 1 to drive joint 2 by double value in the opposite direction. Thus, if 0 0 σ1=10 then in order for σ2=-20 , solving the equation gives 1(10) + S2(-20) = 0, S2 = 0.5 Thus, in the SCALE 1 and SCALE 2 fields of the K_JOINT card the user needs to input 1 and -0.5 respectively.


A five d.o.f. joint of two parts that relates the rotation of one part to the translation of the other.


The convel (constant velocity) joint provides two degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. The convel joint allows the rotation of both bodies about the z direction of their markers. The angular velocities of the two bodies about their z axes, are

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Safety always equal. POINT_TO_CURVE

The point to curve joint provides four degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. It allows the translation of the marker of the follower body along the instantaneous tangent of the curve at the point of contact. Also, it allows the same marker to rotate in all three directions.


This type of joint can be used to define a pair of gears constraint. The joint is defined between two existing slider, cylindrical or revolute joints. So, it can be used to define various types of gears including spur, helical, bevel, rack and pinion etc.


The motion imposer joint is used to impose motion and initial displacements, velocities or acceleration on existing joints or between markers. The defined motion is a function of time. Motion can be imposed on slider, revolute or cylindrical joints.


The primitive inplane joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. In this joint only the translation of BODY 1 is constrained along the z direction of the marker of BODY 2. Thus, BODY 1 will always move on the plane XY of BODY 2. Upon their definition in ANSA, the markers of the two bodies have the same anchor point and their z-direction is coincident.


The primitive inline joint provides four degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. In this joint BODY 1 can rotate about all directions x, y, z of marker of BODY 2. Regarding translational movements, BODY 1 is allowed to translate only along the z direction of marker of BODY 2.


The primitive atpoint joint provides three degrees of freedom between rigid bodies. This joint is identical to the spherical joint.

PRIMITIVE_PERPENDICULAR The primitive perpendicular joint provides five degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. In this joint the z-axis of the marker of BODY1 (marker 1) is always perpendicular to the zaxis of the marker of BODY2 (marker 2). Thus, rotations and translations of one part with respect to another are allowed, as long as the perpendicularity between their z-axes is kept. PRIMITIVE_PARRALLEL_AXIS The primitive parallel axis joint provides four degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. In this joint the z-axis of the marker of a body (marker 1) is always parallel to the z-axis of the marker of another body (marker 2). Thus, rotation of the markers about their common z-axis is allowed and translations along all axes. PRIMITIVE_ORIENT

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The primitive orient joint provides three degrees of freedom between two rigid bodies. In this joint only translational movements of a part with respect to another are permitted. The constraining of all three rotations about x, y, z axes, ensures that the markers will always keep the same orientation.


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Safety The Kinematic Configuration (KIN_CONFIG) KIN CONFIG

By pressing the AUXILIARIES>KIN_CONFIG button a special window becomes available that allows the user to create the desired kinematic configurations Kinematic Joint: In this part of the window the available mechanism are listed. In a tree view, the available joints of each mechanism are also shown. In this case, the seat mechanism and the dummy mechanism are listed.

Kinematic Configurations: With “Drag and Drop” operations the user can create the different types of Kinematic Configurations. A kinematic configuration is drawn on the ANSA screen, as on the image below.

23.10.3. Creating Kinematic Entities Automatically As previously stated, the kinematic entities can be automatically created using functions such as AutoMech and Mech from Sets. The degree of automation though varies with the degree of the complexity of the model.

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Safety The Mech From Sets Functionality The user may want to have the parts of the seat that should be defined as kinematic rigid bodies, initially defined as SETS. In this case, the SAFETY>Mech From Sets function is used to set-up the mechanism of the seat. The function initially asks to select the rigid body sets. Mech from Sets

! Note: The opposite is also possible. The user may give a set of joints and ANSA will create the KIN_JOINT and the KIN_RBODY.

The second step of the function is interactive. The user is shown the detected kinematic joints one by one and chooses which ones to keep and which to reject. The green arrow shows an exploded vied of the joint. It shows what rigid bodies are connected, where they are connected and what type of joint is going to be created. ! Note: Only one side of joints is needed due to symmetry. Thus, for simplicity and in order to avoid mechanism lockings, the joints of the right side need to be rejected. At the end of the wizard driven process the kinematic mechanism is drawn on the screen.

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Safety The AutoMech Functionality The most common functionality to create the seat mechanism is AutoMech. AutoMech automatically detects the KIN_RBODYs and KIN_JOINTs of an FE model and has two operation modes. Fully automatic. The user just picks an element from the mechanism and the function detects the mechanism. In order for the fully automatic mode to operate, the rigid bodies must be connected only with FE joint elements (i.e. ABAQUS connector elements). Semi-Automatic. The user has to create two SETS of elements. The first one must consist of the elements considered as Joint elements. The second SET should contain any other element that connects the rigid bodies but should not be taken into account by the function (e.g. Springs). Another case is a model of a seat or a hood where two parallel mechanisms exist on the right and left side. In order to keep the kinematic model simple, the user can define the FE joints of one side in the first set and the FE joints of the other side in the second set. That way, the entities of the second set will be ignored.

The mode of operation is controlled by the user input in the dialog box that pops up when the user selects the function. If the fields “Joint elements” and “Elements to disregard in search” are filled in with the relative SETs, then the Semi-Automatic mode is activated. If the SETs are not defined, then the Fully automatic mode is activated. Of great help is the function CHECKs>CONNECTIVITY for the preparation of the sets, so that Automech can run successfully. It should be noted, that both functions share the same core and behave in the same manner. For example, both take into account Tied contacts and Fastener elements. Another helpful feature of the Automech function is the use of the characteristics of the FE joint elements for the creation of the Kinematic Joints of the kinematic model. Thus, type, anchors, axes, initial angles, and stop angles are transferred automatically.

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Safety 23.10.4. Creating Boundary Conditions & Additional Joints Creating Additional Joints After the initial auto-creation of the rigid bodies and kinematic joints, it may be necessary to create additional joints. Such joints may be a slider joint and a block rotation joint for the backrest. By selecting “New” in the Kinematic Joints list (AUXILIARIES>KIN_ENTS>KIN_JOINT) the joints card appears to assist to the creation of a joint.

Rigid Body 2 Rigid Body 1

The user needs to select the type of joint and the rigid bodies that the joint is going to connect. By pressing ? button in the Rigid body fields, a list appears in which the user can select the appropriate Rigid bodies. Additionally, the user needs to choose the anchor point of the joint and its orientation. For the Anchor point the user can press the F1 button in one of the 'ANCHOR' text fields and pick a point from the screen.

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Safety For the orientation the user has to press again F1 in one of the “AXIS_Z” text fields and pick 2 points from the screen parallel to the desired direction of movement of the SLIDER_JOINT

By pressing OK on the card, the graphical representation of the new joint appears on the screen. Similarly, any other type of joint can be created.

Slider Joint

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Safety Creating Boundary Conditions An additional use of KIN_JOINT is the creation of a boundary condition. A very common boundary condition is the “Ground”, where the seat is “Fixed” in space. To create such a KIN_JOINT, the Kinematic Joint Assistant window is used through the option „Fixed‟ from the context menu of KIN_JOINT window. At the step of Select Bodies, on field „Body 1‟ select the KIN_RBODY on which the „Fixed‟ joint will be applied and leave „Body 2‟ blank. Leave also the rest of the fields blank for the next steps and proceed until Finish.

This way, ANSA creates automatically an empty KIN_RBODY of type „GROUND‟.

The „GROUND‟ KIN_RBODY along with the KIN_RBODY selected at Select Bodies step constitute the KIN_JOINT of „FIXED‟ type.

The graphical representation of this joint is as shown.

Fixed Joint Ground

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Safety 23.10.5. Create the Kinematic Configurations A kinematic configuration is created by: Locking or unlocking the kinematic joints. Grouping the necessary joints to work together. Selecting an articulation method. This can be done by defining a joint as the articulating one, or by making a movement by matching points. Backrest Rotation In order to create a kinematic M configuration for oBackrest the seat's dTilt backrest, the user e needs to lock all l the joints except for the one that X regulates the a rotation of the backrest and the x“Ground”. The rotation of the i Backrest is controlled by a Revolute Joint named “BackrestsTilt”. By selecting and dragging all the selected joints to the Kinematic Configuration part of the window, a new configuration is created. During the creation, a configuration card appears where the user can enter a name. After the creation, a joint needs to be set up as an actuator. This joint is going to drive the mechanism. This is done with a left mouse button on the desired joint and by selecting the “Set as Actuator” option. The joint turns red on the list. In the current example Backrest Tilt will drive the mechanism during the backrest rotation.

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Safety The “Move Joint” option allows the movement of the mechanism. The user drives the actuator joint and in turn a kinematic rigid motion of the mechanism is performed.

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Safety Height adjustment

H e a d f The image above shows the configuration for o r configuration. The joints the Height adjustment m shown are the unlocked (visible green) that are

joints. One of these joints was selected as an actuator joint (in blueX circle). The procedure is similar to creating additional a kinematic configurations. x i s

23.10.6. Save Positions Each position of the model can be stored, through the context menu option “Save Position”. The initial position should be stored using the option “Save as Initial”. At the moment a new position is saved, it is stored in a form of a KIN_POSITION entry. These positions can be easily retrieved and used by the “Move To” option, where all the previously saved positions are listed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Safety 23.10.7. Coupling and moving a dummy with a seat. An important functionality for the crash/occupant safety is the ability to couple the dummy and the seat, so that both of them can move with a single kinematic configuration. This is achieved according to the process below. The dummy should be positioned on the seat following the procedures specified in the previous sections of this chapter. Dummy configuration and Coupling While ANSA reads the file of the dummy, the kinematic joints get automatically created. The configurations of the seat and the dummy need to be coupled together.

Dummy & Seat Configurations

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Safety Before the actual coupling of the Dummy with the Seat, the Kinematic Configuration of the dummy has to be included in the Kinematic Configuration of the seat (named 'Backrest Configuration' in the picture). This can be performed by dragging the Dummy Configuration in the 'Kinematic Configuration' list and then by dragging it in the 'Backrest Configuration'. The double drag and drop is useful in this case as changes made in the Dummy Configuration alone are automatically updated and in the rest of the configurations that the dummy is included in. ! Note: Attention should be paid to have unlocked the joints of the dummy, unless specified differently.

The coupling is achieved with the use of kinematic joints. One of the joints that were created by ANSA during the import of the dummy is the H-Point joint. In this card, the field “RIGID BODY 1” connectivity is set to 0.

In order to couple the dummy with the cushion of the seat, “0” value needs to be replaced with the KIN_RBODY ID of the cushion of the seat. In addition, a block rotation joint needs to be created between the dummy‟s torso and the backrest. This will ensure that the dummy will follow the backrest rotation of the seat.

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Safety Un-Coupled

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers Solver Headers

Chapter 24


Table of Contents

SOLVER HEADERS .................................................................................................................... 1783 24.1. NASTRAN HEADER Case Control Section .................................................................. 1785 24.1.1. General ................................................................................................................. 1785 Header Settings ............................................................................................. 1786 Utilities ........................................................................................................... 1787 Actions ........................................................................................................... 1787 24.1.2. Header Commands ............................................................................................... 1788 Nastran Statement ......................................................................................... 1788 File Management Section .............................................................................. 1788 Executive Control Section.............................................................................. 1789 Case Control.................................................................................................. 1790 OUTPUT (PLOT) ........................................................................................... 1790 X-Y PLOT ...................................................................................................... 1790 Parameters .................................................................................................... 1790 24.1.3. Bulk Data List ........................................................................................................ 1791 24.1.4. Subcases List ........................................................................................................ 1791 The Subcase window functionality ................................................................. 1794 24.1.5. Output Requests ................................................................................................... 1804 24.2. PAM-CRASH Control Parameter Cards ........................................................................ 1805 24.3. LS-DYNA Control Cards ................................................................................................ 1809 24.4. RADIOSS Control Variables Card ................................................................................. 1810 24.5. ANSYS Control Cards – Management of LOADSTEPs ................................................ 1811 24.5.1. LOADSTEPs Manager .......................................................................................... 1811 24.5.2. Definition of a new STEP ...................................................................................... 1813 24.7.2. Delete an existing Step ......................................................................................... 1814 24.7.3. Reference to an existing Step ............................................................................... 1814 24.6. PERMAS ....................................................................................................................... 1816 24.6.1. PERMAS COMPONENT and SITUATION management and definition ................. 1816 24.6.2. PERMAS LOAD VARIANTS management and definition ....................................... 1817 24.7. ABAQUS History Data – Management of STEPs .......................................................... 1818 24.7.1. Definition of a new STEP ...................................................................................... 1820 24.7.2. Delete an existing Step ......................................................................................... 1822

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Solver Headers 24.7.3. Reference to an existing Step ............................................................................... 1822

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Solver Headers 24.1. NASTRAN HEADER Case Control Section HEADER Edit Current List

The Case Control section of a NASTRAN file can be defined though the Case Manager window accessed by the HEADER function of the B.C. SETs Group.

Two options are available, Edit Current which opens the current Case Manager or to open a List with all available Headers. In the Case Manager a user may organize into Subcases multiple load, boundary and initial conditions sets, etc. existing in a NASTRAN file. Each section and field interface is described in the following paragraphs. 24.1.1. General The Header is split into 2 sections. On the left side we can switch among the Header Commands, the Bulk Data and the Subcase List and on the right side we have the Header in a Text Form where the text of the Header can be modified according to the current needs. Auto completion is supported using the “CTRL & Space” keys in the needed control. When an entity from a List must be selected, this can be done interactively while in the Header Editor. Pressing the “Ctrl” button & “/” (slash) button opens the needed list and the corresponding entity can be easily selected. Working in the Command Advanced Edit field (see next paragraph), lists can be opened by pressing the “?” in the corresponding field. Set can be edit also interactively as long as the keyword set is written in the Header. Ctrl&F can be used to search in the Header Text

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Solver Headers Header Settings From the Settings button in the Case Manager window, the Editor Settings and the Output Settings can be tuned. In the Editor Settings tab: Set foreground color for comments: When it is activated the comments are colored gray so that can be easily distinguished in the Header. Fold Comments: When this option is activated the comments can be collapsed. The Minimum number of lines to be fold can be controlled in the corresponding field.

Show command advanced edit: This option enables or disables the advanced setting of the Commands. Placing e.g. the cursor in the DISPLACEMENT field, the corresponding edit options appear at the bottom. With a “?” in the corresponding SET field the SET HELP list opens to select a certain set. After selecting the corresponding SET, press the insert button to assign the selected SET.

In the Output Settings tab: Write unused sets: when this option is activated the sets that are not used by any entity will be output as Header Sets.

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Solver Headers Utilities

Utilities Output Check

From the Utilities option the user can select to output the Header in an output file. In this case the File Manager opens and the user is prompt to select the output file.


From the Utilities>Check the user can run a check for the header definition. This check indicates possible falsely positioning of commands, if there are referenced entities that does not exist or that are not correct defined, SETs that are not proper used and wrong definition of sub-cases.

Selecting the option Utilities>Autofill a default Header is defined. Actions The Actions that can be applied on the Header Items can be accessed by pressing the Actions Button. Collapse/Expand: Collapse or Expand either all entries or only the subcases or only the comments. Select/Deselect all subcases: Select or deselect all subcases so that they will participate or not to the current Header definition. Add column count line: Adds a line in the current position of the mouse cursor, that counts the fields in each column of the line. Delete Line: Delete the whole line where the current position of the mouse cursor is.

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Solver Headers 24.1.2. Header Commands In the Header Commands tab the commands can be edit, that will participate in the Current Header. Commands can be added to the Header by Double Clicking on their label. They will be placed automatically in the Headers proper section. They can be removed from the Header Editor using the Delete option from the context menu or by pressing the “Delete” button. Using the Right Mouse button we can add New Header Commands and treat them in the same way. Commands that are defined through this way are marked with a red dot on their left side.

Filtering is also available in the Header Commands. This makes the navigation among all the Controls and Parameters options easier. Nastran Statement Double Click on the NASTRAN label adds the NASTRAN Statement on the Header File Management Section File Management Statements can be added using the New option from the context menu. File Management Statements found in the input file are listed in the Header and can be edit like all the other Header entries.

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Solver Headers Executive Control Section From the Executive Control Section the SOL field can be added to the HEADER (double-click).



A list of common NASTRAN solution sequences appears by pressing the Ctrl button & the “?” button in the SOL field on the Header Side. Select a solution sequence (double-click) in order to update the SOL field.

The Maximum allowable execution time in CPU minutes may also be determined in the TIME field. Executive Control statements can be added using the New option from the context menu.

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Solver Headers Case Control Use the New Option from the context menu to add Case Control commands. Double Click on a listed Case Control Command to add it in the Header. OUTPUT (PLOT) Use the New Option from the context menu to add Case Control commands. Double Click on a listed Case Control Command to add it in the Header. X-Y PLOT Use the New Option from the context menu to add Case Control commands. Double Click on a listed Case Control Command to add it in the Header. Parameters In the Parameters section all the modifiable parameters are listed. Use the New Option from the context menu to add a Parameter. In order to implement any of the parameters of the Bulk Data section in the NASTRAN Header, double Click on the needed Parameter.

In order to alter a parameter press “Ctrl” & “Space” and the available option for this parameter are listed. Select the needed option and confirm. To delete a parameter mark the parameter in the Header Text and select the delete option from the context menu. Furthermore the whole line of the parameter can be deleted using the Delete Line option from the Actions Menu.

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Solver Headers All the supported parameters are presented in the following table: ALPHA1 BAILOUT FIXEDB HFREQ LGDISP NOCOMPS OUNIT1 RBMEIG SHLDAMP TOLRSC






24.1.3. Bulk Data List Under the Bulk Data Tab the SWLDPRM Bulk Data Entry is listed with all the parameters for the CWELD/CFAST elements definition.

24.1.4. Subcases List Switching to the Subcase List tab the available subcases in the Header are available. A list with all subcases is available. All the subcases can be edit in the Header Text. The sets that participate in each subcase can also be added as columns in the Subcase List from the List Fields.

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Solver Headers The selected fields are added as columns in the Subcase List. In this way the values of these fields are also available in the list and help to have a quick overview what is defined in each subcase. These values can be direct edit in the list or in the Header Text. Pressing “Shift” & “?” in a field that needs as input a list item (for example a Load Set) opens the corresponding list for an easier selection.

Notice that the COMMON CASE where the common case parameters for all subcases may be set is the Subcase with the ID 0. Common entries are overwritten by the boundary - initial conditions and output parameters set for each subcase. Selecting the “EDIT” option from the Context Menu for the Common Case, the Edit Common Subcase window opens where all the available Subcase Commands are listed. Double Click on the wanted command to add it to the Subcase. Use the New Option from the context menu to add Subcase Commands.

Selecting the “EDIT” option from the Context Menu for a subcase the Edit Subcase window opens where all the available Subcase Commands are listred. Double Click on the wanted command to add it to the Subcase. Use the New Option from the context menu to add Subcase Commands.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers Notice that the COMMON CASE where the common case parameters for all subcases may be set is the Subcase with the ID 0. Common entries are overwritten by the boundary - initial conditions and output parameters set for each subcase. Selecting the “EDIT” option from the Context Menu for the Common Case, the Edit Common Subcase window opens where all the available Subcase Commands are listed. Double Click on the wanted command to add it to the Subcase. Use the New Option from the context menu to add Subcase Commands.

Subcases that are marked with the green check symbol will be written in the output file. Subcases that are marked with the red cross symbol will not be written in the output file.

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Solver Headers The Subcase window functionality A Subcase can be created by selecting the New option from the context menu in the Subcase List window. Then pressing the Edit option the Edit Subcase window appears in order to create a NASTRAN Header, by setting the desired boundary - initial conditions and the output requests for the current subcase. The Subcases of a solution in NASTRAN (e.g. Static Linear Analysis, Real Eigenvalue Analysis, Linear Frequency Response Analysis, Linear Transient Response Analysis, Nonlinear Transient Response Analysis etc.) can be defined throughout the functionality described below: In the Subcase List select the New option from the context menu

A new subcase is created and listed. Selecting the Edit option from the context menu the Edit Subcase window appears where all the available Subcase commands are listed.

Double Click on a Command to add it to the Subcase Definition.

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Solver Headers Pressing “Ctrl” & “Space” in the Subcase Editor after the Subcase Command opens a menu with the available options for this command. This way the option for each command can be specified.

There is another way to assign the needed options to a Subcase Command Having the option Show command advanced edit activated in the Settings menu opens a window with the available options for the command.

The option can be defined in the advanced edit fields. Pressing the Arrow the settings will be added to the Subcase Option. When for an option a selection from a list is needed, pressing “?” in the corresponding field in the advanced edit window, activates the respective help list window in order to select the appropriate ID from the list so as to fill in the field.

Notes: There are Case Control Commands and Bulk Data Entries, which are defined only through the Subcase window. These are: Case Control Commands LOADSET NLPARM TSTEP FREQUENCY SETS METHOD SDAMPING


When an entry like SPC1, FORCE, PLOAD2, NOLIN1 etc, is defined by the functions in the NASTRAN DECK menu, the respective B.C.SET is automatically generated. Unsupported entities, like SETs for modal participation factor e.g. “SET 9001= 95171/T1,95171/T2,95171/T3” will be inherited from an external imported Header and will be output as it is.

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Solver Headers K2GG, K2PP, M2GG, M2PP, B2GG, B2PP, P2G “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the DMIG SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate DMIG Set. REMARKS: In order to define a DMIG keyword: -- Press the B.C. SETs>DMIG button to see all DMIGs of the model -- Press the NEW button. -- The DMIG SET entry card opens, fill in the required fields to create a new SET. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the DMIG SET.

MPC “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the MPC SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate MPC Set or MPCADD. REMARKS: In order to define an MPCADD keyword: -- Press the B.C. SETs>MPC button to see all MPCs of the model -- Press the NEW button and mark, among the existing MPCs, the ones that will be included into the MPCADD. -- Alter, if necessary the name and ID of the MPCADD. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the MPCADD.

SPC “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the SPC SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate SPC Set or SPCADD. REMARKS: In order to define an SPCADD keyword: -- Press the B.C. SETs>SPC button to see all SPCs of the model -- Press the NEW button and mark, among the existing SPCs, the ones that will be included into the SPCADD. -- Alter, if necessary the name and ID of the SPCADD. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the SPCADD.

LOAD “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the LOAD SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate LOAD Set. The Bulk Data Entries included in a LOAD Set are: PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, FORCE, FORCE1, MOMENT, MOMENT1, SPCD, RFORCE REMARKS: In order to define linear combinations of LOAD Sets: -- Press the B.C. SETs>LOAD button to see all LOAD Sets of the model -- Press the LOAD button to see all LOADs of the model. Select the LOADs to be included into the linear combination and apply the desired scale factor. Note that the scale factor affects all marked LOADs. -- Input, if necessary, an overall scale factor for the linear combination of LOADs. -- Alter, if necessary the name and ID of the LOAD Set. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the LOAD Set.

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Solver Headers LOADSET “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the LSEQ SETS window in order to use existing LSEQ of the model – or to create a new LSEQ using the corresponding buttons. REMARKS: To define a new LSEQ entry, press the NEW button of the LSEQ SETS window. (the same list may be invoked via the rightmouse button as well). The LSEQ entry card appears. In the upper half of the window all the entries referenced by the LSEQ entry are listed. In the lower half of the window the DAREA, LID and TID fields are located, where the DAREA, LOAD or TEMP sets to be referenced by the LSEQ entry are specified. Type the set ids in the respective fields. Alternatively, type a question mark (?) to open the DAREA, LID or TID sets help windows and directly select among the available sets. INSERT: Inserts the set ids specified in the DAREA, LID and TID fields as a row in the list located in the upper half of the window. UPDATE: Updates the contents of a selected row from the list, according to the set id values specified in the DAREA, LID and TID fields. DELETE: Deletes a selected row from the list.

! Note that the entries referenced by the LSEQ entry are the ones inserted in the list in the upper half of the LSEQ window.

NLPARM “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens a NLPARM SETS window in order to use one existing NLPARM entry of the model or to generate a new NLPARM entry. REMARKS: To define a new NLPARM entry, press the NEW button of the NLPARM SETS window. (The same list may be invoked via the rightmouse button as well).

The NLPARM [NLPARM] entry card opens. Fill the respective values to define a new NLPARM entry.

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Solver Headers

NONLINEAR “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the NONLINEAR SETS help window. The Bulk Data Entries included in a NONLINEAR Set are: NOLIN, NOLIN1, NOLIN2, NOLIN3, NOLIN4

DLOAD “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the DLOAD SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate DLOAD Set The Bulk Data Entries included in a DLOAD Set are: DAREA, DELAY, DPHASE, RLOAD1, RLOAD2, TLOAD1, TLOAD2 REMARKS: In order to define linear combinations of DLOAD Sets: -- Press the B.C. SETs>DLOAD button to see all DLOAD Sets of the model -- Press the DLOAD button to see all DLOADs of the model. Select the DLOADs to be included into the linear combination and apply the desired scale factor. Note that the scale factor affects all marked DLOADs. -- Input, if necessary, an overall scale factor for the combination of DLOADs. -- Alter, if necessary the name and ID of the DLOAD Set. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the DLOAD Set.

IC “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the IC SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate IC Set

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Solver Headers TSTEP “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the TSTEP SETS window in order to use existing TSTEP or TSTEPNL entries of the model or create new ones. REMARKS: To define a new TSTEP set, press the New button of the TSTEP HELP window and select the TSTEP option. The TSTEP entry card appears. In the upper half of the window the specified Ni, DTi and NOi values referenced by the TSTEP entry are listed in rows. Type the proper Ni, DTi and NOi values in the respective fields. INSERT: Inserts the values specified in the Ni, DTi and NOi fields as a row in the list located in the upper half of the window. UPDATE: Updates the contents of a selected row from the list, according to the Ni, DTi and NOi values specified in the respective fields. DELETE: Deletes a selected row from the list.

! Note that the values referenced by the TSTEP entry are the ones inserted in the list in the upper half of the TSTEP window. To define a new TSTEPNL set, press the New button of the TSTEP HELP window and select the TSTEPNL option. The TSTEPNL [TSTEP] entry card appears.

Fill the respective values to define a new TSTEPNL entry.

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Solver Headers FREQUENCY “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the FREQUENCY SETS window in order to use existing FREQUENCY SETs or create new ones. REMARKS: To define a new FREQUENCY set, press the NEW button of the FREQSET HELP window. The FREQUENCY SET window appears.

Frequency entries referenced by the frequency set

In the upper half of the window all defined frequency entries are listed. In the lower half of the window, the frequency entries are defined according to the frequency type specified from the mid-left pull down menu. The INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE buttons, refer either to the frequency set definition (when located in the upper half of the window) or to the per type frequency entry definition (when located in the lower half of the window). INSERT: When located in the lower half of the window, inserts the values specified in the editable fields in the list besides. When located in the upper half of the window inserts the frequency entry defined in the lower part of the window as a row in the list in the upper half of the window. UPDATE: Updates a selected item of the listed ones, according to the new values specified. DELETE: Deletes a selected item from the list. ! Note that the entries referenced by the FREQUENCY SET are the ones inserted in the list in the upper half of the FREQUENCY SET window.

NSM “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the NSM SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate NSM Set. REMARKS: In order to create new NSM Sets: -- Press the B.C. SETs>NSM button to see all NSM Sets of the model. -- Press the NEW button; the NSM SET entry card opens. -- Fill in the relative fields. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the NSM Set.

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Solver Headers METHOD [Default/Structure/Fluid] “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the METHOD window in order to use existing Method definitions or to create new EIGR, or EIGRL entries using the respective options from the pull-down menu. REMARKS: To define new EIGR or EIGRL entries press New in the METHOD HELP window and select the respective options from the pull-down menu.

Choosing the EIGR option, the EIGR window appears. Fill the fields with the appropriate values and choose the desired options from the pull down menus, in order to fully define the eigenvalue extraction method.

Choosing the EIGRL option, the EIGRL window appears. Fill the fields with the appropriate values and choose the desired options from the pull down menus. To define the upper frequencies of each segment (Fi) fill the “i” and frequency values in the respective fields and press the SET button. The upper frequencies taken into account are the ones listed at the bottom left region of the window. Selecting a listed item and pressing the DELETE button removes it from the list.

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Solver Headers CMETHOD [Default/Structure/Fluid] “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the CMETHOD window in order to use existing Cmethod definitions or to create new EIGC entries using the respective options from the pull-down menu. REMARKS: To define new EIGC entry, press the New button in the EIGC HELP window.

The EIGC window appears. Fill the fields with the appropriate values and choose the desired options from the pull down menus, in order to fully define the Complex Eigenvalue Extraction Method.

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Solver Headers SDAMPING [Default/Structure/Fluid] “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the TABDMP1 or TABLED window in order to use existing TABDMP1 or TABLED entries or create new ones. REMARKS: Depending on the solution sequence specified in the Executive Control section of the Case Manager window, TABLED or TABDMP1 window opens. TABDMP1 opens only when a modal solution is selected. Note that among the tables existing in the database, only the tables of the respective type are available as SDAMPING reference. To define a new TABLEDi entry press the NEW button and select the TABLED option and the appropriate form from the pull down menu.

The Properties tab appears. On the upper half of the window, the x and y-axis values are listed and plotted. Edit and add values in the list directly, or read the values from an ASCII file. Choose linear or logarithmic scale for the axes from the respective drop down menus. Press the OK button to create the new TABLEDi entry. To define a new TABDMP1 entry press the NEW button and select the TABDMP1 option from the pull down menu.

The Properties tab appears. On the upper half of the window, the x and y-axis values are listed and plotted. Edit and add values in the list directly, or read the values from an ASCII file. Choose the type of damping units from the respective drop down menu. Press the OK button to create the new TABDMP entry.

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Solver Headers TEMPERATURE [Default/Initial/Material/Load/Both] “Ctrl” & “/”: Opens the TEMP SETS HELP window in order to select the appropriate TEMP Set. REMARKS: In order to create new TEMP Sets: -- Press the B.C. SETs>TEMP button to see all TEMP Sets of the model. -- Press the NEW button; the TEMP SET entry card opens. -- Fill in the relative fields. -- Finally, press OK to accept the definition of the TEMP Set. 24.1.5. Output Requests For the output requests definition, attention will be focused on the lower half of the Edit Subcase window. This section is visible when the Show command advanced edit option is activated in the Settings menu. Pick a listed item. Its definition is displayed on the Header Editor. Select the appropriate options from the pull down menus. In case that output is requested on a SET of entities, type the set id in the respective field or alternatively type a question mark (?) in the field to open the SETS HELP window and directly select a set among the existing ones. The SET is saved in the Set Definition Section of the header.

To confirm all input, press the arrow button. The output request definition is displayed besides its name in the list.

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Solver Headers 24.2. PAM-CRASH Control Parameter Cards Define the Control Parameters in PAM-CRASH Deck using the AUXILIARIES>CONTROL function. CONTROL CONTROLS SUBDF /

Select the CONTROLS option and the CONTROLS window appears with 6 tabs to each one of the options [OTHER], [CCTRL], [ECTRL], [OCTRL], [SPCTRL], [TCTRL], [ICTRL] or [ACTRL]. Which Tab can be accessed or not is controlled by the type of Analysis.


For Explicit Analuysis the available Control Tabs are: [OTHER], [CCTRL], [ECTRL], [OCTRL], [SPCTRL], [TCTRL] For Implicit analysis the available Control Tabs are: [OTHER], [ECTRL], [OCTRL]], [TCTRL], [ICTRL], [ACTRL], According to the selected tab, the respective windows appear as shown below. - Activate the respective flag to enable the Control parameters cards. - Type the proper values in the corresponding fields and press OK to accept the modifications. Note that a green “check-symbol” appears on the left of the corresponding tab-title, to indicate that the respective flags and fields are taken into account.

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Solver Headers

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers

To define a new substructure, choose the SUBDF / option from the primary CONTROL menu. In the SUBDF / window that appears, either press the NEW button (from the hidden buttons row), or right-click and select the NEW option from the pull-down menu that pops up..


The tab OTHER in the CTRL window gives access to the main Controls window Select the keyword from the list on the left. The related options are displayed on the right side of the window. Select the proper option fro the pull down menus, activate the flag buttons and fill in the fields where available. Press OK to accept the modifications. Only the enabled (activated flag buttons) keywords will be output. The keywords activated (marked with a tick) by default, cannot be deactivated.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers INPUTVERSION 2003

Note that the INPUTVERSION keyword card controls the format of the deck keyword cards according to the pam-crash version specified. For example, in material type 223, from version 2004 and on the rapture model identifier field IDRUP has been added. Due to this change, the card format is different, depending on the INPUTVERSION specified in the main CONTROLS window.


In order to insert a metric file the user has to select the METRIC keyword from the main CONTROLS window (OTHER tab). On the lower side of the window, by selecting INSERT FILE, the user can insert the metric file in the database. The new metric file will now appear on the left side window list. Using the other options available on the right side of the window the user can delete or modify an existing metric file.

Note that, in order to write the Metric Files in the Output file, activate the corresponding Output Metric Files flag in the Pam-Crash Output Parameters window.

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Solver Headers 24.3. LS-DYNA Control Cards Control Cards in LS-DYNA Deck are defined through the CONTROL function in the AUXILIARIES Group. In the main LS-DYNA CONTROL CARD that appears by selecting the CONTROLs option from the CONTROL pull-down menu, keywords are sorted in alphabetical order in tree-structure. CONTROL CONTROLs *KEYWORD *TITLE DELETE

The tree-structure can be expanded or collapsed, accordingly, if the user chooses to select the EXPAND ALL or COLLAPSE ALL option from the pull-down menu at the bottom part of the window. With the EXPAND ACTIVE option only the activated keywords get expanded in the treestructure. By the selection of an LS- DYNA CONTROL, activate the flag button of the corresponding keyword that appears on the right, to be included in the output file. As the flag button is activated, the entries of the selected keywords take the default values. Modify these values accordingly and press OK to confirm. New Database option definitions are created by the eight options of the AUXILIARIES>DATABASE function. DATABASE OPTION DATABASE_OPTION CROSS_SECTION





Activate the flag button of the keyword to be included to the output file. Press OK to accept the modifications.

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Solver Headers 24.4. RADIOSS Control Variables Card Control entities in RADIOSS Deck are defined by the RADIOSS CONTROL VARIABLES window, activated by the AUXILIARIES>CONTROL function. Select the keyword from the relative list (left side). The keyword‟s options are displayed in the right side of the window. Activate the flag button, select the proper option from the pull down menus and type the values needed in the relative fields. Press OK to accept the modifications. Only the activated flag buttons (which are indicated by a green tick on the left of the keywords) will be output. CONTROL

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Solver Headers 24.5. ANSYS Control Cards – Management of LOADSTEPs Control entities in ANSYS CONTROLs Deck are defined by the ANSYS CONTROLs window, activated by the AUXILIARIES>CONTROLs function. Select the keyword from the relative list (left side). The keyword‟s options are displayed in the right side of the window. Activate the flag button, select the proper option from the pull down menus and type the values needed in the relative fielPress OK to accept the modifications. Only the activated flag buttons (which are indicated by a green tick on the left of the keywords) will be output. 24.5.1. LOADSTEPs Manager LOADSTEPs allow the user to divide the History of a problem into convenient analysis phases, capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model, change the analysis procedure, alter data output and, in general, customize problem conditions and results. In ANSA each LOADSTEP is characterised by a unique ID number and a title (entities such as LOAD, CONSTRAINTs etc, use this ID number in order to refer to a specific LOADSTEP). Activate the AUXILIARIES> LOADSTEP function of the ANSYS Deck. The Load Step Manager window appears, listing all existing ANSYS STEPS. A number preceding the STEP‟s name indicates the ID of each STEP. On the left of the STEP‟s list there is a color corresponding to each STEP ID. LOADSTEP

The sequence in which an ANSYS STEP enters into the analysis is determined by its position into the list. Mark the step and drag and drop it to a new position in the list.

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In the current example the History Data window hosts three different STEPS. The buttons at the lower part of the window perform the following actions: New: Opens an empty TIME window for the definition of a new ANSYS STEP. Edit: Used for the modification of selected ANSYS STEPS. Copy: Creates a new ANSYS STEP by copying a selected one. Delete: Deletes selected STEP(s). Moreover, the user has the extra option to proceed with the Load deletion. For more extended information, also see section 22.6.2. Reference: Reports at the Text window the exact usage of the selected ANSYS STEP(s), if any. Additionally, it opens a Reference List with the conditions that are reference to the selected ANSYS STEP The Reference List usage is exclusively described in section 22.6.3.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers By right-clicking on a STEP displayed in the ACTIVE TASK window, the user can choose one of the following options: Show/Hide: STEP display options. Show Only: Only the loads of the selected STEP are displayed. New: Creates a new LOADCASE Edit: Edit the selected LOADCASE Copy: Copy the selected LOADCASE Delete: Delete the selected LOADCASE Reference: Get information about where the selected step is used

Also note the advanced functionality of the main ACTIVE TASK window of Load Step Manager, with Copy/Move ability of selected items, via drag-and-drop. In the specific case, the Constraint item from the Third Step is selected and then moved, via dragand-drop functionality, to the SECOND Step.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers 24.5.2. Definition of a new STEP Pressing the NEW button of the LOADSTEP window, the TIME window appears for the definition of a new step. The window is divided into three sections: 1. In the first section the user assigns several parameters to the current step, like: – STEP ID: a unique ID number, required by ANSA for reference to the current step. By default, the first available valid ID number appears. – TIME: The duration of the Step. – Name: a unique name for the step. By default, an Anonymous Ansys STEP title is assigned. 2. In the second section, the Reset Conditions section, the user can set which conditions should be restarted in the beginning of the step. Activate the flags in order to reset the respective constraints: – DDELE Deletes degree-of-freedom constraints. – FDELE: deletes a binary file after it has been used – SFEDELE: deletes surface loads from elements. – BFDELE: deletes nodal body force loads – CEDELE: deletes constraint equations – CPDELE: deletes coupled degree of freedom sets. 3. The Load Step Options associated with the current step is defined in this section. Using the different tabs, General, Dynamic, Nonlinear, Output, Biot-Savart, set the needed options for the solution.

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Solver Headers 4. The fourth section is used for the definition of Output requests for the current step. The command LSWRITE can be trigged from this section in order to write the load step option data into a file. Assign a specific identification number to this file using the LSNUM option. Activate the SOLVE option to start the solution using the data set in the STEP.

24.7.2. Delete an existing Step In order to Delete a selected Step, click on the corresponding Delete button at the bottom-row button of the ACTIVE TASK window or press the 'Del' key from the keyboard. A confirmation window appears, where the user can specify how to proceed with the referenced entities: -either delete them or -move them to Model data and delete all the other

24.7.3. Reference to an existing Step In order to get information about where a selected step is used, click on the corresponding Reference button at the bottom-row button of the ACTIVE TASK window. By this action, two simultaneous events take place: 1) A Reference (STEP) List opens on the left side of screen. 2) The corresponding references are reported in the Text window.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers The Reference (STEP) List that appears displays the Name and Number of the referenced entities. It has a mode, similar to Database Browser and offers the following functionalities: By right-clicking on a specific entity the following options appear: Show / Hide: Visualization of the referenced entities Show only: Exclusive visualization of the selected entities Open: Automatic display of a new Selection List, docked at the bottom row of ANSA. Open In new Tab: Automatic display of a new Selection List in a new Tab. Open In new Window: Automatic display of a new Selection List in a new Window. The aforementioned Selection List, as shown in picture, offers full List functionality by right-clicking on a selected entity: For more information about List functionality, see Chapter 2. Additionally, note that user can delete ANSA entities also from LOADSTEP Manager, via this List.

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Solver Headers 24.6. PERMAS The PERMAS section deals with the management and definition of PERMAS components, situations and load variants 24.6.1. PERMAS COMPONENT and SITUATION management and definition Both options are handled through the AUXILIARIES > COMPONENT / SITUATION functions. The main COMPONENT window appears, featuring the well-known List functionality. For more details about the latter, see section 2.12. In this window all existing PERMAS COMPONENTs are listed along with their ids and names. 1. Left click on the New button, in order to create a new COMPONENT. 2. Left click on the Delete button, in order to delete an existing COMPONENT. COMPONENT


3. Pressing the Edit button opens the main COMPONENT edit card, where the user has access to the corresponding fields. The Situation, Constraints and Loading fields show the Ids of the entities that make reference to the component. Degrees of freedom for Displacement/ Pressure etc may be included in the component by switching the relative fields.

A COMPONENT can adopt its structure from an ANSA include file. In the example shown on the left, the two COMPONENTs are associated with INCLUDEs. Thus, they will include all the entities of the ose INCLUDEs. Fields inside the COMPONENT card are filled accordingly.

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Solver Headers The SITUATION window works in a way similar to that of the COMPONENT window. Moreover, by filling in a question mark in the CONSTRAINT_VARIANT and in the LOAD_VARIANT fields, the corresponding HELP cards appear.

The user can select an already existing CONSTRAINT_VARIANT or LOAD_VARIANT, create a New one, Edit or Copy selected items from the List. The LOAD_VARIANT definition is extensively described in the following section.

24.6.2. PERMAS LOAD VARIANTS management and definition The LOADING > L.VARIANT function opens the main Load Variants window. In the upper half section of the window all existing PERMAS load variants are listed along with their id, name and component id to which they are assigned. 1. Left click on an existing load variant to display its contents in the lower part of the window. 2. Left click on a listed entity in the lower half section of the window in order to select it and then right click in order to utilize any of the visibility options (Show, Hide, Show Only or Save List).



The above functionalities are covered through the common List functionality, analyzed extensively in section 2.12. This means that the displayed treestructure offers to the user full-functionality of New, Edit, Delete and Reference capabilities.

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Solver Headers 24.7. ABAQUS History Data – Management of STEPs STEPs allow the user to divide the History of a problem into convenient analysis phases, capture changes in the loading and boundary conditions of the model, change the analysis procedure, alter data output and, in general, customize problem conditions and results. In ANSA each STEP is characterised by a unique ID number and a title (entities such as CLOAD, DLOAD etc, use this ID number in order to refer to a specific STEP). Activate the AUXILIARIES> STEP function of the ABAQUS Deck. The ACTIVE TASK window appears, listing all existing STEPS. A number preceding the STEP‟s name indicates the ID of each STEP. On the left of the STEPS list there is a color corresponding to each STEP ID. The *RESTART, *PREPRINT, *CONSTR. CONTROLS, *PHYSICAL CONSTANTS, *FILE FORMAT and *CYCLIC SYMMETRY MODEL buttons each open a card with the relative setting options. STEP



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1. In the current example the History Data window hosts three different STEPS. The buttons at the lower part of the window perform the following actions: New: Opens an empty STEP window for the definition of a new STEP. Edit: Used for the modification of selected STEPS. Copy: Provides two options: a) STEP, creates a new STEP by copying a selected one, b) STEP and CONDITIONS, copies the selected STEP and anything that references the STEP to be copied. Delete: Deletes selected STEP(s). Moreover, the user has the extra option to proceed with the Load deletion. For more extended information, also see section 22.6.2. Reference: Reports at the Text window the exact usage of the selected STEP(s), if any. Additionally, it opens a Reference List with the conditions that are reference to the selected STEP The Reference List usage is exclusively described in section 22.6.3. 2. The sequence in which a STEP enters into the analysis is determined by its position into the list. The Up and Down arrow-keys are used to alter a STEP's position: For example, if the "FIRST_STEP" is marked and the Down arrow-key is pressed once, the marked STEP will move down by one place, as shown on the left. Now the list indicates that the contents of the "THIRD_STEP" will enter the analysis before the contents of the "SECOND_ STEP". Alternatively, mark the step and drag and drop it to a new position in the list.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers By right-clicking on a STEP displayed in the ACTIVE TASK window, the user can choose one of the following options: Show/Hide: STEP display options. Show Only: Only the loads of the selected STEP are displayed. Show Only Active Loads: Apart from the loads of the specific STEP, additionally, the loads of the rest STEPs, that also exist in the selected STEP, are displayed. New *LOAD CASE: By selecting this option, the user can now define a new LOADCASE through STEP Manager. Current: Using this option any new boundary or load will be defined automatically to this STEP. The current STEP is distinguished with the red color. Treatment of *LOAD CASEs contents: When deleting *LOAD CASEs, their contents (boundary or loads) can be either deleted or moved to the relative STEP.

2 1

Also note the advanced functionality of the main ACTIVE TASK window of STEP manager, with Copy/Move ability of selected items, via dragand-drop. In the specific case, the BOUNDARYs item from the FIRST Step is selected and then moved, via drag-and-drop functionality, to the SECOND Step.


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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers 24.7.1. Definition of a new STEP Pressing the NEW button of the ACTIVE TASK window, the STEP window appears for the definition of a new step. The window is divided into three sections: 1. In the first section the user assigns several parameters to the current step, like: – STEP ID: a unique ID number, required by ANSA for reference to the current step. By default, the first available valid ID number appears (in this case 4). – INC: maximum number of increments in the step. – Name: a unique name for the step. By default, an Anonymous STEP title is assigned. – Subheading: step's subheading. – PERTURBATION: indicates that this is a linear perturbation step. – AMPLITUDE: amplitude variation for loading magnitudes during the step EXTRAPOLATION: time extrapolation between two incremental solutions. – NLGEOM: controls whether or not geometric non-linearity is accounted for. – UNSYMM: indicate unsymmetrical – or not – matrix storage. 2. Activate the flags in order to reset the respective constraints in the beginning of the step (automatically change the OP parameter to NEW). 3. The Analysis Procedure associated with the current step is defined in this section. Using the ANALYSIS pull down menu, the desired procedure is selected from a list of available procedures. Once the Analysis Procedure is set (e.g. *STATIC), the Parameters button is used to control any other options that refer to the selected analysis. PARAMETERS


It is used to open the *RESTART card to specify the relative settings.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers 4. The fourth section is used for the definition of Output requests for the current step. Each request consists of a "Keyword" and the associated "Identifying Keys". Press the keyword button and select one of the available output request options (e.g. *NODE FILE). Any optional parameters that need to be set for the current keyword appear below. Fill in the fields with the desired values.

Note: The ABAQUS „FILTER‟ keyword can be defined through the STEP window.


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The required procedure, as depicted on the left, is to choose the „*OUTPUT‟ Keyword from the relative pulldown menu, the „HISTORY‟ PARAMETER and type a question mark (?) in the FILTER input field. The „FILTER‟ window is brought up. The user can create a new „FILTER‟ keyword pressing the „NEW‟ button or select one of the already existing ones, if any.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers 24.7.2. Delete an existing Step In order to Delete a selected Step, click on the corresponding Delete button at the bottom-row button of the ACTIVE TASK window or press the 'Del' key from the keyboard. A confirmation window appears, where the user can specify how to proceed with the referenced entities: -either delete them or -move them to Model data and delete all the other

24.7.3. Reference to an existing Step In order to get information about where a selected step is used, click on the corresponding Reference button at the bottom-row button of the ACTIVE TASK window. By this action, two simultaneous events take place: 1) A Reference (STEP) List opens on the left side of screen. 2) The corresponding references are reported in the Text window.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers The Reference (STEP) List that appears displays the Name and Number of the referenced entities. It has a mode, similar to Database Browser and offers the following functionalities: By right-clicking on a specific entity the following options appear: Show / Hide: Visualization of the referenced entities Show only: Exclusive visualization of the selected entities Open: Automatic display of a new Selection List, docked at the bottom row of ANSA. Open In new Tab: Automatic display of a new Selection List in a new Tab. Open In new Window: Automatic display of a new Selection List in a new Window. The aforementioned Selection List, as shown in picture, offers full List functionality by rightclicking on a selected entity:

For more information about List functionality, see Chapter 2. Additionally, note that user can delete ANSA entities also from STEP Manager, via this List.

To proceed with the Output requests, to set the variables that will be written into the results file, press the Identifying Keys button. The variables related to the selected Keyword will appear in a separate window. Also note that, even in case an Output Variable is not supported in the ELEMENT VARIABLES table, the user can type it in the Identifying Keys field. Identifying Keys

Activate / deactivate the desired keys and press OK to accept the selections. Once the current output request is defined, press the INSERT button in order to include it into the step.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Solver Headers A summary of the output characteristics is included into the list and the activated flags appear by the Identifying Keys button. If a specific output request needs modification, select it from the list, perform the necessary changes and press the UPDATE button. In the same way, selected output requests can be deleted from the current STEP using the DELETE function. Pressing the OK button completes the definition of the STEP. Assign a specific color to the STEP. This color is used to present the contents of the STEP when the SHOW button is pressed and the view is switched to the PID mode. Cancels the current STEP definition

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

CFD/Thermal Management Decks CFD/Thermal Management Decks

Chapter 25


Table of Contents CFD/THERMAL MANAGEMENT DECKS.................................................................................... 1825 25.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1826 25.2. Size Boxes ..................................................................................................................... 1827 25.3. CFD Solver Information .................................................................................................. 1831 25.3.1. CFD++.................................................................................................................... 1831 25.3.2. Fluent ..................................................................................................................... 1831 25.3.3. Fluent 2D ................................................................................................................ 1833 25.3.4. OpenFOAM ............................................................................................................ 1835 Rotating boundary conditions ......................................................................... 1838 Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 1840 Porous and MRF zones .................................................................................. 1840 25.3.5. Sensitivities visualization for OpenFOAM and FLUENT ......................................... 1841 25.3.6. StarCD and CCM+ ................................................................................................. 1843 25.3.7. UH-3D .................................................................................................................... 1844 25.4. Thermal Management Solver Information ...................................................................... 1848 25.4.1. RadTherm .............................................................................................................. 1848 Setting boundary conditions ............................................................................ 1848 Setting solver parameters ................................................................................ 1849 Curve creation ................................................................................................. 1850 25.4.2 THESEUS-FE.......................................................................................................... 1851 Definition of materials ...................................................................................... 1851 Definition of properties ..................................................................................... 1851 Definition of Boundary Conditions ................................................................... 1852

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.1. Introduction ANSA provides CFD DECK menus for the setup of cases for CFD++, FLUENT (2D and 3D), OpenFOAM, Star (CD and CCM+), UH-3D and SC/TETRA. Also provides Thermal Management DECK menus for setting up cases for RadTherm and THESEUS-FE. The user should select in advance the required solver DECK as this will allow the proper display of Property cards for the specification of Boundary Conditions. Note that plain mesh files in CFX5 (for CFX), CGNS and SC/TETRA formats are also available for output. For these formats the user can select any of the CFD decks to prepare their model.

Note: For CFD applications it is recommended that ANSA is started in CFD mode, by selecting the corresponding option from the launcher window. This will allow the better setup of the software interface for CFD pre-processing. For Thermal Management applications it is recommended to start ANSA in Thermal mode. If the launcher does not appear then the user can impose the start up of ANSA in CFD mode using the argument: -gui CFD The common functions of the CFD Decks are described below:

NODE: functions to create New nodes, to Release nodes (disconnect meshes), Delete nodes and Renumber node IDs (UTIL) COORD. SYSTEMS: function to define Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate systems, by selecting three nodes, which can later be used for aligning HEXA INTERIOR mesh, as well as for translating or morphing in user specified coord. systems ELEMENTs: functions to define manually individual line, shell or solid elements, as well as to renumber their IDs (UTIL) or Delete them SIZE BOXES: functions to define and manipulate boxes that control the element length for surface and volume mesh (see section 25.2) AUXILIARIES: Access to COMMENT section of the ANSA database, definition and manipulation of ANSA SETs and specific CFD solver information (see section 25.3)

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.2. Size Boxes The user can control the size and the growth rate of the surface and the volume mesh in selected areas of the model using ANSA Size Boxes. Size Boxes are flexible entities and can have any orientation or form, thus making mesh size control very precise. The Size Boxes influence the functions: - PERIMETERs>SPACING>Auto CFD - MESH GEN.>CFD - ELEMENTs>WRAP [Variable Length] - VOLUMEs>MESHV [TETRA RAPID], [TETRA CFD], [HEXA INTERIOR] and [HEXAPOLY] Size Boxes can be created in the SIZE BOXES Group of functions in every CFD and Thermal Deck. Activate the SIZE BOXES>NEW function. In the New Size Box Window activate: FE Entities to pick Shell or Solid Elements Nodes to pick pre-defined 3D Points or Nodes Geometry to pick Macros or Curves. NEW

(Note that with right-click the user can pick an element of a meshed Macro or a coordinate system to align the Size Box along that direction.) Select with left mouse entities to be included in the Size Box, de-select with right if required. Upon middle mouse confirmation a preview of the Size Box becomes visible. Middle click again and the Size Box window opens. The user can set the Name of the box for easier identification, the Max length surface for shell elements the Max length volume for solid elements and also the Growth rate volume.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks It is recommended to open the Part Manager in order to create a New Part and place the Size Box entities there for better model management.

Once the box is created it is visualized in blue, provided the Box button in Box Draw menu (green color buttons) is active. Alternatively the visibility of the Size boxes can be handled from the Database Browser or through the Windows>General Buttons path. Activate the HATCH button to control the visibility of the Cross hatches of the Size Boxes.

The user can modify the shape of the boxes using functions like: CYLIND: create a new cylindrical Size Box INSERT PNT: insert a control point on a Box edge DELETE PNT: delete a control point from a Box edge MOVE: move a point in order to change the shape or orientation of the Box DELETE: delete a Size Box SPLIT: split a box into two JOIN: join two connected boxes into one by selecting their common facet OFFSET: modify the shape of the box by offsetting selected facets of the box by a user defined distance CONVERT: convert the Size Box into a Morph Box or a Cylindrical Size Box into a typical Size Box CONCENTRIC: creates a new Concentric Size box inside another Cylindrical Size box RELEASE: releases Cross Hatches of neighboring connected Size Boxes In general, the Size Boxes behave like Morphing Boxes. In this aspect the user can, apart from the SIZE BOXES group of functions, apply any of the Morphing functions from the MORPH menu in order to make the desired box shape modifications. In this example the function SIZE BOX>MOVE is used. In the Control Points Movement window that opens, de-activate any degrees of freedom in order to constrain movement along them. Here movement in the Z-direction is only allowed. Press the Nodes radio button, then select the points to be moved and confirm with middle mouse button. MOVE

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Move the points to the desired position and press left mouse button to lock them there. In the next window the user can confirm the movement or go back or continue.

Note that the user can insert control points (SIZE BOX>INSERT PNT) along the edges of the boxes and move them in order to make random box shapes. Several Boxes can be constructed in a similar manner, using the NEW function and selecting Macros or 3D points. These boxes can then be modified.


Activate the SIZE BOXES> OFFSET function.

Ensure that the visibility of Crosshatch has been enabled by the HATCH button, so that a box facet can be easily selected. Select with left mouse button a facet of the box. Upon confirmation the Parameter Movement window opens. Press Save in order to save this movement as a Morphing Parametric Movement. Ensure that the boxes include the symmetry plane, outlet and road surfaces. Use OFFSET in these directions as well. Type in the offset value and press left mouse button on the screen to confirm.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks The final boxes are shown here. Activate the SIZE BOXES>LIST LIST function. The SIZE_BOX list window opens.

As long as the Size Boxes are visible, they will affect the SPACING and CFD functions (see chapter 10) and the result will be a mesh with variable size according to local curvature and Size Box presence. Finally the MESHV [TETRA RAPID], [TETRA CFD], [Hexa Interior] and [HEXAPOLY] function will also be affected by Visible Size Boxes.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.3. CFD Solver Information The following sections describe the support of ANSA for the specification of the boundary condition type for several CFD solvers. 25.3.1. CFD++ For CFD++ the user can specify in the Shell Property card (Properties List) whether it is of type Boundary for 3D Simulations or Cell for 2D simulations. Default setting is Boundary for 3D simulations.

The output from ANSA will require the specification of a full path to an already existing case folder, where all the binary files will be written. There are also the Pre and Post Output Script fields, in which we can run a user defined script before and after output that will affect only the ANSA database.

25.3.2. Fluent Boundary Conditions Names The assigned PIDs of shell (Fluent Faces) and solid (Fluent Cells) elements will be translated into Fluent Zones during the output as Boundary Conditions, maintaining the same ID and name. If there are any spaces in the PID names these will be converted automatically into underscores “_” during output, for Fluent compatibility. If ANSA detects Properties with identical names, it will rename them (adding a “:1”) during output to avoid conflicts in Fluent.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Boundary Conditions types The type of boundary condition can be defined either directly at the PID List or even inside the EDIT card of shell and solid Properties. In case of periodic Boundaries, the user first has to include the faces/shell elements of the periodic and Shadow Zones in different SETs.

Then he has to change the Zone type of the shell elements/macros into periodic and inside their EDIT card, define the SET ID of the periodic and shadow zone.

Then, by pressing the question mark „?‟ inside the Periodic Zone field, the SETs list opens, where the user can pick a SET for the periodic Zone and do the same for the Shadow Zone.

Afterwards, the user has to EDIT the fluid where these boundaries belong to and set the rotation axis and origin, like he does in Fluent.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

CFD/Thermal Management Decks Finally, ANSA supports the input and output of both *.msh and *.cas ascii and binary files and also compressed files like, *msh.gz or *cas.gz. SOLVER INFO

The additional information of a Fluent case file is stored under AUXILIARIES>SOLVER INFO button.

This allows the mesh manipulation in ANSA and the output of the full case file back into Fluent. 25.3.3. Fluent 2D For Fluent 2D meshes the geometry and mesh should be constructed in the z=0 plane. The PIDs of ANSA shells will be output as fluid 2D cell Zones in Fluent. Boundary Condition (BCs) names and types along edges (2D Face zones in Fluent) must be specified on ANSA SETs. If no SETs are created then by default all free boundaries are written in a default-exterior Zone of Wall type, and all Interior Faces in a default-interior Zone. If needed they can also be separated later in the solver. Activate the BCs > BC[New] function. The Edges and Cons window opens. BC

Click on CONS or EDGES to select Perimeters (for Macros) or elements edges (for FE-mod mesh).

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Left click on a Perimeter and confirm with middle mouse button. The BOUNDARY_CONDITION window opens. Type in the “Name” and select the Boundary Condition Type in field “TYPE”. Press OK.

Proceed with the creation of BCs for the other Perimeters.

BC List

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In the end you can visualize the defined BCs from BCs>BC [List] as shown here.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.3.4. OpenFOAM ANSA supports input and output of OpenFOAM v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, v1.7,v2.0, v2.1 and v2.2 file structures as displayed here. The user can specify the solver settings, boundary and initial conditions for a full simulation. SOLVER INFO

Solver settings are accessed through the AUXILIARIES>SOLVER INFO function.

In this window the users must select what options they want for their CFD simulation. Also should select the OpenFOAM Application (solver) which is available based on the above settings. These options will be considered for the subsequent display of the other tabs of this window and the Property cards for the specification of boundary conditions.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Some of the supported solvers are displayed in the following table:

In the controlDict tab the user can: - specify all the parameters of the controDict of the case.

In the following tabs, fvSchemes, fvSolution and thermoPhysical, the user can type in the settings or use the Clear button to clear the content and Read button to fill the contents from predefined files.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Finally in the turbulence tab, information about the selected turbulence model is displayed. Regarding the Viscous model options that have been set in the General tab, the last tab is modified accordingly. The user can edit the turbulence model constants, or use the Clear or Read options.

In the Properties list the user can edit any shell or volume property in order to define the initial and boundary conditions.

The following BC types are supported: empty, wall, symmetryPlane, cyclic, cyclicAMI (sliding interface Arbitary Mesh Interface), wedge, patch, and processor together with the corresponding fields for every variable. In addition, two other BC types are available: baffle: this type should be assigned to interior zero-thickness walls or baffles. In this case ANSA will write two surfaces, one for each side, as required for OpenFOAM, during the output process. internal: internal type should be assigned to any transparent to the flow interior boundaries, like surfaces that separate volume regions or are used for post-processing. These elements will be written out in the faceZone file separately.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks If there are any Volumes with different Property (say a fluid and a porous region) then their elements will be written out in the cellZone file. During OpenFOAM output the user can set: The full path to the folder where all files should be output. You can just type the folder's name in the directory and even if this folder does not exist, it will be created. Otherwise use the File Manager functionality to create a new folder and then select it for output. Sets Folder : will write a folder named 'sets' into the /constant/polymesh/ folder, containing all the sets of the database Initial Conditions Folder: will write out the /0/ folder with all the initial conditions

Solver info: will output the System folder and the Transport and Turbulence properties files. De-activating the last two options (Initial Cond. Folder & Solver Info)) will lead ANSA to output of only the Polymesh section. Scale Mesh: will scale the mesh during output by a user defined factor. OpenFOAM Version: select v1.4, v1.5, v1.6, v1.7, v2.0, v2.1 or v2.2 Pre Output Script: will run a user's defined script before output that will affect only the ANSA database. Post Output Script: will run a user's defined script after output that will affect only the ANSA database. Rotating boundary conditions Boundary condition: cyclic Cyclic boundary condition enables two faces to be treated as if they are physically connected; used for repeated geometries, like heat exchanger tube bundles. The two faces are linked with each other. Theoretically, OpenFOAM accepts each pair of connecting faces have similar area to within a tolerance given by the matchTolerance keyword in the boundary file and they do not need to be of the same orientation. However, inside ANSA, the user should create faces with identical mesh, otherwise the Check Mesh will report errors. Therefore, to setup a model with cyclic boundary conditions, the user must ensure that the mesh on both cyclic boundaries is exactly the same.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks This can only be achieved using the functionality of LINK type Faces. Link Faces guarantee that the children faces have exact the same mesh as their Parent Faces. Ensure you have accurate description of the origin and axis of rotation in 3D Points or Curves form.

The two cyclic boundaries must belong in one PID. In addition to that the user must create two ANSA SETs, one for each boundary. These sets can be of Element or Face type.

In the Property card, when the user selects “TYPE” cyclic then he must enter the ID of the two SETs in the two Regions. In addition he must specify the type of periodicity and the origin and axis.

Boundary condition: cyclicAMI This boundary condition is used in transient simulations with mesh motion (rotating systems – sliding interfaces). AMI is a counterpart of the General Grid Interface (GGI) in the extended version of OpenFOAM 2.1.0. In order to set a sliding interface based on the cyclicAMI method, the user has to set the cyclicAMI PID type in both faces PIDs and then go to AUXILIARIES>INTERFACE function to give the set of faces which are involved in the sliding interface.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Interfaces ANSA supports the creation of Interfaces for OpenFOAM extended version. Activate the function INTERFACE in the AUXILIARIES group. The CFD_INTERFACE window opens. Press New. INTERFACE

The INTERFACE window appears. The user can switch between GGI or AMI interface type and in the fields “PATCH” and “SHADOW PATCH”/“neighbourPATCH”, accordingly, select the two PIDs that will compose the interface (AMI1 & AMI2). Porous and MRF zones For porous zones the user must create separate ANSA Volume and assign it a different solid Property.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks In the corresponding property card they must enable the “Porous zone” and specify the Darcy and Forcheimer coefficients in the three directions. By default the direction refer to the global coordinate system, unless a user defined local coordinate system is set in “CoordSys” field.

For Multiple Reference Frames simulations, the user must set a separate Volume and Property.

In the Property card enable the “MRF zone” and set the rotation origin, axis and rotational speed.

25.3.5. Sensitivities visualization for OpenFOAM and FLUENT Having running a simulation in OpenFOAM or FLUENT the user could obtain the Sensitivities file These sensitivities can though be visualized to the model allowing the identification of the model zones that should be morphed during a sensitivity based shape optimization morphing procedure.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks SENSITIVITY

Activate the

AUXILIARIES>SENSITIVITY function and press New in the Sensitivity window to load the sensitivity file.

In the Gw window, set the Name and press „?‟ in the field of the Filename to load the file from the file manager. Press OK.

Press Apply to apply the sensitivities on the surface mesh. Note that the created sensitivity file is colored in red. This is due to the fact that this is the Current active sensitivity file. If more than one files are loaded, only one of those could be active, by selecting the file and pressing Current.

Switch the visibility view mode to SENSITIVITY to visualize the sensitivities up to the model.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.3.6. StarCD and CCM+ Switching to STAR Deck the user should select whether to build a model for StarCD or CCM+ from the window activated by AUXILIARIES>SOLVER INFO. SOLVER INFO

Depending on this setting the Property list will open with the corresponding Boundary Condition types: Star-CD For StarCD if you output a pure surface mesh, you should ensure that all PIDs have type Shell. If you output both a surface and volume mesh, then you can apply any of the other BC types In the Star deck the user can edit the Shell properties either individually or selecting many in the list and pressing right-click on the TYPE column, to change them to say Wall type. The volume properties can also be specified as fluid or solid. The boundary conditions will only be output if a volume mesh also exists.

Star-CCM+ For Star CCM+ you can not output a plain surface mesh. You can only output surface and volume together. If you want a pure surface mesh to input in CCM+ then you should output a StarCD surface mesh as described above.

! The type Baffle must be assigned to all interior zero-thickness walls, so that ANSA outputs these walls twice in two PIDs (for example fan and fan_baffle_shadow). Ensure also that you assign type Internal to any other interior “transparent” to the flow surface mesh areas. Otherwise the mesh will not be output correctly. We can set Interfaces into Star, by using the INTERFACE function in AUXILIARIES group. INTERFACE

Press NEW to create a new interface.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks The INTERFACE window opens. Select the two PIDs that will compose the interface in fields “PID 1” and “PID2”. Press '?' To select from Properties list. Select the type of interface in “CONDITION TYPE” and also the “CONFIGURATION” type.

During output the user can select whether to output in Star-CCM+ or Star-CD version 3 or 4. For Star CCM+ a *.ccm file will be output. The user can also specify the state name for output. For Sta-rCD four files will be output: *.inp, *.vrt, *.cel, *.bnd. Select the output version and the mode in which the output will be made. Select also a user's defined script to run before or after output. This will affect only the ANSA database.

25.3.7. UH-3D For UH-3D Deck the user can specify in the Shell Property card the boundary condition type and magnitude for: - Surface Temperature - Surface Heat Flux - Mass Flux - Interior During output the user can renumber the model and can also run a user's defined script after output.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks During output the user can renumber the model and can also run a user's defined script after output.

25.3.8. SC/TETRA In SC/TETRA Deck the user can define different regions for each model. REGION

Activate the REGION function in BCs group and select the New


From the Database window choose the necessary entities and press OK.

In the REGION window the user can define the Condition Type among the following options: Flux Wall Panel Unspecified For each option additional fields can be filled by the user.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks In the same function by selecting the List option all the regions that have been defined are shown in the LIST window.

In SC/TETRA Deck the user can also define Periodic conditions. Activate the PERIODIC function in BCs group and in the window that opens press the New button. PERIODIC

In the PERIODIC window the two regions that will be treated as periodic must be defined. In the REGION 1 and REGION 2 fields type „?‟ and the REGION HELP window will open, where all the previously defined regions can be found. There is also the option to select between fixed flow rate or not among the periodic boundaries.

When the parameters have been defined press OK and the periodic conditions will be shown in the PERIODIC window.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks During output the user can select whether to output in .pre or .mdl file format. The user can also select if the additional information which has been stored in AUXILIARIES>SOLVER INFO should be written in the output file, by activating or not the “Output boundary file (*.s)” flag. Finally there is also the option to select a user's defined script to run before or after output. This will affect only the ANSA database.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.4. Thermal Management Solver Information The following sections describe the support of ANSA for the specification of the boundary conditions and for the definition of the solver settings for RadTherm and THESEUS-FE solvers. 25.4.1. RadTherm Setting boundary conditions In RadTherm Deck the user can set Assigned and Calculated temperature Parts. In the Property card the user has the option to select the Temperature Type and the options in the Part Type list change accordingly. For Assigned Temperature Parts the available options in the PartType list are: - Assigned, w/Geometry - Interpolated For Calculated Temperature Parts the options are: - Standard - Highly Conductive - Engine - Terrain Additionally the user can also define the material and the thickness of the part, as well as the initial temperature and the imposed heat of the parts. In the Materials field, type '?' and the Materials list opens. Press New in order to create a new material by defining the: - Density - Specific Heat - Thermal Conductivity using either a real value or a curve. The user can also import the RadTherm database in ANSA. In the Materials list press the Material DB button and select the List option. In the Material Database window which opens press the Read db button and select the materials.db file which can be exported from RadTherm.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks In ANSA, Multi-layer parts are also supported. In the PARTS list press New and select the MULTI LAYER PART. A new property is created. Next, assign properties to the Multi Layer part using the SET PID function. Press Edit in the Property card in order to define the number of layers and also edit the available fields for each layer. Setting solver parameters

In ANSA the user can also set up all the basic Solution Parameters which are required for a simulation in RadTherm. Activate the function SOLVER INFO in the AUXILIARIES Group. The RadTherm Parameters window opens. The user can select the Environment type of the model having two options: - Bounding Box - Natural weather Based on the selection of the Environment type the solution parameters can be defined. If the Bounding Box type has been selected the available solution parameters are the Start Time, the Duration and the Step Size.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks If the Natural(Weather) type has been selected the available solution parameters are the Start Day-Time, the End Day-Time, the Step Size and the Curve Start time. For transient simulations the user can define the frequency that the results will be saved. By default results are saved for every time step. The accuracy of the solution can be controlled from the Convergence Criteria section where the user can define either the temperature slope or the temperature difference between two iterations. Curve creation

Activate the function CURVE in the AUXILIARIES Group. The Curve window opens. Press New in order to create a curve. CURVE

In the top left field a matrix is shown where the user can define the values in order to create the plot. Press the Plot tab in order to edit the plot. Press the Property tab to define the name and to accept the modifications by pressing the OK button.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks 25.4.2 THESEUS-FE Definition of materials ANSA, in THESEUS Deck, allows the definition of materials. Press New in the Material List and choose either MAT4 or MAT5 type. The MAT4 materials allow the definition of isotropic thermal material properties, while the MAT5 materials allow the definition of anisotropic material properties. In the Materials card which opens set the name of the material and set appropriate values for the: -Thermal conductivity -Specific heat -Specific mass -Internal heat generation Press OK to confirm the creation of the material. !!! In order to output the materials to THESEUSFE, the YES option in the DEFINED tab has to be selected. Definition of properties In THESEUS Deck the user can choose the type of the properties. The types which are supported are the following: -PSHELL: Applicable for single layer shell elements, linear temperature distributions and isotropic materials. -PCOMP: Applicable for composite shell elements, non-linear distributions and anisotropic materials. -PSOLID: Applicable for solid elements and isotropic material properties. -PBAR, PBEAM, PROD: Applicable for groups of bar elements. In the Property list press New and select the property type. If the PSHELL or PCOMP type has been selected, then in the Property window which opens, the user can choose among the following options which exist in the SHELLTYP tab: -PSHELL0 -PSHELL1 -PSHELL3 -PSHELLMF In this window the user can also define the appropriate material and also the thickness of the layers.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks Definition of Boundary Conditions ANSA provides a list of available Boundary Conditions which can be used by the user in order to set up a case. Except from the BCs the user can also define Airzones and Volumes. Note that the Airzones can be used only for transient simulation while the Volumes can be also used for steady state simulations. The user can handle the Boundary Conditions through the Database window. Expand the BC tree and all the defined Boundary Conditions will be appeared. Double click on each BC in order to open the respective BC card. Edit the fields and make any change which is required.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks In the BC card edit the fields accordingly. The user can define: - Whether the Boundary Condition will be applied for all the model or a part of it (GROUP, SET options). - The side of the elements where the Boundary Condition will be applied. - The type of the input value (real value, reference to a table, volume or airzone). In the VOLUME card the user can define: -The size of the volume -The specific heat -The specific mass -The initial temperature -(Optional) A fixed temperature for the Volume which will remain unchanged during the simulation. In the AIRZONE card the user can define: -The size of the volume -The initial relative humidity -The initial temperature -The stop temperature where the simulation will stop If the option FIXED is selected then the temperature and the humidity remain unresolved and the initial values will be fixed during the simulation During the output from ANSA the user can choose whether the ANSA comments should exported and also in the Miscellaneous Tab there is the option not to export the includes in the .tfe file (by default is enabled). There are also the Pre and Post Output Script fields, in which we can run a user defined script before and after output that will affect only the ANSA database.

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CFD/Thermal Management Decks

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Morphing Tool Morphing Tool

Chapter 26


Table of Contents MORPHING TOOL ...................................................................................................................... 1855 26.1. General ......................................................................................................................... 1857 26.1.1. Box Morphing ........................................................................................................ 1857 26.1.2. Direct Morphing ..................................................................................................... 1859 26.1.3. Morph Terminology ................................................................................................ 1860 26.1.4. Additional ANSA functionality assisting Morphing .................................................. 1862 26.1.5. Morphing settings .................................................................................................. 1863 26.2. Creating Morphing Boxes .............................................................................................. 1864 26.2.1. Hexahedral Boxes ................................................................................................. 1864 26.2.2. Creating Boxes of other shapes ............................................................................ 1878 26.2.3. Cylindrical Boxes ................................................................................................... 1880 26.2.4. Deleting and Undeleting Boxes ............................................................................. 1887 26.2.5. Linked Boxes ......................................................................................................... 1888 26.2.6. Topological Connectivity of different Box types ..................................................... 1892 26.3. Modifying Morphing Boxes ............................................................................................ 1894 26.3.1. Loading and Unloading Entities ............................................................................. 1895 26.3.2. Splitting, Joining and Copying Morphing Boxes .................................................... 1899 Concentric Cylindrical Boxes ......................................................................... 1910 26.3.3. Reshaping Boxes .................................................................................................. 1913 Creating Control Points.................................................................................. 1913 Moving Control Points.................................................................................... 1919 Modifying Cylindrical Morphing Boxes ........................................................... 1932 Snapping to feature lines ............................................................................... 1935 The Translate Option ..................................................................................... 1943 26.3.4. Reusing Morphing Boxes ...................................................................................... 1944 26.4. Additional Constraints ................................................................................................... 1945 26.4.1. Defining Nested Elements ..................................................................................... 1945 26.4.2. Moving Nested Elements ...................................................................................... 1952 26.4.3. Convert RBE2s to Nested Elements ..................................................................... 1953 26.5. Morphing with Morphing Boxes ..................................................................................... 1954 26.5.1. Moving Control Points ........................................................................................... 1955 26.5.2. Snapping to Target Curves .................................................................................... 1963 26.5.3. Loading Boxes into Boxes ..................................................................................... 1968

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Morphing Tool 26.5.4. Improving the Quality of Morphed Shell Mesh ....................................................... 1971 26.6. Morphing with 2D-Morphing Boxes ............................................................................... 1973 26.6.1. Creating 2D-Morphing Boxes ................................................................................ 1973 26.6.2. Fitting 2D-Morphing Boxes on FE surface ............................................................. 1974 26.6.3. Loading elements into 2D-Morphing Boxes ........................................................... 1976 26.6.4. Apply Morphing...................................................................................................... 1978 26.7. Morphing with 1D-Morphing Boxes ............................................................................... 1980 26.7.1. Creating 1D-Morphing Edges ................................................................................ 1980 26.7.2. Loading elements into 1D-Morphing Boxes ........................................................... 1983 26.7.3. Apply morphing...................................................................................................... 1984 26.8. Geometry Box Morphing ............................................................................................... 1986 26.9. Morphing without Boxes ................................................................................................ 1990 26.9.1. Direct Morphing Modifications ............................................................................... 1990 26.9.2. Direct Edge Fit Morphing ....................................................................................... 1994 26.9.3. Direct Surface Fit Morphing ................................................................................... 1998 26.9.4. Snapping to Multiple Target Curves ....................................................................... 2002 26.9.5. Direct Nodes Modifications .................................................................................... 2005 26.9.6. Fitting similar models ............................................................................................. 2011 26.9.7. Creating local depressions .................................................................................... 2013 26.9.8. Sliding Features on Surface .................................................................................. 2017 26.9.9. Sliding Members on Surface ................................................................................. 2019 26.9.10. Modifying Holes ................................................................................................... 2022 26.9.11. Morphing according to Cross-Sections ................................................................. 2024 26.10. Parameterized Morphing ............................................................................................. 2027 26.10.1. Recording History ................................................................................................ 2027 26.10.2. Morphing through parameters ............................................................................. 2030 26.10.3. Morphing with Vectors. ........................................................................................ 2054 Morphing with Vectors of Deformation Parameter. ...................................... 2054 Morphing with Vectors of History States. ..................................................... 2057 26.10.4. Element Sensitivity Morphing. ............................................................................. 2059 Sensitivities visualization. ............................................................................ 2059 Sensitivities morphing .................................................................................. 2060 26.10.5. Morphing through ANSA Scripting Language ...................................................... 2062 26.10.6. Coupling ANSA with an Optimizer ....................................................................... 2063 26.10.7. Morphing for NASTRAN SOL200 ........................................................................ 2063

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Morphing Tool 26.1. General Morph is a very helpful tool for Shape modifications. Most of the Morphing Modifications can be applied both on FE and Geometry models. The functions of the MORPH menu can be used to reshape shell and solid FE-Models, avoiding returning back to the CAD model for modifications and re-meshing the model. In this way, different versions of a complete meshed model may be created for optimization or any other purpose. Applications of Morphing can be found in any discipline: Durability, Crash, NVH, CFD etc. Furthermore, Morphing can be applied to Geometry (CAD) models. In general, Geometry Morphing follows the same concept with Fe-Model Morphing. All the MORPHING functions provide detailed instructions in order to guide the user at every step. The instructions appear in the Status Bar (located just below the ANSA working area). ! Note: Morphing functions are strongly depended on the used Tolerances. This setting is controlled by the Windows>Settings> [Tolerances]. It is recommended to use values that are roughly two orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest element length of the model. ANSA Morphing can be applied in two main methods: Using Morphing Boxes, or using Direct Morphing. 26.1.1. Box Morphing Box Morphing is performed via Boxes that can be reshaped by moving the Control Points that are located along their Edges. These Boxes can load almost any kind of entities. The user can move the Control Points in order to reshape the Boxes in two modes. Non-morphing mode: Boxes are simply reshaped in order to better fit to the model's shape. Morphing mode: Boxes are reshaped and their loaded entities are morphed accordingly. MORPHING flag button, located in the Options List window, controls the two aforementioned modes. The Box Morphing method has three approaches. The examples below summarize these methods. Box Morphing – Approach A Multiple Morphing Boxes that follow the shape of the structure. Moving or sliding Control Points results in the morphing of the model along the desired direction.

