Annotations RPMS 2021 2022

July 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Complete Guidelines, Annotations and MOVs on the Preparation of RPMS Portfolio for S.Y. 2021 – 2022 (TI – T III)



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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS KRA 1: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE AND PEDAGOGY Objective 1 Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas MOVs * Attach your COT COT rating sheets 1 and and 2. Highligh Highlightt indicator 1

ANNOTATIONS   For objective 1, I have attached my Classroom Observation Observatio n Tool (COT) rating sheet from my Classroom Observation Observati on 1 and 2 observations of synchronous teaching (limited face-to-face). face-to-face). It is evident that I have met the objectives, as proven by a rating of 7 under indicator 1 for applying knowledge within and across curriculum teaching areas.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS Objective 2 Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning to enhance professional practice

MOVs * Attach one (1) lesson plan / lesson exemplar that use research-based research-based knowledge. Highlight which part of the lesson plan emphasize the objective (activity part) ANNOTATIONS

  Here is an example of a lesson plan or lesson exemplar in which I used research-based knowledge and/or  teaching and learning principles to enhance professional practice as components of my lesson. I was able to engage my learners to use their prior knowledge in analyzing the given situation or problem through the review and motivational part. Furthermore, the activities I've provided for them used an inquiry-based approach, allowing them to explore more ideas about the most important learning learning competency (MELC). In the analysis, I asked them to explain and elaborate on the concepts using the art of questioning, and I asked them questions of both lowerorder thinking skills (LOTs) and higher-order higher-order thinking skills (HOTs). The lesson progre progressed ssed during the abstraction or deve developm lopment ent pha phase. se. Whil While e res researc earch-b h-based ased knowledge knowledge was used in the app applicat lication ion or assi assimila milation tion which develops component skills, practice integrating them, and knowing when to apply what they have learned.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 3 Displayed Proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning MOVs * Attach your COT COT rating sheets 1 and and 2. Highligh Highlightt indicator 2 *For modular distance learning, annotated documents may also be considered (e.g. screenshot of messaging or  conversation with parents and learners, notes, instructions, narrative reports etc.) indicating occurrence of follow-up monitoring and evaluating students’ progress.

ANNOTATIONS    Attached is my COT rating sheet for indicator 2: proficient use of mother tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching and learning. learning. My rating is 7, which is an excellent indicato indicatorr that I met the objective. Language Language is ce centr ntral al to your your learn learning ing:: wit witho hout ut it, yo you u wil willl be unab unable le to ma make ke sense sense of a subjec subjectt or co comm mmun unica icate te your  your  understanding of it. Being fluent in a second language helped me adapt to a different culture more easily. Communication Communic ation with my parents or guardians and students is essential for the teaching and learning proc process. ess. In additio add ition, n, here are some of the annota annotated ted documents documents that will suppor supportt my rating rating as evidence evidence of languag language e proficiency as I gave instructions to my learners thru Facebook messenger and text messaging.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 4 Used effective verbal and non-verbal non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner understanding, understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement MOVs * Attach your COT rating sheets 1 and 2. Highlight indicator 3.

ANNOTATIONS   For objective 4, I've attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from my synchronous teaching Classroom Observation 1 and 2 observations (limited face-to-face). I received a 7, and it is clear that I give importance to indicator 3, which is effective verbal and nonverbal classroom communication strategies to support learning understanding, participation, engagement, and achievement. Here are some photos from my classroom observation. observation. Strong communication skills are essential for me to manage my classroom. I need to impr improve ove my ver verbal bal and and nonve nonverb rbal al co comm mmuni unicat catio ion n skills skills to ef effec fectiv tively ely de demo monst nstra rate te to my stude students nts what what appropriate classroom behavior entails. Nonverbal communication accounts for most of my interactions with my students. Strong verbal communication is also essential, and you should demonstrate to your students the rules and classroom lessons they need to know.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022



Objective 5 Es Esta tabl blis ishe hed d sa safe fe an and d se secu cure re le lear arni ning ng envi enviro ronm nmen ents ts to enha enhanc nce e le lear arni ning ng thro throug ugh h th the e cons consis iste tent nt implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedure. MOVs * Attach your COT rating sheets 1 and 2. Highlight indicator 3. * For modular distance learning, annotated documents may also be considered (e.g. screenshot of messaging or  conversation with parents and learners, notes, instructions, narrative reports etc.) indicating occurrence of follow-up monitoring and evaluating students’ progress.

ANNOTATIONS I've attached attached my Class Classroo room m Obse Observat rvation ion Too Tooll (CO (COT) T) rati rating ng she sheet et from my synch synchron ronous ous teac teachin hing g observations of Classroom Observation 1 and 2 (limited face-to-face), highlighted indicator 4. My ratings are 6 and 7, as I hav have e esta establish blished ed safe and secu secure re lear learning ning environme environments nts to enha enhance nce learning learning by con consiste sistently ntly imple im plemen mentin ting g po polic licies ies,, gu guid ideli eline nes, s, an and d pr proce ocedu dure res. s. I als also o at attac tache hed d he here re scr scree eensh nshot ots s of my po post st an and d announcement to my advisees via Facebook group chat or group texts about important reminders. To receive a good grade, I encourage them to do their performance tasks well in all subjects, such as video recording, vlogging, drawing, and others. Every retrieval and distribution of modules and outputs and activities, I remind them to strictly adhere to health and safety protocols and arrive on time to school.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 6 Maintained learning environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning MOVs * Attach your COT rating sheets 1 and 2. Highlight indicator 5. * For modular distance learning, annotated documents may also be considered (e.g. screenshot of messaging or  conversation with parents and learners, notes, instructions, narrative reports etc.) indicating occurrence of follow-up monitoring and evaluating students’ progress.

