Angelic Activation.pdf

April 5, 2017 | Author: subz | Category: N/A
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ACTIVATION OF THE ANGELIC ASPECTS OF THE LIGHTBODY The first Lightbody Activation and Gridding event of 2011, facilitated by Alexis Cartwright, took place on May 27th. This powerful activation, held at the Transference Healing® Gateway in Sydney, was a timely event, resonating with the angelic frequencies which are increasingly filtering onto the planet. This Mass Healing and Lightbody Activation enabled us to experience the crystalline and cosmic frequencies that the Angelic Beings are now anchoring and birthing within our Earth, in support of the creation process of the Christ Grid and the enlightenment process of humanity. At this point in our ascension process the Angelic Beings are coming through to assist the Earth and humanity. They are joining the Elemental Kingdom in supporting higher frequencies of light to channel through in order to help crystalline the Christ Grid within the Earth’s hologram and global grid matrix system (GGM). Through their presence, illumination and consciousness, the Angelic Beings are also filtering the technology of the Christ gridding system into our body and consciousness, to support our enlightenment process during our current time of global awakening and transition. Their presence is helping us to attune and energetically connect to the GGM so that we can make the necessary geometric (code) changes within our DNA to anchor in our 5th dimensional templates, body and consciousness. The GGM is an important factor in our growth and ascension process this year. Due to the increase in stellar activity, as a result of the push in our ascension process, the GGM is making huge shifts as it heals and evolves. In turn these shifts are creating a great many natural disasters on Earth and greatly affecting humanity on a physical and emotional level. As a result of these shifts, and the increase in symptoms they are causing, it is important for humanity to recognise and become attuned to the realigned GGM. The Angelic Beings are coming through to support this process, the GGM changes and the healing/ascension of the Earth and humanity. The ley lines of the GGM, the energetic lines of force that circle the globe, are what feed us (humanity) energetically. It is for this reason that our realignment and reconnection to the GGM is paramount in our ascension process, as it will provide us with balance and stability, as well as being a source of energy that will allow us to clear and purify so that we can ascend with more ease and grace. At present all of humanity is going through a huge push to clear more rapidly. As 2012 approaches we are being pushed to clear our genetic patterning, release negativity and density, let go of old woundings and heal our core wounding, so that we are able to absorb more light and anchor in our Lightbody. Through this process the issue of health, on a physical level, will continue to come up throughout 2011. Our reconnection process to the GGM will cause a variety of health issues to arise, which are symptomatic of the huge purification and clearing process humanity is currently in the midst of. The activation meditation of the Angelic Aspect of the Lightbody facilitated on May 27th was channelled though by Alexis in order to assist those that are working at healing Lightbody symptoms, or are in a Lightbody activation, to support their awakening and self-mastery process. The meditation assists by releasing density from the body and consciousness (lower I AM) so that we can awaken and embody more aspects of the higher self (higher I AM), which allows us to embody more of our Divine Self on Earth. Its purpose was to channel light and the crystalline frequencies that are resonating now from the evolving GGM, into the body on an etheric level so that higher dimensions of the Lightbody can manifest; the Angelic aspects of the Lightbody. All participants of the meditation/activation directly received an Angelic healing/activation, to support the next step in their enlightenment process. It is important to acknowledge that this particular Mass Healing and Lightbody Activation also impacted the Earth herself; as the GGM intrinsically and geometrically weaves light into matter, connecting all matter within this dimension into ONE large hemisphere - the globe/planet itself. 1

The template of the GGM reflects and, to an extent, regulates the consciousness of both Gaia and Spirit. By attuning to the GGM, through this meditation, you are enabling the geometric shapes of the five platonic solids, the building blocks of the universe, to weave the 5th dimensional template into the etheric body, providing your evolved state of being with the resources and know-how to manifest while on Earth. As we are all connected and ONE with the Universe, by working with the GGM to support the anchoring of light into each person during this event, we are in effect also radiating light out into the Earth and all of humanity. This radiance works to support our global healing and enlightenment process, as well as assists the manifestation of the 5th dimensional world during this time of transition. Late in 2010, after receiving a download from the Spiritual Heirarchy, Alexis brought through the Angelic Grid Template, which consists of a graphic representation of the angelic grid, and is accompanied by a range of specific crystals which represent the four Archangels; Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. When set up according to the instructions, this master gridding template provides activation points around the globe, from those that purchased the grid, which were activated during the activation and gridding event on May 27th. When activated these templates resonate light around the globe that reflect the angelic frequencies currently coming through onto the planet, these templates are helping humanity to connect to the GGM and the angelic realms. The absentees that participated in this event came from a variety of different points around the globe, such as the USA, UK, Ireland and Spain, as well as all over Australia. The setting up of the Angelic Grid Templates in so many locations around the globe helped to anchor light into the GGM throughout the meditation/activation.

