Anglu k. per 25 pamokas.doc

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Anglų kalba per 25 pamokas

R. Vaitkus

2011 Vilnius 1


Dalykas: anglų kalba

ANGLŲ KALBA PRADINIS LYGIS (mokomoji medžiaga dieninių ir neakivaizdinių studijų I-II kurso studentams) Parengė: dėst. R. Vaitkus

Vilnius, 2011 2

TURINYS Abėcėlė.............................................................................................................................................................5 BALSIŲ JUNGINIŲ SKAITYMAS................................................................................................................5 1. INTRODUCTIONS......................................................................................................................................6 Asmeniniai, savybiniai įvardžiai..................................................................................................................6 Skaitvardis....................................................................................................................................................7 Įvardžiai this, that, these, those....................................................................................................................8 Žodynėlis......................................................................................................................................................9 2. FAMILY.....................................................................................................................................................10 Apostrofas...................................................................................................................................................10 Klausiamieji žodžiai where, what, when, who, whose, why, how often, how much...................................10 Kelintiniai skaitvardžiai..............................................................................................................................11 Žodynas “Šeima”........................................................................................................................................12 Žodynas „profesija“....................................................................................................................................12 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................15 3. AT THE AIRPORT.....................................................................................................................................16 Savybinis linksnis.......................................................................................................................................17 Present Simple laikas (Paprastas esamasis laikas).....................................................................................18 Veiksmažodžio “būti” (be) asmenavimas:..................................................................................................18 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................22 4. AT A CLOTHES SHOP..............................................................................................................................23 Vietos ir laiko nusakymas...........................................................................................................................24 Daugiskaita.................................................................................................................................................25 Vns..............................................................................................................................................................27 Dgs..............................................................................................................................................................27 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................28 5. AT A GROCERY STORE...........................................................................................................................29 Kiekybiniai Įvardžiai..................................................................................................................................30 Nežymimieji įvardžiai some/any................................................................................................................31 Somebody/someone/something/anybody/anyone/anything.......................................................................31 Pavartokite žodžius: little arba few.............................................................................................................32 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................33 6 AT THE RESTAURANT............................................................................................................................35 Kiekybiniai, nežymimieji, sangrąžiniai įvardžiai.......................................................................................36 Prielinksnis.................................................................................................................................................37 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................42 7. WRITING A LETTER................................................................................................................................46 Present continuous tense (esamasis tęstinis laikas)....................................................................................47 Sangrąžiniai įvardžiai................................................................................................................................48 Neigiamieji Įvardžiai..................................................................................................................................49 Žodžių tvarka sakinyje...............................................................................................................................49 8. BOOKING A HOTEL................................................................................................................................53 Past simple (paprastas būtasis laikas).........................................................................................................55 Netaisyklingos veiksmžodžių formos.........................................................................................................55 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................59 9. A VISIT TO A DOCTOR...........................................................................................................................61 Žodžių tvarka klausiamajame sakinyje......................................................................................................62 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................65 10. AT HOME.................................................................................................................................................67 Past continuous tense (būtasis tęstinis laikas)............................................................................................69 Netaisyklingos veiksmžodžių formos (irregular verbs).............................................................................70 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................73 11. RENTING A HOUSE...............................................................................................................................74 Future simple tense (paprastas būsimasis laikas).......................................................................................75 Be going to.................................................................................................................................................76 Present continuous......................................................................................................................................77 3

There/It...........................................................................................................................................................77 Purpose (tikslas).............................................................................................................................................77 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................80 12. AT A TRAVEL AGENCY.........................................................................................................................82 Present perfect tense (esamasis atliktinis laikas)........................................................................................84 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................89 13. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY..................................................................................................................91 Present perfect continuous..........................................................................................................................92 Structure (sudarymas).................................................................................................................................92 Use ( vartojimas)........................................................................................................................................92 Time expressions: for 5 years, since 1997..................................................................................................92 Žodynėlis....................................................................................................................................................97 14. BUYING A CAR......................................................................................................................................98 Comparison of adjectives (būdvardžių laipsniavimas).............................................................................100 Jungtukai:.................................................................................................................................................100 Artikeliai...................................................................................................................................................100 Artikelių nevartojimo atvejai....................................................................................................................101 Žymimojo artikelio vartojimo atvejai.......................................................................................................102 Nežymimojo artikelio vartojimo atvejai...................................................................................................103 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................105 15. THE FIRST DAY AT WORK.................................................................................................................107 Giving advice (patarimai).........................................................................................................................109 Shall..........................................................................................................................................................109 Will...........................................................................................................................................................109 MAY/MIGHT...........................................................................................................................................109 Must/mustn’t.............................................................................................................................................110 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................112 16. AT THE THEATRE................................................................................................................................113 Sąlygos sakiniai tipas 0, šalutiniai laiko aplinkybės sakiniai...................................................................115 IF/WHEN..................................................................................................................................................116 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................118 17. AT THE CINEMA..................................................................................................................................120 Sąlygos sakiniai tipas 1, šalutiniai laiko aplinkybės sakiniai...................................................................121 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................124 18. AT A ZOO SHOP....................................................................................................................................126 Past perfect tense (būtasis atliktinis laikas)..............................................................................................127 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................131 19. AT THE LOST PROPERTY OFFICE....................................................................................................133 Future perfect tense (būsimasis atliktinis laikas)......................................................................................135 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................137 20. HOUSE CHORES..................................................................................................................................139 Passive voice (neveikiamoji rūšis)...........................................................................................................140 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................144 21. AT THE BANK......................................................................................................................................146 Reported speech (Netiesioginė kalba)......................................................................................................148 Reported commands (paliepimai).............................................................................................................149 22. INVITATION..........................................................................................................................................153 Future continuous tense (būsimasis tęstinis laikas)..................................................................................153 Gerundijus................................................................................................................................................154 Gerundijus po daiktavardžių.....................................................................................................................155 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................157 23. AT THE POLICE STATION..................................................................................................................159 Gerundijus po veiksmažodžių..................................................................................................................162 Bendraties vartojimas...............................................................................................................................163 Žodynėlis..................................................................................................................................................166 24. WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?........................................................................................................173 Būdvardžiai apibūdintys orą.....................................................................................................................174 Conditionals Type 2..................................................................................................................................176 25. REPORTING AN EMERGENCY.........................................................................................................178 Sąlygos sakiniai, tipas 3...........................................................................................................................179 4



Abėcėlė Anglų kalbos abėcėlėje yra 26 raidės: A a /ei/ Bb /bi‫׃‬/ C c /si‫׃‬/ D d /di‫׃‬/ E e /i‫׃‬/ F f /ef/ G g /d3i:/ H h /eitЅ/ I i /ai/ J j /dзei/ K k /kei/ Ll /el/ M m /em/ N n /en/ O o /әu/ Pp /pi:/ Q q /kju:/ R r /a:/ S s /es/ T t /ti:/ U u /ju:/ V v /vi:/ W w /dΛblju:/ X x /eks/ Y y /wai/ Z z /zed/ Raidė gali reikšti skirtingus garsus. Transkripcija (tai kas yra laužtiniuose skliaustuose) padeda perskaityti raidę. Kiekvienas garsas žymimas fonetiniu ženklu (raidės esančios skliaustuose). Dvitaškis (:) žymi balsio ilgumą. Hello! – Labas! Sveiki! Good morning! – Labas rytas. Good afternoon! – Laba diena. Good evening! – Labas vakaras. How are you? – Kaip gyveni/laikaisi?/ Kaip gyvenate? My name is …. – Mano vardas yra……. Nice to meet you. – Malonu susipažinti. What is your name? – Koks tavo/ jūsų vardas? BALSIŲ JUNGINIŲ SKAITYMAS AI /ei/ nail /neil/ nagas, vinis; train /trein/ traukinys AY /ei/ day /dei/ diena; May /mei/ gegužė AU /o:/ August /o:gәst/ rugpjūtis; Paul /po:l/ Paulius EA /i:/eat /i:t/ valgyti; meat /mi:t/ mėsa EE /i:/ sleep /sli:p/ miegoti; tree /tri:/ medis EY /ei/grey /grei/ pilkas; obey /obei/ paklusti IE /ai/ die /dai/ mirti; lie /lai/ gulėti, meluoti IE /i:/ believe /bili:v/ tikėti; field /fi:ld/ laukas OA /әu/ loaf /lәuf/ kepalas; road /rәud/ kelias OI /oi/ boil /boil/ virti; oil /oil/ aliejus OY /oi/ boy /boi/ berniukas; toy /toi/ žaislas OU /au/ ground /graund/ žemė; round /raund/ aplink Rain /rein/ lietus, say /sei/ sakyti, pay /pei/ mokėti, autumn /o:tәm/ ruduo, leaf /li:f/ lapas, sea /si:/ jūra, week /wi:k/ savaitė, street /stri:t/ gatvė, tie /tai/ kaklaraištis, rišti, boat /bәut/ valtis, point /point/ taškas, sound /saund/ garsas.


1 tema

1. INTRODUCTIONS Tom is meeting his wife’s Ann’s colleague Jill. Ann: Tom: Jill: Tom Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom:

Tom, this is my colleague Jill. What’s your name? My name is Jill Jenkins. And yours? Tom Smith. How are you? I’m OK, thank you. Where are you from? I am from Manchester. And you? I am from London. What’s your job? I am a manager? What do you do? I am a teacher. What’s your hobby? I like reading books. What about you? I enjoy playing football. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.

Tomas susitinka savo žmonos Ann kolegą Jill. Ann: Tom: Jill: Tom Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom: Jill: Tom:

Tomai, tai yra mano kolega Džilė. Koks yra jūsų vardas? Mano vardas yra Džilė Dženkins. O jūsų? Tomas Smitas, kaip jums sekasi? Man sekasi gerai, ačiū. Iš kur jūs? Aš esu iš Mančesterio. O jūs? Aš esu iš Londono. Kokia jūsų profesija? Aš esu vadybininkė? Kuo jūs užsiimate? Aš esu mokytojas. Koks jūsų hobis? Aš mėgstu skaityti knygas. O jūs? Aš mėgstu žaisti futbolą Malonu susipažinti su jumis. Malonu susipažinti taip pat.

Asmeniniai, savybiniai įvardžiai Asmeniniai įvardžiai :

Savybiniai įvardžiai

I – aš You – tu He – jis She – ji It – tai

My – mano Your – tavo Her –jos His – jo Its – (daikto – kieno?)

We – mes

Our – mūsų 7

1 tema You – jūs They – jie, jos

Your – jūsų Their - jų

!!! Atkreipkite dėmesį : Įvardis “aš” (I) anglų kalboje visuomet rašomas didžiaja raide nepriklausomai ar jis yra sakinio pradžioje, viduryje ar pabaigoje. Vienaskaitos trečias asmuo (it) naudojamas kalbant apie gyvūnus, daiktus beasmeniuose sakiniuose. Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad „it“ vartojamas tik vienaskaitoje. Pvz.: kėdė = it, tačiau „kėdės = they (jos).

Skaitvardis 0 zero /ziәrәu/ 1 one /wΛn/ 2 two /tu:/ 3 three /θri:/ 4 four /fo:/ 5 five /faiv/ 6 six /siks/ 7. seven /sevn/ 8 eight /eit/ 9 nine /nain/ 10 ten /ten/ 11 eleven /ilevn/ 12 twelve /twelv/ 13 thirteen /θз: ti:n/ 14 fourteen /fo:ti:n/ 15 fifteen /fifti:n/

16 sixteen /siksti:n/ 17 seventeen /sevnti:n/ 18 eighteen /eiti:n/ 19 nineteen /nainti:n/ 20 – 90 priesaga ty 20 twenty /twenti/ 30 thirty /θз:ti/ 40 forty /fo: ti/ 50 fifty /fifti/ 60 sixty /siksti/ 70 seventy /sevnti/ 80 eighty /eiti/ 90 ninety /nainti/ 100 hundred /hΛndrәd 1000 thousand /θauzәnd/ 1000000 million /miliәn/

Dešimtys su vienetais rašomos su brūkšneliu, pvz.: 47 forty–seven. Sudėtiniuose skaitvardžiuose tarp šimtų (tūkstančių, milijonų, milijardų) ir po jų einančių dešimčių (arba vienetų, jei nėra dešimčių) vartojamas jungtukas and – ir, pvz.: 102 – one hundred and two, 4532 - four thousand five hundred and thirty–two. Skaitvardžiai hundred, thousand, million daugiskaita nevartojami, jie neturi galūnės -s, pvz.: nine hundred bikes – devyni šimtai dviračių. Kai skaitvardžiai reiškia neapibrėžtą skaičių, jie vartojami su galūne -s ir prielinksniu of , pvz.: hundreds of books – šimtai knygų.


1 tema !!! Atkreipkite dėmesį : Kontekste du tie patys skaičiai einantys vienas po kito tariami – double, trys – triple. Pavyzdžiui, sakant telefono numerį : 37699558777 – three seven six double nine double five eight triple seven

Įvardžiai this, that, these, those This – šis, šitas (kalbame apie daiktą, kuris yra arčiau mūsų) That - tas (kalbame apie daiktą, kuris yra toliau mūsų) These – šie (kalbame apie daiktus, kurie yra arčiau mūsų) Those - tie(kalbame apie daiktus, kurie yra toliau mūsų) Įvardžio this daugiskaita yra these, o that – those. Is this your book? Yes, that is my book. Ar ši knyga yra tavo? Taip, čia yra mano knyga. Are these your pens? Yes, these pens are mine. Ar šie rašikliai yra tavo? Taip, šie rašikliai yra mano.

1. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite duotus daiktavardžius angliškais asmeniniais įvardžiais: Pvz.: teta = she; televizorius = it; mano sąsiuviniai = they; ir t.t. 1. Brolis (brother) = …………… 2. Knyga (book) =……………… 3. Šuo (dog) = …………… 4. Mano draugė (my friend) =…………………………… 5. Jūsų kompiuteriai (your computers) =…………………………… 6. Tavo vyro automobilis (your husband’s car) = ……………… 7. Mūsų giminės (your relatives)= ……………… 8. Mažoji pusseserė (little cousin)= ……………… 9. Naujos dainos (new songs) = ……………… 10. Tavo daiktai (your things) = ……………… _____________________________________________________________________


1 tema Parašykite žodžiais šiuos skaitvardžius. 1. 7………… 2. 39………. 3. 64……… 4. 41……….. 5. 82………. 6. 54………. 7. 10………. 8. 11………… 9. 26………. 10. 93……….. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. PRATIMAS. Parašykite šiuos sakinius daugiskaita. 1. This is an elephant –…………………………………………………………… 2. This is an orange -………………………………………………………………… 3. This is a CD player –…………………………………………………………… 4. That is a dog –…………………………………………………………… 5. That is an envelope –…………………………………………………………… 6. That is a cat –…………………………………………………………… 7. This is a chair – ………………………………………………………………… 8. This is a sofa –………………………………………………………………… 9. That is a rubber –………………………………………………………………… 10. This is a hamburger –……………………………………………………………

Žodynėlis about books colleague chair elephant enjoy envelope husband nice to meet you how like job manager

apie knygos kolega kėdė dramblys mėgti vokas vyras malonu susipažinti su jumis kaip mėgti darbas vadybininkas


meet my play orange read relative rubber teacher thank you things too what where

susitikti mano žaisti apelsinas skaityti giminaitis trintukas mokytojas ačiū daiktai taip pat kas, ką, koks kur

2 tema

2. FAMILY Tom and Ann are a husband and a wife. Tom is 42 years old, he is a teacher. His favorite hobby is playing football. Ann is 40 years old, she is a shop assistant at a local supermarket. They have a daughter July. She is 20 years old and she is studying medicine at university. After finishing it she wants to be a doctor. She has grandfather Henry and grandmother Lucy. Henry is 77 years old and Lucy is 78 years old. They are both retired. All the family have recently lived together except grandparents until July started her studies and moved out to another city. They miss each other a lot. Tom and Ann visit their parents regularly – once, sometimes twice a week. Tom and Ann have a house in the city suburb. It is quite comfortable and nice but a little too far from the city center. They have a small dog Fluffy at their home and go for a walk every morning. They have a small garden with a few trees and bushes. Tom usually cuts the grass in the garden and Ann plants and looks after the flowers.

ŠEIMA Tomas ir Ana yra vyras ir žmona. Tomui yra 42 metai, jis yra mokytojas. Jo mėgstamiausias hobis yra žaisti futbolą. Anai yra 40 metų, ji yra pardavėja vietiniame prekybos centre. Jie turi dukterį Juliją. Jai yra 20 metų ir ji studijuoja mediciną universitete. Po studijų baigimo ji nori būti gydytoja. Ji turi senelį Henrį ir senelę Liuciją. Henriui yra 77 metai, o Lucijai 78 metai. Jie abu pensininkai. Visa šeima iki šiol gyveno kartu išskyrus senelius, kol Julija pradėjo studijas ir išvyko į kitą miestą. Jie labai pasiilgsta vieni kitų. Tomas ir Ana nuolat aplanko savo tėvus – vieną, kartais du kartus per savaitę Tomas ir Ana turi namą miesto priemiestyje. Jis yra ganėtinai patogus ir gražus, bet šiek tiek per toli nuo miesto centro. Jie turi mažą

2 tema šunį, Pūkį savo namuose, ir eina pasivaikščioti kiekvieną rytą. Jie turi mažą sodą su keliais medžiais ir krūmais. Tomas paprastai pjauna žolę sode, o Ana sodina ir prižiūri gėles.

Apostrofas ! Norėdami pasakyti „kieno? „ pridedame apostrofą ( ‘ ) ir galūnę „s“ , pvz.: Mamos – mother’s; mano brolio – my brother’s. ! Daugiskaitoje paprstai dedame tik apostrofą, pvz.: Mano vaikų žaislai – my clildrens’ toys. Apostrofas taip pat yra vartojamas sutrumpintose formose: It is = It’s He has got = he’s got We have got = We’ve got

Klausiamieji žodžiai where, what, when, who, whose, why, how often, how much Where? – Kur? What? – Kas? Ką? Koks? When? – Kada? Who? – Kas? (žmonėms) Whose? – Kieno? Why? – Kodėl? How often – Kaip dažnai? How much? – Kiek? (apie neskaičiuotinus) How many? – Kiek? (apie skaičiuotinus) What kind of: - Kokios rūšies? How far? – Kaip toli? Klausiamieji žodžiai naudojami klausimo pradžioje, pvz.: Where are you? – Kur tu esi?/ Kur jūs esate?

Kelintiniai skaitvardžiai Kelintiniai skaitvardžiai išskyrus first, second, third, sudaromi iš kiekinių skaitvardžių, pridedant priesagą th /θ/. Priesaga eth /iθ/ rašoma prie skaitvardžių, kurie baigiasi galūne ty. Raidė y pakeičiama raide i, pvz.: forty – the fortieth – keturiasdešimtas. Sudėtiniai kelintiniai skaitvardžiai sudaromi iš kiekinių skaitvardžių, pakeičiant paskutinį kiekinį skaitvardį kelintiniu, pvz.: sixty-one = sixty–first – šešiasdešimt pirmas. Eighty–four = the eighty–fourth – aštuoniasdešimt ketvirtas.

2 tema Pridėjus priesagą th , keičiasi šių skaitvardžių tarimas ir šaknies rašyba: Five–the fifth, six–the sixth, four – the fourth. Žymimasis artikelis vartojamas, kai prieš daiktavardį eina kelintinis skaitvardis, pvz.: the second day – antra diena, the twenty–first row – dvidešimt pirma eilė. The 1 st – first – pirmas The 2 nd – second – antras The 3 rd – third – trečias The 4th – fourth – ketvirtas The 5 th – fifth – penktas The 6 th – sixth – šeštas The 7 th – seventh – septintas The 8 th – eighth – aštuntas The 9 th – ninth – devintas The 10 th – tenth – dešimtas The 11 th – eleventh – vienuoliktas The 12 th – twelfth – dvyliktas.

Žodynas “Šeima” family – šeima; parents – tėvai; mother – mama; father – tėtis; sister – sesuo; brother – brolis; daughter – dukra; son – sūnus; husband – vyras, wife – žmona; grandparents – seneliai; grandmother – senelė; grandfather – senelis; granddaughter – anūkė; grandson – anūkas; uncle – dėdė; aunt – teta; cousin – pusseserė/ pusbrolis; mother-in-law – uošvė, father-in-law – uošvis, nephew – sūnėnas, niece – dukterėčia, child – vaikas, children – vaikai.

Žodynas „profesija“ What do you do? What is your job? – Kuo tu/jūs užsiimi/ užsiimate? / Koks tavo/ jūsų darbas? a doctor – gydytojas; a nurse – med. sesuo; a teacher – mokytoja; a manager – vadybininkas; a builder – statybininkas; a barman – barmenas; a driver – vairuotojas: a lawyer – teisininkas, advokatas; an accountant, book-keeper - buhalteris (-ė); a secretary – sekretorė; a waitress – padavėja; a waiter – padavėjas; a cleaner – valytojas; a businessman – verslininkas; businesswoman – verslininkė, policeman – policininkas, a pilot – pilotas, a fire-fighter – gaisrininkas, a shop assistant – pardavėja, a clerk – tarnautojas; a scientist – mokslininkas, an artist – meninkas, a hair dresser – kirpėja, a dress maker - siuvėja, a cook – virėjas, a chef – vyriausias virėjas; a worker – darbininkas; an employer – darbdavys; an employee – darbuotojas, unemployed – bedarbis, a house-wife – namų šeimininkė. 1 PRATIMAS

2 tema Parašykite kelintinius skaitvardžius. (bus, student, lamp, balloon, postcard, painting, page, film, church, school, meaning, century, present) 23 autobusas – the twenty-third bus 12 mokinys ………………………………….. 6 lempa ………………………………….. 4 balionas ………………………………….. 6 atvirutė ………………………………….. 34 paveikslas………………………………….. 17 puslapis ………………………………….. 8 filmas ………………………………….. 5 bažnyčia ………………………………….. 79 mokykla. ………………………………….. 2 reikšmė ………………………………….. 20 šimtmetis ………………………………….. 3 dovana ………………………………….. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 PRATIMAS Išverskite į anglų kalbą: 1. Jūsų sūnus – …………………………………… 2. Mano šeima – …………………………………… 3. Tavo draugės pusbrolis – …………………………………… 4. Jos mamos tėtis – …………………………………… 5. Mūsų seneliai – …………………………………… 6. Jų dėdė – …………………………………… 7. Jo anūkas – …………………………………… 8. Tavo sesuo – …………………………………… 9. Mano teta – …………………………………… 10. Jų dukra …………………………………… ___________________________________________________________________ 3. PRATIMAS. 1. ………….do dolphins eat? They eat fish. 2. ………….do dolphins live? They live in Antarctica. 3. ………… you play football? In my free time. 4. ………….. do you feed your fish? Once a day. 5. ………… tigers live? About 15 years. 6. …………… pieces of pie do you want? Only one. 7. …………. is London? It is in England. 8. …………. do you get up? At 6. 9. ………….. do you live? In Vilnius. 10. ………….is your hobby? I love playing football. ____________________________________________________________________

2 tema 4. PRATIMAS. 1. Who/What do you know here? (at a party). 2. Which/What happened? 3. What/who film did you see? 4. When/What kind of TV programmes do you watch? 5. Which/Where book sold most? 6. Which/When picture do you like? 7. Whose/How often book won the prize? 8. How much/Whose book did you borrow? 9. How much/How many pupils came to the lesson? 10. How many/How much people did you see? 11. How much/Why did you get up so late? 12. Who/When did you go to England? 13. How/How much do I get to your house? 14. How long/How far is the college from here? 15. How much/How long does it take to get there? 16. How much/How often do you go swimming? 17. How many/ How much sugar is there on the table? 18. What /When is your hobby? 19. What time/Which do you get up? 20. How often/How much do you go swimming?

2 tema

Žodynėlis another borrow both bushes but center city comfortable cut daughter doctor dog dolphin each eat every except family far father favorite feed few finish flowers garden go grandfather grandmother grandparents grass husband little live local look after lot medicine miss morning mother move nice old once other pie

kitas skolintis abu krūmai bet centras miestas patogus pjauti dukra gydytojas šuo delfinas kiekvienas valgyti kiekvienas išskyrus šeima toli tėtis mėgstamiausias maitinti keletas baigti gėlės sodas eiti senelis senelė seneliai žolė vyras mažas gyventi vietinis prižiūrėti daug medicina pasiilgti rytas mama išsikraustyti gražus senas kartą kitas pyragas

piece plant play pupils quite recently regularly retired shop assistant small sometimes start study suburb teacher their they together too tree twice university until usually visit walk want week wife with years

gabalėlis sodinti žaisti mokiniai gana, pakankamai pastaruoju metu nuolat išėjęs į pensiją pardavejas (-a) mažas kartais pradėti studijuoti piemiestis mokytojas jų jie kartu taip pat medis du kartus universitetas kol paprastai aplankyti vaikščioti norėti savaitė žmona su metai

3 tema 3. AT THE AIRPORT

Ann is buying tickets to Barcelona.

Employee: Ann Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Good morning. Good morning. I’d like to book a ticket to Barcelona. What date do you want to go? From the 15th to 21st of July. How many tickets do you want? Just one. Wait a minute. From the 15th to 18th the planes are fully overbooked. There are two vacant places on the 19th of July. The flight time is at 4 45 am or 6 05 pm. Will you take any of them? What is the price of the ticket? Would you like one way or a return ticket? I’d like a return ticket. That will be 65 pounds economy class. Is it OK? Yes, that’s OK. I’ll take the flight in the morning. Your first and second name, please. Ann Jenkins. How do you spell it? A-N-N J–E-N-K-I-N-S. How much luggage am I allowed to carry for free? You can take 20 kilos of luggage for free. For any extra kilo you’ll have to pay 2 pounds. And here is a list of things that are not allowed on the plane. Please read it very carefully. It says that you are not allowed to carry guns, drugs, explosive or highly-flammable materials. If you have a lot of drinks, hair-sprays, perfume you should leave them

3 tema

Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann:

in a baggage section, as you are allowed to take with you not more that 200 grams of liquids. Yes, I see what’s the flight number? LND 0003456. What time does check-in and the boarding start? Check-in starts at 2:45 am and the boarding at 3:30. Please, your tickets. Thanks a lot.

3. ORO UOSTE Ana perka bilietus į Barseloną Tarnautojas: Ana: Ana: Tarnautojas:

Labas rytas. Labas rytas. Aš norėčiau rezervuoti bilietą į Barseloną. Kokią dieną jūs norite skristi?

Ana: Tarnautojas:

Nuo liepos 15 iki 21 d.. Kiek bilietų jūs norite?

Ana: Tarnautojas: Ana: Tarnautojas:

Tik vieno. Paaukite minutę. Nuo 15-osios į 18-osios lėktuvai yra visiškai rezervuoti. Yra dvi neužimtos vietos liepos 19-ąją. Skrydžio laikas yra 4:45, arba 6:05. Ar jūs imsite kurį iš jų? Kokia bilieto kaina? Jūs norėtumėte į vieną pusę ar bilietą į abi puses?

Ana: Tarnautojas:

Aš norėčiau bilieto į abi puses. Viso bus 165 svarai ekonomine klase. Ar gerai?

Ana: Tarnautojas:

Taip, gerai. Aš skrisiu rytiniu reisu.. Jūsų vardas ir pavardė?

Ana: Tarnautojas:

Ana Dženkins. Kaip jūs rašote paraidžiui?


A-N-N J–E-N-K-I-N-S. nemokamai?

Kiek bagažo



3 tema Tarnautojas:

Ana: Tarnautojas: Ana: Tarnautojas:

Jūs galite imti iki 20 kilogramų bagažo nemokamai. Bet už kiekvieną papildomą kilogramą jūs turėsite užmokėti po 2 svarus. Čia yra sąrašas daiktų, kurių negalima įsinešti į lėktuvą. Prašom perskaityti labai rūpestingai. Parašyta, kad jums neleidžia įsinešti ginklų, narkotikų, sprogstamųjų ar labai degių medžiagų. Jei jūs turite daug gėrimų, plaukų lako, kvepalų, jūs turite palikti juos bagažo skyriuje, kadangi jums leidžia paimti su savimi ne daugiau kaip 200 gramų skysčių. Taip, aš suprantu, koks yra reiso numeris? LND 0003456 Kelintą valandą prasideda registracija ir įlaipinimas? Registracija prasideda 2:45, įlaipinimas 3:30 Prašom, jūsų bilietai. Labai ačiū.


Savybinis linksnis Anglų kalboje daiktavardis turi du linksnius: bendrąjį, kuris neturi atskiros galūnės ir savybinį. Savybinis linksnis reiškia priklausymą, nuosavybę. Jis sudaromas pridedant apostrofą ‘ ir -s. Apostrofas ‘ yra rašybos ženklas – kablelis, rašomas viršutinėje žodžio dalyje. Savybinį linksnį turi daiktavardžiai, reiškiantys žmones ir gyvulius, taip pat daiktavardžiai, reiškiantys laiką, atstumą, metų laikus, upes, jūras, transporto priemones, pvz.: John‘s mother – Jono mama, summer‘s night – vasaros naktis. Daiktavardžio daugiskaitoje, turinčio galūnes s/es , savybinis linksnis žymimas tik apostrofu, pvz.: the girls‘ hats – mergaičių skrybėlės. Jei žmonių vardai baigiasi –s, tai atvejais galime rašyti apostrofą ir s arba tiesiog apostrofą po žodžio.  Charles's job was good arba  Charles' job was good.

Present Simple laikas (Paprastas esamasis laikas)

3 tema Present Simple laikas – tai paprastas esamasis laikas, naudojamas kalbant apie įprastus, pasikartojančius veiksmus, nenuginčijamas tiesas, pvz.: Saulė teka rytuose, o leidžiasi vakaruose. Aš einu į darbą kiekvieną pirmadienį ir t.t. Kadangi laikas pabrėžia rutiną, jis dažnai naudojamas su tokiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: every day (kiekvieną dieną), usually (įprastai), sometimes (kartais), never (niekada), at weekends (savaitgaliais), often (dažnai), always (visada) ir t.t. Laiko sudarymas: Laiko sudarymas: veiksmažodžio bendratis, vns. III a. pridedama galūnė -s pvz.: veiksmažodis „to read“ skaityti, atkreipkite dėmesį, jog dalelytė „to“ parodo, jog tai yra bendratis, todėl sakiniuose, kurie nereikalauja bendraties formos jos naudoti nereikia, tarkim : I read – aš skaitau I want to read – aš noriu skaityti

Veiksmažodžio “būti” (be) asmenavimas: Teigiama forma

Neigiama forma


I am – aš esu You are – tu esi He is – jis yra She is – ji yra It is – tai yra

I am not – aš nesu You are not – tu nesi He is not– jis nėra She is not – ji nėra It is not – tai nėra

Am I? – Ar aš esu? Are you? – Ar tu esi? Is he? – Ar jis yra? Is she? – Ar ji yra? Is it? – Ar tai yra?

We are – mes esame You are – jūs esate They are – jie, jos yra

We are not – mes nesame You are not – jūs nesate They are not – jie, jos nėra

Are we? – Ar mes esame? Are you? – Ar tu esi? Are they? – Ar jie yra?

Veiksmažodžio „skaityti“ asmenavimas Present Simple laiku: I read – aš skaitau You read – tu skaitai He reads – jis skaito She reads – ji skaito It reads – tai skaito

Do I read? – Ar aš skaitau? Do you read? – Ar tu skaitai? Does he read? – Ar jis skaito? Does she read? – Ar ji skaito? Does it read? – Ar tai skaito?

We read – mes skaitome Do we read? – Ar mes skaitome? You read – jūs skaitote Do you read? – Ar jūs skaitote? They read – jie, jos skaito Do they read? –Ar jie skaito?

I do not read – aš neskaitau You do not read – tu neskaitai He does not read – jis neskaito She does not read – ji neskaito It does not read – tai neskaito We do not read – mes neskaitome You do not read – jūs neskaitote They do not read – jie, jos neskaito

3 tema

! Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad vienaskaitos trečiame asmenyje (he, she, it) prie veiksmažodžio pridedama galūnė –s. Jei veiksmažodis baigiasi galūnėmis – ss, -sh, -ch, -o, -x, tuomet vienaskaitos trečiajame asmenyje pridedama galūnė – es, pvz.: miss (ilgėtis) – he/she/ it misses, wash (skalbti) – he/ she/ it washes teach (mokyti) – he/ she/ it teaches go (eiti) – he/she/ it goes mix (plakti) – he/she/it mixes.

Klausimų sudarymas Present Simple laike: ! Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad sudarant klausimus naudojamas pagalbinis žodis „do“, vienaskaitos trečiajame asmenyje „does“, tačiau veiksmažodžiui nebereikalinga papildoma galūnė „-s“, kaip teigiamuose sakiniuose. Neigiamų sakinių sudarymas Present Simple laike: ! Neiginys “do not” dažnai naudojamas sutrumpinta forma „don‘t“, does not – doesn‘t, taigi galima sakyti : I do not read arba I don‘t read; she does not read arba she doesn‘t read.

1 PRATIMAS. Parašykite daiktavardžių savybinį linksnį (lessons, decision, husband, pupil, roses, morning, tents, watch, friends). Emilijos pamokos…………………………. Petro sprendimas…………………………. Elenos vyras…………………………. Lindos mokinė…………………………. Tetos rožės…………………………. Pavasario rytas…………………………. Žmonių palapinės…………………………. Brolio laikrodis …………………………. Vaikų draugai. …………………………. _____________________________________________________________________ 2 PRATIMAS

3 tema Sudarykite vieną sakinį iš dviejų. Tony has a sister. She is a student → Tony’s sister is a student. 1. Leslie has a brother. He is a doctor……………………………………………….. 2. Kitty has a daughter. She is twelve……………………………………………….. 3. Max has a dog. It is in the yard. ……………………………………………….. 4. Ken has a new car. It is a Fiat. ……………………………………………….. 5. Mary has a new dress. It is very beautiful. …………………………………………… 6. Cindy has a flat in Oxford Street. It is very expensive. …………………………………… 7. Wendy has mother–in–law. She is quite young. …………………………………………… 8. Bill has a new girlfriend. She lives near here. ……………………………………………….. 9. Charles has an uncle. He will arrive tomorrow. ……………………………………………… 10. Mr. Brown has a wife. She works in a bank. ……………………………………………….. _____________________________________________________________________ 3 PRATIMAS. Pabaikite sakinius. 1. Every Saturday Sally ………………….(go) to the cinema. 2. I usually……………….. (work) in the garden on Sundays. 3. John ………………….(sleep) until 6 o’clock every morning. 4. New York ………………(be) a big city. 5. I ……………(live) in London but my sister ……………..(live) in Manchester. 6. He usually …………………….. (talk) very loudly. 7. Justin …………………….(write) letters to his family when he is on holiday. 8. He ……………………..(not speak) English. 9. ………….you …………(go) on holiday every summer? 10. My sister ……………………..(not speak German). _____________________________________________________________________ 4. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite neiginius. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I watch TV every evening. ………………………………………………… You get up at 6. ………………………………………………… She washes herself at 6 30. ………………………………………………… I leave home at 7. ………………………………………………… I start work at 9. ………………………………………………… They have a break at 1 in the afternoon. ……………………………………………… 7. Tom finishes work at 6. ………………………………………………… 8. Ann comes back home at 6 30. …………………………………………………

3 tema 9. I watch TV at 9. ………………………………………………… 10. They go to bed at 10 30. ………………………………………………… _____________________________________________________________________ 5. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite klausimus. 1. You go to work every day. ………………………………………………… 2. Tom swims very fast. ………………………………………………… 3. You listen to music every evening. ………………………………………………… 4. They work in the office. ………………………………………………… 5. Ann enjoys reading books. ………………………………………………… 6. I hate doing the washing-up. ………………………………………………… 7. Tom and July live in London. ………………………………………………… 8. The plane takes off at 3:45. ………………………………………………… 9. You arrive at the office at 7. ………………………………………………… 10. Tom’s siste takes the bus to school………………………………………………… _____________________________________________________________________ 6. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite neiginius. 1. Mary gets up at 6 ………………………………………………… 2. You wash yourself at 6:30. ………………………………………………… 3. He has breakfast at 7. ………………………………………………… 4. Tom leaves home at 7:30. ………………………………………………… 5. They arrive at work at 8. ………………………………………………… 6. She starts work at 8:30………………………………………………… 7. He has a break at 12:30………………………………………………… 8. I finish work at 5 pm. ………………………………………………… 9. She gets back home at 5:30. ………………………………………………… 10. John reads a newspaper at 7. ………………………………………………… _____________________________________________________________________

Žodynėlis allow as baggage boarding book carefully carry

leisti kaip bagažas įsėdimas užsakyti rūpestingai, atidžiai nešti

check-in date do drinks drugs explosive extra first

registravimas data daryti gėrimai narkotikai sprogstamas papildomas pirmas

3 tema flight



vsiškai, pilnai

3 tema gun hairspray highlyflammable leave liquids list luggage many materials more morning much overbooked pay perfume places

ginklas paukų lakas labai degus išvykti skysčiai sąrašas lagaminas daug medžiagos daugiau rytas labai, daug pilnai rezervuotas mokėti kvepalai vietos

plane am pm pounds price read return ticket second section see should spell take things ticket vacant

lėktuvas iki pusiaudienio po pusiaudienio svarai kaina skaityti, bilietas į abi puses antras skyrius matyti turėtų ištarti paraidžiui imti daiktai bilietas neužimtas

4 tema


Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant:

Good afternoon. How can I help you? I’m going on holidays to the beach so I need summer clothes and some other things for holidays. First of all I need shorts. What size and color do you need? Size 48, but I don’t care about the color too much. Look, Bermuda shorts with a beach and palm pattern. They are very fashionable and popular now. Oh, I really like them. I’ll definitely take them. Do you need a T-shirt? No doubt. Look at these with the view of the sea on the front and the sunset on the back What bright colors! What is it made of? Pure cotton, 100 percent, very good quality. How much does it cost? Shorts will be 6 pounds, T-shirt 8. OK, I’ll take them. Do you need any sunglasses? Of course. I could recommend you these with a very good ultraviolet ray protection. Yes, I like them a lot. Do you have any slippers? Yes, let’s come over to the footwear section. There is a wide variety of

4 tema Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant: Tom: Shop assistant:

them. I’ll take these. And finally I need a good and big luggage. Sorry, we don’t sell luggages, you should go to the store which is opposite the street. Thanks a lot. Can you pack the items for me? How much is it? 25 pounds, please. Here you are. Thank you very much.

DRABUŽIŲ PARUOTUVĖJE Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas: Tomas: Pardavėjas:

Laba diena. Kuo galiu jums padėti? Važiuoju atostogauti į paplūdimį, todėl man reikia vasaros drabužių ir kai kurių kitų dalykų atostogoms. Visų pirma man reikia šortų. Kokio dydžio ir spalvos jums reikia? Dydis 48, bet spalva nėra svarbu. Pažvelkite, Bermudų šortai su paplūdimio ir palmių fonu. Dabar jie yra labai madingi ir populiarūs. Oi, aš tikrai norėčiau jų. Aš tikrai juos imsiu. Ar jums reikia marškinėlių? Be abejo. Pažvelkite į šiuos su vaizdu į jūrą ant priekio ir saulėlydžiu ant nugaros. Kokios ryškios spalvos. Iš ko jie pagaminti? Grynos medvilnės, 100 procentų, labai geros kokybės. Kiek jie kainuoja? Šortai 6£, marškinėliai - 8£. Gerai, aš imsiu juos. Ar jums reikia saulės akinių? Žinoma. Galėčiau jums rekomenduoti šiuos su labai gera ultravioletinių spindulių apsauga. Man jie labia patinka. Ar turite šlepečių? Taip, eime į avalynės skyrių. Čia jų yra didelis pasirinkimas. Imsiu jas. Ir galiausiai man taip pat reikia gero ir didelio lagamino. Atsiprašome, mes neparduodame lagaminų, jums reikia eiti į parduotuvę, kuri yra priešais gatvę. Labai ačiū. Ar galite man supakuoti prekes? Kiek viskas kainuos? 25£, prašom. Prašom Labai ačiū.

Vietos ir laiko nusakymas Vietos prielinksniai: On – ant; in – kur kame? (pvz. in Vilnius – Vilniuje); next to – šalia, greta; between –

4 tema tarp; in front of – priešais; behind – už; under – po; above – virš. Keletas įsimintinų vietos nusakymo frazių: in bed – lovoje; in the street – gatvėje; in the sky – danguje; in the world- pasaulyje; in a newspaper – laikraštyje; in the car – automobilyje; at home – namuose; at work – darbe; at school – mokykloje; at the station – stotyje; at the airport – oro uoste; at a party – vakarėlyje; at a concert – koncerte. go home – eiti namo go to school – eiti mokyklą at three o’clock – trečią valandą Laiko nusakymas: What is the time? – Kelinta valanda? Kiek laiko? Kiek valandų? Past – po To – iki, be Half- pusė Quarter – penkiolika minučių Nusakant laiką anglų kalboje, naudojamas 12 valandų laiko intervalas. Taigi, jei yra sakoma 7 val., tai gali reikšti, 7 val. ryto arba vakaro. Kalbant tai lengvai atskiriama pridedant frazes „in the morning“ (ryte) arba „in the evening“ vakare. Rašytinėje kalboje tai yra išskiriama trumpiniais a.m.(lot. ante meridiem) tai laikas nuo 24 iki 12 val., arba p.m. (lot. post meridiem) – laikas nuo 12 iki 24 val. Taigi, 7 a.m. – tai yra 7 valandos ryto, 7 p.m. – vakaro. Norint pasakyti 7.10 – pradedame nuo minučių, tai yra – ten past seven arba ten minutes past seven; 7.15 – quarter past seven; 7.30 – half past seven; 7.50 – ten to eight. Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad 17 val. 10 min. yra ten past five p.m., 14. 45 – quarter to three p.m.; 19.30- half past seven p.m. arba half to eight p.m.