ANNOTATIONS I've attached attached my Class Classroo room m Obse Observat rvation ion Too Tooll (CO (COT) T) rati rating ng she sheet et from my synch synchron ronous ous teac teachin hing g observations of Classroom Observations 1 and 2 (limited face-to-face), with indicator 5 highlighted. My ratings are both 7, owing to the fact that I have maintained learning environments environments that promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning. I've also attached screenshots of my conversations with parents or guardians and learners who aren't consistently submitting outputs on the given deadline. If you cannot contact the students, home visits are the best option. All of them should be given the opportunity to discuss things or communicate in any way available to them. The home visitation form or logbook is also attached as I address students' problems and challenges at school.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 7 Maintained Maintaine d learning l earning environments environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collabora collaborate te in continued learning MOVs * Attach any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning environment that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning.  Activity sheet/s One lesson from a self-learning module (SLM)  Lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes) Video lesson  Audio lesson lesson Other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations)

ANNOTATIONS I chose Set A as my MOVs for this objective. Attached are some of my supplemental materials for  creating learning environments that nurture and inspire students to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in lifelong learning. The lesson in the self-learning module that I found encourages learners to collaborate. By completing the activities listed in the module, they will be guided not only by their teachers, but also by their  parents and guardians. Learners can benefit from video lessons as well. My MELC-based video lesson was uploaded to the drive or my YouTube channel or sent through our group chats. When compared to print materials alone, videos provide a more engaging sensory experience. Learners get to see and hear the concept being taught, and they can process it in the same way that they process their daily interactions.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


ANNOTATIONS For this objective, I chose Set B as my MOVs. My Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations observations of Classroom Observations Observations 1 and 2 (limited face-to-face) is attached, with indicator 7 highlighted. My ratings are 7 because I have created learning environments that encourage and inspire students to participate, cooperate, and collaborate in lifelong learning. Here are some photos from my observation that show the learners' active participation. My MELC-based lesson plan employed the collaborative approach, which entails students working together on small activities or learning tasks in small groups to ensure that everyone participates. participates. This activity uses the jigsaw and think-pair think-pair-share -share methods, as demonstrated by my MOVs. Students in the group may work on separate tasks that contribute to a common overall outcome, or they may collaborate on a shared task.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 8 Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning MOVs * Attach any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights maintaining learning environment that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning.  Activity sheet/s One lesson from a self-learning module (SLM)  Lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars, and the likes) Video lesson  Audio lesson lesson Other learning materials in print/digital format (please specify and provide annotations) *Please highlight and label your supplementary materials that you apply the various teaching strategies

ANNOTATIONS For objective 8, I chose Set A. Various strategies I used in my lesson plan are highlighted highlighted as evidence of  this. I used visualization in the form of pictures, audio clips, and videos to encourage my students to get out of  their seats and participate in classroom experiments. Cooperative learning promotes small group or whole-class activities that encoura encourage ge students of varying abilities to collabor collaborate. ate. Furthermore, inquiry-based inquiry-based instruction is one of the approaches that poses thought-provoking questions, inspiring your students to think for themselves and become more independent learners. To ensure that no one falls behind, students are differentiated based on their  abilities. Incorporating technology into your teaching effectively engages your students, particularly 21st-century learners. Combining these teaching strategies would help me motivate students to work productively by taking responsibility for their own learning.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


ANNOTATIONS For this objective, I chose Set B as my MOVs. My Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from my synchronous teaching observations observations of Classroom Observations Observations 1 and 2 (limited face-to-face) is attached attached,, with indicator 7 highlighted. highlighted. My ratings are 7 because I applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environment that motivate learners to work productib=vely by assuming responsibility for their own learning, . Here are some photos from my observation that show the learners' active participation. My MELC-based lesson plan employed the various teaching strategies, which motivate the learners to strive more and reach their full potential. Highlighted are the activities which I employ the strategies in teaching that I find compelling and effective based on the MELC.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning & Assessment and Reporting Objective 9 Designed, adapted, and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and talents MOVs * Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)on designing, adapting,and/or implementing teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents and a certification from the school head that the ratee’s classes have no identified learner/s with disabilities, giftedness and/or talents

