Angol Kozepfoku Mintateszt Megoldassal

February 4, 2017 | Author: Lilla Harman | Category: N/A
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Angol középfok 24. Mintateszt társalKODÓ 1. Nyelvtan és szókincs 1 Az alábbi szövegben 15 kihagyott helyet talál. Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található négy-négy lehetséges megoldás közül a helyessel. A legelső kihagyásnál a megoldást példaként feltüntettük. Morocco jails king insult blogger A Moroccan blogger has been jailed for two years for __0__ disrespect to the monarchy, say the man's family. Mohammed Erraji, 29, was convicted after __1__ an article claiming King Mohammed VI's charitable habits were encouraging a culture of dependency. There has been no official comment on the case, but __2__ groups claim Erraji did not have a fair trial. A BBC reporter says criticising the king is __3__ offence in Morocco and the royal family remains a taboo subject. Morocco has __4__ caused international outrage with its treatment of internet users. Earlier this year, Fouad Mortada __5__ sentenced to three years in prison for creating a false profile on the internet site Facebook using the identity of the king's brother. He received a royal pardon following protests from internet users __6__ the world. Erraji claimed in an internet article that the king's charity towards Moroccans was stifling development by encouraging people to __7__ lazy. "This has made the Moroccans a __8__ without dignity, who live by donations and gifts," he wrote. The BBC's James Copnall in the capital, Rabat, says he was particularly critical of the practice known __9__ grima - giving lucrative licences to run taxis and other transport in exchange for begging letters. Erraji said this did not happen in developed countries, where hard work __10__ than begging is rewarded. He was arrested by the authorities last Friday and accused of "lacking the respect __11__ to the king". In court on Monday, he was given a __12__ prison sentence and fined 5,000 Dirham ($630:£356). One relative, who claimed to have been __13__ at the trial, said Erraji had not had a lawyer and that the judgement took only ten minutes. "The judge passed sentence very quickly but we __14__ hear what was being said. He had no opportunity to explain __15__," said the relative, who asked not to be named. He told Reuters news agency that Erraji was in poor health and was just a "free thinker who simply wants the best for his country". The blogger's brother told the BBC the sentence was disastrous for his family, as Erraji is the only one with a regular income


0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


B. showing

C. showed

D. shown

A. to write A. right A. previously A. has been A. everywhere A. be A. nations A. so A. better A. because A. two-year A.then A. wouldn’t A. him

B. have written B. rights B. the B. later B. is B. around B. have B. country B. than B. likely B. due B. two years B. late B. couldn't B. himself

C. can write C.left C. an C. before C. was C. above C. stay C. world C. like C. rather C. why C. long years C. present C. weren’t C. his

D. writing D. lefts D. same D. early D. had been D. about D.keep D. people D. as D. such D. cause D. too-long D. last D. hadn’t D. he


2. Nyelvtan és szókincs 2 Az alábbi szövegben 15 kihagyott helyet talál. Olvassa el a szöveget és egészítse ki a kihagyásokat a szöveg után található kifejezések listájából, amelyek alakján változtatni nem lehet. A 20 lehetséges megoldásból csak 15-öt lehet felhasználni. Egy kifejezés csak egyetlen helyre írható. A legelső kihagyásnál a megoldást példaként feltüntettük Poor states back economic reform The climate for small business is getting easier around the world, __0__ to a new report by the World Bank and __1__ private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation. The report, Doing Business 2009, which measures how __2__ it is to do business in 189 countries, says that regulatory reform has gathered pace in the past five years, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. African countries are also __3__ the pace of reform, with 28 countries initiating a reform process, including some post-conflict countries such as Liberia and Sierra Leone. The majority of the top-ranking __4__ for doing business, however, are still in developed countries, with the US third and the UK __5__ in the world rankings. Georgia, the __6__ Soviet republic, is ranked 15th in the world, with one of the most business-friendly regimes in the world. Bahrain and Mauritius also __7__ the ranks of the top 25 most liberal countries. The developments __8__ striking, particularly given the worldwide credit crunch and economic slowdown. According to Penelope Brook, the World Bank's vice president for private sector development, we __9__ not be too surprised by these findings. She told the BBC that many smaller developing countries realised they had to mobilise their domestic resources and create a __10__ business-friendly climate. And she argued that the more difficult economic climate worldwide, which has raised questions __11__ how much globalisation benefits all, has intensified efforts by these countries to modernize their economies and attract investment. According to Ms Brook, helping small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries is one of the __12__ to eliminating poverty, especially in urban areas. She cites survey research that shows that most people in poor countries want to __13__ start their own business or get a job in the formal sector to improve their condition. But, she adds, the lack of __14__ regulations, such as enforceable contract rights in courts, means that many small companies in developing countries are in the informal sector, where they lack __15__ legal rights. This makes it hard for them to expand or get access to bank loans, and that in turn limits the number of workers they could hire.