4 tema

Daugiskaita 1. Daugiskaitoje prideame –s. A car – cars, a computer – computers. 2. Jei žodis baigiasi raidėmis f/fe, tai priebalsis f arba fe virsta v ir dar pridedame galūnę -es, pvz.: a half – halves (pusė – pusės), a knife – knives (peilis – peiliai), a leaf – leaves (lapas – lapai), a life – lives (gyvenimas – gyvenimai), a shelf – shelves (lentyna – lentynos), a thief – thieves (vagis – vagys), a wife – wives (žmona – žmonos), a wolf – wolves (vilkas – vilkai). Tačiau: a roof – roofs (stogas – stogai), a proof – proofs (įrodymas – įrodymai). 3. Keičiasi šaknies balsis, nepridedant jokios galūnės: A man – men (vyras – vyrai), A woman – women (moteris – moterys), A foot – feet (pėda – pėdos), A goose – geese (žąsis – žąsys), A tooth – teeth (dantis – dantys), A mouse – mice (pelė – pelės), A child – children (vaikas – vaikai), An ox – oxen (jautis – jaučiai), A person – people (asmuo – žmonės). 3. Yra daiktavardžių, kurių vienaskaitos ir daugiskaitos formos yra vienodos: a deer – deer (elnias – elniai), a fish – fish (žuvis – žuvys), a sheep – sheep (avis – avys). 4. Yra daiktavardžių, kurie vartojami tik vienaskaita: advice – patarimas, business – verslas, furniture – baldai, hair – plaukai, knowledge – žinios, money – pinigai, moustache – ūsai, news – naujiena, žinios. Tačiau: people – žmonės, peoples – tautos. 1. Daugiskaitiniai daiktavardžiai:

4 tema Clothes – drabužiai, Glasses – akiniai, Goods – prekės, Jeans – džinsai, Scissors – žirklės, Tights – pėdkelnės, Trousers – kelnės. 1 PRATIMAS. Pasakykite laiką: 1. 14.10 – …………………………….. 2. 3.15 – …………………………….. 3. 22.30 – …………………………….. 4. 17.25 – …………………………….. 5. 16.10 – ………… ………………….. 6. 7.35 – …………………………….. 7. 5.40- …………………………….. 8. 19.55 – …………………………….. 9. 3.05 ………………….. 10. 6.20 …………………….. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite sakiniuose veiksmažodžius is/are. 1. This news …..wonderful. 2. Seventeen houses… this street. 3. We watch a lot of advertisements on TV every day. They ….different. 4. Nick’s knowledge of English …..good. 5. Leaves …..brown, yellow and red in autumn. 6. Her father-in-law …..a driver. 7. Days ….warm in spring. 8. His jeans ….dirty. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. PRATIMAS. Parašykite šių žodžių vienaskaitą. Vns. A deer

Dgs. a lot of deer envelopes old books adresses


Dgs bushes matches eggs geese

4 tema oranges interesting pictures apples young women famous authors nice people ____________________________________________________________________ 4. PRATIMAS Pavartokite reikiamą daiktavardžių daugiskaitos formą. 1. They have five (child)………………, two (boy) ………… and three (girl) ……... 2. I must buy four (stamp) ……………… and some (envelope) ………………. 3. Jimmy Brown and Sandy Smith are two well-known (criminal) ………………. 4. They are (bank robber) ………………. 5. The farmer wants to sell ten (sheep) ………………. 6. There are some (mouse) ……………… in the cellar. 7. Put these (dress) ……………… and (blouse) ……………… into the wardrobe. 8. I want two (ice-cream) ……………… and two (coke) ………………. 9. These (gentleman) ………………are from Washington. 10. Take off your (shoe) ………………. 11. There are no (match) ……………… in (this match-box) ………………. 12. I have a new cassette recorder, let‘s buy some (cassette) ………………. 13. He is 6 (foot) ……………… tall. 14. (Woman) ……………… live longer than (man) ………………. 15. Many (thank) ……………… for your kind letter. 16. Are Mary and Kelly (actress)…………... ____________________________________________________________________ 5.PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą prielinksnį. 1. I saw him … the street. 2. I work …….. school. 3. Let’s meet ………the train station. 4. I go to ……………work ………9 o’clock. 5. I live ………… Vilnius. 6. I had a good time …….. the party. 7. I read an interesting story …… the newspaper. 8. I met Jane ………… the airport. 9. The book is …… animals. 10. I go …… holiday every summer.

Žodynėlis bright care clothes

ryškus rūpinintis drabužiai

come cost cotton

atvykti, ateiti kainuoti medvilnė

4 tema could definitely doubt fashionable finally footwear front glasses holidays items need size pure opposite pack palm pattern percent protection quality ray

galėtų tikrai, neabejotinai abejoti madingas pagaliau avalynė priekis akiniai atostogos prekės reikėti dydis grynas priešingas supakuoti palmė raštas procentas apsauga kokybė spindulys

really recommend sea sell shorts slippers so some store street summer sun sunset take there these T-shirt variety view which wide

iš tikrųjų, tikrai rekomenduoti jūra parduoti šortai šlepetes tai gi keletas parduotuvė gatvė vasara saulė saulėlydis imti ten šie marškinėliai įvairovė vaizdas kuris platus

5 tema


Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom:

Ann: Tom: Ann:

We have made a list of the things that we have to buy at the supermarket. Let’s check what we need. We need a bottle of milk, two yogurts, half a kilo of cheese, a loaf of bread, three buns, some biscuits, cereal, so let’s start looking for them. So I will go to the dairy section to buy milk and other dairy products and you go to the bakery. I’ve already collected all these products. Let’s look again what we need. Next on our list is a kilo of bacon, 300 grams of beef and 300 grams of lamb, some salmon. I wonder where we can find these products. We can ask a shop assistant but I can’t see any. Oh, yes, I see a board saying “Fish and meat section”. It’s the second isle on the left. Yes, let’s go there. I can’t find any salmon. Shall I take some trout instead? Yes, of course. Well prepared trout is also a very tasty dish. Next on our list is a frozen food section. We need some frozen beans, carrots, and ice-cream. Look, our shopping cart is already full of products. I’ll go and take another one and you go to the green grocery section to get some apples, bananas, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, a cabbage, and some lettuce. Have we finished with our shopping yet? Not quite. I’ll get some orange juice, beer and a bottle of good wine and then straight to the cash desk to pay for our products. So, I’m going get it and let’s meet in the queue. OK, I’ll be waiting you there.

5 tema

BAKALĖJOS PARDUOTUVĖJE Tomas : Ana: Tomas Ana: Tomas Ana: Tomas Ana: Tomas Ana: Tomas

Ana: Tomas Ana:

Mes padarėme sąrašą pirkinių, kuriuos turime nupirkti prekybos centre. Patikrinkime tai, ko mums reikia. Mums reikia butelio pieno, dviejų jogurtų, pusės kilogramo sūrio, kepalo duonos, trijų bandelių, šiek tiek sausainių, dribsnių, taigi pradėkime ieškoti jų. Aš nueisiu į pieno skyrių nupirkti pieno ir kitų pieno produktų, o tu nueik į kepinių skyrių. Aš jau surinkau visus šiuos produktus. Pažiūrėkime vėl, ko mums reikia. Toliau mūsų sąraše yra kilogramas rūkytos kiaulienos šoninės, 300 gramų jautienos ir 300 gramų avienos, šiek tiek lašišos. Įdomu, kur mes galime rasti šiuos produktus. Mes galime paklausti pardavėjos, bet aš jos nematau. O taip, aš matau skydą su užrašu “Žuvies ir mėsos skyrius”. Tai yra antras praėjimas kairėje pusėje. Taip, nueikime ten. Aš negaliu surasti lašišos. Gal paimti upėtakį vietoj jos? Taip, žinoma. Gerai paruoštas upėtakis yra taip pat labai skanus patiekalas. Toliau mūsų sąraše yra šaldyto maisto skyrius. Mums reikia šaldytų pupų, morkų ir ledų. Pažiūrėk, mūsų pirkinių vežimas yra jau pilnas produktų. Aš nueisiu ir paimsiu kitą, o tu nueik į vaisių ir daržovių skyrių paimti obuolių, bananų, agurkų, pomidorų, bulvių, kopūstą ir salotų. Ar mes jau baigėme apsipirkti? Ne visai. Aš paimsiu apelsinų sulčių, alaus ir butelį gero vyno ir tada tiesiai į kasą užmokėti už mūsų produktus. Taigi, aš einu jų paimti ir susitikime eilėje Gerai, aš lauksiu tavęs ten.

Kiekybiniai Įvardžiai A lot of – daug, vartojamas teigiamuosiuose sakiniuose, su suskaičiuojamais ir su nesuskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais.daugiskaitoje. I have a lot of books. I have a lot of time Many – daug, daugelis, daug kas. Vartojamas su suskaičiuojamais daiktais ir asmenimis, klausimuose ir neigiamuose sakiniuose daugiskaitoje. Do you have many books? I don’t have many books. I have a lot of books. Much – daug. Vartojamas kalbant apie nesuskaičiuojamus daiktus klausimuose ir neiginuose. Do you have much time? I don’t have much time. I have a lot of time. More – reiškia didesnį kiekį ar skaičių. I have more books than you. Aš turiu daugiau knygų negu tu.

5 tema Most – reiškia didžiausią skaičių ar kiekį. He has the most books of us all. Jis turi daugiausia knygų iš mūsų. Few – mažai. Vartojamas su suskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais I have few books. Aš turiu mažai knygų. A few – keletas. Vartojamas su suskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais. I have a few books. Aš turiu keletą knygų. Little – nedaug, mažai. Vartojamas kalbant apie nesuskaičiuojamus daiktus. I have little time. Aš turiu mažai laiko. A little – šiek tiek.Vartojamas kalbant apie nesuskaičiuojamus daiktus I have a little time. Aš turiu šiek tiek laiko

Nežymimieji įvardžiai some/any

Some – keletas, truputis, kai kurie, kažkoks. Vartojamas teigiamuosiuose sakiniuose su suskaičiuojamais ir nesuskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais. I have some books (time). Some gali būti vartojamas klausimuose, jei tai yra mandagus prašymas arba pasiūlymas. Would you like some cake? Ar norėtum pyrago? Any – koks nors, kiek nors, bet koks, joks. Vartojamas klausimuose ir neigiamuosiuose sakiniuose su suskaičiuojamais ir nesuskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais. Do you have any books (time)?

Somebody/someone/something/anybody/anyone/anything Somebody/someone – kažkas, kas nors. Šie įvardžiai nurodo asmenis ir derinami su veiksmažodžio vienaskaita. Something – kažkas, kas nors. Vartojamas kalbant apie daiktus. Anybody – kas nors, niekas, bet kas. Nurodo asmenis, derinamas su veiksmažodžio vienaskaita. Anything – kas nors, niekas, bet kas. Vartojamas kalbant apie daiktus. Somebody is in the room. Kažkas yra kambaryje. Did you see anyone? Ar matei kažką? (apie žmones) Something happened. Kažkas nutiko. Some/someone/somebody/something galima vartoti klausimuose, jei kalbame apie kažką konkrečiai. Are you looking for someone? (= I'm sure you are) Ar kažko ieškai? (= esu tikras, kad taip)

5 tema Each other – vartojamas kai kalbama apie du asmenis, pvz.: our parents love each other very much. One another – vartojamas kai kalbama apie daugiau nei dviejų asmenų savitarpio santykius, pvz.: classmates know one another very well.

1. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite žodžius: much arba many: .............books, ................time, ................oranges,, ..............tables,, ..........air, ............planes, ............words, .................mistakes. 2. . PRATIMAS. Pavartokite žodžius: little arba few. ………………. books, ……………. computers, …………., .............anger,, ................dishes,, ............workers, ...............years. 3. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite How much / how many 1. We need some bananas. _____________________ do we need? 2. We need some fish. __________________ do we need? 3. We need some oil. _______________________ do we need? 4. We need some money. ____________________ do we need? 5. ____________ cigarettes do you smoke a day? 6. ________________ packets of cigarettes do you have? 7. ______________ children have you got? 8. _______________ apples do you eat a day? 9. ________________ bottles of wine do you need? 10. ______________ work have you got to do? 11. _________________ friends do you have? 12. ________________ sugar do you take in your tea? 13. __________________ chairs are there in your house? 14. _______________ furniture do you have? 4. PRATIMAS. Įšverskite į anglų kalbą 1. Aš turiu daug draugų………………………………………………………….

5 tema 2. Kiek turi apelsinų? …………………………………………………………. 3. Aš turiu šiek tiek laiko. …………………………………………………………. 4. Aš turiu mažai pinigų. …………………………………………………………. 5. Kiek turi laiko? …………………………………………………………. 6. Aš neturiu daug laiko. …………………………………………………………. 7. Aš neturiu daug knygų. …………………………………………………………. 8. Kiek turi sviesto? (butter) …………………………………………………………. 9. Aš neturiu daug obuolių. …………………………………………………………. 10. Aš turiu mažai druskos (salt) …………………………………………………………. 5. PRATIMAS. 1. Pavartokite nežymimuosius įvardžius SOME arba ANY. 1. Is there in the bottle? 2. There are ..........apples in the basket. 3. There are ..........roses in their garden. 4. I want ..........cakes. I don‘t want ..........juice. 5. She doesn‘t have ...........butter. 6. He gave me .........roses. 7. I ordered ................soup for you. 8. There isn‘t ...........milk in this glass. 9. Is there .........milk left? 10. I don’t have …….. time. 6. PRATIMAS. . Įrašykite: something/somebody, anything/anybody, nothing/nobody/no one, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere. a) 1. ………………………………….. is sleeping in my bed. 2. He saw ………………………….. on the table. 3. I left my glasses ………………………………….. in the house. 4. Are you looking for ……………………… who has just left?” (= I'm sure you are) 5. Have you lost …………………….?” (= I'm sure you have) 6. Is there …………………… to eat?” 7. Did you go …………………… last night? 8. She didn't go ………………………….. last night. 9. He doesn't know ……………………… here. 10. I don't know …………………… about it. 11. Is there ………………… who speaks English here? 12. There is …………………… in the house at the moment. 13. Does …………………… have the pen? 14. Has .………...........seen my pen? 15. I saw ........................ took it. b) 1. Is there………………………. in the house?

5 tema 2. - Would ………………………help me, please? -Yes, I can help you. 3. …………………………….has broken the window. I don't know who. 4. Teach me…………………………… exciting. 5. She said …………………………but I didn't understand anything. 6. Has…………………………… found my blue pencil? 7. Have you got ………………………… to eat? No, I haven't. 8. Tom, can you give me ……………………… drink, please? 9. -Do you know …………………………about London transport? - No, I don't. 10. What's wrong? "There's ……………………………in my eye." 11. Would you like to drink……………………..? 12. He didn't say ………………………………. 13. I'm looking for my keys. Has ………………………………seen them? 14. I didn't eat ………………………….. because I wasn't hungry. 15. Dad, can we go …………………… on Sunday?


again already another apple ask shop assistant bacon bakery banana beans beef beer biscuits board bottle bread bun buy cabbage carrot cart cash cereal check cheese collect cucumber dairy products

vėl jau kitas obuolys paprašyti pardavėjas (-a) kiaulienos šoninė kepykla, bananas pupos jautiena alus sausainiai skydas, lenta butelis duona bandelė pirkti kopūstas morka vežimėlis grynieji pinigai dribsniai patikrinti sūris surinkti, paimti agurkas pieno produktai

desk dish find finish food frozen furniture green grocery section ice-cream instead isle juice lamb lettuce meat loaf look meet milk need orange our potatoes prepared queue salmon section

suolas, stalas patiekalas rasti pabaigti maistas užšaldytas baldai daržovių ir vaisių skyrius ledai vietoj to praėjimas sultys aviena salotos mėsa kepalas pažiūrėti susitikti pienas reikėti apelsinas mūsų bulvės paruoštas eilė lašiša skyrius

5 tema straight tasty then them trout I wonder yogurt

tiesiai skanus tada juos, jas upėtakis įdomu jogurtas

6 tema


Tom and Ann are at the restaurant having dinner. Waiter: Tom: Waiter: Ann: Waiter: Tom: Ann: Tom: Waiter Tom Ann: Tom Waiter: Tom: Waiter: Tom:

Are you ready to order? Sorry, the choice of meals is very wide. We can’t make up our mind. OK, no problem there is no need to hurry. Just take your time. I’d be happy to help you with the menu. That would be very nice of you. What would you recommend us for a starter? I think that the tomato soup or a shrimp cocktail would be a very good decision. If you want something spicier then chilly soup would be a good choice. Thanks a lot. I’ll take shrimp cocktail. And I will take a tomato soup. What could you recommend us for the main course? In my opinion a pepper beefsteak or roast chicken is excellent. If you like fish dishes you should try trout or salmon with onion and mushroom sauce. For the garnish we have boiled potatoes, chips and rice. OK, then one beefsteak with chips for me. And salmon with rice for me please. What shall we take for the dessert? I think you should order our special ice-cream with cherry topping. It’s really delicious. OK then two ice-creams, please. So, the tomato soup, a shrimp cocktail, beefsteak with chips, salmon with rice and two ice-creams. Is that right? Yes, that’s right.

6 tema

After the meal Tom: Waiter:

Can we have the bill, please? OK. I’ll be in a minute. The waiter comes.

Waiter: Tom:

That’s 43 pounds, 50 pence. Thank you very much. That’s 50 pound note. Keep the change. Goodbye. Thanks a lot. Have a good evening. Good-bye


Tomas ir Ana pietauja restorane Padavėjas Tomas: Padavėjas: Ana: Padavėjas: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Padavėjas

Tomas Ana: Tomas Padavėjas: Tomas: Padavėjas: Tomas:

Ar jūs jau pasiruošę užsisakyti? Atsiprašome, valgių pasirinkimas yra labai platus. mes negalime apsispręsti. Gerai, jokių problemų, nėra reikalo skubėti . Pagalvokite. Aš galėčiau padėdėti jums su meniu. Tai būtų labai malonu iš jūsų pusės. Ką galėtumėte rekomenduoti mus užkandžiui? Aš manau, kad pomidorų sriuba ar krevetės kokteilis būtų labai geras sprendimas. Jei jūs norite kažko aštresnio tada čili sriuba būtų geras pasirinkimas. Labai ačiū. Aš paimsiu krevečių kokteilį. O aš paimsiu pomidorų sriubos. Ką galėtumėte rekomenduoti mus pagrindiniam patiekalui? Mano nuomone pipirinis jautienos pjausnys arba keptas viščiukas būtų puiku. Jei jūs mėgstate žuvies patiekalus, jūs turėtumėte pabandyti upėtakį ar lašišą su svogūnų ir grybų padažu. Garnyrui mes turime virtų bulvių, keptų bulvyčių ir ryžių. Gerai, tada man vieną jautienos kepsnį su keptomis bulvytėmis. O man lašišą su ryžiais, prašom. Ką mes galėtume užsakyti desertui? Aš manau, kad turėtumėte užsakyti mūsų ypatingus ledus su vyšnių užpilu. Tai iš tikrųjų nepaprastai skanu. Gerai tada dvi porcijas ledų, prašom. Taigi, pomidorų sriuba, krevečių kokteilis, jautienos pjausnys su keptomis bulvytėmis, lašiša su ryžiais ir dvi porcijos ledų. Ar viskas teisingai? Taip, teisingai.

6 tema

Po valgio Tomas: Padavėjas:

Atsiprašau, gal mes galime gauti sąskaitą? Gerai. Aš būsiu po minutės. Padavėjas ateina.

Padavėjas: Tomas: Padavėjas:

Viso 43 svarai, 50 pensų. Labai jums ačiū. Štai 50 svarų banknotas. Pasilikite grąžą. Viso gero. Labai ačiū. Gerai praleiskite vakarą. Viso gero.

Kiekybiniai, nežymimieji, sangrąžiniai įvardžiai Vardininkas (kas?)

Kilmininkas (ko?)

I – aš You – tu He – jis She – ji We – mes You – jūs They – jie, jos It – jis, ji (daiktas)

My – mano Your – tavo His – jo Her – jos Its – jo, jos (daiktas) Our – mūsų Your – jūsų Their – jų

Galininkas (ką?), Naudininkas (kam?), Įnagininkas (kuo) Me – mane, man, manimi You – tave, tau, tavimi Him – jį, jam, juo Her – ją, jai, ja It – jį, ją (daiktas), jam, jai, juo Us – mus, mums, mumis You – jus, jums, jumis Them – juos, jas, jiems, joms, jais, jomis








skersai, per


paskui, po


Galininko linksnis Žymi vietą Žymi vietą, kryptį Žymi vietą,


British people always talk about the weather. Suddenly we saw the dog‘s head above the water. The hospital is across the street. The boys decided to swim across the river. My father entered the room after me.

6 tema




išilgai, palei tarp (daugelio) šalia, prie, arti žemiau


už prie, į pas




tarp (dviejų) prie, šalia, iki ne vėliau,


nuo, žemyn


per, metu


į, naudininko linksnį, dėl, už nuo, iš



viduje, vietininko linksnis, per, po priešais, prieš




į (vidų) arti, netoli kilmininko linksnis ant iš (į išorę)


reiškia laiką Galininko linksnis Žymi kryptį Žymi vietą

Was it done against your wishes?

The car was moving along the road. Children are not playing among the trees now. Žymi vietą Mary, sit beside me. Žymi vietą The temperature is fifteen degrees below zero. Žymi vietą The man talking behind you is doctor. Žymi vietą, Stand at the map and show the British Isles. kryptį, vietininko Look at the bright sky. linksnis reiškia laiką Reiškia laiką It happened two hundred years before our era. Žymi vietą Letter B is between A and C Žymi vietą, Will they camp by the lake? Linda will not reiškia laiką, go to Oxford by train. veiksmo atlikėją, veiksmo priemonę Žymi kryptį Did Sim fall down the stairs? Go down the street and you will find the bank there. Reiškia laiko Where is Elen going to travel during her trukmę holidays? Žymi kryptį, Emily left for London. Eve is in Scotland reiškia laiko for a month. trukmę Reiškia laiko I‘ll be busy from eight to nine in the trukmę, žymi evening. kryptį Žymi kryptį, There are no flowers in the vase. Emily was vietą, reiškia born in 1986. Linda’s birthday is in late laiką bei jo spring. trukmę Žymi vietą Children sit in front of the teacher in the room. Vietininko Some good friends were talking long inside linksnis the room. Žymi kryptį Please, put the pencils into the box. Žymi vietą My best friend lives near Kaunas. Reiškia The works of R. Burns are loved by all the priklausomumą readers. Žymi vietą We‘ll meet on Sunday Žymi kryptį The boy couldn‘t take the little stones out

6 tema


už (ribų) virš pro, pro šalį, po aplink

Žymi kryptį Žymi vietą Žymi kryptį, reiškia laiką Žymi kryptį Reiškia laiką


nuo to laiko, nuo tada per, pro


iki, ligi

Reiškia laiką


į, iki, ligi


link, į po

Žymi kryptį, reiškia laiką Žymi kryptį Žymi vietą


aukštyn su, kartu




Žymi kryptį

Žymi kryptį Įnagininko linksnis Kilmininko linksnis

of the box. Sim, put your shoes outside the door. The plane flew over the clouds. Linda quickly went past us. There are people who want to travel round the world. I haven‘t seen Mary since last Monday. Tourists were walking through the forest all day. I can‘t stay here till nine o‘clock in the evening. Does Pete know the road to Cambridge? Go towards the park then turn left. Look under the table and you‘ll find the pencil. Why is Nelly going up the stairs? Lithuanians seldom drink tea with milk. The house was without the number.

Pastovūs žodžių junginiai su prielinksniais At all – visai, visiškai At Easter – per Velykas At first – iš pradžių At home/work/school – namuose, darbe, mokykloje At last – pagaliau At once – tuojau At present – dabar At sunsest/sunrise – saulei leidžiantis/kylant At/in the end – pabaigoje At the weekend – savaitgalį At the top/bottom of a page – puslapio viršuje, apačioje Arrive at – atvykti (vieta) Be surprised at – būti nustebintam Good at – gabus

From head to foot – nuo galvos iki kojų From morning to night – nuo ryto iki vakaro Suffer from – kentėti nuo Translate from English into Lithuanian – išversti iš anglų į lietuvių kalbą In advance – iš anksto In fact – iš tikrųjų In my opinion – mano nuomone In order to – tam, kad In time – laiku In the middle of – viduryje Be in prison – kalėti End in failure – nesėkmingai baigtis Fall in love with – įsimylėti Fill in a form – užpildyti blanką Go in for sports – sportuoti Interested in – susidomėjęs

6 tema

Laugh at – pasijuokti Take part in – dalyvauti After school – po pamokų Of course – žinoma Look after – prižiūrėti Made of – pagamintas iš By all means – būtinai Be afraid of – bijoti By chance – atsitiktinai Be ashamed of – gėdytis By heart – mintinai Be fond of – mėgti By mistake – per klaidą Be proud of – didžiuotis One by one – vienas po kito Be sure of – būti įsitikinusiam Pay by cheque – mokėti čekiu Be tired of – pavargęs nuo Apply for a job – kreiptis dėl darbo Complain of/about – skųstis Be famous for – garsėti Consist of – susidėti iš Be late for – vėluoti Die of – mirti nuo Be sorry for – pagailėti Take care of – rūpintis Go for a walk – eiti pasivaikščioti On business – su reikalais Look for – ieškoti On duty – budintis Thank for – dėkoti On Easter – Velykų dieną Wait for – laukti On foot – pėsčiomis Be on sick leave – turėti On purpose – tyčia nedarbingumo pažymėjimą On sale – parduodama Depend on – priklausyti On the beach – paplūdimyje Get on – sėsti į (transportą) On the farm – ūkyje Go on – tęstis Be on holiday – atostogauti Arrive at – atvykti From the begining to the end – nuo pradžios iki Belong to – priklausyti pabaigos Go to bed – eiti miegoti Go on an excursion – važiuoti į ekskursiją Introduce somebody to somebody – Go on strike– streikuoti supažindinti Pay duty on something – mokėti muito mokestį Listen to – klausytis Rely on – pasitikėti Used to something – pripratęs prie ko Work on a computer – dirbti kompiuteriu nors Find out – sužinoti Be angry with – pykti Look out of the window – žiūrėti pro langą Disappoited with somebody – All over the world – visame pasaulyje nusivylęs kuo nors Be over – pasibaigti Satisfied with – patenkintas Think over – apgalvoti To my mind – mano nuomone To the end – iki pabaigos Tremble with fear – drebėti iš baimės

1. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite sakiniuose prielinksnius for, during, in, between, to, near, by. Kai kurie prielinksniai gali kartotis. 1. Kaunas is ..........two rivers.

6 tema

2. Emily and Ted go ............London...........plane. 3. We settle........the lake...........summer. 4. I bring some roses 5. Children repeat English letters ...........the lesson. 6. Her husband is ...............the village today. 7. I spent my holidays …… the sea. 8. The bank is ……….the post office and the bank. 9. I am waiting ……. my friend. 10. I live ……. the forest. It’s 5 minutes walk from my house. 2. PRATIMAS Pavartokite sakiniuose šiuos prielinksnius: at, in, on, by, out of, from , to, of. Kai kurie prielinksniai gali kartotis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Take some butter ............the butter dish. I go to school …….. bus. There are people who aren‘t interested „When will they finish their lunch?“ .........half past eleven. There weren’t those coffee“, said Ellen. Can I lend the pepper mill ...........her neighbour? Ted will have his holidays ..........November. The Netways built the cottage ...........the lake.I …… Saturdays I get up at 9 o’clock. I work ….. 9 till 5 in the evening.

3. PRATIMAS Pavartokite prielinksnius: in, of, under, along, for, towards, at. Kai kurie prielinksniai gali kartotis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

This box is full ........thick books. Let us walk .............the road ............the lake. Emily wasn‘t .........that place...........many years. Small children were playing ............the bridge. There were a lot of mushrooms ...............the tree. My father will come to me ...........six or seven p.m.? You should go about 100 meters ………. the bank and then turn left. Most ….. the students chose to study Maths. She works ……… the bank. I get up ………… 6 o’clock.

4. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite in, on arba at

6 tema

1. I usually wake up .............. six o‘clock ................the morning. 2. Joe never goes shopping ...............Saturdays. 3. Hurry! The film starts .............8 o‘clock. 4. I often get up late ............Monday mornings. 5. What do you do ..................the evening? 6. Kelly often meets her friends ...............weekends. 7. Howard was born ..............1st December, .................1971. 8. She loves going for walks .............. the spring. 9. We usually go on holiday ................ July. 10. I like working in the garden .................. Sunday afternoons. 5. PRATIMAS Įrašykite tinkamą prielinksnį, jei reikia. 1. Jane is arriving ………….January 26 …………..2 o'clock ………….. the afternoon. 2. It snows here every year …….December. 3. We always go outside and play …………. the snow………… Christmas day. 4. Michael is leaving Friday …………………..noon. 5. Frankie started working …………….. her law firm ………………….1995. 6. Franklin began working …………………. the project yesterday. 7. Normally, …………..New Year's Eve, it's tradition to kiss the one you love ………..midnight. 8. Don't be ridiculous; there were no telephones …………. the seventeenth century! 9. The telephone was invented…………. the 1870s. 10. The plane leaves tomorrow morning…………….. 8:00 am. 11. The hills here are covered with wild flowers …………..early spring. 12. We met ……………. the restaurant ……………….6:30 and stayed …………..10:30. 6. PRATIMAS Įrašykite tinkamą prielinksnį, jei reikia. 1. She always gets up early ………… the morning, so she can make it to class …….time. 2. I was sick, so I didn't go ….. work last Thursday, but I did go to work ……….Friday. 3. Mary stopped talking …………..the middle ………….. her story, and suddenly started to cry. I think we were all crying ………… the time she finished telling us what had happened. 4. Late night, you could here coyotes howling …………….. the distance. 5. Just wait a second, I'll be there ……….. a minute. 6. I need to give my parents a call. I haven't talked to them ………. over a month. 7. Barbara is going to start her new job ……… September..

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8. The professor said …….the first day …….. the course that there would be a big final test …………the end of the semester. 9. I have been sitting here ……… more than an hour. If they don't arrive ………….. the next ten minutes, I'm leaving. 10. We were really worried …….first because the banks were closed ……..Saturdays, so we couldn't exchange money. But ……… the end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the hotel.

7. PRATIMAS Įrašykite tinkamą prielinksnį, jei reikia. 1. We have Internet access …… work. 2. The kids are learning ………….. the Civil War ……. their history class …… 3. Toby was ……….. hospital for two weeks after his motorcycle accident …….the freeway. 4. Jane and Debbie saw dolphins ……. the ocean while they were having a picnic ……. the beach. 5. Fred loves to go camping ……. the desert, but Kyle prefers to camp ………the mountains. 6. The conference was held ……. a ski resort ……. Telluride, a small town ……..southwest Colorado. 7. You can buy stamps …….. the post office …………. Delancy Street. 8. The old man who was standing ……… the corner yelled at the kids who were playing …………. the street. 9. While they were hiking …….. Ridgeback Mountain, Laurelle and Frank saw a bear ……… the woods. 10. …. the end of the meeting everyone was tired.

Žodynėlis access accident after afternoon along arrive beach bear because beefsteak begin bill boiled

priėjimas avarija po popietė išilgai atvykti paplūdimys nešti, gimdyti kadangi jautienos pjausnys pradėti sąskaita virtas

box bridge built butter buy call camp can cellar century change cherry chicken children

dėžė tiltas pastatytas sviestas pirkti šaukti, skambinti stovyklauti galėti rūsys amžius grąža vyšnia viščiukas vaikai

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chips choice cocktail coffee come conference corner cottage course coyotes cry decision delicious dessert dish distance dolphin early excellent exchange fish freeway garnish hiking hill hour howl keep law learn leaves lend main meal middle mill month mushroom need neighbour onion opinion order outside over parents

keptos buvytės pasirinkimas kokteilis kava ateiti konferencija kampas trobelė kursas, patiekalas kojotai verkti sprendimas skanu desertas patiekalas atstumas delfinas anksti puiku pakeisti žuvis greitkelis garnyras iškylavimas kalva valanda kaukti laikyti įstatymas mokytis lapai, išvyksta skolinti pagrindinis maistas vidurys malūnas mėnuo grybas reikėti kaimynas svogūnas nuomonë užsakyti lauke virš tėvai

past pepper picnic plane plastic prefer ready resort ridiculous road roast round salmon salt sauce shrimp ski something soup special starter thick topping towards town trout usually waiter wake walk while who wid e wild woo ds wor ried yell

pro pipiras piknikas lėktuvas plastikas teikti pirmenybę pasiruošės kurortas juokingas kelias keptas aplink lašiša druska padažas krevetė slidinėti, slidė kažkas sriuba specialus pirmas patiekalas storas, tirštas, užpilas link miestas upėtakis paprastai padavejas pabusti vaikščioti kol, tuo metu kas platus laukinis miškas, mediena sunerimęs šaukti

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Tom and Ann’s daughter July is writing from a holiday destination in Spain. Hello mum and dad. I am writing from Ibiza. Now I am sitting in my hotel room as it is very hot outside. The weather is about 35 degrees, the water temperature is about 24. It’s incredible. I can’t believe it’s so hot. The hotel is quite good. I am having three meals a day. The food is fantastic. I have tried traditional Spanish food such as paella. It’s very tasty. The hotel staff is also very nice, polite and helpful. They wear very nice uniforms. I have tried a lot of seafood dishes. They are really good and healthy with a lot of fruit and vegetables. For dessert I eat mostly fruit – watermelons, melons, peaches, bananas, grapes, apples, oranges, grapefruits and pineapples. There is nothing better than eating juicy fresh fruit on a hot summer day. The hotel also has a swimming pool, so I spend a lot of time enjoying the sun and swimming in it. The beach is not very far from the hotel. It is about five minutes walk so I go there two or sometimes three times a day. The sea is very warm with almost no waves, so I am having a lot of fun. I have made a lot of new friends from many different countries – Germany, Italy, France and even Japan. I go to the city centre quite often, as I love sightseeing. Yesterday I went on a boat trip in the sea. It was fantastic. It lasted all day – from the morning till the evening. We visited a lot of nice beaches and were relaxing all day enjoying the fresh breeze in the shade of the boat. Some local people from the boat taught us some Spanish words while serving us the food.

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Tomorrow I am going to the hotel gym because I think that I am starting to gain some weight. The aerobics classes start in the early morning at 9 o’clock. I hope I will be able to wake up in time. The classes will last for an hour and then we will go to have breakfast. I’m coming back home on Monday so I’m looking forward to seeing you and talking about holiday experiences. Love, July

LAIŠKO RAŠYMAS Tomo ir Anos duktė Julija rašo iš atostogų vietos Ispanijoje. Sveiki, mama ir tėti. Aš rašau iš Ibizos. Dabar aš sėdžiu savo viešbučio kambaryje, kadangi lauke labai karšta. Oro temperatūra yra apie 35 laipsnius, vandens apie 24. Tai neįtikėtina. Aš negaliu patikėti, kad čia taip karšta. Viešbutis yra ganėtinai geras. Maitina tris kartus per dieną. Maistas yra fantastiškas, aš paragavau tradicinio ispaniško maistą, tokio kaip paela. Tai labai skanu. Viešbučio darbuotojai yra taip pat labai malonūs, mandagūs ir paslaugūs. Jie dėvi labai gražias uniformas. Aš išbandžiau daug jūros gėrybių patiekalų. Jie yra iš tikrųjų geri ir sveiki su daug vaisių ir daržovių. Desertui aš daugiausia valgau vaisių – arbūzų, melionų, persikų, bananų, vynuogių, obuolių, apelsinų, greipfrutų ir ananasų. Nėra nieko geriau už sultingus šviežius vaisius karštą vasaros dieną. Viešbutis taip pat turi baseiną, taigi aš praleidžiu daug laiko, gėrėdamasi saule ir plaukiodama jame. Paplūdimys nėra labai toli nuo viešbučio - penkios minutes pesčiomis, taigi aš einu ten du arba kartais tris kartus per dieną. Jūra yra labai šilta ir beveik be bangų, aš tuo mėgaujuosiu. Aš susipažinau su daug naujų draugų iš daugelio skirtingų šalių – Vokietijos, Italijos, Prancūzijos ir net Japonijos. Aš einu į miesto centrą gana dažnai, kadangi aš mėgstu lankyti įžymias vietas. Vakar aš keliavau laivu jūroje. Buvo fantastiška. Tai truko visą dieną – nuo ryto iki vakaro. Mes aplankėme daug gražių paplūdimių ir ilsėjomės visą dieną, gėrėdamiesi gaiviu vėjeliu jachtos pavėsyje. Keletas vietinių gyventojų, pateikdami mums maistą jachtoje, mus išmokė keleto ispaniškų žodžių,. Rytoj aš eisiu į viešbučio sporto salę, kadangi manau, kad pradedu priaugti svorio. Aerobikos pamokos prasideda anksti ryte devintą valandą. Aš tikiuosi, kad aš sugebėsiu pabusti laiku. Treniruotė truks valandą, o paskui mes nueisime pusryčiauti. Aš atvyksiu namo pirmadienį, taigi tikiuosi pamatyti jus ir pakalbėti apie atostogų įspūdžius. Su meile, Julija

Present continuous tense (esamasis tęstinis laikas) Tęstinius laikus sudaro BE + veiksmažodžio bendratis su - ING forma. I am reading

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a book. Klausiamoji tęstinio laiko forma sudaroma keičiant žodžių tvarką, t.y. BE formą iškeliant prieš veiksnį. Are you reading a book? Neigiamoji forma sudaroma tarp BE formos ir veiksmažodžio įterpiant NOT. I am not reading a book LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Kai kalbama apie: 1. Šiuo laikotarpiu vykstantį veiksmą. (Look! It is raining). (What are you doing now? – I am studying for the exam). 2. Suplanuotą netolimos ateities veiksmą (Carol is not working this weekend). Veiksmažodžiai, nežymintys veiksmo, nevartojami tęstinio laiko forma (like, love, hear, fear, want, see, believe, remember, belong, seem). Šis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: Now – dabar Still – vis dar At the moment – šiuo momentu At present – dabar Nowadays – šiomis dienomis

Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I am working You are working He,she, it is working

Am I working? Are you working? Is he, she, it working?

I am not working You are not working He, she, it is not working

We are working You are working They are working

Are we working? Are you working? Are they working?

We are not working You are not working They are not working

Sutrumpintos formos

Trumpi atsakymai

I’m not working You aren’t working He, she, it isn’t working

Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Yes, he, she, it is. No, he, she, it isn’t,

We aren’t working You aren’t working They aren’t working

Yes, we are. No, we aren’t. Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t

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Sangrąžiniai įvardžiai Myself – aš pats. I can do it myself. Yourself – tu pats. You can do it yourself Himself – jis pats. He can do it himself Herself – ji pati. She can do it herself Itself – jis pat, ji pati (kalbant apie daiktą) Ourselves – mes patys. We can do it ourselves Yourselves – jūs patys. You can do it yourselves Themselves – jie patys, jos pačios. They can do it themselves. Sangrąžinius įvardžius į lietuvių kalbą verčiame: 1. Žodžiais “savęs, sau, save, savimi”, pvz.: They saw themselves in the water of the lake. Jie pamatė save ežero vandenyje. 2. Sangrąžos dalelyte -si. Veiksmažodį su įvardžiu verčiame vienu žodžiu, pvz.: I dried myself. Aš nusišluosčiau.

Neigiamieji Įvardžiai Nobody/no one – niekas. Šis įvardis vartojamas kalbant apie asmenis. Sakinyje esant neigiamam įvardžiui, kito neiginio negalima vartoti, veiksmažodis taip pat turi būti teigiamos formos. Nothing – niekas. Šis įvardis nurodo daiktus. Po šio įvardžio taip pat negalime vartoti kito neiginio, o veiksmažodis turi būti teigiamos formos. No – joks, jokia. Vartojamas prieš skaičiuotinius ir neskaičiuotinius daiktavardžius. Po šio įvardžio taip pat negalime vartoti kito neiginio, o veiksmažodis turi būti teigiamos formos.

Žodžių tvarka sakinyje

Žodžių tvarka anglų kalbos sakinyje priklauso nuo sakinio tipo. Sakiniai yra skirstomi į tiesioginius, klausiamuosius, liepiamuosius ir šaukiamuosius. Tiesioginiam sakinio tipui būdinga tokia žodžių tvarka: 1. Veiksnys (kas?) 2. Tarinys (ką veiksnys veikia?)

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3. Pažyminys (koks? kokia?) 4. Papildinys (ko? ką? kam? kuo?) 5. Aplinkybės : a) vietos (kur?) b) laiko (kada?) c) būdo (kaip?) d) kitos aplinkybės. Aš veiksnys I

atnešiau tarinys brought

Tomui papildinys Tom

įdomią pažyminys an interesting

knygą papildinys book

į mokyklą vietos aplinkybė to school

Anglų kalboje sakinio pradžioje visada turi eiti veiksnys, jeigu lietuviškame sakinyje veiksnio nėra, anglų k. sakinyje jis bus pradedamas įvardžiu it. Tokie sakiniai yra vadinami beasmeniais, pvz.: it is cold – šalta, it is raining – lyja it t.t.

1. PRATIMAS. Parašykite sakinius present continuous (esamuoju tęstiniu) laiku. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Listen! I think the telephone ……………...(ring) Mrs. Smith …………….(play) piano in the hall. Grandmother……………… (have) a rest in her bedroom. Be quiet I ………………….(think). Jane ………………….(not work) she …………………….(read) a book. I see that you ……………………. (wear) your new skirt today. Jack is not in his room, he …………………….(have) a bath. I ……………………(wait) for my boss. Who ……………………….(make) that terrible noise? – It’s Roger. He …………………(practice) the violin. I am busy, I……………….. (write) a letter. It ………………….(snow), put on your coat. The plane ……………………..(fly) at 3000 metres. 2. PRATIMAS. Parašykite sakinius vartodami present continuous) esamąjį tęstinį laiką.