TEACHER REFLECTION FORM (TRF) TEACHER: ___. _______________________

DATE SUBMITTED: _____________ ____

RATER: _____________________________

SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: _ _________  

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use DIRECTIONS: Reflect any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to 500 words. OBJECTIVE 9  9  Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents PROMPT #1 Context: Clara Context:  Clara is often seen restless or unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions and skips activities when left unsupervised. Action Taken: You Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a learning disability. How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your reflections in this form. Mention form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or have researched on.  YOUR REFLECTION REFLECTION To have a student like Clara is a challenge that a teacher must surpass. It is about measuring the teacher’s ability to recognize the problem and make an action to meet the learner’s needs without making them feel that they are different. Teachers must know that their learners walk into their classroom with a wide range of gifts and try to find ways to meet their needs, including those with learning and thinking differences. Given the situation like Clara, as a Mathematics Teacher, I will utilize differentiated instruction, especially in my subject area, where students tend to use critical thinking skills. With this approach, I can change what students need to learn, how they’ll remember it, and how to get the material across to them. In my experience, when my students struggle with one topic, I will create a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step directions, and particular homework. Scaffolding is also an option. These breaks learning into chunks. These chunks follow a


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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS logical order and move toward a clear goal. I usually form a bridge between what my learners already know and what they cannot do independently. In Mathematics, it can be charts, pictures, and cue cards. In my subject area, mathematics, Graphic Organization is the best use for my teaching process with learners who have difficulty understanding. I draw a picture to map out my thoughts and ideas. It can help the students, especially the younger students, with activities like counting and solving. This can help them plan and organize problem-solving  According to Branstetter (2019), (2019), when you label a student with a learning disability, this creates a problemproblem- they hold lower expectations. In turn, the student may live up to these low expectations. Although students with learning disabilities tend to struggle with lower achievement and have negative beliefs about their academic abilities, some researchers point out that it is difficult to disentangle what is causing these challenges. With my few years in teaching, encountering situations like Clara is not a surprise at all. What I am doing is focusing on the sea strengths thedisabilities islands oftoweakness. Focusing on strengths isn’t just a nice thing to do. It is essential for of students witharound learning feel good about themselves. I could all take a lesson from my students on a positive mindset. My students with special needs gave me hope that I can cultivate that resilience and strength in all the students who come to me with diverse learning learning needs as an educator and parent. Reference:

Branstetter, R. (2019). How to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Focus on their Strengths. Retrieved from https://greatergood.berkeley.e du/article/item/how_to_help m/how_to_help_students_with_ _students_with_learning_d learning_disabilities_f isabilities_focus_on_their_str ocus_on_their_strenghts enghts

 YOUR REFLECTION REFLECTION If Clara is my student, I will promote the least restrictive environment to combine settings that involve Clara with regular classroom and school programs as much as possible. There are various options for changing exams in ways that are fair while also taking into account how busy teachers are. One option is to argue traditional assignments or tests with portfolios, which are collections of a student’s work that show their growth over time and frequently include reflective or evaluative remarks from the students, the teacher, or both. Another option is to design a method for observing the student often, even for a few minutes, and to take informal notes about the observations for subsequent review and assessment. Also, enlisting the assistance of  teacher assistants, who are often there to assist with a handicap, an assistant may usually complete a brief test or  activity with the student and then report and discuss the results with the learner. I encountered a student with a mild cognitive disability in my teaching career. This student was assigned primarily to classes specially intended for slow learners but participat participated ed in school-wid school-wide e activities alongside alongside non-disabled students. I also designed an individual educational plan for that student considering his strengths and needs.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 10 Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from Indigenous groups

MOVs * Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)on designing, adapting,and/or implementing teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents and a certification from the school head that the ratee’s classes have no identified learner/s with disabilities, giftedness and/or talents


TEACHER: ___. _______________________

DATE SUBMITTED: _____________ ____

RATER: _____________________________

SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: _ _________  

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use DIRECTIONS: Reflect any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to 500 words. OBJECTIVE 10  10   Adapted and and used culturally culturally app appropriate ropriate tteaching eaching strategies strategies to address the needs of learners from indigenous groups PROMPT #1 Below is an assessment activity for a class of 30 learners, five of which belong to an indigenous peoples (IP) group. Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners.  Write your response in this form. Directions: For your assessment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents or anyone with knowledge on these roles. Choose from Set A and Set B. Explain why these are important roles. Set A 1. mayor mayor 2. councilor councilors s 3. medical medical office officers rs

Set B 1. datu/chi datu/chieftai eftain n 2. communi community ty elders 3. he heal alers ers

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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS  YOUR REFLECTIONS REFLECTIONS Education is regarded as a human right in and of itself and an essential tool for achieving other human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is the door through which economically and socially underprivileged people can rise beyond poverty and fully access the resources they need to engage in their communities fully. Education is becoming more widely recognized as one of the best long-term financial and social investments a country can make. Indigenous children and adults can exercise and enjoy their economic, social, and cultural rights with the help of appropriate education. It also improves their ability to exercise civil rights, allowing them to have a more significant say in political policy decisions that affect their human rights. As a result, education is critical for the enjoyment, preservation, and transmission of indigenous cultures, languages, customs, and knowledge. The given assessment above will provide the learners with their choice. This intercultural approach will boost positive community life between individuals from various cultures and religions by focusing on individuals as a central element and holders of rights. Set A will allow the students who respect mayors, councilors, and medical officers to conduct their assessment, while Set B will theus indigenous learners do their interviews with their  datu/chieftain, community elders, and healers. This canlet help understand the students’ preferences, strengths and weaknesses when communicating and how these can help or hinder us when communicating across cultures. This good This good intercul intercultura turall comm communic unication ation fundamen fundamentall tally y requ requires ires intercul intercultura turall awarene awareness, ss, an underst understandi anding ng that different cultures have different standards and norms. The idea is that if you don’t understand how your students communicate, you might make some poor decisions as a teacher. Intercultural communication is crucial in school and education because it prevents bad teaching.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 11 Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and responsiveness to the needs of all learners