THE MEDITATIONS After providing the on location attendees with this explanation of our current energetic process and the importance of the present Angelic assistance, Alexis, to further increase our receptivity to the angelic realms and aid the anchoring of our 5th dimensional template, facilitated the Child of Light procedure. Running the energy of this procedure, which aligns with the angelic frequencies, helped all participants, both on location and remotely, to attune to the GGM so that we could make the energetic shifts necessary in the moment. After running the Child of Light procedure to open up the energy, Alexis facilitated a visualisation meditation. This powerful meditation was designed to assist us to connect to the Earth herself. By visualising the grid lines of the Earth we were led down into the Earth, until we were completely surrounded by the energetic lines of the GGM. Visualising the grid lines radiating around and through us, we were guided to allow lots of light to enter our bodies. As we absorbed more light a number of Crystal Children began to filter in, moving forward to connect to us and align their consciousness with us. We entered into their holographic world, the world that they are born into when they are birthed on Earth; the New evolving world. Just like the dolphins, the Crystal Children live within a different hologram to humanity on Earth. They are sustained by their ability to attune to the GGM and what it provides for them. While connecting to the Crystal Children during this meditation, we saw life and the world around us through their eyes and consciousness. Everything felt pure and clear. Every thought was heartfelt and sustained by pure emotion. We saw the world through their wisdom with new found clarity. Our fears were released, and the need to live or even return to our old 3rd dimensional paradigms resolved. We were released from a state of separation and brought into a state of oneness, and in that state of pure love for all life, we began birthing feelings of unconditional love. As we were doing so we were shifting and awakening in consciousness and rebirthing ourselves into the 5th dimension. We entered into a new hologram as we saw the light frequency changes within the GGM around us, sustained by GAIA and the Earth herself, and we evolved on Earth by entering into the 5th dimension. Memories of home and the essence of our true enlightened forms were once again reawakened, healing the inner child. The crystal child within was reborn as we connected to the consciousness and presence of the Crystal Children. The Child of Light procedure and visualisation meditation took close to an hour and a half to complete, in preparation for the final meditation the Angelic Gridding Activation. 2

After completing the Child of Light procedure and the visualisation meditation, which provided a deep level of conscious connection to the Earth, Alexis began the Angelic Gridding Activation. This gridding activation was channelled through to connect us to the Angelic Realms. Through the first two energetic procedures/meditations the energy had lifted enough vibrationally to allow the Archangels to come through and assist us. For a long time the Angelic realms have been unable to access humanity energetically as much as they would like, as a whole, simply because the energy on Earth has been too dense. The Archangels reside in a 7th dimensional frequency and the assisting Angelic realms in a 6th dimensional frequency. On this plane, Archangels are responsible for creating matter and mentally sustaining the physical universe. They are instrumental in the creation of and the changing frequencies of the crystalline light technology of the GGM, because it is through this geometric web or formation that all life and matter creates itself interdimensionally. Every particle of matter and virtually every particle of the frequencies of energy on the lower five planes of existence, have been created by the Archangelic mind. Its existence is continued via the sustained mental participation of Archangelic Beings, through their energetic presence, Light and consciousness. The frequencies and energetic particles created by the Archangels on the lower five planes include not only the mineralised compounds of matter, but also the subatomic particles of matter that resonate the ethereal and electromagnetic aspects of the life-forms in existence. They filter and weave higher frequencies of light down through the dimensions, crystallising the GGM and the formation of matter, so that not only can the worlds exists on an interdimensional level, but in doing so they are providing all spiritual beings in existence the ability to evolve through all the lower planes into the higher planes. The only thing they cannot control and delegate is Free Will. Until this current time of transition the Angelic Beings have been interdimensionally removed, but as the Earth now ascends from its previous 3rd dimensional frequency/reality into the 5th dimensional frequency/reality, and is thereby materialising more light - which the Angels are assisting in- they are now able to come through more. Just one Angelic Being holds a huge volume of light, love and consciousness, and creates an interdimensional doorway through which they can connect to you, through the etheric, and literally flood your body and consciousness with their endless divine qualities. While doing so they also enhance your connection to the higher planes and to the Divine. The key to this process is to be open to receiving. Also, the more light you are holding at the time (in pure thought and emotion) the more the Angels can come through and creative a profound and divine opportunity for physical and spiritual enlightenment. The Angelic Gridding Activation created a sacred space and the procedures necessary to reconnect/ attune us to the GGM, and anchor enough light within and around us, while sustained in a pure state of consciousness through meditation. This aided everyone to personally connect to and be energetically touched by an Angelic Being, while experiencing the reality of the Angelic realm itself. Apart from the profound healing and Lightbody integration that occurs in support of enlightenment through the connection with the Archangelic Beings and their plane, the angelic healing process on this level also activates a healing in the heart, and emotionally you feel a sense of strength that hasn’t been there before. In some way it is like a sense of faith that you have never felt before is instilled within you, and this new found feeling quietly stays with you forever, becoming the foundation through which you begin to build your faith on; regardless of what happens in your life. Spiritual empowerment and the divine attributes of higher consciousness are birthed through Faith. Through the integration of the GGM we raise our vibration on Earth to embody a 5th dimensional frequency, and in doing so the energies of the Archangels can come through to assist us to make the shift of consciousness needed for our ascension. Those who are mastering right now on Earth – those that have chosen Self-Mastery as their ‘purpose’ in this life - are being greatly assisted by the angels and are working to shift even more rapidly than humanity as a whole. 3