1. I /wash/my hair. …………………………………………. 2. It/snow. …………………………………………. 3. I /sit/on a chair. …………………………………………. 4. You/eat. ………………………………………….

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5. It /rain. …………………………………………. 6. He/learn/English. …………………………………………. 7. They /listen/to music. …………………………………………. 8. The sun/shine. …………………………………………. 9. I /wear/shoes. …………………………………………. 10. She /read a newspaper. …………………………………………. 3 PRATIMAS. Parašykite sakinius pavartodami Present Simple arba Present Continuous laikus. 1. Jim …………………… (play) computer games now. 2. Every Monday, Tom ………………….(drive) her kids to school. 3. Usually, I …………….(work) at my office, but this summer I …………(study) French at a language school. 4. Be quiet! Ann ……………….. (sleep) . 5. I hate living in Seattle because it always ……………………(rain) . 6. Steve ………………… (write) a book about his adventures now. 7. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It ………………(rain) . 8. - Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? - Ann: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I ……………………(go) to a movie tonight with some friends. 9. I'm sorry I can't hear what you ………………….(say) because everybody …………………………..(talk) so loudly. 10. This delicious chocolate ………(be) made by a small company in Zurich, Switzerland. 11. My dad always ……………………(get up) at six. 12. Tom …………………… (have) a singing lesson now. 13. ……………………(you/read) a book now? 14. Jane and Tom usually ……………….. (watch) TV at this time but this evening they …………………….. (go) to the theatre. 4. PRATIMAS Įrašykite sangrąžinį arba savitarpinį įvardį. 1. A B 2. A 3


- Do you mind if we pour ………………….(myself/ourselves) something to drink? - Of course not. And there‘s food too. Please help ..................... (yourselves/themselves). - That‘s the new head of Marketing. She’s studying by ..................... (herself/himself). -B: Let’s go and introduce ...............................(himself/ourselves). - I’m nervous about my date with Niki. I cut ...............................(myself/herself) twice shaving.

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B - You’ll be fine. Just relax and be ..........................(yourselves/yourself). 4. A My boss and I always give ...........................(ourselves/each other) the same holiday gifts. Every year I give him a book and he gives me a scarf. B - Funny. I always thought you bought ........................ (yourself/himself) a lot of scarves. 5 A - The new software is so easy, it just seem to run by ........................ (itself/myself). B - Really? In our department, we‘re still teaching ....................... (themselves/ourselves) how to use it. 6 A - Did you and Armina go to Japan by ......................(yourself/yourselves) or with a tour group? B - With a group. We all keep in touch with ...................(each other/ourselves) since the trip. 5. PRATIMAS Sudėliokite žodžius į sakinius. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Steven/apples/from/takes/the/table/the. ……………………………………………….. Admire/tulips/spring/we/nice/in. ……………………………………………….. Her/gives/nuts/to/sister/big/she/the. ……………………………………………….. Sit/six/round/boys/fire/the. ……………………………………………….. Potatoes/in/pot/some/are/the/there. ……………………………………………….. For/interesting/thank you/letter/the. ……………………………………………….. Envelope/on/a/put/the/stamp. ……………………………………………….. Love/ my/I/mother/very/father/much/and. ……………………………………………….. 9. Drink/morning/ I/milk/every. ……………………………………………….. 10. And/know/a lot/London/Emily/about/Linda. ……………………………………………….. 11. In/milk/is/the/little/glass/there. ……………………………………………….. 12. Father/noodle/like/my/soup/doesn‘t. ……………………………………………….. 13. Enough/these/aren‘t/tasty/crackers. ……………………………………………….. 6. PRATIMAS. Sudėliokite sakinius. 1. doesn‘t have/in the bank/Larry/any money. ……………………………………………….. 2. Only two hours/I/last night/slept. ……………………………………………….. 3. The boys/taught/last year/she/geography. …………………………………………… 4. Were/big green bottles/on the shelf/five/there. ……………………………………… 5. The restaurant/parked/in front of/his car/he. ………………………………………… 6. The English Channel/last Monday/we/by ferry/crossed. ………………………………………………..

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7. Lucy/me/this dress/made/for. ……………………………………………….. 8. The time/Tony/glasses/wears/all. ……………………………………………….. 7. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą sangrąžinį įvardį. 1. I cut my hair …………….. 2. We defended …………….. brilliantly. 3. John talks to ……………….. when he is nervous. 4. We gave ……………………. a second chance to complete the course. 5. Did they lock ………………………….. out of the house again? 6. I did it …………………………….. 7. He washed ………………………... 8. She looked at …………………………….. in the mirror. 9. Diabetics give ………………………… insulin shots several times a day. 10. After the party, I asked ……………….. why I had faxed invitations to everyone in my office building.

8 tema


Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist:

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. How can I help you? I’d like to book a hotel for five days. Which days would you like to book? From July 17th to 22nd What room would you like: single or double? I’d like double please for me and my wife. Would you prefer luxurious or a standard room? Would you please explain what a standard room has? It is a small room with an en-suite bathroom. It has a bed, bed-side cabinet, an armchair, wall cabinet, TV, air-conditioner, hair-drier. What facilities do luxurious apartments have? They have at least two big rooms, tea and coffee making facilities, a fridge with cold drinks, baby-listening facilities, satellite TV, Jacuzzi and very luxurious old-style furniture, curtains. Thanks a lot. What are the prices of these rooms? A standard double room costs 60 pounds and the price of apartments range from 400 to 800 pounds per night. We highly recommend these

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Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist:

apartments for newly-weds or for special occasions. We are having our 10th wedding anniversary. In this case we could offer you about 15 percent discount. With a discount we could arrange you a room just for 350 pounds. Your wife will really be satisfied about it. Is food delivery service included into the price? Yes, you don’t have to pay extra for it. Can I look at the menu of your hotel? Yes, you can read it on our internet site. Every week you can find something new in our menu. Is it very far from the city center? No it’s about 10-20 minutes drive. Yes, it seems to be the best hotel for us. I’ll book it. Your name, sir, please? Tom Jenkins. Is the date from July 17th to 22nd ? Yes, that’s right. OK. We look forward to your visit. Thanks a lot. You are welcome.

Viešbučio užsakymas Tomas: Receptionist: Tomas: Recept;ionist: Tomas: Receptionist: Tomas: Receptionist: Tomas: Receptionist: Tomas: Receptionist:

Tomas: Receptionist: Tom:

Laba diena. Laba diena. Kuo galiu jums padėti? Norėčiau užsisakyti viešbutį penkioms dienoms. Kurioms dienoms norėtumėte užsakyti? Nuo liepos 17 iki 22 dienos. Kokio kambario norėtumėte: vienviečio ar dviviečio? Norėčiau dviviečio man ir mano žmonai. Ar pageidautumėte prabangaus ar standartinio kambario? Ar galėtumėte paaiškinti, kas yra standartiniame kambaryje? Tai mažas kambarys su vonia. Jame yra lova, spintelė, fotelis, sieninė spinta, televizorius, oro kondicionierius, plaukų džiovintuvas. Kokie patogumai yra prabangiuose apartamentuose? Jie turi bent du dideli kambarius, kavos ir arbatos paruošimo įrangą, šaldytuvą su gaiviaisiais gėrimais, kūdikių pasiklausymo įranga, palydovinė TV, Jacuzzi vonia ir labai prabangūs senovinio stiliaus baldai ir užuolaidos. Labai ačiū. Kokios yra šių kambarių kainos? Standartinis dvivietis kambarys kainuoja 60 svarų, o apartamentų kaina yra 400-800 svarų už naktį. Mes labai rekomenduojame apartamentus jaunavedžiams ar ypatingomis progomis. Dabar yra mūsų vestuvių 10-osios metinės.

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Šiuo atveju mes galime jums pasiūlyti apie 15 procentų nuolaidą. Su nuolaida būtų tik £350 už apartamentus. Jūsų žmona tuo bus tikrai patenkintas.

Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist:

Ar maisto pristatymo paslauga įeina į kainą? Taip, už tai jūs neturėsite mokėti papildomai. Ar aš galiu pažiūėti viešbučio meniu? Taip, jūs galite jį perskaityti mūsų interneto svetainėje. Kiekvieną savaitę galite atrasti ką nors naujo į mūsų meniu. Ar tai labai toli nuo miesto centro? Ne, tai maždaug 10-20 minučių kelio automobiliu. Taip, atrodo, kad mums tai yra geriausias viešbutis. Aš galiu užsisakyti? Jūsų vardas, pone, prašau? Tomas Jenkins. Ar data nuo liepos 17-22 dienomis? Taip, teisingai. Gerai, laukiame Jūsų apsilankymo. Ačiū. Nėra už ką.

Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist:

Past simple (paprastas būtasis laikas)

Paprastas būtasis laikas – tai antroji pagrindinė veiksmažodžio forma. Teigiamoji taisyklingųjų veiksmažodžių forma sudaroma pridedant prie bendraties galūnę –ed. Klausiamoji ir neigiamoji forma sudaroma su pagalbiniu veiksmažodžiu DID. LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Veiksmus (faktus, būsenas), įvykius praeityje ir nesusijusius su dabartimi (I saw Andy last month) Kartotinius, įprastus veiksmus, įvykusius praeityje ir nesusijusius su dabartimi (she often played dolls when she was a child). Veiksmus įvykusius vienas po kito praeityje (he opened the window, looked down the street and saw a strange car). Šis laikas yra vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: Yesterday – vakar Last – praėjęs Ago – prieš 1980, in June - su metais (datomis)

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Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I helped You helped He, she, it helped

Did I help? Did you help? Did he, she, it help?

I did not help You did not help He, she, it did not help

We helped You helped They helped

Did we help? Did you help? Did they help?

We did not help You did not help They did not help

Netaisyklingos veiksmžodžių formos bendratis be build can eat fall find fly get go have hear know leave meet read run see sleep spend take teach think understand

Past simple(būtasis paprastasis laikas) was, were built could ate fell found flew got went had heard knew left met read ran saw slept spent took taught thought understood

1. PRATIMAS. Parašykite paprastuoju būtuoju laiku.

vertimas būti statyti galėti valgyti Kristi rasti skristi gauti eiti turėti girdėti žinoti išvykti sutikti skaityti bėgti matyti miegoti išleisti imti mokyti galvoti suprasti

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One day a farmer and his donkey go to the town. The donkey carries two bags of salt. Soon they come to a river. There is a bridge across the river. The donkey steps on the bridge but stumbles and falls into the river. He gets up very happy: there is no salt in his bags any more. Some days pass. The farmer loads the donkey with bags of wool and they start for the town. When the donkey is in the middle of the bridge he jumps into the water. But this time he is not happy when he gets out. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 2 PRATIMAS. Vietoj esamojo laiko pavartokite past simple laiką (paprastą būtąjį). Tom sleeps until eleven o‘clock. ……………………………………………. You eat too much. ………………………………… I spend all my money on clothes. ……………………………………………. They understand me. ……………………………………………. Tom teaches English. ……………………………………………. Dave and Sarah sit side by side. ……………………………………………. I often think of him. ……………………………………………. Cuckoos don‘t build nests. ……………………………………………. She leaves the window open. ……………………………………………. We usually go there by car. ………………………………………………….. I feel hungry. ……………………………………………. Jenny sees him twice a week. ……………………………………………. I usually meet Sarah in a cafe. ……………………………………………. He knows that I always forgive him. ……………………………………………. Grandmother sometimes reads detective stories. ………………………….…… …………………………. 3. PRATIMAS. Parašykite sakinius Past Simple laiku. Beth and her family ................. (go) to Scotland last summer. They………………. (have) a caravan and .…........(can) stop wherever they ............... (want). Their friends ................. (invite) them to stay in Edinburgh for a week. They .................. (live) by a small lake. Once they ................ (have) a party on the beach. They .................. (take) their pet, the sheepdog, to the party too. Beth ...............

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(run) and ................ (jump) by the lake with a dog. The party ................ (be) fantastic! 4. PRATIMAS. Parašykite sakinius Past Simple laiku. They …………..(have) lunch at home last week. He ……………….(leave) the company many years ago. Susan ………………….(buy) a new car in May. He …………………..(telephone) his friend in Rome yesterday. I ………………..(play) golf when I was a teenager. They …………….(fly) to Chicago last month. Peter ……………………(complete) his course three weeks ago. They…………………………(not expect) to see you at Christmas. She ………………………….(not understand) the question. Where …………………………(you /study) French? 5. PRATIMAS. Pasirnkite teisingą atsakymą. 1. Where ____________ on vacation last summer? went you did you went did you go 2. They _______________ until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. not arrived didn't arrive doesn't arrive 3. We ______________ a bus to Chicago last week. taked did took took 4. : _____ to the party last weekend? Did you go Went you Where went 5. They __________ a swimming pool into their backyard last summer. did put put putted

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6. Where _________ this afternoon? did go did he go did he went 7. She _____ home early from the party yesterday. camed came didn't came 8. How much ________________ for it? does you pay did you pay paid you 9. They ______________ the play very much. didn't enjoys didn't enjoyed didn't enjoy 10. When _____________ that crazy idea? did you get did you got got you 6. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite Past simple formas. 1. A: - What ……………………………(you do) yesterday.? B: - I ………………..(find) the wallet full of money and……………………. (go) immediately to the police and ……………………………(turn) it in. 2. The doctor ………………..(say) that Tom …………………………(be) too sick to go to work and that he ……………………..(need) to stay at home for a couple of days. 3. Sebastian ……………………(arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she ………………………..(be, not) there. 4. Sandy …………………….(not watch) TV yesterday. 5..: I …………………….(call) you last night after dinner, but you ………………… …………….(be, not) there. Where were you? 6. When I …………………….(walk) into the busy office, the secretary was talking on the phone with a customer.. 7. I ………………………….(watch) a very interesting movie yesterday. 8. Sharon ……………………(be) in the room when John told me what happened, but she ………………..(not hear) anything .

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9. It's strange that you …………………..(call) because I was thinking about you. 10. I ………………(not speak) to Jim yesterday.

Žodynėlis anniversary apartments armchair arrange baby-listening facilities bathroom bedside cabinet curtains delivery discount double en-suite extra facilities far forward fridge furniture hair-drier include at least look forward luxurious newly-weds occasion offer prefer range satisfied seem single wedding

sukaktuvės apartamentai fotelis suderinti, sutvarkyti kūdikių pasiklausymo įranga vonia spintelė prie lovos užuolaidos pristatymas nuolaida dvivietis kartu (su vonia) papildomas įranga, patogumai toli pirmyn šaldytuvas baldai plaukų džiovintuvas itraukti, įskaičiuoti mažiausiai laukti, tikėtis prabangus jaunavedžiai proga pasiūlyti teikti pirmenybę apimti, svyruoti patenkintas atrodyti vienvietis vestuvės

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arrive complete bridge build caravan carry couple crazy customer early enjoy expect forgive immediately meet middle month more movie nest pass

atvykti pabaigti tiltas statyti priekaba-namelis nešti keletas pamišęs pirkėjas anksti mėgautis tikėtis atleisti (kaltę) tuoj pat susitikti vidurys mėnuo daugiau filmas lizdas praeiti

question river sheepdog sick side story strange stumble summer teenager twice usually vacation wallet wherever window wool

klausimas upė aviganis sergantis pusė apsakymas keistas suklupti vasara paauglys du kartus paprastai atostogos piniginė kur bebūtų langas vilna

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Tom is feeling ill and he is bed. Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

I’m feeling very bad today. I think I maybe ill. I suppose so, you’ve been coughing all night. I think you should check your temperature. Alright. I’m afraid it could be serious. Here is the thermometer. After a few minutes

Tom Ann:

It shows 38 degrees. Oh, then you should go to the doctor immediately. He’ll prescribe you some medicines. At the doctor

Doctor: Tom: Doctor:

Come in please. What health problems do you have? I was coughing all night and I have a sore throat. By the way this morning I checked my temperature. It was 38. So I called my employer and said that I wouldn’t be able to come to work. Open your mouth, please. Yes, it is red a little bit, but don’t worry it won’t last long. You should stay in bed for three days and after that you should get over the decease and you will be able to go to work again. So in any case please visit me on Friday and here is the prescription of all the medicines that you’ll have to take. Don’t forget to stay in bed all day

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and drink a lot of tea with lemon. Hot milk with honey would also be very good for you. There’s the chemist’s just opposite the street. Thanks a lot. I’ll do everything you told me and I expect to be healthy by Friday. Good-bye. Good-bye. See you on Friday.

Tom: Doctor:


Aš šiandien jaučiuosi labai blogai. Galvoju, galbūt aš sergu. Aš taip pat taip manau, tu kosėjai visą naktį. Manau, kad tu turi pasitikrinti temperatūrą Gerai. Aš bijau, kad tai gali būti rimta. Čia yra termometras

Tomas: Ana:

Po kelių minučių Tomas: Ana:

Rodo 38 laipsnius. Oh, tada turi nedelsiant nueiti pas gydytoją. Jis išrašys tau vaistų. Pas gydytoją

Gydytojas: Tomas: Gydytojas:

Tomas: Gydytojas:

Įeikite, prašom. Kokiais sveikatos sutrikimais skundžiatės? Aš kosėjau visą naktį, man skauda gerklę. Tarp kitko, šį rytą aš tikrinau savo temperatūrą. Buvo 38. Taigi, aš paskambinau savo darbdaviui ir pasakiau, kad negalėsiu atvykti į darbą. Prašom išsižioti. Taip, raudona truputėlį, bet nesijaudinkite, tai netruks ilgai. Jūsų turėtume pasilikti lovoje tris dienas, po to jūs turėtumėte pasveikti ir tada galėsite vėl eiti į darbą. Taigi, bet kokiu atveju prašom apsilankyti pas mane penktadienį, čia yra receptas visų vaistų, kuriuos turėsite išgerti. Nepamirškite gulėti lovoje visą dieną ir gerti daug arbatos su citrina. Karštas pienas su medumi taip pat būtų labai gerai. Vaistinė yra kitoje gatvės pusėje. Labai ačiū. Aš padarysiu viską, kurį jūs pasakėte man, ir tikiuosi, kad būsiu sveikas iki penktadienio. Viso gero. Viso gero. Iki penktadienio.

Žodžių tvarka klausiamajame sakinyje Klausiamieji sakiniai išreiškia klausimą, jų struktūra skiriasi nuo tiesioginių anglų kalbos sakinių: 1)

žodžių tvarka yra ne tiesioginė, o sukeista. Tarinys arba jo dalis eina prieš

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veiksnį. Kitų sakinio dalių vieta nesikeičia. 2) Tarinys būtinai turi vieną iš pagalbinių veiksmažodžių, priklausomai nuo laiko (kokiu laiku yra sudaromas klausimas). Tarinys klausiamajame sakinyje perskiriamas į dvi dalis: pirmąją (pagalbinis arba modalinis asmeninės formos veiksmažodis) ir antrąją (pagrindinis veiksmažodis, bendratis arba dalyvis). Pirmoji tarinio dalis rašoma prieš veiksnį, o antroji eina po jo. 1) Jei tarinys yra išreikštas veiksmažodžio be pagrindine reikšme, tai jis rašomas prieš veiksnį, pvz.: is he a doctor? – ar jis gydytojas? 2) Pagalbinio veiksmažodžio do asmeninė forma Present arba Past Simple laike eina prieš veiksnį, o pagrindinė veiksmažodžio forma – po veiksnio, pvz.: do you play basketball every day? Nereikėtų pamiršti, kad anglų kalboje yra keturios klausimų rūšys: 1. Patikrinamieji (yes-no questions) arba bendrieji (general questions) 2. Specialieji (special questions) arba (wh-questions) 3. Pasirenkamieji (alternative questions) 4. Pritariamieji (tag-questions) arba skiriamieji (disjunctive questions) PATIKRINAMIEJI (BENDRIEJI) KLAUSIMAI Bendrųjų klausimų tikslas – sužinoti ar pašnekovas patvirtins, ar paneigs klausime pasakytą mintį. Šie klausimai sudaromi pakeičiant žodžių tvarką sakinyje ir specialiųjų klausiamųjų žodžių neturi. Tokie klausimai į lietuvių kalbą verčiami žodeliu “ar”, pvz.: Does Pete drive a car? No, he does not. Ar Petras vairuoja mašiną? Ne. Kiekvienas laikas anglų kalboje turi skirtingus pagalbinius veiksmažodžius, čia buvo pateiktas Present Simple tense (Paprastas esamasis laikas), kurio pagalbiniai veiksmažodžiai yra “do” arba “does” priklausomai nuo asmens, kuriam keliamas klausimas. SPECIALIEJI KLAUSIMAI Specialieji klausimai prasideda klausiamuoju žodeliu who (kas?), what (kas? ką?), where (kur?), why (kodėl?), when (kada?), whom (kam?), which (kurį? kurią?), whose (kieno?), how (kaip?), how many (kiek?), how much (kiek?). Jei klausimas užduodamas tiesioginio sakinio veiksniui, specialiajame klausime yra tiesioginė žodžių tvarka. Klausiamieji žodžiai užima veiksnio poziciją, o po jų eina tarinys, pvz.: The table stands by the window. What stands by the window? Stalas stovi prie lango. Kas stovi prie lango? Klausiamasis žodelis “who” vartojamas kalbant apie asmenis, o “what” kalbant apie

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daiktus. “How much” vartojami su nesuskaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais, o “how many” su skaičiuojamais daiktavardžiais, pvz.: How much sugar do you need? Kiek tau cukraus reikia? How many lessons do you have? Kiek pamokų tu turi? Pagalbiniai atitinkamo laiko veiksmažodžiai vartojami po klausiamųju žodžių “where, why, what, when, whom, how”, pvz.: Where does Eve live? Whom did she write a letter? Po klausiamųjų žodžių “which, what (koks, kokie), whose, how many, how much” pirmiausia vartojamas veiksnys, o po to - atitinkamo laiko pagalbinis veiksmažodis, pvz.: What colour do you prefer? How much time did Nick study that play? PASIRENKAMIEJI KLAUSIMAI Pasirenkamieji klausimai yra sudaromi iš dviejų ar daugiau dalių, kurios yra sujungiamos jungtuku or (arba). Jie savo forma sutampa su bendraisiais klausimais, bet leidžia pasirinktivieną iš kelių galimybių ir reikalauja tokių pat atsakymų kaip ir specialieji klausimai, pvz.: Do you like tea or coffee? Tea, please. SKIRIAMIEJI (PRITARIAMIEJI) KLAUSIMAI Pritariamieji klausimai susideda iš tiesioginio sakinio ir trumpo patikrinamojo klausimo. Tiesioginis sakinys gali būti teigiamas ar neigiamas, o prie jo prisišliejęs klausimas turi pagalbinį veiksmažodį ir asmeninį įvardį. Jei sakinys teigiamas, pagalbinis klausimo veiksmažodis yra neigiamas, ir atvirkščiai, pvz.: Linda is a good teacher, isn’t she? – Yes, she is. Keletas išimčių, kurias reikėtų atsiminti. I am right, aren't I? You have to go, don't you? I have been answering, haven't I? Nothing came in the post, did it? Let's go, shall we? (let's = let us) He'd better do it, hadn't he? (he had better) 1. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite pabrauktiems žodžiams klausimus.

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The noise was terrible. ……………………………………………….. John bought Jenny a present. ……………………………………………….. In November the weather was very cold. ………………………………………… Mary lives in Brighton. ……………………………………………….. Nigel found a nice flat. ……………………………………………….. He wants to become the Prime Minister. ………………………………………… Jenny has never been abroad. ……………………………………………….. Jane likes fruit. ……………………………………………….. He works hard. ……………………………………………….. There were four cars in front of their house. ……………… ……………….. ……………………………….. Tom was born in 1988. ……………………………………………….. He keeps his money in the bank. ……………………………………………….. Jack went by bus. ……………………………………………….. He closed the window because it was raining. ……………………………………………….. The book is on the table. 2. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite bendruosius klausimus. Bill is putting the books on the table. ……………………………………….. Jenny comes here once a week. …………………………………………… The girls go to school by bus. …………………………….. Mr. Jones is in Chicago. ……………………………………………….. Diana plays golf very well. ……………………………………………….. Barbara and George are at home now. …………………………………….. This is your comb……………………………………….. Jack speaks to them very well. …………………………………………….. My friends visited me yesterday. …………………………………………. Tom plays the piano very well. …………………………………………. He cooks dinner every day. …………………………………………. He goes shopping every Friday. …………………………………………. Mary listens to music in the evening. ………………………………………. He always comes home late. …………………………………………. She did the housework yesterday. …………………………………………. Tom flew to Moscow last month. …………………………………………. He taught me some Spanish words. …………………………………………. Tom caught the ball. …………………………………………. He understands it. ……………… He moved out last month. …………………………………………. 3. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite skiriamuosius klausimus pagal pavyzdžius.

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You like music, don’t you? She is from Italy, isn’t she? It hasn’t been raining, has it? She is married, .........................? They have arrived, ...............................? You don‘t play the violin, ...........................? You understand me, .......................? Kate left yesterday, ..................? John sings very well, ……………..............? The children slept till 11, .......................? The police have found the revolver, ..................? The are playing chess,......................? Max didn‘t look at it,............................? 4. PRATIMAS Sudarykite skiriamuosius klausimus. Vanessa likes the eel very much. ..............? There is a fine cafe in that building. ....................? The man didn‘t peel all the onions. ..............? Those peaches weren‘t juicy. ………….............? Almita was waiting for me at her school…………. ..............? They are gathering mushrooms in the wood ..........................? You will boil noodle soup quickly.........................?. The wood is wonderful in late autumn. ……….............? It has been raining …………….? He visited his friends …………….?

Žodynėlis case check chemist‘s cough degrees employer expect feel health healthy honey immediately

atvejis patikrinti vaistinė kosėti laipsniai darbdavys tikėtis jausti sveikata sveikas medus tuoj pat

lemon medicines mouth prescribe prescription serious should suppose temperature thermometer throat

citrina vaistai burna išrašyti receptas rimtas turėtų manyti temperatūra termometras gerklė

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abroad autumn building chess gathering mushrooms noise

užsienyje ruduo pastatas šachmatai susirinkimas grybai triukšmas

noodle onions peel violin weather window wonderful

makaronai svogūnai lupti (svogūną) smuikas oras langas nuostabus

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Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

The weather seems to be quite bad. I think we’d better stay at home tonight. Yes, I agree. It’s been raining all day. Do you think it would be a good idea to rent a video? Not a bad idea, but I think I’d like to cook something for lunch. Something tasty and easy to prepare. What about a pizza? Yes, I was just thinking about it. Do we have pasta, cheese, sausage, tomato sauce and other necessary ingredients? Wait a minute. I’ll check the cupboard and fridge. Yes, we have everything we need. Perfect. So let’s get down to cooking. Will you give me a hand? Yes, for sure. In the evening:

Ann: Tom: Ann:

Tom: Ann:

So, what about renting a video. Haven’t your changed your mind? I don’t know but I’d like to watch a basketball match. My favorite team is playing this evening. But you know that I hate basketball. It seems so boring. By the way the match lasts so long. Wouldn’t you like to watch something more interesting for example a nature documentary or just listen to some romantic music on the radio? But you know that neither nature documentaries nor listening to music is not my favorite free time activity. So, let’s go out to have a romantic dinner tonight.

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Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom:

You are right. There is nothing better than spending a romantic evening with you in a relaxing atmosphere. So, which restaurant shall we choose? I don’t know but it should have a live piano music, candles on the tables and and good service I think Larry’s restaurant would suit best. Do you think we should reserve a table in advance? Yes, that’s a good idea. Today it’s Saturday and the restaurant could be full of people. Do we have the telephone number of the restaurant? Oh, that’s not a problem. I’ll look it up in the telephone directory and sort it out in a few minutes. The telephone directory is on the shelf. I’ll bring it for you. Thanks. But don’t you think that the restaurant number might not be on the list. It was opened just a few years ago. Then we should call the telephone enquires. It won’t be a problem. You are right. We’d better hurry up or we’ll be too late.

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NAMUOSE Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana:

Atrodo, kad oras labia blogas. Manau, kad gerai būtų pasilikti namuose. Taip, aš pritariu. Lijo visą dieną. Ar nemanai, kad tai būtų gera mintis išsinomuoti video filmą? Ne bloga mintis, bet aš manau, kad norėčiau pagaminti kažką pietums. Kažką skanaus ir nesunkaus paruošti. Ką manai apie picą? Taip, aš tik galvojau apie tai. Ar mes turime tešlos, sūrio, dešros, pomidorų padažo ir kitų būtinų ingredientų? Palauk minutę. Aš patikrinsiu indaują ir šaldytuvą. Taip, mes turime visko, kurio mums reikia. Puiku. Taigi, imkimės valgio gaminimo. Ar man padėsi? Taip, būtinai. Vakare:

Ana: Tomas: Ana:

Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Tomas: Tomas: Tomas:


Tai ką manai apie filmo nuomą? Ar dar nepersigalvojai? Aš nežinau, bet aš norėčiau stebėti krepšinio rungtynes. Mano mėgstama komanda žais šį vakarą. Bet juk tu žinai, kad aš nekenčiu krepšinio. Tai yra taip nuobodu. Be to, rungtynės trunka taip ilgai. Ar nenorėtum pažiūrėti kažką įdomesnio, pavyzdžiui dokumentinį filmą apie gamtą ar paklausyti romantiškos muzikos per radiją. Bet juk tu žinai, kad nei dokumentiniai filmai apie gamtą, nei muzikos klausymas nėra mano mėgstamas laisvalaiko užsiėmimas. Taip, gal tada išeikime šįvakar romantiškai papietauti? Esi teisi. Nėra nieko geriau negu leisti romantišką vakarą atpalaiduojančioje atmosferoje. Taigi, kokį restoraną mes pasirinksime? Nežinau, bet tai turi būti su gyva pianino muzika, žvakėmis ant stalų ir ir geru aptarnavimu. Aš manau, kad Larry restoranas tiktų geriausiai. Ar manai, kad mes turime rezervuoti stalą iš anksto? Taip, gera mintis. Šiandien yra šeštadienis, ir restoranas gali būti pilnas žmonių. Ar mes turime restorano telefono numerį? O, tai nėra problema. Aš pažiūrėsiu telefono abonentų knygoje ir sutvarkysiu visa tai po kelių minučių. Telefono abonentų knyga yra ant lentynos. Aš tau ją atnešiu. Ačiū. Bet ar nemanai, kad restorano numerio gali sąraše nebūti? Jis buvo atidarytas tik prieš kelis metus. Tada mes turėtume paskambinti į informacinę tarnybą. Tai nebus problema. Esi teisi. Paskubėkime, nes pavėluosime.

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Past continuous tense (būtasis tęstinis laikas) Būtasis tęstinis laikas sudaromas su išasmenuotu veiksmažodžiu BE būtuoju laiku, prie pagrindinio veiksmažodžio pridedant galūnę –ING. Klausiamoji forma sudaroma išasmenuotą veiksmažodį iškeliant prieš įvardį, t.y. keičiant žodžių tvarką. Neigiamoji forma sudaroma tarp pagalbinio ir savarankiško veiksmažodžio įterpiant dalelytę not. LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Veiksmą vykusį konkrečiu momentu praeityje (veiksmo pradžia ir pabaiga nežinomi) (We were watching TV at nine o‘clock. – Mes žiūrėjome TV 9 val.) Du ar daugiau tuo pat metu vykusių veiksmų (I was studying while my brother was watching TV.) Veiksmą, vykusį tam tikru momentu praeityje ir pertrauktą kitu trumpu momentiniu veiksmu (What were you doing when I called you yesterday?) Šis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis While – tuo metu kai When – kuomet At the time – tuo metu At (time) last Monday– kažkokiu momentu praeitą pirmadienį. Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I was working You were working He,she, it was working

Was I working? Were you working? Was he, she, it working?

I was not working You were not working He, she, it was not working

We were working You were working They were working

Were we working? Were you working? Were they working?

We were not working You were not working They were not working

Had better Ši struktūra naudojama, kai norime pasakyti, kad teikiame pirmenybę kokiam nors veiksmui. Laba dažnai vartojama trumpinta forma ‘d better. Pvz: We‘d better stay at home. Geriau pasilikime namuose. You‘d better make a pizza. Tu geriau galėtum pagaminti picą.

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Netaisyklingos veiksmžodžių formos (irregular verbs) sing leave

sang left

sung left

lend let lose make

lent let lost made

lent let lost made

mean meet pay put read write wear teach tell wake win take steal speak sit

meant met paid put read wrote wore taught told woke won took stole spoke sat

meant met paid put read written worn taught told woken won taken stolen spoken sat

dainuoti išvykti, palikti skolinti leisti pamesti padaryti, pagaminti reikšti sutikti sumokėti dėti skaityti rašyti dėvėti mokyti sakyti pabusti laimėti imti pavogti kalbėti sėdėti

1. PRATIMAS Skliausteliuose esančius veiksmažodžius pakeiskite past continuous (būtuoju tęstiniu) laiku. 1. When the bell rang Jane ……………….(have) a bath. 2. At that time Mr. Smith ………………..(live) in the country. 3. When Bob came Jenny……………………….. (write) a letter. 4. When I arrived they……………………..….. (have) supper. 5. At 7 on Friday we ……………………….. (watch) TV. 6. When Peter went out the sun ………….…………….. (shine). 7. When I met her yesterday she ……………………….. (wear) a new hat. 8. When the light went out I ………….………….. (make) a cake. 9. When they came we …………………..…….. (drink) tea. 10. This time yesterday Larry ………….………….. (take) the dog for a walk. 11. When I entered the boys …………….……….. (play) cards. 12. When the guests arrived we ………..…………….. (sleep). . 2. PRATIMAS

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Pavartokite past continuous (būtąjį tęstinį) arba past simple (paprastą būtąjį) laiką. 1. I was alone in the house at that time because Peggy ……………….. (shop) and the children ……………….. (play) in the park. 2. Yesterday at five o’clock I was not at home, I ………………..(read) an article at the library. 3. The train ……………….. (stop) and we ……………….. (get) off. 4. Their car was empty but the engine ……………….. (run). 5. I ……………….. (have) a shower when the phone ……………….. (ring). 6. He ……………….. (write) a cheque when he ……………….. (remember) that he ……………….. (have) nothing in the bank. 7. They ……………….. (live) in Brooklyn at that time. 8. The burglar ……………….. (open) the safe when he ……………….. (hear) footsteps. 9. He at once ……………….. (put) out his torch and ……………….. (crawl) under the desk. 10. When he ……………….. (learn) to drive he had lots of accidents. 3. PRATIMAS Įrašykite tinkamą veiksmažodžio formą (past simple). 1. He ……………………(sing) at the concert yesterday. 2. Did you ………………..(read) a book on Tuesday? 3. I …………………….(pay) 20 dollars for my shoes. 4. -When did you ……………….(wake up)? - I ……………………(wake up) at 6. 5. Do you know who ……………………..(steal) my bike? 6. Who ………………………(teach) you English last year? 7. When I was young I ……………………(wear) jeans. 8. Jill was so tired that she ………………….(sit) in the chair. 9. Do you know who ……………………….(take) my book? 10. She ………………………(tell) me good news yesterday. 11. John …………………………(lose) his pen. 12. He …………………(put) on his jacket and …………………(leave). 13. Last Monday I …………………….(meet) my best friend Patrick. 14. My mother …………………(let) me go out late last Friday. 15. I ……………………….(make) a lot of mistakes in my English test. 4. PRATIMAS. Užpildykite lentelę. 1. sing 2.


sung left

dainuoti išvykti, palikti

10 tema

3. lend 4. let 5. lose 6.


7. 8. meet 9. pay 10. put 11. read 12. write 13. 14. teach 15. 16. 17. win 18. take 19. steal 20. speak 21. sit



let lost made meant met

paid put wore told woke

read written worn taught told woken won taken

stole spoken sat

skolinti leisti pamesti padaryti, pagaminti reikšti sutikti sumokėti dėti skaityti rašyti dėvėti mokyti sakyti pabusti laimėti imti pavogti kalbėti sėdėti

5. PRATIMAS. Duokite patarimus, pavartodami “had better”. 1. It would be a good idea to ring him at once. You had/'d better ring him at once. 2. It would be a good idea to stop smoking …………………………………………. 3. It would be a good idea to visit your relatives this weekend. …………………………………………………. 4. It would be a good idea not to watch this movie. ……………………………………………. 5. It would be a good idea to eat more fruits. ……………………………………………………

Žodynėlis candle cupboard directory enquires fridge ingredients match might nature necessary

žvakė spintelė katalogas paklausimas šaldytuvas ingredientai rungtynės gali gamta būtina

need neither... nor pasta perfect pizza prepare quite relaxing rent reserve

reikia nei ... nei makaronai puikus pica parengti gana atpalaiduojantis nuoma rezervuoti

10 tema

Saturday sauce sausage seems service shelf

šeštadienis padažas dešra atrodo paslaugos lentyna

sort suit sure tasty weather

rūšiuoti kostiumas tikrai skanus oras

11 tema


Tom is reading advertisements in the newspaper to find a house for rent. Tom: Ann: Tom:

Ann: Tom:


Look, I’ve just found a few advertisements offering houses for rent. Some of these might be interest you. So read them. OK, the first one. A big house with three bedrooms two miles from the city center. It has a modern kitchen, there are two huge bathrooms: one is upstairs, the other is downstairs. The living-room and is rather big. It has a comfortable sofa, two armchairs and a wide-screen TV set. It also has a dining-room. In the attic there is a study with a table and a book case. Outside there is a wonderful garden, swimming-pool and a garage for two cars. The price 600 pounds. That seems to be really a good house, but don’t you think it’s too expensive for us. Yeh… maybe. Look, I’ve just found another one. It’s much cheaper but also less convenient. An attractive house about fifty minutes from the city center. It’s not very big. It has one bedroom, a living-room, a bathroom with a toilet and shower, a nice kitchen with a fridge, cooker and a table. The house is on the quiet street with a beautiful view from the balcony, so if you want some peace, it’s the perfect house for you. The price 400 pounds. You know, I like a quiet life. I would definitely choose the second house. Futhermore it’s much cheaper.

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But it is further from the city center. Don’t you think that we could save some time and money if we choose the first house? Think about the conveniences: a wide-screen TV, a swimming pool, a big garage, comfortable furniture. Imagine how nice it is to spend a day by the swimming-pool, enjoying the sun and a garden around you. But the second house is in a nice place. We could also have a good time sitting in the balcony admiring the beautiful view or spending time outside breathing fresh air and enjoying ourselves. Moreover as the house is smaller it will be cheaper to maintain it. Yeh, maybe you are right. Considering our financial situation the second house would be a better choice.

11 tema

NAMO NUOMA Tomas skaito skelbimus laikraštyje dėl namo nuomos. Tomas: Ana: Tomas:

Ana: Tomas:

Ana: Tomas:



Pažiūrėk, aš suradau kelis reklaminius skelbimus, siūlančius namus nuomai. Kai kurie iš jų galėtų tave sudominti Taigi perskaityk juos. Gerai, pirmas. Didelis namas su trimis miegamaisiais dvi mylios nuo miesto centro. Jame yra šiuolaikinė virtuvė, dvi didžiulės vonios: viena antrame aukšte, kita - pirmame. Svetainė gana didelė. Jame yra patogi sofą, du krėslai ir plataus ekrano televizorius. Jame taip pat yra valgomasis. Mansardoje yra darbo kambarys su stalu ir knygų lentyna. Lauke yra nuostabus sodas, plaukimo baseinas ir garažas dviems automobiliams. Kaina 600 svarų. Atrodo, tai yra iš tikrųjų geras namas, bet ar nemanai, kad tai mums per brangu? Taip … galbūt. Pažiūrėk, suradau kitą. Jis daug pigesnis, bet taip pat ir mažiau patogus. Šis patrauklus namas apytiksliai penkiasdešimt minučių nuo miesto centro. Jis nėra labai didelis. Jame yra vienas miegamasis, svetainė, vonia su tualetu ir dušu, graži virtuvė su šaldytuvu, virykle ir stalu. Namas yra ramioje gatvėje su gražiu vaizdu iš balkono. Taip, jei norite ramybės, tai yra jums puikus namas. Kaina 400 svarų. Žinai, aš mėgstu ramų gyvenimą. Aš neabejotinai pasirinkčiau antrą namą. Be to, tai daug pigiau. Bet jis yra daug toliau nuo centrinės miesto dalies. Ar nemanai, kad mes galėtume sutaupyti laiko ir pinigų, jei pasirinktume pirmą namą. Pagalvok apie patogumus: plačiaekranis televizorius, baseinas, didelis garažas, patogūs baldai. Įsivaizduok, kaip puiku yra praleisti dieną prie baseino, mėgaujantis saule ir sodu aplinkui. Bet antras namas yra gražioje vietoje. Mes galėtume taip pat gerai praleisti laiką, sėdėdami balkone, žavėdamiesi gražiu vaizdu ar leisdami laiką ir kvėpuodami grynu oru bei mėgaudamiesi tuo. Be to, kadangi namas yra mažesnis, bus pigiau jį išlaikyti. Taip, galbūt esi teisi. Atsižvelgiant į mūsų finansinę padėtį antras namas būtų geresnis pasirinkimas.

Future simple tense (paprastas būsimasis laikas)

Paprastas būsimasis laikas sudaromas su pagalbiniu veiksmažodžiu will + pagrindinio veiksmažodžio bendratis.

Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

11 tema

I will help You will help He, she, it will help

Will I help? Will you help? Will he, she, it help?

I will not help You will not help He, she, it will not help

We will help You will help They will help

Will we help? Will you help? Will they help?