MOVs * Evaluation of an adapted/contextualized learning program after the initial implementation Progress report on learners under the adapted/contextualized learning program after implementation  Accomplishment/completi  Accomplishm ent/completion/technical on/technical report on the implem implementation entation o off an adapted/contextua adapted/contextualized lized learning program  Action plan/activity plan/activity proposal/ proposal/ activity matrix matrix that shows a an n adapted/ adapted/ contextualized contextualized learning learning program program


*are Thisencouraged program is not ONLYaction for Filipino and teachers a reading program. Asattach subjectpictures teachers, we encour aged to take by doi doing ng English remedia remediation tion and conducting inte interven rvention tion program. program. You can pict ures while conducting the intervention or remediation program, your action and/or work plan, data gathered and narrative report as your MOVS

ANNOTATIONS This objective aims to support student learning through teacher initiative by implementing a remediation and intervention program. Students who participate in the program will be determined by the learning outcome assessment (LOA) per quarter and the number of SF9 failures. The intervention program will focus on the least mastered competency competency (LMC). Teachers can use different strategies depending on the learnin learning g modality, whether  limited face-to-face, online or modular distance learning. This activity was indicated in the action plan, with the expec ex pecte ted d ou outco tcomes mes be being ing com comple plete te coo cooper perati ation on fro from m pa pare rents nts and tea teache chers rs an and d imp improv roved ed 21 21stst-cen centur tury y mathematics skills. As a mathematics teacher, I have used my self-created video lessons, contextualized, and localized learning learning materials, or the self-learning kit as their learning materials materials to catch up with the lesson they find challenging. Attached are evidence of my efforts in addressing the academic gaps, needs, and challenges of my students in my subjects.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


ACTION PLAN Programs/ Projects

Project MEMES

Project All Numerates

Description of the Project


Strategies/ Activities

MEMES stands for Monitoring and Evaluating Mathematics

The goal of this project is to raise the proficiency level of learners in

-Monitoring and Evaluation of the School -Classroom Observation through online

teaching Effectiveness for Students

mathematics based on the results of the Learners Outcome  Assessment (LOA). It will assist teachers in putting what they have learned during webinars into practice to make mathematics more engaging and interesting for students.

class, LAC session, or prerecorded video. -Provision of Technical assistance from the Master Teacher, School Head or  Principal.

Project All Numerates is about Mastering the Four Fundamental Operations in -Addition -Subtractions -Multiplication

Project All Numerates gives learners with the opportunity to master basic mathematical operations.

-Conducting of Pre-test and post test -Orientation on the Project -Crafting of localized both printed and digitized instructional



materials and activity sheets - Distribution of the materials to the parents

Time Frame

Persons Involved

Teachers School Head/ Principal

Expected Outcomes

-Math proficiency of learners has improved - The school will be monitored and evaluated to determine the most effective school level in Elementary/Secondary of  Math subject.

Teachers Learners Parents

-The number of students who have mastered the basic operations in mathematics has increased. -To support the project, the school will be monitored and evaluated.  A narrative accomplishment report must be submitted.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS -Monitoring and evaluation Project Overcoming DILEMA

Teachermade Video Lessons

SelfLearning Kit in Mathematics


The goal of this initiative is to help students overcome their challenges in solving word problems. This will assist them in comprehending

-Cooperative Learning Schemes -Peer and Parents Tutoring -Synchronous and asynchronous online class -Modular and

the problem and determining a solution.

LAS learning -Video lessons designing and implementation

Based on the MELCs, the teacher will prepare a video lesson. The lesson must also be consistent

This innovation will enable learners learn the learning competencies in Mathematics by supplementing

-Video lessons created by teachers -Preparation of a power point presentation -Orientation on how to use the

with the SelfLearning Module that is used in the school.

their needs. The lesson can be localized and contextualized by the teacher for the students to watch.

video lesson -Weekly Home Learning Plan with Searchable Links and Video URL -Video lesson repository

Project Overcoming DILEMA stands for Overcoming Difficulty In LEarning LE arning MAthematics MA thematics

The SKLM is like activity sheets and assessment tools that are helpful in distance learning. The

Principal Class  Adviser  Math Teacher  Students

-The number of students who have mastered the MELCs has improved. -To support the project, the school will be monitored and evaluated.  A narrative narrative accomplishment report must be submitted.