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3. Írott szöveg értése 1 A következő feladatban két szöveget talál. Olvassa el az első szöveget, majd ennek alapján értelemszerűen egészítse ki annak rövid összefoglalását (a második szöveget), amelyből néhány információt kihagytunk. Minden zárójelbe tett sorszám után annyi szót kell beírni, amennyi vonalat az adott helyen talál. A rövid összefoglalást ki lehet egészíteni az első szövegben szereplő, illetve az abban nem szereplő, de értelemszerűen odaillő szavakkal is. A feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat. Első szöveg: Lewes launches its own currency An East Sussex town is introducing its own currency in an effort to encourage shoppers to support the local economy. The Lewes Pound works like a voucher, with one Lewes pound note worth the same as a pound sterling. Up to 10,000 notes have been printed. The currency will be accepted in local participating stores and can be bought in four outlets in the town. More than 70 local traders have agreed to accept the Lewes Pound as a complementary currency to sterling. The town had its own currency between 1789 and 1895. The current scheme will run until next August, when a review will be held to determine whether it should continue. Lewes Mayor Michael Chartier, who officially launching the local pound, said: "The idea behind it is to encourage as many local people as possible to shop locally. "Lewes has a tradition of small shops and hasn't got a large number of major chain stores that a lot of other towns have. "And it has traditionally been the small shops that have given Lewes its unique appeal." The Lewes Pound, which was drawn up by Transition Town Lewes (TTL) and is made up of local residents whose aim is to campaign for a more self-sufficient community. One supporter of the new currency, Oliver Dudok van Heel, said: "It is a way of supporting the local economy by creating a bond between the shopkeepers and shoppers. "It is a very real relationship if you go into a local store where people know each other rather than going into Tescos, where it is a much more impersonal way of doing things." A similar currency was launched in Totnes, south Devon, last summer. Rövid összefoglalás: A town in East Sussex wants 1._____ _____ its own money to help the local economy. 2._____ shops will accept it. The mayor says the scheme will help people3._____ _____ ______. There 4._____ many big stores in the town, but there are a lot5. _____ _____ _____. Local people want the town to be 6. _____ _____. The new money will create a new bond between the shops and their customers. Service in small shops is 7. _____ _____ _____ in big supermarkets. In the past the town had its own money, and last summer 8. _____ _____ introduced a similar scheme.


4. Írott szöveg értése 2 Olvassa el figyelmesen az alábbi szöveget. A szöveg után hat befejezetlen állítást talál háromhárom lehetséges befejezéssel, amelyek közül a helyeset kell kiválasztania. A feladat megoldásához szótárt nem használhat. Armstrong to make shock comeback Cycling legend Lance Armstrong is coming out of retirement to try to win an eighth Tour de France in 2009. The American, who will be 37 on 18 September, recovered from cancer and claimed victory in the Tour a record seven times before retiring in 2005. He said: "I'm happy to announce that after talking with my children, family and closest friends, I have decided to return to professional cycling. "It is in order to raise awareness of the global cancer burden." He added: "This year alone, nearly eight million people will die of cancer worldwide. It's now time to address cancer on a global level." Armstrong famously overcame an aggressive form of testicular cancer before embarking on his remarkable run of Tour de France victories. Since his retirement in 2005, he has run respectable times in the New York and Boston marathons but much of his energy has been spent running the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a charity dedicated to combating cancer. Armstrong had to return to the United States Anti-Doping Agency's (USADA) testing programme to compete in last month's Leadville Trail 100 mountain bike race in Colorado. He finished a creditable second in the tough event, to show he remains in good shape but the Texan is unlikely to settle for that at next year's Tour. Armstrong will announce details of his team and pre-Tour racing schedule on 24 September at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York City. "I think it's great," said Armstrong's former team-mate George Hincapie. "Without Lance, half the teams in the Tour probably wouldn't be around. He's done more than anyone for the sport especially in America and around the world." Armstrong gave more detail of his return in an interview with American magazine Vanity Fair's website He appears to have been inspired by some of the older competitors at the 2008 Olympics, as well as what he believes was a slow pace of this year's Tour de France. "Look at the Olympics," said Armstrong, who gave the interview to the website over three days in late August. "You have a swimmer like Dara Torres, who claimed silver. Even in the 50m freestyle, a 41year-old mother proved you can do it. "Constantina Tomescu-Dita won the marathon and she was 38. "Older athletes are performing very well. Ask serious sports physiologists and they'll tell you age is a wives' tale. "I'm not going to lie. My back gets tired quicker than it used to and I get out of bed a little slower than I used to. "But when I'm on the bike I feel just as good as I did before." Nevertheless, Armstrong will have to buck a clear historical trend if he is to win a remarkable eighth Tour title, with only the 36-year-old Firmin Lambot - back in 1922 - winning the Tour beyond the age of 34.