We will not help You will not help They will not help

!!! “Will not” sutrumpinta forma yra “won’t”. I won’t drink tea. LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Nusako: 1. pranašaujamą, numatomą, spėjamą ateities veiksmą. Labai dažnai po veiksmažodžių vartojame “be sure, think, believe, expect, hope, know, suppose”, ir su prieveiksminis “perhaps, possibly, probably, surely” (I expect we‘ll see him at the party tonight). 2. Spontanišką sprendimą. “Will you have tea or coffee? – I’ll have coffee, please.” Šis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: Tomorrow – rytoj Tonight – šį vakarą Next – sakantį (mėnesį.) Soon – greitai

Be going to Vartojimas: - Vartojame „be going to“ kalbėdami apie ateities planus ir ketinimus. e.g. . I am going to study Maths at university. Aš studijuosiu matematiką universitete. - Taip pat vartojama be going to kalbėdami apie pranašystes ir spėjimus. e.g.. Look at the dark clouds. It's going to rain. Pažiūrėk į tamsius debesis. Tuoj lis. Sudarymas - to be (is, am, are) + going to + pirma veiksmažodžio forma. I am going to visit my friends. - klausimuose to be keliamas į priekį Am I going to visit my friends? - neiginiuose pridedame not. I am not going to to visit my friends.

11 tema

Present continuous (ateičiai reikšti) Mes naudojame present continuous laiką reiktšti: Ateities susitarimus, kai yra nurodyta konkreti data (fixed future arrangements. I’m meeting Tom on Friday.

There/It There + noun (daiktavardis) There will be fewer cars in the future. It + adjective (būdvardis) It will be sunny tomorrow.

Purpose (tikslas) 1. Infitive (bendratis) to. I’m saving money to buy a car. 2. In order to. I’m saving money in order to buy a car. 3. So that I can. I’m saving money so that I can buy a car. 1. PRATIMAS Pavartokite going to, will, present continuous. I’m cold. – I………….(get) you a coat Jim ………………..(buy) a car when he has enough money. I think the work is difficult .- I ……………..( help) you then. She ………………..(play) tennis at 3 o’clock tomorrow. I expect the weather …………………(be) fine tomorrow. I need to go to the post office. – OK, I ………………(drive) you there. Tom …………………(visit) his mother on Tuesday. I’m going to the shop. - ……..(you buy) me some milk? The telephone is ringing. - I ……………..(answer) it. Tim ……………….(sell) his car next year. I think the test …………….(be) easy. He likes painting. He …………….(be) an artist. What are your plans for the next summer .- I ……………….(relax) in my country. What would you like for dinner?. - I think I ……………(take) a steak. Somebody is knocking at the door. – I ……………(open) it. Look how badly he is riding a bike. He …………………..(fall).

11 tema

I can’t do this exercise. – I ………………..(help) you. You car is dirty. I know. I ………………(wash) it later. We haven’t any milk. I know. I ………………..(buy) it later. What are you doing next week. – I …………….(go) to the resort. Why is she so happy? – She ……………..(visit) her friends in America next year. There’s something wrong with the computer. I. ……… (call) John to fix it. 2. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite will arba will not. 1. “Are you ready yet?” “Not yet. I ……. be ready in five minutes. 2. I’m going far away for a few days. I’m leaving tonight, so I ……. be at home tomorrow. 3. It……………………….. rain, so you don’t need to take an umbrella. 4. It’s Bill’s birthday next Monday. He …….. be 25. 5. I’m sorry I was late this morning. It ……………….……happen again. 3. PRATIMAS Parinkite teisingą variantą. 1. I’m hungry. 2. How old is he? 3. What is Ann studying? 4. What do you think the weather will be like? 5. Is he happy with his job? 6. What are you going to do this summer? 7. Have you decided what to do with your car? 8. There is no milk left. 9. The car is not working. 10. I’m cold.

a) I’m going to sell it b) I think it will rain. c) I am going to work at my uncle’s bar. d) She is going to be a doctor. e) No, he is going to resign. f) Then I’ll make a sandwich. g) I’ll fix it then. h) He’ll be 40 this week. i) O.K. I’ll close the window. j) I’ll go to the supermarket and buy some.

4. PRATIMAS Vietoj esamojo laiko vartokite future simple (paprastąjį būsimąjį). Steve catches the 8.20 train to London. …………………………………… He leaves the house at 8 o’clock. ……………………………………… The bus doesn’t stop here. ……………………………………… Is she happy? ……………………………………… I spend a few days in New York. ……………………………………… Grandmother takes care of the children. ……………………………………

11 tema

The girls are angry and disappointed. ……………………………………… Andrew agrees with me. ……………………………………… Does Ron come here every day? …………………………………the next day? They drink beer and play cards……………………………………… You don’t need a visa…………………………… Sarah goes to Spain for her holidays…………………………. Mr. Nelson makes a speech. …………………………. Jack goes to the dance with Jennie………………………. 5. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite sakinius pavartodami “going to” naudodami šias frazes: buy a new car, travel around the world, move into a big house, spend a lot of time in the country, visit my relatives every weekend, fish in the lake, start painting lessons. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. When I retire .I ……………………………………………………….. 6. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite will arba going to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

A - I have got a cold B- I ………………………………....(give) you some medicines. A - What are your plans in the future? B - I ……………………………………..…..(study) Physics. A - I feel very hot. B - I ………………………………… (turn on) the air-conditioner. A - The phone is ringing. B - I ……………………..……………….(answer) it. A - The clouds are dark. B - It …………………….……………………….(rain) A - I haven’t seen him studying this term B - He ……………………..………………..(fail) his test. A - Shall we watch TV tonight. B - OK, I …………….……………… (look it up) what’s on in the TV guide. A - Look, he is riding the bicycle very bad. B - He ……………….……………….. (fall) A - I am thirsty. B - I ……………………………….. (make) you some tea.

11 tema



- Let’s have a snack. - O.K. I ………………………….. (make) a sandwich.

7. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite There/It 1. …………..will be less rain tomorrow. 2. …………will be cold. 3. …………. will be less pollution in the future 4. …………….will be rainy tomorrow 8. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite sakinius tikslui reikšti pagal pavyzdį. I study hard – finish university I study hard to finish university. I study hard so that I can finish university. I study hard in order to finish university. I’m going to buy a car – travel a lot I’m going to buy a car ………………………………………….. I’m going to buy a car………………………………………….. I’m going to buy a car………………………………………….. I’m going to the shop - buy some milk I’m going to the shop ………………………………………….. I’m going to the shop ………………………………………….. I’m going to the shop …………………………………………..

Žodynėlis admire advertisement armchair attic attractive balcony bathroom bedroom breathe

žavėtis skelbimas fotelis palėpė patrauklus balkonas vonia miegamasis kvėpuoti

case cheaper choice choose comfortable consider conveniences convenient cooker

atvejis pigesnis pasirinkimas pasirinkti patogus apsvarstyti patogumai patogus viryklė

11 tema

definitely dining room enjoy expensive fridge furniture further furthermore garage imagine huge kitchen

tikrai valgomasis mėgautis brangus šaldytuvas baldai toliau be to garažas įsivaizduoti didelis virtuvė

maintain moreover offer outside peace perfect quiet rather seem shower study

išlaikyti be to pasiūlyti lauke ramybė, taika tobulas ramus, tylus mieliau atrodyti dušas darbo kambarys

12 tema


Travel agent: Ann Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent:

Ann: Travel agent:: Ann:

Good morning. How can I help you? Good morning. Yes, we’d like a travel for our holidays? OK. What kind of travel would you like: active, which includes a lot of walking around, visiting museums and famous places or relaxing – lying on the beach enjoying the sun? I like both types of activities, so I don’t know. It would be very good if my trip involved some sightseeing and I would also have enough time to enjoy myself by the pool, sunbathing in the sun. Yes, what place would you prefer: full of cafes, restaurants, bars, discos, where you could meet a lot of new people or a quiet one – far from big cities where you could watch a sunset in total peacefulness? I would prefer a quiet place with a few restaurants where I could try some local dishes. In this case I could recommend you Egypt. It’s the country with great historical heritage – you can visit the Pyramids of Egypt, the Sphinks. Our guides will tell you a lot of interesting things about them. There are also a lot of active leisure forms – going scuba diving, which will give you a lot of extraordinary experiences, riding a camel, going to Safari park, meeting local people living the same way as they did thousands of years ago. You’ll also have a lot of time to spend on the beach or a swimming pool. Yah, that seems to be the best place for holidays. What hotel would you like to stay at? We offer hotels from two to five stars. I don’t know. I’d like a hotel with all necessary conveniences, but not

12 tema

Travel agent:

Ann Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent:

Ann: Travel agent: Ann: Travel agent:

too expensive with all meals included into the price. Then maybe four star hotel would be the perfect choice. They are not too expensive bur really of a very good quality. I could offer you “The Red sea hotel” which stands right on the sea shore. It has a lot facilities: two swimming pools (one designed specially for children), a private beach, which means that you won’t have to pay for lying on the sun beds, disco, gym, table tennis, darts, sauna, satellite TV. If you want a personal aerobics trainer it will cost you some extra money. What meals are provided in this hotel? The meal type is AI which means all meals, non alcoholic drinks, local beer and wine are included into the price during the day. You’ll have to pay for strong alcoholic drinks, fresh juice, and ice-cream. What documents do I need? You need a valid passport, insurance. Do I need a visa? Oh, no. For some countries you need but not for Egypt. Can I buy insurance in your office? Yes, of course. What about the money? Would you recommend exchanging the currency here, or in Egypt? Oh, it does not matter. I you exchange here maybe you will have less inconveniences there. Any bank will offer you a good exchange rate. You will probable have to pay commission which could be about 5 percent from the total sum. You can also exchange money in the hotel but they usually don’t offer good exchange rates. Is the price of this hotel that is in the booklet right? Yeh, it’s 499 pounds for one person in double room. OK, I’ll take this travel. Good decision. I expect you’ll have the perfect holidays.

KELIONIŲ AGENTŪROJE Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas:

Ana: Kelionių agentas:

Laba diena. Kuo galėčiau jums padėti? Taip, mes norėtume kelionės atostogoms. Gerai. Kokios kelionės norėtumėte: aktyvios, kurios metu galėtumėte daug vaikščioti, aplankyti muziejų ir įžymių vietų ar poilsinės – gulėti paplūdymyje ir mėgautis saule? Aš mėgstu abi veiklos rūšis, taigi nežinau. Būtų labai gerai, jei kelionė apimtų įžymybių apžiūrėjimą, ir aš taip pat turėčiau pakankamai laiko mėgautis prie baseino, degindamasi saulėje Taip, kokiai vietai teiktumėte pirmrnybę: pilnai kavinių, restoranų, barų, diskotekų, kur jūs galėtumėte sutikti daug naujų žmonių, ar tai turėtų būti rami vieta - toli nuo didelių miestų, kur jūs galėumėte stebėti saulėlydį visiškoje ramybėje? Pageidaučiau ramios vietos su keliais restoranais, kur aš galėčiau paragauti vietinių patiekalų. Šiuo atveju aš galėčiau rekomenduoti Egiptą. Tai yra šalis su

12 tema

Ana: Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas:

Ana: Kelionių agentas:

Ana: Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas: Ana: Kelionių agentas:

Ana Kelionių agentas: Ana Kelionių agentas:

dideliu istoriniu paveldu – jūs galite aplankyti Egipto Piramides, Sfinksą. Mūsų gidai papasakos jums daug įdomių dalykų apie juos. Yra taip pat daug aktyvių laisvalaikio formų – nardymas su akvalangu, kurio metu patirsite daug nepaprastų įspūdžių, jojimas kupranugariu, Safario parko aplankymas, susitikimas su vietiniais gyventojais, gyvenančius tuo pačiu būdu, kaip ir prieš tūkstančius metų. Jūs taip pat turėsite daug laiko praleisti paplūdymyje ar baseine Taip, atrodo, kad tai yra geriausia vieta atostogoms. Kokiame viešbutyje norėtumėte apsistoti? Mes siūlome viešbučius nuo dviejų iki penkių žvaigždžių. Aš nežinau. Norėčiau viešbučio su visais būtinais patogumais, bet ne per brangaus su visais valgiais, įtrauktais į kainą. Tada galbūt keturių žvaigždučių viešbutis būtų puikus pasirinkimas. Jie nėra per brangus, bet iš tikrųjų labai geros kokybės. Aš galėčiau pasiūlyti jums “Raudonosios jūros viešbutį”, kuris yra ant jūros kranto, Jis turi daug patogumų: du baseinus (vienas suprojektuotas specialiai vaikams), yra privatus paplūdimys, tai reiškia, kad jūs neturėsite užmokėti už gulėjimą ant gultų, diskotekos, sporto salė, stalo tenisas, smiginis, sauna, palydovinė televizija. Jei norėsite asmeninio aerobikos trenerio, tai kainuos papildomai. Kokie valgiai yra pateiktiami šiame viešbutyje? Valgio tipas yra AI, kas reiškia, kad visi valgiai, nealkoholiniai gėrimai, vietinis alus ir vynas dienos metu yra įskaičiuoti į kainą. Jūs turėsite užmokėti už stiprius alkoholinius gėrimus, šviežias sultis ir ledus. Kokių dokumentų man reikia? Jums reikia galiojančio paso, draudimo. Ar reikia vizos? O, ne. Kai kurioms šalims reikia, bet ne Egiptui. Ar galiu nusipirkti draudimą jūsų biure? Taip, žinoma. Kaip dėl pinigų? Ar rekomenduotumėte pasikeisti valiutą čia ar Egipte? O, tai nėra svarbu. Jeigu išsikeisite čia, galbūt turėsite mažiau nepatogumų ten. Bet koks bankas pasiūlys jums gerą valiutos keitimo kursą. Jūs galbūt turėsite mokėti komisinius, kurie gali būti apytiksliai 5 procentai nuo visos sumos. Jūs galite taip pat išsikeisti pinigus viešbutyje, bet viešbučiai paprastai nesiūlo gero valiutos keitimo kurso. Ar kaina šio viešbučio, kuris yra lankstinuke, teisinga? Taip, tai yra 499 svarai vienam asmeniui dvieviečiame kambaryje. Gerai, aš imsiu šią kelionę. Geras sprendimas. Aš tikiuosi, kad jūs turėsite puikias atostogas.

Present perfect tense (esamasis atliktinis laikas)

12 tema

Atliktiniai laikai sudaromi su pagalbiniu veiksmažodžiu HAVE + trečioji savarnkiško veiksmažodžio forma (būtojo laiko dalyvis). Trečioji taisyklingų veiksmažodžių forma paprastai sudaroma prie bendraties pridedant galūnę –ED, todėl primena antrąją veiksmažodžio formą (paprastąjį būtąjį laiką). Netaisyklingų veiksmažodžių trečiąją formą reikia išmokti atmintinai. Klausiamoji forma sudaroma, iškeliant pagalbinį veiksmažodį prieš veiksnį. Neigiamojoje formoje neiginys NOT eina po pagalbinio veiksmažodžio. Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I have worked You have worked He, she, it has worked

Have I worked? Have you worked? Has he, she, it worked?

have not worked You have not worked He, she, it has not worked

We have worked You have worked They have worked

Have we worked? Have you worked? Have they worked?

We have not worked You have not worked They have not worked

LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Praeities veiksmą susijusį su dabartimi (tikslus veiksmo laikas nežinomas, bet rezultatas matomas dabar). The cake he has made is on the table. Pyragas, kurį jis pagamino yra ant stalo. He has washed his car. Jis nuplovė savo automobilį (automobilis dabar yra švarus). Veiksmą prasidėjusį praeityje ir tebesitęsiantį dabartyje (su veiksmažodžiais neturinčiais continuous formų). We have known each other for two years. Mes pažįstame vienas kitą jau du metus. Vis dar aktualų praeities veiksmą, kurio pasekmės jaučiamos ir dabar. I have had a headache all day. Man visą dieną skauda galvą. Veiksmą daug kartų vykusį praeityje ir dar nesibaigusį. He has played for England three times so far. Jis iki šiol yra sužaidęs už Anglijos komandą tris kartus. !!! Atkreipkite dėmesį. Past simple laike veiksmo rezultatas šiuo metu yra nežinomas, o Present Perfect žinomas. Pvz: The lift broke down yestarday. Liftas vakar sugedo. (Ar dabar jis veikia mes nežinome). The lift has broken down. Liftas sugedo. (Norime akcentuoti, kad liftas yra dabar sugedęs ir neveikia) Šis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: Already – jau Yet – dar Ever – kada nors

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Never – niekada Before – anksčiau Lately – neseniai, pastaruoju metu Arleady, yet Žodelis already (jau) klausimuose ir neiginiuose virsta į yet, kuris visada yra vartojamas sakinio gale. I have already washed the dishes. Aš jau suploviu indus. I haven’t washed up the dishes yet. Aš dar nesuploviau indų. Have you washed up the dishes yet? Ar tu jau suplovei indus?

Netaisyklingos veiksmžodžių formos (irregular verbs) blow run bring build be buy catch choose ring rise tear say break burn

blew ran brought built was, were bought caught chose rang rose tore said broke burnt

blown run brought built been bought caught chosen rung risen torn said broken burnt

1. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite present perfect (esamąjį atliktin) laiką. 1. Frank………………. (buy) two English books. 2. They ………………. (go) out together. 3. She ………………. (be) to Oxford before. 4. Daisy ………………. (change) very much. 5. The boys ………………. (eat) all the cakes. 6. I ………………. (not meet) Sharon for a long time. 7. The secretary ………………. (type) the letter. 8. She ………………. (not see) Frank since last winter. 9. Bruce ………………. (post) the letter. 10. I ………………. (live) in this flat for a few weeks.

pūsti bėgti atnešti statyti būti pirkti pagauti pasirinkti skambinti pakilti suplėšyti sakyti sulaužyti degti

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11. We ………………. (be) to several good concerts lately. 12. Mary ………………. (buy) some new dresses. 13. She ………………. (not come) yet. 14. They ………………. (have) their supper. 15. You ………………. (not change) at all. 2. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite klausimus. Vietoj ALREADY pavartokite YET. He has already read this book → Has he read this book yet? 1. He has already seen this film………………………………………………… 2. You have already bought a present for Rose. ……………………………… 3. Nora has already gone to bed. ………………………………………………… 4. Joy has already finished her work. ………………………………………………… 5. Ronald has already found a new job. ……………………………………………… 6. Frank has already sold his car. ………………………………………………… 7. You have already written to Ben. ………………………………………………… 8. Steve has already paid his debts. ………………………………………………… 9. He has already come. ………………………………………………… 10. You have already had lunch. ………………………………………………… 3. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite teiginius ir bendruosius klausimus Present Perfect laiku vartodami žodelį ever. You/buy/a pet → You have bought a pet. Have you ever bought a pet? 1. Your friend/play/ice hockey. ………………………………………… 2. Kate‘s family/be/London. ………………………………………… 3. He/visit/the Eiffel Tower. ………………………………………… 4. Bill /see/a horror film. ………………………………………… 5. You/get/bad mark. ………………………………………… 6. She/send/an e-mail letter. ………………………………………… 7. They/get/a registered letter. ………………………………………… 8. He/do/his homework. ………………………………………………………. 9. They/be/to London. ………………………………………….. 10. She/wash/a sweater. ……………………………………………. 4. PRATIMAS. Užpildykite lentelę: 1. make 2. do

made did

pagaminti daryti

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3. beat 4. come 5. 6. cut 7. swim 8. 9. eat 10. take 11. teach 12. bear 13. sit 14. begin 15. become 16. bite 17. feel 18. fight 19. understand 20. forgive 21. drink 22. fall 23. feed 24. give 25. let 26. find 27. fly 28. forget 29. do 30.

beat came cost drove ate

cost cut swum driven taken

taught bore sat begun became bit felt fought understood forgave drank fell fed given let found flown forgot froze

done frozen

mušti ateiti kainuoti kirpti, pjauti plaukti vairuoti valgyti imti mokyti gimti sėdėti prasidėti tapti kąsti jausti kovoti suprasti atleisti gerti kristi maitinti duoti leisti rasti skristi pamiršti padaryti užšalti

5. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite present perfet (I have done) arba past simple (I did). 1. Jill ……………….(buy) a new car two weeks ago. 2. His hair is very short. He……………(have) a haircut. 3. Last night I…………………(arrive) home at half past twelve. ………(have) a bath and then I………(go) to bed. 4. ……………….(you / visit) many museums when you were in Paris? 5. My bicycle isn’t here any more. Somebody……………….…(take) it. 6. When…………………..…(you / give) up smoking? 7. I ……….…….(not / eat) anything yesterday because I…………(not / feel) hungry. 8. Why…………………..(Jim / not / want) to play tennis last Friday? 9. The car looks very clean. ……..………….(you / wash) it? 10. Brian: Hello, Susan. Is Alan here?

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Susan: No, I’m afraid he………….……….(go) out. Brian: Oh, what a pity! When exactly…………..(he / go) out? Susan: About ten minutes ago. 6. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite present perfect (I have done) arba past simple (I did).

1. Mr Clark……………….(work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave up. 2. Molly lives in Dublin. She………………….(live) there all her life. 3. Bob and Alice are married. They ………….(be) married for 20 years. 4. When we were on holiday, the weather…………………(be) awful. 5. The weather…………………….(be) very nice recently, don’t you think? 6. My grandfather died 30 years ago. I………………………..(never / meet) him. 7. I don’t know Carol’s husband. I……………………(never / meet) him. 8. I ………. …. (buy) my car in Italy. 9. The weather …………. (be) good when I was on holiday. 10. Recently the weather ………..…. (be) good. 7. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite present perfect arba past simple laikų formas. 1.

……………. (serve) in the first World War. When ……… that war ………….(begin)? It ………(begin) in 1914 and………….. (last) for 4 years. 2. Who……you…..…(vote) for at the last election? I …………………..(vote) for Mr. Johnes. He ……………. (not be) elected, ……………..(be) he? 3. Tom is my best friend. I …………………(know) him for 10 years. 4. ……… …………..(hear) his speech on the radio last night? 5. How long ……you……...(be) here? - I ……….(be) here for 10 days. 6. ……… ever………… (be) to London? - Yes, I …………..(be) there last year. 7. How long ……….you………..(know) your new assistant? - I ……………….(know) him for 2 years. What ………..he………. (do) before he…………. (come) here? - I think he………………..(be) in prison. 8. The weather …………….(be) hot last year. 9. The weather …………….(be) hot this year. 10. ………… you ………… (have) your breakfast yet? 11. I ………….(have) a very good time when I was at the concert. 12. They ………….……(be) married for a long time. -When ……they…… (get) married? - They ……………..(get) married in 1977. 13. When ………… (be) you in Paris? - I ……….….(never be) there.

12 tema 14. 15.

He ……………..(teach) English last year. He ………………….(not see) his aunt recently.

Žodynėlis activity aerobics also beach beer booklet both camel case choice commission conveniences cost currency darts decision designed dishes during double enjoy enough exchange expect expensive experiences extraordinary facilities far few fresh guide gym heritage include

veikla aerobika taip pat paplūdimys alus lankstinukas abu kupranugaris atvejis pasirinkimas komisiniai patogumai kainuoti valiuta smiginis sprendimas sukurtas patiekalai per, metu dvivietis mėgautis pakankamai keisti tikėtis brangus patyrimai nepaprastas įranga toli keletas šviežias gidas sporto salė paveldas įtraukti, įskaičiuoti inconveniences nepatogumai insurance draudimas leisure laisvalaikis

less local matter meal museum necessary offer

mažiau vietinis reikalas, esmė maistas muziejus būtinas pasiūlyti

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Tom: Jeff:

Hi! Hi, Tom! What are you doing this evening? I thought, it would be nice to watch football, drink some bottles of beer. My wife is going to her sister…


Yeah, it would be nice… but I can’t. Today is our 20th wedding anniversary. Last time I forgot it, so now I need to organize something special for my wife. Oh, congratulations. It’s great day today. How are you going to surprise your wife? I have ordered a beautiful big bouquet of flowers from our local shop. I t will be delivered this evening and inside the bouquet she will find a gold ring with diamonds. I hope she will like it. I agree. Women always like flowers and jewelry. What are you going to do later? Then we will go to a nice Brazillian restaurant to try some delicious dishes and enjoy the atmosphere. Then we will dance to the Brazillian music.

Jeff: Tom: Jeff: Tom:

Jeff: Tom: Jeff: Tom:


That’s wonderful. This restaurant is incredible. I like Brazillian atmosphere: everything is so colorful and relaxing. I hope you will have the time of your life this evening. Yeah, I expect so if everything goes to the plan. On my last anniversary I was a bit nervous because the flower shop didn’t deliver flowers on time so we were late to the theatre. I hope this won’t happen this time. But now it isn’t as important as it was last year. If you come to the

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restaurant a little bit later it’s not a problem, isn’t it? Yes, I think everything will be O.K. Vestuvių sukaktuvės

Tom: Jeff Tom: Jeff: Tom:

Jeff: Tom: Jeff: Tom: Jeff: Tom:

Jeff: Tom:

Sveikas! Labas, Tomai! Ką darai šį vakarą? Aš maniau, būtų malonu pažiūrėti futbolo, išgerti butelių alaus. Mano žmona eis pas savo seserį. Taip, būtų malonu ... bet aš negaliu. Šiandien mūsų. vestuvių metines. Paskutinį kartą aš pamiršau jį, todėl dabar man reikia organizuoti kažką ypatingo savo žmonai. O, sveikinimai . Šiandien. puiki diena. Kaip ketini nustebinti savo žmoną? Aš užsisakiau gražią didelę puokštę gėlių iš mūsų vietinės parduotuvės. Ji bus pristatyta šį vakarą ir puokštės viduje ji ras aukso žiedą su deimantais. Tikiuosi jai tai patiks. Aš sutinku. Moterims visada patinka gėlės, ir papuošalai. Ką ketini daryti vėliau? Tada mes eisime į puikų Brazilišką restoauraną paragauti skanių patiekalų ir mėgausimės atmosfera. Tada šoksime pagal Brazilišką muziką. Puiku. Šis restoranas yra neįtikėtinas. Man patinka Braziliška atmosfera: viskas taip spalvinga ir galima atsipalaiduoti. Tikiuosi, kad tai įspūdingi praleisite laiką. Taip, tikiuosi, kad jei viskas vyks pagal planą. Paskutinio mano jubiliejaus metu buvau šiek tiek susinervinęs, nes gėlių parduotuvė nepristatė gėlių laiku, todėl mes pavėlavomę į teatrą. Tikiuosi, kad tai neįvyks šį kartą.. Bet dabar tai nėra taip svarbu, kaip buvo pernai. Jei atvyksite į restoraną šiek tiek vėliau, tai juk nebus problema, ar ne? Taip, manau, viskas bus gerai.

Present perfect continuous Structure (sudarymas) have (has) + been +V ing Use ( vartojimas) The action from the past until present, we stress the result. (veiksmas vyksta nuo praeities iki šio momento, pabrėžiamas tęstinumas). I have been reading the book for 20 minutes. Time expressions: for 5 years, since 1997.

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1. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite sakinius naudodami present perfect continuous (I have been doing).

1. Ann is very tired. (she / work / hard)………………………………………….... 2. Tom has a black eye and Jim has a cut lip. (They / fight) ……………………………... ………………………………………………………………..…. 3. George has just come back from the beach. He is very red. (he / lie / in the sun) …………………………………………….…………. 4. Janet is hot and tired. (she / play / tennis)……………………………………………… 5. Tim came home with a basketball. (he/play/basketball) ……………………………………………………………………. 6. The ground is wet. (it/rain) …………………………………………………… 7. Jim is sleepy. (he/play/computer games all night) ……………………………………. 8. Tom and Ann came home late. (they/shopping/all day) ……………………………. 9. Tom woke up in the evening. (he/sleep/all day) ……………………………………….. 10. Jim went to bed late (he/watch/TV) all evening ……………………………………………. 2. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite klausimus pagal kiekvieną situaciją.

1. You see a little boy. His eyes are red watery. (you / cry?)………………… ……………………………………… 2. You have just arrived to meet your friend who is waiting for you. (you / wait / long?) ……………………………….. 3. Your friend comes in. His face and hands are very dirty. (what / you / do?) ……………………………………….. 4. Your friend has a book in his hands. (you/read?) ……………………………….. 5. Tom came with some instruments. (you/fix/something?) …………………………….. 6. The children came home with a ball. (what/you/play?) ……………………………………. 7. Tom looks very tired. (you/work/very hard?) ……………………………………………… 8. You see Ann watching TV. (how long/you/watch TV) ……………………………………….. 9. Tom speaks English very well. (how long/you/learn/English) ……………………………………… 10. Jim plays basketball very well. (how long/you/practice) ………………………………… 3. PRATIMAS.

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Pasakykite kaip ilgai kažkas vyksta. 1. Kevin is studying. He began studying three hours ago. He…………………………….………….. for three hours. 2. I’m learning Spanish. I started learning Spanish in December. I ………………………………….…..since December. 3. Ann looking for a job. She began looking 6 months ago. She…………………………..………since January. 4. George smokes. He started smoking 5 years ago. He …………………….. ……………….for 5 years. 5. I am watching TV. I started watching 2 hours ago. I …………… ………………………………for 2 hours. 6. I can play tennis very well. I began practising 4 years ago. I …… …………………………………….for 4 years. 7. I have just fixed the washing machine. I began fixing ti in the morning. I …………………………………………………… all day. 8. My car is clean. I started washing it an hour ago. I ………………………………………………. for an hour. 9. My room is redecorated. I started redecorating it a week ago. I ……………………………………….…… for a week. 10. I can’t find my key. I started looking for it in the morning at 10 and now it’s 12. I ……………………………………………. for 2 hours. 4. PRATIMAS Paklauskite klausimus naudodami ‘how long’ 1. It is raining. How long ……………………? 2. My foot is hurting. How long ………………? 3. Mike plays chess. How long …………………….? 4. Jim sells washing machines. How long……………..? 5. Jim is reading the book. How long………………………….? 6. Tom is writing a letter. How long …………………………………? 7. Jim is waiting for Ann. How long……………………………………? 8. Jim is washing his car. How long ………………………………………….? 9. Tim smokes. How long …………………………………………………………? 10. Ann works as a teacher. How long ………………………………………….? 5. PRATIMAS. Perskaitykite situaciją ir sudarykite du sakinius, vieną su present perfect simple (I have done) ir vieną su present perfect continuous (I have been doing). 1. Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and is on page 53. (he / read/ for two hours) ………………………………………….. (he / read/ 53 pages so far) ……………………………………………

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2. Linda is from Australia. Now she is traveling round Europe. She began her tour three months ago. (she / travel / for three months) ……………………………………………… (she / visit / 6 countries so far) ………………………………………………. 3. Jimmy is a tennis champion. He began playing when he was 11. Now he has won the national championship for the fourth time. (he / play tennis / since he was 11)……………………………………………….. (he / win / the national championship for the fourth time) ………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………. 4. Bill and Andy make films. They started making films together when they left college (they / make / films since they left college)…………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. (they / make /ten films since they left college)……………….………….. ……………………………………………………… 5. Ann is watering the plants. She started watering them 20 minutes ago. (she/water/for 20 minutes) ………………………………………………….. (she/water 10 plants)………………………………………………. 6. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite klausimus.

1. Your friend is waiting for you. How long…………………. 2. Your friend writes books. How many ………………… 3. Your friend writes books. How long………………………. 4. Your friend plays football for his country. How many times………………………………….. 5. Your friend is picking the flowers. How long ………………………………………. 6. Your friend is picking the flowers. How many flowers………………………………………. 7. Your friend is watching TV. How long …………………………………… 8. Your friend is watching TV. How many films …………………………………… 9. Your friend is tired after running. How long …………………………………………………. 10. Your friend is tired after running. How many kilometres …………………………………………………. 7. PRATIMAS Pavartokite present perfect simple (I have done) or continuous (I have been doing).

1. Look! Somebody………….(break) that window. 2. I……………….(read) the book you gave me but I…………(not / finish) it yet.

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3. ‘Sorry I’m late.’ ‘That’s all right. I………………………….(not / wait) long.’ 4. Hello! I…………….(clean) the windows all morning. So far I………….(clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 5. There’s a strange smell in here…………..(you / cook) something? 6. My brother is an actor. He………………..(appear) in several films. 7. My car is clean. I ……………………….. (wash) it. 8. I …………………….(read) the book for 5 days. So far I ……………………….(read) 50 pages. 9. I …………………….(write) letters all morning. So far …………………………. (write) 5 letters. 10. I ………………………..(pick) berries for an hour. So far I …………………….(pick) half a basket. 8. PRATIMAS. Paklauskite pavartodami how long?

1. My sister is married. How long……………………. 2. Boris is on holiday. How long…………………….. 3. I live in Glasgow. …………………………………. 4. It is snowing. ……………………………………… 5. Jack smokes. ……………………………………… 6. I know about her problem. ………………………… 7. Jack and Jill are looking for a flat. ………………….. 8. Diana teaches English in Germany. …………………. 9. Dennis is in love with Margaret. …………………….. 10. Colin has a car. …………………………………… 9. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite klausimus pavartodami how long ir when. 1. Ann is learning Italian. (how long / she / learn / Italian?)…………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. (when / she / begin / learning Italian?)…………………………….……………. 2. I know Tom. (how long / you / know / Tom?)………………………………… (when / you / first / meet / Tom?)……………………….. 3. Bob and Alice are married. (how long /they /be / married?) …………………………. … …………………………….. (when / they / get / married?)……………………………………………….. 4. Tom smokes. (how long/he/smoke?) ………………………………………… (when/start smoking) ………………………………………………………………………

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5. It is raining. (how long/ it/rain?)…………………………………………. (when/it/start raining?) ………………………………………………………….. 10. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite since arba for.

1. It’s been raining …………….I got up this morning. 2. Tom’s father has been a policeman………….20 years. 3. Have you been learning English…………a long time? 4. …………..Christmas, the weather has been quite mild. 5. Ann has been on holiday……………three days. 6. That’s a very old car. I’ve had it……………ages. 7. He has been playing football ………… he was 10. 8. ……….. Monday the weather has been rainy. 9. She has been traveling …….. 10 days. 10. She has been a good student ……….. the 6th form

Žodynėlis agree anniversary bouqet congratulations delicious deliver diamonds expect incredible inside jewelry ring

sutikti metinės puokštė sveikinimai skanus pristatyti deimantai tikėtis neįtikėtinas viduje juvelyrikos dirbiniai žiedas

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Tom: Ann Tom: Ann:

Don’t you think that we should by another car? It is quite old and is making a strange noise. Moreover it didn’t start three times the last month. Yeh, you are right but don’t you think that we don’t have enough money for a new car and buying an old one also could be a little bit risky? Then we could buy a car from the official dealer with a service record and a low mileage and a warranty. Then we could check our local car dealer whether we could find a car suitable for us. At a car dealer:

Ann: Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer: Ann Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer:

Ann: Car dealer:

Good morning. Good morning. How can I help you? We are looking for a safe family car, which wouldn’t be more than than 5 years older. I could offer you two good deals: VW Passat or Skoda Octavia. Both cars are in excellent conditions, they have air-conditioning, audio stereo systems, electric windows, VW has six, Skoda - four air-bags. What is the mileage of these cars? VW has 40 000, Skoda 20 000 miles. Which car is more economical? Both cars are quite economical as they have diesel engines. VW has an average fuel consumption of 7.7 litres per 100 km, Skoda - 7.1, but VW is a little bit more powerful which could be an advantage in long journeys. Has any of these cars been involved in a traffic accident? Skoda had a minor accident. It had a scratched door a broken mirror. All of it is recorded in a service book. The front door was repainted

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Ann: Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer: Ann: Car dealer: Ann:

and you won’t be able to tell the difference. What warranty do you offer? We offer six months or ten thousand miles warranty provided that the car is checked regularly at our certified service centers. Could you offer any discount? I could offer 5 percent discount from VW and ten percent from Skoda from the price written on the windscreen. So, the final sum would be 6 500 for Skoda and 7 200 pounds for VW. Is that right? Yes, that’s right. Can we have a test drive? Yes, but you will have to wait for an hour because the manager in charge of test drives is not in the office at present. Can we arrange the time on the phone then? Yes, of course. Good-bye then? Good-bye AUTOMOBILIO PIRKIMAS

Tomas: Ana Tom Ana

Ar nemanai, kad mes turėtume nusipirkti kitą automobilį? Šis yra ganėtinai senas ir daro keistą triukšmą. Be to jis neužsivedė tris kartus praėjusį mėnesį. Taip, esi teisus, bet ar nemanai, kad mes neturime pakankamai pinigų naujam automobiliui, o seno pirkimas taip pat gali būti truputėlį rizikinga? Tada mes galėtume nusipirkti automobilį iš oficialaus atstovo su atptarnavimo dokumentais, nedidele rida ir garantija. Tada mes galėtume pasižiūrėti, ar mes galėtume surasti mums tinkamą automobilį pas mūsų vietinį prekybos automobiliais atstovą, Pas automobilių atstovą


Labas rytas.

Prekiautojas automobiliais Ana:

Labas rytas. Kuo galiu jums padėti?

Prekiautojas automobiliais Ana Prekiautojas automobiliais Ana:

Mes ieškome saugaus šeimos automobilio, kuris nebūtų daugiau negu negu 5 metų senumo. Aš galėčiau pasiūlyti jums du gerus sandėrius: VW Passat arba Skoda Octavia. Abu automobiliai yra puikiame stovyje, jie turi oro kondicionavimo įrangą, stereo aparatūrą, Elektra pakeliamus langus, VW turi šešias, Skoda keturias oro pagalvės. Kokia yra šių automobilių rida? VW 40000, Skoda 20000 mylių. Kuris automobilis yra ekonomiškesnis?

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Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana: Prekiautojas automobiliais: Ana:

Abu automobiliai yra ganėtinai ekonomiški, kadangi jie turi dyzelinius variklius. VW turi vidutiniškai suvartoja 7.7 litrų kuro 100 km, Skoda - 7.1, bet VW yra truputėlį galingesnis, kas gali būti pranašumu ilgose kelionėse. Ar kuris iš šitų automobilių buvo patekęs į avariją? Skoda turėjo smulkią avariją. Jam buvo įbrėžtos durys sulaužytas veidrodis. Visa tai yra įrašyta į aptarnavimo knygą. Priekinės durys buvo perdažytos, bet jūs nesugebėtumėte to atskirti. Kokią garantiją jūs suteikiate? Mes siūlome šešis mėnesius arba dešimt tūkstančių mylių garantiją, jei automobilis yra tikrinamas reguliariai mūsų patvirtintuose paslaugų centruose. Ar galite pasiūlyti kokią nors nuolaidą? Aš galėčiau pasiūlyti 5 procentų nuolaidą nuo VW ir dešimt procentų nuo Skoda nuo kainos, parašytos ant priekinio stiklo. Taigi, galutinė suma būtų 6500 už Skodą ir 7200 svarų už VW. Ar taip? Taip, teisingai. Ar mes galėtume išbandyti autombilį Taip, bet jūs turėsite palaukti valandą kadangi, vadybininkas, atsakingas bandomuosius važiavimus nėra dabar biure. Ar tada galime suderinti laiką telefonu? Taip, žinoma. Viso labo tada? Viso labo

Comparison of adjectives (būdvardžių laipsniavimas) 1. vienaskiemeniai: cheap – cheaper – the cheapest (pigus, pigesnis, pigiausias) 2. dviskiemeniai: a) su –y galūne noisy – noisier – the noisiest (triukšmingas, triukšmingesnis, triukšmingiausias) b) famous – more famous – the most famous (įžymus, įžymesnis, įžymiausias) 3. daugiaskiemeniai: interesting – more interesting – the most interesting (įdomus, įdmesnis. įdomiausias) Išimtys Good – better – the best (geras, geresnis, geriausias) Bad – worse – the worst (blogas, blogesnis, blogiausias) Much – more – the most (daug, daugiau, daugiausia) apie neskaičiuotinus Many – more – the most (daug, daugiau, daugiausia) apie skaičiuotinus Little – less – the least (mažai, mažiau, mažiausia) Jungtukai: than (negu) Ex. London is bigger than Vilnius. Londonas yra didesnis už Vilnių. (toks kaip) (vartojamas tik su žemiausiu būdvardžio laipsniu)

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Ex. Vilnius is not big as London. Vilnius nėra toks didelis kaip Londonas.

Artikeliai Anglų kalboje yra du artikelių tipai, t.y. žymimasis artikelis the ir nežymimieji artikeliai a ir an. Nežymimasis artikelis kilo iš skaitvardžio one – vienas. Jis parodo, kad kalbama apie vieną bet kurį daiktą iš visos tam tikros daiktų grupės, pvz.: give me a book – duok man knygą (bet kurią). Nežymimasis artikelis an vartojamas taip pat prieš vienaskaitinius daiktavardžius, tik daiktavardis turi prasidėti balsiu, pvz.: she gave me an orange yesterday – ji man davė apelsiną vakar. Žymimasis artikelis turi tą pačią formą tiek vienaskaitoje, tiek daugiskaitoje. Jis yra kilęs iš įvardžio šitas/šita. Jis parodo, kad daiktas yra visiškai apibrėžtas, konkretus, žinomas tiek kalbėtojui, tiek klausytojui, pvz.: give me the orange which is on the table – paduok man apelsiną, kuris yra ant stalo.

Artikelių nevartojimo atvejai * Prieš vardus ir pavardes, pvz.: Mr. Brown is a driver. * Prieš miestų, valstybių, žemynų pavadinimus, pvz.: my friend lives in Argentina. * Kai daiktavardis eina kreipiniu, pvz.: children go to the yard. * Prieš savaitės dienų, mėnesių, metų laikų pavadinimus, pvz.: Sunday is the best day of the week. * Kai apie daiktus kalbama apskritai, pvz.: Violets are spring flowers. * Prieš mokomuosius dalykus, pvz.: they read books on Biology. * Po daiktavardžio savybinio linksnio, pvz.: I work with Linda‘s pupil. * Prieš abstrakčius daiktavardžius, pvz.: friendship is the best thing among the people. * Prieš ir po būdvardžių last – praėjęs, next – sekantis, kitas, pvz.: I shall tell you about everything next month. * Po neiginio no, pvz.: there is no picture on the wall. * Prieš gatvių, aikščių pavadinimus, pvz.: there is a museum in Putvinskio street. * Po įvardžių a lot of, may, much – daug, pvz.: do you have many friends? * Prieš sporto šakų pavadinimus, pvz.: Robert does not like tennis. * Prieš daiktavardžius breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, pvz.: what did you have for breakfast? * Kai kuriuose pastoviuose posakiuose: From begining to end – nuo pradžios iki galo; At work – darbe; To/at school – į mokyklą/mokykloje; At night – naktį;

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To go to bed – eiti miegoti; To go to church – lankyti bažnyčią; To be on holiday – atostogauti; They went to work – jie išvyko į darbą; Go by car/bus/plane/ship – važiuoti automobiliu/autobusu/lėktuvu/laivu; Learn by heart – išmokti mintinai; Watch TV – žiūrėti televizorių; Last week/month/year – praėjusią savaitę/mėnesį/ metus; Next week/month/year – kitą savaitę/mėnesį/metus; From day to day – diena iš dienos; At noon/midnight – vidurdienį/vidurnaktį; At present – dabar, šiuo metu; By chance – atsitiktinai; In fact – iš tikrųjų, faktiškai; On foot – pėsčiomis; On purpose – tyčia.