This approach allows the user to slide one part on another, or simply reshape a part by moving the Control Points of the Boxes.

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Morphing Tool Box Morphing - Approach B A single Morphing Box, split into many, with their edges fit on the feature lines of the model.

This approach has the following advantages: - the surrounding Boxes act as buffer zones of the morphing action, ensuring the continuity of the deformed neighboring morphed entities. - the ability to move the fitted Morphing Box edges by exact translations, rotations or even snapping onto predefined target 3D Curves, allows for highly controllable and precise modifications of the loaded entities. This approach is recommended for CFD models, but also for structural assemblies, when a modification of a Part affects the surrounding components too. Box Morphing - Approach C A Morphing Box can handle the shape of other Boxes

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Morphing Tool This approach has the following advantages: - separate groups of Morphing Boxes can handle different features of the same model, without the need of complex Morphing Boxes. - local and global modifications can be done of a model easily, without the need of complicated script commands.

local modification

This approach is recommended when local (detailed) and global modifications are needed in the same model.

26.1.2. Direct Morphing FE and Geometry Models Morphing can also be applied without Morphing Boxes. This can be performed either by specifying frozen, rigid node areas and morphing zones, or by fitting origin edges to target curves. Additionally, there are special functions for creating local depressions, sliding features/members onto a surface and modifying holes.

This method is suggested for both local & global modifications. (see section 26.9).

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Morphing Tool 26.1.3. Morph Terminology Morphing Boxes

The Morphing Box is the basic entity of the Morphing Tool. There are three types of Morphing Boxes: Hexahedral, 2D and Cylindrical. The first two types are working in local x,y,z while the third in r, θ,z coordinates. Additionally, 1D Morphing ''Boxes'' can be defined which actually work as Morphing splines. Boxes are created by the functions of the BOXES Group. A Morphing Box can contain Geometrical Faces, 3D Curves, Cross-sections, line, shell or solid elements, solid elements which belong to ANSA volume entities, Connections, Nested Elements, as well as other Morphing Boxes. By changing the shape of a Morphing Box, the included entities will change their shape and position accordingly. The Morphing Boxes visibility is controlled by the Box Draw visibility Toolbar.

Control Points

They are points which reside at the corners and along the edges of Morphing Boxes. Their locations determine the shape of the Box. They can be created and moved using the functions of the CONTROL POINTS and BOX MORPHING groups. Control Points are normally displayed as green squares. However, if some of the loaded entities of a Morphing Box reside outside a given Box Face, then the Control Points of this Face are considered as frozen and are symbolized as orange filled rectangles. Frozen Control Points may not be moved for Morphing by any function of the BOX MORPHING Group, so as not to spoil the continuity of the model. Frozen Control Points must be avoided in the areas where Morphing will take place, but can exist elsewhere without being a problem. These are the edges of the Morphing Boxes. They are considered as splines, so they conserve their tangency continuity along their length. When Boxes are connected together, the user can select whether or not to conserve the tangency of their Edges in any direction, by applying the Tangency condition. Tangency condition is symbolized by short thick lines, at the position of the connection of two Edges.

Morphing Box Edges

Morphing global Box Edges modificati on

Hatches are cross symbols representing the Faces of the Morphing Boxes. Hatches are used to visualize and select the Box Faces. Hatches are by default colored in green. However, if two Boxes are connected, then their common Hatch is colored in yellow, indicating double connectivity. If some of the loaded entities intersect a Morphing Face, its Hatch will appear in orange. The visibility of Hatches is enabled by the Hatch button in the Box Draw Visibility Toolbar.

If the Shadow button is also enabled, Box faces are displayed as semi-transparent surfaces. ! The display of the semi-transparent surfaces depends on the CONS resolution value defined by the Settings>Resolution function. If this length is small and the Boxes are large, then it may take too long to draw them. The Pause/Break function can interrupt the SHADOW operation.

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Morphing Tool Center Points

They are symbols which reside at the center of a Box of any type. Boxes can be selected from these symbols. Their visibility is controlled by the M.Pnt. flag.

(Middle Points) visibility

Nested Elements Nested Elements can be used to impose constraints of nodes during Morphing. There are two types of such constraints. Frozen : nodes are marked in blue color and are not allowed to move at all, during Morphing. Rigid : nodes are marked in yellow and they move together as a rigid body. The visibility of Nested elements is controlled only by the NESTED visibility flag in the Database Browser.

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Morphing Tool 26.1.4. Additional ANSA functionality assisting Morphing 3D Points and Curves 3D Points and Curves, created in the TOPO menu are very useful for Morphing. They can act as initial or target positions for the modifications, when snapping Control Points or Edges of Morphing Boxes on them, or when using the Direct Morphing functions. In addition, the function MESH>Perimeters>Feat2Curve can be used to create 3D Curves from the main feature lines of the FE-model mesh. (see section 14.7.2) Working Planes Work Planes can be used for the creation of Morphing Boxes. The function TOPO>Auxiliaries>Working Planes [New] can create local Working Planes, by selecting two or three point positions. (see section 7.1)

Cross Sections ANSA Cross Sections are entities that are mainly used for the calculation of structural properties of cross sections. However, they are also useful for Morphing, as the function TOPO>Auxiliaries>Cross Sections [New] can be used to extract the shape of the cross section in the form of 3D Curves. (see section 26.2). The user can extract 3D Curves out of selected Cross Sections using the Curves> Cons2Curves function. Additionally, ANSA Cross Section can be loaded to Morphing Boxes and morphed. Comparison of initial and deformed shape Use the functions TOPO>Faces>Rm.Dbl [Geometry-FEM] and [FEMFEM] to compare deviations between geometry and FE-model mesh or between different FE-model meshes.

Reconstruction When Morphing is applied to large deformations, the resulting mesh may be of poor quality. However, this can be easily corrected using the functionality of Shell Mesh>Reconstruct in the MESH menu. The functionality of Reconstruction is also available in the Morphing Confirmation Windows and can be applied automatically after Morphing, if required.

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Morphing Tool 26.1.5. Morphing settings Special settings that are used during the Morphing process, can be defined through the Windows>Settings>[MORPH-Optimization] function.

The Settings MORPH-Optimization window appears where the user can define the desired settings. To store the configuration of the settings use the Save functions located in Settings area. Now every time ANSA is used the same configuration will appear. The Morph settings are : - Default 1D morph thickness : Defines the virtual radius of the 1D-Morphs. - Default 2D morph thickness : Defines the virtual thickness of the 2D-Morph Boxes. - Apply extra-fine tolerance : Applies extra-fine tolerance to the morphing functions, irrespectively to the current value of tolerance that is used through the Settings>Tolerances function. - Box in Box morphing : Activates the Box in Box morphing functionality, (see section 26.5.3). - Include morph points in load : Enables User to automatically load Morph Control Points, using the LOAD>Visible function. - Ask for morph movement confirmation: Activates a Confirmation window after each Morphing action. - Color for linked : Activates the Color Editor for the Linked Morphing Boxes.

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Morphing Tool 26.2. Creating Morphing Boxes Morphing Boxes can be created by the functions of the BOXES Group. 26.2.1. Hexahedral Boxes Using the NEW function of the Boxes group, a new Hexahedral Morphing Box can be created. New

Activate the function. In the New Morph Window that appears, there are three selection options: FE-Entities, Nodes and Geometry. Alternatively, press the Database button in order to select entities through the Database Browser. In this example the FE Entities option is selected. Pick the Ortho option, in order to align the Box according to the global or a local Coordinate System (CS). While the selection mode is still active, the user can select a local CS using the right mouse button. An existing local CS or an element‟s CS can be selected. Here, an element is selected and its CS is highlighted. In order to de-select an already selected local CS, press again right button on it. Select the desired entities and confirm with middle mouse button. A preview of the new Box appears. Press middle button again to accept the previewed Box. NOTE: If no selection of local CS is made, the Box is automatically aligned to the global Coordinate System. The new Box is created and the selected entities are automatically loaded to it.

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Morphing Tool To view the loaded entities of a Box, use the Boxes>Info Info [Info] function. Activate the function and select one or more Boxes. The loaded entities are highlighted. Info

Note that the created box is large enough so as to enclose all the selected entities, without any of them, exceeding its boundaries.

While in preview, the user can press right mouse button to access the Box Entity card and obtain information about the loaded entities.

Using the Database selection mode, a more flexible selection is possible. Activate the Boxes>New New [Ortho] function. In the New Ortho Morph Window press the Database button.

The Database Browser opens (if not already open) in its selection mode. The user can pick an entity category e.g. PROPERTY. Automatically, the relative list (PROPERTY), pops up and the user can select both, from the list or from the drawing area.

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Morphing Tool If needed, pick another entity category (e.g. ANSAPART) and add more entities to the selection. Press OK button to confirm.

The New Morph Window is still open. The user can switch to another option in order to add some more entities, or de-select a partition of the already selected.

Confirm with the middle mouse button to create the Morphing Box. NOTE: The above selection options are available for all Morphing functions that need selection of entities.

Using the Min Volume option of the NEW function, a Ortho Morphing Box can be defined, with such an orientation that provides minimum volume occupation. Select the elements and pick the Min Volume option. A preview of the Morphing Box appears. New

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Morphing Tool Confirm with middle mouse button. A Box is created, oriented in the direction that guarantees the minimum volume occupation.

NOTES : - According to the Part option in the Options List Window, it is possible that after the Morphing Box definition, the Part Manager opens, asking for a Part to place the Box into. It is recommended to place Morphing Boxes in separated Parts.

- After the creation of the Morphing Box, the function is still active and another Morphing Box can be defined. To exit the function, press the middle mouse button or the ESC key. This applies to all functions of the Morphing Tool. Sometimes a component needs to be surrounded by more than one Boxes, so that any Morphing of it will affect the elements around it. Such a construction can be achieved by the creation of a large Box which is later split into many. An alternative is to press the Multiple button of the New Morph window. ! NOTE: The Multiple button becomes selectable only after the confirmation of the selected entities. New Ortho

Activate the Boxes>New [Ortho] function. Select the desired entities and confirm. A preview of the Morphing

Box appears. Optionally, select with right button, a local coordinate system to align the Boxes. Press the Multiple button. The Morphing Box preview is updated and the Multiple boxes window opens.

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Morphing Tool The user can choose one of the two available Multi Box types (Hexa-block or O-ring) and specify the ratio of the total to the original Box size or an absolute offset distance. Make the desired selections and press the Apply button or middle mouse button in the drawing area.

Selecting the Hexa–Block type, a construction of 27 connected Boxes is created in a Block like shape. The scale factor defined in the previous window (0.5), indicates that the initial Morphing Edges have been extended 50%.

In case the absolute Distance is defined in the previous window, Offset Boxes of equal offset values are created to all directions.

Selecting the O–Ring type, a construction of 7 connected Boxes is created in a Ring like shape. The distance defined in the Multiple boxes window is equal to the distance between the parallel faces of each peripheral Box.

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Morphing Tool In some cases, a Morphing Box, already exists and more Boxes are needed to be placed around it. Activate the Boxes>Offset Offset function. The Morph Offset window appears. Pick the appropriate option (Box) and select the existing Morphing Box. Press Next.

In the next step, make the desired selections, (as previously described). Press Apply button to confirm. The Multi-box structure is ready.

New Points

Using the Boxes>New [Points] function, a Morphing Box is defined by specifying its eight corner points.

The selected Entities can be already existing corner Control Points, 3D-Points, hot points, nodes, shell edges, hatches etc.). In this way a gap between two Boxes can be filled with a new Box.

Activate the function. The New Morph window appears. Pick the appropriate selection mode (Nodes).

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Morphing Tool Select eight points in sequence. Use right mouse-button to deselect any of the already selected, if needed. N E W

(Alternatively, instead of selecting individually four Control Points, the user can switch the selection mode to Hatches and pick the relative Hatch).

The created Morphing Box is connected to the adjacent Boxes. Note that tangency conditions have been assigned. This is so, as the Tangency flag in the Options List window is set to default. Tangency conditions are then created automatically, when two Morphing Boxes are connected or split. If the flag is set to Off, no tangency is assigned. This flag also affects the Adapt and Split functions of the same group. Points function does not automatically load any entities to the Boxes, since no entities are selected. See section 26.3.1 on how to load entities to Boxes. There are many cases where an orthogonal Box is not appropriate. A component of curved geometry requires a curved Box that follows its shape. The Boxes>New>Adapt New [Bounds] function can be Adapt used in order to create such a Box. The user must select the entities and two planes that act as boundaries of the new Box. These planes can be existing Working Planes, Cross Sections or Faces of other Boxes, selected from their Hatch or Control Points. Activate the BoxeS>Adapt [Bounds] function and select the entities to define the new Box. ! NOTE: Ensure that the selected entities cross and exceed the bounding planes. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Optionally, but recommended, select a chain of elements or an appropriate face, to define the orientation of the created Morphing Box. One Face of the new Box will be parallel to these elements. For easier selection, use any of the available options of the Feature Selection Tool that appears. Press the middle mouse button to end the selection. (If middle mouse button is pressed without selecting any elements, this step is skipped). Select the two Working Planes to define the adjacent Faces of the Morphing Box. Confirm with middle mouse button.

The fit Box is created. As the function fits the Morphing Box around the selected entities, a number of Control Points may be created along the Edges. Note that the corner Control Points are orange as they are frozen.

Info Info

Using of Boxes> Info [Info] function, shows that the selected elements exceed the limits of the Box.

As mentioned earlier, while in preview of INFO function, pressing right mouse button opens the card of the Box.

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Morphing Tool Additionally, pressing middle mouse button will highlight in red the loaded entities that intersect the Box Faces, thus leading to frozen Control Points. The same result is achieved through the Checks> Intersecting elements function. Activate the function, select the appropriate Morphing Boxes and confirm with middle mouse button. Intersecting elements

The user can also retrieve information about the defined Boxes with the following ways: - Boxes>Info [Pick] : The user Info can select a Morphing Box by Pick typing its ID number. - by double clicking the MORPHBOX category of the DataBase Browser : The MORPHBOX window appears where all the existing Morphing Boxes are listed. Through this list the user can handle the visibility of Morphing Boxes. Additionally, all the Morphing Box attributes are viewed, by activating the relative column. The Boxes>New>Adapt [Crossec] function, is used in Adapt order to create multiple morphing Boxes around the cross-sections of a component. New

Activate the function and pick a guiding curve or chain of shell edges. Press middle mouse button to confirm.

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Morphing Tool In the window that appears, pick the FE Entities category and select shell elements as shown, Confirm with middle mouse button.

NOTE: In the Selection Window the user toggle between the available options, using the Key "1" of the Keyboard. This is the same for all the relative Selection Windows in Morph module. Next, the user is prompt to define the number of created cross sections, beams elements and of course Morphing Boxes. Type the desired number and press enter.

ANSA creates the declared number of cross sections and the respective Morphing Boxes. Simultaneously, Morphing Parameters of Transform Type are created, controlling the Length and Width of each one of the created Boxes. Morphing Parameters are listed under the Controls> Parameters function. For more details about the Morphing Parameters, see section 26.10.2.

Using the Offset function of Boxes group, a new Morphing Box can be created, by offsetting one hatch of an already existing Box. Offset

Activate the function. The Morph Offset window appears. Pick the Face option and select the free Morphing face that is going to be offset in order to produce the new Morphing Box. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Fill in the Distance value. A preview of the new Morphing Box appears. If not satisfied with the previewed Box, try an alternative offset value. Press Apply middle mouse button in the drawing area to accept the previewed Box.

The new Offset Box has been created. The Box is topologically connected with the initial one at the area of the offset hatch (the yellow Hatch indicates this double connectivity).

Morphing Boxes can also be created using the Boxes>New[Sweep/Glide] functions. The two functions are very similar. Their only difference is that when Sweep/Glide the Sweep function is used, the angle between the specified plane and the defined path remains constant, while in the Glide function the plane “travels” along the path, always parallel to its initial orientation. The Sweep function will be demonstrated here with all the available options. New

Activate the function. Automatically the SweepSweep/Glide Glide window appears, asking whether the sweep path will be defined by Curves or Points. New

Select the sweep path of 3D Curves or element edges. In case of element edges selection, using the Feature Selection tool, ensure that they are selected sequentially. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Next the user must specify the section to be swept. There are three options, described below: Section from 3D Curves: Select four 3D Curves. Automatically, the preview of the new Box and the Select Type... window appears.

Pick the Sweep option and press OK or middle to confirm. Select a Part for the new Box. ANSA creates a Morphing Box with a cross section as defined by the Curves and swept along the defined path.

Section from Morphing Face: Having selected the path and confirmed, select a Face of an existing Box from its Hatch.

ANSA creates a Morphing Box, connected to the one whose Face was selected (a yellow Hatch indicates double connectivity).

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Morphing Tool User-defined Section: Having selected the path and confirmed, press again middle mouse button, without selecting anything. Thus the function turns to the userdefined section mode. ANSA creates a temporary Working Plane and draws on it a preview of a section. The user can change the size and orientation by moving the mouse.

In the Morph Shape window that opens the user can also select if the section should have square or circular shape. By activating the Numerical input Flag, the radius can be specified. Press left mouse button at any position, or use right mouse button to snap to an existing location.

The Box is created. ! NOTE: In all the above cases, the user can toggle between the Sweep and Glide option, just one step before the ultimate confirmation.

Boxes created by the Sweep and Glide functions, do not have any loaded entities. In many cases, Boxes need to be strictly adapted to model‟s feature lines. The Curves function, located in the Boxes menu, is used to create a new Morphing Box, based on selected curves. In the picture on the left, a B-pillar is shown. The user can create curves from the highlighted edges, using the function Mesh>Perimeters>Feat2Curve. Feat2Curve

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Morphing Tool New Curves

Activate the function Boxes> New [Curves] and select the four curves in any order.

Press middle mouse button or Next in the wizard window to confirm. Parts Manager Window may open and ask to select a Part for the new Box. After selection, press Finish in the wizard window and the new Box is created. ! NOTE: Boxes created by the Curves function do not have any loaded entities. Upon confirmation ANSA gives a preview and highlights the rest Box Edges, waiting for selection of target curves, where these Edges should be fitted. If no such curves exist, press middle to skip this step. Feat2Curve

! NOTE: It is possible that the faces of the new Box intersect some of the existing entities. Optionally, activate the Hatches>Adjust function, to adapt such faces to the model‟s shape. (Please see section for more details).

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Morphing Tool 26.2.2. Creating Boxes of other shapes In many cases it is more convenient to create Boxes of Points other shapes, instead of Hexahedral. The Boxes>New [Points] function should be used then. New

Activate the function. The relative dialog window Points appears. Here the Box creation is based on the selected Points. Points can be selected directly or via an entity selection like a Box hatch. New

Switch the radio button accordingly and select an entity (e.g. a hatch). The respective Control Points (i.e. the hatch's corners ) are selected. Simultaneously, the all the available Box shapes are listed.

Switch the selection type to Nodes and pick two nodes. The available shape options are updated according to the number (6) of the selected points. The selected shape is highlighted. Switch to another shape in order to preview the Box. Press the Create button.

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Morphing Tool The previewed Box is created. The function remains active for the next selection. NOTE: Using the same function, Pyramid and Tetrahedral Boxes can be created. This types are listed as shapes are listed as options in the Results list when up to five point positions are created.

Info Info

Activate the BoxeS>Info [Info] function and select one or more Boxes.

Press the right mouse button and the Box card appears giving the Box information.

Info Pick

Similarly, activate the INFO [Pick] function in order to search a Box by its Id number.


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Morphing Tool 26.2.3. Cylindrical Boxes Cylindrical Morphing Boxes can also be created in ANSA. These Boxes work in cylindrical coordinates, can have variable or constant radius and can have a curved or straight center line. Such Boxes can be used to change the internal or external diameter or reshape cylindrical geometries.

Cylindrical Curves|Points

Activate the function BOXES> Cylindrical [Curves|Points] function.

The Selection Window appears. Pick the Curves option. Select with the left mouse button one or more 3D Curves or element edges. Ensure to make all selections sequentially. Confirm with middle mouse button.

ANSA creates a temporary working Plane normal to the start position and gives a preview of the Cylindrical Box section to be created. Moving the cursor the user can change the orientation and the radius of the section. Activating the Numerical Input flag in the Radius window that appears allows the exact specification of the radius value. Press left mouse button to define the first section. Note that in the Radius window there is a Num. Edges field. By default a cylindrical Box has four edges along the perimeter. However, the user can specify more than four edges. This number has to do with the number of hexahedral Boxes that can be connected around a cylindrical one. ANSA proceeds to the end section similarly. The user can keep the same radius or change it. Press left mouse button to define the end section.

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Morphing Tool The Part Manager window may appear, in order to select a Part for the new Box. After selecting a Part, the Box is created.

NOTES: - Control Points have been created along the center line edge in order to fit the Box to the selected path. - This Box does not contain any loaded entities, since no entities were selected during its creation. Cylindrical Curves|Points

Activate the Boxes> Cylindrical [Curves|Points] function.

The Selection Window appears. Pick the Points option. Select point positions. Two positions will lead to a straight cylindrical box. If more points are selected, a smooth curve passing through them will be the centerline. Confirm with middle mouse button. ANSA creates a temporary working Plane normal to the start position and previews the section of the cylindrical box to be created. Moving the cursor, the user can change the orientation and the radius of the section. Activating the Numerical Input flag in the Radius window that appears, allows the exact specification of the radius value. Press left mouse button to define the first section. ANSA proceeds to the end section similarly. The user can keep the same radius or change it.

Press left mouse button to define the end section.

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Morphing Tool The Box is created.

The Boxes>Cylindrical [Curves|Points] function Curves|Points can also be used to create a cylindrical Box that will connect two existing cylindrical Boxes. Cylindrical

Activate the function, pick the Points option and select the two Control Points at the centers. Confirm with middle mouse button.

A Cylindrical Box, connecting the selected Boxes is created.

In many cases, it is needed to convert Cylindrical Morphing Boxes to Hexahedral in order to take advantage of their extended capabilities. The Boxes>Convert function, is used for that conversion. Activate the function and select one or more Cylindrical Morphing Boxes. The selected Boxes are highlighted. Convert

Press middle mouse button to confirm.

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Morphing Tool The Convert to... window appears. The user can select to convert the selected Morphing Boxes to Hexahedral (Ortho) Morphing Boxes or to Sizeboxes (see section 25.1.1.). Pick the first option and press OK. \

After confirmation, one Hexahedral Box is created for each one of the selected Cylindrical Boxes. The Morph Convert window appears. Temporarily both the original and the recently created Boxes, coexist. The user has the option to keep the original cylindrical Morphing Boxes or to delete them.

The created Hexahedral Boxes are accurately fit to the shape of the original Cylindrical Boxes. The new boxes are also topologically connected since the initial Boxes also were.

In case that the original Cylindrical Box has one or more Concentric splits…

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Morphing Tool …ANSA creates one central Box and four (or more), peripheral Boxes, for each Concentric split. The created Morphing Boxes are properly pasted in this case.

Simultaneously, Morphing Parameters are automatically created by ANSA. Activate Controls>Parameters function to open the PARAMETERS window. Parameters

As it is shown, ANSA has created the appropriate EXTEND and TRANSLATE Morphing Parameters in order to control the Length and Radius of the initial Cylindrical Boxes. The selected parameters are highlighted in the drawing area since the Highlight flag is activated. For more details about Morphing Parameters, see section 26.10.2.

Cylindrical Curves|Points

The Boxes>Cylindrical [Curves|Points] function can also be used to create cylindrical Boxes around

selected holes. Activate the function and press the Holes button.

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Morphing Tool The Cylindrical around hole window appears. Set the desired hole diameter and press Select button.

Set the number of shell zones, to be included in the new Boxes and modify these zones individually by activating the relative flag. Press OK. The Part Manager window appears in order to pick a Part for the new Boxes. Upon selection, the cylindrical Boxes are constructed around the selected Holes.

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Morphing Tool Boxes>Cylindrical [Middle] function can be used in Middle cases where Curves or points cannot be used in order to define a center line. Cylindrical

Activate the function and select a path of Edges, Cons or Curves. This path will define the main direction of the middle curve. Confirm the selection with middle click.

In the next step select all the entities that will be used in order for the middle curve to be produced. Confirm the selection with middle click.

The middle curve is previewed and two interactive coordinate systems appear at its starting and finishing point. By clicking with the right mouse button on the z axis, the length of the middle curve is adjusted. Right click locks to position. Clicking on the arcs of the coordinate system manipulates the curve‟s direction. There are Sweep and Glide options in the Options List in order to choose whether to manipulate both or one of the coordinate systems. The Extend val. field can be used in order to extend the middle curve by a selected value over the initial calculated length. Confirm with the middle mouse button and a new Cylindrical box is created and all the previously selected entities are loaded in it. The recently created middle curve is the center line of this cylindrical box.

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Morphing Tool 26.2.4. Deleting and Undeleting Boxes Delete

The function Boxes>Delete can be used to delete useless Boxes.

Activate the function, select the Boxes with left mouse button and confirm with middle mouse button.

Selected Morphing Boxes, have been deleted. However, they still exist in the database.

Previously deleted Boxes can be recovered by the Boxes> Undelete function. Activate the function. All the previously deleted Boxes are coming back to visible and highlighted in white. Select the Boxes to restore using left mouse button. Press middle mouse button to accept. Note that the deleted Boxes are stored in the Undelete

database, unless the Utilities>Compress function is pressed. See section 3.5.6 for more details about the compress function. Note however, that recovered Boxes are not connected and they do not contain any entities. Use Topo or Paste functions of Hatches group, in order to restore connectivity of restored Boxes with their neighboring. Use Load function of Boxes group in order to load desired entities to restored Boxes. See section 26.3.1.

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Morphing Tool 26.2.5. Linked Boxes In models where symmetry appears, Linked Boxes can be used. The Linked Boxes are created from original ones and are always depended on them. The link functionality can be applied to Orthogonal, Cylindrical, 2D Boxes and 1DMorphs. Original and Linked Boxes have always the same shape and any modification performed to the one affects the other as well. The link relationship can be defined according to a symmetrical plane, a mirror plane, a rotation axis or a translation vector. The Linked Boxes can be defined using the Boxes>Links function or Transform. [Link]

function, located in the Utilities Toolbar In the example that follows, the model is symmetric along to the X-Z plane. On the right side of the model original Boxes have been defined. Symmetry Linked Boxes will be defined on the left side of the model.

Activate the Boxes> Links function and select all the Boxes of the right side of the model. Press middle click to confirm the selection. Links

In the Link Entities window that appears pick the Symmetry button. Define the desired Symmetry Plane and press the Apply button. Make the desired adjustments and pick OK to the Transformation options window that appears. The symmetry Linked Boxes are highlighted. Press Finish to accept the highlighted Boxes.

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Morphing Tool The Linked Boxes are constructed, colored in light orange.

NOTES: - The single boundaries of the original and the linked Boxes lay on the symmetry plane. In that case the relative Box Faces are connected automatically. These Box Faces are colored in dark blue to indicate that a special constraint is applied here. Any Control Point and Edge of this Face can be moved only on the symmetry plane. - In the new defined Boxes there are no any entities loaded. Use the Boxes>Load function, to load entities to them. - If some Linked Boxes are deleted and then retrieved by the Boxes>Undelete function, they are automatically converted to Original (parent) Boxes. The color of the Linked Boxes can be changed. To achieve this activate the Windows>Settings [MORPH] function. In the window that appears pick the ColorEdit button which invokes the Color Editor for the Linked Boxes.

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Morphing Tool The dependency between the original and link Boxes is shown in a relative list. Links

To open this list, activate the Boxes>Links function.

The original Boxes are in the main root of the tree, while the link Boxes are branches under their “parents”.

To brake the dependency between the original and link Boxes use the Boxes>Convert function. Select the Boxes to be converted and press middle button to confirm. Convert

Pick the Unlink option and press OK. The Linked Boxes are converted to original ones. In the following example Cylindrical Linked Boxes will be created. The new Boxes will be defined using a translation vector.

Activate the Boxes> Links function. Pick the Create button and select the Cylindrical Box. Links

Middle click to confirm the selection.

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Morphing Tool The Link Entities window appears. Pick the Translate button. Pick two points on the screen to define the translation vector. In this example, select two of the hole centers. In the steps field enter the value “3” to construct three Cylindrical Boxes. Pick “+” button to proceed. In the Transformation Options window that appears, make the desired adjustments and pick OK.

Pick Finish to confirm and create the Boxes.

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Morphing Tool 26.2.6. Topological Connectivity of different Box types Orthogonal and Cylindrical Boxes Cylindrical Boxes can be connected to hexahedral Boxes around all their side Faces. Depending on the number of Edges of the cylindrical Boxes, four...

...or more hexahedral Boxes can be connected. The number of edges of a Cylindrical Box is determined during its creation, but can also be modified afterwards by the functions Boxes> Split and Hatches>Join (see section 26.3.2).

Cylindrical Boxes cannot be connected to hexahedral ones along their top and bottom Faces.

Original and Linked Boxes A Linked Box cannot be connected directly with its parent Box except in case of symmetry link Boxes, (see section 26.2.5).

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Morphing Tool When the user tries to paste a link Box with its parent, a new Box is created between the two Boxes.

NOTE: 2D Boxes cannot be connected with any different type of Morphing Boxes.

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Morphing Tool 26.3. Modifying Morphing Boxes In the previous section, the functions for creating Morphing Boxes were demonstrated. However, in many cases these Boxes are not properly shaped for the required Morphing.

Usually, Boxes have to be split into smaller ones. Their shape must be changed, by placing and moving Control Points, in order to localize the morphing modifications. In addition, the contents of the Boxes may have to be altered, by loading or unloading entities from them. Only the loaded entities can be morphed.

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Morphing Tool 26.3.1. Loading and Unloading Entities The fact that entities are located inside a Morphing Box does not necessarily mean that they are also loaded in it. Elements will only be morphed if they are also loaded to the Box. Info Info

The user can inquire information about the loaded entities of a Box, at any time, using the Boxes>Info [Info]

function. Activate the function and select a Box. ANSA highlights its loaded entities. Load Select

The user can modify the loaded entities by adding or removing any of them, using the function Boxes>Load

[Select]. Activate the function, select a single Box and confirm with middle mouse button.

ANSA highlights the currently loaded entities. Using the left or right mouse button, the user can respectively, add or remove elements from the Box. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Since the Control Points are green and the Freeze Check flag, in the Options List, is activated, it means that there are no loaded entities intersecting the boundaries of the Boxes.

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Morphing Tool Another function that affects the loaded entities is the Visible Boxes>Load [Visible]. This function overwrites the loaded entities of a Box, with all the visible entities that are located inside the Box space. Activate the function and select one or more Boxes. Confirm with middle mouse button. Load

! NOTE: In cases of big models, it is preferable to de-activate the Freeze Check (In the Options List Window), during Loading, in order to accelerate the procedure. ANSA detects all the visible entities inside the Box and loads them automatically. NOTE: Additionally, the Load [Visible] function can be used to easily empty the Boxes of their loaded entities. Simply, de-activate the appropriate visibility flags and use the function on the Boxes. Emptying the Boxes of any entities can be useful as it allows the faster modification of the Boxes. Note that in this example, the Control Points on one side became orange (frozen). Info Info

The Boxes>Info [info] function shows the entities that were automatically loaded.

While in preview, pressing middle mouse button, highlights in red the loaded entities that intersect the Box Faces.

In this case the frozen Control Points on the right may not be a problem if we are only interested in Morphing the left side. NOTE: When the Freeze check Option is activated, ANSA checks for entities that intersect the Boxes and freezes the relative Control Points. The user can de-activate the flag to stop the check. Then all Control Points will turn to green. This change can make a big model much “lighter”. However, it is recommended to activate the flag after loading elements in order to check for possible errors.

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Morphing Tool The last option of the function Boxes> Load [Whole DB] can Whole DB be used to automatically load to the selected Boxes all entitles of the database no matter if they are visible or not. This function can be used for example, in case where there is shell and solid mesh. It is much better, for visibility reasons, to have the solids not visible, so that we can form the Boxes based on the shell mesh. Still, we want to Morph the solids as well, so they must be loaded to the Boxes. Or it may be a complicated shell assembly, where some Parts are not visible, but should also be loaded. Note that apart from Faces, grids, line, shell and solid FE-model elements and solid elements belonging to ANSA Volume entities, the user can also load in a Box: Load

Connection Entities, (points, lines and faces) This is very useful because it allows the reapplication or modification of connections after Morphing has taken place.

Nested elements These are constraint elements (frozen or rigid) that can be used to constrain Morphing, (see section 26.4).

Other Morphing Boxes Smaller Boxes contained in a Box can also be Morphed, (see section 26.5.3).

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Morphing Tool Cross-Sections They are loaded in Morphing Boxes and Morphed normally. After Morphing, the CrossSections are automatically re-calculated.

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Morphing Tool 26.3.2. Splitting, Joining and Copying Morphing Boxes Split

Activate the Boxes>Split function to split a Box in two.

In the Split Options window that appears, choose the User option and pick on a position along an edge, using the left mouse button. ! NOTE: When a Box is split, its loaded entities are distributed between the two Boxes. If the model contains many entities, this may delay the Split operation. To overcome this, de-activate the appropriate visibility flags, and use the function Boxes>Load [Visible] on all Boxes in order to temporarily empty them. The Box is split at the selected location. Note that if the flag Tangency in the Options List is set to Default, then tangency condition is applied automatically along the connected edges. Within the same function, the user can pick an existing Control Point along the edge, using the right mouse button, so that the split is performed at an exact location.


Activate the Boxes>Split function.

In the Split Options window that appears, choose the Parametric option and select a Box Edge. An arrow appears, indicating the start of the selected Edge. In the field that is activated, the user can type in a parametric or an absolute distance (using the prefix~). Press Enter key to confirm. ANSA splits the Box properly.

! NOTE: if more than one Boxes are connected, then the SPLIT operation will ''travel'' all across them until it reaches a free Morphing Face. ! NOTE: in cases of big models, it is preferable to empty the Boxes, before splitting in order to save time.

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Morphing Tool The Boxes>Split function can also be used to project a selected position on a Morphing Edge and use the projection point to create a split. Split

Choose the Project option and select a position from the screen. Then select the Box Edge on which the split need to be done.

The projection is made normally in the isoparametric space of the Box and a split is defined on the selected Edge. NOTE: The Multi flag can be used in order to select more than one positions and project them to a Morphing Edge. NOTE: The Number option is used in order to massively apply a specific number of splits.

An alternative way of splitting orthogonal Boxes is to use Split2Penta function. Many times it is needed to Split orthogonal Boxes to Pentahedral (prismatic) Boxes. Activate the Boxes> Split2Penta function (By default located in the Hidden area of BOXES function Group) and select the hatch of an orthogonal Box that needs to be split Split2Penta

The selected hatch is colored in magenta and the split direction is previewed. ! NOTE: If it is needed to invert this direction, click once again on the magenta hatch. Press middle mouse button to confirm the splitting

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Morphing Tool The selected Box (and the relative connected Boxes), are split to (the double number of) Penta Boxes. Boxes that are not needed can then be deleted with the Boxes >Delete function. Delete

Split operations can also be performed on cylindrical Morphing Boxes in a similar fashion. Note that for cylindrical Boxes, the Control Points are located only along the center line Edge.

Note that the Split function has a special application on cylindrical Morphing Boxes, as shown in this example. Activate the function. Choose the Parametric option and select a cylindrical perimeter. An arrow appears indicating the start. In the input field that is activated, type the value and press Enter. Split

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Morphing Tool A new Edge is created splitting the outer cylindrical surface of the Box.

The opposite action of a split operation, can be achieved by the function Hatches>Join. The visibility of the Hatches option must be activated The Remove points option should be in off status.

Activate the Hatches>Join function and select with the left mouse button a (yellow) Hatch. Join

ANSA joins the two Boxes into one. The Control Points remain in order to indicate the location of the joined Morphing Face. If the remaining Control Points are not needed then the Remove points option should be used, in order these Points to be deleted.

The Join function can also be used to remove Edges along the outer surface of a Cylindrical Morphing Box. Join

Selecting the Edge with left mouse button, it is removed automatically.

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Morphing Tool ! NOTE: that a Cylindrical Morphing Box must always have at least four Edges along its outer surface.

Two Boxes (Hexahedral or Cylindrical) can also be connected together using the function Hatches>Paste. In this example, these Boxes are separated by a small gap. Ensure that the visibility of Morphing Hatches is active.

Activate the Hatches>Paste function and select with the left mouse button the first Hatch. The selected Hatch is highlighted in white color. Paste

Next select with the left mouse button the second (target) Hatch. The selected Hatch is highlighted in yellow color. Confirm with middle mouse button.

If the gap is larger than the used tolerances, then a warning message appears. Press OK to proceed.

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Morphing Tool ANSA pastes the first hatch onto the second one. Yellow hatch indicates double connectivity. By activating the “Paste on middle” flag in the options list in order to paste the selected hatches on half distance ! NOTE: that when pasting one hatch on another, the position and shape of the second one is retained, similar to the pasting of two CONS in the TOPO menu.

The Transform function, located at the Utilities Toolbar, can be used to Copy or Move Morphing Boxes, with the common functionality that is already described. An example of the Symmetry option will be given here. All other functions can be used in a similar manner. Activate the Transform [Copy] function of the utilities Menu Bar. Select the Boxes to copy and confirm with middle mouse button. To facilitate the selection of Boxes, temporarily de-activate the visibility of FE-model.

In the window that appears pick the Symmetry tab. Select the Default symmetry plane option and press Apply.

Then make the desired adjustments and press OK in the Transformations Options window to confirm. Confirm again by pressing the Finish button.

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Morphing Tool New Boxes are created. Note that these Boxes are not connected with the original Boxes, along the symmetry plane (the hatches are not yellow).

Activate the Hatches>Topo function. This function applies connectivity between neighboring Boxes, given that they lie within the specified tolerances. Topo

Select the Boxes where topology should be applied and confirm with middle mouse button.

Yellow color Hatches appear, indicating proper connectivity. ! NOTE: that the Topo function is applied based on the current Tolerance settings. If connectivity is not applied, try increasing the tolerances, or use the Hatches>Paste function to enforce it manually.

When connecting Boxes, either with the Paste or the Topo function, Tangency condition is controlled by the relative option in the Options List window.

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Morphing Tool In case that Tangency constraints need to be defined individually, the user can activate the Edges>Tangency [Add] function. Activate the function and pick the Edges option. Select two Add Edges that share a common Control Point and confirm with middle mouse button. Tangency

Tangency is applied, as indicated by the thick green line at the base of the Edges.

An automatic way to apply tangency constraint to Add selected Boxes is the use of the Edges>Tangency [Add] function in the Boxes mode. Tangency

Activate the function and pick the Boxes option. Select one or more Boxes and middle click to confirm.

All the valid tangency constraints of the selected Boxes are created.

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Morphing Tool Tangency Remove

To remove the Tangency condition, activate the Edges>Tangency [Remove] function.

Selecting one Edge from its base, ANSA automatically selects also its corresponding one from the neighboring Box. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Tangency is removed. Alternatively, the user can select the Edges with box selection. In this way tangency will be removed to all directions. In some cases, it is needed to assign Tangency Constraints of specific orientation, around selected Control Points. The Edges> Tangency [User] function has been designed to cover this need.

Tangency User

Activate the function. The User Tangency list window appears.

Press the New button or right click>New, in order to create new User Defined Tangency Constraints. Select one or more Control Points and press middle button to confirm. The respective Edges are highlighted in white, while the default Tangency vectors are indicated by yellow coordinate systems. The X axis coincides with the respective Edge. The User Tangent window appears. The user should specify a vector either by entering the relative fields (dx, dy, dz) or by selecting two point locations in the drawing area. Press the OK button to confirm. The User Tangent has been created.

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Morphing Tool Alternatively, the user can create the Tangency Constraints by defining a Plane. Switch to the Plane flag and press the Pick button. 3

Select three point positions to define at first the desired plane. The first two clicks define the x axis while the third gives orientation to the y axis. Then specify exactly the desired tangency vector by entering the angle field.

1 2

Press the OK button to confirm. Create more User Tangents or press middle button to return to the User Tangents list window. All the existing User Defined constraints are listed here. Through this window, the user has the option to EDIT one or more of the already defined User Tangents. Select a Tangent and press the Edit button.

The Morph Edge Tangent card opens where the relative direction vector can be re-defined. Optionally define a custom name for the selected Tangency. Press OK to close the card.

There is also the option to reverse the orientation of a selected User Tangent, using the Reverse button.

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Morphing Tool The already defined User Tangents can be modified using the Orient button. In the User Tangents list, select one or more entries and press the Orient button.

Optionally, pick one of the selected Tangents to define it as master. The master tangent is highlighted in red. Press middle button to confirm. If no selection is done, ANSA chooses automatically the master Tangent and highlights it in red. Rearrange the orientation of the User Tangent orientation in the same way as described previously. Press OK to confirm. Additionally, modifications of orientation of ''User Tangents'' can lead to the respective Morphing of loaded entities. To achieve this, be sure that Morphing flag, in the Options list, is activated.

See section 26.5.1 for more detailed description.

It is also possible to create a User Tangent Morphing Parameter. Select a User tangent and press the button Save. The Parameter window appears. Press OK to accept the creation of the new parameter. For detailed information about the usage Morphing Parameters, please see section 26.10.2

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Morphing Tool Concentric Cylindrical Boxes Activate the Edges> Concentric function. The INNER EDGE list window appears. The user can create new or handle the existing Concentric splits using the appropriate options. Concentric

In order to create a new concentric split, press the New button (or right click> New). Select with the left mouse button a circular Edge of a Cylindrical Box. The outer radius value is displayed on the screen. Confirm with middle mouse button. The INPUT window opens.

Type in the inner radius value (parametric or absolute value) and press Enter.

The Morphing Box card opens displaying the outer radii and the new inner concentric radius. Press OK to close this card.

The new concentric cylinder is displayed.

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Morphing Tool Such a construction is required in order to make for example a modification on the radius of a cylinder. The inner radius will be modified in morphing mode, and all the elements between the inner and outer radii will be morphed.

Alternatively, the user can insert an inner concentric cylinder by projecting a point position. Concentric

Activate the Edges> Concentric function and pick the Project

button. Select a point position (node, 3D-point etc.) and confirm with middle mouse button.

Next select the cylindrical Box to be split and confirm with middle mouse button.

An inner concentric cylinder is created.

! NOTE: the projection is parametric and so it depends on the shape of the box. In this example there is no difference, but if the Box was conical, the effect would be clear (see next section for normal and parametrical projection).

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Morphing Tool Finally, the user can also delete a concentric inner cylinder using the Delete button of the relative list. Activate the function. Pick an inner perimeter from the drawing area or from the relative list.

Press the Delete button and confirm. The concentric perimeter is removed.

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Morphing Tool 26.3.3. Reshaping Boxes Morphing Boxes can be reshaped by moving their Control Points. The functions, described in the following sections, are used for reshaping the Boxes with or without Morphing the model. In order to modify Boxes in non-morphing mode, use functions of the BOX MORPHING group and keep the Morphing flag in the Options List Window de-activated.

In contrast, the same function group leads to Morphing of loaded entities if Morphing flag is activated. Creating Control Points By default, every Box has 8 corner Control Points. However, the user can add more Control Points along the edges of a hexahedral and 2D Box, or the axial edge of a cylindrical Box. Control Points are added in order to reshape the edges and hence adjust Morphing Boxes to model's shape. Activate the Control Points> Insert function, in order to add new Control Points. Insert

In the window that appears, pick the Single option and click on the desired positions with the left mouse button.

The On Multiple edges option of the same function can be used to place Control Points along multiple Edges simultaneously. Activate the function and select the Edges to insert Control Points on. Confirm with middle mouse button. Insert

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Morphing Tool Using the left mouse button pick positions on any of the selected Edges to insert Control Points.

The other Edges also acquire Control Points at the same parametric locations.

Use the Insert function to create a Control Point located at the projection of a selected point. Activate the function and pick the Project option. Insert

Select a point position (node, 3D Point etc.). Next, select the Edge on which to project. ANSA creates a Control Point at that location.

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Morphing Tool The Control Points> Insert function can also be used to insert a Control Point at the location of the projection of a point inside the isoparametric space of a Box. Ensure that the visibility of Box Center Points is Insert

active in the Drawing Styles Toolbar. Activate the function, pick the Project isoparam option. Select a point position, next select the Box whose isoparametric space will be used for the projection. Finally, select the Edge on which the point should be projected. The projection is made normally in the isoparametric space of the Box and a Control Point is added on the selected edge.

The function Control Points> Insert can also be used to insert a Control Point at a specific distance along a selected Edge. Activate the function and pick the Parametric option. Insert

Select an Edge with the left mouse button. An arrow appears indicating the start of the Edge. In the field that is activated, the user can type a parametric or an absolute distance value (with the ~prefix) and press Enter. A Control Point is inserted at the desired location. NOTE: As in the usual ANSA functionality, while still in the function, using the right mouse button the user can pick other Edges to insert Control Points at the same distance on them too.

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Morphing Tool The function Control Points> Number can be used to insert a specific number of Control Points along an Edge. Number

Activate the function, select one or more Edges with the left mouse button and confirm. The Insert Number window opens, displaying the current number of Control Points (in this case 0).

Type in a new value and press Enter. The specified number of Control Points is added. NOTE: As in the common ANSA functionality, while still in the function, the user can select other Edges with the right mouse button and assign the same number of Control Points on them as well. NOTE: Another available option is that while the input window is open the user can pick another Edge with the left mouse button to copy its Control Point number. Number

The Number function can also be used to evenly distribute Control

Points. Activate the function and pick the Equal Distribution option. Select the desired Edge and press middle button to confirm.

The existing Control Points are equally distributed along the selected edge. NOTE: This option doesn‟t delete the Control Points and creates new ones, as the Number does. It just moves the already defined Points. This is important when a Control Point with a specific ID is used from another function (for example Parameters).

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Morphing Tool Activate the Control Points> Delete function to delete Control Points that are not needed. The Selection Mode window opens. (The following selection options apply to all other functions where Control Points have to be selected). By default, the Nodes mode is active. The user can select with left mouse button individual Control Points, or use box selection as well. Selected Control Points are highlighted in yellow. Delete

If the radio button is switched to Entities mode, then the user can pick with left mouse button an Edge, and all of its Control Points will be selected automatically. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Picking a hatch, leads to the selection of all the Control Points of the respective Morphing Face. Confirm with middle mouse button.

All Control Points are deleted, and the Edges obtain a straight line form. ! NOTE: Deleted Control Points cannot be retrieved.

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Morphing Tool When the Box creation is completed, it is recommended to check if there are any Control Points very close to each other and remove them. Such Control Points may have been created accidentally, or by specifying an excessive number of them on an Edge. Excessive number of Control Points may lead to delays during the application of Morphing functions.

Additionally, Control Points that are very close to each other may cause problems during Morphing, like for example distorted elements. Activate the Control Points> Rem.Double function. The Remove double window opens. Rem.Double

Type in a Tolerance value and press Select. ANSA searches among visible Control Points and highlights in yellow the ones that are found as duplicate. Confirm with middle mouse button.

The selected Points are removed. The number of deleted Control Points is reported in the ANSA Info Window.

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Morphing Tool Moving Control Points As described in the introduction, functions of the BOX MORPHING group can be used to move Control Points, without morphing the loaded entities, provided that Morphing flag is de-activated. Such movements are performed to modify the shape of the Morphing Boxes and fit it close to the model, as required. All the movements can be previewed. The Box Morphing>Move function contains many embedded tabs that permit various types of movements. Activate the function. The Control Points Movement window opens. Pick the Translate tab. Select the Control Points to be moved and confirm with the middle mouse button. Move

The user should ensure first that the Morphing flag in the Options List, is de-activated. Optionally, press right mouse button to select a local coordinate system. The user can type in the translation vector coordinates or, as in the usual ANSA functionality, pick two point positions to define it. The sliding bar in the window enables the user to have a live update of the moving along the defined vector and between the extreme values (which are also editable). A small moving range increases the accuracy of the sliding bar. The Save button in the previous window, offers a very useful functionality. Using this button, the user can save the current modification, as a Morphing Parameter, (see section 26.10.2.). In this example, the saved Parameter, is of type TRANSLATE. Similar functionality is available to the rest functions of the BOX MORPHING group (wherever this is possible), creating other types of Morphing Parameters. The defined vector is indicated by a yellow arrow. Press the Apply button to proceed with the modification. The relative Confirmation window opens.

Optionally, press the Continue button in order to make a further modification of the already selected Control Points.

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Morphing Tool These movements are accumulated and they can be examined back and forth using the arrow buttons: |< : move to the original position > : move to the next position >| : move to the last position

Pressing Cancel, aborts the function without any changes, while pressing OK, accepts the currently previewed state. The Record. History button creates a new History State (see section 26.10.1.), by depicting the current status of all Control Points. ! NOTE: the new History State can be created even if the current modification is finally aborted.


Activate the Box Morphing> Move function.

The Control Points Movement window opens. Switch to the Rotate mode. Select Control Points to move and confirm with middle mouse button.

Optionally, press right mouse button to select a local coordinate system. The user can type the rotation axis coordinates or, as in the usual ANSA functionality, pick two point positions to define it. Set also the desired rotation angle.

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Morphing Tool The defined rotation axis is indicated by a yellow arrow. Press the Apply button to preview the modification. As described for the Translate option, the user can save a Morphing parameter of Rotate type, based on the current modification.

The relative Confirmation window opens. As described for the Translate option, the user can proceed with additional movement or just accept the existing.

The Box Morphing>Move function can also be used to move freely Control Points in a similar manner as the Move [Free] of grids in MESH menu. Move

In this example, the function will be used to correct a problem of frozen Control Points, caused by the fact that some elements intersect the Box‟s Face. Activate the function. The Control Points Movement window opens. Switch to the MvFree tab. Select the Control Points to move and confirm with middle mouse button. Optionally, pick a local coordinate system using the right mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Here an element‟s edge coordinate system is selected, with the right mouse button. The user can activate the Numerical input flag and type in the desired coordinates. Alternatively, de-activate the flag and move the cursor. The cursor snaps to the closest selected Control Point which is considered as the master. Deactivating some degrees of freedom, allows a more controlled movements. Since a local coordinate system was selected, these axes refer to the selected one and not the global. At any time the user can press the Origin button to return to the initial position and restart the movement. During the movement the frozen status of the Points is continuously monitored since the relative Option flag (Freeze Check) is activated. As the Box is enlarged enough, the frozen Control Points become green.

Press left mouse button to lock on the new position. The movement is previewed and the relative confirmation window opens.

Pressing Cancel, aborts the function without any changes, while pressing OK, accepts the currently previewed state and exits. The Box Morphing>Move function can also be used to move Control Points in a scaling manner, according to a selected reference position. Move

In this example the function will be used to correct the problem of frozen Control Points, caused by the fact that the Morphing Box is much smaller than the model. Activate the function. The Control Points Movement window appears. Pick the Scale tab.

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Morphing Tool Select the Control Points to move. Here all existing Control Points are selected. Press middle mouse button to confirm selection.

Type the coordinates of the reference point, in the relative fields (X,Y,Z), or pick a point position in the drawing area, to copy its coordinates. Here the Center of the Morphing Box is selected for reference. Set also the scaling factor in the relative field.

Press Apply or middle mouse button to proceed. The already described, confirmation window appears.

Slide On Edges

Selected corner Control Points can also slide on relative Edges, using the Box Morphing>Slide [On Edges]

function. Activate the function and select one or more, corner Control Points. Confirm the selection with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Select the Edges on which the Control Points will slide. Confirm again with middle mouse button.

The cursor automatically snaps to the nearest selected Control Point, which is considered to be the master. Moving the master Control Point the rest of the selected Control Points follow the sliding motion. Left click to lock on the new position, or use right click to snap to an existing point position.

Note that corner Control Points can slide in both directions if the edges of the respective Boxes have been properly selected.

Corner Control Points can also be extended along Edges. This function is similar to SLIDE, with the extra feature that according to the selection of the Edges, a positive direction is specified and an optional numerical specification of travel distance is available. Extend

Activate the Box Morphing> Extend function.

Select the corner Control Points to be extended and confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Next select the Edges along which the selected Points will be extended and confirm with middle mouse button. The cursor automatically snaps to the nearest selected Control Point, which is considered to be the master.

The Parametric Movement window opens. Slide the mouse cursor to move the selected Control Points. Alternatively, activate the Numerical Input flag and type in the desired length value.

With the Save button, the user has the option to create a Morphing Parameter (see section 26.10.2.) of type EXTEND, based on the current modification. Press left mouse button to lock to the new position. The relative Confirmation window opens. The options of this window have been described in previous sections. Press OK to confirm.

NOTE: if a negative value is typed or the mouse cursor is moved to the opposite directions, the resulting motion of the Control Points will be similar to a SLIDE action. Note also that if the selected Control Points belong to a free Face of a Box…

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Morphing Tool … then the extension is performed in a tangential direction.

On the other hand, if the selected Control Points are shared between two connected Boxes…

… then the Control Points will slide along the Edges of the neighboring Box.

Use the Align option of the Box Morphing>Move function, to align selected Control Points along a line or a plane. Move

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Morphing Tool Activate the function and switch to the Align tab. Select the Control Points and confirm with middle mouse button.

Next select two (line) or three (plane) point positions. Working Planes can also be selected as planes for alignment. Confirm with middle mouse button.

A preview of the alignment is provided and the relative Confirmation window opens. Press OK to confirm.

The Box Morphing>Offset function can be used to offset free Faces of Morphing Boxes. Offset

Activate the Hatch and the Shadow button in the Box Draw Toolbar, to ensure that the CrossHatches visibility is active.

Activate the function and select with the left mouse button the Hatches to be offset. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool The Parametric Movement window opens. Type in the desired offset value and preview the modification.

Press the Origin button to return to the original position or Save to create an OFFSET parameter based on the current modification. Press left mouse button to lock to the new position. Press OK in the Confirmation window that appears next.

The following example demonstrates how the user can place automatically Control Points on a Box in order to fit it to its loaded elements. The simplest approach to create a Box around the BPoints pillar is to use the function Boxes>New [Points] and select the Control Points or Hatches of the two existing Boxes, at the top and bottom of the pillar. New

The created Box has of course straight edges and as it was been created by the function POINTS and it does not contain any entities.

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Morphing Tool Load Select

Activate the Boxes>Load [Select] function, select the Box and confirm with middle mouse button.

Next select the elements that should be included in this Box. NOTE : during selection, de-activate the visibility of MORPH Boxes, so as not to select Control Points also. Confirm with middle mouse button.

Loading these elements into the Box, results in orange (Frozen) Control Points, as the elements intersect the Box Face. Ensure that the Freeze check Option flag is active.

Seen from the rear, most of the loaded elements are lying outside of the Box. The Box needs to be reshaped so as to enclose its elements.

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Morphing Tool Direction Fit

Activate the Edges>Direction Fit function.

Select a Hatch to indicate which side of the Box must be reshaped. Confirm with middle mouse button.

The selected Morphing Face is highlighted. Next select an Edge to indicate along which direction Control Points should be inserted in order to give the required shape.

ANSA automatically inserts and moves Control Points on the selected Face and its opposite one, so as to give the required shape to the Box.

Viewed again from the rear, the modification is obvious. Note that the Control Points are green, indicating that there are no elements crossing the Box boundaries.

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Morphing Tool In some cases, some Frozen Control Points may appear, as the Box boundaries are very close and intersect the loaded entities. The user can correct these problems by moving some Control Points (using for example the Move or Extend function). Alternatively, the function Hatches>Adjust can be used.

Activate the Hatches> Adjust function. Select hatches which should be adjusted to correct the problem with the frozen Points. Adjust

Confirm with middle mouse button.

ANSA moves automatically the Control Points of the selected Hatches so as to fix this problem.

A preview of the correction is provided and the user can press OK in the Confirmation window, to accept.

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Morphing Tool Modifying Cylindrical Morphing Boxes Info Info

Activate the Boxes>Info [Info] function and select a cylindrical Box with one or more concentric sub-

sections. As the Box becomes highlighted press right mouse button to access its card.

The following information is provided in the card: - Outer radius values at the two ends, drawn with red and yellow color on the screen. - Statement that the inner radius is specified as an absolute value (and not parametrically). - The value of the inner radius of one or more concentric cylinders. The user can change the values in the radius fields and press OK to apply the changes to the Box. However, the radii values are usually changed by Outer Radius the Box Morphing >Cylindrical function. Activate the [Outer Radius] option. Cylindrical

Select one or more outer cylindrical perimeter and confirm with middle mouse button.

The relative window opens, containing the current radius value of the selected perimeters. ! NOTE: in case of multiple radius selection, the highest radius value is presented and automatically, all selected perimeters are previewed to that value.

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Morphing Tool Type in the new radius value. The Box is resized accordingly. Press left button to accept the modification. ! NOTE: as the outer radius is changed, the inner concentric radius is also increased, given that the translate flag in the option window is activated.

Cylindrical Inner Radius

To change the inner radius value, activate the function Box Morphing >Cylindrical [Inner Radius].

Select an inner cylindrical perimeter and confirm with middle mouse button. The relative window opens.

The user can change the radius by moving the mouse, or activate the Numerical Input flag and type the exact value. Press left mouse button to lock on the new position. In both cases (inner or outer), a Morphing Parameter (see section 26.10.2.), of the appropriate type, can be saved using the Save button.

The change is performed. ! NOTE: here that as the inner radius is changed, the respective outer radius, remains intact.

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Morphing Tool Cylindrical Spin

Activate the function Box Morphing> Cylindrical [Spin].

Select a Control Point on the circular perimeter and confirm with middle mouse button. The relative window opens.

Move the cursor to spin all the Control Points around the center line of the Box, or activate the Numerical Input flag and type the exact value in degrees. In this way the orientation of the outer Edges of the Box is changed. This may be useful in case that the user wants to connect this Box to others. Press left mouse button to lock to the new position.

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Morphing Tool Snapping to feature lines The function Box Morphing >Fit [To Edges] can be used To Edges to snap one or more Box Edges on selected 3D Curves, CONS or element edges. Fit

In this way the user can reshape a Box to an exact prescribed shape. As mentioned the function can snap on 3D Curves, CONS or paths of element edges, but it is recommended to use the function on 3D Curves, for easier selection and also for position reference.

Ensure that Morphing flag in the Options List Window is de-activated, in order to avoid Morphing of entities that are probably loaded to the Boxes. Activate the function Box Morphing>Fit [To Edges]. The Edge Fit window appears. Select consequently, one or more Morphing Edges and confirm with middle mouse button. The first Edge group is defined and the relative title is marked accordingly.

Next select one or more target 3D Curves, CONS or a path of element edges. Confirm again with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool The first pair of Morphing Edges and target Curves has already been defined. The user can press the Apply button to proceed with edge fitting or continue with the definition of more pairs.

Select another Edge and confirm with middle mouse button. Select one or more target 3D Curves and confirm with middle mouse button.

The second pair of initial Edges and target Curves groups has been defined. In case it is needed to individually change the defined groups, click on a list entry. The relative selections are highlighted in white. Select more entities using the left mouse button or de-select some of the already selected, with the right button. Press middle mouse button to confirm. It is also possible to delete the selected Edge groups using the Delete button or even to clear the list with the Clear All. When an Edge group is deleted, the relative Curve group is also removed. After the definition of the appropriate groups, press Apply button to proceed with Edge fitting. ANSA provides a preview of the Edge fitting and the Confirmation window opens. Press OK to accept or Cancel to abort.

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Morphing Tool Note that by default ANSA will fit the Edges using the existing Control Points. In cases where few (or no) Points exist on the Initial Edge, or when target curves are of high curvature, the user can activate the Add Points flag of the Edge Fit window. This will ensure that adequate Control Points would be placed after fitting.

Activate Box Morphing> Fit [To Edges] function and To Edges enable the Add Points flag. ANSA will automatically add Control Points, so as to accurately follow the curvature of the target Curves. Fit

Select the Morphing Edge and confirm with middle mouse button. Next select the target Curves and confirm again. Activate the Add Points flag. Press the Apply button to proceed with edge fitting. ANSA fits the Edge adding Control Points automatically and provides a preview. The Confirmation window opens. Press OK to accept or Cancel to abort.

The number of the Control Points that are added depends on the target curvature and on the current Tolerance Settings. If required, the function can be reapplied so as to add more Control Points. The Refine button in the Confirmation window can be used for that purpose. ! NOTE: excessive numbers of Control Points should be avoided, as they will increase the computational effort of all the following Morphing actions. Usually the same result can be achieved with fewer Control Points.

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Morphing Tool When the Edge Fit operations are applied to 3DCurves that represent the feature lines of the model, the fit of the Edges corresponds to the fit on the actual model.

As the Box edges are snapped on the feature lines of the model, the user can move them in a highly controlled manner, and thus accurately morph the model (see section & 26.5.2.).

In some cases there is the need to fit Edges to Curves and force some other Edges to follow this movement without having corresponding target curves. For this process the Slave Fit option should be used. The Edges that are fit to target Curves are considered as masters and the Edges that follow, as slaves. Activate the Box Morphing > Fit Fit [To Edges] function and To Edges enable the Slave Fit flag in the relative window. Select one or more Edges to be the master group of Edges and confirm. Then select the target Curves for the master Edges and confirm again. Automatically the user is asked to define the first group of slave Edges. Select the first slave group of Edges and confirm. Continue with the next Slave group if needed or press middle mouse button again to proceed with the next Master Edges group.

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Morphing Tool NOTE: If the user hasn‟t activated the Slave Fit flag at the beginning of selections, there is the option to add a slave group, by right clicking on the relative Master Edge Group. After the end of Groups definition press Apply to proceed with Edge fitting.

Next to each Slave Edge group there is a pulldown menu with three options for the slave group behavior. These options are: As Master: The Slave Edges group gets the same number of Control Points as the master.

Current: The slave group retains the existing number of Control Points.

Corners: The slave group retains the existing number of Control Points. Only the corner Control Points of the slave group are affected from the fitting. This can lead to two possible options. - If the Translate flag in the Options List is activated, the slave group is translated retaining its shape.

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Morphing Tool - If the Translate flag in the Options List window is de-activated, only the corner Control Points of the slave group are moved.

Morphing Box Edges can also be fit directly on an FETo Surfs surface without the need to create target Curves. Use the Box Morphing>Fit [To Surfs] function to project selected Edges onto selected surfaces, according a specified vector or normally. Fit


Activate the Box Morphing>Fit [To Surfs] function, select the Edges to be fit and confirm. In the Selection window, pick the FE-Entities option, select shell elements and confirm again.

Activate the User flag, in order to define the projection vector. Specify the projection direction.

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Morphing Tool The Edges are fit on the Fe-surface. New Control Points have been added in each Edge in order to follow the surface curvature. The number of these Points depends on the current Tolerances. The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the process.

Some recommended practices for the Edge Fit strategy are : - Start with a big Box - Enlarge it so that its outer Faces are some distance away from the area you want to morph - Detect which are the main features of the model that you want to morph and which should be left frozen and extract these feature lines as 3D Curves, using for example the function MESH> Perimeters>Feat2Curve.These Curves will help you in the fitting of the Boxes to the model. - Split the Box in the three directions so as to create internal Box Edges near these feature lines (the ones to be moved and the ones to remain frozen) - Use the Box Morphing>Fit function (Morphing Option off) to snap the Edges on these feature lines - Move the control points of the feature lines to be morphed, while keeping the ones along the frozen features intact - Take advantage of the Part Manager to organize the model in separate Parts (Morphing Boxes, feature lines and target 3D Curves, FE-model etc.) Some issues to avoid in the whole process are: - Excessive numbers of Control Points on Edges, increases the computational effort, without adding much to accuracy o - The internal angles of the fit Boxes must NOT approach or exceed 180 . This should be considered before and after the Morphing actions. If the internal angles are flattened then distorted elements may appear. In this sense the splits should be performed for optimum angles, just like the blocks that are created for a hexa mesh. - Small Boxes do not allow for large morphing modifications. Enlarging the outer boundaries of the Boxes allows for more buffer space to compensate the morphing distortions and usually helps in o avoiding wide angles near 180 .

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Morphing Tool The following examples summarize these issues:

Bad - Not enough space

Bad - Internal Box angle >180

Bad - two Boxes close to the vehicle have very large internal angles

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Good – all Boxes have good angles


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The Translate Option The Translate flag in the Options List, controls the coupling of selected and non-selected Control Points during the movement of the first. In this example a Control Point is selected to be moved upwards. The images below show how the Controls Points that lie on the same Edge, behave, depending on the status of the Translate flag. With the Translate flag active these Point follow the movement of the selected one.

In this example, a Control Point is selected for Extend along the centerline Edge of this Cylindrical Box.


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Morphing Tool 26.3.4. Reusing Morphing Boxes The effort taken in constructing the final Boxes is not all spent on a single model. The user can create a new Part in the Part Manager and place all the Boxes in it.

Then in the Part Manager right click on this Part to Save it in a separate ANSA database. This database can later be merged into another one that contains another model. Remember to use the Boxes>Load function, because these Boxes are now empty.

The function Edges>ToCurve can be used to create 3D Curves out of selected Box Edges. Activate the function, select the desired Morphing Edges and confirm with middle mouse button. ToCurve

De-activate the visibility of the Morphing Boxes and activate that of Curves, in order to see the created Curves.

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Morphing Tool 26.4. Additional Constraints Nested elements are entities in Morphing Tool that act as constraints during the Morphing actions. They can be used in both, Box and Direct Morphing methods. These elements are applied on selected nodes or elements of the model. For Box Morphing these elements must be loaded in the Boxes in order to have an effect. In addition, these elements can be individually translated or rotated, in order to perform a simple modification. A nested element acts as an un-deformable shape (Rigid Body).The movement that the nested element is allowed to do, depends on the constraints that are applied to it by means of degrees of freedom. 26.4.1. Defining Nested Elements Nested

Activate the Controls> Nested function.

The NESTED Elements window appears. Press the New button and select, (according to the Selection Mode status), nodes or elements to be constrained. Middle click to accept the selection. Middle click once more to accept the default center of the nested element which is the center of gravity. The Part Manager opens in order to select a Part for the Nested Element. The Nested Element card opens and the local coordinate system of the nested is displayed.

Switch the STATUS pull-down to : D.O.F. : The nested elements movements are constrained according to the Degrees of Freedom (defined in the relative field) of the nested coordinate system or AXIS : The nested element is translated as a rigid body. As far as it concerns the rotations, it is only permitted to follow the deformations of the iso-parametric Coordinate system of the Morphing Box where the nested is loaded, according the selection of the Axis pull down menu.

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Morphing Tool The numbers 1, 2, 3 correspond to the translation along the X, Y, Z axes respectively. The numbers 4, 5, 6, correspond to the rotation around the X, Y, Z axes respectively. Press OK to confirm and the nested element is defined. In this example, the degrees of freedom 456 have been entered. The defined nested element corresponds to a rigid body with no option to be rotated around its axes.

The defined nested element is listed to the Nested Elements list, accessed by the Controls>Nested function or though the DataBase Browser (DBB). The DataBase Browser can alternatively activated by the F12 button. Nested

In the same way, more nodes/elements or groups can be selected for the definition of a new nested element.

In the D.O.F. field of the card enter the degrees of freedom 123456. This nested element corresponds to not only a rigid but also a frozen entity, since no any movement is allowed. This is a frozen nested element. Its nodes are colored in blue color. NOTE: The visibility status of Nested Elements is controlled by the corresponding flag in the DataBase Browser.

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Morphing Tool In addition, in the Presentation Parameters window, activated by the F11 key, the flag Shrink Rb2s controls whether the “legs” of the nested elements to be drawn or not.

The effect of the nested elements is demonstrated in this example. A Morphing Box is created.

Info Info

As verified by the Boxes> Info [Info] function, shells and Nested elements are loaded to this Box.

The Control Points slide along the Edges as shown. In the case of the Nested Elements, the one mount moves as a rigid body, without any deformation, while the other mount is not moving at all. Without the Nested elements, both mountings are moved and deformed. T A N G E N C Y

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Morphing Tool

To get information about a nested element, pick it from the relative list and select Edit. The nested element is highlighted and its card opens. The user can make several changes in this card.

In order to modify the entities that participate to a nested element, pick it from the list and press the Modify Content button. The current nodes of the selected nested element are highlighted in white.

Use left or right mouse button to select or deselect elements to participate. Confirm with middle mouse button and confirm once more to accept the center of gravity as the Nested Element's center. Alternatively pick another grid to define it as center. The Nested Element card opens. Press OK to confirm.

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Morphing Tool More nodes are now included to the nested element.

A nested element always follows the movement of its center (Reference Grid). In order to load a nested element to a Box, only the reference grid has to be loaded. Even if the rest of the entities reside outside of the Box, they will participate to the movement. The user can change the center of gravity of a nested element if this is convenient. This can be done through the REFGRID field of the NESTED Card. In this example, the small flange with the rigid nested element has to follow the movement of the rail. To do this, the user has to select as center of gravity a point of the rail. Activate the NESTED list. Select the existing nested element and pick the Edit button. The NESTED ELEMENT card opens.

Enter the REFGRID field, type F1 and pick from the screen a grid to be the new center of gravity for the nested element. F1


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Confirm to accept the selection. Finally load the nested element to the relative Boxes.


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Morphing Tool As morphing takes place the flange follows the movement of the rail even if resides outside of the Boxes. In this example, the Slide function of the Box Morphing group has been used for the morphing.

Another feature of the Nested Elements is the definition of smoothing zones around them. Sometimes the movement of a rigid Nested, can cause distorted mesh.

For such cases the definition of some smoothing zones around the nested can minimize the mesh distortion. Edit the nested card and set the desired number of Smoothing zones in the relative field.

! NOTE: the default number of Smoothing zones is four. In this picture the (10) zones are highlighted just for visibility reasons.

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Morphing Tool As it is seen, Smoothing zones are helping considerably to maintain the mesh smoothness in the area around nested, after Morphing

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Morphing Tool 26.4.2. Moving Nested Elements Certain simple modifications of a model can be achieved through the movement of Nested elements. Activate the Controls> Nested Nested function. The list of defined Nested elements opens. Select one from the list and activate the Transform button at the bottom. The Move Entities window appears. Switch to the Rotate option.

Select two point positions to define the axis and type in the rotation Angle. Press the “+” symbol or middle mouse button to preview the movement. Press Finish to accept the movement.

Note that in these modifications, the Status of the nested has no influence.

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Morphing Tool 26.4.3. Convert RBE2s to Nested Elements Nested Elements can also be created based on RBE2 elements. Activate the Controls> Nested Nested function. The NESTED list opens.

Pick the Rb2tonested button, select an existing RBE2 element and press middle mouse button to confirm.

Automatically a new Nested element is created, having the same ''legs'' and the same center of gravity with the initial RBE2. If the visibility of RBE2s is active, both the RBE2 and the nested element are displayed, exactly at the same position. Visibility of both can be controlled through the Database Browser.

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Morphing Tool 26.5. Morphing with Morphing Boxes Having prepared the Morphing Boxes, the user can proceed with the actual Morphing.

Activate the Morphing flag in the Options List Window.

Moving Control Points by using functions of the BOX MORPHING Group, the loaded entities are morphed accordingly.

Some checks before Morphing: - There should not be any orange (Frozen) Control Points among those that will need to be moved for Morphing. - Ensure that the Boxes contain the proper entities. Perform a final Load [Visible] or [Whole DB] to ensure this. - Ensure that the Tolerance Settings are about two orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest element to be morphed. - Perform a test movement using the function Box Morphing>Move function, to see how the model is deformed.

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Morphing Tool 26.5.1. Moving Control Points

! The functions demonstrated in this section are actually the same with those described in section 26.3. The difference is that here the Morphing flag is active and thus any Control Point movement is followed by respective Morphing of the loaded entities. Activate the Box Morphing >Move Move function. The Control Points Movement window opens. Switch to the Translate tab.

Next select the Control Points to be moved and confirm with middle mouse button. Optionally, press right mouse button to select a local coordinate system and middle button to continue. The user can type in the translation vector coordinates or, as in the usual ANSA functionality, pick two point positions to define it. Move the roll bar controller, to Morph the model between the user defined minimum and maximum value.

The defined vector is indicated by a yellow arrow. Press the Apply button, in order to view the modification.

As described in previous section, the Save button in the previous window, offers a very useful functionality. Using this button, the user can save the current modification, as a Morphing Parameter, (see section 26.10.2.). In this example, the saved Parameter, is of type TRANSLATE. However, similar functionality is available to the rest functions of the Box Morphing group (whenever this is possible), creating other types of Morphing Parameters.

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Morphing Tool The relative Confirmation window opens. In this example, the Continue button is pressed to continue with further movement of the already selected Points.