During his career, many other riders were caught doping but Armstrong has never tested positive and has always maintained he was a clean rider, using hundreds of passed drug tests during his career as proof. In 2006, an independent investigation by the International Cycling Union cleared Armstrong of any doping in his first Tour victory. "There's this perception in cycling that this generation is now the cleanest generation we've had in decades, if not forever," said Armstrong. "And the generation that I raced with was the dirty generation. "I'll be totally honest with you. The year that I won the Tour, many of the guys that finished second through to 10th are gone. Out. Caught. Positive tests. Suspended. Whatever. "And so I can understand why people look at that and go, 'well, they were caught - and you weren't?' "So there is a nice element here where I can come with really a completely comprehensive program and there will be no way to cheat." Armstrong has also hit the headlines and gossip columns for his private life since divorcing his wife Kristin, the mother of his three children, with high-profile relationships with singer Sheryl Crow, fashion designer Tory Burch and actress Kate Hudson. 1. Lance Armstrong is coming back a. because he wants to make a world record. b. because he can’t stop professional cycling. c. because he wants more attention to the cancer problem. 2. He spends a lot of time a. working in his charity foundation. b. preparing for the Boston Marathon. c. training for a big comeback. 3.He a. had to take repeated drug tests to Tour-de-France. b. is in good shape, but not for the next year’s Tour. c. is going to choose a new team. 4. Older competitors a. have performed very well at the Olympics. b. may also win long distance running events. c. can do a lot for making sports more popular. 5. The biggest problem is a. age in cycling. b. that Lance tires fast. c. doping , but Lance has always been clean. 6.Armstrong has appeared in the news a. because of his comeback. b. because of his love-affairs. c. because cyclists have been caught doping.


5. Íráskészség Az alábbi feladatok közül EGYET kell megoldania. Az irányítási szempontok mindegyikérõl írnia kell, de Ön dönti el, hogy a szempontokat milyen sorrendben foglalja írásába. A feladat megoldása során azonban ügyeljen arra, hogy fogalmazása mind szerkezeti, mind tartalmi szempontból egységes egészet alkosson. Az eredeti szövegből idézhet, ez azonban nem számít bele az elvárt terjedelembe, ami 200-250 szó. A feladat megoldásához nyomtatott szótár használható. Kérjük olvashatóan írjon. A vizsga titkossága érdekében ne használja saját nevét és címét a feladatban. You have read this in a magazine

Bloggers offer an alternative view to the news we are being fed by the rest of the media. A media owned by the rich or, in case of the BBC, silenced by the powerful. Blogs are like people, they have different opinions. If you don't like the opinion of one blog, go to another one. The only people who want to silence blogs are those who don't like some straight talking about their activities. If you silence the blogs, you're introducing Big Brother to the internet. BBC Magazine

Write a FORMAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR of the magazine in which you • • • •

react to the article by writing about the situation in Hungary. discuss what are the advantages of reading and writing blogs discuss the disadvantages of reading and writing blogs. clearly state your opinion about the ideas expressed in the article.

KEY 1. 0.B, 1.D, 2.B, 3.C, 4.A,5.C, 6.B, 7.A, 8.D, 9.D, 10.C, 11.B, 12.A, 13.C, 14.B, 15.B, 2. 0.B, 1.L, 2. G, 3. K, 4. F, 5. T, 6. I, 7.N, 8. D, 9. S, 10.P, 11.A, 12. O, 13. H, 14. E, 15. C 3. have, 2. Local, 3. to shop locally, 4. aren’t, 5. of small shops, 6. more self-sufficient, 7.more personal than, 8. another town 4. 1.C, 2.A, 3.B, 4.A, 5.C, 6.B,

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