Žymimojo artikelio vartojimo atvejai Pradedant konkretų sakinį, pvz.: The mistake Charles made was serious enough. Kai prieš daiktavardį eina kelintinis skaitvardis, pvz.: give me the first umbrella. Kai prieš daiktavardį eina aukščiausio laipsnio būdvardis, pvz.: this isn‘t the shortest way to the castle Kalbant apie tautą, pvz.: the Lithuanians – lietuviai, the Englishmen – anglai. Su daiktavardžiais, reiškiančiais daiktus, kurie yra vienetiniai, pvz.: the capital – sostinė, the moon – mėnulis, the sky – dangus, the sun – saulė, the world – pasaulis, the weather – oras. Prieš vandenynų, upių, ežerų pavadinimus, pvz.: there are a lot of different fish in the Atlantic Ocean. Salynų, dykumų, kalnynų, kanalų pavadinimai, pvz.: The British Isles are in Europe. Was Ted in the Alps? Kai kurių šalių pavadinimai, pvz.: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the United States of America. Pasaulio pusių pavadinimai, pvz.: a strong wind blew from the west. Prieš pavardes daugiskaitoje, pvz.: The Starlings built a new house in London. Laivų, kino teatrų, muziejų, viešbučių pavadinimai, pvz.: there are a lot of rooms in the Lietuva. The Planeta shows interesting films. It is very interesting to see the British Museum. Su būdvardžiais the last – paskutinis, the same – toks pat, the only – vienintelis, pvz.: Emily is the only child in their family. Po prielinksnių, pvz.: James looked out of the window. Ireland is the part of the British Isles. Kai kuriuose pastoviuose posakiuose: In the morning – ryte; In the afternoon – po pietų;

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In the daytime – dieną; In the country – kaime; In the sun – saulėje; On the right/left – dešnėje/kairėje; Go to the cinema – eiti į kiną; Go to the teatre – eiti į teatrą; Listen to the radio – klausyti radijo; You are wanted on the phone – tau telefonas; What is the time? – kuri dabar valanda? To tell the truth – tiesą sakant; Tell the truth – sakyti tiesą; On the whole – apskritai; Nothing of the kind – nieko panašaus.

Nežymimojo artikelio vartojimo atvejai Kai kalbama apie bet kurį daiktą iš daugumos, pvz.: a small child played near the gate. Šaukiamuosiuose sakiniuose, pvz.: what a nice day! Būdvardis + daiktavardis vienaskaitoje, pvz.: does Peter have a new radio? Po įvardžio such – toks vienaskaitoje, pvz.: it wasn‘t such a simple task. Kai kuriuose pastoviuose posakiuose: I have a temperature – aš turiu temperatūros; I have a toothache – man skauda dantį; I have a headache – man skauda galvą; I have a sore throat – man skauda gerklę; I have a cold in the head – aš sloguoju; Go for a walk – eiti pasivaikščioti; Have a rest – pailsėti; Have a good time – gerai praleisti laiką; Have a smoke – užrūkyti; Put an end – padaryti galą (kam nors), pabaigti; Take a great interest (in smth.) – labai domėtis (kuo nors); Take a bath – maudytis vonioje; Take a seat – sėstis; Speak in a loud voice – garsiai kalbėti; Twice a week – du kartus per savaitę; Once a month – kartą per mėnesį; As a matter of fact – ištiktųjų/tiesą sakant; As a rule – paprastai, dažniausiai; It‘s a pity – gaila. 1. PRATIMAS

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Įrašykite tinkamą būdvardžio laipsnį. 1. Travelling by plane is ………………………..(expensive) than travelling by train. 2. John is ……………………..(tall) in the class. 3. Watching TV is ………………………..(interesting) than reading a book. 4. Which is …………………………(high) mountain in the world? 5. The elephant is ……………….. (big) than the tiger. 6. The cheetah is ……………………(fast) animal of all. 7. Which is ………………(long) river in the world? 8. Jim is …………………….(bad) student in the class. 9. My bag is ……………………(heavy) than yours. 10. This Engish test was ………………(easy) than the previous one. 2. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite a arba an. 1) There is ……………new English book on the desk. 2) She's reading ………………old comic. 3) They've got…………….. idea. 4) He is drinking ……………..cup of coffee. 5) The girl is …………..pilot. 6) Leipzig has ……………airport. 7) This is …………..expensive bike. 8) Look! There's ………….bird flying. 9) My father is …………….honest person. 10) My friend wants to be ………………. astronaut. 3. PRATIMAS Įrašykite „the“ jei reikia. 1) My grandmother likes ……….. flowers very much. 2) I love …………………. flowers in your garden. 3) See you on …………………Wednesday. 4) I always listen to ………………….. radio in the morning. 5) Alex goes to work by………………… bus. 6) Don't be late for …………. school 7) Listen! Dennis is playing ……………. trumpet. 8) We often see our cousins on …………Fridays. 9) She has never been to …………….. Alps before. 10) What about going to……………. Australia in ………………….. February? 4. PRATIMAS Įrašykite „the“ jei reikia.

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1. Last year we visited ………….St. Paul's Cathedral. 2. Mount Everest is ………… highest mountain on earth 3. Loch Ness is ……………. most famous lake in ……………. Scotland 4. ……………most children like …….. sweets. 5. I go to ………. school by …………… bus. 6. I never drink …………….. coffee for …………….. breakfast. 7. I saw …… moon through ……….. window. 8. ………..sun is shining very brightly tonight. 9. Your book is on ……………. table. 10. I’m going to ………….. U.S.A. next year. 11. .............. smog is a problem in ………… big cities. 12. I went to …………… Turkey this summer. 13. I like playing …………… piano. 14. I like …………. cats. 15. Where is ………. man going? 5. PRATIMAS Pavartokite sakiniuose artikelius a, an, the arba nieko. 1. This is ……..old book. 2. ….exhibition about ………art is good. 3. ……Browns know that their ……….daughter is ……..writer. 4. These…….tyres of …… are bad. 5. Ellen and her ………daughter love to have ……. rest in ………south by …….sea. 6. Almita is ……….good teacher. 7. ……….poet died young. 8. Bring her ……….apple. 6. PRATIMAS Užpildykite lentelę get wake go grow hang hear keep hit hold hurt hide know learn

got woken went grown hung heard kept hit held hurt hidden knew learnt

gauti pabusti eiti augti pakabinti girdėti laikyti suduoti, trenkti laikyti sužeisti paslėpti žinoti mokintis

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ring rise run say see sell send set shine shoot show

rang rose run said saw sold sent set shone shot showed/shown

skambinti pakilti bėgti sakyti matyti parduoti siųsti nustatyti šviesti šauti parodyti

Žodynėlis accident advantage air-bag airconditioning arrange average certified in charge of check conditions consumption dealer deal difference discount engine enough

avarija, nelaimingas atsitikimas pranašumas oro pagalvė oro kondicionavino įranga suderinti vidutinis certifikiotas, oficialus atsakingas patikrinti sąlygos suvartojimas atstovas, prekiautojas sandėris skirtumas nuolaida variklis gana, pakankamai

excellent involved mileage moreover mirror minor noise powerful at present price provided (that) quite record regularly repainted scratch than traffic traffic accident windscreen

puikus įtrauktas rida be to veidrodis nežymus triukšmas galingas dabar, šiuo metu kaina su sąlyga gana įrašyti, užregistruoti nuolat perdažytas įbrėžti negu eismas eismo įvykis, avarija priekinis automobilio langas

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Today is Ann’s first day at work in the office as an insurance agent Jane: Ann Jane:

Ann: Jane:

Ann: Jane Ann: Jane: Ann:

Good morning. Good morning. My name is Jane Jenkins. I am your colleague at work. As I know today is your first day at work, so I’ll help you to deal with all the problems. First of all I’ll explain your duties in general and then the company’s manager will tell you your assignment for today. You will be responsible for answering the telephone, arranging meetings, offering our clients vehicle insurance services. Is that clear? Yes, no problem so far. So first of all, I’d like to show you around the office, talk about the job’s peculiarities. If you have any questions I’d be willing to answer them. Here is your desk, a personal computer, a file cabinet, a telephone, fax, printer and empty files for your documents. You will find all the stationary you need in your drawers: pens, pencils, a stapling machine, pins, plain paper, glue, hole-puncher and all the others… What are my working hours and lunch time? You have to work every day except weekends from 8 to 5 o’clock. Your lunch break is from 12 to1 o’clock p. m. Do I have to work extra hours? Very rarely. Once or twice a month if you don’t mind. Oh, of course, not

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You will be paid double for extra time. It usually happens at the end of each quarter but don’t worry it won’t be a problem. So, let’s go to our boss. He’ll tell you more about the job.


In the manager’s room. Ann: Manager: Ann: Manager:


Good morning. Good morning. I hope Jane has already explained you your responsibilities. Yes, she has. What I’d like you to do today is to find all the clients from your computer file whose insurance is finishing this month or has already finished. Then you should call these customers and offer our services. And your work for tomorrow will be the following: here is a list of the companies that might use our services. So you should write official letters offering vehicle and property insurance from theft, natural causes such as fire, flooding, etc. I hope you will deal with it successfully. So let’s get down to work. Let’s get started.

Šiandien yra Anos pirma diena darbe biure draudimo agentės pareigose. Jane: Ana: Jane:

Ana: Jane:

Ana: Jane: Ana: Jane: Ana: Jane:: Ana:

Labas rytas. Labas rytas. Mano vardas yra Jane Jenkins. Aš esu jūsų kolega darbe. Kadangi aš žinau, šiandien yra jūsų pirma diena darbe, todėl aš jums padėsiu susitvarktyti su visomis problemomis. Visų pirma aš paaiškinsiu jūsų pareigas apskritai, o paskui kompanijos vadybininkas pasakys jums jūsų šios dienos užduotį. Jūs būsite atsakinga už telefono skambučių atsakymą, susitikimų organizavimą, siūlymą mūsų klientams transporto priemonių draudimo paslaugas. Ar aišku? Taip, iki šiol jokių problemų. Taigi, visų pirma, aš norėčiau jums aprodyti įstaigą, pakalbėti apie darbo ypatumus. Jei turite klausimų, mielai į juos atsakyčiau. Čia yra jūsų rašomasis stalas, personalinis kompiuteris, kartoteka, telefonas, faksas, spausdintuvas ir tuščios bylos jūsų dokumentams. Jūs surasite visus raštinės reikmenis, kurių jums reikia jūsų stalčiuose: rašikliai, pieštukai, susegamoji mašina, segtukai, paprastas popierius, klijai, skylamušis ir visa kita… Koks yra mano darbo laikas ir pietų metas? Jūs turite darbti kiekvieną dieną išskyrus savaitgalius nuo 8 iki 5 valandos. Jūsų pietų metas yra nuo 12 iki 1 valandos po pietų Ar turėsiu dirbti viršvalandžius? Labai retai. Kelis kartus per mėnesį, jei jūs neprieštaraujate. Oh, žinoma, ne Jums bus mokama dvigubai už papildomą laiką. Tai paprastai vyksta kiekvieno ketvirčio pabaigoje, bet nesijaudinkite, tai nebus problema. Taigi, nueikime pas mūsų bosą. Jis pasakys jums daugiau apie darbą.

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Vadybininko kambaryje. Ana: Vadybininkas: Ana: Vadybininkas:

Labas rytas. Labas rytas. Aš tikiuosi, kad Jane jau paaiškino jums jūsų pareigas. Taip. Ką aš norėčiau, kad jūs padarytumėte šiandien yra surasti visus klientus jūsų kompiuterio bylose, kurių draudimas baigiasi šį mėnesį ar jau baigėsi. Tada jūs turite paskambinti šiems klientams ir pasiūlyti mūsų paslaugas. Jūsų darbas rytoj bus šis: čia sąrašas kompanijų, kurios galėtų pasinaudoti mūsų paslaugomis. Taigi, jūs turite parašyti oficialius laiškus, siūlančius transporto priemonių ir nuosavybės draudimą nuo vagystės, gamtinių stichijų, tokių kaip ugnis, potvynis, ir taip toliau. Aš tikiuosi, kad jūs susitvarkysite su tuo sėkmingai. Taigi, imkimės darbo.



Giving advice (patarimai) You should – tu turėtum. You should stop smoking Why don’t you (we)…..? Kodėl gi tu (mes) ……….Why we go to the cinema? Kodėl gi mums nenuėjus į kiną? I think it’s a good idea ………. Manau gerai būtų ………. I thing it’s a good idea to go too the museum. Aš manau gerai būtų nueiti į muziejų

Shall Ši forma yra naudojama duodant pasiūlymus arba prašant patarimo  What time shall we meet? Kada mes susitiksime?  Shall I make you some coffee? Gal jums padaryti kavos?  What dress shall I wear? Kokią suknelę man užsidėti?  Shall I open the window? Gal man atidaryti langą? 

You only really need to know that about 'shall' in modern English. Read the rest of this

Will „Will“ yra naudojamas prašymams, pasiūlymams, pakvietimams išreikšti.  Will you give me a hand? Ar man padėsi?  Will you please take a seat? Prašom sėstis.

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I'll help you. Aš jums padėsiu.

MAY/MIGHT MAY Ši forma yra naudojama, kai norime paprašyti leidimo. May I borrow your pen? Ar galiu pasiskolinti rašikį? May I go now? Ar galiu eiti? Mes taip pat vartojame 'may' kai norime pasakyti, jog kažkas gali įvykti. It may rain later today. Gali šiandien vėliau lyti. MIGHT Mes naudojame might kai norime paskyti, jog yra maža galimybė, jog kažkas gali atsitikti. She might be at home by now. Ji jau dabar galėtų būti namuose It might rain this afternoon. Šią popetę gali palyti .

Must/mustn’t Must/mustn’t naudojame, kai norime pasakyti, jog kažkas yra draudžiama ar privalma. You must’t smoke here. Tau neleidžiama čia rūkyti. You must be at school at 8. Tu privalai būti mokykloje 8. Kai primygtinai kažką rekomenduojame. You mustn‘t smoke. Tu neturėtum rūkyti. 1. PRATIMAS.

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Parinkite teisingą atsakymų variantą. I have a headache. 2. I want to lose some weight. 3. I feel tired. 1.

4. My car has broken down. 5. I think I need some money to buy a car. 6. I have a toothache. 7. My computer is not working any more. 8. It’s raining. I’m getting wet.

a) Why don’t you go to the bank, then? b) You should take some aspirin. c) I think you should see the dentist immediately. d) Why don’t you join a gym? e) You should get it fixed. f) It’s a good idea to relax. g) Why don’t you use your umbrella, then? h) Why don’t you call the car service company?

2. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite should arba shouldn’t. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

You …………… drink too much coffee. You ………………… take more exercises. You ………………. go to bed very late. You’ll feel tired in the morning then. You …………. stop working so hard. You look very exhausted. You ……………….. buy a new car. Your old one is causing a lot of trouble. You ……………. eat too many sweets. They are bad for your teeth. You ……………… listen to music very loudly. Your neighbors will start complaining soon 8. You …………… have your teeth checked at least once a year. 9. You …………… eat more vegetables. 10. You ……………………. quit smoking immediately. 3. PRATIMAS Įrašykite trūksamus žodžius: carry, call, pick, get, listen to music. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shall I ……….. you up from the airport? Shall we ……….. now? Shall I ………….. for the doctor? Shall I …………. your suitcase? Shall I ……….. you a ticket for the concert?

4. PRATIMAS. Parinkite teisingą variantą.

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1. Where is John? 2. What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 3. I can’t find my credit card. 4. The lesson has just started. Where is Tom? 5. The Johnsons called yesterday.

a) It might be in the purse. b) He might be in his office. c) He might be late. d) They may visit us tomorrow. e) It might snow.

6. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite shall, should, may, might, can, can‘t, must, mustn‘t. Kai kur tinkami keli variantai. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

They …………………………. give us a 50% discount. It‘s not a sale time. …………….. I borrow your dictionary? We …………… fix it. It’s too complicated for us. …………………. I smoke here? We'd better phone tomorrow, they ………………………. be eating their dinner now. ………………….. you say it again more slowly? ……………… you help me? ……………….. I help you with your luggage? …………. I do that? We ………………….. sort out this problem at once. I think we ………………………………. check everything again.


arrange assignment break cabinet causes colleague customers drawer duties empty except explain extra far fire flooding

suderinti, suorganizuoti užduotis pertrauka spintelė pasekmės, padariniai kolega pirkėjai, klientai stalčius pareigos tuščias išskyrus paaiškinti papildomas toli ugnis potvynis

general hole-puncher insurance might need offer pay paper peculiarities plain (paper) property pin quarter rarely responsibility responsible should

bendras, bendrai skylamuša draudimas galėtų reikėti pasiūlyti sumokėti popierius ypatumai paprastas (popierius) nuosavybė smeigtukas ketvirtis retai atsakomybė atsakingas turėtų

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susegamoji mašina

stationary successfully

kanceliarinės prekės sėkmingai

such (as)

toks (kaip)




paprastai, įprastai


transporto priemonė

16 tema


Ann is at the theatre box-office buying tickets Employee: Ann Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Yes, madam, how can I help you? I’d like to tickets for tonight’s play “Romeo and Juliet”. Where would you like the tickets – in the stalls, balcony? I’d prefer a ticket in the stalls, please. Somewhere in the center. We have these seats marked in green and yellow on the screen. Which of these would you like? Is the price the same? The seats marked in green cost 50 ponds, in yellow – 40. I’ll take two tickets, row 7, seats 23 and 24. That’s 100 pounds. You can take a booklet about the play with the description of the play. Thank you. You are welcome. During the break

Ann: Tom:

We have 30 minutes. Would you like to go tu the theatre café for a cup of coffee? Yes, great idea. This theatre café serves very delicious ice-cream with

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nuts and strawberry topping. We mustn’t miss the chance to try it. But look at the queue. It’s very long. We might not be able to come to the second part in time. Yeah, it would be very bad if we missed even a small part of the play. We could drink coffee from a coffee machine and will have some time to read the booklet about the actors, stage director and screenplay. Great idea. I can’t wait to see the next part. Have you read the book about Romeo and Juliet? Yes, I have. But here everything seems to be so different: the acting, costumes, lightning. Yes, it really catches imagination. Look at the booklet. There is another Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet” next month. Shakespeare is my favorite playwright. Wouldn’t you like to come here next month? I love the atmosphere here. It’s so amazing Yeah, I agree. The tickets are a little bit expensive but it’s really worth watching it.

Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:


Ana bilietų kasoje perka bilietus. Tarnauto jas: Ana: Tarnauto jas: Ana: Tarnauto jas: Ana: Tarnauto jas: Ana: Tarnauto jas: Ana: Tarnauto jas:

Taip, ponia, kaip galiu jums padėti? Aš norėčiau į bilietų šio vakaro pjesei “Romeo ir Julieta”. Kur norėtumėte bilietų – parteryje ar balkone? Aš teikčiau pirmenybę bilietui parteryje, kur nors centre. Mes turime šias vietas ekrane pažymėtas žaliai ir geltonai pageidautumėte? Ar kaina yra ta pati? Vietos pažymėtos žaliai kainuoja 50 svarų, geltonai – 40.

Kurių iš jų

Aš paimsiu du bilietus, eilėje 7, vietos 23 ir 24. Viso 100 svarų. Jūs galite paimti bukletą apie pjesę su pjesės aprašymu. Ačiū jums. Nėra už ką. Per pertrauką


Mes turime 30 minučių. Gal norėtum nueiti teatro kavinę kavos puodeliui?

16 tema

Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana:


Taip, gera mintis. Šioje teatro kavinėje patiekiami nepaprastai skanūs ledai su riešutais ir žemuoginiu užpilu. Mes turime pabandyti tai. Bet pažiūrėk į eilę. Ji labai ilga. Mes galime nespėti laiku atvykti į antrą dalį. Taip, būtų labai blogai, jei mes praleistume net mažą pjesės dalį. Mes galėtume išgerti kavos iš kavos aparato ir turėtume šiek tiek laiko perskaityti bukletą apie aktorius, teatro režisierių ir scenarijų Puiki mintis. Aš nekantrauju sulaukti antrosios dalies. Ar skaitei knygą apie Romeo ir Julietą? Taip. Bet viskas čia atrodo taip skirtingai: vaidyba, kostiumai, apšvietimas. Taip, tai iš tikrųjų sužadina vaizduotę. Pažiūrėkime į bukletą. Kitą mėnesį bus rodoma kita Šekspyro pjesė "Hamletas". Šekspyras yra mano mėgstamas dramaturgas. Ar nenorėtum atvykti čia kitą mėnesį? Aš mėgstu atmosferą čia. Tai yra taip nuostabu. Taip, aš pritariu. Bilietai yra truputėlį brangūs, bet pjeses tikrai verta pažiūrėti.

Sąlygos sakiniai tipas 0, šalutiniai laiko aplinkybės sakiniai

16 tema

Šias konstrukcijas vartojame kai kalbame apie bendras tiesas. If/When/Unless + a present form + present simple    

If it rains I stay at home. Jei lyja lietus aš lieku namuose. If it doesn‘t rain I go for a walk. Jei nelyja lietus, aš einu pasivaikščioti. When you fly economy class you have to pay for your drinks and snacks. Kai skrendi ekonomine klase turi sumokėti už gėrimus ir užkandžius. A small car is big enough for one person.unless you need more space. Mažas autmobilis yra pakankamai didelis vienam žmogui nebent jums reikia daug vietos.

!!!. Atkreiptkite dėmesį. Mes kalbame ne apie konkretų atvejį, bet apie situaciją aplamai

IF/WHEN Tiek "if" tiek "when" yra vartojami esant realiai esamojo laiko sąlygai, tačiau “if” vartojame kai norime pasakyti, kad kažkas vyksta mažiau dažnai. “When” vartojame kai norime pasakyti, kad kažkas kartojasi reguliariai.  . When I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach. Kai aš turiu laisvą dieną aš paprastai einu į paplūdymį. (Tai reiškia, kad aš nuolatos turiu laisvas dienas) 

If I have a day off from work, I usually go to the beach. Jei aš turiu laisvą dieną aš paprastai einu į paplūdymį. (Tai reiškia, kad aš retai turiu laisvas dienas)

1. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą laiko formą. Pre (present simple). 1. If I ……………..(go) to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers. 2. Jerry …………..(help) me with my homework when he ……(have) time. 3. When I …………….(have) a day off from work, I often ………(go) to the beach. 4. If the weather ……………….(be) nice, she ………….(walk) to work. 5. I ………………. (read) if there ……….(be) nothing on TV. 6. A: What ………………….(you do) when it …………….(rains)? B: I ……………(stay) at home.

16 tema

7. A: Where ……………………(you stay) when you ……(go) to Sydney? B: I ……………….(stay) with my friends. 8. When he ……………..(have) birthday he always goes to the restaurant. 9. When I ……………… (not have) time I don’t go to the gym. 10. If the train …………………(not arrive) on time I become nervous.

2. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite when arba if. 1. ……………..I am late to work, my boss gets very angry. That is why I am always on time. 2. …………………I leave work, I usually go to the fitness center to work out. 3……………….. he eats, he tries to choose healthy foods. 4. His car is very reliable, and he rarely has any trouble with it. But he has had a couple of difficulties in the past……………… his car breaks down or he has any problems, he calls the auto club. 5. His car is terrible! It always breaks down. ………….his car breaks down or he has any problems, he calls the auto club. 6. Mary gets six weeks paid vacation a year. She loves to travel…………… she goes on vacation, she always goes somewhere exotic. 7. Diane works harder than anyone I know. I don't think she has taken a day off in three years. But she does really love to travel……………. she goes on vacation, she goes somewhere exotic. 8. He loves going to the movies. ……………………..he goes to the movies, he always gets large popcorn with tons of butter. 9. She hates TV. She thinks television is a waste of time. ………………..she watches any television at all, it is usually a documentary or a news program. 10. My friend always keeps in touch by mail………………. I get a letter, I usually write back immediately.

3. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą laiko formą. ( present simple). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

If I…………………….(not have time) I don’t visit my friends. If I ……………….. (have) money I buy clothes. If he ………….(have) time he visits his friends If I go out I ……………..(take) my friends with me. If it ……………… (rain) I stay at home. When my friends visit me we ……………………..(go) to eat out. When I watch TV I …………………(watch) documentaries.

16 tema

8. If it …………………..(not rain) I go to play football. 9. If the bus ………………(not arrive) I take a taxi. 10. When the weather ………(be) fine I go out. 11. I …………..(read) a book if there is nothing on TV. 12. When I have a day off from work, I …………….(go) to the beach. 13. If it……………(snow) I go skiing. 14. If I ………(be) not busy I like reading books party. 15. If you ……………..(not water) the flowers they die. 16. If it …………….( rain) I stay inside. 17. Tom helps me with my homework when he ……………(have) time. 18. When I go to England next year, I ………………( practise) my English.. 19. When she………………. (have) money she spends it on cosmetics. 20. When my child is good I ………………(buy) him a candy.

Žodynėlis agree amazing atmosphere booklet box-office costumes delicious description employee imagination

sutikti nuostabus atmosfera bukletas bilietų kasa kostiumai skanus aprašymas aprašymas vaizduotė

lightning marked playwright row screen stage stalls strawberry topping

apšvietimas pažymėtas dramaturgas eilė ekranas scena parteris braškės užpilas

17 tema


Tom: Ann Tom: Ann: Tom:

Ann: Tom: Ann:

Would you like to go to the cinema today? Yes, great idea. We haven’t been to the cinema together for a long time. A romantic evening for both of us would be wonderful. Let’s watch “Beautiful woman” with Richard Gear and Julia Roberts. You know I am not very fond of romantic movies. What about a horror film? Never! With a lot of blood, vampires, ghosts and whatever! Yeh, maybe it’s not a very good idea. Let’s see the brochure to see that else is on. What about a 3D movie “2012”. Look at the picture. It must be about nature’s fury. You see, hurricanes, floods. There must be very a lot of special effects and with 3D technology everything seems so real. Great idea. I have never watched a 3D movie so it will be an unforgettable experience. No doubt I want to see this movie. Do you think we should go and buy tickets in advance? If we want to have seats with the best view it wouldn’t be a bad idea. But maybe we could book them on the phone. It will cost us some extra money but I think it’s worth paying. Tom is calling a box-office

17 tema

Tom: Employee: Tom: Employee: Tom: Employee: Tom: Employee: Tom: Emplyee: Tom: Employee: Tom: Employee:

Good afternoon. I’d like to book a ticket for tonight’s film “2012” Yes, what time? 7 pm. How many tickets would you like? Two. Would you like to sit at the front or at the back of the hall? At the back, but somewhere in the middle. Will the seats 12 and 13 in the 20 row suit you? Yes, that’s perfect. So then that will be four pounds plus one pound as it is a 3D movie and one pound reservation fee. For two persons the total sum will be 12 pounds. Your name, please? Tom Jenkins. So, you can collect the tickets at the box-office. Thanks a lot. Not at all.

KINO TEATRE Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas:

Ana: Tomas: Ana:

Gal norėtum šiandien nueiti į kiną? Taip, puiki idėja. Mes nebuvome į kine kartu ilgą laiką. Būtų nuostabu praleisti romantišką vakarą dviese. Pažiūrėkime "Graži moteris" su Richard Gears ir Julia Roberts. Žinai, aš nelabai mėgstu romantinius filmus. Ką mania apie siaubo filmą? Niekada! Su krauju, vampyrais, vaiduokliais ir panašiai! Taip, gal tai nėra labai gera idėja. Pažiūrėkime į brošiūrą, ką rodo kino teatre. Ką manai apie 3D filmą "2012". Pažiūrėk į nuotrauką. Filmas turėtų būti apie gamtos šėlsmą. Matai, uraganai, potvyniai. Ten turėtų būti labai daug specialiųjų efektų, o su 3D technologijos viskas atrodo taip tikroviškai. Puiki idėja. Aš niekada nemačiau 3D filmo, todėl bus nepamirštamas įspūdis. Be abejo, aš noriu pamatyti šį filmą. Ar manai, kad mums reikia eiti pirkti bilietų iš anksto? Jei norime gauti vietas, iš kurių geriausia matosi, tai būtų nebloga idėja. Bet gal galėtume juos rezervuoti telefonu. Tai mums kainuos papildomai, bet manau, kad verta. Tomas skambina į kasą.

Tomas: Tarnautojas: Tomas:

Laba diena. Norėčiau užsisakyti bilietus į šio vakaro filmą "2012". Taip, kuriuo laiku? 19 val.

17 tema

Tarnautojas: Tomas: Tarnautojas: Tomas: Tarnautojas: Tomas: Tarnautojas:

Kiek bilietų norėtumėte? Du. Ar norėtumėte sėdėti salės pradžioje ar gale? Gale, kažkur per vidurį. Ar 12 ir 13 vietos 20 eilėje jums tiktų? Taip, puiku. Taigi tada, kad bus £4 plius £1, nes tai yra 3D filmas ir £1 rezervavimo mokestis. Dviems asmenims galutinė suma bus 12 svarų. Jūsų vardas, prašau? Tomas Jenkins. Taigi, bilietus galėsite pasiimti kasose. Ačiū Nėra už ką.

Tomas: Tarnautojas: Tomas: Tarnautojas:

Sąlygos sakiniai tipas 1, šalutiniai laiko aplinkybės sakiniai Šią konstrukciją vartojame kai kalbame apie realią sąlygą ateityje. If/When/Unless + a present form + future simple

 

 

If it rains I will stay at home. Jei lis lietus pasiliksiu namuose. If you fly economy class, you will have to pay for your drinks and snacks. Jei skrisi ekonomine klase turėsi sumokėti už gėrimus ir užkandžius. If I don‘t have time I won‘t visit you. Jei neturėsiu laiko, neaplankysiu tavęs. If the train doesn‘t arrive on time I will be late. Jeigu traukinys neatvyks laiku, aš pavėluosiu.

!!!. Atkreitkite dėmesį. Mes kalbame apie konkretų atvejį.

1. PRATIMAS Įrašykite tinkamą veiksmažodžio formą. 1. If you ………………..(send) this letter now, she ……………(receive) it tomorrow. 2. If I …………………(do) this test, I ……………………….(improve) my English. 3. If I ……………….(find) your ring, I ………….. (give) it back to you. 4. Peggy ……………..(go) shopping if she ………………..(have) time in the afternoon.

17 tema

5. Simon …………..(go) to London next week if he …………………. (get) a cheap flight. 6. If her boyfriend ………………….(phone / not) today, she ………………………. (leave) him. 7. If they …………………….(study / not) harder, they ……………… (pass / not) the exam. 8. If it ……………………(rain) tomorrow, …………………………I (have to / not) water the plants. 9. You ………………………(be able/ not) to sleep if you ………………… (watch) this scary film. 10. Susan …………………………..(can / move / not) into the new house if it …………………………(be / not) ready on time. 2. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą veiksmažodžio formą. 1. If you ………………… (not study), you …………………..(fail) the test. 2. We …………………….(die) if we …………………….(not get) help soon! 3. If you ……………………(look) in the fridge, you …………….(find) some cold drinks. 4. If there ………………(be) no oil in the engine, the car ……………(break) down. 5. I ……………………….(lend) you my umbrella if you …………………(need) it. 6. The sea level …………………(rise) if the planet …………..(get) hotter. 7. If you ……………………(eat) your sandwiches now, you………………………… (not /have) anything for lunch! 8. You ……………… (be) safe in an accident if you ……………………(wear) your seatbelt. 9. If he …………………..(save) all his money, he …………………………..(be able to go) on holiday to Canada. 10. I ……………………..(not come) with you if you………………….. (not bring) John! 3. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą veiksmažodžio formą. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

If the weather ………….(be) nice, she will walk to work. Jerry will help me with my homework when he ……………(have) time. What will you do if it ………….(rain)? When you call me, I ………..(give) you the address. If you ……………(call) me, I will give you the address. If I ……………….. (have) a day off from work next week, I will visit my friends. If I have time, I …………….(come) to your party. Jerry……………….. (help) me with my homework tomorrow if he doesn’t have to work.

17 tema

9. If I………………… (visit) my grandmother tomorrow, I will buy her a cake. 10. If I ………(be) not busy next week I will come to your party. 11. If I go to Egypt next year, I ………………(learn) Arabic.. 12. If I …………………(not have) to work tonight, I will go to the fitness center. 13. If he …………………(have) time tomorrow he will visit me. 14. When Tom ……………..(come) we will go to the cinema. 15. When he ……..(be) in Rome he will visit his friends. 16. If the train …………….(not come) on time we will be late. 17. I will lend you some money if I ……………….(have) some. 18. If he ……………(spend) all his money he will not have any. 19. If it……………(snow) I will go skiing. 20. If you run fast you …………….(win) the race. 4. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą veiksmažodžio formą. 1. If you ……………..(not water) the flowers they will die. 2. If she ………………(study) hard she will pass her exams. 3. If she………………. (have) a lot of money she will buy a car. 4. When I ……………(come) home I will clean my room. 5. If we leave early we …………….(catch) 9 00 train. 6. If you ……………(not hurry) you will be late. 7. When he …………..(come) we will have a party. 8. If he ………………..(not come ) on time I will go alone. 9. When he ………………..(do) his homework he will go to meet his friends. 10. I will buy a car if I……………(have) a lot of money. 11. If it …………….(not rain) tomorrow I will play tennis. 12. If I know a secret I ………. (tell) it to you. 13. When Jim …………….(go) to India he will visit a lot of famous places. 14. I will take you to the cinema if you ………………….(be) a good boy. 15. When I have time I …………………..(go) to London. 16. If she ……………………(do) well at university she will get a diploma. 17. If you ……………………(not work) you will not have any money. 18. If he ………………….(go) shopping he will buy some milk. 19. If he …………………(come) we will go to the cinema together. 20. If he ……………………(be) at home tomorrow I will visit him.

Žodynėlis in advance blood book

iš anksto kraujas užsakyti

hall hurricane middle

salė uraganas vidurys

17 tema

both box-office brochure doubt effects evening experience fee flood fond fury gear ghost

kartu, abu bilietų kasa brošiūra abejonė pobeikis vakaras patirtis mokestis potvynis mėgti šėlsmas pavara vaiduoklis

nature reservation somewhere suit technology ticket together unforgettable view whatever worth

gamta rezervavimas kažkur tikti technologija bilietas kartu nepamirštamas vaizdas kas bebūtų vertas

be able to accident

galėti, sugebėti nelaimingas atsitikimas adresas atnešti pirkti pagauti pigus švarus, valyti diplomas variklis ekzaminas įžymus greitas, greitai aerobikos centras skrydis šaldytuvas senelė sunkus skubėti

improve leave lend pass race rain ready receive ring sandwich scary seatbelt skiing spend umbrella wear win

pagerinti išvykti paskolinti praeiti, išlaikyti (ekzaminą) lyti pasiruošęs gauti skambėti, žiedas sumuštinis baisus saugos diržas slidinėjimas išleisti skėtis dėvėti laimėti

address bring buy catch cheap clean diploma engine exam famous fast fitness center flight fridge grandmother hard hurry

19 tema


Tom and Ann want to buy a pet at a zoo shop Shop assisstant: Ann Shop assisstant: Ann:

Shop assisstant: Ann: Shop assisstant Ann: Shop assisstant:

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. How can I help you? I’m looking for a small dog for my mother. She lives alone in her house and often feels lonely. She’s been very sad since her dog died and is always talking that she’d love to have another puppy. She needs a partner for going for a walk. Of course, I’d be happy to help you. Do you know what breed you would like? She had a collie. She said that she loved these dogs because they are very friendly pets. Yes, that’s true. A lot of families with children and older people choose these dogs for their loyalty and friendliness. Does it need any special attention? Well, it should be washed, brushed ant taken to a vet regularly. But compared to other species, it does not need more attention than the others. By the way if you buy a dog in our shop you get a coupon for

19 tema

Ann: Shop assisstant: Ann Shop assisstant: Ann: Shop assisstant: Ann:

three bags of dog food wth 50% discount. Oh, that’s nice. How old is this little fluffy? It’s just three months old. He is really lovely. I think I’ll buy him. My mum will really be happy about him. If you need we could offer you a special cage, carpet and some toys, such as a rubber bone for your doggie. Yes, I’ll also take a cage and a rubber bone. That’s 200 pounds. OK, here you are. My sweetie we are going home.

19 tema

Pardavėjas: Ana: Pardavėjas Ana:

Laba diena. Laba diena. Kuo galiu jums padėti? Aš ieškau mažo šuns mamai. Ji gyvena viena savo namuose ir dažnai jaučiasi vieniša. Ji labai liūdi, nes jos šuo padvėsė ir nuolat kalba, kad ji norėtų turėti dar vieną šuniuką. Jai reikia draugo pasivaikščiojimui. Žinoma, būčiau laimingas, galėdamas jums padėti. Ar žinote, kokios veislės pageidautumėte? Ji turėjo kolį. Ji sakė, kad mėgsta šiuos šunis, nes jie yra labai draugiški gyvūnai. Taip, tai tiesa. Šeimos su vaikais ir daug vyresnio amžiaus žmonių renkasi juos už jų ištikimybę ir draugiškumą. Ar jiems reikia ypatingo dėmesio? Na, jis turi būti prausiamas, šukuojamas šepečiu ir reguliariai vedamas pas veterinarą. Tačiau palyginti su kitų rūšių šunimis, jam nereikia daugiau dėmesio nei kitiems. Beje, jei jūs perkate šunį mūsų parduotuvėje gausite kuponą trims pakeliams šunų maisto su 50% nuolaida. Oi, koks gražus. Kiek laiko šiam mažam pūkiui? Jis tik trijų mėnesių amžiaus. Jis tikrai mielas. Manau, aš jį nusipirksiu. Mano mama bus tikrai laiminga. Jeigu jums reikia, mes galime pasiūlyti specialų narvą, kilimėlį ar žaislų, pavyzdžiui, guminį kaulą jūsų šunyčiui.. Taip, aš taip pat paimsiu narvely ir guminį kaulą. Viso 200 svarų. Gerai, prašau. Mano mielasis eime namo.

Pardavėjas Ana: Pardavėjas Ana: Pardavėjas

Ana: Pardavėjas Ana: Pardavėjas Ana: Pardavėjas Ana:

Past perfect tense (būtasis atliktinis laikas) Būtasis atliktinis laikas sudaromas iš pagalbinio veiksmažodžio HAD ir veiksmažodžio trečios formos arba taisyklingo veiksmažodžio, turinčio priesagą –ED . Klausiamoji forma sudaroma iškeliant pagalbinį veiksmažodį prieš veiksnį. Neigiamojoje formoje neiginys NOT eina po pagalbinio veiksmažodžio.

Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I had worked You had worked He, she, it had worked

Had I worked? Had you worked? Had he, she, it worked?

I had not worked You had not worked He, she, it had not worked

We had worked You had worked

Had we worked? Had you worked?

We had not worked You had not worked

19 tema

They had worked

Had they worked?

They had not worked

LAIKAS VARTOJAMAS REIKŠTI Veiksmą, kuris įvyko prieš tam tikrą momentą praeityje (By six o‘clock in the evening, Tom had finished all his work – Iki šeštos valandos vakaro Tomas buvo pabaigęs visą savo darbą). Veiksmą įvykusį prieš kitą veiksmą praeityje (When we got to the airport the plane had already landed – Kai mes nuvykome į oro uostą lėktuvas jau buvo nusileidęs). Veiksmą šalutiniuose aplinkybės sakiniuose su jungtukais before, after. (Before we had walked ten miles, she got tired – Dar mums nenuėjus dešimt mylių ji pavargo) Jei pagrindiniame sakinyje pavartotas Past Simple, o šalutiniame Past Perfect , tai reiškia, kad šalutinio sakinio veiksmas (Past Perfect) vyko anksčiau už pagrindinio sakinio veiksmą (Past Simple) She said she had had no time to make a cake – Ji sakė, kad ji neturėjo laiko iškepti pyragą). Šis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: When – kai By the time – iki tam tikro laiko Before – prieš After – po Just – tik Till/untill – iki 1. PRATIMAS Pavartokite būtąjį atliktinį laiką (Past Perfect). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I had never …………(see) such a beautiful beach before I went to Kauai. I did not have any money because I had ………..(loose) my wallet. Tony knew Istanbul so well because he had ………..(visit) the city several times. Had Susan ever ……………..(study) Thai before she moved to Thailand? She only understood the movie because she had ………….(read) the book. Kristine had never ……………….(be) to an opera before last night. We were not able to get a hotel room because we…………(had not book) in advance. A: Had you ever …………….(visit) the U.S. before your trip in 2006? B: Yes, I had …………..(be) to the U.S. once before.

