a. Definition of Postpartum Postpartum or the puerperium is the period aafter fter delivery starting from the time finish labor until the uterus recovers back to its previous state pregnancy and the approximately approximatel y 6 length weeks of the puerperium is
b. Postpartum Stages Postpartum is divided into 3 stages, namely: 1) Early puerpurium Time 0-24 hours post partum. That is the recovery in which the mother has been allowed get up and take a walk. In Islam, it is clean and can work after 40 days 2) Puerperium intermedial That is, the complete recovery of the other genetal organs in about 6-8 weeks 3) Puerperium remote The time it takes to recover and be perfectly healthy, healthy, especially if the mother during pregnancy or childbirth have complications
c. Postpartum Visit According there are 4 postpartum visits, namely: 1) Visit Visit I (6-8 hours postparum) Purpose of visit a) Preventing puerperal bleeding due to uterine atony b) Detect and treat other causes of bleeding, refer if bleeding continues c) How to provide counseling to the mother or a family prevent puerperal bleeding due to uterine atony d) Early breastfeeding e) Establishing a relationship between mother and newborn or bounding bo unding attachment f) Keeping the bayo healthy by preventing hypothermia
2) Second visit (6 days postpartum) p ostpartum) Purpose of visit a) Ensure that the uterine involution runs normally, normally, namely the uterus u terus contracts, the fundus under the umblikius, there is no abnormal bleeding, there is no smell b) Assess for signs of fever, fever, infection or abnormal bleeding c) Ensure that the mother gets enough food, fluids and rest d) Ensure that the mother is breastfeeding properly and shows no signs complication e) Provide counseling to mothers regarding care for babies, umbilical cord, keep baby warm and take care of baby everyday
3) Visit III (2 weeks postpartum) Purpose of visit Same as the second visit (6 days postpartum) 4) Visit to IV (6 weeks postpartum) Purpose of visit a) Ask the mother about the difficulties difficulties she or the baby is experiencing b) Provide early counseling counseling for family family planning
2. Anemia
a. Understanding Anemia Anemia is a condition in which the HB level and / or the erythrocyte count is more lower than normal price. Pregnant women or in the puerperium are declared anemic if the hemoglobin level is below
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