The Control Points Movement window opens again. The user can change movement mode, or continue with the Translate. Additionally, can change the defined vector or keep the same. Make a new movement and confirmed.

All steps are stored and can be examined back and forth using these buttons: |< : move to the original position < : move to the previous position > : move to the next position >| : move to the last position Press OK to accept the previewed state.

In this example Morphing Boxes have been constructed in order to change the twist of a wing. An inner Box encloses the wing as the large Boxes around it act as buffer zones. The surrounding layers and tetra mesh (which are not visible now for clarity reasons) will be morphed by the surrounding Boxes. Move

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Activate the Box Morphing> Move function.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The Control Points Movement window opens. Pick the Rotate tab this time. Select the Control Points to be rotated and confirm with middle mouse button.

Specify the rotation axis numerically, (or pick two point positions from the screen) and type in the rotation angle.

ANSA morphs the model and provides a preview Press Apply button to accept the previewed modification. The relative Confirmation window opens.

Press Continue to perform a further moving or OK to confirm the previewed status.

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Morphing Tool


Activate the Box Morphing> Angle function.

Select an Edge and confirm with middle mouse button. This edge will be the reference one, so it will not be moved.

Next select another Edge that forms a corner with the first one and confirm with middle mouse button. The current angle (defined by the three corner Control Points) is displayed. Proceed with more pair selections, or press middle mouse button again to morph the model.

The Parametric Movement window opens. Type in an angle value to be added and press left mouse button.

The angle is changed to the new value and the relative confirmation window opens.

Note that the upper Control Point has slide along the top Edges, hence maintaining the outer shape.

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Morphing Tool The Box Morphing>Move function can be used to move freely selected Control Points, in a similar manner to moving freely nodes in the MESH menu. Move

Activate the function. The Control Points Movement window opens. Pick the MvFree tab. Select the Control Points to be moved and confirm. Optionally, the user can select with right mouse button, an existing coordinate system. Press middle mouse button to confirm. Activate or de-activate flag buttons to allow or constrain movement along a certain direction.

The cursor snaps to the nearest selected Control Point.

Moving the cursor leads to respective movement of the Control Points. Alternatively, activate the Numerical input flag to define the movement numerically. Press the Origin button to return to the initial state, or left mouse button to confirm the new morphed position.

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Morphing Tool The relative confirmation window opens. ! NOTE : The Mv.Free option is a good way to preview the morphing behavior of a model, prior to performing it by a more exact method, as the user can see interactively how the model behaves, even when large deflections are performed. Slide On Edges

Activate the Box Morphing >Slide [On Edges] function.

Select the Control Points to slide and confirm with middle mouse button.

Next select the Edges on which the Control Points will slide. NOTE: The Opposite option of the Feature Selection Tool is very helpful during the Edges Selection. Confirm with middle mouse button again.

Automatically the cursor snaps to the nearest of the selected Control Point. Moving the cursor moves the selected Control Points respectively. Left click to lock to a new position, or use right mouse button to snap to an already existing point position.

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Morphing Tool The morphing is previewed and the relative section confirmation window opens. Press OK to confirm.

Activate the Box Morphing> Extend function. Select the Control Points to extend and confirm with middle mouse button. Extend

(Please see section for more details on the Extend function).

Next select the Edges along which the Points will be extended. Confirm with middle mouse button again.

Automatically the cursor snaps to the nearest selected Control Point. The relative window opens. Moving the cursor moves the selected Control Points respectively. Alternatively, the user can activate the Numerical input flag and type the length increment along the Edge of the master Control Point. The Control Points are extended tangentially along the Edges. Left click to lock onto the new position.

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Morphing Tool The morphing is previewed and the Confirmation window opens.

Press OK to confirm.

Additionally, modifications of ''User Tangents'' can lead to the respective Morphing of loaded entities. To achieve this, be sure that Morphing option flag button is activated.

Use the Edges>Tangency [User] function to open the User USER TANGENCY list and select the desired Tangents. Press the Orient button. Tangency

In case more than one entities are selected, pick one Tangent to be the master or just press middle button to let Ansa decide. The User Tangent window appears. Rearrange the orientation of the User Tangent orientation in the same way as described previously, (see section 26.3.2.). Here, only a different angle has been defined. The user can accept the previewed modification pressing OK, Save a Paremeter or abort with the Cancel button.

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Morphing Tool 26.5.2. Snapping to Target Curves In this example the shape of the rear windscreen will be morphed. Morphing Boxes have been created and fit on the feature lines of the vehicle using the Box Morphing>Fit [Edges] function. Due to symmetry, only half of the model exists. However, symmetric Boxes have been created to ensure tangency across the symmetry plane during Morphing. The morphing will be targeted to the 3D curves that were either created in ANSA, or read in from a CAD file. Activate the Box Morphing >Fit [To Edges] function. The To Edges Edge Fit window appears automatically. This window has exactly the same characteristics as described in section, Snapping to feature lines. Morphing option flag should be active. Fit

Select the two Edges and confirm with middle mouse button. Next select the two target 3D Curves. Confirm with middle mouse button. At this stage the user can press the Apply button to proceed with morphing or select more pairs of Edges and 3D Curves.

Select the lower two edges. Confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool Select the corresponding target Curves. Confirm with middle mouse button again.

Up to this stage, the user has the option to make modifications at the already defined Edge or Curve Groups. Just select the desired entry. The selected entities are highlighted and the user can remove some of them using the right mouse button or add more with the left button. After any modification, confirm with middle mouse. Press the Apply Button to proceed with morphing.

The selected Edges are snapped to the target Curves and the model is morphed to the exact shape. The Confirmation window opens.

Press OK to accept or Cancel to abort. In this example the cross member of the model


must be fit on the roof. (The visibility of the roof has been set to transparent in order to be able to see underneath).

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Morphing Tool 1

For this reason two Morphing Boxes are needed which will handle the shape of the cross member. The common Face of the two Boxes is adjusted along the cross member‟s shape. The aim here is to fit the two Edges (shown on the picture on the left) on the FE-surface of the roof. Fit To Surfs

For that task the Box Morphing> Fit [To Surfs] function will be used.

Activate the function, select the two Edges and confirm. Select the FE-surface of the roof. Use the Feature Angle selection to make selection easier. Middle click to confirm. The Edges are fit on the FE-surface. New Control Points have been added in each Edge in order to follow the surface curvature. The number of these Points depends on the current Tolerances.

The relative Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to confirm or Cancel to abort the process. Use the Slave Fit option of the Box Morphing> FIT [To Edges] function to fit a group of Edges to target Curves while other selected Edges will follow this movement. Activate the Slave Fit flag of the Edge Fit window and select one or more Edges to be fit. This is the “master” group of Edges. Middle click to confirm. Select the target Curves where the “master” group will be fit and confirm.

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Morphing Tool Select a group of “slave” Edges and activate one of the options of the Slave Group pull down menu, for the “slave” group behavior. In this example, the As Master option has been selected. Middle click to confirm.

Do the same for all “slave” Edges as shown in the picture on the left. Middle click twice to confirm the end of the “slaves” selection.

Then another “master” group can be selected with a new target curves group.

New corresponding “slave” groups of Edges can be selected for this “master” group.

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Morphing Tool After the selection of all “master”, target and “slave” groups press Apply to proceed with Edge fitting. The Confirmation window opens.

Press OK to confirm.

NOTES: - For each “slave” group of Edges a different Slave Type option can be selected. - The options of the Slave Type window are: As Master: The “slave” group of Edges gets the same number of Control Points as the “master” group. Current: The “slave” group retains the number of Control Points that already has. Corners: The “slave” group retains the number of Control Points that already has. Only the corner Control Points of the “slave” group are affected from the fitting. This leads into two options. - If the Translate Option flag is activated the “slave” group is translated as it retains its shape. - If the Translate Option flag is de-activated only the corner Control Points of the “slave” group are moved.

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Morphing Tool 26.5.3. Loading Boxes into Boxes A Morphing Box can have as loaded entities Control Points of other Boxes. As a result, a Box can modify the shape of another Box which resides in the volume of the former one.


The following example demonstrates the advantages of this process. Two separate groups of Boxes have been defined. The “global” one will handle the shape of the whole model as the “local” will handle only the shape of the reinforcement feature (colored in blue).

To load the entities of the “global” Box use the Boxes>Load [Visible] function. As the Control Points of the “local” group are visible, they will be loaded automatically as all other entities, provided that the Include morph points flag in the Options list is activated.

Isolate the part of the model that will be handled with the “local” group. Use the Boxes>Load [Visible] function to load these entities to the Boxes of the “local” group.

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Morphing Tool To make a local modification, apply a morphing function to the “local” group of Boxes.

In this example the Box Morphing>Extend function is used.

Modify the whole model using the Box Morphing>Extend to the “global” Box.

The Control Points of the “local” group are modified as all other loaded entities of the “global” group. So the “local” group is always fit around the reinforcement feature that handles. In that case any local modification is again possible without the need of fitting any Boxes around the features of the model.

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Morphing Tool Suppose that the user follows the conventional way to modify this model using only connected Boxes. In that case a much more complicate group of Boxes with many splits is needed.

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Morphing Tool 26.5.4. Improving the Quality of Morphed Shell Mesh When morphing an FE model, unavoidably the mesh becomes distorted, as the elements are stretched or compressed. However, in order to use the Reconstruction capabilities of ANSA the user can switch to the MESH menu after the morphing and fix all the mesh quality problems, with the functions Smooth and Reconstruct. Alternatively, the user can apply these corrective actions automatically in the MORPH menu, as demonstrated in the following example. The B-pillar will slide forward along its base. Note that at the small embosses at the lower rail, some Rigid type Nested elements have been created and loaded in the Boxes, so as to maintain their exact shape during Morphing. (About nested elements, see section 26.4.)

Slide On Edges

Box Morphing>Slide [On Edges] operation is performed, as demonstrated earlier.

Note that during the use of Morphing functions, the Highlight Option flag affects the visibility of the morphed elements. By default, this flag is not active. Activating this flag, allows the highlighting of the morphed entities. When the Confirmation window opens, the user can press the Reconstruct or Smooth buttons and apply reconstruction or smoothing automatically to all the morphed elements.

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Morphing Tool Next, ANSA applies automatically the selected improvement function, in this case Reconstruct. The preview of the feature lines is given. These lines are remaining intact during reconstruction. The user can make modifications, if required. More specifically, green feature lines can be deselected. In opposite, some of the existing shell edges can be selected in order to be considered as feature lines. Press middle mouse button to proceed. Reconstruction takes place and the Preview window opens.

Press OK or Run Again to perform additional reconstruction passes. Note that the quality is improved, and that the embosses at the lower rail have maintained their shape.

NOTES: 1) The Menubar>Windows>MeshParameters button helps the user to control the reconstruction operation (feature lines control, target element length and type, etc.) 2) After Reconstruction takes place the mesh topology will change. Some elements may be removed and some new ones may be generated. In this sense, the contents of the Boxes must be updated. Use the Boxes>Load [Visible] or [Whole DB] function, to load the newly created elements to the proper Boxes, in order to be able to proceed with further Morphing operations. 3) The quality improvement operations can only be performed on shell mesh. If your model contains solid elements as well, you should examine the morphed mesh and apply Mesh improving functions from the Volume Mesh menu. If needed, erase and remesh the volume mesh, after improving the shell mesh.

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Morphing Tool 26.6. Morphing with 2D-Morphing Boxes Morphing can also be performed by using the 2D-Box Morphing functionality. This method is based on the use of 2D-Morphing Boxes and provides a convenient way of morphing, in case of 2D shape FE-models, such as FE-surfaces. However, 2D Morphing Boxes can also be used to other model shapes. The 2D-Morphing functionality will be next demonstrated. As an example, the bonnet of a car will be morphed, so as to match a given target surface. In addition, the reinforcement of the bonnet must follow the bonnet modification. 26.6.1. Creating 2D-Morphing Boxes 2D Morph

2D-Morphing Boxes are created by using the Boxes>2D Morph

function. A 2D-Morphing Box is defined so that its shape best suits to the form of the model that must be morphed. The Box is represented by a surface, which is bounded by four cyan colored Edges. The corner Control Points of the Edges are colored in orange, whereas the intermediate ones in cyan.

The model to be morphed and the target FEsurface of the bonnet are shown at the picture on the left.

INSER T The definition of the 2D-Morphing Box requires the existence of four groups of 3D-Curves that represent the four boundaries of the FE-surface. Alternatively, the user can select groups of element edges.

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Morphing Tool Define the Morphing Box using 3D-Curves. Activate the Curves Boxes>2D Morph [Curves] function. The relative window opens. Select a group of 3D-Curves as a first boundary of the new Morphing Box and middle click to confirm. In the same way, define the rest Morphing Box boundaries. 2D Morph

The boundaries appear with different colors on screen. Middle click to confirm the selection. The 2D-Morphing Box is created. The Part Manager window might appear, where the user should select the Part that the new Box will be placed in. At this stage, the defined Box does not have any loaded elements in it. The user should load entities, by using the Boxes>Load function, as described in previous section.

NOTE: The number of the Control Points along the formed Edges of the Box, depends on the tolerances that is currently used. To change this tolerance, use the Windows > Settings > Tolerances function. 26.6.2. Fitting 2D-Morphing Boxes on FE surface Before loading the proper elements into the 2D-Morphing Box, the Box should be properly modified so that it best fits on the FE-surface of the model that will be morphed. It should be noted that almost all the functionality of modifying the Boxes used for 3D-morphing, is also available to the 2DMorphing Boxes. These are the functions of the BOX MORPHING, EDGES, and HATCHES groups. A better accuracy in morphing can be achieved, by applying a different number of Control Points along the boundaries of the Morphing Box, or, by splitting the Box into smaller ones, before proceeding with the fitting process. Insert a specified number of Control Points along the Edges, by using the Control Points>Number function. Activate the function and select an Edge with left mouse button. Confirm with middle mouse button. Number

In the Insert number window opens, the user can type the desired number of Control Points to be inserted and equally distributed along the Edge. Press Enter to confirm.

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Morphing Tool While the function is still active, apply the same number of Control Points to the rest of Edges, by selecting them with right mouse button.

Split the 2D-Morphing Box into smaller ones, by using the Boxes>Split function Split

Activate the function, pick the Parametric option and select an Edge, as shown at the picture on the left. The arrow that appears indicates the start of the Edge. In the Split Options window that opens, the user can type in a parametric or absolute (using the prefix~) distance. Press Enter to confirm. The Box is now split. Fit To Surfs

Use the [To Surfs] option of the Box Morphing>Fit function to project the selected Edge along a

specified direction NOTE ! Ensure that Morphing flag in the Option List is de-activated at this point. Activate the Box Morphing>Fit [To Surfs] function, select the Edge to be fit on the FE– surface and middle click to confirm.

Select the target surface and confirm. In the window that appears, activate the User flag. Specify the direction of the projection. Pick OK button to confirm the process.

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Morphing Tool The selected Edge is projected on the FEsurface. Notice that new Control Points have been automatically added to the projected Edge, so that the Edge follows the surface curvature accurately. This is done, since the Add Points flag in the previous window is activated. The number of Control Points that are added on the Edge depends on the current Tolerances values. The relative Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to confirm the projection.

26.6.3. Loading elements into 2D-Morphing Boxes After the definition of the 2D-Morphing Boxes and prior to morphing, the user should load elements to the Boxes. Since the 2D-Morphing Boxes are two dimension entities, the volume where the elements should be loaded is defined by the surface of the Boxes and a predefined thickness. To define the default “thickness” of the 2DMorphing Boxes use the Windows> Settings [MORPH - Optimization] function. The "thickness" of the 2D-Morphing Boxes, must be selected large enough as to assure that all entities of the model to be morphed, lie inside the active volume.

Alternatively, the user can set the 2D thickness of a Box, individually, by setting the relative field in the MORPHBOX card. In the database Browser it is also possible to modify the 2D thickness, massively for several Boxes.

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Morphing Tool Load Visible

Activate the Boxes>Load [Visible] function to load the visible elements of the model.

The elements that reside inside the morph volume (defined from 2D-morph surface and thickness), will be loaded. Make visible all the appropriate entities, select all the Boxes and confirm. The model is now ready to be morphed.

Activate the Boxes>Info [Info] function, in order to have a Info complete view of all the loaded entities. Additionally, in case of 2D Boxes, the 2D thickness of the Morphing Box is shadowed in light blue, in order to have a preview of 2D active area. Info

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Morphing Tool 26.6.4. Apply Morphing When using 2D Morphing Boxes, the user can apply the same morphing functionality of BOX MORPHING group, as in the case of using 3D-Boxes and work in a similar way. Especially, the morphing process with the use of edge and surface fitting is demonstrated below. The surface fitting is achieved in two steps. At the first step, the outer boundaries of the 2DMorphing Boxes, which are snapped to the initial FE-surface bounds, are fit on the boundaries of a target FE-surface. At the second step, the inner Edges of the Boxes group are fit on the target surface. For more accurate morphing results, the user should switch the tolerance to “extra fine” before proceeding to the process. Activate the Windows>Settings [MORPH] function and activate the "Apply extra-fine tolerance" flag. Set also the appropriate "2D morph Thickness" and press the Apply button.




To Edges

Fit the boundary Edges of the 2D-Morphing Boxes on the boundaries of the target FE-surface.

Activate the Box Morphing>Fit [To Edges] function. Select one group of sequential Box Edges and middle click to confirm. Then, select a group of sequential 3D-Curves to fit the Edge group on them and confirm. Do the same for the rest of groups, as shown at the picture on the left. See section 26.5.2 for more details. section

After the selection of all groups, press the Apply button to proceed to the morphing process. In the Confirmation window that appears, pick OK to accept the morphing result.

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Morphing Tool The boundaries of the model are now fitted to the boundaries of the new shape.

Fit To Surfs

Fit the initial surface on the target shape. Activate the Box Morphing> Fit [To Surfs] function.

Select the Box Edge to be projected as shown at the picture on the left and confirm.

Box select the whole target FE-surface. The Box Edge will be projected on this surface. To facilitate the selection, the user can activate the PID flag in the Feature Selection Tool. This action will result to the automatic selection of the whole surface. Middle click to confirm the selection.

The Surface Projection Parameter window appears. Pick the User Projection mode option and define the projection direction, which in this example is the Z axis. Pick OK to confirm. The initial FE-surface (yellow) is fit on the target one (red).

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Morphing Tool 26.7. Morphing with 1D-Morphing Boxes Morphing can also be applied using the 1D-Morphing functionality. This method is based on the use of 1DMORPH Entities. It provides a very convenient way of morphing, due to the quick 1DMORPHs definition and the high flexibility in the selection of the morphing area. 1D-Morphing functionality is demonstrated below. In general, the already demonstrated functionality of Boxes Modification is also valid for the 1D-MORPHs. Some special features that characterize specifically these entities are next described in detail. 26.7.1. Creating 1D-Morphing Edges 1D-MORPH Entities, also named as Single Edges, are created using the Boxes>1D Morph [Curves|Points] function. 1D Morph

As soon as the function is activated, the relative Selection Window appears. There are two ways of definition: Curves or Points. Pick the Curves option in order to define a 1D-MORPH according to 3D-Curves or even Shell Edges. Select the appropriate feature lines of the model and press middle to confirm. The 1D Morphing Entity card appears. The user can set here the appropriate Load radius value. The importance of this value is explained in the next paragraph. The default Load radius value can be set by the Windows> Settings> Morph function. Press OK to continue.

The new 1D-Morph is created. In case a center line does not exist, with Boxes>1D Morph [Middle], by selecting a path of Cons or Shell Edges

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Morphing Tool In case a center line does not exist, with Boxes>1D Morph [Middle], a center line is created from the selected elements and a 1D Morph is automatically created on the new center line. 1D Morph

As soon as the function is activated it is required by the user to select a path of Cons, Edges or Curve in order to define the main direction of the middle curve that will be created. Select an appropriate path and middle click to confirm.

The next step requires the selection of the entities that will be used in order to create a middle curve. Only the entities closest to the selected path will be taken into account. Select the appropriate entities and middle click to confirm the selection.

The middle curve is previewed and two interactive coordinate systems appear at the starting and ending point of the curve. These coordinate systems are used in order to manipulate the length and direction of the created curve. This curve will evidently be the centerline of the new 1D Moprh. Adjust the length of the curve in order to keep it within the length of the entities. In this step, the use can choose between Sweep and Glide options from the Options List. The Extend val. Field in Options List is used in case the middle curve is needed to be extended by a specific value over the initial length By confirming with middle click, the 1D Morph is created and all the selected entities are already loaded in it.

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Morphing Tool In the same way more 1D Morph Entities can be defined.

Most of the already known functions of the Morphing Tool are available also for the 1DMorph entities. For example, the Boxes>Split [parametric] function, it is used in order to split a 1D-Morph at specific distance. Activate the function, switch to the parametric option and select the appropriate 1D-Morph. An arrow appears indicating the direction considered as positive. Confirm with middle. Type the value for the parametric split position and press enter. Split

The selected 1D-Morph is split at the desired position.

Without exiting the function, use the right mouse button in order to apply the same parametric split to other Edges.

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Morphing Tool 26.7.2. Loading elements into 1D-Morphing Boxes The Load Radius value, which is contained in the 1D-Morph entity card, is actually the radius of an idealistic pipe which is the active area around the 1D-Morph. The Default value can be set in the Settings-MORPH window which is invoked by the Windows>Settings>MORPH function.

Load Visible

Use the Boxes>Load [Visible] function, in order to load Entities to the selected 1D Morphs.

Activate the function, select the appropriate Edges and confirm with middle. Entities to be loaded should satisfy two conditions : - to be visible during loading - to lie within the 1D-MORPH active space that was explained before Info Info

Check the loaded entities using the Boxes>Info [Info] function.

Select one or more 1DMorphs. ANSA highlights the loaded entities of the selected Boxes and shadows their active area which was previously defined through the Load Radius value.

Load Select

Use the Boxes>Load [Select] function to remove or add entities to the loaded.

Select an 1D-Morph and confirm with middle button. ANSA highlights the loaded entities (if any). Use the left mouse button to add more or the right button to remove some of the existing loaded entities.

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Morphing Tool 26.7.3. Apply morphing In order to apply Morphing using the 1D-Morphs, the already known functionality is used. As it is already shown, the functions of the MORPH> Box Morphing group, can modify the position of the selected Control Points and the loaded Entities are morphed accordingly, given that the “Morphing Flag” in the Options List Window is active. In case of 1D-Morphs, there is one extra step that is explained next.

Activate the Box Morphing> Move function, switch to the Translate tab and select the appropriate Control Points. Move

Confirm with middle mouse button.

S L I D E ANSA highlights the borders for the moving area. These are actually the borders of the area that is loaded to the 1D-Morphs. At this step it is possible to remove some of the proposed borders or add some new. NOTE: If the Morphing area is not the appropriate one, the user can modify it by the Load [Select] function. Press middle mouse button to confirm.

In the Control Points Movement window set the moving Direction and Distance. This Direction can also be defined by picking two nodes in the working area. Press the Apply button.

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Morphing Tool

The Movement Confirmation window appears. Press OK to accept the Morphing result.

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Morphing Tool 26.8. Geometry Box Morphing Morphing actions can also be performed to Geometrical Models. The whole part of the already demonstrated functionality can be applied to Geometrical Entities, instead of FE-models. In general, Geometry Morphing follows the same concept, as the FE-Model Morphing. However, there are some slight differences and extra steps. A good practice is to create first a rough Fe-model. Create, modify Morphing Boxes, create Morphing Parameters and test Morphing Modifications using this FE model. Finally, load the Geometry to the defined Boxes and proceed. In this paragraph, a simple example is demonstrated in order to give an integrated know-how in Geometry Morphing. Suppose that the Geometry model shown in the image on the left, is needed to be morphed.

Create and manipulate Morphing Boxes, using the functionality demonstrated in sections 25.2 and 26.3.

Activate the Boxes>Load [Visible] function in order to Visible load the model to the selected Morphing Boxes. Select all the Morphing Boxes and middle click to confirm. Load

Double check that only the desired visibility flag buttons are active. Thus, only the appropriate entities ar loaded to the selected Boxes. Select with box-selection all the Morphing Boxes and press middle mouse button to confirm.

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Morphing Tool Activate the Boxes>Info [Info] function in order to highlight Info the loaded faces of selected Morphing Boxes. Despite the fact that the model is loaded to the appropriate Morphing Boxes, functions of the BOX MORPHING group are not yet available to execute Morphing. Info

This can be confirmed by activating a function of the Box Morphing group. Automatically, a warning window appears, given that Morphing flag button is active. In order to proceed with the Morphing of the geometrical entities, it is necessary to go through the ''GEOMETRY CHECK''.

Geometry Check

Activate the Checks> Geometry Check function.

During this check ANSA examines all the loaded Geometrical Faces and performs cuts in areas where they intersect Morphing Box faces. Thus, new faces are produced. These faces are properly distributed to the appropriate Morphing Boxes.

! SUGGESTION: all necessary modifications of Morphing Boxes should better be finished before the application of Geometry Check function. Any Control Point movement (in noMorphing mode), committed after this check, would reset the procedure and a new Geometry Check would then be needed. Consequently, multiple cuts may lead to many (perhaps needle) faces and additional computational effort during Geometry Check or Morphing.

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Morphing Tool After this check, the Geometry Morph window appears which contains all faces that are loaded to the Morphing Boxes. The first column indicates the Morphing Box ID. The second column indicates face‟s ID and the third shows the status of each combination. The Status indicates whether the face lies inside (IN) or outside (OUT) of the corresponding Morphing Box.

In some rare cases, it is possible that some faces have not been assigned to any box or even worse, not been cut at all. These faces appear in the list with the Status Conflict and they need of further manual treatment. ! NOTE: By default, Geometry Morph list opens with the CONFLICT label placed in the filter field. Thus, the user can instantly be informed of which faces need further manual manipulation. In case a face has not been placed to any Morphing Box, the user should do it manually. Select from the list the problematic face and use the Show Only button, in order to isolate it.

The highlight button should also be activated for better view. The respective Morphing Box is highlighted in white, while the geometrical Face is highlighted in light blue. Make the necessary model rotations in order to decide whether the highlighted face lies inside or outside the respective Morphing Box. Back to the List, change its status to IN/OUT using the pull-down menus of the STATUS column.

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Morphing Tool In case the Conflict face has not been cut at all, the user should first cut the problematic face and then assign the produced faces to the appropriate Boxes. Activate the Force button of the List window, in order to proceed with manual face cuts. Select first the Face to be cut and confirm with middle mouse button. Then select a Morphing face by picking its Crosshatch and confirm.

As soon as no more CONFLICT faces exist in the list, press the Next button. Before proceeding with Morphing, there is an extra step. This step is called OutSide Check. This Check reveals loaded faces that seem to be OUT of all boxes. If needed, assign these faces to the appropriate Morphing Boxes. All the functions of the BOX MORPHING group are then capable of Morphing.

For example, activate the Box Morphing> Slide [On Edges] On Edges function and select the desired Control Points as shown in the picture. Press middle mouse button to confirm. Select the relative Morphing Edges and press middle mouse button again. Move the cursor in order to slide along the selected Edges. The model is morphed accordingly. Morphed faces are highlighted during movement, since Highlight Option flag button is activated. Slide

Press left mouse button in order to lock on the desired position. The relative Confirmation window appears.

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Morphing Tool 26.9. Morphing without Boxes Morphing can also be performed without using Morphing Boxes (Direct Morphing). This method can be used for local modifications (or single Parts), but also for complete assemblies, as it can guarantee smooth continuity. Most of the functions of the DIRECT MORPHING group can be applied both on FE and Geometry models. In the following paragraphs, they are described some Direct Morphing examples performed with by the main Direct functions, the DFM (Direct Fitting Movements) and the Direct. Later they are described some special Direct functions that manipulate specific features (holes, depressions, members, e.t.c.). 26.9.1. Direct Morphing Modifications Sometimes, it is needed to move a specific part of the model, as a not deformable body. Simultaneously, a surrounding area should be affected by this movement, without of course, damaging the continuity of the model. For example, suppose that it is needed to translate the outer mirror (Control Entities), of the vehicle a little bit backwards. Simultaneously, an area around the mirror should be properly morphed (Morphed Entities), in order to absorb this movement. The DFM function should be used for this purpose. The function can be applied both on Geometry or FE models. Here it is demonstrated an FE model example. Activate the Direct DFM Morphing>DFM function. The window that appears, works like a wizard which asks for user's selections. The feature selection tool can provide important help to all these selections. First of all, define the Move Type. Here the Translate option is selected. Then define the Control Entities. These are going to be moved (not morphed) according the defined moving type (translate). Set the appropriate options in the radio buttons and select. Alternatively, the user can pick the Database button in order to select entities through the Database Browser. Confirm the selection with middle button. The selected items are highlighted in light green color.

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Morphing Tool Upon confirmation, the user is asked to define the translation vector. Define this vector numerically, or just pick two nodes. Confirm again.

Automatically, a second group of moving items appears in the wizard window, ready to be defined. ATTENTION: Here, it is possible to define another moving area that will affect the same Morphed Entities. If there is no need for more Control Entities, just press middle to skip and move on to the next step. The Next step is to define the Morphed Entities i.e. entities that are going to be morphed, by the movement of the Control Entities, that were selected previously. Select these Entities and confirm. Morphed Entities are highlighted in magenta color. ANSA automatically moves to the next step, recognizing the borders of the Morphed Entities (i.e. Bounds). The automatic selection is done according to the defined Morphed Entities.

If needed, de-select some of the automatically, selected Bounds or add some more. Confirm again with middle button. The bounds are then colored in dark blue.

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Morphing Tool After the Bounds confirmation, the wizard window is listing the defined Direct Items (here only one). The user can still go back and modify the previous selections. To do this pick the desired Direct item and press the Modify button. Alternatively, add a New Direct Item. In order to modify the Value of translation, just click on it and it becomes editable. Press Apply button to proceed with Morphing. The Control Entities are translated according to the defined distance and the Morphed Entities are morphed accordingly. ! NOTE: For the Translate option, in the Vector step, it is possible to selcet a local cordinate system with the right mouse button, which can also be a cylindrical one.

In the confirmation window, the user can toggle between the Initial and Final state (see next pictures) using the relative button. Accept the result with the Finish button. The aforementioned functionality can also be saved as a morphing parameter of DFM type. This is done by pressing the Save button. For more information about the Morphing Parameters, see section 26.10.2.

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Morphing Tool Optionally, Reconstruct or Smoothing can be applied on the Morphed area. In order to perform a Reconstruction of the mesh, pick the Reconstruct button in the previous window. The Morphed area is isolated. Press middle button in order to run the reconstruction algorithm.

The mesh is reconstructed according to the current Meshing Parameters. For more information about the Reconstruct function, see section 10.6.4. Other available moving types in DFM are the Rotate and Scale.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.2. Direct Edge Fit Morphing In this section, the Edge Fitting option of DFM, is demonstrated in a case where a whole part of a vehicle is morphed. Selected feature lines of the model, reach the appropriate target curves and the selected area is following this movement. As it is shown in the picture, some of the model's feature lines (initial curves) are selected to be...



…fitted to the target curves. The Modification is bounded by the user-defined Boundary Curves.

Activate the Direct Morphing>DFM function. The relative window appears. Pick the Edge Fit as Move Type. DFM


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Select a curve or CONS, considered as Source Edge, and confirm with middle mouse button. The selected curve is colored in light green color.


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Morphing Tool Select the respective Target Edge and confirm. This curve is colored in orange color. The first pair is defined as shown.

In the same way, define the next pairs and confirm. Declare the end of selections with middle mouse button.

Upon confirmation, the Selection Wizard, switches to Morphed Entities selection mode. These are the entities that are going to be affected by the Edge Fit.

In the selection partition pick the Geometry option.

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Morphing Tool Select all the Faces that should be morphed and confirm with middle mouse button.

The wizard turns to Bounds mode and automatically…

...ANSA selects the Bounding edges according to the previous entities selection. A report of the selected bounds is also available in the previous window. The user can add more bounds or remove some of the already selected. Then accept the Bounds definition with middle button.

Bounds are colored in blue. At that state the selections are completed and everything is ready for Morphing.

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Morphing Tool However, it is still possible to modify any of the selections. To do so, just click on the desired entity group (e.g. Morphed Entities) and modify it. The already selected Entities are highlighted. Add more Entities using the left mouse button or de-select some of the already selected, with the right button. Confirm with middle mouse button. After the completion of the selections press Next.

In the next step, the defined Direct Items are listed. Press Apply to continue with Morphing.

The model is morphed.

Toggle between the Initial and Final state, using the relative button. Press Accept to accept the modification.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.3. Direct Surface Fit Morphing This example demonstrates the DFM function in surface fitting mode. The aim here is to morph the whole door assembly in order to match to…

… the target outer skin of the new door. Note that the initial assembly contains rigid and frozen nested elements (see section 26.4.) that will guarantee their initial shape or position, like for example the door hinges.

The appropriate preparation for this morphing action requires the existence of the initial and the target surface. Overlaying the two outer door panels shows their differences in size and shape.

! NOTE: The user is advised to use the Part Manager in order to arrange the initial, target surfaces and the rest parts (to be morphed). This will facilitate selections, during the application of the function.

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Morphing Tool

Activate the Direct Morphing>DFM function. The Direct Morphing window appears. Pick the Surface Fit Move Type. DFM

First the user is first prompt to select the Origin Area. The Feature Selection Tool and specifically, the PID tab can help with this selection. Confirm with middle mouse button. NOTE: Another quick way to select entities, is to pick the Database button and select entities through the DataBase Browser.

The Source Area is highlighted in green color, after confirmation. Next select the Target Area, in the same way and confirm. The Target Area is highlighted in orange color.

Next the wizard moves to the definition of Perimeters,pairs of Matching Nodes between the Source and the Target Area.

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Morphing Tool At least three pairs of matching nodes should be defined. However, definition of more pairs will guarantee a more accurate surface fitting. ! NOTE : Only peripheral nodes can be selected as matching nodes.

NOTE: in case of inner openings, the respective centers are identified by ANSA. If it is needed to couple these openings, couple first the centers and then define at least three more pairs of matching nodes, for each opening.

As soon as all the Matching Nodes pairs are defined, confirm with middle button. The user has the option to select Inner Feature lines by adding(+) the relative item. This action is an Edge fitting (Selection of an Origin and Target edge) for feature lines of the Source and Target areas, for more accurate results. This step can be skipped. The next step is the definition of the Entities that are going to be morphed (Morphed Entities), affected by the Surface Fit. Select all these Entities and confirm. The selected Entities are highlighted in magenta color. Upon confirmation, ANSA proceeds to the automatic selection of the bounds and gives the relative report. These bounds are the borders of the Morphing. If the Morphed area is not connected with any other entities, no bounds are defined. Confirm with middle button.

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Morphing Tool In the next step, press the Apply Button. The model is morphed. The Source Area is fitted onto the Target and the Morphed Entities are following this movement. In this example 3D-Curves created from the feature lines of the initial shape show the modification of the model. The Frozen nested element has retained its initial position. The Rigid nested elements have been moved keeping their initial shape.

Rigid elements

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Frozen element


Curves of Initial position

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Morphing Tool 26.9.4. Snapping to Multiple Target Curves In some cases multiple curves fitting is needed. Activate the Direct Morphing >Fit Fit function in order to take advantage of the Multi Curve select button. Here two sets of 3D-Curves can massively be selected, in order to define the initial and target position of the model. As the first set of curves is fitted to the second, the selected elements are modified accordingly.

To make the selection of entities easier, it is recommended to assign entities in different ANSA Parts in the Part Manager. Then, in each step of the procedure, the user can leave visible only the needed part.

Activate the function. The Selection Wizard window opens. Pick the Multi Curve button.

Select 3D-Curves to define the Origin set. There is no need to select the curves in a specific order. Thus, box selection is also accepted. Middle click to confirm the selection.

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Morphing Tool Select the target set of curves and confirm.

To define the correspondence between the initial and target curves, select one of the target Curves (highlighted in white) to be related to the initial one that is highlighted in red. All other Curves will then be matched automatically.


Upon confirmation, the two groups are highlighted accordingly and the user is asked to proceed to the selection of more Initial and target Curves. Confirm again with middle mouse button. In the next step, ANSA asks for the Entities that will be morphed.

Select the elements to be modified and confirm.

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Morphing Tool The wizard turns to Bounds selection mode. Automatically, ANSA identifies the obvious bounding edges and gives the relative report. The user can accept this selection, or modify it accordingly.

De-select the selected bounds (if any), using the right mouse button and confirm with middle.

Press the Apply button to proceed with Morphing. The model is modified and the relative confirmation window appears.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.5. Direct Nodes Modifications Using the Direct function, the user can apply several moving types on selected nodes. There are some frozen nodes, that define the Bounds of the movement and elements of a “transition zone” that are moving smoothly between the rigid and the Bounds. The available movements are the following : Move Free, Translation, Rotate, Align, Offset and Linear. The next examples demonstrate some of this functionality.


Activate the Direct function of the Direct Morphing group.

The Nodes Movement window appears. At the top there are listed all the available moving options. Pick the Translate option.

First Select the Morphed Entities. These are elements that will be affected by the modification. Confirm with middle button. Morphed Entities are colored in magenta color, while the border nodes are automatically highlighted in white. Simultaneously, the Bounds line of the wizard is activated. In this step it is possible to add more nodes to the Bounds or remove some of the already selected (right mouse button). Confirm with middle button.

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Morphing Tool The next entity to be defined is the Control Entities. These are the nodes that will be moved as rigid.

Select the appropriate nodes and confirm with middle. These nodes are highlighted in light green color.

The next (optional) step is to define is the Coordinate System. Use the left mouse button to select a local coordinate system or/and press middle to skip this step, accepting the global coordinate system.

In the next step, it is needed to define the translation direction and the relative distance.

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Morphing Tool Pick two nodes in order to define the vector and type the appropriate distance.

Automatically, the Control Entities are moving to the defined direction. The Morphed Entities are affected by the movement, while the Bounds remain frozen.

Alternatively, In order to define a specific translation movement the Translate option of the Direct function can be applied on nested elements. In this example, instead of selecting the Bounds and Control Entities, Nested Elements can be used. For more details about Nested Elements, see section 26.4. Two nested elements must be defined. A rigid one, which will contain the elements that must be moved and a frozen one which contains the nodes that constrain the movement. Activate the function and in the Nodes Movement window that appears pick the Translate option. Select the elements that will be affected and confirm. Direct

Now instead of selecting Bounds and Control Entities, just pick the middle mouse button as the algorithm identifies the defined Rigid and Frozen Nested Elements of the model.


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The Nodes Movement window appears where the user can define the translation vector.


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Morphing Tool Press Apply button to proceed.

In the confirmation window that appears, press OK to accept the modification or Cancel to abort.

Use the Direct Morphing> Direct function to offset selected nodes normal to the model's surface. Direct

Activate the function and pick the Offset button.

Select the elements that need to be morphed, and confirm with middle mouse button.

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Morphing Tool The area of Morphed Entities is colored in magenta while the external nodes are highlighted in white and considered as frozen. At this stage, the user can add more or remove any of the already selected frozen points, using the left or right mouse button, respectively. Press middle button to move on.

The Bounds are then colored in blue.

Next select the nodes that will serve as Control Entities for the movement. These are highlighted in light green color. Confirm again.

In the Nodes Movement window that appears, input the appropriate offset value and press Apply. The modification can be saved as a Morphing parameter, using the Save button. See section 26.10.2.

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Morphing Tool In that way a closed depression has been created. Smoother or sharper depression can be created, if more or less elements are selected.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.6. Fitting similar models Sometimes it is needed to fit the FE description of a model to ...

...the real Geometry, which may be an STL mesh. The two models are usually similar and close to each other. The Direct Morphing> Nominal2Real function, is designed exactly for such cases.

Nominal2Real Activate the Direct Morphing>Nominal2Real function. The relative window appears asking for the selection of the model to be fitted (nominal). NOTE: The nominal model can be Geometry instead of FE. NOTE: If the two model located far from each other, it is needed to activate the Match models flag. Select the appropriate entities and confirm with middle mouse button. The Nominal model is highlighted in light green.

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Morphing Tool Next, select the Real model description (target model) and type the appropriate searching distance. Confirm with middle mouse button. The Real model is colored in orange.

The Nominal model is fitted to the Real.

Using the Initial/Final button, toggle between the original and final state.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.7. Creating local depressions The Direct Morphing> Depress function can be used in order to automatically create a local depression on shell mesh. Depress

The user can specify the center line and cross section of the depression.


Four types of cross sections are available, as shown in this image.

triangular trapezoid elipse

Activate the Depress function and select a sequential group of 3D-Curves. Alternatively, element edges can be selected.

Pick the middle mouse button to confirm. Then select the elements that will be affected when the depression will be created.

In the next window, the user can specify the dimensions, orientation and the shape of the depress section. Additionally, the element length for the new elements is defined. Press Next to continue. The depression is created and a warning window appears. Pick the middle mouse button to confirm.

Press OK button to proceed.

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Morphing Tool Upon confirmation, The user has the option to apply reconstruct or smoothing in the area of the selected elements.

Pick the Reconstruct button, de-select (if needed some the depressions feature lines) and press middle to confirm.

Toggle between the old and the new Mesh and pick the most appropriate. Press OK.

After confirmation the depression is created. Activate the Boxes visibility flag. Around the new feature, Morphing Boxes are automatically created. Additionally, two Morphing Parameters are defined which can handle the width and the height of the depress section. The user can access and modify the parameters through the Controls>Parameters function. See section 26.10.2. Parameters

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Morphing Tool The Direct Morphing> Stamping function can be used in order to automatically create many types of features like Openings, Flanged openings, Beads and Stamps Stamping

Activate the function and the Stamping tool window opens. Select the type of feature to be created, Bead in this case, and pick a node from a shell, to retrieve PID and connectivity information (on visible elements) for the new feature. Press middle click or Next button to move to the next step In the Parameters step, the shape and size of the feature is defined. Top and Section view drawings facilitate the procedure. Having the Bead Path button pressed, from the Selections area, pick Points or Curves (use the radio button to switch mode) to define the Bead. Preview is available. If needed, use the Reverse bead button to change the bead orientation.

For Bead features Straight or Curved bead can be selected, with or without rounded edges. Rounded or Flat bottom can also be selected by the respective drop menu. Shape values can be typed in the relative fields and the preview will be automatically updated. By pressing Next or middle click, the Bead is created with geometry faces. !NOTE: If the values are not correct or the Bead path or the PID node is not defined, the Next button will not be available and an Error message will appear at the bottom of the window

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Morphing Tool In the Mesh parameters step, the Element type, Target Length and Distortion distance can be defiened. Also orientation of the faces can be handled with the Invert faces button. If the faces are usefull, the can be kept by checking the Keep faces check box. Otherwise the will be deleted after the creation of the bead. After confirming the Mesh parameters, the geometry faces are meshed and in the Movement step, an interactive coordinate system appears on the bead.

By selecting an axis or an arc from the coordinate system the Bead can be moved and with the right click, lock in a new position. Middle click to confirm and the Bead is automatically connected to the undelying surface and the area is reconstructed. In the Confirmation window it is possible to further Reconstruct or Smooth the area, Add the feature to an SET or Save a Slide feature parameter, for the new Bead

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Morphing Tool 26.9.8. Sliding Features on Surface It is needed very often to slide a feature (bead, hole etc), onto a larger surface. For such purposes, the Slide [Feature] function has been designed. Activate the Direct Slide Morphing>Slide [Feature] Feature function. Select the feature that needs to be moved. !NOTE: If needed to copy the selected feature, (instead of just moving it), switch the Feature option to Copy in the Slide Feature window. Confirm using middle mouse button. Upon confirmation, a coordinate system appears together with the Slide Feature window. This is going to control the movements of the selected feature. Notice that the cyan axis of the coordinate is called Normal and it is normal to the underlying surface. The available movements for the feature is Free, Translation, Rotation and Movement on a selected curve, selected by the relative tabs of the Slide Feature window.

!NOTE: if the position and the orientation of the coordinates are not appropriate, activate the Adjust flag. The System becomes grey. In the window that appears and re-orient the system, by using its handlers (i.e. axis and quadrants). Then deactivate the flag and continue.

Moving the cursor onto the Coordinate System, its components (vectors, arcs, quadrants and the center) become selectable and highlighted.

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Morphing Tool In Free movement, pick for example, an axis (here the green Y) and move the cursor in order to slide the feature along this axis. Alternatively, pick a quadrant in order to rotate the feature. Move the bead to the desired position. The original area is covered by new elements, highlighted in orange, provided that the Highlight flag in the Options List window is on.

NOTE: During the movement, the Normal axis is automatically re-oriented in order to remain always normal to the underlying surface. In Translation, Rotation and On curve Movement, after confirmation, there is also the ability to Save the selection as a parameters. The saved Parameter can be accesed by MORPH>Controls>Parameters

Press left mouse button to confirm the new position. If needed pick the Reconstruct or Smooth button, in order to improve the mesh on both, the original area and the area around the moved feature.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.9. Sliding Members on Surface Sometimes, it is needed to slide a member onto a larger surface and adapt it to its new position. For such purposes, the Slide [Member] function has been designed. Slide

Activate the Direct Morphing>Slide [Member] function. The relative


wizard appears.

Select the Member that needs to be moved and confirm with middle button. The entities are highlighted in magenta color.

In the next (optional) step, the user is asked to define Rigid areas of the already selected Member. These areas are going to follow the Member‟s movement but they are not going to be affected by the Member‟s adaption to the surfac. Confirm again with middle button. The Rigid area is highlighted in light green color.

In the next step, the user is asked to define the Flanges areas of the already selected Member. These areas are going to be fitted to the underlying surface after the Member‟s movement. Confirm again with middle button. The Flanges area is highlighted in orange color.

Simultaneously a blue shadowed Box and a Coordinate System appear.

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Morphing Tool Moving the cursor onto the Coordinate System, its components (vectors, arcs, quadrants and the center) become selectable and highlighted. Pick for example, an axis and move the cursor in order to slide the CS along this axis. Alternatively, pick a quadrant in order to rotate the Coordinate System. In that way the user can re-locate the system (and consequently the Box), in case that the automatic positioning was not satisfactory. Usually, the automatic positioning of the Coordinate System fits to the needs of sliding and no further action is demanded. It is important that the shadowed Box includes the complete Member and the respective area of the underlying surface.

If not, use one or more of its handlers (crosses on the centers of its Faces) and drag the cursor in order to enlarge it. Usually, the default size of the Box fits to the user needs. NOTE: Notice that the cyan axis of the coordinate is called normal and it is normal to the underlying surface, while the red one is called move and it is considered as the sliding axis.

Back in the Slide Member Wizard window press Next or middle to continue. The shadowed Box turns to magenta color. Pick the move axis and drag the cursor…

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Morphing Tool …click on the new opposition. At that step it is also needed for the magenta shadowed Box to include the underlying area where the flanges are going to be projected. If not, use one or more of its handlers (crosses on the center of its Faces) and drag the cursor in order to enlarge it. Usually, the default size of the Box fits to the user needs.

Until now, the Member has only been moved along the selected vector and no other action has been taken. Press Next or middle button to proceed with the flanges projection and the Member adaption.

The Flanges elements have been projected to the surface. The magenta entities have been morphed in order to follow the projection, while the Rigids are remaining intact.

If needed, pick the Reconstruct or Smooth button, in order to apply mesh improvement on the Member. Press Accept to proceed with the modification or Back to redefine it.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.10. Modifying Holes The Direct Morphing>Holes function is used in order to modify the dimensions of holes on an FE surface. The user can select the elements to be affected by the modification.

Activate the Direct Morphing>Holes function. In the window that appears, set the desired hole diameter and press the Select button. Holes

All the visible holes, of diameter smaller than the defined, are automatically selected. Additionally, the user can add more holes or remove some of the selected, manually. The affected zones of elements are controlled by the relative field or even manually, if the Modify Zones flag is active. These elements are highlighted in cyan color.

Pressing OK, red vectors appearing around the selected holes, indicating the movement direction. Additionally, the Radius measurements appear and blue crosses indicate the movement boundaries.

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Morphing Tool In the Parametric Movement window that appears, set the desired value of Radius Increment or degrease. Activate the Follow surface curvature flag in order to move the affected grids onto the existing surface. Else, the grids are moving on the holes' plane.

The modifications can be saved as a Morphing Parameter using the Save button.

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Morphing Tool 26.9.11. Morphing according to Cross-Sections The Direct Morphing> Crossec function is used in order to modify the model's shape according to initial and target Cross-Sections. Crossec

The function can be applied both on FE surface and Geometry.

Activate the Direct Morphing >Crossec function. In the list that appears pick the New option, in order to create a new CROSSEC-MORPH entity. This entity is actually an association between, one or more, initial and target Cross Sections. In the CROSSECMORPH card that appears set a name and press OK. The card closes and the user is asked, to define the Cross Section pairs.

Pick some chains of Cross Section segments that will stand as initial and middle click to confirm.

Pick other chains of Cross Section segments, that will stand as target and confirm again. Select more pairs if needed or/and press middle mouse button to exit the Association mode.

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Morphing Tool Open again the list window and pick the defined CROSSECMORPH. The initial and target CrossSection segments are highlighted. Pick the Morph option in order to proceed with Morphing.

Optionally, select bounding Cross-Sections or press middle mouse button to skip this step.

In the next step, the Selection Window appears and the user is asked to select the entities to be morphed. Toggle between the available categories or press Database in order to select through the Database Browser. Select the appropriate entities and confirm with middle mouse button.

The selected entities are moved in order to fit to the target cross-sections.

In the Confirmation window that appears, toggle between the initial and final status, to evaluate the morphing results.

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Morphing Tool In case that it is needed to add or remove entities, for Morphing, press the Reselect button. When this option is picked, the initial selection is reset and new selections should be done. Make the new selection and confirm.

Back in the Confirmation Window. A Morphing Parameter of type deformation (see section 26.10.2), can be saved, using the Save button. This parameter records the movements of all the modified nodes.

Additionally, there is a Move option located both in the list and in the Confirmation window. Use this option, in order to Morph selected entities by moving the relative Cross-section. Pick the Move button. Optionally select bounding CrossSections or/and middle. Select the entities to be morphed and press middle, select nodes of Cross section segments and confirm with middle. The selected nodes can be moved in terms of Move Free or Translate function and the selected entities are going to move according this movement and their initial position

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Morphing Tool 26.10. Parameterized Morphing 26.10.1. Recording History ANSA enables the user to keep a kind of History during Morphing modifications. As it was referred in previous paragraphs, Morph History States can be recorded through the Confirmation window, after each modification action. Additionally, History States can be recorded at any time using the Controls>History function. Using Morph History States, the user can jump at any time to any, previously defined state. Thus, it is quite easy to repair previous wrong Morphing actions. Optionally, create a Morph State based on the initial status of the model. The model in the picture will be morphed using the relative Morphing Boxes and appropriate target curves. NOTE: No much attention will be paid here to the Morphing procedure, since the goal is to demonstrate the use of the HISTORY tool.

Activate the Controls> History function. The Morph History States window appears. Press the Rec.Hist button to create the first History state based on the current status of the model. At this moment, the position of all the Control points is recorded. History

Using the functionality of the modification group or alternatively some Morphing Parameters (see section 26.10.2.), the model's shape is morphed, as shown in the picture. In the confirmation window that appears, press the Rec. Hist button and confirm with OK.

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Morphing Tool As it is shown, the second History State has been created.

Next, using the Morphing functionality we proceed to the reduction of the model's thickness. In the same way as previously we record new History states at each step of the modification. After the recording of all the Morphing steps, we come up with a list of History States like the one shown in the next picture.

CROSSEC Activate again the Controls>History function. The Morph History States window appears. This list offers several options. First of all the user can jump to any selected state using the Apply button.

For example, pick the first State (Initial State) and press Apply. The model returns back to its initial shape.

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Morphing Tool Another very useful option of the History tool is the creation of a continuous Morphing using specific History States. Select two or more states and activate the Create... pull down menu. The selection order does matter. The first selected State is considered as the initial State while the last selected as final, independently of their Id. Pick the Create..Morph option. The Par field and the relative bar are getting activated. The user can set a value between 0 and 1 or slide the scroll bar in order to smoothly and parametrically morph the model, between the initial and the final state. In the picture it is shown the model exactly on the middle position between the two selected states (par = 0.5). Press OK to confirm. The Morph curved option creates a smooth Morphing based on a curve that goes through the selected Morph states, while the Morph linear is based on a straight line. Additionally, the user can create a Deformation & a Curved Deformation parameter between the selected History States. For detailed information about Morphing Parameters, see section 26.10.2

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Morphing Tool 26.10.2. Morphing through parameters Most of the basic functions of the Morphing Tool can be handled through special ANSA Entities called Morphing Parameters. Since a Morphing Parameter is defined, the user can make the respective morphing action just by changing a numerical value. Morphing Parameters are usually used to: - handle a FE-model in a parametric way. - run ANSA automatically, through Scripting Language and hence couple the Morphing Tool with Optimization software. The types of Morphing Parameters similar to the available morphing functions: EXTEND: controls the length of morphing Edges. ANGLE: controls the angle between morphing Edges. OFFSET: controls the offset of Box Faces. TRANSFORM: controls translation, rotation, transformation and scaling movements of selected Control Points. RADIUS: controls the inner or outer radius of Cylindrical Morphing Boxes. EDGE FIT: fits morphing Edges to target curves. DIRECT: controls FE nodes or Control Points by several types of movement (translate, rotate etc). DEFORMATION: records movements of nodes during morphing. USER TANGENCY: controls the User Tangency orientation modifications. CURVED DEFORMATION: creates a Morphing modification passing through selected Morphing History States. See section 26.10.1. SPIN: controls the rotation of Control Points of Cylindrical Morphing Boxes. HOLES: controls the dimensions of openings on FE surface. DFM: controls Direct Modification performed by the DFM function, see section 26.8.1-3. SLIDE MEMBER: controls the movement of a member on its underlying surface between stored positions SLIDE FEATURE: controls the movement of a feature on the underlying surface on a selected axis TWB: TWB (Taylor Welded Blanks) controls the movement of a boarderline between two consecutive PID‟s

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Morphing Tool The EXTEND parameter To create a new Morphing parameter of any type, activate the Controls>Parameters function. Parameters

The PARAMETERS list window opens. Press or right click the New button.

Automatically, the PARAMETERS card opens. Select the Type of the parameter from the relative pull-down menu. Optionally, enter a name for the parameter and press OK to confirm.

In the same way as in the Box Morphing> Extend function, select one or more corner (not intermediate) Control Points. Middle click to confirm. Select one Morphing Box Edge for each selected Control Point and middle click to terminate selection.


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The selected Control points will be moved along the respective Morphing Box Edges when the parameter will be used.

After confirmation the new defined parameter is listed to the PARAMETERS window. To open this list, activate the Controls>Parameters function. From this list the user can manipulate all the existing Morphing Parameters. Activate the Highlight button to highlight the entities that are controlled by the selected parameters.


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Morphing Tool Modify Content Use the Modify Contents button of the PARAMETERS window to change the included entities of an existing parameter. Select a parameter from the list and activate the function. Deselect any of the selected entities if needed (using right mouse button) or/and select new ones as described previously, (left mouse button). F L 2 C U R V

E d g e s

In order to morph the model using a parameter, select it from the list and press the Morph button. The entities that participate to the parameter (Edges and Control Points) are highlighted. If more than one Edge are included in the parameter the cursor automatically snaps to one of the Control Points to be the guide point for the movement. Morph

The Parametric Movement window appears where the user can do the following operations: - Activate the Numerical Input flag in order to enter numerically a value to increase/ decrease the current length of the highlighted Edges. - Deactivate the Numerical Input flag in order to drag the Control Points using the mouse. - Pick the Origin button to return to the initial position.

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Morphing Tool The Control Points are traveling along their corresponding Edges. When the right position of the Control Points is selected, press the left mouse button to confirm. The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to accept the modification, Continue to select a new position or Cancel to cancel the process. NOTE: When a Control Point that belongs to an EXTEND parameter is moved beyond its corresponding Edge, there are two options: If the Edge (at the position of the Control Point) is connected with an Edge of another Box, then the Control Point is moved along the second Edge.

If the Edge (at the position of the Control Point) is not connected with any other Edge, then the Control Point follows the tangent of the Edge at the position of the Control Point.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The ANGLE parameter Activate the Controls> Parameters function and press New to create a new Morphing Parameter. Switch the Type pull-down menu to ANGLE. New

Pick the OK button to confirm. Select a Morphing Box Edge to retain its position and confirm. Select another Edge to be the moving one. The two Edges must have a common Control Point. Middle click to confirm. The angle that formed by the two Edges is shown on the screen.

Optionally, select more pairs of Edges to be controlled from the same parameter. Finally middle click once more to declare the end of selection and exit the function. To morph the model using the Morph ANGLE parameter, select the parameter from the list and pick or right click the Morph button. The Edges that are controlled from the parameter are highlighted and the current value of the angle is displayed on the screen. The white highlighted Edge is the fixed one and the yellow highlighted Edge is the moving one. In the Parametric Movement window that appears enter an angle value to be added to the existing angle. The moving Edge is updated automatically. If needed pick the Origin button to return to the initial position. Left click on the screen to confirm the new position. The relative Confirmation window appears. NOTE: Sometimes the bounds of the ANGLE movements are constrained by neighboring Boxes. Then a relative warning message appears in the Status Bar. In the case that the moving Edge is connected with other Edges as the example at the picture on the left, the moving Control Point travels along these Edges instead of rotating. This ensures that the morphing with the ANGLE parameter will respect the feature lines of the rest of the model. NOTE: The value that is applied in the Parametric Movement window is relative. So in case that the parameter controls more than one angle with different initial values, the entered value will be added to all these angles.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The OFFSET parameter To create an OFFSET parameter, activate the Controls> Parameters function and pick the New option. For easier selection activate the Hatch button in the Box Draw toolbar. New

The Parameters card opens. Switch the Type pull-down menu to OFFSET and pick the OK button to confirm. Select one or more Morphing Box Faces by picking on their Hatches. Only outer (free) Faces can be selected (green Hatches). Middle click to terminate selection. The new created parameter is listed to the PARAMETER window. To morph the model using the OFFSET parameter, select it from the list and press or right click the Morph button. The Faces that are controlled from this parameter are highlighted. Morph

In the Parametric Movement window that appears enter an offset value. The position of the Faces is updated. If needed pick the Origin button to return to the initial position. Press the left mouse button to confirm the new position. NOTE: The value that is applied in the Parametric Movement window refers to relative movement of the Hatches from their initial position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The TRANSFORM (translate) parameter To create a translate parameter, activate the Controls> Parameters function and pick the New option. The PARAMETERS card opens. Switch the Type pull-down menu to TRANSFORM. Automatically the Movement field appears. Switch it to TRANSLATE. Pick the OK to confirm. Select the Control Points to be moved and confirm with middle mouse button. The Axis Definition window opens. Type in the translation vector or pick two points from the screen to define it. Press OK to confirm.



M o r p h F I T

Optionally, select more groups of Control Points (highlighted in blue) and new translation vectors for each group. After selection of all groups, press OK to confirm and end the selection again with middle mouse button. The new parameter is created and listed in the Parameters window.


M o r p h


To morph the model using the TRANSLATE parameter, select the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. The entities and the direction vectors are highlighted. In the window that opens type in the magnitude of the movement. Morphing takes place automatically. If needed pick the Origin to return to the initial state. Morph

Press the left mouse button to confirm the new position. The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to accept the modification, Continue to select a new position or Cancel to cancel the process.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The TRANSFORM (Rotate) option To create a rotate parameter, activate the Controls> Parameters function. The Parameter card opens. Switch the Type pull-down menu to TRANSFORM and the Movement to ROTATE. Pick OK to confirm. Select the Control Points to be rotated and confirm with middle mouse button. Parameters

The Axis Definition window opens. Pick two positions to define the rotation axis and press OK. You can proceed with the selection of more groups of Points to be rotated in a different axis. After selection of all groups press OK to confirm and middle click to exit the function. The new parameter is defined and listed in the Parameters window.

To morph the model with this parameter, select the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. The entities and vector are displayed. In the window that opens type in the magnitude of the rotation angle. Morphing takes place automatically. Use the relative bar to apply more smoothly the rotate Morphing Parameter Morph

Press left mouse button to accept the morphing or Origin to return to initial state. The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to accept the modification, Continue to select a new position or Cancel to cancel the process.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The RADIUS parameter Cylindrical Boxes can be handled by the RADIUS parameter. To control the outer radius of a Cylindrical Box activate the Controls>Parameters function. Pick the New option and select as Type RADIUS and as RadType OUTER. Press OK. Parameters

Select one or more circular Edges and confirm. The parameter is defined and listed in the Parameters window. If the inner radius of a Cylindrical Box must be handled, use the parameter of Type RADIUS and Rad-Type INNER. Select an inner radius of a Cylindrical Box by its perimeter and confirm again. The parameter is defined.

To modify the outer radius of a Cylindrical Box select the respective parameter and press the Morph button. The Cylindrical Box Faces that participate to the parameter are highlighted. In the window that opens, type in the new value for the Radius of the Faces. Morph

Press middle mouse button to lock position or Origin to return to initial state.

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Morphing Tool To modify the inner radius of a Cylindrical Box select a parameter of the relative type and press the Morph button. The Cylindrical Box Face that participates to the parameter is displayed. In the window that opens type in a new value for the Radius of the Faces. Morph

Press middle mouse button to lock position or Origin to return to initial state. The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to accept the modification, Continue to select a new position or Cancel to cancel the process.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The EDGE FIT parameter The Box Morphing> Fit function can also be handled through a parameter. Activate the Controls> Parameters function and pick the New option. In the window that appears pick the EDGE FIT Type and press the OK button. Parameters



Select sequentially, one or more Morphing Box Edges to be fit and confirm.

Select one or more 3D-Curves to be the target position and middle click to confirm the selection.

M M o or r p p h h

Optionally, select more target positions for the selected group of Edges. The different target positions are highlighted in different colors. Middle click once more to confirm and exit the function. P In the same parameter they can be defined A many group of Edges with their corresponding R target positions. A M In order to Morph with an EDGE S Morph FIT parameter, select the parameter and press the Morph button. The Edge to be morphed and the target curves are displayed. An ID number is also displayed for each target curve on the screen. In the window that opens type in the number ID of the desired target curve and left click to confirm.

The loaded elements are modified accordingly.

! NOTE: In Edge Fit parameter, only Curves and not shell Edges can be selected as targets.

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Morphing Tool The DIRECT parameter The Box Morphing>Direct and Direct Morphing>Direct functions can also be used as parameters. Activate the Controls> Parameters Parameters function and switch the Type to DIRECT.

Leave the Movement menu to TRANSLATE and the selection to NORMAL in order to parametrize the Direct Morphing>Direct function. Pick the OK button to confirm. Select the elements to be modified and confirm.

The outer bounds of the selected elements are automatically defined as frozen nodes. If needed select more nodes of the selected elements to be frozen, or de-select some of the automatically selected, using the right mouse button. The frozen nodes are highlighted in blue. Middle click to confirm.

Select the nodes of the selected elements that will be moved as a rigid body and confirm again. These nodes are highlighted in light green color. The Nodes Movement window opens. Type in the translation vector and press Finish.

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Morphing Tool Instead of selecting manually the elements that will participate to the DIRECT parameter, already defined SETs, Parts or Properties can be used. In that case pick the Selection GROUPS in the PARAMETER card. Activate the Controls> Parameters function. Switch the Type pull-down to DIRECT and the Selection to GROUPS. Pick OK. The Database window appears in its selection mode and PARTs, SETs and PROPERTIEs can be selected to define the elements to be affected and the elements that will be the rigid. Pick a SET and confirm with middle mouse.

NESTED Then select a SET for the rigid entities and confirm again. As frozen nodes are considered the outer nodes of the selected elements. Finally define the translation vector and press OK to confirm.

Morph To modify a parameter of type DIRECT select such a parameter from the list and press the Morph button. The entities and vector are displayed. In the window that opens type in the magnitude of the movement from the original position. Morphing takes place automatically. Press left mouse button to accept the Morphing or Origin to return to initial state. Parameters

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The Confirmation window appears. Pick OK to accept the modification, Continue to select a new position or Cancel to cancel the process.

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Morphing Tool The DEFORMATION parameter Any morphing action can be recorded using the DEFORMATION parameter. These actions can be done manually (i.e. MV.Free), through other Morphing parameters or even from direct morphing. Using this parameter the un-deformed shape of the model can be retrieved at any time. Also it can be retrieved any linear interpolation or extrapolation of the deformed and un-deformed shapes. Many DEFORMATION parameters can be defined which correspond to different stages of the morphing process. Activate the Controls>Parameters function and pick the New option, select type DEFORMATION and pick OK to confirm. The parameter is ready and it has start to record. A message at the right bottom of the screen indicates this action. Parameters


Now morph the model in any way. In this example morphing is applied using the FIT...

...and MV. FREE function of the BOX MORPHING group.

Since the final shape of the model is achieved the parameter should stop recording any other morphing action.

To stop recording select the parameter from the PARAMETERS list and pick Edit. The parameter card opens. Switch the pull-down menu Record to OFF and press OK. The recording indication disappears from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool Now the parameter is ready to morph the model. Select the parameter from the Parameters list and pick the Morph button. The model is displayed in fringe mode which indicates the deformation of each grid. The Factor window opens where the user can specify a factor for the deformation. The value “0” corresponds to the initial model as the value”1” corresponds to the deformed shape. Morph

The user can specify a value between 0 and 1 for a linear interpolation or a value beyond this range for an extrapolation. After entering the value click on the screen to accept the value and pick OK in the Confirmation window that appears.

NOTES: - The DEFORMATION parameter stores the movement of all grids and Control Points that are moved due to morphing. Hence the Morphing Boxes are always fit on model independently from any deformation. Thus, after the deformation the model is ready for any other morphing using the Boxes without the need of any fitting. - Since the displacement of grids is stored, the application of the DEFORMATION parameter does not add any error in every application. - After the definition of the parameter, the user should not make fundamental changes to the Morphing Boxes (delete Boxes, split, join) since unexpected results may appear. - Use this parameter to store the shape of the model in different stages. In that case many parameters should be defined.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The CURVED DEFORMATION parameter A prerequisite to create a CURVED DEFORMATION parameter is to have first defined three or more Morph History States. NOTE: for detailed information about Morph History States, please refer to section 26.10.1. Suppose that the highlighted Control Points are moved first down and afterwards (only the rear) back in order to modify the model in two steps. Suppose also that History States have been recorded during this Morphing (3 History States).

Activate the Controls> Parameters function. The PARAMETERS window appears. Press the New button. The PARAMETERS card opens. Switch the Type pull-down menu to CURVED DEFORM and press the OK button.

The Morph History States window appears. Pick three or more desired Morphing states using the Ctrl + left mouse button and press OK. The Curved Deformation Parameter is defined.

ANSA creates for each of the moving/ed Control Points, a curve that goes through the selected History States. The selection order affects the created curve.

To morph the model using the CURVE DEFORM parameter, select the parameter from the list. The Control points that are controlled from the parameter are highlighted with blue arrows, since the highlight button is activated.

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Morphing Tool Pick the Morph button. The Parametric Movement window appears. The user can input a factor between 0 and 1 in order to morph the model parametrically, along the previously defined Curve. Press the left mouse button in order to accept the current State. Pick OK to accept. Morph

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The HOLES parameter The Direct Morphing> Holes function can also be handled through a parameter. Activate the Controls> Parameters function and pick the New option. In the window that appears pick the HOLES Type. Parameters

Simultaneously the Follow Curvature field is activated where the user can define whether the nodes are considered to move on surface or not. Press the OK button.

In the Find Hole window that appears. Set the desired diameter value and press Select. Additionally, the user can add more holes or remove some of the selected, manually. The number of affected zones of elements is controlled by the relative field or even manually, if the Modify Zones flag is active.

These elements are highlighted in cyan color. Press OK to confirm the creation of the HOLE Parameter.

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Morphing Tool In order to Morph, using a HOLES parameter, select the parameter and press the Morph button. The nodes around the relative hole(s) are highlighted in blue and red vectors indicate the moving direction. Morph

In the Control Points Movement window set desired modification value and press left mouse button to confirm.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The DFM parameter

The Direct Morphing> DFM function can be handled through a parameter. Activate the Controls> Parameters function and pick the New option. In the window that appears pick the DFM Type. Simultaneously the Movement field is activated where the user can define the appropriate moving type (see sections 26.8.1-3). Pick the Edge Fit option. Press the OK button. DFM

The normal window of the DFM function appears where the user follows sequential steps. (see sections 26.8.1-3). Select the Origin and the Target Curves.

Define also the Morphed Entities and the Bounds of the Movement.

In order to Morph, using a DFM parameter, pick the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. In the Parametric Movement window that appears, it is not only possible to snap to the target curve, but also to stop at intermediate states. Morph

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The SLIDE MEMBER parameter The Direct Morphing>Slide >Member function can be Member handled through a parameter. Activate the Controls>Parameters function and pick the New option. In the PARAMETER‟S card that appears select SLIDE MEMBER in the Type field and BASIC in the Slide Member type filed. Slide

The normal window of the Slide Member function appears where the user follows sequential steps. (see section 26.9.9).

Select the entire Member that will slide, select Rigid areas of the member that will translate as rigid, select the Flanges of the member that will addapt to the new position‟s surface. Continuing, make sure that the blue box contains the entire member and the all of the initial underlying surface. Confirm with middle click. Pick the Move(red) axis and translate the Member. Press the Store button to save one position and continue to Store more. Press Finish to end the parameter definition.

In order to Morph, using a Slide Member parameter, pick the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. In the Parametric Movement window that appears, each value relates to the previously stored position Morph

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The SLIDE FEATURE parameter The Direct Morphing>Slide >Feature Feature function can be handled through a parameter. Activate the Controls>Parameters function and pick the New option. In the PARAMETER‟S card that appears select SLIDE FEATURE in the Type field and a Movement type between Translation, Rotation, Scale and movement on Curve with the relative option. Slide

After selecting a Feature, and confirming with middle click, a movement definition window appears where the user can define an Axis of translation, for the Translate type, an axis of rotation for the Rotate type, a reference point for Scale . If Curve movement is selected, after feature selection, a 3d curve needs to be selected, on which the feature will move on. A flag for Auto orientation of the feature during “on curve” movement is also available.

Select nodes to define the axis, or use right click on any element, to give a local coordinate system, or type in the fields, using the global coordinate system Press OK to finish the parameter definition. In order to Morph, using a Slide Feature parameter, pick the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. In the Parametric Movement window that appears, set the desired value and middle click to confirm. Morph

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool The TWB (Tailor Welded Blanks) parameter TWB (Tailor Welded Blanks) function controls the movement of a borderline between two PID's. It can be created from the Controls>Parameters list by selecting New and TWB.Specify "On" in the "Cut" field if a cut at the final position of the boarder line is needed or "No" otherwise. Confirm with OK Select the elements that will participate in this function (e.g. a PID). Confirm with middle click. Use the interactive coordinate system to adjust the magenta circular plane that will determine the welding line of the tailor-welded blank and click Next. TWB

In the next window select a property for each side of the tailor-welded blank using the "?" in the respective fields. The "cut mesh" check box enables cutting of the elements at the final position of the welding line. Press Finish to create the parameter.

The "TWB" parameter is defined and listed in the "Parameter" window. In order to Morph, using TWB parameter, pick the parameter from the list and press the Morph button. Morph

In the Parametric Movement window that appears, set the desired value and middle click to confirm.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool 26.10.3. Morphing with Vectors. In some cases, it is very useful to Morph a model according to a number of Morphing Vectors, created by a previous Morphing actions. Other times, the FE model has been successfully morphed and it is needed to apply the same Morphing procedure to the Geometric entities of the model as well. Finally, there are cases where similar models, prepared for different analysis, should be morphed in the same manner. For such cases, it has been developed a special tool that permits the Morphing of selected Entities, according to a number of predefined vectors. The function is called Deform Map and it is located under the MORPH>Controls function group. There are four available ways to define the Morphing Vectors: - Deformation Parameter: as it is already mentioned, a parameter of that type records a moving vector for each node of the model. See section 26.10.2. - History States: ANSA can define Morphing Vectors according to the position of the models nodes, between two History States. See section 26.10.1. - Design Variable: A DESVAR of NASTRAN SOL 200, connected with the relative DVGrids, can be used as the database of Morphing Vectors - Text file: ANSA can use any number of vectors, given in specific text file format. The accepted format is of the general shape: X,Y,Z,dX,dY,dZ example: -0.76,-3.47,-0.12,-579.86,167.15,482.22 -0.75,-3.35,-0.11,-569.73,167.55,474.49 ........,........,.........,............,...........,.......... -0.77,-3.53,-0.12,-579.89,166.92,489.97 As a separator is considered the comma (,) or the single space. The number of decimals is arbitrary. Morphing with Vectors of Deformation Parameter. Suppose that we have defined a Morphing Parameter of type Deformation.

This parameter morphs the model as shown in the picture.

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Morphing Tool Let's suppose now that we want the Geometrical Faces of the component, to follow this movement. Activate the Controls> Deform Deform Map Map function.

In the Deformation map wizard that appears, pick the ''Deformation Parameter'' option and press Next.

Automatically, the list of the available deformation parameters opens. Pick the appropriate parameter and press Next.

Switch the radio button to the Entities to be moved.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool

Select the Geometry Faces of the component to be morphed and confirm. Press Next to continue. The next step (optional) is to define some Bounds for the Movement. Press Next. The next state (transformation) is used only if it is needed to apply the Morphing vectors to a model that is located in a different place than the vectors. Press Next.

In the next state (optionally), define the maximum number of active vectors that the algorithm is going to use, in order to morph the selected entities. The higher this value, the higher the Morphing accuracy and the computational effort. The Displacement magnitude can also be specified by the user. Press Next to continue.

The selected Faces are morphed according to the selected Deformation Parameter.

Using the ''Initial / Final'' button it is possible to toggle between the original and final shape. Press Finish to accept the Morphing or Cancel to abort.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool Morphing with Vectors of History States. The front part of a vehicle has been morphed, as it shown in the pictures.

During Morphing, History States has been recorded, for the Initial and Final shape.

As it is expected, the highlighted PID is morphed and follows the general movement.

Let's say that an updated version of the highlighted PID is available after the Morphing. The new part is located at the original position and of course it is not morphed. Very quickly, we can use the existing History States, in order to morph separately the new part.

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Morphing Tool Activate the Controls> Deform Map function. In the selection window that appears, pick the ''History States'' option and press Next. Deform Map

The list with the History States opens, in selection mode. Pick the two History states and press Next.

After some steps, (that are described in the previous paragraph), pick the FE Entities selection option, select the new PID and confirm.

The selected PID has been morphed according to the recorded History States. Thus, it has been fitted to the already morphed model. Of course the initial part has been previously removed.

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Morphing Tool 26.10.4. Element Sensitivity Morphing. Sensitivity based morphing can be applied using element or node sensitivity calculated by adjoint solvers in OpenFOAM. The element sensitivities extracted from the solver can be plotted and visualized on the model surface using the EL.SENSITIVITY visualization mode. The visualization can be used as a guide to generate morphing boxes in order to change the shape of specific areas of interest. The sensitivities morphing is transfering the sensitivity of each element on the morphing boxes control points allowing the execution of parametric morphing based on the model sensitivity of each area. Sensitivities visualization. Having running a simulation in OpenFOAM the user could obtain the Sensitivities file (Gw). These sensitivities can though be visualized to the model allowing the identification of the model zones that should be morphed during a sensitivity based shape optimization morphing procedure.