19 tema

9. I had ………………. (visit) this place twice before I went on this tour. 10. When I came home my dad had already ………………(leave). 2. PRATIMAS Pavartokite būtąjį atliktinį laiką (Past Perfect). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Lucy said, that she…………….. (receive) that letter the day before. I wanted to see the painting. I …………….. (not see) it yet. By seven o‘clock the people …………….. (gather). He posted the letter as soon as he…………….. (finish) it. Jane believed that she …………….. …………….. (meet) the man before. By Saturday everybody …………….. (hear) the news. Joe saw that they …………….. (take) the wrong road. No one went to the cinema as everybody ……………. already …………….. (see) the film. 9. Steve showed them the picture he …………….. (paint) the previous month. 10. By that time the first snow …………….. (melt). 11. When I arrived Susan………just……….. (leave). 12. I discovered that I …………….. (spend) all my money on books. 13. Tom told them the joke he …………….. (hear) at the pub. 3. PRATIMAS Pavartokite būtąjį atliktinį laiką (Past Perfect). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

She told me that Frank …………….(tidy).his room. Before Emma laid the table, she ………….(have) a talk with her mother. She asked me if I ……………..(learn) the new words. It …………….(not rain) for three weeks, so the land was dry. I did not wait for my brother because I………… (read) his text message. Linda ………………… (never be) to a magic show before yesterday evening. He noticed that Peter ……………….(not paint) the old chair. There were no sausages left when I came back. The dog …………(eat) them. When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria ……………………..…….(already order) a glass of water. 10. ………….………(Jack feed) his hamster before he left his house? 4. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą būtojo atliktinio (past perfect) arba paprastojo būtojo (past simple) formas. 1. When I ……………….(arrive). home last night, I discovered that Jim ……… …………………….(prepare) a beautiful dinner.

19 tema

2. Since I began acting, I have performed in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I (speak, never)………………………….publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. 3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already)…………………. without me. 4. My boss ………(be) furious with me and I ……….(be). fired. 5. When I (turn)………………..the radio on yesterday, I (hear)………………….a song that was popular when I was in high school. I …………………………(hear, not) the song in years, and it (bring)…………………………..back some great memories. 6. Last week, I ………………(run) an ex-girlfriend of mine. We ………………….. (see, each other for many years) 7. When Jack (enter)……………………the room, I …………………….(recognize, not) him because he (lose)…………………………so much weight and (grow) ………………………..a beard. He looked totally different! 8. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture ……………………..(disappear, virtually) by the time Europeans first ………………………………(arrive) in the New World. 9. I have visited so many beautiful places since I …………………..(come) to Utah. Before moving here, I ……………………….(hear, never) of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands. 10. Yesterday I ………………….(come) home at 9, ……………………(wash) myself and ……………………..(go) to bed. 11. I was in a hurry. By the time I ………………………….(arrive) at the station the train ………………(already left). 5. Pratimas. Pavartokite Past perfect/past simple/past continuous laikų formas. 1. When I came home I remembered that I …………………….…(forget) to turn off TV 2. As soon as he …………………..(manage) to do that he called me. 3. After he …………………(graduate) university he …………..(start) his own business. 4. I ……………….(do) my work before my mum ………………..(come) 5. She ………………..(eat) dinner before she ………………….(go) out. 6. She told me that she ……………..(never be) to Paris. 7. The car was dirty. He ……………(not clean) it for ages. 8. She was sad because she ……………..(lose) a game. 9. They left after the meeting ………..…….(end). 10. The grass was wet . It ………………(rain). 11. I …………….(fail) my exam for three times before I finally ……………..(pass) it. 12. By the time I ……………….(be) 8 years old I ……………..(learn) to read. 13. She …………….(make) a cake before her grandson …………….(arrive).

19 tema

14. I ……………(come) home at 8 , ………….(eat) supper, ………………(go) to bed. 15. When I arrived he ………………..(already go). 16. I ………………..(just finish) reading a book when my mun ……………..(came) 17. I didn’t go to bed until I …………….(do) my homework. 18. She ………………….(not read) that book because she ………..………..(already read) it twice. 19. I went to bed after everyone ……………..(leave) 20. By 3 a.m. everyone …………….(fall) asleep. 6. Pratimas, Pavartokite past perfect/past simple/past continuous laikų formas. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Tom ……………..(just finish) eating when the doorbell ……………(ring) By the time Tom ………….(wake up), mother ……………………(already leave) Tim ………………(wash) the dishes after thy guest ………………(go) home He ………………..(not do) his homework until he …………………..(take) the dog for a walk. 5. After we ……………………(have) dinner we went out. 6. Jim ……………..(not want) to visit his granparents as he ………………….(already visit) them some time ago. 7. By the time we …………………(arrive) at the airport the plane ………………(fly) away. 8. He ……………..(do) the washing up by the time you …………….(come). 9. They ……………….(finish) painting the walls when you ………………(arrive). 10. When he …………………(enter) the classroom the lesson ………………(already start). 11. I ……………(go) for a walk after I …………………(listen) to the news. 12. He ………………(sweep) the floor before his mother ……………..(come) 13. I …………………(read) a book when he came. 14. What …………………(you do) at 6 yesterday? 15. I …………………..(water) the plants when the phone ……………..(ring) 16. He ……………..(pay) the driver as soon as he ………………..(arrive) 17. He ………………..(repair) the car when it broke down. 18. He ………………..(listen) to the news when he heard a strange noise. 19. He …………………(have) coffee when Tom ………………..(come) 20. He …………………..(make) a sandwich before his mum …………….(come)

Žodynėlis attention bone

dėmesys kaulas

friendliness friendly

draugiškumas draugiškas

19 tema

breed brush cage carpet choose collie compare coupon discount feel fluffy food

veislė valyti narvas kilimas pairinkti koli (šuo) palyginti kuponas nuolaida jausti pūkuotas maistas

lonely loyalty month offer often pet puppy regularly rubber sad since species such sweetie toy true

vienišas ištikimumas mėnuo pasiūlyti dažnai naminis gyvūnėlis šuniukas nuolat, pastoviai guminis liūdnas nuo rūšys toks mielasis žaislas tiesa

advance advanced beach beard believe disappear discover doorbell ex-girlfriend fail fall feed furious gather graduate grow hamster hear

pažanga pažęngęs paplūdymys barzda tikėti išnykti atrasti durų skambutis buvusi mergina neišlaikyti (testo) kristi maitinti pasiutęs, pašėlęs susirinkti pabaigti (mokyklą) augti žiurkėnas girdėti

however hurry manage melt pay perform plant prepare previous pub receive recognize repair sweep virtually wake weight

tačiau skubėti sugebėti ištirpti sumokėti atlikti (koncertą) augalas, sodinti pasiruošti ankstesnis užeiga gauti atpažinti, pripžinti suremontuoti valyti faktiškai, iš tiesų pabusti svoris

19 tema


Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Good afternoon. Goo afternoon. I’d like to report a lost item. Yes, madam. What is it? It’s a leather bag, containing a wallet, some important documents. Would you please describe it? How does it look like? It’s not very big, brown with long handles. Does it have any special features, markings or maybe a company name or logo? Yes, it has a badge with the company name “PRADA” Thanks, it could be very useful. Would you please describe what was inside the bag in more detail? There was a cell phone “NOKIA”, some cosmetics, a passport, driving-license, car and home keys, an umbrella. Could you please say exactly where and when you lost it? I was in a supermarket in Baker’s street. I was paying for goods at the cash desk and left it there. When was it? It happened on Saturday morning That’s the 23rd of June. Is that right?

19 tema

Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann:

Yes, that’s right. OK. If somebody finds it and hands it in we will call you immediately. Can I have your telephone number, please? 8435 090223 Thanks a lot, A few weeks later

Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:

Good morning. Good morning. Is it Ann Jenkins? Yes. I’m calling you from the lost property office regarding your bag that you lost a few weeks ago. A lady brought a bag matching the description of your bag with all your documents there. Would you please come to the office to collect your bag? Oh, thanks God. I need my documents so much. What are the opening hours of your office? Monday to Friday from 9 to 6 in the evening. Thanks a lot You are welcome.

Laba diena. Laba diena. Norėčiau pranešti apie pamestą daiktą. Taip, ponia. Kas tai yra? Tai odinis krepšys, kuriame yra piniginė, kai kurie svarbūs dokumentai Ar galite apibūdinti jį? Kaip jis atrodo? Jis nėra labai didelis, rudas su ilgomis rankenomis. Ar jis turi kokių nors ypatingų bruožų, žymių ar gal kompanijos pavadinimą ar logotipą? Taip, ant jo buvo ženkliukas su kompanijos pavadinimu "Prada" Ačiū, jis gali būti labai naudinga. Ar galite aprašyti, kas buvo krepšio viduje išsamiau? Buvo mobilus telefonas "Nokia ", šiek tiek kosmetikos, pasas, vairuotojo pažymėjimas, automobilių ir namų raktai, skėtis. Gal galetumete tiksliai pasakyti, kur ir kada jūs jį pametėte? Buvau į parduotuvėje, esanččioje Baker gatvėje. Aš buvau prie kasoje ir palikau jį ten.. Kada tai buvo? Tai atsitiko šeštadienį ryte Birželio 23 dieną. Ar taip?

19 tema

Ann: Employee:

Taip, teisingai. Gerai. Jei kas nors ras ir grąžins, mes jums paskambinsime nedelsiant. Ar galiu užsirašytij ūsų savo telefono numerį? 8435 090223. Ačiū.

Ann: Employee:

Po kelių savaičių. Employee: Ann: Employee: Ann: Employee:


Labas rytas. Labas rytas. Ar tai Ana Jenkins? Taip Aš jums skambinu iš pamestų radinių biuro dėl jūsų krepšio, kurį pametėte prieš kelias savaites. Ponia atnešė krepšį su visais savo dokumentais, atitinkantį jūsų krepšio aprašymą. Ar galite ateiti į biurą pasiimti savo krepšį? Oi, ačiū Dievui. Man taip reikia mano dokumentų tiek. Kokios yra biuro darbo valandos? Nuo pirmadienio iki penktadienio 9-18.

Ann: Employee:

Labai ačiū. Nėra už ką.


Future perfect tense (būsimasis atliktinis laikas) Būsimasis atliktinis laikas sudaromas iš pagalbinio veiksmažodžio TO HAVE Future Simple laiko ir pagalbinio veiksmažodžio, trečios formos arba taisyklingo veiksmažodžio, turinčio priesagą –ED. Klausiamoji forma sudaroma iškeliant pagalbinį veiksmažodį prieš veiksnį. Neigiamojoje formoje neiginys NOT eina po pagalbinio veiksmažodžio. LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Šis laikas išreiškia veiksmą, kuris bus užbaigtas iki tam tikro momento ateityje (Will they have bought a new house by the end of this month? – Ar jie bus nusipirkę namą iki mėnesio pabaigos.

Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I will have worked You will have worked

Will I have worked? Will you have worked?

I will not have worked You will not have worked

19 tema

He, she,it will have worked

Will he, she, it have worked

He, she, it have not worked

We will have worked You will have worked They will have worked

Will we have worked? Will you have worked? Will they have worked?

We will not have worked You will not have worked They will not have worked

PHRASAL VERBS Get on – įlipti ( į autobusą) Look for - ieškoti Switch on - įjungti Fill in – užpildyti (anketą) Try on – bandyti, matuotis

Take off – nusiimti (drabužį) Throw away - išmesti Turn down – pritildyti (radiją) Put out – užgesinti (gaisrą) Believe in – tikėti

1. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite Future Perfect Tense laiką. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

By next February they………………… (work) here for ten years. By this time Bill ………………… (leave) the town. By the end of May he ………………… (pass) all his exams. I ………………… (finish) my work before it gets dark. By this time next year I ………………… (save) a thousand dollars. By the end of the year she ………………… (read) all twenty volumes. By next autumn they ………………… (build) three new houses in this street. 8. By this time tomorrow I ………………… (finish) this book. 2. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite Future Perfect Tense laiką. 1. Anne ……………………………..(repaired) her bike by next week. 2. We ……………………..(do) the washing by 8 o'clock. 3. She ……………………(visited) Paris by the end of next year. 4. I …………………………(finish) this by 6 o'clock. 5. Sam ……………………………(leave) by next week. 6. She …………………………….(discuss) this with her mother tonight. 7. The police ……………………….(arrest) the driver by next week. 8. They ………………………………(write) their essay by tomorrow. 9. Paolo ……………………………….(manage) the teams by next Friday 10. If we can do that - then we ……………………….(fulfill) our mission. 3. PRATIMAS.

19 tema

Pavartokite Future Perfect Tense laiką. 1. In a two weeks time we ………………….(take) our exam. 2. I …………………(finish) the book by tomorrow evening. 3. By this time tomorrow we ………………..(have) our injections. 4. By the end of next year I ………………….(be) here for 25 years. 5. I’ll still be here next summer but he ………………….(leave). 6. I ………………….(finish) this job in 20 minutes. 7. By next winter they …………….(build) four houses in that field. 8. When we reach Valparaiso we…………… (sail) all round the world. 9. At the rate he is going he ………………..(spend) all his money by the time he is 21 10. By the time next year I ……………….(save) 250 dollars. 11. By the time we get to the party everything ……………………….(be) eaten. 12. The train …………………….(leave) before we reach the station. 13. If I continue with my diet I ……………………….(lose) 10 kilos by the end of the month. 14. By the end of my university course I ………………..(attend) 1200 lectures. 15. By the end of this week my illness …………………(cost) me 100 pounds. 16. By the time he leaves school his parents…………………… (spend) 25000 dollars on his education. 17. By the end of the term I ……………………..(read) all 12 volumes. 18. When you come back I…………………. (finish) all the housework. 19. The police ……………….(hear) of the theft by this time. 20. We …………………(drink) all that wine by the end of the year. 21. On the fourth of next month he ………………….(be) in prison for 20 years. 22. At this rate he …………………….(break) all the glasses by the end of the month. 23. If we don’t hurry the sun …………………….(rise) before we reach the top. 24. By the time you get to Hyde Park they ……………….(finish) their speeches and everybody …………………(go) home. 4. PRATIMAS. Įrašykite tinkamą prielinksnį: away, down, for, in, off, on, out. 1. Quick! Get ……….. the bus. It's ready to leave. 2. I don't know where my book is. I have to look ……………. it. 3. It's dark inside. Can you switch …………. the light, please? 4. Fill …………… the form, please. 5. I need some new clothes. Why don't you try ……………. these jeans? 6. It's warm inside. Take ……………. your coat. 7. This pencil is really old. You can throw it ………….. 8. It's so loud here. Can you turn ……………… the radio a little. 9. The firemen were able to put ……………….. the fire in Church Street. 10. Does your little brother believe ………………. ghosts?

19 tema

Žodynėlis badge baker's bring, brought contain describe description desk driving license exactly features goods

ženklelis kepykla atnešti, atnešė talpinti (viduje) aprašyti, apibūdinti apibūdinimas suolas vairuotojo pažymėjimas tiksliai bruožai prekės

handle immediately key leather marking match property regarding report wallet

ranena tuoj pat, skubiai raktas oda žymė tikti, atitikti, derintis turtas dėl pranešti piniginė

autumn before continue course of course education essay fireman fulfill future ill

ruduo prieš tęsti kursas žinoma mokymas rašinėlis gaisrininkas išpildyti ateitis sirgti

illness injection inside lecture light parents rise sail save speech

liga injekcija viduje paskaita šviesa, uždegti, lengvas kilti buriuoti išsaugoti, taupyti kalba

2 0 tema


Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

It’s Saturday morning. The sun is shining. Don’t you think we should go for a walk somewhere in the park or in the forest? Yeah, good idea, but just look at our house. It hasn’t been tidied for quite a long time. We need to vacuum the carpet, do the washing-up, water the plants, dust all the surfaces. I agree, let’s do all the chores and go for a walk later. By the way, it’s too hot outside. Let’s get started. I will do the chores inside and there’s a lot of work for you outside – mow the lawn crop the bushes, repair the fence. By the way the water is leaking through the roof. Will you do it yourself or do you think we should get it done by someone else? I’ll do everything but not the roof. You know I am afraid of height. Let’s call the company and we will have it repaired soon. OK. But one more problem. Our TV does not work properly. I think the problem could be a satellite dish. Yesterday the wind was blowing very furiously and that could be the cause of the problem. Yes, I think that we should have it repaired too by a TV company. OK. Our fence needs mending. Will you do it by yourself? Yes, it’s not a problem. But I think there’s a problem with the bicycle. I think we should have it fixed but I won’t be able to do it myself. Yeah, there seems to be more problems than I expected. And there’s something wrong with the fire-place. All the smoke comes into the

2 0 tema



room but not through the chimney. I think we should have it repaired as soon as possible because it might be poisonous and dangerous. Yes, we should have it repaired as soon as possible. Our outside walls need repainting and the bedroom needs redecorating. There’s a lot of work to do. It would be very well if we could get it done by the end of the summer. So, let’s not wait and start working. NAMŲ RUOŠOS DARBAI

Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana:

Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana:



Šeštadienio rytas. šviečia saulė. Ar ne manai, kad galėtume nueiti pasivaikščioti kur nors parke ar miške. Taip, gera idėja, bet tik pažvelgti į mūsų namus. Jie nebuvo tvarkyti gana ilgą laiką. Turime išsiurbti kilimą, suplauti indus, palaistyti gėles, nuvalyti dulkes nuo paviršių. Sutinku, atlikime namų ruošos darbus ir eisime pasivaikščioti vėliau. Beje, dabar labai karšta lauke. Pradėkime. Aš padarysiu namų ruošos darbus viduje, o tau yra daug darbo lauke - nupjauti veją, apkarpyti krūmus, suremontuoti tvorą. Beje, vanduo teka per stogą. Ar sutvarkysi tai pats ar manai, kad turėtume pasamdyti kas nors.. Aš padarysiu viską, bet ant stogą. Žinai, aš bijau aukščio. Paskambinkime bendrovei ir mes turėsime jį greit suremontuotą. Gerai. Bet dar viena problema. Mūsų televizija neveikia gerai. Manau, kad problema gali būti palydovinė antena. Vakar vėjas pūtė labai įnirtingai ir tai galėtų būti problemos priežastis. Taip, manau, kad tai turėtų būti suremonta televizijos kompanijos Gerai. Mūsų tvorą taip pat reikia remontuoti. Ar padarysi tai pats? Taip, tai ne problema. Bet aš manau, kad yra problema su dviračiu.Jį reikia suremontuoti, tačiau aš nesugebėsiu to padaryti pats. Taip, atrodo, kad yra daugiau problemų, nei tikėjausi. Kažkas negerai su židiniu. Visi dūmai patenka į kambarį, bet ne per kaminą. Manau, kad turėtume jį suremontuoti kuo greičiau, nes dūmao gali būti nuodingi ir pavojingi. Taip, mes turėtume jį suremontuoti kuo greičiau. Mūsų išorės sienas reikia perdažyti ir miegamąjį reikia remontuoti. Yra daug ką nuveikti.. Būtų labai gerai, jei mes galėtume tai padaryti iki vasaros pabaigos. Taigi, tegul ne laukti ir pradėti dirbti. Taigi, nelaukime ir pradėkime dirbti.

Passive voice (neveikiamoji rūšis)

Mes vartojame neveikiamąją rūšį, ki mums yra svarbiau ne kas atliko tam tikrą veiksmą, o kad veiksmas buvo atliktas. Dažnai mes net ir nežinome kas atliko tam tikrą veiksmą.

2 0 tema

Tom broke the window. Tomas sudaužė langą. (veikiamoji rūšis) The window was broken. Langas buvo sudaužytas. (neveikiamojji rūšis) Veiksmo veikėją neveikiamoje rūšyje galima nurodyti sakinio pabaigoje su prielinksniu by. The window was broken by Tom. Tim Wilson wrote "The Flight to Brunnswick" in 1987. - Active (veikiamoji rūšis) The Flight to Brunnswick" was written in 1987 by Tim Wilson. - Passive (neveikiamoji rūšis) Tense Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Simple Modals

Active ( veikiamoji) I write a letter I am writing a letter I wrote a letter I was writing a letter I have written a letter I had written a letter I will write a letter I can write a letter

Passive (neveikiamoji) The letter is written The letter is being written The letter was written The letter was being written The letter has been written The letter had been written. The letter will be written The letter can be written

Sudarymas: Present simple: be+veiksmžodžio. 3 forma. The letter is written. Present continuous: be+being+ veiksmžodžio. 3 forma. The letter is being written. Past simple: be+ veiksmžodžio. 3 forma. The letter was written. Past continuous: be+being+ veiksmžodžio. 3 forma. The letter was being written. Present perfect: have/has+been+ veiksmžodžio. 3 forma. The letter has been written. Past perfect: had+been+ veiksmžodžio. 3 veiksmžodžio. The letter had been written. Modaliniai veiksmažodžiai Must, may, can, should, would, will... Active: I must write a letter. Passive: The letter must be written. Sudarymas: Modals+be+veiksmažodžio. 3 forma. Active: Veiksnys+tarinys+papildinys. Passive: Papildinys+veiksnys+tarinys.

2 0 tema

Agent: The book was written by Dan Brown..

1. PRATIMAS. Pabaikite lentelę. Tense 1. Present Simple 2. Present Continuous 3. Past Simple 4. Past Continuous 5. Present Perfect 6. Future Simple

Active ( veikiamoji) They make Fords in Cologne Susan is cooking dinner James Joyce wrote "Dubliners". They were painting the house when I arrived. They have produced over 20 models in the past two years I will finish it tomorrow

2. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite neveikiamosios rūšies sakinius. 1. They make shoes in that factory. Shoes ___________________ in that factory. 2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway. Bicycles __________________ in the driveway. 3. They built that skyscraper in 1934. That skyscraper__________ in 1934. 4. The students will finish the course by July. The course___________________ by July. 5. They are repairing the streets this month. The streets_____________________ this month. 6. They make these tools of plastic. These tools_______________ of plastic. 7. They have finished the new product design. The new product design________________ finished. 8. They were cooking dinner when I arrived. Dinner__________________ when I arrived. 9. Smithers painted 'Red Sunset' in 1986. 'Red Sunset'________________ in 1986 by Smithers. 10. Did the plan interest you? __________________ in the plan?

Passive (neveikiamoji)

2 0 tema

11. They had finished the preparations by the time the guests arrived. The preparations______________________ by the time the guests arrived. 12. You should take care when working on electrical equipment. Care_____________________ when working on electrical equipment. 13. They are going to perform Beethoven's Fifth Symphony next weekend. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony ____________________next weekend. 14. Someone will speak Japanese at the meeting. Japanese__________________ at the meeting. 15. Karen is going to prepare the refreshments. The refreshments___________________________ by Karen. 3. PRATIMAS.

Sudarykite neveikiamosios rūšies sakinius. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

They are building the house. …………………………………… Tom repaired his car yesterday. …………………………………… He has just watered the plants. …………………………………… He hasn’t finished his work. …………………………………… When I came home my mother had already cooked dinner. …………………………………… 6. By the time I came home my father had repaired the telephone. …………………………………… 7. Has he written a letter yet? …………………………………… 8. Does she clean the house every day? …………………………………… 9. Was he fixing the water pipe at 5 yesterday? …………………………………… 10. Did she write the letter to her friend? …………………………………… 11. Have you hung up the chandelier?………….. …………………………………… 12. We should save these animals. …………………………………… 13. People must protect the environment. …………………………………… 14. He will order the book tomorrow. …………………………………… 15. You can see the tower from here. …………………………………… 16. Did she design the building? …………………………………… 17. She does the shopping every Friday. …………………………………… 18. Does she water the plants every Monday? …………………………………… 19. Did she order the book yesterday? …………………………………… 20. The mechanic hasn’t repaired the car. …………………………………… 21. By 9 o’clock yesterday she had done the shopping. ………………………………… 22. They gave Tom the first prize. …………………………… 23. Does she cook dinner every day? …………………………………… 24. Has she written a novel? …………………………………… 25. He will put the money into the bank. …………………………………… 4. PRATIMAS. Sudarykite neveikiamosios rūšies sakinius.

2 0 tema

1. The house ……………………..(paint) at the moment. 2. The homework ………………..just……………..(do). 3. The roof …………….(fix) yesterday. 4. The house ……………………..(decorate) now. 5. The telephone ………………..(invent) by Graham Bell. 6. Who ………..America ……………….(discover) by? 7. History ……………..(teach) by Mr. Jones. 8. The book ………….just……………….(finish). 9. She ……………(tell) the news yesterday. 10. The painting ………….(steal) from the gallery on Monday. 11. The environment must ……………..(save). 12. The fireplace will …………….(build) tomorrow. 13. The walls ……………..(paint) yesterday. 14. You will ………………..(invite) to the party. 15. A pie ……………(bake) by my mother yesterday. 16. The window ………….just ……………..(break). 17. Youghurt ………………(make) from milk. 18. The ironing …………………(do) yet. 19. Sick peple ………………(treat) by doctors. 20. The homework ………..just ………….……..(finish) .

Žodynėlis blow bush carpet cause chimney chores crop dish dust expect fence fireplace fix furiously height

pūsti krūmas kilimas priežastis, sukelti kaminas namų ruošos darbai apkirpti patiekalas valyti dulkes tikėtis tvora židinys suremontuoti pašėlusiai aukštis

lawn leaking mend poisonous possible properly quite redecorate repaint repair roof shine surface through tidy vacuum wash up water

pieva lašantis, varvantis tvarkyti nuodingas galimas tinkamai gana, pakankamai remontuoti (namą) perdažyti suremontuoti stogas šviesti paviršius nors valyti valyti su dulkių siurbliu suplauti (indus) laistyti (gėles)

2 0 tema

apologize bake building bully chandelier complain (about) decorate design discover driveway environment equipment factory feel feel like foreign forward

atsiprašyti kepti (duoną) pastatas priekabiauti šviestuvas skųstis (dėl) puošti, remontuoti sukurti atrasti privažiavimas (prie namo) aplinka įranga gamykla jausti norėti užsienio pirmyn

guest insist on invite iron island look forward perform pie pipe preparation prepare refreshments repaired skyscraper steal teach treat

svečias reikalauti pakviesti lyginti sala laukti, tikėtis atlikti pyragas vamzdis, pypkė pasiruošimas pasiruošti gaivieji gėrimai suremontuotas dangoraižis pavogti mokyti gydyti

21 tema


Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom:

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. How can I help you? I’d like to open a bank account. Yes, sir, no problem. Can I have your passport or other identityproving document. Here you are. Please fill in the following form with the information about yourself. Can I have the pen, please? Here it is on the desk. Do I have to fill in the blanks about my salary. Oh, these are not obligatory, but it would be very useful if you want to have a higher credit limit. Oh, yes, I understand. Oh, one more problem I can not remember my office number. That won’t be a problem. Leave the space blank then. Your office email will be enough. Yes, OK. As I understand you will need a credit card to use our ATM services. So please tick it here if you require these services. Of course, that’s very important.

21 tema

Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom:

By the way, will you use our internet banking services? Yes, how much do you charge for it? 20 pence for a money transfer. By the way should I deposit another currency if I go to another country?


No, it’s not necessary. You will put your card into the ATM and you will see your balance in the currency of that country where you are. You can withdraw the currency of that state. Oh, that’s very convenient. Yes, so you won’t need to exchange your currency. By the way the standard maximum withdrawal limit is 1000 pounds a day. Does it suit you or would you like to increase it. I’d probably like to increase it to 2000 pounds. The maximum standard allowed overdraft in our bank is 500 pounds, which is 14 days free of charge. If you use it longer you have to pay 15 percent annual interest rate. Yes, I understand. Can I increase the overdraft limit. Yes, but only after your financial situation and credit rating is evaluated. It shouldn’t take long. If you want you can tick this box for the change of the overdraft limit. Yes. Your credit card will be made in approximately 2 weeks. You can come to collect it straight into this bank branch butf there is a place which is more convenient to you we can send it over there. This branch would suit me perfectly. So that’s all good bye. Good bye.

Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom:

BANKE Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas::

Laba diena. Laba diena. Kuo galėčiau jums padėti? Aš norėčiau atsidaryti banko sąskaitą. Taip, pone, jokių problemų. Gal galėtumėt duoti savo pasą arba kitą tapatybę patvirtinantį dokumentą.. Prašau. Prašome užpildyti žemiau esančią formą, pateikdami informaciją apie save. Gal galėtumėte duoti rašiklį? Štai jis, ant stalo. Ar aš turiu užpildyti laukelius pie savo atlyginimą? Oi, tai nėra privaloma, tačiau būtų labai naudinga, jei norite turėti didesnį kredito limitą.

21 tema

Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas:: Tom: Banko tarnautojas: Tom: Banko tarnautojas: Tom:

Ak, taip, aš suprantu. Oi, dar viena problema aš negaliu prisiminti savo biuro numerio. Tai ne problema. Palikite tuščią vietą. Pakaks jūsų biuro elektroninio pašto adreso. Taip, gerai. Kaip suprantu, jums reikės kredito kortelės naudotis mūsų bankomato valdymo paslaugomis. Taigi, prašome pažymėkite šį langelį, jei jums reikia šių paslaugų. Žinoma, tai labai svarbu. Beje, ar jūs norėsite naudotis mūsų internetinės bankininkystės paslaugomis? Taip, koks mokestis už šią paslaugą? 20 pensų už pinigų pervedimą Beje, ar man reikia įnešti indėlį kita valiuta, jei važiuoju į kitą šalį? Ne, tai nėra būtina. Jūs įkišite savo kortelę į bankomatą ir pamatysite savo balansą tos šalies valiuta, kur esate. Jūs galėsite pinigus pasiimti tos valstybės valiuta. O, tai labai patogu. Taip, todėl jums nereikės keisti savo valiutos. Beje standartinis maksimalus pinigų išėmimo limitas yra £ 1000 per dieną. Ar jis Jums tinka ar norėtumėte jį padidinti?. Aš norėčiau jį padidinti iki 2000 svarų. Didžiausia standartinė leidžiama kredito suma mūsų banke yra 500 svarų, kuri yra 14 dienų neapmokestinama. Jei kreditu naudojatės ilgiau, turite sumokėti 15 procentų metinių palūkanų normą. Taip, aš suprantu. Ar galiu padidinti kredito limitą? Taip, tačiau tik po, kai bus įvertinta jūsų finansinė padėtis ir kredito glimybės. Tai neturėtų ilgai užtrukti. Jei norite, galite pažymėti šį lngelį dėl kredito limito pakeitimo. Taip.. Jūsų kreditinė kortelė bus padaryta maždaug per 2 savaites. Galite ateiti pasiimti ją tiesiai į šį banko filialą, bet jei yra jums patogesnė vieta, galime išsiųsti ten. Šis filialas man tiktų puikiai. Štai ir viskas, viso geriausio. Viso geriausio.

Reported speech (Netiesioginė kalba) Present



(perfect simple)




(perfect simple)

(perfect continuous) (perfect

21 tema

Past perfect



(perfect simple)

continuous) (perfect continuous)

Present simple  past simple. Example: “I go to school every day”.  He said that he went to school every day. Present continuous  past continuous. Example: “I`m reading a book.”  He said that he was reading a book. Present perfect simple  past perfect simple. Example: “I have done my homework.”  He said that he had done his homework. Present perfect continuous  past perfect continuous. Example: “I have been living in Vilnius for 10 years.” He said that he had been living in Vilnius for 10 years.” Past simple  past perfect simple. Example: “I went to the cinema yesterday.”  He said that he had gone to the cinema the day before. Past continuous  past perfect continuous. Example: “I was reading a book.”  He said that he had been reading a book. Certain words and time expressions change as follows: Tonight, today, this week/month etc. Now Yesterday Last night/week etc. Tomorrow, next week/month etc. Two days/month etc. ago This, these

That night, that day, that week/month etc. Then The day before The previous night/week etc. The following day/week, the next/following week/month etc. Two days/months etc./before That, those

Reported commands (paliepimai) a) „Go home.“  He told/asked me to go home. b) „Don`t go home.“  He told/asked me not to go home. 1. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" Andrew told me ……………………………………… 2) Jessica: "Write a text message!" Jessica told me ……………………………………………………... 3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" Nelly told me …………………………………………….

21 tema

4) Fred: "Wash your hands!" Fred told me ………………………………………………... 5) Anna: "Open the window!" Anna told me ………………………………………... 6) Tom: "Come at 8!" Tom told me ………………………………………... 7) Teacher: "Do your homework!" The teacher told me …………………………………………... 8) Doris: "Dance with me!" Doris told me ……………………………………... 9) Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!" Sabine told me ………………………………………... 10) Victoria: "Check your e-mails!" Victoria told me …………………………………………. 2. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!" Karen told me …………………………………………. 2) Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!" The teacher reminded me …………………………………………………… 3) Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!" Mike told me ………………………………………………… 4) Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbor!" Yvonne told me ………………………………………….. 5) Denise: "Don't open the door!" Denise told me ………………………………………… 6) Marcel: "Don't sing that song!" Marcel reminded me …………………………………… 7) Jane: "Don't watch the new film!" Jane advised me …………………………………….. 8) Walter: "Don't ring Tom on Sunday!" Walter told me ………………………………………… 9) Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!" Lisa advised me …………………………………………….. 10) Jamie: "Don't eat so much junk food!" Jamie reminded me …………………………………………………. 3. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) John: "Mandy is at home."

21 tema

John said that ………………………………………………… 2) Max: "Frank often reads a book." Max told me that …………………………………………… 3) Susan: "I'm watching TV." Susan said to me that …………………………………………… 4) Simon: "David was ill." Simon said that ………………………………………………………. 5) Peggy: "The girls helped in the house." Peggy told me that ………………………………………………… 6) Richard: "I am going to ride a skateboard." Richard said to me that …………………………………………………. 7) Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows." Stephen and Claire told me that ……………………………………………………… 8) Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework." Charles remarked that ……………………………………………………………………… 9) Mrs Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old." Mrs Jones told me that …………………………………………………………………. 10) Jean: "The boss must sign the letter." Jean said that …………………………………………………………………….. 4. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow." Emily said that ……………………………………………………………. 2) Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday." Helen told me that …………………………………………………………….. 3) Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year." Robert told me that …………………………………………………………. 4) Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago." Lisa said that ……………………………………………………………… 5) Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend." Patricia said that ……………………………………………………………… 6) Michael: "I am going to read a book this week." Michael said to me that ……………………………………………………… 7) Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow." Jason and Victoria told me that ……………………………………………. 8) Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago." Andrew remarked that ……………………………………………………. 9) Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday." Alice complained that …………………………………………………………. 10) David: "John had already gone at six." David said that ……………………………………………………………

21 tema

5. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me ……………………………………………………………. 2) Betty: "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know ………………………………………………………. 3) Mark: "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me ………………………………………………………….. 4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me ………………………………………………………. 5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me …………………………………………………….. 6) Mandy: "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know ………………………………………………………… 7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me …………………………………………………………………… 8) Justin: "What are you doing?" Justin asked me ……………………………………………………………………….. 9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know …………………………………………………………………… 10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked ………………………………………………………………………… 6. PRATIMAS Pakeiskite sakinus pavartodami netiesioginę kalbą. 1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?" Yesterday Mandy asked me ………………………………………………………….. 2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?" Yesterday Jason wanted to know ……………………………………………………… 3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?" Yesterday Robert asked me ………………………………………………………………. 4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?" Yesterday Daniel asked me …………………………………………………………………. 5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football?" Yesterday Jennifer wanted to know ……………………………………………………………. 6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?"

21 tema

Yesterday Nancy wanted to know ………………………………………………………………… 7) Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?" Yesterday Barbara asked me ……………………………………………………………… 8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?" Yesterday Linda wanted to know …………………………………………………………… 9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?" Yesterday Grandmother asked me …………………………………………………………….. 10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?" Yesterday a man asked me …………………………………………………………………..

22 tema



Ann: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

Tom, I have an idea. Yesterday I met our neighbor Jane, she was very excited and told me, that she with her husband had just came back from the trip to Australia. I invited them for a barbecue party on Saturday. It would be very interesting to hear about the trip, impressions and their adventures. Maybe it’s not a bad idea. We could make a picnic in our garden with steaks, vegetable and fruit salad, some wine. Jane doesn’t eat meat, she is a vegetarian. But she likes fish very much, so we could make grilled fish with vegetables for her. OK. We should go to the supermarket to buy everything we need for tomorrow’s picnic. I will go to the supermarket and you cut the grass in our garden and prepare the grill. I think it needs to be cleaned. I’ll do it. Don’t forget to buy coal or firewood and a bottle of flammable liquid. I will. Also for dessert I’ll take some ice cream and your favorite chocolates. Jane promised to bring her special home made apple pie. Oh, I love her apple pie!.. How many bottles of wine shall I buy. I think two will be enough. What meat and fish should I buy and how much.

22 tema


Half a kilo of bacon and half a kilo of beef, and a few pieces of salmon or trout. Do we need any drinks? You can take some orange or apple juice, mineral water or Cola as well. What time did you say the party would begin? I told her to come round at 6. That’s good, we’ll have plenty of time to sit outside and chatter about Australia. Let’s hurry up or we won’t be able to do everything in time.

Ann: Tom: Ann: Tom:

Future continuous tense (būsimasis tęstinis laikas) Būsimasis tęstinis laikas yra sudaromas iš pagalbinio veiksmažodžio TO BE būsimojo laiko formos (Future Simple) formos ir pagrindinio veiksmažodžio su priesaga –ING. Klausiamoji ir neigiamoji formos sudaromos kaip ir kitų tęstinių laikų Teigiamoji forma

Klausiamoji forma

Neigiamoji forma

I will be working You will be working He, she, it will be working

Will I be working? Will you be working? Will he, she, it be working?

I will not be working You will not be working He, she, it will not be working

We will be working You will be working They will be working

Will we be working? Will you be working? Will they be working

We will not be working You will not be working They will not be working

LAIKO VARTOJIMAS Šis laikas išreiškia veiksmą, kuris vyks (tęsis) tam tikru momentu ateityje (They will still be working at five – jie vis dar dirbs penktą valandą). Būsimasis tęstinis laikas vartojamas su šiomis laiko aplinkybėmis: This time tomorrow – rytoj šiuo metu Tomorrow at (five) – ryto (penktą) 1. Suskliaustus veiksmažodžiais.






Gerundijus Gerundijus – tai daiktavardis padarytas iš veismažodžio. Jis turi galūnę – ing. Read – skaityti, reading – skaitymas.Gerundijus yra varojamas po šių frazių.

22 tema

good at complain about afraid of feel like looking forward to

geras skųstis dėl bijoti jausti, norėti laukti, tikėtis

think of dream of apologize for agree with insist on

galvoti apie svajoti atsiprašyti sutarti reikalauti

My friend is good at playing volleyball. Mano draugas geras žaidžia tiklinį. She complains about bullying. Ji skundžiasi dėl priekabiavino. They are afraid of losing the match. Jie bijo pralaimėti rungtynes She doesn't feel like working on the computer Ki nenori dirbti kompiuteriu.

Gerundijus yra vartojamas po šių frazių; afraid of angry about/at bad at good at clever at crazy about disappointed about/at excited about famous for fed up with fond of glad about happy about/at be interested in keen on proud of sorry about/for tired of used to

bijoti piktas geras blogas protingas pamišęs nusiminęs

They are afraid of losing the match. Pat is angry about walking in the rain. John is good at working in the garden.

He is clever at skateboarding. The girl is crazy about playing tennis. He is disappointed about seeing such a bad report. susijaudinęs We are excited about making our own film. įžymus Sandy is famous for singing songs. nusibosti I'm fed up with being treated as a child. mėgti Hannah is fond of going to parties. patenkintas She is glad about getting married again. laimingas The children are not happy about seeing a doctor. domėtis Are you interested in writing poems? labai mėgti Joe is keen on drawing. didžiuotis She is proud of riding a snowboard. apgailestauti He's sorry for eating in the lesson. pavargęs I'm tired of waiting for you. pripratęs She is used to smoking.

Gerundijus po daiktavardžių advantage of chance of

pranašumas proga

What is the advantage of farming over hunting? There's a chance of catching a cold these days.

22 tema

choice between danger of difficulty in


There's a choice between flying to London Heathrow or Stansted. pavojus Peggy is in danger of making a mistake. sunkumas He has difficulty in sending SMS. abejonė He is in doubt about buying the correct software for his doubt about computer system. hope of viltis There's little hope of catching Schumacher's Ferrari. idea of idėja, mintis I like the idea of setting up a new email account. interest in susidomėjimas There's no interest in writing letters. method of priemonė This is a simple method of finding solutions. proga There's some opportunity of bringing her parents together opportunity of again. possibility of galimybė These new wheels offer the possibility of riding tubeless. problem of problema He has the problem of swimming too slow. reason for priežastis There's a real reason for winning the contest. risk of rizika There's a risk of digging too deep. problema, trouble for He was in trouble for stealing. bėdos way of būdas This is a new way of building a wall. 1. Pratimas Pavartokite Future continuous laiką: 1. She……………….. (work) for at least another two hours. 2. When we return the baby ……………….. (sleep). 3. At half past ten I ……………….. (have) a bath. 4. Jack ……………….. (read) the whole afternoon. 5. When your train arrives I ……………….. (wait) at the station. 6. This time tomorrow we ……………….. (play) tennis. 7. At six o’clock on Saturday Rose ……………….. (watch) TV. 8. This time next week I ……………….. (work) in my office. 9. We ……………….. (camp) in the mountains all next week. 10. At five the family ……………….. (have) tea. 11. I ……………….. (wait) for you on Sunday. 12. In two hours I ……………….. (sit) in the bus. 13. This time next week they ……………….. (lie) on the beach. 14. When you come back from the cinema we ……………….. (have) supper. 2. Pratimas Įrašykite of, about, at, for, up, in, on, to 1. He is disappointed …………. seeing bad exam results.