School Head Teacher  Evaluator  Editor  Scriptwriter 

Quality Assured Video Lessons in Mathematics/ Teachermade video lessons

Quality Assured SelfLearning Kit in Mathematics This initiative aims to promote independent learning where students can

-Self Learning Kit in Mathematics created by Teacher  -Preparation of the layout and

School Head Teacher  Writer  Consultant

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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS features of this SLK are self-paced and suitable for independent learning.

actively participate in the printed modular distance learning at the comfort of their homes.

content -Orientation and pilot testing on the proper use of the SLK -Distribution of the printed material -SLK repository

LEARNERS GIVEN REMEDIATION BASED ON LOA RESULTS Mathematics Mathema tics 8 First Quarter, SY 2021-2022 SECTION







Condu duct ct an on onlin line e re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (fo (forr Con onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wa watc tch h video vide o les lesson sonss cre create ated d by the teacher teacher and provide pro vide sim simpli plied ed lea learnin rning g ac acvit vity y she sheets ets based on MELCs that they least master

88% of the stud ude ents mastered the lesson



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85% of the stud ude ents mastered the lesson



Con Condu duct ct an on onlin line e re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (fo (forr onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wa watc tch h video vide o les lesson sonss cre create ated d by the teacher teacher and provide pro vide sim simpli plied ed lea learnin rning g ac acvit vity y she sheets ets based on MELCs that they least master

88% of the stud ude ents mastered the lesson



Condu Conduct ct an on onlin line e re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (fo (forr onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wa watc tch h video vide o les lesson sonss cre create ated d by the teacher teacher and provide pro vide sim simpli plied ed lea learnin rning g ac acvit vity y she sheets ets based on MELCs that they least master

87% of the stud ude ents mastered the lesson



Con Condu duct ct an on onlin line e re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (fo (forr onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wa watc tch h video vide o les lesson sonss cre create ated d by the teacher teacher and provide pro vide sim simpli plied ed lea learnin rning g ac acvit vity y she sheets ets

87% of the stud ude ents mastered the lesson



based on MELCs that they least master  

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RPMS SY 2021-2022












Cond uctt an on onli line ne re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (f (for or Conduc onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wat watch ch video lessons created by the teacher, assign addional addio nal acvie acviess to answe answer, r, and schedule home visits for students who do not have internet access

100% of th 100% the e st stu ude dent ntss passed the subject


Co Cond nduc uctt an on onli line ne re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (f (for or onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wat watch ch video lessons created by the teacher, assign addional addio nal acvie acviess to answe answer, r, and schedule home visits for students who do not have internet access

100% of th 100% the e st stu ude dent ntss passed the subject


Conduc Cond uctt an on onli line ne re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (f (for or onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wat watch ch video lessons created by the teacher, assign addional addio nal acvie acviess to answe answer, r, and schedule home visits for students who do not have internet access

100% of th 100% the e st stu ude dent ntss passed the subject

Conduc Cond uctt an on onli line ne re reme medi dial al se sess ssio ion n (f (for or onli on line ne st stud uden ents ts)) or al allow low th them em to wat watch ch video lessons created by the teacher, assign addional addio nal acvie acviess to answe answer, r, and schedule home visits for students who do not have internet access

100% of th 100% the e st stu ude dent ntss passed the subject

100% of th 100% the e st stu ude dent ntss passed the subject





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RPMS SY 2021-2022



During the coronavirus pandemic, teachers were forced to adapt their traditional teaching methods for classes that now occasionally take place online. Teachers are reducing learning standards, ditching answer-getting tests, and supplementing instruction with math games and apps. They're also reaching out to parents parents for hel help p and looking for new ways to engage students students through through screens. screens. Duri During ng this online online summit, summ it, read readers ers wil willl have the oppo opportuni rtunity ty to ask questions questions abou aboutt how COVID-19 COVID-19 has affected math achievement, instruction, assessment, and engagement. It is true that learning mathematics at home is extremely extre mely diffi difficult. cult. However, modular distance learning is the modality used in our school, but we have begun online learning for those students who are capable and have a gadget and an internet connection at home. As a result, I find it difficult to reach out to my students and provide them with the necessary support and intervention from my subject.  

  Learners Learners who will undergo undergo remedia remediation tion were identifi identified ed based based on the results results of their their learning learning outcome assessment (LOA) on their initial grade of their written work and performance task scores. Based on the data, many of them require intervention. I strategize by dividing them into groups. Group A will be made up of online students, while Group B will be made up of modular students. As a result, I must plan two different strategies for reaching out to them as effectively as possible with the support of their parents and guardians. I will conduct an online remedial session (for online students) or allow them to watch video lessons created by me for Group A. On the other hand, Group B will be given simplified learning activity sheets during the distribution of modules. At the same time, those who cannot be contacted will be scheduled schedul ed for home visitation. visitation. I monitor monitor my learners learners once a week as I take record record of their their scores scores and improvement in my class. The outcome of the assessment was good. Eighty-seven percent of the 289 students mastered the lesson or a total of 251. Looking on the learners given intervention based on the number of failures from SF9, all of them passed the subject. Based on the hypothesis testing comparing their pre-test and post test scores, there is a significant difference between their scores in their pretest and posttest. Thus, I could say that the intervention is effective. Finally, the academic success of our students is entirely in our hands. Of course, this would only be possible with the full cooperation and support of all stakeholders. Even a small effort will mean a lot to them, and you will be able to make a difference in their lives.  lives. 