By working through a rapid ascension process they are working to anchor more light into the body, through the assistance of the angelic realms. The choice for rapid self-mastery is made through Free Will. Archangels and the Angelic Realms represent self mastery. The Archangels presence, as their frequencies came through during the activation, were incredibly powerful but gentle. For those that were able to be present on location during the activation, and those that participated remotely, it was truly a blessing to be a part of this wonderful event. The final activation of the night was hugely profound. The energy in the room was at such a high level that one could not help but be uplifted and sustained in a state of pure BLISS. The importance and significance of this current shift was understood on a deeper level of consciousness and provided a renewed sense of well being during our current time of struggle. The reports that followed in the days after this event, from participants both on location and those who joined us remotely were testament to the power of this particular activation. The shifts that occurred and the conscious recognition of the activation were keenly felt by all. To understand more about the GGM changes and its impact on our body and consciousness, visit the Channellings page of the Transference Healing® website and read Alexis’s CHANNELLED PREDICITIONS FOR 2011/2012. Alexis cannot emphasise enough the importance of connecting to and working with the GGM at this time. This should be done either through regular meditation, through using the TRANSFERENCE HEALING® ANGELIC GRID TEMPLATE in your home, or by running the energetic procedures that work with the Grid, like those within Transference Healing®. Gridding meditations, information and procedures are available to humanity either via the website, from the Beyond Doorways book written by Alexis, or through the procedures taught within many of the Transference Healing® workshops. Love & Light


TESTIMONIALS HEATHER (VIC, Aust) I was very excited to receive the Angelic grid Template & set up last Friday. Being an absentee of the event I have had some ‘different’ experiences this last week, clearing deep, deep patterning/ beliefs/another death of the old - no stone is left unturned to be living my Truth. Phew!! A greater surrender of all that is! Kind regards Heather BEV (QLD, Aust) Hi Alexis and Irene Firstly just want to let you know how amazing the Angel Grid night was. Words can’t really do it... very amazing and feel it as a deepening and expansion.... as I said, words don’t do it. So much love to you both.. Alexis, again, Friday night is still coming through... ... amazing..... thank you, and made so much sense and felt so right. Love and light and deepest thanks to you both Bev


CHRISTA (UK) The Angelic Grid activation has knocked my socks off. Lot of pain, unusually, lots of tears, but all good, letting go. Huge purification process now as I clear all that came up to clear Lots of love Christa DAWN (UK) Hi Irene Just thought you would like to read this from my eldest son Dan, which just came through. Further confirmation of the impact of the Angelic Grid activation. Once again gratitude and thanks to you and Alexis. “Hi, has been fun I know. I went to bed last night at 7:30pm, I was tired so lit the candles and just dozed off. Woke up just now, almost 12 hours later! Dreamt me and you were at a train station, carrying all our bags and luggage, but we were a few seconds late and the doors were closed. So I threw my stuff through an open window, and grabbed hold of the now moving train, telling you to do the same. Someone opened the door while moving and we got through! Was very weird. Love Dan X With love Dawn


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