22 tema

2. We are excited …………… going abroaad. 3. John is good………….. making things from wood. 4. Hannah is fond …………… going to parties. 5. She is glad …………… getting married again. 6. They are afraid ………….. losing the match. 7. Jim is angry …………….. walking in the rain. 8. He is clever …………. skateboarding. 9. The girl is crazy ………….. playing tennis. 10. Sandy is famous ………….. singing songs. 11. I'm fed …………… with being treated as a child. 12. The children are not happy…………. seeing a doctor. 13. Joe is keen ………….. playing football. 14. She is proud …………… being famous. 15. I'm tired …………… waiting for you. 16. She is used…………. living alone. 17. He's sorry …………. being late. 18. Are you interested ……………. collecting post stamps? 19. They are afraid ………….. failing a test. 20. Jim is angry …………….. not going on holiday. 3. Pratimas. Įrašykite of, between, in, about, in, for 1. He has difficulty……………… learning languages. 2. There's a chance ……………. meeting him outside. 3. I like the idea ……………… setting up a new e-mail account. 4. There's some opportunity …………… solving the problem 5. There's little hope …………….. winning the match 6. He has the problem …………… learning too slow. 7. There's no interest………………… writing letters. 8. There's a real reason ………………. winning the game. 9. There's a risk ………………climbing high in the mountains. 10. Tim is in danger …………… falling down from the cliff. 11. What is the advantage ……………. writing e-mails to letters? 12. There's a choice ……………… flying to London Heathrow or Stansted. 13. He is in doubt ………….. buying the correct software for his computer system. 14. This is another way ………………… fixing the car. 15. He gave us a simple method ……………… solving a problem. 16. Tom was in trouble …………………. not coming to school. 17. He has difficulty……………… running very fast. 18. There's a chance ……………. passing the test. 19. I like the idea ……………… going on holiday to the mountains 20. There's a good opportunity …………… winning the match.

22 tema

4. PRATIMAS Įrašykite about, like, of (3 kartus) with, for, at, to, on 1) My friend is good …………. playing volleyball. 2) She complains………… bullying. 3) They are afraid ……………… losing the match. 4) She doesn't feel ………….. working on the computer. 5) We are looking forward …………… going out at the weekend. 6) Laura dreams ………….. living on a small island. 7) Andrew apologized ……………. being late. 8) Do you agree …………….. staying in a foreign country?

Žodynėlis adventures barbecue party beef begin bottle bring chatter chocolate clean coal dessert excited firewood flammable grill grilled hurry husband impressions

nuotykiai invite mėsos kepimo ant liquid laužo vakarėlis neighbor jautiena orange pradėti outside butelis party atnešti picnic plepėti pie šokoladas piece išvalyti plenty angles prepare desertas promise susijaudinęs round malkos salad degus salmon grilis Saturday keptas ant grilio steak skubėti vegetables vyras vegetarian įspūdžiai

pakviesti skystis kaimynas apelsinas lauke vakarėlis piknikas pyragas gabalėlis daug paruošti pažadėti aplink salotos lašiša šeštadienis kepsnys daržovės vegetaras

23 tema


Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann:

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. I’d like to report a burglary. Yes, when and where did it happen? It happened at my home at Kingston Road 5, at night or early this morning. I woke up at about 9 o’clock and noticed that my house was broken into. Was anything valuable stolen? Yes, the thieve stole a lot of jewelry from the safe that was in the living room. How did he open the safe? I left the key in the drawer and he found it. What I pity. You should never leave the key in the place where in could be found easily. So what jewelry was stolen? A golden necklace, diamond ring, silver earrings and a bracelet with precious stones. Did the thieve take any money? Yes, in the safe there was about 1000 pounds in cash and bank credit cards. The thieve took absolutely everything. Did you call the bank to block your credit card? Yes, I did. Thanks God the burglar did not take any money from my bank account. OK. Was anything more stolen except the jewelry? Yes, some other things from my living room were stolen. A camera, mobile phone and a CD player.

23 tema

Police officer: Ann: Police officer: Ann: Police officer:

Ann: Police officer: Ann:

Police officer:


As far as I see you suffered a lot of damages. Could you calculate approximately the worth of all these things? Yes, it amounts to 4500 pounds. Do you suspect anyone who could have committed the crime? Actually, no. We’ll send some experts to examine your house. Maybe the thieve left some handprints or anything else that could help to identify the criminal. Didn’t you notice any marks that could help to solve the crime? He left rubber gloves on the floor and some metal instruments. Possibly he used them for breaking into the house. Yeah, it’s a good thing. Maybe it will help in our investigation. How did he enter into the house? I mean, through the door, window… First of all I think he tried to open the window because the frame of the window is damaged. But he didn’t succeed so he finally smashed the window with a stone or a brick and got into the house. By the way I noticed a few drops of blood. He might have cut himself going through the broken window. That information could be really very valuable. If the thieve and his DNR are on our list I expect he could be found very easily. Thank you very much, madam, we are sending an expert team immediately at your house and we will inform you about the investigation as soon as we have any results. By the way, you shouldn’t have come, you could have made a telephone call and we would have arrived immediately. We have to examine the crime place anyway. Yes, I understand it now. After a few days a phone call from the police.

Police officer: Ann: Police officer:

Ann: Police officer:

Good morning. Is it madam Ann Jenkins? Yes, it’s me. We are calling from the police station and we want to inform you that we’ve got some good news. A burglar has been identified and your stolen items were taken back. You can come to the police station to collect them at any time. Your detailed description of the burglary really helped us a lot. Thank you very much. Don’t mention it.

POLICIJOS NUOVADOJE Ana: Laba diena. Policijos pareigūnas. Laba diena.

23 tema

Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas. Ana Policijos pareigūnas.

Ana: Policijos pareigūnas. Ana:

Policijos pareigūnas.

Aš norėčiau pranešti apie vagystę. Taip, kaip ir kur tai vyko? Tai įvyko mano namuose Kingstono Kelyje 5, naktį ar šio ryto pradžioje. Aš pabudau apytiksliai devintą valandą ir pastebėjau, kad į mano namą kažkas įsilaužė. Ar kažkas vertinga pavogta? Taip, vagis pavogė daug papuošalų iš seifo, kuris buvo svetainėje. Kaip jis atidarė seifą? Aš palikau raktą stalčiuje, ir jis surado jį. Kaip gaila. Jūs neturėtumėte niekada palikti rakto vietoje, kur jis gali būti lengvai surastas. Taip, kokie papuošalai buvo pavogti? Auksinis vėrinys, žiedas su deimantu, sidabriniai auskarai ir apyrankė su brangakmeniais. Ar vagis paėmė pinigų? Taip, seife buvo apytiksliai 1000 svarų grynaisiais ir banko kreditinės kortelės. Vagis paėmė absoliučiai viską. Ar Jūs kreipėtės į banką, kad užblokuotų jūsų kreditinę kortelę? Taip, aš tai padariau. Ačiū Dievui įsilaužėlis nepaėmė pinigų iš mano banko sąskaitos. Gerai. Ar dar kažkas buvo daugiau pavogta išskyrus papuošalus? Taip, Kai kurie kiti daiktai iš mano svetainės buvo pavogti. Fotoaparatas, mobilaus ryšio telefonas ir kompaktinių diskų grotuvas. Kaip matau, kad jūs patyrėte daug nuostolių. Galbūt galėtumėte apskaičiuoti visų daiktų apytikrę vertę? Taip, tai sudaro apie 4500 svarų. Gal Jūs įtariate ką nors padarius šį nusikaltimą? Iš tikrųjų, ne. Mes nusiųsime ekspertus ištirti jūsų namą. Galbūt vagis paliko pirštų antspaudus ar kažką kita, kas galėtų padėti nustatyti nusikaltėlį. Ar nepastebėjote jokių žymių, kurios galėtų padėti atskleisti nusikaltimą? Jis paliko gumines pirštines ant grindų ir keletą metalinių instrumentų. Galbūt jis panaudojo juos tam, kad įsilaužtų į namą. Taip, tai gerai. Galbūt tai padės tyrime. Kaip jis įsilaužė į namą? Aš turiu galvoje, per duris, langą … Visų pirma, aš manau, kad jis pabandė atidaryti langą, nes lango rėmas yra sugadintas. Bet jam nepasisekė, tad jis galiausiai išdaužė langą su akmeniu ar plyta ir įėjo į namą. Tarp kitko, aš pastebėjau kelis kraujo lašus. Jis galbūt įsipjovė lipamas per sudaužytą langą. Ši informacija gali būti iš tikrųjų labai vertinga. Jei vagis ir jo DNR bus mūsų sąraše, aš tikuosi, kad jis gali būti surastas labai lengvai. Labai jums ačiū, ponia, mes siunčiame ekpertų komandą nedelsiant į jūsų namus, ir mes informuosime jus apie tyrimą, kai tik turėsime kokius nors rezultatus. Beje, jūs neprivalėjote atvykti, galėjote tiesiog paskambinti telefonu, ir mes būtume atvykę

23 tema

nedelsiant. Mes turime ištirti nusikaltimo vietą bet kokiu atveju Taip, aš suprantu tai dabar.


Po kelių dienų pokalbis telefonu iš policijos. Policijos pareigūnas. Ana: Policijos pareigūnas.

Labas rytas. Yra tai ponia Ana Jenkins Taip, tai aš. Mes skambiname iš policijos skyriaus, ir norime informuoti jus, kad mes turime gerų žinių. Įsilaužėlis buvo atpažintas, o jūsų pavogti dalykai buvo grąžinti. Jūs galite atvykti į policijos skyrių, ir pasiimti juos bet kuriuo metu. Jūsų išsamus įsilaužiamosios vagystės apibūdinimas iš tikrųjų mums labai padėjo. Ana: Labai jums ačiū. Policijos pareigūnas. Nėra už ką.

Gerundijus po veiksmažodžių admit avoid carry on consider delay deny dislike


pripažinti vengti tęsti svarstyti uždelsti neigti nemėgti negalėti susilaikyti mėgautis baigti mesti, atsisakyti įsivaizduoti



involve justify keep (on) mention mind miss practise regret

apimti pateisinti tęsti paminėti neprieštarauti pasiilgti treniruotis apgailestauti

can't help enjoy finish give up

He admitted having driven too fast. They avoid going on holiday on Saturdays. If we carry on sleeping so badly, we may need help. Ralph is considering buying a new house. I delayed telling Max the news. She denies reading the book. We dislike reading poems. He couldn't help falling in love with her. I enjoy playing chess. They finished working in the garden. Susan gives up playing ice-hockey. He imagined driving a new car. Your responsibility includes taking reservations on the phone. The project will involve growing plants. I cannot justify paying $100 for this ticket. They keep on running. Did Alex ever mention playing baseball? I don't mind sleeping on the couch. They miss playing with their friends. She practised playing hockey. Do you regret having mentioned it?

23 tema

risk suggest

rizikuoti pasiūlyti

You risk catching a cold. She suggested flying to Cairo.

Gerundijus naudojamas po šių frazių to be busy būti užsiėmusiam He is busy reading the paper. negalėti couldn't help She couldn't help eating another apple. susilaikyti don't mind neprieštarauti I don't mind telling them my opinion. feel like norėti We feel like having a cup of tea. How about walking home instead of taking the how about ar norėtum ? car? it's no use nėra prasmės It's no use talking to the headmaster. spend one's time praleisti laiką They spend their time reading. there's no point nėra prasmės There's no point in complaining further. what about ar norėtum ? What about going to the zoo? worth verta The book is worth reading.

Bendraties vartojimas Bendratis vartojama po šių žodžių: agree want decide hope learn forget promise would like

We agreed to meet at 6 o’clock I want to go to the cinema I decided to stay at home I hope to pass my exam I am learning to drive a car I forgot to bring the books to school. She promised to arrive at 5 o’clock. I would like to go to the cinema.

Bendratis be to vartojama po modalinių veiksmažodžių. can could may might must mustn't needn't

He can run very fast. As a boy he could run very fast. I may fly to Africa this summer. I might fly to Africa this summer. I must go now. You mustn't smoke here. You needn't go.

23 tema

shall should will would

We shall sing a song. We should sing a song. She will cook a meal for his birthday. She would cook a meal for his birthday.

Gerundijus arba bendratis su to vartojami po šių veiksmažodžių: begin continue start

He began talking. He began to talk. They continue smoking. They continue to smoke. They start singing. They start to sing.

1. Pratimas Pasirinkite teisingą variantą. 1. He is busy (read/reading) the paper. 2. She couldn't help (to eat/eating) another apple. 3. I don't mind (telling/tell) them my opinion. 4. I decided (stay/to stay/staying) at home 5. I hope(pass, passing, to pass) my exam 6. I am learning (drive, driving, to drive) a car 7. I forgot (bring/to bring/bringing) the books to school. 8. We feel like (have/having) a cup of tea. 9. How about (walk/walking) home instead of taking the car? 10. We agreed (meet/meeting/to meet) at 6 o’clock 11. I want (go, going, to go) to he cinema 12. She promised (arrive/to arrive/arriving) at 5 o’clock. 13. I would like (go/ going/ to go) to the cinema. 14. It's no use (talk/talking) to the headmaster. 15. They spend their time (read/reading). 16. There's no point in (complain/complaining) further. 17. What about (to/going) to the zoo? 18. The book is worth (to read/reading). 19. He began (to talk/talking.) 20. They start (sing/to sing). 2. Pratimas

23 tema

Pasirinkite teisingą variantą 1. He can (run, running) very fast. 2. Susan gives up (play/to play/playing) ice-hockey. 3. He imagined (drive/to drive/driving) a new car. 4. As a boy he could (run, to run, running) very fast. 5. I may (fly, to fly, flying) to Africa this summer. 6. They miss (play/to play/playing) with their friends. 7. She practised (play/to play/playing) hockey. 8. Do you regret (have/to have/having) mentioned it? 9. I might (fly/ to fly/ flying) to Africa this summer. 10. I must (go/ going) now. 11. You needn't (go/to go/going). 12. Did Alex ever mention (play/ to play/playing) baseball? 13. I don't mind (to sleep/sleep/sleeping) on the couch. 14. We agreed (to meet/ meet/ meeting) at 6 o’clock 15. I want (go/ to go/ going) to the cinema 16. They keep on (run/to run/running). 17. I decided (to stay/ stay/ staying) at home 18. I cannot justify (pay/to pay/paying) $100 for this ticket. 19. I hope (pass/to pass/passing) my exam 20. I am learning (drive/to drive/driving) a car. 3. Pratimas Pasirinkite teisingą variantą 1. Your responsibility includes (take/to take/taking) reservations on the phone. 2. I forgot (to bring/bringing/bring) the books to school. 3. She promised (to arrive/arrive/arriving) at 5 o’clock. 4. I would like (to go/go/going) to the cinema. 5. Can I (go/to go/going) to the cinema tomorrow? 6. The project will involve (grow, to grow/growing) plants. 7. They avoid (go/to go/going) on holiday on Saturdays. 8. I need (buy/to buy/buying) some milk. 9. If we carry on (sleep/sleeping) so badly, we may need help. 10. Ralph is considering (buy/buying) a new house. 11. I‘d like (to drink/drink/drinking) a cup of coffee. 12. She denies (read/reading) the book. 13. We dislike (read/reading) poems. 14. I wouldn‘t like (to read, read, reading) that poem. 15. He couldn't help (fall/to fall/falling) in love with her. 16. I enjoy (play/ to play/playing) chess. 17. They finished (work/working) in the garden. 18. I don‘t want (to go/go/goiing) out. 19. You risk (catch/to catch/catching) a cold. 20. She suggested (fly/to fly/flying) to Cairo.

23 tema

4. Pratimas Pasirinkite teisingą variantą 1. We agreed (have/to have/having) dinner at 6 o’clock 2. I want (visit, visiting, to visit) my friends this evening. 3. She promised (come/to come/coming) at 5 o’clock. 4. I would like (watch/ watching/ to watch) this film.. 5. It's no use (argue/argueing).. 6. There's no point in (visiting/visit) that place twice. 7. What about (to/going) to the cinema? 8. The book is worth (to buy/buying). 9. He began (run/running.) 10. They started (speak/to to speak). 11. He can (speak/ speaking) English very well. 12. Susan gave up (smoke/to smoke/smoking). 13. I may (go, to go, going) to England this summer. 14. She practised (play/to play/playing) the violin. 15. Do you regret (meet/to meet/meeting) him ? 5. Pratimas Pasirinkite teisingą variantą 1. If we carry on (study/studying) so badly, we will not pass the test. 2. I‘d like (to drink/drink/drinking) a cup of tea. 3. She denies (steal/stealing) the money. 4. I wouldn‘t like (to watch, watch, watching) that film. 5. I forgot (to take/taking/take) the books to school. 6. I would like (to meet/meet/meeting) Ann. 7. May I (go/to go/going) to the theatre tomorrow? 8. The project will involve (visit/ to visit/visiting) many countries. 9. They avoid (stay/to stay/staying) after school 10. I need (buy/to buy/buying) some apples. 11. Tom is considering (buy/buying) a new car. 12. We dislike (play/playing) football. 13. He couldn't help (laugh/to laugh/laughing). 14. I enjoy (play/ to play/playing) golf. 15. They finished (work/working) at home 16. The girls insisted …………. going out with Kerry 17. Edward thinks ………….. climbing trees this afternoon

23 tema

Žodynėlis absolutely account amount approximately arrive block blood bracelet brick burglar burglary calculate cash commit criminal damage damages description detailed diamond door drawer drops earrings easily examine except expect expert far few floor

visiškai sąskaita prilygti, siekti maždaug atvykti užblokuoti kraujas apyrankė plyta įsilaužėlis įsilaužiamoji vagystė apskaičiuoti grynieji pinigai įvykdyti (nusikaltimą) nusikaltėlis sugadinti, sužaloti nuostoliai apibūdinimas detalus, smulkus deimantinis durys stalčius lašai auskarai lengvai ištirti išskyrus tikėtis ekspertas toli keletas grindys

found frame gloves gold handprint identify immediately investigation items mention necklace notice pity precious report ring rubber safe see smash stolen stone succeed suffer suspect solve a crime through used valuable

rastas rėmai pirštinės auksinis pirštų antspaudas nustatyti tuoj pat, skubiai tyrimas daiktai paminėti vėrinys pastebėti gaila brangus pranešti žiedas guma seifas matyti sudaužyti pavogtas akmuo pasisekti kentėti, patirti (nuostolius) įtarti atskleisti nusikaltimą per naudojamas vertingas

23 tema

admire adventures beach believe better boat bought breakfast breeze brilliantly building busy coat complete crackers cross defend degree delicious department destination different dinner early eat enjoy envelope experiences fax ferry fine food forget forwards fresh fruit fun gain Germany gift glasses grapefruit grapes green gym hair

žavėtis nuotykiai paplūdymys tikėti geresnis valtis nupirko pusryčiai vëjelis puikiai pastatas užsiėmęs paltas pabaigti sausainiai perkirsti (gatvę) apginti laipsnis skanus skyrius, departamentas vieta, tikslas skirtingas pietūs anksti valgyti mėgautis vokas įspūdžiai faksas, siųsti faksu keltas puiku maistas pamiršti į priekį šviežias vaisius linksmas priaugti Vokietija dovana akiniai greipfrutas vynuogės žalias sporto salė plaukai

hall hate head healthy hear helpful hope hot hour incredible introduce invitation Japan juicy just keep kids language last learn letter lock look loudly lucky marketing mind: don‘t mind mirror Monday mostly movie noise noodle nut office often orange outside over paella party peache people pineapple polite pot

salė, vestibiulis nekęsti galva, vykti į sveikas girdėti paslaugus tikėtis karšta valanda neįtikėtina pristatyti pakvietimas Japonija sultingas tik laikyti vaikai kalba tęstis mokintis laiškas užrakinti žiūrėti, atrodyti garsiai laimingas rinkodara neprieštarauti veidrodis pirmadienis daugiausia filmas triukšmas makaronai riešutas biuras dažnai apelsinas lauke virš paela pobūvis persikas žmonės ananasas mandagus puodas

pour quiet quite really relax rest scarf seem serve several shave shine sightseeing since skirt small software spend spring staff stamp still such summer swim talk tasty taught temperature terrible than touch tour trip try tulips twice usually violin wake walk warm watermelon waves wear weather

pilti ramus gana iš tiktųjų atsipalaiduoti poilsis, ilsėtis šalikas atrodyti pateikti keletas skustis šviesti įžymybių apžiūrėjimas nuo sijonas mažas programinė įranga išleisti pavasaris personalas pašto ženklas dar, vis toks vasara plaukti kalbėti skanus išmokė temperatūra baisus negu paliest turas, kelionė kelionė, ekskursija pabandyti tulpės du kartus paprastai smuikas pabusti pasivaikščiojimas šiltas arbūzas bangos dėvėti oras



24 tema


Tom and Ann are talking about the weather Tom: Ann:

Tom: Ann: Tom: Ann:

Tom: Ann:

What a wonderful day! The sun is shining and the light breeze is blowing. Yes, I agree. It’s so nice to spend some time outside and enjoy beautiful weather. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to go to the countryside this weekend. We could go for a walk in the forest, make a barbecue in the backyard. Yes, but I suppose we should read the weather forecast for this weekend. I heard the weather could be cloudy and stormy. O.K. Let’s take a look at the newspaper. It says the temperature on Friday will be around 15-17 degrees, but it will be windy and cloudy. In some areas light drizzle is probable. What about Saturday and Sunday. Just a minute. On Saturday the weather will get a little bit warmer – 16-18 degrees. In some areas there will be sunshine. In the mornings the mist is likely. On Sunday the temperature will be the same but the sky will be clear clear. That’s O.K. I hate drizzly weather. But in any case we could visit our neighbors and have a good chat. I haven’t seen them for a month. Yes, I expect will we have a good time.

Tomas ir Ana Kalba apie orą.

24 tema

Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana: Tomas: Ana:

Kokia puiki diena! Saulė šviečia ir pučia lengvas vėjelis. Taip, sutinku. Puiku leisti laiką lauke ir mėgautis gražiu oru. Ar nemanai, kad būtų gera mintis nuvykti į kaimą šį savaitgalį. Mes galėtume nueiti pasivaikščioti į mišką, kieme išsikepti mėsos. Taip, bet manau, kad turėtume paskaityti oro prognozę šiam savaitgaliui. Girdėjau, oras gali būti debesuotas ir audringas. Gerai. Pažiūrėkime į laikraštį. Parašyta, jog temperatūra penktadienį bus apie 15-17 laipsnių, bet bus vėjuota ir debesuota. Kai kuriose vietovėse galima dulksna. O kaip šeštadienį ir sekmadienį? Palauk minutėlę. Šeštadienį oras šiek tiek atšils – 16-18 laipsnių. Vietomis bus saulėta. Rytais tikėtina, jog bus rūkas. Sekmadienį temperatūra bus tokia pat, bes dangus bus giedras. Gerai. Nekenčiu darganoto oro. Bet bet kokiu atveju mes galėtume aplankyti savo kaimynus ir gerai paplepėti. Aš jų nemačiau jau mėnesį. Taip. Manau mes gerai praleisime laiką.

Būdvardžiai apibūdintys orą

The sun is shining

It's drizzling

The wind is blowing

It's raining (The rain is falling.)

It's hailing

It's pouring (The rain is pouring down.)

24 tema

It's snowing (The snow is falling.)

It's thundering

Sweltering = It's sweltering. or It's a sweltering day.

Freezing = It's freezing. or It's a freezing day.

Warm = It's warn. or It's a warm day.

Cold = It's cold. or It's a cold day.

Sunny = It's sunny. or It's a sunny day.

Cloudy = It's cloudy. or It's a cloudy day.

Clear = It's clear. or It's a clear day.

Stormy = It's stormy. or It's a stormy day.

Misty = It's misty. or It's a misty day.

Foggy = It's foggy. or It's a foggy day.

Breezy = It's breezy. or It's a breezy day

Windy = It's windy. or It's a windy day.

24 tema

Showery = It's showery. or It's a showery day.

Frosty = It's frosty. or It's a frosty day.

Rainy = It's rainy. or It's a rainy day.

Snowy = It's snowy. or It's a snowy day.

Icy = It's icy. or It's an icy day.

Drizzly = It's drizzly. or It's a drizzly day.

. Dry = It's dry. or It's a dry day.

Wet = It's wet. or It's a wet day.

25 tema

Conditionals Type 2 Sąlygos sakiniai tipas 2 Antro tipo sąlygos sakiniai išreiškia nerealią galimybę, jog kažkas gali įvykti, esant tam tikrom aplinkybėm. Kaip ir pirmo tipo sąlygos sakinuose mes kalbame apie ateitį, tačiau skirtumas yra tas, jog sąlyga yra nereali. IF condition



past simple

WOULD + base verb (bendratis)

I won the lottery Jei laimėčiau loterjoje

I would buy a car. nusipirkčiau automobilį.

Dar keletas pavyzdžių: IF



past simple

WOULD + base verb

If Jeigu

I married Mary vesčiau Mariją

I would be happy. būčiau laimingas.

If Jei

Tom became rich Tomas taptų turtingas

she would marry him. ji ištekėtų už jo.

If Jei

it snowed this July snigtų šią liepą.

would you be surprised? ar būtum nustebęs?

If Jei

I had a lot of money turėčiau daug pinigų

I would buy a car. nusipirkčiau automobilį.


IF condition

WOULD + base verb

past simple

I would be happy


I married Mary.

She would marry Ram


he became rich.

25 tema

Would you be surprised


it snowed next July?

What would you do


it snowed next July?

Galime vartoti should, could arba might vietoj would, pavyzdžiui: If I won a million dollars, I could stop working. (Jei laimėčiau milioną dolerių, galėčiau mesti darbą) Vietoj if…not galima vartoti unless. You will fail your test if you don’t study hard. You will fail your test unless you study. (Tu neišlaikysi testo nebent daug studijuosi). 1. Pratimas. Pavartokite pirmo arba antro tipo sąlygos sakinių tinkamas veiksmažodžių formas. 1. If you put on the kettle I ………………….(make) the tea. 2. What…… ………………(do) if you found a burglar in your house? 3. I could tell you what this means if I ……………….(know) Greek. 4. If you give my dog a bone he …………….(bury) it at once. 5. If he …………….(go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says. 6. If everybody ……………..(give) $1 we would have enough. 7. He might get fat if he …………….(stop) smoking. 8. If you …………….. (speak) more slowly he could understand you. 9. Unless he ……………. (sell) more he won’t get much commission. 10. We’ll have to more upstairs if the river …………..(rise) any higher 11. If he .…………(work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow? 12. If we had more rain our crops ……………. (grow) faster. 13. If we leave the car here it ………………..(not be) in anybody’s way. 14. He’ll be late for the train if he ……………….(not start) at once. 15. If you come late they ……………….(not let) you in. 16. If I lend you $10 when ……………….(you repay) me? 17. If he knew that it was dangerous he ……………..(not come). 18. If you …………….(see) someone drowning what would you do? 19. If he …………(come) before 6 we could come to the train station on time. 20. Wtat would you do if you ………………… (catch) a lot of fish? 2. Pratimas. Pavartokite pirmo arba antro tipo sąlygos sakinių tinkamas veiksmažodžių formas. 1. ……………….(be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for. 2. If you slept under a mosquito net you …………..(not be) bitten so often. 3. I could get a job easily if I ………….. (have) a degree

25 tema

4. 5. 6. 7.

If she …………. (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice. If you ……………. (not like) this one I’ll bring you another. I’d go and see him more often if he …………. (live) on a bus route. If they ………. (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches there might be less violence. 8. If you ………. (be) a good boy I would take you to the cinema. 9. Unless you are more careful you ……………. (have) an accident 10. I …………. (keep) a horse if I could afford it. 11. Tell him to ring me up if you …………. (see) him. 12. If he …………. (like) the house will he buy it? 13. I ……….(offer) to help if I thought I’d be any use. 14. What would you do if the lift ……….(get) stuck between two floors? 15. If you ………….. (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter. 16. If you sit down I …………. (make) enquiries for you. 17. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you ………….. (spend) those six weeks? 18. She won’t open the door unless she ………………. (know) who it is. 19. If I tell you a secret, ………………. (you promise) not to tell it to anyone else? 20. If you …………….. (not believe) what I say, ask your mother. 21. Unless I have a quiet room I …………. (not be able) to do any work. 22. If you ……………. (change) your job would it affect your pension? 23. If you ………….. (study) at university what would you choose? 24. If you …………. (not study) hard you won’t be able to pass the test. 25. If he ……. (come) to me we will go to the cinema.

Žodynėlis backyard barbecue case chat degrees drizzle drizzly forecast likely

vidinis kiemas kepti mėsą ant laužo atvejis pokalbis, plepėti laipsniai dulksna dulksnotas prognozė tikėtina

affect afford ban bite

paveikti įstengti (nusipirkti) uždrausti įkąsti

neighbors probable shine sky stormy sunshine suppose temperature weather

kaimynai galimas šviesti dangus audringas šviečianti saulė manyti temperatūra oras

25 tema

bone brighter bring burglar bury commission degree differently drown enough enquiries higher kettle less lie match mosquito offer quiet quite repay rise route ruined stuck unless upstairs violence

kaulas ryškesnis atnešti įsilaužėlis palaidoti, užkasti komisiniai laipsnis skirtingai skęsti pakankamai pasiteiravimai, paklausimai aukščiau virdulys mažiau melas, gulėti degtukas, rungtynės uodas pasiūlyti tylus, ramus pakankamai sumokėti atgal kilti maršrutas sugriautas, sužlugtytas įstrigęs nebent laiptais aukštyn smurtas


Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist:

Good morning. I’d like to report an emergency. What happened? There is a fire in opposite my house. The house is on fire. The address is Baker’s Street 19. OK. We are sending the fire engine to that place. Would you please describe what you can see? Can you see just smoke or smoke and flames? There is a lot of smoke coming out of the house. I can’t see any flames. I don’t have a very good view of the house because there is a tree in front of me. Do you know the people living there? Might there be some children or elderly people inside? I don’t know. I just moved into my house a month ago. Are you sure that the house is on fire but not the shed, grass or other things? It looks like the house but I can’t see my neighbor’s back yard so I can’t say for sure. Yes, don’t hang up the phone. We need you in case we can’t find the way to the house. Is the traffic heavy towards the house? No there are hardly any cars. It won’t be a problem to reach the house. The fire engine will arrive in a few minutes. Could you please go over to the house and see what you see in detail, but have the phone with you and don’t hang it up.



Yes, the house seems to be empty, there are no people around I can’t see anyone inside. The smoke is coming through the kitchen window. Thanks a lot the fire brigade has just reached the house. It will put the fire out immediately. Thank you for your help. Not at all.


Labas rytas. Norėčiau pranešti apie nepaprastąją padėtį.

Receptionist: Tom:

Kas atsitiko? Priešais mano namus gaisras.Dega namas. Adresas yra Baker Street 19.


Gerai. Mes siunčiame gaisrinės automobilį į vietą. Ar galite apibūdinti, ką matote? Ar matote tik dūmus arba dūmus ir liepsną? Daug dūmų kyla iš namo. Aš nematau liepsnos. Negaliu labai gerai matyti namo, nes ten priešais mane yra medis. Ar pažįstate, ten gyvenančius žmones? Ar gali būti vaikamų ar pagyvenusių žmonių viduje? Nežinau. Aš ką tik persikėliau į savo namus prieš mėnesį Ar esate tikras, kad dega namas, bet ne pašiūrė, žolė ar dar as nors? Atrodo, kad namas, tačiau aš nematau kaimyno vidinio kiemo, todėl aš negaliu tvirtai to teigti. Taip, nedėkite telefono ragelio Mums reikia jūsų jei mes negalėsime rasti kelio į namus. Ar eismas intensyvus? Ne beveik visai nėra automobilių. Nebus problemų, pasiekti namus. Gaisrinė atvyks per keletą minučių. Gal galėtumėte nueit link namų ir pažiūrėti, ką matote, išsamiai, tačiau nenutraukite telefoninio pokalbio Taip, namas atrodo tuščias, žmonių aplink nėra, nematau nieko ir viduje. Dūmai eina per virtuvės langą. Ačiū, ugniagesių komanda ką tik pasiekė namą. Gaisras tuoj bus užgesintas. Dėkoju už pagalbą. Nėra už ką. Not at all.


Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom: Receptionist: Tom:

Sąlygos sakiniai, tipas 3 Conditionals Type 3 Sudarymas [If ... Past Perfect..., ... would have + past participle (būtojo laiko dalyvis) [... would have + past participle ... if ... Past Perfect ...] Past Perfect sudaromas iš had + veiksmažodžio 3 formos Būtojo laiko dalyvis sutampa su veiksmažodžio 3 forma Šią konstrukciją mes vartojme kai kalbama apie nerealią praeities situaciją.

If I had owned a car, I would have driven to work. But I didn't own one, so I took the bus. (Jeigu būčiau turėjęs automobilį, būčiau vairavęs jį į darbą. Bet aš neturėjau, taigi važiavau autobusu) She would have traveled around the world if she had had more money. But she didn't have much money, so she never traveled. (Ji būtų keliavusi aplink pasaulį, jei būtų turėjusi daug pinigų. Bet ji neturėjo daug pinigų ir niekada nekeliavo). I would have read more when I was a child if I hadn't watched so much TV. (Aš būčia daugiau skaitęs, kai buvau vaikas, jei nebūčiau žiūrėjęs tiek daug TV) Mary would have got the job in Japan if she had studied Japanese in school. (Mary būtų gavusi darbą Japonijoje, jei būtų studijavusi japonų kalbą mokykloje) If Tom had worked harder, he would have earned more money. (Jei Tomas būtų daugiau dirbęs, jis būtų uždirbęs daugiau pinigų) : What would you have done if you had won the lottery last week?(Ką tu būtum daręs, jei būtum laimėjęs loteriją praitą savaitę?) would have gali kaitaliotis su could have, should have, might have ir t.t. : If I had gone to Egypt, I could have learned Arabic. (Jei būčiau išvykęs I Egiptą, būčiau galėjęs išmokti kalbėti arabiškai) If she had had time, she might have gone to the party. (Jei ji būtų turėjusi laiko, ji būtų galėjusi ateiti į pobūvį) 1. PRATIMAS. Pavartokite tinkamą laiko formą. 1. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I ……………………….. (not lend) him the 2. money. 3. If you …………….(not sneeze) he wouldn’t have known that we were there. 4. If you …………….(put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better. 5. The hens ………………(not get) into the house if you had shut the door. 6. If he had known that the river was dangerous he ………………(not try) to swim across it. 7. If he had known the whole story he ………………..(not be) so angry. 8. If I …………. (try) again I think that I would have succeeded. 9. You …………………. (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions 10. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you ………………… (remove) that screw. 11. If you hadn’t been in such a hurry you …………. (not put) sugar into the sauce 12. If she had listened to my directions she …………………..….(not turn) down the wrong street. 13. She had a headache; otherwise she ………………..…….. (come) with us.

14. You wouldn’t have so much trouble with your car if you ……………. (have) it serviced regularly. 15. You ……………. (save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where to look for answer 2. Pratimas. Pavartokite sąlygos sakinių 1,2,3 tipo tinkamas formas. 1. Should you require anything else please …………. (ring) the bell for the attendant. 2. I’d climb over the wall if there …………….. (not be) so much broken glass on top of it. 3. If you ………….. (find) a skeleton in the cellar don’t mention it to anyone. 4. If you pass your examination we ……………. (have) a celebration. 5. What …………… (happen) if I press this button? 6. If you go to Paris where …………….. (you/stay)? 7. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which ……………. (you/choose)? 8. The flight may be cancelled if the fog ……………. (get) thick. 9. If the milkman ……………… (come) tell him to leave two pints. 10. Someone ……………. (sit) on your glasses if you leave them there. 11. You would play better bridge if you …………….. (not talk) so much. 12. What ……………. (you/do) if you heard the burglar alarm? 13. If you …………….. (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question. 14. I could repair the roof myself if I ……………. (have) a long ladder. 15. Unless they turn that radio off I …………. (go) mad. 16. If you were made redundant what …………..… (you/do)? 17. We’ll have a long way to walk if we ……….. (run) out to petrol here. 18. If you shake that bottle of port it ………………(not be) fit to drink. 19. I’ll probably get lost unless he ………….. (come) with me. 20. You ……………. (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly. 21. If you ………….. (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you. 22. If she ………….. (leave) the fish there the cat will get it. 23. Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road somebody ……………….(fall) into it. 24. You’ll get pneumonia if you …………..(not change) your wet clothes. 25. If I had known that you couldn’t eat octopus I …………….. (not buy) it. 26. If they ………….. (hang) that picture lower people would he able to see it. 27. She …………. (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn’t such high heels.