***Please ***Pleas e attach attach pictures pictures while conducti conducting ng the reme remedial dial class class or interven intervention tion prog program ram and the lear learning ning materials used such as video lessons and self-learning kit or learning activity sheets


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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS Objective 12 Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and programs MOVs *  A list of identified least/most mastered skills based on the frequen frequency cy of errors/correct errors/correct responses responses with any of the following supporting MOV  Accomplishment  Accomplishm ent report for remedial/enhancem remedial/enhancement ent activities(e.g. remedial sessions, Summer Reading Camp, Phil-IRI based reading program) Intervention material used for remediation/reinforcement/enhancement Lesson plan/activity log for remediation/enhancement utilizing of assessment data to modify teaching and learning practices or programs


  ANNOTATIONS For this objective, the e-class record will serve as the basis for identifying the least mastered skills based on the frequency of errors/correct responses. Attached here is my sample class record in mathematics 8 as I keep assessment data of my learners divided into two components: the written work and performance task. I developed an intervention program for a specific most essential learning competency. I implemented this program to identify learners with learning gaps, as evident in the Accomplishment report attached.

*Same MOVs in Objective 11. Please include your e-class record. Cover the name of the learners. Show how you identify the least mastered skills using e-Class record Example: Written Works

Total number of items  Average Score Score Percentage of Mastery

WW1 10

WW2 8

WW3 10

WW4 10

WW5 5

8.42 84.20%

6.30 78.75%

7.55 75.55%

5.95 59.50%

2.75 55.00%

Formula:  Average score score = sum of of all scores/ total total number of students Percentage of Mastery = average score/number of items*100 percent *Topics for written work #4 and #5 will be the coverage of the intervention program


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


KRA 4: Comm KRA Commun unit ity y Link Linkag ages es and and Pr Prof ofes essi sion onal al Enga Engage geme ment nt & Pers Person onal al Grow Growth th and and Pr Prof ofes essi sion onal al Development Objective 13 Maintained learning environments that are responsive to community contexts MOVs  Accomplishment  Accomplishm ent report report of a program/proj program/project/activity ect/activity that m maintains aintains a le learning arning environmen environmentt Program/Project/Activity plan on maintaining a learning environment Minutes of a consultative meeting/community stakeholders meeting about a program/project/activity that maintains a learning environment with proof of attendance Communication letter about a program/project/activity that maintains a learning environment Specific MOVs for you! *Home Visitation or class conducted outside the school Invite speakers or visitors for your class Project AKAP Learner’s research project Voluntary Voluntar y community service Commu Com munic nicati ation on betwe between en stude students nts,, par parent ents, s, cot cotea eache ches, s, whe where re stude students nts pa parti rticip cipate ate in ex expe perie rienti ntial al learn learning ing opportunities and in-campus management decisions.

ANNOTATIONS  As you can see, I took my class outside of the school to visit my students and give them instructions instructions and lessons. As a result of this, I've been able to create and sustain learning environments that are responsive to community contexts. This is part of my initiative to conduct a remediation program as part of my "Project AKAP" to impr im prov ove e my le lear arne ners rs'' ac acad adem emic ic pe perf rfor orma manc nce e an and d sk skil ills ls.. In ad addi diti tion on,, I ha have ve at atta tach ched ed sc scre reen ensh shot ots s of  communication to parents seeking permission to conduct the activity, which was approved by my principal or  school head.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022

ANNOTATIONS AND MOVS Objective 14 Reviewed regularly regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulatio regulations ns that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers MOVs *  Annotate  Annotated d video/audio video/audio recording recording of one’s teaching that shows impact of regularly reviewing one’s teaching practice/s  Annotated  Annotate d teaching materials that that show impact of of regularly rreviewing eviewing o one’s ne’s teaching teaching practice/s Lesson plan  Activity sheet  Assessment materials materials Others (Please specify) Personal reflection


Specific MOVS * Attach pictures while attending webinars, webinars, limited face-to-face classes, and your lesson plan or activities with grading rubric. Add your personal reflection

ANNOTATIONS   To demonstr demonstrate ate the impact of my regular review of my persona personall teaching practice using existing laws and regulations as evidence for Objective 14, I have attached pictures as MOVs showing that as part of my routine, I started my class with a prayer, as stated in Section 4, Article 11 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. This states that a teacher should always acknowledge the Almighty God as the guide of your own and the nation's destinies. I always presented the grading rubric to students to know what was expected of them. According to Section 1, Article VIII of the Code of Ethics, it was generally accepted evaluation and assessment procedures. A copy of my e-class record is evidence of adhering to generally accepted practices for the academic mark and promoting learners in the subject that I handle, as stated in the same Article of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022



 A code of ethics can assist teachers in creating a safe, productive, and positive learning environment throughout their teaching career. Teachers are expected to maintain high expectations to help hel p al alll stu stude dents nts rea reach ch the their ir ful fulll po poten tentia tiall thr throug ough h mea meani ningf ngful ul and in inclu clusiv sive e pa parti rticip cipati ation on in the classroo clas sroom, m, scho school, ol, and comm communit unity. y. The Ethi Ethical cal Prin Principl ciples es prom promote ote goo good d rela relation tionship ships s betw between een teache tea chers, rs, stu studen dents, ts, an and d par paren ents ts wh when en mak making ing ed educa ucatio tional nal dec decis ision ions. s. Fur Furthe thermo rmore re,, th throu rough gh thi this s relationship between students, parents, and teachers, all parties can improve teaching and learning activities and resources, thereby improving the outcome of the individu individual's al's education.