Activate the Auxiliaries> Sensitivity function and press New in the Sensitivity window to load the sensitivity file. Sensitivity

In the Gw window, set the Name and press ? In the field of the Filename to load the file from the file manager. Also you may choose between scalar and vector visualization. Press OK.

Press Apply to apply the sensitivities on the surface mesh. Note that the created sensitivity file is colored in red. This is due to the fact that this is the Current active sensitivity file. If more than one files are loaded, only one of those could be active, by selecting the file and pressing Current.

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Morphing Tool Switch the visibility view mode to SENSITIVITY to visualize the sensitivities up to the model. Sensitivities morphing In the OpenFOAM CFD deck the sensitivity visualisation will provide a clear look on the areas of the model surface with higher sensitivities values.

Morphing boxes can be generated in order to morph the model. Also morphing parameters are required since the sensitivity morphing is working based on parameterized morphing.

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Morphing Tool Activate the Controls> Sensitivity function. Enter the path to a directory that is used to export number of temp files used for each parameter morphing based on the sensitivity. Enter the path to the sensitivities file produced by the adjoint solver or select from the list an already applied sensitivities result. Enter the maximum displacement in mm. The parameters that will be affected by the sensitivity morphing process can be selected by clicking on the Morph parameters button and selecting from the list. Finally click on the OK button to execute the morphing. Sensitivity

The application of morphing will result in a change in the shape of the model which will be based on the local sensitivity of the elements included in the morphing boxes controlled by the morphing parameter. The sensitivities morphing is transferring the sensitivity of each element on the morphing boxes control points allowing the execution of parametric morphing based on the model sensitivity of each area.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Morphing Tool 26.10.5. Morphing through ANSA Scripting Language The created parameters can be accessed and controlled from the command line or from a userdefined script. For this script the ANSA Scripting Language is used. The command that must be used to modify a parameter is the MorphParam (element,double). This command is valid for all types of parameters. The following example demonstrates the use of the above command through the command line.


Define a command of the ANSA Scripting Language as shown below and save it into a text file. def mycommand(int a, float b) { param=GetEntity(MORPH, “PARAMETERS”,a); MorphParam(param, b); } Load this script in the ANSA session. To do this enter the command: USER>load_script: Now the command “mycommand” is available in the ANSA session. Open the model with defined Morphing Parameters and enter in the command line the following : USER> mycommand: 1 10 The length of the parameter with ID 1 will be increased by 10 units. For more information about the ANSA Scripting Language see Chapter 29.

In a similar way a Parameter of type EDGE.FIT can be handled. In that case the modification value represents the ID of the target curves where the Edges will be fit. So this value is always an integer. A zero value represents the current position of the Edge and value one represents the initial position of the Edge.

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Morphing Tool 26.10.6. Coupling ANSA with an Optimizer ANSA is able to be connected with optimization software. For this purpose the Optimization Task can be used through the Task Manager window. The user is able to define the Design Variables of the optimization problem and connect them with Morph Parameters. The Design Variables are also able to control any other ANSA entity or ANSA card. This procedure is described in detail in the tutorials : Optimization with ANSA & mETA.pdf Optimization with LS-OPT.pdf Optimization with mode FRONTIER.pdf Optimization with Optimus.pdf Optimization with TOSCA (shape).pdf Optimization with TOSCA (topo).pdf Optimization with TOSCA (bead).pdf Optimization with Isight.pdf 26.10.7. Morphing for NASTRAN SOL200 The definition of an optimization problem for NASTRAN Sol 200 can be facilitated through the Morphing Tool. ANSA supports the Manual Grid Variation Method of NASTRAN Sol 200. The displacement vectors (DVGRIDS) that needed to be defined for every grid of the design space can be recorded during a morphing action. This procedure is described in detail in the Optimization with NASTRAN SOL_200.pdf document.

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Morphing Tool

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Cross Section Tool Cross Section Tool

Chapter 27


Table of Contents CROSS SECTION TOOL ............................................................................................................ 2065 27.1. The Cross Section entity ............................................................................................... 2066 27.2. The Cross Section definition ......................................................................................... 2066 27.2.1. The Cut function .................................................................................................... 2067 27.2.2. The Multicut function ............................................................................................. 2068 27.2.3. Working Planes and Cross Plane .......................................................................... 2072 27.3. Cross Section Management .......................................................................................... 2075 27.4. The Cross Section Tool ................................................................................................. 2079 27.4.1. Cross Section Library ............................................................................................ 2079 Defining a new cross section from Library ..................................................... 2079 27.4.2. The CAD functions ................................................................................................ 2079 Preparing a Thin Cross Section for solving ......................................................... 2079 Integration Beam Tool .................................................................................... 2085 27.4.3. Geometrical results of Solid Cross Sections ......................................................... 2088 27.5. Post Processing stress analysis .................................................................................... 2090 27.6. Create beam and bar in the Cross Section Tool ............................................................ 2091 27.7. Snapshot capturing of a Cross Section ......................................................................... 2094 27.8. Understanding the results of the Cross Section analysis .............................................. 2095

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Cross Section Tool 27.1. The Cross Section entity The Cross Section Tool can be used to create and calculate sections of a model. The basic entity of this Tool is the Cross Section and it is symbolized by its plane, coordinate system and component curves. The component curves of a Cross Section are marked as thick magenta lines in ENT mode. In PID and MID modes they take the same color with the Property and the Material respectively. The color of the working plane is important to remember: cyan indicates a calculated Cross Section while orange indicates a Cross Section with no available results.

The green working plane indicates the current Cross-Section, calculated or not. There are two ways to make a Cross-Section current. The first is to activate the Cross Sections>New>New and select a Cross-Section from the screen. The second is by activating the Working Planes>New and selecting a Cross-Section from the screen again. In all cases the selected section becomes the current one and is colored green. In case of a calculated Cross-Section, two important points appear on the screen. The SHEAR and MASS center, M and S respectively. The Cross Sections flag located at Visibility group buttons, controls the visibility of Cross-Sections. NOTE !: You can retrieve the Curves of the Cross-Section in 3 ways: -1. By using File>Output CAD function. -2. By using Utilities>TRANSF. function and selecting the curves that define the Cross-Section. -3. By using TOPO>Curves>Cons2Curves function.

27.2. The Cross Section definition Use the New function of the TOPO>Auxiliaries>Cross Sections group to define new CrossSections: Cross Sections New

Cross Sections Add

Define the plane of the Cross Section by selecting 3 nodes (the same way as in Working Planes, see section 7.1.2.). Then, select 3D curves, CONS or element edges (shell or solid) to be projected on that plane. Deselect with right mouse button if necessary. The projected entities compose the new Cross Section (CS). Select the Cross Section and then the 3D curves, CONS or element edges (shell or solid) to be added to an already defined CS by single or box selection. Deselect with right mouse button if necessary.

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Cross Section Tool 27.2.1. The Cut function Cross Sections Cut

Define a Cross Section by cutting Faces, FE-Model shell or solid elements and optionally create a corresponding beam property.

Activate the Cut function. The CUT window appears on the screen. There are three sets of options in this window. Section Type options control if, and what type of beam property will be created after the new cross section is defined (see Section 27.6). Cut

Cutting Plane options control the type of plane used to define the new cross section plane. An “Infinite” or a “Finite” cutting plane can be selected. A “Finite Cutting Plane” (Rectangular or Circular) can be adjusted in size by picking and moving its edges. In addition, a Circular Plane can be moved on plane by picking and moving its center.

Curves Corner Angle (deg.), regulates segmentation of curves describing the cross section.

Curves Corner Angle 45 (deg) 10 (deg)

Select three positions on the screen to define the plane of the Cross Section that will cut a number of selected Faces or FE-Model shell or solid elements. The resulting cut is the defined Cross Section. Calculating the defined Cross Section continues the procedure. The results appear in the text window. The section in some cases is not calculated; in such cases the user has to take further

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Cross Section Tool actions for solving, in the CROSS Tool menu. This procedure is described later in this chapter. (see Section 27.4). Multiple Cross-Sections can be defined with the Multicut function described next. ! Note that it is possible to create a Cross Section from an existing cutting plane via right mouse button menu -> Cross Section (User‟s Guide, section 2. Interface – 2.14 Cutting Planes). 27.2.2. The Multicut function Cross Sections Multicut

Define multiple Cross-Sections all at the same time by cutting Faces, FEModel shell or solid elements along a chain of selected 3D curves, CONs or element edges. This function automatically creates beam elements and beam properties for each Cross-Section. The Multicut function is a more automated procedure for substituting geometry, FE-Model shell or solid elements with Beams or Bars. Activate the Multicut function. The MULTICUT window appears on the screen. There are six additional options in this window. Multicut

For Single Beam per Section, three Design Optimization options are available (see Sections 26.2.1, 26.10.2, 26.10.5 and 26.10.7).

Select the Single beam per section and activate the “Connect with residual Structure” flag button; hence, elements shown in the figure will be replaced (but not deleted) with one beam chain. Also, the sections at the ends will be connected with the structure through RBE2 elements. This option is used when there is only one part for replacement. Then Press the OK button.

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Cross Section Tool Select a chain of 3D curves, CONs or element edges and confirm with middle mouse button. Activating the Feature Line selection button (i.e. 40°), from Feature Selection group buttons, in order to facilitate the selection.

Select the faces, shell or solid elements to be cut, either one by one or by box selection. Deselect with right mouse button if needed. Press again the middle mouse button to accept. In the INPUT window that appears, specify the number of the beam elements (also Cross Sections) to be created.

Alternatively, define the length of the elements using the tilde (~) symbol as prefix. New CrossSections are defined across the chain of 3D curves. The cyan color of the working plane indicates that these Cross Sections are calculated as aforementioned. The created beam elements are normal to the Cross Sections and follow the direction of the shear center.

Beam chain

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Cross Section Tool The free nodes of the first and the last beam element are connected to the structure with RBE2 elements. Note that this option is applicable only to FEM elements. The replaced elements may be put in a different part so that they can be easily identified and further manipulated.

Beam elements RBE2 elements

However if the user had selected from the Beam-Cross Section Common Point section, the “Mass center” option, the created beam elements would follow the direction of the mass center.

If the “Delete Replaced elements” option in the MULTICUT window is also activated, ANSA will delete the replaced elements; however the procedure is the same as described previously.

By activating the “Multiple Beams” per Section and the “Connect with structure” options, the user has the ability to define beam chains of number equal to the parts number. This option is recommended for parts number greater than one (1). However, the total number of the defined Cross-Sections depends on another parameter; the number of elements or the element length that have been specified in the INPUT window previously.

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Cross Section Tool Each of the defined Cross-Sections is calculated, as indicated by the cyan color of the working plane. The created beam elements pass through the shear center NASTRAN display (M point). In NASTRAN and LS-DYNA decks, Beams may appear as if they were not connected. This happens because the nodes of the Beam element are offset in order to be normal to the Cross plane.

NASTRAN display

By performing a dynamic rotation (CTRL+SHIFT), the grids are shown in their original positions. In other decks (PAM-CRASH, ABAQUS, RADIOSS, ANSYS) the display of the Beam elements is different (the beam grids are shown connected) as shown in the figure. (For display reasons the ABAQUS display shell elements and the Cross Sections have been made not visible).

ABAQUS display

The “Delete Replaced Elements” option in the INPUT window, deletes the elements that exist between the two planes that are normal to the ends of the curve, and replaces them with beam elements. ! Note that if the Multiple Beams / Section is activated and one property is to be cut by Cross Sections, the result is the same as if the Single Beam / Section was activated. ! Note that any combination of the aforementioned options is possible and that the “Delete Replaced Elements” option is applicable only to FEM.

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Cross Section Tool 27.2.3. Working Planes and Cross Plane Current-Active Cross Plane

Each Cross-Section defines a working plane. From now on, we will name this working plane a “Cross Plane”. The concept of the Cross Plane allows drawing curves, therefore the user can define or modify cross sections manually.

Working Planes

As the active or current Cross Plane is used, the indicated positions on the Cross Plane may be snapped to a grid. The Snap flag (CROSS Tool menu) activates snapping and the grid step is determined in the Windows>Settings>Settings>General Settings> Grid Step. A shortcut key in order to access this menu is the Ctrl+I. Snap option, also appears in the Option List window, regarding most of TOPO>Curves group functions. Snap

Cross Section‟s working plane

There are four (4) cases regarding Curves creation and the plane in which they will be defined. The active plane either Working Plane or Cross Plane, appears in green color. 1. While the Cross Sections and the Wrk. Plane flag buttons are active in the TOPO menu, the additional curves will be defined on the active plane. If the Cross Plane is the active plane the Curves will be added in the Cross Section.

Additional curves

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Cross Section Tool Additional curves Cross Plane

Current Cross Section

Active working plane

2. If the Cross Sections flag button is not active but the Wrk. Plane is, any curve addition is defined on the active plane. If the Cross Plane is the active plane the created curves will not be added in the Cross Section.

3. If the Cross Sections flag button active but the Wrk. Plane is not, there are 2 cases:


a. The Cross Plane is active: in this case the defined curves are added in the CrossSection.

Additional curve b. The Cross plane is not active: in this case, if there are Points already defined, the curves are defined in 3D but not on the Cross Plane.

Additional curve

Cross Plane NOT Active

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Cross Section Tool 4. If both Cross Sections and Wrk. Plane flag buttons are inactive, the user cannot create curves, unless there are Points/Grids visible. The curves are defined in 3D and not to a specific plane.

! Note: Curves can be defined by indicating positions on the Cross Plane (left button), or by picking positions (Points, Hot Points etc.) using the right mouse button. The middle mouse button declares the end of a selection. Remember that when a position is picked using the right mouse-button, the real position used is the projection of the picked position on the Cross Plane. When the Wrk. Plane flag is active during the termination of selections (middle mouse-button), the resulting curve will be a planar Curve on the Active Cross Plane. The same applies for the Connect and New functions of the Curves group (see sections 7.3.7. and 7.3.1. respectively).

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Cross Section Tool 27.3. Cross Section Management When a Cross-Section is defined with the New, Cut options of the Cross Sections>New function, the Part manager window appears on the screen. The user may put the created Cross Section into an already existing part or create a new one. If the Cross Section will be defined with the Multicut option, then all the latter defined are put in the current part. Apart from other entities a part may also contain Cross Sections entities. The management of Cross Sections is performed through Database Browser (DBB). Activate the Database Browser (Ctrl+D) and navigate in CROSS>CROSS_SECTION. Double click or right click and select Open to view a list of existing Cross Sections.

From the list of Cross Sections, select one or more items and right click. The last six options are applicable to Cross Sections only. To access the Cross Section edit card, double click on a Cross Section or Edit right click and select Edit.

A graphical preview of the Cross Section appears with information regarding Type and Status. Position and Orientation fields are editable.

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Cross Section Tool This is the first way to directly lead a Cross Section into the CROSS Tool to be edited, modified, calculated etc. Edit in Cross Menu

The full description of this process is given later in this chapter. An indirect way is to select Edit in Cross Menu button through the Edit card.

If the Cross Section has already been calculated, this option presents the results at the Geometrical Results window. The results of the CROSS SECTION-REPORT can be saved in either Html or Text format by pressing the SAVE AS button. Info

The Run option, starts solving the section. When the solving process finishes, the geometrical results of the sections are available in a table on the screen (while at CROSS module view) and in the ANSA Info window. Run

The Position on curve option, allows the transformation (position and rotation) of a Cross Section on a 3D curve. Position on curve

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Cross Section Tool Compare

The Compare option reports results of two or more Cross Sections per result


The Connect Flanges option cuts out automatically segments created by flanges, by giving a thickness tolerance. Connect Flanges

Two segments form a flange, if the distance between them is less than t_fac*(t1+t2)/2.

If flanges are found, they are highlighted and the user may Modify the selected curves. Finally, the flanges are connected with "equivalent" segments, where the connection segments have mean thickness, young modulus and poison ratio of flange segments. The initial flange segments are deleted, but may be undeleted through Curves > Undelete. ! Note: The function works on active cross section and only on segments with already applied properties.

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Cross Section Tool The Reinforcement option, creates beam elements on edges and assigns the selected Cross Section properties on them. Visibility of Cross Sections is controlled in Presentation Parameters (F11 button) [Bar/Beam Cross Section]. Reinforcements

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Cross Section Tool 27.4. The Cross Section Tool Press the Modules>CROSS button to switch to the CROSS Tool. Using this tool the user may design new Cross Sections without existing geometry. Also, this is an alternative way to lead a Cross-Section (the current one) to the tool and prepare it for solving. The functions in this tool are divided in three main groups, each subdivided in the following subgroups: -The CAD group with functions to design new Cross Sections or edit and modify existing ones. -The PROPERTIES group that consists of two main subgroups, the Thin and Solid Cross Sections (described later in this chapter). -The RESULTS group where the user can have a graphical view of the calculated results. This group becomes active only after a Cross Section has been calculated. 27.4.1. Cross Section Library The Cross Section library offers some of the most frequently used Cross Section shapes. Two or more Cross Sections may also be merged to form a single Cross Section. Defining a new cross section from Library A library Cross Section is defined from the 'Create' New function that lies Add to Current under the Library group of functions. The available Cross Section types are listed in the relative drop down menu. The user can specify the dimensions 'D' fields guided by the example that is displayed in the image of the Cross Section. The origin of the Cross Section is that of the x-y coordinate system (in red color). The position of the origin and hence, the Cross Section in the x-y plane is regulated from the 'x' and 'y' fields. This is handy when combining Cross Sections (through the “Add to Current” option). The theory for solving either 'Thin' or 'Solid' sections can be used. There is also the 'Auto' function that automatically selects the most appropriate theory based on segment thickness and length info. Thin and Solid theory (hence, cross sections) cannot be mixed. Create

27.4.2. The CAD functions This group consists of the following function groups: Points, Curves, Hot Points and Visib. The functionality is the same for both Thin and Solid sections and also the same with the functions in TOPO menu (see sections 7.2. and 7.3.). Preparing a Thin Cross Section for solving Thin Check

Select the Thin option button, to activate the respective sub-menus that contain the proper functions for solving Thin Cross-Sections. Use the Sections>Check function to make the diagnostic checks required before solving. There are 3 kinds of checks. The check results appear in the ANSA Info


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Cross Section Tool Check for proper property assignment. If there are curves with no PID the “Segments without Property” message appears in the ANSA Info window and the respective curves are highlighted in white on the screen. Assign a PID to them (through Properties>Set Pid function) and proceed by clicking the Check button again.

Check for geometry correctness. If there are curves, which cannot be easily identified in the Cross Section because of their small length, the “Too small segment in Cross Section“ message appears in the ANSA Info window. The respective segments are highlighted in white on the screen and can be easily identified. Curves>Connect can be used in such cases.

For intersecting segments there is the intersection check. If there are intersecting segments in the section, ANSA highlights them, while the “Intersection found” message appears in the ANSA Info window. They can be edited with the appropriate functions of the Curves group (i.e.: Clear) and proceed.

Check for modeling completion. This check warns the user for disconnected segments in the Cross Section by the “Disconnected segments” message that appears in the ANSA Info window. ANSA highlights in white the first disconnected segment. With left click all the disconnected segments can be identified, one by one.

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Cross Section Tool When a Thin Cross-Section is composed by more than one section, these sections have to be connected through Connections; the latter, models the spot welding. Press the Connections>Connect [Single] button and select two nodes or curves. Connect Single

The CROSS_SPOT window appears; enter the properties for the spot that is modeled.

Press OK to confirm. Alternatively the sections may be connected by using: Connections>Connect [Multiple]. Connect Multiple

Select the curves for the connection definition and press middle mouse button. In the INPUT window that appears, specify the position of the created connection using a factor from 0 to 1. Alternatively, enter the distance of the connection point using the tilde (~) symbol as prefix and press ENTER.

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Cross Section Tool The spots appear as yellow lines and can be deleted with the Connections>Delete function. Delete

The Cross Spot DIAM and DIST parameters represent the diameter of the spot and the distance between spots, along the flange.

During cross calculation the spots are represented by an equivalent curve with thickness equal to

Another way to connect the curves of a section is by pasting opposing curves. Press the Connections>Paste button and select the two opposing curves. Paste

During cross calculation the pasted curves are represented by a unique curve with thickness (t) equal to the sum of the thickness of the curves (t1 + t2). ! Note: The minimum distance between curves must be less than the sum of t1 + t2, and the length of each curve must be greater than its thickness.

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Cross Section Tool The pasted curves appear as in the image on the left. Pasted curves can be disconnected by the Connections>Release function. Release

Use the Sections>Orient function to relocate the coordinate system of the section geometry. In the window that appears input the values for the relocation, or pick two positions on the section. The first one defines the origin of the new coordinate system. Orient

The vector from the first position to the second, defines the direction of the X-axis.

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Cross Section Tool The Sections>Run function starts solving the section. When the solving process finishes, the geometrical results of the section are available in a table on the screen and also in ANSA Info window. These results are illustrated on screen only if “Geo” option is active, the default option of View Mode function, located at the Results button group. ! Note: If the Cross Section comprises of curves with different properties, the material will be nonhomogeneous (“Assume nonhomogeneous if E differs more than: xxx”). In this case, the user can either select a curve in order to assign a Young‟s modulus for the Cross Section calculation (“User segment selection”), or Specify reference values of E, n (Eref, nref). Results are based on an equivalent element thickness calculation based on E/Eref and the values are colored red. Run

! Note: Visibility and format of Geometrical Results can be controlled from (Ctrl+I) Settings->Cross Sections window at Print Settings of Geometrical Results section.

Activate the “Neutral” button at the Results button group to make visible the neutral axis of the Cross Section. The neutral axis is only visible if the “Geo” option (default) of the View Mode function (in Results button group) and at least one of the “Mx” and “My” flag buttons is activated. A window also appears on the lower side of the screen, presenting the equation of the neutral axis and the distance vector between the axis and the mass center. Note that the neutral axis is always shown passing through the mass center, even if it‟s real position is offset from the mass center by the distance vector. Neutral

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Cross Section Tool Integration Beam Tool For Thin Cross Sections there is capability to define integration rules for the Beam element through the thickness. Select the Sections>Property [Create LSDYNA Integration Points]. The user may select GENERAL, EQUIVALENT BOX or NASTRAN PBSECT for the creation of PBAR, PBARL or PBSECT element property respectively.

The Sections> V.Pbsect function gives visibility of the NASTRAN PBSECT definition of the current Cross Section. V.Pbsect

PBSECT definition can be controlled from (Ctrl+I) Settings->Cross Sections window at PBMSECT/PBRSECT Parameters section.

PBXSECT distortion angle defines the max angle of tangents between two consecutive points; it is applicable to curves with curvature (non-straight).The latter, helps in the shape definition of an arbitrary Cross Section item in NASTRAN. Also the Start ID of POINT and SET3 during NASTRAN output can be defined. POINT start id, is the first POINT (written out) during NASTRAN Output; while SET3 start id, is the Id of respective set, containing all POINTs which define the OUTP (Outer Perimeter). Segments thickness mode, controls thickness of PBxSECT segments, in case Young Modulus between Cross Section segments and PBxSECT is different. Initial option, allows PBxSECT segments to inherit thickness of Cross Section segments. Adapted to PBxSECT stiffness option, allows PBxSECT segments to get a stiffness equivalent thickness of Cross Section segments, based on Young Modulus difference.

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Cross Section Tool The new property card appears on the screen. (Click CANCEL or OK respectively in the relative window that appears on the screen).

In the Property List window that appears by clicking the Containers>Properties button, a new property item with name CROSS_BAR_PROPERTY is created.

Switch to Deck>LS-DYNA menu and activate the Auxiliaries>INTEGR button. The INTEGRATION window opens listing all integration rules, for beam elements (in this case one). Select the desired beam element and press the EDIT button.

The INTEGRATION_BEAM card opens. The user has access to the created integration points by pressing F2 in the IPID field.

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Cross Section Tool The INTEGRATION POINTS window appears listing all existing integration points. From this window, the user may modify their total number with the INSERT function, delete selected points and update the S, T and WF fields. Note that S and T are the normalized coordinates of integration points and their value varies from –1 to 1 (-1< S,TCheck function to make the diagnostic checks required before solving. There are 3 kinds of checks. Their results appear in the ANSA Info window.

These checks are made for: -Proper property assignment. -Geometry correctness. -Modeling completion. The problematic areas appear highlighted in white. Use functions located at Points, Curves and Properties groups to fix any problems that may appear. Use the Sections>Orient function to relocate the coordinate system of the section geometry, if needed. Orient


Use the Sections>More (+) and Less (-) functions, to increase or decrease the resolution of Less (-) discretization that will be used in solving. However, user must have previously pressed the Check button, in order to access these buttons. More (+)

! Note: the resolution of the discretization can be also controlled from (Ctrl+I) Settings>Cross Sections at “Boundary elements accumulation factor” field. For example, a value of 2 is like pressing More (+) two times.

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Cross Section Tool The Sections>Run function, starts solving the section. The “Geo” option controls visibility of Geo geometrical results of CrossSections pictured on the screen (default option in ViewMode function). Run

As soon as solving finishes, the geometrical results of the sections are presented in a table on the screen and in the ANSA Info window.

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Cross Section Tool 27.5. Post Processing stress analysis NZ












X-Y 1-2

The results of the stress analysis are available after solving process finishes. Stresses can be displayed in the “X-Y” (default option) or in “1-2” local coordinate system of the section. Different combinations of load types can contribute to stress results, using the appropriate buttons. The functions are available at the Results buttons group.

Use the Loads function to define the applied loads. If the “Any” option of the Load Point position Mode function is activated (default), the position of the load point can be defined in the Loads and Load point window. If a different option has been activated, stresses will be displayed assuming that the load point is: Loads

Any Section Centroid Shear C



The calculated stress results for a current Cross Section (View Mode) can be:

Furthermore, there is the option to display loads on the screen by activating the Visib.>Forces and Moments respectively. The selected stress results can be displayed in different view modes (Stress Draw Mode) as followed: - Filled contour


- on the S point for the Axial or on the M point for Qx and Qy forces. - on the mass center of the section. - on the shear center of the section.

- Wire frame

Fill Wire Hidden


- Von Mises stresses. - Hidden line - normal stresses. - 2D and 1 color


- shear stresses.

- 2D and 16 colors



- warping stresses.

- 3D and 16 colors




Dimension and color buttons are available only for solid Cross Sections.

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Cross Section Tool A colored legend bar is displayed at the right side of the screen showing the stresses scale.

A Thin section displayed in filled contour.

A Solid section displayed in filled contour in 16 colors and 3 dimensions.

27.6. Create beam and bar in the Cross Section Tool In order to substitute geometry or FE Model elements with beam or bar elements, respective properties must be created for each Cross Section, within CROSS module. In this example a beam property will be defined for a CBEAM element of the NASTRAN Deck. Using the same procedure, bar and beam elements of the other Decks can also be defined. When creating a new Cross Section via Cut or Multicut, the user may select GENERAL, EQUIVALENT BOX or NASTRAN PBMSECT/PBRSECT for the creation of PBAR, PBARL or PBSECT element property, respectively.

Every new Cross Section is controlled from (Ctrl+I) Windows>Settings>Cross Sections. The user may select the PBAR or PBEAM toggle button to create the relative property. The user may also select the coordinate system to which the results of the Cross Section will refer to. The “X-Y” Coordinate System is the initial Coordinate System of the Cross-Section and the “1-2” the Coordinate System of the main axes. The “X-Y” Coordinate System can be oriented using the Sections>Orient function in CROSS Tool menu. If the Cross Section has to be solved again, the property can be updated automatically after every run, by selecting the respective flag (“Automatically Update After Every Run”).

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Cross Section Tool TOPO Module view

CROSS Tool Module view After creating a new Cross Section -and in case the latter fails to be calculated-, go to CROSS Tool Module and perform the appropriate operations (Set Pid, Connect, Paste, Orient, Check etc.) to fix any irregularities if needed, and “solve” the Cross Section using the Run function. Create a new Beam property through Sections>Property. As soon as the latter is created, the relative fields (such as A, I1, I2, J, K1, K2, I12) in the card are filled automatically. Press OK to close the respective card. This property can be used during the definition of a respective element (Beam); hence, this property will be assigned into a new Beam element that is going to be created. This can be achieved in NASTRAN Deck. Use Elements>CBEAM function, in order to create a respective entity. In order for the latter, to be defined properly, Properties list window pops-up; user have to define Pid for the Beam. Select the property created previously (Cross_Beam_Property) or press Esc button and following type in the PID field of the CBEAM card the number of the previously created property. Press OK to close the card. Through F11 button, at the Presentation Parameters tab, user can activate the “Bar/Beam Cross Section” as well as the “CrossSection M,S,1-2 sys” flags. Thus, the shape representation of the Cross Section (section type) simulated by the Beam (due to beam_property) and the Cross Section‟s trademark (M,S,1-2 sys) are illustrated on the screen in green color. Cross plane is also green because this is the current Cross Section.

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Cross Section Tool At this point the Beam can be oriented, in order for its green shape representation to be coincident / fit with the Cross Section, to which its property belongs to. Moreover, the Beam entity will pass through the shear center (M) of the respective Cross Section. To orient the element, access the (Ctrl+I) Windows>Settings>Cross Sections menu and activate the “Calculate offsets and orientation of beams” flag and press the APPLY button. Following, select the relative Cross Section and simply select Run again. The Cross Section will be updated and the Beam element which carries the respective property will change its orientation and offset values.

Hence, as it is illustrated in the picture on the left, CBEAM element is forced to change its position and orientation; so the green section representing the shape of the Cross Section is fitted on the initial Cross Section (orange curves) and the CBEAM element passes through the shear center of the initial Cross Section. This will happen for every newly created Cross Section as well.

CBEAM element

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Cross Section Tool 27.7. Snapshot capturing of a Cross Section There is the option to take a capture from a Cross-Section. Access the Snapshot function which lies under Utilities menu toolbar. The Snapshot window appears on the screen and user can select the directory where the captured image will be saved, as well as to select the captured area. At the Last Snapshot tab, user has the ability to set a name for the captured image, the output file format of the latter, as well as the size of the snapshot and the background color of it. At the Settings tab, more options can be customized, regarding the captured images. In order to define the capture area, user has four options. Either to select “Drawing Area”, “Region Selection”, “Any ANSA Window”, or “ANSA Workspace”. By selecting “Drawing Area” option and pressing the respective button, ANSA automatically captures the current workspace (graphics window). A preview of this caption appears on the left side of the Snapshot window. In case “ANSA Workspace” option is selected, capture generated illustrates the main ANSA window (print screen). By selecting “Region Selection” option and pressing the respective button, user is allowed to define through box selection, only the corresponding capture area he is interested in. As for the “Any ANSA Window” option, it enables user to easily capture contents area of a single window, by simply clicking inside the area of the specific window.

The Settings tab, provides several options for the user, regarding the files that will be saved (output format, quality, naming etc), the size of the captured images produced as well as about background colors, transparency etc. Also at General section, additional options exist, allowing user to include or exclude graphics area text and Axes as well as option to overwrite files with the same name.

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Cross Section Tool 27.8. Understanding the results of the Cross Section analysis A : area of Cross-Section xs : mass center (position marked as S) ys : mass center (position marked as S) Ix : moment of inertia for bending about the x-axis,

I x   y 2 dA

Iy : moment of inertia for bending about the y-axis,

I y   x 2 dA



I xy   xydA A Ixy : centrifugal moment of inertia, fi: angle of principal axis (in rad) I1: moment of inertia for bending about the major principal axis (1) I2: moment of inertia for bending about the minor principal axis (2)   I t   ( x 2  y 2  x y )dxdy D  y x It: torsional stiffness parameter, ,    ( x, y )

where is the warping function xm: shear center (position marked as M) ym: shear center (position marked as M) Cw(s): warping coefficient at mass center. Cw(m): warping coefficient at shear center. This is a property of the Cross-Section (named also torsion constant due to warping) in units of length, which is represented in the following differential equation for the torsion of a beam:


d d d2 d 2 (J )  E 2 (C w 2 )  m dx dx dx dx

where:  = angle of rotation at any Cross-Section m = applied torsional moment per unit length

Gamma: gamma function (ABAQUS)


is the sectoral moment (for open thin-walled sections), defined as:

o  S  tds s



is the sectoral area at a point in the section with the shear center as its pole. s

 dA


(gamma) is also named as static warping moment defined as: 0 , where function of the section (which is dependent only on the section's geometry).

Wx 

Wx: section modulus in bending about the x-axis, Wy 

 is the warping

Ix y max Iy

x max Wy: section modulus in bending about the y-axis, Wpx: plastic section modulus in bending about the x-axis, Wpy: plastic section modulus in bending about the y-axis, where A1 and A2 are cross section areas above and below neutral axis. 2

A1 

A1: Shear area in the major principal axis (1)

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A  Q1    dA I 12 A b 


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Cross Section Tool 2

A Q  A2  2   2  dA I 2 A b  A2: Shear area in the minor principal axis (2) 2 A Q  A12  2   12  dA I 12 A b  A12: Shear area in principal axis Ax: Shear area in the x-axis Ay: Shear area in the y-axis Notes: Some of the above variables appear in NASTRAN PBAR and PBEAM cards when such cards are created from Cross-Section analysis results. In NASTRAN Property-card:

K1 

A1 A

Creating PBAR or a PBEAM in the "x-y" system

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K2 

A2 A

Creating PBAR or PBEAM in the main "1-2" system


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Fuel Tank Tool Fuel Tank Tool

Chapter 28


Table of Contents FUEL TANK TOOL ....................................................................................................................... 2097 28.1. The TANK Tool ............................................................................................................... 2098 28.2. Performing Fuel Tank Analysis ...................................................................................... 2099 28.3. Getting the Analysis Results.......................................................................................... 2107 28.4. Generating SPH elements for LS-DYNA, PAMCRASH and ABAQUS .......................... 2108

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Fuel Tank Tool 28.1. The TANK Tool The Tank tool can be used in order to calculate important parameters of a liquid fuel tank. These parameters include: tank volume capacity and surface, liquid level to volume relationship, center of gravity location during filling, and resting liquid level calculation, all based on specified locations of filling and suction points. The above parameters can be calculated for various tilt positions of the tank. Refer also to VTRAPS tool in Chapter 29 for similar analysis tasks. A Geometry or FE-Model surface mesh of the tank volume is required for the calculation. The shell elements may be quads or trias, but the following conditions must apply for the model: - must be closed - must form a single volume - must not have any single or triple edges. Use the BOUNDS display mode to check for red or cyan edges and correct if any are present. Note also that the length units of the mesh must be mm and that the input/output units 2 of the Tank tool are mm for length, mm for area, litres for volume, and kg/m3 for density.

Selecting Modules>TANK switches to the Tank Tool interface, and the Initial Settings window appears.

This window can also be activated by the Initial Settings button, if any modifications are required later. In this window the user can specify whether the surface mesh description of the tank is the inner, outer or middle surface, as well as provide information about the thickness of the walls. If the thickness is constant enter the value in mm. If the variable thickness option is selected then press OK and in the File Manager window which appears the user must provide a file containing thickness data at every node of the surface mesh. In the latter case if the Thick. View flag is activated the tank surface will be displayed in color contours according to the local thickness. Thick. View Pressing OK in the Initial Settings window proceeds with a check of the surface mesh data. As soon as the check is completed a message appears in the Text Window with the initial results. In several of the functions described below, the user must specify filling and suction point locations on the tank‟s surface. In such cases the tank view is automatically aligned to the global coordinate system so that point definition can be achieved by the indication of a plane normal to the screen that crosses the tank and a position on it. Initial Settings


Alternatively, if the Num. Inp. flag is activated in advance then the point coordinates can be input in the Numerical Window that appears.

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Fuel Tank Tool Finally, note that the reported liquid level height values are measured from the origin of the global coordinate system along the Z-axis. If however the Local flag button is activated then the height is measured locally from the lowest position of the tank. The TILT function allows the TILT tilting of the tank‟s position around the global XYZ coordinate system so that all subsequent calculations are made for this tilted position. LOCAL

By pressing the TILT function a window appears where by default the Original Position flag is activated. This means that the tank is to be analyzed with the orientation that is described in the database.

By deactivating the Original Position flag the user can input rotation angle values in degrees about the origin (0,0,0) of the global coordinate system. By pressing OK in this window the tank is rotated and displayed in its new position. Having established the Initial Settings and the Tilt position of the tank, the user can proceed with the analysis.

28.2. Performing Fuel Tank Analysis Volume calculation as a function of liquid level height This function calculates the liquid volume to height relationship in a number of constant height steps specified by the user. The resulting liquid level contours are calculated and displayed in color and are accompanied by the respective volume value in liters. V=f{H}

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Fuel Tank Tool

Depending on the selection of the TANK button at the lower part of the TANK menu the user can view the tank with the liquid level contours, the volume to height curve or both. LOCAL

Note that if the LOCAL flag is not active then the height is reported from the origin of the global coordinate system, and hence negative values may appear. Calculation of level height of specific liquid volume Volume-Level This function calculates the height of the liquid level for a specific liquid volume.

Enter the liquid volume value and the calculated level contour appears. The level height and the wetted wall volume are displayed in the legend at the top left of the screen. The reported height depends on the status of the LOCAL flag button. Additional information about liquid volume and solid wall volume and wetted surface is reported in the Text Window. Note that if more than one chambers are filled, these are reported separately.

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Fuel Tank Tool Calculation of the height of liquid levels for stepwise volume increase This function calculates the height of the liquid levels for a given liquid volume step value. V. Step-Levels

Enter the step value of the liquid volume in liters and the calculated level contours appear. The height of the levels and the wetted wall volume are displayed in the legend. The reported height depends on the status of the LOCAL flag button.

Additional information is reported in the Text Window separately for each level and chamber.

Calculation of liquid volume for stepwise liquid level height increase This function calculates the liquid levels and volume for a given number of height steps specified by the user. Step-Volume

Enter the number of height steps and the level contours and volume values are displayed. Additional information for each level and chamber is reported in the Text Window.

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Fuel Tank Tool Calculation of liquid levels between lower and upper volume for a volume stepwise increase Vminmax V.Step This function calculates the height of the liquid levels for a given liquid volume lower, upper and step value.

Enter the three parameters and the results are displayed and reported in the Text Window. Calculation of liquid volume between lower and upper level for a height stepwise increase Hminmax H.Step This function calculates the liquid levels and volume for a given height range and number of height steps specified by the user.

Define the lower and upper height limits by selecting two positions from the screen with the mouse and enter the number of height steps in the window. The levels are calculated and reported in the Text Window.

Note that if the Num Inp. flag is active then the min, max heights will be specified numerically. Also if the LOCAL flag is active these values will be with respect to the lowest point of the Tank.

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Fuel Tank Tool Calculation of the liquid volume and level that can be put in the tank by specific filling points This function calculates the liquid volume and level that can be put in the tank for each of up to five filling points. The user defined filling points are displayed as numbered orange dots. NumInp If Num. Inp flag is deactivated then these filling points are defined with the mouse, the view is aligned automatically to the Z-X plane and the message “Use the mouse to define the normal plane “ appears in the Text Window. Filling Points

Use the left mouse button to define the normal plane. Then the view is aligned to the Z-Y plane so that the user can pick a position on the previously defined normal plane, which is now highlighted in red. The message “Use the mouse to define a position” appears in the Text Window.

Having defined the position, the first filling point is displayed on the screen and the view is aligned again to the Z-X plane for the definition of another normal plane for the next point, if required. Pressing middle mouse button closes the definition of filling points and proceeds with the calculation of the levels. The levels, for the up to five filling points, are calculated and displayed. Additional information, like the coordinates of the defined points, is reported in the Text Window.

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Fuel Tank Tool


Note that if the Num. Inp. flag is active then a window appears so that the user can specify the filling point coordinates numerically.

Calculation of the liquid volume and level that rests in the tank for given suction point locations This function calculates the liquid volume and level that rests in the tank for up to five suction points. The suction points (defined in a similar manner as the filling points) are displayed as numbered dots. The levels are calculated and displayed. Additional information is reported separately for each region in the Text Window. Suction Points

Real filling process monitoring This function simulates the filling process for a single filling point in liquid volume steps defined by the user. The tank is filled completely exceeding the filling point. The filling point can be defined with the mouse (see filling points section) or numerically depending on the status of the Num. Inp. flag button. Real filling

Having defined the filling point, specify the volume step in the window that appears. Spill over from one chamber to the other is modeled and details about the filling progress are reported in the legend and the Text Window.

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Fuel Tank Tool Resting liquid level calculation for given suction points and tilting positions This function calculates the resting liquid levels for a given volume put in the tank and for 5 positions (the initial and four tilted about the X and Y axes). 5 Positions

Enter the initial volume and tilting angles for each axis and press OK. The levels for the given volume are calculated for the five positions. Then the user can either press middle mouse button and exit the function to examine the calculated levels, or he/she can specify up to five suction point locations and perform a new calculation for the estimation of the resting liquid volume and levels for the same five positions. In this example one suction point is defined and the middle mouse button is pressed to begin the new calculation.

trapped liquid

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The levels are displayed and reported in the Text Window for each of the five positions separately. Details about trapped and resting liquid are also provided.

resting liquid


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Fuel Tank Tool Center of gravity locus Gravity Center This function calculates the center of gravity locus for a given number of liquid level height steps.

Enter the tank wall material density and the liquid density as well as the number of height steps.

V=f{X} V=f{Y} V=f{Z} The calculated liquid levels and CoG locations are displayed and reported in the Text Window.

A graph of the CoG locus can also be displayed by activating one of the relative flags for each coordinate separately. Liquid Combined Depending on the active flag button the Liquid or the Combined (liquid plus tank wall) CoG locus is displayed.

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Fuel Tank Tool 28.3. Getting the Analysis Results As in the mesh menu there are three view modes activated by the relative flag button. SHADOW HIDDEN WIRE

All the numerical results displayed in the Text Window during the tank analysis is stored and can be viewed with the Tank Info function. The data can also be saved to a text file using the Save File. Tank Info

This function converts the currently displayed liquid level contours into 3D Curves that can be viewed in the other menus. Each time the function is used the resulting Curves are put in a new Part in the Part Manager.



These Curves can be used for example to create Faces and find their intersections locus.

The Print to file function creates Postscript and RGB graphical output, as described in section 2.17. You can exit the TANK tool by pressing TOPO, MESH or DECK.

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Fuel Tank Tool 28.4. Generating SPH elements for LS-DYNA, PAMCRASH and ABAQUS The SPH function of the TANK TOOL menu can generate SPH elements of a prescribed volume in a closed shape surface mesh. Ensure that the LS-DYNA or PAMCRASH or ABAQUS Deck is active. Switch to the TANK TOOL menu. The Initial Settings window appears. Press OK to proceed. ! Note that irrespective of the active flag for Surface Definition specification, the SPH generation will take place with the surface mesh regarded as Inner. Activate the SPH function. The SPH Parameters



window opens.

Input the radius and the total solid volume (in liters) of the spherical SPH elements to be generated. Press OK.

The elements are created and the Parts Window opens, in order to assign the elements to a Property. Create a ”New” Property.

Double click in the created Default SPH Section to set the created elements into this part.

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Fuel Tank Tool Then the Part Manager opens. Create a New PART and rename it to 'SPH Elements'. Double click on it to set them into the new Part.

In order to view the generated SPH elements switch to the respective DECK menu (ensure that their visibility is active in the F12 window under ELEMENT>ELEMENT_SPH).


The SPH elements are stacked in the unit cell shown.


2R 2R ANSA has generated a SET of nodes and has assigned SPH elements to it. Activate the AUXILLIARIES>SET function to view the created SET of nodes.

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Fuel Tank Tool Activate the DECKs> ELEMENTs>INFO and pick on a SPH element. Info

The whole SET is highlighted and the SPH entry card opens.

For PAM-CRASH the volume of each SPH element is filled according to its specified radius, whereas for LS-DYNA the mass of each SPH element is filled according to its radius and the density assigned via the selected PID and its MID.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Volume Traps Tool Volume Traps Tool

Chapter 29


Table of Contents VOLUME TRAPS TOOL .............................................................................................................. 2111 29.1. The VOLUME TRAPS Tool............................................................................................. 2112 29.1.1. Check for Bubbles .................................................................................................. 2113 29.1.2. Check for Ponds ..................................................................................................... 2118 29.1.3. Automating the VTRAPS analysis through ANSA scripting language ..................... 2119

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Volume Traps Tool 29.1. The VOLUME TRAPS Tool With the V. TRAPS tool ANSA identifies regions of resting liquid or air/gas bubble enclosures, formed when an assembly like a BiW, or parts of it, is immersed into or extracted from a virtual bath, along a user specified direction. This tool is also applicable to liquid tank analyses for the identification of areas of trapped resting liquid. With respect to the TANK tool (Chapter 28), the VTRAPS tool is more advanced in the fact that it can handle multiple open or closed volumes with cyan and red bounds. The following conditions must apply for the model: - The model can consist of meshed Macro Areas and/or FE-model but only with triangular elements - The model must be free from intersection penetration, - No duplicate shells should be present, If the model contains quad elements, use the function ELEMENTs>SPLIT to split only the quad elements into trias. Prior to performing a VTRAPS analysis, check for PENETRATION [INTERSECTION] and DUPLICATE elements through the CHECK button in Tools menu. Fix any identified problems and then proceed with the analysis, otherwise erroneous results may appear. In this example a meshed model of a complete BiW will be checked. Note that the model should be meshed solely with triangular shells.

To activate the Volume Traps tool, select Modules> V.TRAPS option. In the V. TRAPS menu the model is viewed in a transparent form. The Text Window displays warning messages about duplicate elements and initial penetration.

Notes: 1) The angles in the POSITIONING function are in degrees and refer to the global coordinate system. 2) If no positioning is specified, the analysis will be performed according to the current view. 3) When preparing a model for such an analysis, special care should be taken at flanges and connected Parts. For a correct analysis the flanges must be “fused” together, otherwise the fluid will leak out of the gaps between them. This fusing can be performed preferably at TOPO level using CAD functions, or the user can create shell elements and close the gaps using other function in the MESH menu. Red and Cyan CONS or bounds are no problem to the VTRAPS tool.

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Volume Traps Tool

actual flanges

“fused” flanges

4) The quality of the mesh is not of outmost importance. The mesh should only describe accurately the geometrical shape of the structure. However, sliver elements of I-DEAS aspect ratio higher than 40 should be avoided. 5) The user can interrupt the Bubble or Ponds check procedure at any time using the BREAK key. 29.1.1. Check for Bubbles By selecting MODULES>V.TRAPS the Volume Traps window appears. In fields 'RX', 'RY' and 'RZ' you can set the values for positioning the model or you can manually rotate the model and the values will be automatically updated. We will perform a rotation around Y-axis by -3 degrees. Press Enter to see the model positioning. Having activated the Create Elements flag, new part of FE elements that will represent the Bubbles or Ponds will be created, every time you press Calculate. To find the regions where air or other gas is trapped when the model enters the bath, use the BUBBLE CHECK function.

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Volume Traps Tool We will position the model to define the exact orientation of the model relatively to the virtual bath, which is always horizontal to the screen, as shown schematically here.

In the field “Step” set the value of 1, for the BATH scanning of the fluid levels. Note that the smaller the step value, the more accurate the calculation, of course in the expense of more computational time. It is recommended to start with a relatively large step and repeat the calculation with smaller steps, until convergence to the same result. Press Calculate. ANSA identifies the trapped air regions and displays them. In the legend you get information about: - total volume - total metal wetted area - positioning and - step size

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Volume Traps Tool All the found Volumes are listed in Volume Traps window. You can select the Number of the Bubble and control it's visibility. Except from the Number there is also information about Volume and Area. The values in RX, RY and RZ fields have changed due to rotation of the model. To bring it in the initial position set in RY a value of -3 and press ENTER.

We can control the visibility of which Volumes we want to be displayed. Set in the field of “Min. vol.” A value of 10000.Press Enter.

All the volumes under this value will not be listed and will also not be displayed in the model.

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Volume Traps Tool The results of the simulation are “saved” in the form of shell elements representing the form of the traps. Opening the PID list, there is a new property named after “Vtraps” and the positioning. The elements of this PID are by default not visible. Select them in the list and press Show.

Activate from Views>Layout a view that will give you the possibility to have a look of the model in two modules, both in V.Traps and in MESH.

The appropriate window is activated by pressing the mouse to the respective window.

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Volume Traps Tool The traps are shown on the model, as you have press Show in the Properties List.

In addition, a new Part is created automatically in the Part Manager containing these elements. Every time the VTRAPS analysis is performed a new PID and Part will be created automatically. Using the Part Manager or the PID list you can isolate these elements.

Finally, you can take advantage of the transparency in PID view mode. Set default transparency 90% in the Presentation Parameters window (F11).

Then from the PID list select all the PIDs of the BiW and select Tranparency [ON]. You will have the same visualization as in the VTRAPS analysis.

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Volume Traps Tool 29.1.2. Check for Ponds Regions of resting liquid are identified using the Ponds Check function. The model is extracted from the fully immersed state out of a virtual bath as shown. In the same window of Volume Traps there is another option for Pond Check. We will follow the same procedure as for Bubble Check. Keep the step increment into 1. o Here the BiW is positioned with a +5 angle about the Y-axis. Press ENTER in order the model to be placed in the desired position. Then press Calculate to get the results.

The same information as described in the previous section is given in the legend.

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Volume Traps Tool A list with the found ponds is also displayed. Just like in the previous section you can manage the visibility of the ponds. Also you can filter the ponds above a specific Volume.

29.1.3. Automating the VTRAPS analysis through ANSA scripting language In cases where a big assembly or tank needs to be analyzed in multiple positions the whole study may require significant computational time. The ANSA scripting language can automate the study, saving time and avoiding errors. The example function below demonstrates such an application: def my_vtraps_function() { INPUT_NASTRAN("/home/user/model.nas","","","","","","","",0,""); VtrapsPonds(0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40.0, -25.0, 30.0, "./case0_0_0.tiff", "TIFF"); search_type[0]="PSHELL"; pshells=CollectEntities(NASTRAN,0,search_type,0); foreach pshell in pshells { GetEntityCardValues(NASTRAN,pshell,"Name",name,"PID",pid); str=name(1:8); if(str=="Vtraps :") break; } ALL(); OR(NASTRAN,"PSHELL",pid); OUTPUT_NASTRAN("./case0_0_0.nas", "visible", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, ""); }

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Volume Traps Tool The above user defined function is called my_vtraps_function. This function will read a NASTRAN file (/home/user/model.nas), will perform a Ponds analysis at 0,0,0 degrees (flat) will then rotate the view to 40,-25,30 (similar to F10) and print out a TIFF file of the results, named after case0_0_0.tiff. Then it will keep visible only the Property whose name starts with Vtraps : and will output visible in NASTRAN format under the filename case0_0_0.nas. You can copy the above function inside the file ANSA_TRANSL. If there is no such file, create one with this name. Then start ANSA from the same location where this ANSA_TRANSL is located. As a result ANSA will read everything inside this file when it starts. Then type in the command line at bottom left field of the Text Window the following command:

and press Enter. ANSA will execute the function. You can copy and create multiple Ponds analysis saving every time by a different filename the image and the shell data.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Data Management Data Management

Chapter 30


Table of Contents DATA MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 2121 30.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2123 30.2. Data Management root ................................................................................................. 2124 30.2.1. Contents of DM root directory................................................................................ 2125 30.3. Part Representations .................................................................................................... 2126 30.3.1. Representations in ANSA ...................................................................................... 2127 30.3.2. Common Representation ...................................................................................... 2127 30.3.3. Meshed Representations ...................................................................................... 2129 Set up of user-defined meshed representations ............................................ 2131 30.3.4. Study Version schema ........................................................................................... 2132 30.3.5. Switching between existing representations .......................................................... 2133 30.3.6. DM Log files .......................................................................................................... 2133 30.3.7. Built-in reduced representations ............................................................................ 2133 Replacing parts with masses ......................................................................... 2134 Excluding parts from the model ..................................................................... 2137 Mesh representation of multi-instantiated parts ............................................. 2140 30.3.8. Reload current representation ............................................................................... 2141 30.4. Component.................................................................................................................... 2141 30.4.1. Saving ANSA files as Components........................................................................ 2141 30.5. Include Representations ............................................................................................... 2143 30.5.1. Creating Representations...................................................................................... 2143 30.5.2. Saving include files as Components...................................................................... 2144 30.6. DM Browser .................................................................................................................. 2145 30.6.1. Interface ................................................................................................................ 2145 30.6.2. Handling of files ..................................................................................................... 2146 30.6.3. Handling of parts and groups ................................................................................ 2146 Parts status.................................................................................................... 2147 Identification of parts ..................................................................................... 2148 Parts download .............................................................................................. 2149 Comparison of parts ...................................................................................... 2150 30.6.4. Handling of includes .............................................................................................. 2151 Includes status ............................................................................................... 2151 Includes download ......................................................................................... 2152 Adding Includes in DM ................................................................................... 2152

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Data Management 30.6.5. Handling of Components ....................................................................................... 2154 Components download .................................................................................. 2154 30.7. Updates identification .................................................................................................... 2155 30.7.1. Check DM Updates ............................................................................................... 2155 DM Updates options ...................................................................................... 2156 30.7.2. DM Monitor ............................................................................................................ 2157 30.8. Compare Versions......................................................................................................... 2159 30.9. Find matches in DM ...................................................................................................... 2160 30.10. Compare DMs ............................................................................................................. 2161 30.10.1. Interface .............................................................................................................. 2161 30.10.2. Specifying the DMs to be compared.................................................................... 2161 30.10.3. Specifying the DM contents to be compared ....................................................... 2162 30.10.4. Navigation in the comparison results ................................................................... 2162 30.10.5. Prescribing the “copy” and “link” actions ............................................................. 2163 Copying all the differences from one DM to the other .................................. 2163 Copying selected differences from one DM to the other .............................. 2163 Linking files .................................................................................................. 2164 Deleting files ................................................................................................ 2164 30.11. Working with customized Data Models and Data Views .............................................. 2165 30.11.1. The Data Model ................................................................................................... 2165 30.11.2. Data Views .......................................................................................................... 2167 30.12. Working connected to SPDRM server ......................................................................... 2168 30.12.1. Setting SPDRM server as the DM root ................................................................ 2168 30.12.2. Uploading – Browsing – Downloading data ......................................................... 2168 Saving Parts and Components .................................................................... 2169 Browsing and downloading through the DM Browser .................................. 2170 30.13. Auxiliary files and folders ............................................................................................. 2171 30.14. Adding User Actions in DM .......................................................................................... 2173 30.15. Adding user attributes in DM ....................................................................................... 2175 30.16. Reading product structure from PDM systems ............................................................ 2176 30.17. Related script commands ............................................................................................ 2179

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Data Management 30.1. Introduction ANSA Data Management (ANSA DM) is a file-system based solution for the quick and flawless storage and retrieval of all the data that are used during the development process of a vehicle simulation model. The use of ANSA DM tackles the lack of CAE data organization, eases the collaboration of engineers and engineering teams, assists engineers in decision making while, at the same time, it can be adapted on existing modeling practices. Under ANSA DM, all engineering data are stored under the same physical location. Data stored in ANSA DM include: Part geometries: The geometric representation of parts and sub-assemblies in ANSA files. Analysis models: The discipline dependent FE-representations of parts and sub-assemblies (NVH, crash, durability, etc.) as ANSA or include files. Auxiliary files: Dummies, walls and barriers; auxiliary components necessary for the analysis Processes: The steps to be followed for the set-up of each load-case, in the form of templates. Library Items: Connectors, boundary conditions, output requests and trim items templates. Some of the direct benefits that derive from the use of ANSA DM are listed below: - The user is directly notified for the existence of updates related to his/her model - Component updates are incorporated in the assembly automatically. All related connections, trim items and boundary conditions get updated automatically - The engineer is always able to retrieve the initial state of a component - All the data related to the model build-up can be found under the same physical location - All engineers share the same auxiliary components and library items

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Data Management 30.2. Data Management root The ANSA Data Management root directory is where all engineering data will be stored. This location can be made known to ANSA, through Containers>DM>Set DM Paths. Once the Set DM Paths window appears, the user can press the Add button to access the file manager and select the desired directory. This window can host more than one root directories, but each time only one can be the current. To set a directory as current, the user can select the option Set Current from its context menu. Also, there is the option to Edit a path, by accessing the file manager. A path can be removed from the Set DM Paths window by selecting the Remove option from its context menu. In order to retain the settings regarding the DM root directory for the next ANSA session, the user must save the ANSA.defaults, through Windows>Settings>Save settings to ANSA.defaults button. Hence, a declaration in the ANSA.defaults file is written: DM_ROOT_CURRENT = /home/user/DM_DEMO The rest of DMs paths that exist but they are not current are also saved in ANSA.defaults: DM_ROOT_PATH = /home/user/DM1 DM_ROOT_PATH = /home/user/DM2

When ANSA reads the ANSA.defaults file, it automatically recognizes the designated current location as the ANSA DM root directory. This can be verified easily through the file manager. Whenever a directory has been set as current DM root directory, the “DM:/” appears as an optional drive in the file manager.

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Data Management By choosing this virtual drive, the user is automatically forwarded to the designated location and can directly access the contents of the DM root directory.

In the Set DM Paths window, the user can also use the filtering capabilities. (see Chapter 5: Part Manager).

30.2.1. Contents of DM root directory ANSA uses certain naming conventions, in order to automatically save data in or retrieve data from specific locations. Thus, the first-level directories within the DM root have specific names, as shown in the table below: Directory name

Directory contents


This directory contains the different representations of includes, as ansa files. It is created automatically by ANSA. For more information please refer to section 30.5.4.


This directory contains the different configurations of a model, as ansa files


This directory contains the different representations of includes, as keyword files. It is created automatically by ANSA. For more information please refer to section 30.5.5.

batch_mesh_sessions This directory contains the meshing scenarios to be used for the creation of meshed representations (front impact, side impact, rear impact, durability etc.). These scenarios come in the form of ANSA files, alongside the respective ansa_mpar and ansa_qual files. For more information on the creation of meshed representations please refer to section connectors

This directory is a library for Connector Entities FE-representations. For more information on Connector Entities please refer to Chapter: ASSEMBLY.


This directory is a library for impactor and barrier models that may be used in any impact load-case. For more information on barrier positioning please refer to Chapter: DECK TOOLS.

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Data Management boundary_conditions

This directory is a library for Boundary Conditions FE-representations. For more information on Generic Entities of this type please refer to Chapter: DECK GENERAL FEATURES.


This directory is a library for Output Requests FE-representations. For more information on Generic Entities of this type please refer to Chapter: DECK GENERAL FEATURES.


This directory is a library for Trim Items FE-representations. For more information on Generic Entities of this type please refer to Chapter: DECK GENERAL FEATURES.


This directory is a library for all dummy models that may be used in any load-case during the model build-up.


This directory is a library for all template process saved as ANSA Task Manager Tasks.

30.3. Part Representations Part Representations are stored in the DM root directory in a structured way, corresponding to the CAD release sequence. A visualization of this structure is represented in the image below.

When a “version” (e.g. AA) of the model is released by the CAD department, the “common” representation for every part of this version can be created and saved. At this point an ANSA file for every part of the model is saved inside the DM root directory. Based on the “common” representation, all the discipline-dependent “mesh representations” (e.g. Crash, NVH, Durability) can be created and saved for every part. These, in turn, will be saved in the DM root directory in the form of ANSA files. For every discipline-dependent mesh representation, several “study versions” may be created, representing variations of a part that are introduced by CAE engineers. These study versions are saved as separate ANSA files for the parts for which they were created. At a later moment, a new “version” (e.g. AB) of the model is made available by the CAD department, and the creation of new representations and study versions for this particular version will begin. These will be also saved in the DM root directory for each part as separate ANSA files.

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Data Management In this way, the CAE evolution of model components can be tracked, while all members of the engineering team can have access to any prior status of the parts to identify the design changes that took place. 30.3.1. Representations in ANSA The representation of a part or group is specified in the “Representation” field. This editable field can hold alphanumeric strings. Representations are saved in the DM root with the function DM>Save Representation available on the menu-bar and in the context menu.

30.3.2. Common Representation The “common” representation of a model is the basis for the creation of any discipline-dependent mesh representation. Hence, in order for a “common” representation to be saved into DM, the model must be error free. To save the “common” representation, the user can use the function DM>Save Representation available on the menu-bar and in the context menu. The “common” representation is implied only when the “Representation” field is empty. Upon confirmation the Save Representation in DM wizard appears.

In this window the details of the selected Groups/Parts appear. If a Group was selected for saving, the user has the option to save representation for the Group itself, through the Save Group, or for the parts it contains through the option Save Inner Parts. Pressing the Save Inner Parts, the wizard goes to the next step while Skip continues without any actions. !NOTE1: Multiple parts can be also selected for save !NOTE2: In order to save the representation, the Part/Group must have been assigned with a valid Module Id and Version. In case any of these are missing, the Save Representation in DM wizard has an additional first step called “Modify” where the user is prompt to fill in the missing fields. !NOTE3: Groups can be saved in DM even if they are empty. However, empty parts cannot be saved in DM.

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Data Management ANSA always checks if multi-instantiated parts have been selected for saving in DM. In case more than one instances of the same part have been selected, one additional user input is required, i.e. the instance to be saved must be declared. The user can let ANSA pick which instance will be saved, by selecting Continue. This option can be used in cases where all instances are the same, for example when the Sync.Representation has been applied. Additionally, the option “Apply to All” can be activated to let ANSA do the same for all similar cases. Alternatively, when the user has worked with one instance explicitly, and no Sync.Representation has been applied, the options Skip or Cancel must be selected. In this case the multi-instances must be treated separately, i.e. the instance to be saved must be selected manually. !NOTE: Multi-instantiated parts are saved only once inside the DM root. When it is time to be used, ANSA uses the saved instance and generates the rest parts, in the correct positions, based on their transformation matrix. Pressing Continue, the user has the option to add a comment to all the parts that are going to be saved. If the “Apply to All” option is activated, the same comment will be added to all the saved parts.

The next and last step is a confirmation. Here ANSA displays the selected Groups/Parts that are going to be saved in DM.

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Data Management Upon pressing Finish, the “common” representations are saved in DM and a respective report is displayed in the DM Functions Log window that pops up.

!NOTE: During the “Save Representation” process, the user can return back to any of the previous steps using the Back button or the linked pages of the wizard located at the left. 30.3.3. Meshed Representations When the “common” representation has been created and saved, the user can proceed to the creation of any discipline-dependent meshed representation. Meshed representations are generated with the aid of the Batch Mesh Manager, using the “common” representation of the components as a basis. The creation of new representations for a selection of parts/groups is handled by the Part Representation Manager. This tool is used for creating new representations and for fetching existing representations for the selected components. It is launched through the DM>Change Representation function.

The Part Representation window is divided in two sections, one for the “Available” and one for the “Alternatives” representations. The “Available” section lists all representations that can be directly fetched for the selected entities. By default, the built in representations “Don‟t Use” and “SPC” (see section are listed here. Additionally, the list contains the representations that have been previously saved in DM.

The “Alternatives” section, lists all the representations that can be created. By default, the built-in representations “Lumped Mass” and “Trim” (see section are listed here. Additionally, the list contains all user-defined representations that have been prescribed for the project. User-defined representations are batch meshing scenarios which, when executed, will produce a mesh representation. In order for ANSA Data Management system to recognize any user-defined representations and list them in the “Alternatives” section, these must exist as batch mesh scenario files in a directory named batch_mesh_sessions within the ANSA DM root directory. For more information on the set-up of user-defined representations, please refer to section

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Data Management To create a new meshed representation, first select it in the “Alternatives” list and then press the arrow button. At this point, ANSA DM checks whether the selected representation or any other suitable representation already exists in the DM root for any of the selected components. If it exists, it fetches the respective file. Otherwise, it loads the “common” representation, which will be used as the basis for the new mesh. The Batch Mesh Manager is launched with the selected scenario active, having the corresponding parts loaded and distributed to sessions according to the filters. After running the batch mesh scenario, all meshed components acquire the name of the meshing scenario as representation.

After the completion of the Batch Mesh, the improvement of the mesh quality and the treatment of any property thickness penetrations-if required, the user is ready to save the new mesh representation. To do so, one can select the proper part(s)/group(s), and activate the DM>Save Representation function either from the menu-bar at the top, or from the items' context menu. On save a new ANSA file is created, having the name of the “Representation” (i.e. the name of the batch mesh scenario). Additionally, ANSA also creates a hard-link of this file, with the name of the mesh parameters used for its meshing (in this example, ANSA will save 2 files with the name 10mm.ansa and 26 files with the name 6mm.ansa). If another user-defined meshed representation requires a component to be meshed with the same mesh parameters, ANSA will fetch the existing suitable mesh and will not mesh it again.

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Data Management Note that in case the user attempts to save a representation which already exists inside the DM root, ANSA DM detects the conflict and provides 2 options: - Create a New Study Version, or - Overwrite the existing representation. Set up of user-defined meshed representations The user-defined meshed representations that are listed in the “Alternatives” section of the Part Representation Manager are batch meshing scenarios saved as ANSA files in the batch_mesh_sessions folder in the DM root. In order to create such a file, the user must create a batch meshing scenario in the Batch Mesh Manager.

This is a usual batch meshing scenario, (described in Chapter: BATCH MESH), that can have suitable filters for every batch mesh session it contains. Each session must be assigned proper mesh parameters and quality criteria.

When the definition of the batch meshing scenario is complete the user can select it and choose the option Save from its context menu. This will automatically save the scenario in the DM root directory as a new ANSA file, in a folder named batch_mesh_sessions, which is created automatically. In the same way several batch meshing scenarios can be created and saved in the DM root directory. All these will comprise the alternative meshed representations that need to be created for a project. !NOTE: The name of the batch mesh scenario will become the representation name. The batch mesh scenarios saved appear listed in the “Alternatives” section in the Part Representation window. The user can pick any of the alternative meshed representations and press the arrow button, to mesh the selected components accordingly.

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Data Management 30.3.4. Study Version schema ANSA follows a study versioning schema suitable for keeping the history of representations. The user is not allowed to intervene to this numbering schema, thus managing this complicated process is not an extra burden. Every study version has a unique number. The first file that is saved in ANSA DM gets a study version 0. From that point, any future study version cannot get a number with odd number of digits. So, the next study versions will be 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,,,, etc. By default the first number after 0 is 1.1. Each successive study version is given a new number by increasing the rightmost digit by one. Thus, a 1.2 comes after 1.1 and 1.3 comes after 1.2. In case the intended study version already exists a new branch is initiated by appending to the current study version the digits “1.1”. For example, if study versions 1.2 and 1.3 are already in DM and the user attempts to create a new one based on 1.2, then the new study version that will be created will be the All main branches, e.g. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, etc. are created exclusively from study version 0. For example, if the user would like to create the new main branch 2.1, this must be created from study version 0 provided that branch 1.1 have been already saved in DM. This method makes sure that the history of a file will always be traceable. In the following flowchart the user can observe how new study versions are created.

!NOTE: Files that have been saved in DM with ANSA older that v14 will be listed in version 14 with study version numbers having zeros in front of every digit. This is necessary since the current schema cannot accept study versions with odd number of digits. Thus older versions like 1, 2, 3, 2.1.1 etc, will become 0.2, 0.3, respectively.

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Data Management 30.3.5. Switching between existing representations Switching between existing representations is possible through DM>Change Representation function. The action can take place for one or more Parts/Groups, and it is controlled through the Part Representation Manager. Picking a representation among the “Available” ones, the parts change its representation with no further action from the user. !NOTE: When a representation is not available for all the selected items, it appears greyed out with the ratio “number of available/number of selected” next to its name. Picking one of these representations will only change the representation of some of the selected components. During the change representation action any conflicts in properties, materials and sets ids will be treated according to what has been defined in Windows>Settings>DM browser>Change Representation Options.

30.3.6. DM Log files ANSA automatically creates and updates two log files where all actions related to DM are reported. Specifically, a file called My_DM.log is saved in the working directory while a hidden file called DM.log is saved in the current DM. The former reports all actions related to DM, like saving or changing representations while the latter reports only the changes that affect the content of the DM, like saving or deleting representations. A Log file of the current session can always be invoked through the Containers>DM>DM Log. 30.3.7. Built-in reduced representations ANSA Data Management provides several built-in representations that can be used during the model build-up. These representations allow the direct conversion of detailed part representations to reduced ones, with the minimum input requirements. These representations are listed in the “Alternative” and “Available” sections of the Part Representation window. In the “Available” section, the built-in representations that can be directly used, without any further input, are listed. The “Alternative” section lists the built-in representations that can be used with certain, though minimum, input.

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Data Management Replacing parts with masses It is a common practice to replace the detailed mesh representation of certain parts by masses, either concentrated, in the form of lumped masses or distributed, spread over the neighbouring connected parts. For example, the door module inner plastic parts shown on the left, that are used as detailed FE representations in certain analyses, can be transformed to lumped or distributed masses using the ANSA DM capabilities, for the purposes of other analyses. For these purposes “Lumped Mass” and “Trim” representations can be used.

Lumped Mass representation In order to switch a group of the assembly into a “Lumped Mass” representation, select it and activate the DM>Change Representation.

The Part Representation window appears. Select the “Lumped Mass” representation and press the arrow button.

The Handle Connections/Connectors options window appears. (For a definition of External/Internal Connections/Connectors, please refer to Chapter: Part Manager). By pressing the Include button, these entities will be included into the “Lumped Mass” representation, and thus will not remain in the model. Respectively, by pressing the Exclude button, these entities will be excluded from the “Lumped Mass” and thus will remain in the model.

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Data Management In a next step, the Lumped Mass Options window appears, prompting the user to select more nodes for the creation of the “Lumped Mass” representation. At the same time a preview of the nodes that will participate in the “Lumped Mass” representation is shown in the graphics area.

The final step is the specification of the element type that will be used for the representation. This can be either a rigid or an interpolation element.

As soon as an option is selected, the detailed representation of the plastic parts sub-assembly is removed and it is replaced by the lumped mass. The mass value and the mass moments of inertia of the created mass element are such, that this representation is equivalent to the detailed one. Now the plastic parts sub-assembly has been assigned a “Lumped Mass” representation.

To revert the plastic parts sub-assembly to its detailed representation the user can change representation to the common or any other among the available ones. Note that to do so, one must have saved a representation of the particular Group, prior of changing to “Lumped Mass”. !NOTE: In case the Connector Entities were included into the lumped mass representation, as soon as the change representation action takes place, they are automatically re-applied.

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Data Management Trim representation Through DM>Change Representation function, the user can also create a mass trim item which will substitute the detailed representation of a Part/Group by equivalent masses spread over the nearby Parts. This is achieved through the creation of a GEB_MT entity (for more information about trim items please refer to Chapter: DECKS GENERAL FEATURES).

The Part Representation window appears. Select the “Trim” representation and press the arrow button.

The GEB_MT window appears in order to preview the definition of the mass trim item. ANSA has automatically calculated and filled-in the total mass of the sub-assembly to be substituted, the connectivity parts, and the search distance (for more information about how the GEB_MT is defined please refer to Chapter: DECKS GENERAL FEATURES).

As soon as the GEB_MT entity is fully defined and OK button is pressed, the respective subassembly is assigned the “Trim” representation.

Additionally, a mass trim Generic Entity is created. To access it move to the Database Browser, and double click the category GEB>GEB_MT. The selection list of GEB_MT items appears where the newly created trim item is listed.

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Data Management If the user select it and press Apply, concentrated masses are spread all over the nodes that were identified on the Part selected in the “connectivity” field and within the distance defined in the “sdist” field of the GEB_MT entity. The sum of all these masses gives a mass equal to the one of the plastic parts sub-assembly. Simultaneously, the status of the GEB_MT entity is updated to “ok”.

NOTES 1. The detailed representation of the plastic parts sub-assembly still exists in the database. However, it is assigned a “Trim” representation and this implies that it will not be output. 2. The sub-assembly group will maintain the “Trim” representation tag for as long as its Module Id is referenced in the “area” field of a Trim Item Generic Entity, regardless of the trim item‟s status. This means that although the trim item may not be applied, the referenced group will still have a “Trim” representation and thus its contents will not be output. In order to revert the component back to its detailed representation, the user has to delete the trim item or modify the “search” option in the GEB_MT card. Excluding parts from the model There are cases where the user would like to exclude some parts of the assembly from the discipline model build-up. However, it is often to face the problem that items related to the excluded parts (and should also be excluded) are unintentionally left over. There are also some cases where the user would like to focus on some certain parts of the assembly and model their connection to the rest of the assembly with a displacement constraint. Towards these directions, there are the built-in representations “Don‟t Use” and “SPC”. “Don‟t Use” representation In order to switch a group of the assembly into a “Don't Use” representation, the DM>Change Representation must be selected.

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Data Management The Part Representation window appears. Select the “Don't Use” representation and press OK, or just double-click on it.

The Handle Connections/Connectors options window appears. Here the user can either select to exclude such entities from the model (i.e. include these entities in the “Don‟t Use” operation: Include External Connectors option) or leave them in the database (i.e. exclude these entities from the “Don‟t Use” operation: Exclude External Connectors option). For a definition of External/Internal Connections/Connectors, please refer to Chapter: Part Manager. By checking the “Apply to all” option, all the Connectors will be treated in the same way. When the changing of representation has taken place, the detailed representation of the plastic parts sub-assembly is removed. If the Include button was pressed, the same will be applied for the connector entities. In the Part Manager, the respective Group will be assigned with a “Don‟t Use” representation. To revert the assembly back to its initial condition, the user can pick the “Use” representation among the available ones, inside the Part Representation window.

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Data Management “SPC” representation There are cases where the user would like to exclude some Parts from the model and replace their current connectivity by particular constraints at the proper positions. This can be achieved through the “SPC” built-in representation.

In order to switch a Part/Group into an “SPC” representation, select it and activate the DM>Change Representation. When,the Part Representation window appears, select the “SPC” representation and press OK, or just double-click on it.

The Handle Connections/Connectors options window will appear, when the selected Part is connected to the rest of the assembly through such an entity. (For the definition of External/Internal Connections/Connectors, please refer to Chapter: Part Manager). By pressing the Include button, these entities will be included in the SPC operation, and thus will not remain in the model. Respectively, by pressing the Exclude button, these entities will be excluded from the SPC and thus will remain in the model. The user has also the option to specify the degrees of freedom of the SPC that will be created.

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Data Management By pressing the Include/Exclude button, the selected Part gets in hidden mode and an SPC is created at the locations it was connected to the rest of the assembly.

Also the selected Part is assigned an “Spc” representation. To revert the part to its initial condition, invoke the Part Representation window by right-click on its entry and pick the “Use” or the “Durability” representation among the “Available” ones. Mesh representation of multi-instantiated parts Multi-instantiated parts are saved only once inside the DM root. When it is time to be used, ANSA uses the saved instance and generates the rest parts, in the correct positions, based on their transformation matrix. As mentioned in previous paragraphs, the meshed representations are generated with the aid of the Batch Mesh Manager, using the common representation of the components as a basis. Especially for multi-instantiated parts, it should be noted that ANSA treats them only once during the meshing procedure and then synchronizes their representation. Nevertheless, they appear in the number of contents in the Batch Mesh Manager window

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Data Management 30.3.8. Reload current representation At any point while working with ANSA DM, the user can select to reload the representation of a Part/Group used in the current ANSA session by selecting the function DM>Reload of its context menu. This functionality can be used for loading the common representation for all parts of an empty hierarchy of an assembly. Additionally, the Reload function can be used whenever a change has been done in the currently used representations and the user would like to go back to the status of the saved representation.

