Anesthesia is a common term that you mostly here whenever a clinical treatment or surgery is being carried out. However,...
What is Anesthesia? Anesthesia
is a common term that you mostly here whenever a clinical treatment or surgery is being carried out. However, very few people know that several types of anesthesia exist that are administered according to the requirement of the invasive treatment.
giving anesthesia, the anesthetist administers a medication either by inhalation or by injection so that the sensation of pain and other feelings are completely blocked and a state of deep unconsciousness prevails due to which the patient cannot feel any sensation at all at least in the area where the anesthesia is administered.
helps the doctors and the surgeons to carry out surgical and related medical procedures without causing any discomfort or distress to the patient.
Types of Anesthesia Depending
upon the requirement of the surgical procedures, different types of anesthetics are administered.
Here are some of the most common: Conscious Sedation This is a type of sedation in which medication is used to reduce the level of consciousness of the patient so that although the area where the surgical procedure is being carried out becomes numb, the patient is conscious enough to respond verbally to light touch or verbal commands.
Procedural Sedation In this procedure, general anesthesia is not used and during which the patient is made to tolerate the pain or discomfort caused due to the treatment or surgery. Such type of sedation is usually recommended when the discomfort is associated with loss of memory due to certain distressful events. Regional Anesthesia It is a type of umbrella term that is frequently used for describing epidural blocks, spinal blocks, nerve blocks and pain relief. The process of regional anesthesia involves injecting local anesthesia in vicinity having major nerve bundles that supply to body areas such as forearm, thigh, ankle, shoulder or hand.
Analgesia In
this process, the pain of the patient is eliminated or reduced by giving local medications such as local anesthetics.
General Anesthesia When general anesthesia is administered, a druginduced state is produced during which the patient do not respond to any kind of stimulation including pain. This may lead to changes in circulation and breathing.
Side Effects of Anesthesia These vary from one person to another and usually are not very severe. Some of the most common side effects of anesthesia include: Sore throat Shivering/chills Teeth damage Nausea and vomiting immediately after the surgery
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