28. I …………….(bring) you some juice if I had known that you were thirsty. 29. If you had touched that electric cable you ……………(be) electrocuted. 30. If the story hadn’t been true the newspaper ……………..(not print) it. 31. I …………….(not buy) things on the installment system if I were you. 32. Dial 999 if you ………….(want) Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade. 33. You ……………..(not be) any use to me unless you learn to type. 34. If anyone attacked me, my dog ……………..(jump) at his throat

Žodynas A about absolutely access accident accident

account activity admire advantage adventures advertisement aerobics after afternoon again agree agree air-bag airconditioning allow along already also am amazing amount anniversary anniversary another another apartments

apie visiškai priėmimas avarija avarija, nelaimingas atsitikimas sąskaita veikla žavėtis pranašumas nuotykiai skelbimas aerobika po popietė vėl sutikti sutikti oro pagalvė oro kondicionavino įranga leisti išilgai jau taip pat iki pusiaudienio nuostabus prilygti, siekti sukaktuvės metinės kitas kitas apartamentai

apple approximately armchair armchair arrange arrange arrange arrive arrive as ask assignment at least at present atmosphere attention attic attractive average

obuolys maždaug fotelis fotelis suderinti, sutvarkyti suderinti suderinti, suorganizuoti atvykti atvykti kaip paprašyti užduotis proga dabar, šiuo metu atmosfera dėmesys palėpė patrauklus vidutinis

B bacon badge baggage baker's bakery balcony banana barbecue party bathroom bathroom beach

kiaulienos šoninė ženklelis bagažas kepykla kepykla, balkonas bananas mėsos kepimo ant laužo vakarėlis užuolaidos vonia paplūdimys

beach beans bear because bedroom bedside cabinet beef beef beefsteak beer beer begin begin bill biscuits block blood blood blow board boarding boiled bone book book booklet booklet books borrow both both both bottle bottle bouqet box box-office box-office bracelet

paplūdimys pupos nešti, gimdyti kadangi miegamasis pristatymas jautiena pradėti jautienos pjausnys alus alus pradėti butelis sąskaita sausainiai užblokuoti kraujas kraujas pūsti skydas, lenta įsėdimas virtas kaulas užsakyti užsakyti lankstinukas bukletas knygos skolintis abu abu kartu, abu butelis atnešti puokštė dėžė bilietų kasa bilietų kasa apyrankė

bread break breathe breed brick bridge bright bring bring, brought brochure brush built bun burglar burglary bush bushes but butter buy buy

C cabbage cabinet cage calculate call camel camp can candle care carefully carpet carpet carrot carry

duona pertrauka kvėpuoti veislė plyta tiltas ryškus plepėti atnešti, atnešė brošiūra valyti pastatytas bandelė įsilaužėlis įsilaužiamoji vagystė krūmas krūmai bet sviestas pirkti pirkti

kopūstas spintelė narvas apskaičiuoti šaukti, skambinti kupranugaris stovyklauti galėti žvakė rūpinintis rūpestingai, atidžiai kilimas kilimas morka nešti

cart case case case cash cash cause causes cellar center century cereal certified chair change chatter cheaper check check check check-in cheese chemist‘s cherry chicken children chimney chips chocolate choice choice choice choose choose chores city clean

vežimėlis atvejis atvejis atvejis grynieji pinigai grynieji pinigai priežastis, sukelti pasekmės, padariniai rūsys centras amžius dribsniai certifikiotas, oficialus kėdė grąža šokoladas pigesnis patikrinti patikrinti patikrinti registravimas sūris vaistinė vyšnia viščiukas vaikai kaminas keptos buvytės išvalyti pasirinkimas pasirinkimas pasirinkimas pasirinkti pairinkti namų ruošos darbai miestas angles

clothes coal cocktail coffee colleague colleague collect collie come come comfortable comfortable commission commit

drabužiai desertas kokteilis kava kolega kolega surinkti, paimti koli (šuo) atvykti, ateiti ateiti patogus patogus komisiniai įvykdyti (nusikaltimą) compare palyginti conditions sąlygos conference konferencija congratulations sveikinimai consider apsvarstyti consumption suvartojimas contain talpinti (viduje) conveniences patogumai conveniences patogumai convenient patogus cooker viryklė corner kampas cost kainuoti cost kainuoti costumes kostiumai cottage trobelė cotton medvilnė cough kosėti could galėtų coupon kuponas course kursas, patiekalas coyotes kojotai criminal nusikaltėlis crop apkirpti cry verkti

cucumber cupboard currency curtains customers

agurkas spintelė valiuta nuolaida pirkėjai, klientai pjauti


D dairy products damage damages darts date daughter deal dealer decision decision definitely definitely degrees delicious delicious delicious deliver delivery describe description description description designed desk desk dessert dessert detailed

pieno produktai sugadinti, sužaloti nuostoliai smiginis data dukra sandėris atstovas, prekiautojas sprendimas sprendimas tikrai, neabejotinai tikrai laipsniai skanus skanus skanu pristatyti dvivietis aprašyti, apibūdinti aprašymas apibūdinimas apibūdinimas sukurtas suolas, stalas suolas susijaudinęs desertas detalus, smulkus

diamond diamonds difference dining room directory discount discount discount dish dish dish dishes distance do doctor dog dolphin dolphin door double double doubt doubt drawer drawer drinks driving license drops drugs during dust duties

E each early earrings easily eat effects

deimantinis deimantai skirtumas valgomasis katalogas kartu (su vonia) nuolaida nuolaida patiekalas patiekalas patiekalas patiekalai atstumas daryti gydytojas šuo delfinas delfinas durys papildomas dvivietis abejoti abejonė stalčius stalčius gėrimai vairuotojo pažymėjimas lašai narkotikai per, metu valyti dulkes pareigos

kiekvienas anksti auskarai lengvai valgyti pobeikis

elephant employee employer empty engine enjoy enjoy enjoy enough enough enquires en-suite envelope evening every exactly examine excellent excellent except except except exchange exchange excited expect expect expect expect expect expensive expensive experience experiences expert explain explosive extra extra

dramblys aprašymas darbdavys tuščias variklis mėgti mėgautis mėgautis pakankamai gana, pakankamai paklausimas įranga, patogumai vokas vakaras kiekvienas bruožai ištirti puikus puiku išskyrus išskyrus išskyrus pakeisti keisti malkos tikėtis tikėtis tikėtis tikėtis tikėtis brangus brangus patirtis patyrimai ekspertas paaiškinti sprogstamas papildomas toli

extra extraordinary

papildomas nepaprastas

F facilities family far far far far far fashionable father favorite features fee feed feel feel fence few few few finally find finish finish fire fireplace firewood first fish fix flammable flight flood flooding floor flowers fluffy fond

įranga šeima toli šaldytuvas toli toli toli madingas tėtis mėgstamiausias prekės mokestis maitinti jausti jausti tvora keletas keletas keletas pagaliau rasti baigti pabaigti ugnis židinys degus pirmas žuvis suremontuoti grilis skrydis potvynis potvynis grindys gėlės pūkuotas mėgti

food food footwear forward found frame freeway fresh fridge

maistas maistas avalynė baldai rastas rėmai greitkelis šviežias plaukų džiovintuvas šaldytuvas šaldytuvas draugiškumas draugiškas priekis užšaldytas vsiškai, pilnai pašėlusiai baldai itraukti, įskaičiuoti baldai toliau be to šėlsmas

fridge fridge friendliness friendly front frozen fully furiously furniture furniture furniture further furthermore fury

G garage garden garnish gear general ghost glasses gloves go gold goods grandfather grandmother

garažas sodas garnyras pavara bendras, bendrai vaiduoklis akiniai pirštinės eiti auksinis senelis senelė

grandparents grass green grocery section grill grilled guide gun gym hair-drier hairspray hall handle handprint health healthy height heritage highlyflammable

H hiking hill hole-puncher holidays honey hour how howl huge hurricane hurry husband husband husband

I I wonder ice-cream

seneliai žolė daržovių ir vaisių skyrius keptas ant grilio skubėti gidas ginklas sporto salė mažiausiai paukų lakas salė ranena pirštų antspaudas sveikata sveikas aukštis paveldas labai degus

iškylavimas kalva skylamuša atostogos medus valanda kaip kaukti didelis uraganas vyras vyras vyras įspūdžiai

įdomu ledai

identify imagination imagine immediately immediately immediately impressions in advance in charge of include include

nustatyti vaizduotė įsivaizduoti tuoj pat tuoj pat, skubiai tuoj pat, skubiai

iš anksto atsakingas prabangus įtraukti, įskaičiuoti inconveniences nepatogumai incredible neįtikėtinas ingredients ingredientai rungtynės inside viduje instead vietoj to insurance draudimas insurance draudimas investigation tyrimas invite pakviesti involved įtrauktas isle praėjimas items prekės items daiktai jewelry juvelyrikos dirbiniai

J job juice

K keep key kitchen

L lamb law lawn

leaking learn leather leave leaves leisure lemon lend less lettuce lightning like liquid liquids list little live loaf local local lonely look look after look forward lot loyalty luggage luxurious

darbas sultys

laikyti raktas virtuvė aviena įstatymas pieva

M main maintain manager many marked marking match match

lašantis, varvantis mokytis oda išvykti lapai, išvyksta laisvalaikis citrina skolinti mažiau salotos apšvietimas mėgti skystis skysčiai sąrašas mažas gyventi kepalas vietinis vietinis vienišas pažiūrėti prižiūrėti pasiūlyti daug ištikimumas lagaminas teikti pirmenybę pagrindinis išlaikyti vadybininkas daug pažymėtas žymė gali tikti, atitikti, derintis

materials matter meal meal meat medicine medicines meet meet mend mention middle middle might might mileage milk mill minor mirror miss month month more moreover moreover morning morning mother mouth move much museum mushroom my

medžiagos reikalas, esmė maistas maistas mėsa medicina vaistai susitikti susitikti tvarkyti paminėti vidurys vidurys gamta galėtų rida pienas malūnas nežymus veidrodis pasiilgti mėnuo mėnuo daugiau be to be to rytas rytas mama burna išsikraustyti labai, daug muziejus grybas mano būtina

N nature necessary necessary

gamta reikia būtinas

necklace need need need need need neighbor neighbour neither... nor newly-weds nice nice to meet you

vėrinys reikėti reikėti reikėti nei ... nei reikėti kaimynas kaimynas makaronai apimti, svyruoti gražus malonu susipažinti su jumis triukšmas pastebėti

noise notice

O occasion offer offer offer offer offer often old once onion opinion opposite orange orange orange order other our outside outside outside over overbooked

proga atrodyti pasiūlyti pasiūlyti pasiūlyti pasiūlyti dažnai senas kartą svogūnas nuomonë priešingas apelsinas apelsinas apelsinas užsakyti kitas mūsų lauke lauke lauke virš pilnai


P pack palm paper parents party past pasta pattern pay pay peace peculiarities pepper percent perfect perfect perfume pet picnic picnic pie pie piece piece pin pity pizza places plain (paper) plane plane plant plastic play play

supakuoti palmė popierius tėvai vakarėlis pro puikus raštas mokėti sumokėti ramybė, taika ypatumai pipiras procentas pica tobulas kvepalai naminis gyvūnėlis piknikas piknikas pyragas pyragas gabalėlis gabalėlis smeigtukas gaila parengti vietos paprastas (popierius) lėktuvas lėktuvas sodinti plastikas žaisti žaisti

playwright plenty pm poisonous possible potatoes pounds powerful precious prefer

dramaturgas daug po pusiaudienio nuodingas galimas bulvės svarai galingas brangus teikti pirmenybę prefer vienvietis prepare gana prepare paruošti prepared paruoštas prescribe išrašyti prescription receptas price kaina price kaina promise pažadėti properly tinkamai property nuosavybė property turtas protection apsauga provided (that) su sąlyga pupils mokiniai puppy šuniukas pure grynas quality kokybė quarter ketvirtis queue eilė quiet ramus, tylus quite gana, pakankamai quite atpalaiduojantis quite gana quite gana, pakankamai vestuvės

R rarely








read ready really recently

skaityti, pasiruošės iš tikrųjų, tikrai pastaruoju metu

recommend record

rekomenduoti įrašyti, užregistruoti


remontuoti (namą) dėl nuolat nuolat nuolat, pastoviai giminaitis nuoma rezervuoti perdažyti perdažytas suremontuoti pranešti pranešti rezervavimas šeštadienis kurortas atsakomybė atsakingas išėjęs į pensiją bilietas į abi puses juokingas žiedas žiedas kelias keptas stogas aplink aplink eilė trintukas

regarding regularly regularly regularly relative relaxing rent repaint repainted repair report report reservation reserve resort responsibility responsible retired return ticket ridiculous ring ring road roast roof round round row rubber

rubber rubber sad safe salad salmon salmon salmon salt satisfied Saturday Saturday sauce sauce sausage scratch screen sea second section section see see seem seems sell serious service shelf shine shop assistant shop assistant shorts should should should shower shrimp since single size

guminis guma liūdnas seifas salotos lašiša lašiša lašiša druska padažas šeštadienis dešra padažas atrodo įbrėžti ekranas jūra antras skyrius skyrius matyti matyti atrodyti paslaugos parduoti rimtas lentyna rūšiuoti šviesti pardavejas (-a) pardavėjas (-a) šortai turėtų turėtų turėtų dušas krevetė nuo vienas


ski slippers small smash so solve a crime some something sometimes somewhere sort soup special species spell stage stalls staplingmachine start starter stationary steak stolen stone store straight strawberry street study study suburb succeed successfully such such (as)

slidinėti, slidė šlepetes mažas sudaužyti tai gi atskleisti nusikaltimą keletas kažkas kartais kažkur kostiumas sriuba specialus rūšys ištarti paraidžiui scena parteris susegamoji mašina pradėti pirmas patiekalas kanceliarinės prekės kepsnys pavogtas akmuo parduotuvė tiesiai braškės gatvė studijuoti darbo kambarys piemiestis pasisekti sėkmingai toks toks (kaip)


kentėti, patirti (nuostolius) tikrai tikti vasara saulė saulėlydis manyti skanus paviršius įtarti mielasis

suit suit summer sun sunset suppose sure surface suspect sweetie

T take tasty tasty teacher teacher technology temperature than thank you theft their them then there thermometer these they thick things things throat through through ticket ticket

imti skanus oras mokytojas mokytojas technologija temperatūra negu ačiū vagystė jų juos, jas tada ten termometras šie jie storas, tirštas, užpilas daiktai daiktai gerklė nors per bilietas bilietas





together too too topping topping towards town toy traffic traffic accident tree trout trout T-shirt twice

U unforgettable university until used usually usually usually

V vacant vacuum valuable variety vegetables vegetarian vehicle view view visit

kartu taip pat taip pat užpilas link miestas upėtakis žaislas eismas eismo įvykis, avarija medis upėtakis paprastai marškinėliai du kartus

nepamirštamas universitetas kol naudojamas paprastai padavejas paprastai, įprastai

neužimtas valyti su dulkių siurbliu vertingas įvairovė daržovės vegetaras transporto priemonė vaizdas vaizdas aplankyti

W waiter wake walk while wallet want wash up water weather wedding week what whatever where which while who wide wide wife wild windscreen with woods worried worth years yell yogurt true

padavėjas pabusti vaikščioti kol, tuo metu piniginė norėti laistyti (gėles) vanduo

oras vestuvės

savaitė kas, ką, koks kas bebūtų kur kuris kas platus platus laukinis žmona laukinis, laukinė gamta priekinis automobilio langas su miškas, mediena sunerimęs vertas metai šaukti jogurtas tiesa

Atsakymai 1 tema. 1 PRATIMAS 1.he 4.she 5.they 7.they 8.she 9.they 10.they 2 PRATIMAS 1 seven 2.thirty-nine 3. sixty-four 4. forty-one 5. eighty-two 6. fifty-four 7. ten 8. eleven 9. twenty-six 10. ninety-three 3. PRATIMAS. 1. These are elephants. 2. These are oranges. 3. These are CD players. 4. Those are dogs. 5. Those are envelopes. 6. Those are cats. 7. These are chairs. 8. These are sofas. 9. Those are rubbers. 10. These are hamburgers. 2 tema. 1. PRATIMAS. the twenty-third bus, the twelth student, the sixth lamp, the fourth balloon, the sixth postcard, the tvirty-fourth painting, the seventeenth page, the eighth film, the fifth church, the serenty-ninth school, the second meaning, the twentieth mentury, the third present 2. PRATIMAS. 1. your son 2. my family 3. your friend’s cousin 4. your mother’s father 5. your grandparents 6. their uncle 7 his grandson 8. your sister 9. my aunt 10. their daughter

3. PRATIMAS.1. What 2. Where 3. When 4. How often 5. How long 6. How many 7. Where 8. What time 9. Where 10. What 4. PRATIMAS.1.Who 2.What 3.What 4.What 5.Which 6.Which 7.Whose 8.Whose 9.How many 10.How many 11.Why 12.When 13.How 14.How far 15.How long 16.How often 17.How much 18.What 19.What time 20.How often 3 tema 1 PRATIMAS. 1. Emily’s lessons 2. Peter’s decision 3. Elen’s husband 4. Linda’s pupil 5. Aunt’s roses 6. Spring’s morning 7. People’s tents 8. Brother’s watch 9. Children’s friends 2 PRATIMAS 1. Leslie’s brother is a doctor. 2. Kitty’s daughter is twelve. 3. Max’s dog is in the yard. 4. Ken’s new car is a Fiat. 5. Mary’s new dress is very beautiful. 6. Cindy’s flat in Oxford Street is very expensive. 7. Wendy’s mother–in–law is quite young. 8. Bill’s new girlfriend lives near here. 9. Charles’s uncle will arrive tomorrow. 10. Mr. Brown’s has wife works in a bank. 3 PRATIMAS. 1. goes 2. work 3. sleeps 4. is 5. live, lives 6. talks 7. writes 8. doesn’t 9. do you go 10. doesn’t 4. PRATIMAS. 1. I don’t watch TV…2. You don’t get… 3. She doesn’t wash …4. I don’t leave home at 7. 5. I don’t start work at 9. 6. They don’t have a break at 1 in the afternoon. 7. Tom doesn’t finish… 8. Ann doesn’t come back … 9. I don’t watch TV at 9. 10. They don’t go …… 5. PRATIMAS. 1. Do you go ..2. Does Tom swim …3. Do you listen …4. Do they work …5. Does Ann enjoy reading ….6. Do I hate doing …7. Do Tom and July live …8. Does the plane takes off …9. Do you arrive ..10. Does Tom’s sister take .. 6. PRATIMAS. 1. Mary doesn’t get up …2. You don’t wash yourself …3. He doesn’t have … 4. Tom doesn’t leave …5. They don’t arrive …6. She doesn’t start… 7. He doesn’t have a break …8. I don’t finish work…. 9. She doesn’t get back. …10. John doesn’t read …. 4 tema 1 PRATIMAS. 1. 14.10 – It’s ten past two in the afternoon …2. 3.15 – It’s quarter past three in the afternoon …3. 22.30 – It’s half past ten in the evening …4. 17.25 – It’s twentyfive past five …5. 16.10 – It’s ten past four …6. 7.35 – It’s twenty five to eight…7. 5.40 It’s twenty to six…8. 19.55 – It’s five to eight…9. 3.05 – It’s five past three 10. 6.20 – It’s twenty past six … 2. PRATIMAS. 1. is 2. are 3. are 4. is 5. are 6. is 7. are 8. are 3. PRATIMAS. An envelope, an old book, an address, an orange, an apple, a famous author, a bush, a match, an egg, a goose, an interesting picture, a young woman, a nice person 4. PRATIMAS. 1. children, boys, girls. 2. stamps, envelopes 3. criminals 4. bank robbers 5. sheep 6. mice 7. dresses, bluses 8. ice-creams, cokes 9. gentlemen 10. shoes 11. matches, these match-boxes 12. cassettes13. feet 14. women, men 15. thanks16. actresses 5.PRATIMAS. 1. on 2. at 3. at 4. to, at 5. in 6. at 7. in 8. at 9. about 10. on 5 tema 1. PRATIMAS. many.books, much time, many oranges, much ice, many tables, many windows, much air, many planes, many words, many mistakes.

2. PRATIMAS. (a) few books, (a) few computers, (a) little time, (a) little gold, (a) little anger, (a) little food, (a) few dishes, (a) little work, (a) few workers, (a) few years. 3. PRATIMAS. 1. How many 2. How much 3. How much 4. How much 5. How many 6. How many 7. How many 8. How many 9. How many 10. How much 11. How many 12. How much 13. How many 14. How much 4. PRATIMAS. 1. I have a lot of (many) friends. 2. How many oranges have you got? 3. I have a little time. 4. I have got little money. 5. How much time do you have? 6. I don‘t have much time. 7. I don‘t have many books. 8. How much butter have you got? 9. I haven’t got many apples. 10. I have got little salt. 5. PRATIMAS. 1. any 2. some 3. some 4. some, any 5. any 6. some 7. some 8. any 9. any 10. any 6. PRATIMAS. a) 1. Somebody/someone 2. something 3. somewhere 4. somebody/someone 5. something 6. anything 7. anywhere 8. anywhere 9. anyone/ anybody 10. anything 11. anyone/anybody 12. someone/somebody 13. anyone/anybody 14. anyone/anybody 15. somebody/someone b) 1. anyone/anybody 2. anybody/anyone 3. somebody/someone 4. something 5. something 6. anyone/anybody 7. anything 8. something 9. anything 10. something 11. something 12. anything 13. anyone/anybody 14. anything 15. somewhere 6 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. between 2. to, by 3. by, in 4. for 5. during 6. in 7. by 8. between 9. for 10. near 2. PRATIMAS 1. out of 2. by 3. in 4. at 5. on 6. from 7. in 8. by 9. on 10. from 3. Pratimas 1. of 2. along, towards 3. in, for 4. under 5. under 6. at 7. towards 8. of 9. at 10. at 4. PRATIMAS. 1. at, in 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. at 7. on, in 8. in 9. in 10. on 5. PRATIMAS 1. on, at, in 2. in 3. with, on 4. at 5. for (at), in 6. on 7. on, at 8. in 9. in 10. at 11. in 12. at, at , till (until) 6. PRATIMAS 1. in, on 2. to, on 3. in, of, by. 4. in 5. in 6. for 7. - 8. on, of, at 9. for, in 10. at, on, in 7. PRATIMAS 1. at 2. about, in, a 3. in, on 4. in, on 5. in, in 6. at, in, in 7. at, on 8. on, on 9. on, in 10. at 7 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. is ringing 2. is playing 3. is having 4. am thinking 5. isn’t working, is reading 6. are wearing 7. is having 8. am waiting 9. is making 10. is practising 11. am writing 12. is snowing 13. is flying 2. PRATIMAS. 1. I am washing 2. It is snowing 3. I am sitting 4. You are eating 5. It is raining 6. He is learning 7. They are listening 8. The sun is shining 9. I am wearing 10. She is reading 3 PRATIMAS.1. is playing 2. drives 3. work, am studying 4. is sleeping 5. rains 6. is writing 7. is raining 8. am going 9. are saying, is talking 10. is made 11. gets up 12. is having 13. are you reading 14. watch, are going 4. PRATIMAS 1. ourselves, yourselves 2. herself, ourselves 3. myself, yoursel 4. each other, yourself 5. itself, ourselves 6. yourselves, each other 5. PRATIMAS 1. Steven takes the apples from the table. 2. We admire nice tulips in spring. 3. She gives the nuts to her big sister. 4. Six boys sit round the fire. 5. There are some potatoes in the pot. 6. Thank you for the interesting letter. 7. Put a stamp on the envelope. 8. I love my mother and father very much. 9. I drink

milk every morning.10. Emily and Linda know a lot about London. 11. There is little milk in the glass. 12. My father doesn‘t like noodle soup. 13. these crackers aren‘t tasty enough 6. PRATIMAS.1. Larry doesn‘t have any money in the bank. 2. I slept only two hours last night. 3. She taught the boys geography last year. 4. There were five big green bottles on the shelf. 5. He parked his car in front of the restaurant. 6. We crossed the English Channel last Monday by ferry. 7. Lucy made this dress for me. 8. Tony wears glasses all the time. 7. PRATIMAS.1. myself 2. ourselves 3. himself 4. ourselves 5. themselves 6. myself 7. himself 8. herself 9. themselves 10. myself 8 tema 1. PRATIMAS. One day a farmer and his donkey went to the town. The donkey carried two bags of salt. Soon they came to a river. There was a bridge across the river. The donkey stepped on the bridge but stumbled and fell into the river. He got up very happy: there was no salt in his bags any more.Some days passed. The farmer loaded the donkey with bags of wool and they started for the town. When the donkey was in the middle of the bridge he jumped into the water. But this time he was not happy when he got out. 2 PRATIMAS. 1. slept 2. ate 3. spent 4. understood 5. taught 6. sat 7. thought 8. didn’t build 9. left 10. went 11. felt 12. saw 13. met 14. knew 15. read 3. PRATIMAS.Beth and her family went to Scotland last summer. They had a caravan and could stop wherever they wanted. Their friends invited them to stay in Edinburgh for a week. They lived by a small lake. Once they had a party on the beach. They took their pet, the sheepdog, to the party too. Beth ran and jumped by the lake with a dog. The party was fantastic! 4. PRATIMAS. 1. had 2. left 3. bought 4. telephoned 5. played 6. flew 7. completed 8. didn’t expect 9. didn’t understand 10. did you study 5. PRATIMAS.1. did you go 2. didn't arrive 3. took 4. did you go 5. put 6. did he go 7. came 8. did you pay 9. didn't enjoy 10. did you get 6. PRATIMAS. 1. did you do, found, went, turned 2. said, was, needed 3. arrived, wasn’t 4. didn’t watch 5. called, weren’t 6. walked 7. watched 8. was, didn’t hear 9. called 10. didn’t speak 9 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. What was terrible? 2. What did John buy to Jenny? 3. What was the weather like in November? 4. Where does Mary live? 5. Who found a nice flat? 6. Who does he want to become? 7. Who has never been abroad? 8. What does Jane like? 9. How does he work?10. How many cars are there in front of their house? 11. When was tom born? 12. Where does he keep his money? 13. How did Jack go? 14. Why did he close the window? 15. What is on the table? 2. PRATIMAS. 1. Is Bill putting the books on the table? 2. Does Jenny come here once a week? 3. Do the girls go to school by bus? 4. Does Mr. Jones live in Chicago? 5. Does Diana play golf very well? 6. Are Barbara and George at home now? 7. Is this your comb? 8. Does Jack speak to them very well? 9. Did my friends visit me yesterday? 10. Does Tom play the piano very well? 11. Does he cook dinner every day? 12. Does he go shopping every Friday? 13. Does Mary listen to music in the evening? 14. Does he always come home late? 15. Did she do the housework yesterday? 16. Did Tom fly to Moscow last month? 17. Did he teach me some Spanish words? 18. Did Tom catch the ball? 19. Does he understand it? 20. Did he moved out last month? 3. PRATIMAS.1. isn’t she? 2. haven’t they? 3. do you? 4. don’t you? 5. didn’t she? 6. doesn’t he? 7. didn’t they? 8. haven’t they? 9. aren’t they? 10. did he?

4. PRATIMAS 1. doesn’t she? 2. isn’t there? 3. did he? 4. were they? 5. wasn’t she? 6. aren’t they? 7. won’t you? 8. isn’t it? 9. hasn’t it.? 10. didn’t he? 10 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. was having 2. was living 3. was writing 4. were having 5. were watching 6. was shining 7. was wearing 8. was making 9. were drinking 10. was taking 11. were playing 12. were sleeping 2. PRATIMAS 1. was shopping, were playing 2. was reading 3. stopped, got off 4. was running 5. was having, rang 6. was writing, remembered ,had 7. were living 8. was opening, heard 9. put, crawled 10. was learning 3. PRATIMAS 1. sang 2. read 3. paid 4. wake up, woke up 5. stole 6. taught 7. wore 8. sat 9. took 10. told 11. lost 12. put on, left 13. met 14. let 15. made 4 PRATIMAS. 1 sang 2. leave 3. lent 4. let 5.lost 6. make 7. mean 8. met 9. paid 10. put 11. read 12. wrote 13. wear 14. taught 15. tell 16. wake 17. won 18. took 19. stolen 20. spoke 21. sat 5 PRATIMAS. 1. You had/'d better ring him at once. 2. You’d better stop smoking 3. You’d better visit your relatives this weekend. 4. You’d better not watch this movie. 5. You’d better eat more fruits. 11 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. will get 2. will buy 3. will help 4. is playing 5. will be 6. will drive 7. is visiting 8. will you 9. will answer 10. is going to 11. will be 12. is going to be 13. am going to relax 14. will take 15. will open 16. is going to fall 17. will help 18. am going to wash 19. am going to buy 20. am going 21. is going to visit 22. will call 2. PRATIMAS. 1. will be 2. will be 3. won’t rain 4. will be 5. won’t 3. PRATIMAS 1. f3. d5. e7. a9. g2. h4. b6. c8. j10 i 4. PRATIMAS. 1. will catch 2. will leave 3. the bus won’t stop here. 4. will she be happy? 5. I will spend 6. Grandmother will takes care 7. The girls will be angry 8. Andrew will agree 9. will Ron come here 10. They will drink 11. You won’t need a visa 12. Sarah will go to Spain for her holidays 13. Mr. Nelson will make 14. Jack will go 5. PRATIMAS. 1. When I retire .I am going to buy a new car.2. When I retire .I going to travel around the world. 6. PRATIMAS. 1. will 2. am going to study 3. will turn on 4. will answer 5. is going to rain 6. is going to 7. will look it up 8. is going to fall 9. will make 10. will make 7. PRATIMAS. 1. there 2. it 3. there 4. it 12 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. has bought 2. have gone 3. has been 4. has changed 5. have eaten 6. haven’t met 7. has typed 8. hasn’t seen 9. has posted 10. have lived 11. have been 12. has bought 13. hasn’t come 14. have had 15. haven’t changed 2. PRATIMAS.1. Has he seen this film yet? 2. Have you bought a present for Rose yet? 3. Has Nora gone to bed yet? 4. Has Joy finished her work yet? 5. Has Ronald found a new job yet?6. Has Frank sold his car yet? 7. Have you written to Ben yet? 8. Has Steve paid his debts yet? 9. Has he come yet? 10. Have you had lunch yet?

3. PRATIMAS 1. Your friend has played ice hockey. Has he ever played icehockey? 2. Kate‘s family has been to London. Has Kate‘s family ever been to London? 3. He has visited the Eiffel Tower. He has ever visited the Eiffel Tower? 4. Bill has seen a horror film. Has Bill ever seen a horror film? 5. You have got a bad mark. Have you ever got a bad mark? 6. She has sent an e-mail letter. Has she ever sent an e-mail letter? 7. They have got a registered letter. Have they ever got a registered letter? 8. He has done his homework. Has he ever done his homework? 9. They have been to London. Have they ever been to London? 10. She has washed her hair. Has she ever washed a sweater? 4. PRATIMAS.1. made 2. done 3. beat 4. come 5. cost 6. cut 7. swam 8. drive 9. took 10. taught 11. taught 12. born 13. sat 14. began 15. become 16. bitten 17. felt 18. fought 19. understood 20. forgiven 21. drunk 22. fallen 23. fed 24. gave 25. let 26. found 27. flew 28. forgotten 29. did 30. freeze 5. PRATIMAS.1. has bought 2. has had 3. arrived, had, went 4. did you visit 5. has taken 6. did you give 7. didn’t eat, didn’t feel 8. didn’t Jim want 9. have you washed 10. has gone, did he go 6. PRATIMAS. 1. worked 2. has lived 3. have been married 4. was 5. has been 6. never met 7. have never met 8. bought 9. was 10. has been 7. PRATIMAS. 1. served, did that war begin, began, lasted 2. did you vote, voted, wasn’t elected, was he 3. have known 4. did you hear 5. have you been, have been 6. have you ever been, was 7. have you known, have known, did he do, was 8. was 9. has been 10. have you had 11. had 12. were, did they get, got 13. were, have never been. 14. taught 15. hasn’t seen 13 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. She has been working 2. they have been fighting 3. he has been lying 4. she has been playing 5. they have been playing 6. it has been raining 7. he has been playing 8. they have been shopping 9. he has been sleeping 10. he has been wathing 2. PRATIMAS. 1. Have you been crying? 2. Have you been waiting long? 3. What have you been doing? 4. Have you been reading? 5. Have you been fixing…..? 6. What have you been playing? 7. Have you been working very hard? 8. How long have you been watching TV? 9. How long have you been learning…? 10. How long have you been practicing? 3. PRATIMAS.1. He has bee studying …2. I have been learning …3. she has been looking…4. He has been smoking .…5. I have been watching... 6. I have been practising… 7. I have been fixing… 8. I have been cleaning… 9. I have been redecorating… 10. I have been looking… 4. PRATIMAS. 1. How long has it is raining? 2. How long has my foot been hurting? 3. How long has Mike been playing chess? 4. How long has Jim been selling washing machines? 5. How long has Jim been reading the book? 6. How long has Tom been writing a letter? 7. How long has Jim been waiting for Ann? 8. How long has Jim been washing his car? 9. How long has Tim been smoking? 10. How long has Ann been working as a teacher? 5. PRATIMAS. 1. He has been reading…. He has read…2. She has been traveling... She has visited…3. He has been playing... He has won….4. They have been making... They have made…5. She has been watering.. She has watered… 6. PRATIMAS. 1. How long have you been waiting? 2. How many books have you written? 3. How long have you been writing books? 4. How many times have you played…? 5. How long have you been picking flowers? 6. How many flowers have you picked? 7. How long have you been watching TV? 8. How many films have you watched? 9. How long have you been running? 10. How many kilometers have you run?

7. PRATIMAS 1. has broken 2. have been reading, haven’t finished 3. haven’t been waiting 4. have been cleaning, have cleaned 5. have you been cooking 6. has appeared 7. have washed 8. have been reading, have read 9. have been writing, have read 10. have been picking, have picked 8. PRATIMAS. 1. How long has she been married? 2. How long has Boris been on holiday? 3. How long have you lived…? 4. How long has it been snowing? 5. How long has Jack been smoking? 6. How long have you known …? 7. How long have they been looking …? 8. How long has Diana been teaching? 9. How long has Dennis been in love …? 10. How long has Collin had a car? 9. PRATIMAS.1. How long has she been learning…? When did she begin….? 2. How long have you known Tom? When did you first meet Tom? 3. How long have they been married? When did they get married? 4. How long has Tom been smoking? When did he start smoking? 5. How long has it been raining? When did it start raining? 10. PRATIMAS. 1. since 2. for 3. for 4. since 5. for 6. for 7. since 8. since 9. for 10. since 14 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. more expensive 2. the tallest 3. more interesting 4. the highest 5. bigger 6. the fastest 7. the longest 8. the worst 9. heavier 10. easier 2. PRATIMAS.1.a 4.a 5.a 7. an 8. a 9.a 3. PRATIMAS 1.- 2.the 3.– 4.the 5.– 6.– 7.the 8.– 9.the 10. -, 4. PRATIMAS 1- 2.the 3. the, - 4-, - 5.- ,- 6 - ,- 7. the, the 8. the 9. the 10. the 11.- ,- 12.- 13. the 14-. 15. the 5. PRATIMAS

1. an 2. the,- 3. the.- , a 4.- , the 5.- , a, the, the 6. a 7. the 8. an

6. PRATIMAS got, woke, gone, grew, hanged (hung), heard, kept, hit, held, hurt, hid, known, learnt, rung, risen, risen, ran, said, seen, sold, sent, set, shone, set, shot, showed 15 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1.b 2d. 3.f 4.h 5.a 6.c 7.e 8.g 2. PRATIMAS. 1. shouldn’t 2. should 3. shouldn’t 4. should 5. should 6. shouldn’t 7. shouldn’t 8. should 9. should 10. should 3. PRATIMAS. 1. pick 2. listen to music 3. call 4. carry 5. get 4. PRATIMAS.1. b 2.e 3.a 4 c 5.d 5. PRATIMAS. 1. can‘t 2. can 3. can‘t 4. can 5. may, might 6. can 7. can 8. shall, can 9. shall, can 10. should, must 11. should, must 16 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. go 2. helps, has 3. have, go 4. is, walks 5. read, is 6. do you do, rains, stay 7. do you stay, go, stay 8. has 9. don’t have 10. doesn’t arrive

2. PRATIMAS. 1. if 2. when 3. when 4. if 5. when 6. when 7. if 8. when 9. if 10. when 3. PRATIMAS. 1. don’t have 2. have 3. has 4. take 5. rains 6. go 7. watch 8. doesn’t rain 9. doesn’t arrive 10. is 11. read 12. go 13. snows 14. am not busy 15. don’t water 16. rains 17. has 18. practise 19. has 20. buy 17 tema 1. PRATIMAS.1. send, will receive 2. do, will improve 3. find, will give 4. will go, has 5. will go, gets 6. doesn’t phone, will leave 7. don’t study, won’t pass 8. rains, won’t have to water 9. won’t be able, watch 10. won’t be able to move, is not ready 2. PRATIMAS. 1. don‘t study, will fail 2. will die, won‘t get 3. look, will find 4. is, will break down 5. will lend, need 6. will rise, gets 7. eat, won‘t have 8. will be safe, wear 9. saves, on‘t be able 10. won‘t come, don‘t bring 3. PRATIMAS. 1. is 2. has 3. rains 4. will give 5. call 6. have 7. will come 8. will help 9. visit 10. am 11. will learn 12. don’t have 13. has 14. comes 15. is 16. doesn’t come 17. have 18. spends 19. snows 20. will win 4. PRATIMAS. 1. don’t water 2. studies 3. has 4. come 5. will catch 6. don’t hurry 7. comes 8. doesn’t come 9. does 10. have 11. doesn’t rain 12. will tell 13. goes 14. are 15. will go 16. does 17. don’t work 18. goes 19. comes 20. is 18 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. seen 2. lost 3. visited 4. studied 5. read 6. been 7. hadn‘t booked 8. visited, been 9. visited 10. left 2. PRATIMAS 1. had received 2. hadn’t seen 3. had gathered 4. had finished 5. had met 6. had heard 7.had taken 8. had already seen 9. had painted 10. had melted 11. had just left 12. had spent 13. had heard 3. PRATIMAS 1. had tidied 2. had had 3. had learnt 4. hadn‘t rained 5. had read 6. had never been 7.hadn‘t painted 8. had eaten 9. had already ordered 10. had Jack fed 4. PRATIMAS. 1. .arrived, had prepared .2. had never spoken 3. had already begun 4. was, was 5. turned, heard, hadn‘t heard, brought 6. ran, hadn‘t seen 7. entered, didn‘t recognise, had lost, (had) grown 8. had virtually disappeared, arrived 9. came, had never heard 10. came, washed, went 11. arrived, had already left 5. Pratimas. 1. had forgotten 2. had managed 3. had graduated, started 4. had done, came 5. had eaten, went out 6. had never been 7. hadn’t cleaned 8. had lost 9. had ended 10. had rained 11. had failed, passed 12. was, had learnt 13. had made, arrived 14. came, ate, went 15. had already gone 16. had just fiished, came 17. had done 18. didn‘t read, had already read 19. had left 20. had fallen 6. Pratimas. 1. had just finished, rang 2. woke up, had already left 3. washed, had gone 4. didn‘t do, had taken 5. had had 6. didn‘t want, had already visited 7. arrived, had flown away 8. had done, came 9. had finished, arrived 10. entered, had already started 11. went, had listened 12. had swept, came 13. was reading 14. were you doing 15. was watering, rang 16. paid, had arrived 17. was repairing 18. was listening 19. was having, came 20. had made, came 19 tema 1. PRATIMAS. 1. will have worked 2. will have left 3. will have passed 4. will have finished 5. will have saved 6. will have read 7. will have built 8. will have finished

2. PRATIMAS. 1. will have repaired 2. will have done 3. will have visited 4. will have finished 5. will have left 6. will have discussed 7. will have arrested 8. will have written 9. will have managed 10. will have fulfilled 3. PRATIMAS..1. will have taken 2. will have finished 3. will have had 4. will have been 5. will have left 6. will have finished 7.will have built 8. will have sailed 9. will have spent 10. will have saved 11. will have been 12. will have left 13. will have left 14. will have attended 15. will have cost 16. will have spent 17. will have read 18. will have finished 19. will have heard 20. will have drunk 21. will have been 22. will have broken 23. will have risen 24. will have finished, will have gone. 4. PRATIMAS.1. get on 2. look for 3. switch on 4. fill in 5. try on 6. take off 7. throw it away 8. turn down 9. put out 10. believe in 20 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. Fords are made.2. Dinner is being cooked 3. “Dubliners” was written by James Joyce 4. The house was being painted when I arrived. 5. Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years. 6. It will be finished by tomorrow. 2. PRATIMAS. 1. Shoes are made…2. Bicycles must not be left … 3. That skyscraper was built …4. The course will be finished… 5. The streets are being repaired… 6. are made 7. has been finished 8. was being cooked 9. “The Red Sunset” was painted…10. Were you interested ……?11. had been finished… 12. should be taken 13. is going to be performed 14. will be spoken 15. are going to be prepared. 3. PRATIMAS.1. The house is being built. 2. The car was repaired by Tom yesterday. 3. The plants have just been watered. 4. His work hasn’t been finished. 5. When I came home dinner had already been cooked by my mother. 6. By the time I came home the telephone had been repaired by my father. 7. Has the letter been written yet? 8. Is the house cleaned every day? 9. Was the water pipe being fixed at 5 yesterday? 10. Was letter written by her to her friend? 11. Has the chandelier been hung up by you? 12. These animals should be saved. 13. The environment must be protected. 14. The book will be ordered by him tomorrow. 15. The tower can be seen from here. 16. Was the building designed by her? 17. The shopping is done every Friday. 18. Are the plants watered every Monday? 19. Was the book ordered yesterday? 20. The car hasn’t been repaired by the mechanic. 21. The shopping had been done by 9 o’clock yesterday by her. 22. Tom was given the first prize. 23. Is dinner cooked every day by her? 24. Has a novel been written by her? 25. The money will put into the bank by him. 4. PRATIMAS. 1. is being painted 2. has just been done 3. was fixed 4. is being decorated 5. was invented 6. was America discovered …7. is taught 8. has just been finished 9. was told 10. was stolen 11. must be saved 12. will be built 13. were painted 14. be invited 15. was baked 16. has just been broken 17. is made 18. hasn’t been done 19. are treated 20. has just been finished 21 tema 1. PRATIMAS 1. To clean the blue bike 2. to write a text message 3. to help Peter‘s sister 4. to wash my hands 5. to open the window 6. to come at 8. 7. to do my homework 8. to dance with her 9. to meet sandy at the station 10. to check my emalis 2. PRATIMAS 1. not to play football in the garden 2. not to forget my homework 3. not to shout at Peter 4. not to talk to my neighbor 5. not to open the door6. not to sing that song 7. not to watch the new film 8. not to ring Tom on Sunday 9. not to fly via Paris 10. not to eat so much food 3. PRATIMAS 1. Mandy was at home 2. Frank often read 3. Susan was watching TV 4. David had been ill 5. the girls had helped in the house 6. he was going to ride a skateboard. 7. they had cleaned the windows 8. hadn’t had time to do his homework. 9. his mother would be 50 years old. 10. the boss had to sign the letter

4. PRATIMAS 1. He teacher would go to Leipzig the next day. 2. she had been writing a letter the day before 3. his father had flown to Dallas the previous year 4. had gone to the stadium an hour before 5. her mother would celebrate he birthday the following week. 6. he was going to read a book that week 7. would do their best in the exams the next (following) day 8. hadn’t eaten fish two days before 9. she had spent all her pocket money on Monday 10. John had already gone at six 5. PRATIMAS 1. if/whether I wanted to dance 2. when I had come 3. if/whether John had arrived 4. where Maria parked her car 5. if/whether I had watched the latest film 6. if/whether I could help her 7. if/whether Mandy will have lunch with Sue 8. what I was doing 9. how much pocket money Linda got 10. if/whether she had to do the shopping. 6. PRATIMAS1. if/whether the boys were reading 2. who had given me the laptop 3. if/whether Tim was leaving on Friday 4. if/whether it would rain tomorrow 5. where I played football. 6. why Nick hadn’t gone to New York the previous summer. 7. if/whether she had to do her homework that afternoon 8. if/whether Max had flown to London two weeks before. 9. where her glasses were. 10. when the train to Liverpool left. 22 tema 1. Pratimas1. will be working 2. will be sleeping 3. will be having 4. will be reading 5. will be waiting 6. will be playing 7. will be watching 8. will be working 9. will be camping 10. will be having 11. will be waiting 12. will be sitting 13. will be lying 14. will be having 2. Pratimas 1. with 2. about 3. at 4. of 5. about 6. of 7. about 8. at 9. about 10. for 11. up 12. about 13. on 14. of 15. of 16. to 17. for 18. in 19. of 20. about 3. Pratimas.1. in 2. of 3. of 4. of 5. of 6. of 7. in 8. for 9. of 10. of 11. of 12. between 13. of 14. of 15. of 16. for 17. in 18. of 19. of 20. of 4. PRATIMAS 1. at 2. about 3. of 4. like 5. to 6. of 7. for 8. with 23 tema 1. Pratimas.1. reading 2. eating 3. telling 4. to stay 5. to pass 6. to drive 7. to bring 8. having 9. walking 10. to meet 11. to go 12. to arrive 13. to go 14. talking 15. reading 16. complaining 17. going 18. reaing 19. to talk/talking 20. to sing 2. Pratimas 1. run 2. playing 3. driving 4. run 5. fly 6. playing 7. playing 8. having 9. fly 10. go 11. go 12. playing 13. sleeping 14. to meet 15. to go 16. running 17. to stay 18. paying 19. to pass 20. to drive 3. Pratimas 1. taking 2. to bring 3. to arrive 4. to go 5. go 6. growing 7. going 8. to buy 9. sleeping 10. bying 11. to drink 12. reading 13. reading 14. to read 15. falling 16. playing 17. working 18. to go 19. catching 20. flying 4. Pratimas 1. to have 2. to visit 3. to come 4. to wach 5. arguing 6. visiting 7. going 8. buying 9. running 10. to speak 11. speak 12. smoking 13. go 14. playing 15. meeting 5. Pratimas 1. studying 2. to drink 3. stealing 4. to watch 5. to take 6. to meet 7. go 8. visiting 9. staying 10. to buy 11. buying 12. playing 13. laughing 14. playing 15. working 16. on 17. about

24 tema

1. Pratimas.1. will (would) make 2. would you do 3. knew 4. would burry 5. goes 6. gave 7. stopped 8. spoke 9. sells 10. rises 11. works 12. would grow 13. won’t be 14. doesn’t start 15. won’t 16. will you repay 17. wouldn’t come 18. saw 19. came 20. caught 2. Pratimas. 1. would be ruined 2. wouldn’t be bitten 3. had 4. did 5. don’t like 6. lived 7. banned 8. were 9. will have 10. would keep 11. see 12. likes 13. would offer 14. got 15. painted 16. will make 17. would you spend 18. knows 19. will you promile 20. don’t bedieve 21. won’t be able 22. changed 23. studied 24. don’t study 25. comes 25 tema

1. PRATIMAS. 1. wouldn’t have lent 2. hadn’t sneezed 3. had put 4. wouldn’t have got 5. wouldn’t have tried 6. wouldn’t have been angry 7. had tried 8. wouldn’t have got 9. had removed 10. wouldn’t have put 11. wouldn’t have turned 12. would have come 13. had serviced 14. would have saved 2. Pratimas.1. ring. 2. weren’t 3. find 4. will have 5. will happen 6. will you stay 7. would you choose 8. gets 9. comes 10. will sit 11. didn’t talk 12. would you do 13. had read 14. had15. will go 16. would you do 17. run 18. won’t 19. comes 20. wouldn’t have 21. had worn 22. leaves 23. will fall 24. don’t change 25. wouldn’t have bought 26. hung 27. wouldn’t be able 28. would have brought 29. would have been 30. wouldn’t have printed 31. wouldn’t buy 32. want 33. won’t be 34. would jump

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