Fac!" Respondents fled a complaint or Declaration or nullity o Sale, Reconveyance and damages beore the RTC involving the subject land originally owned by Udiaan Respondents alleged that they are grandchildren and successor!in!interest o Udiaan "owever, an imposter alsely representing hersel as Udiaan sold the subject land to petitioner #etitioner entered the subject land and used the same in his livestoc$ business Respondents then inormed petitioner that he did not validly ac%uire the subject land, and thereater, thereater, demanded its return, but to no avail "ence, they fled the aoresaid complaint, contending the Udiaan cannot sold the subject considering that she was already dead or more than &' years when the sale occurred #etitioner denied respondents( allegations and countered that) * a+ at frst, he bought the subject land rom a person representing hersel as Udiaan who showed a community ta certifcate as proo o identity, has in her possession -CT .o T! /01/, $new the location o the subject land, and was not araid to ace the notary public when they eecuted the 2uestioned Deed o 3bsolute Sale4 * b+ he was initially prevented rom entering the subject land since it was being occupied by the "eirs o 3lredo 5accion4 * c+ in order to buy peace, he had to 6buy6 the subject land anew rom the "eirs o 5accion4 * d + he was a buyer in good aith, or value, and was without any $nowledge or participation in the alleged deects o the title thereo4 and *e+ respondents were never in possession o the subject land and they never paid real property taes over the same Ultimately, petitioner claimed that he was duped and swindled into buying the subject land twice RTC ruled in avour o the petitioner C3 modifed RTC7s decision as ollows) *a+ /,0'& s% m to petitioner4 *b+ 8,/19 s% m to the "eirs o 5accion4 and *c+ the remainder o the subject land to Udiaan(s children #etitioner #etitioner :R but was denied, hence, this petition
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