30.4. Component ANSA supports directly the notion of the “sub-system” for both ANSA and include files. This is achieved through the DM Item called “Component”. The storage, retrieval and general management of “sub-systems”, i.e. Components, can be done through the Part Manager, the Includes lists and the DM Browser. Components‟ attribution can be configurable according to each corporation needs, i.e the component‟s identification can be obtained through a set of custom properties. This is achieved through a customized Data Model; its definition is described in section 30.11.1. If no special data model is used the component is identified from its Module Id, Version, Study Version and Representation. 30.4.1. Saving ANSA files as Components To save a Component the user must access the function DM>Save As Component, in Part Manager, which is available on the menu-bar and in the context menu of the selected part/group. The option is available whether the user picks a Group or a Part. Nevertheless, there is not much point in saving a part as component, since the component holds within it the concept of hierarchy. Upon confirmation the Save Component in DM wizard appears.

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Data Management In first step (Modify) the details of the selected Group appear. The user can fill or edit any of the fields. In the next step of the procedure (Conflicts), ANSA checks inside the DM whether a component with the same identification exists already. In case no such component exists, the user is informed that no conflicts where detected. The Next button is pressed to proceed.

In the step Options the user must define what files will be saved along with the component. An ANSA database, an image of the component in the default view in .png format, and also a light-weighted file in .jt format for viewing purposes.

The last step (Summary) is an informative step prior of saving the component in DM. Here the user can have an overview of the component to be saved. Upon pressing Finish, the component is saved in DM and a respective report is displayed in the DM Functions Log window that pops up.

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Data Management 30.5. Include Representations Similarly to Parts/Groups, “Include Representations” can also be saved inside the DM root directory. These representations are saved as separate keyword files according to the current active Deck. 30.5.1. Creating Representations The creation of representations is achieved through the function DM>Save Representation of the context menu of the Include. The entry of the “Representation” field will be the name of the representation. An empty “Representation” field will lead to the creation of a common representation for the include. The “Save Representation” action activates the Save Representation in DM wizard, similarly to the parts representations. In case an include marked as “Read only” is selected, ANSA requests for a confirmation to save it in the DM. The user can proceed to the next step either by pressing the Save or Don't Save button or can skip the process through the Cancel. When Save is pressed, the user is moved to the next step, where optionally a comment can be added to all includes that will be saved in DM. In the last step which is the confirmation step all the actions that will follow are displayed. Upon confirmation the includes' representations will be saved in DM as described in the DM Functions Log window (see section 30.3.2) !NOTE: In order to save the representation, the Include must have been assigned with a valid Module Id and Version. In one of these is missing, upon saving representation the wizard is launched but now the first page allows the manual modification of the empty fields.

Switching between representations is achieved through the option DM>Change Representation of the context menu of an Include. All previously saved representations that are available for the selected includes are listed in the Change Include Representation window. The user can select one and press OK.

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Data Management 30.5.2. Saving include files as Components Includes can be also saved inside the DM Root directory as Components. Activating the function DM>Save as Component of the context menu of an Include, the user is guided through the Save Component in DM wizard in order to save the component for the include file.

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Data Management 30.6. DM Browser DM Browser is the tool that covers the needs for navigation of the DM root with capabilities that exceed those of the standard file manager. Direct merge of files, file preview and visual notification for updates of files are only some of the characteristic features of the tool. The DM Browser is invoked through Containers>DM>DM Browser. Flat List/Tree List view mode Refresh

Multi-condition filter activation


Attributes of selected item

Comment Area

30.6.1. Interface The window is split vertically in two main panes. The left pane lists the first-level contents of the DM root directory. The right-pane displays the contents of the item selected in the left pane. There are two available view modes: A tree-list view mode, where the actual hierarchy of files and directories is depicted, and a flat-list view mode, where only files are listed. The user can switch between them from the toggle button at the top-right. The attributes of a selected item in the right pane appear at the bottom. Filtering among the listed items is made available both with the multi-condition filtering (see Chapter: Part Manager) and through the filter field at the top. All DM Browser related functions can be accessed from the menu-bar at the top. From the Utilities>Set DM Paths the current DM root can be changed while the Utilities>View DM Log launches the DM Log of the current session. To refresh the contents of the DM Browser the Refresh button must be pressed.

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Data Management 30.6.2. Handling of files Files of all types can be displayed in the DM Browser. Particularly for ANSA files the user can directly open/merge them in the running ANSA session. The available actions for each item appear in its context menu. Open will open the file, as if File>Open was performed. Merge, which is also available when multiple items are selected, will merge selected items to the currently open ANSA file, as if File>Merge was performed. Delete, will delete the items from the file system. A directory item can be deleted also. Finally, Save list will save a list in txt format with all the selected items. The parts and includes folders, created through “Save Representation”, have additional options that are explored in the paragraphs below. 30.6.3. Handling of parts and groups Parts and groups are saved in DM in a structured manner according to their module id, version and study version. This structure is depicted in the tree-list view mode. The check box next to each part enables the user to “mark” it for download. Apart from the standard part attributes, the user can find here the creation and last edit dates and the creator of the file. Additionally, any user attribute available in the parts/groups when saved in DM will also appear (for more information on user attributes of parts, please refer to Chapter: Part Manger). Note that all these characteristics can be also displayed as columns in the list.

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Data Management Parts status Every time the DM Browser is launched, ANSA identifies which of the parts stored in DM participate in the model of the current ANSA session. This way, all the parts/groups listed in the browser acquire a “Status”, which is also visualized in the first column of the list. This status also determines which action will be taken for a marked part when the Download button is pressed. The alternative statii are listed in the table below. Status

“Download” action

Color mark Description


This item is in use in the current ANSA session. Also the part in the current ANSA session is the Part latest available (latest available version and study replacement version)


This item is an alternative of one used in the current ANSA session (it may be a different version or a different study version from the one currently used)

Part replacement

Needs update

This item is in use in the current ANSA session. Also the part in the current ANSA session is not the latest available (there is a newer version or study version available)

Part replacement

Not in use

This item is not in use in the current ANSA session.


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Data Management Identification of parts The user can quickly associate the items listed in the DM Browser with the items loaded in the current ANSA session. From the screen to the DM Browser Press the Identify button at the top and select one or more entities of the model to highlight the corresponding items in the DM Browser.

From the DM Browser to the screen Quick identification of listed items can be performed through the focus functions available at the context menu. In this way the user can control the visibility of the corresponding items on the screen. Note that the focus functions affect entities of the same Module Id.

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Data Management Parts download Marked parts from the DM Browser can be directly incorporated to the model of the current ANSA session. Parts can be either marked one by one, by left click on the check box next to their description, or massively, through the Mark for download option of the context menu.

After marking one part, its alternatives will be grayed-out (as shown above inside the blue frame), since their use is mutually exclusive. A grayed-out item can still be selected, but this will lead to the de-selection of its alternative. Parts marking can be massively removed with the Unmark option of the context menu. Pressing the Download button, selected items that are alternative of the ones already in use, will replace them, while items that are not in use in the model, will be merged (the Merge Parameters window will pop-up). !NOTE: During the replacement of parts, all affected connections, connectors and generic entities will be automatically re-applied, in the same manner to what follows a “Change Representation” action.

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Data Management Comparison of parts Selecting any item that is an alternative of a part in-use, the user can launch a direct comparison between them using the Compare option of the context menu. In the Compare Report window, the left side contains the data of the part in-use, while the right contains the data of the part selected in DM Browser.

For more information on the Compare tool, please refer to Chapter 19 „Model Comparison‟ of this User‟s Guide.

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Data Management 30.6.4. Handling of includes Include files are saved in DM in a structured manner according to their module id, version and study version. This structure is depicted in the tree-list view mode. The check box next to each include enables the user to “mark” it for download. The attributes of the selected include are displayed at the bottom. Includes status Every time the DM Browser is launched, ANSA identifies which of the includes stored in DM participate in the model of the current ANSA session. This way, all the includes listed in the browser acquire a “Status”, which is also visualized in the first column of the list. This status also determines which action will be taken for a marked include when the Download button is pressed. The alternative statii are listed in the table below. Status

Color mark Description

“Download” action


This item is in use in the current ANSA session. Also the include in the current ANSA session is the latest available (latest available version and study version)

Include replacement


This item is an alternative of one used in the current ANSA session (it may be a different version or a different study version from the one currently used)

Include replacement

Needs update

This item is in use in the current ANSA session. Also the include in the current ANSA session is not the latest available (there is a newer version or study version available)

Include replacement

Not in use

This item is not in use in the current ANSA session.


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Data Management Includes download Marked includes from the DM Browser can be directly incorporated in the current ANSA session. Includes can be either marked one by one, by left click on the check box next to their description, or massively, through the Mark for download option of the context menu.

After marking one include, its alternatives will be grayed-out, since their use is mutually exclusive. A grayed-out item can still be selected, but this will lead to the de-selection of its alternative. Includes marking can be massively removed with the Unmark option of the context menu. Pressing the Download button, selected items that are alternative of the ones already in use, will replace them, while items that are not in use in the model, will be input. Adding Includes in DM The DM Browser gives to the user the capability to copy include files from any location and add them in the DM Root directory, applying to them the essential attributes (Name, Module Id, Version). To copy include files in the DM Root directory, the user has three options, either select a directory that contains the files, or select one or more include files or even import the includes from another DM. In the first two cases the File Manager appears in order the user to make the selection. In the third case the Set DM Paths window appears where the DM source must be selected. The functionality is accessed through the Add in DM>Includes function. By selecting a directory containing the include files, the Add files in DM wizard appears, where the user must define the valid extensions of the files to be read and all the necessary attributes like the Module Id, Version etc. This procedure can be initiated by editing the files one by one in this wizard page, or by modifying them massively by using the modify capabilities. To do so, one must press the Edit All button.

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Data Management This invokes the Modify window, were any modification rule can be written and applied, according to the FilterModify Syntax of ANSA. For more information about this window please refer to Chapter: MODEL MANAGEMENT. For more information about the Filter-Modify Syntax please refer to Appendix III.

As soon as all the necessary attributes have been defined for all include files and no conflicts were identified, the Confirmation page reports all the include files that have been modified. To continue to the copy of the files to the DM Root directory the user can press the Finish button or, optionally, can go back to change any of the previous selections. By pressing the Finish button, the procedure ends and the files are copied into the DM Root directory as the DM Functions Log reports.

The DM Browser displays the previously copied include files inside the “includes” group of contents.

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Data Management 30.6.5. Handling of Components Components are saved in DM in a structured manner according to their module id, version and study version. This structure is depicted in the tree-list view mode. Additionally, components hold within them the hierarchy of the saved group. Thus, this can be viewed inside the DM Browser; the user must select the component and press the expand button. The check box next to each component enables the user to “mark” it for download. In the lower area of the DM Browser the attributes of the selected component are displayed. Additionally, an image of the component in the default view is displayed, provided that the respective option was active when the component was saved. Note that component‟s attributes can be also displayed as columns in the list. Components download Marked components from the DM Browser can be directly incorporated in the current ANSA session. Components can be either marked one by one, by left click on the check box next to their description, or massively, through the Mark for download option of the context menu.

After marking one component, its alternatives will be grayed-out (as shown above inside the blue frame), since their use is mutually exclusive. A grayed-out item can still be selected, but this will lead to the de-selection of its alternative. Components marking can be massively removed with the Unmark option of the context menu.

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Data Management Pressing the Download button, selected items that are alternative of the ones already in use, will replace them, while items that are not in use in the model, will be merged (the Merge Parameters window will pop-up).

30.7. Updates identification ANSA DM offers functions for the direct identification of parts, groups and include file updates. There are three types of updates that can be identified, as described in the table below: Type of update


Newer File

A file with the same part number, version, study version and representation with the item in-use, whose time-stamp is more recent.

Newer Version

A file with the same part number and representation with the item inuse, whose version is the highest (after a lexicographic comparison)

Newer Study Version

A file with the same part number, version and representation with the item in-use, whose study version is most recent

The identification of updates can either be performed upon user request, with the Check DM Updates function, or automatically, using the DM Monitor functionality. 30.7.1. Check DM Updates The Check DM Updates function helps the user to identify updates of selected types in a selection of parts, groups or includes. The function will look for updates in the current DM but also in all other DMs that are set inside the Set DM Paths window and their “Updates” status is activated. The function can be invoked, within the Part Manager, Include Manager and DM Browser. In the Part Manger and Include List, the Check DM Updates is located in the menu-bar or in the context menu. In the Include Manager the same functionality can be found in the context menu of any item. The function is always applied on the selected items.

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Data Management DM Updates options Regardless of the tool that calls the Check DM Updates function, always the same DM Updates Option window is launched. The settings of this window can be found under the Windows>Settings>DM browser. The user can activate any combinations in order to check for newer files, newer CAD versions or newer study versions.

For newer CAD versions, in particular, some additional options are available: Previous if no newer found: This option can only be activated if both the “Newer File” and the “Newer Version” options are active. In case no newer version exists, it will report the newest file of the previous version. This capability is particularly useful when running the Check DM Updates on an empty hierarchy. In that case, the target is to fill the tree with the latest available representations and this is what this option will do. Report common repr for newer version: Activating this option, ANSA will report as update the common representation of selected parts/groups, if the representation in-use does not exist. Report any repr for new version: When there are no updates of the current representation, e.g crash, ANSA will report the first available but different representation, e.g durability. It must be noted though, that if the common representation exists, it will take precedence over the others. The “Check DM Updates” results are reported in the DM Updates window. The “DM Updates” column displays the type of update identified. The “DM Root” column displays the DM paths where the reported updates were found. Marked items will be incorporated in the model as soon as Download is pressed. !NOTE: In case more than one updates are available for a certain update type, only the “latest” is reported.

Direct comparison of the updates with the parts in-use can be invoked through the Compare and Compare with current Db options of the context menu. To reset the list, the user can either press the Refresh button or the Reset button in the DM Updates Options window.

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Data Management 30.7.2. DM Monitor The automatic notification for component updates can assure that a user working on a model will be alerted as soon as updates, related to the model, enter the ANSA DM root directory. Therefore, the DM root is monitored for changes performed by any user in pre-defined time intervals. The DM Monitor can be invoked through Containers>DM>DM Monitor. In the DM Monitor window that appears activate the “Enable DM Monitor” and specify the time interval according to which the DM root will be “scanned”. Optionally, activate the “Monitor my DM changes as well”, in order not to be notified only for changes performed by other users. As soon as the OK button is pressed, the message DM Monitor initiating is displayed in the status bar.

Now every 20 minutes, the DM root will be “scanned” for possible changes. The changes that can be tracked by DM Monitor are listed in the table below. Tracked Change


File added

A new version, study version or representation has been added for any of the parts/groups of the model

File deleted

A representation has been deleted for a part/group of the model

Newer file

The representation used has been overwritten by a newer file As soon as a change is identified, an orange indicator appears on the graphics area, informing the user that DM changes were detected. Right-click on it and select View changes.

The DM Monitor Update window appears listing all the identified changes.

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Data Management The parts/groups for which changes were identified are colored in blue. The changes for each part/group are colored green. Selecting a listed change more information are displayed at the bottom of the window. By activating the “Do not notify me of the same DM changes again” the listed DM changes will be suppressed from the upcoming updates notification report.

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Data Management 30.8. Compare Versions The Compare Versions function allows the direct comparison of a part/group that is currently in-use with one of its alternatives (i.e. a diffrerent version, a different study version, a different representation). The comparison can be invoked from within the Part Manager. In the Part Manager, the function can be found in the ANSA DM group of functions, available at the menu-bar or in the context menu. It will be applied to selected items.

Pressing the Compare button, the Compare Report window pops-up. For detailed information on the compare functionality please refer to Chapter 19 „Model Comparison‟ of this User‟s Guide.

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Data Management 30.9. Find matches in DM For those cases where the newer versions of parts cannot be classified in DM because they do not have a module id, ANSA can automatically find their best match in DM by location and geometry comparison with the function Find Matches in DM. The Find Matches in DM function can be launched from within the Part Manager. The Find Matches in DM function can be found in the ANSA DM group of functions, available at the menu-bar or in the context menu. The function will try to find a match of the selected items. In the Find Matches in DM window that pops-up, the user is prompted to specify a threshold for the comparison of the geometries. This is a difference percentage below which two parts are considered to be the same

Reducing this value makes the geometry matching criteria stricter. Increasing this value loosens the matching criteria. The matching results are presented in the DM Browser. Among all the matches that are found for a part, ANSA reports the latest representation of the best match. Through the Compare option of the context menu, the user can quickly launch a comparison between each part and its match, and thus give to this “untitled” new version the proper Module Id, Name and any other useful attribute. For more information about the comparison functionality, please refer to Chapter 19: Model Comparison.

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Data Management 30.10. Compare DMs The Compare DMs functionality allows the direct comparison of the contents of two DM root directories. After the identification of differences the DM contents can be synchronized by copy of files from one DM to another. The Compare DMs can be invoked through the Container>DM>Compare DMs. 30.10.1. Interface

Expand/Collapse Compare Set DM path 1 Set DM path 2

Copy actions

Link actions

Attributes of selected item Show/hide thumbnail

The Compare DMs window is split vertically in two panes that display the contents of each DM root. The attributes of each selected item appear at the bottom area. To prescribe a “copy” or “link” action from one side to the other, the buttons in the middle can be used. Prescribed actions are executed as soon as the OK button is pressed. 30.10.2. Specifying the DMs to be compared The DM folders to be compared are specified in the edit fields at the top. Press the button with the folder icon to launch the Set DM Paths window. Select any of the listed paths (regardless of which is the current) and press OK.

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Data Management 30.10.3. Specifying the DM contents to be compared The user can control which of the first-level DM folders will be compared by pressing the DM Contents button and selecting among the options listed. Press the Close button to close the list.

To initiate the comparison, press the Compare button.

!NOTE: The contents of this list depend on the contents of the specified DM folders. 30.10.4. Navigation in the comparison results As soon as the comparison is finished, the compared folders appear in the lists. The tree lists can be fully expanded/collapsed with the Expand All/Collapse All buttons at the top right.

With the filter field at the top, the user can filter the comparison results. For example, in order to isolate only the differences, the advanced filter “N/A items” can be applied.

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Data Management 30.10.5. Prescribing the “copy” and “link” actions The user can prescribe which items must be copied or linked from one DM to another. The actual action will be performed as soon as the OK button is pressed. Copying all the differences from one DM to the other Pressing the buttons at the top, all items that exist in one DM but not in the other are marked for copy, in the indicated direction. Relevant icons appear in the “pending action” column. The icon that appears next to the folders implies that if this folder gets expanded, there is a pending action for one or more of the files it contains. When OK will be pressed the files will be copied. Copying selected differences from one DM to the other Pressing the buttons at the middle, only the selected items that exist in one DM but not in the other are marked for copy, in the indicated direction. Alternatively, the user can pick the Copy to DM 1/2 option of the context menu. Relevant icons appear in the “Status” action column. When OK will be pressed the files will be copied.

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Data Management Linking files Pressing the buttons at the bottom, only the selected items that exist in one DM but not in the other are marked for link, in the indicated direction. Alternatively, the user can pick the Link to DM 1/2 option of the context menu. Relevant icons appear in the “Status” action column. When OK will be pressed the files will be copied. Deleting files A “delete” action can also be prescribed in the Compare DMs function. It can be found in the context menu.

All pending actions can be reset with the “x” button, at the bottom.

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Data Management 30.11. Working with customized Data Models and Data Views ANSA DM can be fully customizable, utilizing custom data models. The data handled by ANSA DM can extend beyond parts and includes to higher level entities, with application-specific attributes and data structure. Furthermore, the DM Browser can utilize custom views on the data, to facilitate direct mining of the necessary information at every moment. 30.11.1. The Data Model A custom data model can be introduced in ANSA DM by placing inside the DM Root directory a file called dm_structure.xml. An example of this file is shown below:

Primary attributes

Secondary attributes

Attribution for Components

Attribution for parts

Attribution for includes

In the dm_structure.xml file the attribution of components, parts and includes can be customized, adding the respective xml block, e.g . Such a block contains two subblocks, and . In the block the primary attributes of the dm item are defined, i.e. the set of attributes which consist the identification of the item. In the block , secondary attributes can be added for the specific DM item.

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Data Management Both primary and secondary attributes are displayed in the lower area of the Part Manager. The primary attributes are displayed first and in bold characters. The secondary attributes are displayed inside the DM category.

When the user attempts to save a dm item that has been defined inside the dm_structure.xml file as above, ANSA prompts to fill in all the primary attributes. The item will be saved inside the DM Root directory under a folder structure based on these attributes, thus they cannot be empty.

NOTE: The dm_structure.xml file affects also the DM Browser. In the lower area of the DM Browser the primary and secondary attributes appear and when a dm item is selected its values are displayed.

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Data Management 30.11.2. Data Views Custom views on the data can be adopted by the DM Browser with the aid of a file called dm_views.xml. This file must reside in a directory that has been made known to ANSA through Windows>Settings>DM Browser>DM configurations folder. Based on this file the DM Browser can offer various views accessed through the view modes button.

Furthermore, through the dm_views.xml file one can customize the attributes that will be displayed in the lower area of the DM Browser, as well as the attributes that can be added as columns.

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Data Management 30.12. Working connected to SPDRM server ANSA can have a real-time interaction with SPDRM in terms of Data Management, making use of all the ANSA DM functionalities but utilizing the SPDRM database as the DM Root location. Some of the benefits that derive from the use of this integration are: - Use of a single database for storing all data, thus collaboration is achieved in all levels (user/team/organization), with no need of maintaining multiple DM Directories. - Direct access to data from within the SPDRM client. - Storing data related to the whole CAE cycle, from PDM up to analysis reports. - Data security by setting privileges of customized user groups over the data types, or the data itself. 30.12.1. Setting SPDRM server as the DM root In order to establish a connection between ANSA and SPDRM, the user must set the SPDRM server as DM root. This location can be made known to ANSA, through Containers>DM>Set DM Paths.

Once the Set DM Paths window appears, the user can press the Connect button and type the URL of the server and the user‟s credentials (i.e. user name and password) at the emerging Connect options window.

Depending on the user‟s privileges, controlled access will be allowed over the available data. By pressing OK at the Set DM Paths window, the SPDRM database is then set as the new ANSA DM Root.

30.12.2. Uploading – Browsing – Downloading data Once ANSA is connected to the SPDRM server uploading data from ANSA to the SPDRM database is achieved through the DM functionalities described in the above sections. At the same time any saved data in the SPDRM database can be browsed through ANSA DM Browser.

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Data Management Saving Parts and Components Through the Part Manager the user can save in the SPDRM database parts and groups as components using the standard DM functionality, i.e. Save Representation, Save as Component, (please refer to sections 30.3.2 and 30.4.1). Note that in the lower area of the Part Manager the displayed attributes have been defined based on the data model SPDRM uses.

Through the Includes list the user can save in the SPDRM database include files as components activating the function DM>Save as Component of the context menu of an Include. Note that inside an include‟s definition card the attributes that have been defined based on the data model SPDRM uses are listed in the DM category.

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Data Management Browsing and downloading through the DM Browser While connected in the SPDRM server, opening the DM Browser gives the user an overview of the saved data in the SPDRM database. On the left side of the window the containers of the SPDRM Data repository are displayed. By entering any of these folders the user can have an overview of its contents, exactly as they are displayed inside the SPDRM Data Viewer. By selecting a dm item, its attributes are displayed at the lower part of the window. In order the user to download parts or components the Download button can be used as described in sections and

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Data Management 30.13. Auxiliary files and folders The “DM” directory When the DM Browser is launched for the first time, ANSA creates a folder inside the .BETA directory with the name DM. Inside this folder another one is created which has the name of the current DM path, in which the slashes “/“ have been replaced by underscores “_“. If another DM root is set and the DM Browser is launced a new folder will be created under the .BETA/DM/ directory. This folder contains a file called image.db which holds all the information related to the DM content. In this way the next time the DM Browser will be invoked, it will not read again the physical structure of DM, which can be a very time consuming process, but the image.db itself and thus it will be launched faster. The “attached_files” directory When a Part or Include is saved in DM there are cases where the user needs to save along with the part/include itself some other files also. For these cases the user can add to the part/include a User Attribute of type FILE, LINK FILE, DIRECTORY, LINK DIRECTORY (see also Chapter 5 „Part Manager‟). The files/directories that are pointed by the values of these User Attributes are saved inside the attached_files directory. This directory is created automatically inside the DM Root directory and under the Parts or Includes folders. For every part/include that is saved in the DM a special folder in created with a name that describes the “signature” of the particular Part/Include: Module Id_Version_Study Version_Representation An example of the contents that this folder can store is shown below. The part with: Module Id = 607041, Version = A Study Version = 0 Representation = common has two attributes called “MyDir“ and “MyScript“ of types LINK DIRECTORY and FILE respectively. The values of these attributes point to a specific directory and file, respectively.

For each of these attributes ANSA has created a folder and has placed inside a link of the folder called Work and a copy of the file, respectively. A screenshot of the saved part/include can be also saved as an image inside its special directory. This image is named image.png and it is located under a folder named images. This image will be used as a preview of the part/include inside the DM Browser. In order to enable the saving of an image each time a part/include is saved in the DM, the user must activate the Png image option under Windows>Settings>DM Browser>Save Representation Options.

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Data Management The next time a representation of a part/include will be saved in DM, ANSA will grab its screenshot and will create the image.png. Then in the DM Browser window the image of this part will be shown in the preview area.

!NOTE: The attached_files is not visible inside the DM Browser.

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Data Management 30.14. Adding User Actions in DM Part and Include items of DM Browser can be associated with script commands that can execute user actions. Such actions can extend the capabilities of DM Browser according to user needs. For example, one can design a script to isolate a part/include on screen, take its snapshot and save the image under a specific folder in DM. This sequence of actions will be executed then with just one “click” using the functionality of User Actions. The linkage of Part or Include items with script commands is done through an .xml file called dm_structure.xml which must be located under the current DM. The syntax of the xml “Actions” is shown below:

Every “Action” node holds three xml attributes. The “name” attribute is the name of the action that will appear in the context menu of the item. The “script_function” correspond to the function name that is called and the “script_file” is the path of the script. When ANSA reads such an xml it adds in the context menu of the Part/Include item the Actions option. Pressing the “My Fun 1” or “My Fun 2” options, the functions “fun1” and “fun2” will be executed. The user doesn't have to load the script “”. Every time the “Action” function is called, ANSA loads, executes and unloads the script in the background. In case of syntax errors, these will be reported in the ANSA Info window.

The script function that is called when an “Action” is executed accepts as argument a matrix which is automatically filled by ANSA. It holds in pairs information regarding the Name, Module Id,

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Data Management Version, Study Version and Representation of the selected item. A sample script like the following, prints in the ANSA Info window the characteristics of the selected part: def fun1(matrix mat) { Print("'fun1' is called !!!"); Print("mat length:" +MatLen(mat)); num_pairs = MatLen(mat)/2; Print("num_pairs:" +num_pairs); for( i=0; iRead model definition function. Moreover, the user can create special scripts that when executed will be capable of reading any xml-based product definition file format, using Python or the ANSA scripting language. When such a product definition file is read the Product Tree Editor window appears. This tool is used to view the product structure before reading it in ANSA and before translating the respective CAD data. Furthermore, the Product Tree Editor tool, with the aid of the Meta Post Viewer, can be used to preview the assembly. Additionally, the user can edit the hierarchy by excluding parts/groups that are not needed in the CAE analysis that will follows. Lastly, through the Product Tree Editor, the translating of the CAD data process begins. Main Functionalities

Expand/Collapse Tree/flat view mode

Easy filtering

Informative Index


The Product Tree Editor is separated into two main tabs, the Product Tree and the Part List. By default when the window appears it is switched in the Product Tree tab in which the assembly hierarchy information is displayed. Functionalities similar to all tree list windows are available. Among the columns that appear in this window the Part Number, the Version and the Name will be read in ANSA as the Module Id of the part, its version and name, respectively.

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Data Management The columns Instances, Transformation Matrix, Models and File Name inform the user about the number of instances of the particular part/group that exist in the assembly, its transformation matrix, the number of physical files referred for the particular part/group, and the path to the file, respectively. The user can select parts/groups and press the Open in Viewer button in order to visualize them with the aid of the Meta Post Viewer. Additionally, the Open in ANSA button can be pressed and import the respective CAD files into ANSA.


Filtering operations, similar to the Part Manager (Chapter 5), can be performed in order to edit the tree and to exclude parts/groups that are not needed. Once the user has located the parts to be excluded, the option Delete from the context menu can be activated.

Every time the Product Tree Editor is launched, ANSA scans the DM to identify which of the parts included in the assembly are already stored in DM with at list one representation. The result of this scanning is reflected in the status column and also in the DM column. When a part is found in the DM its status appears green . Additionally, in the DM column the names of the alternative available representations appear. When the user has decided which will be the tree and parts to be used, the respective CAD files of the parts that do not exist already in the DM need to be translated. For this to be done an automated procedure is followed which includes a special script (see also the ANSA Python Programming Interface in ANSA documentation). The script is used to assign all the appropriate attributes to the translated parts. Through the Product Tree Editor the user can export a list of these attributes in order to be used by the script. This file is called Download list. In order this file to be exported the user can select the Export D/L List button of the main menu. To determine which parts/groups the Download list will contain the user must select them and activate the function Include from their context menu. When this is done the status of the selected parts is turned to orange , while the rest of them will remain grey .

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Once the button Export D/L List is pressed all the parts marked as “In D/L” and their attributes are written in this special file that is saved in the same directory from which the assembly hierarchy information xml file was read. For every part a block of information, like the one shown on the left, is written inside the download list file.

Switching to the Part List tab the user has a list of all the parts that form the assembly in correspondence with their respective file. ANSA checks whether the path that points to the file is valid and reports its status in the respective column. In case the file does not exist its status appears red , otherwise white .

When the user is ready to proceed with the pre-processing jobs, the Import Hierarchy button must be pressed. The hierarchy will be imported into ANSA and appear in the Part Manager, and also the translating of the CAD data will be initiated. !NOTE: Advanced capabilities in combination with the Product Tree Editor are offered through Python scripting. For example, the user can define custom status to be displayed in the respective column. For more information about these capabilities and python scripting in general, please refer to ANSA Python Programming Interface document.

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Data Management 30.17. Related script commands Script Command



Saves the representation of selected parts in DM


Changes the representation of selected parts


Changes the representation of selected parts to “Don't Use”


Changes the representation of selected parts to “Trim”

ChangeRepresentationToLumpedMass Changes the representation of selected parts to “Lumped Mass” ChangeRepresentationToSPC

Changes the representation of selected parts to “SPC”


Changes the representation of selected parts back to “Use”


Checks for DM updates or identify parts/groups using filters


Download from DM a collection of parts/groups/includes


Check whether a certain representation for a part is already saved in DM


Get the full path of the DM root directory


Set the path to the DM root directory


Reload the representation of selected parts


Synchronize the representation of selected parts


Launces the product tree editor


Imports a product tree


Loads a user defined status


Defines a new product tree

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Data Management

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager Task Manager

Chapter 31


Table of Contents TASK MANAGER......................................................................................................................... 2181 31.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2184 31.1.1. General ................................................................................................................. 2184 31.1.2. Basic Concepts - Common Model Concept ........................................................... 2184 The Common Model ...................................................................................... 2185 The Solver Common Model ........................................................................... 2185 The Solver Load Case ................................................................................... 2185 31.2. Task Manager Interface ................................................................................................. 2186 31.2.1. Task Manager Window .......................................................................................... 2186 31.2.2. Task Tree items ..................................................................................................... 2187 Validation of Task items ................................................................................. 2187 Task Item Dependencies ............................................................................... 2187 31.2.3. Predefined Process Templates .............................................................................. 2188 Common Model Process Template ................................................................ 2188 Solver Load Case Process Template ............................................................. 2188 31.2.4. User Defined Tasks ............................................................................................... 2189 31.2.5. Auxiliary functionalities .......................................................................................... 2192 Edit ................................................................................................................ 2192 Copy, Cut and Paste ...................................................................................... 2192 Change and Update ...................................................................................... 2192 Delete ............................................................................................................ 2193 Edit Comments .............................................................................................. 2194 View ............................................................................................................... 2194 Enable and Disable ....................................................................................... 2195 Set Break and Clear Break ............................................................................ 2195 31.3. Core Functionality ......................................................................................................... 2196 31.3.1. Insert Geometry..................................................................................................... 2196 Sub Model ..................................................................................................... 2196 Include ........................................................................................................... 2198 Group Sub Models ......................................................................................... 2199 31.3.2. Mesh ..................................................................................................................... 2200 Changing Meshed Representations Through DM .......................................... 2200 Alternative Options For Automatic Meshing ................................................... 2202 31.3.3. Assembly ............................................................................................................... 2203

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Task Manager BIW Connections ........................................................................................... 2203 Model Assembly ............................................................................................ 2207 Dependency on Process Template ................................................................ 2208 31.3.4. Model Preparation ................................................................................................. 2209 Contacts ........................................................................................................ 2209 Model Trimming ............................................................................................. 2214 Mass Balance ................................................................................................ 2215 Manual Items ................................................................................................. 2216 31.3.5. Model Check ......................................................................................................... 2220 Stop/Don‟t Stop At Each Check ..................................................................... 2221 By-Pass Check Errors ................................................................................... 2221 Report To File ................................................................................................ 2222 Reminder ....................................................................................................... 2223 31.3.6. Load Case Definition ............................................................................................. 2224 Introducing a Loading Scenario ..................................................................... 2224 Boundary, Initial and Loading Conditions ....................................................... 2228 Controls ......................................................................................................... 2229 31.3.7. Output Requests ................................................................................................... 2231 Solver Header Options .................................................................................. 2231 GEB_OR........................................................................................................ 2232 *OUTPUT Keyword........................................................................................ 2234 31.3.8. File Output ............................................................................................................. 2235 31.3.9. Save Database ...................................................................................................... 2237 31.4. Task I/O ......................................................................................................................... 2238 31.4.1. Save Task .............................................................................................................. 2238 31.4.2. Unlink Model Entities From Task Items ................................................................. 2240 31.4.3. Execute Pre-Defined Tasks ................................................................................... 2240 31.5. Model Tools ................................................................................................................... 2241 31.5.1. Transformations..................................................................................................... 2241 Definition........................................................................................................ 2241 Application ..................................................................................................... 2242 Transformations For Includes ........................................................................ 2244 31.5.2. Results Mapping.................................................................................................... 2244 31.5.3. Surface Wrap ........................................................................................................ 2246 31.5.4. Numbering Rules................................................................................................... 2247 31.6. Task Parameterization ................................................................................................... 2249 31.6.1. Assign Name ......................................................................................................... 2249 31.6.2. Hard Points ........................................................................................................... 2250 Define Hard Points ........................................................................................ 2250 Edit Hard Points ............................................................................................. 2251 31.6.3. GEB Connectivity .................................................................................................. 2252 31.7. General Utilities ............................................................................................................. 2253 31.7.1. User Scripts ........................................................................................................... 2253 Add User Scripts ............................................................................................ 2253 Write User Scripts .......................................................................................... 2254 Handling entities created through User Scripts .............................................. 2255 User Script Reader ........................................................................................ 2256 31.7.2. Session Commands .............................................................................................. 2258 31.7.3. Templates .............................................................................................................. 2259 Connector and Generic Entity Templates ...................................................... 2259 Sub Model Templates .................................................................................... 2262 31.7.4. Automatic Items ..................................................................................................... 2262 Automatic and Global Contact ....................................................................... 2262 Initial Velocity ................................................................................................. 2262 Initial Temperature ......................................................................................... 2263 Gravity ........................................................................................................... 2264 Coupon Test .................................................................................................. 2265

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Task Manager 31.7.5. Convert From Model .............................................................................................. 2267 31.7.6. Crash Related Task Items ..................................................................................... 2268 Rigid Road ..................................................................................................... 2268 Rigid Wall....................................................................................................... 2270 Barrier ............................................................................................................. 2270 Deformable Road .......................................................................................... 2272 Dummy .......................................................................................................... 2273 Seat Positioning ............................................................................................. 2280 SeatBelt Tool ................................................................................................. 2281 31.7.7. NVH Related Task Items ....................................................................................... 2282 Acoustic Cavity .............................................................................................. 2282 Damping Patches .......................................................................................... 2283 31.7.8 Invoke Solver ......................................................................................................... 2284 31.8. Special Cases ............................................................................................................... 2285 31.8.1. Model Cut .............................................................................................................. 2285 31.8.2. Optimization .......................................................................................................... 2287 31.8.3. Task Manager Related Script Functions ................................................................ 2287

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager 31.1. Introduction 31.1.1. General The Task Manager is a tool that organizes in a sequential way and automates, up to a certain extent, the modeling process. The user needs to define and place in the correct order the distinct modeling actions that are required for the generation of an FE model and then, the Task Manager performs, either automatically or with minimum user input, all the actions in the described procedure. Although the Task Manager can cover all the levels of the model preparation, from importing the geometry to the generation of a ready to run solver file, it is not necessary to be used for this purpose. It can be implemented to automate specific tasks of the modeling process, such as the connection of different includes in a final assembly, the definition of loading scenarios etc. Therefore, any pre-processing workflow can be defined as a separate Task. The distinct modeling actions that constitute each task are the Task Items. The Tasks in Task Manager are built-up from CAE experts, who set the order and discretize the required modeling actions, and predetermine many of the modeling parameters that must be considered at each stage. Each task, once built for a model can be reused as a template process, to guide the set-up process for similar analyses on other models. Employing the Task Manager can enhance the modeling process in two ways: First, the required user interaction is minimized, by utilizing automated tools in the process. Second, the modeling procedure is standardized, enabling less experienced users to perform complicated tasks. Aim of this chapter is to guide the user through the concepts, the functionality and the capabilities of ANSA Task Manager. 31.1.2. Basic Concepts - Common Model Concept In multi-disciplinary CAE environments it is commonly realized that considerable amount of time and computing resources can be saved if the part of the modeling process that is common between different disciplines is performed only once. The Common Model concept aims to cover this need. The Common Model concept considers that the workflow for the generation of various discipline specific models of a component or assembly, is exactly the same up to a certain point. This means that the first modeling steps for the build-up of an FE model are the same no matter if, for example, the model is generated for crash, durability or NVH analysis. Therefore, the Common Modeling steps can be performed once and the respective outcome, the Common Model, can be distributed in different CAE departments for different discipline analyses. Once the Common Model is available, each CAE department introduces discipline (solver) specific features to it, to generate a model which is common for all the discipline specific load cases, the Solver Common Model. The final stage is to consider each loading scenario separately and add features related to the specific load case to the model. This process leads to the generation of a ready to run solver file, the Solver Load Case, which is the end product of the pre-processing procedure. The Task Manager fully supports the Common Model concept by introducing dedicated templates that split the preparation of the model in distinct modeling phases. These are the Common Model, the Solver Common Model and the Solver Load Case. A description of the general features of these process templates will follow.

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Task Manager The Common Model The Common Model defines the model that will participate in the analysis. It consists of all the components, the welding definitions, connectors and mass-trim items that are common to all disciplines. The Common Model is stripped of any solver specific features. These will be added at later stages of the process. However, it is ready to adopt any suitable form for the analysis that will follow. A successfully built Common Model: References all the components that will be used even once in the base model build-up. Contains all the welding information in the form of connection entities. The definition of the connection entities must be correct, both in terms of location and shape characteristics and it terms of connected part references. Among the parts referenced by the connection entities, there should be no parts missing. Contains all the connector entities that will be used to model kinematic constraints between components or sub-assemblies. Contains all the mass-trim items that will be used to add mass to the analysis model or to replace detailed FE representations by masses. Has all the referenced components correctly positioned, so that there are no intersections between them. A Common Model will not contain: Solver specific items. Auxiliary components such as dummies, walls and barriers. The Solver Common Model The Solver Common Model plays a significant role in the model build-up. Apart from accommodating all the items which, added at this stage, will be common for all the Load Cases that will follow, it will also perform the “transformation” of the Common Model into a form suitable for the analysis to be prepared. One Common Model can constitute the basis of several Solver Common Models, which, in turn, can constitute the basis for several Solver Load Cases. The Solver Common Model can be considered as the linkage between the Common Model and the Solver Load Case. For example, in case of preparing a crash simulation, the task could contain one Solver Common Model for the front crash analyses, one for the side crash and one for the rear crash. In an NVH simulation, one Solver Common Model could possibly prepare the model for body NVH load-cases and another one for full vehicle NVH analyses. For durability, one Solver Common Model could be set-up for the loading scenarios on the body and another for the loading scenarios on the door. The Solver Load Case The Solver Load Case contains the last features which are added to the model before the final solver file is ready. It consists of all solver specific definitions that will make the model suitable for the investigation of a certain simulation scenario. For example, in case of preparing a frontal crash simulation, there can be several Solver Load Cases defined, for the investigation of different regulations (e.g. FMVSS208, ECE-R94, etc.)

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Task Manager 31.2. Task Manager Interface 31.2.1. Task Manager Window

The Task Manager can be invoked either through Tools>Task Manager or from the respective toolbar. The main toolbar of the ANSA Task Manager is located on the top of the Task Manager window. From there, the user can access certain options related to the manipulation of the Task tree, as well as the functions for the Task execution. The Task tree describes the structure of the task items within a Task. The Task Tree area is the area where the loaded Tasks are displayed, while the field at the bottom of the Task Manager window is the comments area. Selecting the Expand button expands or collapses the contents of the Task Manager window.

Task Tree area

The user is able to choose whether to run only the selected tasks or all the tasks through the Run current and Run all buttons respectively.

Comments field

The Tasks menu provides several options and access to build in templates. The available options of the Tasks menu are the following: Save Task: Save the existing Task as a process template. The Task is saved as an ANSA file that contains only the task tree (no model data). Read Task: Read predefined process templates (Tasks) created by the Task Manager. Delete Task: Delete the existing Tasks, controlling whether their results will be deleted or not. Common Model: Add a Common Model template in the Task tree. Solver Load Case: Add an LS-DYNA, Pam Crash, Radioss, Abaqus Standard or Abaqus Explicit Load Case template in the task tree. TOSCA Structure Task: Add a Tosca Optimization task template in the Task tree. Optimization Task: Add an Optimization Task template in the Task tree.

Additionally, the user can have access to several task items, through the New option of the context

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Task Manager menu of the Task tree field. 31.2.2. Task Tree items In a Task tree, there are certain markings used to denote the status and kind of the task items as well as remind the user of required actions in order to proceed. These are summarized below. This icon indicates a group of task items or a container for geometric or FE model entities. This icon indicates that the user has to perform some action in order to execute the task item. This icon indicates that the task item will be executed automatically, possibly driven by the guidelines specified in its card. This icon indicates a successfully executed task item. This icon indicates a task item whose checked status was enforced by the user (see section The “stop” sign is used to denote a break point. Reaching an item with a break point, the Task Manager will interrupt its flow and ask the user whether it should proceed or not. A break point can be set on any task item through the respective option of its context menu (see section A strikethrough task item, like the Separate Hinges and the Edit Hard Points items shown above, indicates a disabled item. This item will be skipped during the task execution. The status of an item can be toggled with the respective options of the context menu (see section Validation of Task items During the execution of a task, each task item is verified with respect to its definition. This check procedure can either yield a positive result (i.e. that the item is defined properly), or a negative one. In the latter case, the user must be notified in order to further investigate the cause of the malfunction. This process is visualized through the “status” check box of the task items. An “activated” check box (i.e. checked) implies that this certain task item is properly defined. On the other hand, an “unchecked” box implies a problematic definition. For example, a Contact item cannot be checked, unless the referenced master/slave sets contain some entities. If these sets are empty, the task item will remain “unchecked”. Task Item Dependencies An important feature of the ANSA Task Manager is that it considers the possible dependencies between task items. This means that when Task Manager is prompted to execute a certain task item, it will resolve all its dependencies upon preceding items. The task item will be successfully executed only if both itself and all its preceding dependencies are correctly defined.

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Task Manager 31.2.3. Predefined Process Templates There are certain predefined process templates available through the Tasks menu of the Task Manager. These templates come in accordance with the “Common Model Concept” described in section 31.1.2.: -

Common Model Solver Load Case Common Model Process Template The Common Model template contains the task items which lead to the generation of a solver agnostic FE model as described in section More specifically: The Sub model task item is a container of geometric entities. The BIW Connections task item is a container of the task items related with the import, generation and definition of connection entities. The Model Assembly task item is a container of the task items related to the import generation and definition of Connector entities. The Model Trimming task item is a container of the task items related to model trimming.

These containers are empty when the Common Model template is loaded. In order to fill them, the user can select pick the New option of their context menu and choose among the available options. Solver Load Case Process Template The Solver Load Case contains task items that lead to the generation of a ready to run solver file (see section Different templates exist, for each available solver and for common loading scenarios (side impact, front impact). Whenever a load case that is missing a Common and/or a Solver Common Model, is added in a task tree, the Task Manager adds the missing tasks automatically. The contents of each available template vary depending on the respective solver and on the loading scenario. For example, the Abaqus Standard Load Case template contains a group of task items that control the generation of analysis steps, whereas the Nastran Load Case template contains a group of task items related to the generation of the Nastran header.

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Task Manager The solvers directly supported by the Task Manager are the following: Nastran, Abaqus Standard, Abaqus Explicit, LS-DYNA, PAM Crash and Radioss. For these solvers the final solver input file can be directly produced through the ANSA Task Manager. For any other solver, the solver file can be produced through a user script.

31.2.4. User Defined Tasks The Task Manager allows the user to modify the default contents of all the existing process templates through the New and Delete options of the context menu of the specific templates and task items. In this way, user defined tasks can be generated.

User defined tasks can also be created through the New option of the context menu of the task tree field.

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Task Manager The generated task item group can be now be filled with task items of the user‟s choice. However, the available options of the context menu depend on the selected task item group

In case of user defined process templates, two more types in addition to the Common Model and Solver Load Case process templates are available; more specifically the Solver Common Model and the Solver Common Load Case task items.

Both the Solver Common Model and the Solver Common Load Case task items are containers that are empty upon their generation. The Solver Common Model item provides access to task items related to the generation of a base model that is solver specific and on which different load case scenarios can be built. The Solver Common Load Case item is available only for the explicit solvers and it is focused on Crash analysis. The aim of this template is to generate a base load case scenario for crash analysis, based on which several final load cases will be defined. As discussed before, the user is able to delete or add task items in the existing built-in process templates to create user defined tasks. The available task items though depend on the selected built-in template. For example, different task items are available through the Common Model, the Abaqus Crash Common Model and the Abaqus Crash Common Load Case templates.

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Task Manager

The accessibility of each function will be explicitly mentioned in the paragraph that is addressed to it. However, as a rule, the user can consider that all the solver independent functionalities are available through the Common Model process template, while the solver dependent and load case dependent functionalities are available through the Solver Common Model and Solver Load Case templates.

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Task Manager 31.2.5. Auxiliary functionalities There are certain functionalities that are common for most task items through all process templates. A description of these auxiliary functionalities will follow. Edit Task items can be edited through the respective option of their context menu. Alternatively, a task item can be edited by double clicking on its icon. The functionality that is available through the Edit option depends on the specific task item. Copy, Cut and Paste The user can copy, cut and paste task items and task item groups between different process templates through the respective option of the context menu or with the aid of Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+P shortcuts. In order to be able to paste a task item in a task container, the latter must be of compatible type (i.e. it must be able to accommodate a task item of the given type).

0 Change and Update The user can select to execute separately one or more task items without executing all the preceding task items. This action can be performed either through the Update option of the context menu or by selecting the item and pressing the blue arrow button. Additionally, the user can manually change the status of one or more task items from checked to unchecked by selecting the Change option available in the context menu.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager

!NOTE: Depending on the type of task item, the entities that are created during its execution may be deleted upon changing its status. Delete A task item can be deleted through the respective option of the context menu, or by selecting the item and pressing the Del key. Selecting to delete a task item, in most cases, results in deleting also all the model entities that are associated to or created by the specific task item.

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Task Manager Edit Comments The Comment field of the Task Manager shows the comments added by the task designer for the selected task item. In order to modify this field by adding new comments or deleting the existing ones the user can select the Edit Comments option of the context menu. The Comments Editor window appears and the user can directly edit the comment text. View The visibility of all the entities referenced in an ANSA Task can be controlled through the View option of the context menu. The user can add or remove from visible the entities of interest selecting the Show / Hide / Show Only options available.

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Task Manager Enable and Disable The user can force-ignore a task item on task run-time. By default, all task items are enabled, meaning that they will be executed at task run-time. However, to alternate temporarily the task flow, a task item can be disabled through the respective option of the context menu. A disabled item appears in the Task Manager as strikethrough and will be disregarded during the task execution. To enable a previously disabled task item, the Enable option of the context menu must be selected. Set Break and Clear Break The flow of a task at run-time can be controlled by the user with the addition of break points. Reaching a break point, the task execution is interrupted and the user is asked whether to continue or not. A break point is denoted with the stop sign on the left of the respective task item. Break points can be added to a task item through the Set Break option of the context menu. The flow of the task is stopped before the selected task item. In order to delete an existing break point the user can select the option Clear Break of the context menu of the task item.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager 31.3. Core Functionality The core functionality supported by the Task Manager will be described in this paragraph. The functions will be presented in the normal sequence that is usually followed during the model build up process. 31.3.1. Insert Geometry In order to start building an FE model the building blocks of the model must first be imported in ANSA. The building blocks can be either the contents of an ANSA group or the contents of a solver include file. The corresponding task items are the Sub Model and the Include. Sub Model The Sub Model item is a container that carries the geometric entities which are under the control of the Task Manager. Add Sub Model task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case Group Sub Models

Path New>Sub Model New>Parts>New>Sub Model FE Model>New>Parts>New>Sub Model New>Sub Model

The Sub Model task item is available at all stages of the model build up. More specifically the user can add a Sub Model task item through the containers and the relative paths described in the table above.

The link between the Sub Model and the actual model loaded in ANSA is defined through the Part Manager. The Sub Model item corresponds to an ANSA group in the Part Manager. Therefore, the user can drag and drop Parts and Groups into the Sub Model group to denote their association with the Task Manager. The available options in the context menu of the Sub Model task item are related to the ANSA group options of the Part Manager.

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Task Manager The Edit option in the context menu of the Sub Model task item invokes the Group Edit card. Additionally, the user has access to the ANSA Data Management functionality through the respective DM options of the context menu. The user can add more than one Sub Model items in one task and rename them appropriately in order to organize and better handle the model.

In order to inspect the model entities which are associated to a Sub Model, the user can select the Open Subtree option of the context menu of the item. This option launces the Part Manager, within which the components of the specific submodel are presented

!NOTE: Deleting a Sub Model task item, also deletes all the entities which are associated with it.

Dependency on Process Template The behavior of the Sub Model task item depends on the process template task items that exist in the task tree. For example a Sub Model task item that contains unmeshed macros will become checked during the task execution if a Solver Common Model process template does not exist in the task. Opposite, in case that a Solver Common Model process template exists, the Sub Model that contains unmeshed macros will not become checked.

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Task Manager Include The Task Manager can handle include definitions as containers of entities, in a similar manner it does with the Sub Model items. At all stages of the model build-up the user can add Include items, which are associated with external include files. Add Include task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case Group Sub Models

Path New>Include New>Parts>New>Include FE Model>New>Parts>New>Include New>Include

To associate an Include task item to an external file the user must select the File option, available through the context menu. In the filename window that appears the user is prompted to specify a solver format and then select an external include file with the aid of the File Manager. Some typical options of File>Input functionality are available in the filename window. More information about these options can be found in section 18.2.3.

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Task Manager At run-time, the Include task item is automatically named after the include filename. The contents of the include file are imported and associated with the respective Include task item. Once imported, the contents of an Include task item can be modified by the user through the Includes list. The Edit option available through the context menu of the include task item invokes the Include card. In this card, the user can set include properties like “inline” and “read-only” flags.

Finally, the contents of an include definition can be deleted through the Empty option of the Include task item context menu. Group Sub Models Sub Models and Includes can be grouped under a container called Group Sub Models. The Group Sub Models task item is a plain grouping item and it is available at all stages of the model build up. Add Group Sub Model task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

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Path New>Group Sub Models New>Parts>New>Group Sub Models FE Model>New>Parts>New>Group Sub Models


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager The Group Sub Models task item can be filled with Sub Models and Includes using either drag and drop or the options New>Sub Model/Include of its context menu.

31.3.2. Mesh Once the building blocks of the model have been defined, the next step is mesh generation. The main approach for mesh creation through the ANSA Task Manager is using the DM>Change Representation functionality available for Sub Model task items. Other alternatives for automatic meshing are through scripting and session commands. Changing Meshed Representations Through DM The DM functionality available through the Task Manager, allows the user to create new mesh from scratch or retrieve existing meshes from the DM. The reader is prompted to refer to section 30.3.3 for extended information on handling meshed representations with the aid of ANSA DM. Manual Change of Representation In order to generate meshed representations for the contents of a Sub Model, the user can invoke the Change Representation function through the context menu.

The Part Representation window appears listing all the available and the alternative representations and the user is prompted to select one representation from the list to continue. Automatic Change of Representation

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Task Manager In order to automatically change the representation of one or more Sub Models the user can implement the Sub Model Template task item, which is available through the Sub Model Templates grouping item. The accessibility of the Sub Model Templates grouping item is presented in the following table. Add Sub Model Templates task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Sub Model Templates New>Sub Model Templates FE Model>New>Parts>New>Sub Model Templates

The Sub Model Templates grouping item is placed automatically just before any existing Sub Models. Note that this item cannot be moved, since this is its only suitable position in the Task sequence.

The user can associate a Sub Model Template item to one or more Sub Model task items, through the Edit option of the context menu.

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Task Manager The Change Representation window appears and the user is prompted to specify a name filter in order to identify the Sub Models that will be affected by the Sub Model Template.

The “Part Name Filter” field supports regular expressions. For example, filling the field with “.*” will associate the Sub Model Template item with all the Sub Model items, while writing the name of an existing Sub Model will associate the Sub Model Template item with that specific Sub Model item. The user can then either choose among the available representations in DM, by selecting the respective radio button, or specify a new representation name, by selecting the “New Mesh Type” option and editing the relative field. The latter option will launch the Batch Mesh Manager as soon as the Sub Model Template item is executed. The “Include External Connectors” option is available only if the user selects one of the built-in representations (“Lumped Mass”, “Trim”, “Don‟t Use” and “SPC”). By enabling this option, the Connector and Connection entities that connect the specific Sub Model to the rest of the model will be included in the reduced representation and will therefore be removed from the model. For more information about internal/external connections/connectors the user should refer to section The “SPC DoFs” field can only be edited if the “SPC” representation is selected. The user is prompted to refer to section 30.3.7 for a detailed description of the built-in representations. Template items, similar to the Sub Model Template item, are available for many functionalities of the ANSA Task Manager and will be described separately in section 31.7.3. Alternative Options For Automatic Meshing Apart from DM functionality, the user can automatically mesh geometry contained in Sub Model items with the aid of user scripts and session commands. Session commands provide access to a limited number of ANSA functions related to mesh, while user scripts provide access to the majority of ANSA functions. More information for the use of scripts and session commands in Task Manager can be found in sections 31.7.1 and 31.7.2.

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Task Manager 31.3.3. Assembly The next step of model build up is the assembly of components and building blocks in a connected structure. This step involves the following entity types: -

Connection entities Connector entities

The connections are used to model the spot-welds, glue connections, arc welds, hemmings and bolts. On the other hand, connectors are more complicated entities which are typically used to connect sub-assemblies. Connectors can impose kinematic constraints that allow considerable relative movement between the connected elements. The Task Manager provides access to these entities through two task items: -

BIW Connections Model Assembly BIW Connections The BIW Connections task item is a grouping item related to the import and FE realization of connections. It is available at every stage of the model build up; more specifically, the BIW Connections task item can be accessed through the items presented in the table below: Add BIW Connections task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>BIW Connections New>Parts>New>BIW Connections FE Model>New>Parts>New>BIW Connections

The BIW Connections item contains every connection entity type supported by ANSA as a separate task item. These items cannot be deleted individually. During execution they perform these actions: Associate all the connections of the model to the Task Manager. Check that every connection entity of the specific type in the database is properly defined and realized. In case there are connections that miss connectivity information or are not realized the Connection Manager is automatically launched and the user can inspect, correct and/or realize them.

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Task Manager On run-time, these task items open the Connection Manager loaded with the connections of the respective type. If there is a Solver Common Model in the task tree, it is required that all connections are realized and have status = ok in order for the task item to get checked. If there is no Solver Common Model, the task item gets checked if the connections do not miss connectivity information. These task items become checked immediately if connections of the respective type do not exist in the model. If the identified errors cannot be corrected at the specific stage of task, the user can opt to force the Task Manager to proceed ignoring these errors. The corresponding functionality is available by the Checked option of the context menu of all Connection Type task items (see section This option opens the Connection Manager loaded with the problematic connections. As soon as the OK button is pressed the Task item becomes checked.

The task item is marked red, to indicate that it is force-checked. Now the user can proceed with the task execution.

!NOTE: The Connection Type task items have access over all the connections of their type in the database, and not only over the ones that connect components referenced by the Sub Model items.

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Task Manager Import In order to import connections in the model from an external file, the user can choose among the several readers available in the context menu of the BIW Connections container. More specifically, the following common file formats are supported: XML VIP VIP2 New\Raw CSV As well as the less common file formats: Chrysler VIP MVF (old) NAME-MODULE MAP UBODY WELD77 VW PID VW Spots WELD (BIWASM)

When selected, the respective task item (in this example, a Read XML file task item) is placed before any other task item in the BIW Connections container. During the execution of this type of task items, the File Manager is invoked and the user is prompted to select the connection file. If Connection entities already exist in the database, importing new connections, and therefore Read Connection file task items, may not be necessary. Realize Connection entities can be realized into FE models by selecting an FE representation from the Connection Manager and pressing the Realize button. Extended information on realization of Connection entities through the Connections Manager can be found in section 9.7. Alternatively, in order to prescribe the exact FE representation that should be used together with its settings in the task, an Assembly Scenario can be used. The Assembly Scenario task item enables the association of the task with the Template Manager. It is available through the context menu of the BIW Connections task item. Therefore, the user can add it at all stages where connections are handled.

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Task Manager Once selected, the Assembly Scenario task item is placed before the Connection Type task items in the BIW Connections container.

Editing the Assembly Scenario task item, for the first time, launches the Assembly Scenario window.

The user is called either to generate a new assembly scenario or to import an already existing one, through the Read button.

In the latter case, the File Manager window appears in order for the user to select an ANSA file containing the predefined scenario. Pressing the New button launches the connection Template Manager. An empty assembly scenario named after the Assembly Scenario task item is created, and the user must set it up appropriately.

The generated assembly scenario is applied to the connections of the database during the execution of the respective Assembly Scenario task item. Detailed information on the connection Template Manager and the generation of assembly scenarios is available in section 9.9.

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Task Manager Model Assembly The Model Assembly task item provides to the user access, through the Task Manager, to functionality relative to ANSA Connectors. The Model Assembly task item can be accessed through the items presented in the table below: Add Model Assembly task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Model Assembly New>Parts>New>Model Assembly FE Model>New>Parts>New>Model Assembly The Model Assembly task item contains all the connector entities that exist in the current model. If there is no connector in the model, the task item appears empty.

A new connector can be generated through the New option of the context menu. The Connector task items are directly linked to connector entities, and thus, a new connector entity is generated. The created connector entity is positioned at the origin of the global coordinate system, and it does not contain information about connectivity and FE representation.

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Task Manager To set-up the connector use the Edit option of its context menu. The connector‟s card is opened and the user is prompted to fill the necessary fields. Extended information about connectors can be found in section 9.12. If there is a Solver Common Model in the task tree, the connector is realized upon execution. In order for the task item to get checked, the status of the Connector must be “ok”. If there is no Solver Common Model, the task item gets checked if the Connector does not miss connectivity information. Connector task items can be grouped under the Group Connector container, which is available through the context menu of the Model Assembly task item.

!NOTE: The connectors can be automatically assigned an Connector template with the aid of the Connector template item. This item is described in section Dependency on Process Template The behavior of Connection Type and Connector task items depends on the process templates that exist in the task tree. In case that there is no Solver Common Model item present in the task, the realization of connections and connectors is not required for the respective task items to become checked upon execution. In such case, proper definition of connection and connector entities is sufficient for the respective task items to be checked during execution. However, if a Solver Common Model item is present in the task, the realization of connection and connector entities is required for the respective items to become checked during execution. The connections can be realized, through the Connections Manager, during the Connection Type task item execution even without a Solver Common Model item present in the task. However this is not the case with connector entities. In order to realize Connectors through the execution of the respective task items, a solver Common Model item is required in the task. Otherwise, the connectors will not be applied.

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Task Manager 31.3.4. Model Preparation The next stage in the model build procedure is the inclusion of general features like Contacts and mass trimming. At this stage the model obtains the last generic attributes before the definition of specific loading scenarios, which will be the final stage in the model build process. These generic attributes become available in the Task Manager through the Contacts, Model trimming, Mass Balance and Manual items. The Task Manager functionality relative to these features will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Contacts Contacts are a characteristic model feature which is solver dependent. Contact entities in ANSA have different definition depending on the solver for which the model is prepared for. Therefore, in order to define a Contact through the Task Manager, a Solver Common Model item is necessary. Contacts can be introduced to an FE model using the Contact task item, which can be accessed through the items presented in the table below: Add Contact task item in: Solver Common Model Solver Load Case Abaqus Crash Load Case

Path New>Contacts>New>Contact FE Model>New>Contacts>New>Contact New>Step Manager>New>Step>New>Contacts>New>Contact

The contact entity card can be accessed through the Edit option of the context menu of the Contact task item, and the user must set it up appropriately in order to define the contact. The execution of a Contact task item is not possible unless the contact entity card is filled with all the necessary information that is required for the contact definition. After the successful execution of a Contact task item, a contact entity named after the task item is generated.

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Task Manager Contact task items can be grouped under the Group Contacts container which is available through the context menu of the Contacts grouping item.

Solver-specific functionality The contact related functionality of the Task Manager discussed up to this point, is common for all the available Solver Common Model process templates. However, there is also contact related functionality that is solver-specific and is not available under all the Solver Common Model templates. Explicit Solvers In case of explicit solvers the Task Manager provides the Automatic Contact task item, which facilitates the generation of a contact that contains all the entities of the model, as this was defined in the task tree (contents of Sub Models, Includes, Connections etc.). The accessibility of the Automatic Contact task item is presented in the table below: Add Automatic Contact task item in: Explicit Solver Common Model Explicit Solver Load Case

Path New>Automatic Contact FE Model>New>Automatic Contacts The explicit solvers that are supported by corresponding process templates in the Task Manager are ABAQUS Explicit (ABAQUS Crash), Pam Crash, LS-DYNA and Radioss. During execution the Automatic Contact task item generates a single contact containing all the entities referenced by the Task Manager.

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Task Manager The user can edit the parameters of the contact entity card through the Edit option of the context menu of the Automatic Contact task item. In order for the item to be executed successfully the user must, before executing the task item, select to edit its card. Otherwise, the required sets are not generated and the execution of the item will not be completed.

Similar functionality, to the Automatic Contact task item, is also provided by the Global Contact task item. The Global Contact task item is available through the context menu of all the explicit Solver Load Case templates. ABAQUS In case of ABAQUS related process templates the Task Manager provides the Tied Contact task item. The Tied Contact task item facilitates the definition of a tied contact pair in Abaqus. This item is available through the Tied Contacts container whose accessibility is presented in the following table: Add Tied Contacts task item in: Abaqus Common Model Abaqus Load Case

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Path New>Tied Contacts FE Model>New>Tied Contacts


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Task Manager The Tied Contact task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Selecting the Edit option launches the entity card of the tied contact (TIE DEFINITION window). During execution of the Tied Contact task item, a tied contact pair will be generated according to the parameters specified in the TIE DEFINITION window.

ABAQUS standard The Contact Flanges functionality of ANSA facilitates the automatic definition of Contact pairs for ABAQUS standard analysis, based on proximity. More information about this functionality can be found in section 20.5. The Contact Flanges task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Contact Flanges task item in: Abaqus Standard Common Model Abaqus Standard Load Case

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Path New>Contacts>New>Contact Flanges FE Model> New>Contacts>New>Contact Flanges


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Task Manager Options and parameters that control the results of the Contact Flanges function can be set through the Edit option of the context menu. During execution, the Contact Flanges task detects contact pairs based on the specified parameters and defines the respective contact entities. The user is prompted to confirm, decline or modify the detected contact pairs. After successful execution, the contact pairs that were detected and approved appear as separate Contact task items under the Contact flanges task item.

The generated Contact task items and the respective contact entities can be deleted using the Delete Results option of the context menu of the Contact Flanges task item. Moreover, the List option opens a list containing all the entities created during the execution of the Contact Flanges task item. The user has also access to more advanced options of contact definition and controls through the Contact Initialization Assignment and Contact Initialization Data task items available through Contacts grouping item. More information about the relative functionality can be found in ABAQUS_Keywords_ in_ANSA.pdf. The user can edit the cards of the specific entities by selecting the Edit option of the context menu.

During execution, the Contact Initialization Assignment and the Contact Initialization Data task items generate corresponding ANSA entities, available in the Database Browser. ABAQUS EXPLICIT

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Task Manager In case of Abaqus explicit process templates (i.e. Abaqus Crash), the user can select the Contact Clearance and Contact Clearance Assignment options of the Contact item in order to generate the respective task items. More information about the relative functionality can be found in ABAQUS_Keywords_in_ANSA.pdf. Model Trimming The Task Manager allows the user to introduce in the model Mass-trim items (GEB_MT) either to add non-structural mass on certain regions of the model or to substitute whole parts by equivalent amounts of mass. This functionality is covered by the Model Trimming task item whose accessibility is presented in the table below. Add Model Trimming task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Model Trimming New>Parts>New>Model Trimming FE Model>New>Parts>New>Model Trimming

The Model Trimming task item is a container that appears empty unless mass trim items exist in the database. The user can generate new mass-trim items through the New>Trim Item option of the context menu of the Model Trimming task item.

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Task Manager An empty GEB_MT item, located at the origin of the global coordinate system, is generated for each Trim Item that exists in the Model Trimming container. The respective GEB_MT card can be edited through the relative option of the Trim Item. More information about the GEB_MT item can be found in section Trim Item task items can be grouped under the Group trim Items container which is available through the context menu.

!NOTE: The Trim Items can be automatically assigned a GEB_MT template with the aid of Trim Item Template task item, which is described in section

Dependency on Process Template The behavior of the Trim Item depends on the process templates that exist in the task tree. For example a Trim Item will not be applied upon execution if only a Common Model process template exists in the task tree. Contrary, if a Solver Common Model exists the Trim Item will be applied upon task execution. Mass Balance The Mass Balance tool is used to spread mass to the model in order for it to obtain target weight and COG. This functionality is covered in ANSA by the Mass Balance tool (see section The user has access to Mass Balance functionality in the Task Manager through the Mass Balance task item. The availability of the Mass Balance task item is presented in the table below: Add Mass Balance task item in: Solver Common Model Solver Load Case Solver Load Case

Path New>Mass Balance New>Mass Balance FE Model>New>Mass Balance

The user can fill or modify the parameters of the mass balance function, through the Edit option of the context menu of the Mass Balance task item.

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Task Manager

The Mass Balance task item by default contains eight empty Set items that must be filled by the user. The added mass will be distributed to these sets accordingly, in order to achieve the specified target weight and COG. The user is able to define more sets through the New>SET option of the context menu of the Mass Balance item, in order to facilitate the Mass Balance function to achieve the specified targets. During execution the user is prompted to fill any empty SET items.

!NOTE: The model that is considered for the total mass and COG calculation is the one that is placed under control of the Task Manager up to that point. Manual Items There are cases in which the user must intervene during the Task execution in order to do some manual operations. Some examples are: Filling of SETs with suitable entities Indication of certain positions in the model, for the application of boundary conditions or output requests Creation of Box entities containing certain entities of the model To cover these cases, the Task Manager allows the definition of Manual Items. The Manual Items are task items that, upon execution, prompt the user to manually define auxiliary items like sets, boxes and keywords. These items are summarized in the following table, categorized according to solver.

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Task Manager Common to all solvers SET Set Builder BOX Nastran ASET BSET CSET PANEL LS-Dyna Damping Interface Deformable To Rigid

Manually fill a SET, pre-defined by the CAE engineer who built the Task Automatically fill a SET, pre-defined by the CAE engineer who built the Task Modify the coordinates of a BOX, pre-defined by the CAE engineer who built the Task Specify an ASET bulk data entry Specify a BSET bulk data entry Specify a CSET bulk data entry Specify a PANEL bulk data entry Specify a *DAMPING_OPTION keyword Specify a *INTERFACE_OPTION keyword Specify *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID, *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC and *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_INERTIA keywords

Abaqus Explicit Contact Clearance Assignment Contact Clearance Surface Property Assignment Analytical surface Friction Surface interaction Abaqus Standard Analytical surface Friction Surface interaction

Specify a *CONTACT CLEARANCE ASSIGNMENT keyword Specify a *CONTACT CLEARANCE keyword Specify a *SURFACE PROPERTY ASSIGNMENT keyword Specify a *SURFACE or *RIGID SURFACE keyword Specify a *FRICTION keyword Specify a *SURFACE INTERACTION keyword Specify a *SURFACE or *RIGID SURFACE keyword Specify a *FRICTION keyword Specify a *SURFACE INTERACTION keyword

The Manual Items container can be accessed through the items presented in the table below: Add Manual Items task item in: Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Manual Items New>Manual Items

Abaqus Load Case

New>Step Manager>New>Step>New>Manual Items

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Task Manager

Apart from the Manual Items container, certain manual items are also available through the context menu of the directly related task items. For example, the SET task item is available through the context menu of Contact task item.

The Task Manager functionality related to most Manual Items is straightforward. During the execution of a manual item task item, the task flow is interrupted and the user must define the respective item in order to proceed. In order to define a manual item task item, the user must select the Edit option of its context menu. Then, the ANSA entity card appears, and the user is prompted to fill all the necessary fields for the proper definition of the keyword, box etc.

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Task Manager The user can opt to predefine a Manual Item task item before execution, or modify it after execution, through the Edit option of its context menu.

In case of SET task item, additional functionality is available. The user can define or modify the contents of a set using the Define/Modify option of the context menu of the SET task item. The Edit option cannot be used to define the set or modify its contents but only to edit the Set entity card. Additionally a set can be emptied from its contents using the Empty Set option of the SET task item context menu.

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Task Manager 31.3.5. Model Check The Task Manager allows the user to perform checks and fix errors in the model. The relative Task Manager functionality is available through the Checks/Fixes and Model Checks/Fixes containers. The Checks/Fixes and Model Checks/Fixes items are similar and their accessibility is presented in the table below: Add Check/Fixes task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Checks/Fixes New>Model Checks/Fixes New>Model Checks/Fixes

Through the context menu of the Checks/Fixes container the user can add Check Type task items.

The available Check Type items are strongly dependent on the modeling stage. Therefore different checks are available in Common Model and Solver Load Case templates. Moreover, different checks are available between different solver templates. The Task Manager functionality related with the Check Type task items is rather simple. If there are options available for the specific check, the user can access them through the Edit option of the context menu of the task item. Otherwise, the Edit option will not be enabled.

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Task Manager During execution a Check Type task item becomes checked if no errors of the specific category were identified in the model. On the contrary, if errors are identified, a warning window appears and the user can choose, if applicable, to automatically fix the identified errors.

Detailed information about each specific check can be found in chapter 21. !NOTE: During the Checks/Fixes task item execution, Task Manager checks the whole assembly that has been placed under its control, and not only the visible entities. Stop/Don‟t Stop At Each Check The user can decide whether a separate check results window will appear after the execution of each check, or if a single check results window, accommodating all the check results, will appear after the execution of all the checks that exist in the Checks/Fixes container. This functionality is available through the Don‟t stop at each check option of the context menu of the Check/Fixes container.

The default option is to open a separate window for each Check Type task item. The user can switch back to the default option by selecting the Stop at each check option of the context menu of the Check/Fixes container. By-Pass Check Errors In case that errors or warnings are identified during the execution of a Check Type task item, the task flow is interrupted at the specific task item, and the user cannot proceed further unless all the identified errors are fixed. However, the user may wish to ignore and by-pass the identified errors and warnings and proceed to the next task item.

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Task Manager In order to force the Task Manager to continue the task flow and ignore any errors or warnings, the user must select the Checked option available in the context menu. As soon as the Checked option is selected, the check is executed and the check results window appears, showing the errors or warnings identified by ANSA.

After closing the Check Results window, the Check Type task item appears checked and highlighted in red, in order to denote that the specific Task item was force-checked by the user. Report To File The user can opt to output the model check results to an ASCII file. This functionality is available through the Report to File option of the context menu of the Checks/Fixes container. As soon as the Report to File option is selected, the File Manager window appears and the user is prompted to specify the file where the check results should be written. The results of all the checks that exist in the Checks/Fixes container will be reported to the specified file.

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Task Manager "Checks performed while executing task "Undefined Materials",false "Model Data",false "No Mat DB Materials",true "Nastran Dependency",false "Part Intersections",user

The text file is written during the execution of the Checks/Fixes task item with the format shown on the left. In case that any check was enforced using the Checked option, its status appears in the report as “user”, implying the user intervention. Reminder The user who builds the Task can set-up reminders for the users who will subsequently execute it. This functionality is covered by the Reminder task item, which is available through the context menu of the Check/Fixes container. During execution, the Reminder task item interrupts the task flow and forces the user who executes the task to manually inspect it. Similar to every task item, the Reminder task item can be renamed appropriately in order to highlight the action that the end-user should perform at this point.

In order to proceed to the next task item, the user must manually set the status of the Reminder to Checked through the respective option of the context menu.

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Task Manager 31.3.6. Load Case Definition The last stage in the model build-up process is the Load Case definition. The load case definition is a solver specific process and, therefore, the user must be aware of the solver functionality before proceeding. In order to generate a loading scenario, independent from the solver that will be implemented for the solution, the user must perform the following modeling actions: Introduce a loading scenario (Abaqus>Step Manager>Step, Nastran>Header>Subcase, etc.) Define Boundary Conditions Define Initial Conditions Define Loading Conditions The Task Manager provides access to ANSA functionality related with the mentioned modeling steps for several solvers. Introducing a Loading Scenario The first stage required for the definition of a Load Case is to introduce it as separate entity. This modeling stage varies considerably between different solvers. ABAQUS Loading scenarios in case of ABAQUS are introduced with the aid of the Step Manager. The Step Manager is a tool that is used for the definition of loading steps, which, when executed sequentially, form a loading scenario. The Task Manager provides access to this tool through the Step Manager task item. This item is available through the Step Manager option of the context menu of Abaqus Load Case process templates.

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Task Manager The distinct loading steps that form a loading scenario are introduced using the Step task item. This item is available through the Step option of the context menu of the Step Manager container. The Step task item is the building unit of an Abaqus load case. Through the context menu of the Step, the user can add boundary, initial and loading conditions, as well as analysis controls.

The Step Manager task item can be edited through the Edit option of its context menu. Through the ACTIVE TASK window that appears, the user can modify the contents of the loading scenario, by adding or removing steps, add keywords, and modify some of the analysis options.

Similarly the user can edit the Step entity card through the relative option of the context menu. The step entity card contains various parameters that control the solution process, which the user is able to modify. More information about the definition of steps is available in section 24.7.

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Task Manager NASTRAN In case of Nastran, loading scenarios are defined with the aid of Header. The Header is a tool implemented for the definition of Sub Cases in Nastran. The Task Manager provides access to this tool through the Header task item. This task item is a container, available through the Header option of the context menu of the Nastran Load Case process template.