  Furthermore,, the Code of Ethics encourage Furthermore encourages s teachers to use current data and professiona professionall knowledg know ledge e to impr improve ove clas classroo sroom m teac teaching hing and lea learnin rning g acti activitie vities. s. Profe Professio ssional nal deve developm lopment ent and continuing education allow teachers to stay up to date on new trends and current information, giving their all to each student.   Suffice Suffi ce it to say; I inte intend nd to purs pursue ue my dre dream am of runn running ing and own owning ing a scho school. ol. Thro Through ugh the government curriculum, a school focuses on spiritual value and social awareness in society. Later, this school is expected to produce students who are intelligent on the outside and spiritually mature. I'll go ahead and do it and see what happens.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 15 Complied Compli ed with with and implem implement ented ed scho school ol polic policies ies and proce procedur dures es consi consiste stent ntly ly to foste fosterr harmon harmoniou ious s relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders MOVs Proof of participation/involvement participati on/involvement in a school-communi school-community ty partnership for the implementation of a school policy/procedure (e.g. certificate as committee member, narrative report) Minutes of parent-teacher conference/stakeholder’s meeting about an implemented school policy/procedure with proof  of attendance Communication letter about an implemented school policy/procedure sent to parent/guardian Specific MOVs *Picture of your participation or attendance, title and caption of the activity/program, date, and venue of the activity.

ANNOTATIONS   Attached are pictures of participation and proof of attendance in a school-communit school-community y partnership to exemplify that I coul could d sust sustain ain enga engageme gement nt with lea learne rners, rs, par parents ents/gua /guardi rdians, ans, and othe otherr stak stakehol eholders ders reg regardi arding ng scho school ol policies and procedures through school and community partnership/s. These images depict our collaboration with the students and other external stakeholders. The Local Government Unit, with the help of the Division Office, provided smartphones and tablets to our students to help them with their distance learning. The officers of the PTA also show their full support and cooperation. I served as the master of ceremonies and was a member of the committee that helped organize the program.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 16 Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered MOVs * One (1) lesson lesson plan with with annotati annotations ons iden identify tifying ing the applicat application ion of a lear learner ner-cen -center tered ed philosophy (e.g. constructivism, existentialism) used as a basis for planning/desi planning/designing gning the lesson.

teac teachin hing g

REFLECTION My Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy of teaching is based on the belief that a teacher knows and understands his/her students well. I believe that students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on learnings and experiences. I firmly agree that not everyone fits the mold thus, student must be given differentiated activities and every opportunity to learn in different ways and in different pace.  As a teacher, I believe that it is my responsibility to effectively diagnose diagnose student’s interest, abilities, abilities, and prior knowledge. Then, considering these I must devise learning activities that will both challenge and enable each learner to think and progress. With this philosophy, I must be aware of motivation and creative way of teaching and the effects of social interactions on learning. When it comes to learning theories, combining all of them, such as cognitivism, behaviorism, and reconstructionism, will lead to cooperative learning. Because I want all my students to achieve good grades, I give them the possible intervention and appropriate teaching strategy to cope with the least mastered competencies in my subject. To ensure that no students will be left behind, monitoring, and assessing students’ learning and progress must be done regularly. Because I understand that that most of learning occurs through through social interaction, interaction, I plan learning so that students collaborate and cooperate constructively with one another majority of class time. Teachers create and develop materials that are contextualized, localized, and suited with the need needs s of the learners. learners. Diffe Different rent learning learning appr approach oaches es and strategies strategies like the 2C2I1R are inco in corp rpor orat ated ed in th the e le less sson on pl plan an or ex exem empl plar ar to ac achi hiev eve e th the e le lear arni ning ng st stan anda dard rds s an and d le lear arni ning ng competencies competencie s of the students. I use my knowledge of the discipline to expose my students to modes of  critical thinking, encouraging to analyze, apply, synthesize, and evaluate all they read and hear based on the revised bloom’s taxonomy taxonomy of Anderson. There are various activities activities that will help the learners to st develop their 21  century skills in critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, collaboration, and creativity. The teacher must act as a facilitator for learning in every activity to be implemented provided the criteria or scoring rubric. As a teacher, you should know how to apply the new trends in your teaching strategies by considering the likes and dislikes of the students to actively involved and participate in the teaching and learning process. You should love your subject and know how to make them come alive from your students. A teacher does not only teach but inspires as well. Moreover, he or she must be flexible, adaptive, and innovative with the changes and challenges in education to suffice the needs of the learners  

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


 All teaching aids and learning learning materials are the spices of teaching. teaching. We are tested through times when wh en we we’re ’re cha challe llenge nged d of dif differ feren entt sit situa uatio tion n an and d sce scenar nario io ju just st li like ke thi this s try tryin ing g tim times. es. The There re we were re teachers who are not totally computer literate. But, through extensive trainings and webinars, they are equipped with new knowledge and skills that they can apply in teaching.