The user has access to the Sub Case task item through the context menu of the Header. Each Sub Case corresponds to a distinct loading scenario. The user can add boundary, initial and loading conditions, as well as analysis controls, through the context menu of the specific task item.

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Task Manager The Header task item can be edited through the Edit option of its context menu. With the aid of the CASE MANAGER window that appears, the user can add or delete Sub Cases, modify the contents of a Sub Case, add keywords, and, in general, edit the analysis options.

The user can edit the Sub Case card through the relative option of the context menu of the respective task item. More information about the definition of Sub Cases is available in section 24.1.

Other Solvers For the rest of solvers supported by the Task Manager (i.e. LS-DYNA, Pam Crash, Radioss), there is no need to define loading scenarios as separate entities. For these cases, the Solver Load Case item itself constitutes the container through which the loading scenario will be created.

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Task Manager Boundary, Initial and Loading Conditions Once the Loading Scenario is introduced, the user is able to continue defining the boundary, initial and loading conditions. The relative Task Manager functionality is available through the Boundary Conditions container. The Boundary Conditions task item can be accessed through the items presented in the table below: Add Boundary Conditions task item in: LS-Dyna Load Case Pam Crash Load Case Radioss Load Case Abaqus Load Case Nastran Load Case

Path FE Model>New>Boundary Conditions FE Model>New>Boundary Conditions FE Model>New>Boundary Conditions New>Step Manager>New>Step> New>Boundary Conditions New>Header>New>Sub Case> New>Boundary Conditions

Boundary, initial and loading conditions can be introduced to the model through the BC task item which is available through the relative option of the context menu of the Boundary Conditions container. When a BC task item is introduced in the task, a corresponding GEB_BC is generated. The GEB_BC item is named after the BC task item. It is empty and located in the origin of the global coordinate system. The user is able to edit the entity card of the GEB_BC, through the Edit option of the context menu of the respective task item. The GEB_BC item is only realized upon the execution of the BC task item. Therefore, the boundary conditions entities, generated by the GEB_BC, will become available in the Database Browser only after the successful execution of the BC task item.

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Task Manager

Directly through the GEB_BC entity card, the user can select to apply only a few types of boundary conditions (see section 16.9). Loading or initial conditions cannot be directly applied, since they are not available as built-in representations in the GEB_BC card. However, every type of supported boundary, initial and loading conditions can be applied using the “From File” option of the representation field in the GEB_BC entity card. In order to apply types of boundary conditions that are not built in, or any type of initial and loading conditions, the user must implement library items. More extensive information about GEB_BC and library items can be found in sections and 9.12.2 Several BC task items can be grouped under the Group BCs container which is available through the context menu of the Boundary Conditions task item. A BC task item can be automatically assigned a GEB_BC template using with the aid of BC Template task item. More information about the BC Template task item is available in section !NOTE: For the application of Initial Velocity, Initial temperature and Gravity there are special task items that the user can directly use (see sections Controls In order to successfully complete an analysis, the user must specify appropriately the global solution parameters. The relative Task Manager functionality is covered by the Control task item. The accessibility of this task item is presented in following table:

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Task Manager Add Control task item in: LS-Dyna Load Case Pam Crash Load Case Radioss Load Case LS-Dyna Common Load Case Pam Crash Common Load Case Radioss Common Load Case

Path New>Control New>Control New>Control New>Control New>Control New>Control The Control task item is named after the solver and it can be edited through the relative option of the context menu. Depending on the current solver load case template, different control options are available for modification.

In case of Abaqus, the Controls task item is available through the context menu of the Step task item.

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Task Manager 31.3.7. Output Requests The user can control the solver output in two different ways. The most common way is through the general output options of the solver file. Through the relative options of the solver file, the user can request specific output variables and control general output parameters like the output frequency. The second way is through the definition of GEB_ORs. With the aid of GEB_OR entities the user can generate more specific output requests. The functionality of the Task Manager, relative to solver output, will be presented in the following paragraphs. Solver Header Options The user has access to numerous parameters that control the solver output through the task items that define the loading scenario. However, these items are not the same in all Solver Load Case process templates. For example, in case of Abaqus the relative task item is the Step item, while for Nastran the relative task item is the Sub Case item. The accessibility of these items is presented in the following table. Add Step task item in: Abaqus Load Case Add Sub Case task item in: Nastran Load Case

Path New>Step Manager>New>Step Path New>Header>New>Sub Case

The user can modify certain parameters that control solver output through the Edit option of these task items.

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Task Manager

For the other solvers supported by the Task Manager, there is no such task item required for the definition of a loading scenario. The user can therefore specify the output parameters by editing the Control task item. The availability of the Control task item is shown in paragraph GEB_OR In order to request more specific forms of output, the user can implement Generic entities of type “output request” GEB_OR items. Detailed information about GEB_OR items can be found in section 16.9. The task item related with this functionality is the Output Request task item, which can be accessed through the Output Requests container. The accessibility of the Output Requests task item is presented in the following table. Add Output Requests task item in: LS-Dyna Common Model Pam Crash Common Model Radioss Common Model LS-Dyna Load Case Pam Crash Load Case

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Path New>Output Requests New>Output Requests New>Output Requests FE Model>New>Output Requests FE Model>New>Output Requests


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager Radioss Load Case Abaqus Load Case Nastran Load Case

FE Model>New>Output Requests New>Step Manager>New>Step>New>Output Requests New>Header>New>Sub Case>New>Output Requests

An empty GEB_OR entity is created when a Output Request task item is introduced in the task. The GEB_OR entity is named after the respective task and it is located in the origin of the global coordinate system. The user has access to the GEB_OR entity card through the Edit option of the context menu. During the execution of the Output Request task item, the respective GEB_OR is realized. The Output Request item appears checked only after the successful realization of the corresponding GEB_OR. In case of Abaqus process templates, the Output Request task item can also be accessed through the Common Output Requests container. This grouping item is available through the items presented in the following table. Add Output Request task item in: Abaqus Common Model Abaqus Load Case

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Path New>Common Output Requests>New>Output Request FE Model>New>Common Output Requests>New> Output Request


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Task Manager The Output Request task items which are placed inside the Common Output Requests container are common for all the Steps of the analysis.

The Output Request task items can be grouped under the Group ORs container, which is available through the context menu of the Output Requests container. *OUTPUT Keyword In case of Abaqus process templates, the user can specify certain output parameters directly through the Output keyword card. This functionality is covered by the *OUTPUT task item, the accessibility of which is presented in the following table. Add *OUPUT task item in: Abaqus Common Model Abaqus Load Case Abaqus Load Case

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Path New>Common Output Requests>New>*OUTPUT FE Model>New>Common Output Requests>New>*OUTPUT New>Step Manager>New>Step>New> Output Requests>New>*OUTPUT


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The contents of the output keyword can be modified through the Edit option of the context menu of the respective task item. The parameters specified by the user inside the *OUTPUT keyword card, are updated in the Step definition when the *OUTPUT task item is executed.

31.3.8. File Output The last stage in the build-up process of an FE model is the generation of a solver file. The format of each solver file depends on the corresponding solver. Concerning Task Manager, a solver file can be produced with the aid of the File Output task item. The accessibility of the File Output task item is presented in the following table. Add File Output task item in: Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

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Path New>File Output New>File Output


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Task Manager When selected, the File Output task item is placed last in the container through which it was generated. The parameters that control the file output process can be inspected and modified through the Edit option of the context menu of the item. The Output Parameters window that appears depends on the specific solver. A file name must be specified; otherwise the File Output task item cannot be successfully executed.

During the execution of the File Output task item, all the ANSA entities that have been placed under control of the Task Manager, until that point in the task flow, will be output to the solver file. For example, if the File Output task item is placed inside a Solver Common Model container, only the entities that have been set under the control of the Task Manager until that point of task execution will be exported. Thus, in such case, no information about the load case definition will be output to the solver file. !NOTE: The contents of model containers (Sub Models, Include files), BIW Connections and all the other entities that appear as task items (connectors, output requests, headers, sets, contacts etc.) are exported when a File Output task item is executed. The File Output task item refers to all the model entities and not just to the visible ones. The Output>Visible option that is available through File>Output is not available through the Task Manager.

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Task Manager 31.3.9. Save Database The Task Manager allows the user to save the database at exact predefined stages of the model build-up through the execution of the Save Model task item. The Save Model task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Save Model task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Save Model New>Save Model New>Save Model

By default the Save Model task item is placed at the end of the process template, just before the Output task item. During the execution of the specific task item, the File Manager window appears and the user is prompted to define a filename for the database. Once the filename is specified and the database is successfully saved, the Save Model task item becomes checked. The ANSA database that is saved during the execution of the Save Model task item contains all the model entities referenced by the task items which precede the Save Model item in the Task flow. !NOTE: The database generated by the Save Model task item is not the same as the one that would be saved using the File>Save option. It does not contain: -

Parts not associated with a Submodel task item Sub Model template task items Sub Model task items whose representation was turned to “Don‟t Use” and the parts referenced by these task items The Save Model task item

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Task Manager 31.4. Task I/O The Task Manager provides to the user the following options: Save generated tasks Unlink task items from the model entities that are created by them Execute previously defined task items

31.4.1. Save Task There are two available options to save the generated tasks. First, the user can select to save all the existing process templates as a single task through the Tasks>Save Task option available in the Tasks menu. Alternatively, the user can save only a particular process through the Save Task option available in the context menu of the process template task item (e.g. save the Common Model template task item and its contents in a separate ANSA database). This action can be performed through the Common Model, Solver Common Model and Solver Load Case items. In both cases, the File Manager window appears and the user must define a filename for the new database. The task is saved as an ANSA_DB file.

!NOTE: If a DM_Root directory has been already defined, the default folder where the tasks are saved is: DM:/Tasks. The main difference between saving a task and saving the whole database is that in the former case the link between the Task Manager and the model is missed. When only the task is saved, the references of the Sub Model task items in the Part Manager are empty.

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Task Manager

SAVE TASK When the database is saved instead, through the Save Model task item, the references of the Sub Model items in the Part Manager are not empty.


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Task Manager 31.4.2. Unlink Model Entities From Task Items The entities that are generated by or are associated to a task item are subject to being deleted when the respective task item is deleted or, in some cases, when its status is changed. This behavior may not always be desirable. The user can disassociate all the model entities from the Task Manager by choosing to delete the task while having deselected the “delete results” option.

In this way all the contents of the Task Manager are deleted without affecting any corresponding ANSA entities. 31.4.3. Execute Pre-Defined Tasks An already defined task can be loaded to the Task Manager through the Tasks>Read Task option. !NOTE: The Sub Model task items that possibly exist in the task must be linked to the actual model through the Part Manager, before the task execution.

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Task Manager 31.5. Model Tools In this paragraph the Task Manager functionality relative to certain model tools is described. 31.5.1. Transformations A geometric transformation of a component or of a group of components may be required in many stages of a model build-up process. For example, a part may need to be moved from its original position in order for a new loading case to be defined. The Task Manager provides functionality that enables the user to perform such transformations. In order to complete a geometric transformation, the user has first to define it and subsequently apply it. The respective task items are the Transformation Definition and Transformation Application task items. Definition The Transformation definition task item is available in all stages of model build-up process. The accessibility of this item is presented in the following table. Add Transformation Definition task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Transformation Definition New>Transformation Definition FE Model>New>Transformation Definition

The Transformation Definition task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu.

Editing the Transformation Definition task item opens the Transformation Definition window. The user is able to inspect and specify the following fields:

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Task Manager Name: The name of the transformation is the handle that is used for its coupling with the Transformation Application task items. The name of the task item is updated according to this field. Type: The type of the transformation can either be “Translation” or “Rotation”. Axis Node1, Axis Node 2: Node IDs of the nodes that are used to define the transformation axis. The transformation axis can be either the translation or rotation axis, depending on the selected transformation type. Apply on Parts: The user is prompted to manually select the parts subject to the transformation. The selected parts do not necessarily need to be referenced by a sub model item. Keep Connectivity: This flag controls whether the current state of connectivity of the selected parts will be maintained or not after the application of the transformation. Include Ext Connectors: This flag controls whether the connectors that are external to the selected parts will be included in the transformation or not. During execution, the Transformation Definition task item becomes checked only if all the necessary information in the Transformation Definition window is provided. The status of the Transformation Definition task item is not affected, no matter if the transformation has taken place or not. Application In order to apply a transformation, defined by a Transformation Definition task item, the user should implement a Transformation Application task item. The Transformation Application task item can be accessed in all stages of the model build-up process. The availability of this item is presented in the following table. Add Transformation Application task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case Solver Load Case

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Path New>Transformation Application New>Transformation Application New>Transformation Application FE Model>New>Transformation Application


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Task Manager

The Transformation Application task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing the item launches the Transformation Application window where the user is able to inspect and specify the following fields: Name Filter: A literal or regular expression which will be used to match one or more Transformation Definition items. Value Type: This option controls whether the value specified is considered an absolute value (magnitude of transformation) or a relative value (see table below) Value: The transformation magnitude

Relative value Rotation 0 0 deg. 1 180 deg. 0.5 90 deg. (*): dist(N1,N2) is the distance between nodes N1 and N2

Translation 0 * dist(N1,N2) (*) 1 * dist(N1,N2) (*) 0.5 * dist(N1,N2) (*)

The name of the Transformation Application task item is indicative of the Name Filter and Value specified in the Transformation Application window.

During execution, the Transformation Application task item will search for one or more matches among the Transformation Definition items that exist in the task. This matching process is done according to the values specified in the Name Filter field. The matching is performed across process templates. Therefore, a Transformation Definition task item that is located inside the Common Model process template can be matched with a

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Task Manager Transformation Application task item that is placed under the Solver Load Case process template. In such case, the transformation will take place only when the respective Transformation Application task item is executed. The Transformation Application task item becomes checked during execution, if it has been matched and the transformation is completed successfully. Transformations For Includes Include transformations can be directly defined through the Transformations option available in the context menu of the Include task item. The transformation window that appears depends on the current Deck. Extended information about Includes transformations can be found in section 16.10. The transformation card is saved along with the Task.



31.5.2. Results Mapping The results mapping functionality available in ANSA allows the user to map various types of data, such as nodal thickness, pressure, initial stress, temperature, etc. from an existing file to the mesh of the current model. The Task Manager provides to the user access to the results mapping functionality of ANSA through the Elements Results Mapping task item. The availability of this item is presented in the following table. Add Elements Results Mapping task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

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Path New>Elements Results Mapping New>Elements Results Mapping New>Parts>New>Elements Results Mapping New>Parts>New>Elements Results Mapping


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Task Manager In order to map any type of data from an existing file to the current mesh, the user must implement the Map Element Attributes task item, which can be accessed through the context menu of the Element Results Mapping container.

The options of the Map Element Attributes task item can be edited through the respective option of its context menu. When the Edit option is selected the Map Results window appears.

Extended information about the Results Mapping functionality of ANSA and the options available in the Map Results window can be found in section 20.17.1.

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Task Manager 31.5.3. Surface Wrap The surface wrapping functionality of ANSA is used to generate a closed and clean surface wrap mesh starting from shell elements or macros, without the need to perform topology clean-up beforehand. In terms of Task Manager, the relative functionality is provided by the Surface Wrap task item. The Surface Wrap task item is available through the Common Model process template. During execution, the Surface Wrap task item invokes the Elements>Wrap>Constant Length function.

The Surface Wrap task item can be edited through the respective option of its context menu. When the Edit option is selected the WRAP window opens. Through this window the user is able to modify various parameters that control the generation of the surface wrap mesh. Apart from specifying all the necessary information in the WRAP window, the user must also select the elements which will constitute the basis for the surface wrap generation. In order to make the selection, the user must invoke the Select function through the context menu of the Surface Wrap task item.

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Task Manager

Extended information about the surface wrap capabilities of ANSA and the option available in the WRAP window can be found in section 14.7.1. 31.5.4. Numbering Rules Renumbering of ANSA entities can be performed through the Numbering Rules task item. The Numbering Rules task item is available directly through the context menu of the task tree field. The respective task item does not belong to any process template and therefore it is placed first in the task tree. Upon execution the Numbering Rules task item invokes the Renumber Tool functionality. The user can edit the Numbering Rules task item through the relative option of its context menu. The Renumber Tool window is launched. More information about the Renumber tool can be found in section 17.4

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During the execution of the Numbering Rules task item, no actual renumbering takes place. In order to apply the numbering rule specified in the Renumber Tool window, the user must select the Apply option of the context menu of the Numbering Rules task item.

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Task Manager 31.6. Task Parameterization An important feature of the Task Manager is that once a task is created, it can be reused for several models. Depending on each case, it can be applied on models that are completely different, or on models that are just variants of the same original model. The reusability level of a Task is highly dependent upon the way it is built. It is rather unlikely that a task built for one model can be directly used for another model. The Task Manager provides several tools that aid the user to build tasks that are generic and can be implemented over various models. 31.6.1. Assign Name The Task Manager functionality relies to a great extent on entities that search for model features in order to add connector elements, boundary conditions, etc. Since such locations vary among models and therefore their coordinates cannot be considered fixed, searches can be based on entity names. To mark entities with names, the Assign Name task item can be used. The Assign Name task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Assign Name task item in: Model Assembly Model Trimming Manual Items Output Requests Element Results Mapping Boundary Conditions Step Sub Case Solver Common Model Solver Load Case

Path New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name New>Assign Name

During execution of the Assign Name task item, the task flow is interrupted, the Selection Window appears and the user is prompted to select the entities from the screen to be renamed. The selected entities are named after the task item. Similar to every task item the Assign Name task item can be renamed by modifying the text of its name field.

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Task Manager The Assign Name task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. After selecting the Edit option, the user is prompted to select entities from the screen, or modify a previous selection. The name assigned to the selected entities can be used as a search name in GEBs and connectors. In order to use these entities, the option “NamedEntities” or “Named Nodes” must be selected in the search field of the GEB/Connector and the name of the entities must be entered in the “entity_name” field. The matching of the names can either happen using a literal or a regular expression.

31.6.2. Hard Points The Hard Points are ANSA entities that are used to mark locations in space and associate to them the position of model nodes, connectors or generic entities. These entities can be used in tasks in order to mark, and subsequently parameterize, the position of Connector and Generic Entities. The Hard Points create a “master-slave” relation between a point in 3D space (i.e. a set of Cartesian coordinates) and one or more nodes, connectors or generic entities. Define Hard Points The Task Manager does not provide a separate item to define Hard Points. Therefore, the user can define Hard Points in the model through the AUXILIARIES>HARD P>New function. In this case, the user must first select the Hard Point‟s position in space by choosing an existing node, connector or generic entity, confirm by pressing the middle mouse button, and then select the Connector or Generic Entities that should be associated with this Hard Point. The final selection is confirmed with middle mouse button.

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Task Manager The HARD POINT card appears. A name must be assigned in the relative field, while the X, Y, Z fields are filled with the coordinates of the master node. The number and Ids of the slave nodes can be modified through the Database Browser, by selecting the Branch option of the context menu of the Hard Point item. !NOTE: The Hard Points do not have an ID, unlike all other ANSA entities. Therefore, they are handled by name and thus, the names of all Hard Points in a database must be unique. A Hard Point appears as a red circle. Its visibility is controlled through the Database Browser. Edit Hard Points The location of the defined Hard Points can be directly modified through the Task Manager. The respective task item is the Edit Hard Points task item. The accessibility of this task item is presented in the following table. Add Edit Hard Points task item in: Common Model Solver Common Model

Path New>Edit Hard Points New>Edit Hard Points The Edit Hard Points item is placed after the Sub Model or Include task items. Upon execution, the Hard Points window appears, listing all the Hard Points defined in the database.

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Task Manager The user can modify the coordinates of all the existing Hard Points of the database, either by typing directly in the X, Y, Z fields, or by pressing the F1 key and picking a new position from the screen.

A more convenient way for the user to modify the coordinates of existing Hard Points is through the Sub Model task items. Selecting the Edit Hard Points option of the context menu of the Sub Model task item, a reduced list appears, consisting only of the Hard Points relevant to this particular Sub Model.

31.6.3. GEB Connectivity An important feature of Connector and GEB entities can be implemented in order to make a task suitable to be used with more than one model variants. Depending on the values entered in its connectivity fields, a Connector or a GEB item can be either related to a specific model or be more generic. In case that a Connector or GEB task item references specific part module IDs or PIDs then the task will be model specific. Opposite, if a Connector or GEB task item references Sub Model module Ids or Includes Ids then the task becomes more generic and can be potentially used with several models or model variants.

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Task Manager 31.7. General Utilities The Task Manager provides several auxiliary items that can be used in various cases: To provide access to functionality that is not covered by built-in task item. To further or fully automate certain modeling actions. To facilitate the model build up by providing built-in task items that generate entities typically used in certain types of analysis. 31.7.1. User Scripts Add User Scripts User scripts provide access to various functionalities of ANSA which are not available through the built-in task items. Moreover, User Scripts can perform actions that are not available through the ANSA GUI, or automate various user defined modeling procedures. User scripts are implemented in the Task Manager through the User Script task item. The User Script task item is available through the context menu of most containers. Similar functionality to the User Script task item is also provided by the User Script Reader task item which is described in section However, this item is only available through the context menu of the task items that are related with GEB and Connector entities (e.g. Model Assembly). User Script task items can be grouped under the User Scripts container.

To associate a User Script task item with a user script file, the user must select the Edit option of the context menu of the task item. The Select script function window appears.

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Task Manager

In order to load a user script the Load module button should be pressed. The File Manager appears and the user is prompted to select a script file. When a file is selected, it becomes available as a module in the drop down menu list, and all the script functions that are contained in the file are presented in the Function list area. As soon as a function is selected, its description will be displayed in the User function description area. The User Script task item will invoke the selected function upon execution.

More information about loading and handling scripts through ANSA GUI can be found in section 5.1 of ANSA_Scripting_Language.pdf. !NOTE: The script code referenced in a selected module is stored within the task item. Consequently, if the script file is moved or deleted, the Task Manager will still be able to execute the associated task item. In case that the script file is modified, the Task Manager will not be able to use the modified version of the function contained in the script file, unless the Reload module button is pressed. Write User Scripts The user scripts developed to be executed through a User Script task item do not need to have special characteristics compared to user scripts executed through the script editor or user script buttons. The only feature that the user should consider, during script code generation, is the return value of the respective function. More specifically, the status of a User Script task item is controlled by the value returned by the function.

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Task Manager A zero value should be returned only if the function is executed successfully. In such case, the status of the corresponding task item will become checked. A non-zero value should be returned if the function was not properly executed. In this case, the status of the respective task item will remain unchecked. In the example shown below, the DeleteSet function deletes a set with a certain ID. If this set does not exist in the database the function will yield a failure result (return value is 1). This is reflected in the Task Manager and the respective User Script task item will remain unchecked. If the set is found and is successfully deleted, the DeleteEntity function will return a zero value, which will change the status of the respective task item to checked. ## Name: DeleteSet Arguments: The set id Description: Delete a SET with a predefined id ## def DeleteSet (int id) { ent = GetEntity(NASTRAN,"SET", id); if (!ent) return 1; res = DeleteEntity(ent,0); return res; } !NOTE: If the function does not return any value, Task Manager will always consider its execution successful. Handling entities created through User Scripts All the entities created, or imported, through a User Script task item are automatically considered Task Manager model data. Therefore, if the user imports a complete database through a User Script task item, all its contents will be placed under control of the Task Manager, and, for example, will be exported during the execution of the Output item of the task. The entities generated during the execution of a User Script task item are, by default, linked to the specific task item. Every time the user selects the Change option, through the context menu of the respective task item, all these entities are deleted. This default behavior can be modified through the “Store script‟s results” option of the Select script function window. The user can select to unlink the entities created by a User Script task item from the item itself, by deactivating the “Store script‟s results” check box. If this flag is deactivated, the entities are not deleted every time the status of the task item is changed.

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Task Manager When the “Store script‟s results” flag is active, the user can access the entities created during the execution of the script, by selecting the List option of the context menu of the item. The list that appears contains all the entities created by the user function. These entities can be directly edited, isolated on the screen or deleted.

If the “Store script‟s results” option is inactive, the entities created by the user function will not appear in the script‟s List. !NOTE: When a User Script task item is deleted, a confirmation window appears asking the user to confirm whether the entities generated by the item will be deleted as well or not. User Script Reader The User Script Reader task item provides similar functionality with the User Script item. However, it is a separate task item that covers the generation of GEB and Connector entities through user scripts. As mentioned in the User Script Reader task item is only available through the context menu of task items that are related with GEB and Connector Entities (i.e. Model Assembly, Model Trimming etc.). This task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add User Script Reader task item in: Model Assembly Model Trimming Output Requests Common Output Requests Boundary Conditions GEB General

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Path New>User Script Reader New>User Script Reader New>User Script Reader New>User Script Reader New>User Script Reader New>User Script Reader


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Task Manager

The User Script Reader task item is associated with a user script file, in a similar manner to the User Script item. Editing the User Script Reader launches the Select Script function window.

Consider for example the following script function that creates a Generic Entity Output Request. def CreateGebOR () { GEB1=CreateEntityVa(NASTRAN,"GEB_OR","Name","SPC forces", "x", 0,"y", 0, "z", 0,"connectivity", 5074255, "search", "PassThrough", "interface", "None", "representation","NastranOutputRequest","type","FORCE"); } During the task item execution, all the entities created are placed after the specific item in the Task Manager.

Executing a User Script Reader item, associated with the script function presented above, creates a new GEB_OR entity having the parameters specified in the function. An Output Request task item, related to the GEB_OR entity is also created and placed after the User Script Reader task item. The entities generated by a User Script Reader task item can be handled in a similar manner to the ones generated by a User Script task item.

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Task Manager 31.7.2. Session Commands The Session Command task items are used for the execution of standard ANSA commands which can be also executed through ANSA GUI. These items are available through the context menu of most containers.

The Session Command task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. When the Edit option is selected, the Select session function or command window appears and the user is prompted to choose a command and define its parameters. The entities created during the execution of a Session Command task item can be linked or not to the specific item depending on the status of the “Store session‟s results” option in the Select session function or command window. The default behavior is that the “Store session‟s results” option is activated, and therefore the entities generated by the Session Command task item are deleted when the status of the item is changed.

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Task Manager 31.7.3. Templates The Task Manager allows the user to automatically transform the FE representation of certain entities. This functionality is covered by the template task items. These are separate task items and should not be confused with the process template task items. There are five types of template items supported in the Task Manager and each of them is related to a specific type of task items: -

Connector templates Trim item templates Boundary Condition templates Output Request templates Sub Model templates

The association of a template task item to task items of the same type is achieved through the matching of a keyword. One template task item can be associated with one or more task items depending on this matching. The user can specify a keyword both in form of string or regular expression. Connector and Generic Entity Templates The user can automatically assign common settings to multiple Connector or GEB entities. This can be achieved with the aid of the Template task items. The Connector entities of a model can be categorized according to their representation (i.e. bolts, bushings, ball joints etc.). Such types of FE representation can be assigned to different Connector Template items, in order to massively impose interface, representation and search attributes to the Connector Entities of the model. The Connector Template task item can be accessed through the Connector Templates container. The Connector Templates container can host as many Connector Template task items as necessary, and it is available through the Model Assembly task item.

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Task Manager Editing the Connector Template task item, through the relative option of its context menu, launches the Connector_Entity_Template window.

This window is similar to the Connector Entity card, but the fields that concern the positioning and connectivity are missing. The user is able to modify only the search pattern, interface and representation fields, which are actually the fields that define the FE representation of the connector. During the task execution, the settings of this window are used for the realization of all the Connector task items that are associated with this Connector Template item. Apart from Connectors, Template task items that provide similar functionality are available for Trim Item, BC and Output Request task items. The user can implement these Template items, in order to massively apply certain search pattern, interface and representation attributes to the respective entities. These Template items are available through every container that supports the generation of Generic Entity Builders (GEBs). Add Template task item in: Model Trimming Output Requests Boundary Conditions

Path New>Trim Item Templates>New>Trim Item Template New>Output Request Templates>New>Output Request Template New>BC Templates>New>BC Template

When a Template item is edited, a relative GEB_Template card appears. The association between Template items and task items of the same type is achieved through keyword matching. This keyword can either be a literal (string) or a regular expression, and it is specified by the user in the “user_notes” field of both the template and the Connector/GEB entities. In case of literal expressions, the entry of the “user_notes” field must be exactly the same in the template and Connector/GEB entity cards.

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Task Manager

Note that a Connector or Generic entity Template task item can be associated only with task items that are located under the same container (i.e. Model Assembly, Output Requests containers etc.). Therefore, a Template task item cannot be assigned to a task item that does not belong to the same container, even if the “user_notes” field entries of the two task items are matched. In the example shown in the picture on the left, the Output Request Template 1 task item is associated only with the Output Request 1 task item, since they are placed in the same container.

On the contrary, the Output Request 2 task item is not realized, because the Template task item was not associated with it. In both cases the “user_notes” field of the relevant items is matched.

During the execution of a template task item, the Task Manager will search for possible matches of the Template task item between the available task items in the same container. Once matches between available task items are detected, the settings of the template task item are assigned to the identified task items. These task items will be realized with the new settings upon their execution. !NOTE: The user can manually modify the settings that are assigned to a Connector/Generic entity by a Template task item, after the execution of the Template item. This action can be performed by editing the respective Connector/GEB item. This user modification does not change the status of the relative Template task item, which, therefore, will not be executed again upon task execution. Consequently, the settings of the Template task item will not be imposed to the fields that were manually modified by the user.

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Task Manager Sub Model Templates The Sub Model Template task items are used to automatically change the meshed representation of parts associated with a Sub Model task item, and therefore their functionality is described in section The target representation can be, apart from any meshed representation that already exists in the ANSA DM root directory, a new mesh type or a built-in reduced representation. 31.7.4. Automatic Items The Task Manager supports the generation of various solver items by automatically filling the respective entity cards. The items that can be automatically created through the execution of a task item, are the following: Global Contact Initial Velocity Initial Temperature Gravity Automatic and Global Contact The Task Manager provides to the user task items related with the generation of a single contact that contains all the components of the model. These items are the Automatic Contact and the Global Contact task items, which were described in section Initial Velocity The user can automatically impose initial velocity boundary conditions to parts of the model which are under control of the Task Manager. This functionality is covered by the Initial Velocity task item. The accessibility of this task item is presented in the following table. Add Initial Velocity task item in: Explicit Solver Load Case Barrier

Path FE Model>New>Initial Velocity New>Initial Velocity

During execution, the Initial Velocity task item generates an initial velocity boundary condition that is applied either to all the items of the model that are associated with the Task Manager, or to a barrier task item. This behavior depends on the container under which the task item is located (e.g. to all items if the Initial Velocity task item is placed under FE Model container or to the barrier if the Initial Velocity item is placed under the Barrier container.

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Task Manager

0 The user can edit the parameters of the initial velocity card through the Edit option of the context menu of the Initial Velocity task item. The form and the contents of the entity card that opens are not the same for all solvers. In order for the item to be executed successfully, the user must select to edit its card, before executing the task item. Otherwise, the required set is not generated and the execution of the item will not be completed. Initial Temperature The user can automatically impose initial temperature boundary conditions to all the parts of the model that are under control of the Task Manager. This functionality is covered by the Initial Temperature task item, which is available through the context menu of the Abaqus Standard Load Case>FE Model container.

The user can modify the parameters of the initial temperature entity card through the Edit option of the context menu of the Initial Temperature task item.

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Task Manager In order for the item to be executed successfully, the user must select to edit its card and fill the necessary fields, before executing the task item. Otherwise, the required set is not generated and the execution of the item will not be completed. During execution, the Initial Temperature task item generates an initial temperature condition that is applied to all the parts of the model that are associated with the Task Manager. Gravity The user can automatically impose gravitational force to all the parts of the model that are under control of the Task Manager. This functionality is covered by the Gravity task item. The Gravity task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Gravity task item in: LS-Dyna Common Model Pam Crash Common Model Radioss Common Load Case LS-Dyna Common Load Case Pam Crash Common Load Case Radioss Common Load Case LS-Dyna Load Case Pam Crash Load Case Radioss Load Case Abaqus Load Case

Path New>Gravity New>Gravity New>Gravity New>Gravity New>Gravity New>Gravity FE Model>New>Gravity FE Model>New>Gravity FE Model>New>Gravity New>Step Manager>New>Step>New>Gravity

The Gravity task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. The Edit option gives to the user access to the respective entity card, the type of which depends on the selected solver. In order for the item to be executed successfully, the user must select to edit its card before executing the task item. Otherwise, the required items are not generated and the execution of the Gravity task item will not be completed. When the Edit option is selected, all the necessary entities for the proper definition of a gravitational force are generated. The types of the generated entities are different depending on each solver. For example, in case of Abaqus the following items are created: AMPLITUDE, DLOAD-GRAV and SET. In case of LS-DYNA the generated items are: DEFINE_CURVE, LOAD_BODY_OPTION. The duration of the gravitational force is equal to the duration of the analysis in all cases.

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Task Manager Coupon Test The user is able to apply a material locally, to certain areas of the model, in order, for example, to better describe a complicated material behavior or to define a different material behavior that is dictated by experimental investigations. This functionality is covered in ANSA by the Coupon Tests tool, which is described in section 20.13. Concerning Task Manager, the relative functionality is provided by the Coupon Test task item. The Coupon Test task item is available through the context menu of the Coupon Tests container. The Coupon Tests task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Coupon Tests item in: Explicit Solver Common Model Explicit Solver Load Case

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Path New>Coupon Tests FE Model>New>Coupon Tests


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager

When a Coupon Test task item is inserted in the task an empty coupon test entity is generated in the database browser. The user can edit the Coupon Test task item through the respective option of its context menu. Selecting the Edit option launches the Coupon Test window.

The user must fill the Application area and MID fields in order for the Coupon Test item to be properly defined. Otherwise the task item cannot be executed. Upon successful execution of the Coupon Test task item, the prescribed material in the MID field will be assigned to the elements/faces of the model specified in the Application area field. Changing the status of the Coupon Test task item to unchecked, assigns to the application area the material it had before the execution of the item.

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Task Manager 31.7.5. Convert From Model In order to exploit information from previously generated models during the task Development, the Convert From Model, functionality can be used. Selecting this option enables the user to generate automatically task items that during execution will construct entities similar to the ones that already exist in the model. A model is required to be loaded in the database in order for the function to operate correctly. The Convert From Model option is available through the context menu of the Common Model and Solver Load Case process templates. Upon selection of the respective option the Convert from Model window appears. Through this window the user can select which model entities will be translated into relevant task items. The available types of entities depend on the selected solver. !NOTE: In case that the Convert From Model option is selected through the Common Model context menu, the only available option is to convert Groups.

The following table shows the available items depending on each Solver Load Case.





• • • • • •

• • •

• • -

Contact s • • • • • •

Section Forces • • • •

GEB_O R • • • • •

GEB_B C • • • • •

After confirming by pressing the OK button, the Task Manager will translate all the existing model entities of the selected types, into task items. Additional task items that are required for the execution of certain task items (i.e. Manual Items>SET in case of Contact task items) are also generated.

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Task Manager For example, a contact pair entity will be converted to a Contact task item in the Solver Load Case>FE Model>Contacts container. Two SET task items are also generated in the Manual Items container. A Section Force entity would be converted into an Output Request task item in the Solver Load Case > FE Model > Output Requests container

31.7.6. Crash Related Task Items The Task Manager provides several task items related to crash analysis that facilitate and, in many cases, automate the implementation in the model of certain characteristic of crash analysis items, such as moving barrier, rigid wall, dummy etc. Rigid Road The user is able to automatically generate in the model a rigid road item. This functionality is covered by the Rigid Road task item, whose availability is presented in the following table. Add Rigid Road item in: Explicit Solver Common Load Case Explicit Solver Load Case LS-DYNA Common Model

Path New>Rigid Road New>Rigid Road New>Rigid Road The Rigid Road can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. The entity card, which appears when the Edit option is selected, depends on the specific solver. In order for a Rigid Road task item to be successfully defined, the user must select to edit its card and fill the necessary fields before the task execution.

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Task Manager

!NOTE: The rigid road item is generated upon the definition of the respective task item. The entities that constitute the rigid road depend on the specific solver.

A Rigid Road can be positioned with the aid of the Road positioner task item which is available through its context menu.

The Road Positioner task item can be edited through the respective option of its context menu. The window that appears upon the selection of the Edit option is solver dependent. In order to successfully execute the Road Positioner task item the user must select to edit it beforehand.

During execution, the Road Positioner task item will position, according to the specified parameters, the rigid road item.

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Task Manager Rigid Wall The user is able to automatically generate in the model a rigid wall item. This functionality is covered by the Rigid Wall task item, whose accessibility is presented in the following table. The functionality of the Rigid Wall task item is similar to the Rigid Road task item and therefore the user is prompted to refer to section Add Rigid Wall item in: Explicit Solver Common Load Case Explicit Solver Load Case

Path New>Rigid Wall New>Rigid Wall Barrier Barrier models can be input and positioned with respect to the model parts with the aid of the Impactor positioning tool. For more information about the Impactor positioning tool the user is prompted to refer to section 20.4. This functionality is provided in the Task Manager through the Barrier task item. The accessibility of the Barrier task item is presented in the following table. Add Barrier item in: Explicit Solver Common Load Case Explicit Solver Load Case

Path New>Barrier New>Barrier

The Barrier task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing a Barrier task item launches the Impactor positioning window.

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Task Manager The user must specify the solver file that contains the barrier item in the “Impactor file” field and an element set that contains the vehicle body in the “Body set” field. If this field is left blank, Task Manager will consider as body all the parts that have been placed under its control. The rest of the available options consider the positioning of the barrier relative to the vehicle body and will not be described in detail here (see section 20.4).

Upon execution of the Barrier task item, the prescribed barrier sub-assembly is inserted in the model and it is positioned according to the specified parameters. The user is able to generate the contact between the vehicle and the barrier, implementing the Barrier Contact task item which is available through the context menu of the Barrier item. The behavior and the attributes of the Barrier Contact item are similar to the Contact task item (see section A recommended practice is to generate a SET task item through a Manual Items container, which will be referenced both in the Body Set field of the Impactor Positioning window and in the contact entity card. The Barrier item itself should contain a reference SET for the definition of the barrier/body contact. In case this does not exist, the user must define the set manually.

Moreover, the user can impose an initial velocity boundary condition to the barrier, with the aid of the Initial Velocity task item which is available through the Barrier item.

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Task Manager The Initial Velocity task item is described in section, and will not be further discussed here. In this case, instead of imposing an initial velocity to all the parts of the model which are under control of the Task Manager, the initial velocity condition is assigned only to the barrier item. !NOTE: It is common that the database that contains the barrier also contains the barrier road. Alternatively, the user can generate a new Rigid Road item and associate it to the barrier, or associate the barrier to the Rigid Road item of the vehicle. In this case, the barrier wheels can be added to the set used by the vehicle Rigid Road. Deformable Road The Task Manager provides to the user the option to automatically import and position in the model a deformable road instead of a rigid one. This functionality is covered by the Deformable Road task item whose accessibility is presented in the following table. Add Deformable Road item in: Explicit Solver Common Load Case Explicit Solver Load Case

Path New>Deformable Road New>Deformable Road

The functionality of the Deformable Road task item is similar to the Barrier task item (see section The user is able to define a contact between the Deformable Road and the vehicle, implementing the Road Contact task item. The Road Contact task item is available through the context menu of the Deformable Road task item and its functionality is similar to the Contact task item (see section

Executing the Deformable Road task item, a road item is inserted in the model and positioned according to the specified parameters.

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Task Manager Dummy The Task Manager functionality related with the input, positioning and calibration of a dummy model into a main model is covered by the Dummy task item. Detailed information about the dummy positioning process can be found in section 23.3. For reference purposes, the dummy position process contains the following steps (the relative task items can be found inside the parenthesis): Input of the dummy model Position the dummy on the seat Link the dummy and the seat Make minor adjustments of dummy positioning (e.g. move feet to the floor, move hands on the steering wheel etc.) Articulate the seat mechanism Perform the dummy-seat depenetration Define Contacts

(Dummy task item) (Move Dummy to Seat task item) (Link Dummy and Seat task item) (Move Limb to Target task item) (Move Mechanism task item) (Dummy Depenetration task item) (Dummy Contacts)

The Dummy task item is a container available through the context menu of all the explicit Solver Load Case>FE Model task items. The Dummy task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing this task item launches the File Manager and the user is prompted to select a file that contains the dummy model. During the execution of the respective item the dummy model is input in the main model and appears in its default position. The Dummy task item is automatically renamed after the database that contains the dummy model.

The Dummy container provides to the user access to extended functionality related to the positioning of the dummy submodel. Dummy on Seat Initially the dummy model must be positioned correctly with regards to the seat. The relative Task Manager item is the Dummy on Seat container, which is available through the context menu of the

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Task Manager Dummy container. The Dummy on Seat task item contains, the Move Dummy to Seat and Link Dummy and Seat task items.

The Move Dummy to Seat task item enables the user to move the dummy, in order to position its HPoint to a selected point in the main model. Editing the Move Dummy to Seat task item launches Move Dummy to Seat window. There are two available modes for the dummy translation. Choosing the “Target Point” option, the user can insert the coordinates of the target position of the dummy‟s H-Point either numerically by editing X, Y, Z fields or select a point from the screen by typing “?” in one of the above fields.

Choosing the “Vector” option of the drop down menu, the user must specify a translation vector, either numerically or by selecting two points from the screen. The user can also specify a rotation around a certain axis of the dummy model through the Rotate around H-Point field of the Move Dummy to Seat window. The translation of the dummy model takes place during the execution of the Move Dummy to Seat task item.

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Task Manager The Link Dummy to Seat task item cannot be edited by the user. Upon its execution the user is first prompted to select from the screen, the cushion rigid body of the kinematic configuration. Afterwards the user can choose whether the Dummy‟s thorax will be linked to the Seat‟s Backrest. In such case, the user is called to select from the screen the Dummy‟s Thorax Rigid Body and finally the Seat‟s backrest Rigid Body.

Once the selection of these Rigid Bodies is completed, the Link Dummy to Seat task item gets checked and the execution of the task can continue.

Dummy Positioner The whole dummy model or particular dummy members (i.e. hand, leg etc. ) can be moved using the Dummy Positioner task item, which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container.

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Task Manager The Dummy Positioner task item cannot be edited by the user. The user can select either to rotate a member of the dummy, or translate the whole dummy model, through the Rotate and Translate options of the Dummy Positioner context menu, respectively. !NOTE: The functionality of the Dummy Positioner task item is similar to the Rotate and Translate tabs of the Dummy Articulation tool which is described in detail in section 23.3. Only a brief description will be presented at this point. After selecting the Rotate option, the user is prompted to choose a member of the dummy model. Once the member is selected, the Rotate Dummy Part window is launched. The user can choose one of the available axes of rotation, specify the rotation increment angle in the relative field, and, finally, apply the rotation by selecting the + and – buttons.

The Translate option of the Dummy Positioner context menu launches the Translate Dummy window.

The user is prompted either to define a target point where the dummy‟s H-Points will be translated to, (“Target Point” option) or to specify a translation vector (“Vector” option). In both cases the whole dummy model will be translated upon confirmation. Move Limbs The Task Manager provides to the user access to the Move Limbs functionality of ANSA which is described in section 23.3.3. The respective task item is the Move Limb to Target, and it is available through the context menu of the Dummy container.

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Task Manager The Move Limp to Target task item cannot be edited. Upon its execution the user is prompted to select a sequence of rigid bodies that constitute the limp, and then select a series of source-target node couples.

The movement is performed when the user confirms with mouse middle button.

Save Position The positioning of a dummy model can be saved by the user for direct future reference. In the Task Manager this functionality is provided by the Save Position task item, which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container.

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Task Manager The Save Position task item cannot be edited. Upon its execution the Kinematic Position window opens and the user is prompted to name the saved dummy position. !NOTE: Changing the status of the Save Position task item, deletes the generated Kinematic Position entity.

Apply Position A saved dummy position can be retrieved with the aid of the Apply Position task item which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container.

The Apply Position task item cannot be edited. Upon its execution the Apply Position Window appears and the user is prompted to select one of the existing Save Position task items.

Dummy Depenetration The user has access over the functionality of the Dummy Seat Depenetration tool, which is described in section 23.5. Implementing this tool, it is possible to automatically depenetrate the dummy from the seat. The relative Task Manager functionality is available by the Dummy Depenetration task item, which can be accessed through the context menu of the Dummy container.

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Task Manager

The Dummy Depenetration task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing the task item launches the Dummy-Seat Depenetration window. Extended information about the available options of the window and the functionality in general is available in section 23.5. Once the necessary information is provided by the user the task item can be executed. During the execution of the Dummy Depenetration task item, the seat is deformed in order to erase any possible penetrations between the two model components.

Dummy Contacts The contact between the dummy model and the vehicle can be defined using the Dummy Contacts task item which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container. The functionality provided through the Dummy Contacts container is similar to the Contacts container described in section paragraph

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Task Manager Seat Positioning The kinematic mechanism of the seat can be articulated using the Move Mechanism task item, which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container.

The Move Mechanism task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing the respective item launches the Move Mechanism window.

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Task Manager The user is prompted to select, in the Seat field, one of the already defined kinematic configurations of the seat. Concerning the dummy model, the available options are: Keep all the joints of the dummy locked keep unlocked only the limb members Select a custom configuration for the seat mechanism The user is prompted to refer to sections and 23.9.5 for more information about Kinematic configurations.

The articulation of the kinematic configuration of the seat mechanism can be applied either by an actuator joint or by selecting from the screen two matching points. The movement of the seat is performed upon execution of the Move Mechanism task item. SeatBelt Tool The Task Manager provides to the user access over the seatbelt related ANSA functionality that is described in section 23.4. The respective task item is the Seatbelt Tool, which is available through the context menu of the Dummy container. Editing the SeatBelt tool task item through the relative option of its context menu launches the SeatBelt tool window.

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Task Manager The functionality of the tool and the available options are described in detail in section 23.4 and will not be further discussed here.

31.7.7. NVH Related Task Items The Task Manager provides task items related to NVH analysis that facilitate and automate the implementation in the model of certain characteristic NVH analysis items; namely the acoustic cavity and the damping patches. Acoustic Cavity The user has access over the acoustic cavity tool of ANSA, which is described in section 11.2.9. In terms of Task Manager, this functionality is provided by the Acoustic Cavity task item, which can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Acoustic Cavity item in: Nastran Common Load Case Nastran Load Case

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Path New>Acoustic Cavity FE Model>New>Acoustic Cavity


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager The Acoustic Cavity task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu. Editing the Acoustic Cavity item launches the Acoustic Cavity window. The functionality and the available options of the Acoustic Cavity window are described in detail in section 11.2.9 and will not be presented here. Damping Patches The Task Manager provides to the user access over the damping patches functionality of ANSA that is described in section 20.10. The relative task item is the Damping Patch task item, which can be accessed through the Damping Patches container. The accessibility of the Damping Patches task item is presented in the following table. Add Damping Patches item in: Nastran Common Load Case Nastran Load Case

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Path New>Damping Patches FE Model>New>Damping Patches


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager The Damping Patch task item can be edited through the Edit option of its context menu. Selecting the respective option launches the Damping patch window. The functionality and the options available in the Damping patch window are described in detail in section 20.10 and will not be presented here.

A damping patch entity associated with the respective task item will be generated upon task execution. 31.7.8 Invoke Solver A solver can be invoked from the Task Manager with the aid of a user script. Such a script can be defined in a Run Solver task item. This task item can be accessed through the items presented in the following table. Add Damping Patches item in: Solver Load Case (apart from Nastran) Nastran Load Case

Path New>Run Solver New>Run

The Run Solver task item can be edited through the relative option of its context menu.

Editing the Run Solver task item launches the Select script function window. The user is prompted to select a script function that launches the solver executable file. The functionality of the Run Solver and Run task items is similar to the User Script task item, which is described in section 31.7.1.

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Task Manager 31.8. Special Cases 31.8.1. Model Cut In order to isolate and focus the analysis on a component or on an area of the model, the user can implement the Model Cut functionality of ANSA, which is described in section 20.11. The relevant Task Manager functionality is provided by the Cut Model task item which is available through the context menu of all Solver Load Case process templates. The Cut Model container can be edited through the relative option of its context menu.

Editing the item launches the Cut Model by Planes window. The functionality and the available options of the window are described in detail in section 20.11.

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Task Manager Additionally the user can create cutting planes and cutting boxes through the Cutting Plane and Cutting Box task items respectively.

Editing the Cutting Plane task item, launches the CUTTING PLANE HELP window. The available options of the window allow the user to generate cutting plane items. Detailed information about the functionality of the CUTTING PLANE HELP window can be found in section 2.14.

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Task Manager Editing the Cutting Box task item, launches the Cutting Box window. The available options of the window concerning the type of cutting box are “Ortho” and “Best Fit”. After selecting one of the available types, the user is prompted to choose entities from the screen that should be contained in the generated cutting box.

The cutting plane entities, related either to a Cutting Plane or to a Cutting Box task item, are generated upon confirmation of selection. 31.8.2. Optimization For extended information regarding setting up optimization tasks in Task Manager, the user is prompted to refer to the Optimization_with_ANSA_and_µETA.pdf tutorial. 31.8.3. Task Manager Related Script Functions To automate certain Task Manager related operations, various script functions are available. The table below lists such script functions along with the operation they perform. Script Command AparameterTaskItemLinkToAparameter ChangeTaskItem ClearBreakTaskItem CreateTaskItem DeleteTaskItem DisableTaskItem EditCommentsTaskItem EnableTaskItem ExecTaskItemMenuFun GetAllTaskItems GetCommentsTaskItem GetRootTaskManager GetRunningTaskItem GetTaskItemChildren GetTaskItemName GetTaskItemsByName GetTaskItemsByType GetTaskItemStatus GetTaskItemType MorphparameterTaskItemLinkToMorphparameter MoveTaskItem OpenTaskManager

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Description Assigns an parameter to an a_parameter item Un-update (change) task item Remove break from task item Create a task item Delete a task item Disable (mark as skipped) task item Set a comment to a task item Enable (unmark disabled) task item Access the context menu of the task item Collects all task items Get the comment entry of a task item Returns a reference to the Task Manager root Get the current task item Collect the task items that lie within a task group Get the task item's name Find all task items of the specified name Find all task items of the specified type Query the task item's status Get the type of a task item Assigns a parameter to a morph parameter item Move a task item inside another task group Bring up Task Manager window

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Task Manager Load into Task Manager a previously saved Task Update (run) all un-updated task items Set a break to a task item Change the Output Task Item's exported file name Change the task item's name Update (run) task item

ReadTask RunAllTasks SetBreakTaskItem SetOutputTaskItemName SetTaskItemName UpdateTaskItem

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Running ANSA Running ANSA

Appendix I

RUNNING ANSA RUNNING ANSA ......................................................................................................................... 2289 App.I-1. ANSA Launcher ........................................................................................................ 2290 App.I-2. ANSA Command Line options .................................................................................. 2292 App.I-3. ANSA Command Line options - Examples................................................................ 2294 App.I-4. The ANSA.xml file ..................................................................................................... 2294 App.I-5. The ANSA.defaults file .............................................................................................. 2295

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Running ANSA

Starting options and settings files App.I-1. ANSA Launcher Since ANSA_v13.1.0, by the time the user launches ANSA, the following window (ANSA Launcher) appears:

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Running ANSA Since ANSA_v13.1.3 and on, the Ansa Launcher window has reached its final form, which is the following:

with the latest addition of the successive display of numerous ANSA tools and features on the upper part of the Ansa Launcher, since ANSA_v14.0.0:

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Running ANSA Ansa Launcher window consists of two parts: The first part offers all the default Interface options, with which the user can start ANSA. This means that the user can start ANSA in (default) ANSA, CFD, TOSCA or analyst GUI mode. Additionally, the user can specify the script commands accompanying -exec (or any other command line option, as described in the section that follows), in order to automatically load and run specific scripts. The questionmark-button on the right of the Other field, provides direct access to all available Command Line options, in the form of a table, exactly as listed in the following section A.II. The second part of Ansa Launcher window appears as an extension of the first part, when the user downloads, installs and finally launches a new ANSA version. Moreover, it appears when .BETA folder of the current version-to-launch does not exist in the home directory, whatever the reason might be. It offers the option to the user to keep the ANSA GUI Settings from the previous ANSA version -in other words, it offers the option to Copy the options from the .xml file from one version to the other.

App.I-2. ANSA Command Line options The following command line options are available in ANSA: Option Description -help

Print help, with the available command line options, and exit.

-v, --version

Output version information and exit.


Use license server "server" on port "port".


Upon license denial, this option determines the time in seconds that ANSA has to wait before re-trying to get a license. The default time is zero. For example the command: > -lm_retry 30 means that ANSA will try to get a license at 30 second intervals.


By default, ANSA occupies the complete screen area. Using this option it will occupy just a portion of the screen.

-g dim1xdim2

Start ANSA in a dim1xdim2 window. For example: > -g 1280x815 Minimum dimensions are 100x100 and maximum dimensions depend on user screen size and resolution.


Force ANSA to run on the foreground.


Change to directory.


Pure batch background operation (no ANSA window appears). It can be used in two ways: (a) with no other arguments > -nogui When this no other options are used, ANSA will search inside the ANSA_TRANSL script to locate the autoexec command and execute any user-script functions that are called for automatic execution. (b) in combination with -exec (see next option item) > -nogui -exec

or -b


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Start ANSA with specific Settings (not only GUI ones, but General as well), as these are saved in the file.xml and file.defaults files within .BETA/ANSA/version_14/ folder [for details see Section 6]


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA -virtualx

Start ANSA using a Virtual X Server.


Start ANSA using specific GUI settings that can be saved anywhere [for details see Section 6]

-exec [arguments]

Start ANSA and execute specified script commands one after the other: > -exec 'load_script:/scripts/part2pid.c' -exec 'ButtonPart2PID' In this case ANSA will start, will load the script part2pid and then execute the function ButtonPart2PID. Using option -exec implies the use of -foregr as well. The syntax may differ according to the platform used, as referenced and demonstrated in Section A.III below.


Start ANSA and load : > -i The file types used with -i option are the ones that can be opened using the FILE>OPEN command.


Start ANSA and read/execute a list of commands written in a session file: > -s


Start ANSA and activate special treatment for IGES, VDA and VDAFS v5.2 files generated by I-DEAS and contain errors at the parameterization of FACE's bounding curves.


Specify your own plugins directory. ANSA reads default plugins first and user plugins second. If a conflict occurs, the second (the user plugin) is kept.


Enable/Disable Undo functionality


Specify a folder as the DM Root.


Specify the username used for connecting to DM.


Specify The password used for connecting to DM.


Specify a helpfile for script editor.


Specify the number of processors that ANSA will use. By default, all processors are used.


Workaround NVIDIA Quadro bug.


Reduce memory about 25% (Performance impact)


Video memory size in Kbytes (Autodetect by default).

-performance_mode 0

Default. Fastest drawing, higher memory usage.

-performance_mode 1

Workaround driver bugs. Small decrease in drawing performance compared to mode 0.

-performance_mode 2

Slower drawing, lower memory usage.

-performance_mode 3

Slowest drawing, lowest memory usage.


Performs an overall check while opening an ANSA db. Potential corrupted databases can be detected and essential info reported to terminal (if ANSA is run accordingly),

-df , -defaults-file

Last read the specified defaults file.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA App.I-3. ANSA Command Line options - Examples The syntax of the aforementioned commands may differ according to the platform used. A general rule, for example, is that on Windows platform a double quote (“), instead of a single quote ('), is needed. Moreover, on Windows platform, when in use of a string argument in a double quote, there is a need to place a backslash (“\”) at the beginning, since already in quotes. These syntax comments are featured more analytically in the examples below: -i -exec [arguments] Linux -i dbs/file.ansa -exec 'load_script:scripts/' -exec 'function(“string1”,”string2”)'

Windows -i “dbs/file.ansa” -exec “load_script:scripts/” -exec “function(\”string1\”,\”string2\”)”

App.I-4. The ANSA.xml file The ANSA GUI settings may be stored in the ANSA.xml file. With ANSA GUI settings we refer to all ANSA Windows and Buttons size and position, splitter position in Windows, User Menus, Fonts and Colors on Interface, ON/OFF Flag state, FileManager history and, generally, any user-defined runtime settings on ANSA Graphics User Interface. This file is stored under the following location: /home/user/.BETA/ANSA/ansa_v14.x.x. The directory .BETA is automatically created inside user's home directory the first time ANSA is launched. To create an ANSA.xml file one can go to Windows > Options, Options window. There are two options there; available in the GUI settings group: either press the Save settings button, or the Save settings as button. The Save settings button will create an ANSA.xml file inside the .BETA/ANSA/ansa_v14.x.x directory, while the Save settings as button will write in a specified path. In the latter case, the user can create multiple ANSA.xml_vx.x.x files to be used for different modeling requirements. The Auto save GUI settings on ANSA quit button, available in the GUI settings group under Windows > Options, Options window, offers a real-time saving procedure interference, as far as the GUI Settings are concerned. Specifically, according to the active/inactive state of this button, the following options are saved accordingly: Auto save GUI settings on ANSA quit button: ON: All Button information (size, position) defined by user All Window information (size, position and splitter position) All UserMenus and Button position in these menus *** The ON/OFF flag state of the Buttons is NOT saved in this case. *** The ON/OFF flag state of the Buttons is saved ONLY by Save settings button under the GUI settings group. Auto save GUI settings on ANSA quit button: OFF: The history of File Manager paths, as well as 'recent' File options (File > Open recent, File > Input recent) General Remarks

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA As a general comment, we should emphasize that, in order to save ALL GUI Settings & Information (including flag state of the Buttons), the user should apply Save settings button under the GUI settings group. The F11 Quality Criteria are saved in ANSA.defaults file, analytically described in the following section.

App.I-5. The ANSA.defaults file The ANSA runtime settings may be stored in the ANSA.defaults file. This file is stored under the following location: /home/user/.BETA/ANSA/ansa_v14.x.x. The directory .BETA is automatically created inside user's home directory the first time ANSA is launched. To create an ANSA.defaults file one can go to Windows > Options and open the Options window. There are two options there; either press the Save settings button, or the Save settings as button. The Save settings button will create an ANSA.defaults file inside the .BETA/ANSA/ansa_v14.x.x directory, while the Save settings as button will write in a specified path. In the latter case, the user can create multiple ANSA.defaults_vx.x.x files to be used for different modeling requirements. When the file is generated, it contains the current settings that you have made to your ANSA environment. The ANSA.defaults file may be also edited by the user using any text editor, and any changes made will take effect the next time ANSA is started. As soon as ANSA starts a message is reported in the Ansa Info window about the ANSA.defaults files that have been read (full pathname). The order that these pathnames appear in the Ansa Info window is the order that ANSA looks for and reads the existing ANSA.defaults files. For example: Reading //mnt/ANSA/ansa_v14.2.0/config/ANSA.defaults Reading /home/users/user1/.BETA/ANSA/ansa_v14.2.0/ANSA.defaults Reading /home/users/user1/projectA/ANSA.defaults_v14.2.0 First, the ANSA.defaults file located in the ANSA_HOME directory is read. Secondly, the ANSA.defaults file located in the user‟s home directory under .BETA hidden folder. Finally, ANSA reads in the ANSA.defaults file located in the current working directory, which is the directory from which ANSA is launched. If the user uses a Shortcut Icon for ANSA on Windows platforms, this points to the “Start In” directory. Note that the last read ANSA.defaults file overrides any common settings of the previously read files. Hence, if the user wants to keep his/her settings without harming the common configuration (e.g. quality criteria and meshing parameters of a Project), he/she may divide the settings of the ANSA.defaults file, according to the current needs, in up to three ANSA.defaults files. When ANSA starts, it looks for the ANSA.defaults files in three locations, as described above. In this way one could combine the settings from three different files. To restore the original ANSA default settings simply erase, or temporarily rename, the ANSA.defaults files in the user's home and starting directory, and restart ANSA. From ANSA v12.1.1 and on, the ANSA.defaults file is directly related to the ANSA version according to the naming convention ANSA.defaults_vX.X.X. The ANSA.defaults file contains a commented section, indicated by the # symbol in each line, and a user customizable section. The commented section is for reference purposes only and is not read by ANSA. Open the file with a text editor, find the keyword in question (in the non-commented section) and make any required modifications. The settings are too many to report in this document. Major settings and the corresponding default values of the User Specified (Current) section of the ANSA.defaults file are given below:

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA -- The curves resolution, the number of dashed lines that describe the Faces‟ cross-hatches and their step. These values can also be set inside the Options windows (WINDOWS>OPTIONS), in the category “Settings>Resolution”. The Faces‟ crosshatches become visible when the CROSH (VIEW) flag is activated. curv_resol = 10 ncrosh = 1 crosh-step = 50

-- The tolerances with which the automatic Topology process takes place. The Nodes Matching Distance, the Curves Matching Distance and the Tolerance Mode may also be set in the Options window (WINDOWS>OPTIONS), in the category “Settings>Tolerances”: ntolerance = 0.05 ctolerance = 0.20 tolerance_mode = middle

-- The default values and the definition types of the elements‟ quality criteria. The values and types may also be set in the Presentation Parameters window accessed via the F11 key: section “Quality criteria thresholds & presentation parameters”

– The Graph Parameters. These values can be set in the Graph Parameters tab of the Presentation Parameters window, accessed via the F11 key: quality_graph_by = aspect ratio qgraph_range_indexes = 0.3 sgraph_use_shells_nodes = ON sgraph_use_shells_cog = ON ............................

– The measurements parameters, which can be set inside the Options window, (WINDOWS>OPTIONS) in the category “Settings>Measurements”: color_RGB = 255, 85, 255 line_width = 2 format = fixed ..........................

-- The default preprocessing DECK to be active when ANSA starts. The active deck can change any time during execution. The available options are NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, PAM-CRASH, ABAQUS and RADIOSS: icurdck = NASTRAN

-- The full pathname where the default MATERIAL DATABASES of each DECK reside: NAS_MAT_DBASE = DYN_MAT_DBASE = PAM_MAT_DBASE = ABQ_MAT_DBASE = RDS_MAT_DBASE = r_dir_mat_db_files = all or default

If these parameters are left blank, no default MATERIAL DATABASES are read when ANSA starts, and the user should get the desired database using the READ DB functions of the MATDB function of each DECK. -- The Output and Input Parameters.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA -- The default file extensions for each file type that may be handled by the file manager: ANSA_DB VDA_FS

= "ANSA_DB (*.ansa)" = "VDA_FS (*.vda *.vdafs)"


= "IGES (*.igs *iges)" = "STEP (*.step)"


= "NASTRAN (*.nas);;NASTRAN (*.bdf);;NASTRAN (*nas *.bdf)" = "LS_DYNA (*.key *.k)"


= "PAM_CRASH (*.pc);;PAM_CRASH (*.inc)" = "ABAQUS (*.inp)"

RADIOSS ......

= "RADIOSS (*D00);;RADIOSS (*.inc)"

-- Thickness factor value for distance calculation in the LINK function. fact_thick = 1.2

Note: If a constant distance is desired for the linked faces the const_thick parameter should be set instead – thus specifying a user-defined absolute distance value, e.g.: const_thick = 2.0

-- The origin and the corresponding normal direction-vector necessary to define a custom SYMMETRY PLANE. The default symmetry plane is the ZX plane. Origin

= 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Normal Vector

= 0.00, 1.00, 0.00

-- The Connections‟ Assembler parameters. The Spot Weld Mode declares which type of Spot Weld file format will be read by the FILE>READ SPOTs function. This setting is declared as ANSA or other custom made declarations. The second setting declares whether or not an external custom program will be used for the parts‟ assembly. Finally, the last setting defines the range of IDs of user-defined Connection Points (Connection points created in ANSA, not imported by a *vip file): spotw_mode = ANSA ext_assemb = False usr_spw_id_range = 100000 :

(ID of user defined Connection Points > 100000)

-- The maximum allowable number of Parts for a Connection Point. This will be also the number of columns that appear in the Connection Manager window in the Part ID identification list. The maximum number that can be used is ten (10). max_flng_num = 4

-- The mapping between the Flange Thickness and the Spot Weld Diameter. When the diameter of a Spot Weld is not prescribed into the relative field of the Connections’ Manager window, ANSA can use a specific mapping as described in Chapter 9. -- Master flange selection method parameters. Two variables specify which among the connected flanges will be regarded as master, so its thickness Tm is used into the mapping between flange thickness and spot weld diameter. See Chapter 9 for details. -- The current settings of the GRAPHICS parameters. The dynamic view parameters that may be set under the GRAPHICS function are given in the following section: sh_fa_ctl sh_fa_drt ............ ln_ma_dl sd_unmesh

= y = n = n = y

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Running ANSA -- The shell meshing parameters. The options for the BEST mesh generator, the type of elements to be generated, s it appears on the switch button in the MESH GEN. modules buttons group, and other. .......... meshing_type = Mixed (Available options are Mixed, Quad or Tria) .......... nd

-- The mesh options: the status of 2 order element flag, the status of the A.MESH flag, the status of reconstruction flag, the status of the distortion flag (DISTOR), the default CONS resolution or element length applied to all Macros when importing new CAD data, the default distance distortion used for initial node distribution on all Segments, the default angle distortion used for initial node distribution on all Segments. 2nd ORD

= off


= off


= off


= off


= 20


= 20%

distortion-angle = 0.0 (Value must be higher than 10, a zero value means that distortion is inactive) -- DECK INFO parameters. These parameters control the output of the DECK INFO function. -- The default colors used in the visual representation of supported FE-Model entities. -- Visibility of FE-Model entities. These parameters control the status of the visibility check boxes of FE-Model entities, which appear in the Database Browser. -- Abq *STEP Output Variables. In this section you may specify the default output variable for the ABAQUS *STEP keyword. -- User specified ranges for IDs generated during output: If the respective ID ranges are free, then ANSA will use these IDs to user specified GRIDs, SETs, CONM2s and SEGMENTs.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Elements Generated by the Connection Manager

Appendix II

ELEMENTS GENERATED BY THE CONNECTION MANAGER Each of the available connection FE-representations has certain Options that determine the type, shape and characteristics of connection elements. In this chapter all supported FE-representations are described and their parameters are explained. Follows a table with all supported FE-representations.


Can be applied on Geometry

Requires (1) projection

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FEmodel

Reconstructs existing mesh

Can be applied on solids
































BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager


Can be applied on Geometry

Requires (1) projection

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FEmodel

Reconstructs existing mesh

Can be applied on solids






























































BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Can be applied on Geometry

Requires (1) projection

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FEmodel

Reconstructs existing mesh

Can be applied on solids

● ● ● ● RBAR-SHELL (2) ● ● ● ● RBAR ● ● ● ● RBE2-CBEAM RBE2-CELAS1● ● ● ● (2) RBE2 ● ● ● ● RBE2-HEXA-RBE2 (2) ● ● ● ● RBE2 ● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-CBAR● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-CBEAM● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-CBUSH● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-CELAS1● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-COHESIVE● ● ● RBE3 RBE3● ● ● ● CONNECTORRBE3 ● ● ● ● RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 RBE3-PENTA● ● ● ● RBE3 RBE3-SHELL● ● ● RBE3 ● ● ● SHELL-CONTACT ● ● ● ● SHELL-RBE3 ● ● ● ● SOLID BOLT ● ● ● ● SOLID NUGGET ● ● SPIDER ● ● ● ● SPIDER2 T-JOINT-SHELL● ● ● ● CLOSED T-JOINT-SHELL● ● ● ● DOUBLE-CLOSED ● ● ● ● TIE CONN3D ● ● ● ● Y-JOINT-FEMFAT ● ● ● ● Y-JOINT-SHELL (1) These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. (2) These FE-representations can be applied without reconstruction if the “Use Nearest Node” option is used. (3) Depending on the sub-type selected.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : ABAQUS FASTENER Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop ABAQUS FASTENER Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates ABAQUS fastener constraints. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities











*FASTENER (and optionally *ELEMENT TYPE = CONN3D2)











ABAQUS FASTENER Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. This value is specified as the SEARCH RADIUS parameter of the fastener.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the fastener property. If left blank, a new fastener (1) property will be automatically created. The RADIUS field of the fastener property is updated by the value D/2.

Create Single Fastener

Activating this check box, a single fastener will be generated for all the connections with the same connectivity. This fastener will not be deleted unless “Erase FE” is performed for all the connections that use it.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager ABAQUS FASTENER Options Influence radius

Specify the RADIUS OF INFLUENCE parameter of the fastener. This parameter must be equal to the maximum distance from a projection point on a connected surface within which the nodes of that surface must lie in order to contribute to the motion of the projected point. If left blank, Abaqus will calculate this value internally, based on the fastener diameter and the lengths of the surface facets.

Use Single Surface

Activating this check box, the fastener will reference a single surface containing all connected properties. Otherwise, the fastener will reference one surface for each layer.

Use Connector

Activating this option, a CONN3D2 element is also generated and it is referenced by the fastener.


Specify the PID of the connector section. If left blank, a new connector section of type BEAM is automatically (1) created.


Specify the attach method. Select among FACETOFACE, FACETOEDGE, EDGETOFACE,EDGETOEDGE and which implies the default method (FACETOFACE).

Notes The NUMBER OF LAYERS parameter of the fastener is automatically filled as NLAYERS = n-1, where n is the number of the connected parts. (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a FASTENER Property

Change the PID specified in the FASTENER PID field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection fails to realize

PID x is not a CONNECTOR Property Change the PID specified in the CONNECTOR PID field or change the type of the PID specified Connections connect more parts than The FASTENER allows a maximum of the FASTENER allows 12 connected parts.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : AUTO SP2 Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop AUTO SP2 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model



Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation cuts a square face of user-specified dimensions on each of the connected parts and connects their corner points with an RBE2 element. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities











*MPC of type BEAM











AUTO SP2 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate the dependent DOFs.

Checks for position on flange Distance from Perimeter

The minimum allowed distance between the square face vertices and the flange's perimeters. If this condition is not satisfied, the connection will not be realized.

Treatment of flanges BOX size

The edge length of the square-shaped cut. 5Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

Zero length entities calculated A pair of connected flanges overlaps. Fix the intersection of the flanges. PID x is not a CBAR Property Change the PID specified in the “PBAR ID” field or change the type of the PID specified PID x is/is not a BEAM(SW) property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


The specified PID uses/does not use a MAT100 MAT_SPOTWELD but the “Use LS DYNA Mat100” option is inactive/active.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CBEAM Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop CBEAM Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node CBEAM elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















CBEAM Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the PBEAM property. If left blank, a new PBEAM (1) property will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

Use LS DYNA Mat100

Activating this check box, the generated beam will use a material MAT100 MAT_SPOTWELD for LS-DYNA.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CBEAM Options PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (2) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

Zero length entities calculated Connection fails to realize PID x is not a CBEAM Property

PID x is/is not a BEAM(SW) property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


A pair of connected flanges overlaps. Fix the intersection of the flanges. Change the PID specified in the “PBEAM ID” field or change the type of the PID specified The specified PID uses/does not use a MAT100 MAT_SPOTWELD but the “Use LS DYNA Mat100” option is inactive/active.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Error getting PID for CBEAM

No free PID found

Option : CBUSH Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop CBUSH Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●


Can be applied on FE-model

Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node CBUSH elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















CBUSH Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the PBUSH property. If left blank, a new PBUSH (1) property will be automatically created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CBUSH Options Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (2) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

PID x is not a CBUSH Property

Change the PID specified in the “PBUSH ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection fails to realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CELAS2 Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop CELAS2 Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●


Can be applied on FE-model

Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node CELAS2 elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















CELAS2 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

Body Component Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate for which DOFs CELAS2 elements must be created.

Stiffness Coeff.

Stiffness coefficient to update the K, STIFF and COEFF fields of NASTRAN, ABAQUS and PERMAS spring definitions respectively.

Damping Coeff.

Damping coefficient to update the GE field of the CELAS2 definition.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CELAS2 Options Stress Coeff.

Stress coefficient to update the S field of the CELAS2 definition.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (1) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CFAST Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop CFAST Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates NASTRAN fastener elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities


















CFAST Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the PFAST property. If left blank, a new PFAST property (1) will be automatically created. The fastener diameter is automatically updated according to the “D” value.

Weld Type

Select among ELEM and PROP to specify the surface patch definition. Type ELEM will reference elements ids while PROP property ids.

Create piercing points GA, GB

Activating this check box, grids will be created at the projection of the connection point on the flanges and their ids will be specified in the GA, GB fields while the GS field will be zero. Otherwise, the GA, GB fields will be zero and the GS grid will be specified.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CFAST Options Checks for position on flange Force CFAST flange criteria

This check box, implies that the CFAST generation will fail if the flange criteria are not met. Deactivating the option will allow the generation of CFASTs that violate the flange criteria. There are two flange criteria taken into account: a) The angle formed between the connected surface patches must be less than a threshold value The maximum value for this angle is defined by the GSPROJ parameter of the SWLDPRM keyword. If it is not set, then the default value (20 degrees) is considered. b) The GS (or XS, YS, ZS coordinates) must have projection on both connected surface patches

Max flange angle

This value determines the maximum allowed flange angle at the projections location. If the actual flange angle is greater than this value, then the connection will not be realized.

Dist from perim

This value determines the minimum allowed distance between the connection and the free boundaries. If the actual distance is less than this value, then the connection will not be realized.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message



Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection cannot create CFAST on nodes

Connection has been projected and a patch-to-patch connection cannot be created. Un-project the connection.

CFAST failed because flange angle is too big

Deactivate the “Force CFAST Flange Criteria” option or increase the “Max Flange Angle”

Deactivate the “Force CFAST Flange CFAST failed because projections lie outside the surface Criteria” option

CFAST of type ELEM is generated although type PROP was requested

PID x is not a CFAST Property

Change the PID specified in the “PFAST ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection cannot be a PROP because it connects same PIDs. Turned into ELEM

CFAST of type PROP cannot be defined for self-connecting spotwelds.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CGAP Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop CGAP Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●


Can be applied on FE-model ●

Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node CGAP elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities








GAP (implicit only)










CGAP Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the PGAP property. If left blank, a new PGAP property (1) will be automatically created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CGAP Options Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (2) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

Zero length entities calculated

A pair of connected flanges overlaps. Fix the intersection of the flanges.

Connection fails to realize

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : COHESIVE CONTACT Adhesive line Adhesive face

COHESIVE CONTACT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates ABAQUS cohesive elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















COHESIVE CONTACT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the cohesive section. If left blank, a new cohesive (1) section will be automatically created.

Create Membrane

Activate this check box to generate membrane elements at the top and bottom facet of the cohesives and create a tied between these elements and the structure.


If the “Create Membrane” check-box is active, specify here the PID of the membrane section. If left blank, a new membrane section will be (1) automatically created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Elements quality Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated cohesives. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Fail if NORMAL angle >

Specify the maximum allowed angle between the normals of two opposite facets of the cohesive. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. This check can be used to exclude from the identified shells within the search distance those that would lead to distorted cohesives.

Body shape W (adh. line only)

Specify the width of the glue line. Can be zero if “D” is non-zero.


Specify the height of the glue line. If left blank, the height is calculated such that it fills the gap between the outer fibers of the connected parts, unless (2) otherwise specified with the option “Limit Height”.

D (adhesive line only)

Specify the diameter of the glue line. The width will be automatically calculated such that the sectional area of the glue line (i.e. w*h) is equal to πD**2/4. Can be zero if “W” is non-zero.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the cohesive top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the cohesive facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Force Gap

Activating this option disregards the height (H) of the adhesive line and creates the cohesive elements according to the value specified in the Specify Gap field.