Specific MOVs * Attach one lesson plan. plan. Highlight the the reflection part.

ANNOTATIONS   In this this objective, objective, my my sample sample lesson lesson plan or exemplar exemplar demonstrates the application application of learnerlearnercentred cent red pers personal onal teaching teaching phi philoso losophy. phy. It was high highlig lighted hted in the plan plan's 's refle reflection ction,, whi which ch play plays s an essential role in teaching and learning. I considered the CAP when developing my learning objectives based on the MELC, which stands for the Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor domain. Learning is defined as a change in behavior. The reflection section should prompt students to consider their overall performance. They had impressions and feelings. They may also mention something that surprised them or caused them to pause.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 17 Adopted practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect, and integrity. MOVs Documented feedback from superiors, colleagues, learners, parents/guardians, or other stakeholders directly reflecting the ratee’s good practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession  Annotated  Annotate d evidence of practice indirectly linking to the upholding upholding of dignity of teaching as profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect and integrity. Screenshot of text messages/chat/email or any form of communication with parents/guardians or learners (name or  any identifies removed) Remarks from mentor/master teachers/school teachers/school head about one’s qualities (e.g. entries in Performance Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form (PMCF) or Mid-year Review Form Recognition forms the school/school community about one’s qualities

*SAMPLE CERTIFICATE (You can include 3 or more)

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of _______  (NAME OF SCHOOL) (School Address)

CERTIFICATION This is to certify that MR. OLIVER E. ORTIZ JR was able to manifest a caring attitude and respect for his colleagues during various school activities and tasks in the preparation of limited face-to-face classes. He has been a member of the teaching and learning working committee. He exerted effort and worked well with the team sharing his knowledg knowledge e and expertise. Given this ___________ at ____________________.

Name of Principal Position


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


*Specific MOVs Consolidated Consolida ted feedback from parent or guardian. Handwritten Handwritten with name and signature at the bottom. Attach as MOVs. Coaching Form and Developmental Plan Screenshots of messages form the students and parents/guardians. parents/guardians.


To prove that I met Objective 17 by adopting practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as a caring attitude, respect, and integrity, I humbly solicited feedback from various school stakeholders such as my school head or principal, parents, and students. These are my demonstrations of how I wholeheartedly carry out my responsibilities as a teacher.

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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 18 Set professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers MOVs *Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II Mid-year Review Form (MRF) IPCRF-DP Certification from the ICT Coordinator/School Coordinator/School Head/Focal Person in charge of e-SAT *You may ask me for a copy *You copy of sample sample develo developme pmenta ntall pl plan an if you do not have have   Have your e-SAT accomplished. accomplis hed. Ask your ICT coordinator for the Certification


  In obje objective ctive 18, all attac attachmen hments ts wil willl serv serve e as my evid evidence ence in prov proving ing that I set profe professio ssional nal development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. Attached here is my accomplished developmental plan, midyear review form, IPCRF developmental plan and certificate of  e-Sat accomplishment. As I have reviewed all these documents, I found out that there is always room for improvement. These weaknesses will help me to be a better teacher. I must go over the plan that I made mad e to ach achiev ieve e the le learn arnin ing g ob objec jectiv tives es tha thatt I hav have e set for the function functional al and Co Core re Beh Behavi aviora orall competencies. All the feedback from the superiors will take it positively and constructively to improve my teaching and best practices.


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RPMS SY 2021-2022


Objective 19 Performed various related works/activities that contribute to the teaching-learning process (Plus Factor) MOVs *Please attach any of the following: following:  Committee involvement  Advisorship  Advisorshi p of co-curricular co-curricular activities Involvement as module/ learning material writer  Involvement as module/learning material validator  Participation Participatio n in the RO/SDO/school- initiated TV-/radio-based instruction Book or journal authorship/contributorship authorship/contributorship Coordinatorship/chairpersonship Coaching and mentoring learners in competitions Mentoring pre-service teachers Participation Participatio n in demonstration teaching Participation Participatio n as research presenter in a forum/ conference Others (please specify and provide annotations)

* Attach pictures pictures of the Certificates, Certificates, add sh short ort caption caption,, the date and and venue

ANNOTATIONS   In this objective, I've attached all of the certificates I've received throughout the school year  2021-2022 2021 -2022,, duri during ng whic which h I've done various related work work/acti /activitie vities s that cont contribu ribute te to the teach teachinginglearning process. These endeavors will help me in my personal and professional development. Every year, I learn so much from webinars, writeshops, competitions, teaching, and my experiences. My contribution will impact the institution because I have served and will do my best in every activity that I will undertake. As a result, I am confident that the evidence I have presented will satisfy the criteria for  this indicator.

*Thanks, and God bless you! * 


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