Limit Height (adhesive. line only)

Activating this check-box, the minimum height of the cohesives will be limited to (T1+T2)/2. This option is effective only when the distance (2) between the connected parts is less than (T1+T2)/2.

Step length (adhesive line only)

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes (adhesive line only)

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager

Number of stripes = 1 Distribution (adhesive line only)

Number of stripes = 2

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate cohesive elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate cohesive elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Positioning on flange Do not move (adhesive line only)

Deactivating this check-box, ANSA will try to slightly move the cohesives away from the connection curve in the lateral direction in order for them to obtain a uniform size of the top and bottom facets. If this is not possible for an element within a distance equal to “width”, the whole connection will fail.

Do not move: Active Distance from Perimeter

Do not move: Inactive

Specify the minimum distance between the perimeter and the lateral facets of the hexas. This option is effective only when the “Do not move flag is deactivated. Then ANSA will try to fulfill this criterion by moving the hexa stripe inwards.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Interface Create Single Contact

If this check box is active, a single contact is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Slave set contents: Top and bottom facets of the cohesives, if the “Create Membrane” flag is inactive or the membrane property, if the “Create Membrane” flag is active. Master set contents: The master set is a part set of the connected properties. Slave set type: Element set for ABAQUS and Node Set for LS-DYNA If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “ADHESIVE CONTACT PID = x” Slave set contents: Top and bottom facets of the cohesives respectively, if the “Create Membrane” flag is inactive or the created membrane elements at the top and bottom, if the Create Membrane” flag is active. Master set contents: Parts of the connected components Slave set type: Element set for ABAQUS and Node Set for LS-DYNA. In case of self-connecting adhesive, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Create Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified

Specify connection attributes D or W.

Not enough shells were found nearby

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to Invalid Step Length realize Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Step Length”>0 Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0 Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only)

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Mesh the connection face and re-apply.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message



If the “Do not move” option is inactive, there are cohesives whose top and bottom facet cannot have uniform size by moving a maximum distance of “width”. Fix the geometric description of the connection curve, change the “width” or activate the “Do not move” option.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.


In case the distance between the connected parts is less or equal to (T1+T2)/2, activate the “Limit Height” option.

PID x is not a COHESIVE The PID specified in the “COHESIVE PID” field is Property of incompatible type. x is not a valid contact

The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

Invalid On/Off Len specified

Make “On Len” and/or “Off Len” non zero.

Generated elements are distorted


Deactivate the “Do not move” option.


Add quality control criteria for aspect and normal angle

“Regular” distribution is not applied


“Off Len” specified is greater than the connection curve's length.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CONSTRAINED-SPR2 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop CONSTRAINED-SPR2 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates a self-piercing rivet with failure for LS-DYNA Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















CONSTRAINED_SPR2 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Dimensionless parameter scaling the effective displacement


Dimensionless parameter scaling the effective displacement


Dimensionless parameter scaling the effective displacement


Rivet density


Failure displacement in normal direction


Failure displacement in tangential direction


Rivet strength in tension


Rivet strength in shear


Flag for interpolation: 0 : Linear 1 : Uniform 2 : Inverse distance weighting

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CONSTRAINED_SPR2 Options XIN

Fraction of failure displacement at maximum normal force


Fraction of failure displacement at maximum tangenial force

Body D

The diameter of the rivet. It is added to the “D” field of the *CONSTRAINED_SPR2 card.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within Connection fails to specified 'Search Dist' realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CONTACT Adhesive line Seam line

CONTACT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates a tied contact between two components. The seam line connects the nodes around a feature line to the nearby component. The adhesive line does not require the existence of a feature line. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















CONTACT Options General Search Distance

For adhesive line: Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. For seam line: Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle (seam line only)

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Interface W

For adhesive lines, it is the search diameter used for the identification of slave nodes around the connection curve. For seam lines, it is the search diameter used for the identification of slave nodes around the feature line.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CONTACT Options Contact ID

The user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used as a template by Connection Manager (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes Contact characteristics: Contact name: “ADHESIVE CONTACT PID = x” or “SEAMWELD CONTACT PID = x” Contact type: TIED_NODES_TO_SURFACE. Slave set contents: Nodes identified on P1: - within a search diameter to “width” around the connection curve, for adhesive lines and - within a search diameter equal to “width” around the feature line, for seam lines Master set contents: Parts of the connectivity P2 SSTYP: Node Set MSTYP: Part Set If the “Contact ID” is not defined ANSA will automatically fill the tying distance of the generated contacts as follows: ABAQUS: If POS_TOLER field is blank or less than “Search Distance”, it will be set equal to “Search Distance” PAM-CRASH: The RDIST of PART_TIED will be set equal to the maximum node-distance calculated for all slave nodes as the projection distance of the slave node from the master set. RADIOSS: If DSEARCH field is blank or less than “Search Distance”, it will be set equal to “Search Distance” Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


A Diameter(D) or Width(W) Specify connection attributes D or W. needs to be specified (for adhesive lines only) Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

No nodes of P1 found within range. (for adhesive lines only)

Increase width “W” or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Shells exist within the Connection fails to influence radius of the connection, but their nodes realize are not. (for adhesive lines only) x is not a valid contact

Increase search distance so that the nodes of the identified shells fall within the search domain. Increase width “W” or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

Failed to detect feature line Make sure that within the search distance there (for seam lines only) is either a free edge or a feature line recognized according to the specified “Feature Angle”. Make sure the surface is meshed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : COUPLING CONNECTOR Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop

COUPLING CONNECTOR Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates ABAQUS CONNECTOR elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















COUPLING CONNECTOR Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness to Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter D , the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options. If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Constrained degrees of freedom of the interface elements

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager COUPLING CONNECTOR Options COUPLING Diameter

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the COUPLING. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be grabbed by the interpolation element. For spotwelds this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter D. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the COUPLING.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the connector section. If left blank, a new connector section of type BEAM is automatically created.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within Connection fails to specified 'Search Dist' realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CRIMP-WELD FEMFAT Seam line

CRIMP-WELD FEMFAT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the crimp-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. CRIMP-WELD FEMFAT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.


According to this value the weld toe is generated on the base sheet. It is considered as the distance between the weld root and the weld toe in the direction specified by the weld position vector. If left blank, a default value is used.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld Type

The type of the FEMFAT representation to be generated.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CRIMP-WELD FEMFAT Options Notes The generated weld shells and heat affected zones (HAZs) are assigned materials with the designated ids per weld type. Additionally, the welding seam nodes and edge nodes are assigned the designated local coordinate systems. The characteristics of the FEMFAT weld type available are listed in the table below.

Weld Type

Material Id of Primary sheet (1) front HAZ

Material Id of Primary sheet (1) back HAZ

Material Id of Secondary sheet front (1) HAZ

Material Id of Secondary sheet back (1) HAZ

Coordinate systems on welding seam and edge nodes

T-weld: Flared joint

481, 482

479, 480

485, 486

483, 484

100, 102


Depending on the initial orientation of the shells.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to retrieve welding direction

Set a welding direction through the “Set Weld Position” option of the context menu of connections.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Connection fails to Invalid Search Radius realize Feature line detected in base

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0 A feature line was detected on the Base Sheet. Adjust the “Search Dist” so that the feature line is not within the search domain.

Feature line detected in sheet

A feature line was detected on the Sheet. Adjust the “Search Dist” so that the feature line is not within the search domain.

Failed to cut seamweld flanges

Could not create a valid cut on the connected sheets. Make sure that no macro area is frozen and that there are no mesh topology problems.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : CRIMP-WELD SHELL Seam line

CRIMP-WELD SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the crimp-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones.

Before realization

After realization

CRIMP-WELD SHELL Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CRIMP-WELD SHELL Options Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

root shells

Controls the number and position of the weld elements: 1) “Primary row”: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the weld root and the normal projection of the connection curve on the secondary sheet. 2) “Double row”: Two rows of shell elements will be generated. One is the aforementioned primary row and the other is a translation of the primary row by “width” along the weld position vector. The weld root is generated by normal projection of the connection curve on the base sheet. Then, the connection curve is also normally projected on the secondary sheet. The primary row of shell elements is generated between these two projections.


According to this value the weld toe is generated on the base sheet. It is considered as the distance between the weld root and the weld toe in the direction specified by the weld position vector. If left blank, a default value is used.


When root shells is set to primary row, this value is an alternative definition of “width”. According to this value the weld toe is generated on the base sheet by offsetting the projected line on the base sheet until it meets the angle specification.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Weld Around

Extend the HAZs one element both sides, in the connection curve's direction.

Weld Around: Off

Weld Around: On

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CRIMP-WELD SHELL Options Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default PSHELL property is created. The thickness of the PSHELL property is the “W” value specified in the connection's attributes. If “W” is zero, an average thickness value is calculated as:

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, (1) a default PSHELL property is created.

BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated (1) and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

SheetSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the secondary sheet, towards the direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If activated and left (1) blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

SheetOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the secondary sheet, towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. The CRIMP-WELD-SHELL FE-representation requires the definition of the weld position vector. This vector denotes the welding side and therefore should point towards the weld gun. It is defined though the Set Weld Position option of the context menu.

Activating this function, the user can adjust the weld position interactively, by adjusting the position of the two yellow control points: - Control point 1: Drag with left mouse button along the curve, to define the position on the curve (u) that where the weld direction will be defined - Control point 2: Drag with right mouse button to adjust the vector direction and with left mouse button to set the vector length. Note that the position on the curve (u) can be proven very significant for the realization result in cases where the connection curve exhibits high curvature. The realization variants of the CRIMP-WELD-SHELL are shown in the table below.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager CRIMP-WELD SHELL Options

root shells: double row

root shells: primary row

! Note that the orientation of the weld shells is such that their normals point towards the weld-gun. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to retrieve welding direction

Set a welding direction through the “Set Weld Position” option of the context menu of connections.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Feature line detected in Connection fails to base realize

A feature line was detected on the Base Sheet. Adjust the “Search Dist” so that the feature line is not within the search domain.

Feature line detected in sheet

A feature line was detected on the Sheet. Adjust the “Search Dist” so that the feature line is not within the search domain.

PID x is not a SHELL Property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffSide/SheetSide/SheetOffSide PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

Failed to cut seamweld flanges

Could not create a valid cut on the connected sheets. Make sure that no macro area is frozen and that there are no mesh topology problems.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : DYNA SPOT WELD Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop DYNA SPOT WELD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates spotweld beam or hexa elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities





























DYNA SPOT WELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

Connect to mesh

Activating this check box, the generated beam or hexa will be connected to the structure via truss elements (*ELEMENT_BEAM ELFORM_3) of null material. These elements are intended to assist the model handling, enabling the visibility control of neighbours through the focus functions.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager DYNA SPOT WELD Options Body PBEAM ID

This combo-box controls the spotweld type to be generated. The generated element can be either a beam or a hexa. In the field, specify the PID of the *SECTION_BEAM property. If left blank, (1) a new *PART_BEAM property will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.


This combo-box controls the spotweld type to be generated. The generated element can be either a beam or a hexa. In the field, specify the PID of the *SECTION_SOLID property. If left blank, (1) a new *SECTION_SOLID property will be automatically created.

Beam Options Fill PID fields

Activating this check box, the fields PID1 and PID2 of the *ELEMENT_BEAM will be automatically filled.

Hexa Options Use LS DYNA Mat100

Activating this check box, the generated hexa will use a material MAT100 MAT_SPOTWELD for LS-DYNA.

Number of hexas

Select the number of hexas that will comprise one spotweld.

1 hexa

4 hexas

8 hexas

16 hexas

Create Spotweld Cluster

Generates a *DEFINE_HEX_SPOTWELD_ASSEMBLY keyword that unifies all the hexas that comprise a single spotweld in order to compute the force and moment resultants of the SWFORC file.

Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the connection realization will fail. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Specify Height (gumdrop only)

Activate this check in order to specify the size of the hexas in the direction normal to the connected components via a height value.

Height (gumdrop only)

Specify the hexa height. Available if the “Specify Height” flag is active.

Specify Gap (gumdrop only)

Alternative definition of the hexa height. Specify the distance between the top/bottom facets of the hexa and the connected flanges. If left blank this gap is equal to T/2 from each side. Defining a zero or positive value, the gap is defined. Available if the “Specify Height” flag is inactive.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager DYNA SPOT WELD Options Number of Layers (gumdrop only)

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of Layers = 1

Number of Layers = 3

Positioning on flange Do not move

Activate this flag so as to prevent the movement of the connection elements in relation to the position of the Connection point. A movement of the beam/hexa could be done in order to create a connection element of better quality within a tolerance appr. equal to the diameter “D”.

Interface Contact

De-activating this check-box, no contacts are generated.

Create Single Contact

If this check box is active a single contact is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE. Slave set contents: Parts of beams/hexas Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Part Set MSTYP: Part Set If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT PID {i}” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE. Slave set contents: Nodes of beams/hexas from each side Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Node Set MSTYP: Part Set In case of self-connecting spotweld, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Create Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a BEAM Property

Change the PID specified in the PBEAM ID field or change the type of the PID specified

PID x is not a SOLID Property

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

x is not a valid contact

The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

PID x is not a valid BEAM Property

The *PART_BEAM is not of ELFORM 9, 2 or 1


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : EDGE-WELD FEMFAT Seam line

EDGE-WELD FEMFAT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the edge-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. EDGE-WELD FEMFAT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines (free edges) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Loose Ends: Off


Loose Ends: On

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager EDGE-WELD FEMFAT Options Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld Type

The type of the FEMFAT representation to be generated.

Notes The generated weld shells and heat affected zones (HAZs) are assigned materials with the designated ids per weld type. Additionally, the welding seam nodes and edge nodes are assigned the designated local coordinate systems. The characteristics of the FEMFAT weld type available are listed in the table below. Material Id of Primary sheet (1) HAZ

Material Id of Secondary (1) sheet HAZ

Forehead weld: Vseam

173, 174

171, 172

Corner weld: Onesided fillet seam, inside

401, 402

403, 404

Corner weld: Doublesided fillet seam

405, 406

407, 408

Weld Type

Coordinate systems on welding seam and edge nodes

100, 101 Corner weld: Onesided fillet seam, outside

409, 410

411, 412

Corner weld: HVseam, inside

413, 414

415, 416

Corner weld: HVseam, outside

417, 418

419, 420


Depending on the initial orientation of the shells.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Connection fails to realize

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Connection fails to Invalid Search Radius

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message



Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

Incompatible feature lines

There is no feature line to feature line correspondence. It is likely that more than one feature lines have been detected on one side. Adjust the “Search Distance”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : EDGE-WELD SHELL Seam line

EDGE-WELD SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the edge-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones.

After realization

Before realization

EDGE-WELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines (free edges) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager EDGE-WELD Options Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Weld Around

Extend the HAZs one element both sides, in the connection curve's direction.

Weld Around: Off Loose Ends

Weld Around: On

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

BaseToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

SheetToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the secondary sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary (1) sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.


BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager EDGE-WELD Options (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen.

Connection fails to realize

Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

Incompatible feature lines

There is no feature line to feature line correspondence. It is likely that more than one feature lines have been detected on one side. Adjust the “Search Distance”.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseToe/SheetToe PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : FEMFAT SPOT Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop FEMFAT SPOT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●

Description This FE-representation creates node-to-node beam elements between the connected parts, and reconstructs the mesh around their end-points in order to form the spotweld nugget and the heat affected zone. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. Deck

Body element

Complementary elements






















FEMFAT SPOT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the PBAR property. If left blank, a new PBAR property (1) will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

CBAR PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

Force Coord Id 300

Activating this check-box, the beam nodes will be marked with coordinate id 300.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager FEMFAT SPOT Options Spec

The specification can either be SPOTWELD (default) or RIVET. According to this value, different material ids and coordinate ids are generated as shown in the table below. Spot-weld


Center material id



First ring material id



Bar material id



Internal nodes local cord



External nodes local cord



Central nodes local cord

325-399 (if diam 2.5 to 9.9) or 300

425-499 (if diam 2.5 to 9.9) or 400

Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of the spotweld. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

Nugget diameter

The diameter of the spotweld nugget. By default, it is calculated as 0.58 * D. It can also be expressed as a different factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value.

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole. By default, it is calculated as 0.21 * D. It can also be expressed as a different factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that no zone of quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that no zone of quad elements will be created.

Num of points around hole

Select between 8 and 16 nodes on the perimeter of the nugget.

Freeze Zones

Activating this flag, macros will be cut along the perimeter of the outermost zone and will then be frozen. During “Erase FE”, the original geometry will be restored. Valid only when the connections are applied on geometry.

Snap distance

The distance between the FEMFAT spot and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1


Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager FEMFAT SPOT Options Compatible holes

Activating this option, the patterns of all connected sheets will be uniformly oriented.

Compatible holes: Off

Compatible holes: On

Parallel zones

Activate this check-box in order to make the zones parallel, even if the flanges are not parallel.

Force Zero Gap

Activate this check-box in order to ensure that the zones just touch, with no gap between them.

Move Nodes Up To

If, in order for the zones to become parallel, the nodes need to be moved more than this value, the connection will fail and a relevant message will be printed in the ANSA Info window.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the FEMFAT spot cannot be generated due to lack of space, the FEMFAT spot is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the FEMFAT spot using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the FEMFAT spot should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the FEMFAT spot away from the connection's position.

Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the FEMFAT spot does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager FEMFAT SPOT Options Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a BAR Property Change the PID specified in the PBAR ID field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection fails to realize

Connection is too close to bounds

The outer diameter of the FEMFAT spot does not fit in the flange due to proximity to perimeter and/or feature line: Make sure that the “Feature Angle” and the “Dist From Perim” have correct values. Deactivate the “Do Not Move” option. Correct the connection's position

Connection cannot be moved to suitable position

Given the specified maximum distance from connection position (“Move Up To” value) the FEMFAT spot cannot find a position that satisfies the “Dist From Perim” criterion.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : FOLDING Hemming

FOLDING Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”


Requires the Can be applied Reconstructs Can be applied (1) existence of mesh on FE-model existing mesh on solids ●



When folding is applied on FE-model, the result is irreversible (original geometry cannot be restored with Erase-FE). Description This FE-representation folds a shell element flange on top of another, creating a hem. The hem consists of an RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 element combination between the bottom and the top flange. Note that the order with which connectivity strings Pi are specified is significant for the successful realization of the hemming: P2: The sheet to be folded P1: The sheet projected on P2, in order to determine at which height folding will take place P3: Between this sheet and P1 the glue i.e. HEXA, will be added.

Before folding

After folding


Body element

Interface element






















BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager

FOLDING Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the free edge of the “covered” component (P1). If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Body shape W

Specify the width of the hexa elements.

Step length

Defines the element length along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1

Number of stripes = 2

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

Positioning on flange Dist from perimeter

The distance between the perimeter of the “covered” component and the lateral facets of the hexas. If left blank, default 0 is considered.

Treatment of flanges Folding angle

The target angle between the folded elements and the covered flange. An angle equal to zero will make the folded elements parallel to the covered flange.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager FOLDING Options Depenetration

Activating this option, if any thickness penetration exists between the connected components in a width “W” along the connection curve, depenetration will be applied during the realization. To maintain a uniform result, all the nodes will be de-penetrated on a common distance basis.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Invalid width “W” for connection

Make sure that “W”>0

Invalid feature line coverage

The detected feature line covers an inadequate portion of the connection line. Adjust the length of the connection line.

Unable to rotate

Check for possible geometrical problems on the folding part.

Intersections found, can't continue

Intersections were found on the base (“covered”) part.

Could not decide depenetration directions

The shape of the base elements in the depenetration area is such that the proper offset direction cannot be identified. Check for possible geometrical problems on the base part.

Could not reach target bounds to The folding part is too long comparing to complete cut the identified feature line on the base. Connection fails to Increase search distance to identify realize possible boundaries on the folding part. Could not create a valid path of nodes to cut folded part

The edge around which the elements of the folding part must be rotated cannot be formed. Check for possible geometrical discontinuities on the folding part.

Could not cut part to be folded

The edge around which the elements of the folding part must be rotated cannot be formed. Check for possible geometrical discontinuities on the folding part.

Could not decide upwards direction for source part

The shape of the base elements in the depenetration area is such, that the proper direction for folding cannot be identified. Check for possible geometrical problems on the base part.

Could not decide rotating directions

The positions of the base and folding parts are such that the rotation direction cannot be identified.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : HEXA CONTACT Adhesive line Adhesive face Seam line HEXA CONTACT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates hexa elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















HEXA CONTACT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Elements quality Force Ortho Solids

Activate this check-box to force the generation of orthogonal solids

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Orient on P1

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. This is the default behavior of “Force Ortho Solids”. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P1. If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Orient on P2

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P2.If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Force Ortho Solids:Off Preserve width

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P1

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P2

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. Activating this option, the width value specified will be preserved for both the top and the bottom facets of the hexa. It requires that a height value (“H”) is specified.

Preserve width: Off

Preserve width: On

Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Fail if NORMAL angle >

Specify the maximum allowed angle between the normals of two opposite facets of the hexa. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. This check can be used to exclude from the identified shells within the search distance those that would lead to distorted hexas. This option is disabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active.

Fail if JACOBIAN <

Specify the minimum allowed value of jacobian for the generated hexas. Elements below this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. The ANSA calculation for Jacobian is used.

Fix Hexa Quality

Activating this option, a quality fix will be applied to warped hexas.

Body shape W

Specify the width of the glue line. Can be zero if “D” is non-zero.


Specify the height of the glue line. If left blank, the height is calculated such that it fills the gap between the outer fibers of the connected parts, unless (2) otherwise specified with the option “Limit Height”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager D

Specify the diameter of the glue line. The width will be automatically calculated such that the sectional area of the glue line (i.e. w*h) is equal to πD**2/4. Can be zero if “W” is non-zero.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the hexa top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the hexa facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Force Gap

Activating this option disregards the height (H) of the adhesive line and creates the cohesive elements according to the value specified in the Specify Gap field.

Limit Height

Activating this check-box, the minimum height of the hexas will be limited to (T1+T2)/2. This option is effective only when the distance between the (2) connected parts is less than (T1+T2)/2.

Step length (adhesive and seam line only)

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes (adhesive and seam line only)

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1 Number of Layers

Number of stripes = 2

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of layers = 1 Distribution (adhesive and seam line only)

Step length = 5

Number of layers = 3

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate hexa elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate hexa elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Positioning on flange Do not move

Deactivating this check-box, ANSA will try to slightly move the hexas away from the connection curve in the lateral direction in order for them to obtain a uniform size of the top and bottom facets. If this is not possible for an element within a distance equal to “width”, the whole connection will fail.

Do not move: Active Dist from Perim

Do not move: Inactive

Specify the minimum distance between the perimeter and the lateral facets of the hexas. This option is effective only when the “Do not move” flag is deactivated. Then ANSA will try to fulfill this criterion by moving the hexa stripe inwards.

Interface Contacts

De-activating this check-box, no contacts are generated.

Create Single Contact

If this check box is active, a single contact is generated: (2) Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Slave set contents: The hexa property Master set contents: The connected properties Slave set type: Node Set Master set type: Part set If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: (2) Contact name: “ADHESIVE CONTACT PID = x” Slave set contents: Top and bottom facets of the hexas respectively Master set contents: Parts of the connected components from each side Slave set type: Element set for ABAQUS and Node Set for LS-DYNA. In case of self-connecting adhesive, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Create Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager (2)

For LS-DYNA, in case the elements just “touch” the outer fiber of the connected components (height was automatically calculated) or have zero gap from them, imposed via the “Specify Gap” or the “Limit Height” Options, the generated contact is of type *CONTACT_TIED_NODES_TO_ SURFACE. If there is non-zero gap between them, the generated contact becomes *CONTACT_TIED_NODES_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET.s Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified

Specify connection attributes D or W.

Not enough shells were found nearby

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Connection fails to realize

Generated elements are distorted “Regular” distribution is not applied

Invalid Number of Layers

Make sure that “Number of Layers”>0

Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only)

Mesh the connection face and re-apply.


If the “Do not move” option is inactive, there may be hexas whose top and bottom facet cannot have uniform size by moving a maximum distance of “width”. Fix the geometric description of the connection curve, change the “width” or activate the “Do not move” option.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.


In case the distance between the connected parts is less or equal to (T1+T2)/2, activate the “Limit Height” option.

PID x is not a SOLID Property

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

x is not a valid contact

The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

Invalid On/Off Len specified

Make “On Len” and/or “Off Len” non zero.


Deactivate the “Do not move” option.


Activate the “Force Ortho Solids” option.


Add quality control criteria for aspect, jacobian and normal angle


“Off Len” specified is greater than the connection curve's length.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Adhesive line Seam line Adhesive face IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation, suitable for PERMAS, generates hexa elements that are connected to the structure via IQUAD/ITRIA constraints. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Spotweld Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


In the field, specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid (1) property will be automatically created.

Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the connection realization will fail. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Body shape

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Spotweld Options D

Specify the diameter of the spotweld. The edge length of the top and bottom facets of the hexa will be such that the area of the facet is equal πD**2/4. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

Number of hexas

Select the number of hexas that will comprise one spotweld.

1 hexa Number of layers

4 hexas

8 hexas

16 hexas

Specify the number of layers in the normal direction

1 layer

3 layers

Specify Gap (gumdrop only)

Alternative definition of the hexa height. Specify the distance between the top/bottom facets of the hexa and the connected flanges. If left blank this gap is equal to T/2 from each side. Defining a zero or positive value, the gap is defined. Available if the “Specify Height” flag is inactive.

Number of Layers (gumdrop only)

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of Layers = 1

Number of Layers = 3

Positioning on flange Do not move

For spotwelds: Activate this flag so as to prevent the movement of the connection elements in relation to the position of the Connection point. A movement of the hexa could be done in order to create a connection element of better quality within a tolerance appr. equal to the diameter “D”.

Interface Dof

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the IQUAD/ITRIA constraints.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Seamline and Adhesive Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Elements quality Force Ortho Solids

Activate this check-box to force the generation of orthogonal solids

Orient on P1

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. This is the default behavior of “Force Ortho Solids”. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P1. If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Orient on P2

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P2.If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Force Ortho Solids:Off Preserve width

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P1

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P2

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. Activating this option, the width value specified will be preserved for both the top and the bottom facets of the hexa. It requires that a height value (“H”) is specified.

Preserve width: Off

Preserve width: On

Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Fail if NORMAL angle >

Specify the maximum allowed angle between the normals of two opposite facets of the hexa. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. This check can be used to exclude from the identified shells within the search distance those that would lead to distorted hexas. This option is disabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Seamline and Adhesive Options Fail if JACOBIAN <

Specify the minimum allowed value of jacobian for the generated hexas. Elements below this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. The ANSA calculation for Jacobian is used.

Body shape W

Specify the width of the glue line. Can be zero if “D” is non-zero.

H (adhesive line only)

Specify the height of the glue line. If left blank, the height is calculated such that it fills the gap between the outer fibers of the connected parts, unless (2) otherwise specified with the option “Limit Height”.


Specify the diameter of the glue line. The width will be automatically calculated such that the sectional area of the glue line (i.e. w*h) is equal to πD**2/4. Can be zero if “W” is non-zero.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the hexa top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the hexa facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Force Gap

Activating this option disregards the height (H) of the adhesive line and creates the cohesive elements according to the value specified in the Specify Gap field.

Height (seam line only)

Specify the height of the HEXA elements. If Height is equal to zero, the HEXA elements will be created according to the value of the Specify Gap field. If Height is equal to zero and the Specify Gap field is blank, the default gap between the hexa facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side.

Limit Height

Activating this check-box, the minimum height of the hexas will be limited to (T1+T2)/2. This option is effective only when the distance between the (2) connected parts is less than (T1+T2)/2.

Step length (adhesive line only)

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes (adhesive line only)

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Seamline and Adhesive Options

Number of stripes = 1 Number of Layers

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of layers = 1 Distribution (adhesive line only)

Number of stripes = 2

Number of layers = 3

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate hexa elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate hexa elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Positioning on flange Do not move

Deactivating this check-box, ANSA will try to slightly move the hexas away from the connection curve in the lateral direction in order for them to obtain a uniform size of the top and bottom facets. If this is not possible for an element within a distance equal to “width”, the whole connection will fail.

Do not move: Active Dist from Perim

Do not move: Inactive

Specify the minimum distance between the perimeter and the lateral facets of the hexas. This option is effective only when the “Do not move” flag is deactivated. Then ANSA will try to fulfill this criterion by moving the hexa stripe inwards.

Interface IQUAD Dof

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the IQUAD/ITRIA constraints.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-HEXA-IQUAD Seamline and Adhesive Options Insert RBE2

Activate this check-box to insert a node-to-node RBE2 element between the HEXA nodes and the IQUAD/ITRIA constraints.

Insert RBE2: Inactive RBE2 Dof

Insert RBE2: Active

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements. Available if the “Insert RBE2” option is active.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within Increase search distance or correct the specified 'Search Dist' connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function. A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified (adhesive line only)

Specify connection attributes D or W.

Not enough shells were found nearby

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to Invalid Step Length realize (adhesive line only)

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius (adhesive line only)

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes(adhesive line only)

Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Invalid Number of Layers (adhesive only)

Make sure that “Number of Layers”>0

Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only)

Mesh the connection face and re-apply.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message



If the “Do not move” option is inactive, there may be hexas whose top and bottom facet cannot have uniform size by moving a maximum distance of “width”. Fix the geometric description of the connection curve, change the “width” or activate the “Do not move” option.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.


In case the distance between the connected parts is less or equal to (T1+T2)/2, activate the “Limit Height” option.

PID x is not a SOLID Connection fails to Property realize x is not a valid contact

Generated elements are distorted “Regular” distribution is not applied

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

Invalid On/Off Len specified (adhesive line only)

Make “On Len” and/or “Off Len” non zero.


Deactivate the “Do not move” option.


Activate the “Force Ortho Solids” option.


Add quality control criteria for aspect, jacobian and normal angle


“Off Len” specified is greater than the connection curve's length.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : IQUAD-SPRING-IQUAD Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop

IQUAD-SPRING-IQUAD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation, suitable for PERMAS, generates SPRING/DAMPER elements that are connected to the structure via IQUAD/ITRIA constraints. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities





















IQUAD-SPRING-IQUAD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


In the field, specify the PID of the spring property. If left blank, a new spring (1) property will be automatically created.

Interface Dof

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the IQUAD/ITRIA constraints.


BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager IQUAD-SPRING-IQUAD Options (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

PID x is not a PBUSH Property

Change the PID specified in the “SPRING PROPERTY ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : LASER-WELD FEMFAT Seam line

LASER-WELD FEMFAT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the laser-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. LASER-WELD FEMFAT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections on the base and secondary sheets. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld Type

The type of the FEMFAT representation to be generated.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager LASER-WELD FEMFAT Options Notes The generated weld shells and heat affected zones (HAZs) are assigned materials with the designated ids per weld type. Additionally, the welding seam nodes and edge nodes are assigned the designated local coordinate systems. The characteristics of the FEMFAT weld type available are listed in the table below. Material Id of Primary sheet front (1) HAZ

Weld Type

Lap-joint, Galvanized Sheets: I-seam continuous

Material Id Material Id of of Primary Secondary sheet back sheet front (1) HAZ (1) HAZ

Material Id of Secondary sheet back (1) HAZ

361, 362

365, 366

367, 368

363, 364

Lap-joint, Galvanized Sheets: I-seam discontinuous

341, 342

345, 346

347, 348

343, 344

Lap-joint, nongalvanized Sheets: I-seam continuous

351, 352

355, 356

357, 358

353, 354

Lap-joint, nongalvanized Sheets: I-seam discontinuous

331, 332

335, 336

337, 338

333, 334


Coordinate systems on welding seam and edge nodes

100, 102

Depending on the initial orientation of the shells.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Connection fails to Invalid Step Length realize Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Step Length”>0 Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Failed to create congruent Connection fails to meshes realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check for geometrical problems at the projection.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : LASER-WELD SHELL Seam line

LASER-WELD SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the laser-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. The weld is represented with a row of shells, normal to both connected sheets.

Before realization

After realization

LASER-WELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections on the base and secondary sheets. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager LASER-WELD Options Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Weld Around

Extend the HAZs one element both sides, in the connection curve's direction.

Weld Around: Off

Weld Around: On

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

BaseToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

SheetToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the secondary sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary (1) sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom Connection fails to realize

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Failed to create congruent meshes Connection fails to realize PID x is not a SHELL property PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check for geometrical problems at the projection. Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified. Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseToe/SheetToe PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : LASER-WELD-SHELL CLOSED Seam line

LASER-WELD-SHELL CLOSED Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the laser-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. The weld is represented with an oblong cordon of shells around the connection line, normal to both connected sheets.

LASER-WELD-SHELL Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections on the base and secondary sheets. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager LASER-WELD-SHELL Options BaseToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

SheetToe PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the secondary sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary (1) sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Middle PID

The PID of the shells in the closed areas between the weld shells on both sheets. If not active, the shells will get the PID of the connected sheets. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Connection fails to realize Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0 Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Failed to create congruent meshes Connection fails to realize PID x is not a SHELL property PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check for geometrical problems at the projection. Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified. Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseToe/SheetToe PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : NASTRAN CWELD Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Seam line NASTRAN CWELD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model



Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -●



The ALIGN CWELD type needs to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates NASTRAN CWELD elements. For spotweld connections, the CWELDs can be of type ALIGN, PARTPAT, ELPAT or ELEMID. For seam lines, the CWELDs are either of type ALIGN or ELEMID Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















NASTRAN CWELD Spotweld Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the PWELD property. If left blank, a new PWELD (1) property will be automatically created.

Weld Type

Select among ELEMID, ELPAT, PARTPAT and ALIGN CWELD types.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager NASTRAN CWELD Spotweld Options ELEMID options Point To Patch

Activating this check box, the ELEMID CWELD will connect one node and one shell. For 2-sheet connections, the node comes from P1 and the shell from P2. According to this definition, the node from one side is specified in the GS field, the element from the other side in SHIDA, and SHIDB is zero. Having this option inactive, the CWELD will be generated between two shells. GS will be a free node and the two shells are referenced in the SHIDA and SHIDB fields.

ELPAT and PARTPAT options Create piercing points GA, GB

Activating this check box, grids will be created at the projection of the connection point on the flanges and their ids will be specified in the GA, GB fields while the GS field will be zero. Otherwise, the GA, GB fields will be zero and the GS grid will be specified.

ALIGN options Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (2) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Checks for position on flange Force CFAST flange criteria

This check box, implies that the CFAST generation will fail if the flange criteria are not met. Deactivating the option will allow the generation of CFASTs that violate the flange criteria. There are two flange criteria taken into account: a) The angle formed between the connected surface patches must be less than a threshold value The maximum value for this angle is defined by the GSPROJ parameter of the SWLDPRM keyword. If it is not set, then the default value (20 degrees) is considered. b) The GS (or XS, YS, ZS coordinates) must have projection on both connected surface patches

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager NASTRAN CWELD Spotweld Options Max flange angle

This value determines the maximum allowed flange angle at the projections location. If the actual flange angle is greater than this value, then the connection will not be realized.

Dist from perim

This value determines the minimum allowed distance between the connection and the free boundaries. If the actual distance is less than this value, then the connection will not be realized.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

NASTRAN CWELD Seamline Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.


Specify the PID of the PWELD property. If left blank, a new PWELD (1) property will be automatically created. The cweld diameter is automatically updated according to the “D” value.

Weld type

Select among ELEMID and ALIGN CWELD types.

Weld type: ELEMID (point to patch)


Weld type: ALIGN

Weld shape Step Length

The distance between the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed. If this value deviates from the element length along the feature line, the area around the feature line will be locally reconstructed.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager NASTRAN CWELD Seamline Options

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

For ELEMID type, the generated CWELDS are of type “point to patch”. The node comes from the detected feature line. For ALIGN type, in order to generate the node-to-node elements, mesh is locally reconstructed on the side opposite to the detected feature line. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

CWELDs failed because the Deactivate the “Force CWELD Flange Criteria” angle between shell patches option or increase the “Max Flange Angle” is greater than 20.0 CWELDs failed because the Deactivate the “Force CWELD Flange Criteria” projection of GS onto the option surface cannot be found or lies outside the surface! PID x is not a PWELD Property

Change the PID specified in the PWELD ID field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection fails to Connections were too close to bounds realize

The distance between the CWELD and the perimeter is less than the value requested. Make sure that the “Dist From Perim” is correct. Correct the connection's position

Failed to create congruent meshes (seam line only)

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines (seam line only)

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

Incompatible feature lines (seam line only)

There is no feature line to feature line correspondence. It is likely that more than one feature lines have been detected on one side. Adjust the “Search Distance”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : OVERLAP-WELD FEMFAT Seam line

OVERLAP-WELD FEMFAT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the overlap-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. OVERLAP-WELD FEMFAT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature line (free edge) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

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Loose Ends: Off


Loose Ends: On

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-WELD FEMFAT Options Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld Type

The type of the FEMFAT representation to be generated.

Notes The generated weld shells and heat affected zones (HAZs) are assigned materials with the designated ids per weld type. Additionally, the welding seam nodes and edge nodes are assigned the designated local coordinate systems. The characteristics of the FEMFAT weld type available are listed in the table below. Weld Type

Overlapped Weld: Fillet seam Overlapped Weld: Fillet seam with distance (1)

Material Id of Primary sheet (1) front HAZ

Material Id of Primary sheet (1) back HAZ

Material Id of Secondary sheet (1) HAZ

451, 452

455, 456

453, 454

Coordinate systems on welding seam and edge nodes

100, 102 487, 188

489, 490

491, 492

Depending on the initial orientation of the shells.

! Note that the orientation of the weld shells is such that their normals point towards the weld-gun. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Connection fails to Failed to project realize

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Connection fails to realize Failed to apply step length on feature lines

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : OVERLAP-WELD SHELL Seam line

OVERLAP-WELD SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the overlap-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. This FErepresentation represents the weld with a triangular weld throat between the free edge, the weld root and the weld toe.

Before realization

After realization

OVERLAP-WELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines (free edges) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Weld shape

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-WELD Options Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

root shells

Controls the number and position of the weld elements: 1) “Primary row”: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the feature line (free edge) and the weld root. 2) “Double row”: Two rows of shell elements will be generated. One between the feature line (free edge) and the weld root and another between the feature line and the weld toe. 3) “Offset row”: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the feature line (free edge) and the weld toe. The weld root is generated by normal projection of the feature line (free edge) on the base sheet.


According to this value the weld toe is generated on the base sheet. It can be defined either as a distance or as an angle Definition by distance: It is the distance between the weld root and the weld toe in the direction specified by the weld position vector. If left blank, a default value is used. Definition by angle: It is the angle formed by the weld shells and the base sheet.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Weld Around

Extend the HAZs one element both sides, in the connection curve's direction.

Weld Around: Off Loose Ends

Weld Around: On

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Loose Ends: Off


Loose Ends: On

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-WELD Options Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet and outwards. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.

BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, and inwards. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.


The PID of the HAZ generated above the weld elements on the sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. The realization variants of the EDGE-WELD SHELL are shown in the table below:

root shells: primary row

root shells: offset row

root shells: double row ! Note that the orientation of the weld shells is such that their normals point towards the weld-gun.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Connection fails to realize Failed to create congruent Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. meshes Check the continuity of detected feature lines. Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffside/Sheet PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : OVERLAP SHELL-CLOSED Seam line

OVERLAP SHELL-CLOSED Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the overlap-weld-like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. This FErepresentation represents the weld with a triangular weld throat between the free edge, the weld root and the weld toe.

OVERLAP-SHELL-CLOSED Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines (free edges) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-SHELL-CLOSED Options Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Sharp Corners

This option controls the distribution of elements around the edges of the connection curve.

Arc Head Definition

This option controls the form of the weld edges. In case of "Radial" the radius of the circumscribed circle is equal to the width of the secondary sheet.

Cap angle

The angle formed between the edge of the end elements and the weld.

Run-off angle

The angle formed between the edge of the run-off elements and the weld.

Width definition

The width of the weld can be defined either: i) by distance ii) by angle

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-SHELL-CLOSED Options


Specify the width of the weld. If set to "By dist" and left blank, the default value will be used which is equal to the thickness of the secondary sheet.

Root shells

Controls the number and position of the weld elements: 1) Offset row: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the feature line (free edge) and the weld toe. 2) Double row: Two rows of shell elements will be generated. One is the aforementioned Offset row and the other is created at the projection of the feature line on the base sheet.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet and outwards. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.

BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, and inwards. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.


The PID of the HAZ generated above the weld elements on the sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager OVERLAP-SHELL-CLOSED Options Evaluation Shells PID

The PID of the two shell elements generated at the end points of the weld on the secondary sheet. If not active, the evaluation shells will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges Make sure that the macros are not frozen. Connection fails to realize Failed to create congruent Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. meshes Check the continuity of detected feature lines. Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffside/Sheet PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : PAM-ELINK Seam line

PAM-ELINK Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates PAM-CRASH ELINK elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















PAM-ELINK Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. This value will be used in the RDIST of the PART_ELINK.


Specify the PID of the PART_ELINK. If left blank, a new PART_ELINK will (1) be automatically created. The RDIST field of the property is updated by the value “Search Dist”

Create Rupture Model

Activating this check box, a rupture model will be generated for each PART_ELINK.

Weld shape Step Length

The length of the ELINK elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No nodes of P2 found within range

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to Invalid Search Radius realize Invalid Step Length PID x is not a ELINK Property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0 Make sure that “Step Length”>0 Change the PID specified in the PART ELINK field or change the type of the PID specified


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : PAM-LLINK Adhesive line

PAM-LLINK Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates PAM-CRASH LLINK elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















PAM-LLINK Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. This value will be used in the RSEAR of the PART_LLINK.


Specify the PID of the PART_LLINK. If left blank, a new PART_LLINK will (1) be automatically created.

Create Rupture Model

Activating this check box, a rupture model will be generated for each PART_LLINK.


Distance for connection point generation on the connection line: If line length = 0, only one spotweld will be generated. If line length < DISPW, two spotwelds will be generated. If line length > DISPW, spotwelds will be generated equally-spaced on the line.


Number of additional connection points. Must be an even value: 2 0

Step Length needs Width Multiplier to be specified (hemming only)

“Step Length” is expressed as a factor of width but the field is blank. Specify a valid step length value.

Perimeter too small, with respect to curve (hemming only)

The detected feature line covers an inadequate portion of the connection line. Adjust the length of the connection line.

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes

Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Connection fails Invalid Number of Layers to realize Failed to cut connecting parts (adhesive line only)

Make sure that “Number of Layers”>0 Check the geometry of the connected parts at the connection's location and make sure there are no frozen macros.

Failed to create compatible mesh

Check the geometry of the connected parts at the connection's location and make sure there are no frozen macros.


Adjust the “Dist from Perim” value.

PID x is not a SOLID Property Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : PASTED NODES Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Hemming PASTED NODES Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●


Can be applied on FE-model ●

Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates virtual elements, named PASTED NODES, between two or more connected parts. These elements have one master node, located at the geometrical center of all projections, and one “slave” node at each projection on the connected parts. During the output, all the “slave” nodes are pasted to the “master” (all the elements that reference any of the “slave” nodes will reference the “master”). Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















PASTED NODES Spotweld Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (1) during reconstruct.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager PASTED NODES Spotweld Options Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager PASTED NODES Hemming Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Treatment of flanges W

Specify the width of the glue line. Should be non-zero.

Step length

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Number of stripes = 3


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

A Width(W) needs to be specified

Specify connection attribute W.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Step Length needs Width Connection fails to Multiplier to be specified realize (hemming only)

“Step Length” is expressed as a factor of width but the field is blank. Specify a valid step length value.

Perimeter too small, with respect to curve (hemming only)

The detected feature line covers an inadequate portion of the connection line. Adjust the length of the connection line.

Invalid Number of Stripes

Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Failed to create compatible mesh

Check the geometry of the connected parts at the connection's location and make sure there are no frozen macros.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : PERMAS SPOTWELD Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop PERMAS SPOTWELD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation, suitable for PERMAS, generates SPRING/DAMPER elements that are connected to the structure via WLDSURFACE/WLSSURFACE/ISURFACE constraints. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















PERMAS SPOTWELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


In the field, specify the PID of the spring property. If left blank, a new spring (1) property will be automatically created.

Interface Create Welding Surface

Deactivating this option, no welding surfaces will be generated between the spring nodes and the connected components.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager PERMAS SPOTWELD Options Surface Type

Select among WLDSURFACE, WLSSURFACE and ISURFACE to generate an MPC of the respective type.


Specify the radius of the search domain that will determine the nodes for the coupling. It can be defined either as a factor of the spotweld diameter, or as an absolute value. Valid for WLDSURFACE WLSSURFACE surface types.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a PBUSH Property

Change the PID specified in the PBUSH ID field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RADIOSS CLUSTER Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop RADIOSS CLUSTER Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates a cluster of 9 RADIOSS spring elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RADIOSS CLUSTER Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.


Specify the PID of the /PROP/SPR_BEAM property. If left blank, a new (1) /PROP/SPR_BEAM property will be automatically created.


The diameter of the cluster.

Interface Contact ID

The id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a SPRING(SW) Property

Change the PID specified in the PSPRING ID field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RADIOSS WELD Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop RADIOSS WELD Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates RADIOSS spring elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RADIOSS WELD Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

Connect to mesh

Activating this check box, the generated spring will be connected to the structure via truss elements of material type LAW01. These elements are intended to assist the model handling, enabling the visibility control of neighbours through the focus functions.


Specify the PID of the /PROP/SPR_BEAM property. If left blank, a new (1) /PROP/SPR_BEAM property will be automatically created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RADIOSS WELD Options Thickness to PID Map

Activate this option to control the spring properties that will be generated by specifying a mapping between the flange thickness and the spring PID. The mapping can be specified with a user-script function declared in the general connection settings. For more information, see paragraph 9.8.5.

Interface Create Single Contact

If this check box is active a single contact is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Contact type: TYPE2 Slave set contents: Parts of springs Master set contents: Parts of connected components If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT PID {i}” Contact type:TYPE2 Slave set contents: Nodes of springs from each side Master set contents: Parts of connected components In case of self-connecting spotweld, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Create Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

PID x is not a SPRING(SW) Property

Change the PID specified in the PSPRING ID field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBAR-SHELL Seam line

RBAR-SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of an edge- or an overlapweld. RBARs are also generated along the shell edges.


Body element

Interface entities





























RBAR-SHELL Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines (free edges) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBAR-SHELL Options

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On


Specify the PID of the PSHELL property. If left blank, a new PSHELL (1) property will be automatically created.

Create RBAR

Activate this option in order to generate RBARs along the shell edges.

CNA, CNB Pinflags

Activate the switches to define the independent DOFs on each end-point.

CMA, CMB Pinflags

Activate the switches to define dependent DOFs on each end-point.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to create Connection fails congruent meshes to realize Failed to apply step length on feature lines

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines. The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

Incompatible feature lines

There is no feature line to feature line correspondence. It is likely that more than one feature lines have been detected on one side. Adjust the “Search Distance”.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBAR Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop RBAR Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node RBAR elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBAR Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body CNA, CNB Pinflags

Activate the switches to define the independent DOFs on each end-point.

CMA, CMB Pinflags

Activate the switches to define dependent DOFs on each end-point.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (1) during reconstruct.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBAR Options Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Connection fails to No projection found within realize specified 'Search Dist'

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE2 Spot weld point Spot weld line Gumdrop Seam line RBE2 Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node or multi-node rigid elements for spotwelds and node-to-node rigid elements for seam lines. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities












*MPC (type BEAM)









ANSYS PERMAS RBE2 Spotweld Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements.

Create Single RBE2

Activate this option in order to generate a single RBE2 element connecting all flanges, even when more than 2 parts are connected. When this option is inactive, a node-to-node element will be generated for each pair of flanges.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE2 Spotweld Options Central Node Is Master

Activating this option, the GN node (master) of the RBE2 is defined at the “central” projection (i.e. the mid-projection, after sorting all projections according to location). For example in case of a 3-flange connection the GN will be defined at the middle flange

Create Local Coord System

Activating this option, vector-based coordinate systems are generated at each projection and are used for the definition of displacement and rotation DOFs on the end-nodes of the rigid element (CD and TRANSFORM fields in Nastran and Abaqus respectively). For Nastran, the orientation of the coordinate systems is determined as follows: - The first axis of the local system at GN points to the GM1 node, - the first axis of the GM1 CORD2R points to GN node and - the first axis of the rest GMi (i=2-4) point to the GM1 node.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (1) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections.

RBE2 Seamline Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE2 Seamline Options Body RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements.

Weld shape Step Length

The distance between the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed. If this value deviates from the element length along the feature line, the (2) area around the feature line will be locally reconstructed.

Force Node To Node Activating this option, one node from one side can be connected to only one node from the other side. One-node to many-nodes connection is (2) prevented. Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

During the realization of the seam line, local mesh reconstruction will probably take place in order to generate compatible nodes on the connected parts. Depending on the options specified, local mesh reconstruction will not occur only in two cases: Case a: -“Force Node To Node” is active, - the seam line will connect two feature lines and - the number of nodes identified on both feature lines is the same Case b: -“Force Node To Node” is inactive, - “Loose ends” is active Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

No nodes of P1/P2 found within range (seamline only)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Invalid step length (seamline only)

The step length value specified is wrong. Specify a non-zero value.

Invalid search radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE2-CBEAM Seam line

RBE2-CBEAM Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation generates beams along the seam line and connects them to the structure with rigid elements. Entities generated in each deck Interface entities


Body element













*MPC (type LINK)















RBE2-CBEAM Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.


Specify the PID of the PBEAM property. If left blank, a new PBEAM (1) property will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “W” which is considered to be the beam diameter.

PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE2-CBEAM Options RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements.

Weld shape Step Length

The length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed. If this value deviates from the element length along the feature line, the (2) area around the feature line will be locally reconstructed.

Force Node To Node Activating this option, one node from one side can be connected to only one node from the other side. One-node to many-nodes connection is (2) prevented. Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

During the realization of the seam line, local mesh reconstruction will probably take place in order to generate compatible nodes on the connected parts. Depending on the options specified, local mesh reconstruction will not occur only in two cases: Case a: -“Force Node To Node” is active, - the seam line will connect two feature lines and - the number of nodes identified on both feature lines is the same Case b: -“Force Node To Node” is inactive, - “Loose ends” is active Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No nodes of P1/P2 found within range

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to realize Invalid step length

The step length value specified is wrong. Specify a non-zero value. Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid search radius

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE2-CELAS1-RBE2 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop RBE2-CELAS1-RBE2 Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids



These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply. Description This FE-representation generates node-to-node CELAS1 elements, that are connected to the structure via 2-node RBE2 elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element



Interface entities RBE2











*MPC (type LINK)

















An *ELEMENT_DISCRETE will be generated only when the connection is realized having as current deck the LS-DYNA. RBE2-CELAS1 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE2-CELAS1 Options Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

Body Component Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate for which DOFs CELAS1 elements must be created.


Specify the PID of the PELAS property. If left blank, a new PELAS property (1) will be automatically created.

Treatment of flanges Use Nearest Node

Activating this check box, the connection will use for the end-points of the line element the nearest node on each connected part. Thus, the existing mesh will remain the same. If this check box is inactive, the connection will be projected to the connected parts and a local mesh reconstruction will take place. Note that the global mesh parameters and quality criteria are taken into account (2) during reconstruct.

Four quads around projection point

This option imposes a mesh pattern of four quads of very high quality around the projection point. If is only available if the “Use Nearest Node” option is not activated.

Option: Inactive

Option: Active

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

By default a preview of the “reconstruct” result is provided. To deactivate this feature un-check the option Preview reconstruct mesh of Windows>Settings>Connections. Together with the spring elements, vector-based coordinate systems are generated at the springs' location and are used for the definition of displacement and rotation DOFs on the end-nodes of the springs (CD and TRANSFORM fields in Nastran and Abaqus respectively). The first axis of the coordinate system is oriented from one projection to the next.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

Invalid search radius

Specify “Search Dist”>0

PID x is not a PELAS Property

Change the PID specified in the “PELAS ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE2-HEXA-RBE2 Adhesive line

RBE2-HEXA-RBE2 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation generates one or more layers and stripes of hexa elements between two shell components. The top and bottom hexa facets are connected to the structure node-to-node RBE2 elements, whose length is equal to the half thickness of the corresponding flange. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities












*MPC (type LINK)










RBE2-HEXA-RBE2 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Body shape W

Specify the width of the glue line. Should be non-zero.

Step length

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1 Number of Layers

Step length = 5

Number of stripes = 2

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of layers = 1

Number of layers = 3

Checks for position on flange Distance from perimeter

The minimum allowed distance between the connection (exposed hexa facet) and the free boundaries. If the actual distance is less than this value then the connection will not be realized.

Interface RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements.


If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. ! The realization will fail if the gap between the two components is not adequate (i.e. equal to or less than the sum of the half thicknesses of the flanges). If the gap varies along the connection curve, the realization will fail partially.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


A Width(W) needs to Specify connection attribute W. be specified

Connection fails to realize

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes

Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Invalid Number of Layers

Make sure that “Number of Layers”>0

Failed to cut connecting parts

Check the geometry of the connected parts at the connection's location and make sure there are no frozen macros.

Failed to create compatible mesh

Check the geometry of the connected parts at the connection's location and make sure there are no frozen macros.

Failed to create RBE2s

There is no adequate gap between connected sheets.

Hexas do not fit

The gap between the connected sheets is equal to or less than (T1+T2)/2.


Adjust the “Dist from Perim” value.

PID x is not a SOLID Property

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Seam line Hemming Adhesive face RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates interpolation elements along a connection curve or on connection points. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface element






















RBE3 Spotwelds and Adhesive face Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3 Spotwelds and Adhesive face Options RBE3 diam

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

RBE3 Seamline and Hemming Options General Search Distance

For seam line: Search distance for the identification of a feature line. For hemming: Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to P1 and then from P1 to P2. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle (seam line only)

For seam line: The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Weld shape Step Length

The distance between two consecutive weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed for a seam line and a default value equal to the average element length is assumed for a hemming. For a seam line, If this value deviates from the element length along the feature line, the area around the feature line will be locally reconstructed.

Notes A hemming will practically connect the nodes of one row of shells identified on P1 with the nodes of two rows of shells identified on P2. The reference grids will lie on P1. A seam line will connect the nodes of the detected feature line to the nodes of a row of elements identified on the other side. The reference grids will lie on the feature line.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3 Seamline and Hemming Options

Hemming RBE3

Seam line RBE3

Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only)

Mesh the connection face and re-apply.

Could not project curve on surface (seam line only)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Not all elements of the connection were within range

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length.

Some parts of connection could not create an RBE3 element (hemming only)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length.

Some parts of the connection curve could not find a projection within search radius (hemming only)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length.

Invalid step length (seam line and hemming only)

The step length value specified is wrong. Specify a non-zero value.

Invalid search radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-CBAR-RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop RBE3-CBAR-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates CBAR elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-CBAR-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Body PBAR ID

Specify the PID of the PBAR property. If left blank, a new PBAR property (1) will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

PID x is not a CBAR Property Change the PID specified in the “PBAR ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-CBEAM-RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop RBE3-CBEAM-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates beam elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-CBEAM-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Body PBEAM ID

Specify the PID of the PBEAM property. If left blank, a new PBEAM (1) property will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

PID x is not a CBEAM Property

Change the PID specified in the “PBEAM ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-CBUSH-RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Seamline Gumdrop RBE3-CBUSH-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates CBUSH elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-CBUSH-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Body PBUSH ID

Specify the PID of the PBUSH property. If left blank, a new PBUSH (1) property will be automatically created.


Specify the id of a local coordinate system in order to orient the generated CBUSH elements using the coordinate system rather than using a vector.

Weld Shape (for seamlines only) Step Length

The distance between the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to PID x is not a PBUSH realize Property

Change the PID specified in the “PBUSH ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

Invalid Coordinate ID: x

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

The specified coordinate id does not exist. Specify a valid CID.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-CELAS1-RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Adhesive line RBE3-CELAS1-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates CELAS1 elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. For spotwelds, a set of CELAS1 elements is generated on each flange. For adhesive lines, a set of CELAS1 elements is generated between two components. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element



Interface entities RBE3 (1)




















An *ELEMENT_DISCRETE will be generated only when the connection is realized having as current deck the LS-DYNA.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-CELAS1-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Use Thickness To Diameter Map

Activating this check box, for all the connections with zero diameter “D”, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the diameter of the connections is non-zero, this option is ignored.

Body Component Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate for which DOFs CELAS1 elements must be created.


Specify the PID of the PELAS property. If left blank, a new PELAS property (1) will be automatically created.

Create Coords

Activating this option, vector-based coordinate systems are generated at the springs' location and are used for the definition of displacement and rotation DOFs on the end-nodes of the springs (CD and TRANSFORM fields in Nastran and Abaqus respectively). The first axis of the coordinate system is oriented from one projection to the next.

Element mass (adhesive line only)

Create a point mass of the specified weight on one of the CELAS1 endpoints.

Mass Is Total (adhesive line only)

Activate this option to distribute the amount of mass specified in the “Element mass” field on all the sets of CELAS1 elements generated along the adhesive line.

Body shape Step Length (adhesive line only)

Defines the element length along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Orient on P1 (adhesive line only)

Activating this option, the z-axis of the local coordinate system generated will be parallel to the normal vector of the projection shell of P1. Otherwise, the local coordinate system is oriented at an average position between P1 and P2. This option also affects the *DEFINE_SD_ORIENTATION vectors generated fo LS-DYNA.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-CELAS1-RBE3 Options RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed. Otherwise first use the [Project] function.

PID x is not a PELAS Property

Change the PID specified in the “PELAS ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

Connection fails to realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-COHESIVE-RBE3 Adhesive line Adhesive face

RBE3-COHESIVE-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates ABAQUS cohesive elements that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-COHESIVE-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the cohesive section. If left blank, a new cohesive (1) section will be automatically created.

Elements quality Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated cohesives. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-COHESIVE-RBE3 Options Fail if NORMAL angle >

Specify the maximum allowed angle between the normals of two opposite facets of the cohesive. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. This check can be used to exclude from the identified shells within the search distance those that would lead to distorted cohesives.

Body shape W (adh. line only)

Specify the width of the glue line. Can be zero if “D” is non-zero.


Specify the height of the glue line. If left blank, the height is calculated such that it fills the gap between the outer fibers of the connected parts, unless (2) otherwise specified with the option “Limit Height”.

D (adhesive line only)

Specify the diameter of the glue line. The width will be automatically calculated such that the sectional area of the glue line (i.e. w*h) is equal to πD**2/4. Can be zero if “W” is non-zero.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the cohesive top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the cohesive facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Force Gap

Activating this option disregards the height (H) of the adhesive line and creates the cohesive elements according to the value specified in the Specify Gap field.

Limit Height (adhesive. line only)

Activating this check-box, the minimum height of the cohesives will be limited to (T1+T2)/2. This option is effective only when the distance (2) between the connected parts is less than (T1+T2)/2.

Step length (adhesive line only)

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes (adhesive line only)

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Number of stripes = 2


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Distribution (adhesive line only)

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate cohesive elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate cohesive elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Positioning on flange Do not move (adhesive line only)

Deactivating this check-box, ANSA will try to slightly move the cohesives away from the connection curve in the lateral direction in order for them to obtain a uniform size of the top and bottom facets. If this is not possible for an element within a distance equal to “width”, the whole connection will fail.

Do not move: Active Dist from Perim

Do not move: Inactive

Specify the minimum distance between the perimeter and the lateral facets of the cohesives. This option is effective only when the “Do not move” flag is deactivated. Then ANSA will try to fulfill this criterion by moving the hexa stripe inwards.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Connection fails to realize

A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified

Specify connection attributes D or W.

Not enough shells Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. were found nearby Make sure the surface is meshed. Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0 Stripes

Connection fails to realize

Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only)

Mesh the connection face and re-apply.


If the “Do not move” option is inactive, there are cohesives whose top and bottom facet cannot have uniform size by moving a maximum distance of “width”. Fix the geometric description of the connection curve, change the “width” or activate the “Do not move” option.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.


In case the distance between the connected parts is less or equal to (T1+T2)/2, activate the “Limit Height” option.

PID x is not a COHESIVE Property

The PID specified in the “COHESIVE PID” field is of incompatible type.

Invalid On/Off Len Make “On Len” and/or “Off Len” non zero. specified -

Deactivate the “Do not move” option.


Add quality control criteria for aspect and normal angle

“Regular” distribution is not applied


“Off Len” specified is greater than the connection curve's length.

Some cohesives are missing and the comment has been added


Some of the cohesives generated did not satisfy the aspect ratio and/or normal angle criteria specified. Adjust the quality criteria or fix the connection's position.

Generated elements are distorted

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-CONNECTOR-RBE3 Seamline

RBE3-CONNECTOR-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates ABAQUS CONNECTOR elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-CONNECTOR-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the connector section. If left blank, a new connector section of type BEAM is automatically created.

Weld Shape Step Length

The distance between the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-CONNECTOR-RBE3 Options

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Heat Affected Zones Create Zones

Activating this option enables the generation of heat affected zones.

Zone 1 width

Specify the width of the created heat affected zones on the base and secondary sheet. The default value is equal to the average element length.

Create BaseToe Zone2

Activating this option creates a second zone in the heat affected zone of the secondary sheet.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-CONNECTOR-RBE3 Options

Create SheetToe Zone2

Activating this option creates a second zone in the heat affected zone of the secondary sheet.

BaseToe Zone2 Width

Specify the width of the second zone of the Base sheet HAZ

SheetToe Zone2 Width

Specify the width of the second zone of the secondary sheet HAZ.

Shell Attributes (1)

BaseToe PID


SheetToe PID

Specify the PID of the Base sheet HAZ. If not activated, the PID of the Base sheet will be used. If activated and left blank, a default property will created. Specify the PID of the secondary sheet HAZ. If not activated, the PID of the secondary sheet will be used. If activated and left blank, a default property will created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within Connection fails to specified 'Search Dist' realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop Adhesive line Adhesive face Seam line RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates hexa elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Spotweld Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Duplicate hexas

Activating this option, two HEXA elements, instead of one, will be created at connection point.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Spotweld Options



Hexa PSOLID ID Specify the PID of the solid property for the 2nd HEXA. If left blank, depending on the diameter of the HEXA, either a new solid property will be automatically created, or the solid property of the 1st HEXA will be used.


2 Hexa Target Diameter

Specify the diameter of the 2nd HEXA. This field can be either specified relative to the diameter of the 1st HEXA or as an absolute value.

Elements quality Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the connection realization will fail.

Force Ortho Solids

Activate this check-box to force the generation of orthogonal solids. The top and bottom hexa facets will be aligned with one of the connected parts. The part that will impose the orientation is the one where the shell/solid facet at the connection's projection has the biggest area.

Force ortho solids: Off

Force ortho solids: On

Use Thickness as Height

This option is available only if the “Force Ortho Solids” option is active and it is mutually exclusive with the “Specify Height”. Activating this option, the height of the generated hexas will be equal to the average thickness of the connected parts (T1+T2)/2.

Specify Height

This option is available only if the “Force Ortho Solids” option is active and it is mutually exclusive with the “Use Thickness as Height”. Activating this option, the height of the generated hexas is equal to the value specified in “Height”.


Specify the absolute height value of the hexa elements.

Specify Gap (gumdrop only)

Specify the distance between the top/bottom facets of the hexa and the connected flanges. If left blank this gap is equal to T/2 from each side. Defining a zero or positive value, the gap is defined.

Body shape D

Specify the diameter of the spotweld. The side length of the top and bottom facets of the hexa will be such that the area of the facet is equal πD**2/4. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Area scale factor

Specify a scale factor for the calculation of the area of the spotweld top/bottom square facets as: Area_facet = f * πD**2/4

Positioning on flange Dist from Perim

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer facet of the hexa should have from the flange's perimeter. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Dist from Feature

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer facet of the hexa should have from nearby feature lines. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the feature line is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!” Note that the feature lines are detected according to the angle specified in the “Feature Angle” field.

Do not move

Activate this flag so as to prevent the movement of the connection elements in relation to the position of the Connection point. A movement of the hexa could be done in order to: - Satisfy the “Dist from Perim” and “Dist from Features” values, if they are specified or - create a connection element of better quality. The movement is performed within a tolerance equal to the “Move up to” value, or, if this field is left blank, appr. equal to the diameter “D”.

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the hexa away from the connection's position.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”. If left blank, the Featue line angle limit value of the session mesh parameters will be used.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Adhesive Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Elements quality Force Ortho Solids (adhesive line only)

Activate this check-box to force the generation of orthogonal solids

Orient on P1 (adhesive line only)

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. This is the default behavior of “Force Ortho Solids”. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P1. If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Orient on P2 (adhesive line only)

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P2.If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position.

Force Ortho Solids:Off Preserve width (adhesive line only)

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P1

Force Ortho Solids: On Orient on P2

Enabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active. Activating this option, the width value specified will be preserved for both the top and the bottom facets of the hexa. It requires that a height value (“H”) is specified.

Preserve width: Off

Preserve width: On

Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Fail if NORMAL angle >

Specify the maximum allowed angle between the normals of two opposite facets of the hexa. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. This check can be used to exclude from the identified shells within the search distance those that would lead to distorted hexas. This option is disabled when “Force Ortho Solids” is active.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Adhesive Options Fail if JACOBIAN <

Specify the minimum allowed value of jacobian for the generated hexas. Elements below this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled. The ANSA calculation for Jacobian is used.

Fix Hexa Quality (adhesive line only)

Activating this option, a quality fix will be applied to warped hexas.

Body shape W (adhesive line only)

Specify the width of the glue line. Can be zero if “D” is non-zero.


Specify the height of the glue line. If left blank, the height is calculated such that it fills the gap between the outer fibers of the connected parts, unless (2) otherwise specified with the option “Limit Height”.

D (adhesive line only)

Specify the diameter of the glue line. The width will be automatically calculated such that the sectional area of the glue line (i.e. w*h) is equal to πD**2/4. Can be zero if “W” is non-zero.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the hexa top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the hexa facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Force Gap

Activating this option disregards the height (H) of the adhesive line and creates the cohesive elements according to the value specified in the Specify Gap field.

Limit Height (adhesive line only)

Activating this check-box, the minimum height of the hexas will be limited to (T1+T2)/2. This option is effective only when the distance between the (2) connected parts is less than (T1+T2)/2.

Step length

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Number of stripes

Step length = 5

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Number of stripes = 2


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Adhesive Options Number of Layers

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of layers = 1 Distribution

Number of layers = 3

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate hexa elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate hexa elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Positioning on flange Do not move (adhesive line only)

Deactivating this check-box, ANSA will try to slightly move the hexas away from the connection curve in the lateral direction in order for them to obtain a uniform size of the top and bottom facets. If this is not possible for an element within a distance equal to “width”, the whole connection will fail.

Do not move: Active Dist from Perim (adhesive line only)

Do not move: Inactive

Specify the minimum distance between the perimeter and the lateral facets of the hexas. This option is effective only when the “Do not move” flag is deactivated. Then ANSA will try to fulfill this criterion by moving the hexa stripe inwards.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Adhesive Options RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, only translational DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Insert RBE2

Activate this check-box to insert a node-to-node RBE2 element between the HEXA nodes and the RBE3 reference nodes.

Insert RBE2: Inactive RBE2 Dof

Insert RBE2: Active

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements. Available if the “Insert RBE2” option is active.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Seamline Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Elements quality Fail if ASPECT >

Specify the maximum allowed aspect ratio for the generated hexas. Elements exceeding this threshold will not be generated and the warning will be added in the connection's comment. If left blank or zero, the check is disabled.

Body shape W

Specify the width of the seam weld.


Specify the heigth of the HEXA elements. If set to zero or not specified, the height of the created HEXAs will be calculated according to the Specify Gap field.

Specify Gap

Specify the gap between the hexa top/bottom facets and the connected parts. This value can be greater than or equal to zero and it cannot exceed the value of the physical distance between the flanges. If left blank, the default gap between the hexa facet and the structure is assumed, which is equal to T/2 on each side. This value is taken into (2) account only when H = 0.

Orient on P1

The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P1. If both “Orient on P1” and “Orient on P2” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position. If none of these options is activated, the orientation will be imposed by the part opposite to the feature line or, if no feature line was detected, by P1.

Orient on P2

The hexa facet that will be used as a basis is aligned with P2. If both “Orient on P2” and “Orient on P1” are activated, the top and bottom facets will be generated at an average position. If none of these options is activated, the orientation will be imposed by the part opposite to the feature line or, if no feature line was detected, by P1.

Orient on P1 Step length

Orient on P2

Orient on both P1, P2

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Seamline Options

Step length = 10 Number of stripes

Defines the element number in the transverse direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of stripes = 1 Number of Layers

Number of stripes = 2

Defines the elements number in the normal direction. If left blank, a default value of 1 is assumed.

Number of layers = 1 Distribution

Step length = 5

Number of layers = 3

Select among Uniform and Regular distribution. A uniform distribution will generate hexa elements all along the connection curve, without leaving gaps. A regular distribution will generate hexa elements along the connection curve for a length equal to “On Len” and then leave a gap equal to “Off Len”.


Regular: OnLen =20 OffLen =10

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-HEXA-RBE3 Seamline Options RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Insert RBE2

Activate this check-box to insert a node-to-node RBE2 element between the HEXA nodes and the RBE3 reference nodes.

Insert RBE2: Inactive RBE2 Dof

Insert RBE2: Active

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements. Available if the “Insert RBE2” option is active.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist' (spotwelds only)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

A Diameter(D) or Width(W) needs to be specified (adhesive line)

Specify connection attributes D or W.

Not enough shells were found nearby (adhesive line)

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Failed due to aspect Adjust aspect ratio limit and verify connection's position. ratio (spotwelds only)

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Invalid height for HEXA element

Make sure that “Height”>0

Not enough space for HEXA element (gumdrops only)

The gap between the connected parts is not wide enough to accommodate a hexa and a gap equal to “Specify Gap”. Adjust the “Specify Gap” value.

Invalid Step Length (adhesive line)

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Invalid Number of Stripes (adhesive line)

Make sure that “Number of Stripes”>0

Invalid Number of Layers (adhesives only

Make sure that “Number of Layers”>0

Mesh the connection face and re-apply. Unmeshed connection face (adhesive face only) -

If the “Do not move” option is inactive, there may be hexas whose top and bottom facet cannot have uniform size by moving a maximum distance of “width”. Fix the geometric description of the connection curve, change the “width” or activate the “Do not move” option.


If the “Do not move” option is active, deactivate it.


In case the distance between the connected parts is less or equal to (T1+T2)/2, activate the “Limit Height” option.

PID x is not a SOLID Property

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

Invalid On/Off Len specified

Make “On Len” and/or “Off Len” non zero.


Deactivate the “Do not move” option.

Generated elements are distorted


Activate the “Force Ortho Solids” option.


Add quality control criteria for aspect, jacobian and normal angle

“Regular” distribution is not applied


“Off Len” specified is greater than the connection curve's length.

Some hexas are missing and the comment has been added


Some of the generated hexas did not satisfy the aspect ratio and/or normal angle criteria specified. Adjust the quality criteria or fix the connection's position.

Connection fails to realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-PENTA-RBE3 Seam line

RBE3-PENTA-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates a band of penta elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-penta-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Body shape root generation

Controls how the weld root will be created. The weld root can either be: 1) a normal projection of the feature line (free edge) or 2) an extension of the feature line on the base sheet.


The width of the seam weld on the base sheet.


The angle of the seam weld. The angle is adjusted by modifying the weld height, since the width remains constant and equal to width.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-penta-RBE3 Options

angle = 20 Step length

angle = 60

Defines the element length along the connection curve. It can be also expressed proportionally to the width. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Step length = 10 Loose Ends

angle = 45

Step length = 5

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-penta-RBE3 Options Feature Angle

Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”. If left blank, the Featue line angle limit value of the session mesh parameters will be used.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Connection fails to realize Invalid Search Radius Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : RBE3-SHELL-RBE3 Seam line

RBE3-SHELL-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates shell elements that are connected to the structure via interpolation elements. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















RBE3-SHELL-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of a feature line. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the shell property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Weld shape Overlap angle

Specify a limit angle. Depending on the Overlap angle and the angle between the components, the position of the weld shells relative to the sheets can change.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-SHELL-RBE3 Options

Width definition

Specify the width definition type. Can be either defined by distance or by the thickness of the connected sheets.


The width of the weld. It is computed from the projection of the feature line to the base sheet. If left blank a default value of 0 will be used.

Height definition

Specify the height definition type. Can be either defined by distance or by the thickness of the connected sheets.


The height of weld. It is computed from the base sheet. If left blank a default value of 0 will be used.

Step length

The distance between the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, a default value 10 is assumed.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager RBE3-SHELL-RBE3 Options Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Feature Angle

Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”. If left blank, the Featue line angle limit value of the session mesh parameters will be used.

Shell attributes Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default (1) PSHELL property is created.

BaseToe PID

Specify the PID of the Base sheet HAZ. If not activated, the PID of the Base sheet will be used. If activated and left blank, an offset PID (base PID + 2) will be used. If this PID does not exist or is not a valid PSHELL property, a default property will created.

SheetToe PID

Specify the PID of the secondary sheet HAZ. If not activated the PID of the secondary sheet will be used. If activated and left blank, an offset PID (sheet PID + 2) will be used. If this PID does not exist or is not a valid PSHELL property, a default property will created

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Connection fails to realize Invalid Search Radius Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SHELL-CONTACT Seam line

SHELL-CONTACT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation generates one row of shell elements along the connection curve, that are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















Before realization

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

After realization


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager

SHELL-CONTACT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of feature lines and projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Feature Angle

The angle considered for the detection of feature lines. If left blank, a default value of 20 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the PSHELL property. If left blank, a new PSHELL (1) property will be automatically created.


The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left zero, a default thickness value is added.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

Interface Contacts

De-activating this check-box, no contacts are generated.

Single Contact

If this check box is active a single contact is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET. Slave set contents: Parts of weld shells Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Part Set MSTYP: Part Set If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “SEAMWELD CONTACT PID {i}” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE_OFFSET. Slave set contents: Nodes of weld shells from each side Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Node Set MSTYP: Part Set In case of self-connecting spotweld, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. The two curves between which the shells are generated are created by normal projection of the connection curve on P1 and P2.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Invalid step length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Incompatible feature lines

There is no feature line to feature line correspondence. It is likely that more than one feature lines have been detected on one side. Adjust the “Search Distance”.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “PSHELL ID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

x is not a valid contact

The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

Connection fails to realize

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SHELL-RBE3 Seam line

SHELL-RBE3 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation generates one row of shell elements along the seam line. The connection shells start from the detected feature line and are connected to the base part via interpolation elements. Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















SHELL-RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature line (free edge) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the PSHELL property. If left blank, a new PSHELL (1) property will be automatically created.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

root generation

This option controls how the root of the arc weld will be generated on the base sheet: The root can either be generated at the normal projection of the feature line on the base sheet or at the extension of the secondary sheet. The different realization results are shown in the images below.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SHELL-RBE3 Options

Before Loose Ends

Project to base

Extend flange

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Keep All Branches

Activating this option all the nodes of the identified shells/solid facets will be maintained in the RBE3, even if their weighting factor is very low (< 1‰)

RBE3 diam

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

Feature Angle

This option is available only if “Keep All Branches” is active. Angle used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam”.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom Connection fails to realize

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connection fails to Invalid step length realize Connection fails to realize

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

PID x is not a SHELL property

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Change the PID specified in the “PSHELL ID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SOLID BOLT Bolt

SOLID BOLT Can be applied Requires Requires the (1) on Geometry “projection” existence of mesh ●


Can be applied on FE-model

Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


These FE-representations need to be projected [Project] onto Geometry (Faces), when the latter is not meshed. If the geometry is meshed, projections are generated as soon as the Apply button is pressed. In the same manner, for FE-model mesh, the projections are created with Apply.

Description This FE-representation can generate a solid bolt model between tubes. The bolt model consists of solid elements.


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The FE representation of the head of the bolt

Flange Head

A specific type of bolt head


The FE representation of the washer. It can be placed both under the nut and under the head.


The part of the bolt body that does not have thread


The part of the bolt body that has thread


The FE representation of the Nut.

Flange Nut

A specific type of nut


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options General D

Diameter of the bolt.


Bolt washer diameter.


Bolt directional components.


Bolt length. The length specified in the bolt definition. The actual length of the bolt FE-rep may differ from this value.

Search General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of tubes from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. This value is considered as the radius of a cylindrical search domain with axis parallel to the vector (DX, DY, DZ). In order for a “through” tube to be detected, all the nodes of both its top and bottom rings must be identified within the search domain. For “blind” tubes, just the nodes of the top ring need to be identified in the search domain.


These values determine the start and end of the cylindrical search domain and are expressed as a factor of the bolt length.

Bolt length

The value that determines the length of the Bolt FE-rep. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a multiple of the value specified in “Length” field of the bolt definition.

Interfaces: Search for Tubes Tubes Feature Line Angle Limit

This value determines the limit angle that is used during tube recognition

Head: General Head PSOLID ID

The property of the head solid elements. If left blank, the default property (1) of the bolt will be used.

Head Diameter

The diameter of the bolt head. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a multiple of the bolt (or washer) diameter.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options Head Height

The height of the bolt head (in the axial direction)

Head Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the head height

Create Flange Head

Option that generates a specific type of bolt head shape

Create Flange Head : OFF

Create Flange Head : ON

Flange Head Diameter

The diameter of the bolt head flange. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt diameter value

Flange Head Height

The height of the bolt head flange (in the axial direction)

Flange Head Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the height of the bolt head flange

Bolt Washer: General Create Washer

Option that enables the generation of a washer under the bolt head

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options

Create Washer : OFF

Create Washer : ON

Washer Inner/Outer Diameter

The inner/outer diameters of the washer. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt diameter value

Washer Height

The height of the bolt washer (in the axial direction)

Washer Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the bolt washer height

Washer Num of Nodes

The number of nodes distributed along the circumferential direction of the bolt washer.


The property of the bolt washer solid elements. If left blank, a new PSOLID (1) is automatically created.

Bolt Shank: General Num of Sections

Number of segments of the bolt shank

Section # Diameter

The diameter of the # bolt shank segment. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt diameter value

Section # Length

The length of the # bolt shank segment (axial direction). Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt length value

Section # Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the length of the # bolt shank segment

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options

Bolt Thread: General Thread Length

The length of the bolt thread. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt length value

Thread Diameter

The diameter of the bolt thread. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt diameter value

Thread Num of Layers

The number of element layers created inwards from the thread diameter.

Thread PID

The property of the bolt thread solid elements.

Thread Num of Nodes

The number of nodes distributed along the circumferential direction of the bolt thread

Thread Num of Rows The number of rows of elements distributed along the length of the bolt thread

Thread Pasted On Geometry

Activating this option creates a thread mesh compatible to existing mesh of the last tube. The corresponding nodes of the bolt thread and the last tube are pasted.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options

Thread Pasted On Geometry : OFF

Thread Pasted On Geometry : ON

Nut: General Create Nut

Option that enables the generation of a nut

Create Nut : OFF Pasted to Thread

Create Nut : ON

Activating this option creates a mesh compatible to the bolt thread mesh, on the nut. The corresponding nodes of the bolt thread and the nut are pasted

Pasted to Thread: OFF Same as Head

Pasted to Thread: ON

Option that creates a nut which has the same characteristics as the bolt head. The only attribute that can be different from the bolt head when this option is activated is the “Num of Nodes”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options

Same as Head : OFF

Same as Head: ON


The property of the nut solid elements

Nut Num of Nodes

The number of nodes distributed along the circumferential direction of the nut. This field is available only if the "Pasted to Thread" option is deactivated.

Nut Diameter

The outer diameter of the nut. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a relative to the bolt diameter value. The inner diameter of the nut is always equal to the diameter of the thread

Nut Height

The height of the nut (in the axial direction)

Nut Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the nut height

Create Flange Nut

Option that enables a specific type of nut shape

Create Flange Nut: OFF

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Create Flange Nut: ON


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options Flange Nut Diameter The outer diameter of the nut flange. Can be specified either as an absolute value or as a multiple of the bolt (or washer) diameter value. Flange Nut Height

The height of the nut flange (in the axial direction).

Flange Nut Number of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the height of the nut flange.

Nut Washer: General Create Nut Washer

Option that enables the generation of a washer under the nut

Create Nut Washer: OFF Same as Bolt Washer

Create Nut Washer: ON

Option that creates a nut washer which has the same characteristics as the bolt washer.

Same as Bolt Washer: OFF

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Same as Bolt Washer: ON


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID BOLT Options Nut Washer The inner/outer diameters of the nut washer. Can be specified either as an Inner/Outer Diameter absolute value or as a multiple of the bolt (or washer) diameter value Nut Washer Height

The height of the nut washer (in the axial direction)

Nut Washer Num of Rows

The number of rows of elements distributed along the nut washer height

Nut Washer Num of Nodes

The number of nodes distributed along the circumferential direction of the nut washer.

Nut Washer PSOLID The property of the nut washer solid elements ID Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated for the whole bolt and will be used for all the segments of the bolt for which a valid PID is not specified. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Invalid input

Tube Feature Line Angle Limit should be between 0. and 90.!

Invalid user input. Values of the “Tube Feature Line Angle Limit” must be set between 0 and 90 degrees

Connection fails to Connections failed : 'search realize from-to' both zero/blank

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Invalid user input. Both the “search from” and the “search to” fields were set to zero or blank.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Invalid Direction

Invalid user input. The direction vector of the bolt was not properly defined (ex. zero length vector).

Invalid Bolt Length

Invalid user input. The “Bolt Length” field in of the FE-rep setting does not have a valid non zero value.

Tube not found

No Tubes were detected for one or more connected components. Edit the Search Domain or the connectivity fields of the bolt.

Thread cannot be pasted to geometry due to tube mesh!

The mesh of the last tube is not suitable in order to create a compatible mesh on the Thread. Remesh the last tube in order to get mapped mesh consisting of tetra facets in the interior surface. Or disable the “Thread Pasted on Geometry” option.

A Diameter(D) needs to be specified !

Invalid user input. The bolt diameter was not properly defined. Specify a non-zero value in the “D” field.

Invalid user input. Washer diameter needs to be The washer bolt diameter was not properly specified ! defined. Specify a non-zero value in the “Washer” field. Invalid user input. Head Flange diameter should The Head Flange diameter should be be greater than Head greater than the Head diameter. Specify diameter the “Flange Head Diameter” or the “Head Diameter” fields accordingly. Shank section's diameter Connection fails to should be smaller than Head realize diameter

Thread diameter should be smaller than Head diameter

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Invalid user input. The diameter of the Shank should not be larger than the diameter of the bolt head. Specify the “Bolt Shank Section # Diameter” field accordingly. Invalid user input. The diameter of the Thread should not be larger than the diameter of the bolt Head. Specify the “Thread Diameter” field accordingly.

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Connection fails to Realize

Error message


Thread & Shank Length should not be different from Bolt Length

Invalid user input. The sum of the length of the Thread and the Shank section should be equal to the Bolt length. Specify the “Bolt Length”, “Thread Length” and “Bold Shank Section # Length” fields accordingly.

Washer Inner Diameter should be greater than Thread & Shank section's Diameter

Invalid user input. The Washer inner diameter should be larger than both the diameter of the Thread and the Shank. Specify the “Washer Inner Diameter”, “Bolt Shank Session # Diameter” and “Thread Diameter” fields accordingly.

Washer Outer Diameter should be greater than Washer Inner Diameter

Invalid user input. The Washer outer diameter should be larger than both the Washer inner diameter. Specify the “Washer Inner Diameter” and “Washer Outer Diameter” fields accordingly.

Washer Inner Diameter should not be bigger than Head & Flange Diameter

Invalid user input. The Washer inner diameter should be smaller than both the diameter of the Head and the Head flange. Specify the “Washer Inner Diameter”, “Head Diameter” and “Flange Head Diameter” fields accordingly.

Flange Nut diameter should be greater than Thread diameter!

Invalid user input. The Flange Nut diameter should be greater than the diameter of the Thread. Specify the “Flange Nut Diameter” and “Thread Diameter” fields accordingly.

Flange Nut diameter should be greater than Thread diameter!

Invalid user input. The Flange Nut diameter should be greater than the diameter of the Thread. Specify the “Flange Nut Diameter” and “Thread Diameter” fields accordingly.

Invalid user input. The Flange Nut diameter should be Nut Flange diameter should be greater than Nut diameter! greater than the diameter of the Nut. Specify the “Flange Nut Diameter” and “Nut Diameter” fields accordingly. Invalid user input. The Nut diameter should be greater than the diameter of the Nut. Specify the “Nut Diameter” and “Thread Diameter” fields accordingly.

Nut diameter should be greater than Thread diameter!

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Thread num of rows should be greater than num of rows of nut!

Invalid user input. The number of rows of elements of the Thread should be greater than the number of rows of elements of the Nut. Specify the “Thread Num of Rows” and “Nut Num of Rows” fields accordingly.

Invalid user input. A bolt Washer needs to be defined in order Bolt Washer needs to be defined for Nut Washer same for the “Same as Bolt Washer” option of the Nut Washer to be used. Either enable as Bolt Washer the “Create Washer” option or disable the “Same as Bolt Washer” option.


Nut Washer Outer Diameter should be greater than Nut Washer Inner Diameter

Invalid user input. The outer diameter of the Nut Washer should be greater than the inner diameter of the Nut Washer. Specify the “Nut Washer Inner Diameter” and “Nut Washer Outer Diameter” fields accordingly.

Nut Washer inner diameter should be greater than Thread diameter!

Invalid user input. The inner diameter of the Nut Washer should be greater than the diameter of the Thread. Specify the “Nut Washer Inner Diameter” and “Thread Diameter” fields accordingly.

Nut is not applicable.

The length of the Bolt is not enough to enable the creation of a nut. Specify the “Bolt Length” and the “Nut Height” fields accordingly.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SOLID NUGGET Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop

SOLID NUGGET Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This connection type generates a solid nugget with a user-defined number of layers in the radial and transverse directions. The solids are connected to the flanges either with interpolation elements or with pasted nodes, depending on the scheme selected by the user. Basic characteristics of each scheme Scheme




Body element





Interface elements





Nugget node number

User defined

User defined

User defined

User defined

Scheme: RBE3 Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme RBE3 Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body shape Nugget Diameter

The diameter of the solid nugget. Can be defined as an absolute value, as (2) a factor of the diameter, or alternatively, with the aid of a user script .

Support width

The width of each layer in the radial direction. It can be defined either as an absolute value or as a factor of the diameter.

Num of nodes

The number of nodes on the nugget's perimeter.

Num of support layers

The number of support layers in the radial direction. The user can select among 0, 1, 2 and 3 layers. The final outer diameter of the spotweld is calculated as: Dout = nugget_diameter + 2*num_support_layers*support_width

Num of nodes = 6 Num of nodes = 8 Num support layers = 2 Num support layers = 2 Num of layers in transverse dir

The number of layers in the transverse direction.

Num layers = 1 Force pentas in nugget

Num layers = 2

Activating this option, the nugget will be composed by penta elements only, regardless of the number of nodes on its perimeter.

Force pentas: Off

Force pentas: On


Specify the PID of the solid property of the nugget. If left blank, a new solid (1) property will be automatically created.


Specify the PID of the solid property of the support layer i. If left blank, a (1) new solid property will be automatically created.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme RBE3 Options Flange Positioning Feature Angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered. The same angle is used for the identification of the feature lines that will enclose the area of interest for search according to “RBE3 diam” for the RBE3 Scheme.

Dist from Perim

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer facet of the hexa/penta should have from the flange's perimeter. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer facet of the spotweld and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Dist from Feature

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer facet of the hexa/penta should have from nearby feature lines. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer facet of the spotweld and the feature line is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!” Note that the feature lines are detected according to the angle specified in the “Feature Angle” field.

Do not move

Activate this flag so as to prevent the movement of the connection elements in relation to the position of the Connection point. A movement of the hexa could be done in order to: - Satisfy the “Dist from Perim” and “Dist from Features” values, if they are specified or - create a connection element of better quality. The movement is performed within a tolerance equal to the “Move up to” value, or, if this field is left blank, appr. equal to the diameter “D”.

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the hexa away from the connection's position.

Interface RBE3 Pinflags

Specify the coupled DOFs (Ci fields). By default, only translational DOFs are coupled.

Separate RefC Pinflags

Activating this check, the “ReFC PinFlags” check-box becomes available, allowing the definition of different DOFs for the dependent and independent nodes (REFC and Ci fields).

RefC Pinflags

DOFs at the reference grid point. By default, all DOFs are considered.

RBE3 diam

Specify a radius around each reference node for the identification of the independent nodes of the RBE3. All nodes of the elements that fall in this search domain will be “grabbed” by the interpolation element. For spotwelds, this value can be defined proportionally to the diameter “D”. Nearby feature lines are considered boundaries for this search. Elements that are identified within the search radius but fall outside the area enclosed by the feature lines, are not attached. If left blank or zero, only the nodes of the nearest shell/solid facet to the reference node are grabbed by the RBE3.


BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme RBE3 Options (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

It is possible to assign the diameter of the nugget with the aid of a script, defined in the Calculate Nugget Diameter Function field of the connection settings. This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for each spot-weld. It accepts 3 input arguments which are the shell elements on which projections were found, the thickness values of the flanges and their materials. All information is given in matrices, with their contents corresponding to each connectivity Pi. The function returns a map with entries with keys: - nugget_diameter_between_flanges_(i)(i+1), where i = 1,2,3…, corresponding to the Pi connectivity fields - nugget_diameters: The nugget diameter between all flanges Thus, it is possible to create a spotweld with different nugget diameters for each flange pair. def NuggetDiameter (matrix projected_elements, matrix thickness_per_flange, matrix base_sheet_materials_per_flange) { m = CreateMap(); nominal_d = 5.4; if (num_flanges == 2) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; else if (num_flanges == 3) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_23"] = 1.5 * nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_34"] = 2 * nominal_d; Print ("Assigning different nugget diameter per flange-pair"); m["nugget_diameter"] = nominal_d; return m; }

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Scheme: PASTED NODES Deck

Body element

Complementary elements






















SOLID NUGGET Scheme PASTED NODES Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body shape Nugget Diameter

The diameter of the solid nugget. Can be defined as an absolute value, as (3) a factor of the diameter, or alternatively, with the aid of a user script

Support width

The width of each layer in the radial direction. It can be defined either as an absolute value or as a factor of the diameter.

Num of nodes

The number of nodes on the nugget's perimeter.

Num of support layers

The number of support layers in the radial direction. The user can select among 0, 1, 2 and 3 layers. The final outer diameter of the spotweld is calculated as: Dout = nugget_diameter + 2*num_support_layers*support_width

Num of nodes = 6 Num of nodes = 8Num Num support layers = 2 support layers = 2 Num of layers in transverse dir

The number of layers in the transverse direction.

Num layers = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Num layers = 2


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme PASTED NODES Options Force pentas in nugget

Activating this option, the nugget will be composed by penta elements only, regardless of the number of nodes on its perimeter.

Force pentas: Off

Force pentas: On


Specify the PID of the solid property of the nugget. If left blank, a new solid (1) property will be automatically created.


Specify the PID of the solid property of the support layer i. If left blank, a (1) new solid property will be automatically created.

Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of spotweld nugget. This is the diameter of the hole that will be opened. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general (2) connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that no zone of (2) quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Fill Hole

Activate this option to fill the hole opened on each projection with shell elements.

Zone 1 PID

The PID of the first zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Zone 2 PID

The PID of the second zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Fill Hole PID

The PID of the “fill hole” shells. If not active, the “fill hole” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the solid nugget and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme PASTED NODES Options Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0 Parallel to Perimeter

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based: One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based: One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme PASTED NODES Options Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements. (2)

In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased. (3)

It is possible to assign the diameter of the nugget with the aid of a script, defined in the Calculate Nugget Diameter Function field of the connection settings.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme PASTED NODES Options This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for each spot-weld. It accepts 3 input arguments which are the shell elements on which projections were found, the thickness values of the flanges and their materials. All information is given in matrices, with their contents corresponding to each connectivity Pi. The function returns a map with entries with keys: - nugget_diameter_between_flanges_(i)(i+1), where i = 1,2,3…, corresponding to the Pi connectivity fields - nugget_diameters: The nugget diameter between all flanges Thus, it is possible to create a spotweld with different nugget diameters for each flange pair. def NuggetDiameter (matrix projected_elements, matrix thickness_per_flange, matrix base_sheet_materials_per_flange) { m = CreateMap(); nominal_d = 5.4; if (num_flanges == 2) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; else if (num_flanges == 3) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_23"] = 1.5 * nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_34"] = 2 * nominal_d; Print ("Assigning different nugget diameter per flange-pair"); m["nugget_diameter"] = nominal_d; return m; } ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Scheme: TIE BREAK Deck

Body element

Complementary elements






















SOLID NUGGET Scheme TIE BREAK Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body shape Nugget Diameter

The diameter of the solid nugget. Can be defined as an absolute value, as (3) a factor of the diameter, or alternatively, with the aid of a user script

Support width

The width of each layer in the radial direction. It can be defined either as an absolute value or as a factor of the diameter.

Num of nodes

The number of nodes on the nugget's perimeter.

Num of support layers

The number of support layers in the radial direction. The user can select among 0, 1, 2 and 3 layers. The final outer diameter of the spotweld is calculated as: Dout = nugget_diameter + 2*num_support_layers*support_width

Num of nodes = 6 Num of nodes = 8Num Num support layers = 2 support layers = 2 Num of layers in transverse dir

The number of layers in the transverse direction.

Num layers = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Num layers = 2


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme TIE BREAK Options Force pentas in nugget

Activating this option, the nugget will be composed by penta elements only, regardless of the number of nodes on its perimeter.

Force pentas: Off

Force pentas: On


Specify the PID of the solid property of the nugget. If left blank, a new solid (1) property will be automatically created.


Specify the PID of the solid property of the support layer i. If left blank, a (1) new solid property will be automatically created.

Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of spotweld nugget. This is the diameter of the hole that will be opened. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general (2) connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Fill Hole

Activate this option to fill the hole opened on each projection with shell elements.

Zone 1 PID

The PID of the first zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Zone 2 PID

The PID of the second zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Fill Hole PID

The PID of the “fill hole” shells. If not active, the “fill hole” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the solid nugget and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme TIE BREAK Options Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0 Parallel to Perimeter

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based: One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based: One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme TIE BREAK Options Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements. (2)

In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). (3)

It is possible to assign the diameter of the nugget with the aid of a script, defined in the Calculate Nugget Diameter Function field of the connection settings.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme TIE BREAK Options This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for each spot-weld. It accepts 3 input arguments which are the shell elements on which projections were found, the thickness values of the flanges and their materials. All information is given in matrices, with their contents corresponding to each connectivity Pi. The function returns a map with entries with keys: - nugget_diameter_between_flanges_(i)(i+1), where i = 1,2,3…, corresponding to the Pi connectivity fields - nugget_diameters: The nugget diameter between all flanges Thus, it is possible to create a spotweld with different nugget diameters for each flange pair. def NuggetDiameter (matrix projected_elements, matrix thickness_per_flange, matrix base_sheet_materials_per_flange) { m = CreateMap(); nominal_d = 5.4; if (num_flanges == 2) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; else if (num_flanges == 3) m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_12"] = nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_23"] = 1.5 * nominal_d; m["nugget_diameter_between_flanges_34"] = 2 * nominal_d; Print ("Assigning different nugget diameter per flange-pair"); m["nugget_diameter"] = nominal_d; return m; } If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased. ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Scheme: CONTACT Deck

Body element

Complementary elements






















SOLID NUGGET Scheme CONTACT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Body shape Nugget Diameter The diameter of the solid nugget. Can be defined either as an absolute value or as a factor of the diameter. Support width

The width of each layer in the radial direction. It can be defined either as an absolute value or as a factor of the diameter.

Num of nodes

The number of nodes on the nugget's perimeter.

Num of support layers

The number of support layers in the radial direction. The user can select among 0, 1, 2 and 3 layers. The final outer diameter of the spotweld is calculated as: Dout = nugget_diameter + 2*num_support_layers*support_width

Num of nodes = 8 Num of nodes = 6 Num support layers = 2 Num support layers = 2 Num of layers in transverse dir

The number of layers in the transverse direction.

Num layers = 1

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Num layers = 2


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme CONTACT Options Force pentas in nugget

Activating this option, the nugget will be composed by penta elements only, regardless of the number of nodes on its perimeter.

Force pentas: Off

Force pentas: On

Body Number of hexas Select among 1, 4, 8 and 16 hexas Unconnected Hexas Between Flanges

If activated the generated hexas per pair are not connected to each other. This option can be used to assign different nugget diameters per connection pair.

Orient Solids By

Determine the orientation of the SOLID elements according to: i) Flange ii) Fusion Zone


Fusion Zone


Specify the PID of the solid property of the nugget. If left blank, a new solid (1) property will be automatically created.


Specify the PID of the solid property of the support layer i. If left blank, a new (1) solid property will be automatically created.

Treatment of flanges Do not reconstruct

Activating this option, the mesh of the flanges will not be reconstructed. It is possible for the user to acquire a “hybrid” result, i.e. get certain flanges of one connection reconstructed and others not by using the Reconstruct Flange (3) Function specified in the general connection settings.


The number of nodes along the nugget's perimeter.

Discretization Type

Definition of Number of Nodes where N = Number of Nodes L0 = Hole perimeter element length L1 = Zone 1 perimeter element length

Fusion Zone Diameter

Diameter of fusion zone. This value must be greater than the nugget diameter. Can be defined either as an absolute value, as a factor of the solid diameter (nugget diameter) or can be defined automatically i.e. the minimum possible.

Fusion Zone PID

The PID of the “Fusion Zone” shells. If not active, the “Fusion Zone” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme CONTACT Options HAZ 1

The width of the first Heat Affected Zone around the fusion zone. Can be defined either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A (2) zero (0) value indicates that no zone of quad elements will be created.


The PID of HAZ1 . If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the (1) base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.


The width of the second Heat Affected Zone around the fusion zone. Can be defined either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A (2) zero (0) value indicates that no zone of quad elements will be created.


The PID of HAZ2. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the (1) base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the solid nugget and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0 Parallel to Perimeter

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based : One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based : One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme CONTACT Options Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

Allow violation of In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Feature/Perimete Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, r with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed. Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements.


In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SOLID NUGGET Scheme CONTACT Options (3)

In order to acquire a “hybrid” mesh result, having certain flanges being reconstructed and others not: - Activate the “Do not reconstruct” check-box - Specify the user-script function that will decide which flange will be reconstructed under Windows>Settings>Connections, in the “Reconstruct Flange Function” field.

This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for every projection of the spot-weld. It accepts one input argument which is the shell element on which projection was found on the flange. It may have two return values which are the signals to Connection Manager to reconstruct or not: - return 1: Reconstruct this flange - return 0: Do not reconstruct this flange def DecideReconsFromLength (element shell_ent) { GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, shell_ent, "N1", n1, "N3", n3); node_ent_1 = GetEntity(LSDYNA, "NODE", n1); node_ent_2 = GetEntity(LSDYNA, "NODE", n3); GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, node_ent_1, "X", x1, "Y", y1, "Z", z1); GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, node_ent_2, "X", x2, "Y", y2, "Z", z2); diagonal = Sqrt( (Atof(x2) - Atof(x1))**2 + (Atof(y2) - Atof(y1))**2 + (Atof(z2) - Atof(z1))**2); if (diagonal < 9) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SPIDER Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop SPIDER Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model




Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description The basic feature of this connection is the “spider' pattern generated with macros cut on the flanges of the connected parts. A “spider” pattern mainly consists of a circular center of diameter “D” that is cut around each projection of the connection and represents the spotweld nugget. Around this center, one zone of user-specified width may also be cut, representing the heat affected zone. The generated macros are meshed The flanges are connected either by node-to-node beam elements that are generated between the central nodes of the macros or by hexa elements. ! Note that this FE-representation is obsolete. Spider2, FEMFAT Spot and Bolt can be used instead. Deck

Body element

Complementary elements




















*MPC (type BEAM)
















SPIDER Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Allow Single Part

Activating this option, the connection can be partially realized even if only P1 is filled. In such case, upon realization only the “spider” pattern on the flange will be generated, with no body element.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER Options Body PBAR ID

Specify the PID of the PBAR property. If left blank, a new PBAR property (1) will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

CBAR PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam. This option is only available if the “Comply with FEMFAT Specs” and “Create RBE2” options are inactive. Activating this option, hexa or penta elements are generated between the two flanges.

Create Hexas


This field is only available if the “Create Hexas” option is active. Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Do Not Create Coords

If this option is inactive, three vector-based coordinate systems are generated and they are used for the definition of displacement and rotation DOFs on the inner and outer nodes of the ring and on the end-points of the beam element. The coordinate systems are located at (0,0,0) and are aligned with the global. All spotwelds will use the same 3 coordinate (3) systems.

Keep Same PID

If this option is inactive, the generated macros will acquire new properties grouped according to the base property (i.e. the center and ring macros of all spotwelds on the same property will acquire the same PIDs). The generated PIDs follow the rule: PID_center = 2000000 + PID_base PID_ring = 1000000 + PID_base Activating this option, the generated macros will acquire the base PID.

Comply with FEMFAT Spec

Activating this option, the material ids of the generated properties and the coordinate system ids are those dictated by FEMFAT for spotwelds.

Force Coord Id 300

This options is only available if the “Comply with FEMFAT Spec” option is active. Activating this check-box, the beam nodes will be marked with coordinate id 300. Center material id


First ring material id


Bar material id


Internal nodes local cord


External nodes local cord


Central nodes local cord

325-399 (if diam 2.5 to 9.9) or 300

Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of spotweld nugget. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.). If the option “Comply (2) with FEMFAT Spec” is active, D is the outer diameter of the spotweld.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER Options Di size

The width of the first zone around the nugget. It can be specified either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that no zone will be generated. This field is disabled when the “Comply with FEMFAT Specs” option is (2) active. Then, the zone width is calculated as (1-0.58)*D/2.

Num of points around hole

Specify the number of the nodes along the center macro's perimeter. The same number of nodes will be defined on the perimeter of the ring. If left blank, or if the node number specified is less than 4, the node number will be calculated automatically, based on the average element length of the neighbor elements (if they were meshed). If the average element length dictates less than 4 nodes, 4 will be used.

Freeze Zones

Activating this option, the center and ring macros generated will be frozen. To unfreeze the macros use the MACROs>FREEZE/UN function.

Create RBE2

This option is only available if the “Comply with FEMFAT Specs” and “Create Hexas” options are inactive. Activating this option, an RBE2 element is generated on each flange, having as master the central node (which is also the beam end-point) and as slave the perimeter nodes of the center circular macro.

RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which will be the dependent DOFs of the RBE2 elements.

Parallel to Perim

Activating this option, an edge of the generated macro areas is oriented parallel to the closest perimeter.

Parallel to Perim: Off Project to Perim

Activating this option, the outer nodes of the pattern are projected on the opposite perimeters.

Project to Perim: Off Compatible Holes

Parallel to Perim: On

Project to Perim: On

Activating this option, the cut macros of all connected sheets will be uniformly oriented.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER Options

Compatible Holes: Off Force Zero Gap

Compatible Holes: On

Activate this check-box in order to ensure that the zones just touch, with no gap between them.

Force Zero Gap: On Force Zero Gap: Off Positioning on flange Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the spider cannot be generated due to lack of space, the spider will be generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider spot using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider should have from the flange's perimeter. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. (2)

If the “Keep Same PID” option is inactive, two shell properties are created for each PID that participates in the connection. Their names are: - Center Circle of PID x - First Ring of PID x If the “Comply with FEMFAT Spec” option is active, two shell properties are created for each PID that participates in the connection. Their names are: - FEMFAT Center Circle of PID x - FEMFAT First Ring of PID x

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER Options (3)

If the “Do Not Create Coords” option is inactive, the names of the three local coordinate systemsa re: - Internal Ring Nodes Result COORD - External Ring Nodes Result COORD - SPOT WELD D_mm COORD ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position.

Perimeters too close, no space for SPIDER

The outer diameter of the spider intersects a perimeter or the “Distance from Perimeter” cannot be satisfied. Check the connection's position and adjust the “Distance from Perimeter” value or deactivate the “Do Not Move” option.

Invalid Num of points around hole

“Num of points around hole” must be greater than or equal to 3.

Connection fails to Invalid Di size realize Failed to project perimeter

Make sure that “Di”>=0. Deactivate “Project To Perim”

Zero length entities calculated A pair of connected flanges overlaps. Fix the intersection of the flanges. PID x is not a CBAR Property Change the PID specified in the “PBAR ID” field or change the type of the PID specified -

If the connection status is “Failed”, make sure that the connected flanges are not frozen.


“Create Hexas” option is active but there is no gap between the flanges for the hexas to be generated.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : SPIDER2 Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop

SPIDER2 Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description The basic feature of this connection is the “spider' pattern generated with reconstruct on the flanges of the connected parts. A “spider” pattern mainly consists of a spotweld nugget of userdefined diameter that is modeled with a hole opened around each projection of the connection. Around the hole, there may be one or two zones of quads having the PID of the base sheets or a new PID. The hole itself may be filled with shell elements that use the PID of the base sheet or a new PID. The flanges may be connected with beams, hexas or Abaqus fasteners, depending on the specification selected by the user. Basic characteristics of each specification Spec



Body element

CBAR RBAR (optionally)


Interface elements

RBE2 (optionally)



Number of zones

Up to 2

Up to 2

Up to 2

Hole nodes User defined number

User defined

4, 8 or 16, depending on the number of hexas

Fill hole shells




BETA CAE Systems S.A.



ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Spec: CBAR Deck

Body element

Complementary elements














*MPC (type BEAM)














SPIDER2-CBAR Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the PBAR property. If left blank, a new PBAR property (1) will be automatically created. The beam sectional properties are automatically updated according to “D”.

CBAR PA, PB Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate which DOFs from each end-point should be released between the grid point and the beam.

Create RBAR

Activate this option to create a point-to-point RBAR having the same endpoints with the CBAR.

CNA, CNB Pinflags

Available only if the “Create RBAR” option is active. Activate the switches to define the independent DOFs on each end-point.

CMA, CMB Pinflags

Available only if the “Create RBAR” option is active. Activate the switches to define dependent DOFs on each end-point.

Create RBE2

Activate this option to create an RBE2 on each flange, having the CBAR node as independent and the hole nodes as dependent.

RBE2 Pinflags

Activate the switches to indicate the dependent DOFs.

Do Not Create Coord Activate this option in order to prevent the generation of a local coordinate system on each spotweld. Otherwise, a vector-based cylindrical coordinate system will be generated at the SPIDER2's center, with its local-z axis aligned with the bar elements. Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of spotweld. This value can be used as a parameter for the definition of the nugget diameter (i.e. the diameter of the hole that will be opened). If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general (2) connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-CBAR Options Nugget diameter

The diameter of the hole to be opened. Can be defined as a factor of the spotweld diameter, as an absolute value, or alternatively, as a value (4) calculated by user script . The value must be greater than zero.

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter, as an absolute value, as factor of the thickness of each (3) sheet or as calculated from a user script. . A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter, as an absolute value, as factor of the thickness of each (3) sheet or as calculated from a user script .. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Fill Hole

Activate this option to fill the hole opened on each projection with shell elements.

Zone 1 PID

The PID of the first zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Zone 2 PID

The PID of the second zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

May Omit Zone 2

Activating this option will allow realizing a connection without the 2nd zone, in case that there is not enough space. If this option is deactivated and there is not enough space for the 2nd zone, the connection will fail to realize.

Fill Hole PID

The PID of the “fill hole” shells. If not active, the “fill hole” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Num of points around hole

Specify the number of the nodes along the hole‟s perimeter. The same number of nodes will be defined on the zone1 and zone2 perimeters. If left blank, or if the node number specified is less than 4, the node number will be calculated automatically, based on the average element length of the neighbor elements. If the average element length dictates less than 4 nodes, 4 will be used.

Freeze Zones

Activating this flag, macros will be cut along the perimeter of the outermost zone and will then be frozen. During “Erase FE”, the original geometry will be restored. Valid only when the connections are applied on geometry.

Square Holes

Activating this option, an 8-node hole will become square as shown on the right.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the spider2 and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-CBAR Options

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0 Compatible holes

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

Activating this option, the patterns of all connected sheets will be uniformly oriented.

Compatible holes: Off Parallel to Perimeter

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Compatible holes: On

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based: One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based: One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Parallel zones

Activate this check-box in order to make the zones parallel, even if the flanges are not parallel.

Force Zero Gap

Activate this check-box in order to ensure that the zones just touch, with no gap between them.

Move Nodes Up To

If, in order for the zones to become parallel, the nodes need to be moved more than this value, the connection will fail and a relevant message will be printed in the ANSA Info window.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-CBAR Options After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager. Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements. (2)

In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-CBAR Options (3)

It is possible to assign a different zone width value for each flange of a spotweld with the aid of the a script, defined in the Calculate Zone Width Function field of the connection settings.

This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for each spot-weld. It accepts 3 input arguments which are the connection entity, the shell element on which projection was found and the order in which this part appears with respect to the stack of connected parts. It returns a map with entries with keys: - zone1_width: The width of zone 1 - zone2_width: The width of zone 1 def CalculateZoneWidth (element cnctn, element prj_shell, int order_in_stack) { ret_map = CreateMap (); GetEntityCardValues (LSDYNA, cnctn, "Name", cnctn_type); GetEntityCardValues (LSDYNA, prj_shell, "__prop__", shell_pid); shell_pid = Atoi (shell_pid); shell_prop = GetEntity (LSDYNA, "__PROPERTIES__", shell_pid); GetEntityCardValues (LSDYNA, shell_prop, "T1", thick); thick = Atof (thick); Di = CalculateWidthFromThicknessAndType (thick, cnctn_type); Print Print Print Print Print

(" ----- CalculateZoneWidth function ----"); (" "); (" THICKNESS OF BASE: "+thick); (" TARGET WIDTH: "+Di); (" ");

ret_map ["zone1_width"] = Di; ret_map ["zone2_width"] = Di * 0.75; return ret_map; } (4)

It is possible to assign the diameter of the nugget with the aid of a script, defined in the Calculate Nugget Diameter Function field of the connection settings.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-CBAR Options This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for every projection of the spot-weld. It accepts 3 input arguments which are the shell elements on which projections were found, the thickness values of the flanges and their materials. All information is given in matrices, with their contents corresponding to each connectivity Pi. The function returns a map with entries with keys: - nugget_diameter_at_flange_i, where i = 1,2,3…, corresponding to the Pi connectivity - nugget_diameters: The nugget diameter for all flanges Thus, it is possible to create a spotweld with different nugget diameters on each flange. def NuggetDiameter (matrix projected_elements, matrix thickness_per_flange, matrix base_sheet_materials_per_flange) { num_flanges = MatLen (projected_elements); for (i_flange = 0; i_flange < num_flanges; i_flange ++) { mat_of_flange = base_sheet_materials_per_flange [i_flange]; thickness_of_flange = thickness_per_flange [i_flange]; GetEntityCardValues (0, mat_of_flange, "__id__", mid); Print ("Flange "+ToString (i_flange+1)+": T = "+thickness_of_flange+" MID: "+mid); } m = CreateMap(); m["nugget_diameter_at_flange_1"] = 4.; m["nugget_diameter_at_flange_2"] = 5; m["nugget_diameter_at_flange_3"] = 6; //m["nugget_diameter"] = 5; return m; } ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Spec: SOLID Deck

Body element

Interface entities

Complementary elements





























SPIDER2-SOLID Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.


Specify the PID of the solid property. If left blank, a new solid property will (1) be automatically created.

Number of hexas

Select among 1, 4, 8 and 16 hexas. This value also determines the number of nodes around hole.

1 hexa Create Spotweld Cluster

4 hexas

8 hexas

16 hexas

Generates a *DEFINE_HEX_SPOTWELD_ASSEMBLY keyword that unifies all the hexas that comprise a single spotweld in order to compute the force and moment resultants of the SWFORC file.

Treatment of flanges D

Diameter of spotweld nugget. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the (2) general connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.)

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-SOLID Options Fill Hole

Activate this option to fill the hole opened on each projection with shell elements.

Zone 1 PID

The PID of the first zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Zone 2 PID

The PID of the second zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Fill Hole PID

The PID of the “fill hole” shells. If not active, the first “fill hole” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Freeze Zones

Activating this flag, macros will be cut along the perimeter of the outermost zone and will then be frozen. During “Erase FE”, the original geometry will be restored. Valid only when the connections are applied on geometry.

Square Holes

Activating this option, an 8-node hole will become square as shown on the right.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the spider2 and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0 Parallel to Perimeter

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based: One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based: One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Parallel zones

Activate this check-box in order to make the zones parallel, even if the flanges are not parallel.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-SOLID Options Interface Do not reconstruct

Activating this option, the mesh of the flanges will not be reconstructed and the hexa nodes will not be pasted on the shells. It is possible for the user to acquire a “hybrid” result, i.e. get certain flanges of one connection reconstructed and others connected via contact using the Reconstruct Flange Function specified in the general connection (3) settings.


This option is available only when the “Do not reconstruct” option is active. Activating this option, tied contacts will be generated between the hexas and the connected components.

Create Single Contact

If this check box is active a single contact is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE. Slave set contents: Parts of hexas Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Part Set MSTYP: Part Set If the check box is not active, a pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT PID {i}” Contact type: TIED_SHELL_EDGE_TO_SURFACE. Slave set contents: Nodes of hexas from each side Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Node Set MSTYP: Part Set In case of self-connecting spotweld, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

Contact ID

If the “Create Single Contact” flag is active, the user can specify here the id of a contact entity to be used by Connection Manager. If the flag is inactive, the contact entity specified here will be used as a template (Connection Manager will create a new contact entity with identical parameters with the one specified). Note that the id specified must be a master-slave contact.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-SOLID Options Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements.


In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-SOLID Options (3)

Particularly for the cases where spot-welds connect parts with different mesh density, it is made possible to instruct ANSA to reconstruct only one (or some) of the flanges (this would probably be the finer meshed one). This way, the solids are node-to-node connected to the reconstructed flange, while from the other side they connect to the structure via tied contact.

The decision “which of the flanges must be reconstructed and which not”, is made by a script function. Thus, in order to activate this operation mode, the user must: - Activate the “Do not reconstruct” check-box - Specify the user-script function that will decide which flange will be reconstructed under Windows>Settings>Connections, in the “Reconstruct Flange Function” field.

This script function will be automatically “called” by Connection Manager, once for every projection of the spot-weld. It accepts one input argument which is the shell element on which projection was found on the flange. It may have two return values which are the signals to Connection Manager to reconstruct or not: - return 1: Reconstruct this flange - return 0: Do not reconstruct this flange def DecideReconsFromLength (element shell_ent) { GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, shell_ent, "N1", n1, "N3", n3); node_ent_1 = GetEntity(LSDYNA, "NODE", n1); node_ent_2 = GetEntity(LSDYNA, "NODE", n3); GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, node_ent_1, "X", x1, "Y", y1, "Z", z1); GetEntityCardValues(LSDYNA, node_ent_2, "X", x2, "Y", y2, "Z", z2); diagonal = Sqrt( (Atof(x2) - Atof(x1))**2 + (Atof(y2) - Atof(y1))**2 + (Atof(z2) - Atof(z1))**2); if (diagonal < 9) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Spec: ABAQUS FASTENER Deck

Body element

Complementary elements











*FASTENER (and optionally *ELEMENT TYPE = CONN3D2)










SPIDER2-ABAQUS FASTENER Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed. This value is specified as the SEARCH RADIUS parameter of the fastener.


Specify the PID of the fastener property. If left blank, a new fastener (1) property will be automatically created. The RADIUS field of the fastener property is updated by the value D/2.

Create Single Fastener

Activating this check box, a single fastener will be generated for all the connections with the same connectivity. This fastener will not be deleted unless “Erase FE” is performed for all the connections that use it.

Influence radius

Specify the RADIUS OF INFLUENCE parameter of the fastener. This parameter must be equal to the maximum distance from a projection point on a connected surface within which the nodes of that surface must lie in order to contribute to the motion of the projected point. If left blank, Abaqus will calculate this value internally, based on the fastener diameter and the lengths of the surface facets.

Use Single Surface

Activating this check box, the fastener will reference a single surface containing all connected properties. Otherwise, the fastener will reference one surface for each layer.

Use Connector

Activating this option, a CONN3D2 element is also generated and it is referenced by the fastener.


Specify the PID of the connector section. T If left blank, a new connector section of type BEAM is automatically (1) created.


Specify the attach method. Select among FACETOFACE, FACETOEDGE, EDGETOFACE,EDGETOEDGE and which implies the default method (FACETOFACE).

Treatment of flanges

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-ABAQUS FASTENER Options D

Diameter of spotweld nugget. This is the diameter of the hole that will be opened. If D = 0, the diameter will be determined according to the thickness to diameter mapping, as this is specified in the general (2) connection Options (see paragraph 9.8.4.).

Zone 1

The width of the first zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Zone 2

The width of the second zone around the hole either as a factor of the spotweld diameter or as an absolute value. A zero (0) value indicates that (2) no zone of quad elements will be created.

Fill Hole

This option is disabled for Abaqus fastener spec. By default, the hole is filled.

Zone 1 PID

The PID of the first zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Zone 2 PID

The PID of the second zone. If not active, the first zone elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Fill Hole PID

The PID of the “fill hole” shells. If not active, the “fill hole” elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL (1) property is created.

Num of points around hole

Specify the number of the nodes along the hole‟s perimeter. The same number of nodes will be defined on the zone1 and zone2 perimeters. If left blank, or if the node number specified is less than 4, the node number will be calculated automatically, based on the average element length of the neighbor elements. If the average element length dictates less than 4 nodes, 4 will be used.

Freeze Zones

Activating this flag, macros will be cut along the perimeter of the outermost zone and will then be frozen. During “Erase FE”, the original geometry will be restored. Valid only when the connections are applied on geometry.

Square Holes

Activating this option, an 8-node hole will become square as shown on the right.

Snap distance

The distance between the outer diameter of the spider2 and the free boundaries/feature lines below which the outer perimeter of the spot will snap to the bounds. Specify zero to avoid snap.

Perfect zone

Activating this flag, priority is given to the quality of the zone, over the quality of the neighbor elements.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 0

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

Snap dist = 0 minlen = 1


Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:off

Snap dist = 1 Perfect zone:on

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-ABAQUS FASTENER Options Compatible holes

Activating this option, the patterns of all connected sheets will be uniformly oriented.

Compatible holes: Off Parallel to Perimeter

Compatible holes: On

Activating this flag, an edge of the “spider” pattern will be aligned to the closest perimeter.

Option: Off Option: On Parallel Type

The user can select between the following modes: edge-based: One edge of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter. node-based: One node of the nugget will be aligned with the closest perimeter.

Parallel zones

Activate this check-box in order to make the zones parallel, even if the flanges are not parallel.

Force Zero Gap

Activate this check-box in order to ensure that the zones just touch, with no gap between them.

Move Nodes Up To

If, in order for the zones to become parallel, the nodes need to be moved more than this value, the connection will fail and a relevant message will be printed in the ANSA Info window.

Positioning on flange Feature angle

The angle used for the recognition of feature lines. If left blank, default value of 20 is considered.

Do Not Move

If this option is not active, if the zones of the spider2 cannot be generated due to lack of space, the SPIDER2 is generated in a suitable position, after being moved away from the original connection position. After the spotweld realization, the position of the connection can be updated in order to match the center of the spider2 using the [Center] function of Connection Manager.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager SPIDER2-ABAQUS FASTENER Options Distance from Perimeter

This value specifies the minimum distance that the outer zone of the spider2 should have from the flange's perimeter or any other feature line. Specifying a negative value, violation of the perimeter by this distance is allowed. If the “Do Not Move” flag is active and the actual distance between the outer zone and the perimeter is less than this value, the connection's realization will fail with the message: “Connection id … is too close to bounds!!”

Move up to

If the “Do Not Move” flag is off, then this value limits the movement of the spider2 away from the connection's position.

Allow violation of Feature/Perimeter

In case the spider2 does not fit in a flange according to the “Distance from Perimeter” value, because it is restricted by both a feature line and a perimeter, with these two flags the user can control whether a violation of the minimum distance from the feature or/and from the perimeter is allowed.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. If the user requests the generation of new PIDs for the zones and the fill hole elements and leaves blank the PID fields, the number of new PIDs that will be generated can be controlled from the Property Grouping settings available in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). For example, activating the Thickness option, all new PIDs that will be created for the zone 1 elements will be grouped according to the thickness of the base sheet. Thus, connection layers on different parts of the same thickness, will end-up with the same PID for the zone 1 elements. (2)

In some cases, it is necessary for connections to be applied on existing holes, opened on components on a previous working step. This is made possible for SPIDER2 representation by activating the relevant option in the general connection Options (under Windows>Options). If the Search Existing Holes option is active, ANSA will check for holes of suitable diameter, node number, zone number and zone width. If it finds, it will use them instead of creating new ones. If the Fill Existing Holes on Erase FE option is active, the existing holes identified will be also filled when the connection's FE-rep is erased. ! Note that the PLOTEL elements are used to mark the entities generated during the realization. Deleting them will not allow the proper restoration of the initial geometry during “EraseFE”.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


No projection found within specified 'Search Dist'

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the surface is meshed.

Connections failed: too close to another connection

During the realization of multiple connections, the spider reconstruction of consecutive connections failed due to overlapping. Adjust the position of the connection or modify the hole zone characteristics.

Connection fails to realize Connections were too close to bounds

The spider reconstruction cannot be performed due to proximity/intersection of the red bounds. Adjust the position of the connection or modify the spider pattern characteristics.

Connections failed : too close to a hole/ zone shells !

Another spider pattern is close to the connection's projection and prevents reconstruction. Adjust the position of the connection or modify the spider pattern characteristics.

Connection cannot be moved to suitable position

The SPIDER2 cannot find a position that satisfies the “Dist From Perim” criterion and the “Move Up To” limit. Correct the connection's position or adjust the “Dost From Perim” and the “Move Up To” values.

“Unproject” the connection and re-apply. Connections are projected and cannot be moved Force Zero Gap failed! Nodes would move by d Parallel Zones failed! Connection fails Nodes would move by d to realize

The maximum nodal movement allowed in the “Move nodes up to” field is not enough for the generation of zero gap between the flanges. The maximum nodal movement allowed in the “Move nodes up to” field is not enough for the generation of parallel zones between the flanges.

PID x is not a PSHELL Property

The PIDs specified for the hole zone shells are of incompatible type. Change the PID.

PID x is not a CBAR Property

Change the PID specified in the “PBAR ID” field or change the type of the PID specified

PID x is not a SOLID Property

Change the PID specified in the PSOLID ID field or change the type of the PID specified

PID x is not a FASTENER Property

Change the PID specified in the FASTENER PID field or change the type of the PID specified

PID x is not a CONNECTOR Property

Change the PID specified in the CONNECTOR PID field or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


x is not a valid contact

The id specified in the “Contact ID” field is not of a master-slave contact type

“Square holes” is active but the resulting pattern is not square Hole zone is slightly deformed

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Specify “Num of points arount hole”=8

Hole zones get deformed in order to comply with shell mesh quality criteria and avoid generating very narrow elements around the spider. Make sure that the correct quality criteria are defined and specify “Snap Distance”=0. Activate the “Perfect Zones” option, that gives priority to the zone shape over the quality of the neighbor elements.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : T-JOINT-SHELL-CLOSED Seam line

T-JOINT-SHELL-CLOSED Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the T-joint like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. It represents the weld with a triangular weld throat between the feature line (free edge), the weld root and the weld toe.

Before realization

After realization

T-JOINT SHELL-CLOSED Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-CLOSED Options Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Sharp Corners

This option controls the distribution of elements around the edges of the connection curve.

Arc Head Definition

This option controls the form of the weld edges. In case of "Radial" the radius of the circumscribed circle is equal to the width of the secondary sheet.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-CLOSED Options Cap angle

The angle formed between the edge of the end elements and the weld.

Run-off angle

The angle formed between the edge of the run-off elements and the weld.

Width definition

The width of the weld can be defined either: i) by distance ii) by angle


Specify the width of the weld. If set to "By dist" and left blank, the default value will be used which is equal to the thickness of the secondary sheet.

Root shells

Controls the number and position of the weld elements: 1) Offset row: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the feature line (free edge) and the weld toe. 2) Double row: Two rows of shell elements will be generated. One is the aforementioned Offset row and the other is created at the projection of the feature line on the base sheet.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-CLOSED Options height

Specify the height of the weld. If set to "By dist" and left blank, the default value will be used which is equal to the thickness of the secondary sheet.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default PSHELL property is created. The thickness of the PSHELL property is the “W” value specified in the connection's attributes. If “W” is zero, an average thickness value is calculated as:

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, (1) a default PSHELL property is created.

BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated (1) and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Sheet PID

The PID of the HAZ generated above the weld elements on the sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Middle PID

This PID is assigned to: - The shells on the base sheet, between the base side and the base offside HAZs and - the shells on the secondary sheet, between the sheet HAZ and the weld elements. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-CLOSED Options Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. The T-JOINT-SHELL-CLOSED FE-representation requires the definition of the weld position vector. This vector denotes the welding side and therefore should point towards the weld gun. It is defined though the Set Weld Position option of the context menu.

Activating this function, the user can adjust the weld position interactively, by adjusting the position of the two yellow control points: - Control point 1: Drag with left mouse button along the curve, to define the position on the curve (u) that where the weld direction will be defined - Control point 2: Drag with right mouse button to adjust the vector direction and with left mouse button to set the vector length. Note that the position on the curve (u) can be proven very significant for the realization result in cases where the connection curve exhibits high curvature. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Connection fails to realize Failed to project on flange direction

This message appears when no projection is found and the root generation method is “Extend Flange”. Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Failed to cut seamweld flanges

Make sure that the macros are not frozen.

Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffside/Sheet PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : T-JOINT-SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED Seam line

T-JOINT-SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids ●


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the T-joint like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. It represents the weld with a triangular weld throat, formed towards both sides of the connection.

Before realization

After realization

T-JOINT SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED Options Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default PSHELL property is created. The thickness of the PSHELL property is the “W” value specified in the connection's attributes. If “W” is zero, an average thickness value is calculated as:

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, (1) a default PSHELL property is created.

BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated (1) and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Sheet PID

The PID of the HAZ generated above the weld elements on the sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Middle PID

This PID is assigned to: - The shells on the base sheet, between the base side and the base offside HAZs and - the shells on the extension of the secondary sheet, between the two sets of weld shells. If activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is (1) created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager T-JOINT SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED Options The T-JOINT-SHELL-DOUBLE-CLOSED FE-representation requires the definition of the weld position vector. This vector denotes the welding side and therefore should point towards the weld gun. It is defined though the Set Weld Position option of the context menu.

Activating this function, the user can adjust the weld position interactively, by adjusting the position of the two yellow control points: - Control point 1: Drag with left mouse button along the curve, to define the position on the curve (u) that where the weld direction will be defined - Control point 2: Drag with right mouse button to adjust the vector direction and with left mouse button to set the vector length. Note that the position on the curve (u) can be proven very significant for the realization result in cases where the connection curve exhibits high curvature. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project on flange direction

This message appears when no projection is found and the root generation method is “Extend Flange”. Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges

Make sure that the macros are not frozen.

Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffside/Sheet PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : TIE CONN3D Spotweld point Spotweld line Gumdrop TIE CONN3D Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -

Description This FE-representation generates an Abaqus CONN3D2 element of “bushing” type whose nodes are connected to the structure via tied contacts. Entities generated in each deck Deck

Body element

Interface entities






















TIE CONN3D Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Skip if no Gap

Activating this option, no CONN3D2 element will be generated if there is no physical gap between the connected parts at the projections' location.

Notes A pair of contacts is generated: Contact name: “SPOTWELD CONTACT PID = x” Slave set contents: Nodes of CONN3D2 from each side Master set contents: Parts of connected components SSTYP: Node Set MSTYP: Part Set In case of self-connecting spotweld, a single contact is generated even if this check-box is not active.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Troubleshooting Symptom Connection fails to realize

Error message


Connection too short.

There is no gap between the connected flanges. Check the geometry and the connection's position.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : Y-JOINT-FEMFAT Seam line

Y-JOINT-FEMFAT Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the y-joint like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. All marking related to FEMFAT is automatically performed according to the specified FEMFAT weld type. Y-JOINT FEMFAT Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of the feature line (free edge) to be connected. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. (2) If left blank, no HAZs are created .

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh

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Loose Ends: Off


Loose Ends: On

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT FEMFAT Options Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld Type

The type of the FEMFAT representation to be generated.

Notes The generated weld shells and heat affected zones (HAZs) are assigned materials with the designated ids per weld type. Additionally, the welding seam nodes and edge nodes are assigned the designated local coordinate systems. The characteristics of the FEMFAT weld type available are listed in the table below. Material Id of Primary sheet (1) front HAZ

Material Id of Primary sheet (1) back HAZ

Material Id of Secondary sheet (1) HAZ

T-weld: One side fillet seam

203, 204

201, 202

205, 206

T-weld: HV fillet seam

215, 216

213, 214

217, 218

T-weld: Double fillet seam

209, 210

207, 208

211, 212

T-weld: DHV fillet seam

221, 222

219, 220

223, 224

T-weld: DHY fillet seam

227, 228

225, 226

229, 230

T-weld: 45 deg: Onesided fillet seam outside

263, 264

261, 262

265, 266

T-weld: 45 deg: Double-sided fillet seam

267, 270

267, 268

271, 272

T-weld: With clearance: One-sided fillet seam

293, 294

291, 292

295, 296

Weld Type


Coordinate systems on welding seam and edge nodes

100, 102

Depending on the initial orientation of the shells.

The Y-JOINT FEMFAT FE-representation requires the definition of the weld position vector. This vector denotes the welding side and therefore should point towards the weld gun. It is defined though the Set Weld Position option of the context menu.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT FEMFAT Options

Activating this function, the user can adjust the weld position interactively, by adjusting the position of the two yellow control points: - Control point 1: Drag with left mouse button along the curve, to define the position on the curve (u) that where the weld direction will be defined - Control point 2: Drag with right mouse button to adjust the vector direction and with left mouse button to set the vector length. Note that the position on the curve (u) can be proven very significant for the realization result in cases where the connection curve exhibits high curvature. (2)

In the case shown on the image below right, where the the relation between the zone width value (zh) and the actual distance (d) is: d – zw > 0.5 * avg.element length the heat zone is split at a distance zw from the weld root and the shells above the heat zone get the PID of the secondary sheet.

zone_width > distance

zone_width < distance

! Note that the orientation of the weld shells is such that their normals point towards the weld-gun. Troubleshooting Symptom

Error message

Connection fails to realize

Failed to detect feature Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. line in sheet Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to retrieve welding direction.

Specify a welding direction through the “Set Weld Position” option of the context menu.

Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld Make sure that the macros are not frozen. flanges Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Option : Y-JOINT-SHELL Seam line

Y-JOINT-SHELL Can be applied on Geometry

Requires “projection”

Requires the existence of mesh

Can be applied on FE-model


Reconstructs Can be applied existing mesh on solids -


Description This FE-representation creates shell elements for the representation of the y-joint like seam welds and reconstructs the mesh around them to form the heat affected zones. It is mostly used for the modelling of T-welds and 45deg welds. It represents the weld with a triangular weld throat between the feature line (free edge), the weld root and the weld toe.

Before realization

After realization

Y-JOINT SHELL Options General Search Distance

Search distance for the identification of projections from the connection to the connected parts. If left blank, a default value of 10 is assumed.

Base Sheet

The component among the connectivity strings P1 and P2, to be considered as the primary sheet of the seam-weld. If “Thicker” is specified, the thicker of the P1,P2 is considered.


This value is communicated to the fatigue solvers via the x-MCF-formatted xml file. It is not significant for the seam-weld realization.

Create Sets

Create sets containing the shells and nodes of the weld and the HAZs. The connection curve's id is maintained in the set names. These sets are removed upon “Erase-FE”.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT SHELL Options Do not Reconstruct

If this option is activated, no reconstruct will take place and the existing mesh of the connected components will remain intact.

Weld shape Step Length

The element length of the weld elements along the connection curve. If left blank, an average element length is calculated from the existing shell elements.


According to this value the weld toe is generated on the base sheet. It is considered as the distance between the weld root and the weld toe in the direction specified by the weld position vector. If left blank, a default value is used. It can be defined as an absolute distance, or alternatively, as an angle value. In the latter case, the weld toe is generated on the base sheet by offsetting the projected line on the base sheet until it meets the angle specification.

root generation

Controls how the weld root will be created. The weld root can either be: 1) a normal projection of the feature line (free edge) or 2) an extension of the feature line on the base sheet.

root shells

Controls the number and position of the weld elements: 1) “Primary row”: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the weld root and the normal projection of the connection curve on the secondary sheet. 2) “Offset row”: Only one row of shell elements will be generated between the feature line (free edge) and the weld toe. 3) “Double row”: Two rows of shell elements will be generated. One is the aforementioned primary row and the other is a translation of the primary row by “width” along the weld position vector.


The normal distance between the nodes of the weld elements on the secondary sheet and the base sheet. If not specified, the initial distance of the feature line (free edge) from the base sheet is considered. This value can only be greater than the actual distance of the feature line from the base sheet. The way the shells of the secondary sheet will be treated in order to comply with the height value specified is controlled by the “Keep Adjusted Shells” flag.

Keep Adjusted Shells Activating this option, the shells of the secondary sheet that need to be adjusted according to the “height” value specified are maintained, and a blue-bound is created between the weld shells and the secondary sheet. If this option is inactive, the shells of the secondary sheet that need to be adjusted according to the “height” value are deleted. ! Note that if the latter option is used on an FE-model, the result is irreversible (original geometry cannot be recovered with Erase-FE).

zone width

The width of the HAZs to be created on the primary and secondary sheets. If left blank, no HAZs are created.

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ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT SHELL Options BaseSide Zone 2 Width

The width of the second zone to be created on the primary sheet towards the direction of the weld position vector.

BaseOffside Zone 2 Width

The width of the second zone to be created on the primary sheet towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector.

SheetSide Zone 2 Width

The width of the second zone to be created on the secondary sheet towards the direction of the weld position vector.

Loose Ends

This option controls whether the ends of the connection line will be projected on the detected feature line in order to define the effective length of the connection or not. Projection of the connection line ends would lead to minor mesh reconstruction, as shown in the images below:

Original mesh Weld Around

Loose Ends: Off

Loose Ends: On

Extend the HAZs one element both sides, in the connection curve's direction.

Weld Around: Off

Weld Around: On

Shell attributes W

The thickness of the weld shells to be generated. If left blank, an average thickness value is calculated as:

Weld PID

The PID of the weld shell elements to be generated. If left blank, a default PSHELL property is created. The thickness of the PSHELL property is the “W” value specified in the connection's attributes. If “W” is zero, an average thickness value is calculated as:

BaseSide PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated and left blank, (1) a default PSHELL property is created.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT SHELL Options BaseOffside PID

The PID of the HAZ generated around the weld elements on the base sheet, towards the opposite direction of the weld position vector. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the base sheet. If activated (1) and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Sheet PID

The PID of the HAZ generated above the weld elements on the sheet. If not active, the HAZ elements will get the PID of the secondary sheet. If (1) activated and left blank, a default PSHELL property is created.

Notes (1)

If the specified PID exists and is of a compatible type, it will be used. If it does not exist, a new property will be generated with the specified PID. Typing a question mark in the field, an existing property can be selected from the PROPERTIES HELP list. Typing F1, an existing property can be selected from the screen. The Y-JOINT-SHELL FE-representation requires the definition of the weld position vector. This vector denotes the welding side and therefore should point towards the weld gun. It is defined though the Set Weld Position option of the context menu.

Activating this function, the user can adjust the weld position interactively, by adjusting the position of the two yellow control points: - Control point 1: Drag with left mouse button along the curve, to define the position on the curve (u) that where the weld direction will be defined - Control point 2: Drag with right mouse button to adjust the vector direction and with left mouse button to set the vector length. Note that the position on the curve (u) can be proven very significant for the realization result in cases where the connection curve exhibits high curvature. The realization variants of the Y-JOINT SHELL are shown in the table below.

root generation: project to base root shells: primary row

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

root generation: extend flange root shells: primary row


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Y-JOINT SHELL Options

root generation: extend flange root shells: primary row weld position: outwards

root generation: extend flange root shells: double row weld position: outwards

root generation: project to base root shells: offset row weld position: outwards

root generation: extend flange root shells: offset row weld position: outwards

root generation: project to base root shells: double row weld position: inwards

root generation: extend flange root shells: double row weld position: inwards

! Note that the orientation of the weld shells is such that their normals point towards the weld-gun. Troubleshooting Symptom

Connection fails to realize

Error message


Failed to detect feature line in sheet

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure there is no significant length deviation of the feature lines comparing to the connection curve's length. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project

Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

Failed to project on flange direction

This message appears when no projection is found and the root generation method is “Extend Flange”. Increase search distance or correct the connection's position. Make sure the connected parts are meshed.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Elements Generated by the Connection Manager Symptom

Error message


Invalid Step Length

Make sure that “Step Length”>0

Invalid Search Radius

Make sure that “Search Dist”>0

Failed to cut seamweld flanges

Make sure that the macros are not frozen.

Failed to create congruent meshes

Node-to-node correspondence could not be generated. Check the continuity of detected feature lines.

Failed to apply step length on feature lines

The requested step length cannot be imposed on the identified feature lines. Check for frozen elements on the feature lines.

PID x is not a SHELL property

Change the PID specified in the “Weld PID” field or change the type of the PID specified.

PID x is not a HeatZone SHELL property

Change the PID specified in any of the “BaseSide/BaseOffside/Sheet PID” fields or change the type of the PID specified

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax Filter-Modify Syntax

Appendix III

FILTER-MODIFY SYNTAX Building expressions for the filtering and modification of entities App.III-1. Scope of the Filter-Modify Syntax The Filter-Modify Syntax is a special scripting language which consists of expressions and statements that combine a series of logical and relational operations, in order to form user-specified query criteria. The Filter-Modify Syntax can be used for quick and advanced filtering and modification of entities attributes through the Selection Lists. Additionally, the same syntax is used for the definition of variable magnitude of boundary and initial conditions applied on SETs. In the paragraphs below, the Filter-Modify syntax and grammar are explained and examples of filtering and modification expressions are given.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax App.III-2. Filter-Modify Commands Conventions, operators as well as system constants and built-in functions that can be used within the Filter-Modify Syntax are presented below: Built-In Description Mathematical functions sin(x) sine of x cos(x) cosine of x tan(x) tangent of x -1 asin(x) sin (x) in [-π/2,π/2], x in [-1,1] -1 acos(x) cos (x) in [0,π], x in [-1,1] -1 atan(x) tan (x) in [-π/2,π/2], x in [-1,1] atan2(y,x) arc tangent of (a,b) sinh(x) hyperbolic sine of x cosh(x) hyperbolic cosine of x tanh(x) hyperbolic tangent of x log(x) natural logarithm ln(x), x>0 log10(x) base 10 logarithm log10(x), x>0 sqrt(x) square root of x, x>=0 ceil(x) smallest integer, not less than x floor(x) largest integer, not greater than x hypot(x,y) return the hypotenuse of x and y lengths abs(x) absolute value |x| fmod(x,y) floating-point remainder of x/y with the same sign as x String functions length returns the length of a string index returns the forward position of a sub-string within a string rindex returns the backward position of a sub-string within a string match returns the string containing a specific substring Tr translate one character into an other trdel delete any of the characters of specific charset from a string trsqu "squeeze" successive occurrence of a specific character within a string subifm substitute within filtering or modification procedure cut cuts items from strings . string concatenation

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


Syntax sin(expr) cos(expr) tan(expr) asin(expr) acos(expr) atan(expr) atan2(expr1,expr2) sinh(expr) cosh(expr) tanh(expr) log(expr) log10(expr) sqrt(expr) ceil(expr) floor(expr) hypot(expr1,expr2) abs(expr) fmod(expr1,expr2)

length(expr) index(expr1,expr2) rindex(expr1,expr2) match(expr1,expr2) tr(expr,expr1,expr2) trdel(expr1,expr2) trsqu(expr1,expr2) subifm(expr,expr1,expr2) cut(expr1,delim,position) expr1.expr2

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax Model info-extracting functions xg x-global nodal coordinate yg y-global nodal coordinate zg z-global nodal coordinate xl x-local nodal coordinate yl y-local nodal coordinate zl x-local nodal coordinate xlc x-local nodal coordinate on a specific coordinate system ylc y-local nodal coordinate on a specific coordinate system zlc z-local nodal coordinate on a specific coordinate system xel x-global element coordinate (mid-point of element) yel y-global element coordinate (mid-point of element) zel z-global element coordinate (mid-point of element) xelc x-local element coordinate on a specific coordinate system yelc y- local element coordinate on a specific coordinate system zelc z- local element coordinate on a specific coordinate system nd(n1,n2) Distance between nodes n1 and n2 elnodes(ei,i) Returns the node ID of the ith node of element ei elsize Returns the "size" of an element ("length" of line elements, "area" of shell elements, "volume" of solid elements, etc) Other functions if(expr,a,b) Assign value "a" if expression is true, else assign value "b" COUNTER Variable used to renumber IDs of entities -> pointer to fields of other cards rand returns a random integer returns a random integer in the range (0,integer) Constants π π/2 π/4 Ln(2) √2 e Zero Value

Description 3.14159265358979323846 1.57079632679489661923 0.79 0.69314718055994530942 1.41421356237309504880 2.71828182845904523536 0.00

BETA CAE Systems S.A.



if(expr,a,b) COUNTER or a+COUNTER*b rand() rand()%integer

Syntax "PI" "PI__2" "PI__4" "LN2" "SQRT2" "E" "0"

ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax App.III-3. Writing Filtering Expressions In the vast majority of cases, the user can define a filtering expression by adding filter rules for one or more fields and combining them with the Match All/Any option. However, there are cases where the filtering operation can be expressed more elegantly using an expression. An expression allows the direct reference of one or more card fields along with filter-modify commands. To reference a field, the user must declare it as an expression variable, enclosing its name within the “@” symbols. Additionally, references of other cross-referenced card fields can be included in expressions through pointers. The pointers are declared with the “->” symbol. Note that an expression is limited to a maximum of 300 characters. Examples of filtering expressions are given below: Example 1: From all the PSHELL properties, filter those that satisfy the following conditions: - the value of MID1 is equal to 3 and - the property thickness T lies in the range 1.1 to 1.3 Approach 1 In the Advanced Filter card, add two Filter Rules, one for the MID1 and one for the T fields of the “Shell Property” card and specify: - in the MID1 rule: MID1 “equals” 3 - in the T rule: T “is in range (x/x)” 1.1/1.3 Approach 2 An alternative way to achieve the same result is to create a new filter with a single Filter Rule, using an expression this time (the parentheses are used for clarity and can be omitted): - expression: @MID1@ == 3 && (@T@ >= 1.1 && @T@ __type__ and one for the MID->LCSS->__type__ fields of the “Shell Property” card and specify: - in the ELFORM rule: ELFORM “equals” 16 - in the MID->__type__ rule: MID->__type__ “contains” MAT24 - in the MID->LCSS->__type__ rule: MID->LCSS->__type__ “contains” TABLE Approach 2 An alternative way to achieve the same result is to create a new filter with a single Filter Rule, using an expression this time : - expression: @ELFORM@ == 16 && match (@MID@->@__type__@, “MAT24”) && match (@MID@->@LCSS@->@__type__@, “TABLE”) Note how fields of cross-referenced entities are included in the expression as pointers with the “->” symbol.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax Example 3: From all the properties, filter all those that have an odd PID In the Advanced Filter card, add a single Filter Rule, using an expression: -expression: fmod(@Id@,2)==1 However, there are cases where we can now reference another field in a modification expression without the need to enclose its name within the "@" symbols. First of all, regarding card-field names: Enclosing card-field names within the '@' symbol is needed only when names contain special characters like '-', '/', ... or start with non-letter. Such an example is the NASTRAN PSHELL '12I/T^^3' field. Moreover, in 'expression' option of filters, the '@' symbol is needed only in cases of ambiguities (like 'TS/T' field of PSHELL) and in member access operator (MID1->Name). In all other filter options ('contains', 'equals' etc.) the '@' symbol is still needed in order to evaluate the last column as expression. To avoid expression evaluation in this case, the string must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, in order to search for the string '@T@' in PSHELL Name, we must write "Name:'@T@'" Regular Expressions are supported for the filtering of Entities. Example 4a: From all the properties, filter all those that have a digit in their Name In the Filter field type the regular expression: Name:[0-9] Example 4b: From all the properties, filter all those that their Id starts with 1 and has at least 2 digits In the Filter field type the regular expression: Id:^1.. Example 4c: From all the properties, filter all those that their Ids starts with 1 and has exactly 2 digits In the Filter field type the regular expression: Id:^1..$

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax App.III-4. Writing Modification Expressions Modification expressions can massively modify entity attributes either by explicit definition of their new values or by modification of their current values according to user-specified patterns. The modifications take place in the Selection Lists, either in the quick-modify fields or in the Modify window. In the latter case, the user can define modification expressions by adding modify rules for one or more fields. Examples of modification operations are given below: Example 1: Switch all materials to DEFINED=YES Approach 1: If the column “DEFINED” has been added in the materials Selection List Through the quick-filter field of the “DEFINED” column, switch the option of the drop-down menu to “YES”. Approach 2: If the column “DEFINED” hasn't been added in the Selection List Access the Modify window and add a new Modify rule for the “DEFINED” field, switching the option of the drop-down menu to “YES”. Example 2: Switch the Young's Modulus of materials from MPa to GPa: Approach 1: If the column “E” has been added in the materials Selection List Type in the quick-filter field of the “E” column: - $/1000 Approach 2: If the column “E” hasn't been added in the materials Selection List Access the Modify window and add a new Modify rule for the Young's Modulus field (i.e. “E”). Then, type in the modification expression field: - $/1000 Example 3: Add as an extension to the PSHELL property name the property thickness so that the final property name is: - ” T = mm” In the PSHELL Selection List, type in the quick-filter field of the “Name” column: - $." T = ".@T@." mm" Example 4: Renumber the properties so that they start from 1 In the PSHELL Selection List, type in the quick-filter field of the “Id” column: - COUNTER More info on the COUNTER variable is provided in the remark below.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax Example 5: Specify the PAM-CRASH contact thickness in the PART_SHELL cards as a percentage of the actual thickness: - TCONT = 95 % h Approach 1: If the column “TCONT” has been added in the properties Selection List Type in the quick-filter field of the “TCONT” column: - 0.95*@h@ Approach 2: If the column “TCONT” hasn't been added in the properties Selection List Access the Modify window and add a new Modify rule for the “TCONT” field. Then, type in the modification expression field: - 0.95*@h@ A list of various modification expressions is given in the end of this paragraph. Remark: The COUNTER variable for modifications COUNTER variable is used to renumber the IDs of entities, properties and materials in order to meet specific numbering requirements. During a renumbering modification procedure, COUNTER actually counts the IDs of the entities to be renumbered. The lower ID is read first, followed by the second lower ID etc. Thus, at each step COUNTER is equal to the number of entities already read and not to the ID itself. The proper syntax of COUNTER is [ a + COUNTER * b ] where the integer b is the step and [a+b]the starting value of the new numbering sequence. Example The first column of the following table presents a list of custom numbered PIDs that have to be renumbered with the aid of the modification tool and the COUNTER variable. The remaining columns present the outcome of the modification procedure according to the expression written into the PID field of the modification card: Original PID numbers 10 420 20 1302 1350 24501 39875 1522

Modified PIDs using COUNTER 1 3 2 4 5 7 8 6

Modified PIDs using 990+COUNTER 991 993 992 994 995 997 998 996

Modified PIDs using 990+COUNTER*10 1000 1020 1010 1030 1040 1060 1070 1050

Remark concerning the renumbering of IDs The only way to forcibly change the ID of a selected entity to a number already reserved by an entity of the same type, is through the MODIFY option of the modification tool. In such cases, the two entities have their IDs interchanged.

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax Follow some examples of modification expressions: Purpose

Modified field

Modification expression

Remove rotational degrees of freedom from NASTRAN RBE2 elements


trdel ($,”456”)

Substitute “,” and “=” characters in ABAQUS names


tr($,”,=”, “_”)

Add in the PSHELL name the PID


$.”-PID: “.@PID@

Add in the PSHELL name the Young's Modulus of the used material


$.”-E: “.@MID1@->@E@

“Squeeze” characters from property name (e.g if name is “FRRRRRON RAIL” turn it into “FRONT RAIL”)


trsqu ($, “R”)

Substitute the “RAIL” keyword in property names by “BEAM”


subifm ($,”RAIL”, “BEAM”

Modify the property names so that only Name st th their characters from 1 to 10 remain


Modify the property names so that only Name the last three characters remain


“Cut” property names considering as separator the underscore (“_”) and maintain only the second composant Name (e.g. turn the name “FRONT_RAIL_LT” into “RAIL”

cut ($, “_”, 2)

match (@Name@, “[0-9]+”)

Get the first numeric sequence out of the property name and assign this as property Id (e.g. if the property name is Id “FRONT_123_RAIL_LT_456” extract as PID: 123)

“”: quotes are needed since a numeric string is extracted +: The plus sign denotes that only consecutive digits are searched for

Create a numeric sequence out of all the digits contained in the property name and assign this to the property Id Id (e.g. if the property name is “FRONT_123_RAIL_78_LT_45” extract as PID: 1237845)

BETA CAE Systems S.A.

trdel (@Name@, “[A-Za-z]”)


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax App.III-5 Filter-Modify Syntax Conventions Digit Nondigit

[0-9] [a-zA-Z]

Valid Digits Valid Non-Digit Characters

keyword built-in | constant identifier nondigit | identifier nondigit | identifier digit string - literal " 'any number of characters except double-quote' " sign one of + or digit- sequence digit | digit-sequence - digit exponent e sign(opt) digit-sequence | E sign(opt) digit-sequence fractional constant digit-sequence(opt) . digit-sequence | digit-sequence numeric-literal digit-sequence | fractional-constant exponent-part(opt) | digit-sequence exponent-part literal numeric-literal | string-literal variable @ 'any number of character except @' @ : | the dollar sign (current variable) :

"@"[^@]*"@" $

unary-operator one of + or | ! (not) string-operator the "." symbol

BETA CAE Systems S.A.


ANSA v.15.1.x User’s Guide

Filter-Modify Syntax numeric-operator addition subtraction division multiplication modulus raise to a power

+ / * % ^

Logical OR Logical AND

"||" | [or] "&&" | [and]


numeric-relation- operator Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Numeric string-relation-operator String String String String String String

"equality" "inequality" "greater than" "greater or equal" "less than" "less or equal" "equality" "inequality" "greater than" "greater or equal" "less than" "less or equal"

"==" "!=" ">" ">=" "
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